SGT-600 GT PowerGen EN PDF
SGT-600 GT PowerGen EN PDF
SGT-600 GT PowerGen EN PDF
The SGT-600 is the most efficient and environmentally friendly industrial gas
turbine in its power range. The robustness of the industrial design ensures high
reliability and availability in all environments and applications.
Height: 7.8 m
18.7 m
Wi e package
(dr dth: Gas turbin
ive 4.1
r, g m
en / 4.6
era m
) SGT-600 standard package
14 10,8
Diagram conversion factors:
Heat rate To convert To Multiply by
° C ° F (° Cx9/5)+32
10 10,6 MJ/kWh Btu/kWh 949
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
60 530 Diagram conversion factors:
To convert To Multiply by
° C ° F (° Cx9/5)+32
50 520
40 510
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
250° C
14 Ambient temperature: 15° C (59° F)
300° C
350° C Relative humidity: 60 %
400° C Boiler pinch point: 8° C (14° F)
12 450° C
500° C
Boiler approach point: 5° C (9° F)
Inlet pressure loss: 5 mbar (2” H 2 O)
10 Outlet pressure loss: 25 mbar (10” H 2 O)
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