Paper Template For International Academy Publishing
Paper Template For International Academy Publishing
Paper Template For International Academy Publishing
Abstract: These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for International Academy Publishing
(IAP). Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this
document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further at International
Academy Publishing. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract.
Key words: About four key words or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
1. Introduction
Do not change the font sizes or line spacing to squeeze more text into a limited number of pages. Use
italics for emphasis; do not underline.
To insert images in Word, position the cursor at the insertion point and either use Insert | Picture | From
File or copy the image to the Windows clipboard and then Edit | Paste Special | Picture (with “Float over
text” unchecked).
INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY PUBLISHING reserves the right to do the final formatting of your paper.
2.3. Figures
As said, to insert images in Word, position the cursor at the insertion point and either use Insert | Picture
| From File or copy the image to the Windows clipboard and then Edit | Paste Special | Picture (with “Float
over text” unchecked).
The authors of the accepted manuscripts will be given a copyright form and the form should accompany
your final submission.
3. Math
If you are using Word, use either the Microsoft Equation Editor or the MathType add-on
( for equations in your paper (Insert | Object | Create New | Microsoft Equation
or MathType Equation). “Float over text” should not be selected.
4. Units
Use either SI (MKS) or CGS as primary units. (SI units are strongly encouraged.) English units may be
used as secondary units (in parentheses). This applies to papers in data storage. For example, write “15
Gb/cm2 (100 Gb/in2).” An exception is when English units are used as identifiers in trade, such as “3½ in
disk drive.” Avoid combining SI and CGS units, such as current in amperes and magnetic field in oersteds.
This often leads to confusion because equations do not balance dimensionally. If you must use mixed units,
clearly state the units for each quantity in an equation.
The SI unit for magnetic field strength H is A/m. However, if you wish to use units of T, either refer to
magnetic flux density B or magnetic field strength symbolized as µ0H. Use the center dot to separate
compound units, e.g., “A·m2.”
5. Helpful Hints
5.1. Figures and Tables
Place figure captions below the figures; place table titles above the tables. If your figure has two parts,
include the labels “(a)” and “(b)” as part of the artwork. Please verify that the figures and tables you
mention in the text actually exist. Do not put borders around the outside of your figures. Use the
abbreviation “Fig.” even at the beginning of a sentence. Do not abbreviate “Table.” Tables are numbered with
Roman numerals.
Figure axis labels are often a source of confusion. Use words rather than symbols. As an example, write
the quantity “Magnetization,” or “Magnetization M,” not just “M.” Put units in parentheses. Do not label axes
only with units. As in Fig. 1, for example, write “Magnetization (A/m)” or “Magnetization (A m1),” not just
“A/m.” Do not label axes with a ratio of quantities and units. For example, write “Temperature (K),” not
Multipliers can be especially confusing. Write “Magnetization (kA/m)” or “Magnetization (103 A/m).” Do
not write “Magnetization (A/m) 1000” because the reader would not know whether the top axis label in
Fig. 1 meant 16000 A/m or 0.016 A/m.
5.2. References
Number citations consecutively in square brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the brackets [2].
Multiple references [2], [3] are each numbered with separate brackets [1]–[3]. When citing a section in a
book, please give the relevant page numbers [2]. In sentences, refer simply to the reference number, as in
[3]. Do not use “Ref. [3]” or “reference [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence: “Reference [3] shows ... .”
Number footnotes separately in superscripts (Insert | Footnote).1 Place the actual footnote at the bottom of
the column in which it is cited; do not put footnotes in the reference list (endnotes). Use letters for table
footnotes (see Table 1).
Please note that the references at the end of this document are in the preferred referencing style. Give all
authors’ names; do not use “et al.” unless there are six authors or more. Use a space after authors' initials.
Papers that have not been published should be cited as “unpublished” [4]. Papers that have been submitted
for publication should be cited as “submitted for publication” [5]. Papers that have been accepted for
publication, but not yet specified for an issue should be cited as “to be published” [6]. Please give affiliations
and addresses for private communications [7].
Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for proper nouns and element symbols.
5.4. Equations
Number equations consecutively with equation numbers in parentheses flush with the right margin, as in
(1). First use the equation editor to create the equation. Then select the “Equation” markup style. Press the
tab key and write the equation number in parentheses. To make your equations more compact, you may use
the solidus ( / ), the exp function, or appropriate exponents. Use parentheses to avoid ambiguities in
denominators. Punctuate equations when they are part of a sentence, as in
1It is recommended that footnotes be avoided, Instead, try to integrate the footnote information into the text.
F (r , j ) dr dj =[σ r2 /(2μ0 )]
exp(-λ | z j - z i |) λ J 1( λ r2 ) J 0( λ ri )dλ .
Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before the equation appears or immediately
following. Italicize symbols (T might refer to temperature, but T is the unit tesla). Refer to “(1),” not “Eq. (1)”
or “equation (1),” except at the beginning of a sentence: “Equation (1) is ... .”
7. Conclusion
A conclusion section is not required. Although a conclusion may review the main points of the paper, do
not replicate the abstract as the conclusion. A conclusion might elaborate on the importance of the work or
suggest applications and extensions.
Appendixes, if needed, appear before the acknowledgment.
The preferred spelling of the word “acknowledgment” in American English is without an “e” after the “g.”
Use the singular heading even if you have many acknowledgments. Avoid expressions such as “One of us
(S.B.A.) would like to thank ... .” Instead, write “The first author thanks ... .”.
[1] American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (5th ed.). Washington, D.C.: Publisher.
[2] Moore, M. H., Estrich, S., McGillis, D., & Spelman, W. (1984). Dangerous Offenders: The Elusive Target of
Justice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
[3] Strunk, W., & White, E. B. (1979). The Elements of Style (3rd ed.). New York: Macmillan.
(Chapter in Edited book)
[4] Vygotsky, L. S. (1991). Genesis of the higher mental functions. In P. Light, S. Sheldon, & M. Woodhead
(Eds.), Learning to Think (pp. 32–41). London: Routledge.
(Report/working paper etc.)
[5] Birney, A. J., & Hall, M. M. (1981). Early Identification of Children with Written Language Difficulties
(Report No. 81–502). Washington D.C.: National Educational Association.
(Conference paper in published proceedings)
[6] Borgman, C. L., Bower, J., & Krieger, D. (1989). From hands-on science to hands-on information retrieval.
In J. Katzer, & G. B. Newby (Eds.), Proceedings of the 52nd ASIS Annual Meeting: Vol. 26. Managing
Information and Technology (pp. 96–100). Medford, NJ: Learned Information.
(Journal article)
[7] Noguchi, T., Kitawaki, J., Tamura, T., Kim, T., Kanno, H., Yamamoto, T., et al. (1993). Relationship between
aromatase activity and steroid receptor levels in ovarian tumors from postmenopausal women. Journal
of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 44(4–6), 657–660.
(Journal article (only electronic/online))
[8] Korda, L. (2001, July). The making of a translator. Translation Journal, 5(3). Retrieved August 21, 2001,
[9] Hardman, J. P. (1999). Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s BRD Trilogy: A Manifesto for Social and Political
Reform. Unpublished undergraduate dissertation, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth.
[10] Harris, J., & Grace, S. (1999). A question of evidence? Investigating and Prosecuting Rape in the 1990s
(Home Office Research Study 196). Retrieved July 19, 2004, from the UK Home Office website:
(Newspaper article)
[11] Caffeine linked to mental illness. (1991, July 13). New York Times, pp. B13, B15
(Government publication and regulations)
[12] Great Britain. Command Papers. (1991). Health of the Nation (Cm 1523). London: HMSO.
[13] Department of Education, Science & Training. (2000). Annual Report 1999-2000. AGPS, Canberra.
(All authors should include biographies with photo at the end of regular papers.)
The First Author and the other authors may include biographies at the end of regular
papers. Biographies are often not included in conference-related papers. The first
Author’s formal paragraph may contain a place and/or date of birth (list place, then date). Next, the
author’s educational background is listed. The degrees should be listed with type of
degree in what field, which institution, city, state or country, and year degree was earned.
The author’s major field of study should be lower-cased.
The second paragraph uses the pronoun of the person (he or she) and not the author’s
last name. It lists military and work experience, including summer and fellowship jobs. Job titles are
capitalized. The current job must have a location; previous positions may be listed without one. Information
concerning previous publications may be included. Try not to list more than three books or published
articles. The format for listing publishers of a book within the biography is: title of book (city, state:
publisher name, year) similar to a reference. Current and previous research interests ends the paragraph.
The third paragraph begins with the author’s title and last name (e.g., Dr. Smith, Prof. Jones, Mr. Kajor, Ms.
Hunter). List the author’s memberships in professional societies. Finally, list any awards and work for
committees and publications. If a photograph is provided, the biography will be indented around it. The
photograph is placed at the top left of the biography. Personal hobbies will be deleted from the biography.