DM Screen

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Hybrid Damage: Weapons do equal damage to vitality and in-

tegrity scaled objects.

Armor: Roll armor dice and subtract sum of all results from
damage. Trauma against physical, projectile against projectiles.

Final loss: Summarize all damage rolls and subtract the armor
rolls. The subtract final damage from vitality.
Storyguide Screen v1.1
downloads & updates: Wound Levels (Wound level x Vitality):
Wound Level Vitality (10 points example) Penalty
COMBAT 0 Unhurt 0 0

1. Initiative 1 Flesh Wound 1-10 0

2 Light Wounds 11-20 -1

1d + Reflex, Higher is faster
3 Moderate Wounds 21-30 -3
2. Actions 4 Serious Wounds 31-40 -6

Declare how many actions to take this turn, (only for charac- 5 Death's Door 41-50 Unconscious
ters with multiple):
6 Dead 51+ Dead
1 Action: No penalty

2 Actions: -2 penalty 5. Additional Actions

3 Actions: -4 Penalty
Once all first actions are done: Do all second actions in order,
then the third.
Free Actions: Dodge, say or shout a short sentence, look
around, take a couple of steps.
6. Regeneration
Normal Actions: Attack, diving prone, draw gun, duck for Depends on monster or Tager. Rate is listed in the creature's
cover, moving further stats. Tagers regenerate at two different rates: The first num-
ber shows the regeneration in their normal, the second in their
To reload a weapon takes a full turn. shifted state. If dice are mentioned, roll dice to determine the
regenerated vitality.
3. Make Combat Contests
Attack skill Defense skill

Fighting Armed Fighting, Dodge, Fighting

Degree Difficulties Standard
Armed Fighting Armed Fighting, Dodge
Easy 7-9 8
All Others Dodge
If test result is higher than defender, success. Equal or lower Average 10-14 12
means failure. Challenging 15-19 16
Range Modifiers:
Hard 20-25 22
Short Mid Long Extreme Incredibly Hard 26-31 28
+2 0 -2 -6 Legendary 32+ 34
Other Modifiers:
Guns in close quarters (also for Mechs): -4 Difference Margin
Moving ½ top speed or more and shooting: -2 1-2 Near Failure or Success
Target surprised: Treat defense roll as critical failure (0)
3-4 Average success or Failure

Static target: 5-6 Solid Success or Definite Failure

Difficulty: Short 12, Mid 16, Long 22, Extreme 28
7-9 Like a Pro or Like a Complete Idiot

Moving target: 10 Critical Success or just a Definite Failure

51-100 mph: -2, 101-200 mph: -4, 201-300 mph: -6

4. Damage
For ever 5 points higher in Combat Contest, get +1d on dam-
age roll (minimum is 1)
Weapons: Add Weapon Damage dice.
Strength Modifier for Fight or Armed Fight

1-3 -1d

4-7 0

8-9 +1d

10-11 +2d

12-13 +3d

14-15 +4d

Subdual Damage: ½ of damage roll is subdual. When would

level is dropped, target must succeed Hard Tenacity Feat Test
or is unconscious for 1d min.
SPECIAL COMBAT INFO Stealth: Use X-ray to scan 25yard² area within pilot's line of
Indirect Attack
Acceleration / Deceleration:
Target located by someone else: -2 E 3/3, D 3/2, C 2/2, B 2/1, A 1/1
Target not visible at all: -4
Flight & Elevation: Record height with dice. If diving down
How far away indirect attack hits from target: again, increase max speed by 50%.
Short 1d feet/yards away
Jump: Base jump distance determined by size. Jump pods at
Mid & Long 2d feet/yards away
least double this base.
Extreme 3d feet/yards away Athletics can be used to increase jump distance – 2x is chal-
lenging, 3x is hard, 4x is incredibly hard, 5x is legendary. If
Point where the indirect attack hits: Mech is moving over half top speed, use next lower test diffi-
11,12,1 - behind target

2,3,4 - right side of target For Mech movement details, see Core Book, p.133.
5,6,7 - front of target
Lifting: 2 tons for every Mech Strength point.
8,9,10 - left side of target
If Strength challenge against vitality scale object: Multiply
Object Vitality score by 20.

Chair 2 Throwing: 200 lbs objects can be thrown 20 times the Mech's
Composite Window 2 strength value (min. 50 yards). For more info, see Core Book,
Wall 3 p.133.
Desk 3
Composite Door 3 OTHER INFO
Metal Door 5
Bullet-Proof Window 5 (2/2 Armor) Healing

Opportunity Attacks Flesh to Unhurt:

Degree Easy, Natural 1 w., EMT 3 d., Physician 3 d.
Unprotected Actions can be countered with an Opportunity At-
tack. If so, all other Actions are lost and the Opportunity Attack Light to Flesh:
suffers -2. If taken as second action it suffers -4. As a third ac- Degree Easy, Natural 1 w., EMT 3 d., Physician 3 d.
tion it's not available.
Moderate to Light:
Degree Easy, Natural 1 w., EMT 3 d., Physician 3 d.
Large Scale Battle
Serious to Moderate:
1 Hull Point = 50 Integrity Points Degree Easy, Natural 1 w., EMT 3 d., Physician 3 d.
1 Integrity Point = 50 Vitality Points
Death's Door to Serious:
When using a Hull-Scale weapon to hit a Integrity or Vitality Degree Easy, Natural 1 w., EMT 3 d., Physician 3 d.
scale (faster/smaller) object get -8 penalty on attack.
Drama Points
Mech Battle
Maximum DPs is 20.
LAI gives pilot +1 free Action. Only for minor tasks, no attacks.
E.g. X-ray scan, communications Recover DPs at end of episode:
– If spent at a critical or dramatic moment, player regains all
Mech Size Size Modifier Jump distance DPs spent + 1
Tiny 0 Base Distance (Average)
– If spent necessarily, player regains all DPs spent
– If spent to correct a careless action, player doesn't regain
Small 1 2 yards across or 1 vertical the points spent that way. Can be bought instead with 1
Medium 2 5 yards across or 2 vertical Experience Point for each DP.
Large 3 10 yards across or 5 vertical
Fear & Insanity
Behemoth 4 30 yards across or 15 vertical
Fear (temporary): Tenacity feat test against set difficulty or
Fear Rating of creature. If failed, roll 2d and see table in Core
Damage level Integrity Book, p.135.
After 10 times the same encounter, if 50% of the time re-
0 Undamaged 0
mained calm, immune to such an encounter.
1 (Co)smetic Damage 1-10 Insanity (permanent): Once insanity rises, character goes tem-
porary insane for 1-5 days (½ 1d).
2 (L)ight Damage 11-20
Insanity causes, see table in Core Book, p.139.
3 (M)oderate Damage 21-30

4 (S)erious Damage 31-40 Insanity Points Level Disorders Insanity test mod.

5 (Cr)itical Damage 41-50 0-1 Sane - 0

6 Destroyed 51+ 2-3 Troubled 1 permanent 0

4-5 Twisted 2 permanent -1

System Failure: When damage level is reached, the systems
6-7 Disturbed 3 permanent -2
matching that damage level go offline.
8-9 Insane 4 permanent -4
Rocket Pod: If multiple rockets are fired, there's still only one
10 Gone 6 permanent (turns to NPC)
attack roll. Damage is summed up and treated as one attack.
Skill list Occult (INT) Dark forces, mysticism, curses, rituals

General skills Performance (PRE) Dancing, acting, music

* = professional skills, may not be used untrained Persuade (PRE) Influence, motivate person
† = when creating characters not restricted to Adapt maximum
Levels: Unskilled, 1 Student, 2 Novice, 3 Adept, 4 Expert, 5 Master Pilot (AGI) Operation of transport or army vehicles
AGI Agility, INT Intellect, PER Perception, PRE Presence, STR Strength,
TEN Tenacity Regional Knowledge (INT) Certain region for each skill level

Skill Description Research (PER) Find info, facts in archives, statistics

Appraisal* (PER) Determine value, authenticity of famil- Savoir-Faire (INT) Etiquette, manners for social circles.
iar item Sport people that don't belong.

Arcanotechnician* (INT) Build & repair Arcanotech systems Science, Earth (INT) Geology, ecosystems, environment,
Requires: Adept Literacy, Technician weather, natural disaster & hazards
(Adept Munitions for Mech-Technology) Requires: Adept Education, Literacy.

Arcanotech Engineering (INT) Design & improve Arcanotech systems Science, Life (INT) Biomedical Engineering, Horticulture,
Requires: Adept Education, Literacy, Marine Biology, Pharma, Public Health
Physical Science Requires: Adept Education, Literacy.

Armorer* (INT) Repair & improve small arms, body ar- Science, Physical (INT) Physics. thermodynamics, astrophysics
mor Requires: Adept Education, Literacy.

Artist (PER) Talent for visual arts, photography... Security (INT) Set or disable alarms, traps, perimeters

Athletics (AGI/STR/TEN) Acrobatics, climbing, running... Seduction (PRE) Intimacy, sexual captivation...

Bureaucracy (INT) Government, military, organizational Stealth (AGI) Hide, move silently, shadow someone
structures. Diplomacy, manipulation.
Streetwise (INT) Street slang, find gangs & black market
Business (INT) Most return for investment, corporate
structure, marketing, finance planning Surveillance (INT) Room observation, bugs, cameras...

Communications* (INT) Com equipment, frequencies, encryp- Survival (TEN) Hunt, build shelter, know environment
tion, jam communication
Technician* (INT) Repair and sabotage hardware.
Computer* (INT) Operate, administrate, program, hack
Trivia (INT) Broad and random knowledge
Criminal (AGI) Lock & pocket picking, disable alarm &
surveillance, investigating crime scenes Combat Skills

Culture (INT) Costumes, etiquette, diplomacy Armed Fighting (AGI) Bash, slash, stab weapon

Dodge (AGI) Avoiding, ducking, sidestepping...

Demolitions* (INT) Use explosives, find structural weak-
nesses, place & disarm booby traps Fighting (AGI) Unarmed melee combat

Education† (INT) Academic learning Marksman (PER) Hand-held (pistols, rifles, guns..) or
mounted weapons (vehicle mounted
Engineering (INT) Design, analysis, deployment for con- machinegun)
struction, city planning... Support Weapons* (PER) Secondary weapon systems, not held in
Requires: Adept Education, Literacy, hand (mobile artillery, mech rocket
Physical Science pods, battlecruiser weapons..)
Feat (½ attribute's dice) For situations not covered by skills Thrown Weapons (AGI) Toss a weapon (daggers, rocks,
grenades, cars if in mech...)
History (INT) History of human civilization

Hobby (based on hobby) Any activity not covered by skills Movement

Intimidate (PRE) Affect by presence and torture Humanoid characters can move from 3 mph (7/1 ypt) to
27mph (67/15ypt).
Languages (INT) Spoken language, jargon, dialects
Larceny (INT) Money laundering, forgery, plan infiltra-
tion or robbery, organized crime
Turns, Scenes, Episodes, Campaigns. Turn = 5 seconds.
Law Enforcement (INT) Arrest procedures, crime scene analysis

Literacy (INT) Written language, write documentation

Medicine (INT) Physical or psychological medicine.

First aid, diagnose, treat, therapy,
Requires: Adept Education, Literacy,
Life Science.

Misdirect (PRE) Talk others into doing something

Munitions (INT) Identify, handle, improve largescale

weapons (naval, mech, tank, rockets).
Hard Munitions test gives +1 to

Observation (PER) Spot hidden, inobvious (scout, am-

For more information about weapons and items, see Core Book, p.112 – 115.

Pistols & Rifles (table partial)

Weapon Name Manufacturer Type CAL RNG (yd) DMG SHT RNDS LGL Cost

CS-32 “Midnight Spec.” Colt Springfield Auto Pistol-Sml 5 mm 15/30/50 0 3 15 PA 250

UT-7 “Hornet” Ultratech Auto Needle-Sml 5 mm 15/35/55 0 3 20N PA 350

CS-40 “Defender” Colt Springfield Auto Pistol-Med 10 mm 15/30/50 +1 2 15 PA 495

UT-9 “Stinger” Ultratech Auto Needle-Med 10 mm 15/35/55 +1 3 18 PA 650

CS-32 “Peacemaker” Colt Springfield Auto Pistol-Lrg 15 mm 10/20/40 +2 1 15 P 750

CS-44 “Enforcer” Ultratech Auto Pistol-Lrg 15 mm 12/25/45 +2 2 15C P 850

MP-6A1 Heckler Koch & Sig Machine Pistol 10 mm 10/20/40 +2 2 or 30C RA 1095

Heavy Weapons (table complete)

Weapon Name Manufacturer Type CAL RNG (yd) DMG SHT RNDS LGL Cost

HKS-80 Gernade Launcher Heckler Koch & Sig Pistol Grip Gren Lnch 40mm 50/100/300 GT 1 1 R 310

M303 Grenade Launcher Colt Springfield Rifle Mount Gren Lnch 40mm 50/100/300 GT 1 4 R 450

Deathmaster 2000 Armorcorp Auto Grenade Lnchr 40mm 50/100/300 GT 2 13 R 850

RPG-7 Rocket Launcher Ultratech Anti-Mech Rkt Lnchr 40mm 100/300/500 RPG 1 1 R 1050

RPG-11 Rocket Launcher Ultratech Anti-Mech Rkt Lnchr 70mm 100/300/500 RPG 1 1 R 1495

RPG-27 Rocket Launcher Ultratech Anti-Mech Rkt Lnchr 105mm 100/300/500 RPG 1 1 R 1995

Vircator EMP-6 Armorcorp Anti-Mech Rkt Lnchr 105mm 100/300/500 EMP 1 1 R 2495

Grenades (table complete)

Weapon Name Type Burst DMG LGL Cost

L7A2 Fragmentation Hand Grenade 3 primary / 3 secondary +1 R 25

M100 40mm Grenade 10 primary / 5 secondary +1 R 30

L9HE-1 High Explosive Hand Grenade 5 primary / 5 secondary +2 R 35

L9HE-2 High Exp Hand Grenade - Lrg 3 primary / 3 secondary +3 R 50

M-481 HE 400mm HE Grenade 5 primary / 5 secondary +3 R 50

M-482 HEAM 40mm Anti-Mech 2 +0 R 55

FFB-1 Incendiary Hand-Grenade 10 +1 R 45

M-486 Incendiary 40mm Grenade 10 +1 R 50

SG-11 Saren Gas Hand-Grenade 3 +6 R Issue Only

M-440 Gas Grenade 40mm Grenade 3 +6 R Issue Only

UT-40 Smoke Hand Grenade 6 Obscure R 20

M-460 Tear Gas 40mm Grenade 6 Obscure R 40

UT-42 Flash Hand Grenade 6 Blindness R 20

UT-45 Concussion Hand Grenade 6 Disorient R 25

M-580 Parachute Flair 40mm Grenade 2 Signal RA 15

Claymore II Motion Sensor Proximity Mine 5 primary / 5 secondary +4 R 45

Satchel Charge Timed Demolition Device 10 primary / 10 secondary +6 R 45

Armor (table complete)

Armor Name Type Protection LGL Cost

Phalanx II Security Shield (vs. front attack only) Hand-held kevtech composite polymer shield +1/+1 RA 450

Sentrytech Mk-IV Armor - Lt Concealable armored vest vs. ballistics +0/+1 G 400

Sentrytech Mk-V Armor -Hvy Concealable armored vest w/ trauma plates +1/+1 G 495

Spectrashield Combat - Lt Spectra fiber combat armor w/ light trauma plts +2/+2 RA 650

Spectrashield Combat - Hvy Spectra fiber combat armor w/ heavy trauma plts +3/+3 RA 795

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