Little Time For Issues With Only Four Working Days in Fi: Sobhana K Nair

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not serious about

Budget session: Opposition
Little time for issues with only four working days in first phase: Cong., Trinamool
Sobhana K Nair Dipak Mishra, suggested last
New Delhi week by CPI(M) general se-
At the all-party meeting held cretary Sitaram Yechury.
on Sunday evening, Opposi- Sources said the Triple Ta-
tion parties hit out at the go- laq Bill, which virtually
vernment for a short session stalled the Rajya Sabha in the
of Parliament, with both the last session, was not dis-
Congress and the Trinamool cussed at the meeting. The
Congress pointing out that government has, however,
there are only four working indicated it will make a fresh
days in this session. push for its passage. “We will
“Effectively there are just Congress leaders Mallikarjun Kharge and Ghulam Nabi Azad leave no stone unturned and
four working days in this ses- with Ananth Kumar and PM Modi on Sunday. R.V. MOORTHY
* persuade and request all
sion and there are so many parties so that the Bill is
issues — there is a crisis in Budget Session Feb 5, 6, 7, 8. through the discussion, passed in the Rajya Sabha,”
the judiciary, the implemen- Just four days. This Govt Prime Minister Narendra Parliamentary Affairs Minis-
tation of the GST, farmers’ cares two hoots about Parlia- Modi, who arrived late, and ter Ananth Kumar said after
distress and so on — where is ment,” he tweeted after the other senior Ministers, in- the meeting.
the time to discuss all of it,” meeting. cluding Home Minister Raj- Many parties also raised
Leader of the Congress in The Opposition parties al- nath Singh and Finance Mi- the law introduced by the Sri
the Lok Sabha Mallikarjun so raised the issue of the Ja- nister Arun Jaitley, remained Lankan government impos-
Kharge told The Hindu. nuary 12 press conference by silent. ing heavy penalties on fish-
Trinamool Congress MP four senior-most judges of The Congress is still to ermen straying into its wa-
Derek O’Brien also backed the Supreme Court alleging take a stand on support to an ters.
Mr. Kharge. “Number of ‘full’ selective allotment of cases impeachment motion
working days in first phase of to preferred Benches. All against Chief Justice of India CONTINUED ON A PAGE 10

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