Cloud Computing Security Issues Problem and Strategy: Abstract

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 1, 2015


Cloud Computing Security Issues Problem and Strategy

Michael *, John Presto **
*(Chaudhari Technical Institute, MCA Department, Gujarat)

The fast developing computer technology has gone through the spectacular advances in computing
Security processing and networking technology. Lot of users and research organizations are now using
cloud-computing concepts for easy and efficient solutions to their computing and data sharing needs. In
fact, the cloud computing Security problems/challenges with fundamental security issues such as data
privacy. The implementation of cloud computing will help the universities by reducing the expenditure
with decreasing their demand for software licensing and it has operational benefits. multi-layered security
strategy can, however, help organizations address this security problem.

Keywords —Cloud Computing Security , Public cloud, Data protection strategy,

I. Introduction: transmitting the data. Perhaps most critically, cloud

The universities all over the world are under subscribers must recognize that moving into the
increasing pressure to employ the Information cloud extends a great deal of trust and responsibility
Technology for the welfare of faculty members, to the cloud provider.
students, operational staff and management.
Developing a strategy for a problem like data II. Theoretical Concept of Cloud Computing:
privacy is to fully define and understand the The cloud computing is considered as fifth
problem itself. Cloud environment is comprised of generation of computing with reference to
software and hardware resources in the data centers mainframe, personal computer, client server
that run different services over the internet or computing, and the web. In essence, cloud
network to satisfy the user’s needs and it depends computing is a construct that allow you to access
on sharing resources instead of having local servers applications that actually reside at a location other
to handle application for a certain individual or than your computer or other Internet–connected
organization. The numerous cloud enterprise system device; most often, this will be a distant data
looks for these advantages to be used in various centres.Cloud computing is a distributed computing
applications. The service of the cloud makes it environment that provides on demand services to
possible to access the data at anytime from the users for deploying their computational needs in
anywhere. Cloud computing utilize the networks of a virtualized environment without the knowledge of
a huge group of servers naturally brings a low rate technical infrastructure. Due to reliability,
data processing with specialized connection. scalability, high performance and low band width
most of the organizations are running their
It has a great impact on the development of IT by applications in cloud. The cloud service providers
enhancing its existing capabilities and increasing provide the services to the registered cloud users on
flexibility. In the recent years, cloud computing has payment basic across the glove.
made significant
Changes in IT industry and has become a promising
part of IT world. In fact, the cloud subscriber does III. Require user Permission for data
not typically know the location of the data center Access control :
and storage hardware, and/or what networks are

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 1, 2015
A role is a higher level representation of access definition. Industry experts and researchers are
control.In cases of Organization by means of user id struggling to formulate a standard set of terms to
fraud, a simple solution can be offered - user describe all the different functions. with three
namely, requesting actual user permission for data constituents to the cloud infrastructure layer. The
access. As a cloud security check, the id must figure represents the inter-dependency between the
always detect when a user is attempting to access different layers in the cloud.
data. In every visit, the valid id should be verified The Virtualization Layer
of the access data request. A notification message This layer is also known as the infrastructure layer.
can be sent to the data owner (valid user) via The virtualization layer is the result of various
messaging system. The valid user can then either operating systems being installed as virtual
allow or invalid data access permission to the machines. It is a very useful concept in context of
requesting party. Most importantly, researcher cloud systems. It is the software implementation of
points out that this simple data security strategy is a server to execute different programs like a real
both cost effective and assures the data's data is machine. The remote data center provides different
always secure. services in a full or partial
virtualized manner.
IV.Distributed Servers Infrastructure as a service
The Client-server architecture is a way to provide a The infrastructure layer builds on the virtualization
service from a central source. There is a single layer by offering the virtual servers as a service to
server that provides a service, and many clients that users. The clients are billed for these virtual servers
communicate with the server to consume its but not for the actual hardware. This reduces the
products. In this architecture, clients and servers cost of unnecessary hardware procurement physical
have different jobs. The server's job is to respond to servers or data storage systems.
service requests from clients, while a client's job is Platform as a service
to use the data provided in response in order to This layer provides an operating system platform
perform some tasks. Peer-to-Peer System: The term for hosting various applications. Platform as a
peer-to-peer is used to describe distributed systems service solutions are basically the development
in which labour is divided among all the platforms for which the development tool itself is
components of the system. All the computers send hosted in the Cloud through Infrastructure as a
and receive data, and they all contribute some service and accessed through a browser. With
processing power and memory to a distributed Platform as a service, developers can build Web
computation. As a distributed system increases in applications as per their native systems and to
size, its capacity of computational resources deploy those applications in the cloud virtualized
increases. server without any specialized systems
administration skills.
Software as a service
If the users do not want to develop the cloud
application, the Software as a service layer is the
solution. The users simply procure a service, such
as email or CRM Billing can be based on utilization
of these services. In this case, it is a simple way to
get the application functionality that the users need
1.The infrastructure models of clouds without incurring the cost of developing that
V. Challenges of cloud computing: application.
The Hardware Layer VI.Authentication with identifier/password
As more functionality moves to the internet cloud format :
every provider and user is developing their own

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 1, 2015
In the single-server model, where a single server is With two-server password system, single point of
involved and it keeps a database of user passwords. vulnerability, is totally eliminated. Without
Most of the existing password systems follow this compromising both servers, no attacker can find
single-server model, but the single server results in user passwords through offline dictionary attacks.
a single point of vulnerability in terms of offline The control server being isolated from the public,
dictionary attacks against the user password the chance for it being attacked is substantially
database. The servers are equally exposed to users minimized, thereby increasing the security of the
and a user has to communicate in parallel with overall system. The system is also resilient to
several or all servers for authentication. The main offline dictionary attacks by outside attackers. This
problem with the plain multi-server model is the allows users to use easy to remember passwords
demand on communication bandwidth and the need and still have strong authentication and key
for synchronization at the user side since a user has exchange. The system has no compatibility problem
to engage in simultaneous communications with with the single-server model.
multiple servers. This may cause problems to
resource-constrained mobile devices such as hand
phones and PDAs. VIII. Conclusion :
Despite its many benefits, cloud computing
A passive adversary follows honest but-curious presents significant problems with fundamental
behaviour, that is, it honestly executes the protocol security issues like data privacy. proposed a
according to the protocol specification and does not password-based authentication that is built upon a
modify data, but it eavesdrops on communication novel two-server model. Compared with previous
channels, collects protocol transcripts and tries to solutions, our system possesses many advantages,
derive user passwords from the transcripts, such as the elimination of key exchange system,
moreover, when an passive adversary controls a avoidance of any sort of cryptographic techniques
server, it knows all internal states of knowledge such as encryption, hashing and high efficiency
known to the server, including its private key (if with provable security. In contrast to existing
any) and the shares of user passwords. In contrast, multiserver password systems, our system has great
an active adversary can act arbitrarily in order to potential for practical applications. It can be
uncover user passwords. Besides, we assume a directly applied to fortify existing standard single
secret communication channel between SS and CS server password applications, e.g., FTP and Web
for this basic protocol. applications. By employing two servers, the system
is able to offer considerably more protection of
sensitive user data than any single-server approach
could permit.

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