Trang, Nguyen Nam (SR - Petroleum Engineer) : From: Sent: To: CC: Subject: Attachments

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Trang, Nguyen Nam (Sr.

Petroleum Engineer)
From: Toai, Nguyen Duc ( Project Engineer )
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:21 PM
To: Thong, Pham Tuan ( Sr.Project Engineer ); Vinh, Pham Quy ( FPSO Project Engineer )
Cc: Vinh, Nguyen Dinh ( Petroleum Engineer ); Trang, Nguyen Nam (Sr.Petroleum Engineer)
Subject: RE: Compressor data
Attachments: 01 Exhibit A 4 - TLDD-0000-5AAG-A09-0001-A3 FPSO Functional Design Specification -
Clean.doc; 0909-GS-P-CA-10057_B1_ 3rd Stage Gas Export Comp. PSV 384,524 Sizing

Dear Mr Trang, 
Please find attached LSJOC fubctional spec as PTSC and its sub contractor to design the 
system accordingly 
Please find section 4.2 and 5.3.3 in the document. 
The design discharge pressure on FPSO is 14000 kpa The Required Operating Pressure at TL WHP 
gas lift manifold 10,340kPa 
Required Operating Pressure at DD WHP gas lift manifold  8,963 kPa 
Thanks and Best Regards, 
‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Thong, Pham Tuan ( Sr.Project Engineer ) 
Sent: Thu 5/30/2013 4:45 PM 
To: Vinh, Pham Quy ( FPSO Project Engineer ); Toai, Nguyen Duc ( Project Engineer ) 
Cc: Vinh, Nguyen Dinh ( Petroleum Engineer ); Trang, Nguyen Nam (Sr.Petroleum Engineer) 
Subject: RE: Compressor data 
Dear anh Toai/Vinh, 
Please help to provide below info to SSF. 
Thanks and regards, 
From: Trang, Nguyen Nam (Sr.Petroleum Engineer) 
Sent: 30 May, 2013 4:39 PM 
To: Thong, Pham Tuan ( Sr.Project Engineer ) 
Cc: Vinh, Nguyen Dinh ( Petroleum Engineer ) 
Subject: Compressor data 
Hi Thong, 
As our phone discussion, I am designing Gas Lift for our wells 
Would need your help to advise the information about compressor as below: 
‐          Maximum Injection Pressure/Operating Injection Pressure that the compressor can 
provide at FPSO for Gas Lift Injection? 
‐          Estimated pressure lost in the gas line from FPSO Compressor to TL WHP and DD WHP? 
A Trang 
Nguyen Nam Trang  
Sr Petroleum Engineer ‐ Subsurface Dept 
Lam Son JOC 
Tel       :  84‐8‐5 416 0581 ext. 309 
HP      :   0938161119 

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