PU BOOK Gott and Duggan PDF
PU BOOK Gott and Duggan PDF
PU BOOK Gott and Duggan PDF
Teaching is essentially a personal and professional
business in which lively, thinking, enthusiastic teachers continue to
analyze their own activities and mediate the curriculum framework to
their students. This book aims at encouraging teachers and curriculum
developers to continue to rethink how science and technology should
be taught in schools. It is based on research on students' abilities
to carry out investigations in both primary and secondary schools, as
well as the authors' experience of using investigations in the
classroom. It describes in careful and authoritative detail just what
doing investigative work means, how students tackle and aevelop such
work, and how it can be encouraged and assessed. Chapters include:
(1) "Changing Views of Practical Science"; (2) "Alternative
Perspectives"; (3) "Investigations: What are They?"; (4) "Pupils'
Performance of Investigations in Secondary Schools: An Overview"; (5)
"The Performance of Investigations in Secondary Schools: A Detailed
Look"; (6) "Investigations and Teaching"; (7) "Incorporating
Investigations into a Scheme of Work"; (8) "Assessment"; (9)
"Investigations and the UK National Curriculum"; and (10)
"Postscript". (JRH)
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Investigative Work in the
Science Curriculum
Current titles:
John Eggleston: Teaching Design and Technology
Richard Gott and Sandra Duggan: Investigative Work in the Science Curriculum
David Layton: Technology's Challenge to Science Education
Keith Postlethwaite: Differentiated Science Teaching
Michael J. Reiss: Science Education for a Pluralist Society
Jon Scaife and Jerry Wellington: Information Technology in Science and Technology Education
Joan Solomon: Teaching Science, Technology and Society
Clive Sutton: Words, Science and Learning
Brian Woolnough: Effective Science Teaching
Investigativ( Work in the
Science Curriculum
Open University Press
Celtic Court
22 Ballmoor
MK18 1XW
1900 Frost Road, Suite 101
Bristol, PA 19007, USA
All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the
purpose of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher or a
licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency Limited. Details of such
licences (for reprographic reproduction) may be obtained from the
Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd of 90 Tottenham Court Road. London,
W1P 9HE.
III. Series.
Q183.4.G72E534 1994
507' . 1'241 dc20
Data handling 91
Evaluation reliability and validity 93
The reinforcement of concepts of evidence 93
Associated with design 93
Associated with measurement 93
Associated with data handling 95
Associated with evaluation 95
Targeting conceptual understanding 95
Progression and differentiation by outcome 96
Summary 98
References 98
It may seem surprising that after three decades of scientist or engineer works and the appropriate
curriculum innovation, and with the increasing knowledge and understanding, but what is the rela-
provision of a centralised National Curriculum, it tionship between the two? How does the student's
is felt necessary to produce a series of books which explicit knowledge relate to investigational skill,
encourages teachers and curriculum developers to how important is the student's tacit knowledge? In
continue to rethink how science and technology the past the holistic nature of scientific activity and
should be taught in schools. But teaching can the importance of affective factors such as commit-
never be merely the 'delivery' of someone else's ment and enjoyment have been seriously under-
'given' curriculum. It is essentially a personal and valued in relation to the student's success.
professional business in which lively, thinking, And, of particular concern to this series, what is
enthusiastic teachers continue to analyse their own the relationship between science and technology? In
activities and mediate the curriculum framework some countries the scientific nature of technology
to their students. If teachers ever cease to be criti- and the technological aspects of science make the
cal of what they are doing, then their teaching, subjects a natural continuum. In others the curricu-
and their students' learning, will become sterile. lum structures have separated the two, leaving the
There are still important questions which need teachers to develop appropriate links. Underlying
to be addressed, questions which remain funda- this series is the belief that science and technology
mental but the answers to which may vary have an important interdependence and thus many
according to the social conditions and educational of the books will be appropriate to teachers of both
priorities at a particular time. science and technology.
What is the justification for teaching science and There have been few changes in school science
technology in our schools? For educational or teaching over the past few years that have been
vocational reasons? Providing science and tech- more significant than the change in the type of
nology for all, for future educated citizens, or to practical work being done. Moving from the ubiq-
provide adequately prepared and motivated stu- uitous 'cookery book' type practical, in which the
dents to fulfil the industrial needs of the country? students followed the teacher's recipe, through the
Will the same type of curriculum satisfactorily meet 'guided discovery' experiment and the experiments
both needs or do we need a differentiated curricu- designed to develop and test specific practical skills,
lum? In the past it has too readily been assumed we have now the practical investigation where the
that one type of science will meet all needs. students are expected to design, deliver and evalu-
What should be the nature of science and tech- ate their own experiment. This move, which had
nology in schools? It will need to develop both the been advocated and practised by a minority since
methods and the content of the subject, the way a science teaching began, has now been enshrined in
the National Curriculum for Science in England detail just what doing investigative work means,
and Wales. Though, in this form, it stresses a pure how students tackle and develop such work, and
science model of investigation as distinct from a how it can be encouraged and assessed. It should
more technological problem-solving type of investi- go a long way to underpinning investigative practi-
gation, it has done much to introduce genuine cal work so that, despite the logistical difficulties
scientific activity into schools. involved in .uch work, it becomes securely based as
Among the most influential in bringing about the most important type of practical work in
this change have been Richard Gott and his col- schools. Such holistic investigational practical
leagues, first through his APU work, then in his work, whether it is of a pure scientific nature or
Active Science textbooks, and subsequently by his more technologically problem-solving, is of vital
own research work into the way students and importance. It develops not only the students'
teachers actually do investigations. And it is on this knowledge, understanding and practical skills but
work that this scholarly and perceptive book by also the all-important affective aspects of enjoy-
Richard Gott and Sandra Duggan has been based. ment, motivation, commitment and self-confidence
Much of the early discussion about the 'best type' I hope and believe that this book will help to
of practical work for schools was based more on deliver such in both science and technology lessons
rhetoric than on research. This important book is
timely, for it spells out in careful and authoritative Brian E. Woolnough
What is this book about? that it would be unwise to omit the second chap-
ter, which focuses on the theoretical framework,
Some years ago now, one of us (R.G.) was respons- since it discusses the thinking which underlies
ible, with others, for the assessment of science much of the rest of the book: The research find-
investigations for the Assessment of Performance ings are confined to Chapters 4 and 5, while
Unit (APU) team based at Leeds University. On Chapters 6. 7, 8 and 9 are concerned with teach-
moving to Durham, the ideas developed at Leeds ing and assessment.
were taken into a local school and, over a number of
years, incorporated into a workable curriculum.
Concurrent with these developments came the Acknowledgements
National Curriculum. The team at Durham was
contracted by the National Curriculum Council We would like to acknowledge the assistance and
(NCC) to undertake research into pupils' ability to support of a number of people during the process of
carry oul investigations in both primary and sec- writing this book: Ken Foulds and Rosemary
ondary schools. The aim of the research was, Feasey for their discussions of the NCC project
primarily, to inform any subsequent revisions to the work; Helen Costello for the useful discussions and
structure of the 'investigations' element of science. her support and advice throughout the development
The experience of using investigations in the class- of the hook; all those people who have taken the
room, together with the extensive research material time and trouble to read and comment on the manu-
gathered for NCC, form the basis of this book. script, including Ruth Jarman (Queen's University,
Belfast) and members of thc Exploration of Science
team in Durham. We would also like to thank Philip
The structure of the bock Adey for his comments on Chapter 2; our respective
partners for their comments on the manuscript and
This book has evolved in the writing. It arose out of their forbearance; and, last but not least, the rest of
a desire to publish the results of the research. our families for their patience.
Reflecting on the findings of this research has led us The authors and publishers would also like to
to develop our thinking and moved us forward in acknowledge the following for permission to
two ways: in developing the theoretical model which reproduce material: Taylor and Francis, Newton
has been latent in our thinking, and in considering D.P. and Newton L.D. (drawing on p. 141) and
how the implications of the research can be applied the Northamptonshire Inspection and Advisory
in the classroom. Service (Table 7.4.). Figures 1.2, 1.3 and Table 8 3
The first chapter locates the changing role of are reproduced by permission of Simon and
practical work hisiorically. The reader is advised Schuster Education, Hemel Hempstead, UK.
1 a
Categoric variable a variable which is defined descriptively, e.g. shape, colour, type of material.
Concepts substantive concepts the facts, laws, theories and principles of science (e.g.
gravity, photosynthesis, solubility). Also known as declarative concepts.
Continuous variable a variable which is defined numerically and which can take any value, e.g. height.
Control variable the variable(s) which must be kept constant while the independent variable is
chanized in order to keep the test 'fair'.
Dependent variable the variable which changes, and is measured or judged, each time the indepen-
dent variable is changed.
Derived variable a variable which is derived from more than one measurement. e.g. speed or rate.
Discrete variable a variable which is defined numerically but which takes only integer values,
e.g. number of layers of insulation material (cf. continuous variable).
Exploration a very open kind of task. where pupils are given the context only and allowed
to raise their own questions and then follow these up to find the answer. This
could involve practical work, surveys or a library search. It will include prob-
lem-solving (and investigations).
Heuristic method a system of education in which the pupil is 'taught' to find out things for
Investigation a specific type of problem-solving defined as 'a task for which a pupil cannot
immediately see an answer or recall a routine method for finding it.'
Key Stages the four age ranges encompassed by the UK National Curriculum: Key Stage I,
5 -7-year-olds; Key Stage 2, 7-11-year-olds; Key Stage 3, 11-14-year-olds; and
Key Stage 4, 14-16-year-olds.
Problem-solving the solving of problems, i.e. any activity that requires pupils to apply their under-
standing in a new situation. Investigations are one type of problem-solving.
Piocesses the cognii ,ve processes associated with any intellectual activity including the
solving of scientific problems. They include hypothesising. interpreting, pre-
dicting. etc.
Programme of study in the UK National Curriculum, the required teaching for each key stage.
Skills those activities which are necessary but not sufficient in themselves to the carry-
ing out of most practical work, e.g. the mechanics of the use of measuring
instruments, how to construct a graph.
Substantive structure the structure of science concerned with its declarative concepts (see also sub-
stantive concepts).
Syntactic structure the structure of skills and concepts of evidence (see above) describing how
skills and concepts of' evidence are put together to solvc a problem (cf. syntax
in language).
Synthesis the putting together of separate bits of knowledge into a connected whole so
that a new structure emerges.
Understanding the ability to explain and interpret information within a given context (cf.
Variables any observation which can be described by different values, e.g. the colour of a
bird, length or weight.
OPENS the Open-ended work in Science project funded by the Department of Education
and Science
influence of science was promoted at this firm, those where pupils could 'find out' by discovery
since it was felt that it had previously been ignored and those which enabled students to practise 'sci-
and that 'science was to be taught for the benefit of entific method'. Hence the influential Nuffield
the learner and not for the benefit of science itself. . schemes for secondary pupils (years 7-13) were
We shall return to these ideas later when we born. It almost seemed as if Armstrong's heurism
consider the notion of 'audience' in the next chap- was back. Again the intention was that pupils
ter and its influence on what children perceive as should be encouraged to discover science for them-
the purpose of collecting data from experimental selves. The focus was on scientific method and
work. However, the consequence of this pupil-cen- objectivity with an underlying assumption that the
tred approach to science education was that the pupil had no preconceptions (the inductivist
status of practical work per se was lower than it stance), so that all observations were perceived as
had previously been and subservient to theory and neutral. The essence of the Nuffield philosophy
content. Most of the practical work at that time was 'to awaken the spirit of investigation and to
consisted of following 'recipes' to verify theory or develop disciplined imaginative thinking' (Nuffield
to illustrate concepts and, towards the end of this Foundation, 1966).
period, there was growing concern that much of This explicit recognition of the importance of
this practical work was routine and repetitive. cognitive processes is perhaps one of the most sig-
Nevertheless, practical work had already estab- nificant elements of the underlying philosophy of
lished itself as a vital part of the science curriculum the Nuffield schemes. However, while the renewed
in that there was no longer any great argument as emphasis on 'finding out' and scientific methodol-
to its desirability, albeit in a supportinil role, in the ogy was welcomed by educationists generally,
classroom or laboratory. once the Nuffield schemes were implemented. cer-
tain fundamental problems emerged. The most
significant proble:m was that because the activities
The Nuffield schemes were relatively tightly controlled and the 'right
answer' often apparent. there was little scope for
While practical work in science was and continues 'discovery' in the true sense of the word. Hence.
to be regarded as essential. its precise purpose is Nuffield practicals were often contrived and the
much less certain. In 1959, the Kerr inquiry was spirit of 'imaeinative thinking' was lost. The detail
commissioned to inquire into the nature and par- of the practical was not considered to be impor-
po-, of practical work in school science teaching tant because it was so carefully controlled and
in England and Wales. The report found that: indeed much of the equipment was designed so
that little could go wrong in theory at least. It
When science students were asked about the influ- was only at the higher levels, such as in investiga-
ence of practical work done at school. few of them tional projects of the Nuffield A level physics
thought the finding-out element had been given course, that there was an element which allowed
an important place nor were they particularly pupils a less structured format. Here, there were
aware of being led towards a scientific way of investigations where the outcome in terms of
thinking and behaving. The members of the
Inquiry Team think a much more direct and delib-
pupils' performance was less certain. However.
erate attempt should be made to teach for these for the majority, the reality was that Nuffield
ends through practical work. No aspect of science practicals were about illustrating or refining con-
education is more urgently in need of attention. cepts rather than 'finding out', despite a clearly
(Kerr, 1964:95) stated philosophy in the teachers' guides which
advocated a very open approach.
Thus the pendulum swung back again towards a The schemes were well supported financially,
practical science which not only included illustra- but this in itself had disadvantages because it
tive practicals, but which placed an emphasis on meant that some schools jumped on the Nuffield
bandwagon without really understanding its The 'processes and skills' movement
ethos. More importantly, because the 0 and A
level science schemes received priority, the In 1967, a scheme arose in America called 'Science
Nuffield schemes were originally designed for the A Process Approach' (SAPA; see American
most able grammar school pupils. With the Association for the Advancement of Science,
advent of the comprehensive system, problems 1967). It stemmed from a study of what scientists
arose. When the Nuffield schemes were used in actually do in their everyday work. SAPA placed a
comprehensive schools. the conceptual nature of firm emphasis on scientific method or 'process',
the whole course was simply too much for the regarding the 'substantive' concepts of science
majority. Many of us, the authors included, who that is, the facts. laws and principles as being far
had worked with the Nuffield schemes in a gram- less important. Other schemes of the same ilk soon
mar school environment, slowly too slowly emerged and thus the 'processes and skills' move-
probably passed from unease to the realisation ment was born.
that such a course was not, and could not be, for It should be noted here that there has been, and
the many. And since, in the comprehensive, the continues to be, much confusion over the terms
few for whom the course was designed were now 'processes', 'process skills', 'procedures' and
very few indeed, alternatives had to be found. 'methods'. In science education. these terms are
There were eventually attempts to address this often used interchangeably without clear defini-
problem (for example, with the publication of the tion, causing considerable problems. In the
Nuffield Secondary Science Teaching Project in processes and skills movement, 'processes' were
1971), but they were not entirely successful. intended to refer not tothe practical skills associ-
Alexander (1974), in evaluating this project, ated with science, but to the cognitive processes
found that: 'the lessons showed a high degree of such as observing, classifying and inferring that
structure and relatively little work of a completely is, the thoughts that go through scientists' minds
open ended nature...pupils' attitudes to science as they perform practical science activities. This is
and to the relevance of science in society had not the meaning we shall adopt here. It follows that
improved'. This last point, that Nuffield science the term 'process skills' which was widely used at
had no obvious link to the world outside the that time, is a contradiction in terms, confusing
school laboratory. was also a general criticism of the.cognitive process element with the practical
all the Nuffield schemes. skill element. Some of the problems encountered
In summary, the Nuffield schemes began with a by the process movement can be seen to stem from
clear intention of teaching scientific method, but this lack of clarity of definition as well as an
in practice their main purpose was still to teach uncertainty about the place of these processes in
the concepts of scientific knowledge. The practi- school science generally.
cals were based on the notion that 'seeing is In the UK, Screen (1986) suggested that the
believing'. It gradually became clear that these swing from content to process was aided by the
'guided-discovery' practicals were not achieving advent of' new national criteria for science syllabi
the original aims of the Nuffield schemes. Qualter and assessment in 1986. Prior to that time, both
et al. (1990) write: the Nuffield schemes and the concern about
meeting examination requirements had led teach-
We have only to look at schemes such as Nuffield ers to concentrate on facts and knowledge. A
Combined Science to realise that a great deal of policy document in 1985 stated that: 'The essen-
time, energy and material resources are devoted to tial characteristic of education in science is that it
'guiding' the pupil to a predetermined 'discovery'. introduces pupils to the rnethods of science so
Critics of such schemes have questioned whether that scientific competence can bc developed to
such a massive investment of resources is really jus- the full' (DES, 1985). Screen, the author of a
tified by such narrowly defined learning objectives. processes and skills scheme called Warwick
Process Science, further argued that: 'It could be holistic, experiential approach whereby they are
said that the most valuable elements of a scien- encouraged to do small, complete investigations
tific education are those that remain after the from the earliest stage, progressing to more diffi-
facts have been forgotten' (Screen, 1986). And cult investigations later and picking up appropriate
again: 'important though the content of science skills when necessary?'
might be, it is not the facts themselves but how With the process approach, problems can arise
they are arrived at which constitutes an educa- in trying to incorporate these processes into a
tion in science' (Screen, 1988). There was now a coherent scheme of work. Process schemes have
feeling that factual scientific knowledge was so also been criticised for their content because
abundant (indeed Screen uses the term 'the explo- the concepts they employ to focus on different
sion of knowledge'). that very few students could processes often lack continuity. There is indeed
possibly acquire a thorough knowledge of any the real possibility that learning processes in iso-
subject area. Instead, students needed to know lation may mean that some pupils will have
how `to access, use and ultimately add to the difficulty in putting them all together appropri-
information store when required' (Screen 1986). ately wht-n required to do so. Process-led science
The focus of Warwick Process Science was cannot, of course, be devoid of content, but its
therefore on transferable 'process skills', which emphasis is clearly on the processes practised in
included observing, classifying and interpreting. the context of science: 'Science in Process...is
Screen points to two other advantages of this based on the processes of science on how to
process-led scheme. First, 'process skills' are not
work scientifically rather than on a body of
only useful in practising science but also in quest-
content' (Wray et al., 1987).
ioning the practice of other scientific work. Second.
the scheme allows the teacher to observe pupils'
conceptions and misconceptions in lessons where, Investigations
for example, the focus is on predicting, hypothesis-
ing or interpreting. The teacher can then use this After the processes and skills movement came a
information to address misconceptions. move towards the holistic approach referred to by
Similarly, a new Nuffield scheme emerged Woolnough (1991) in the form of scientific 'investi-
around this time in which 'emphasis has been gation'. This move was driven by the work of the
placed on processes...on process rather than Assessment of Performance Unit's (APU) work in
products' (Nuffield Foundation, 1987). There are science and subsequently by the inclusion of inves-
also a number of assessment schemes, such as tigative work in the UK National Curriculum. In
The Assessment of Practical Science (TAPS; the next section, we shall provide an example of an
Bryce et al., 1983) and the Graded Assessment in investigation and in Chapter 3 we shall define
Science Project (GASP; Davis, 1989), based on investigations in depth by considering different
the assessment of 'process'. types of investigations. Suffice it to say here that
In general, schemes that adopt this process investigations are a specific type of problem-
approach aim to consider, as far as is possible, one solving which allow pupils a varying degree of
process at a time as the focus of a lesson. The prac- autonomy and which are problems to which the
tical work then serves to illustrate the process in solution is not obvious. Investigations aim to allow
question. Bryce et al. (1983) base their scheme on pupils to use and apply both concepts and cognitive
the idea that: 'pupils are encouraged to master processes, as well as practical skills. This book sets
basic skills first and are thereby enabled to out to show that this is a more balanced view of'
progress to more complex process skills and even- science, which can be seen perhaps as a response to
tually practical investigations'. Woolnough (1991) the extremes of the past. Various schemes have
contrasts this 'step-by-step' approach with the arisen in recent years in the UK which have
question: '...do they [the pupils] learn best by a focused on investigations (Foulds et al., 1990,
Table 1.1 Summary of types of practical work
Type af practic.al
1993: Feasey et al. 1991) and their integration into this format. The main aim of enquiry practicals is
the practical science curriculum. concept acquisition.
Illustrative practicals differ in that they aim to
demonstrate or provide a particular concept. law
Practical science today or principle, which has already been introduced
by the teacher, to allow the pupil to 'see the con-
What kinds of practical work in science are used cept in action and so relate theory more closely
in today's schools? If we adopt a bird's-eye view of to reality. Illustrative practicals can take the
all the school laboratories in action in the UK form of a demonstration by the teacher or a
today. we would find a large variety of types of practical where pupils are given detailed instruc-
practical science being carried out which stem tions or a 'recipe' to follow. The main aim of
from the history we have just described. There illustration is concept consolidation. The spring's
has been, and still is. a tendency to regard practi- activity in Fig. 1.1 is a typical practical where the
cal work as one amorphous entity. By uncovering pupils either 'discover' Hooke's Law in an
what different types of practicals set out to teach. enquiry practical. or if it follows directed teach-
we shall see that this is not the case and that each ing on the topic. the same activity can be used as
type of practical serves a different purpose. an illustrative practical enabling pupils to see the
Various attempts have been made to classify concept in action.
different kinds of practical work in order to define Skills practicals may involve setting up. reading
their respective roles. We shall consider here a and using instruments as in the example taken
classification developed by Gott et al. (1988). from Gott et al. (1988) and reproduced as Fig. 1.2.
which consists of five broad types of practical or they might require pupils to learn and practise
work (Table 1.1). The boundaries between these the construction of line graphs or bar charts. They
types are not claimed to be watertight: practical are about acquiring the basic skills necessary for
actiNities can clearly include more than one aspect. carrying out the rest of practical science. Once
particularly skills and observation which are acquired. the skill of constructing a graph from a
implicit to some degree in the other types. data set comes as second nature. The collection of
Enquiry practicals are structured to allow the the data and the interpretation of the graph are of
pupils to discover a particular concept for them- a different order and arc not within our definition
selves. Such experiments have to be carefully set of skills.
up to enable all pupils to arrive at the same end- Observation in science has been described as
point. Many of the Nuffield practicals followed 'theory-laden' in that when pupils are asked to
1 Collect a retort, clamp, ruler, spiral spring and a set of 1N slotted weights.
2 Measure the length of the spring between points A and B as shown in the diagram.
3 Fasten the loop of the spring onto the arm of the retort stand as shown in the diagram.
Weight (g)
observe in science they are expected to apply scien- cognitive processes and skills to solve a problem.
tific conceptual knowledge to the object or event in An example from Investigations in Science (Foulds
question. Hence in the example shown in Fig. 1.3. et al., 1990) of an investigation called 'On the tiles'
again from Gott ei al (1988), the teacher is asking sets the scene as follows:
pupils to apply ideas such as conduction and con-
densation to the observed phenomena. It was chaos in the kitchen! The baby had dropped
Investigations usually offer several alternative his bottle and milk was dripping out. Little Rachel
ways of reaching a solution to the problem so that knocked her plate off the table the bread landed
the design is much less controlled than in illustra- jam-side down. In from the garden came Dad
tive or enquiry work. Investigations use concepts with muddy boots on. He was followed by Sparky
which have been introduced by some other means; the dog, who had just been digging for bones.
in an illustrative practical or exposition perhaps. The floor was really messy. How easy will it be to
Their main aim is to allow pupils to use concepts. clean up'?
the best way of achieving that goal. This leads him Bryce, T.G.K., McCall, J.. MacGregor, J.. Robertson.
to question the whole purpose of practical work. I.J. and Weston. R.A.J. (1983). Techniques _for the
We have used one classification here to unravel .4ssessment of Practical Skills in Foundation Science.
the purposes of different kinds of practical work. London. Heinemann.
Hodson suggests that computer-assisted learning Davis. B.C. (1989). GASP: Graded Assessment in
Science Project. London, Hutchinson.
(CAL) can be used to learn concepts and theories Department of Education and Science (1985). Science
and to learn about the nature of science. but when 5 /6: .4 Statenumt of Policy. London, HMSO.
it comes to 'doing science', he writes: Feasey. R.. Foulds, K., Gott, R. and Pryke. T. (1991).
A major goal of practical work should be the Science in Action 5 to 16: Key Stage 3, Book 1.
engagement of students in holistic investigations Glasgow. Nelson Blackie.
in which they use the processes of science both to Foulds. K.. Mashiter, J. and Gott. R. (1990). Investigations
explore and develop their conceptual understand- in Science. Glasgow, Blackie.
ing and to acquire a deeper understanding of (and Foulds, K.. Gott. R.. Pryke, T. and Borrows. P. (1993).
increased expertise in) scientific practice. Science in Action 5 to /6: Key Stage 3, Book 2.
(Hodson. 1992) Glasgow. Nelson Blackic.
Gee, B. and Clackson. S.G. (1992). The origin of practi-
To conclude, we have painted a picture of the cal work in the English school science curriculum.
current state of practical work, which suggests School Science Review. 73(265): 79-83.
that there is a lack of clear thinking behind its pre- Gott. R.. Welford, G and Foulds. K. (1988). The
sent rather disjointed and inconsistent structure. Assessment of Practical (Fork in Science. Oxford,
Perhaps we need to stand back and try to develop Blackwell.
a framework to enable us to locate and pull all Hodson. D. (1990). A critical look at practical work in
school science. School Science Review, 70(256): 33-40.
these ideas about the purpose and nature of prac-
Hodson, D. (1992). Redefining and reorienting practical
tical work together. That framework should begin work in school science. School Science Review,
the task of deciding what different sorts of practi- 73(264) 65 78.
cal work are for and when, how and why they Kerr. J.F. (1964). Practical Work in School Science.
should be deployed, rather than either letting them Leicester, Leicester University Press.
co-exist in a muddle or, worse, assuming that the Nuffield Foundation (1966). Nuffield Chemistry:
latest type is a competitor which is to supplant or Introduction and Guide. Harlow. Longman/Penguin.
be defeated by other types. We shall then be able Nuffield Foundation (1987). Nuffield 11 to 13 Science.
to locate investigations within that framework so Teacher's Guide 2. How Science is Used. Harlow,
that their role in the science curriculum becomes Longman.
Qualter. A.. Strang. J., Swatton. P. and Taylor. R.
clear and so that we can then move on to explore (1990). Exploration: A Way of Learning Science.
investigative work itself. Oxford, Blackwell.
Screen. P.A. (1986). The Warwick Process science pro-
ject. School Science Review, 72(260): 17-24.
References Screen. P.A. (1988). A case for a process approach: The
Warwick experience. Physics Education, 23: 146-9.
Alexander. D.J. (1974). Nuffield Secondary Science: An Wellington, J. (ed.) (1989). Skills and Processes in
Evaluation. London. Macmillan. Science Education. London, Routledge.
American Association for the Advancement of Science Woolnough, B.E. (1991). Setting the scene. In: Practical
(1967). Science' .4 Process Approach. Washington, Science (B.E. Woolnough, ed.). Buckingham. Open
DC, Ginn & Co. University Press.
Armstrong, H.E. (1896). How science must be studied Wray. J.. Freeman, J.. Campbell, I... Hoyle. P..
to be useful. From 'The Technical Wot ld', in II E. Nimenko. G., Smyth, S. and Whiston. L. (1987).
Armstrong and Science Education (1973: G. Van ir oce in Process. Teachers' Resource Pack. London,
Praagh. ed.). London. John Murray. . Heinemann Educational Books.
Alternative perspectives
In this chapter, we shall attempt to gather the search for a coherent framework (Fig. 2.1). It
ideas behind the various types of practical work should be noted that this model was a basic, and
described in Chapter 1 into a coherent framework deliberately simplified, model for science and not
whieh allows them to be seen as complementary solely for practical science. Here the cognitive
rather than competing views of science. Such a processes (which we defined in the last chapter)
framework, incorporating ideas about the nature needed to solve all kinds of problems are seen as
and purpose of practical work, must relate to involving an interaction of 'conceptual' and 'proce-
school science as a whole. Practical work should dural' understanding. It should be noted that the
be an integral part of the science curriculum model does not imply that these two types of under-
which mirrors, reinforces and augments the rest standing are mutually exclusive. Furthermore.
of the course. other factors such as motivation, context or the
In the first part of this chapter. we present and pupil's perceived expectation of what should be
then develop a model and a taxonomy (or classi-
fication) which are applicable to the whole of the
science curriculum as well as to prauical science.
They are based on an epistemological perspec- Solve
tive, which seeks to define that which is to be
taught and learned, rather than how that is to
occur. This perspective underlies much of the fol-
lowing chapters. In the second part of the
chapter, we consider the movement towards processes
teaching thinking skills, which regards education
from a psychological perspective. We will look in
particular at the Cognitive Acceleration through
Science Education (CASE) project, which teaches Conceptue, Procedural
thinking skills through the science curriculum. understanding unders anding
A model based on that advanced by Gott and Fig. 2.1 A model for science (based on Gott and
Mashiter (1991) will serve as a starting point in our Mashiter, 1991)
done in a science lesson, each of which can have a sufficient in themselves to the carrying out of most
significant effect on performance, are omitted. practical work. We will restrict the term to those
For the implications of the model to be clear, mechanical aspects of these activities which we
we need first to define the terms used within it. hope pupils will acquire and store in the back-
ground, so to speak, ready to be extracted as a
tool, complete with in-built instructions for use.
Solving problems Procedural understanding is the understancEng
of a set of ideas which is complementary to con-
We indicated at the beginning of ihis section that ceptual understanding but related to the 'knowing
the model is not confined exclusively to practical how' of science and concerned with the under-
science. To retain this position, we need to adopt a standing needed to put science into practice. It is
very catholic definition of:problem' to include the thinking behind the doing. For example, in
any activity that requires a pupil to apply his or measurement in a plant growth study, procedural
her understanding in a new situation. This will understanding does not refer to the measuring
include explanation of phenomena, applied sci- itself, but to the decisions that have to be made
ence problems. theoretical problems as well as about what to measure. how often and over what
what we will define as investigations. What differs time period. It also includes the understanding of
between these is the relative emphasis on concep- the notion of the fair test as well as the nature of a
tual and procedural understanding. line graph, how it differs from a bar chart or how
This book, however, focuses primarily on inves- it illustrates patterns between variables.
tigative work which is one type of problem-solving The content of procedural understanding is not
and which is usually, but not exclusively, practical well documented. Too often it is regarded solely as
in nature. a means of acquiring a concept. Althouah proced-
ural understanding can be a means of learning or
Conceptual understanding and Idcts
learning about a concept, it is also a kind of
understanding in its men right. The significance of
Williams and Haladyna (1982) define facts as procedural understanding underlies much of the
'associations between names, other symbols. argument in this book.
objects and locations'. and concepts as 'classes of The term 'procedural knowledge' (or procedural
objects or events that are grouped together by understanding) is used in both maths and English
virtue of sharing common defining attributes'. In but in a somewhat different sense. In maths, for
the model, conceptual understanding refers to the instance, it relates to the use of problem-solving
understanding of the ideas in science which arc strategies: in English. to the construction of prose.
based on facts. laws and principles and which are In both these subjects, the procedural knowledge
sometimes referred to as 'substantive' or 'declara- required is basically the recall and use of a set of
tive' concepts. We shall refer to these concepts as rules (in maths. formulae or theories). In science.
substantive concepts in the chapters that follow. there is the additional problem of not only know-
Examples include energy, the laws of motion. ing the 'rules' (of the fair test for instance), but of
heredity. solubility. photosynthesis and so on. relating these rules and the concepts of science to
objective evidence. Similarly in history. reasons for
or explanations of change need to be supported by
Procedural mulct-standing and skills some kind of evidence from primary or secondary
sources. It is this collection and verification of data
Skills here refer to actk ities such as the use of which can be seen as one distinguishing factor
measuring instruments and the construction of between procedural knowledge in science and his-
tables and graphs. which are necessary but not tory. and in other subjects.
Table 2.1 Classification of types of practical work by their learning outcome (Duggan and Gott, 1994)
argued that enquiry practicals could embody both Bloom's taxonomy as a descriptor of science
conceptual and procedural understanding. That is Bloom's taxonomy of 'educational objectives for
certainly true in that there will be skills or data the cognitive domain' has been used, reused and
interpretation involved, but it is not the main pur-
modified to suit a wide variety of purposes. It was
pose of the exercise. It could also be argued that if originally intended for assessment purposes to
the aim is to acquire a concept, then asking pupils
enable teachers to relate educational objectives in
to deploy skills and procedural understanding as
terms of subject content to the thinking processes
it'd/ may be inefficient. Experience of Nuffield and
involved. Williams and Haladyna (1982) writc:
in the classroom suggests that such activities over-
load most pupils to the extent that none of the 'The taxonomy is undoubtedly one of the most
important contributions to educational practice in
learning outcomes may be achieved.
Table 2.1 also shows the place of investigations recent times. It was enthusiastically received and
in practical science in that they are the only type has been widely used ever since its publication.'
Kempa (1986) suggests that Nuffield 0 level
of practical work whose principal learning out-
science was based largely on the work of' Bloom et
come is to provide pupils with the opportunity to
al. He describes how Bloom's original taxonomy
achieve a thorough grasp of procedural under-
standing, while at the same time allowing pupils to contains six dicferent levels of cognitive ability
use and refine their conceptual understanding. We
which are hierarchical, in the sense that higher
levels subsume lower levels. He continues: 'but for
shall return to this point again later.
most science examinations three of these tend to
bc combined, giving a four level classification'.
Developing the model Kempa defines these four levels as:
In the last section, we used the model in Fig. 2.1 to Knowledge and recall of scientific facts, hypothe-
describe two kinds of understanding that underpin ses, theories and concepts, as well as terminology
science conceptual and procedural understand- and convention.
ing. In this section, we shall try to identify in Understanding of scientific knowledge and rela-
greater detail the types and levels of conceptual tionships, which manifests itself in the student's
and, particularly, procedural understanding that ability to explain and interpret information
children need in science. In order to do this, we presented, and to express it in alternative com-
have used a taxonomy based on work by Bloom et munication modes.
a/. (1956), which was originally intended for use in Application of scientific knowledge and under-
the American Grade System. standing to unfamiliar (i.e. novel) situations.
prob ems
I domeptual : Proosdwal I
undenttanding Undt,orstahling
Datinst t similar
ta*Onotry be
car t:pt.ta'il Facti develaPod
taxonomy here
Associated with Variable Understanding the idea of a variable and identifying the relevant variable to
design identification change (the independent variable) and to measure, or assess if qualitative (the
dependent variable)
Fair test Understanding the structure of the fair test in terms of controlling the necessary
variables and its importance in relation to the validity of any resulting evidence
Sample size Understanding the significance of an appropriate sample size to allow, for
instance, for probability or biological variation
Variable types Understanding the distinction between categoric, discrete, continuous and
derived variables and how they link to different graph types
Associated with Relative scale Understanding the need to choose sensible values for quantities so that
measurement resulting measurments will be meaningful. For instance, a large quantity of
chemical in a small quantity of water causing saturation, will lead to difficulty
in differentiating the dissolving times of different chemicals
Range and Understanding the need to select a sensible range of values of the variables
interval within the task so that thc resulting line graph consists of values which are
spread sufficiently widely and reasonably spaced out so that the 'whole'
pattern can be seen. A suitable number of readings is therefore also subsumed
in this concept
Choice of Understanding the relationship between the choice of instrument and the re-
instrument quired scale, range of readings required, and their interval (spread) and accuracy
Repeatability Understanding that the inherent variability in any physical measurement re-
quires a consideration of the need for repeats, if necessary, to give reliable data
Accuracy Understanding the appropriate degree of accuracy that is required to provide
reliable data which will allow a meaningful interpretation
Associated with Tables Understanding that tables are more than ways of presenting data after they
data handling have been collect-.i. They can be used as ways of organising the design and
subsequent :.ata collection and analysis in advance of the whole experiment.
Graph type Understanding that there is a close link between graphical representations
and the type of variable they are to represent. For example. a categoric
independent variable such as type of surface, cannot be displayed sensibly
in a line graph. The behaviour of' a continuous variable, on the other hand, is
best shown in a line graph
Patterns Understanding that patterns represent the behaviour of variables and that
they can be seen in tables and graphs
ulti% a ria te Understanding the nature of multivariate data and how particular variables
data within those data can be held constant to discover the effect of one variable
on another
Associated with Reliability Understanding the implications of the measurement strategy for the reliability
the evaluation of of the resulting data: can the data he believed?
the complete task Validity !nderstanding the implications of the design for the validity of the resulting
data: an overall view of the task to check that it can answer the question
We have used the term 'variable' in Table 2.2 taken about, for example, the range and interval
to refer to any observation which can be of temperatures and the number of repeats which
described by different values for example, tem- reflect the understanding that the pupil has about
perature. length or time. Variables can be these particular concepts of measurement.
classified in terms of their roles and functions in Concepts associated with data handling include
the structure of the activity as Independent', the understanding of the use of a table as a way of
'dependent' 'control' variables. organising data rather than the construction of
The values for the 'independent' variable are tables themselves. Hence before even beginning
chosen and manipulated by the investigator. The measurement, a pupil may construct a table of
value of the 'dependent' variable is then measured values of the variable which he or she is going to
for each change in value of the independent vari- change. For instance, in the dissolving example to
able. 'Control' variables are those which must be which we have already referred, the pupil may
kept constant while the independent variable is construct a table with temperatures of 25, 50, 75
changed to make the test 'fair'. Many scientific and 100°C before beginning the task. Or for the
tasks can be defined in this way according to their task of finding out the distance travelled by dif-
'variable structure'. For example. supposing the ferent coloured toy cars, the pupil may construct
task is to find the effect of car colour on frequency a table such as the one above.
of accidents, the car colour is the independent vari- A further aspect of data handling is the isola-
able, the frequency of accidents is the dependent tion of the required variable from multivariate
variable and the age of the driver is one of several data. For example, in the multivariate table below,
control variables. These terms are used in the to consider the effect of temperature it is necessary
National Curriculum of the UK. We should note to compare the times in the left-hand column with
here that we are conscious of the limitations of those in the right-hand column. Alternatively, to
defining procedural understanding in terms of the consider the relative dissolving times of caster and
variable structure of a task, a point to which we brown sugar, the times in the top row have to be
shall return. compared with those in the bottom row.
It is important to note that concepts of meas-
urement are to do with the decisions that have to
be made about measurement rather than to do Hot Cold
with the skill of measurement itself. For instance,
in a task about the effect of temperature on the Caster sugar (sec) (sec)
dissolving time of sugar, it is not the ability of the
pupil to use a thermometer (which we define as a Brown sugar (sec) (sec)
skill), but rather the decisions that he or she has
The final evaluation stage subsumes all the ticity, then we can use Hooke's Law to explain
other concepts of evidence because reliability and stretching reasonably well, although the relation-
validity can only be considered in the context of ship varies with different materials and the law is
the strategy of the whole task. only applicable within certain limits. In this ex-
There are other ideas that could, and perhaps ample, sound evidence is crucial because data are
should, be included in this list. For example, the required to make the law usable a spring con-
notion of ratio and proportionality is much used stant needs to be calculated for specific instances.
in science. On what grounds are they excluded Finally, if we consider the rate of water flow in a
when the concept of 'patterns' is included? The river, this is extremely difficult to explain without
obvious but not wholly convincing answer, is that empirical evidence (perhaps aided by computer
patterns, which are in the list, must include ratio modelling). Here, the data are the basis for the
and proportionality. The other argument is that model and are paramount. This is not to say, of
proportionality and ratio are mathematical ideas course, that substantive concepts do not guide the
within the basic (or axiomatic) construction of model: for instance, the concept of friction will
mathematics. We have attempted to restrict our suggest that the flow may be less at particular loca-
definition of concepts of evidence to ideas that tions. In these three examples, evidence and the
relate data to reality, which is a crucial distinction data which supports it are important but they take
between mathematics (which only needs to be self- on different roles from validating theory in the first
consistent) and science (which has to satisfy the example to being the key component in the last.
requirements of the behaviour of objects in the Similarly, the conceptual element is crucial in the
real world). first example but of less importance in the last.
In all three examples above, the evidence is
needed to justify the outcome. In the first ex-
The significance of eridetwe wul the notion of ample. however, the theory of universal
audience gravitation is so well accepted that evidence which
supports the theory is unlikely to be closely scruti-
We shall see later, it' we take the evaluation of a nised. particularly in the classroom. It could of
task as an indicator, that the notion of data as evi- course be argued that this should not be the case:
dence would appear to be understood by very few theoretically, evidence should always be impor-
pupils. The model we have developed is based on tant. In reality, however, if the lesson is about
the assumption that evidence is an important illustrating Boyle's Law, then as long as the evi-
notion in science education. It might be useful dence broadly supports the theory, it is likely to
here to stand back for a moment and ask why we be accepted without question. The chances of
believe evidence to be important? refuting a long-established substantive concept in
If we adopt the view that the aim of science is the school laboratory are indeed low. However, in
simply to arrive at a set of concepts which can the third example the evidence determines the
explain real-life behaviour, we can then test this model, so it is open to interpretation and indeed
theory against some actual examples. If we con- to misinterpretation. Because the 'solution' is not
sider universal gravitation. for instance, then the obvious, the evidence is much more crucial. If the
substantive concept of gravity can explain this phe- model is to be believed, it must be supported by
nomenon successfully. Evidence here takes a sound evidence. In science, it is often necessary to
secondary role in the real world of school science make that evidence public or available for others
in that it serves only to validate what is now to see. so that they can evaluate for themselves
accepted theory, although at the time the theory how much weight to give to the explanation,
was being established, evidence was crucial for its interpretation or solution.
validation. If we consider the phenomenon of elas- If we can gct across this sense of the public
nature of evidence or, to put it another way, the fair test and the validity of any resulting data, or
idea of evidence for an audience, then pupils are between the accuracy of a set of readings and the
more likely to understand the notion of data as reliability of the data, are taken into account in
evidence. We shall return to the notion of audience generating 'believable' data.
in Chapter 6 when we consider strategies for intro- We can see, therefore, that the descriptive
ducing these ideas in the classroom or laboratory. model which has been so influential in structuring
We have introduced these ideas here because the and assessing the conceptual component of the sci-
significance of evidence (and of concepts of evi- ence curriculum can also be applied in a similar
dence) in science underlies our views of procedural way to the procedural component. The import-
understanding. to which we shall now return. ance of this is not in some arbitrary mirroring of
an existing structure or imposing a needless level
of complexity on an already complex enough situ-
procedural taxmlomy ation. Rather, it is to do with recognising that
there is a content to the procedural side of
We have developed a taxonomy for procedural which can be described and which must be rcL,.,.-
understanding which is shown below using skills nised and planned for in curriculum design and
and concepts of evidence: assessment.
If we reconsider the principal learning outcome
of the main categories of practical work which we
Procedural taxonomy put forward earlier in the light of these two tax-
onomies, we can see that observation practicals
a Knowledge and recall or skills are mainly about the application and synthesis of
Understanding of concepts of evidence conceptual understanding. Illustrative practicals
Application of concepts of evidence (in unfamiliar usually concern the understanding of substantive
situations) concepts. Investigations, however, provide the
Synthesis of skills and concepts of evidence (in opportunity for pupils to synthesise conceptual
problem-solving) and procedural understanding.
An alternative perspective of the relationship
between concepts of evidence and the science cur-
Some examples may help to show how the tax- riculum that deserves mention is the psychological
onomy might be applied. As with the conceptual perspective, which is exemplified by the thinking
version discussed earlier, we are suggestinu here skills movement.
that a curriculum should contain something of the
knowledge and recall of skills, such as the use of a
thermometer. It should also encompass the under- The thinking skills approach and CASE
standing of concepts of evidence, as in the
understanding of the role of the fair test within a There is a growing movement towards the teaching
familiar context, or the range and number of read- of 'higher-order' thinking skills in the UK (Young,
ings required in measurements of temperature. The 1993) and a recognition that such teaching has a
concepts must also be applied to novel situations valuable contribution to make to the curriculum
(transferred). The ability to apply the notion of the (see, for example, Coles and Robinson, 1989).
fair test should be available in a whole range of cir- 'Higher order here' refers to the thinking which is
cumstances: in all experimental work of whatever not tied to specific subjects and includes, for ex-
type, or in criticism of other people's experimental ample, the ability to sort out common features or
accounts. Finally, we have the ability to synthesise patterns in a series of pictures or texts or to gener-
skills and concepts of evidence into the solution to alise from them. It also includes the ability to
a problem where, for instance, the links between a evaluate conflicting evidence. There are several
courses, all of which are based on the notion of flex- foremost a psychologist and epistemologist. His
ible and articulate thinking. Children are encouraged developmental model and his experiments were
to think about their own thinking (ntetacognition) intended to be diagnostic tools for classifying chil-
and to reflect and share their learning experiences. dren's thinking processes and were not intended to
The teacher is seen as a mediator and facilitator. be transferred directly to the classroom.
These courses stem from a psychological per- Piaget's developmental model is based on the
spective and are based largely on the work of Piaget idea that the child's thinking progresses through a
and Vygotsky. Many are not specifically science- number of stages (Fig. 2.4), each of which follows
based. The Somerset Thinking Skills course (Blagg on from the successful acquisition of the previous
et al.. 1988), for instance, is usually set within stage. There are three fundamental stages the
English or Personal and Social Education (PSE) sensori-motor stage (approximately the first 18
lessons. It uses visual activities and focuses on cat- months of life), the concrete operational stage (up
egories of thinking which include recognising to about 12 years) and the formal operational
patterns, dealing in probabilities, drawing analo- stage (12-15 years) the last two being most rele-
gies. evaluation, analysis and synthesis. Another vant to primary and secondary education. Each of'
course. Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment these stages has sub-periods and sub-stages. The
programme. is based on Vygotsky's theory that concrete operational stage, for instance, has two
every human being has the potential to become an sub-periods: the pre-operational sub-period (18
effective learner. The teacher by mediation can pro- months to about 7 years) and the concrete opera-
mote the child's cognitive development. tional sub-period (approximately 7 to 12 years).
The Cognitive Acceleration through Science The kind of thinking which characterises each of
Education (CASE: Adey et al.. 1989) intervention these stages and more importantly the limitations
is, however, set within science lessons, and like the of the thinking and reasoning at each stage,
Somerset course, emphasises the importance of applies to the handling of all sorts of concepts
transfer and of metacognition. The CASE project right across the curriculum. The child's progress
is based on the argument that the science curricu- from one stage to another occurs through a
lum makes high cognitive demands on average process of equilibration an interaction of cogni-
secondar school pupils which are not adequately tive growth and environmental input.
dealt with in 'normal' teaching. This 'mismatch' is
addressed by an intervention which is aimed at
improving or accelerating the child's reasoning
Stage I: Sensori-motor stage (birth-18
processes. These same reasoning processes are par-
ticularly relevant in practical science. The theory
behind the method stems from Piagetian psycho-
logy, which is outlined briefly below.
Stage II: Concrete operational stage
t ()
Piaget's evidence on formal reasoning came Annett, 1959). More fundamentally, the relation-
largely from fifteen experiments which were ship of Piaget's theory to education has been the
undertaken by children between the ages of 4 and subject of much criticism (see Brown and
16. Each of these experiments consisted of a prob- Desforges, 1977; Rowell, 1984). His theory has
lem-solving task not unlike investigations, during been interpreted in a variety of ways, most of
which the subject was encouraged to experiment which have caused controversy. Rowell (1984) car-
so that he or she could then explain certain phe- ries out a thorough and comprehensive review of
nomena to the observer. These tasks were used to the arguments for and against the import of psy-
explore the kind of thinking that the children were chological theory in education and points out some
using to tackle the problem. The fourth of Piaget's of the assumptions which underpin Piaget's theory.
experiments - 'the oscillation of a pendulum' We shall not enter the debate, but in passing draw
will serve to illustrate Piaget's theory and the rele- the reader's attention to the fact that the basis of
vance of this model both for the CASE project the CASE project is not uncontroversial. We
and for the framework we are developing. should note, however, that Piaget used the tasks as
In the pendulum experiment, the children were indicators of levels of thinking, as assessment tools,
given string which could be shortened or length- and as such they are not necessarily central to the
ened and a set of varying weights and asked to find issue any appropriate tasks would do.
out what factor(s) affect the oscillation of the pen-
dulum. The pre-operational child's thinking is The CASE project
characteristically egocentric, in that she regards the
world from her own point of view, unaware that The CASE project (Adey, 1988. 1992; Adey and
there are other points of view or that she is limited Shayer. 1990) used Piaget's theory to develop an
by her own. For instance, the pre-operational child intervention strategy in the early years of secondary
will confirm her own theory regardless of the evi- school which is designed to accelerate the develop-
dence and will often go on to contradict her own ment of formal operational thinking. The
previous theories. In the case of the pendulum, she intervention strategy focuses very specifically on
will be unable to isolate a particular variable such activities designed to promote types of reasoning
as weight. The concrete operational child will, which are characteristic of the formal operational
however, be able to order length, weight. etc.. and stage (Table 2.3). The CASE project uses a series of
be able to make objective judgements. but will science activities, some of which are investigative in
have difficulty isolating one variable in a multivari- nature, allowing pupils an opportunity to 'test ten-
ate situation she may. for instance, alter string tative theories against reality' because 'It is only by
length and weight simultaneously. A child at this interaction with reality that a learner can test his/her
stage. then, has difficulty with the idea of controls models of the nature of reality' (Adey. 1992).
The intervention consists of thirty activities conclusions drawn, and in this sense the activities
which are designed to be used alongside the are closed. A series of written fair test problems is
'normal' science curriculum at the rate of about provided as a follow-up to the practical.
one a fortnight over a two-year period. The first We can compare this activity with a typical
activities focus on the relevant vocabulary (vari- investigation (Fig. 2.5). The similarities are clear.
ables. etc.). Then each of the reasoning patterns Each task is concerned with the identification of
which is thought to underlie formal operational the effects of more than one independent variable
thinking is taken in turn and a lesson built around (material, length and width of the tubes: length
it. The underlying premise is that science requires and width of the beams). However, in the investi-
higher levels of cognitive thinking (see. for gation, the problem is defined but the method is
instance, the early work by Shayer (1972. 1974) on only limited in so far as the equipment is provided.
the Nut Yield 0 level syllabus). So if Piagetian tasks The pupils can then decide how to use the equip-
can be used in reverse, so to speak, to accelerate ment. what measurements to take, how many
cognitive development, then pupils will be better measurements to take and so on. so that .the
able to cope with science. Again the emphasis is method and means of arriving at a solution are
not on the particular tasks so much as on the type open. We shall return to the difference between
of task that articulates with the pupil's developing the CASE activities and investigations later in the
logical structures. next section.
Activity 3. for ..:xample. which follows two
activities designed to introduce the idea of vari-
ables, is built around the idea of the fair test. A decorating
Children are given a variety of lengths and widths problem
of tubing in different materials and asked to inves- Sally and Sam watched Mum and Dad decorating.
tigate- the effects of the variables (length and To reach a high place, Dad put a plank of wood between
width) on the note produced when the tubes are two chairs.
blown across. The children arc instructed to try
the tubes in pairs and asked whether particular
pairs of tubes provide fair tests. The method is
prescribed, although the control of variables is not Mum said. 'The plank will bend too much. You're too heavy.'
specifically stated. The pupils are given work- Sally said, 'If you use a different plank, it won't bend
sheets. which by providing a table with the as much.'
Sam said, 'If you use a wider plank, it won't bend as much.'
variables as headings, direct the pupils towards
repeating their readings and the method of record-
ing and presenting their results. Pupils are then Who was right?
asked specific questions such as:
1-F-I-nd out whether the amount the wood bends
Wkit is the effect of hwgrh?
depends on
Which experiments tell ou this? (a) the type of material which is used, or
What is the effect of materia? (b) the width of the material, or
Which experiments tell you this? .(c) both of these
(Ade al. 1989 )
In this way, they arc directed towards making Write a clear report saying what you did and what
a generalisation or conclusion. The worksheet you found out. Don't forget to show your results.
provided therefore quite tightly controls the
activity in terms of the method, the questions to Fig. 2.5 Example of an imestigation (from Foulds ei al..
be answered, the format of the results and the 19921
As well as the individual activities, there are each school's end of year science tests. Two and
three essential features in the teaching of CASE three years after thc interventIon, however, the
which we shall consider in turn: cognitive conflict, experimental group performed significantly better
metacognition and bridging. at GCSE in science as well as in mathematics and
English. These early results are encouraging and
have the potential to have a profound influence on
Cognitive conflict education. There is. however, a need for large-
Cognitive conflict refers to the situation in which a scale replication, particularly since the size of the
pupil is confronted by results which do not tit his 1987 sample was limited. The subsequent analysis,
or her existing expectations. The conflict means while not denying the potential importance of the
that the pupil may be forced to 'equilibrate' or approach. has come in for some criticism (Preece.
reconstruct his or her thinking in order to accom- 1993). There is clearly a need for further empirical
modate the ncw evidence. Since conflict stimulates work on the effects of the CASE approach.
cognitive development, pupils are encouraged to
acknowledge and consider conflict when it occurs.
It is of course possible to avoid cognitive conflict Concepts of evidence and CASE
by ignoring the results or by accommodating con-
flicting evidence. What is the relationship between the psychological
perspective of the CASE intervention and the tax-
onomic approach put forward in the first half of
this chapter? Clearly. the CASE intervention has a
Metacognition here refers to the process whereby much wider goal in that it aims to improve think-
the teacher encourages pupils to reflect on their ing skills in general which will be applicable in
own thinking processes. For instance, the class other subject areas. Our taxononlic approach is
might discuss what aspects of an activity they targeted much more specifically on science.
found difficult and why. There are, however, similarities between the
focus of some of the CASE activities and some con-
Bridging cepts of evidence such as variables and probability.
There are also areas which are not covered by the
Bridging, the third feature of CASE teaching. is CASE approach and vice versa. The three essential
usually in the last part of the lesson when the features of CASE teaching (namely, cognitive con-
teacher draws the pupils' attention to the use of flict. bridging and metacognition), however, have
the relevant reasoning pattern in completely dif- much in common with well-taught investigative
ferent contexts, in science or elsewhere. Clearly, work, as we shall see in Chapters 6 and 7.
this feature is designed to promote transfer; that We have already noted that the CASE activities
is, the transfer of learning from one situation to tend to be relatively closely controlled, whereas
another, which we defined as application in an investigative tasks, which allow children the
earlier section. opportunity to apply and synthesise conceptual
The CASE intervention strategy was first tried and procedural understanding. are 'open' in the
from 1984 to 1987 with pupils in years 7 and 8. sense of. for instance, allowing children to choose
Cognitive development was measured using the their own methods. The more fundamental differ-
Piagetian Science Reasoning Test both before and
ences between these two approaches are:
after thc intervention. The results suggested that
immediately after the intervention, the experimen- 1 The CASE approach comes at the problem via
tal group of pupils showed significantly better an assumption that the intervention will accel-
levels of cognitive development than the control erate cognitive development so that the pupil
group, but no better performance in science in will be better equipped to do all of science as
well as other subjects. The taxonomic approach have discussed, it has been used here to help us
assumes that concepts of evidence are 'things unravel some of the complexities of 'doing' sci-
that can be taught' as part q. science, which will ence. It has also enabled us to demonstrate that
increase individuals' capacity to cope with the levels of cognitive ability commonly used in
problems simply because they know more relation to the conceptual component of science
about how to set about it as well as the ability can be applied in a similar way to the procedural
to evaluate other people's evidence. Ultimately. component. We have introduced the idea of con-
the approach aims to improve procedural cepts of evidence which will be used to structure
understanding. the discussion of the data in forthcomine chapters.
Following the CASE intervention, pupils are We hope that we have persuaded the reader that
expected to return to the teacher's 'normal' procedural understanding is more than a matter of
scheme of work, which may not include any recalling and using skills and procedures. but
further tasks which focus on concepts of evi- rather that it is a set of understandinQs which are
dence. The taxonomic approach suggest.; that important in their own right. This understanding
concepts of evidence be gradually taught and is important not only in practical science but also
developed through progressively more difficult as a means of effectively examining evidence from
tasks and then regularly practised and rein- other sources.
forced within investigations as part of the The CASE intervention which adopts a psycho-
teacher's scheme of work. logical perspectiw has been considered as an
3 The CASE approach focuses on individual con- alternative way' of teaching concepts of evidence.
cepts of evidence. whereas the taxonomic While both approaches teach concepts of evi-
approach to procedural understanding aims to dence. one of the key differences is that the
improve the understanding. application and syn- psychological approach of' the CASE intervention
thesis of similar concepts by enabling pupils to is aimed at increasing the scientific reasoning abil-
carry out whole investigations and put their ity throuith a series of tasks which then. in
understanding into practice. Investigations. principle at least. become redundant. The taxo-
therefore, allow opportunities for pupils to nomic approach to procedural understanding, on
demonstrate the highest level of cognitive ability. the other hand, aims at promoting the application
and synthesis of concepts of evidence which are
We would argue that defining the science cur- seen as a `content' of the curriculum in their own
riculum to include concepts of evidence is likely to right. Investigations provide the opportunity for
be the more productive way of looking at the pupils to put such ability into practice. In the next
issue: its inclusion in the list of things to be taught chapter. we shall look more closely at the defini-
and learnt would ensure its presence in the class- tion of investigations.
room so that procedural understanding is taught
in its own right.
Adey, P.S.. Shayer, M. and Yates, C. (1989). Thinking Foulds, K., Gott. R. and Feasey. R. (1992). 'Investigative
Science: The Materials of the CASE Project. Work in Science'. Unpublished research report.
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Science: The Materials of the CASE Project a task-based approach? In: Practical Science (B.E.
Teacher's Pack. London, Macmillan. Woolnough, ed.). Buckingham, Open University Press.
Annett, M. (1959). The classification of four common Inhelder, B. and Piaget, J. (1958). The Growth of Logical
class concepts by children and adults. British Journal Thinking from Childhood to Adolescence: An Essay on
of Educational Psychology, 29: 223-35. the Construction of Formal Operational Structures.
Blagg, N.R.. Ballinger. M.P.. Gardner, R.J., Petty, M. London. Routledge and Kegan Paul.
and Williams. G. (1988). The Somerset Thinking Kempa, R. (1986). Assessment in Science. Cambridge
Skills Course: Foundations lOr Problem-solving. Science Education Series. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press.
Oxford, Blackwell.
Preece. P.F.W. (1993). Comment: Cogniti% accelera-
Bloom. B.S.. Engelhart. M.D.. Furst, E.J., Hill, W.H. and
tion and science achievement. Journal of Research in
Krathwohl, D.R. (1956). Ta.vonomy of Educational
Science Teaching. 30(8): 1005-6.
Objectives: The Cognitive Domain. New York,
Rowell, J.A. (1984). Many paths to knowledge:
Longmans. Green. Piaget and science education. Studies in Science
Brown, G. and Desforges, C. (1977). Piagetian psycho- Education. II: 1-25.
logy and education: Time for revision. British Shayer. M. (1972). Conceptual demands in Nuffield 0
Journal of Educational Psychology. 47: 7-17. level physics. School Science Review, 186(54): 26-34.
Coles. M.J. and Robinson, W.D. (1989). Teaching Shayer, M. (1974). Conceptual demands in the Nuffield
Thinking: A Survey of Programmes in Education. 0 level biology course. School Science Review,
Bristol. Classical Press. 56(195): 381-8.
Dodwell, P.C. (1961). Children's understanding of number Williams, R.G. and Haladyna. T.M. (1982). Logical
concepts: Characteristics of an individual and a group operations for generating intended questions
test. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 15: 29-36. (LOGIQ): A typology for higher level test items. In:
Duggan, S. and Gott, R. (in press). The place of investi- .4 Technology.for Test-item Writing (G.H. Roid and
gations in practical work in the UK National T.M. Haladyna. eds). London, Academic Press.
Curriculum foi Science. International Journal of Young, S. (1993). Notching the brain cells up a gear.
Science Educotion. Times Educational Supplement, 12 February.
In the last chapter, we developed a framework mation. Watts and Gilbert call these PSI tasks.
for practical science wit hin which we located the PSI tasks were particularly prevalent in the 1970s
role of investigations. But what qualifies as an and mid-1980s. Second, there are the wide variety
investigation, and are there different types of of 'ill-defined' problem-solving tasks which
investigations? Lack of clarity of definition has emerged in the late 1980s, called PS2 tasks. By ill-
bedevilled (and still does bedevil) education in defined they mean here tasks 'where only outline
general, and science education in particular. In relevant information and materials are supplied'
this chapter, we shall consider some major (Watts and Gilbert, 1989). Watts and Gilbert sug-
research projects which have concerned them-. gest that PS2 tasks have grown out of the search
selves with investigations and which have for a means of making science relevant and of
developed ways of classifying different types of allowing pupils to apply scientific principles. These
investigations. tasks can be either written or practical but have a
strong emphasis on skills and methods and include
puzzles, design-and-make activities, and extended
Problem-solving and investigations project work. Investigations can be seen as one
type of problem-solving, in science, whose defini-
There has been some confusion about the tion we shall now consider.
relationship between problem-solving and investi-
gations which we shall consider here briefly.
Problem-solving is a general term which has been The Assessment of Performance Unit
applied to many subject areas. In maths and sci-
ence, for instance, it has frequently been applied The Assessment of Performance Unit (APU) was
to cognitive, written problems. Its place in science set up by the Department of Education and
education has been reviewed by Garrett (1986), Science (DES) following political debates in the
who ends his paper: 'As Sham (1976) has pointed 1970s which expressed concern about standards
out, the whole field of endeavour in problent- in education. Its brief was wide-ranging and con-
solving is particularly vast and largely disorgan- siderable funds were made available for an
ised and this has been shown to be true even in innovative approach to assessment. The intention
the limited arca of science education.' was that a number of subjects, including maths,
Watts and Gilbert (1989) have attempted to science and English, would be assessed using a
classify problem-solving in science into two kinds 'light sampling' process. The light sampling
of tasks: first, the paper and pencil tasks which are process allows tests to be created which are much
well defined and have little or no redundant infor- longer than could be taken by any individual
pupils. These extended tests, in which several was perceived and justified as the embodiment of
papers were produced and given to different, but an important aim of science teaching which
parallel, samples of pupils, the results then being encompasses more than the separate elements rep-
aggregated, provided the opportunity for a wide- resented in the other Categories, all of which are
ranging review of what constituted science in involved in it' (APU, 1989).
schools at that time. Hence, although no pupil was The types of task defined as investigations by
tested for more than an hour, the composite the APU (1987) and an example of each are shown
results were equivalent to a test lasting as long as in Table 3.1. In practice, the constraints of the
19 hours. Pupils in both primary and secondary national assessment (e.g. time and cost of equip-
schools in England and Wales at the ages of 11, 13 ment) limited the number of types of tasks that
and 15 were sampled. The assessment was based could be used. The last thrce types in Table 3.1
on a framework comprising six science activity were developed and trialled, but not used in large-
categories (SACs). It should be noted that the scale surveys. The initial aim was to select
APU used the term science 'activity' rather than investigations within these two types which did
'process'. which suggests mental process. Their not rely heavily on concepts. In that way, it was
work focused, it claimed, on the assessment of the possible to assess a single facet of pupil perform-
'doing' of science rather than on cognitive ance procedural understanding. Some of the
processes. The six activity categories were: investigations used are shown in Table 3.2.
1 t!sing symbolic representation.
The first four of these investigations are of the
Using apparatus and measuring instruments.
'decide which...' type and the rest are of the 'find the
3 Observation tasks.
effect of...' type. It will be seen that the investiga-
4 Interpretation and application. tions span a wide range of 'contexts'. Context here
5 Planning of investigations.
refers to the wording in which the investigation is
6 Performing investigations. (API.% 1985)
embedded. In the main, the investigations are set in
an 'everyday' (familiar) as opposed to a 'scientific'
It is with the last category, the performance of context, and they vary in the degree to which the
investigations, that we arc concerned here. question is defined. 'Swingboard', for instance,
The APU defined an investigation as 'a task for defines the variables to be tested (i.e. length and
which the pupil cannot immediately see an answer width), while 'Flooring' is entirely open since the
or recall a routine method for finding it'. The pupil has to decide what 'suitable' means. The chil-
APU recognised that this type of practical work dren were given equipment from which to choose,
was different from other types of practical work. but other than this their choicc of method was
Hence, a report in 1989 stated that: Performing entirely open. Children were observed individually
investigations" enjoyed a unique status in that it while performing investigations. The emphasis on
Decide which... ...kind of paper towel will hold the most water.
Find the effect of... ...the water level in a container on the rate at which the water runs out of a hole
in the bottom.
Find a way to... ...adapt weighing scales that won't measure up to the baggage allowance.
Find the cause of... ...the failure of a light bulb to light a circuit.
Make a structure/machine to... ...support a brick using one newspaper and sellotape.
Table 3.2 The APU (1985) investigations
procedures was accompanied by a growing aware- Skills, concepts of evidence and the A PU problem-
ness of the importance of variables in investigations solving model
in defining their difficulty. The problem-solving model used by the APU has
A descriptive model (Fig. 3.1) was developed by been used widely in science and indeed in other
the APU teams primarily to consider those aspects subjects. The factors itemised in the model encom-
of performance which it was thought appropriate pass the skills and concepts of evidence defined in
to assess. The model provides a more detailed Chapter 2. The understanding which guides the
description of what is going on when pupils per- ongoing evaluation, the iterative loops. are. in
form investigations. This model is not supposed to terms of concepts of evidence, equivalent to the
represent the mental processes that pupils must go notions of validity and reliability. This continuous
through in order to carry out an investigation, but reflection on the design and implementation in the
rather it is a list of things that can be done, not light of the problem as set and the requirement of
necessarily in that order and not necessarily doing the data to answer it is, as we shall see later, the
all of them. The intention behind the model was to single most important factor missing in pupils'
describe an iterative approach, with the investiga- work, in all investigations and at all ages.
tor continually evaluating decisions and adjusting
as necessary. The first cycle around the loop The Open-ended work in Science (OPENS) project
might, for instance, be nothing more than a trial
run to get the 'feel' of the quantities involved. The OPENS project was a three-year research pro-
The APU data had considerable impact in ject also set up by the Department of Education
schools. While at first it was seen as a threat to and Science, to explore how open work can best
school autonomy, it was later seen to have devel- be incorporated into science curricula and how it
oped innovative techniques which worked well in can be assessed. It was divided into two phases.
the classroom as curriculum material rather than The first phase reviewed the understanding and
merely as assessment items. In particular, the practice of open work among teachers of years 7-
investigations were found to be of considerable 1 I in secondary schools (Simon and Jones, 1992)
interest to pupils in terms of enjoyment. while the second phase used this knowledge to test
We shall discuss the findings of the APU out the development of open work in schools
research in detail in the next chapter. (Jones et al., 1992). The project defined 'open
4 ,)
Problem Solution
Evaluation of
methods and
reformulation results
Reformulaticn of
a testable
question, deciding
what to measure Interpreting the
Change in
data and drawing
Recording the
Change in
Planning the data in tables and
technique graphs
Fig. 3.1 A model for problem-solving activity (Gott and Murphy. 1987)
work' as 'activities which give the initiative to stu- continuum ranging from 'closely defined' to 'not
dents for finding the solution to problems. These defined'. The last stage, arriving at a solution, can
activities place an emphasis on autonomy in be positioned on a similar continuum ranging
making decisions and on the integration of knowl- from activities where there is only one solution to
edge and skills' (Simon and Jones. 1992). those where there are many possible solutions (for
The project reviewed what teachers of years 7 example. a survey). Clearly. tasks considered to be
11 mean by open activities and found that the zTen lic to the right of the continuum in one or
term is used to refer to a wide variety of tasks more of their stages.
1)c.luding investigations, but also extending to This framework was developed to enable teach-
project work, model-making and surveys. In order ers to see how they could manipulate the degree
to classify these tasks according to their degree of of openness in tasks, which in turn depends on
openness, Simon and Jones suggest that three what they want their pupils to learn. Simon and
stages in the 'doing' of the activity need to be con- Jones point out that moving the stage of a task
sidered: defining the problem, choosing the from left to right on the continuum generally
method and arriving at a solution (Fig. 3.2). The results in moving the initiative from the teacher to
first two stages in any task can be positioned on a the pupils.
I Put 20 seeds on the windowsill and 20 seeds in a dark cupboard. Leave them for 10 days. Count how many seeds
germinate in cad- batch.
2 How does the amount of light affect the number of seeds that germinate?
3 What factors affect germination?
Plastic 30 cm 800 g 10 cm
Wood 30 cm 1900 g 10 cm
Cardboard 30 cm 400 g 10 cm
The wood is the strongest material that we used and is therefore the most reliable for standing on between 2 objects.
We found that the softer the material the farther it bent down.
The Assessment of Practical Work in Science pupils than a type 2 question. Many pupils opt to
(APWIS) define a continuous variable as categoric: tempera-
ture may' be defined in the categories hot, warm
In Chapter 2, \k'e. saw how APWIS (Gott et al.. and cold. Type 3 is likely to be more difficult than
1988) classified practical work into different types. either types 1 or 2. since it involves multivariate
but what is relevant here is that the authors also designs which many pupils find difficult. A varia-
developed the definition of investigations further tion of the multivariate design is the biological-type
by using a classification of the variables within the control experiment, where one value of the inde-
investigation. The classification aimed to describe pendent variable forms the control or standard.
and then to assess the way in which pupils inter- For example. if the investieation is to compare the
preted the nature of a variable. effect of different fertilisers on growth. then one
APWIS used the terms 'categoric'. 'discrete' plz..nt would be given none. Type 4 is more to do
and 'continuous'. A variable which is categoric is with technological problem-solving.
defined descriptively. For example, the type of
insulation such as polystyrene or fibreelass is a Imestigative work in science
cateeoric variable. A variable which is defined
numerically but which takes only inteeer values is The project which gave rise to this book set out to
defined as a discrete variable. An example would research pupils' performance on all aspects of
be the number of layers of insulation around a Science 1 (Scl) in the National Curriculum, with
heating tank. Finally:a continuous variable is one particular reference to progression in children's
which is defined numerically and which can take understandine. We shall refer to this research as
any value, such as the thickness of an insulating the 'NCC project' (Foulds et al.. 1992). since it
layer of polystyrene beads. was prepared for the National Curriculum
Later. Foulds and Gott (1988). while acknowl- Council (NCC), the research being jointly funded
edging the influence of concepts and context by the NCC and the DES.
(among other factors). developed a typology of The project was carried out between April 1990
tasks based lamely on the variable structure of the and September 1991. with the specific aims of
investigation. They used the typology to suggest (a) documenting how Sc I was being implemented.
levels of difficulty associated with procedural (b) identifying teaching methods which promote
understanding. They proposed grouping investiga- the effective integration of Scl with knowledge and
tions into four main types, each with a different understanding, and (c) identifying elements of pro-
variable structure (Table 3.4). gression in the levels of Scl. The sample consisted
From classroom experience, it was suggested of over 3500 children undertaking investigations
that a type 1 question is likely to be easier for most covering Key Stages I. 2 and 3. Of these. over 2000
1 A single categoric variable Which is the best type of insulation for a hot water tank?
2 A single continuous variable Find out how the rate at which the water cools is dependent on the
amount of water in the tank.
3 More than one independent variable Is it the type of insulation material or its thickness which is keeping the
water hot?
4 Constructional activities Make the best insulated hot water tank
Table 3.5 Types of investigation used in the NCC project and their variable structure
children were in secondary education, these how a single context can be structured in a variety
schools beim!, in five education authorities in the of ways to provide the basis for a range of complex-
north-east. Two hundred and ninety primary and ity of investigations. These types of investigations
secondary teachers from sixteen LEAs completed will be referred to frequently in discussing the data
questionnaires regarding teachers' perceptions of arising from the project in the next two chapters.
Sc 1. Fifty of these teachers were subsequently
interviewed for validation purposes.
The NCC project defined investigations, fol- A note on the limitations of focusing on the variable
lowing the APU line, as 'tasks which revolve structure of investigations
around a practical problem for which there is a
minimum of instructions'. The investigations in If we take a restricted view of investigations as
the project were selected on the basis of being being solely to do with variables and numerical
accessible to the majority of pupils. Procedural data, then large swathes of science, particularly
complexity was manipulated through the variable chemistry and those elements of science bordering
structure of the task. Tasks were classified into on technology, can become neglected. This has
four types according to the nature of the indepen- proved a problem with the National Curriculum in
dent variable(s). The structures of these task types. the UK. A broader viewpoint would consider not
with an example of each, are given in Table 3.5. simply variable-based tasks,but also other types of
It will be seen that the NCC types I and 2 are the investigative work summarised in Table 3.6.
same as the APWIS types 1 and 2, but the multi- Recalling our arguments of the last chapter,
variate designs are now divided into types 3 and 4. we can see that all of thesc types have in
Discrete variables were not included. For clarity, common the requirement, to a greater or lesser
the examples in Table 3.5 are drawn from one con- extent, that pupils synthesise skills and concepts
text, which is that of a 'fruit battery' where two of evidence in arriving at thcir solution. An
different metals inserted into a fruit produce a volt- example of a logical reasoning task will help to
age. The voltage depends on the area and type of illustrate this point: in the context of a forensic-
the metals, the distance thcy are apart and the type type detective activity with indicators or other
of fruit. This example also serves to demonstrate qualitative tests, pupils arc required to carry out
a relatiely simple task, the pH of some solution that has been done in investigative work has been
perhaps, which then forms the basis for the selec- concerned with tasks which can be defined by the
tion of another test. Hence there is a progressive variable structure we have described, the variable-
narrowing down of options for example, if the based types in Table 3.6. The reasons for this may
pH is 4 then it couldn't be x or y, but it could be be that such tasks are quantitative and are easier
p or q. To distinguish p and q, pupils would need to define in terms of assessment criteria. There is
to do a flame test and so on. This is akin to the also the fact that Piagetian theory has had an
'Find the cause of...' tasks of the APU. Here the influence on science education for many years and
synthesis of skills and concepts of evidence such Piaget's work includes experiments which are
as repeatability, reliability and validity are neces- largely variable-based.
sary to reach a solution. The omission of other kinds of investigative
work was recognised, but within the constraints of
the APU and for the purposes of APWIS and
Summary NCC, the number and structural complexity of
investigations had of necessity to be limited. The
The projects described in this chapter have led us notion of concepts of evidence which we devel-
to formulate a definition of investigations and to oped in the last chapter was also derived from
clarify what types of problems constitute investi- variable-based tasks. ln reality, research into pro-
gations, while acknowledging that wc are only cedural understanding is in its infancy and we
focusing on one type of investigative work (vari- should regard focusing on variable-based tasks as
able-based investigations). Most of the research being no more than a start.
In the preceding chapter, we considered what kinds the difficulty of the substantive concepts
of practical work can be classified as investigations involved (1 in Fig. 4.1);
and, within that definition, how investigations the context within which the investigation is set
might be further categorised into different types (4);
according to their structure. the procedural complexity of the investigation
In this chapter, we shall consider the main (2), in terms of its variable structure.
factors that are likely to influence overall per-
formance. Chapter 5, will then take a detailed look The NCC project was designed to explore these
at how children perform investigations and how same factors, together with two others: the 'open-
they deploy their procedural understanding. This ness' of the question and the age of the pupils. The
will enable us to find out which parts of an investi- research started from the hypothesis that, of these
gation most children do reasonably well and at five factors, the major factors influencing per-
which points they experience difficulty. Clearly, formance would be:
both aspects of research on children's performance
have implications for teaching, progression and the
the substantive concepts which underpinned the
issue of assessment, which we shall consider in sub-
task and the level of difficulty of the concepts
sequent chapters.
within that subject area (I in Fig. 4.1);
the procedural complexity as defined by the
task types 1-4 defined in Table 3.5 in the last
Factors affecting performance chapter (2);
the age of the pupils (3).
What makes one investigation more difficult than
another at a more general level? In this chapter,
we shall try to answer this complex question with The secondary factors considered were:
reference to existing research findings. Some of the
possible factors that may influence the perform- context (4); and
ance of children doing investigations are shown in openness (5).
Fig. 4.1
The An, research pointed to three of these key The brief for the project was to investigate the
factors which influence the level of difficulty in relative effect, in so far as that is possible, of these
any investigation: various factors with a view to outlining the major
1 Concept 2 Procedural
area complexity 3 Age
7 Teachers'
-4 4 Context
factors to be considered when building progres- The NCC sample, design, methodology and analysis
sion into the design of a curriculum and its Sample
assessment. The brief predetermines the research
&sign to the extent that large samples are neces- The breakdown of the sample into the numbers of
sary, both of pupils and tasks, if any sort of children performing each type of investigation is
generalisable statement is to be made. Before con- shown in Table 4.1. In all, twenty-three different
sidering the research evidence about procedural investigations were used. The data which were col-
understarkling, we shall need to outline the sample lected for type 4 investigations are restricted to
and methodology of the NCC project in broad two concept areas only and a smaller sample: gen-
terms, to give the reader some idea of the weight eralisations should therefore be treated with
which can be placed on the evidence. particular caution.
Electricity from A fruit battery, in which pupils are asked to investigate the effects of factors such as
chemical reactions separation of the electrodes, their depth and the types of fruit on voltage (see Table 3.5)
Forces the flexibility Bridges (the effects of factors such as type of material, width or length of material, or
of materials the weight on the bridge on the amount the `bridge' sags)
Dissolving Sugar (or a 'chemical') dissolving in tea or coffee (the effects of factors such as the type
of sugar or the temperature of the water on the dissolving time)
Forces and motion A model car fired from an elastic band launcher (the effects of factors such as the
amount of energy in the elastic band or how much it is stretched, on the distance travelled
or the speed)
Heat transfer Keeping drinks warm (the effect of the material of a cup on the rate of heat loss)
Energy transfer Fuels (find out which is the best fuel)
Table 4.3 An example of varying the concept difficulty in a forces and motion investigation (type 2 tasks)
Distance only Find out how the amount of stretch (of an elastic band) affects the distance travelled
(by a model car in practice, a margarine tub)
Speed and length Find out how the speed of your model depends on how much you stretch the elastic band
Speed and energy Find out how the speed of your model depends on the amount of energy stored in the
elastic band
Table 4.4 An example of varying procedural complexity within one concept area
Type I Find out whether the amount by which the bridge sags depends on the type of material used
Type 2 Find out how the length of the bridge affects how much it sags
Type 3 Find out whether the amount by which the bridge sags depends on:
th, type of the material, or
the width of the material, or
both of these things
Type 4 Find out how the sag of the bridge depends on:
the weight of the person. and
the length of the plank
Table 4.5 Varying the procedural complexity across different concept areas
Type I
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
the four different types of investigations. Table Table 4.6 Varying the context (types I and 2 only)
4.5 shows how the investigations were spread
across type and concept area. Scientific 'Everyday'
Three pairs of investigations in the concept areas
of dissolving and heat transfer were varied in that
one of the pair was set in an 'everyday' context Finally, two pairs of investigations were varied in
and the other in a 'scientific' context. Some ex- the degree of 'openness' (Table 4.7). Openness here
amples are shown in Table 4.6. refers to the way in which the task is presented.
( More) closed
The pupils' scripts were compared with the teach-
( More) open
ers' checklists and any suspect data in terms of
Which fuel is best? Which fuel gives out the most internal consistency discarded (approximately 5
heat? per cent). Scores which were derived from the
teachers' checklist data were validated by the
Which cup is best? Which cup would keep a drink
hot longest?
researcher against pupil scripts which had been
analysed independently. Additional data derived
from pupil scripts were added to the computer
Methodology data set.
The data were analysed using a 'task score',
Each school taking part in the NCC research was which is a summative score based or. all the indi-
asked to carry out the investigations during vidual elements of the investigation reflecting the
normal science lessons. Following a half-day pupils' overall performance. It was calculated by
training session, teachers were asked to complete simply adding up the ticks in the boxes on the
parts of an observation checklist while the pupils checklist. For the purposes of the analysis, the task
were carrying out the investigations, some ele- score was broken down into three parts: the vari-
ments of which are given in Table 4.8. able score, the data score and the interpretation
Basic equipment for each task was provided cen- score. The variable score was based on the check-
trally but schools were asked to provide other points relating to the identification of the variables
equipment, if requested by the pupils. The final data in the task. The data score also consisted of several
consisted of pupils' individual accounts of their checkpoints relating to measurement and represen-
investigation together with an observation checklist tation nf the data, while the interpretation score (a
for each group completed by the class teacher. 0-1 sco- e) was based on an overview of the whole
task and reflected whether or not the pupil was In the NCC project, the data were analysed to
able to make an appropriate interpretation and examine the effect of concept area alone by averag-
generalisation from his or her data. ing performance across all tasks within each of the
During the analysis, it became clear that the four principal concept areas in which the majority
overall task score behaved in a very similar way to of the data were collected. Figure 4.2 shows how
two of the part scores, the variable and data performance, in terms of the task and interpreta-
scores, but frequently quite differently to the inter- tion scores, varied between the four concept areas.
pretation score. The results that are presented Both the task and interpretation scores
here, therefore, will only refer to the task and revealed significant differences in performance
interpretation scores. For a more detailed discus- between the different concept areas, suggesting
sion, the reader is referred to the c riginal research that the underlying concept has a strong influence
report (Foulds et al., 1992). Suffice it to say here on performance. Of these four concept areas, one
that the scores were analysed using analysis of would expect electricity to be the most difficult
variance and that differences are significant at the but neither of the scores showed this to be true.
0.001 level unless otherwise stated. However, if we look more closely at the investiga-
The resulting data will be used extensively in tions themselves, we can distinguish between the
this and the following chapter, together with data concepts that are embedded in the investigation
from other research findings. We shall continue by and the concepts which are actually essential to
considering the findings concerning each of the performing a particular investigation successfully.
factors in Fig. 4.1 in turn. For example, the investigations concerning elec-
tricity (which are described in Table 3.5) do not
necessitate the critical application of any concept
The effect of substantive concepts
What effects do substantive concepts have on per-
formance? Both the APU and the NCC projects
suggest, not surprisingly perhaps, that substantive
concepts strongly affect performance. The APU 50
team distinguishes between 'everyday' concepts
(that is, commonly known concepts) and 'taught 40
science concepts'. Although the investigations
used in their research were those requiring little in 30
the way of taught science concepts, they still noted
their strong influence: 20
of electricity for successful performance. Children although there are different ways of proceeding
in the sample interpreted their results adequately from there on. Pupils then, presumably, identify
without reference to the underlying concept. If an that the distance the elastic band launcher is
explanation had been required, then it is likely pulled back will be related to energy, no matter
that the children would have found it more diffi- how tenuous their grip on the concept of energy
cult. Looking at the interpretation score, both might be. A similar argument applies to speed
tasks involving forces orov d to be more difficult with the exception that very few pupils indeed
to interpret than the other two concept areas actually calculated a speed, usually being content
(electricity and dissolving). We suggest a reason with the component parts of distance and time.
for the differences between the two forces and
motion tasks in the next chapter. What we might
mention here is that, rather than the concepts The effect of procedural complexity
themselves, it is the associated context the appa-
ratus and its familiarity perhaps which is the The APU found that where an investigation
more significant factor. involves one independent and one dependent
variable, most pupils werr able to design the
investigation successfully. However, when two
The effect of the level of difficulty of the concept
independent variables are involved, as in the
The example in Table 4.9 shows that as the diffi- woodlice investigation (Table 3.2) where damp-
culty within a concept area increases, in this case ness and light are the independent variables, the
from 'distance' to 'speed and energy', so the task percentage of pupils able to handle the interac-
score decreases slightly. In contrast, the interpreta- tion fell markedly, in this particular case to 43 per
tion score rose slightly, from a low value of some cent (Archenhold et al., 1988). Of these pupils,
30 per cent. 21 per cent manipulated all four environments
This seems to make no sense at all. Energy and together, while 22 per cent set up one combina-
speed are clearly more difficult ideas than simply tion at a time. In some cases, four separate little
measuring how far the car travelled. So why environments were created, separated by a con-
should there be so little difference, a difference siderable distance equivalent to many 'woodlice
which barely reaches statistical significance? What lengths'. A number of woodlice would then be
the data point to is that the effects of concepts on placed in the middle of the four environments
performance are by no means as straightforward and expected to decide from afar, without being
as perhaps might be imagined. One part of the allowed time to wander from one to the other,
explanation may lie in the constraints of the task where they would like to go. When the four en-
itself. Given the apparatus available, there are vironments were tested cne at a time, the pupils
very few alternative sets of variables to measure, were forced to rely on some independent measure
of woodlice contentment for example, one pupil
decided that happiness in woodlice was indicated
when 'they lay on their backs and wriggled'.
Table 43 Task scores for increasing conceptual
In this case, the problem of two independent
difficulty in the forces and motion investigations
variables was compounded by problems of decid-
The concept( s ) underlying Thsk score ing how to measure 'happiness' as well as notions
the variables (%) of animal variation. In the swingboard investiga-
tion (Gott and Murphy, 1987) where there was no
Distance 68 such complication, of the pupils who were asked
Speed and length 66
to investigate the effect of length and width on the
rate of the swing, 44 per cent still failed to test ade-
Speed and energy 62
quately both independent variables.
We saw in the last chapter how the NCC pro- instance, then this will reduce his or her overall
ject divided procedural complexity into four types score somewhat. But since the majority of the
of investigations (see Table 3.5) in terms of the individual elements are to do with the carrying
number and type of independent variables out of the investigation and recording the data,
involved. When the data are analysed by investi- which still apply even if the task has been
gation type disregarding age, concept area and wrongly defined, then the fall in the overall score
context, the pattern that emerges is different for is small. The task score, then, represents the abil-
the task scores and interpretation scores (Fig. 4.3). ity of pupils to perform elements of the task
If we consider the task scores first, there are successfully. The interpretation score, on the
two underlying trends. First, there is the failure of other hand, relies more on the ability to synthe-
some pupils to identify independent variables as sise the key elements of the task and to present
continuous, which makes type 2 and type 4 inves- findings which relate to the original task as set,
tigations appear to be more difficult than types 1 rather than as subsequently defined by the pupil.
and 3. Superimposed on this pattern is a gradual We will return to this issue in the context of
deterioration in performance, as measured by the assessment in a later chapter.
task score, with task type. This deterioration can
be attributed to a more general factor, the overall
complexity of the task, represented by the num- The effect of age
bers of independent variables involved.
Turning to the interpretation score, the pattern At the time of the APU survey, overall pupil per-
here shows a gradual decline in percentage score formance on investigations between ages 13 and
with task type. The difference in the behaviour of 15 was not noticeably different. Among the differ-
these two scores can be explained by considering ences that were observed was a greater tendency
what the two scores represent. The task score is a among 13-year-olds to control all possible control
summation of a disparate set of actions. If a variables whether or not they were relevant. More
pupil makes an error of task definition, for 15-year-olds used tables to record their data and
they also tended to revise the design of their inves-
tigation more often than the younger pupils. In
the 'survival' investigation (Which fabric would
keep you warmer?), more 15-year-olds (56 per
cent) than 13-year-olds (44 per cent) measured
both the initial and the final temperatures,
but this sort of improvement was attributed to
40 increased conceptual understanding rather than
investigatory skill (Archenhold et W., 1988). In
30 the longitudinal study, where the same pupils
were tested at ages 12 and 14, there was evidence
20 of progression (Strang et al., 1991), although only
two investigations were observed.
10 The NCC project also found that there was pro-
gression in the performance of investigations with
age (years 7, 8 and 9) in terms of both the task and
2 3 4
interpretation scores (Fig. 4.4). The changes in the
Investigation type
overall task score were relatively small, certainly
111 Task score Ei Interpretation score less than the effect of different concept areas. The
change in the ability to interpret and generalise
Fig. 4.3 Scores by investigation type from the data was more marked, however.
Table 4.11 Open versus closed tasks. Note that the increases (whether it is due to more or more com-
differences between task scores are not significant plex variables, or more difficult or unfamiliar
concepts and contexts, or having to grapple with
More open More closed defining a more open task), so does the ability
needed to hold it all together. These factors do not
Task score 61 65
affect the task score so much because, even if a
Interpretation score 44 79 pupil has lost the thread, he or she can still go on
and do something, even if that something has lost
its direction. The message for teaching is that we
of the task score from that for the more directed, must place greater emphasis on this ability to keep
closed tasks. It is encouraging to note that all of the whole task in view.
the children who were presented with an open task
The data further suggest that relatively closed
chose appropriate variables in defining the task. type I tasks, set in concept areas where the ideas
Another facet of the more open tasks was that a revolve.around familiar ideas such as length and,
number of children attempted multiple tests on furthermore, in scientific contexts, are likely to be a
several different dependent variables, in an
good starting point for curriculum planning. From
attempt to form some overview of suitable proper-
there on, progression in the type of tasks presented
ties. This approach may be modelled on reality to pupils will need to be tightly monitored to
since, for example, the consumer would want to ensure that too many factors are not changed too
know about more than one property to decide quickly, so halting pupils' development.
which was the 'best' fuel.
If we analyse the same data using multiple
However, Table 4.11 shows that the interpreta-
linear regression, then we find that concept area,
tion scores of the open and closed tasks were
age and procedural complexity explain only about
significantly different. Pupils were better at inter-
preting the data and producing an appropriate 10 per cent of the variation. Other factors such as
genet alisation (which as we have argued earlier. motivation or pupil expectations will have a major
represents their ability to synthesise various ele- influence. On the other hand, given that the pupils
ments) in closed tasks than in open ones. In open or schools were not matched in any way and that
tasks, they tended to regress to qualitative com- investigations are a very complex activity, it is not
parisons. as indeed they did in the case of surprising that there is a lot of 'noise' (or random
everyday versus scientific contexts. effects that mask trends) in the data. But it is still
true that the effect of the underlying concept is a
very significant one. on both scores, and this find-
The relative significance of these factors ing has considerable implications when making
decisions about the concept demands of tasks
The important issue here is not that concepts, con- intended for the assessment of procedural under-
text or task complexity influence performance of standing and the number of different concept
course they do. The issue in planning curricula and. areas that must be covered, if we are to get a reli-
particularly, assessment, is how great are these able and valid 'handle' on pupil ability.
effects one relative to another? Examining the data
in the barcharts in some detail, we can suggest ten-
tatively that procedural complexity and the concept Motivation, expectations and perceptions
area have a major effect on both the task and inter-
pretation scores. But openness and age also have a The first and most important point to note is that
significant influence on the interpretation score. pupils do remarkably well in investigations. They
We have argued that the interpretation score very rarely fail to carry out the task in some way.
better represents the ability to synthesise all the It is this very success, we suggest. that is respons-
elements of the task. As the complexity of the task ible for the 'high motivation among pupils doing
investigations, that was reported by many schools pletion of the task with being busy 'doing' or writ-
engaged in the NCC research. Watts (1991) has ing copiously rather than reflecting and thinking
also commented on the sense of empowerment about the nature and purpose of the task.
and ownership that this kind of problem-solving Performance may also be affected if pupils believe
generates. that they know 'the right answer' and see this as a
In 1981, the APU team (Harlen et al., 1981) way of obtaining good marks. They may. then
asked their assessors to rate the motivation of write a convincing report based on previous ideas
11-year-old pupils as they undertook investiga- ignoring their own data, whether or not the data
tions. The results across six investigations are agree with their prediction of what the right
shown in Table 4.12. Apparently, even under answer should be and regardless of the teacher's
assessment conditions and at a time when most guidance. Again we have recently seen evidence in
pupils had had no experience of investigative the UK that some pupils are purposely gearing
work, almost half the pupils found investigations their work to achieve particular assessment goals.
to be both interesting and enjoyable. When an A pupil's perception of his or her own ability to
assessor was asked whether pupils cooperated learn in science practicals is also likely to influence
and were interested in the investigations, the performance. If he or she has experienced failure
reply was: 'Without exception. Once embarked in the past, then subsequent practicals are likely to
upon tasks they became really involved and most be approached negatively, expecting to fail again.
were determined to solve the problem no matter Such children will avoid any challenge and tend to
how long it took' (Archenhold et al., 1988). The give up easily. This motivational style is known as
degree to which pupils feel in control of their own 'learned helplessness'. At the other extreme are
learning is a significant factor here, but one in children who perceive difficult tasks as challenging
which there has been little research, particularly rather than threatening.
in practical science. Perhaps the most important point here, and one
Simon and Jones (1992) discuss several factors easily overlooked in the search for complex reasons
that can affect pupil motivation and so influence for high motivation, is that we are all motivated by
performance. These factors include 'learning success. No matter what it is we are asked to do, if
expectations'. that is, what the pupil expects to we succeed, and continue to do so especially when
learn in a science practical. For instance, if the the going gets tough, then we tend to persist. If the
emphasis in previous practicals has always been opposite is the case, then confidence plummets.
on facts and concepts, pupils may miss the point There is nothing motivating about being told that
of a practical which is designed to improve proce- something you cannot do would be good for you if
dural understanding and may even consider it to you could do it. Investigations, because of their very
be a pointless exercise and therefore nct perform openness, allow all pupils to feel that they are suc-
well. 'Expectation of completion of the task' refers cessful to some degree, as indeed they are. So in the
to what the pupil thinks the teacher wants. For midst of our search for progression, let us not
instance, he or she may associate satisfactory corn- forget that making things too hard, too soon, is in
no one's interest.
Table 4.12 Motivation (Har len et al.. 1981)
Finally, the peer interaction that occurs in
group work influences performance. Collaborauvc
Category Percentage of pupils skills can enhance learning, providing support for
the less confident pupils. Occasionally, of course,
Evidence of real interest 47 group work can 'go wrong' and it is here that the
Willing but no great enthusiasm 48 role of the teacher is again crucial. While we
recognise the importance of all these factors, in the
Uninterested 4
main they are outside the control of the teacher.
Table 4.13 Teachers' perceptions of the aims of Table 4.14 Teachers' perceptions of the purpose of
practical work investigative work
Concept illustration/consolidation 23 29 39
Skills or processes 19 29 29
Skills I () 11 Observation 3 2 1
Table 4.15 Types of activity used by teachers as found that in secondary schools investigative work
'investigations' was being blocked at a low level: 'In much of the
work pupils were given insufficient opportunity to
Type of activity Year I Year 3 Year 7 develop higher skills of hypothesising, designing
(%) (%) r!-;,
investigations or interpreting evidence. Pupil
Skills development 1 1 8
achievement in ATI was thus being blocked at
(measuring, manipulating) level 4 in many schools' (HMI, 1992). The third
and most recent report (during 1991-2) found the
Design and build 11 11
situation relatively unchanged in middle and sec-
Illustrative experiment 1 1 7
ondary schools:
Guided investigation':
Investigative work had increased and pupils were
teacher directed 3 12 19
becoming more adept in planning and carrying
Observation and recording 53 36 5 out simple investigations. However their ability to
Investigation including: free tackle more complex investigations, to hypothe-
access to apparatus, external sise. identify variables and evaluate the outcomes
reference, minimal instructions. of investigations. remained weak. As a result.
choice of recording format 1 1 15 work above level 4 in Scl continued to be rare.
For pupils of all abilities there was a lack of
challenge and under-expectation in work related
to Scl.
quence. it is probably only safe to say that the (HMI. 1993)
word investigation' was being used to describe a
It would seem, therefore, that there has been a
range of practical work. There seemed little in the
gradual increase in the proportion of investigative
way of a common philosophy as to how teachers
perceived 'investieations'. work being carried out in secondary schools but
that teaching of the more complex investigations is
infrequent. It is also apparent that opportunities
Evidence from HMI surveys for pupils to focus on the nature of evidence in
In the UK. there have been annual inspections of a investigations are few. The impression from read-
sample of primary and secondary schools which ing these reports is one of teachers engaging with
have examined science in schools since the intro- individual skills and concepts of evidence, but not
duction of the National Curriculum in 1989. The with their synthesis.
UK National Curriculum is based on an assess- The above is consonant with the NCC findings
ment system defined by ten levels within four that many teachers were confused as to the role and
attainment targets (ATs). The.attainment targets purpose of investigations. We should note, how-
are centred loosely around investigations (Scl), lifl . ever. that the questionnaire was carried out shortly
and living processes (Sc2). materials and their prop- after the formal introduction of investigations into
erties (Sc3) and physical processes (Sc4). These four the curriculum in the UK. The HMI reports sug-
attainment targets are assessed individually. Each gest that the situation may be improving.
of the ten levels is in turn defined by more precise
objectives or Statements of Attainment.
The first annual inspection during the school A note on the effect of teaching about investigations
year 1989-90 found that: 'Too much of the Year and concepts of evidence
7 work either insufficiently linked Scl to the
other Attainment Targets or was narrowly Of the schools which took part in the NCC
focused on individual Statements of Attainment' research, a small number were actively working in
(HMI, 1991). The second report (during 1990-1) the area of investigations, developing some of the
teaching ideas and schemes of work which we put correlation between performance in investiga-
forward in Chapters 6 and 7. The remainder were tions and this crude measure of ability. The
not very far along the road at all. It is of interest, school with the highest score on investigations is
then, to compare how such schools fared. Because almost at the bottom of the league table of
the investigations were spread out. with no school GCSEs, while the school at the top of the GCSE
doing all of them, it is not possible to make a league is almost at the bottom of the investiga-
direacomparison based on any one investigation. tion score. What this hints at, and it can be little
What can be done, however, is to reduce the task more than a hint, is that performance on investi-
scores (the overall pattern for interpretation scores gations does not rise and fall with overall
being very similar) to *z-scores'. This technique attainment by educational osmosis. Rather. it
turns a percentage score on a particular task into suggests that investigative ideas can be taught
one based on the mean for that task over all the and taught successfully. And, equally import-
groups which carried it out. It is now possible to antly from the point of view of motivation. pupils
compare one investigation with another, in rela- who are not likely to do very well at GCSE, are
tive terms if not absolutely. able to succeed in investigative work. Of course.
So which schools did well? The school which it could be the Hawthorne effect operating - the
was furthest ahead in its development of inves- school developing investigations may simply be
tigative work came out top of the list. Others more enthusiastic, which is transmitted to the
similarly advanced, were all near the top. But pupils. We do not know. Only more careful
what about the differences in the ability level of research planned with that question in mind will
the schools' intake? It might be that the schools tell us.
at the top of the list are the ones with the most
able pupils anyway. To test this, the best that can
be done with the data as they stand, is to refer Summary
back to league tabies of GCSE results (which are
examinations taken at the end of compulsory To recap, the research we have examined shows
school). We can use these as some sort of, admit- that:
tedly doubtful, measure of the overall ability level
of a school's catchment. Of the factors tested in the NCC project, sub-
If we aggregate investigation data for a school stantive concepts had the strongest influence on
and compare it with its GCSE sco:-es, the pattern performance. We have discussed how this influ-
in Fig. 4.5 emerges. Clearly, there is little, if any, ence is sometimes unexpected.
Progression within investigations which are
School effect
based on variables is influenced by both the
type and number of variables.
Pupil performance improves with age. The abil-
2.5 ity to interpret and generalise improves more
sip than the overall task performance which is rela-
8 1.5 tively little affected.
N 1
Pupils do less well in investigations set in
'everyday' contexts than in t:cientific contexts.
Open contexts are more difficult than closed
0 contexts.
o 20 40 60
Motivation appears to be high, although thc evi-
% pupils with 5 or more passes at GCSE
dence to support this statement is of an
Fig. 4.5 Performance and GCSE passes for individual anecdotal nature. Expectations and pupil per-
schools ceptions may have a significant influence on
performance, but there is a paucity of research Harlen, W., Black, P. and Johnson, S. (1981). Science in
in these areas. Schools: Age 11. APU Science Report for Teachers
Teachers' views of investigations at the time of No.1. London, HMSO.
the NCC study appear to have been both diverse Her Majesty's Inspectorate (1991). Science Key Stages
and confused. Although there has been a gradual I, 2 and 3: A Report by HMI on the First Year,
increase in the proportion of investigative work 1989-90. London, HMSO.
in schools, it tends to be at the lower levels. Her Majesty's Inspectorate (1992). Science Key Stages
Older pupils are not being allowed the opportu- I, 2 and 3: A Report by IIMI on the Second Year,
1990-91. London, HMSO.
nity to tackle the more complex investigations
Her Majesty's Inspectorate (1993). Science Key Stages
and their associated concepts of evidence.
I, 2 and 3: A Report by HMI on the Third Year,
The effect of focusing teaching on concepts of 1991-2. London, HMSO.
evidence is that pupils' performance improves. Johnson, S. and Murphy, P. (1986). Girls and Physics:
The data also suggest that children who per- Refleaions on APU Survey Findings. APU Occasional
form well generally in their GCSE examinations Paper No. 4. London, HMSO.
do not necessarily perform well in investiga- Russell, T., Black, P., Harlen, W., Johnson, S. and
tions and vice versa. Palacio, D. (1988). Science at Age 11: A Review of
APU Survey Findings, 1980-84. London, HMSO.
Sharp, R. and Green, A. (1975). Education and Social
References Control: A Study in Progressive Primary Education.
London, Rout ledge and Kegan Paul.
Archenhold, F., Bell, J., Donnelly, J., Johnson, S. and Simon, S.A. and Jones, A.T. (1992). Open Work in
Welford, G. (1988). Science at Age 15: A Review of Science: A Review of Existing Practice. London,
APU Survey Findings, 1980-134. London, HMSO. King's College London.
Foulds, K., Gott, R. and Feasey, R. (1992). 'Investigative Strang, J., Daniels, S. and Bell, J. (1991). Planning and
work in science'. Unpublished research report. Carrying Out Investigations. Assessment Matters No.
University of Durham. 6. London, SEAC/EMU.
Gott, R. and Murphy, P. (1987). Assessing Investigations Watts, M. (1991). The Science of Problem-solving: A
at Ages 13 and 15. APU Science Report for Teachers Practical Guide for Teachers. London, Heinemann/
No. 9. London, HMSO. Cassell Educational.
In this chapter, we shall take a detailed look at The APU found that children improved with age
how procedural and conceptual understanding from making qualitative to quantitative measure-
influence children's performance as they carry ments, from using non-standard measures to using
out an investigation. We shall start by consider- standard measuring instruments and from using
ing the skills that children need in order to do simple to more complex instruments. Most
investigations. Then we shall identify the con- progress was made in reading instruments rather
cepts of evidence that children find difficult and than using them or estimating measurements.
the extent to which the substantive concepts of Overall, the study found that reading instruments
science influence performance at various stages. was heavily dependent on the naturc of the instru-
This kind of diagnostic information will allow ment being used, although children often made
teachers to focus their teaching on specific points mistakes with minor divisions in instrument scales
of difficulty. regardless of the instrument.
An example will serve to illustrate this point. In
the APU survey (Welford et al., 1985), pupils were
Skills asked to read voltmeters and ammeters which had
been set up in a 'circus' practical. The reading of
We discussed earlier how basic skills can be seen the scales presented very considerable problems,
to underpin procedural understanding (sec Fig. problems that are probably independent of the
2.1). It is clear that children should have the skills quantity that is being measured. For the voltmeter,
necessary to carry out investigations, otherwise the scale was in single whole numbers with divi-
poor performance can simply be a reflection of the sions of 0.1 on a range of 0 to 5 V. The scale of the
lack of a particular skill (or skills). What does the ammeter read from 0 to 1 A with major divisions
research tell us about children's basic skills? of 0.2 A and minor divisions of 0.02 A. Not unex-
The APU looked at pupils' skills of measure- pectedly, reading the voltmeter was found to be
ment and in a small progression study carried out much easier: 61 per cent of 15-ycar-olds read the
between 1987 and 1989 (Archenhold et al., 1991) scale on the voltmeter accurately, whereas only 11
found, not unexpectedly, that there were notice- per cent did so for the ammeter. The emphasis in a
able trends in making and using measurements task such as this is on the skills (as we have defined
with age. Children were asked to: them in Chapter 2) of reading the instruments. But
in this particular case, the key factor is the under-
read pre-set instruments; standing or lack of it of decimals in maths.
use measuring instruments: and Lack of understanding concerning the substan-
estimate measurements. tive concepts of current and voltage was high-
lighted in another APU task where pupils were and of those who did, the majority did so using
given a circuit which was already connected and straight lines. Archenhold et al. (1991) conclude
asked to insert an ammeter and then a voltmeter that: 'It would appear that, despite some progres-
to measure current and voltage, respectively. Only sion in drawing a line of best fit, a considerable
9 per cent of 15-year-old pupils connected both propertion of pupils at both ages did not appreciate
instruments correctly. Thirty-nine per cent chose the continuity of line graphs.' There was also some
the voltmeter for measuring current and 17 per confusion between bar charts or 'stick graphs' and
cent chose the ammeter to measure voltage. line graphs, with many children drawing bar charts
Written questions also revealed that, 'for the or 'stick graphs' when they had been asked to draw
majority of pupils the units for current could a line graph. Archenhold et al. (1991) write: 'for
almost have been a random selection from "volts" many pupils at age 12, the required curricular
or "amps" (Gott, 1984). In this case, the 'skill' progress from "bar chart" to "line graph" construc-
was demonstrated: they did connect the meters. tion is likely to be a substantial "step forward.
But the understanding needed to know 'which to We see, then, that the basic skills needed to con-
connect where' was missing. struct graphs are not such a major problem,
The APU progression study also considered although there are indications here that while chil-
graphing skills by means of written tests (Figs 5.1. dren can recall the skill of constructing a graph
and 5.2). They found that the majority of pupils, by they may not understand its purpose. We must
the age of 14. had grasped the basic skills needed to note, however, that we are considering isolated
construct a line graph. although less than half were writtcn tests. We shall see in the next section how
able to draw a line of best fit. These findings suggest children use graphs in whole investigations.
that pupils had grasped the skill of graph construc- The overall pattern emerging is that, in sec-
tion but not the underlying concept of patterns. ondary schools, it is either substantive concepts in
Only 20 per cent of 12-year-olds and 71 per cent maths or science, or concepts of evidence underly-
of 14-year-olds actually connected the points of the ing the skills that are the major problem, rather
graph at all despite having plotted them accurately. than the mechanical aspects of investigative work.
0 50 100 50 100
Frequency of response Frequency of response
Fig. 5.1 Do ekipment or graph construction skill. Fig. 5.2 Do elopment or graph commtmication skills
Concepts of evidence are two points where the percentage scores fall
markedly, which in turn reflect the points at which
What does research tell us about how children pupils experience the most difficulty. The first
understand the concepts of evidence as defined in point occurs at the design stage (steps 2-3), where
Chapter 2, which lie at the heart of procedural pupils are required to identify the type and com-
understanding and which enable pupils to use plexity of the variables. Once the variables have
skills effectively? been identified, pupils are then able to carry out
We can use data from the NCC project to see the investigation with some success until the
the underlying pattern of children's understanding second steep decline in the bar chart, which is at
of concepts of evidence in terms of the different the data handling stage (steps 9-10). where pupils
stages of an investigation. The NCC project are required to represent the evidence in the form
analysed checklist data on children's performance of a bar chart or line graph. It is evident that very
using 'criterion scores'. Briefly, the scores are few pupils are able to go on to the last stage of the
cumulative in the sense that they are a measure of investigation where they are required to generalise
how far the pupil succeeded along successive and evaluate appropriately.
stages of the investigation. Type 2 investigations The distributions for the other task types follow
(a single continuous independent variable), for broadly the same pattern, except that in those
example, were divided into eleven discrete steps. tasks with categoric independent variables, the first
The first few are concerned with the identification point of decline does not occur. With this overall
of the correct variables and the design of a fair pattern in mind, we shall consider performance
test. The middle section reflects the stages in the and procedural understanding under the four main
making of the appropriate measurements, while
headings of design. measurement. data handling
the end is concerned with the presentation and
and evaluation.
interpretation of the data.
When these scores are plotted for all type 2
investigations (Fig. 5.3). it is noticeable that there Design
trolled, especially when they arc few in number.
They also found that the effect of the substantive
0 concept was particularly noticeable at the begin-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Criterion score
ning of the investigation where the problem is
defined by identifying the relevant variables. Lack
Fig. 5.3 Performance as measured h) criterion scores on of conceptual understanding caused sonie pupils
t)pc 2 investigations to go astray.
For example, in the NCC project, in an investi- Table 5.1 shows the NCC data for the percent-
gation where speed is the dependent and also a age of pupils who successfully identified the
derived variable, identifying the correct com- relevant variables for ,ach of the types of tasks. (It
ponents not unexpectedly caused problems. Pupils should be noted that these data are drawn from
tended to pick one or other of the components of individual checkpoints on the observation check-
speed and even when they did measure both, they lists rather than the criterion score.)
sometimes proceeded to use only one set of data, The data show that the vast majority of pupils
although of course, distance travelled is not a bad understood the purpose of the task in that they
surrogate for speed if the variable is being used in recognised the appropriate independent and
a qualitative sense as 'faster than'. In the following dependent variables. Where they did not, the
example, Anna's group measured only the dis- effects of 'interesting' (for some reason) bits of
tance travelled. apparatus sometimes caused distraction: In the
example opposite, Steven's group was distracted
by the presence of slotted weights in the class-
room. They decided to vary the weights in the
model, rather than the distance the elastic band
Anna's.group (Ail*
was pulled back a completely different investiga-
Does theiiieed-of_the model depend on the tion to the one they were asked to do.
amount Of energy stored in the elastic band? The overall pattern (Table 5.1) is of a progress-
ive decline in performance as the complexity of the
task increases from type 1 to type 4. A task which
is limited to one independent variable and one
How far pulled hack How far tlw butter dependent variable causes few difficulties. The
tub travelled data suggest that pupils do not have difficulty
deciding what the relevant variables are. This is
2 cm 54 cm
perhaps not unexpected given that the tasks were
4 cm 83.cm largely well defined, or closed, in terms of defining
6 cm 86 cm the problem. Nevertheless, in type 4 tasks where
8 cm 106.5 cm there are two independent variables, pupils clearly
still have sonie difficulty in their identification, the
10 cm 140 cm
complexity of the design having defeated them.
This trend is continued in the data associated with
We found out the speed of the model depends on the control of variables, where 75 per cent of
the energy stored in the elastic band. pupils controlled at least two variables in type I
tasks, 51 per cent in type 3 tasks and 23 per cent in
Table 5.1 Identifying independent, dependent and control variables for types of tasks
What to do.
Attach an elastic band between the stool legs. Pull back and let go.
15 cm 3 m 30 cm 10 g
15 cm 3 m 68 cm 20 g
15 cm 3 m 29 cm 30 g
The results show how far it went and how many centimetres and metres.
type 4 tasks. The complexity of the design in types these definitions, the percentage of pupils identify-
3 and 4 frequently seems to mean that the relevant ing both the independent and dependent variables
control variables are often ignored or overlooked. as continuous are shown in Table 5.2.
This is consistent with a general overload effect. Table 5.2 shows that a significant number failed
to identify the independent variable as continuous
Variable types when appropriate in type 2 and type 4 investiga-
tions, although they nearly all did so for the
We saw in Fig. 5.3 that the fi' it point of difficulty dependent variables. An example of this failure
children experience in type 2 investigations is in can bc illustrated by considering the task: 'Find
identifying the independent variable as continuous. out how the temperature of the water affects how
The definition of 'continuous' in the data analysis quickly ti.e sugar dissolves.' Pupils would often
centred on the use of at least three values of the choose to use 'hot' and 'cold' water, sometimes
independent variable. For the dependent variable, without measuring the temperature at all. Clearly,
the definition need only rely on evidence that this categoric interpretation of the independent
pupils had made a quantitative measurement. On variable limits the extent to which the relationship
between the independent and dependent variables pulled back the elastic band so that they were in
can be explored. control of its change and could see it 'in action' as
To examine this point more closely, the percent- a continuous variable.
age of pupils who identified the independent If we turn to the nature of the dependent vari-
variable as continuous was broken down into spe- able, however, the picture changes. Table 5.4
cific tasks so that the concept associated shows how the percentage of pupils identifying
specifically with the independent variable could be the nature of the dependent variable as continu-
identified (Table 5.3). ous is high for all the substantive concepts in the
Two issues emerge from these data. First, Table sample. Temperature is noticeably easier for
5.3 shows that distance is an 'easier' substantive pupils to define as continuous than it was as an
concept to identify as a continuous variable than independent variable, although it is still lower
temperature. This might be expected in view of the than the other quantities. The reason for this
fact that children are more familiar with the skills changed picture could be related to the intrinsic
of using rulers and tape measures and the lan- role of the dependent variable. Since the depen-
guage of length and height than they are with dent variable responds 'automatically' to the
using thermometers and degrees. Another contrib- value of the independent variable, there is no
utory pragmatic factor may be that length or need or the pupil to actively choose values.
height is simply easier and quicker to measure, Pupils therefore do not need positively to apply
while measuring temperature takes longer. Pupils the idea of a continuous variable.
may therefore decide to take the easy option and
identify temperature as categoric hot and cold The 'fair test'
rather than measuring, if they think this is suffi-
cient to answer the question. We noted in Table 5.1 that the ability to control
Second, while the concept of distance was used variables decreased as the complexity of the task
in several tasks, it was particularly noticeable that rose. But there are other factors which influence
where it referred to the pulling back of an elastic the control element of' a fair test. The more 'obvi-
band to launch a model car (the forces and ous' the variable, the more likely it is to be
motion task), children found defining this sort of controlled, even to the extent that everything in
length as a continuous variable much easier than sight is controlled as a ritual, rather than in a
distance in the other investigations (Table 5.3). thoughtful way. Some variables to be controlled
This may be explained by the fact that the other are not at all visible. For instance, in the heat task,
investigations involved a more 'static' kind of
length, such as the length of a plank. By contrast,
in the forces and motion task, pupils physically Table 5.4 The effect of different substantive concepts
on identifying a dependent variable as continuous
Table 5.3 The effect of different substantive concepts Dependent Percentage of*pupils
on identifying an independent variable as continuous variable identifying variable
as continuous
Independent Percentage qf pupils
variahle identifying variable Distance (in all investigation) 77
as continuous
Temperature 78
Temperature 41 Time 81
.4 A
pupils have to measure the rate of loss of heat in and graphs. If the very idea that a quantity can
the two containers whose insulation they are com- take on any value and that this value is connected
paring. That comparison should, theoretically, be to how that quantity behaves in the real world is
done at exactly the same temperature, since the not well understood, then the advantages of quan-
rate of loss of heat depends on the instantaneous titative data will not be apparent. Over and above
temperature difference between the contents of the these individual factors, any increase in complex-
container and its surroundings. Very few pupils ity of an investigation lowers performance as
seem to have controlled this temperature as a con- pupils start to lose track of the whole task.
scious act. Substantive concepts intrude most obviously
The evidence suggests that the notion of a 'fair and directly in the ability to define the appropriate
test' is well established by the time children reach dependent variable and to recognise that a vari-
secondary school; it certainly merits a good deal able must be controlled.
of attention in primary science. But it is doubtful
if the connection between a fair test and the valid- Measurement
ity of the resulting data is well understood. It is in
just such instances that the importance of the syn- Concepts of measurement refer not to the skill of
thesis of concepts of evidence becomes apparent. measurement itself but to the decisions that have to
be made concerning measurement. These include
decisions about what instrument to choose (the
Sample size and variation
most appropriate forcemeter for the task in hand,
The APU survey included an investigation about for instance), over what range and interval, when
woodlice, described in Table 3.2. In designing the and how often to measure, and consideration of the
investigation, pupils have to decide how many need to repeat measurements.
woodlice to use in each trial or over a number of The results of the NCC research tell us that
trials. Over half the pupils at age 15 ust.d more children in primary schools (Key Stages 1 and 2)
than five woodlice in each trial, about a third used seem generally reluctant to measure, even though
between two and five and less than a tenth used they are capable of using measuring instruments.
one woodlouse at a time (Driver et al., 1984). It At these key stages, only 30 per cent of children
appears, therefore, that at the age of 15, choosing used measurement in investigations (Foulds et al.,
an appropriate sample size is still a problem for a 1992). Even at secondary school level, a significant
significant number of pupils. number of pupils continued to judge changes in
In summary, the research points to the conclu- qualitative terms (34 per cent at age 11 and 13 per
sion that pupils experience little difficulty in the cent at age 13). In discussing the issue of measure-
most basic part of the design of investigations, but ment, Foulds et al. write (in relation to a sample
that they do have difficulty in recognising the of primary school children):
advantages of interpreting the independent vari-
able as continuous and in understanding the It would seem that the use of measurement except
consequences of this decision for the investigation where the question might explicitly specify the
as a whole. It is here that the sudden drop in per- need is arbitrary at best, non-existent at worst.
formance (on the criterion score bar chart: Fig. ...We can only conclude that this a: pect of inves-
5.3) manifests itself. Choosing an appropriate tigative work is one which has not teen grasped,
sample size is also a problem for many pupils. for whatever reasons...
It seems that a number of individual concepts
of evidence, particularly the notion of a continu- In an APU 'circus' practical (where pupils visit
ous variable, are causing problems which relate in different stations to perform a variety of tasks),
this example to the difficulties noted in the earlier children were asked to use measurement when
section about pupils' use of measuring instruments making observations, relationships and predictions.
Time (mM). Bronze tin Tin can Polystyrene Plastic Plastic beaker Glass B
88°C 88 88 88 88 88
78 78 86 84 82 82
75 76 84 80.5 80 79
Temp. went
down by 19°C 20.5 10.5 15 14.5 17
At age 12, only one-fifth used measurement volun- in the NCC project in terms of whether children
tarily except in a task (toy cars) in which they were had used an appropriate scale. They defined scale
heavily cued to do so (Archenhold et al., 1989). The as the carrying out of investigations 'in a manner
APU research also suggests that children's ability which approximates sensible conditions and quan-
to handle measurements of length and temperature tities'. The results show a clear progression with
differ (Dickson et al., 1984; Archenhold et al., 1991; age and experience (Table 5.5).
Foulds et aL, 1992) temperature being the more In terms of accuracy, Foxman et al. (1990),
difficult, as we noted above. reporting on the APU findings in mathematics,
The example above shows an inappropriate use of concluded that in performing measuring tasks
the measurement of time and temperature in a heat accuracy may be associated in part with the pupil's
transfer investigation. Investigations concerning heat perception of the 'expected' accuracy. There wa3 a
loss seem to trigger a particular response in some considerabie change between the ages of 11 and 15
pupils, who associate this kind of investigation with years in the accuracy with which pupils measured a
cooling curves regardless of whether or not this is straight line. At age 11, 61 per cent measured a line
appropriate. Perhaps they have been impressed by
the unusual boredom of waiting for something to Table 5.5 Percentage of pupils using scale and accuracy
cool down, tl7e laboratory equivalent of watching appropriately (Foulds et at, 1992)
paint dry. Suzanne's table above illustrates the prob-
lem. Only the first and last measurements of Scale Accuracy
temperature (shown in bold print in the table) are
necessary to answer the question. The notion of scale Age 11 (Year 7) 58 76
is also relevant here in that five minutes is clearly not Age 12 (Year 8) 69 73
long enough to give any sort of reliable results. Age 13 (Year 9) 79 78
Foulds et al. (1992) analysed the investigations
FiaalOUthoar the distance tietween the meal electrodes affects the voltage using different fruits.
We took an orange and wired it up to the voltage meter. We done this three time at different places on the
orange. We recorded the results. e.g. the metal electrodes were 1 cm apart. the voltage was 6. We done this
with the lemon and apple.
Yes the distance between metal electrodes does affect the voltage.
graphically before proceeding to use their evidence The representation here serves a much more
to support a final conclusion or generalisation. In important role than in type 1 investigations, in
type 2 investigations, a line graph is the most that while it is still a form or display, it can also
appropriate form of representation. Ideally, suffi- reveal the nature of the pattern or the relationship
cient data should be collected to show any pattern between the variables. This is particularly the case
between the independent and dependent variables. with complex data or data where the line 'flattens
Table 5.6 Percentage scores for each investigation type conclusion that Zoey arrives at is incorrect and
not informed by the data.
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 A similar effect was found with the bending
beams task, to the extent that numerous tables and
Bar chart 11 18 4 4
graphs of weight and sag appeared for nine or
Line graph 5 4 3 9 more 'planks', leading to a conclusion which
reflected a failure of memory as to what the objec-
tives of the investigation had been in the first place.
off', but even with linear relationships a line graph
When it comes to interpreting the patterns in
can serve a predictive function.
The APU found that very few 11-year-olds and
graphs. the APU reported that most children
found it difficult to describe and use (read off, pre-
only 10 per cent of 13-year-olds represented their
dict) patterns in graphs presented in written tests,
data graphically, despite the fact that these children
performed well on constructing graphs when this
though this improved with age (Taylor and
was assessed as an isolated activity (Strang, 1990).
Swatton, 1990). Austin et a/ (1991), again report-
ing on the APU findings, found that children of 12
The choice of graph type was also often a problem.
It can be seen from Table 5.6 that in the NCC and 14 years tended to bypass the data and draw
project, very few children actually chose to use a on preconceived ideas. There was a tendency to
line graph for continuous data. Those that did, did impose patterns on ambiguous data, though it was
not always do so in the most appropriate way. For noted that suspension of judgement is probably
instance, more pupils used a line graph for type 1 not encouraged in classroom science.
investigations, where it is not appropriate, than in The NCC report also found that the inability to
type 2, where it clearly is appropriate. use data persists even when children collect their
An example of failure to represent data appro- own data:
priately is shown on page 78. Paul and Craig ...no pupils referred to, or made use of their
collected data eminently suitable for a line graph. display work at any stage. Patterns which were
But their inappropriate choice of a bar chart was apparent in the display were not recognised:
exacerbated by a decision to treat the x-axis as a irregularities in the sequenced results were not
set of labels, as if the values were of no greater sig- recognised...The overriding impression obtained
nificance than categories such as 'red' or 'big'. whilst.reviewing the reports was that pupils see
the production of some form of graphical display
They also plotted the data inaccurately. Their con-
as little other than a ritualistic exercise (something
clusion was a repetition of their results with no 'you do' after practical work) without recognising
awareness of a pattern or any attempt to gener- any purpose or significance in what they do.
alise. They seem to have no understanding of the (Foulds et al., 1992)
pattern representing the reality of the movement of
their model. Austin et al. (1991) suggest that ordering data is
Data collection and representation can takc on a necessary first step towards generalisation, since
an air of desperation on occasions. Reasons of unordered data are difficult to handle. By 14 years
space only dictate this choice of a relatively of age, more children ordered the data, but this
restrained approach to the cooling cups problem. was no guarantee they would then make a general-
In the investigation which Zoey recorded (p. 79). isation. Austin et al. also suggest that numerical
only the temperature readings in bold type were data can be distracting in that children do not
necessary. Zoey's group appears to have lost sight always link the data to the reality of the phenome-
or the task they seem to have carried out meas- non that they represent, and so they may just
urements in a ritualistic way. The drawing of three repeat the numbers in their conclusions when they
separate graphs also seems unnecessary and posi- are asked what they have found out (as in the Paul
tively unhelpful in view of' the fact that the and Craig example. see p. 78).
114, -
We had to find out the stretch of the elastic band made the butter tub went the longest. We put the elastic
band on two chair legs and pulled it back and we let it go the best it was the one we pull back 30 cm it went
four metres twenty six cm the one that went the least was the one we pulled back 5 cm it went 30 cm. It was a
tear test because we used the same tub and the same elastic band.
25 cm 3 m 10 cm
20 cm 3 m 40 cm
15 cm 2 in 22 cm
1() cm m 19 cm
30 cm 4 m 26 cm
5 cm 31 cm
In another example from the NCC project, to confuse the reader. Why they chose to shuffle
Paul. Mark and Stephen (see p. 80) produced a the order of their x-axis is left to the reader as an
good table of data. They had ordered thcir exercise in imagination. It appears from the bar
results and reported a generalised pattern at the chart that. to this group. the values of the stretch
start of their written record. It seems that they of the elastic band are little more than labels
then decided that a bar chart might be a good bearing no relationship to each other. Their con-
thing. They then drew one which, one could be clusion was clearly not based on the pattern in
forgiven for thinking, was a deliberate attempt their bar chart.
Type of cup Start temp. After I min. After 2 min. After 3 mM. After 4 min. After 5 min. How much
temp. dropped
Polystyrene cup
80 Plastic cup
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 1 2 3 4 5
Paper cup
80 Our conclusion is that of the three cups
70 the paper cup is the best as from its starting
60 temperature it dropped the least amount
20 -
0 1 2 3 4 5
1.4 r
)1Mingideldivagis on the amount the elastic baud is stretched.
What we found: What we found was the further you pull the elastic band back the tube went further.
Stretched (cm)
2 40.1 cm
4 66 cm 500
6 133.5 cm
8 250.8 cm
10 237 cm 300
12 250 cm
14 361.5 cm
16 400 cm 100
18 537 cm
20 547 cm 2 16 20 12 14 8 10 6 18
Another group produced similar data but chose This group appears to be moving towards the
to order their bar chart: recognition of a pattern but have not yet realised
that a line graph would illustrate the pattern better.
Foulds et a/. (1992) wrote that while the major-
ity of children attempted a conclusion, the
conclusions 'were not in keeping with the data at
all, but were, in fact, at odds with it'. And also:
'Many of their conclusions and inferences made
little, if any, use of the data which had been gath-
ered.' We have seen a number of instances of the
latter in examples earlier in this chapter.
Does the type of investigation affect children's
ability to make sense of the investigation? Table 5.7
shows the percentage scores for 'sensible' general-
isations for each investigation type. (Our definition
10 15 20 25 30
of 'generalisation' was liberally applied; if we had
Stretch required the generalisation to be both true and
and then concluded: 'The further the elastic band is founded on the data, the figures would have been
pulled the faster the model moves across the floor.' very much lower.) The overall trend is that the per-
Table 5.7 Percentage scores for generalisation for each that they represent. It could be that such an
investigation type understanding is necessary before the notion of
the pattern in the data becomes meaningful. Only
Type I Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 then, perhaps, can we expect to see the transition
Appropriate from a disorganised bar chart (Paul, Mark and
generalisation 53 :6 33 25 Stephen, aged 11), through an organised one to
the line graph below.
In type 3 and type 4 investigations, where mul-
centage score decreases a: the investigation type tivariate data are involved, neither bar charts nor
increases. As would be expected, type 1 investiga- line graphs are particularly helpful. Similar per-
tions are the easiest from which to generalise, with centages of pupils chose to represent their data
over half the sample generalising appropriately. As graphically as in the other types of investigations,
the complexity of the data increases, so the inter- supporting the above observation that the drawing
pretation of the data becomes increasingly difficult. of any type of graph may be a ritual rather than a
The example below of a type 2 investigation purposeful exercise. Incidences of success were few
shows only the graph produced (from a table) by and far between here. So, rather than list them. we
'Group A', who measured speed by measuring the have included two examples of pupils' work which
distance the butter tub travelled in one second. show how well they can do. Simon's final conclu-
Their generalisation is tied to an understanding of sion may be open to question, but there can be
the concepts underlying the task or to the ability little doubt that this is a good piece of work from
to link the variables and the data to the reality an I 1-year-old pupil.
Gireep A
Does the speed of the model depend on the amount of energy stored in the CialltiC bead
c 300
0 150
- 100
0 10 20 30
Distance pulled back (cm)
The energy in the elastic band does aliect the speed or the carton. The more energy in elastic band, the faster
the carton goes.
Brown 20 3:46
White 21 1:46
Brown 72 1:07
White 75 1:00
III Brown, hot White, hot
III Brown, cold jJ White, cold
They both make a difference but sugar doesn't matter as much as the water.
In this experiment I set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram. I then changed the distance between the
two strips of metal and observed any change in the reading of the voltmeter. I then repeated the experiment
this time keeping the distance apart constant and varying the depths of the strips in the fruit (a lemon) and
measured the reading. My results are displayed in the table and graphs opposite.
5 2.6 5 cm 4.5
4 2.7
4 cm 3.9
3 2.8
3 cm 3.7
2 2.9
3.6 2 cm 3.6
My conclusion is that the greater proportion of the plate submerged and the closer together (without
touching) the higher the voltage will be.
Graph to show varying voltage due Graph to show varying voltage due
to changing distance between poles to changing depth between poles
4 5
'3 2
oo 1
0 1
2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Distance Distance
The overall picture, then, is that in general do show elements of' that understanding to give
children experience considerable difficulty in us hope that systematic teaching will result in
interpreting graphical information and indeed in considerable improvement.
interpreting data overall. Again, we are driven to
the view that it is the underlying understanding
of the purpose of gathering data, and the role
that evidence plays in the work of science, that is What do we know about children's understanding
conspicuous by its absence. This is not surprising, of the validity and reliability of an investigation?
and indeed it may be asking too much of pupils There is very little direct research evidence con-
of this age to expect them to cope with these cerning these concepts. This may he because they
ideas. But until we have tried teaching these are in practice very difficult to probe.
ideas, we shall not know. What can be said is that In an early APU report (Hat- len et al., 1981),
there arc enough instances of pupils' work which 11-year-olds were assessed as to their 'willingness
to be critical of procedures used'. This was based pretation of both data and method of data collec-
on observation by the assessor and on the pupils' tion. What we have seen is that this notion is at
answers to a question after the investigation about best patchy and at worst non-existent.
what changes they would make if they did the They are difficult ideas. Some would argue that
investigation again. Clearly, the question itself they are more appropriate to sixth-form level (17-
prompts the pupil to evaluate. The resulting data and 18-year-olds) or higher, and certainly the
(Table 5.8) arc difficult to interpret given that mathematical treatment of errors is notoriously
Harlen zt al. admit that in some investigations difficult for pupils at A level. But lower-le7e1
where the pupils had performed satisfactorily, the notions of validity and reliability are, we believe,
only alternative to consider was a less satisfactory achievable. Work in some local schools certainly
procedure. In these cases, there was no need for a supports that belief, but it also highlights the fact
pupil to be critical of his or her work. that sorting out the best techniques of teaching is
In the NCC project, less than 1 per cent of the not going to be easy.
total sample attempted any form of evaluation.
This may well reflect a different definition of the
term. We are defining evaluation in this book as Summary
that underlying understanding which guides the
design of the complete task. Other workers have In this chapter, we have used existing research
required a more explicit indication of the under- data to apply the notion of concepts of evidence
standing of evaluation by relying on pupils to spot to children's performance in investigations. We
errors in their procedures. have shown that children's procedural under-
This evidence, however, is retrospective. standing of the design are generally good in that
Asking pupils to comment on how they think they can structure the investigation successfully.
they could improve their investigation is already but that children do experience difficulty in identi-
too late. What we are concerned with here is the fying variables as continuous where appropriate.
ability to keep the requirements of believable Secondary pupils have a reasonable grasp of the
(that is, valid and reliable) evidence in mind measurement, although they seldom repeat mea-
throughout the task from defining variables so surements. Ideas about data handling and
that the question is being answered, to choosing evaluation are particularly poor. Foulds et al.
appropriate ranges of instruments-and readings (1992) wrote: 'During analysis of Children's work
to spot patterns unambiguously, to seeing the it became very clear that this area of children's
link between the data and the type of graphical working [the use of data and evaluation] appeared
representation, right through to the critical inter- to be severely neglected', and 'The most striking
feature of pupils' work is their lack of understand-
ing of the nature of evidence.'
Table 5.8 The APU assessment of pupil attitudes We would wish to suggest that, harking back to
our procedural taxonomy, while the individual
Category Percentage
of pupils
skills and concepts of evidence are being dealt
with in teaching to some extent, the ideas of appli-
Uncritical of procedures used 41
cation and, in particular, synthesis, are less to the
fore. We need examples of schemes of work which
Aware of alternative procedures but integrate these ideas successfully and which
does not have very good reasons fer develop a common language of discourse between
suggesting changes 38
both teachers and pupils. As we argued above,
Shows awareness of variables rot unless the link between the design and implemen-
controlled, the need to repeat tation of an investigation and the requirements of
measurements, ineffective procedures believable evidence are dealt with, pupils will tend
or factors central to investigation 20
to 'go through the motions' in practical lessons.
All of which points inescapably to improvements Age 15. APU Science Report for Teachers No. 2.
in teaching and in schemes of work to take these London, HMSO.
ideas into account. And it is to issues of teaching Foulds, K., Gott, R. and Feasey, R. (1992). Investigative
that we now turn. Work in Science. Durham, University of Durham.
Foxman, D., Ruddock, G. and McCallum, I. (1990).
APU Mathematics Monitoring, 1984--88 ( Phase 2 ).
Assessment Matters No. 3. London, SFAC/EMU.
Gott, R. (1984). Electricity at Age 15. APU Science
Report for Teachers No. 7. London, HMSO.
Archenhold, F., Austin. R., Bell, J., Black, P., Braund, Harlen, W., Black, P. and Johnson, S. (1981). Science in
M., Daniels, S., Holding, B., Russell, A. and Schools: Age 11. APU Science Report for Teachers
Strang, J. (1991). Profiles and Progression in Science No. I. London, HMSO.
Exploration. Assessment Matters No. 5. London, Russell, T., Black, P., Harlen, W.. Johnson, S. and
SEAC/EMU. Palacio, D. (1988). Science at Age I I: A Review of
Austin, R., Holding, B., Bell, J. and Daniels, S. (1991). APU Findings, 1980-84. London, HMSO.
Patterns and Relationship.s in School Science. Assess- Strang, J. (1990). Measurement in School Science.
ment Matters No. 7. London, SEAC/EMU. Assessment Matters No. 2. London, SEAC/EMU.
Dickson. L., Brown, M. and Gibson, 0. (1984). Taylor, R.M. and Swatton, P. (1990). Graph Work in
Children Learning Mathematics: A Teacher's Guide to School Science. Assessment Matters No. I. London,
Recent Research. Eastbourne, Holt, Rinehart and SEAC/EMU.
Winston for the Schools Council. Welford. G.. Harlen, W. and Schofield. B. (1985).
Driver, R., Child. D., Gott. R., Head, J., Johnson, S.. Practical Testing at Age.s 11,13 and 15. APU Science
Worsley, C. and Whyte, F. (1984). Science in Schools: Report for Teachers No. 6. London. HMSO.
u 4"
In the light of the research presented in the last The procedural and conceptual understanding
two chapters, how can ilivestigations best be used in investigations cannot be separated because
incorporated into the science curriculum? We have they are inextricably intertwined; procedures in
suggested that one of the ultimate aims of the sci- science cannot be employed without using con-
ence curriculum is to enable as many pupils as cepts and likewise concepts cannot be used
possible to recall, understand, apply and synthe- without employing procedures. However, we can
sise (I) a whole range of skills and concepts of emphasise one or the other of these two types of
evidence as well as (2) the 'traditional' or substan- understanding by carefully manipulating the struc-
tive concepts of science to solve a range of ture of the investigation. Foulds et al. (1992) give
problems. To achieve these aims, teachers need some examples of how this can be done (Table
gradually to expose pupils to a range of increas- 6.1). The examples are restricted to the quantita-
ingly more complex concepts and procedures. tive investigations described in previous chapters.
How can investigations help in achieving these The investigations in column I might be used
curricular goals? We considered the roles of differ-
when pupils are beginning investigative work.
They use relatively simple concepts and the pro-
ent types of practical work in Chapters 1 and 2
cedural understanding required includes basic
and from this suggested that investigations are the
measuring skills together with ideas of a fair test,
best type of practical to provide children with the range, interval and patterns. By contrast, the
opportunity to syntlwsise procedural understand- investigations in the second column, which involve
ing, which in turn relies on their understanding of two independent variables, require an increasingly
concepts of evidence. systematic application of procedural understand-
What we must explore is how investigations ing. The evidence that has to be collected,
can best be selected to develop that range of interpreted and evaluated is more complex, since it
skills and procedural understanding which involves multivariate data. The concepts involved,
underpins this area of science. In this chapter, we however, remain relatively straightforward.
shall consider first how investigations can be The third column gives examples of investiga-
designed to focus on a specific learning outcome. tions where the conceptual demand is higher, in
And, second, we shall put forward some ideas that the identification of the variables requires
for reinforcing particular concepts of evidence more advanced knowledge and understanding. Thc
and then examine the issues of progression and variables may also be derived quantities as in the
differentiation. case of speed. This increases the sophistication of
Find out whether sugar Find out whether the rate Find out which of these Find out how the speed
dissolves faster in hot at which sugar dissolves chemicals cause hardness ot' the thiosulphate reaction
water than in cold water depends on: in water depends on:
(a) the type of sugar. and (a) the concentration of the
(b) the temperature of the solutions and
solution (b) the temperature
Find out how the distance Find out how the distance Find out whether the Find out how the efficiency
travelled by a toy car travelled by a model car speed of a model dragster of an electric motor
depends on the amount depends on: depends on the amount depends on:
the elastic is wound up (a) its weight, and of energy stored in the (a) the load being lifted, and
(b) the force used to get it elastic band (b) the speed at which it is
moving operated
Find out whether plants Find out how the growth Find out how the rate at Find out how the rate at
grow better if they are of a plant depends on: which fermentation takes which photosynthesis takes
watered with fertiliser (a) the amount of light place depends on the place depends on:
solution than if they are which strikes it, and temperature of the solution (a) the light intensity. and
just given ordinary water (b) the temperature of the (b) the temperature
the evidence without necessarily increasing its to the instruments available. Let us consider a
volume. The investigations in the fourth column simple situation, such as finding out which of
are examples when both the procedural and con- several kinds of paper towel is most effective in
ceptual demands are high. soaking up water. If pupils attempted to measure
the amount of water soaked up in one square cen-
timetre of paper towel, most people would agree
Targeting specific concepts of evidence within whole that this would be an inappropriate scale, since the
investigations relative amounts of water soaked up by such a
small area would be difficult to measure using the
It is tempting to think that carrying out an investi- measuring instruments which are normally avail-
gation requires that pupils be taught skills and able in schools. Clearly, it is difficult to convey
concepts of evidence in advance and, as far as is this idea of scale without describing the whole
possible, one by one. But this inductive approach investigation of which it is a part. Again, if we
is at least a debatable one. Most concepts of evi- consider the idea of 'believability' of evidence, it is
dence are closely tied to whole investigations, so necessary, at least until the notion is embedded, to
that it is difficult to teach them individually. address the issue in the context of data that pupils
Consider the notion of the relative scale of the have collected themselves and, therefore, 'under-
variables in a practical: the choosing of sensible stand'. We can also draw on our own experience
proportions for the relevant variables in relation and the experience of other teachers in the area.
which suggest that lessons which develop skills The choice of an investigation which involves sev-
and concepts of evidence within investigative eral control variables can reinforce the importance
work, with the skills set clearly within the context of the fair test. Brainstorming can be used here
of a whole investigation, are seen as more mean- too. A discussion of the effect of not controlling
ingful by the pupils. variables is also useful.
So the order should be to teach whole but
carefully focused investigations first. These
should then be followed up by exercises on spe- The type of variables Examples:
cific skills and concepts of evidence to teach or (categoric, discrete Which type of
or continuous). insulation is best for
reinforce specific points of difficulty which have
lagging a central
become apparent in the investigation. This order heating boiler?
of teaching may not be easy to organise, but we (independent
believe it is necessary to avoid 'fragmentation'. categoric variable)
In the following section, we suggest ways of How is heat loss
targeting each of the broad categories of concepts affected by number
of evidence, design, measurement, data handling of layers of
and evaluation, all within investigations. These insulation?
investigations, together with the follow-up activi- (independent discrete
ties, will then constitute a menu to be drawn on variable)
in the design of schemes of work considered in How does heat loss
the next chapter. depend on the
volume of the boiler?
continuous variable)
All these examples are dependent on the teacher Investigations which involve continuous variables
focusing the practical on the relevant idea. Here almost inevitably lead to considerations of the
group and/or class discussion at strategic points concepts of appropriate range and interval. The
throughout the investigation are essential so that the importance of range often becomes obvious when
aim of the lesson to learn about design is clear to interpreting patterns in line graphs. If the range is
all. The role of the teacher here is paramount, a too narrow, only part of the pattern will emerge;
factor which is discussed further in the next chapter. in the example above, for instance, the relation-
ship is not linear but in fact peaks at an angle
somewhat less than 900 due to the effects of fric-
Measurement tion. Again, whole class discussion of different
groups' results is very useful here.
The concept of the choice of instrument can be
Concepts of evidence Examples: emphasised by making available a wide variety of
associated with scale. Which paper towel is measuring instruments from which the pupils have
best for mopping up to select. In the same investigation, a large number
of forcemeters with different ranges should be
Find out how the rate made available as a prerequisite, if pupils are to
of dissolving of (a
understand the effect of their choice on the accu-
chemical) depends on
the temperature of racy of their measurements. The teacher might
the water. allow pupils to choose inappropriately in order to
learn from their mistakes or he or she may stop
the class after groups have chosen their instrument
and made their first few readings and elicit ideas
The importance of relative scale can be a difficult from the children about the pros and cons of' dif-
concept to convey. The first of the examples above
ferent forcemeters for the task.
can be used to draw pupils' attention to the im-
portance of matching the scale, of the amount of
water that can be squeezed from the piece of
paper. to the instrumentation available. A rela- Repeatability. Example:
tively coarse measuring cylinder, for instance, Find out how the
bounciness of the
constrains the optimum size of the sample if the
squash ball depends
measurement is to be accurate enough. In the on temperature.
other example, thc saturation of a solution is a
concept which influences scale. Clearly, if too
much chemical is used, the solution will become
saturated. If this situation arises among groups in Th..! need for repeatability can be targeted by using
thc course of the investigation, then by comparing any investigation in which variability is a promi-
results afterwards, the effect of inappropriate scale nent feature. In the example, the need for repeats
will become obvious. is essential if the evidence is to be reliable and
Which type of sugar dissolves quickest? How does the temperature of the water affect dissolving time?
Caster 10
Granulated 25
Soft brown 50
of continuous variables, the values chosen also set their results what happens if, for instance, the tem-
the number, range and interval of the readings. perature is doubled from 30 to 60°C, they may
Concepts related to the type of variable, range and proceed to double (or halve) the dissolving time
interval all come into play here; it is perhaps this that is, using mathematical patterns which do not
interaction that causes pupils so many problems, relate to the scientific pattern of the variables.
with continuous data in particular. A table such as
this, used as a discussion point on the blackboard, Multivariate data. Examples:
can serve as a very useful teaching aid in discussing Which cups should the
the planning of investigations. market sfall holder
buy to keep drinks
hot? Should he
Graphs. Example:
Find out how the
Plastic or
distance travelled (by
the toy car) depends
Cups with lids or
on the amount the
with no lids?
elastic band is pulled
How does the sag of a
back. When you have
plank depend on the
finished, you will be
weight on the plank
given a distance and
and its length?
asked to predict how
far back to pull your
elastic band.
In the first example, the most efficient way of con-
sidering the effect of the two independent variables
The choice of graph type is related to the type of is as shown in Fig. 6.2. The research evidence
variable. For many pupils, graphs are simply a shows that many children will tackle such investiga-
display, and the importance of line graphs as tions by testing the two independent variables
reflecting an underlying relationship between vari- separately. In the example given, pupils tend to test
ables is missing. One way of approaching the issue the effect of the type of cup and presence/absence of
is through an investigation where the line graph lid in two separate investigations. This investigation
can be shown to be a positive advantage rather
than a chore, as in the example above. This kind
of competition which demands interpolation or Temp. after Temp.
extrapolation, encourages pupils to see t:te pur- temp. 10 min. drop
pose of Jin graphs for exploring the relationship
between two variables. Without such a purpose,
the drawing of a line graph for continuous data Plastic cup
(no lid)
can become a ritual.
The concept of patterns provides another oppor- Plastic cup
tunity to look at the pupils' ideas of the relationship (with lid)
between the data and the reality that they repre-
sent. Patterns in the data are usually determined by Polystyrene
cup (no lid)
examining tables or graphical representation.
Understanding how those patterns relates to the Polystyrene
reality of the ti.sk in hand can be targeted hy asking cup (with lid)
different groups to discuss what their data mean.
Alternatively, if, in the second dissolving investiga-
tion (Fig. 6.1), the pupils are asked to predict from Fig. 6.2 A multivariate table
could be madc mote realistic if the costs of the cups were timed Qui-mg this race, they both started to
and lids are given to the pupils so that the relative run at the same time.
effects of heat loss and cost can be assessed. Where Is this a fair test?
the independent variables are continuous, as in the If not, why not?
case of the second example above, two or more CASE uses pictures and diagrams to help to clar-
graphs drawn on the same axes can help to illustrate ify the question and also makes these exercises
the relative effects. more attractive to the pupil.
The reinforcement of concepts of evidence
Which of these is the best Newtonmeter to use
We shall mention briefly here some ideas for rein- to m..asure a force of 7 Newtons?
forcemcnt, most profitably used as a follow-up
activities to targeted investigations.
Associated with design
The example of a question from a written exercise
from CASE (Adey et a/., 1989), which focuses on
the concept of the.fair test and associated control
variables,is shown here:
During a school sports afternoon, it was decided Fig. 6.3 An activity emphasising the choice of an
to see it' boys ran faster than girls. John and Jane appropriate measuring instrument
The pupils are asked to think about an investigation to Here are the tables from several groups
find out how the angle of a slope affects how easy
Group 1 Gro,.ip 2 Group 3
it is to pull a brick up.
10 0 0
30 30 10
70 60 20
90 90 30
Group 4 Group 5 50
Susan,Vic*y and Leanne had made model cars using margarine tubs. To launch the cars, they used elastic bands
stretched across stools. They each measured how far the cars travelled. They put their results in a table.
2 cm 35 cm
4 cm 55 cm
6 cm 70 cm
8 cm 87 cm
10 cm 101 cm
80 80 80
60 60 60
40 40 40
20 20 20
0 0 Oo
0 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
There was going to be a competition to see who could land their car closest to a line drawn on the floor
They could measure how far it was from the elastic band to the line before they started.
1 The three graphs show the same results in different ways.
Which graph do you think is best? Explain why you chose ths one.
2 Discuss with your friends which graphs they think are best.
When you have agreed which is the best, draw it onto a Lill sheet of paper. Remember that the labels are important.
Fig. 6.5 An activity concerning the choice of type of gni ph (based on an example in Foulds al_ 1990)
Amount of Speed
Fig. 6.6 Examples of a line graph exercise which can be used to teach the relationship between the behaviour of a
variable and a graphical pattern
Associated with data handling older and more able children, recent press cuttings
on topics such as the incidence of leukaemia
Understanding the reasoning which underlies the
around Sellafield or the testing of new drugs could
choice of graph type, with its link to the type of
form the basis of a class discussion aimed at intro-
variable, can be approached using 'second-hand'
ducing pupils to the idea that data can be
data such as in Fig. 6.5. Developing the under- presented which may be invalid, or unreliable in
standing of patterns in data is, as we have noted their accuracy or interpretation. Such exercises
from the research, one of the more difficult con- also help children to relate school science to the
cepts. One technique which works well is to use real world. With younger children, using data
sketch. graphs. Asking pupils to say which graph from other similar-aged children can be a good
'feels' like the stretching of a rubber band, for source of appropriate second-hand data.
example, seems to help in establishing that link
with reality that is so often missing. Some ex-
amples for follow-up activities are given in Fig. Targeting conceptual understanding
6.6. After pupils have become familiar with the
idea of sketch graphs, the teacher could ask pupils Investigations can be useful at the beginning of a
to predict before doing an investigation what the topic as a 'window' into children's implicit. under-
shape or pattern of the resulting graph might be. standing. Sometimes pupils have an everyday
understanding of an idea such as heat transfer or
Associated with evaluation friction. Often those ideas are held implicitly.
Sometimes they are wrong. Some examples of open
Evaluation is closely linked with a recognition that investigations based on the research programme
investigations rely on valid and reliable data. With and used in this way are shown in Table 6.2.
Which fuel is best? This investigation can be used as an introduction to the concept of fuels as
concentrated sources of energy. The choic: the dependent variable includes: smoke,
smell, time to heat water, amount of fuel to heat water. Each of these responses can
be used to open up ideas concerned with environmental pollution, or the distinction
between power output and total energy content.
Which materials would This investigation can be used as an introduction to the concepts of heat transfer.
be best for a hedgehog An example of a pupil response is of interest here. One low-ability pupil asked for a
to use for its nest? hard-boiled egg to use as a hedgehog. He asked that it be hard-boiled for a long time.
Eventually, it dawned on the teacher that he imagined that an egg could be packed
with heat a caloric theory view.
Find out whether the amount of juice depends on the type of apple A single categoric independent variable
which is used
Find out how the amount of fruit juice extracted depends on the A single continuous independent variable
amount of pectinase enzyme which is used
Find out whether: Two categoric independent variables
(a) the type of enzyme used, or
(b) the type of apple which is used
has the greatest effect on the amount of fruit j lice extracted
from the pulp
Find out how the amount of fruit juice extracted depends on: Two continuous independent variables
(a) the amount of enzyme, and
(b) the temperature of the pulp
Progression and differentiation by outcome to structure the procedural demand, and second,
the conceptual demand.
The structuring and sequencing of activities is the The procedural demands of investigations
basis of well-planned schemes of work. Choosing within the same context can be matched to pupils
investigations which gradually increase in their of different ability. Table 6.3 gives examples,
demand is just one element of that structure. within the context of juice extraction, of' this differ-
Differentiation within a particular lesson relies on entiation by task. Usinsz the same context means
the same principle. So the same examples can be that th,.: conceptual element can be kept thc same
used in the one lesson, to enable pupils working at while the procedural complexity is changed.
different levels of understanding to be challenged Foulds et al. (1992) point out that an investiga-
but not overwhelmed. We shall consider first how tion set at a high level of procedural demand can be
Table 6.4 Investigations with an increasing conceptual demand within one context
Find out whether the Find out whether the Find out whether the Find out whether the
distance travelled depends distance travelled by the average speed of the model average speed of the model
on the.amount by which model depends on the depends on the force depends on the amount of
the elastic band is stretched amount of energy stored exerted by the elastic band energy stored in the elastic
in the elastic band band
One school in the North-East has been developing All a scheme of work can do is:
schemes of work incorporating investigations for
some time. What follows is part of a discussion put in investigations regularly content chosen
with the school on how to teach for procedural normally (based in traditional topic areas).
think about investigations in terms of proce-
understanding and the difficulties of devising dural complexity don't make them too hard
schemes of work.
to start with. then they can get harder. Context
varying: sometimes scientific. In other words.
Investigations do need to be specifically targeted
build in progression.
but not in the 'follow this instruction', teacher's
allow opportunities in between investigations
way. The teacher has to be aware of the concepts
for practising procedural unde:-Ltanding
of evidence they are trying to develop and give
them practice at them and be aware of how well (follow-up activities). Just have as many ways
they are coping just like teaching (substantive) as possible for getting them in those situations
concepts. except they are the same concepts (of where they have to think. So giving them a
evidence) every time, but in different situations. graph to draw and interpret, getting informa-
And just like (substantive) concepts. some kids tion from tables, brainstormine. We're trying
don't get them all. But more kids can get more of to find more and better ways. Ways to get
these substantive concepts than they can of knowl- them to think about these things. You have to
edge and what's more it applies to other places in keep varying the approach or they get bored
their lives where they think. So you're going to get and won't think.
a developing 'thinking method' going as a frame- now the flexibility must come in. as with any
work in which to explore the world, vnd if scheme of work. What do the kids do in an
necessary you can 'test out' the knowledge you are investigation? Once you know this. you can
learning. Seeing whether you really understand. then focus on the weaknesses and strengths of
You've got to get them going. and then stop (their understanding of) concepts of evidence
them in their tracks and make them think about in discussion. Do they (strengths and weak-
what they're doing. Shock them into believing in nesses) match the ones planned for in the
their own reasoning powers. That there's no right scheme of work? And then whether the kids are
and wrong except what they decide based on the strong in that al ea. or weak, there is either a
evidence in front of them. And you've got to use reinforcing aspect or a teaching aspect.
stra'egies that show some of them are thinking
like this use the differences in investigations that There can be no linevr formula. it is the build-
arise to learn from each other. Point out that it is ing of a round picture where all the aspects
significant when someone does use their reasoning interlink gradually and individually and differ-
powers successfully. ently in different situations.
I Open investigation
The topic of friction is introduced with an open What do you think might affect how difficult it
investigation: would be to pull a brick up a slope?
(One of the ideas was probably the angle of the slope)
What affects the slippiness of training shoes? Do an investigation to:
Find out how the angle of the slope affects how
It is set in context orally perhaps in the gym, or out- easy it is to pull a brick up.
side if it happens to be winter and icy underfoot. When you have finished, your teacher will ask you
There is no specific teaching focus to the task: the to work out the best slope for somebody who can
aim is to open up the topic of friction and allow chil- only pull with a certain force. So you will need to
dren's ideas to emerge. It may transpire that most collect data that will allow you to do this.
children understand that, for instance, weight and
area have an effect. But it could reveal misconcep-
tions about force or problems associated with its This investigation can be presented in a variety of
measurement. In any event, it sets the scene for what other ways, some of which can be used as supple-
is to follow. The understanding revealed in this first mentary or alternative investigations for the more
investigation may mean that some of the following able pupils. Or, lest boredom set in. one of them
parts can be omitted. Alternatively, if unexpected could be the subject of a teacher-led demonstration
gaps in understanding are revealed, some additions with the pupils directing operations.
may need to be made.
After three years of work in this area, the map through the learning outcomes the things
message is that schemes of work must be com- that we hope pupils will understand afterwards
prised of a series of signposts key learning that they didn't before. Once the learning out-
outcomes. Navigation between these signposts comes are identified, the activities that are best
must be at the discretion of the teacher, and in suited to those outcomes can be designed.
response to all the vagaries of real-life teaching. Table 7.2 is an edited version of part of one
But it needs a resource of investigations of vari- such scheme of work. The start of the first year
ous types, and follow-up work, and strategies (pupils aged 11 in a comprehensive school) con-
for teaching and learning to hand. Having said sisted of a three-week module called 'Be scientific',
that, schemes of work have to start somewhere. followed by a longer module introducing materials
The following is an example of a teaching in a topic called 'Our earth'.
sequence that could be developed into a scheme
of work. The substantive concept we have
chosen is friction, on no better grounds than Progression
that all of the activities have been tested in the
classroom at one time or another. Looking back over a pupil's work, it should be
The scheme of work can then continue in a possible to see that there has been progression on
similar vein, interspersing investigations in order a variety of fronts. The example on p. 102 is by
to use substantive concepts which have already Michelle, an average year 7 (12-year-old) pupil in
been introduced and to develop procedural a comprehensive school in the North-East. We
understanding. Table 7.1 summarises the pur- have chosen it from many examples because it is
poses of each lesson. not untypical of the way pupils learn, pi-ogressing
It is from such a table that we can begin the and then regressing. What follows is a summary of
task of creating schemes of work. All too often a Michelle's progression in procedural understand-
scheme of work is little more than sets of lesson ing beginning with the work in the scheme
notes. What we should be aiming for is a route outlined on p. 102.
General introduction to lab safety Key danger points in a laboratory Discussion centred on pictures of
dangerous lab situations, poster
session. Using a Bunsen burner
Heating things safely and measuring Understanding tables and Basic skill activity on thermometers
temperature interpreting data Investigation into insulating
materials to keep hot potato hot
Heat transfer via conduction Insulators and conductors of heat Discussion plus demonstration or
class experiment on conduction
Insulators Applying understanding about Investigation into the best type of
tables and checking on the notion material for a disposable hot drinks
of a fair test cup
Follow-up work The idea of variables, identifying Discussion of class results on the drinks
variables (as independent and so on), cup investigation. Follow-up work
recording the data and their on interpreting other people's data
interpretation, and the link between
a fair test and the validity of the data
In the first investigation, which involved differ- investigation to find out which paper is best to
ent materials wrapped around hot potatoes. hcr use for holdino. chips? Her results table was a con-
record consisted of: siderable improvement:
Change: material
Keep the same: size/type of potato. time Recyckd Grease New
Results: 46°C before, 46°C after. paper proof improved
The class then pooled their results and one of the paper paper
outcomes was a table on the board which was
transcribed into their books. In a second, related. First trial 500 g 300 g 400 g
investigation concerning the type of cup and its Second trial 400 g 200 g 500 g
ability to keep drinks warm, there was some Third trial 400 g 200 g 500 g
degree of progress. but in the idea of a fair test
rather than in tables!
Timed it for 5 minutes and it dropped 8°C. Her notebook also showed evidence of under-
Another one (the polystyrene cup) dropped 7°C. standing fair tests and repeats. Two further
This means that the polystyrene cup is the best investigations interspersed within the module were
insulator. But we did not measure how much carried out reasonably well including tables, bar
water we put in each. I think we could of (sic] had charts and fair tests. The final investigation in the
a more accurate answer.
module concerned the bounciness of squash balls
Later, in the second module on 'materials'. how does the bounciness depend on temperature?
there followed an exercise on interpretation of This is a type 2 investigation with a continuous
graphs. Michelle began to make progress in under- independent variable. All the others had been type
standing bar charts here and then moved into an I. And at this point Michelle goes to pieces:
We did our test and dropped the ball from 2 in clear It is certainly true that before pupils can begin
We did this three times investigations, they need to understand some of the
Then we wrote our results table basic language which is associated with them The
My results. question is: Which ideas need to have their own lan-
The first trial was 96 cm. guage and what is that language to be? Terms such
The second trial was 90 cm.
The third trial was 96 cm.
as 'variable' and `control' can present difficulty for
The average was 94 cm. some pupils. Various alternative phraseologies have
been suggested to try to overcome the problem,
She drew a bar chart of these four values. Her some of which are shown in Table 7.3.
conclusion was: 'The pattern in my graph goes up There is an argument for the `thing to change'
and down.' approach to do with the accessibility of the lan-
Like the ball. Michelle was completely thrown guage. But there is a counter-argument which
by the continuous variable issue to such an extent says that the search for simple words can lead to
that she seems to have fallen back on the last thing confusion and that it is better to deal with the lan-
she got a positive comment on, the averaging of guage head-on using the 'correct' terms from the
three results. This regression happens often. The word go. The first three activities in the CASE
only remedy is repetition, so that the notion of project adopt this approach by introducing the
understanding, evidenced in the early investiga- terms input and outcome variables. The ground
tions, is transformed into the ability to apply in rules in terms of language are carefully estab-
novel situations. lished and.then used consistently throughout the
remaining activities.
In the example overleaf. taken from the NCC
Some practical considerations
research, we see that Jonathan, when prompted to
A note on introducing the language write what he would change, says that he would
of investigations 'change nothing', whereas in the sense that the
prompt wa:; intended, he did indeed change the
It is not uncommon when discussing investiga- independent variable. What he was referring to,
tions with pupils, for them to express a sense of we may surmise, is that he controlled the other
uncertainty as to what it is they have learned. appropriate variables and did a 'fair test'.
With other practical work such as an experiment The word 'control' in relation to variables can
called 'Hooke's Law', they know that that is what also create difficulties because of its confusion with
they are supposed to have learned. Furthermore. the biological meaning of 'control'. In the latter,
they can refer to the activity in their books and the control refers to the condition of no treatment
during revision as the 'Hooke's Law' experiment. (e.g. the effect of no fertiliser on growth), which in
even if they don't fully understand it. investigations equates with a zero value of the
For example, the extent to which the language of independent variable. This is quite different from
the concepts of evidence we have proposed should the meaning of control variables. A further diffi-
he part of the language of teaching is not at all culty arises with categoric variables. The term
The 'thing' to change (systematically) The 'thing' to measure (lOr each The 'things' to keep the same to
value of the independent variable) make the test fair
The input variable The outcome variable
sheet shown in Fig. 7.1 is one possibility. The [The eacher] must recognise when to intervene,
prompt sheet can also serve as a reminder to the and also when it is more appropriate not to inter-
teacher to emphasise to pupils the significance of vene. Intervention too early means that pupils
will be unable to recognise the relevance of the
their record as a scientific report for others who
may not have done the activity. It is therefore
important that the validity and reliability of their Table: 7.4 Examples from an enabling question planner
evidence is clear in their write-ups. Prompt sheets (Revell, 1993)
can be adapted to the needs of the children (e.g.
according to age) and the focus of the lesson. Learning objectives Enabling questions
The danger of such prompt sheets is that they
become much like the rigid format of the past Interpret What do your results mean?
where each experiment had set headings such as Was your prediction right?
title, apparatus. method, results and conclusions.
Is there a mathematical pattern in
Nevertheless, the pros probably outweigh the cons your results?
in that they can be used to establish and reinforce
Communicate Which is the best way to tell
learning objectives. They also familiarise the pupils
others what you did and what you
with the language used to describe learning objec-
found out'?
tives which is also the language of assessment. It is
also possible to use a variety of styles for different Do your results go best in a table/
chart /graph?
tasks and year groups.
E aluate What do your results mean?
What else could your results
'I he role of the teacher in the investigation mean?
How can you tell that is what
Skilful and appropriate questioning is probably your results really mean'?
the most important role for the teacher in investi-
understanding, a scheme of work has to cope with And yet another weapon must be the quality of
the idea that the concepts of evidence, which are teacher intervention in the classroom. There is a
relatively few in number compared to substant:ve tendency to regard investigative work as being the
concepts, reappear in many contexts. The task of same as the discovery learning of the 1960s. From
incorporating progression into the scheme, along- this stance, the received wisdom would have been
side progression in substantive concepts, is not to allow pupils to discover things for themselves
easy. The best that can be done is to highlight the with little if any intervention by the teacher. In faa,
sianposts the concepts of evidence that consti- teacher intervention, and indeed straightforward
tute the learning outcomes that define teaching, is an absolutely essential part of investiga-
progression and then work in targeted investiga- tive work. Pupils do need to try things out, but then
tions and follow-up work where it is most sensible they need to be brought to see that there are better
to do so. And be ready for pupils who go back- ways of doing things; encouraged and led and, if
necessary. driven to itn:-.:.ove their understanding.
wards in their use of tables and fair tests and so on
when they hit a new idea like continuous vari-
ables. Then those ideas have to be recycled to References
show pupils that they still apply.
Foulds, K., Gott. R. and Feasey, R. (1992). Investigative
Another part of the armoury is a set of resources Work in Science. Durham, University of Durham.
such as prompt sheets and pupil self-assessment Gott, R., Costello. H. and Foulds. K. (1992). Materials
records (see the next chapter). These in turn rely on to support the assessment of Scl . Draft document,
an agreed language to describe such things as cate- Durham University.
goric or independent variables. We have made a Jones, A.T.. Simon, S.A.. Black. P.J., Fairbrother. R.W.
few tentative suggestion.3 in this regard, but the and Watson, J.R. (1992). Open Work in Science:
issue is far from resolved due mainly to the fact that Development of Investigations in Schools. Hatfield,
Association for Science Education.
investigative work has only just started to become Revell. M. (ed.) (1993). The Scl Book of Investigations.
the focus for development in Key Stage 4, where it 5-16. Northamptonshire Inspection and Advisory
becomes far more important as pupils need a Service. Northampton. Northamptonshire County
common language to describe their understandings. Council.
Assessment can refer to the assessment of the and other such organisations have organised
pupil's potential ability or it can refer to attain- assessments which are in reality evaluations of the
ment. It is the second of these, attainment, which curriculum and the school system rather than of
will primarily concern us here. While attainment the individual. These assessments are, of course,
depends on underlying ability, it also depends on carried out through the testing of individual pupils
other factors such as motivation and teaching. but in other regards this form of assessment can be
The purpose of the assessment of a pupil's very different. There is, for instance, no need to
attainment might be: assess all pupils; a random sample is adequate
provided the sampling fran takes into account
formative: aimed at deciding what the next step the smallest unit of interest to policy makers. That
in a curriculum plan or the teacher's scheme of unit of interest could be, for example, a school, a
work should be for that individual or group; or local education authority or a region, or it may be
&agnostic: aimed at determining lack of under- a particular group of' pupils. such as those of low
standing or any weak points, for any individual ability, or boys. There is no need to insist that all
or group, so that remedial action can be taken; or pupils do the same 'test' provided the groups are
summative: aimed at providing a measure of the matched. So one group could do a practical inves-
level of attainment which pupils have achieved. tigation, while another matched group might do a
This measure, grade or mark may be required different one, or a related skills circus.
for pupils to progress to the next stage of their The point we are making is that it is essential to
education or to other institutions in the educa- be clear about the purpose and nature of the
tion system. assessment because this will determine not so much
the test items themselves, but the structure and
Formative and diagnostic assessments aim to organisation of thc testing and the way the result-
assess in a detailed and thorough way the breadth ing scores are recorded, aggregated and used.
and depth of the pupils' knowledge of a particular This chapter will deal with a variety of tech-
subject area. Summative assessment, on thc other niques of assessment linked to the type of
hand, samples knowledge and understanding in quantitative investigations used in the NCC'
that only some parts of the subject area will be research. The ideas discussed here are not
selected for testing. All of these types of as.iess- intended to be a complete catalogue for assess-
ment are assessments of. and for the benefit of, ment. Rather, they are a menu from which
the individual. appropriate activities can be chosen, augmented
In recent years, the A PU, NAEP (National and refined for whichever of the above purposes is
Assessment of Educational Progress) in the USA under consideration. We shall consider first what
it is we are trying to assess in investigations and may be unobtainable from more traditional test-
then move on to explore ways of carrying out the ing methods.
assessment. The thrust of our argument has been that
investigations are a unique opportunity in practi-
cal science to teach procedural understanding and
What is to be assessed? that this understanding has its own 'content', of
skills and concepts of evidence which have to be
In the last chapter. we noted that while pupils taught. It follows that assessment must be based
apply their conceptual understanding at particular around this selfsame content. So we cannot begin
points in the investi2ation, facts aril concepts are. with the assessment of investigations as if that were
arguably, more efficiently taught. and likewise an end in itself. Rather, we must begin with the
assessed. by means of more traditional methods. things that pupils should 'know. understand and
Investigations can and do allow opportunities for be able to do' in the area of procedural under-
children to demonstrate their understanding of standing. This distinction is an important one in
science concepts: we have argued throughout this that it now allows us to see investigations as one
book that investigative work involves both con- form of assessment among many. Before we move
ceptual and procedural understanding. But using on to look at this, it may be useful to set tradi-
investigations to assess conceptual understanding tional forms of examining within this view of
would be to select the wrong tool for the job. procedural understanding.
What can be noted, in passing. is that much diag-
nostic information about pupils' understandings Traditional assessment
does emerge from the way they tackle an investi-
Evamining practical work
gation. We quoted examples in Chapter 7 which
show how implicit understandings can surface When we look at most examination syllabuses for
from investigations: insights such as the idea that science, the influence of Bloom's taxonomy can be
heat can be packed into a hard-boiled egg. which seen clearly. The Northern Examining Association's
Table 8.1 The specific assessment objectives for 'Experimental work' (NEA, 1992. 1993) and their main emphases
(NEA) syllabus for the 1992 and 1993 examinations they were given accessible concepts and contexts in
in chemistry, for example, has four assessment which to show their understanding of data inter-
objectives, three of which are principally concerned pretation. An example is given in Table 8.2.
with substantive concepts (2, 3 and 4): The examples cited demonstrate how different
examination boards and schemes met the National
1 Experimental work
Criteria for Science which were developed in the
2 Knowledge and recall
1980s prior to the introduction of the National
3 Understanding
Curriculum. What was emerging, tentatively e nd
4 Application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation
rather patchily, was a more differentiated form of
It is interesting to note here how experimental assessment which was creating, and therefore
work has been detached from the other three enhancing, the importance of what we have called
objectives as if it were a separate entity. We can skills and concepts of evidence in more open-ended
look more closely at this breakdown in the light of types of practical work. The framework was not
our definition of procedural understanding. Table particularly well-articulated, nor were terms partic-
8.1 shows how the NEA defines 'Experimental ularly well-defined, but the seeds had been sown.
work' and how it might address aspects of pro- We shall see in the next chapter how these seeds
cedural understanding. were transplanted into the National Curriculum.
Non-practical examining
Assessing procedural understanding
A modular science scheme by the NEA included an
assessment of data interpretation (for example. We have already suggested that the procedural
Scheme A Single Award /First Award module, taxonomy, linked to a definition of skills and con-
1989). These written papers were innovative in the cepts of evidence, allows for a more focused
sense that the pupils were not required to bring any approach in the teaching of investigative work.
particular science knowledge to the exam. Instead. Clearly, those same ith.as. constituting as they do
Table 8.2 Example of an examination question on data interpretation: NEA Science (Modular) Paper I. Scheme A -
Single Award/First Award 1989
A small house was built about 50 years ago. It costs £500 a year to heat the house.
The table below shows how much money could be saved by improving the housc in various ways.
Improrentent Cost Saving on .fitel each year Time taken to pay for improvement
a 'content' for procedural understanding. can act with as little distraction as possible An example of
as a set of assessment objectives For complete- a circus practical where several measurement skills
ness, we reproduce the taxonomy here are tested is given in Table 8 3
The pupils are given one of each type of measur-
ing instrument a suitable thermometer, stopwatch
Procedural taxonomy
and scales so :hat the choice is one of selecting the
thermometer to measure temperature rather than of
Knowledge and recall of skills choosing one of several thermometers. The assess-
Understanding of concepts of evidence ment is, therefore, primarily of skills and only to a
Application of concepts of evidence limited extent of concepts of evidence (pupils
Synthesis of concepts of evidence might. for instance, show understanding of appro-
priate accuracy and repeatability). Other examples
suitable for assessment purposes can be found in a
Assessments can be produced for eaeh of the number of published texts (e.g. Coles et al.. 1988,
elements of the taxonomy, which we shah consider 1989: Gott et al., 1991).
in turn. We would argue that such assessment should
be used for diagnostic purposes since skill
deficits may have unlooked-for. and possibly
Assessing the recall and use of skills unrecognised, consequences for more complex
The definition of skills we have adopted is to some assessments. For instance, an assessment in
extent experience-dependent. So the first task in which pupils are required to weigh an item, may
assessing skills is to decide what activities are give quite the wrong impression of the pupil's
appropriate for the age range, ability and back- attainment if he or she avoids weighing simply
ground of the pupils. Having done that. a choice because of ignorance as to how to use the scales.
must be made as to whether the assessment is to Similarly. Strang (1990). reporting the work of
be embedded in an illustrative experiment or an the APU. showed how pupils often read individ-
investigation. We sl ,I1 deal first with the assess- ual divisions on a particular scale incorrectly so
ment of the skill in isolation. The assessment task that all subsequent readings are inaccurate.
then must clearly focus on the appropriate skill(s) Skills assessment. therefore. can be diagnos-
tic in that common errors can be spotted. It may
also be used for summative assessment. such as
Table 8.3 A measuring skills exercise (from Gott et al.
in the circus practical (Table 8.3) where a 'mark
scheme' can be implemented by simply counting
I 'sing instrunwntk the number of skills a pupil can accomplish
In front of you are a number of measuring instruments Such marking can be applied, in theory, to
which you will need to use to answer these questions. assessing the same skill in the context of an illus-
Do not forget to say what UNITS you are using.
trative or investigative task. The danger of so
What is the temperature of this laboratory? doing is that this element of thc assessment.
The temperature is because it is relatively easy to carry out, takes
over from the more important assessment of
flow long does it take for the ball bearing to roll down understanding and application which is more
the track?
time-consuming and requires judgement rather
The time is than relying mechanistically on 'bits' of evidence.
How hem y is the ball hearing you have just used? Diagnostic assessment of skills at an early stage is
nevertheless essential if basic errors in. for ex-
The mass is ample. using equipment, are to be avoided.
Assessing the understanding and application of The research evidence, however, points to
individual concepts of evidence in short some key factors which help to govern the choice
assessment tasks of investigations:
Alternatively, as we saw in the last chapter in the expert the idea that a relationship is looked
the case of the apple juice task, investigations can for, but it is a very subtle point for pupils which
be relatively easily manipulated in terms of proce- may easily be missed. Various techniques can be
dural complexity on the basis of variable structure used to encourage pupils to explore relationships
within one context. Thus, in a mixed-ability class, more fully. An example for younger secondary
assessment can be carried out by using a series of pupils is given in Fig. 8.1. The competition at the
slightly different investigations of varying com- end serves to focus the pupils' attention on the
plexity appropriate to the ability of the pupils. need for some method of prediction, based on the
Even within a more targeted task, there is an ele- relationship between the variables, which will
ment of differentiation by outcome which will show how far the bottle will go. A line graph is
allow pupils who fail to rise to the challenge to just such a predictor.
carry out a lower-level investigatio,.. The last point concerning wording is to do
with the pupil's written account. We will see in the
next section that these accounts are valuable
pieces of evidence, so we should endeavour to
The effect of the openness of the task definition was make them as complete as possible. Pupils can be
to depress performance because children tended to encouraged to give fuller accounts by giving them
opt for 'easier' investigations and regress to qualita- a target audience to write for, such as a relative, or
tive comparisons, although encouragement from a friend in a different class, or the environmental
the teacher or prompt sheets may help here. health inspector. Occasionally, this technique can
It is clear that from the point of view of assess- backfire unexpectedly with pupils writing in unsci-
ment of procedut.al understanding, the favourite, entific terms; they need constantly to be reminded
in terms of manageability, is an in), estigation that they are to present scientific evidence which
which is defined relatively tightly but which is then will convince someone else.
quite open in terms of method and solution. This
will allow for a degree of control over predictions
while retaining the key elements of allowing pupils
to select their own method and put together their
own solution.
Class 3 were running a Cola bar in aid
of a local charity. They set up a
The importance of question wording catapault to shoot Cola bottles down
the bar to the customer.
The wording or language of the task ir also
important. Obviously, the language must be at a This is the question you have to find an answer to:
level easily understandable by the pupils, particu-
larly in an assessment situation. There is no
reason, of course, why a written form of the task How does the distance the
bottle travels depend on how
should not be supplemented by an oral introduc- far the elastic is pulled back?
tion from the teacher.
The wording is also important in determining
When you have finished, your teacher will tall you
the choice of design. For example in the investiga-
where the first customer will sit.
tion 'Does the temperature of the water affect how You have to be able to shoot the Cola bottle
quickly thc sugar dissolves?', it could be argued etraight to them. No trial runs!
that testing hot and cold water is sufficient to Prizes for the nearest.
answer the question. Changing the wording to
'How does the temperature of the water affect the
time the sugar takes to dissolve ?' might convey to Fig. 8.1 The Cola bottle investigation (Gott, 1993)
In summary, then, we suggest that the following such an approach unreasonably time-consuming
be considered as criteria for selecting investigations and disruptive. Pupils working in a group inevitably
for assessment purposes: work differently from any one of them alone, that is
the nature of communal effort. But when pupils are
three or four tasks in different concept areas
which have been taught and are, in general, rea- asked to write up their work individually, their
sonably well understood by the pupils; understanding or lack of it can show up starkly.
set in a mix of everyday and scientific contexts: Since we are assessing the understanding of concepts
differentiated by task, with some pupils being of evidence, then these written reports are vital.
asked to carry out type I investigations, others Th .t is not to say that other foims of assessment are
type 2 and so on; not necessary. We shall see in the following sections
with a well-defined question but choice of how different assessment methods can all contribute
method and solution; to an overview of pupil performance. Experience
an oral introduction to set the scene and to sup- shows that professional judgement over a series of
plement the written task; tasks will allow for assessment of an individual in
having a clearly stated purpose; the context of group work. What cannot be said as
a target audience for the pupils' reports which yet is the degree to which working in a group influ-
encourages as complete a description as possible; ences an individual's understanding of the task.
access to a wide range of approptiate resources
where possible so that ideally pupils will be able
to select an appropriat instrumertt; Observation
accompanied by constant, but neutral, encour- The observation of practical work by the teacher
agement from the teach:s. can be carried out in two ways. The teacher can
I-laving selected the investigations, the next issue simply watch groups of pupils and come to a
concerns the collection of evidence on which to judgement. Or, the teacher can use a standardised
base the assessment. It is all too easy for the ses- checklist in an attempt to gain objectivity.
sion to become dominated by checklists to the Checklists, or the 'tick y box' approach as one
exclusion of judgement. It is to the management of teacher in a local school calls it, can be cumber-
the assessment session that we must now turn. some and are an anathema to many professional
teachers. They also run the risk of teachers not
seeing the wood for the trees: because they are
Collecting evidence for assessment focusing on :he detail, they may lose sight of the
The assessment of investigations can be done quality of the investigation as a whole.
through a combination of observation of the pupils We will declare an interest here on behalf of
In action' by the teacher, children's written the judges rather than the accountants. We
accounts and, if possible, through questioning of believe that the 'stand back' judgement is a better
pupils. In addition, children's self-assessment reflection of the synthesis which we believe to be
records can be used to inform the overall assess- the key to investigative work. Our arguments in
ment. There is also the pragmatic issue of assessing this regard are not based on any reliable empirical
children while they are working in groups. evidence but on experience of teachers engaged in
the task.
Group work
But there is a proviso. We believe that a mental
checklist is needed to inform that judgement.
While tra iition dictates that pupils should be Experience suggests that, in practice, it might well
assessed inuividually in exam conditions (for sum- be necessary to use the checklist approach, at least
mative reporting at any rate), the realities of initially, until it becomes an automatic one which
practical work in the classroom are likely to make will inform, but not be the only component of, the
overall judgement. The checklist is also a means of rightly, an important element. To provide evi-
assessing the understanding and application of dence about procedural understanding and to
individual, or a particular subset of, concepts of inform the judgement which has to be made
evidence such as those associated with data hand- against the criteria, we suggest that a much
ling or design. shorter checklist based on skills and concepts of
The complex checklists used by the APU and evidence should be used and, further, that the
by the NCC project were designed for research checklist should be general rather than specific.
purposes and so are not necessarily useful in An example in use in a local school at the time of
situations where teacher judgement is, quite writing is shown in Fig. 8.2.
Investigation title:
Group Pupils:
Group A
Group B
Group C
Experience suggests that checklists such as this because pupils wish to cheat. They often fail to
are most appropriate to the teacher who is learn- write down what they see as trivially obvious
ing how to make judgements by highlighting the things which may be revealed when they are asked
criteria against which those judgements will ulti- to describe what they have done. More seriously.
mately be made. Eventually, as the teacher gets to evidence shows that they can claim, in good faith,
know the class and becomes more confident in to have controlled a variable while in reality
both the teaching and the assessment of 'nvestiga- having failed to do so. The misunderstanding of
tive work, the list becomes less important and may the notion of the fair test (as in Jonathan's report;
be used only to ecord unexpected happenings. see p. 104), for instance, can also easily mislead
the assessor unless supported by observation. It is
here, perhaps, that the checklist in Fig. 8.2 serves
Pupils' written work
its most useful function.
Much information can be gleaned from the pupils' An example of a pupil's written report
written work. The use of prompt sheets (see Fig. (Melanie's group) serves to illustrate the extent to
7.1) can also aid the assessment because pupils are which evidence can be accumulated. The pupils had
more likely to record the salient information. already been introduced to the particulate nature of
However, not all of the pupils' written informa- matter. The task was set in the context of a rapid
tion can be relied upon. This is not necessarily turnover drinks stall, but the teacher. in an oral
Melanie's group
41. 1
c b-
ED. 0
Kinds of cups
introduction, stressed the importance of providing carry out the same investigation. The results showed
scientific evidence on which to base a judgement. that the pupils were far more successful on the prac-
Melanie's written report shows that she has a tical than on the written questions (Table 8.4).
clear understanding of design; she has selected the They were also more successful with pictorial
key independent and dependent variables and clues than with the question in prose alone. The
clearly stated how she controlled the relevant con- APU also asked the same pupils to do similar
trol variables. The measurements appear to be tasks in a written and practical form. The previous
accurate, although this is best confirmed by obser- results were confirmed. It follows that if pupils are
vation. The scale of her design is appropriate, but successful in the written question, then they are
she does not mention repeating any measurements. likely to be successful in the practical investiga-
Her presentation of results is sensible, but she does tion. The main point here is, however, that
not relate dissolving time directly and explicitly to children who do not write adequate plans can still
the underlying concept of grain size, which was the perform well in the practical situation.
teaching context in which the investigation arose. Strang et al. (1991), following Gott and
Another example, with a commentary and in a Murphy (1987), explain this striking difference in
different context, shows how a pupil's written performance as due to the interaction with the
record can be misleading. apparatus in the practicaj situation. In the writ-
ten form, pupils have to imagine the apparatus
Planning vs per/brining
and design the investigation in the abstract.
There is also little scope for trial and error. In the
Can procedural understanding. as deployed in practical situation, pupils can revise and change
investigations, be assessed using tasks in which their plans as they proceed. This does not imply
pupils are asked to plan an investigation rather that written plans are of no value. Indeed. Strang
than actually do it? Clearly. the answer has to be et al. (1992) suggest that written plans can be a
'yes'. Any plan for an investigation must have useful starting point for discussion of strategies
considered the relevant elements of skills and pro- for investigations.
cedural understanding. But it is important to
realise that it is quite a different kind of assess-
ment. Some evidence from APU work illustrates
this difference clearly. Questioning will give vital diagnostic and summa-
The APU gave pupils investigations in two writ- tive information at all points. In the assessment
ten forms one in prose and the other using situation, the questioning of all groups may seem
pictures. They also asked other pupils to actually impractical but can be limited to a few carefully
Table 8.4 Examples of practical vs written responses to an investigative task (Strang et al, 1991)
Conditions of cooling 21 44 60
Use of measuring instrument: Stopclock 18 So
No measurements made 54 31 17
4 -
focused questions to test the understanding of par- assessments. An example focusing on data interpre-
ticular concepts of evidence, which is not always tation including the concepts of evidence of
apparent either in the observation or in written patterns and a fair test is shown in Fig. 8.3. This
accounts. Probing pupils' understanding of particu- information is likely to be diagnostic and forma-
lar ideas can be carried out using shorter follow-up tive rather than summative.
white 65 sec
brown 84 sec
icing sugar 65 sec
We found out that icing sugar went fastest because the bits of brown sugar were bigger.
I Is there anything wrong with Lee's conclusion? What is wrong?
2 Do you think they carried out a fair test? Why do you think that'.'
3 What do you think they really found out?
4 Do you think Susan and Vicky carried out a fair test? Why do you think that?
5 Who do you think wrote the best description of v, hat they did. Lee or Susan? Why do you think that?
describe patterns in my results
may be elicited by careful questioning. The self-
explain my conclusion using scientific assessment sheet can also serve as a guide while
pupils are writing their reports. Experience suggests
EVALUATE how my results are useful, only that controls, scale, the choice of instrument and
if I have done a fair test accuracy are best assessed by observation. Assessing
their ability to produce reliable and valid data is a
suggest DIFFERENT interpretations of my
results more complex exercise. It can only be done by refer-
ence to all the evidence. Valid data require that
describe step by step what I did
..aiiiiraira pupils have identified the correct variables and hat
there are no serious systematic errors in their experi-
only. This kind of assessment will give data suit- Using simple task scores
able for putting pupils in a 'pecking order', either
for the whole or parts of the investigation, the tra- Table 8.6 gives a summary of the sort of data that
ditional norm-referenced approach. could be collected for assessment. It would be
The second way, criterion-referenced assess- drawn, as we have argued earlier, from a variety
ment, involves using the checklists and pupils' work of sources: observation, pupil records and so on.
to make judgements against particular criteria. The It can be seen from the table that the additive task
issue of criterion-referencing will be deferred until score is easily obtained. The disadvantage of this
the next chapter where we look at the National type of score is that any failure at an early stage
Curriculum in the UK, which purports to be an does not preclude getting a 'mark' at a later stage,
'example of this method of assessment. so that two children obtaining the same score may
have performed very differently and be able to
apply quite different concepts of evidence. The
The understanding of individual concepts of breakdown of the task score into the broad cat-
evidence within investigations egories of design, measurement, data handling or
In a traditional norm-referenced assessment, the evaluation can be more meaningful in pinpointing
'domain' to be assessed is defined and a series of broad areas of relative strength or weakness.
tasks set to sample that domain. The resulting Additive scores, however, take no account of how
score is then taken to be representative of ability the concepts of evidence relevant to the investiga-
within that domain. In our case, the domain is tion are put together.
that of procedural understanding. The more Nobody would think it sensible to carry out a
tasks used, across a greater spread of' concept driving test by assessing, with the car stationary
areas and contexts (both everyday vs scientific and the engine off, whether the driver knows
and open vs closed), the greater the validity and how to drive by looking at the mechanics of
reliability of the score. changing gear, using the brake pedal and so on.
Table 8.6 Using the task score and its components in assessment
What matters is, can he or she drive? If the driv- I think that trying to pin down th4ssessment of
ing as a whole is judged to be imperfect, then it 'synthesis' is very, very difficult. Ll1ke in English
may be useful to ascertain why by assessing indi- you can give separate marks for s ling, sentence
construction, paragraph usage and s on. But
vidual components of the process. The key here how do you give marks for imaginatio , unity of
is the realisation that in a complex activity such style? Or in art, you can give separate tnarks for
as a scientific investigation, the whole is far draughtsmanship, use of colour or composition.
greater than the sum of the parts, which leads us But the overall piece of writing or the finished pic-
to the assessment of that whole the synthesis of ture is much more than this. It is a subjective
skills and concepts of evidence. judgement, but you can try to be more objective
about the bits. So what art teachers have always
done is to decide for themselves, come to a consen-
The synthesis of concepts of evidence within sus and then have their judgement moderated.
Unless and until all science moderators are will-
ing to make judgements like this, science teachers
will be floundering because, unlike arty types, they
We have argued throughout this book from the like things to be cut and dried. And what they
standpoint that the ability to understand con- need to see is that there is something else to science
cepts of evidence and hence be able to synthesise that they have missed along the way as they
them into a task solution is the ultimate goal of become ever more logical and nit picking in their
investigative work. But how can this synthesis be training. There is that 'certain something' which
assessed? makes an investigation better than others, and that
We have argued that the notion of evaluation comes from practice with checklists and things.
There are certain indicators of quality a results
and its related ideas of validity and reliability are
table is one such, variables and fair test are others.
the key to all other concepts of evidence, since and then, above all, the idea of believability.
these concepts encompass all of them and which
determine the progress of the whole task. If these No doubt there will be some who will feel such
ideas of validity and reliability are understood, an approach, itself, is not very scientific. It is all
pupils will make sensible choices of variables, vari- right, they may argue, for arts teachers to adopt
able types, data requirements and interpretation. this approach relying, as it does, on teachers
To assess the synthesis of pupils' investigative making judgements and then coming to a consen-
work, teachers need to use the overview described sus on the judgements through discussion. But in
in Table 8.5. In the light of all this information. science, we must have evidence, preferably in the
the teacher must then decide whether or not: pupils' own writing. That, we would an ue. is to
confuse science with its assessment. Science relies
the question has been answered (validity) on objective evidence: indeed, the thesis of this
the data are 'good', e.g. have they been collected book is that such evidence is undervalued in
in sufficient quantity and with appropriate schools. But assessment is not a science, even
accuracy? (reliability) when it is applied to science. It is an art.
This judgement, based on the extent to which an But we fail to accord that art the status it merits.
objective observer would believe any conclu- How often do we hear that teachers have under (or
sions, can be used as the basis for assessment. over) estimated pupils' ability compared to the
Quite how that could be done in a reliable and exam'? This question assumes that the exam is cor-
straightforward fashion is a matter which can rect and that the teacher is wrong. Discrepancies
only be tested in the classroom. Attempts to do between teacher judgement and 'objective' external
so can be successful, hut there is a learning curve assessment are far more likely to be examination
as indicated by this extract from a discussion error for individual pupils, or a bad day, or ques-
with a head of department: tions that they didn't grasp properly. The comment
should really say 'the exams have' under (or over) allows for the fact that an investigation is more than
estimated pupils' ability compared to the judgement the sum of its parts. This, we believe, is more in
of the expert teacher'. keeping with the spirit of investigative work.
If we go down the line of a more subjective, but
informed, judgement, we must have some criteria
against which to make that judgement. The quotes References
above were made in the context of the National
Curriculum in the UK which is, in theory, cri- Coles, M., Gott, R. and Thornley. T. (1988). Active
Science /. London. Collins Educational.
terion-referenced and will be treated as a case Coles, M., Gott, R. and Thornley, T. (1989). Active
study in the next chapter. Science 2. London, Collins Educational.
Gott, R. (1993). investigative Tasks for Assessment.
Durham. University of Durham.
Summary Gott, R. and Murphy, P. (1987). Assessing Investigations
at Ages 13 and 15. APU Science Report for Teachers
In this chapter, we have suggested how investiga- No. 9. London, HMSO.
Gott. R., Welford, G. and Foulds, K. (1988). Assessment
tions can be used to assess procedural under- of Practical Work in S,ience. Oxford, Blackwell.
standing and how information from a variety of Gott, R., Price. G. and Thornley, T. (1991). Active
sources can be collected prior to making the final Science 3. London, Collins Educational.
assessment. A key decision that has to be made by Gott, R., Costello. H. and Foulds, K. (1993). Materials to
any assessor is whether that judgement is to concen- support the assessment of Sc 1 . Draft document.
trate on individual concepts of evidence or their Durham University.
synthesis. The former allows for a more traditional Northern Examining Association (1992. 1993). GCSE
chemistry: Syllabus A. Manchester, NEA.
pattern of aggregating 'scores' in that marks for Strang. J. (1990). Measurement in School Science.
each concept of evidence can simply be added. The Assessment Matters No. 2. London. SEAC/EMU.
latter relies on a more subjective approach which. Strang, J.. Daniels, S. and Bell, J. (1991). Planning and
while relying on the same evidence, seeks to stand Carrying Out Investigation.s. Assessment Matters
back and come to an overall judgement which No. 6. London. SEAC/EMU.
In the previous chapter, we looked at various The overall structure of the National Curriculum
ways of collecting evidence for assessment pur- for science has been modified considerably since
poses and making judgements which reflect it was introduced. By looking briefly at these
different emphases. The UK National Curriculum changes. we shall see how the present structure of
presents us with a different problem. It is premised the National Curriculum has evolved and the
on a criterion-referenced system of assessment thinking behind the definition and assessment of
which revolves around a set of criteria (the the investigative component.
Statements of Attainment) within a curriculum
defined by the Programmes of Study (DES. 1991).
The curriculum is essentially assessment-driven, The development of the National Curriculum
which is why we are dealing with it in this chapter.
Criterion-referenced assessment, if it deals with The National Curriculum which was proposed in
trivia, is relatively easy to operate (Gipps, 1992). 1988 consisted of twenty-two 'Attainment Targets'
For instance, whether or not a pupil takes a ther- (ATs) for science. These attainment targets remain.
mometer out of its case before using it could be a although they have been reduced in number. They
criterion. But it is hardly vital, except of course in are simply descriptions of things which pupils should
that particular and localised instance. If the cri- know, understand or be able to do. Each attainment
teria are to refer to something more generally target is then divided into ten levels defined by
significant. then they inevitably become more
'Statements of Attainment' (SoA), through which
judgemental in nature. The real question. then, in
pupils can progress from the ages of 5 to 16. These
constructing the National Curriculum, has been
that of determining at what level of generality statements of attainment are intended to act as the
these criteria are to be and how judgements are to criteria in a criterion-referenced system. The twenty-
be made against them. two attainment targets in the original version were
The National Curriculum has included investi- grouped together for the purposes of reporting, into
gations in the curriculum since its formal four profile components:
inception in 1989. This official recognition of the 1 Knowledge and Understanding (ATs 1-16)
significance of in\ estigative work in science edu- 2 Exploration and Investigation (ATs 17 and 18)
cation is an innovative move which has been 3 Communication (ATs 19 and 20)
influenced, in part, by the work of the APU and 4 Science in Action (ATs 21 and 22)
later by the recommendal ions of' the Task Group
on Assessment and Testing (TGAT) report The National Curriculum was originally intended
(DES. 1988a). for formative as well as summative assessment lur-
poses. The very nature of the twenty-two attainment Table 9.1 Profile Component 1: Exploration and
targets, with their very detailed criteria, was most Investigation (DES, 1988b)
appropriate for formative assessment to guide
Explore events and phenomena seeking regularities
future teaching and learning. Its early structure was
and noting the unexpected
heavily influenced by the work of the Assessment of Formulate hypotheses which can be tested experi-
Performance Unit (APU), which was charged with mentally
assessing the system through the pupils, rather than Plan and carry out investigations using apparatus,
assessing the pupils as individuals. The confusion materials and methods appropriate to the problem
between the assessment of a system, which requires being investigated
merely that pupils are sampled, and assessing pupils Make and systematically record observations which
surnmatively resulted in fault lines. A system are relevant to the problem being investigated
designed to measure populations was used, indeed Represent experimental findings using graphs. tables,
charts, symbols and conventions as appropriate
abused, to assess individuals. Readers are referred Select measuring instruments which are suitable to a
to Gipps (1992) for further discussion. task and use them to an appropriate level of accuracy
The assessment, then, came to be used in a sum- Recognise variability and unreliability in measure-
mative way because the assessment results were to ments
be summarised for publication by schools for the Make inferences and justify them in the light of the
so-called 'league tables'. In this way, schools could data
be publicly compared in terms of thc attainment Evaluate the design of experiments
of their pupils. So we have the paradoxical situ- Use a range of measuring instruments
ation of a criterion-referenced system, designed Estimate quantities
largely for diagnostic and formative purposes and Follow instructions in verbal and written form
relying heavily on teacher judgements, being asked Work with an awareness of safety aspects
to produce relatively simplistic norm-referenced Treat living things with respect
information to put schools in a 'pecking order'.
We will look below at the development of these
criteria in relation to investigative work. It will be
noted that the original criteria have become drasti- Table 9.2 Profile Component 2: Communication
cally reduced in number and, hence, increased in (DES, 1988b)
their level of generality. They have, then, become
more like descriptions of a domain than a set of Represent experimental findings using graphs, tables,
criteria to be met. charts, symbols and conventions as appropriate
If we look more closely, we can see the role of Use secondary sources, including the media, other
investigations (Profile Component 1 as it then people, reference books, databases and select infor-
was) in this original version (Table 9.1). mation relevant to a particular topic of study
It can be seen that Profile Component I was a Translate information between graphical, tabular,
mixture of skills, concepts of evidence, substantive pictorial and prose forms
concepts, and observation. Profile Component 2, Communicate information on a scientific topic to
others in written and oral form
'Communication', also included some concepts of Consider alternative theories, hypotheses and models
evidence. Table 9.2 gives some examples. (including personal theories) and assess their claims
Both these profile components include many of in relation to observations and other evidence
the concepts of evidence which we have suggested
are at the heart of procedural understanding, but
they are mixed up with other aspects of science. two attainment targets, each of which was to be
The message as to what, precisely, investigations assessed, was soon found to be too complex and
were to be used to assess was far from deal unwieldy as the move from a sampling idea and
The proposed structure consisting of twenty- teacher assessment was replaced by the requirement
to assess all pupils on all aspeOts of the Programme increasing knowledge and understanding of sci-
of Study. In December 1988, a consultation report ence. The activities should develop the ability to
recommended reducing the attainment targets to plan and carry out investigations in which pupils:
seventeen, within two profile components:
(if ask questions, predict and hypothesise
Pr(!file component I Attainment Target 1 (ii) observe, measure and manipulate variables
Exploration of science, communication and the (iii) interpret their results and evaluate scientific
application of knowledge and understanding. evidence
Prqile component 2 (Attainment Targets 2171 ( DES. 1991)
Knowledge and understanding of science, com-
munication. and the applications and implications These three components or 'strands' form the
of' science. basis of the assessment.
(NCC. 1988) Strand (i) brings in the substantive concepts of
This recommendation was implemented in March science in the 'raising of questions' or hypotheses
1989. A further reduction was proposed in 1991 (Table 9.3). This poses a number of problems.
(NCC, 1991) and implemented soon .after. The Principally, of course, it represents an attempt to
attainment targets were now reduced to four and assess the substantive structure of science which is
the term 'profile components' subsequently aban- already covered by Se2 4. Over and above that, it
doned. This structure applies at the time of is very difficult for pupils if the hypothesis is seen
as being the source of any investigation.
writing, although there are already signs that it
Experience shows that it is hard enough for any of
may change again.
us to generate questions suitable for investigations
which will target skills and concepts of evidence in
The present National curriculum any sort of coherent fashion.
The shrinking of the curriculum, together with the In Strand (ii), Table 9.3 shows that the lower
fact that teacher assessment has been reduced, has
levels are concerned with observation hut from
level 3 to level 9 concepts of evidence concerned
meant that it can no longer claim to be formative
with design and measurement appear. Level 1(1
assessment, at least in the terms originally defined.
includes evaluation. Strand (iii) is a conflation of
It is now akin to a traditional 'sampling knowl-
data interpretation and evaluation of evidence and
edge' type examination and hence primarily
the drawing of inferences based on that evidence
summative in nature. Its purpose has become (Table 9.3). The first locates within concepts of
largely one of accountability.
evidence: the second, once again, moves into the
So how do investigations and procedural under-
substantive concepts of ATs 2 4.
standing fit into 'today's National Curriculum? The How does this assessment relate to our view of
four attainment targets currently are Investigations the content of procedural understanding? It' we
(Sel ), Life and living processes (Sc2). Materials and draw out the concepts of evidence as they appear
their properties (Sc3) and Physical processes (Se2). in the levels of the curriculum (Table 9.4), we can
Attainment Target 1. scientific investigation, is see that while most are included, some such as
defined within the Programme of Study, as follows: repeatability or sample size arc not mentioned
Pupils should develop intellectual and practical specifically in any of the strands
skills which allow them to explore and investigate Like the original version. the overall picture of
the world of science and develop understanding of assessment in Sel is rather confused. On the one
scientific phenomena. the nature of theories and hand, it seems to be assessing some concepts of
procedures of scientific exploration and investiga- evidence, while on the other hand, it is about
tion. This should take place through activities that applying substantive concepts. There appears to
require a progressively moi e systematic and quan- be no clear underlying philosophy. It is based
tified approach which develops and draws on an around the 'doing' of practical activities rather
Table 9.3 Strands in Attainment Target I: Scientific investigation in the National Curriculum (DES. 1991)
4 kJ
Table 9.4 Concepts of evidence in the National All of the abilities that pupils need to demonstrate
Curriculum have therefore to be assessed in the context of
whole investigations. This does not mean that
Concepts ()I. evidence Level at which they each investigation has to offer the opportunity to
( not in any particular order, appear ( in strand 2 assess all three strands. Nor does it necessarily
unless noted ) mean that where an investigation allows all
strands to be assessed, the teacher has to assess
Identifying variables ifs them all. It may be more manageable to record a
independent and dependent 3 (strands 2 and 3) pupil's performance on each strand in the context
Fair test and control variables 3 of different investigat;ons.
(SEAC. 1992)
Categoric, discrete and
continuous variables 3 So while there is clear guidance to use whole inves-
Scale tigations for assessment, confusion reigns over
whether to focus on individual concepts of evi-
Range 5
dence or their application and synthesis.
Accuracy 6
Choice of instrument 4
The research evidence and the present curriculum
Variation, sample size and probability
Strand (i) asks pupils to generate their own hypothe-
Tables ses to test. Many teachers see this, not unreasonably,
Choice of graph type as the starting point. But there could hardly be a
more open start. As a consequence, some pupils will
Recognising and interpreting patterns 4,5
ask questions that are incapable of being answered at
Interpreting multivariate data 7
all, or certainly not with the apparatus available. But
Validity 3.9 more importantly, they will tend to ask questions, the
Reliability 9.10 solutions for which are already within their grasp. As
we saw in the research, the move to open questions
led pupils to rcgress to a more qualitative solution.
Such an approach is not going to bring out the best
in pupils, which surely we should be aiming for.
than the understanding that underpins that activ- The emphasis on conceptual understanding
ity. It is no wonder, then, that its implementation across strand (i) and strand (iii) to a lesser
has been fraught with problems. Some teachers extent at the higher levels makes heavy demands
who are unsure about assessing the 'content' of on pupils. As we have seen in our research. the
procedural understanding, focus on the assess- effect of the concept area on performance is one
ment of the application of substantive concepts. of the most influential factors. The assessment of
with the result that the understanding of concepts procedural understanding will be, to all intents
of evidence becomes marginalised. Others see it as and purposes, impossible if the biggest hurdle for
no more than traditional practical work as before. pupils is conceptual. The existing National
The issue of whether the assessment is about Curriculum attempts to structure progression on
individual concepts of evidence or their application variable complexity. There is a clear thread defin-
and synthesis is also unclear. On the one hand, the ing the required independent variable(s), which
curriculum emphasises that assessment is to be car- suggests a progression from the type 1 investiga-
ried out 'in the context of complete investigations' tions (as defined in the research) to type 2 to
(SEAC. 1993). While on the other, the suggestion types 3 and 4. The research has demonstrated
is that the three strands be assessed separately that this order is consonant with assessing appli-
within the context of whole investigations: cation and synthesis.
I 20
At the same time, pupils are being asked to be looking for ways of improvement: two possible
apply concepts at a level commensurate with the ways forward arc suggested below.
level of Sc2-4:
Table 9.5 Levels defined by the complexity and complexity and sophistication (it is limited to
sophistication of the evidence levels 4 and above, those most relevant to sec-
ondary schools). It will be apparent that they
Level Key indicator represent the pupils' ability to put together a strat-
Within a mmplete task: egy for the complete task and so are based, as we
argued in the previous chapter, largely on ideas of
4 Carry out a complete task which will give data validity and reliability.
that answer the original question
5 Recognise the importance of a fair test and of
the scale and range of the values involved in Using the criteria
ensuring that the resulting data are 'believable' How can these key indicators (Table 9.5) be related
6 Use continuous data to represent a pattern and to the present National Curriculum? We suggest
the relationship of that pattern (in a line graph) using these key indicators as the initial criteria
to scientific understanding against which to locate a pupil's investigation.'
7 Disentangle the effect of more than one inde- Teacher judgement is essential here. The existing
pendent variable criteria at that level can then be used as supporting
8 Use patterns to predict what will happen and criteria to assist in making a judgement as to
collect data of appropriate scale, range and whether the pupil has or has not met, more or less,
accur; . y to allow the prediction to be checked the criteria related to and defining the level. This
9 Synthesise evidence from a variety of sources may seem a very subjective approach, but the search
(multiple investigations or a mixture of investi- for objective criteria is bound to fail. Complex
gations and use of secondary sources) into a understandings are not capable of unambiguous
coherent argument and conclusion definition when limited to a few statements.
10 Understand the interplay between theory and In reality, this is criterion-related judgement
evidence, the use of evidence to test a theory or rather than strict criterion-referencing and as such it
the use of theory to check the reliability and must be based on case law. Experience suggests that,
validity of evidence given a set of criteria and some examples of pupils'
work. judgements can be brought into linc and
complex data as the need for range and accuracy increase teacher understanding of what is required.
linked to patterns comes into play. The sophistica- Another point of some importance in using cri-
tion of that evidence depends on the concept(s) (and teria of any sort, including our suggestions here. is
context) which underpins it. We have noted that, for the degree to which the statements are to be inter-
instance, the connection between a pattern in data preted in a legalistic sense. In the existing
and the reality of the event that they represent is a assessment structure of the National Curriculum,
crucial element of science. pupils' work is judged against level I (for instance)
The tasks themselves are not defined so they are and if it meets all those requirements it is judged at
not limited by variable structures because it is the level 2. again compared to every single phrase
outcome, in terms of evidence, that is defined. within the criteria. And so on. Clearly, the effect is
Tasks of other kinds which generate complex and cumulative. In the end we find ourselves looking
sophisticated evidence can be used, such as simple for evidence at level 10 that pupils (in one piece of
qualitative analysis in chemistry where the logical work?) have met' every single criterion that has
structuring of the task based on the accumulation gone before, all twenty-seven of them. And so
of evidence is paramount (Table 3.6 gives some nobody can succeed.
examples of other types of investigative work). There is another way. We can look at a pupil's
The key indicators of progression in Table 9.5 work and match it against key indicators with a
can he seen as pegs along this path of increasing view to finding the hest overall match. Then the
additional criteria can be used to make an overall rather than attempt a too grandiose and all-encom-
judgement as to whether the work is sufficiently passing set of criteria. One suggestion is shown in
close to that level, as a whole. This may seem like a Table 9.6. The range covered and degree of overlap
hair-splitting exercise, but the change in stance is an arbitrary choice. All that is required is a
from working upwards through all the words of recognition that the assessment is to be of the abil-
the statements to a judgemental matching is not to ity to generate. understand and use evidence in the
be underestimated. Level 10 then becomes some- context of investigations set within the contexts and
thing which can be judged over a number of pieces concepts defined by the Programme of Study. The
of work using the criteria as canons of judgement grades. be they letters corresponding to GCSE
rather than legalistically interpreted hurdles. As grades or labels such as average, above average and
the head of department quoted before says: so on, will then be qualified by the key stage at
I find having to obey the 'letter of the law' of the
which the assessment is made.
NC criteria discouraging. It needs putting right. The Dearing Report (1993) suggests something
Using judgements seems a revolutionary way of similar: 'One possibility for the end of key stage
assessing, but it is 'do-able'. You stand back from assessment would be a five (or six ) point grad-
the pupil's work and you have the criteria (man- ing in each of the Key Stages 1 to 3 leading on to
ageable not too many fine details) in your mind the General Certificate of Secondary Education
clearly before you start then you exercise your scale at Key Stage 4.'
judgement. It is a clearer and more relaxed way of In the introduction to this chapter, we sug-
assessment. The 'nit-picking' approach is essential
gested that the level of generality of criteria and
for details of conceptual understanding. It is not
the way to judge procedural ability.
the problem of how judgements are to be made are
the major problems. Our suggestions above can
It will be noted that there is no reference to only be seen to deal with these questions if:
science concepts (the substantive elements) in these
suggested criteria. The reason is tied to the interplay the criteria, which arc still very general. are
between context and concepts which the research given meaning through many examples or tasks
shows plays such a big part in determining pupil and examples of pupils' work: and
performance. The concepts and contexts are largely the various ways of collecting evidence sug-
set by the Programmes of Study defined for each gested in the previous chapter are used to form
key stage. These, quite rightly, differ from stage to judgements against those criteria.
stage. The consequence of that is, of course, that a
pupil in Key Stage 3 will be assessed on an investi- Other strands
gation set in contexts defined by the Key Stage 3
programmes of study and using concepts that are -1 he above amounts to a structure based on one
within their grasp. A pupil attempting tlw same level factor the idea of evidence. We regard this as the
in Key Stage 4 would come across a different set of central feature of Scl. but a broadening of the def-
concepts and contexts. The level of demand will be inition to include skills, data interpretation and.
quite different. As the Dearing Report (1993) notes: potentially, the nature of scientific evidence might
he considered. Certainly at Key Stage 4 there is a
This [the problem of the 10 level scale] raises the place for more advanced skills that involve thc
question of whether. for example. the level 3 in more sophisticated instruments encountered at
history achieved by a bright Key Stage 1 pupil that level. This would build on thc progress made
means the same thing as the level 3 achieved by
the less able 14-year-old [in relation to the com-
in GCSE work within the National Criteria, which
pletely different programme of studyl. was proving popular before its demise at the
hands of the National Curriculum. It would also
The sensible thing, then, is to define levels within provide a vehicle for inclusion of tasks which are
a key stage based in the concepts of that key stage. essentially based on 'finding a way' to measure
Current level as Key Stage I levels Key Stage 2 levels Key Stage 3 levels Key Stage 4 levels
suggested in defined within defined within defined within defined within
Table 9.5 Programmes of Programmes of Programmes of Programmes of
Study at this Study at this Study at this Study at this
key stage key stage key stage key stage
Strand (a)
Carrying out investigations Designing tasks and collecting valid and reliable evidence
Strand (b)
Skills Use of apparatus and measuring instruments and the interpretation of
evidence from primary and secondary sources
Strand (c)
The nature of evidence in science and Empirical evidence and its relationship to laws and theories and as a
engineering predictor of the behaviour of materials and systems
something. often a key element in science. We discoveries or ideas about inductivism or falsifica-
have seen examples in earlier chapters of activities tion. We mean nothing so grand for pupils at this
based on individual concepts of evidence: the age. We do believe that thc current provision fails
N EA core skills paper is one example of that to prepare students, particularly those going into
approach in practice. Such tasks could also form engineering, to encounter empirical evidence which
the basis of a strand based directly on the interpre- does not have any formula to attach to it. For
tation of 'second-hand' data. example, graphs in civil engineering often are
Inclusion of a strand linked to the nature of sci- envelopes within which the material is likely to
ence itself has some attractions, particularly when behave. To a student of school physics who expects
we remind ourselves of the data presented in a graph to 'prove' some law or other, this can be a
Chapter 4, which showed the disparity in teachers' significant hurdle to learning. Whether it can be
perceptions of practical work in science. Its suc- incorporated into a workable assessment system in
cessful incorporation would rely on it not an arca which we have shown still is on a steep
becoming confused with the history and philoso- learning curve is open to doubt. The strands then
phy of science, which tends to focus on historical might become as shown in Table 9.7.
4 -
A structure based in a norm-referenced framework be more questions in the understanding row. fewer
in the application and fewer still in the recall. This
A quite different alternative is to use the taxonom- grid, then, represents the domain which is to be
ical structure in the way it is used in conventional assessed and the results obtained from the sampling
examining practice. A typical examination planner of that domain are used to give an estimate of a
will begin by creating a grid for assessment objec- pupil's ability in the subject defined by the domain.
tives and content. We give a much simplified Exactly the same approach can be adopted for
version in Table 9.8. a domain of procedural understanding. The grid
The grid will encompass all the assessment objec- now contains 'concepts of evidence' rather than
tives and all the content areas. Then, rather than substantive concepts but in other respects the issue
attempt to cover all the boxes in the examination. is identical (see Table 9.9).
questions are distributed around the grid to reflect Questions can now be distributed across the
the overall weightings of the objectives. There may grid, making sure that there is a spread of concept
Understanding of concepts of
l'nderstanding of concepts of
evidence ..
... I...................:......J
Application of skills arid concepts
or evidence (in unfamiliar situations)
areas. There will be some skill tasks, written and The correspondence between these suggestions
practical, some short tasks based on individual and our analysis is close, which suggests that there
concepts of evidence and some practical investiga- is a convergence in meaning as to what Scl is
tions. It will be remembered that a key feature of about; the language is becoming established.
investigations is their ability to differentiate by
outcome, so it will be possible to use relatively few
such tasks to cover a wide spread of ability. And, Summary
just as for traditional examining, marks and
weightings can be allocated to each question and a We have seen in this chapter how the National
final total used to represent ability in that domain. Curriculum has developed from a mixture of skills
We give this alternative as a technical example and concepts of evidence towards something
rather than as something we would advocate. which concentrates more directly on thc synthesis
of concepts of evidence. We have suggested that
GCSE assessment of Scl the insistence on the inclusion of substantive con-
cepts with which p:apils are not necessarily at
As the final touches were being put to this manu- home is to miss the point of the assessment, which
script, the suggestions for assessment of Scl for surely is not to repeat an assessment of concepts
GCSE were dropping through school letterboxes. which can be carried out more effectively in other
The method being adopted by the Northern ways. Furthermore, the evidence suggests that its
Examining Association (NEA) is of some interest inclusion denies some pupils the opportunity to
in the light of the above arguments. They suggest demonstrate their procedural understanding.
that assessment be carried out using whole investi- A move towards subjective judgement based on
gations and that the level be defined in relation to key indicators, supported by other criteria, would,
'key features': 'An investigation needs to be of the we believe, not only make assessment easier to
right type according to these descriptions [the key manage in the classroom but also give a better pic-
features] if the mark for each skill [strand] is to be ture of pupil ability. The most recent documents
awarded' (NEA, 1993).
on assessment from the examining boards seem to
So the first step, they suggest, is to decide at
what level the pupil's work is compared to the key
recognise and support this view. Most encourag-
features before deciding on what to do about any ingly of all, perhaps, is the extent to which the
one skill (strand). Then, the assessment calls, language of investigations and its attendant case
implicitly, for teachers to use their judgement: 'It law is converging. This, we must hope, signals a
is now possible for these assessment criteria to be convergence of philosophy.
used in such a way that a candidate can be
awarded a mark without necessarily having satis-
fied each and every one of them in full.' References
So, having decided on the overall level, the
teacher is being asked to judge if each skill Dearing, R. (1993). The National Curriculum and Its
(strand) has been attained, whether or not every Assessment: An Interim Report. York, London,
single element of that strand has been 'ticked'.
Department of Education and Science and Welsh Office
Another suggestion made above, that pupils' work (1988a). National Curriculum Task Group on Assessment
should be matched against criteria by looking for and Testing: A Report. London, HMSO.
a 'best overall match', is paralleled in the NEA Department of Education and Science and Welsh Office
documents: `...the criteria should be used to iden- (1988b). Science for Ages 5 to /6. London, HMSO.
tify best fit between the work and the criteria... Department of Education and Science and Welsh Office
provided the investigation is of the right type (1991). Science in the Ivational Curriculum. London,
(defined by the key features)'. HMSO.
Gipps, C.V. (1992). National Curriculum assessment: A NEA (1993). Science Framework Guidance on the
research agenda. British Education Research Journal, Assessment of Scl GCSE. Northern Examinations
18(3) 277-86. and Assessment Board.
National Curriculum Council (1988). Consultation SEAC (1992). School Assessment Folder Part Two:
Report: Science, December. York, NCC. Science. National Pilot. London, SEAC.
National Curriculum Council (1991). Consultation SEAC (1993). School Assessment Folder Key Stage 3:
Report: Science. September. York, NCC, Assessing Scl . London, SEAC.
4 11
-I 0 0
This book has explored the role of investigations point and that they do not value the significance
in the science curriculum in the light of current of their own evidence. Pupils particularly lack the
research. Ou central theme has been that investi- important parts of procedural understanding
gations are not just another tool in the teachers' which we have defined as those concepts of evi-
repertoire for teaching the substantive concepts of dence associated with the validation of evidence. If
science, but a tool with a very specific purpose pupils have not been taught these ideas, then it is
that of teaching for the understanding. application hardly surprising that they do not understand
and synthesis of concepts of evidence which lie at them. There has also been, and still is, a tendency
the heart of procedural understanding. We have to regard procedural understanding as something
put forward ways of teaching these concepts of which once acquired is only useful in as much as it
evidence and of incorporating investigations into is a nieans of teaching cdricepts. We have argued
the curriculum. We have suggested ways of that procedural understanding is something that is
making investigations more meaningful to pupils worth teaching in its own right.
by using the notion of an 'audience' for the result- We have demonstrated how the content of pro-
ing evidence. cedural understanding can be broken down into
The current science curriculum focuses primar- concepts of evidence which serve two purposes.
ily on substantive conceptual knowledge. We have First, it enables the teacher to examine children's
suggested that a more balanced view of science performance in investigations to see which con-
would give greater attention to procedural under- cepts children do and do not understand. Second,
standing. The research we have presented disputes it means that investigations can be designed to
the assumption that children gain procedural focus on particular aspects of investigations and
understanding simply by doing practical work in to teach particular concepts of eidence. The issue
the course of traditional science teaching. This of the assessment of investigations is not without
common view was epitomised at a recent confer- its problems, particularly in the UK National
ence when an apparently accepted opinion was Curriculum. If we accept the view that the assess-
stated as: 'we know that practical work is import- ment of the synthesis of concepts of evidence is the
ant but because everyone can do it. there's no goal, then assessment should ultimately rely on the
need to worry about it'. informed judgement of the professional teacher.
Research findings suggest that there is indeed So far, our arguments have stemmed from the
'something to worry about'. While it is encourag- research we have presented. Here we shall put for-
ing that children can do practical investigations in ward a more personal view.
the sense that they can design and collect data, it is If we consider the aims of educating pupils in sci-
a matter of concern that they do not get past this ence, then we start from the point of view of equality
41 3 4
of opportunity which we take as fundamental. An A more personal view, and one which expresses
education system without a belief that all pupils are the sheer frustration felt by many of our best sci-
equally worth educating and that they deserve the ence teachers, is typified by this quote from a
same chance would be a moral failure. This does not teacher in one of our research schools:
mean that we can guarantee, or even wish to strive
I want people to be interested in science. None of
for, equality of output. That is up to each individual
my friends ever were. I think if it had been left to
pupil. But they should all have the chance. In terms school science alone, I would definitely have fol-
of science education, we are not talking about pro- lowed the Arts. But my father was an engineer
ducing more top scientists but working towards a and he was fascinated by science and this influ-
more scientifically literate society. enced me.
The phrase 'the public understanding of science' By the 6th form, if you thought about the sci-
is much in vogue at present. It points to the fact that ence it held you back - if you learned the
there is a growing awareness that there is something formulae and followed the instruction you were
wrong with that understanding that it is in need of well away if you could stand the boredom.
improvement. Industry is particularly concerned Science had become dead, and dead hard.
that a science-trained workforce needs more 'trans- [At university], my friends did English and art
ferable skills' at its disposal. Both these issues can and French and history: they were always being
be, and we would argue should be, addressed at the encouraged to think for themselves, analyse but
school level. give their own opinion and reasons, using the evi-
dence they had. Would tutorials in science open
How then do pupils regard science? To many, it
up this discussion? No! - more formulae and
is a subject that is hard, irrelevant and boring. instructions. All in all, the message was be able
Added to this is the fact that science has a negative to stick the numbers in the right places in the for-
image in society generally, which is passed down mulae, but never mind what it means.
from one generation to the next. We shall consider When I started teaching I decided I wouldn't
each of these claims in turn before we consider teach like that, but would try to make things
how these problems can be addressed. clearer to everybody. But in the end I felt I'd
conned them into opting [for physics] because.
with all the formulae and instructions, there was
Science is hard? hardly time (or anyone with the staying power), or
teaching suggestions in text books to try to keep
Assessment of Performance Unit (APU) data from it interesting. I felt like force of [the teacher's]
the 1980s showed that something like 20 per cent personality alone drove th.m to success at '0'
of the nation's 16-year-olds could make sense of level, in the midst of incomprehension.
the concepts of science. In some areas of physics
and chemistry, the proportion is nearer 2 per cent.
It seems as if science is indeed 'too hard' for the Science is irrelevant?
majority. But this is well known and equally well
documented: The criticism that school science is irrelevant is not
new either:
School science has, both cwertly and covertly.
become more pure. conceptually demanding and Although there are some impressive exceptiens.
complex, and less concerned with the everyday too much time spent learning science by too many
reality and experience of our youngsters, their pupils consists of the accumulation of facts and
parents and their employers: it has, in so many principles which have little perceived, or indeed
ways. become a complex symbolic system access- actual, relevance to their daily lives as young
ible to the few. people or adults.
(ASE, 1979) (DES, 1985)
Unfortunately, there is a feeling in society and schools is too full. There is no time to explore
among some scientists that school science is school ideas and the consequences of science in their
science and no matter whether it appears to be pupils' everyday lives. And so science stops with
boring or irrelevant, you cannot fiddle about with the school bell.
it. This is the 'science is hard, and if they can't get
into it, well so be it' approach. Whether this is the A bad image?
view of those who have been through science
training, or the view of 'laymen' who are over- Young people see science as destructive. By dam-
impressed by the mysticism of pure science, is aging the environment, contributing to wars and
arguable. The political rhetoric in some quarters experimenting on animals, science has lost its
seems particularly impressed with these argu- appeal and the popular portrayal of scientists
shows them as dangerous or insane.
ments: it has the feel of 'back to basics' about it:
(Purchoii. 1991)
The thrust in science towards practical. investiga-
tive and experimental work has left less time Science has undoubtedly caused some of the
available for its teaching. and has undermined problems in today's world but it has also found
further the acquisition of knowledge. the cures to many, although the latter is not
(Centre for Policy Studies, 1988) always recognised.
Another contributory factor to this negative
This extraordinary statement beggars belief. What image is that the 'objective' nature of science can
we can only assume, to be charitable, is that the be taken to imply that scientists are uncaring and
authors have confused discovery learning with
practical science. If they really believe that science
is not about 'practical, investigative and experi-
mental work', then the future for science and
engineering is indeed bleak.
Science is boring?
unemotional people They are seen as somehow To decide between the competing claims of vocal
remote from society. The more caring image of interest groups concerned about controversial
biology drives pupils towards the biological sci- issues such as 'acid rain', nuclear power, in vitro
ences or into the arts where that humanising fertilisation or animal experimentation, the indi-
influence is more apparent. vidual needs to know some of the factual
Newton and Newton (1992) asked young chil- background and to be able to assess the quality of
the evidence being presented.
dren to draw a picture of a scientist and found as
An uninformed public is very vulnerable to mis-
on p. 141, that many young children drew a male leading ideas on, for example, diet or alternative
scientist, with a balding head, wearing a white medicine. An enhanced ability to sift the plausible
coat and working with test tubes in a laboratory. from the implausible should be one of the benefits
This stereotype of a somewhat remote figure set from better public understanding of science.
apart from society may be acquired by as early as (The Royal Society, 1985)
six years of age.
Evidence is, science must be central. It is the
key that differentiates science from maths, for
An alternative science? instance. In science, as in mathematics, any theory
has to be internally consistent but in science it also
To those 'in the know', science is a fascinating way has to be tested against reality. If it fails the test, it
of looking at and understanding the world. Many is, or should be, discarded. That is a pure scien-
younger pupils, particularly in primary and early tist's view of evidence and one that is difficult to
secondary, share this view. What can we do in fit neatly into science for younger pupils.
schools to enable children to retain this interest? But applied scientists and engineers rely on evi-
If we look at the content of the science curricu- dence to a far greater extent. When an engineer
lum, then we can see a number of core ideas or key designs a bridge, the theory may help in under-
substantive concepts which are essential for scien- standing the problem, but it would be a foolish
tists, engineers and technologists and indeed for engineer indeed who designed a bridge in the
the scientifically literate person. We cannot throw absence of empirical evidence about real bridges.
these key concepts away, even if they are hard. Evidence here is the rock upon which any engi-
The best we can do is to keep them to a minimum neering project is based and the quality of that
and present them in a way which makes them evidence and its believability must be central. It is
accessible to the majority of students and in a way also more accessible to pupils in schools than the
which highlights their relevance. But there remains 'purer' use of evidmce to test theory. Scientists in
a lot of clutter around these big ideas. The result industry rely on the ability to generate, validate
of the clutter is that many graduates come to and interpret evidence. But most importantly, it is
teacher training knowing a lot and understanding this evidence which will form the basis for the:
little. They are full of very erudite sounding
knowledge. Ask them to explain some everyday Humanising [of] the science curriculum by devel-
phenomenon and the k .y gaps in those big ideas oping an understanding of human nature in
show through all too clearly. relation to the natural environment to enable citi-
When we look at procedural understanding, it zens to deal with problems that have ethical, value
is here that we find the core of 'transferable skills' and moral components.
that industry asks for. These transferable skills are (Hurd, 1993)
those which make up the general scientific It is the ability to evaluate evidence and to begin
approach to issues which can be applied across to appreciate such components, that we are arga-
many situations. One of the most important of ing for in this book and which we believe provides
these skills is the ability to evaluate evidence: the core of the transferable skills that we seek.
.1 .)
Science teaching is essentially a practical activity, with a issues arising from the National Curriculum for Science
long tradition of pupil experimental work in schools. in England, its discussion is equally germane to all con-
And yet, there are still large and fundamental questions cerned with developing good practical work in schools .
about its most appropriate role and the reality of what
is actually achieved. What is the purpose of doing prac-
tical work? to increase theoretical understanding or to
Setting the scene Practical work in school science: an
develop practical competencies? What does it mean to
analysis qf current practice The centrality of practical
be good at doing science? Do we have a valid model for
genuine scientific activity? and if so do we develop it work in the SciencelTechnologylSociety movement-
by teaching the component skills or by giving experience Practical science in low-income countries a means to an
in doing whole investigations? What is the relationship end: the role of processes in science education Practical
between theoretical understanding and practical perfor- work in science: a task-based approach? - Reconstructing
mance'? How significant is the tacit knowledge of the theory from practical experience Episodes, and the pur-
student, and the scientist, in achieving success in tack- pose and conduct of practical work Factors affecting
ling a scientific problem? How important are such success in science investigations School laboratory life
factors as motivation and commitment? What do we Gender differences in pupils' reactions to practical
mean by transferability and progression in respect to work Simulation and laboratory practical activity
practical work? do they exist? can they be defined? Tackling technological tasks Principles of practical
How can we assess a student's practical ability in a way assessment Assessment and evaluation in the science
which is valid and reliable and at the same time encour- laboratory Practical science as a holistic activity
ages, rather than destroys, good scientific practice in Rekreiwes Index.
schools? This book addresses such questions.
By bringing together the latest insights and research find- Contributors
ings from many of the world's leading science educators, Terry Allsop. Bob Fairbrother, Geoffrey J. Giddings.
new perspectives and guidelines are developed. It pro- Richard Gott, Richard F. Gunstone, Avi Hofstein,
vides a re-affirmation of the vital importance of' practical Richard Kimbell. Vincent Lunetta, Judith Mashiter,
activity in science, centred on problem-solving investiga- , thin Millar. Patricia Murphy, Joan Solomon. Pinchas
tions. It advocates the need for students to engage in Tamir, Kok-Aun Toh, Richard White, Brian E.
whole practical tasks, in which all aspects of knowledge Woolnough. Robert E. Yager.
(tacit as well as explicit), of practical ability, and of per-
sonal attributes of commitment and creativity, are 224pp 0 335 09389 2 (Paperback) 0 335 09390 6
interacting. While considering the particularly pertinent (Hardback)
David Bond, Jeffrey Dunn and Elizabeth Hegarty-Hazel
This is a complete guide to the design and organisation curriculum. Research and regular course evaluation in
of laboratory activities and the conduct of laboratory this field are shown to be essential to development.
teaching. It is an exhaustive, up-to-date account and
appraisal of current practice, with recommendations for
change supported by case studies.
Introduction Aims, objectives and course planning
Notoriously time and labour intensive, lab work is Teaching strategies - Sequencing and organization
doubly threatened when resources run scarce. It is par- Assessment of students Monitoring laboratory teaching
ticularly dependent upon precise objectives, purposeful Research on laboratory work Aide-memoire for the
structure, effective experiments, and close assessment. development of a new laboratory course References
This book brings together and elucidates all that has Index.
been and could yet be done in the sciences to maintain
and improve effectiveness and keep lab work in the 192pp 0 335 15609 6 (Paperback)
Jenny Henderson and Stephen Knutton
In recent years there has been spectacular growth in This is an essential resource for practising and trainee
biotechnology and in its importance for the school cur- teachers of science and technology.
riculum. This handbook offers teachers:
an overview of the significance and scope of biotech- Contents
nology What is biotechnology? Biotechnology and the school
an introduction to the content of biotechnology and curriculum Biotechnology and the food industry
its relevance to the everyday world Biotechnology and medicine - Biotechnology in agricul-
a guide to how biotechnology fits into the National ture Biotechnology and the environment - Biotech-
Curriculum, within and across subject disciplines
nology, fuels and chemicals Biotechnology through
appropriate teaching strategies
suggestions for practical work problem solving Biotechnology through discussion-
case studies and other material which can be used based learning - Practical considerations - Resources
directly with sixth form students Glossary Appendix References Index.
a glossary of terms
a guide to resources I76pp 0 335 09368 X (Paperback)
coverage of safety issues. 0 335 09369 8 (Hardback)
Di Bentley and Mike Watts
ISBN 0-335-19143-6