Our Faithful God Is Never Bound
Our Faithful God Is Never Bound
Our Faithful God Is Never Bound
2 Timothy 2:8-13
14 God Called Us Into Amazing Life 1:8‐14
1. Remember Jesus: His Work, His Person, His Message (v8)
□ This week, I will make a list of the things Jesus did, another list of who He is, a 21 Will You Turn It Up or Tune It Out? 1:15‐18
third list of the pieces of His Good News message.
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4. Our Faithlessness is God’s Time to Glorify His Grace (v12b‐13) Whitehall Bible Fellowship Church Pastor Tim and Rachel Schmoyer
□ I‘m aware of my spiritual stagnancy so I will plead for His grace to both forgive me
3300 Seventh Street 131 Cornerstone Place
Whitehall, PA 18052 Whitehall, PA 18052
and empower me out of this stale season.
office 610-434-8661 pastor cell 610-739-8008
rachel cell 484-557-8898
office@WhitehallBFC.org PastorTim@WhitehallBFC.org
facebook.com/WhitehallBFC facebook.com/TimothySchmoyer