Omoclinic Orbits and Chaotic Behavior in Lassical Echanics
Omoclinic Orbits and Chaotic Behavior in Lassical Echanics
Omoclinic Orbits and Chaotic Behavior in Lassical Echanics
D ECEMBER 1, 2008
This paper is a study of one of the most beautiful phenomena in dynamical
systems: homoclinic orbits. We will first define what a homoclinic orbit is, then
we will study some of the properties of homoclinic points, using methods from
symbolic dynamics. In particular, we will prove that, under certain assumptions,
the existence of one homoclinic point implies the existence of a whole Cantor set of
homoclinic points. We will also implicitly construct the famous Smale horseshoe.
Finally, we will present a topic in physics that is closely related to homoclinic
orbits, namely the restricted 3-body problem.
Homoclinic orbits have been introduced by P oincaré more than a century ago,
and since then, they became a fundamental tool in the study of chaos. In this paper, we
are going to study the chaotic dynamics in a neighborhood of a homoclinic orbit. We
will see how the analysis of those orbits, which may seem impossible at first, can be
reduced to the study of the space of sequences on {0, 1, ..., N } (where N ∈ N might
be equal to ∞), which is pretty straightforward . Our study will closely follow the texts
of Ekeland [1] (for the first section) and of Moser [3] (for the remaining sections).
1 Homoclinic orbits
Let φ be a C 1 -diffeomorphism, and O a fixed point of φ. We assume that O is
hyperbolic, i.e. dφ has real eigenvalues λ1 and λ2 such that 0 < |λ1 | < 1 < |λ2 |.
This guarantees the existence of a stable manifold S and an unstable manifold U for φ,
intersecting in O. Also, we assume that φ is an area-preserving transformation, i.e. the
determinant of Dφ is 1.
U= z | lim φ (z) = O
Basically, S is the set of points that tend to O (under iteration of φ) and U is the set
of points that emanate from O.
We assume that U and S further intersect in a point H, called homoclinic point (see
Figure 1). More generally, a homoclinic point is defined as follows:
Definition. If r 6= p and φk (r) approaches one periodic orbit p, φ(p), φ2 (p), ..., φm (p) = p ,
as k → ±∞, then r is called homoclinic point
Note. There is also what is called a heteroclinic point in case there are 2 fixed points,
p and q, but we won’t deal with that situation in this paper.
H ∈ S, hence H1 = φ(H), H2 = φ2 (H), etc. all tend to O. We’re about to prove
the following remarkable fact:
Claim. ∀n, a branch of U goes through Hn (see Figure 2)
Figure 1: The stable and unstable curves, intersecting in H
which gives M −2 = P −1 (with P −k = φ−k (P )). In the same way, we conclude that
M −3 = P −2 , M −4 = P −3 , and so on. But because P ∈ U , we have, by definition of
lim P−n = O and lim M−n = O
n→∞ n→∞
So we started with one homoclinic point, and we arrived at two doubly-infinite se-
quences of homoclinic points! There surely must be something chaotic going on here!
Figure 2: ∀n, a branch of U goes through Hn
3. The areas of each region exterior to S must be equal. Same for the regions
exterior to U. This is because we assume that φ is an area-preserving transfor-
4. U and S must be smooth curves
5. ∀n, Hn Hn+1 < Hn−1 Hn
See Figure 3 (at the end of this section) for a picture illustrating those ideas.
The most natural way of connecting the Hi is in such a way that the connected path
always remains on one side of the picture, namely on the side of S (see Figure 4). But
this is wrong because, by definition of U and S, any point N very close to S but not
on S will approach O under iteration of φ, but, since N ∈ / S, we have that, eventually,
N will leave O under iteration of φ. Hence, there must be at least part of U that lands
back on S, close to H.
Also note that, under those assumptions, U becomes finer and longer under iteration
of φ. This implies that U will intersect S in infinitely many new points.
And this is not all of it! Namely, the new points of intersection between U and S are
new homoclinic points, and we can repeat this procedure for all points of intersection.
The result is a pretty chaotic picture, which means that the study of homoclinic orbits
is definitely not as straightforward as people in the past century thought it would be.
And this is still not it! Because so far, we only dealt with one side of the picture.
There is still one branch of U and one branch of S we didn’t connect. If we assume that
those two branches intersect in a new (homoclinic) point H’, we get the same picture as
before. So we get, again, a bunch of new homoclinic points (see Figure 6). However,
Figure 3: Things U and S cannot do (errors circled in red)
we will not deal with this kind of situation in this paper, because this problem is easily
reduced to the problem we are considering. Also, it is physically more realistic to
assume that the two branches we didn’t connect blow off to infinity (which illustrates
the impossibility of going backwards in time).
Figure 4: First attempt to connect the Hi
Figure 6: Chaotic behavior of homoclinic orbits (Part II)
iterates that don’t blow off to infinity) and set:
e = φk (q), q ∈ D(φ)
φ(q) e
φe is called the transversal (or return) map of φ for R. We assume that D(φ)
e is
not empty.
e a ) = Ua
Furthermore, the vertical boundaries of Va are mapped onto the vertical boundaries of
Ua , and similarly for the horizontal boundaries.
Definition. Given µ such that 0 < µ < 1, a curve y = u(x) is a horizontal curve if
0 ≤ u(x) ≤ 1 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, and
|u(x) − u(x0 )| ≤ µ |x − x0 | , 0 ≤ x ≤ x0 ≤ 1
Definition. If u1 (x), u2 (x) are two horizontal curves, and if
Figure 7: Two horizontal curves, a horizontal strip, and its diameter
Now in particular, dφe maps the tangent vector (ξ0 , η0 ) at (x0 , y0 ) into the tangent
vector (ξ1 , η1 ) at (x1 , y1 ), with:
ξ1 = fx ξ0 + fy η0
η1 = gx ξ0 + gy η0
Property 2. There exists µ with 0 < µ < 1 such that, if we define the bundle of sectors
S + and S − as:
S := {(ξ, η)| |η| ≤ µ |ξ|}
S − := {(ξ, η)| |ξ| ≤ µ |η|}
Where S + is defined over a∈A Va , and S − over a∈A Ua , then we have:
e +) ⊆ S+
d−1 φ(S
e −) ⊆ S−
Note. Property 2 basically reflects the fact that φe is a very unstable map under itera-
tion, because notice that the horizontal components of a tangent vector get amplified
at least by µ−n under dφen (with n ≥ 1), and the vertical components by µ−n under
dφe−n .
It turns out that Properties 1 and 2 imply the following Property 3.
φe−1 (V ) ∩ Va = Va0
is a vertical strip (in particular nonempty), and for some ν with 0 < ν < 1:
d(Va0 ) ≤ νd(Va )
Similarly, if U is a horizontal strip in a∈A Ua , then, ∀a ∈ A, we have that:
e ) ∩ Ua = U 0
φ(U a
d(Ua0 ) ≤ νd(Ua )
Properties 1 and 3 will be crucial later on, when we will prove the main theorem of
this paper.
Q : 0 ≤ x ≤ a, 0 ≤ y ≤ a
with a > 0 small enough. Also, it is natural to denote the k th iterate of (x, y) under
φ by (xk , yk ).
Because we can choose the sides of R to be as small as we like, there exist positive
integers l, m, such that
φ (r) ∈ Q
φ−m (r) ∈ Q
Fix l, m, and a, and let δ be such that 0 < δ < a, and let b, c such that 0 < b, c < a2
and φl (r) has coordinates (0, 2b) and φ−m has coordinates (2c, 0). Because we can
choose the sides of R to be as small as we like, and because of continuity of φ we can
assume that:
φ (R) ∈ {0 ≤ x ≤ δ, b ≤ y ≤ a}
φ−m (R) ∈ {c ≤ x ≤ a, 0 ≤ y ≤ δ}
We further assume that:
A0 = φl (R)
has one of its sides coinciding with x = 0, and one adjacent side intersecting
x = 0 transversally. And, by choosing the sides of R even smaller if necessary, we
may suppose that both sides adjacent to x = 0 are of the form y = h1 (x), with h1 a
C 1 function. Similarly, we assume that:
A1 = φ−m (R)
has two sides that can be written in the form x = h2 (y), with h2 a C 1 function (see
Figure 8).
We can now define the transversal map ψ from A0 to A1 as follows:
If q ∈ A0 and ∃k > 0 such that φk (q) ∈ A1 , and ∀0 < j < k, φj (q) ∈ Q, then we say
that q ∈ D(ψ), and we set:
ψ(q) = φk (q) ∈ A1
with k the smallest such k ≥ 0.
Note. In D(ψ) ∩ D(φ),
e we clearly have
φe = φm ψφl
fk ) = U
Now set:
Uk = φm (U
fk )
−l f
Vk = φ (Vk )
Figure 8: Construction of A0 , A1
Figure 10: Construction of Ui , Vi
e k ) = φm (ψ(V
φ(V fk )) = Uk
5 Main theorem
Here is the main theorem concerning homoclinic orbits.
Main theorem. There exists an invariant set I in R and a homeomorphism τ of S (the
set of sequences on N symbols) into I such that
e = τσ
n o
Vs0 s−1 ...s−n e | φek (p) ∈ Vs (k = 0, 1, ..., n)
= p ∈ D(φ) −k
n o
e | φe−k (p) ∈ Vs (k = 0, −1, ..., −n)
= p ∈ D(φ) k
\ n o
V (s) = e | φe−k (p) ∈ Vs (k = 0, −1, ...)
Vs0 s−1 ...s−n = p ∈ D(φ) k
T∞ n o
U (s) = Us0 s1 e | φe−k+1 (p) ∈ Us (k = 0, 1, ...)
= p ∈ D(φ)
n=1 k
n o
e | φe−k (p) ∈ Vs (k = 0, 1, ...)
= p ∈ D(φ) k
Hence, by the above lemma, the intersection
n o
V (s) ∩ U (s) = p ∈ D(φ) e | φe−k (p) ∈ Vs (k = 0, ±1, ±2...)
defines precisely one point, say w, in I (the set of points of intersections of those
horizontal and vertical curves, which is clearly invariant under φ)
Finally, define τ : S → I by τ (s) = w, where s = (...s1 s0 s1 ...) ∈ S
From construction, it follows that if τ (s) = w, then τ (σ(s)) = φ(w)
τ σ = φτ
Note. If N < ∞, then it can be shown that τ (S) is a Cantor set. It is therefore
uncountable, but has Lebesgue measure zero.
Note. We can introduce a topology on S by taking as neighborhood basis of
Uj = {t ∈ S | tk = sk , |k| < j}
6 An extension
To deal with the case N = ∞, we now discuss an extension of S.
We assume that A = N and that Va is ordered according to increasing x-coordinates
with increasing a (this ordering is possible, because the Va are disjoint). Then Va tend
to a vertical curve V∞ , which agrees with x = 1. Similarly for y = 1.
Now for α, β integers satisfying α ≤ 0, β ≥ 1, let
Note. We can introduce a topology on S by taking as a neighborhood basis of s =
(..., s−1 , s0 , ..., sβ−1 , ∞), α = ∞, β < ∞ the sets
UK = t ∈ S | tk = sk , −K ≤ k < β, tβ ≥ K
The following theorem is a variation of our main theorem:
e = τσ
7 Consequences
Now witness the power of the previous theorem! There are numerous corollaries,
which are very useful in the understanding of the problem. In this section, we’ll list
and prove some of them.
Corollary. Homoclinic points are dense in R
Proof. Just take sequences that end with ∞ (they correspond to homoclinic points).
Since those sequences are dense in S, we are done.
Corollary. There exist infinitely many points whose orbits are dense in R
Proof. Just take a sequence which contains all blocks of sequences. Since there are
infinitely many such sequences, we get infinitely many points whose orbits are dense
in R.
Corollary. Periodic orbits are dense in R
Proof. Given a sequence s = (..., s−1 , s0 , s1 , ...) ∈ S , consider, for any n, the periodic
sequence s0 = (sn , s−n , s−n+1 , ..., s0 , ..., sn , s−n , s−n+1 , ...) ∈ S, which is clearly
periodic, which gives a periodic sequence that is arbitrarily close to s.
Corollary. Points in R enjoy the property of topological entropy , that is, in any neigh-
borhood of r ∈ R, there exists a point r0 ∈ R such that, under iteration of φ,
e those two
points do not lie in the same neighborhood any more
Proof. Given a sequence s = (..., s−1 , s0 , s1 , ...) ∈ S that corresponds to a point r, just
take r’ to correspond to the sequence s0 = (..., s−1 , s0 , s−1 , ..., sn , s0n+1 , s0n+2 , ...), for
some appropriate n, and such that, for all k > 0, s0n+k 6= sn+k , which geometrically
means that r and r’ first lie in the same horizontal/vertical strips, but that eventually,
under iteration of φ,
e they end up in completely different horizontal/vertical strips.
Corollary. We have transitivity : Given two neighborhoods U1 , U2 in R, there is a
point r ∈ U1 such that r eventually lies in U2 under iteration of φe
Proof. WLOG, assume that those neighborhoods correspond to the horizontal/vertical
strips, then the sequence s = (..., s−1 , s0 , s1 , s1 , s1 , ...) ∈ S, with s1 6= s0 corresponds
to a point that first lies in the strip V0 , but then lies in the strip U1 , and stays in that strip
for an indefinite amount of time.
Corollary. Taking the definition of Smale [2], φe is chaotic on R.
Proof. Follows directly from the fact that periodic orbits are dense, from topological
entropy, and from transitivity.
8 Further properties
The invariant set I = τ (S) enjoys further geometric properties, which we will
state, but not prove. For this, we need a definition:
Definition. A set P is said to be hyperbolic if one can associate with every point p ∈ P
− −
two linearly independent lines L+ +
p , Lp in the tangent space at p, such that Lp , Lp vary
continuously with p ∈ P , and, furthermore
p = Lφ(p)
and that, with some constant λ > 1, and the norm |ζ| = max (|ξ|, |η|), we have:
forζ ∈ L+
|dφ(ζ)| ≥ λ|ζ| p
|dφ−1 (ζ)| ≥ λ|ζ| forζ ∈ L− p
d2 z z
=− 3
dt (z + r2 (t)) 2
r(t) = (1 − cos(t)) + O(2 )
and denotes the eccentricity.
Theorem. There exists a critical escape velocity ż(0) ˜
such that, if ż(0) > ż(0), the
corresponding solutions will tend to infinity
In this section, we will study the solutions near the critical escape velocity ż(0).
Consider a solution z(t) with infinitely many zeroes tk (k = 0, ±1, ±2, ...), such
that tk < tk+1 , then let:
Figure 11: The restricted 3-body problem
tk+1 − tk
sk =
Basically, sk measures the number of complete revolutions of the primaries be-
tween two zeroes of z(t). Hence, we can associate to every such solution a doubly
infinite sequence of integers.
The surprising fact is that the converse holds too:
Theorem. For all but finitely many eccentricites 0 < < 1, there exists an integer
m = m() such that any sequence s with sk ≥ m corresponds to a solution of the
above differential equation.
Any solution z(t) 6= 0 is determined by giving its velocity z˙0 and time t0 when
z(t0 ) = 0. Such a zero always exists, otherwise, if z(t) > 0 for all t, hence z¨0 < 0, so
z(t) is concave for all t, and positive, which is impossible.
Hence, we can describe an arbitrary orbit by giving t0 [2π] and z˙0 . Since the differential
equation is invariant under the reflection z 7→ −z, we may set v0 = |ż(t0 )|. Now we
can define a map φ, which maps (v0 , t0 ) to (v1 , t1 ), where t1 is the next zero (if it
exists), and v1 = |ż(t1 )|.
Note. The point (0, ∞) can be viewed in this case as a hyperbolic fixed point of φ, thus
the importance of studying solutions that blow off to infinity.
We have the following very important lemmas:
Lemma. There exists a real analytic simple closed curve in R2 in whose interior D0
the mapping φ is defined. For (v0 , t0 ) outside D0 , the corresponding solutions escape.
Lemma. φ maps D0 onto a domain D1 = φ(D0 ), which agrees with the reflected
domain D1 = ρ(D0 ), where ρ(v, t) = (v, −t) (see Figure 12). Moreover, φ preserves
the area element vdvdt, and:
φ−1 = ρ−1 φρ
Lemma. If > 0 is small enough, then D0 6= D1 , and the boundary curves ∂D0 , ∂D1
intersect on the symmetry line nontangentially at a point P (see Figure 12).
Note. P plays the same role as a homoclinic point
Here we come with the main theorem concerning the restricted 3-body-problem:
Theorem. There exists a homeomorphism τ of S into D0 such that
φτ = τ σ̄
In order to study the dynamics near a homoclinic point H, we introduced a transver-
sal map φ.
e This map satisfies 3 properties, which led us to the main theorem. This
theorem reduced our study to a simple analysis of sequences, which helped us to prove
corollaries that seem too good to be true. For example, among those corollaries, we
have that homoclinic orbits form a chaotic system (according to Smale), and that they
do not possess an analytic integral, which completely rules out any regular/nonchaotic
behavior. Thus, Moser’s paper opened some windows in the understanding of chaos.
But nonetheless, this field of study has not yet been completely understood, and will
probably one of the hot topics of mathematics in the 21st century.
[1] Ivar Ekeland. Le Calcul, l’Imprévu : les figures du temps de Kepler á Thom. Paris:
Editions du Seuil, 1984.
[2] Stephen Smale Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduc-
tion to Chaos. Elsevier Academic Press, 2004.
[3] Jurgen Moser. Stable and Random Motions in Dynamical Systems. Princeton
University Press, 2001.