Investment Law For Reporters
Investment Law For Reporters
Investment Law For Reporters
An Act to Promote, Develop and Assist Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Through the
Creation of a Small and Medium Enterprise Development Council, and the Rationalization
of Government Assistance Programs and Agencies Concerned with the Development of
Small and Medium Enterprises, and for Other Purposes.
ASEAN Market as an economic powerhouse with continually growing global economic
opportunities brought about by regional integration. The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
offers a rich and complex array of goods and services that have been actively exchanged within
the region for decades. Essential part of these progress are transparency, accountability,
progressive, level playing field and open markets. Agriculture must be the center of our market
as Asian countries. Financial and technical support are what SME’s need to gain access in the
market. The market is within each countries. There should be focus of the role of women and
millenials in MSME’s. Utilizing market through bridge the gap between traders and farmers.
Brief History
RA 6977, the Magna Carta for Small Enterprises, was enacted in January 1991 by
Fidel Ramos. (Pamintuan, 2015)
However, it was amended by RA 8289 in 1997; one of the important amendments
made is the increase in the value of the total assets required of micro, small, and
medium enterprises.
And in 2008, the law was further amended by RA 9501 also known as the Magna
Carta for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in 2008 which defines the current
national policy to promote, support, strengthen and encourage the growth and
development of MSMEs (Times, 2016).
Furthermore, RA 9501 made an important amendment in the law and that is Section
9 where it states that Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Council
shall have a separate annual appropriation approved by the Department of Trade
and Industry which shall be provided in the General Appropriations Act to finance
its activities and operational expenses. Furthermore, the Council may also accept
contributions from the private sector.
MSMEs also provides with continuous supply of ideas, skills, and innovations necessary to
promote competition and the efficient allocation of scarce resources. Furthermore, studies shown
that the MSMEs provide opportunities to those who could not have started business otherwise,
especially to those disadvantages members of society such as the disabled, and elderly. However,
there are some constraints to the development of the MSMEs such as but not limited to (Professor
Jo B. Bitonio, 2012):
1. High cost of doing business
2. Lack access to finance and market information
3. Limited resources
4. Weak technical capabilities
5. Low productivity which prevent them to maximize their real potential.
Employment Size
SMEs may also be defined by the number of employees.
Micro- regular employs less than 10 workers
Small – 10-99 workers
Medium – 100-199 workers
Note: The Council can in its own initiative or upon recommendation of sectoral organization(s)
taking into account inflation and other economic indicators. The Council may use as variables the
number of employees, equity capital and asset size.
Creation of a Small and Medium Enterprise Development (SMED) Council (Sec. 4, R. A. No.
(Sec. 6 of Republic Act No. 6977 as amended)
- Created to effectively spur the growth and development of small and medium enterprises.
- Shall be attached to the DTI.
- Duly constituted within 60 days after the approval of this Act.
- Primary agency responsible for the promotion, growth and development by way of
facilitating and closely coordinating national efforts to promote their viability and growth,
including assisting relevant agencies in the tapping of local and foreign funds for
development, as well as promoting the use of existing programs, as well as seeking ways
to maximize the use of our labor resources.
The Council shall be headed by the Secretary of Trade and Industry as Chairman, and may elect
from among themselves a Vice-Chairman to preside over the Council meetings in the absence of
the Chairman.
(j) Three (3) representatives from the private sector, Filipino citizens, representing Luzon,
Visayas and Mindanao, and one representative from the small and medium enterprises
sector appointed by the President; and
(k) A representative from the private banking sector to serve alternately among the
Chamber of Thrift Bank; the Rural Bankers’ Association of the Philippines (RBAP); and the
Bankers’ Association of the Philippines (BAP).
Cabinet-rank ex officio members of the Council shall designate an assistant secretary and the
chairman of the Monetary Board or his representative as their permanent representative in case
they fail to attend meetings of the Council.
The private sector members of the Council shall initially receive per diem of P1,000 per meeting
for a maximum of 24 meetings per year, subject to adjustment by the Council which shall take
effect upon approval of the President.
The DTI shall allocate P5,000,000 out of its savings for the initial operating expenses of the
Council, after which the Council’s budget shall be included in its annual appropriation.
The Council may, from time to time, call upon the participation of any government agency or
association of local government officials in its discussions especially when such agency is directly
or indirectly concerned with and/or affecting the growth and development of small and medium
enterprises in any particular area or manner.
The Council may create an Executive Committee of 5 members elected from among themselves
or their designated permanent representatives, with at least two (2) members representing the
private sector, and granted with specific authority to act for and on behalf of the Council during
intervals of council meetings.
Capital Build-Up
To allow for capital build-up, SB Corporation shall be given a five (5) year grace period on
dividend commitments beginning on the date of effectivity of the amendment. Thereafter, it may
only declare as dividend not more than thirty percent (30%) of its net income and the rest withheld
as retained earnings.
Initial Capital
The initial capital of One billion pesos (P1,000,000,000.00) shall be established from a pool of
funds to be contributed in the form of equity investments in common stock by the Land Bank of
the Philippines (LBP), the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), in the amount of Two
hundred million pesos (P200,000,000.00) each. The Social Security System (SSS) and the
Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) shall also set aside Two hundred million pesos
(P200,000,000.00) each for the SB Corporation.
(RA 9501 through Sec. 16 amended Section 12 of RA 6977, as amended by RA 8289)
Venture Capital Fund shall be used mainly for venture capital finance especially in technology
oriented industries. (Sec. 14)
Micro finance trust fund shall be used to provide collateral-free fixed and working capital loans
to micro and small enterprises run by those emerging out of poverty. (Sec. 14)
(RA 9501 through Sec. 17 inserted new Sections 13 and 14 after Section 12 of RA 6977, as
amended by RA 8289)
Designation of the bureau of SME development as a council secretariat and creation of small
business guarantee and finance corporation.
Setting aside of a portion of total loan portfolio of public and private lending institutions
for MSMEs – evolution of the periods and rates of mandated portion to be set aside for
MSMEs. In the latest amendment, there was a definition of Compliance to guide the
lending institutions of their deliverables in relation to this mandatory requirement of the
Sec. 13. Mandatory SEC. 13. Mandatory SEC. 18. Section 13 of the
Allocation of Credit Allocation of Credit Resource same Act, as amended, is
Resources to Small to Small and Medium hereby renumbered as Section
Enterprises. — All lending Enterprises. - For the period 15, and further amended to
institutions as defined under of ten (10) years from the read as follows:
Central Bank rules, whether date of the effectivity of this
public or private, shall, set Act, all lending institutions "SEC. 15. Mandatory
aside a portion of their total as defined under Bangko Allocation of Credit
loan portfolio based on their Sentral ng Pilipinas rules, Resources to Micro Small and
balance sheet as of the end of whether public of private, Medium Enterprises. - For the
the previous quarter, and shall set aside at least six period of ten (10) years from
make it available for small (6%) and at least two the date of the effectivity of
enterprise credit as herein percent (2%) for small and this amendatory Act, all
contemplated. The portion medium enterprises, lending institutions as defined
mandated to be so set aside respectively, of their total under Bangko Sentral ng
shall at least be, five per cent loan portfolio based on their Pilipinas rules, whether public
(5%) by the end of the year of balance sheet as of the end of or private, shall set aside at
the effectivity of this Act, ten the previous quarter, and least eight percent (8%) for
percent (10%) by the end of make it available for small micro and small enterprises of
the second year through the and medium enterprises their total loan portfolio based
end of the fifth year, and five on their balance sheet as of the
percent (5%) by the end of credit as herein end of the previous quarter,
sixth year and may come contemplated. and make it available for
down to zero by the end of the MSME credit as herein
seventh year. contemplated.
"d) purchase/discount of
MSMEs receivables; or
"f) subscribed/purchase of
liability instruments as may be
offered by the SB
The SMED Council shall set "The SMED Council shall set "The MSMED Council shall
up the appropriate systems to up the appropriate systems to set up the appropriate systems
monitor all loan applications monitor all loan applications to monitor all loan
of small enterprises in order to of small and medium applications of MSMSEs in
account for the absorptive enterprises in order to account order to account for the
capacity of the small for the absorptive capacity of absorptive capacity of the
enterprise sector. the small and medium MSME sector.
enterprises sector.
The Central Bank shall furnish "The Bangko Sentral ng "The Bangko Sentral ng
to the Small and Medium Pilipinas shall require lending Pilipinas shall furnish to the
Development Council on a institutions covered by this MSMED Council on a
semestral basis regular reports Act to furnish to the Small and quarterly basis comprehensive
on the lending institutions Medium Enterprise reports on the banks'
compliance with the above Development Council on a compliance, noncompliance
provisions on the mandatory quarterly basis regular reports and penalties of the above
credit allocation for small on their compliance with the provisions on the mandatory
enterprises. above provisions on the credit allocation for MSMEs.
mandatory credit allocations
for small and medium
enterprises and expeditiously
act on the Council's reports of
non-compliance therewith."
New Provision on Lending institutions not qualified to acquire or hold lands of the public
domain in the Philippines shall be permitted to bid and take part in sales of mortgaged
real property
New provision on the creation of: (1) Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Week; (2)
Presidential Awards for Outstanding MSME and (3) Congressional Oversight Committee
on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development (COC-MSMED)
Penal clause: the previous penalty came with imprisonment and fine, then imprisonment
was deleted, then the fine has been purposely allocated to development of the MSME
Sec. 14. Penal Clause. — The Sec. 10. Sec. 14 of Republic SEC. 20. Section 14 of the
Central Bank shall impose Act No, 6977 is hereby same Act, as amended, on
administrative sanctions and amended to read follows: Penal Clause is hereby
other penalties on the lending renumbered as Section 19, and
institution for non-compliance "SEC. 14. Penalty Clause. - further amended, to read as
with provisions of Act. In The Bangko Sentral ng follows:
addition, the president,
Pilipinas shall impose
members of boards of administrative sanctions and "x x x"
directors, and other officers of
other penalties on the lending
the erring lending institutions
institutions for non- "Penalties on noncompliance
shall be individually liable for
compliance with provision of shall be directed to the
imprisonment of not less thanthis Act including a fine of not development of the MSME
six (6) months and a fine of less than Five hundred sector. Ninety percent (90%)
not less than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000)." of the penalties collected
thousand (P500,000) each. should go to the MSMED
Council Fund, while the
remaining ten percent (10%)
should be given to the BSP to
cover for administrative
New Section: The IRR has been assigned to the Bureau of Micro, Small and Medium Business
Development of the Department of Trade and Industry
SEC. 21. A new section is
hereby inserted after Section
14 of the same Act, to read as
Pamintuan, A. M. (2015, November 25). Entrepreneurs. The Philippine Star.
Professor Jo B. Bitonio, D. (2012, November 11). Slide Share. Retrieved September 15,
2017, from Slide Share:
Times, T. M. (2016). EDC wants extension of Magna Carta for MSMEs. The Manila