WF Basic Training Material
WF Basic Training Material
WF Basic Training Material
Water Footprint
training material
• This material provides an overview of the basic concepts and the different
types of water footprint metrics, which aims to assess potential
environmental impacts related to water consumption and degradation
• As this is an area under rapid development, this material considers past
and current methods, developing standards, and focuses on a life cycle
based approach.
• As there is no unique water footprint method, an overview of the different
methods is given and examples are provided for several of them.
• Following slides only allowed for educational not commercial purposes
1. Introduction
1. What is a water footprint and why (benefit) use it?
2. Water Resources & Use
2. Basic concepts
1. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
2. Water and LCA
3. Water Footprint, principles, requirements and guidelines
4. Types of water footprint metrics and assessment
3. Examples of application
1. Water footprint inventory
2. Water footprint profile at midpoint
3. Water footprint profile at endpoint
Liquid Solid
11 million km3 24 million km3
17 Water Footprint Training Material Source: Shiklomanov and Rodda (2003) ISBN: 0 521 82085 5
Freshwater: How much is there?
Precipitation on land:
119’000 km3 / year (100%)
Evaporation and
transpiration (62%) Runoff (38%)
Water Footprint Training Material
A Water Problem?
Looking ahead
3% 17% 53% 20%
23 Water Footprint Training Material Source: FAO, Kiersh and Romàn, Lima, 2013
A Water Problem?
Climate Change & Future Predictions
• Different model predictions for IPCC’s A1B scenario (different model runs)
RCP2.6 RCP8.5
• Diesel
• Biodiesel 5% (soy)
• Gasoline
• Ethanol 5%
• Natural gas
• Electricity
Extraction and
Polymers Distribution Use Disposal
boundaries Rubber
31 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Life Cycle approach: a global view
Irrigation Acidification
Crude Oil Resources
Iron Ore Land use
Biotic resource use
Elementary flows
Iron ore
Crude oil
Water Inventory may count hundreds of
Wood different elementary flows
Solar energy
Land use
Very hard to interpret
Outputs : Brain can simultaneously consider
SO2 only up to 7 independent parameters
36 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Problem = comparing pollutants
37 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Life cycle assessment
Upstream Downstream
Opportunities: Opportunities:
Building up better Customer satisfaction
alliances, access to and loyalty, improved
limited resources, brand image, etc.
stability of supply, etc.
low Opportunities
Transport Manufacturing Sale• Use Disposal
Framework (ISO-14040)
40 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Decision making and
42 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Food packaging: Angel or Demon?
43 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Individual packaging: Angel or Demon?
44 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Electric car: Better or Worst?
45 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Where to put the efforts?
46 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Innovations stemming from life cycle
47 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Environmental labelling
Type III
Type I Type II
(ISO 14025)
(ISO 14024) (ISO 14021)
Ecolabels Self-declared claims
product declaration
• Life Cycle thinking • Established by the • Life Cycle Assessment
based manufacturer based
• Points to best • Usually based on a single • Analogy: Nutritional facts
alternative in a product environmental criteria
• Third party verified
category • No verification
• Registered trademark
• Threshold criteria • No threshold criteria
• Third party verified • Example: “recycled
content, biodegradable”
48 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Environmental labeling
49 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
International EPD®System
50 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Steelcase Steelcase EPD
51 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
52 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Pharmaceutical company
Business travels
Product distribution
2 Employee commuting
Raw materials supply
1 Electricity
0 Manufacturing
53 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Pharmaceutical company
100% R&D
Raw materials supply
Business travels
20% Heat
10% Raw materials
0% Electricity
Primary energy GHG Costs
54 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Pharmaceutical company
100% R&D
Raw materials supply
Business travels
Employee commuting
Waste disposal
Investing in the right place Infrastructure
20% Heat
10% Raw materials
0% Electricity
Primary energy GHG Costs
55 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Pharmaceutical company
100% R&D
Business travels
Track progress Employee commuting
Waste disposal
Raw materials
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
56 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
Pharmaceutical company company
2011: Introduction of a carbon tax on vehicles
100% R&D
costs Sales rep. travels
Business travels
Understand potential risks Employee commuting
Waste disposal
Raw materials
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
57 Water Footprint Training Material Source: © CIRAIG 2013, used with permission
LCA vs Water Footprint
- Blue water
(river, lakes groundwater)
- Green water
(rainwater use by plants)
- Grey water
(also called critical dilution
volume CDV)
Note: these values represent different water volumes (inventory) summed together before local impacts are
taken into account into the assessment, shown for illustrative purposes and awareness raising
63 Water Footprint Training Material Source: Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008
Note: these values represent different water volumes (inventory) summed together before local impacts are
taken into account into the assessment, shown for illustrative purposes and awareness raising
64 Water
64Source: Water Footprint training material
Training Material
[Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]
Footprint Network Source: Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008
Note: these values represent different water volumes (inventory) summed together before local impacts are
taken into account into the assessment, shown for illustrative purposes and awareness raising
65 65 Water Water Footprint training material
Training Material
[Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]
Source: Footprint Network Source: Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008
Note: these values represent different water volumes (inventory) summed together before local impacts are
taken into account into the assessment, shown for illustrative purposes and awareness raising
66 66 Water Footprint
Water Footprint training material
Training Material
Chapagain, 2008]
Source: Network & Chapagain, 2008
Note: these values represent different water volumes (inventory) summed together before local impacts are
taken into account into the assessment, shown for illustrative purposes and awareness raising
67 67 Water Water Footprint training material
Training Material
[Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]
Source: Footprint Network Source: Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008
Note: these values represent different water
volumes (inventory) summed together before local
impacts are taken into account into the
assessment, shown for illustrative purposes and
awareness raising
68 68 Water Footprint
Water Footprint training material
Training Material
[Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]
Source: Network Source: Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008
The water footprint inventory of
a cow
► 1,300 kg of grains
(wheat, oats, barley, corn,
dry peas, soybean, etc)
► 7,200 kg of roughages 99%
(pasture, dry hay, silage, etc)
Water 1%
► 24,000 litres for drinking 6,700
► 7,000 litres for servicing. km²
Note: these values represent different
water volumes (inventory) summed
together before local impacts are taken
into account into the assessment,
shown for illustrative purposes and
awareness raising
69 Water Footprint training
Material Source: [Hoekstra
Hoekstra &&Chapagain,
Note: these values represent different water volumes (inventory) summed together before local impacts are
taken into account into the assessment, shown for illustrative purposes and awareness raising
70 70 Water Water Footprint training material
Training Material
[Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]
Source: Footprint Network Source: Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008
Water Footprint
Network vs LCA
WFN framework LCA framework Generic framework
Water footprint
Phase 3 Quantiative indicators Impact
sustainability (environmental impacts) Impact assessment phase
Water footprint
Phase 4 response Interpretation Interpretation and solutions
assessment Availability Scarcity End point
OR assessment assessment + modeling
Quality (scarcity + quality (quantity and
Indicators quality) indicators quality impacts)
(Available Water Remaining)
WTA: Withdrawal-to-availability
CTA: Consumption-to-availability
DTA: Demand-to-availability (includes humans and ecosystems demand)
2006 2011 2013 2014 2015 Recommendation
Types of Water Footprints
Water Availability
Footprint Footprint
Reduced water
Reduced water availability Reduced water
availability from
from consumption and availability from
degradation + direct consumption and
pollution impacts degradation
74 Water Footprint Training Material
• Water Withdrawal
Anthropogenic removal of water from any water body or from any drainage
basin, either permanently or temporarily (ISO 14046:2014) (also used:
water abstraction)
• Water Consumption
Water that is withdrawn and not released into the same watershed,
because it is evaporated, transferred or integrated into a product
• Water Degradation
Negative change in water quality (ISO 14046:2014)
• Water Scarcity
Extent to which demand for water compares to the
replenishment of water in an area, e.g.
a drainage basin, without taking into account the water quality
(ISO 14046:2014) (also used: water stress)
• Water Availability
Extent to which humans and ecosystems have sufficient water
resources for their needs (note: Water quality can also
influence availability, e.g. if quality is not sufficient
to meet users needs.)
(ISO 14046:2014)
Water Water
availability degradation
Profile of -Water scarcity footprint -Human toxicity
OR -Ecotoxicity
midpoint - Water availability -Eutrophication
indicators footprint -Acidification
Energy Water
countries and
Spain France France
Source: Boulay, A.-M., Bayart, J.-B., Bulle, C.,
78 Water Footprint Training Material Franceschini, H., Motoshita, M., Muñoz, I., Pfister,
S., et al. (2013).
Indicator Reference
Water Availability
Water 1 Scarcity Pfister et al.
Footprint 1 Boulay et al. Only
profile at Swiss Eco-Scarcity
midpoint: 1
WFN, Hoekstra et al.
Water 1a Availability Boulay et al.
availability 1a Veolia Impact Index, needed
and water Bayart el al.
degradation Water Degradation
2 Eutrophication ReCiPe
3 Acidification Impact 2002+
4 Ecotoxicity USEtox
Water Scarcity
Water degradation
100% End-of-life: packaging
End-of-life: product
50% Use: heating energy and
moving the drum
30% Use: tap water
Ecotox Eutrophication Acidification Human Tox
4.18E+00 1.21E-04 1.25E-03 8.14E-08 Suppliers
Alcamo, J., Henrichs, T., Rösch, T., (2000). World water in 2025: Global modeling and scenario analysis. In: Rijsberman, F.
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• Green water – The precipitation on land that does not run off or recharge the groundwater but is stored in the soil or
temporarily stays on top of the soil or vegetation. Eventually, this part of precipitation evaporates or transpires through
plants. Green water can be made productive for crop growth (although not all green water can be taken up by crops,
because there will always be evaporation from the soil and because not all periods of the year or areas are suitable for
crop growth).
• Green water availability – The evapotranspiration of rainwater from land minus evapotranspiration from land reserved for
natural vegetation and minus evapotranspiration from land that cannot be made productive.
• Green water footprint – Volume of rainwater consumed during the production process. This is particularly relevant for
agricultural and forestry products (products based on crops or wood), where it refers to the total rainwater
evapotranspiration (from fields and plantations) plus the water incorporated into the harvested crop or wood.
• Green water footprint impact index – An aggregated and weighed measure of the environmental impact of a green
water footprint at catchment level. Based on two inputs: (i) the green water footprint of a product, consumer or producer
specified by catchment and by month; and (ii) the green water scarcity by catchment and by month. Obtained by
multiplying the two matrices and then summing the elements of the resultant matrix. Outcome can be interpreted as a
green water footprint weighed according to the green water scarcity in the places and periods where the various green
water footprint components occur.
• Green water scarcity – The ratio of green water footprint to green water availability. Varies within the year and from year
to year.
• Grey water footprint –an indicator of freshwater pollution that can be associated with the production of a product over its
full supply chain. Defined as the volume of freshwater required to assimilate the load of pollutants based on natural
background concentrations and existing ambient water quality standards. Calculated as the volume of water that is
required to dilute pollutants to such an extent that the quality of the water remains above agreed water quality standards.
• Grey water footprint impact index – An aggregated and weighed measure of the environmental impact of a grey water
footprint at catchment level. It is based on two inputs: (i) the grey water footprint of a product, consumer or producer
specified by catchment and by month; and (ii) the water pollution level by catchment and by month. The index is obtained
by multiplying the two matrices and then summing the elements of the resultant matrix. The outcome can be interpreted as
a grey water footprint weighed according to the water pollution level in the places and periods where the various grey
water footprint components occur.
93 Water Footprint Training Material
Glossary XI – Water Footprinting Network
• Hotspot – A hotspot is a specific period of the year (such as the dry period) in a specific (sub)catchment in which the
water footprint is unsustainable, for example, because it compromises environmental water needs or water quality
standards or because the water allocation and use in the catchment is considered unfair and/or economically inefficient.
• Indirect water footprint – The indirect water footprint of a consumer or producer refers to the freshwater consumption
and pollution ‘behind’ products being consumed or produced. It is equal to the sum of the water footprints of all products
consumed by the consumer or of all (non-water) inputs used by the producer.
• Internal water footprint of national consumption – The part of the water footprint of national consumption that falls
inside the nation, in other words, the appropriation of domestic water resources for producing goods and services that are
consumed domestically.
• Irrigation requirement – The quantity of water exclusive of precipitation, in other words, the quantity of irrigation water,
required for normal crop production. It includes soil evaporation and some unavoidable losses under the given conditions.
It is usually expressed in water-depth units (millimetres) and may be stated in monthly, seasonal or annual terms, or for a
crop period.
• Maximum acceptable concentration – see ‘ambient water quality standards’.
• National water footprint – Is the same as what is more accurately called the ‘water footprint of national consumption’,
which is defined as the total amount of fresh water that is used to produce the goods and services consumed by the
inhabitants of the nation. Part of this water footprint lies outside the territory of the nation. The term should not be confused
with the ‘water footprint within a nation’, which refers to the total freshwater volume consumed or polluted within the
territory of the nation.
• National water saving through trade – A nation can preserve its domestic freshwater resources by importing a water-
intensive product instead of producing it domestically.
• Natural concentration – The natural or background concentration in a receiving water body is the concentration in the
water body that would occur if there was no human disturbance in the catchment. (It corresponds to the ‘high status’
conditions as defined in the EU Water Framework Directive
• Operational water footprint of a business – The operational (or direct) water footprint of a business is the volume of
freshwater consumed or polluted due to its own operations.
• Virtual-water balance – The virtual-water balance of a geographically delineated area (for example, a nation or
catchment area) over a certain time period is defined as the net import of virtual water over this period, which is equal to
the gross import of virtual water minus the gross export. A positive virtual-water balance implies net inflow of virtual water
to the nation from other nations. A negative balance means net outflow of virtual water.
• Virtual-water content – The virtual-water content of a product is the freshwater ‘embodied’ in the product, not in real
sense, but in virtual sense. It refers to the volume of water consumed or polluted for producing the product, measured over
its full production chain. If a nation exports/imports such a product, it exports/imports water in virtual form. The ‘virtual-
water content of a product’ is the same as ‘the water footprint of a product’, but the former refers to the water volume
embodied in the product alone, while the latter term refers to that volume, but also to which sort of water is being used and
to when and where that water is being used. The water footprint of a product is thus a multidimensional indicator, whereas
virtual-water content refers to a volume alone.
• Virtual-water export – The virtual-water export from a geographically delineated area (for example, a nation or catchment
area) is the volume of virtual water associated with the export of goods or services from the area. It is the total volume of
freshwater consumed or polluted to produce the products for export.
• Virtual-water flow – The virtual-water flow between two geographically delineated areas (for example, two nations) is the
volume of virtual water that is being transferred from the one to the another area as a result of product trade.
• Virtual-water import – The virtual-water import into a geographically delineated area (for example, a nation or catchment
area) is the volume of virtual water associated with the import of goods or services into the area. It is the total volume of
freshwater used (in the export areas) to produce the products. Viewed from the perspective of the importing area, this
water can be seen as an additional source of water that comes on top of the available water resources within the area
• Water abstraction – See ‘water withdrawal’.
• Water appropriation – This is a term used in the context of water footprint assessment to refer to both the ‘consumption’
of freshwater for human activities (green and blue water footprint) and the ‘pollution’ of freshwater by human activities
(grey water footprint).
The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this
publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the
part of the United Environment Programme concerning the legal status of
any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning
delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Moreover, the views expressed
do not necessarily represent the decision or the stated policy of the United
Nations Environment Programme, nor does citing of trade names or
commercial processes constitute endorsement.
April 2014
A joint organisation
1 How can doing a water footprint help your organization?
2 What are the main issues associated with the water
3 What is the difference between a midpoint and an
endpoint in LCA?
4 What decisions can an LCA help you with?
5 What are the 3 areas of protection identified in LCA?
6 What is the difference between impacts from water use
and impacts on the water resource?
7 What types of impacts are caused by water pollution?
8 What is the main difference between the Water
Footprint Network methodology and a life cycle-based
water footprint?
107 Water Footprint Training Material