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Material Data and Applications

For over half a century, Ni-Hard has been the number
one choice for industrial processes demanding
extreme abrasion resistance. Its well proven, low-cost
characteristics have seen it used in the mining, power,
cement, ceramic, paint, dredging, coal-coke, steel and
foundry industries. As grinding balls, mill liners,
pulverizer rings and roll heads, slurry pump parts,
pipes and elbows, wearbacks and metalworking rolls–
the range of properties inherent in the different grades
of Ni-Hard has made it a worldwide success.

This book updates information for users on Ni-

Hard's material data and applications.


Introducing Ni-Hard 2
Abrasion resistance
Carbon content and microstructure
Resistance to fracture

Grades and compositions 6

Standard Ni-Hard 1 & 2
Special Ni-Hard 1 & 2
Ni-Hard 4

Production 14
Moulding and methoding
Bi-metallic and compound castings
Heat treatment
Finishing the castings

Machining Properties 24

Testing the castings 26



Ni-Hard is the generic
name for a family of white
cast irons alloyed with
nickel and chromium to
give high hardness and
outstanding resistance to
abrasion. There are two
distinct groups of Ni-Hard

• the medium alloyed Ni-

Hard 1 and Ni-Hard 2 with,
nominally, 3.3% (resp
2.6%) C, 4% Ni, 2% Cr
• Ni-Hard 4 with,
nominally, 3% C, 9% Cr,
5% Ni, 2% Si.

These three alloys are

standardized in almost all
industrialized nations
under various


Machined rollers for the clay and

brick industries in Ni-Hard 1 and
Ni-Hard 4.

2 Ni-Hard
Abrasion resistance resistance of white irons changes with Carbon content and
the ratio of metal to abrasive hardness. microstructure
The abrasion resistance of a material is
not a distinct property like hardness or At a high ratio, abrasion resistance is The abrasion resistance of iron and
tensile strength, but depends on the high, but when the ratio drops below steel correlates reasonably well with
system where abrasion takes place. 0.6 there is a wide scatter and the their carbon content and
This so-called tribological system is slope of the curve indicates the microstructure. Generally, abrasion
complex: subtle changes may result in decreasing influence of metal resistance will increase with carbon
significant changes in service life or hardness. Unfortunately, many content, provided free graphite is
relative performance of different minerals contain quartz or silicates absent. The results in Figure 3 indicate
materials. which are as hard or harder than a dramatic increase in abrasion
metallic alloys. But even when the resistance with carbon content, from
Abrasion resistance cannot be easily abrasive is harder than the metal, low carbon steels to white irons.
measured. The many abrasion tests increasing metal hardness can still be
used or described in the literature do beneficial–as shown in Figure 2. The
At each carbon level, the highest
provide valuable insights into the wide scatter band in both figures
abrasion resistance is achieved by
mechanisms of abrasion, but their indicates that other factors play a role.
materials with martensitic matrix
results do not allow a calculation or structures. Their position within the
prediction of service. Such tests may There is a much closer correlation if
the hardness of the worn and work scatter band depends on the heat
be useful tools in research and
hardened surface, instead of the treatment condition: untempered
development of improved abrasion,
original hardness, is considered5,6. martensite gives the highest abrasion
but at best they give only the correct
ranking of various materials in certain Although this result is of considerable resistance. Any tempering will reduce
industrial applications. There is no interest in research, the practical use abrasion resistance to a much greater
general correlation between abrasion is rather limited. The work hardening extent than indicated by simple loss of
resistance and the other properties of capability of the material depends on hardness.
the material. the tribological system; this sometimes
gives startling results and
contradictions between laboratory and
The relationship between hardness industrial results. For example, an
austenitic white iron may show Ni-Hard in use
and abrasion resistance
Hardness is usually regarded as an outstanding abrasion resistance in a
indication of the abrasion resistance of laboratory pin abrasion test with silicon
a material. This is approximately correct carbide (2,600 DPH). In an industrial
–especially for a wide range of metals application, with softer, siliceous
and alloys and if comparatively soft abrasives (600 to 1,200 DPH), a
abrasives are considered. But martensitic iron will be superior in most


elastomeres, for example, behave cases.
differently. This is because most
abrasive actions involve some
scratching or gouging action; a soft
abrasive cannot do this to a much
harder metal. If the abrasive hardness
approaches the hardness of the metal,
however, metal hardness becomes less
important. Figure 1 shows how abrasion

Grinding mill liner plate

Figure 1. Variation of abrasion resistance in a

lab test with the ratio of the hardness of white
iron to the abrasive hardness

Figure 2. Abrasion resistance of various iron base alloys as influenced by their hardness.
Wear pot test with quartz 3.4

3 Ni-Hard
Figure 3. Abrasion
The second band describes austenitic resistance versus
irons and steels. Their work hardening carbon content
capability is responsible for their and microstructure
of various white
position in the band at each carbon
Irons and steels
level. Work hardening of an austenitic
matrix requires sufficiently high surface
stress by impact or high stress
abrasion in service. Under sliding or
erosive wear conditions, work
hardening and the associated increase
in abrasion resistance are less likely.

Pearlitic white irons show a rather poor

performance despite their high carbon
content, because their weak matrix
cannot support the brittle carbides.

The distance between the three fields

shown in Figure 3 depends on the
possibility for work hardening. Under
conditions of high work hardening, the
bands for austenitic and martensitic
materials may overlap; some types of
alloy white irons can even demonstrate
a reversal of ranking. On the other
hand, low-stress abrasion will make
the pearlitic white irons appear less
poor than in Figure 3. Generally, the
more severe the abrasive condition,
the smaller will be the relative
difference between various irons and
steels. Ni-Hard in use

Since the hardness of each type of

iron or steel is increased by raising the
carbon content and making the matrix
martensitic, abrasion resistance
increases with hardness. However, it
must be recognized that hardness
does not improve abrasion resistance
by itself, but is meaningful only as an
indicator of the microstructure of a
specific alloy. For example, Ni-Hard's
abrasion resistance is higher than that
of a Q+T low-alloy steel of equal
hardness, due to the higher matrix
carbon content as well as the presence
of carbides of higher individual
hardness. In practice, hardness is
usually the best and only real means
of quality control of white irons.

The carbon content of white irons is

limited by the appearance of coarse
primary carbides. As long as they are
well supported by a resilient matrix,

which prevents them from being

fractured and torn out by the abrasive,
they are beneficial. If this support is
not possible, the carbon content
should not be raised above the
eutectic composition.

The appearance of graphite is highly

detrimental to abrasion resistance.

A 30-inch bottom or casing used in the production of concrete pipe.

The Ni-Hard casing is machined using a CBN insert

4 Ni-Hard
Resistance to fracture Ni-Hard in use
An important consideration in the
selection of abrasion-resistant irons
and steels is their resistance to
fracture. The toughness of white irons
is as difficult to quantify as is
resistance to abrasion. The usual
methods for measuring toughness in
ductile materials–like tensile
elongation or notched or unnotched
impact resistance–do not apply to the
brittle white irons. So results are often
meaningless and can be more
representative of testing conditions
and operator skill than of the material

Generally, a decrease of the carbon

(resp. carbide) content and rounded
or discontinous carbides improve
the toughness.


White irons with a matrix of tempered
martensite have the best overall
fracture resistance. White irons
containing higher amounts of austenite
can appear quite tough in single impact
or bending conditions, but can fail due
to spalling or fracture under repeated
loading. The reason is a strain-induced
martensitic transformation resulting in
high internal stresses. Irons containing
bainite, where the bainite is an
extremely fine-grained mixture of ferrite
and high carbon austenite, behave like Loescher roller pulverizer mill with Ni-Hard 4 rollers (each 3 tons) and table. Used for coal crushing
irons with an austenitic matrix. Pearlitic in power stations, and in cement and mineral processing plants
white irons have a comparatively low
Ni-Hard in use
Again, it should be emphasised that
hardness bears no direct relationship to
toughness but is a useful indicator of
the likely structure.

The practical meaning of toughness for

an abrasion-resistant white iron is
survival without breaking in a particular
application. The conditions resulting in


fracture can be single or repeated
impact, or static or dynamic bending
stresses. Here the inherent low ductility
of the iron is often overridden by the
presence of internal stresses due to
shape and heat treatment of the casting
and any casting defects. So the
integrity of the castings and the care
and control used in heat treatment are
decisive factors in service performance.

Ni-Hard 1 slurry pump impellers

5 Ni-Hard
grades and
Ni-Hard has a
consisting of carbides
and a martensitic-
austenitic-bainitic or
martensitic matrix.
This is achieved by a
balanced composition
of carbon, nickel,
chromium, silicon, and
final heat treatment.


Machining the Ni-Hard 1 casing of a

slurry pump

6 Ni-Hard
Figure 4.
Standard Ni-Hard 1 and 2
Microstructure of
Ni-Hard 1 in the
Ni-Hard 1 and 2 are essentially 4% Ni, as-cast condition
2% Cr irons. Table 1 shows their

The microstructure of Ni-Hard 1 and 2
consists of primary dendrites and the
carbide eutectic; the eutectic is a
mixture of M3C carbide plates and
matrix (Figure 4).

The hardness of Ni-Hard 1 is a function

of its carbide content and matrix Primary dendrites
structure. The effect of carbon is shown and eutectic
in Figure 5.

Optical micrograph.
The eutectic M3C
carbide morphology
consists of
continuous plates.
Within the matrix,
the dark acicular
streaks are
martensite and the
lighter areas are
austenite. Etched
with Villela’s

Figure 5. Effect of carbon content on

hardness of Ni-Hard 1 in the as-cast
condition at various silicon levels
7 SEM micrograph
of a deep-etched
Ni-Hard 1 sample,
Ni-Hard in use showing the
continuous plates
of the eutectic
carbide and
carbides within the
matrix. Etched with
Aqua Regia

Table 1 • Compositions of the Ni-Hard irons


Grade Chemical composition (weight %)

C (total) Si Mn S P Ni Cr Mo*

Ni-Hard 1 3.0-3.6 0.3-0.5 0.3-0.7 max 0.15 max 0.30 3.3-4.8 1.5-2.6 0-0.4
Ni-Hard 2 max 2.9 0.3-0.5 0.3-0.7 max 0.15 max 0.30 3.3-5.0 1.42.4 0-0.4
Ni-Hard 4 2.6-3.2 1.8-2.0 0.40.6 max 0.1 max 0.06 4.5-6.5 8.0-9.0 0-0.4

* in special cases

A vertical pug with a Ni-Hard spiral knife

and mould

7 Ni-Hard
Ni-Hard in use


Figure 6. Effect of matrix martensite
content on the hardness of Ni-Hard 2
casting tempered at 270°C (525°F)

After solidification the austenite is

transformed to martensite, some
bainite, retained austenite, and
secondary carbides. The final matrix will
depend on the alloy balance, rate of
cooling after casting, and an eventual
heat treatment. The hardness of a
casting with a given carbon content is
directly related to the martensite content
of its matrix, as demonstrated by Figure Ni-Hard 2 slurry pump with casing and impeller
6. For maximum hardness and abrasion
resistance, the as-cast martensite By changing the carbon content
about 40 to 44 vol% of eutectic carbide
content should be as high as possible. within the limits shown in Table 1,
of the M3C type, Ni-Hard 2 about 35 to
40 vol%. This is the main difference abrasion resistance and fracture
between Ni-Hard 1 and 2. resistance can be adjusted
according to the requirements of the
Carbon application.
The carbon content determines both the Ni-Hard 2’s lower carbon content gives
relative amounts of carbides and matrix more primary dendrites at the expense
and the hardness for a given matrix of the carbide content. This results in a
lower hardness and abrasion Nickel
structure (Figure 5). Ni-Hard 1 contains The nickel content is essential in order
resistance but a higher toughness.
to obtain a martensitic-bainitic matrix
structure without pearlite. The
necessary nickel content depends on
the casting section and the cooling rate,
as indicated in Figures 7 & 8. The
hardness maximum providing best
abrasion resistance corresponds to the
nickel content producing the maximum
amount of martensite in each section.
At lower nickel contents, hardenability is
not sufficient to suppress pearlite
formation, resulting in reduced
hardness and abrasion resistance. An
excessive nickel content will favour the
Figure 7. Hardness of as-cast NI-Hard 1 in Figure 8. Effect of nickel on the as-cast formation of retained austenite, which
various sections as a function of the nickel hardness of Ni-Hard 1. Zone A is a region where will lower the hardness. Abrasion
a lower nickel content should be used in order resistance may be good in certain
to avoid excessive austenite formation. In zone applications but there is a risk of
B the 4.2% Ni irons have a satisfactory matrix, increased spalling and fracture under
whilst 3.7% Ni irons fall away in hardness as repeated dynamic stresses. Table 2
significant amounts of pearlite or bainite appear. shows the usual nickel and chromium
In zone C alloying with 3.7% Ni is quite contents of Ni-Hard 1 and 2 for various
inadequate and whilst 4.2% Ni irons maintain sections cast in sand or permanent
good hardness levels, higher nickel contents are moulds.
necessary for the best results

8 Ni-Hard
Table 2 • Nickel and chromium contents of Ni-Hard 1 and 2 Small amounts of molybdenum are
as a function of section (Guideline values) sometimes added to heavy section
castings to increase their
Section Ni-Hard 1 Ni-Hard 2 hardenability. Since part of the
Sandcast Chillcast Sandcast Chillcast
in mm molybdenum is contained in the
Ni Cr Ni Cr Ni Cr Ni Cr
<12 3.8 1.6 3.3 1.5 4.0 1.5 3.5 1.4
carbide phase, it cannot be used to
replace nickel.
12-25 4.0 1.8 3.6 1.7 4.2 1.7 3.8 1.5
25-50 4.2 2.0 3.9 1.9 4.4 1.8 4.1 1.6

50-75 4.4 2.2 4.2 2.1 4.6 2.0 4.4 1.8

Copper increases hardenability and is
75-100 4.6 2.4 4.5 2.3 4.8 2.2 4.7 2.0 sometimes used to replace part of the
>100 4.8 2.6 4.8 2.5 5.0 2.4 5.0 2.2 nickel. But its effect is only half as
strong as nickel and decreases as
the copper content increases. Copper
also has a limited solubility in low-
For each section, the optimum Silicon nickel cast iron. Further, small copper
nickel content is slightly higher for Silicon is a graphitizer and has to be contents in the range of 0.25 to 0.5%
a lower carbon content. Most of kept to a low level in order to avoid may embrittle the iron due to the
the nickel is concentrated in the the formation of graphite which formation of needle-like precipitates
matrix; the higher matrix share in reduces abrasion resistance. resulting from a possible interaction
the structure of lower carbon irons Decreasing the silicon content to with oxygen.
reduces its nickel concentration. below the range indicated in Table 1
is not recommended, however,
because a certain amount of silicon Sulfur and phosphorus
Chromium is necessary to avoid foundry Both elements reduce the toughness
Chromium serves to compensate for defects. Also, the matrix will contain of Ni-Hard and should therefore be
the graphitizing effect of nickel, thus a coarse acicular phase which kept to the lowest level practicable.
giving a completely white reduces impact fatigue. Special Sulfur is also known to decrease the
microstructure without graphite. The grades of Ni-Hard can be produced abrasion resistance of white irons.
chromium-nickel ratio is usually kept with higher silicon contents (see
at between 1:2 and 1:2.5 (Table 2). page 10).
Figure 9 shows typical graphite Magnesium
precipitates. They appear in the A magnesium addition to give 0.02 to
zones between the eutectic carbides Manganese 0.05% residual magnesium will
which are richer in silicon and nickel The manganese content of Ni-Hard increase as-cast hardness due to a
and lower in chromium due to should be kept at about 0.5%. higher martensite formation; it also
segregation. Since free graphite Manganese increases hardenability makes the carbides more
reduces abrasion resistance, it and complements nickel in this discontinous, improving toughness.
should be avoided except for special respect. However, its power to
applications such as metal working suppress pearlite formation is much
rolls. lower than its effect on austenite
stabilization. Attempts to maintain
Chromium is mainly concentrated in equal hardenability by increasing the
the carbide phase and increases its manganese content at the expense
hardness. Chromium contents above of nickel have resulted in an iron
the values indicated in Table 2 are where the structure’s hardness can
vary widely between different
normally not recommended because Ni-Hard in use
excessive chromium favours the sections due to segregation.
formation of retained austenite.

Figure 9. Graphite
precipitates In the
centre of a 50 mm
plate section of Ni-
Hard 1 with an

unbalanced silicon
content of 1.3%

Grinding media

9 Ni-Hard
Special Ni-Hard 1 and 2 Ni-Hard in use

The base composition of standard

Ni-Hard has been modified in some
instances to give grades with
improved properties or special-
purpose grades.

Higher silicon content

The transformation of austenite to
martensite is favoured by a higher
silicon content. Increasing the silicon


content to about 1.5% results,
therefore, in a harder matrix with less
retained austenite and more
martensite, reaching a hardness level
of above 700HB. The graphitizing
effect of silicon has to be
compensated by an increased
chromium level and a ladle addition of
about 0.015% Bi. The recommended
Cr-Si ratio is 2.5:1 for light sections
and 2.9:1 for heavy sections. Silicon
also reduces hardenability, so that the
nickel content must be increased by a
factor of 1.3 x %Si.

This type of Ni-Hard 1 is known

under the trade name of Premium Ni-Hard 4 underwater dredge pump – 36 cm suction; 8,900 kg total weight
chill casting. Due to its brittleness, this given section, graphite will be
type of Ni-Hard can be used only for precipitated. Uncontrolled graphite
Boron parts that do not undergo impact precipitates, as shown in Figure 8 in the
Ni-Hard 1 containing 0.25 to 1.0% loading. It can also be used for hard zones between the eutectic carbides,
boron is extremely hard and abrasion surfacing. are undesirable because they reduce
resistant but also very brittle. Its abrasion resistance.
chromium content of about 2.4 to 2.7%
is higher than normal Ni-Hard. Boron Graphite In rolling mills, where a completely
dramatically increases the hardness of If the silicon content is not balanced by different wear mechanism operates, a
the matrix so that the bulk hardness of controlled graphite content can greatly
an adequate amount of chromium for a
this alloy can reach 1,000 DPH after improve thermal fatigue resistance.
Proper melting practice and careful
Figure 10. Structure
balance of the composition, inoculation,
of an “IndefiniteChill”
roll with graphite
and the effect of the chill mould and its
stringers about
coating in relation to the roll diameter
normal to the surface,
will give the desired surface hardness
following the and hardness profile over the cross
segregation zones section. Figure 10 shows a typical
parallel to the structure of a so-called “indefinite-chill”
eutectic. The matrix is roll which is used extensively in hot strip
predominantly mills.
A magnesium treatment followed by a
graphitizing inoculation of a Ni-Hard
type alloy will provide graphite in the
nodular form. Such alloys have a lower
abrasion resistance than graphite-free
Ni-Hard, but they are reported to exhibit
a somewhat better fracture resistance in
certain applications.

In cast iron, titanium forms TiC carbides
with an extremely high hardness of
about 3,200 HV. They are precipitated
from the melt at temperatures of about

10 Ni-Hard
1,700°C - far above liquidus - and The Ti-C ratio of TiC by weight is 4% Ni-Hard 4
are therefore randomly distributed Ti:1% C. With an optimum titanium
within the carbides and the matrix. content of 3.5 to 4% and disregarding Ni-Hard 4 is a 9 Cr-6 Ni-2 Si white
the small nitrogen content of the melt, iron designed to give a structure with
Such metal-matrix-composites (MMC) the carbon content of Ni-Hard has to be rod or blade like eutectic (Cr,Fe)7C3
of hard particles in a white iron raised by about 1% to get the desired carbides and a matrix which is free
“matrix” have excellent abrasion MMC-alloy. This proprietary alloy is from pearlite in the as-cast condition
resistance12. Despite their lower known as Tinox .
and predominantly martensitic after
specific density, the titanium carbides heat treatment even in very heavy
have little tendency for segregation section castings.
and do not float to the top of the melt, Vanadium and niobium
so that even heavy section castings An addition of about 1% V or Nb to Typical microstructures are shown in
like pulverizer rolls for coal crushers Ni-Hard 1 gives a structure of fine hard Figure 11. The desired carbide
have been produced successfully. VC or NbC particles in a Ni-Hard matrix structure is a result of the joint effect
with improved abrasion resistance . of the balanced chromium, nickel and
silicon contents with a eutectic or
slightly hypo-eutectic carbon content.
The carbide volume – 20-28% – is
considerably less than in Ni-Hard 1 or

Due to the low carbide volume and the

rod-like carbide morphology, Ni-Hard 4
has a higher fracture resistance than
Ni-Hard 1 or 2.

The as-cast matrix structure consists

of about equal amounts of martensite
and austenite and some secondary
carbides. By a heat treatment, most of
the austenite will be transformed to
martensite and bainite and more
Figure 11. Eutectic microstructures of Ni-Hard 4 . Rod-like eutectic carbides are clearly visible (right). secondary carbides. The retained
austenite content will be 10-20%.

Ni-Hard in use


Castings for coal crushers

11 Ni-Hard
The composition is shown in Table 3.

Table 3 • Nominal composition of Ni-Hard 4 (weight %)

The carbon content of Ni-Hard 4 gives C Si Mn Ni Cr S P
a eutectic or slightly hypo-eutectic
composition. The carbon content 2.8-3.0 1.9 0.5 5.5 8.5 ≤0.05 ≤0.07
determines the volume fraction of
eutectic carbides which is about 20%
at 2.5% C and 28% at 3.5% C. The Silicon
effect of carbon content on hardness The relatively high silicon content (in
after heat treatment is shown in Figure a white iron) of Ni-Hard 4 is essential
12 in achieving the rod-like (Cr,Fe)7C3
carbides. At 9% Cr and 3% C, the
The low-carbide volume and the rod- necessary silicon content is about
like carbide morphology is the cause 1.7%. Lower silicon contents result in
of the higher fracture resistance of Ni- mixed carbide morphologies which
Hard 4 compared to Ni-Hard 1 or 2. may impair toughness and abrasion
On the other hand, in applications with resistance. The minimum silicon
low stress abrasion by fine-grained content is lowered by higher
abrasives, where abrasion resistance chromium and nickel and lower
is determined by carbide volume, Ni- carbon contents, and increased in
Hard 1 can be more resistant. higher carbon compositions.
However, raising the silicon content
The carbon content is usually kept above 2% involves the risk of
between 2.9 and 3.2% as a graphite precipitation in heavy
reasonable compromise between sections, especially if the chromium
demands for abrasion resistance and content is on the low, and the carbon
toughness. content on the high side of the range. Figure 12. The effect of carbon content on
So a target for silicon content of hardness and impact resistance of heat-
between 1.8 and 2.0% is treated Ni-Hard 4
Chromium recommended.
Chromium serves three purposes in
Ni-Hard 4. The chromium content of 8 A second effect of silicon is that it
to 10% is necessary for the desired favours the transformation of Sulfur and phosphorus
eutectic (Cr,Fe) 7C3 carbides instead of austenite to martensite. Both elements are detrimental to the
the (Fe,Cr)3C in Ni-Hard 1 or 2. The toughness of Ni-Hard 4 and should be
effect of silicon on graphite formation kept to the lowest level practicable.
has to be compensated by a sufficient Manganese Sulfur is also known to reduce the
amount of chromium. Finally, Manganese increases hardenability, abrasion resistance of white irons.
chromium increases hardenability but austenite stability even more and
even if the major part is concentrated should therefore be kept in the
in the carbide phase. Increasing the recommended range of 0.4 to 0.6%. Graphite
chromium content above 10% offers Despite the high chromium content of
no advantage, but will make it more Ni-Hard 4, graphite precipitation is
difficult to transform the as-cast Molybdenum possible. So an indefinite chill structure
austenite to martensite. Molybdenum will improve similar to Ni-Hard 1 can be achieved by
hardenability without undue increasing the silicon content to above
stabilization of the austenite. So 0.5 2.5%, at 3.2 to 3.5% C. At silicon
Nickel to 1.5% Mo can be added to contents above 2.8 %, however, the
Nickel is required for hardenability increase the hardenability in heavy hardness in the as-cast condition
and to assist chromium in the and very slowly cooled castings. cannot be raised by a heat treatment
formation of eutectic (Cr,Fe)7C3 This is preferred to raising the as in normal silicon Ni-Hard 4.
carbides. The exact nickel content nickel content above 6.5%.
depends primarily on the section and
type of casting, but a minimum of
about 5% Ni should be maintained to Ni-Hard in use

avoid pearlite formation during slow

cooling in the mould or during heat
treatment. Higher nickel contents
than 6.5% will stabilize the austenite
too much; if a higher hardenability is
thought necessary, an addition of
molybdenum is a better solution than
a further increase of the nickel

Cyclone for a diamond mine

12 Ni-Hard
Ni-Hard in use


Inside view of MPS roller pulverizer mill with Ni-Hard 4 rollers and table

13 Ni-Hard
In considering production
practice, the Ni-Hards
should be recognized as
high-strength ferrous
materials. Casting quality
and service performance
are determined by charge
materials, composition
and melting practice as
well as moulding, internal
and external soundness,
and surface finish. These
must be carefully


Machining a crusher roll

14 Ni-Hard
Figure 13. Relation
Moulding and methoding between carbide
volume and
All sands and binder systems used for abrasion
gray and ductile cast irons or steel resistance
castings can be used to make moulds determined in the
and cores for Ni-Hard. Chills and rubber wheel
insulating or exothermic riser sleeves abrasion test with
can be used similarly as for cast steel sand and chill cast
in order to improve feeding and casting Ni-Hard 1 and high
yields. Breaker cores at riser contact chromium irons14
are useful in removing risers. In the
use of split chills, it has to recognized
that the joint between two chill plates
can be a starting point for cracks.

Ni-Hard 1 and 2 castings of simple

shape without cores can be produced
in chill or permanent moulds.

Casting Ni-Hard 1 or 2 against a chill

or in chill moulds gives a high cooling
rate and provides a fine-grained
structure. Chill casting also allows the
use of higher carbon and silicon
contents without risk of graphite
formation, which significantly improves solidification. The feeding distance for Hard 4. This transformation is
abrasion resistance, as shown in Ni-Hard is similar to, or somewhat accompanied by a volume increase so
Figure 13. This contrasts with high- greater than, that found in the casting that the shrinkage stops or even turns
chromium irons or Ni-Hard 4 where of steel of similar section thickness and into an expansion. This means that
chilling does not provide any benefit, configuration. temperature differences and associated
but seems rather to reduce abrasion differences in austenite stability can
resistance. The pattern-makers’ shrinkage is create high stresses. These can either
between 1 and 2% (1/8 to 1/4 in per remain as internal stresses or cause
The beneficial effect of chill on ft). Typical values for Ni-Hard 1 and the casting to rupture.
abrasion resistance and mechanical 2 are 1.25% for restricted and
properties of Ni-Hard 1 and 2 is 1.95% for unrestricted shrinkage. Soft and collapsible cores are used
frequently exploited by casting the to accommodate the high
wear side of the part against a chill For Ni-Hard 4, the corresponding shrinkage, especially for large
plate. But if one side of the casting is shrinkage values are 1.80 and 2.25%. castings. The cores are sometimes
cast against a chill, the different loosened after solidification.
cooling rates can cause distortion. Shrinkage depends on the amount of
retained austenite in the matrix The cooling rate should be as slow as
The Ni-Hard cast irons do not contain because austenite has a higher possible, especially in the critical
graphite; so their shrinkage behaviour shrinkage coefficient than martensite. range of martensite formation. Small
at solidification is different from grey This results in a peculiarity which must castings should be allowed to cool
iron and similar to steel. The be kept in mind. The casting has an slowly in the sand mould to below
volumetric shrinkage during austenitic matrix after solidification and 50°C. Large castings can be shaken
solidification is 4.5 to 6%. shrinks with a factor close to 3% until out early and then covered with
the transformation of austenite to insulating material to cool slowly
Runners, ingates and risers should martensite starts. This is at about almost to ambient.
be generous and allow a directional 250°C for Ni-Hard 1 and 100°C for Ni-

Ni-Hard in use

Ni-Hard 4 slurry pump casing

and runner/impeller for moving
liquids containing solid particles
– used in mining, fertilizer,
cement, coal, sugar, and
chemical industries

15 Ni-Hard
depends on careful selection of raw which seems to be similar to hydrogen
Melting materials with limited use of returns embrittlement in high-strength steels.
and Ni-Hard scrap to allow room for Badly gassed metal in induction
Ni-Hard 1 was originally designed for virgin material in the charge, and a melting can be purged by argon
cupola melting, but today the use of melting practice that produces introduced via a lance.
electric or other batch melting is almost uniformly low hydrogen and oxygen
universal. contents. As the amount of returns Melting should be done as quickly as
and scrap in the charge is increased at possible. Melt temperatures should
Cupola melting Ni-Hard 1 or 2 will not the expense of primary materials, be kept as low as possible in order to
produce high-quality castings. Melting some loss in quality is inevitable. avoid excessive oxygen pickup, grain
Ni-Hard 4 in a cupola is not coarsening and deterioration of the
recommended because of the The more returns are used, the carbide morphology.
excessive carbon pickup of this high- higher the oxygen content in the
chromium alloy. metal. If the ratio of returns and The tapping temperature is
virgin material is kept constant, a usually 1,450 to 1,480°C.
Melting Ni-Hard in modern rotary constant equilibrium oxygen content
furnaces with oxygen/gas or oxygen/oil will be reached. Oxygen reduces Some producers have found it
burners is possible, but some toughness, giving breakage during advantageous for Ni-Hard 1 and 2
experience is needed to control handling, heat treatment, or in melts to be treated with NiMg15 alloy
chromium loss. Since carburization of service. It may also be a cause for to obtain a residual magnesium
steel scrap is difficult, low silicon pig hot tearing, especially in conjunction content of 0.02 to 0.05% – additionally,
iron must used. with sulfur. Oxygen interacts with or alternatively, inoculated with 0.15 to
residual copper to form embrittling 0.20 FeSi75. These have had a
Electric melting, especially in needle-shaped precipitates in the favourable effect on Ni-Hard 1 and 2 in
induction furnaces, is the preferred martensitic matrix. The dangerous foundry processing and in service
way to produce high-quality Ni-Hard oxygen content seems to be above because they improve the fracture
castings. Refractories can be acid, 200 ppm, but 600 ppm is not resistance of the castings.
neutral or basic. uncommon. Superheating and
holding at temperatures of above Little advantage has been found in
The charge materials are steel scrap, 1,600°C should be avoided. magnesium treatment or inoculation of
white pig iron with low silicon, sulfur, Ni-Hard 4. In any case, inoculation
and phosphorus contents, Ni-Hard Hydrogen is usually introduced by cannot improve a poor carbide
returns and scrap, and suitable alloy wet, oily or rusty material charged structure caused by a previous
additions. Stainless steel scrap can be onto a heel of molten metal in the excessive overheating of the melt.
used as a nickel and chromium source. furnace. A slowly increasing
Grey or ductile iron scrap can lead to hydrogen level may eventually
graphite precipitation. The silicon cause subsurface pinholes in the
content has to be carefully controlled castings to appear after blast
and an eventual silicon pickup from an cleaning; later, large blowholes.
acid lining must be considered. Hydrogen may also cause cracking
in the foundry or erratic breakage
The quality of induction melted Ni-Hard of castings in service by a mechanism

Ni-Hard in use

Casing in Ni-Hard 4 for sugar beet pump (900 kg)

16 Ni-Hard
C ast in g Bi -m eta ll i c an d time only the centre and the sand
co mp o u n d cas ti n g s moulded journals are still liquid. The
The liquidus and solidus temperatures second melt is then poured through the
of the Ni-Hards are higher than those The idea of combining the high same gate at the bottom of mould.
of normal cast irons. Figures 14 and 15 abrasion resistance of Ni-Hard with the Rising in the mould, it pushes the
show the effect of the carbon content toughness and machinability of steel or remaining Ni-Hard melt out through the
in the partial quasi-binary phase graphitic cast iron has led to the top journal until the core and the
diagrams for Ni-Hard 1, 2 and 4. development of various techniques to journals are filled with softer material.
produce bi-metallic or compound
Casting temperatures should be kept castings. This deceptively simple technique
a s low as practicable for good foundry obviously does not apply to castings of
practice and should not exceed different and more complex shape.
1,450°C in order to give a fine-grained Bi-metallic castings Here, more sophisticated methods
carbide structure. The usual range is Ni-Hard 1 and 2 are especially suited have to be applied to achieve bonding
between 1,350 and 1,400°C, for bi-metallic castings because Ni- without too much mixing. Sometimes a
depending on the type and section of Hard attains its abrasion resistance in sheet of steel or nickel serves to
the casting. the as-cast condition or after only a separate the two melts for a specific
low-temperature heat treatment; this time.
avoids problems due to the different
transformation behaviour and Centrifugal casting is a technique
expansion coefficients of the two well suited to the production of bi-
different materials. metallic castings. It has been used
extensively in roll making and in the
Bi-metallic castings are produced by production of other castings of
pouring two melts. The problem is to symmetrical and cylindrical shape
get a good bond at the desired position such as various crusher rolls with
in the casting without too extensive a an outer Ni-Hard working shell, as
mixing of the two materials. This well as for pipes where the Ni-Hard
demands a careful control of timing, is on the inside.
temperatures, quantity, gating, and
pouring velocities. The technique has a
long tradition in roll making, where Compound castings
rolling mill rolls consisting of white iron Reinforcing Ni-Hard with cast-in steel
working shell and grey or ductile iron bars or rods is simple and efficient.
core and journals are common. The The diameter of the rods is adapted to
Figure 14. Partial quasi-binary phase vertical cylindrical chill mould with sand the section of the casting and they are
diagrams for Ni-Hard 1 and 2
16 moulded journals is first completely filled placed well removed from the working
with Ni-Hard melt. The solidification face. The reinforcement extends both
starts from the chill, moving toward the longitudinally and laterally in the
centre of the body. After a specific casting, and can take the form of a
lattice or spiral arrangement. Care is

Ni-Hard in use


Figure 15. Partial quasi-binary phase

diagrams for Ni-Hard 4

Checking the thickness of a bend for piping ashes and pulverized coal

17 Ni-Hard
taken to avoid a metallic bond of Inserts of mild steel or grey iron are Heat treatment
the steel rods to the cast metal in used to allow drilling of holes or
order to avoid embrittlement by thread cutting. Here a metallic Ni-Hard was originally intended to be
carburization of the steel, high bonding is best. Care has to be taken put in service in the as-cast condition.
stresses due to different expansion to balance insert and casting section Nowadays, however, almost all
coefficients, and defects due to to avoid stress cracking. This castings are heat-treated. There are
reactions between melt and rust on technique has become less important three basic heat treatments which
the steel rod. A refractory coating or a with the advent of high-performance serve three purposes:
thin sand layer is usual. Clearly the cutting materials and progress in core • stress relief and improved toughness,
reinforcement cannot rule out cracking making, which allow relatively small and some improvement of repeated
of the Ni-Hard under severe dynamic holes and even threads to be cast. impact fatigue resistance, by tempering
stresses, but it prevents complete Low carbon steel inserts are used to at 225-275°C (single-stage tempering)
breakage and allows the casting to allow welding of Ni-Hard castings to • improved repeated impact fatigue
remain in service until it is worn out. other parts of a fabricated assembly. resistance by a duplex treatment at 450
+ 275°C (double-heat treatment)
• improved hardness and abrasion
resistance by soaking at 750-850°C,
slow cooling, and tempering (hardening).

Ni-Hard in use Most Ni-Hard 1 and 2 castings are given

the first treatment; the others are used
only for special demands. Ni-Hard 4 is
always given the third heat treatment.

There are also more intricate heat

treatments, and the possibility of a
cryogenic treatment of both types of

Ni-Hard 1 and 2
The effects of the two low-temperature
heat treatments can be understood by
looking at the isothermal transformation
diagram in Figure 16.

Single-stage tempering The single-

stage tempering heat treatment at 225-
275°C leads to:
• tempering of the martensite and
stress relief
• isothermal formation of some bainite
• possibly some slight transformation of
retained austenite to martensite.

The main rationale for this heat

treatment is the first of these. It will
improve the resistance of the casting to
breakage in service and to crack
formation during handling in the foundry
– especially during riser removal by
grinding. So it is often advisable to
carry out fettling and finishing

Figure 16. Typical isothermal transformation

diagram of Ni-Hard 1
Grinding ring for coal pulverisers

18 Ni-Hard
hardness without any further
improvement. Cooling can be in still
air or in the furnace.

Double-heat treatment The first

stage of the duplex heat treatment
involves heating in the range of
austenite stability (see Figure 16) for
about 4 hours. It is designed to
promote secondary carbide
precipitation which reduces the
carbon content of austenite. The
result is that, on air or furnace
Figure 17. Hardness and repeated impact
fatigue of Ni-Hard 1 after tempering at
cooling the castings to room
various temperatures
18 temperature, more austenite will be
transformed to martensite. This will
be stress relieved and tempered in
operations after stress relief heat the second stage at 275°C. The Figure 19. Hardness and repeated impact
treatment. martensite already present in the as- fatigue after double heat treatment at 450 +
cast structure will be heavily 275°C18

The effect of this heat treatment on tempered and lose hardness.

properties can be seen in Figure 17. Figures 19 and 20 show the change
Tempering of the martensite reduces in hardness resulting from the duplex
hardness while repeated impact treatment at different carbon and
fatigue resistance increases due to silicon contents. The effect is similar
relief of stress. At about 275 C, some to the single-stage heat treatment
retained austenite is transformed to shown in Figure 18.
martensite, which improves hardness
and especially repeated impact fatigue The purpose of this treatment is not to
resistance. Above 275°C, over- improve abrasion resistance but
tempering can result in bainite repeated impact fatigue resistance in
formation and a lowering of hardness castings such as grinding balls and
and impact resistance. The extent of mill liners. It has been argued that a
these property changes depends on high as-cast martensite content is not
the relative amounts of austenite and essential for castings to be heat
martensite in the matrix. The higher treated in this way. In fact, a casting
the martensite content, the lower are with a higher as-cast austenite content
the two peaks at 275°C and vice versa. may reach a higher hardness after this
Figure 18 shows the change in heat treatment.
hardness resulting from this treatment
at different carbon and silicon Figure 20. Variation of hardness between
contents. As described on page 10, double-heat-treated (460°C, 5 h + 285°C, 14
silicon increases the as-cast h) and as-cast Ni-Hard 1 irons having
martensite content. different carbon and silicon levels

The optimum holding time is 8-16

hours. Longer times will reduce Ni-Hard in use


Figure 18. Variation of hardness between

tempered (285°C, 14 h) and as-cast Ni-Hard 1
irons having different carbon and silicon
levels Power station riffle plates for directing pulverized coal, Ni-Hard 1

19 Ni-Hard
resulting martensite and also
somewhat reduces hardenability.
Hardening from high temperature will
stabilize the austenite again due to a
higher carbon solubility, and thus
decrease hardness.

The optimum hardening temperature of

Ni-Hard 1 and 2 depends on the alloy
composition but is usually a hold for 2
hours at 700 to 750°C followed by
cooling in still air or by controlled
furnace cooling to avoid cracking.

Cryogenic treatment Cryogenic or

sub-zero treatments may also be used
to increase the hardness and the
abrasion resistance of Ni-Hard 1 and 2
(and 4 – see page 22). Residual
austenite can be transformed at
subzero temperatures. Such low
temperatures can be reached by using
liquid nitrogen. The castings are not
immersed or touched by liquid nitrogen
Figure 21. Continuous cooling transformation diagram of Ni-Hard 1 but are exposed to the fumes of
vaporizing liquid nitrogen in an
insulated chamber. Figure 23 shows
Hardening Hardening by high- that hardness during cooling from M S to
the results. Since similar and higher
temperature heat treatment can be ambient. So maximum hardness is
as-cast hardness values can be
followed in the continuous cooling achieved at an intermediate cooling rate
reached with optimized compositions,
transformation diagram, Figure 21. determined by the alloy composition of
such treatment has not achieved
The casting is heated to a temperature the casting.
commercial significance. This
in the austenite range. During soaking
treatment may be considered for
at this temperature, secondary Too high hardenability will result in a hardening complex castings where
carbides are precipitated from the high retained austenite content with low
austenite which increases the MS heat treatment is considered too risky.
hardness, and too little hardenability will
temperature and facilitates produce pearlite and/or bainite of lower
transformation to martensite during hardness. Final hardness after cooling
cooling to ambient. During slow depends also on the hardening
cooling, more carbides are precipitated temperature, as shown in Figure 22. A
so that the MS temperature increases
low hardening temperature will give a
further, as seen in Figure 21. At the
lower carbon content in the austenite
same time a certain self-tempering of
which lowers the hardness of the
the martensite results in some loss of

Ni-Hard in use


Figure 22. Effect of hardening temperature on

the hardness of Ni-Hard 1 with and without
magnesium and effect of 2h tempering at 205°C.
Magnesium favours the martensitic
2 A variety of Ni-Hard 1 castings used in aggregate processing, slag and glass crushing mill,
concrete pipe machine, and agriculture

20 Ni-Hard
Ni-Hard in use


Loesche rolls for coal and cement grinding and roller for the clay and brick industry in Ni-Hard 4.

Average analysis (%) of Ni-Hards used in cryogenic

tests compared to high Si-Cr modified Ni-Hard)

No. C Si Mn Ni Cr Mg S P

233 3.09 .55 .50 4.25 2.4 .054 .007 .020

234 3.28 .57 .53 4.20 2.4 .12 .006 .021
235 3.05 .55 .48 3.35 3.40 .036 .011 .018
236 3.26 .56 .53 3.35 3.35 .10 .006 .024

Figure 23. Effects of a subzero treatment, a

subsequent tempering and magnesium addition
on the hardness of Ni-Hard 1

Ni-Hard 4
As a result of its high alloy content,
as-cast Ni-Hard 4 usually contains
over 50% retained austenite, giving
hardness values which are rarely
higher than 550 to 600HV. A more
complete austenite transformation to
martensite, with a corresponding Figure 24. Isothermal transformation diagram of Ni-Hard 4
increase in hardness, is achieved by
destabilization or conditioning of the
austenite at temperatures above
750°C, where austenite stability is
lowered by carbide precipitation. Figure
24 is an isothermal transformation
diagram indicating the various
transformation ranges. The hardness
of samples isothermally held at the
various temperatures is listed on the
right-hand side.

Industrial heat treatments use

destabilization temperatures of 820-
860oC with soaking times of up to 10
hours followed by slow controlled
cooling in still air or in the furnace. The
continuous cooling transformation
diagram in Figure 25 indicates that the
highest hardness values result from
slow cooling by the precipitation of
more secondary carbides at lower

The hardenability of Ni-Hard 4 is

sufficient to allow cooling rates of less
than 20 K/h through the temperature
Figure 25. Continuous cooling transformation diagram of Ni-Hard 4

21 Ni-Hard
range between 600 and 300°C without After the cryogenic treatment, the Finishing the castings
pearlite formation. Excellent hardness castings should be stress relieved by
values have also been observed after tempering at 220°C. This may For easy riser removal, breaker cores
air cooling to about 600°C followed by increase hardness even further. should be used. But care must be
furnace cool. In complete contrast to taken to avoid breaking into the body
steel, Ni-Hard 4 will yield higher Sub-critical heat treatment A sub- of the casting.
hardness at slower cooling rates. critical heat treatment of 4 to 8 hours
at 550°C followed by 16 hours at Grinding is best done after heat
A final tempering at 200-270°C is often 450°C and air cool has sometimes treatment, to minimize the risk of
used, but the effect on stress relief been recommended to improve heat checking and grinding cracks.
and fracture resistance is doubtful for hardness and repeated impact fatigue The temperature generated during
slowly cooled castings. The hardness resistance of Ni-Hard 4 castings. But grinding must be controlled for the
variation is marginal. the castings may become more same reason. Comparatively soft
brittle . grinding wheels are normally used,
Cryogenic treatment of Ni-Hard 4 at often of the zirconia-alumina type
-196°C in liquid nitrogen will transform This treatment makes some austenite with medium abrasive grain size.
as-cast austenite and increase transform to martensite, resulting in an
hardness as much or even more than increased hardness, but is far less
high temperature hardening. The effective than the high-temperature
technique is the same as described for hardening. It may be considered in
Ni-Hard 1. It has been successfully order to reduce cost and demand for
applied in the production of large furnace capacity.
slurry and dredge pump castings in
order to avoid the risk of cracking.

Ni-Hard in use

Heavy medium slurry distributor in Ni-Hard 1

22 Ni-Hard
Welding Machining machining by turning and milling
without losing surface finish and
Welding Ni-Hard is not recommended The high hardness of Ni-Hard makes accuracy through tool wear.
because cracks form in the weldment, machining difficult. Due to its lower Machining pump casings and rollers
the fusion line, and the heat affected carbide content, Ni-Hard 2 is easier to for coal mills with CBN is an
zone. In some instances crack-free or machine than Ni-Hard 1. 20
established practice today . Table 4
almost crack-free welds have been suggests machining conditions for
produced by using high preheat Grinding is an obvious method of turning Ni-Hard21. Typical data for
temperatures into the austenite range machining Ni-Hard. In order to avoid machining 946 mm O/D mud pump
– i.e., above 700°C. Even then, welding heat checking, wet grinding is preferred. casings of Ni-Hard 2 with casting
the surface exposed to abrasion is not On modern wet grinding machines, large skin on a vertical boring mill with
recommended because the structure of surfaces of Ni-Hard castings can be 22
CBN are:
the weldment will be different from the machined economically to a close
base material – even when using dimensional tolerance. Speed of the work piece 14 rpm
similar consumables – and this will Depth of cut 1 to 1.5 mm
give uneven wear. An essential requirement for machining Feed rate during roughing 0.4 mm
with cutting tools is to maintain Feed rate during finishing 0.25 mm
Weld assemblies with Ni-Hard maximum rigidity both in the work piece
castings can be made by using and in the cutting tool. Lathes and mills The risk of breaking the expensive
protruding mild steel inserts. must have heavy head stocks which are CBN inserts at defects in casting
robust and in good condition. surfaces is often thought to be too
high. In such cases the much less
Sintered carbide tools can be used, but expensive and tougher silicon nitride
wear is rapid. Modern ceramic tools, (Sialon) tools can be used despite
especially cubic boron nitride (CBN) give their lower wear life.
much better results and allow
Drilling holes and tapping is also
possible with CBN provided the
diameter is large enough. For small
holes, cast-in mild steel inserts are
Table 4 • Suggested machining conditions for turning of Ni-Hard with often used. The inserts must be
570 to 750 HBN with CBN
clean and dry in order to avoid
defects by reaction with the melt.
Machining Surface speed Maximum depth of cut Feed rate The remaining Ni-Hard section must
operation [m/min] [mm] [mm/rev] be high enough to avoid cracking.
Finishing 40 to 80 1.3 0.05 to 0.15
The inserts must also be located far
enough away from the wearing
Light roughing 40 to 80 2.0 0.05 to 0.20 surface for them not to be exposed
Rough turning 40 to 80 3.2 0.05 to 0.40 after some time in service.

In many cases holes and even

threads can be cast in using very
accurate cores. In such precast
holes, steel inserts, which will be
Ni-Hard in use
tapped, can be screwed in. Care
has to be taken to avoid bursting a
too thin remaining Ni-Hard section
while screwing in the insert.

Concrete mixer blade in a jig to check the casting

23 Ni-Hard
The typical range of
mechanical and
physical properties of
Ni-Hard are shown in
Tables 5, 6 and 7.
The temperature
dependence of some
properties of Ni-Hard
1 and Ni-Hard 4 are
shown in Figure 26
and Tables 8 and 9.


Pfeiffer roller pulverizer mill with

segmented rollers and table in Ni-
Hard 4 for limestone grinding, total
weight around 80te

24 Ni-Hard
Table 5 • Typical range of mechanical properties of Ni-Hard 1 and 2 8,14

Type Hardness Tensile Transverse Deflection* Modulus of Impact** Fracture

Brinell Vickers Rockwell C Strength Strength* [mm] Elasticity Energy Toughness
[MPa] [MPa] [GPa] [J] [MN/m ]
Ni-Hard 1
Sand cast 550-690 640-750 56-63 280-350 500-620 2.0-2.8 169-183 28-41 15-26
Chill cast 600-730 700-860 58-65 350-420 560-850 2.0-3.0 169-183 35-55

Ni-Hard 2
Sand cast 530-630 630-740 54-60 320-390 560-680 2.5-3.0 169-183 35-48
Chill cast 580-680 680-800 57-62 420-530 680-870 2.5-3.0 169-183 48-76

* 30 mm dia, 300 mm span

** Izod-Test, unnotched 30 mm bar, struck 76 mm above support

Table 6 • Some typical physical Table 7 ‚ Typical mechanical Table 8 ‚ Hot-hardness testing
properties of Ni-Hard 1 and 2
and physical properties of of a heavy section Ni-Hard 1
Ni-Hard 4
8,14 casting
Specific density [g/cm ] 7.6-7.8
Thermal conductivity [W/mK] Hardness Temperature Hardness
at 20°C 14-15 Brinell 550 - 700
[°C] [HV 10]
at 120°C 14.2 Vickers 650 - 820
205 606
at 450°C 18.8 Rockwell C 56 - 63
315 521
Between Tensile strength [MPa] 500 - 600
425 485
10 and 95°C 8-9 Transverse strength [MPa] 600 - 800
480 416
10 and 260°C 11.3-11.9 Deflection [mm] 2,0 - 2,8
540 308
10 and 425°C 12.2-12.8 Compressive strength [MPa] 280 - 310 595 201
Modulus of elasticity [GPa] 190 - 200 650 138
Fracture toughness [MN/M ] 19 - 30 760 92
Specific density [g/cm ] 7.75 815 75
Thermal conductivity [W/mK] 12.6 - 15
Specific heat at 20°C [J/kgK] 500

Specific electrical Table 9 ‚ Elastic modulus of

resistance at 20°C [Ω.mm /m] 0,85 Ni-Hard 4

Mean coefficient of linear thermal

expansion [µm/mK] Temperature Elastic modulus
20 to 100°C 14.8 [°C] [GPa]
20 to 200°C 15.2 20 19 600
20 to 300°C 15.8 100 19 200
20 to 400°C 15.9 200 18 500
20 to 500°C 15.3 300 17 800
400 17 300
500 17 000
Figure 26. 600 16 200
700 14 400
dependence of the
tensile strength 800 13 000
and elongation of
Ni-Hard 1 and
NI-Hard 4

25 Ni-Hard

The most interesting

property of Ni-Hard
castings is their
hardness – and
hardness is usually
the only property that
is determined in
practice. The
determination of
other properties
usually asked for in
steels or grey irons –
like tensile or
bending strength and
impact strength – is
difficult and costly.
Even the
manufacture of
suitable test samples
from the hard and
brittle irons is
difficult. The results
have little bearing on
the service perfor-
mance of the casting.
These facts are also
recognized in all

standards where
other properties than
hardness are not

Installing Ni-Hard 1 liner plates in a

grinding mill

26 Ni-Hard
Table 10 • European standard designations of nearest equivalent grades
India Sweden
International EU France Germany UK USA
IS 7925 SIS 14 04 XX
trade name designation number NF A 32-401 DIN 1685 BS 4844 ASTM A532
IS 4771 SIS 14 05 XX
Ni-Hard Type 2 EN-GJN-HV520 EN-JN2020 FB Ni4 Cr2 BC G-X 260 NiCr 4 2 2A Type 1a NiLCr 30/500 0512 Class 1. Type B

Ni-Hard Type 1 EN-GJN-HV550 EN-JN2030 FB Ni4 Cr2 HC GA 330 NiCr 4 2 2B Type 1a NiLCr 34/550 0513 Class 1. Type A

Ni-Hard Type 3 FB A - - - Class 1. Type C

Ni-Hard Type 4 EN-GJN-HV600 EN-JN2040 FB Cr9 Ni5 G –X 300 CrNiSi 9 5 2 2C+2D+2E Type 1b NiHCr 0457 Class 1. Type D

Hardness So it is recommended that supplier a ranking of various materials.

For hardness testing, the scientifically and client agree beforehand on the Generally, it has been found that
correct and also the most accurate hardness testing method, or at least higher retained austenite contents
method is the determination of on the conversion table. reduce impact fatigue resistance.
Vickers hardness DPH100 or DPH50.
This method is, however, not very
practicable on the shop floor; in Impact fatigue resistance Soundness
practice the hardness of Ni-Hard The resistance to repeated impact is Castings are usually checked for
castings is indicated as Vickers, an interesting property for some surface cracks by the dye penetrant
Brinell or Rockwell C hardness. This applications like grinding balls and method. Eddy current or Magna Flux
becomes even more complex due to ball or rod mill liners. This has been can also be used, but retained
the widespread use of non-standard, extensively covered in technical austenite may give wrong indications.
but easy-to-use portable hardness literature . The testing is done The soundness of the castings can be
testers, the readings of which have to using a non-standardized drop-ball determined by means of the usual
be converted into one of the standard test machine, where balls repeatedly ultrasonic or X-ray methods.
hardness scales. drop from a certain height (usually
around 6 metres) onto an inclined
It must be emphasized that the anvil until they fail due to spalling or
conversion tables or curves for steels breakage. The average number of
or for graphitic cast irons do not apply drops to failure is used as an
to Ni-Hard. ASTM A-532 contains indication of the impact fatigue Ni-Hard 1, 2 and 4 are contained in a
special conversion tables and resistance. The absolute number of European Standard and in many
formulas for the hardness values of drops to failure is as much a function national standards under various
white irons. It should be recognized of the design of the specific testing designations with almost identical
that these formulas have been equipment and the surface quality of compositions. Table 10 indicates the
obtained by regression analysis and the balls as the composition, heat various standard designations for these
that there is no exact linear treatment and microstructure of the three alloys. ISO, Japan and Italy have
relationship between the three scales. alloy. So this testing method gives only no standards.

Ni-Hard in use


Ni-Hard 1 grinding media and liner plates inside a mill

27 Ni-Hard
Bibliography 15 G.L.Laird II, Microstructures of Ni-
Hard I, Ni-Hard IV, and High Cr White
Cast Irons. Trans. Amer. Foundrym.
1 R.C. D.Richardson, Wear 11 (1968), Soc. 99 (1991) 7, p.339-357.
16 B.K.Arnold, I.R.Sare, A thermal
2 G.J.Cox, Development of Abrasion- analysis study of alloy cast white irons.
resistant, Nickel-containing Alloy White Foundryman 80 (1987) 7, p.330-335.
Irons of High Hardness. Trans. Amer.
Foundrym. Soc. 97 (1989), p.361-372. 17 M.N.Tomovic, D.V.Mihajlovic,
M.M.Radulovic, Microstructure
3 Verschleiss durch sandhaltiges characteristics of isothermally treated
Wasser in hydraulischen Anlagen. Ni-Hard cast irons. Trans. Amer.
Schweizer Archiv 24 (1958), p.218-230, Foundrym. Soc. 96 (1988), p.339-346.
18 R.H.T.Dixon, J. Iron and Steel Inst.
4 K.Röhrig, Abrasionsbeständige 197 (1969) 1, p.40-48.
Eisengusswerkstoffe. VDI-Z 124 (1982)
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