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JWBT335-c100069 JWBT335/Comprehensive Physiology September 26, 2011 20:32 Printer Name: Yet to Come

Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and

Plasticity of the Carotid Body
Prem Kumar*1 and Nanduri R. Prabhakar2

The discovery of the sensory nature of the carotid body dates back to the beginning of the 20th
century. Following these seminal discoveries, research into carotid body mechanisms moved
forward progressively through the 20th century, with many descriptions of the ultrastructure of
the organ and stimulus-response measurements at the level of the whole organ. The later part
of 20th century witnessed the first descriptions of the cellular responses and electrophysiology of
isolated and cultured type I and type II cells, and there now exist a number of testable hypotheses
of chemotransduction. The goal of this article is to provide a comprehensive review of current
concepts on sensory transduction and transmission of the hypoxic stimulus at the carotid body with
an emphasis on integrating cellular mechanisms with the whole organ responses and highlighting
the gaps or discrepancies in our knowledge. It is increasingly evident that in addition to hypoxia,
the carotid body responds to a wide variety of blood-borne stimuli, including reduced glucose
and immune-related cytokines and we therefore also consider the evidence for a polymodal
function of the carotid body and its implications. It is clear that the sensory function of the carotid
body exhibits considerable plasticity in response to the chronic perturbations in environmental
O2 that is associated with many physiological and pathological conditions. The mechanisms and
consequences of carotid body plasticity in health and disease are discussed in the final sections
of this article. 
C 2012 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 2:141-219, 2012.

Introduction “. . . detect qualitative variations in the blood, a function

which by reflex action will have an influence on the func-
The scientific history of peripheral chemoreceptors, espe- tional activity of other organs” (189). Shortly after de Cas-
cially that of the carotid body is often taken as beginning from tro’s seminal work, a functional role for the carotid body
the mid-18th century following the first recorded description, in cardiorespiratory homeostasis was established in Ghent,
by Albrecht von Haller in 1762 of the “ganglion exiguum,” Belgium, by Jean-Francois Heymans and his son, Corneille
but could be argued to have begun earlier with the public de- Heymans (377), through the deductions made from a series
fence of a dissertation describing the “ganglion minutuum” of cross perfusion experiments performed with vascularly
by his student, Taube in 1743 (819). In this, is given a descrip- isolated, carotid bifurcations in the dog. This work subse-
tion of the anatomical dissection of a ganglion-like mass of quently led to the Nobel Prize in 1938 (375) being awarded to
tissue located in the region where the common carotid artery Corneille (Jean-Francois having deceased by this time) “for
bifurcates to form the internal and external carotid arteries. the discovery of the role played by the sinus and aortic mech-
The presumption then, and held for almost the following 150 anisms in the regulation of respiration.” Why de Castro may
years, was that the tissue must have a glandular function sub- have been overlooked for this prestigious award is detailed
served by a motor innervation (186,376,432,492). Our present in an interesting historical account (191). Following these
understanding of the sensory nature of the carotid body can seminal discoveries, research into carotid body mechanisms
therefore be acknowledged to start only from the beginning of moved forward progressively through the 20th century, with
the 20th century with the influential publication of a paper by many descriptions of ultrastructure of the carotid body and
Kohn in 1900 (454) who classified the carotid body as a chro- stimulus-response measurements at the level of the whole
maffin tissue but, importantly, did not consider the amassed,
detailed microscopical evidence sufficient to believe the or- * Correspondence to p.kumar@bham.ac.uk
gan to be a gland. Consequently, the first direct evidence of 1 School of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, College of Medical
a sensory, rather than a motor function for the carotid body and Dental Sciences, The University of Birmingham, Birmingham,
United Kingdom
arose principally from a correct, anatomical and histological 2 Institute for Integrative Physiology and Center for Systems Biology of
determination of the afferent nature of its innervation by the Oxygen Sensing, Biological Sciences Division, The University of
sinus branch of the glossopharyngeal (IXth cranial) nerve and Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
was the work of Fernando de Castro, from the Cajal Insti- Published online, January 2012 (comprehensivephysiology.com)
tute in Madrid (Fig. 1), who also made the astute observation DOI: 10.1002/cphy.c100069
that its gross anatomy and location made it most likely to Copyright 
C American Physiological Society

Volume 2, January 2012 141

JWBT335-c100069 JWBT335/Comprehensive Physiology September 26, 2011 20:32 Printer Name: Yet to Come

Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

the evidence for a polymodal nature of carotid body sensory

E function. Recent studies provide rather compelling evidence
C that the sensory function of the carotid body exhibits con-
IX siderable plasticity in response to chronic perturbations in
cg environmental O2 . Consequently, we discuss the mechanisms
and consequences of carotid body plasticity in health and
disease in the final section of this article.

Anatomical Location
of Carotid Bodies
a f
LX The carotid bodies are located bilaterally in the neck, at the
rostral end of the left and right common carotid arteries where
these bifurcate into pairs of internal and external carotid arter-
ies. In the cat, dog, rat, and mouse the carotid bodies are most
often positioned as single, distinct capsules, isolated from the
major vessel from which they derive their blood supply (16)
and are usually located close to the ventral surface of the su-
A perior cervical ganglion. In contrast, in the rabbit and guinea
f pig, the carotid bodies are more often found encasing the ar-
teries that provide the cerebral blood supply in these species
(158). Carotid body wet weight increases with the size of the
animal and ranges from around 60 μg in the rat to 600 μg
in the cat (561) and up to around 13 mg in the adult human
(361). The long axis length of the carotid body is variable,
but is generally around 750 μm in rat (372), 1.5 mm in the cat
(860), and between 2 and 3 mm in man (361).
Figure 1 Ultrastructure of the carotid body. (A) Reproduction of the
original drawing of Fernando de Castro published in De Castro (1926), Chemoreceptor tissue of similar histology to the carotid
part of the Fernando de Castro Archives. Different glomeruli are shown body is also found within the mediastinum and abdomen. In
close to the carotid artery (A). Incoming sympathetic nerve from the the thorax, such tissue has been identified on the basis of its
superior cervical ganglion (E) is a minor contribution to the innervation
of the carotid body. The same can be said about the vagus nerve topographical distributions along the aorta, pulmonary trunk,
(LX) in the vicinity of the carotid body. By contrast, the most relevant and subclavian arteries, its blood supply and its innervation
contingent of afferents comes from the intercarotid (sinus) nerve branch (165). Of these various tissues, only, so-called, group 3 and
of the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX). A sympathetic microganglion can
be seen within the latter nerve (cg). Adapted, with permission, from 4 bodies receive a systemic arterial blood supply in the adult
(191) by de Castro. and it is these that are commonly called “aortic” bodies. In-
nervation is largely afferent with fibers passing in the aortic
nerve branch of the vagus, but, like the carotid body, there
organ, which were elegantly reviewed by Fidone and Gon- is also an efferent innervation from sympathetic fibers and
zalez in the Handbook Chapter published in 1986 (269). The possibly also from parasympathetic fibers (614, 615). These,
next major advance in our understanding occurred in the latter aortic body chemoreceptors have been credited with a natural,
part of the 20th century, with the initial isolation of enzymi- sensory function in cats (495), but only a sparse number of
cally isolated, individual carotid body cells (702,705) leading such cells have been identified in the aortic arch region of rats
to the first descriptions of the cellular responses and electro- (236) and may be entirely absent, either morphologically or
physiology of isolated and cultured type I and type II cells functionally, from rabbit and mouse (139) where their normal
(229, 540, 541, 703, 704, 850), from which the modern history function remains not fully determined.
of the carotid body could be said to begin. The most caudal location of peripheral chemoreceptor
In this article, our goal is to provide a comprehensive tissue is intraabdominally, associated with the origin of the
review of sensory transduction of the hypoxic stimulus at coeliac artery as it branches from the abdominal aorta and
the carotid body with an emphasis on integrating cellular runs with branches of the abdominal vagal nerves in the rat
mechanisms to whole organ responses and highlighting the and mouse (39, 393). This tissue, in the rat, is responsive
gaps in our knowledge. As the carotid body, in addition to to arterial hypoxia and to locally applied sodium cyanide
blood gas composition, may also respond to a wide variety of (39, 393) but its functional contribution to cardiorespiratory
blood-borne physicochemical stimuli, including temperature, reflexes is minimal in the presence of the other peripheral
glucose, and immune-related cytokines, we further discuss chemoreceptor tissues.

142 Volume 2, January 2012

JWBT335-c100069 JWBT335/Comprehensive Physiology September 26, 2011 20:32 Printer Name: Yet to Come

Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

In its extracervical locations, chemoreceptor tissue is more cells (362) are also found within the connective tissue of the
diffusely arranged in small groupings of cells and so less organ (16, 335) but are not believed to have any direct, func-
likely to exist as a single, distinct unit. Burleson and Mil- tional role in chemosensing.
som (121, 582) suggest that peripheral chemoreceptor tissue The number of type I cells per carotid body appears re-
became consolidated into carotid bodies by the evolutionary lated to the size of the organ with the rat carotid body con-
transition from aquatic and bimodal breathing in fish to obli- taining up to 12,000 type I cells and the cat up to 60,000 such
gate air breathing in mammals as well as with the consequent cells (561, 860). Type I cells are the most abundant cell type
loss, in mammals and birds, of intracardiac shunts, thus shift- within the carotid body with typically between a minimum of
ing the functional emphasis away from a need for multiple 3 and up to a maximum of 8 (although more typically, 4-5)
chemosensitive sites responding to varying internal or exter- such cells identified for each type II cell in most species
nal fluctuations in stimuli, toward the single, primary site seen (194, 195, 335, 561, 860), although the ratio may be higher in
in mammals. Consequently, the embryological derivation of primates (335). This ratio underlies the general arrangement
the carotid body cells arises as a condensation of neural crest of these cells in clusters or glomeruli consisting typically of
cells, subsequent to their migration within the mesenchyme 3 to 5 type I cells, spaced apart from each other by approx-
of the third branchial arch in mammals, a structure homolo- imately 15 to 20 nm and enveloped almost entirely by the
gous to the first gill arch of fish. The mechanism that prevents thin, cytoplasmic processes of a single type II cell (previously
migration once the cells have reached their target site is un- termed the “sustentacular or sheath” cell (754) or “pericyte”
known. (193, 194, 523).
Taken together with its capillary blood supply and its
innervation, the glomerulus is considered as the functional
Cell Types of the Carotid Body unit of the organ (775). However, whilst generally agreed to
be of importance, the physiological consequence of numer-
The ultrastructure of the carotid body received particular at- ous, separate functional units of the carotid body is poorly
tention during the period of the 1950s to the 1980s and many studied or understood and much of our present comprehen-
studies aimed to ascribe a structure-function relation to the sion of chemoreceptor behavior is consequently based on a
organ, based on light- and electron-microscope observations. tacit assumption that the various cellular components of the
Given the relatively limited ability to ascribe function using carotid body act individually, with their sum action com-
fixed tissue, these studies were remarkably insightful and still bining to produce afferent action potentials of appropriate
form the basis of much of our modern understanding of the frequency.
carotid body.
The carotid body is a conglomeration of type I and type II
cells. Regarding the nomenclature, type I cells were also com- The type I cell
monly, and interchangeably, referred to as “glomus” (523), That type I cells are of neural origin is strongly suggested
“chief” [attributed to Sato, 1932 in Adams (16)], “epithe- by the presence of numerous immunological neural and glial
lioid” (190), or simply “chemoreceptor” (754) cells but the cell markers and growth factors, including enolase (461), ty-
designation of the organ’s predominant cell as type I (194) rosine hydroxylase (TH), protein gene product 9.5 (PGP9.5),
appeared to be favored and most commonly accepted over βIII-tubulin, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) (425, 426),
time, presumably due to its lack of connotation to any specific as well as basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), glial cell
anatomy or function. Carotid bodies are endowed with a rich line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), and brain-derived
vascular supply and an afferent and efferent innervation that neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (406). However, unlike most neu-
lies within a protective surrounding capsule of connective tis- ral crest-derived cells, type I cells do not depend upon nerve
sue of varying, species-dependent, density that also infiltrates growth factor or corticosteroids for their long-term survival in
it, thus providing a matrix for blood vessels and nerves which, culture (278) although bFGF has been shown to act as a neces-
in most species other than perhaps the cat (523), gives the or- sary mitogen in perinatal carotid body type I cells, increasing
gan its characteristic lobular, or “glomerula,” structure when DNA synthesis and cell survival (629). As regards to their
viewed microscopically. The close association of chemore- similarity to chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla, it is worth
ceptor tissue with tissues such as sympathetic neurons and noting that sympathectomy of the carotid body does not alter
cranial nerves IX (glossopharyngeal) and X (vagus) may be the microscopic structure of type I cells or their innervation
explained by the migratory, neural crest origin of type I and (523) and therefore they do not conform to classical descrip-
type II cells (37, 674). This was first identified definitively tions of chromaffin cells of the adult adrenal medulla, but
in birds, by le Douarin and colleagues (515, 677) who uti- may rather more resemble denervated, fetal sheep (166), or
lized a quail-chick marking methodology and confirmed, less isolated neonatal rat adrenal medullary cells that secrete cate-
categorically, in mammals, by an electron microscopy study cholamines in response to hypoxia (828). Additionally, nerve
of rat carotid body development (455, 463) and in a Cre/Lox growth factor fails to induce neurite outgrowth or expression
genetic recombination study of neural crest fate mapping in of neuronal markers in neonatal type I cells, whilst it does
mice (417). Fibroblasts, autonomic ganglion cells and mast in chromaffin tissue derived from the adrenal medulla (407),

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

demonstrating functional differences between these two re- plasmic reticulum or small “dense-cored” vesicles devoid of
lated cell types. catecholamine (831). Their function is not fully established,
A further differentiation of the embryological derivation but they are presumed to be the storage site for certain, non-
of type I cells into neuroendocrine rather than neural deriva- catecholamine neurotransmitters and modulators, including
tives of the sympathoadrenal neural crest was confirmed acetylcholine (ACh) (626). They are usually small, with a di-
(430), by the selective expression on these cells of carbo- ameter of approximately 40 nm, and are located throughout
hydrate epitopes binding peanut agglutinin and this has been the type I cell cytoplasm, though with a higher probability at
subsequently exploited as a means of identifying type I cells the plasma membrane apposed to adjacent type II cells or to
in live culture through the successful use of fluoresceinated sensory nerve terminals, though not necessarily at membrane
peanut agglutinin markers in patch clamp and calcium imag- specializations associated with synapses (858). Aggregations
ing studies on isolated carotid body cells (442). However, the of clear core vesicles are also localized within the fine, cyto-
more intriguing question remains open of whether the carotid plasmic processes of type I cells (566).
body might possess a neuroendocrine function, in addition to Dense-core vesicles differ from clear synaptic vesicles in
its more recognized one of chemosensing, and is supported a number of ways other than their obvious morphological
by its rich blood supply and the known presence within it of appearance. The biochemical composition of the vesicle, the
numerous neuropeptides, including substance P, neurokinin mode of stimulation required for synaptic release, the type
A, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), endothelin, and galanin of calcium channels involved in the exocytotic process, and
(474). the time course of recovery after stimulation are all distin-
Type I cells are generally oval or polygonal shaped, in guishing features (956). In the carotid body, the dense-core
microscopic section, with a diameter that ranges, in the rat, vesicles appear to vary in size, not just across species but also
between 8 and 15 μm (372, 565) and often have cytoplasmic within a species and even within a single type I cell, but are
processes emanating outward for up to three times the cell often within the range of 50 to 150 nm in diameter in most
diameter (565). These processes may increase in length with nonprimate mammals (448,452,522,601,859) but can be sig-
age, at least in the rat (917). The cat type I cell is somewhat nificantly larger in the macaque monkey (335). A variation in
more regular in shape and has fewer processes (372). Type I density has also been noted, with the highest density of 8 vesi-
cells are spaced approximately 30 nm apart from each other cles per um2 , ascribed to the monkey (335). The vesicles con-
in a glomerulus, but also exhibit tight junctions at intervals tain various neurochemicals; primarily catecholamines (523)
around their surface. The cell shape tends to become more and chromogranin neuropeptides (336) but, presumably also,
spherical, and generally devoid of processes, when type I adenine nucleotides and Ca2+ (914) giving the type I cell the
cells are initially isolated in vitro, giving it a characteristic appearance of adrenal medullary chromaffin cells, albeit that
birefringent appearance under phase contrast. If cell culture the dense core vesicles in the type I cell may, in most cases,
is maintained for 48 h or more, cytoplasmic processes are only be up to half as large as their counterparts in the adrenal
recovered with cells attaining a more bipolar and irregular medulla (176, 319). The small size of the granules and the
shape (278, 784, 850). Type I cells have a large [commonly at relative small mass of carotid body tissue, makes quantifica-
least half the diameter of the cell (754)], spherical nucleus, tion of vesicular content difficult, but the use of insulated,
with a single prominent nucleolus, which is surrounded by carbon electrodes and amperometry with either enzymically
an outer shell of cytoplasm containing numerous, unremark- dispersed, single, rabbit type I cells (849), or conglomera-
able distributions of cell organelles including a rich array of tions of cells in a thin slice rat carotid body preparation (670)
mitochondria, lysosomes, lipid droplets, glycogen particles, has revealed that type I cells from both species secrete cate-
and a widely distributed endoplasmic reticulum with free ri- cholamine (presumed to be dopamine), with a single quantal
bosomes (72, 85, 561). The characteristic feature of the type I charge of 44 to 46 pC. Assuming two electrooxidation re-
cell is, however, the presence of numerous, Golgi apparatus- actions per catecholamine molecule and the presence of no
associated, vesicles with either small, clear or larger, electron- other transiently released, oxdizable species, the charge mea-
dense cores located particularly (371,566,858), but not solely, sured can be used to calculate that approximately 1.4 × 105
adjacent to sensory nerve terminals. These represent two rec- molecules of catecholamine are stored per vesicle. With no
ognized classes of secretory vesicles (188,433), that differ on evidence to suppose that either adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
the basis of their appearance, biochemical content (826), the or chromogranin-like peptides can undergo redox reactions
kinetics of their fusion with the plasma membrane (620), and at the holding potential (+ 750 mV) of the amperometric
their origin and functions (38, 188, 411, 557, 855). carbon electrode, this estimate can be taken as reliable and
The clear core vesicles of type I cells (449, 452, 858, 860) demonstrates that the type I cell dense core vesicle contains
are generally fewer in number than the dense core vesicles and approximately 20 times less catecholamine per vesicle than
have been much less remarked upon in morphological studies the much larger, 250 to 300 nm diameter, vesicles of chromaf-
of the carotid body. By analogy to other catecholaminergic fin cells of the adrenal medulla (909), and around five times
tissues, clear core vesicles may form a heterogeneous group greater quantal content than the smaller, 60 to 70 nm diam-
of different ontogeny with some arising via terminal mem- eter, vesicles found in sympathetic ganglion cell varicosities
brane endocytosis, whilst others may represent smooth endo- (952). Further supporting the storage of catecholamine within

144 Volume 2, January 2012

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

the dense-core vesicles is the immunohistocytochemical and possibility for functional heterogeneity within type I cells as,
immunofluorecent localization of TH within these vesicles when studied systematically, an intracellular Ca2+ response
(429, 628). to hypoxia was observed in only 20% of isolated type I cells
Various studies have attempted to distinguish between (99) and a number of type I cells that showed a robust, se-
type I cells on the basis of dense-core vesicle size and density cretory response to high extracellular K+ solutions, did not
and the results are equivocal. Some of this may be due to respond to hypoxia in a thin slice rat carotid body preparation
artefacts arising from either the various fixative processes (670). Whether these cells that did not respond to hypoxia
utilized to visualize the cells and their constituents or from might have been classed as the noninnervated, type B cells of
the degree of disruption to cell homeostasis during the surgical McDonald and Mitchell’s classification (565) could not have
process of organ removal and isolation. Thus, some authors been ascertained by these functional studies. Finally, different
have stated they could find no differences between the various sensitivities to hypoxia between afferent responses in a sin-
type I cells on the basis of vesicular diameter (859), whilst gle animal have been commonly observed (870) and whilst
others have described two distinct populations (192) and can it is usually taken that this may represent varying stimulus
show a bimodal distribution in the dense-core vesicle diameter intensities at the site of origin of the action potential, it is not
(366, 566). If vesicular density and shape are also included as yet possible to exclude that some of this variation may also
distinguishing characteristics, then up to four populations may reside within the heterogeneity of type I cells. It is, however,
exist in the cat and monkey (335, 601). perhaps equally or even more likely that the subtypes of type I
McDonald and Mitchell (565, 566) ascribed the term type cells described to date represent an artificial grouping of such
A to those type I cells that had, on average, 30% larger and cells, by researchers, into distinct groups whereas the reality
150% more numerous dense core vesicles than another subset may be simpler with a continuum of variation that reflects
that they termed, type B, with both subsets existing, in the rat, turnover of a single cell type (698).
in approximately equal numbers. In addition, they reported
that, in the rat, type B cells had a greater extent of cytoplasmic
Role of the type I cell—the primary transducer?
processes that were thinner, but greater in number, length,
and branching than those of type A cells and also that type The isolated type I cell, in culture, can mount a vigorous,
A cells received an afferent innervation whilst type B cells physiological response to hypoxia (see later sections) and
received little or no innervation. Type A and type B cells consequently has been ascribed a primary transducer role
also made pre- and postsynaptic contact with each other, with with its particular morphology, histochemistry, and relations
large dense-core vesicles clustered around synaptic junctions to other cells in the carotid body presumed to form the basis of
of the presynaptic element and it was stated that the type B its presynaptic, neurosecretory function. However, its ability
cell was the more likely of the two cell types to be presynaptic to respond to hypoxia in isolation does not prove, defini-
to another type I cell (565). tively, that the type I cell is a primary transducer element of a
The existence of structural differences between type I cells composite receptor system, as it may simply act to modulate
has been supported by other morphological studies (448,601, responses generated, for example, in adjacent, afferent nerve
802). Further, the specific distinction into type A and type terminals that might themselves, therefore, be considered as
B cells with possible different functions (565), was endorsed the primary elements (73, 218, 565, 587).
by a study in which α-bungarotoxin was used to distinguish In an attempt to answer the question more directly, a num-
ACh receptor binding sites on type I cells with the finding that ber of transplant and/or regeneration experiments were per-
type A cells showed little or no binding whilst type B cells formed whereby, either the carotid body was reinnervated by
showed plentiful binding distributed across the entire cell afferent nerves other than the glossopharyngeal nerve (GPN)
surface (142). These authors, as had McDonald and Mitchell or where the carotid body or type I cells were selectively
previously (565, 566), suggested that the difference in cell destroyed, so separating them from chemoafferent nerve end-
type might demonstrate a difference in function with only ings of the sinus nerve. In animal studies, section of the sinus
type A cells acting as the presynaptic elements in a composite nerve afferent innervation of the carotid body abolished the
receptor system. sensory discharge from the proximal stump of sinus nerve,
The difficulty of ensuring that, when isolated, type I cells with a timescale related to the degeneration of nerve termi-
retain their in vivo physiology is a real concern that cannot nals in the carotid body (1, 373). Additionally, if the nerve
easily be identified and thus any potential for variation in section did not disrupt the afferent nerve cell bodies in the
type I cell function most often is not considered when the petrosal ganglion, the nerve regenerated, via axonal sprouts,
biophysical properties of these cells are being determined. and recovery of afferent discharges was observed that was
However, differences do exist in vitro between isolated type shown to depend upon synapse formation with type I cells
I cells and type I cells retained in clusters, with considerable (943).
variation in response to changes in pH (666) or Po2 (99) be- Reinnervation of the superior cervical ganglion with si-
ing observed. Whilst this may be due to a loss of type I-type nus nerve afferents also failed to establish chemosensitivity
I or even type I-type II interaction when cells are isolated in the fibers (66). Similarly, if the sinus nerve was left intact
from their natural clustering, there does still appear to be a but the carotid body, of rabbits, was destroyed by localized

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

freezing in situ, (864, 865), no afferent chemosensitivity or however, has been raised (938) of how carotid body type I
reflex ventilatory response to natural stimuli or pharmacolog- cells seemingly survived these graft experiments, yet were
ical stimulation was detected even after allowing up to one irreversibly and severely damaged at an ultrastructural level,
year for regeneration of nerve afferent terminals into the scar by just 2 h of ischemia (597, 622) raising the possibility that
tissue, despite, at that time, clear evidence of baroreceptor ac- damage to carotid body elements, other than, or as well as,
tivity being restored. Destruction of the cat carotid body type I type I cells, may be important for enabling the generation of
cells by 2 to 3 h of ischemia, induced by ligature of the carotid afferent nerve action potentials. Notwithstanding this, much
body arterial blood supply (597, 622), produced comparable evidence points to the absolute requirement for a close jux-
findings to the earlier cryodestruction experiments, with ir- taposition of type I cells with afferent nerve endings and a
reversible damage to type I cells being correlated to a lack presynaptic, transducer role for the type I cell appears the
of sensory function, even after reinnervation of sinus nerve most likely possibility for this cell’s function. Supporting this
afferents. It should be remembered, however, that destruction contention, isolated, petrosal neurons fail to exhibit any sen-
of the carotid body by such blunt instruments as cryocoagula- sitivity to hypoxic hypoxia (29,951) but can produce synaptic
tion or ischemia is not type I cell selective and damage to type potentials and even action potentials when subjected to the
II cells as well as to the blood supply must also occur, thus same stimulus after they had been juxtaposed, via chemical
potentially offering a different explanation for the subsequent synapses, to clusters of type I cells in an in vitro, coculture
loss of function [see (938)]. In addition, not all studies were preparation (951).
so conclusive and, whilst a number of regeneration studies Not all evidence is so supportive for a presynaptic role
showed a return of chemosensitivity that might be ascribed to for type I cells and Donnelly and coworkers (218, 222) con-
the nerve terminals, it was subsequently shown that the lack sider the generation of postsynaptic action potentials to oc-
of total removal of carotid body tissue in these studies was a cur, not via the presumed summation of synaptic depolarizing
significant methodological concern (712). potentials in the nerve terminal consequent to neurotransmit-
Complementary studies utilized reinnervation of the ter release from type I cells (352, 951), but instead via the
carotid body with nerves that would not, normally, form slow modulation of channel noise associated with a persistent
synaptic contact with type I cells of the carotid body. Ini- sodium current (735) located in the nerve terminal. These
tial experiments were performed by suturing the cut, central authors cite the ultrastructural findings of Gronblad (323)
end of either the vagus nerve or the superior laryngeal nerve to and Verna (862) who examined stimulus-induced, exocytotic
the cut distal end of the GPN and allowing sufficient time for fusion profiles in type I cells and, independently, failed to ob-
regeneration of new synaptic contacts of these, normally in- serve such events occurring between the type I cell and nerve
congruent, afferents with type I cells. In both cases, chemoaf- terminal. Such an assertion, if shown to be correct, would not
ferent sensitivity was returned but such studies (189, 941) reduce the significance of the type I cell in the transduction
were criticized for not accounting for the presence of non- process but would, rather, relegate its role to that of a neces-
carotid body chemosensitive afferents in both the vagus and sary, neuromodulator. In addition, the interpretation of data is
superior laryngeal nerves. Whilst certainly a possibility for further complicated by the detection of voltage-gated potas-
the vagus nerve, with its aortic body and bronchoplumonary sium channels and hyperpolarization-activated channels in
chemoafferents (616), the criticism may be less robust for the carotid sinus nerve afferents (114) as some of these channels
superior laryngeal nerve where the majority of sensory fibers may themselves have intrinsic O2 sensitivity. Resolution of
are mechanosensitive and the few, chemosensitive afferents, the important issue of whether the chemoafferent nerve pos-
whilst sensitive to hypercapnia, are not naturally sensitive to sesses any chemosensitivity independent of the carotid body
hypoxia. Nevertheless, the case for type I cells as primary that might affect the number and/or shape of action poten-
chemotransducers had not been proven. tials may need to await future refinements in the technique of
For simple, logistical reasons, initial experiments had uti- making electrophysiological recordings in the nerve terminal
lized afferent nerves for suturing to the sinus nerve, that were of an in situ, otherwise intact, carotid body which to date has
located anatomically close to the carotid body and so, to obvi- only rarely been achieved (214, 352).
ate all such criticism, a subsequent experiment was performed
that moved the carotid body from its location in the neck to en-
able grafting of a defined, nonchemosensitive afferent nerve The type II cell
supply. Thus, Eyzaguirre and colleagues (596) transplanted A single type II cell is intimately associated with a group of
cat carotid bodies into the tenuissimus muscle in the thigh approximately 3 to 5 type I cells and is therefore found in
of the same animal and allowed them to be reinnervated by relatively small numbers of less than 20% of the total cell
the muscle nerve. After three to six months, some 40% of count within a carotid body (194, 195). Type II cells and their
the regenerating fibers were able to exhibit chemosensitivity processes do not completely encase the type I cells with which
(in addition to their natural mechanosensitivity) and elec- they are associated, thus permitting type I cells direct access,
tron microscopic examination showed that successful type I at certain points on their periphery, to other type I cells, to
cell—axonal connections had been made and which were as- nerve endings, and to capillaries and so appearing to offer
sumed to underlie the restoration of function. The question, no additional diffusion barrier that might otherwise have had

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

functional consequence. Whilst the proportion of type I and were only observable in isolated type I cells (416). Similar
type II cells in rat and cat are similar, the type II cells of the differences between clusters and isolated type I cells regard-
cat appear to occupy twice the volume of the carotid body ing their intracellular K+ concentrations and pH have also
than they do in that rat (53). To date, no function has been been noted (666, 949), indicating perhaps a role for type II
ascribed to this difference. cells in maintaining ionic balance in clusters of type I cells.
Type II cell processes are also associated with nerve end- The embryological origin of type II cells has been ex-
ings and fibers, at times completely enveloping nerve end- amined in mice where the generation of neural precursors
ings (196) many of which are of sympathetic, efferent origin of the peripheral and central nervous systems is under the
(863). Again, no functional significance has been attributed to control of transcription factors including Mash1, Phox2a,
this. In histological appearance, type II cells lack the dense- and Phox2ba, mammalian homologues of the Drosophila
core vesicles that are characteristic of type I cells and have achaete-scute (asc) complex. Mash1 is essential for the de-
slightly more flattened, kidney-shaped and chromatin-dense velopment of sympathetic ganglia from uncommitted neural
nuclei but are otherwise unremarkable in their appearance crest cells and Mash1 null, mutant mice fail to survive post-
with no particular distinguishing features readily discernible natally as a consequence. However, such null mice, although
under the microscope. They contain the expected distribution able to develop a normal carotid body primordium, in utero,
of organelles including mitochondria, moderately developed exhibited a failure to develop, specifically, type I but not type
Golgi complexes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and lyso- II cells within the carotid body, which subsequently exhibited
somes (425). In cell culture, they are smaller than type I cells a significant hypoplasia at birth (426). As such, this provides
with a diameter, in the rabbit of between 5 to 7 μm (850) additional support for a glial-like role for type II cells (326)
and are often spindle shaped in contrast to the ovoid shape of but, further, suggests a dual origin for the embryonic devel-
type I cells (923). It is worth noting that if the sinus nerve is opment of the carotid body with a requirement for neural
cut, the type II cell, in situ, undergoes morphological change cell lineages originating from the superior cervical ganglion
whilst the type I cell does not (1, 196, 373). for the development of type I cells and a different, neural
The major functional difference from type I cells, how- crest-derived, ectomesenchymal cell lineage, from the wall
ever, is that the type II cell appears more or less unexcitable of the third arch artery, being responsible for type II cell de-
(229, 671, 850, 923) containing, in the rabbit and rat, no dis- velopment (426). The possibility remains, however, that the
cernible sodium or calcium currents and only a small, high absence of Mash1 prevents differentiation of type II, mes-
threshold activated, slowly inactivating, outward K+ current. enchymal cells into type I cells but this would then appear
Consequently perhaps, the type II cell does not respond elec- to require the presence of a functional sympathetic nervous
trophysiologically to hypoxia at stimulus levels that do alter system (426).
ionic conductances in type I cells (541). Further, in contrast
to type I cells of the rabbit, type II cells do not generate action
Role of the type II cell
potentials when depolarized (229).
Immunocytochemical studies have identified the pres- It is now widely appreciated that glial cells are important
ence, in the type II cell, of the calcium-binding, acidic pro- functional elements of neuronal systems, expressing Ca2+
tein, S-100 (461) and GFAP (628) as well as the intermediate signaling responses to neurotransmitter stimulation (856) and
filament, vimentin (425), all proteins associated with astro- it is therefore not surprising that the type II cell may turn out,
cytes, satellite cells of peripheral ganglia, or Schwann cells with time, to have a larger role to play in the full expression
(163, 801). Taken together with the ultrastructural and elec- of chemosensitivity and respiratory plasticity than has usually
trophysiological evidence, it is not surprising that the type been presumed. Thus, whilst it has been confirmed that the
II cell has most often been ascribed a relatively undefined, type II cell is relatively unexcited by membrane depolarization
supportive, glial-like role in the carotid body where it has (923), it was also shown, by these same authors, that P2Y2
been assumed to be a modified Schwann cell (380). However, receptors were localized on the type II cell plasma membrane
although the proportion of type II to type I cells in the carotid and it was suggested that the type II cell may therefore be
body is relatively low, this proportion is significantly greater a site of action for stimulus activated ATP release from type
than the proportion of glial/Schwann cells to chromaffin cells I cells, for example, during hypoxia. Activation of the G-
in the adrenal medulla, which might support the notion of a protein-coupled P2Y2 purinoceptor in identified type II cells,
particular function for type II cells, either in the transduction triggered Ca2+ release from internal stores that were shown
process or in the provision of some other service not required, to have an absolute requirement for replenishment from the
at least to the same extent, in the adrenal medulla. In this extracellular site (923). By analogy to glial cells (856), it was
respect, it is worth noting that the mean intracellular Ca2+ suggested that Ca2+ signaling in type II cells might serve
concentration of isolated type I cells in culture is ca. 10 nM a paracrine role in the carotid body. This may be via the
greater than that of type I cells maintained in clusters where release from type II cells of neuroactive substances, including
type II cells are likely to remain in similar intimate contact ATP, acting to stimulate afferent endings directly or by Ca2+ -
with type I cells as seen in vivo and also that very high (> 200 dependent alterations in type II cell K+ conductance leading to
nM), nonphysiological, intracellular concentrations of Ca2+ modification of K+ buffering and hence neuronal excitability

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

in the vicinity of type I cells and nerve endings (923). It is Innervation and Communications of
worth noting here that these same authors have described the
presence of P2Y1 receptors on type I cells (924). In many
the Carotid Body
ways, this hypothesis has a great number of similarities to Afferent innervation
earlier ones in which the type II cell was also ascribed a The afferent neurons have their cell bodies in the petrosal
modulatory role in chemotransduction (52, 420, 663), but via ganglion, which is an anatomically distinct structure in the
type I cell derived ACh rather than ATP. Further studies may cat and rabbit, but is part of a larger complex with the jugular
be warranted using models in which the type I and type II and nodose ganglia in the rat. The central terminations of these
cells remain in natural contact with each other to establish the afferent fibers lie in the commissural or medial subnuclei of
true functional role of the type II cell in chemotransduction. the nucleus tractus solitarius (68,157,185,276,392,554,668),
In addition to growth and dilation of the carotid body a subcomponent of the dorsal respiratory group respiratory
vasculature (367, 504, 505), type I cell hyperplasia has long neurons in the brainstem and convey sensory information
been established as a major factor of the carotid body hyper- regarding cardiorespiratory homeostasis (421) in the form
trophy observable during chronic hypoxia (43, 568, 877), but of graded action potential frequencies in fibers of the carotid
the cellular and molecular basis of this process was unknown. sinus branch of the IXth cranial (glossopharyngeal) nerve.
Therefore, perhaps the most intriguing role suggested, to date, In the rat, the carotid sinus nerve arises from the GPN
for type II cells is that of neural stem cells acting, via pro- at about 0.5 to 1.0 mm distal to the petrosal ganglion and is
liferation and differentiation, as progenitors of type I cells most often observable as a single bundle of axons of between
during periods of chronic hypoxia (671). This is particularly 1.3 to 2.9 mm length and with an elliptical cross section
relevant given the limited mitogenic potential in type I cells, having major and minor axis diameters of 77 and 46 μm,
at least in the absence of nerve growth factors and hypoxia respectively (562). In the human, the carotid sinus nerve is
(629,671). Thus, in the first demonstration of the potential for approximately 2 9 mm in length, ranging between 15 and 50
adult peripheral nervous system neural crest-derived tissue to mm (838). Both myelinated (A) and unmyelinated fibers (C)
exhibit pluripotent neurogenesis, Pardal et al. (671) showed are found in the carotid sinus nerve (189, 190, 259) and the
that tyrosine hydroxylase positive (TH+) type I cells almost conduction velocities for these two types of fibers exhibit the
doubled in number within five to six days after application expected distinction related to the degree of myelination, with
of chronic hypoxia to young adult and old mice and did so A fibers of the cat having velocities between 4 and 53 m/s
in association with an increase in replicating DNA. This pro- with a median value of 16 m/s, whilst the C fiber velocities
liferation was reversible upon return of animals to normoxia varied only between 0.5 and 2.0 m/s (272). Numerically, the
when approximately half of the carotid body now consisted C fibers are in the majority with around two to five times
of retained, newly formed cells. In an in vitro study of carotid as many C fibers in the carotid sinus nerve as there are A
body neurosphere formation, these authors were able to es- fibers (190, 259). The A fiber population contains afferents of
timate that a single adult rat carotid body may contain some carotid body chemoreceptor and carotid sinus baroreceptor
200 to 300 stem cells with the potential, observed also in other origin (16, 376) with approximately two-thirds of this
neural crest-derived stem cells, to differentiate into multiple population being chemoafferent (272). Given that the cat
cell types; in this case type I cells and smooth muscle cells. carotid sinus nerve has been estimated to contain some 600 to
The type II cell as the source of the progenitor cells was indi- 700 A fibers (190,259) this would predict that there should be
cated by the observation of a, reversible, reduction in GFAP around 400 to 450 chemoafferents in the nerve. Fidone and
positive cells to < 10% of the normoxic population during Sato (272) also measured a range of A fiber diameters in the
in vivo exposure to chronic hypoxia, which was negatively carotid sinus nerve of 1 to 11 μm, with the majority being be-
correlated with the increase of TH+ cells. This was subse- low 5 μm, and used data from Eyzaguirre and Uchizono (259)
quently confirmed by a cell fate mapping study in transgenic to calculate that A fiber baroreceptor afferents were most
mice (671) with each, normally quiescent, GFAP+ type II cell likely constrained to a smaller range of diameters of between
shown to be able to generate clonal, pluripotent, and chemore- 3 and 5 μm making the largest and smallest myelinated fibers
ceptive neurospheres of type I cells upon stimulation, via an in the carotid sinus nerve to most likely be chemoafferent
intermediate GFAP−/nestin+ form. Thus, the carotid body in nature.
exhibits a remarkable plasticity in the face of hypoxic insult Around 54% of the C fiber population of the cat carotid si-
and the type II cell appears central to this. Finally, it is worth nus nerve is of autonomic, nonchemoreceptor and nonbarore-
noting that, in a study of human carotid body ultrastructure ceptor origin with the remaining fibers being approximately
following pathological chronic hypoxia, a proliferation rather two-thirds of baroreceptor origin (272), thus neatly revers-
than a decrease in type II cells was observed that was asso- ing the ratio observed in A fibers and making just 15% of
ciated with type I cell compression (364) and as such needs the C fibers of chemoafferent origin. The carotid sinus nerve
to be reconciled with the more recent animal studies in con- has one blood vessel supplying it with a mean diameter of
junction with the progression toward utilization of the carotid 12.4 μm and which arises from vessels supplying the GPN
body in stem cell therapy (44, 244, 546, 583, 932, 933). and ends at a venule on the rostral surface of the carotid body

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

(562). Also at the rostral pole of the carotid body, the carotid I cell would then become a modulator element rather than
sinus nerve divides into multiple bundles that mostly enter a transducer element. The existence of free nerve endings
the organ to make contact with parenchymal cells. In some could not, however, be confirmed in a number of other stud-
cases, the nerve fibers can appear to wholly encase a single ies (373,458,561,565,623) and de Castro’s original assertion
type I cell (372). At the point of entry into the carotid body, and findings, following nerve section, were soon replicated
the afferent fibers are now mostly nonmyelinated but covered (373, 566, 623).
in Schwann cell cytoplasm, which is gradually lost as the The afferent nature of the fibers terminating adjacent to
neurons enter the connective tissue of the organ in folds of type I cells was further confirmed by the demonstration of ax-
type II cell cytoplasm. The small remaining fibers that do not oplasmic flow of radiolabelled amino acids in an anterograde
enter the carotid body merge with sympathetic fibers from the direction from the petrosal ganglion to the carotid body, where
superior cervical ganglion and can innervate the carotid sinus, some 60% to 90% of nerve terminals apposed to type I cells
joining there other baroreceptor afferents that had traversed were shown to express the label just a few days after applica-
through the carotid body. tion (274, 789).
The chemosensory nerve endings of the carotid body have An “afferent” nerve synaptic morphology is also more
a variable morphology in terms of their shape and size (561). likely to be observed at the nerve terminal:type I cell contacts
Electron microscopy has revealed both bouton and calyx ter- of mice (452), guinea pigs (449, 456), and rabbits (857). The
minal structures that make variable amounts of synaptic con- consequence of age should, however, also be considered as
tact of between 1 and 10 μm2 with the type I cell surface it appears that the carotid sinus nerve terminals within the
(623) characterized by electron dense thickenings of less than carotid body may change their morphology between birth and
0.5 μm length on both sides of a synapse which, in the cat, is adulthood acquiring, in the rabbit, a more afferent appearance,
relatively constant at around 30 nm in width (371). Accord- rich in mitochondria and relatively deplete of vesicles with
ing to McDonald and Mitchell (565) up to half of the type maturity whilst appearing more “efferent-like” in the neonatal
I cell population is not innervated, and so for the remaining period (96). A similar maturation was reported in the rat,
type I cells to receive innervation, each nerve axon entering where the number of afferent-like endings but not efferent-
the carotid body must undergo extensive branching. This they like endings increased with developmental age up to 50 days
do, with a single nerve fiber branching to make contact, or postnatal (457). Whether these ultrastructural changes might
close relation, with 10 to 20 different type I cells (458, 565), underlie the postnatal maturation in hypoxia sensitivity of the
or more (842). The contacts made by a single fiber can be carotid body (475) is not known.
of varying structure on different type I cells. A single type I The chemical content of the vesicles in the carotid si-
cell may synapse with one to two different neurons (335,561). nus nerve terminals has been used to classify the endings
The nerve terminals contain mitochondria that may be smaller into two distinct types. The first group have nerve endings
and more electron dense than those found in type I cells (858) rich in TH and can synthesise catecholamines, of which
and differing amounts of clear core microvesicles [e.g., ca. dopamine is the major final form, with those fewer end-
34 vesicles/μm2 of cytoplasm in the monkey; (335)] ranging ings containing noradrenaline attributable to a sympathetic
between 40 and 70 nm in diameter. Some, very few, may nerve origin (33, 277). These catecholaminergic fibers make
possess also some dense-core microvesicles that are approx- extensive synaptic, often calyciform, contact with type I
imately half the diameter of those characteristically found in cells. The second group contains neuropeptides, particu-
the type I cells (858), but all are otherwise unremarkable in larly substance P, tachykinin and calcitonin gene-related pep-
appearance. tide (277, 481, 878), and also neuronal nitric oxide synthase
The very existence of clear vesicles in the nerve termi- (nNOS) (381,720,878,882,885) and choline acetyltransferase
nals (85, 195, 523) suggested that these nerve endings may (878). Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and neuropep-
be efferent and not afferent to the type I cell and thus chal- tide Y (NPY) have also been localized to nerve terminals
lenged de Castro’s original postulate of the sensory nature of in the carotid body but are attributed to a sympathetic neural
these fibers. This led to a repeat of de Castro’s intracranial rather than a chemoreceptor origin (396). The chemoreceptor-
carotid sinus nerve section experiments, which generated re- related peptides are colocalized within dense-core vesicles in
sults apparently supporting an efferent innervation of type I the nerve terminals of the small (submicron), unmyelinated
cells (2,73,79,85,449). Additional support for this idea came fibers of the carotid sinus nerve (483). These neurons, how-
from the finding that electrical stimulation of the carotid sinus ever, appear less likely to make direct synaptic contact with
nerve could depress basal and hypoxia-stimulated discharge type I cells and terminate near type II cell processes suggest-
frequency in chemoafferents (613, 763, 764). This efferent ing, perhaps, a lesser or more “sluggish” involvement in trans-
nerve hypothesis required the afferent chemosensory fibers to mission of chemosensitive information (483, 843) although
be located elsewhere in the carotid body and the suggestion unmyelinated fibers are known to convey such information
was made (73) that they may be the free nerve endings located (272). The two groups of afferents are also distinguished by
adjacent to type II cells as described by de Kock and Dunn the anatomical location of their cell bodies in the petrosal gan-
(195) with their cell bodies located in the brainstem. The type glion and their terminals in the NTS, with the TH+ neurons

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

localized to the distal pole of the ganglion (277, 481) and the is the observation that the type I cell, in the rat, possesses
commissural nucleus of the NTS (554, 841). connexons making up gap junctions that enable direct,
bidirectional electrical communication between adjacent
type I cells, as well as between type I cells and type II cells
Reciprocal synapses and gap junctions (62, 250). Additionally, some type I: nerve ending contacts
Reciprocal synapses have also been observed with both pre appear also to be gap junctions (460) although the ultra-
and postsynaptic morphologies observed at multiple sites be- structural observation of the presence of such close (2 nm)
tween a single afferent fiber and a single type I cell in the rat appositions of membranes, between these cell types, has been
(373, 458, 459, 565) and in the cat (789). In addition, recipro- considered a possible artifact of a modified freeze substitution
cal synapses have been observed between type I cells (565). method for preparation of ultrathin sections of the carotid
Based largely, but not solely on the anatomical observations, body (460).
a number of authors have proposed functional hypotheses for Gap junctional connections are also evidenced by the ob-
the reciprocal synapse (586). Thus, McDonald and Mitchell servation of dye transfer occurring through these routes be-
(565, 566) suggested that, whilst the nerve terminals adjacent tween cells (including between type I cell and nerve ending)
to type I cells were almost certainly afferent, the nerve termi- and by direct measure of electrical coupling between cells
nal itself was the transducing element of the carotid body, with (150, 249, 415) which suggest that the passage of current is
the type IA (innervated) cell playing the role of an inter neuron unidirectional from type I cell to nerve ending. Such phys-
acting, via reciprocal synapses between type IA and IB cells iological assessment of coupling often reveals a higher fre-
and between type IA and afferent nerves, in an inhibitory quency of coupled cells than observed microscopically, where
feedback loop to modulate chemosensitivity. These authors they may occur only between 3% of type I cells (561). Con-
also made the interesting, although unrepeated, observation nexin 43 appears to be the main protein involved in these
that the degree of feedback inhibition was significantly greater structures being observable both in cultured cells (4) and con-
at levels of Po2 above arterial normoxia and that the normal stitutively in the intact organ (146). In addition, connexin
hyperbolic shape of the response curve to hypoxia could be 32 has also been identified in cultured cells (628). Natural
made more linear by block of the feedback loop with phe- stimuli, including hypoxia and hypercapnia, as well as sev-
noxybenzamine (586). Although they themselves state this eral putative neurotransmitters, uncoupled most type I cells
may be an oversimplification, it is one of very few exam- tested (5, 6) but could increase the coupling coefficient be-
ples where the shape of the chemoreceptor response curve to tween type I cell and nerve ending. The transcript and protein
hypoxia is considered. levels of connexin 43 in both type I cells and petrosal ganglion
Krammer (467) modified these ideas slightly to propose cells is measurably increased by two weeks of hypobaric hy-
that the type IB cell be the chemosensitive element in the inter- poxia (146) and, as such, may be part of the adaptation to
acting anatomical arrangement proposed by McDonald and chronic hypoxia (see later sections). Such (un)coupling be-
Mitchell (565) acting, when stimulated, to inhibit the type tween parenchymal cells of the carotid body seems to be
IA, inhibitory inter neuron and hence increase the afferent aimed at facilitating the chemotransduction process by en-
nerve discharge. Finally, Osborne and Butler (657) proposed, abling electrotonic spread of currents in addition to chemical
instead, that the reciprocal arrangement between type I cell transmission and thus enabling both augmented chemosensi-
and afferent nerve ending is one of a positive feedback loop tivity and cell synchronization to allow the carotid body to act
with the sensory nerve being normally endogenously active as a functional syncytium.
but inhibited by O2 -dependent neurotransmission (presumed The consequences of losing the various chemical and elec-
to be dopamine) from type I cells. In hypoxia, the release of trical communication pathways between type I cells during
inhibition from type I cells would then lead to increased af- their isolation for in vitro experiments, may account, at least
ferent nerve discharge and a release of inhibitory (presumed in part, for some of the differences observed between the
ACh) transmitter from efferent nerve endings that would fur- various preparations studied. Such considerations are often
ther suppress the type I cell. Although now disregarded, this overlooked in many hypotheses of chemoreception that are
hypothesis does have some correlate with the suggestion of primarily focused on the transduction processes, yet the full
Donnelly (218) that action potential generation in the sensory expression of chemosensitivity depends, ultimately, on the
nerve is more likely an endogenous attribute of the nerve ter- generation of a postsynaptic action potential in the sensory
minal, that can be modulated by the type I cell. It should be nerve. It remains to be seen whether the complex interactions
borne in mind that although reciprocal synapses appear only between the various cellular components of the carotid body
to make up less than 3% of all synapses in the rat and cat and its specific innervation, might play a role in a form of
(561), thus making their functional role in chemtransduction elementary signal processing, perhaps via postsynaptic sum-
somewhat less obvious, the idea that the type I cell may, in mation or action potential collision. To date, there have been
vivo, be acting in a neuromodulatory role cannot be entirely very few studies directed at this question and chemoreceptor
ruled out solely by studies performed on isolated cells in vitro. discharge is most often reported simply as a mean level of
An additional consideration for any hypothesis based frequency, although time-related information does exist, as
upon the structure functions of the whole carotid body in situ, reported in vivo (480).

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

Efferent innervation is often considered a functional characteristic of a chemore-

The efferent innervation arises primarily from the sympathetic ceptor, it has only been verified for the carotid body and
fibers originating from the superior cervical ganglion consti- therefore may not be a prerequisite for its transducing func-
tuting the ganglioglomerular nerve (308). Nerve endings with tion. In most species, the arterial supply to the organ is derived
an efferent morphology make up only around 10% of the from larger, nearby arteries, including branches of the internal
total number of synapses (458, 459, 561). A serial section re- and external carotid, the occiptal and the pharyngeal arteries,
construction of the rat carotid body ultrastructure led Kondo with the precise origin of the blood supply showing some
(458,459) to state that all nerve endings adjacent to type I cells interindividual variation as well as being species dependent
were postsynaptic and that many of the apparent efferent end- (158, 159, 564, 775).
ings were fibers which had also exhibited postsynaptic end- The artery supplying the carotid body has a flexible wall,
ings, for instance, on other type I cells. In addition, to the sym- with an unusually thin media of smooth muscle cells and so
pathetic innervation from the ganglioglomerular nerve, there can be stretched without difficulty by normal blood pres-
are also a small number (< 5% of total) of unmyelinated fibers sure oscillations (192). The main arterial supply soon di-
of nonsympathetic origin (81,458,566,615) that lie within the vides into second-order arteries and terminal arterioles that
glossopharyngeal and carotid sinus nerves that are sensitive to are richly innervated by postganglionic sympathetic fibers
variations in blood gas tensions (83) and whose stimulation from the superior cervical ganglion (85, 566, 861) and by
can decrease chemoafferent discharge frequency (252, 614, parasympathetic fibers originating from intraglomic ganglion
615). The soma of these efferents are not found in the central cells (129, 130, 561). The larger blood vessels have a rela-
nervous system (CNS) (424) but lie instead within paragan- tively greater parasympathetic innervation, whilst the smaller
glia of the GPN at its border with the carotid sinus nerve as vessels have a predominantly sympathetic innervation. In ad-
well as more distally along the GPN (129, 130, 878, 882). dition to this autonomic innervation, an observation, based
The efferent endings have bouton and calyx formations upon electron microscopic observation of mouse carotid body
and so cannot be distinguished from afferent endings on these (238), suggests that the type I cells may themselves be in-
morphological terms but might be distinguished in terms of volved in the regulation of the vascular tone in the carotid
the size and number of their clear core vesicles (565) with body via close, < 0.1 mm, type I cell-myocyte contacts. These
up to five times more vesicles per μm2 in the motor endings may enable a physiological interaction between arterioles and
of the rat. Interestingly, it has been stated (371) that much of the type I cells in a manner analogous to the vascular neuro-
the controversy regarding the nature of the nerve terminals in muscular junctions of sympathetic nerve terminals and which
the carotid body might not have been occurred if the animals has anatomical correlate in the so called glomus cell-smooth
studied by Biscoe and colleagues (79) had been rats instead muscle (g-s) connections found in the carotid labyrinth of
of cats, as the former rarely show clear core or dense-core amphibia (399, 488).
vesicles in their nerve terminals whilst such phenotypes are Blood is distributed to chemoreceptor tissues through
much more abundant in the cat (561). an intricate network of vessels and each glomerulus is
Efferent innervation may best be considered as a modulat- supplied by two main forms of interconnecting capillaries
ing influence affecting carotid body chemosensitivity largely (192, 562-564). The first type have a large diameter of be-
(256, 560, 732), but not solely (615, 634, 635, 764, 863) via a tween 8 and 28 μm, possess a fenestrated endothelium and are
modulation of carotid body blood flow. The effect of sym- described as “tortuous” in their pathway through the carotid
pathetic nerve stimulation upon carotid body afferent dis- body, where they may turn back on themselves and often anas-
charge is most often excitatory although it can be variable tomose with other similar capillaries. Importantly, they make
(256,288,555,585,635) presumably due to the activation and close (within 3 μm) contact with type I cells. The second
location of specific adrenoceptor subtypes within the carotid type of capillaries are fewer in number and more typically
body (32). Interestingly, however, if the carotid body is stim- narrow at between 6 and 12 μm diameter. These possess no
ulated naturally, in vivo, ganglioglomerular nerve activity is fenestrations, are enveloped by pericytes and are often extra-
reflexly increased leading to an inhibition of chemoafferent glomerular in location, making little direct contact with type
discharge (549). The inhibitory effects arising from increased I cells. Blood is expelled from the organ via a prominent ve-
ganglioglomerular nerve activity (efferent inhibition) is likely nous plexus on the surface of the organ and from there into
mediated by NO generated by neuronal NO synthase [nNOS; the internal or external jugular veins.
(131) and see later section on transmitters].
Blood flow
Vascular Supply, Blood Flow The total blood flow of the carotid body has been estimated
and Metabolism using direct measures of the volume of the venous drainage,
hydrogen clearance, and microsphere methods and an agreed
Vascular supply value of between 1000 and 2000 ml min−1 100 g−1 has been
The carotid body is an extremely vascular organ (192) and has reported across a number of species (14, 60, 160, 187). Given
a characteristically high blood flow for its volume. Whilst this the low wet weight of tissue, it is easily calculated that this is

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a significant flow of greater than 10 times that observed per (113, 187, 264, 517, 633, 796, 904). This variability may be
unit mass in the human cerebral circulation. Even this value attributed, in part, to technical differences between experi-
may be an underestimate due to the inaccuracy of measuring mental approaches, but also to the estimation of carotid body
the organ’s wet weight by gravimetric means (160). Whatever weight, the coefficient chosen for O2 solubility and the com-
the precise value for total blood flow, at normal blood gas ten- plications arising from potential plasma skimming and the
sions these determinations may greatly exaggerate the flow possible presence of arteriovenous anastomoses. Given these
directed toward transducing elements of the organ as much considerations, a value of between 1.0 and 1.5 ml min−1 100
of the total flow may pass through arteriovenous shunts un- g−1 , may be a best estimate for resting O2 consumption both
der the, presumed, control of precapillary sphincteric smooth for in vivo and in vitro carotid preparations (642, 643, 903).
muscle (563, 564). The existence of such shunts is, however, This value for the whole organ is similar to many other tissues
contested and anastomosing vessels > 20 mm in diameter and thus the high, arterial-like, venous Po2 levels arising from
were rarely observed when tissues were examined after being the carotid body appears to reflect a flow in relative excess to
perfusion fixed and serially sectioned (186). This however, metabolic demand such that only < 3% of the delivered O2 is
contradicts the observation that latex microspheres with di- consumed per minute (187).
ameters between 20 and 50 μm could pass through the carotid However, the measurements of total organ O2 consump-
body without lodging in its capillaries (636) and resolution of tion, described above, may be misleading regarding any
this anomaly is awaited. functional specialization in the carotid body, as they do
The carotid body of the cat increases in size by almost not reveal the metabolic rate of the sensory cells them-
4-fold between fetal, neonatal, and adult form, yet the relative selves. Duchen and Biscoe (227), however, demonstrated
masses of its vascular and extravascular compartments shows that the resting O2 consumption of individual type I cells
a matched growth, so that the proportion of small blood ves- was actually significantly higher than that of individual cells
sels (5-12 mm diameter) supplying the type I and type II cells, from other tissues, for example, dorsal root ganglion or
remains a constant ratio of the total vascular volume and at 5% adrenal medulla. They calculated that the type I cell must
to 7% of the entire organ volume (161, 162). This suggests be operating near its Vo2 max by comparing the fluoro-
that during development blood delivery to the transducing metric determination of NAD(P)H/NAD(P) autofluorescence
elements is maintained and consequently, any alterations in ratios, during stimulation with either the electron transport
sensitivity to particular blood-borne stimuli most likely oc- chain inhibitor, cyanide (CN− ) or the oxidative phosphoryla-
curs as a consequence of alterations in the O2 -related affinity tion uncoupling agent, carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxy-
of cellular protein sensors and/or downstream transducing phenylhydrazone (FCCP) to decrease or increase O2 con-
elements in type I cells. In addition, across species the pro- sumption to its minimum or maximum, respectively, The rea-
portion of small vessel volume to total organ volume remained sons for this high metabolic rate are not known, but these
remarkably constant at between 5% to 6%, although the total authors speculated that it may be due to a particularly “leaky”
organ volume varied more than 4-fold from ca. 0.045 mm3 in mitochondrial inner membrane or by the presence of a mito-
rat, to 0.12 mm3 in the nonprimate monkey and up to 0.200 chondrial cytochrome oxidase with a low affinity for O2 , both
mm3 in cat (162). Thus, the vascular anatomy of the carotid of which would induce a high respiratory rate to maintain the
body appears to be relatively fixed, at least in terms of volume, mitochondrial membrane potential, or by an unusually high
across species and during development, which may suppose ATP consumption at rest. As oxygen is needed to provide the
a functional role for this arrangement. This may be both in energy necessary to sustain the chemosensory responses dur-
the acute chemotransduction process and/or in facilitating the ing hypoxia, at some point, with increasing hypoxia, failure to
proliferation and differentiation of progenitor type II cells sustain aerobic metabolism must occur. The high blood flow
during sustained hypoxia (671), with the arrangement acting may function therefore as a reserve to ensure adequate supply
in both cases to determine tissue levels of Po2 and hence of O2 to active cells during hypoxia with the high metabolic
the levels of stimulus intensity and thus mitogenic and an- rate of type I cells functioning to ensure the ability to sense
giogenic factors including vascular endothelial growth factor physiological falls in Po2 .
(VEGF) (835), bFGF (629), and endothelin-1 (ET-1) (662). Central to these functional considerations is the tissue
More recently, it has been demonstrated that a 40% reduction level of Po2 , which is much lower than the Po2 of venous
of rabbit carotid body blood flow, from a mean control value blood draining the organ (12-14, 903) and is, in part, deter-
of 1203 ml min−1 100 g−1 , can augment chemosensitivity mined by the tissue blood flow. This local blood flow has been
via an approximately 2-fold decrease in NO signaling and a estimated in the monkey, cat and rat, to be between 30 and
2-fold increase in angiotensin II signaling (207). 100 ml 100 g−1 min−1 (162) and accounts for approximately
3% of the total blood flow, an estimate that concords with the
observation that electrical stimulation of the preganglionic
O2 consumption sympathetic nerves to the cat carotid body could decrease
Values of carotid body resting O2 consumption have been total blood flow to less than 5 ml/min, or just 8% of the
variable, with reports in vivo and in vitro ranging from as low prestimulated value without change in either tissue blood
as 0.3 ml 100 g−1 min−1 to as high as 9 ml 100 g−1 min−1 flow or Po2 (14). Much of the carotid blood flow, in normal

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

conditions, must therefore bypass the chemoreceptor tissue, (327). With time, however, an, albeit reduced, reflex sensitiv-
thus potentially obscuring the relation between total blood ity to hypoxia has been shown to return in humans in whom
flow, O2 consumption and chemoafferent nerve discharge. healthy carotid bodies had been previously resected for the
Thus, whilst in some studies, hypoxia and hypercapnia aim of relieving the symptoms of respiratory diseases, such as
increased total blood flow and chemoafferent discharge, this asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
was reported to occur with a decrease in overall O2 consump- (906). The time required for this partial restoration of function
tion, yet decreases in total blood flow induced either by hy- can be as little as 6 to 10 weeks after resection in some studies
potension or sympathetic nerve stimulation could also reduce (383) but appears to be greater than eight years in other studies
O2 consumption but here only sympathetic nerve stimulation (387,545,814) although the time course in these latter studies
was able to augment chemoafferent discharge (731,732). The is limited by the time at which measurements could be taken.
only plausible explanation was that there must be a degree of Whilst this recovery of function may occur via a slow aug-
stimulus-dependent control of the relatively low, local tissue mentation in the sensitivity of aortic chemoreceptors to blood
blood flow and hence local Po2 (11, 379, 502), but the only gas stimuli, the possibility of sinus nerve afferent regenera-
chemostimulant shown to be capable of decreasing local flow tion remains a significant alternative possibility, at least in the
and thus local Po2 is hypoxia (7, 11). longer time course measurements. Respiratory disease itself
However, whilst other studies have also reported un- may alter chemosensitivity (311) and in, otherwise healthy,
changed, or even decreased, O2 consumption during hypoxia patients for whom bilateral carotid body tumor resection was
(113, 607, 904), more recently, the electrode-based method- performed, normocapnic hypoxia ventilatory sensitivity re-
ology used by these studies has been questioned, such that mained absent for periods of between 1 and 21 years (833),
it is now generally accepted that O2 consumption increases which may suggest an absolute requirement, in humans, for
significantly during hypoxia as might be expected by the con- a degree of stimulation by hypercapnia for the observation of
comitant increase in carotid body activity. Thus, exposure of peripheral hypoxia sensitivity in the absence of carotid bodies
an in vitro carotid body preparation to an hypoxia stimulus re- (387, 814).
sulted in either a 44% increase in glucose consumption (from In most other, nonhuman, mammals a return to at least par-
a basal value of around 120 nmol g−1 min−1 ) and oxidation, tial, reflex hypoxic sensitivity occurs generally much quicker
measured using the 2-deoxyglucose technique (642, 643) or following bilateral carotid sinus nerve section with the imme-
an increase in the rate of O2 disappearance using a noninva- diate hypoventilation and associated arterial hypercapnia at
sive, phosphorescence quenching method (757). In the latter rest becoming restored toward ca. half normal, within a few
study, a triphasic O2 disappearance curve during stop-flow weeks in rats (552), cats (790), goats (665), and pigs (544)
hypoxia was noted; O2 disappearance being relatively low with the returning function ascribed to aortic chemoreceptors
and linear as tissue Po2 was made to fall from normoxia to- in the cats, goats, and pigs and to abdominal chemoreceptors
ward 10 mmHg, before it almost doubled in rate as Po2 fell in rats. Part of the restoration of hypoxic reflex was attributed
further toward 3 mHg after which the O2 disappearance pro- to central reorganization of aortic body sensory afferents in
gressively slowed as Po2 fell toward 0 mmHg. Chemoafferent cats (790). In ponies (87) the partial restoration of function,
discharge frequency was closely related to these changes, ris- following bilateral sinus nerve section, began from just nine
ing little during the fall in Po2 toward 10 mmHg after which weeks but took up to two years to reach a steady value of ca.
it rose steeply to a peak before falling again as Po2 fell be- 30% to 40% of the presection sensitivity to hypoxia. In dogs,
low 3 mmHg. These results most likely reflect the central no functional recovery to hypoxia was found at three weeks
importance of O2 metabolism for the expression of hypoxia following postsinus nerve section (749), which was attributed
chemosensitivity, and hint strongly at its role, not only for by these authors to a lack of aortic chemoreceptor plasticity in
the initiation of the transduction mechanism but also for the this species, but may, instead, reflect an incomplete reorgani-
provision of energy for the increased cellular activity. zation of aortic or ventral plasticity within this relatively short
time frame. It is worth noting that baroreceptor afferents, as
well as chemoafferents, will be lost in any sinus nerve sec-
Physiological Consequences of tion, such that baroreflex sensitivity will be affected by such
Carotid Body Resection a procedure (834).

A ventilatory response to hypoxia is regained with time in

a number of species when the carotid bodies are absent or
Sensing Hypoxia—The Stimulus
nonfunctional, thus signifying a redundancy in the normal
respiratory control system and demonstrating the relative im- The functional role of the carotid body in homeostasis is al-
portance of this reflex. In humans, (Fig. 2A) extracarotid body most entirely defined by its response to hypoxia. Whether this
chemoreceptor tissues appears to play no role in the acute, res- is or is not appropriate, it is unquestionable that this single
piratory response to hypoxia as this reflex is entirely abolished stimulus has provided the main focus for study of chemo-
following bilateral resection of the carotid bodies (384-387) transduction mechanisms over the past 70 to 80 years since
or by local anesthetic block of the glossopharyngeal nerves the early pioneering studies (872). In response to falls in

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Subject N.N. (carotid body removed, bilaterally)

mmHg PCO2
40 10
0 5
120 PET.O2
10 s 0
40 BR UR C







–2 –1 0 1 2 3
Time (min)

Figure 2 Role of carotid body in ventilatory response to hypoxia. (A) Ventilatory response to progressive hypoxia in subjects after bilateral
carotid body resection (BR). End tidal PO2 (PET O2 ) was measured by a rapid-response O2 electrode housed in an end-tidal sampler. PET O2 was
progressively decreased at ca. 10 Torr/min, from 100 to 40 Torr. Despite advancing hypoxia, no change in ventilation was seen, as clearly
reflected by unaltered profile of airway PCO2 measured by infrared CO2 analyser. Right: hypoxic ventilatory response in terms of V 40 (mean ±
SE), that is, increment in ventilation as PET O2 decreased from 100 to 40 Torr, while PET CO2 was kept at resting level. UR, patients with unilateral
carotid body resection; C, controls. V 40 of BR group is statistically not different from zero, whereas that of UR group is between BR and C
groups. Adapted, with permission, from (385) Honda. (B) Polygraph record of a representative trial of carotid body (CB) inhibition in a dog. The
left CB was denervated prior to experiment. Perfusion of the isolated right carotid sinus region with hyperoxic (>500 mmHg) and hypocapnic (ca.
20 mmHg) blood begins at time 0 (solid vertical line). VI, ventilation; EMGdi, moving-time-averaged electromyogram of the costal diaphragm;
VT, tidal volume; BP, blood pressure; PET CO2 , end tidal PCO2 ; PET O2, end-tidal PO2 ; and ua, arbitrary units. Interruption in the BP trace is due to
blood sampling. Note that the immediate hypoventilation and PET CO2 increase with CB inhibition persists for the duration of the trial. Adapted,
with permission, from (91) Blain et al.

arterial Po2 , the carotid body produces a characteristically a time to peak of between 1.2 to 2.6 s (90, 711) although it
nonlinear, graded chemoafferent discharge in the carotid si- may be fractionally slower in onset (0.3-0.8 s) and time to
nus nerve (34, 80, 255, 389, 872). The response, in vivo, is peak (1-5 s) in other studies, most likely as a consequence
rapid in onset, with a short latency of just 0.2 to 0.3 s and of differences in the methodology used for applying the

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

stimulus (90, 281). The time to peak can, however, be sig- response due to “a fall in PaCo2 due to poor perfusion of the
nificantly slower in in vitro preparations, most likely due to lungs as the cardiac output fell” (388), or it may simply be
diffusion limitations (255). The response is also usually non- an artifact of failing to trigger electronic counters accurately
adapting if the hypoxia is not too severe or sustained. If hy- when action potential amplitude falls at high discharge fre-
poxia is severe, a form of adaptation has been described where quencies. Such a reduction in discharge in the face of severe
a lowered steady value of discharge occurs some minutes after Po2 is, however, also commonly observed in vitro where con-
a peak (255) and undershoots in discharge frequency upon the siderations of adequate blood flow are not relevant (255, 757)
return to normoxia after prolonged hypoxia, have also been and when single fiber recordings of frequency are carefully
reported (281,480). In most cases, discharge can be sustained quantified to account for reductions in action potential am-
for the duration of the hypoxia episode, provided the intensity plitude (P. Kumar, unpublished observations). Consequently,
is not too severe. the full Pao2 response of the carotid body can be fitted by a
The stimulus-response curve has been described, over the sigmoidal function, which is also positioned appropriately as
physiological range and at a constant PCO2 , as a single ex- an inverse function of the hemoglobin O2 -dissociation curve.
ponential with an offset or a hyperbola (see Fig. 3), both in Indeed, such a relation was implied by the linear relation be-
vivo and in vitro (253, 255, 388, 389, 693, 757). The basal dis- tween arterial O2 content and discharge as described by von
charge in the cat can be between 0.2 and 2.3 Hz (74) but Euler et al. (872) and later replicated by Hornbein (388).
may vary with fiber type: A-type fibers generally exhibit a A chemoreceptor discharge frequency is maintained at
higher discharge in normoxia than C fibers with the former high, nonphysiological levels of Pao2 in excess of normoxia,
having a mean between 2 and 5 Hz whilst the latter is much albeit at lower frequency, and there appears to be no absolute
lower at between 0 and 2 Hz (272). The underlying mech- threshold to the chemoreceptor response, with basal discharge
anism and functional consequence of these two populations rates of up to 1 Hz still observable at a Pao2 > 600 mmHg
in the carotid body is not known but may reflect generalized (80). If, however, a threshold is defined as the Pao2 at which
differences between these two fiber types when subserving discharge first rises, rather than when it first appears, then
similar modalities in other sensory systems (398). In the rat, a value of around 190 mmHg can be taken (80) although
mean basal discharge of single fibers in normoxia is typically this is variable and can be as high as 400 mmHg in some
between 0.2 and 2 Hz both in vivo (870) and in vitro (70), instances. Intriguingly, there is some evidence to show that
but no studies to differentiate between fiber type has been when Po2 is increased from normoxia to hyperoxia, a decrease
attempted in this smaller species. in chemoreflex-mediated sympathetic tone can be observed in
The basal (and peak) discharge frequencies in few or humans (772) demonstrating a functional role for the small,
multifiber preparations depend entirely upon the number of absolute discharge in normoxia. The discharge is aperiodic,
fibers recorded and on fiber recruitment and consequently the interspike intervals being randomly distributed with re-
discharge frequencies are often normalized to a fixed peak spect to each other, but, in vivo, an underlying rhythm related
value. Irrespective of species, or fiber type, single and few- to the respiratory frequency can be observed if discharge is
fiber chemoafferent discharge rises gradually from basal lev- summed over a number of respiratory cycles (480) that is due
els in normoxia as Po2 is reduced and then more rapidly, to natural fluctuations in blood gas tensions brought about by
as sometimes observed by an inflection in the curve from tidal breathing (931). Whilst a role for these oscillations in
ca. 70 mmHg to reach peak discharges of usually between the matching of ventilation to whole body metabolic rate has
10 and 20 times basal at Pao2 values between ca. 20 to 30 been proposed (58, 926), it is generally not accepted that this
mmHg (255, 389, 617, 870). Although the peak discharge in is a tenable viewpoint (631).
cats (82, 493) may be somewhat higher than in other species, Carotid body chemoreceptor responses to hypoxia,
we cannot be certain whether this is due to a genuine species recorded in vivo, are most often correlated with arterial Po2
difference in O2 sensitivity or to a different response of cats levels whilst responses in vitro, are correlated with the su-
to anesthesia/paralytic agents (870). In addition, the in vivo perfusate or perfusate Po2 . However, nonendothelial cells are
absolute level of peak discharge may also be fiber type de- exposed to tissue Po2 , which is normally lower than arterial
pendent (272) and different fibers appear to have different Po2 . Any discussion regarding the natural stimuli of carotid
thresholds and peaks (80, 272, 388) with both the basal dis- body chemosensors, must therefore take into account the spe-
charge and the inflection in the curves of different chemore- cific tissue stimulus intensity to which the organ is responding
ceptor fibers occurring over a Pao2 range of 60 to 110 mmHg in vivo and which is likely determined by its high total blood
(80, 255, 389, 870). This may reflect variability in the affinity flow, small arterial-venous Po2 difference and rich efferent
range of an oxygen sensor(s) or gradients in tissue Po2 within innervation. Carotid body tissue Po2 in healthy mammals is
the organ (Fig. 4). a variable that depends, as its source, upon the inspired level
Below Pao2 levels of 20 to 30 mmHg, the in vivo increase of O2 that, naturally, depends principally on the altitude.
in discharge frequency gradually reduces and may even fall In addition, the O2 capacity of blood, which is largely de-
in some instances (80), often concomitantly with the failure termined by the hemoglobin concentration, the specific vas-
to maintain adequate systemic blood pressure. This failure to cular structure of the organ and its blood flow, local diffusion
sustain discharge may be an indirect effect upon the hypoxic concentrations, and finally the rate of cellular O2 consumption

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100 µV
PO2 (mmHg) 1 ms

30 s

pH pCO
pH pCO
2 2

11 7.18
7.18 4343
20 22 7.30
7.30 2424
Arbitary units from baseline



25 50 75 100 125 150 175 600
art. PO2 mm Hg

Figure 3 Chemoafferent response to hypoxia. (A) The central, superimposed traces show an
example of the increase in the frequency of action potentials, recorded from a slip of the rat
carotid sinus nerve as PO2 was reduced from hyperoxia to hypoxia and then back to hyperoxia. The
inset at top shows, on a different timescale, a composite of eight, superimposed action potentials.
PCO2 = 38 mmHg. Adapted, with permission, from (693)from John Wiley and Sons, Pepper et al.
B. Integrated chemoreceptor response to changing arterial PO2 at one level of H+ -PCO2 . Curve 1:
mean arterial B.P. 130 mmHg, increasing to 160 mmHg at lowest PaO2 . Adapted, with permission,
from (389) Hornbein et al.

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body


Discharge frequency (spikes s–1)


25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115
PaO2 (mmHg)

Figure 4 Effect of different levels of oxygenation upon single-unit chemoreceptor activity

in the rat in vivo. Each of the dashed lines connects the data points for a given unit (n = 20
units). Note the variation in basal discharge in normoxia, the PaO2 at the point of inflexion
and the sensitivity at any PaO2 , between units. The continuous line is the best fit (r2 = 0.6)
for all points and represents a function in which f dis = 74010 (PaO2 )−2.5 , where f dis is
the discharge frequency (spikes s−1 ) and PaO2 is recorded in mmHg. r2 is the correlation
coefficient. Adapted, with permission, from (870) John Wiley and Sons, Vidruk et al.

all contribute to the specific tissue stimulus intensity. In addi- out the organ. An optical, noninvasive phosphorescence
tion, the contribution of these variables may vary throughout quenching technique, avoiding tissue damage, obtained a
a single organ giving rise to a marked heterogeneity of tissue microvascular Po2 value of 23 mmHg with equilibrated saline
O2 that can vary, in normoxaemia, between arterial levels and perfusion in vitro (757), but with blood perfusion in vivo, at a
anoxia (519). Thus, at least in the acute time frame of seconds Pao2 of 103 mmHg, this value increased to a relatively normal
that the carotid body responds to a change in arterial Po2 , the to high, microvascular Po2 of 53 mmHg (502). In vivo,
tissue Po2 and hence the stimulus presented to the type I cell, microvascular Po2 fell with Pao2 from normoxia but the rate
is determined almost exclusively by a balance between local of fall of microvascular Po2 was increased as Pao2 fell below
vasodilator and constrictor influences and the O2 consump- 50 mmHg such that the arterial-microvascular difference was
tion. If systemic hypoxia is maintained for hours or days, more than halved between a Pao2 of 100 mmHg and 20 to
either physiologically in residents or visitors to altitude or, 30 mmHg (Fig. 5). Some of this must be due to the shape of
pathologically, by the deleterious consequences of cardiopul- the Hb-O2 dissociation curve and consequently the relation
monary disease, the tissue Po2 may be altered independently between Pao2 and discharge must partly reflect this relation,
of Pao2 by vascular rearrangement, alteration in autonomic although the shape of this relation is relatively unchanged
outflow, and/or changes in O2 transport capacity. when blood-free perfusion media is used, suggesting an
With regard to chemosensing mechanisms, it thus be- inherent alinearity in the response curve. When chemoaf-
comes critical to determine whether tissue Po2 in the carotid ferent discharge was correlated with intravascular Po2 both
body is held relatively high or relatively low, compared in vitro and in vivo, discharge rose significantly only below
to other nonchemosensitive, tissues, during acute systemic 15 to 20 mmHg, peaking at 3 mmHg in vitro whilst in vivo,
hypoxia. If held relatively high, then the chemosensor needs commensurate with the higher resting values of microvascu-
to be particularly sensitive to moderate falls in tissue Po2 , but lar Po2 , chemodischarge rose from a microvascular Po2 of
if the tissue Po2 is held relatively low, then these sensors need 50 mmHg sharply toward a peak at the lowest recorded values
not express such exquisite sensitivity but their cells should of 20 mmHg (502, 757). An estimate of a microvascular P50
perhaps be able to demonstrate the ability to maintain an from their data would be around 30 mmHg. Clearly, there are
increased metabolism despite reduced O2 delivery. Conflict- some discrepancies regarding tissue Po2 values in the carotid
ing data regarding the tissue level of Po2 in the carotid body body that need to be resolved, but the present consensus is that
has been reported. Thus, Acker and coworkers (12) obtained, the carotid body has a normal to high tissue Po2 , which sug-
using O2 electrodes, remarkably low carotid body tissue Po2 gests that the organ does not possess any particular specializa-
values of 7 to 20 mmHg at a Pao2 of 100 mmHg, while the tion(s) that sets its tissue Po2 differently from other tissues of
relatively sharper electrodes of Whalen and Nair (902, 905) comparable metabolic rate. It could also be used to suggest
revealed higher values of between 40 and 70 mmHg through- that the particularly high sensitivity to arterial Po2 of the

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

(A) (B)

Carotid chemosensory
CBM PO2 (Torr)


activity (imp/s)
40 15
5 2.5
0 0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 160
C–91–40 PO2 (Torr) C–91–56 PO2 (Torr)


Carotid chemosensory
CBM PO2 (Torr)


activity (imp/s)
15 30
10 20
20 5 10
r = 0.92
0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 160
PaO2 (Torr) C–91–36 PO2 (Torr) C–91–56 PO2 (Torr)

Figure 5 Relationship between arterial and microvascular PO2 and consequence upon chemodischarge response curves. (A) Relationship
between PaO2 and carotid body microvascular (CBM) PO2 . O2 pressure in inspired gas was lowered in steps. At each step, PaO2 , chemosensory
nerve activity and phosphorescence images were measured ca. 3 min after end-tidal gas values stabilized. Average CBM PO2 was calculated for
central region of O2 pressure map of carotid body and this is plotted against measured PaO2 . Top: data from six cats are presented. Each cat
has a different symbol. Below: data from all six cats are fitted to single curve (line of identity also shown). (B) Relationship between PO2 (arterial
and CBM) and chemosensory nerve activity. Measured values of chemosensory nerve activity in four different cats are plotted against PaO2 (open
circles) and CBM PO2 (filled circles). imp/s, impulses per second. Modified, with permission, from (502) Lahiri et al.

carotid body may be dependent upon a sensing mechanism the precise horizontal position of any Po2 stimulus-response
of low O2 affinity. determination will depend first and foremost upon the point at
In addition, the maintenance of tissue Po2 at high to nor- which the Po2 was measured, responses from single, isolated
mal levels may be necessary to enable the > 40% increase type I cells would not be expected to occur until the media
in carotid body metabolism that can occur during hypoxia Po2 fell below ca. 40 mmHg. Similarly, stimulus-response
(296,298) and which has been ascribed largely to an increased curves measured in vivo, with arterial blood Po2 taken as the
activity of the Na+ -K+ ATPase subsequent to cellular depolar- stimulus, would be right shifted relative to in vitro responses
ization (643). Anaerobic metabolism would ensue when tissue referred against superfusate Po2 (693,870) and it can be calcu-
Po2 falls below 10 mmHg, which may account for the fail- lated that, for a 200 μm diameter rat carotid body superfused
ure to sustain steady-state chemoreceptor afferent discharge in vitro, a maximum difference of up to 80 mmHg would oc-
in vivo, during severe hypoxia. The carotid body, therefore, cur between surface measured Po2 and tissue Po2 , with the
appears unable to operate normally in these extremely low precise value dependent upon the depth of the tissue from
levels of tissue O2 , with physiological and pathological re- the surface, the metabolic rate of the tissue and the solubility
sponses that are not part of the natural chemotransduction of O2 (694); a difference both predictably and significantly
process being initiated. Thus, the presence of O2 appears cen- greater than the 10 to 20 mmHg difference measured between
tral to the neural response to hypoxia, presumably to enable Pao2 and microvascular Po2 in vivo (502). An effect of tem-
the continued generation of ATP from oxidative phospho- perature upon the position of the response curve also cannot
rylation, as implied from the impaired responses to hypoxia be discounted.
observed in the presence of electron transport chain inhibitors
and uncouplers (605).
Knowledge of the stimulus intensity at the site of trans- The sensed variable—O2 tension or content?
duction is therefore important when making comparisons be- The O2 content of blood in mammals is largely determined
tween different experimental models or when establishing by the hemoglobin concentration and its saturation, with a
potential transduction mechanisms (477). Where possible, re- much smaller contribution from dissolved O2 . The saturation
sponses, in vivo or in vitro, should always be referred to esti- of hemoglobin is related in a sigmoidal function to the Po2 ,
mations or actual measurements of tissue Po2 . For example, as according to the O2 -dissociation curve whilst the amount of

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dissolved O2 is linearly related to the Po2 according to its sol- (632), although it has been argued that the lack of ventilatory
ubility. The question of whether O2 content or partial pressure response might reflect a CO-induced CNS depression (579).
is sensed is a key one for our appreciation of the chemotrans- In marked contrast, the intrathoracic, aortic chemorecep-
duction process and has been examined by utilising various tors are believed to be sensors of arterial O2 content, in-
forms of hypoxia as stimuli. Hypoxic hypoxia is a powerful creasing their afferent discharge significantly in vivo in an
stimulus of the carotid body and is defined as a generalized, exponential-like fashion during an experimental protocol of
low arterial Po2 that is associated with a predictable decrease graded increases in blood HbCO, induced by inhalation of
in the arterial content of O2 . It can be caused by inspiring low sublethal doses of CO (346, 498). Whilst the anemia-induced
tensions of Po2 at altitude or experimentally through alter- increased discharge from aortic chemoreceptors was not as-
ations in inspired gas mixtures, through inadequate alveolar sociated with a ventilatory chemoreflex response, variations
ventilation in respiratory diseases including COPD and sleep in cardiovascular parameters, most notably blood volume and
apnoea, impaired lung diffusion or by increase in the pul- red blood cell count as well as systemic vascular resistance,
monary shunt fraction. were noted (182).
In addition to hypoxic hypoxia, stagnant, or ischemic hy- The aortic chemoreceptors may also to be sensitive to
poxia and histotoxic hypoxia are also powerful stimuli of the small, less than a few mmHg, falls in arterial blood pressure
carotid body (230, 556). Thus, sustained and significant hem- in marked contrast to the carotid body which does not respond
orrhage leading to hypotension and reduced blood flow to the to hypotension until blood pressure is below ca. 60 mmHg, at
carotid body as well as metabolic poisons, including cyanide, which point the tissue may be hypoxic (74). These findings
all increase chemoafferent discharge. Application of hyper- suggest that O2 delivery in aortic bodies may be more limiting
oxia can reverse the chemoexcitation induced by hypotension than in carotid bodies, making them particularly sensitive to
(513) and this finding was used to argue that hypotension- O2 transport capacity. Blood flow through aortic chemorecep-
induced chemodischarge may be due to the accumulation of an tors has not been measured but the anatomical and anecdotal
anaerobic metabolite. However, although hypotension causes evidence seems to indicate that it is little likely to be much
a reduction of the total carotid body blood flow (187, 730), different from the excess to metabolic requirement observed
this does not alter tissue Po2 , presumably due to a powerful in carotid body blood flow, with blood being supplied by adja-
autoregulation of local blood flow during changes in perfu- cent large arteries to a lobular, highly vascular tissue and with
sion pressure (10, 11, 14). Carotid chemoafferent activity is the color of the venous blood draining the aortic bodies of cats
thus unaffected as mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) falls being described as arterial by Howe in his 1957 Ph.D. thesis,
between ca. 160 and 70 mmHg. A reduction of MABP below as described by De Burgh Daly (186). However, hyperoxia re-
60 mmHg causes a small increase of the chemoafferent activ- duced the aortic chemoreceptor discharge induced by HbCO
ity, a response that is not as large as that of aortic chemorecep- (498), which might indicate that the stimulus for both aortic
tors to a similar stimulus (499,513,516). Thus, only if hypoxia and carotid chemoreceptors is most likely a reduced tissue
is also present, can reductions in MABP above 60 mmHg Po2 . The possibility remains, however, that these two organs
induce a significant discharge in carotid body chemoafferents. represent evolutionary different systems with their anatomical
As carotid body ischemic hypoxia and histotoxic hypoxia positions determining their precise cardiovascular or ventila-
and systemic hypoxic hypoxia all induce hyperventilation, it tory function (582).
is most commonly accepted that the adequate stimulus at the The question of species difference might be important
carotid body is the fall in Po2 rather than O2 content, or even also, as the mammalian recordings of aortic chemoafferent
Hbo2 saturation. This may simply be due to the naturally small discharge in response to variations in O2 capacity have all, to
a-v O2 content difference across the carotid body which would date, been performed on cats. In rats, which do not have any
ensure that the a-v Po2 difference was correspondingly small noticeable aortic tissue (236), the amplitude of the ventilatory
and perhaps even less than 4 mmHg (187,237) meaning that a response to Pao2 -independent, changes in arterial O2 content
substantial change in the blood O2 capacity would be required induced by CO, was 60% of the reflex response to hypoxic
to observe any effect on carotid body tissue Po2 . Thus, in most hypoxia, which could be taken to suggest that rat carotid bod-
but not all cases, (498), the carotid chemoreceptor afferent ies may sense arterial O2 content (304). How this may occur,
discharge frequency remains unchanged by decreasing O2 in the absence of any noticeable limitation in O2 delivery is
content, induced either by hemodilution (74) or by carbon not known and the possibility that the change in arterial blood
monoxide (CO) poisoning of blood hemoglobin (230). HbCO O2 content is translated to a (sensed) change in microvascular
needs to be > 20% before an increase in discharge is noted Po2 is acknowledged. However, as rat carotid body experi-
but even up to 50% HbCO (498), the effect is small and an ments in vitro are most commonly employed in the absence
explanation for this lack of excitation by HbCO may lie with of blood perfusion and with superfused, blood free solutions
the relatively high blood flow of the carotid body and thus these models cannot resolve this issue. Perhaps further ex-
its intrinsic inability to sense O2 delivery per se. Indeed, the ploitation of the recording of rat carotid body chemoafferents
addition of CO to blood may even, through elevating Pao2 , in vivo, which has only been reported once (870), may offer
decrease chemoafferent discharge slightly and hence either greater insight to this key point. In the meantime, the assump-
have no effect upon (149, 167) or even reduce ventilation tion remains that carotid body chemoreceptors sense Po2 and

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not O2 content, whilst it appears that the aortic chemorecep- hypotheses, each with its own particular appeal, have been
tors may sense O2 content. generated and tested, none appear yet able to describe the
chemoresponse in full and much controversy remains over
details of virtually each step of the process. Some of the diffi-
Sensing Hypoxia—Transduction culty arises from a lack of detailed descriptions of O2 affinity
in many of the studies aimed at elucidating sensor mecha-
Processes in the Carotid Body nisms and the standardized generation of stimulus—response
Since the late 1980s and the initial establishment of type I curves over a range of Po2 would be of great assistance in
cell isolation procedures (229,540,541,626,679,703), exper- the field. Consequently, therefore, there is little, if any, com-
iments in carotid body physiology have largely been aimed pelling evidence to suggest that a single O2 sensor can be
at an understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of responsible for the entire stimulus-response characteristics of
hypoxia transduction in this cell type. The general hypothe- the carotid body. A compelling alternative to the concept of
sis has subsequently arisen that transduction mechanisms in a single sensor is that of a range of sensors with varying
the type I cell can account for in vivo findings. In consid- affinities and thresholds that might better explain the entire
ering the full merit of any such hypothesis, at least for the response (434,717,887) or, indeed, provide an important fail-
detection of acute hypoxia, it should be able to account (i) safe redundancy for a vital homeostatic process.
for the particularly high sensitivity of the organ for changes
in Po2 , (ii) its rapid, within seconds, speed of response, and
(iii) for the modulating actions of other natural, systemic or The membrane hypothesis
pharmacological stimuli.
O2 -sensitive K+ channels
Much valuable information has been gained and a con-
sensus appears in place regarding the main features of the If the carotid body type I cell has an absolute requirement for
transduction process. Thus, the cellular inclusions of the type voltage-gated, Ca2+ channel activation to initiate neurosecre-
I cell that have long suggested a neurosecretory function is tion and transmission (see above), then it follows that type
now supported by strong evidence of an absolute require- I cell membrane depolarization must be a key requirement
ment for Ca2+ -dependent neurotransmission between type I in the hypoxia transduction process. However, until the late
cells and afferent nerve endings. Neurotransmission is com- 1980s, there was relatively little data, and thus understand-
plex in the carotid body, with a large number of putative ing, regarding the mechanism(s) by which type I cells might
inhibitory and excitatory transmitter substances localized in become depolarized by hypoxia. Some of this apparent dis-
and released from type I cells and a corresponding extensive interest may have arisen from the earlier, mistaken belief that
array of receptor subtypes on afferent nerve endings as well type I cells were inexcitable as, although high extracellular
as on type I cells. The elevated type I cell intracellular Ca2+ [K+ ] had been shown to induce depolarization in type I cells
that drives neurosecretion appears to be derived almost ex- (251, 318), this effect had been attributed to be secondary to
clusively from extracellular sources, entering the cell through changes in bath solution osmolarity with the suggestion that
voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) subsequent to mem- the type I cells were freely permeable to K+ (62) and K+ were
brane depolarization, induced by the inhibition of a range of not vital for maintenance of type I cell membrane potential
K+ channels (the Membrane Hypothesis—see next section). (661). However, with the advent of patch clamp methodology
Thus, the number of exocytotic profiles in microscopic sec- and its application to isolated type I cells in culture, it became
tions of the carotid body is increased by the addition of a high, quickly clear that depolarization induced by closure of selec-
depolarising [K+ ] to the fixative solution and which is also tive K+ channels, located in the plasma membrane of type
Ca2+ dependent (323, 324). The entire process is initiated by I cells, is a critical step in the hypoxia transduction process
an intracellular sensor mechanism that detects the stimulus (Fig. 6) in rabbit (229, 370, 540, 850), rat (101, 679, 800), cat
and presumably initiates an intensity-dependent, membrane (151), and mouse (925).
depolarization. Whilst a monotonic relation between any vari- The regulation of K+ channels is complex, with significant
able and falling Po2 might indicate a transduction step, there functional variation depending upon their specific α- and/or
is, however, no requirement for the sensitivity of any “down- β-subunit composition and their particular basal phosphory-
stream” element of the transduction pathway to correlate di- lation state. It is therefore perhaps inevitable that, although a
rectly with the sensitivity of the O2 sensor as the transfer number of K+ channel subtypes have now been shown to be
functions between elements need not be linear. As almost all inhibited by hypoxia, there appears to be significant between
cells will respond in some way to falls in Po2 if severe and/or and within species as well as developmental age differences
sustained, perhaps the uniqueness of the type I cell may lie in the subtypes identified. These differences make difficult a
within the gain of these various transfer functions and/or per- definitive identity of the channel(s) responsible for initiating
haps their frequency responses rather than in any exquisite depolarization in type I cells (see (102,543,683) for recent re-
sensitivity of the sensor. views). There is, however, no known absolute requirement for
The nature of the O2 sensor appears key to the understand- a single class of K+ channel to be involved in O2 sensing, or for
ing of carotid body chemotransduction. Whilst a number of a single sensor to be associated with any single channel type,

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

Control, wash
response characteristics previously established for this or-
gan. Thus, a new idea, termed the “membrane hypothesis”
followed the first descriptions of a small conductance, fast in-
activating (540), delayed rectifier (542) K+ current in rabbit
type I cells that was decreased, reversibly and selectively, by
hypoxia, albeit initially shown with a low and complex Po2
sensitivity (541). Regarding the link between single cell and
whole organ hypoxia sensitivity, Montoro et al. (598) mea-
sured the effect of varying Po2 between 160 mmHg and ca.
20 mmHg upon K+ and Ca2+ currents as well as dopamine
secretion, in isolated rabbit type I cells and showed, contrary
Adult to earlier findings, that the Ca2+ channel was also inactivated
by hypoxia. They proposed a model whereby the inactivation
of Ca2+ currents acted as a “brake” to neurosecretion until the
400 hypoxia stimulus reached sufficient enough severity to enable
Current density (pA pF–1)

the depolarization induced by concomitant, but independent,

K+ -channel inhibition to disinhibit the Ca2+ channels, lead-
ing to a rapid and large increase in cytosolic [Ca2+ ] that, from
a threshold of ca. 180 nM, would initiate a burst of transmit-
ter release into the synaptic cleft from a nonimmediately (i.e.,
greater than tens of milliseconds), nondocked pool of vesicles.
They therefore suggested that a single type I cell could repre-
sent the physiological responses of the whole organ. However,
Summers et al. (809) using HCO3 − buffered solutions found
that hypoxia activates L-type currents in glomus cells via a
protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent mechanism. A modulatory
–60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 role upon the channel properties could be played by subse-
Voltage (mV) quent feedback/forward mechanisms that would therefore act
to alter O2 sensitivity.
Figure 6 Inhibition of type I cell K+ currents by hypoxia. (A) Currents In the rabbit, the inhibitory effect of hypoxia upon Kv
from type I cells evoked by step depolarizations from −70 to +20 mV channels appeared to be membrane delimited, suggesting an
before (control), during (hypoxia), and after (wash) lowering of per-
fusate PO2 to 16 to 23 mmHg. The traces are representative recordings intrinsic sensor mechanism that might be therefore be asso-
from type I cells of adult rats. (B) Mean + SEM current density-voltage ciated with either the a pore-forming subunits of the channel
relationships before (filled circles) and during (open circles) application or with associated, auxiliary β-subunits. Consequently, these
of hypoxic perfusate (n = 14). Modified, with permission, from (347)
John Wiley and Sons, Hatton et al. were termed Ko2 channels to signify that hypoxia could in-
duce depolarization directly via an effect on specific domains
of the channel leading to a reduction in the channel open
and thus a number of different K+ channel types may play a probability by up to 50% and without change in the single
role within a single cell to both induce and maintain the depo- channel conductance of ca. 20 pS (302). It is now believed
larization following natural stimulation. Nevertheless, these that Kv4.1 (gene nomenclature: KCND1) and Kv4.3 (KCND3)
channels must have the property of being either directly, or in- α-subunits, in the rabbit, most likely carry the Ko2 current.
directly, inactivated by hypoxia and should therefore possess Although Kv3.4 (KCNC4) also contributes to the outward cur-
a finite open conductance at the resting membrane potential, rent, it is not an O2 -sensitive component as demonstrated by a
which, in the isolated rat type I cell, is usually found to be significant attenuation of the hypoxia mediated inhibition of
between −40 and −55 mV in many patch clamp recordings K+ current and depolarization by anti-Kv4.3 but not by anti-
(106, 107, 921, 922), although a considerably lower value of Kv3.4 antibody (697, 765). Instead, it has been postulated that
−81 mV was estimated from more recent, single channel the action of Kv3.4 in enabling fast membrane repolarization
recordings (911) and from which intracellular [K+ ] was cal- might act to increase the action potential frequency that is of-
culated at 163 mM. In the rabbit, however, the intrinsically ten a characteristic of the response to hypoxia in rabbit type I
unstable membrane potentials of type I cells (850) make it cells (541). In the mouse, however, the Kv3 subunit may play
hard to define an average value for a resting membrane po- a more important role in mediating the K+ current inhibited
tential, although values of between −67 to −33 mV (mean by hypoxia (697). In addition, a contribution to the resting
−48 mV) have been reported in this species (658). membrane potential of rabbit type I cells by a voltage gated,
O2 -sensitive channels should also show a high sensitivity human ether-a-go-go-related gene (HERG) channel has been
to oxygen with their closure related to in vivo tissue levels of described that, when blocked pharmacologically, can induce
Po2 in a manner that can be related to the stimulus-discharge sufficient cell depolarization to raise intracellular [Ca2+ ] and

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increase chemodischarge (658). The effect of hypoxia on this larization during hypoxia. Early reports utilizing sharp elec-
component of the total K+ current is not yet known. trodes to measure the resting membrane potential (Em ) of type
In the rat, a role for noninactivating, Ca2+ -dependent I cells gave relatively low values, typically between −20 and
K channels (principally the large conductance, maxiK (KC- −30 mV (62), but these are prone to damage-induced arte-
NMx) subtype (679) and a heteromeric combination of tan- fact, as perhaps suggested by the low membrane resistances
dem pore domain weak inward rectifying (TWIK)-related, recorded with this technique (258). More depolarized poten-
acid sensitive K+ channel (TASK-1) (KCNK3) and TASK-3 tials are now routinely recorded in isolated cells with patch
(KCNK9) subunits of the voltage-independent, acid sensitive clamp techniques that indicate the Em to be below the −30
tandem P domain K+ channel family (101, 112) have been to −40 mV activation threshold typically observed for type
forwarded as candidate, O2 -dependent ion channels in type I I cell maxiK channels, although their high conductance and
cells. Although possessing KV channels, these channels ap- the high input resistance of the type I cell (101) may enable a
pear to have no intrinsic O2 sensitivity in the rat, although contribution to the Em with even just a small, but finite open
they can be modulated by extrinsic factors including adeno- probability.
sine (852), suggesting that they may have a feedback role If maxiK channels were contributing to the depolar-
to play in modulating cell excitability following, for exam- ization observed during hypoxia, then the pharmacological
ple, stimulus-induced neurosecretion. In additional contrast block of this channel should also induce a depolarizing ef-
to rabbit type I cells, little, if any, spontaneous membrane de- fect that should be measurable either at the level of neurose-
polarization is observed in the rat, most likely reflecting the cretion and/or sensory discharge. However, selective block-
paucity of functional Na+ channels in the type I cell of this ers of maxiK were without effect upon resting carotid body
latter species (226, 275, 800). chemoafferent discharge and/or dopamine (DA) secretion in
The initial electrophysiological experiments in rat demon- rat (216) and cat (656). In addition, an effect of ChTX upon
strated that the partial (ca. 50% at 0 mV) inhibition of the chemoafferent discharge could only be observed in the pres-
whole cell K+ current by hypoxia could be eliminated by pre- ence of hypoxia, where it acted to shift the Po2 -discharge
vention of Ca2+ influx through either the modulation of ionic response curve rightward, implying a significant effect of
concentrations or by use of Ca2+ channel blockers (678) or maxiK only subsequent to membrane depolarization (692).
augmented by Ca2+ channel activators (679), suggesting a These data are all consistent with the findings made at the
selective effect of hypoxia on maxiK channels that was sup- single cell level, where neither tetraethylammonium (TEA),
ported by a later report showing a lack of direct effect of hy- 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) nor ChTX could evoke Ca2+ eleva-
poxia upon Ca2+ channel current in the rat type I cell (135), tions in single cell recordings of rat carotid body, even when
in contrast to the O2 sensitivity reported for Ca2+ channels in these K+ channel blockers were used together (101). A more
rabbit cells (598,809). However, evidence does support an in- recent study (313) confirms these earlier findings by reporting
hibitory effect of hypoxia upon the Ca2+ -sensitive component a lack of effect, in rat type I cells, of blocking doses of TEA
of the maxiK current, at least in recombinant HEK 293 cells and iberiotoxin (IbTX) upon both basal or hypoxia-induced
(524), which may act to attenuate the reactivation of maxiK increases of [Ca2+ ]i or catecholamine secretion, both com-
that would otherwise occur at depolarized potentials and thus mon readouts of type I cell depolarization. However, if type I
limit the transduction process. However, at more depolar- cells were depolarized, not by hypoxia, but by dintrophenol, a
ized potentials, this block of the normal feedback function stimulatory agent known not to block maxiK, then both TEA
of maxiK would be lifted and consequent channel activation and IbTX could now potentiate the cell readouts. The results
would return the cell potential toward Em . In further support indicate that the open probability of maxiK at Em must be too
for a functional role of maxiK in transduction, hypoxia was low to be of physiological significance and that blockers of
shown to induce a depolarization of ca. 9 mV in single channel maxiK can only exert an action when the channel is activated.
recordings of excised type I cell membranes, an effect largely In this schema, maxiK channels will be an important compo-
mimicked by 20 nM application of the selective maxiK in- nent of the full cell response to hypoxia, with their inhibition
hibitor, charybdotoxin (ChTX) (921). Larger doses of ChTX contributing to the depolarization required to activate Ca2+
induced greater depolarization. An important, additional, channels.
finding reported in this study was that maxiK channel activity Notwithstanding these results originating from whole
depended upon the presence of cytosolic factors, as channel carotid body preparations, or from the isolated type I cell
activity was greatly reduced, by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude, in culture, it was observed, by other laboratories, that IbTX
when inside-out patch configurations were compared to either inhibition of maxiK channels of type I cells in vitro could,
outside-out or, particularly, to perforated patch configurations. just like hypoxia, induce neurosecretion from type I cells
This dependency of effect on a cytosolic factor was not, how- maintained in clusters (408) or in thin slice preparations of
ever, observed in a recombinant system coexpressing both α- the carotid body (670), where even drug-induced secretion
and β-subunits of the human maxiK channel (524). from quiescent cells was often noted. Thus, when maintained
The contribution of maxiK to the resting membrane po- in their more normal anatomical relations with each other,
tential of in situ carotid body type I cells is central to an and/or with type II cells and with the nerve endings and blood
appreciation of their role in initiating the membrane depo- vessels that encase them, the Em may be more depolarized

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than when cells are isolated enabling maxiK channel block- However, the rat carotid body does not possess O2 -sensitive
ers to have an effect that would not be observable in more Kv channels and evidence supports a role for another O2 -
hyperpolarized cells. However, it is of note that TEA at a K+ sensitive current in the initiation of membrane depolarization
channel blocking concentration did not prevent a further re- in response to hypoxia in this species. These, initially unde-
lease of DA when hypoxia was applied (670) which suggests fined, channels showed a conductance of around 340 pS in
that non-TEA sensitive mechanisms must also be involved in the rat type I cell, had no intrinsic voltage sensitivity and were
the O2 sensing pathway. activated at potentials greater than ca. −90 mV, which clas-
The membrane resistance and capacitance of type I cells sified them as background, so-called, “leak” or KB channels.
in isolation may also be greater than that of cells in their Po2 -response curves for channel inactivation correlate well
more natural anatomical arrangement (214). The resistance with the cellular response to tissue hypoxia and a K1/2 of 12
difference may be accounted for by cellular modulation by to 13 mmHg Po2 has been determined, making them suitable
endogenous factors that are lost in cell culture and the capac- for the initiation of a small, but significant hypoxia-mediated
itance difference may be accounted for by a loss of cell pro- depolarization of around 7 mV and a decrease in resting con-
cesses in cultured type I cells. The use of nonphysiological, 4- ductance of 50% to 85% (101). Their sensitivity is appropriate
(2-hydroxy ethyl)-1-piperazineethane sulfonic acid (HEPES) for the detection of tissue Po2 and correlates well with type I
buffer may also have been a confounding variable, but similar cell Ca2+ sensitivity (107). As pointed out by Buckler (102),
results were obtained when HCO3 − buffer was used with a the small outward K+ current carried through these channels
perforated patch configuration (148). The main question then at the Em is on the order of 9 pA and this must be balanced, in
is why there remains a discrepancy between the effects of K+ the steady state, by an uptake mechanism that is most likely
channel blockers administered to the whole organ or isolated to be the Na-K pump. The pump is, however, electrogenic,
cells with those made from clusters or thin slice preparations? extruding Na+ for K+ at a ratio of 3:2, and so would generate
The possibility of a poor site access of neurotoxins to the around another 4.5 pA of outward current, giving a total out-
transducer elements within whole carotid body preparations ward current of some 13.5 pA. This must be matched by an
has been raised as a possible factor. Whilst not tested directly, inward current of similar magnitude and carried perhaps by
this does not, however, seem an entirely satisfactory expla- a persistent Na+ current (137). Intriguingly, as Buckler (102)
nation given the relative ease of penetration of large protein points out, this may be taken to indicate that the persistent
molecules into the carotid body (917) and the finding that Na+ current is the depolarizing current observed in hypoxia
type I cell K+ currents, measured with a “blind patch” tech- and it is interesting to note that an increase in a similar cur-
nique, could be inhibited in whole organ preparations by the rent was postulated to underlie the spontaneous generation of
K+ channel blockers, TEA and 4-AP, as reported in carotid action potentials in the afferent sinus nerve ending (218).
body slice preparations (670), but without effect upon sinus The characteristics of the background current first iden-
nerve basal or hypoxia-induced discharge (214). In addition, tified by Buckler (101) suggested it to be mediated via a
ChTX had no effect upon discharge in the perfused, super- member of the voltage-independent, acid sensitive tandem P
fused whole carotid body preparation of the cat, but did raise domain K+ channel family (65, 232). Of the members of this
carotid body tissue Po2 , so suggesting an intraorgan effect family, a particular role in the sensing of lowered Po2 has
upon blood vessels that may signify site access (656). How- been identified with the TASK subfamily (112, 911), a func-
ever, the relative poor lipid solubility of these compounds may tion it shares in addition to its more characteristic sensitivity
have prevented diffusion from the blood vessels to type I cells to physiological pH in other cells (233). In the type I cell, the
in perfused preparations or to significant depth when super- sensitivity of TASK channels to pH is retained, but, interest-
fused. Nevertheless, the effects observed on isolated cells are ingly, it has been suggested that this is a particular sensitivity
still not yet easily discounted, other than to question the Em to extracellular pH (112), which, if confirmed, would demon-
in such cells, and so the controversy regarding a primary role strate that the type I cell has the capacity to sense both intra-
for maxiK remains unresolved. It may, however, be pertinent and extracellular pH. This KB channel is highly expressed in
to note here that the coculture preparation and the thin slice the type I cell where its properties support the existence of
preparation both require a much greater time between carotid TASK-1-like (112) and TASK-3-like (911) subunit activities
body excision from donor animals and subsequent recording. that are likely a consequence of a TASK1/3 heterodimer that
In whole organ and isolated cells, recordings are often made contributes the principal component of the KB conductance
within a few hours of the animal’s death whilst in thin slices (438, 441). In addition, TASK-2 and TWIK-related arachi-
the delay is two to four days and is even longer in cocultures. donic acid-stimulated K+ channel (TRAAK) have also been
This extended time period in culture may affect cell function localized by immunohistochemisty to the type I cell (928)
and underlie some of the differences observed (313,382,476). and TASK-1 immunoreactivity has also been reported in the
Inhibition of maxiK, however, may, at least in the rat, be mouse carotid body (423) and human carotid body (261) as
simply a prime requisite for the maintenance and/or ampli- well as on rat type II cells (485), although their function
fication of a membrane response to hypoxia rather than for on these latter cells has not been determined. The channel
the initiation of the response. If that is so, then closure of an- has a characteristic, low conductance of ca. 14 to 16 pS and
other K+ channel subtype associated with the Em is required. spontaneous activity runs down quickly to ca. 10% of initial

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

activity within 40 s of patch excision. This latter phenomenon the centrally mediated, secondary fall in ventilation normally
suggests an important regulatory role for an intracellular me- observed in response to hypoxia (309), which suggests a more
diator in the maintenance of normal KB function and Williams systemic role for TASK channel subtypes in O2 sensing.
et al. (911) suggested this might be a fall in ATP, a sugges- Despite some of the limitations to the membrane hypothe-
tion supported by their finding that the inhibitors of oxidative sis as described above, a key role in chemotransduction for O2 -
phosphorylation, cyanide and dinitrophenol, could act like sensitive, plasmalemmal K+ channels, remains highly likely,
hypoxia, to inhibit KB in cell-attached patches. Feedback reg- if not proven. The species differences, as well as differences
ulation of KB has also been described, with neurosecretion po- reported within a species, need to be reconciled, but appear
tentially initiating auto/paracrine control via γ-amino butyric real and thus may reflect the lack of requirement of a single
acid (GABAB ) autoreceptor-mediated, activation of TASK- sensor and/or effector system for hypoxia sensing with sev-
like channels on type I cells (265) and a phospholipase C eral subtypes of channel acting to ensure a full response is
(PLC)/PKC-dependent, muscarinic receptor-mediated block produced and maintained.
of TASK currents (655).
Our understanding of the functional role of KB in chemo-
Na+ channels
transduction parallels the development of relatively selective
inhibitors and activators of the channel and its subtypes. These Regarding other inward currents that may be involved in
agents presently include barium, zinc, quinidine, ruthenium stimulus-induced depolarization, it is perhaps surprising that a
red, and methanandamide as well as the volatile anesthetics, considerable species difference occurs with respect to the ex-
including halothane. Thus, barium, in contrast to TEA and pression of tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive Na+ channels; these
4-AP, increased carotid body afferent discharge frequency in being absent in the rat (275) but present in the rabbit (229),
the cat and rat in vitro (216, 325). Further studies using these where they are activated at ca. −40 mV, have a peak cur-
“less reduced” models are required, but caution needs to be rent at between 0 and 10 mV and a reversal potential at 32
applied to any negative findings if site access cannot be guar- mV when the extracellular [Na+ ] is 140 mM (850). Conse-
anteed. More selectively, TASK-1 knockout mice showed a quently, spontaneous and stimulus-induced action potentials
reduced ventilatory response to 10% inspired O2 , although in type I cells of rabbits (229, 540, 541) are carried by a Na+
ca. 70% of the response remained (844). TASK-3 knockouts, current, whilst in the rat, no spontaneous action potentials are
in the same study, showed no impairment of their ventila- ever observed and stimulus-induced action potentials, albeit
tory response to hypoxia. The reflex effect was most likely much less observed events than in rabbit cells, are here carried
mediated through a fall in chemoreceptor discharge as the by Ca2+ currents (106, 107). Whilst such major differences
afferent response in TASK-1 knockout mice was reduced by in ionic conductances in two mammalian species, may ap-
a similar amount (ca. 50%). Basal discharge was unaffected pear to lessen the evolutionary significance for a role of these
in TASK-I knockouts, but significantly increased in TASK- channels in chemotransduction, it was noted by Fieber and
1/TASK-3 double knockout animals but in this latter group, McCleskey (275) that this may be taken as analogous to the
the attenuated discharge response to hypoxia was no different presence of Na+ channels on pancreatic β-islets of dogs and
to that of the single TASK-1 knockouts. TASK-1 is there- the absence of such channels on the identical cell type of rats
fore strongly linked to the mediation of a systemic hypoxia (728) where the difference has only quantitative effects upon
response in mice, although around half of the response to hy- the time course of depolarization leading to activation of Ca2+
poxia still needs to be accounted for. In addition, as TASK-1 channels in these cells.
and TASK-3 deficient mice would clearly not be able to form
TASK1/3 dimers, then the results from mice do not yet fit
tidily with rat data where such dimers were held responsible The mitochondrial hypothesis
for mediating the most significant component of the O2 sen- The membrane hypothesis appears in direct contradiction to
sitivity of KB (438). Once again, this could reflect a genuine the proposal of Biscoe and Duchen (76) who, from data gained
species difference. Within species, discrepancies also exist, from rabbit type I cells, claimed that K+ channel inactivation
however, as, in another study at the level of single type I by hypoxia was most likely secondary to the primary effect of
mouse cells deficient in either TASK-1, TASK-3, or 1/3, the hypoxia upon the mitochondrial membrane potential (Fig. 7),
data indicates that although Em was less hyperpolarized in thus relegating the membrane electrophysiological response
TASK1/3 knockouts relative to wild type, with consequently to a modulatory role in the regulation of voltage-gated, Ca2+
augmented basal catecholamine secretion, the secretory re- influx. Indeed, these authors found that NaCN increased rather
sponse to hypoxia in these cells was unimpaired, even after than decreased the K+ current in rabbit type I cells (75). This
block of maxiK channels with IbTX (651). It may be unlikely resurgence of the so-called “mitochondrial hypothesis” a long
that catecholamine release cannot be at least an indicator of favored concept in carotid body transduction (42), gained few
cell depolarization or chemodischarge and thus the possibil- initial supporters. However, later attempts at recreating O2
ity remains of an adapted response in TASK-deleted animals sensitivity using recombinant K+ channel α and β subunits
that favours expression of alternate sensor or effector mech- in cell expression systems, proved inconclusive and, together
anisms. Interestingly, TASK-2 knockout mice show a loss of with studies in other, nonrabbit, species demonstrating the

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

(A) finding that exposure of newborn rats to chronic hypoxia for 9

to 14 days from birth could alter fundamentally the type of K+
80 channel inhibited by hypoxia suggests that the O2 sensitivity
of any particular type I cell K+ channel is not intrinsic but
instead is conferred by its coupling to an O2 -dependent, ex-
40 trinsic factor(s) (922). Further, when a known O2 -sensitive K+
20 channel (TASK-1) of the rat carotid body was heterologously
expressed in an immortalized, chromaffin cell line, the O2
(B) sensitivity of the channel was lost, suggesting the absolute re-
Change in Rh 123 fluorescence (%)

120 quirement for cell specific, nonintrinsic sensors (419). These

100 cell-specific sensors could be intrinsic to the channel with re-
dox modulation of cysteine residues in K+ channel subunits
underlying their gating by hypoxia, but equally, rather than
60 be intrinsic to the channel, be simply tightly associated with
40 the K+ channel in a macromolecular complex that need not
20 be associated with the mitochondria, but could coexist in ex-
cised patch preparations. However, they also need not to have
to be tightly associated in any physical capacity with a K+
(C) 30 channel, as long as their product(s) are able to interact with
the channel.

Heme proteins as sensors of hypoxia

The acceptance that most K+ channels of the carotid body
0 type I cell do not possess intrinsic O2 sensitivity, but can be
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
inhibited by hypoxia, has prompted a search for an upstream
PO2 (mmHg) sensor(s) that couples to and regulates channel activity. The
present consensus is that this upstream sensor is likely to
1 be an enzyme and a number of candidates have been pro-
Relative Rh 123 fluorescence

posed (435). However, the nature, mechanism of action and

physiological relevance of each is still debated. For example,
given the close correlation between arterial PO2 , red blood cell
hemoglobin saturation, and carotid body afferent discharge,
it has long been postulated that a carotid body hypoxia sensor
may signal via the desaturation of a prosthetic heme group.
Such a concept, whilst attractive, is however, not necessary, as
0 it is likely that a number of nonlinear transforms in the signal
between the sensing of the stimulus and the generation of an
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
PO2 (mmHg) afferent action potential will alter the stimulus-response re-
lation between sensor and effectors (887). Consequently, not
Figure 7 Effect of hypoxia upon mitochondrial membrane potential all putative sensors contain heme groups and so the stimulus
as measured by Rh 123. Top three traces: Stimulus-response curves for sensed need not be a heme ligand and thus need not neces-
three different rabbit type I cell groups. In A and B, the steady-state max- sarily be molecular O2 . Neither, however, is it necessary to
imal increase in Rh 123 fluorescence is plotted against the minimum
PO2 achieved during superfusion. The trace in C shows a continuous consider the existence of a single sensor and, given the com-
stimulus-response curve, as the Rh 123 fluorescence is plotted directly plex stimulus-relation characteristics of the carotid body, it
against the trace from a PO2 electrode placed close to the cells. Bottom may be more useful to consider several sensors working in
trace: A continuous plot of Rh 123 fluorescence as a function of PO2
obtained from a freshly dissociated rat chromaffin cell. There was no concert over different ranges of Po2 (717).
measurable change in signal until the PO2 fell below about 5 mmHg. It is worth considering that a degree of natural redundancy
Modified, with permission, from (228) John Wiley and Sons, Duchen might necessarily be present to ensure the proper function-
and Biscoe.
ing of the receptor throughout a lifetime, when sensitivity
is known to change and when pathology may affect partic-
presence of K+ channel O2 sensitivity only in patch clamp ular elements of the system. It is also worth recalling the
configurations that would retain cytosolic, or closely associ- considerable interspecies differences that have been reported
ated factors, acted to return the focus to identifying an al- and which may relate ultimately to species-specific sensor
ternative sensor mechanism that couples to K+ channels and or channel-coupling mechanisms. Unfortunately, the precise
thus confers upon them an “O2 sensitivity.” Additionally, the O2 affinities of all putative sensors of the type I cell is not

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yet known with any certainty, but what is presumed is that O2 affinity (664, 820), through competition with O2 at this
these sensors will have a sufficiently low O2 affinity to en- site. The localization of (presumed) endothelial nitric oxide
able them to sense falls in Po2 from tissue levels that appear synthase (eNOS), generated NO to type I cell mitochondrial
too high to affect the flow of electrons through the normal membranes after exposure to hypoxia suggests this may be a
mitochondrial protein transport chain [but see (310)]. Thus, possibility in the carotid body (927), although NOS inhibition
despite the long-recognized finding that all blockers of the seems to augment rather than attenuate the chemoreceptor re-
mitochondrial electron chain and all uncouplers of oxidative sponse to hypoxia (851). Other modulators, including other
phosphorylation are potent chemoexcitants [(469, 604, 605); gas transmitter substances such as H2 S may however, also
but see (652, 748)] whose application occludes hypoxia sen- play a role (see Neurotransmitter) and more work is antici-
sitivity (315, 501), it is not clear how protein complexes in pated in this area.
these organelles might act as O2 sensors unless they, or a sub-
group of them in the type I cell, possess a particularly low O2
affinity. That said, such a low affinity has been observed by a Reactive oxygen species
number of groups and this may distinguish type I cells from Assuming that hypoxia sensing arises from a mitochondrial
other cells that respond to hypoxia only at near anoxic levels specialism in the carotid body, then a redox change would
(227, 228, 806). be consequent to changes in the concentration of reactive
The mitochondria of type I cells are different in appear- oxygen species (ROS), formed by the incomplete transfer of
ance to those found in both type II cells and sinus nerve electrons through mitochondrial complexes I and III (314,
endings, with those in the type I cells being the largest with the 848). A variety of ROS may be produced, but most focus
most cristae and a relatively light matrix (485). Whether these has been on the superoxide anion (O2 − ) and its diffusible,
morphological differences are significant for the expression product, hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ), produced by the action of
of cell-specific, mitochondrial proteins is not yet known, but superoxide dismutase located at both intramitochondrial and
mitochondrial function appears closely tied with O2 sensing cytosolic sites. Of these ROS, H2 O2 is believed the most likely
and it is apparent that pharmacologically mediated changes to be functional in signaling due to its greater stability and long
in mitochondrial respiration can act like hypoxia to increase diffusion radius (603). ROS may affect K+ channel function
Ca2+ influx and elevate [Ca2+ ]i (77, 109, 918), induce neu- in a number of cell types (391), particularly pulmonary artery
rosecretion (748), and cause cell depolarization by inhibition smooth muscle cells (551), but their functional role in the
of ca. 60% (at −70 mV) of KB (109, 918). Thus, a causal coupling of acute (within seconds) hypoxia intensity to the
link between mitochondrial depolarization and carotid body gating of plasma K+ channels in the carotid body type I cell
function in hypoxia appears established, although it should be is contentious and not well established (314, 316).
noted that many inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation have Much of the contention may be due to technical difficul-
nonspecific actions upon K+ channel activity that can be in- ties in the measurement of ROS production rates (603, 898).
dependent of the effects of hypoxia (652). In addition, partial However, the concentration of ROS would be expected to be
deletion SdhB (iron-sulfur protein), a component of, a com- dependent upon cellular O2 availability, with a fall in cellular
ponent of succinate dehydrogenase (mitochondrial complex Po2 leading to a more reduced state of those mitochondrial
II), in mice, although causing a slight membrane depolariza- complexes proximal to complex IV and a more reduced cy-
tion and an augmented basal release of catecholamine, was tosolic redox potential, measurable as an equivalent increase
without effect upon hypoxia induced catecholamine release in the ratios of reduced to oxidized glutathione (Glutathione
from type I cells (706), although here it has to be noted that (GSH)/Glutathione disulfide (GSSG)) and NADH/NAD+ .
around 50% of succinate dehydrogenase activity remained The effect upon ROS is, however, not so apparent, as a re-
intact in these hetetozygous SDHD+/− animals. duced level of ROS due to a reduced amount of O2 substrate
Currently, therefore, hypotheses regarding enzyme sen- may be countered by an elevation of O2 − production from
sors linked to K+ channels include those associated with reg- “downstream” complexes when “upstream” complexes are
ulating cellular redox state and those concerned with cellular blocked (848) and ROS production would ultimately depend
energy status. In addition, the production of the endogenous upon the expression of the mitochondrial complexes I and
gaseous signaling molecules, NO, CO, and hydrogen sul- III, relative to that of complex IV. In addition, any change
phide (H2 S), enzymes have also, more recently, been impli- in cellular ROS concentration would be dependent upon the
cated in channel regulation during hypoxia (see section on availability and activity of ROS scavenger systems, which
neurotransmitters). Whilst signaling via the redox and en- may themselves be induced by ROS. Global cytosolic redox is
ergy states of the type I cell are not exclusive of, and may therefore complexly regulated, but appears largely unchanged
even be dependent upon, the presence of a low-affinity mi- during physiological hypoxia (316) and a role for ROS is less
tochondrial cytochrome, signaling via the gas molecules has apparent.
no such requirement. Here too, however, it may be prudent Accordingly, a consistent inhibitory effect upon type I
to consider a synergistic relation between sensors, as a role background K+ currents was observed in response to a range
for NO in modulating mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase of mitochondrial inhibitors but which, individually, would be
has been proposed that can confer, to a cell, an apparent low expected to either elevate or decrease cytosolic ROS (918).

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In addition, although anoxia and the uncoupler, FCCP had Much of this increased energy consumption in hypoxia, which
opposite effects upon the NADH/NAD+ ratio, both had sim- can be up to 44% above basal (642), appears related to a
ilar effects upon background K+ currents (227, 918). Finally, particularly high activity of Na+ -K+ -ATPase (643), presum-
application of high (mM), transient concentrations of H2 O2 ably in response to cell membrane depolarization. The rate
directly to type I cells had no effect upon resting [Ca2+ ]i nor of ATP utilization by the Na-K pump in type I cells has re-
the effect of hypoxia upon [Ca2+ ]i (918), although an ear- cently been calculated at 15.5 × 10−6 μmol ATP cm−2 s−1
lier report had indicated a depressive effect of H2 O2 upon (854), a value these authors noted to be 3× greater than that
chemodischarge (9). Thus, changes in ROS levels are not found in cardiac myocytes. An increase in Na-K pump ac-
easily related to chemoreceptor function and any elevations tivity during hypoxia may therefore be sufficient to decrease
in ROS levels observed during hypoxia may arise only as ATP levels, despite the increased metabolic rate and thus an
a consequence of measurement artifact or by addition from alternate signaling pathway to couple mitochondrial function
an extramitochondrial source. That said, prior application of with K+ channel inhibition may be via changes in the cytoso-
antioxidant, in man, can prevent the normal reduction in hy- lic concentration of ATP or factor(s) related to ATP synthesis.
poxia ventilatory sensitivity observed in response to volatile This is a long-established hypothesis as described above (42)
anesthetics (825), which could suggest a modulating effect of and is based upon a predicted final common consequence of
ROS upon chemosensitivity, mediated via the TASK channel. hypoxia and mitochondrial inhibitors and includes evidence
It could be argued also that ROS would normally only be demonstrating an excitatory action upon chemodischarge of
expected to rise from a mitochondrial source in pathophysi- a range of mitochondrial electron transport inhibitors and un-
ological or unnatural conditions, such as in the presence of couplers (418, 604) and the mitochondrial H+ -ATP-synthase
mitochondrial blocking drugs. It is, however, likely that lo- inhibitor, oligomycin, that acts to deplete intracellular high-
calized changes in ROS may act to control selective functions energy phosphates, but without interrupting electron transport
in microdomains within the cell (667) and that this potential (at least until the proton gradient exceeds a threshold) or Ca2+
action would be masked by the relatively poor resolution of uptake by mitochondria (605).
present technology (17). One such source of ROS localized Of particular significance, was the finding that, in the pres-
close to plasmalemmal K+ channels of type I cells (482) is ence of oligomycin, neither hypoxia nor cyanide, antimycin
the extramitochondrial, membrane bound, nicotinamide ade- A or FCCP were able to stimulate the carotid body discharge
nine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase (Nox) com- any further (605) as would be predicted if ATP production was
plex, which produces O2 − and H2 O2 , in proportion to Po2 central to chemoexcitation. It is worth noting that oligomycin,
(8). Although proposed as a sensor mechanism, an action of at high concentrations, may also block plasma membrane
Nox-derived ROS on type I cell K+ channel inactivation is not Na+ -K+ -ATPase and although some caution may therefore
proven. Accordingly, Nox inhibitors were without effect upon be required when interpreting data arising from its use, the
basal or hypoxia-induced catecholamine release from both rat finding that ouabain inhibits basal chemodischarge (418) may
and rabbit carotid body (640). In addition, mice with a selec- suggest that the results of Mulligan et al. (605) are compat-
tive (gp91phox ) gene deletion of Nox activity, retained their ible with an action at the mitochondria. In support of this,
normal type I cell and carotid body function in response to inhibition of TASK channels in type I cells by mitochondrial
hypoxia (353, 756). Further downgrading a necessary role for blockade with either carbon monoxide, rotenone, myxothia-
Nox in sensing hypoxia, is the finding that targeted deletion zol, cyanide, dinitrophenol (DNP), or FCCP have also been
of the p47phox subunit of Nox led to an enhanced inactivation reported and provide compelling evidence of a mitochondrial-
of type I cell maxiK channels (358), suggesting that ROS may membrane link. The finding that these inhibitors act upon the
be involved in cell repolarization rather than depolarization. same channel that is modulated by hypoxia and that the ef-
Although an action on other K+ channels in the carotid body fects of inhibitors and hypoxia are mutually exclusive (918)
has not been confirmed, a role for ROS in mediating hypoxia supports the concept that the effects of hypoxia are dependent
chemotransduction is not compelling and some other means upon metabolism. As reiterated by Wyatt and Buckler (918),
of coupling the mitochondria with the cell membrane may the common feature of all of these agents would be a fall in
be required. On the other hand, Nox-derived ROS have been cytosolic ATP synthesis and an increase in ATP consumption,
reported to play an important role in chronic intermittent hy- confirming a possible signaling role for cytosolic ATP or a
poxia (IH) and induced plasticity of carotid body function related molecule in the carotid body. Accordingly, a severe
(see later section on plasticity and IH). hypoxic stimulus would be expected to increase chemodis-
charge as ATP levels fall and a steady-state level of discharge,
lower than peak, may exist via partial recovery of high-energy
5 -adenosine monophosphate-activated protein phosphate levels following stimulation of glycolytic produc-
kinase —unifying the mitochondrial and tion of ATP. Such adaptation to hypoxia is rarely seen at mild
membrane hypotheses? to moderate levels of hypoxia and so one may presume that
The carotid body has the particular challenge in hypoxia of mitochondrial production of ATP is not limited at these levels
increasing its metabolic activity for the purpose of signaling of Po2 . As CO2 /pH continues to augment chemoafferent dis-
the threat to homeostasis in the face of reduced O2 substrate. charge in the presence of oligomycin (605), yet acidosis acts

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upon type I TASK channels in a similar, inhibitory manner of its γ subunit (351), enabling increased phosphorylation
to hypoxia (112), may suggest that severe depletion of ATP of its α subunit via an upstream kinase, LKB1 (350) and
is not sufficient to inhibit completely the TASK conductance by decreasing dephosphorylation by protein phosphatases. In
and additionally, that the channel can also be modulated in a addition, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMKKβ)
manner independent of ATP. can also activate AMPK, independently of AMP, via a rise
Unfortunately, making accurate, direct measurements of in [Ca2+ ]i (916). Further control is provided by increasing
carotid body ATP content during normoxia and hypoxia has ATP concentrations that can directly inhibit AMPK activity
proven difficult and is prone to technical difficulties as ATP by competitive binding at the same allosteric site as AMP
is highly labile. Thus, results from whole organs have ei- (174) and, in the normoxic cell, ATP would be expected to
ther described no effect of hypoxia upon total ATP content largely occupy these γ subunits. A glycogen-binding domain
(15, 866) or a fall of up to 21% (637), although higher falls is also found on the β subunit (559). Thus, a variety of cel-
occur with metabolic inhibition. The degree of hypoxic stim- lular stressors, including a lack of either sufficient oxygen or
ulation will be key to these measurements but is difficult to glucose, will decrease the energy status of the cell and acti-
ascertain precisely in a whole organ, superfused preparation vate AMPK to promote ATP-producing catabolic pathways
and it is perhaps likely that, global, cellular ATP levels do not and suppress ATP-consuming, metabolic pathways.
fall unless the cell is severely compromised. It can, however, The AMPKα1 subunit has been immunohistochemically
be more readily calculated from measurements of O2 con- localized within ca. 1 μm of the plasma membrane in type
sumption and glucose utilization that the ATP production by I cells (247) and K+ channels have been identified as a
oxidative metabolism in a single type I cell is around 12 to 16 novel downstream target for this kinase (919), leading to
mmol kg−1 min−1 (854) which will be the rate of fall of ATP the development of a hypothesis that makes AMPK activa-
when aerobic metabolism ceases, at least until adaptive pro- tion both sufficient and necessary for O2 sensing (245, 246).
cesses (e.g., glycolyis; reduction in ATP consumption) begin Thus, subsequent to its [AMP]-independent activation by 5-
to compensate. aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside (AICAR), AMPK
Regarding mechanistic links between [ATP]i and K+ can, reversibly, induce both maxiK and TASK channel inhi-
channel activity, a direct action of ATP upon TASK channels bition and voltage-dependent elevations in intracellular Ca2+
has been described in isolated membrane patches (911) in in isolated type I cells, as well as an increased afferent neural
a manner that may depend more upon a channel-associated, discharge in the sinus nerve (247, 919). No effect of AICAR
low-affinity, magnesium-nucleotide receptor rather than an was noted upon the O2 -insensitive, rat, KV , delayed rectifier
enzyme system (854). The sensitivity of the channel to current in type I cells, but the inhibitory effect of AICAR upon
MgATP is in the millimolar range and it was calculated that maxiK channels could be replicated on KCa1.1 recombinant
falls in Mg-ATP required to inhibit the channel by around channels, expressed in HEK293 cells (919). The effects of
60% appeared commensurate with the falls in ATP recorded AICAR could all also be reversed or inhibited by the AMPK
by others in response to metabolic inhibition. Whether this antagonist, compound C and, importantly, a prevention of
might account for the full response seen in the whole cell is the effect of hypoxia upon both K+ currents and chemodis-
not known, but here an indirect action may also occur, via a charge was also reported. The attenuation of hypoxia-induced
mechanism attuned to the level of cellular nucleotides but not chemodischarge by compound C is not, however, complete,
requiring a fall in ATP. One such mechanism is consequent at least in the short term, which suggests that other hypoxia
to the activity of adenylate kinase, which brings about the sensing mechanisms may also be operating. This hypothe-
conversion of two molecules of ADP to produce a molecule sis is nevertheless, particularly compelling as it unites the
each of 5 -adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and ATP and mitochondrial and K+ channel responses to hypoxia with-
thus elevates the AMP/ATP ratio as a square function of the out a need to necessarily invoke mitochondrial specialization
ADP/ATP (343). Cell function depends upon a ready supply or decreases in [ATP]. An implication, however, if one as-
of ATP and cytosolic ATP levels are defended by the action sumes that the type I cell has a sensitivity to hypoxia not ob-
of the energy sensor protein, AMP-activated protein kinase served in other non-O2 sensing tissues, must be that the carotid
(AMPK), a serine/threonine kinase that is activated by in- body either possesses unique isoform complexes of AMPK
creases in the cellular AMP/ATP ratio, howsoever this may or that signaling by AMPK is somehow modified for specific
be brought about (344) and thus can be activated without function.
significant falls in ATP levels. Additional support for an action of AMPK on O2 -sensitive
AMPK, consisting of a catalytic α subunit together with currents, comes from HEK293 cells, where AICAR was
both β and γ regulatory subunits, is ubiquitously expressed in shown to significantly inhibit outward current via heterolo-
eukaryote cells where it plays a vital role in cellular metabolic gously expressed, rodent TWIK-related K+ channel, TREK-1
regulation and at least 12 different heterotrimeric combina- (KCNK2) and TREK-2 (KCNK10), background K+ channels
tions of subunit isoforms can be formed giving, together with (468), that have been identified in type I cells (929). Hypoxia
splice variation, a significant potential for within cell and be- (11 mmHg Po2 ; 6-7 min) could also, reversibly, inhibit TREK
tween cell specializations in AMPK function. AMPK activity conductance by around 40%. The action of AICAR (AMPK)
is tightly regulated by AMP via direct allosteric regulation was mediated via selective serine residues in the C terminals

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

of the channels, which were also targets for protein kinase The neurochemicals play an interacting, complex, and
A (PKA) and PKC. Functional knockdown of AMPK atten- critical role in the sensory transmission process between the
uated the inhibitory effect of metabolic stress upon TREK-1 presynaptic, type I cells and the postsynaptic afferent nerve
and TREK-2, but not TASK channels, suggesting a more terminals, with each type I cell having the potential to gen-
prominent role for TREK than TASK channels in this sys- erate or inhibit afferent neural discharge depending upon the
tem. These data conflict with previous reports where TREK specific pattern of chemical release and the availability of
channels expressed in HEK293 cells were unaffected by more pre- and postreceptor subtypes in the vicinity of release. The
intense hypoxia (103) and, although the shorter (ca. 3 min) potential to also provide for the longer term plastic changes
duration of hypoxia in these studies may have precluded ob- known to occur with chronic or IH may reside within these
servation of a metabolic, indirect effect upon the channel as chemicals. A consensus has yet to be reached on the precise
was suggested by Kreneisz et al. (468), the use by these later chemical nature of neurotransmission in the carotid body and
workers of non-HCO3 − buffering and room temperature in it should be noted that species differences, genetic differences
their experiments may also have had significant effect upon and age differences have all been described as having signif-
the findings. Finally, in further support of a key, functional icant effects upon the carotid body neurochemical content
role for AMPK in chemosensing, is the brief description of and receptor expression (780). It may therefore be unrealistic
a reduction in the respiratory frequency response to hypoxia to attempt a categorization of putative transmitter substances
in AMPK-α2 knockout mice (246). A more complete report into simple classifications based upon whether they induce
will, however, be required before the full implications of this excitation or inhibition.
important finding can be appreciated. Likewise, caution should be applied to the interpretation
of experimental data where exogenous agonist or antagonist
drugs have been applied without precise knowledge of their
site of action, the affinity of the endogenous receptors or the
Neurotransmission in the feedback/forward mechanisms induced by their application.
Carotid Body That said, and given that cryodestruction of type I cells abol-
ished chemosensitivity, whilst nerve endings remained intact
Neurosecretion appears fundamental to chemosensory exci- (864), it is generally accepted that the nerve endings are not
tation by hypoxia and the carotid body hosts a large number themselves chemosensitive and thus are dependent upon neu-
of putative neurotransmitters/modulators as defined, to vary- rotransmitters released from type I cells for the generation of
ing extents, by their presence within type I cells and/or nerve postsynaptic potentials. However, although chemical trans-
endings, their Ca2+ -dependent, stimulus-induced release and mission between type I cell and afferent nerve ending appears
the presence of specific receptors. These include an assort- to be necessary, it might not be sufficient for the entire trans-
ment of vesicular-bound, biogenic amines [(ACh), DA, nore- duction process. Thus, it is worth noting that a role for non-
pinephrine (NE), 5-HT (884,945)], purines (ATP, adenosine), chemical, electrical synapses has been forwarded (248) and
neuropeptides [enkephalins (884), substance P (439), NPY also that the entire premise of classical neurotransmission in
(462, 713)], calcitonin-gene related peptide (484), cholecys- the carotid body has been questioned (218, 811). Donnelly
tokinin (876), ANP (881), endothelins (354), and amino acids (218) observed that afferent action potentials appear not to
(GABA) (650), and enzymes generating gas transmitters in- be dependent upon synaptic depolarizing potentials in the
cluding NO, CO, and H2 S (see sections below for details re- nerve terminals, as would be expected, but instead, are linked
garding these three gases). Finally, both histamine (453) and to a process endogenous to the nerve terminals themselves
angiotensin II (521) have also been localized to the carotid whereby an increased variability in excitability is brought
body where they may be involved in modulating the response about by channel noise, developed by a persistent Na+ cur-
to ACh (827) or the pathological changes in chemosensitivity rent (263). In this proposal, chemicals released from type
observed in heart failure [(529); see later section], respec- I cells during stimulation would act to modulate rather than
tively. generate the nerve terminal excitability and afferent action po-
Catecholamines, particularly DA, are stored within the tentials should therefore persist in the absence of type I cells.
dense core vesicles of type I cells and are responsible for their Further work is required to confirm or refute this interesting
characteristic, chromaffin-like appearance across all species. hypothesis.
A high degree of colocalization of these neurochemicals
also exists within the type I cells, particularly of biogenic
amines with neuropeptides (884). As might be expected, a Source of Ca2+ for neurosecretion
similarly diverse array of ionotropic and metabotropic re- Mean, intracellular Ca2+ concentration in single type I cells
ceptors has also been identified on both type I cells and or clusters of type I cells cultured in vitro has been measured
nerve endings. Extensive reviews of the role of neurotrans- at 55 and 67 nM, respectively with around half of the cytosolic
mitters in the carotid body have been published previously free Ca2+ originating from an intracellular site(s) (416). The
(269,279,315,401,627,715,939) and thus a general overview source of the elevated Ca2+ observed during hypoxia-induced
only will be presented here. neurosecretion from type I cells must originate from an

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

intracellular and/or an extracellular site and the transduction by the NAD(P)H/NAD(P) ratio (227) in type I cells that were
of hypoxia must be linked to a means of elevating the intracel- all somewhat hyperbolic in shape and positioned over a phys-
lular concentration of this ion. An extracellular origin is now iological range matching closely the shape of the chemodis-
favored by most as had been suggested by early experiments charge response (with a suitable left shift in the curve position
utilizing Ca2+ channel blocking drugs to successfully inhibit to account for the use of single cells). The report that simul-
the responses to hypoxia with afferent discharge (781), cat- taneous application of low pH could augment the response
echolamine release (644), or Ca2+ influx (703, 766) used as to hypoxia (77) satisfied one further criterion for O2 sensing.
functional readouts. Additionally, the Ca2+ response to hypoxia, but not to a depo-
In contrast, Biscoe and Duchen proposed an intracellular, larizing, 30 mM K+ solution showed a strong thermal depen-
mitochondrial, source of Ca2+ in a linked series of papers dency that was interpreted as evidence of a metabolic rather
around 1990 (75-78,227-229). These authors examined mito- than a membrane-delineated process (77) and it was suggested
chondrial function in isolated rabbit type I cells and described that a fall in the ATP/ADP ratio rather than a fall in [ATP]i
2- to 3-fold elevations in [Ca2+ ]i induced by CN− or anoxia was a likely stimulus for an additional, extramitochondrial,
that was more sensitive than that observable in other neural but still intracellular (likely endoplasmic reticulum), release
cell types and they calculated that a normal mitochondrial of Ca2+ (228). The response, although seemingly fast, was
Ca2+ pool of 1 to 2 μM would be adequate to generate the still on the order of “tens of seconds” (76), however, and thus
100 to 200 nM increase in Ca2+ observed with high stimu- somewhat slow relative to the much brisker, in vivo response
lation intensities (228). The mitochondrial uncoupler, FCCP to hypoxia. No explanation was given for this difference.
also increased [Ca2+] i and, crucially, occluded any further re- Support for an intracellular source of Ca2+ in carotid body
sponse to hypoxia, suggesting a common mechanism for both neurotransmission has been produced by the Lahiri’s labora-
stimuli. They suggested that the response was due to a reduced tory who showed that CdCl2 block of VGCCs was without
intracellular sequestration of Ca2+ consequent upon impaired, effect upon the cytochrome oxidase inhibited elevation of
energy-dependent Ca2+ homeostasis that could be affected by Ca2+ in rat type I cells by the use of high tension CO (589)
altering the forward rate of the mitochondrial electron trans- and that the Ca2+ -ATPase inhibitor, thapsigargin, could mod-
port chain and thus dissipating the normally highly polarized ulate cat chemodischarge in the absence of extracellular Ca2+
mitochondrial membrane potential (228). In their interpreta- (500). However, interpretation of their data is complicated by
tion, Ca2+ fluxes through voltage-gated channels, that they their observation of an unexpected, reversible action of thap-
themselves had reported previously (229), were a reflection sigargin, which could therefore suggest an action independent
of the rise in [Ca2+ ]i but not its cause and acted to alter Ca2+ of the normally irreversible effect of thapsigargin upon sar-
loading and thus to modulate the response. The sensitivity coplasmic Ca2+ -ATPase and a lack of confirmation of their rat
of the system would, they argued, reside in the apparent low data with other mitochondrial blocking drugs (109). Taken to-
O2 affinity of a unique version of the cytochrome a3 com- gether, however, these findings show that mitochondrial func-
ponent of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, as had been tion appears coupled in some way to hypoxia transduction
previously suggested (580, 581) and now further elaborated and whilst, perhaps overstating the importance of intracellu-
as cytochrome a592 by Streller et al. (806), whereby the P50 lar Ca2+ stores, do demonstrate that multiple sources of Ca2+
would not be the typical 1 μM (equivalent to ca. 1 mmHg), but are potentially available for the type I cell to utilize in the
would instead be higher at a value around a normal tissue Po2 process of neurotransmission.
level of 40 to 50 mmHg. Thus, the availability of oxygen be- As stated above, the elevated intracellular [Ca2+ ] observed
comes critical at much higher Po2 levels enabling the organ to during stimulation of the carotid body by hypoxia is now be-
function actively in the transduction of hypoxia. Importantly lieved to arise almost entirely, but not exclusively, subsequent
for their interpretation, they showed that the Ca2+ response to Ca2+ entry via voltage-gated, membrane channels as identi-
did not disappear with removal of extracellular Ca2+ , although fied in the membrane of type I cells (682). Thus, Pietruschka
it was greatly attenuated by at least 50%. In this latter respect, (703) showed a 170% increase in Ca2+ influx into type I
it has been noted that these authors did not routinely use Ca2+ cells during hypoxic stimulation and Heshcheler et al. (370)
chelators preferring, instead, to use nominally Ca2+ -free so- and Sato et al. (766) described inward currents and anoxia-
lutions and this cast serious doubts upon their conclusions induced Ca2+ elevations, respectively, in type I cells that could
(107) as an extracellular source of Ca2+ could not therefore be blocked by the Ca2+ channel blocker, D600. Working at
be excluded. In support of this concern, when the chelator, the level of the whole organ, Shirahata and Fitzgerald (781)
ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid (EGTA) (1 mM), was used by perfused various, micromolar, concentrations of organic and
these authors, a greater attenuation in the Ca2+ response was inorganic Ca2+ blocking drugs into the carotid body of cats
reported, although no data was shown (77). in vivo and showed a marked and dose-dependent reduction
Further supporting the contention of Biscoe and Duchen, in the chemoafferent discharge response to hypoxia. In addi-
however, was the demonstration of response curves obtained tion, these latter authors showed that application of the VGCC
between Po2 and [Ca2+ ]i (77), between Po2 and mitochon- opener, Bay K 8644, could increase the discharge recorded
drial membrane potential (228), and between Po2 and the during hyperoxia, but was without further effect upon dis-
forward rate of mitochondrial electron transport as measured charge during severe hypoxia. Thus, the basal discharge in

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

high Po2 appears to be dependent, or perhaps even regulated, cell-dependent, variable threshold between 19 to 35 mmHg,
by tonic Ca2+ entry, whilst a complete opening of all VGCC increasing around 10-fold in the presence of severe hypoxia
seems to occur in severe hypoxia. The use of micromolar in both species and inhibited almost entirely (98%) in rat type
concentrations of dihydropyridine antagonists may, however, I cells or entirely in rabbit type I cells by the removal of
have caused actions other than block of VGCC that could extracellular Ca2+ (+EGTA). The elevation in Ca2+ with de-
include block of store-operated channels, voltage-dependent creasing Po2 appeared not to be saturable, which implies that
K+ channels, Na+ channels (including those of the afferent failure to sustain chemodischarge in severe hypoxia is most
nerve axons) and ligand-gated ion channels as well as inhi- likely due to elements of the transduction process occurring
bition of lipid peroxidation (845). Additionally, although a subsequent to Ca2+ entry. In rat cells, both 10 μM nicardipine,
presynaptic (type I cell) site of drug action was implied, it or 2 mM Ni2+ reduced Ca2+ entry in anoxia by around 70%,
remained possible that drug actions on afferent nerve endings whilst in rabbit cells 0.2 mM Cd2+ again was able to inhibit
might have impacted on the results through the inhibition of completely the response to hypoxia. Interestingly, in rabbit
postsynaptic excitatory transmitter release acting on terminal and rat cells, both removal of extracellular Ca2+ or addition
autoreceptors or receptors located on type I cells to reduce the of Cd2+ or nifedipine did not entirely block the Ca2+ response
excitability during hypoxia. to high, 30 mM K+ solutions, with a response still discernible
Using nanomolar concentrations of dihydropyridines, in the traces shown (106, 849).
Obeso et al. (644), confirmed and extended the earlier findings The importance of L-type channels in type I cell neuro-
by showing that dopamine release from whole carotid bod- transmission in rat cells was confirmed by direct measurement
ies induced by either high K+ containing or hypoxic solutions of Ca2+ currents where it was shown that although nifedip-
could be inhibited by up to 90% to 100% by either exclusion of ine blocked just 50% of the total type I cell Ca2+ current
Ca2+ from the bathing media or by application of dihydropy- (681), the inhibition of single cell catecholamine release by
ridine antagonists, thus strongly supporting a role for VGCC the same compound was much greater, at around 80% (349),
as the major source of Ca2+ entry in type I cells and implicat- exemplifying the nonlinear, power relation between [Ca2+ ]i
ing cell depolarization as an essential requirement of hypoxia and transmitter release (213) as indicated by a Hill coefficient
sensing. Intriguingly, the response to CO2 /pH was not inhib- close to 2 (45).
ited by Ca2+ channel blocking drugs, suggesting that either a The definitive evidence for an essential requirement of
separate pathway might exist for transduction of these stimuli cell depolarization in the transduction process was, however,
or that the acidic stimulus might impact upon the efficacy provided by Buckler and Vaughan-Jones (107) who noted
of the antagonists. A complication of using pharmacological that Ca2+ entry in anoxia was temporally correlated with a
agents with whole carotid body preparations is that anything membrane depolarization (which they termed a “receptor po-
other than total block of response may still enable Ca2+ re- tential") of 23 mV and performed the critical observation that
sponses to occur through the action of endogenous transmitter the elevation in Ca2+ could be attenuated by 50% and greatly
feedback mechanisms acting presynaptically on type I cells slowed (d[Ca2+ ]i /dt reduced from 254 to just 3 nM s−1 ) if
(416) and thus such studies should be interpreted with this the anoxia-induced depolarization was prevented by voltage
caveat in place. However, these data regarding the effect of clamping the type I cell near its resting membrane potential
hypoxia on whole organs were later largely confirmed at the of between −40 and −60 mV (Fig. 7). The importance of
single type I cell level by the use of amperometric techniques VGCC is thus confirmed in these studies, but the presence
in rabbit (849) and rat (349). of a residual Ca2+ elevation during voltage clamp, coupled
Further evidence against a role for an intracellular source with the almost complete block of Ca2+ elevation by exclu-
of elevated Ca2+ during chemotransduction arises from the sion of extracellular Ca2+ , points to a secondary source of
systematic use of pharmacological agents targeting ryanodine Ca2+ entry through a voltage-independent pathway that may
receptors (RyR) and Ca2+ -ATPases in rabbit carotid bodies play a role in initiating the cell response to hypoxia or it
where no effect upon basal or depolarization-induced eleva- may more simply reflect a nonselective, metabolic effect of
tion in [Ca2+ ]i or release of catecholamine was observed in anoxia upon Ca2+ -ATPases enabling an inward Ca2+ leak to
the presence of these agents (867). In the rat, however, a small exceed the capacity of efflux pathways. Regarding the former
elevation of [Ca2+ ]i in response to caffeine is observable in possibility, the receptor activated, canonical transient recep-
the absence of extracellular Ca2+ (106), that at least demon- tor potential (TRPC) channels are expressed in the carotid
strates the existence of RyR coupled to Ca2+ release in type I body, with TRPC1 and TRPC4 selectively identified on the
cells. nerve terminals surrounding type I cells and, whilst all TRPC
Direct evidence of the importance of VGCC in mediating subtypes examined (TRPC1/3/4/5/6/7) were localized to type
stimulus transduction in type I cells was produced by Buck- I cells, TRPC1/7/6 were less obviously associated with the
ler and Vaughan-Jones (106, 107) in rat cells (Fig. 8) and by plasma membrane that the other subtypes, with TRPC3 be-
Urena et al. (849) in rabbit cells who both utilized single cell ing the most abundantly expressed throughout the cytoplasm
electrophysiological techniques to demonstrate a necessary and extending to the cell membrane (115). It remains to be
requirement for extracellular Ca2+ . Stimulus-induced eleva- established whether these channels may provide the voltage-
tions in intracellular [Ca2+ ] were graded with Po2 , with a independent entry pathway for Ca2+ during hypoxia as

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(A) (B)
Anoxia Anoxia
(i) 350
[Ca2+]i 250
(nM) 200
1200 1000
0 Torr
800 50

[Ca2+]i 600 +10

(nM) mV
[Ca2+]i 8 Torr
600 –50
(nM) 200
19 Torr (ii) 20 200 ms
400 0
0 40 80 s Em –20
200 (mV) –40
0 –80
0 50 100 150 200
PCO2 (Torr)

(iii) 20
1 min

Figure 8 Relation between hypoxia and intracellular [Ca2+ ] in rat type I cells. (A) Effects of hypoxia on [Ca2+ ]i in rat type I cells. Plot of
the mean [Ca2+ ]i against PO2 for 15 recordings.; error bars are ± SEM (for each level of PO2 in each recording [Ca2+ ]i was averaged over
a 1 min period). Continuous line is the best fit to a hyperbolic function of form [Ca2+ ]i = (a + c) – [(a PO2 )/(b + PO2 )]; where a = 820 nM,
b = 2.47 Torr, and c = 54.8 nM. Inset shows averaged (n = 15) [Ca2+ ]i responses to three levels of hypoxia. (B) Simultaneous recordings
of membrane potential and current (using the perforated-patch recording technique) and [Ca2+ ]I in a single, isolated type I cell. (i) Shows
[Ca2+ ]i , (ii) membrane potential (Em ), and (iii) current (Im ; current is averaged over 10 ms intervals). The experiment begins in voltage
recording mode (i.e., current clamp with I = 0; noise in current trace during voltage recording is artefactual). Inset shows action potentials
recorded during anoxia on a faster time base. After the first exposure to anoxia the cell is voltage clamped at approximately −60 mV (see
change in voltage trace). A second exposure to anoxia is then given. Modified, with permission, from (107) John Wiley and Sons, Buckler
and Vaughan-Jones.

previously identified, although evidence for their role in glu- number of Ca2+ channels, ranging between 15 and 58 per
cose sensing in the carotid body has been reported whereby type I cell, has been reported (414), that would account for
removal of extracellular glucose induced a small depolariza- natural variation in Ca2+ current amplitude between cells and
tion in type I cells of 9.6 mV that was not dependent on a perhaps could account for the range of Po2 thresholds ob-
reduction of outward K+ current (303). served by Buckler and Vaughan-Jones (107) for intracellular
The L-type Ca2+ channels of the rat type I cell were Ca2+ elevation. It could be speculated that gap junctions may
shown to be unremarkable in their properties (275), activat- act, in the intact carotid body, to functionally couple type I
ing above −20 mV, peaking in current amplitude at 10 to cells and therefore to attenuate this between-cell variability,
20 mV, showing little inactivation with holding voltages be- reduce intracellular fluctuations and/or provide a means of
low −40 mV and having a typical conductance of 21 pS. In augmenting sensitivity in cells through propagation of Ca2+
the rabbit, the activation of Ca2+ currents occurred at slightly oscillations or waves as occurs in many other systems (231).
more depolarized membrane potentials of −40 mV (850) but
were otherwise similar to that of the rat. In addition to L-type
channels, the presence of N, P/Q, and R-type Ca2+ chan- Acetylcholine
nels have also been demonstrated in rat and rabbit type I cells Acetylcholine was the first chemical substance identified as
(235,275,659,681,809). In rabbit cells, L- and P/Q-type chan- a possible transmitter in the carotid body (770) and appears
nels appear to be the only subtypes whose activation is coupled to fulfill a number of the criteria of a classical excitatory
to neurosecretion, despite carrying, between them, less than transmitter in this organ (279), although the significance of
50% of the total Ca2+ current (746), although as mentioned its role in hypoxia sensing has long been questioned due
above, the relation between [Ca2+ ]i and neurotransmission is primarily to the inability of cholinergic blocking drugs to
not a simple one (Fig. 9). Irrespective of subtype, a variable attenuate the chemoresponse to either anoxia or cyanide

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

0.2 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 Control




–0.6 Cd2+


–1.0 0.5 nA
10 ms

20% O2
S1 7% O2
8 S1
3H-CA release

(c.p.m. x100)


0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120

Time (min)


Control CB
Cd2+ - treated CB



*** ***
*** *** *** ***
7%O2 2%O2 20%CO2 DNP 30 K+ 100 K+

pH 6.6

Figure 9 Effect of cadmium on calcium currents and stimulus induced secretion of labeled
catecholamine, [3 H]CA. (A) Normalized I-V relationships obtained in isolated chemoreceptor
cells before (open circles) and during (filled circles) superfusion with 200 μM CdCl2 (n = 4).
From a holding potential of −80 mV, currents were elicited by 20 ms depolarizing pulses in
10 mV intervals. On the right, single currents obtained in a representative cell in both conditions.
(B) General protocol used in the experiments of [3 H]CA release. The figure shows the actual
release of [3 H]CA (c.p.m) from a control carotid body (CB; left panel) incubated in normoxia,
a 20% O2 -, 5% CO2 -, and 75% N2 -equilibrated solution (PO2 ca. 150 mmHg; open bars), or
hypoxia, a 7% O2 -, 5% CO2 -, and 88% N2 -equilibrated solution (PO2 ca. 46 mmHg; gray bars).
Hypoxia was applied twice (S1 and S2). Evoked release in every application of hypoxic stimuli
corresponds to the sum of c.p.m. above dashed lines In the experimental CB (right panel), the
protocol was identical except for the presence of 200 μM CdCl2 during the time indicated by
the horizontal line. (C) Effect of CdCl2 (200 μM) on the evoked release induced by mild (7% O2 -
equilibrated solution) and intense (2% O2 -equilibrated solution) hypoxia, hypercapnic acidosis
(20% CO2 -equilibrated solution; pH 6.6), dinitrophenol (DNP; 100 μM) and 30 and 100 mM
extracellular K+ o . Experimental protocol as in B. For every type of stimulation, the figure shows
averaged ratios of the evoked release in S2 to the evoked release in S1 (S2/S1), in control and
cadmium-treated CB (n = 5-12 in every experimental condition, *** P<0.001). Adapted, with
permission, from (746) John Wiley and Sons, Rocher et al.

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

(219, 225, 569, 762). In support of its role in transmission, (630, 951) at concentrations that inhibit the excitatory effect
however, ACh is found within the carotid body (273, 440) of exogenous ACh. In this respect, the labeling of nicotinic,
together with choline acetyltransferase, the rate-limiting en- α-bungarotoxin binding and muscarinic, quinuclidinyl ben-
zyme for ACh synthesis, in rat (626), cat and rabbit (883), zylate binding sites on the membranes of type I and type
and its degradative enzyme, cholinesterase, (51,84). The con- II cells (141, 209, 211) and the lack of effect upon the de-
tent of ACh has been estimated at 5.6 pmol/carotid body and gree of binding following sinus nerve section would further
was little changed following sinus nerve section, which was support the idea that ACh is not a primary chemoexcitatory
taken to indicate that ACh was not significantly localized transmitter acting postsynaptically in the carotid body. How-
within afferent nerve endings (273) and is most likely stored ever, high doses of the nicotinic antagonist, mecamylamine,
within the clear vesicles of type I cells. More recent obser- or the nonselective, muscarinic antagonist, atropine, when
vations, however, have shown the presence of mRNA and localized to the carotid body in a perfusion circuit in vivo,
immunoreactivity for the vesicular ACh transporter (VAChT) significantly attenuated the response to hypoxia (284, 285)
in microganglion cells of nerve fibers innervating the carotid particularly if applied together and the conclusions arising
body and in postganglionic parasympathetic fibers in newborn from the earlier α-bungarotoxin studies were criticized as α-
and adult rats but no coexpression of ACh traits in tyrosine- bungarotoxin binding would not have been selective to the
positive, type I cells (306). The possibility of an alternate specific nicotinic receptor subtypes subserving neurotrans-
splice variant for VAChT in type I cells was considered a mission (641). Additionally, Fitzgerald et al. (285) showed an
remote possibility in these experiments and a neuronal lo- excitatory effect of muscarinic M1 receptor activation and an
calization for VAChT was subsequently confirmed (131). In inhibitory effect of M2 receptor activation upon hypoxia me-
response to electrical stimulation (260) or to the more natural diated chemodischarge and thus concluded that the number,
stimuli of hypoxia and hypercapnia (283,286), the cat carotid distribution, affinity and site accessibility to pre- and postsy-
body releases ACh, although the amount liberated by anoxia naptically located cholinergic receptors might account for the
would not account for the discharge observed in response to lack of a consensus regarding a role for ACh in mediating neu-
O2 lack (219). In marked contrast, however, ACh release in rotransmission between different carotid body preparations.
rabbits was reversibly reduced by up to 68% by hypoxia from However, these data were questioned by Donnelly (219) who,
a basal level of 5.9 fmol.min−1 (440). If, however, blocking using an in vitro rat preparation, showed that mecamylamine
concentrations of atropine or domperidone were present, hy- at low doses (50 μM) augmented chemodischarge responses
poxia then induced ACh release and the data thus suggests to hypoxia and that the inhibitory effect noted at higher doses
that hypoxia inhibits ACh release via the activation of mus- (500 μM) were most likely artefacts arising from reduced ac-
carinic (M2 ) and dopaminergic (D2 ) inhibitory autoreceptors tion potential amplitude and nerve conduction failure. Thus,
that convert the initial faciltatory effect of hypoxia on ACh ACh most likely acts as a neuromodulator rather than as a
release into a sustained inhibition. transmitter in the carotid body.
Exogenous application of ACh or nicotinic agonists In support of a presynaptic, modulatory role for ACh,
causes a dose-dependent increase in chemodischarge in most Dasso et al. (183) showed that approximately 50% of iso-
species (205,285,569,621,630) except, however, in the rabbit, lated rat type I cells tested could respond with an elevation
where discharge is decreased (212, 257). This species differ- in [Ca2+ ]i when challenged with ACh that could be largely
ence appears to be dependent upon the presence of excitatory blocked by either mecamylamine or atropine, with the ma-
nicotinic receptors in most species (260) with α3, α4, α5, α7, jority of cells sensitive to both antagonists. The mechanism
β2, and β4 subunit mRNA identified in the mouse carotid underlying the responses were, however, different with nico-
body (164), with a7 specifically present on nerve terminals of tinic receptor activation causing only transient elevations in
the cat carotid body (783) and α3, α4, and β2 located on type [Ca2+ ]i that were dependent upon Ca2+ influx, whilst the first
I cells (378), of which pharmacological examination suggests phase of muscarinic response was dependent upon intracel-
that the α2β4 subunits are the most functionally relevant in lular sources of Ca2+ with only the secondary, adapted phase
the rat (170), although a particularly high sensitivity to α3β4 dependent upon Ca2+ influx. These results are consistent with
has been reported in the cat (739). the inward currents recorded in response to nicotinic stimu-
The inhibitory effect of ACh in rabbits appears medi- lation of isolated rat type I cells (920) and thus suggest that
ated via muscarinic receptors (285) and can be antagonized ACh plays a modulatory or permissive role in chemotrans-
by atropine. Why there should be such a marked difference duction via an action on type I cell autoreceptors. This modu-
between rabbits and other species in the action of ACh is latory role appears to be mediated via the nicotinic receptor-
not known, but such a difference is also present for DA (see activated release of catecholamines (50, 210, 312, 641, 779)
below). ACh acts upon afferent, petrosal ganglion neurons and ATP/adenosine (170) from type I cells with the post
to cause depolarization and action potential generation that synaptic consequence dependent upon the presence of ap-
can be mimicked by nicotine and blocked by hexametho- propriate receptors for these and other transmitter/modulator
nium (24, 950). However, neither basal discharge nor the re- substances coreleased by the same stimulus, of which ATP
sponse to hypoxia is fully antagonized by ACh antagonists appears the most important (947).

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

Dopamine peaked ca. 10 s before any rise in catecholamine release was

The metabotropic, biogenic amine, DA, like ACh, meets many observable and at least 60 s before the peak in catecholamine
of the criteria associated with a classical neurotransmitter, but, release (215) and, in the cat, the peak catecholamine response
like ACh, its role in neurotransmission in the carotid body is lagged the discharge peak by an even greater amount, of at
not yet fully established and the presence of multiple receptor least 3 min (402) and in both a catecholamine release profile
subtypes and location as well as a significant species differ- was seen that differed qualitatively in pattern from that of the
ence may underlie some of the discrepancies noted. Thus, in discharge. Clearly, the relation between catecholamine release
the rabbit carotid body, DA may be the primary transmitter and discharge is not a simple, excitatory one in the rat or cat.
involved in mediating the hypoxia transduction in type I cells DA appears therefore to be inhibitory in all but the rabbit and
into action potentials in afferent nerve axons, but in other thus, in the cat, a continuous infusion of DA in vivo decreases
species it most likely acts as a neuromodulator. DA is the chemoreceptor sensitivity to hypoxia and CO2 (538) whilst a
predominant catecholamine found in the dense core vesicles bolus injection of 10 μg DA will transiently inhibit hypoxia-
of type I cells in cat, (940), rat (868), and rabbit (317) and induced discharge (401). Likewise, domperidone can elevate
from where it is released by hypoxia stimulation (49,271,868) basal discharge and can block the inhibitory effect of DA on
in much greater quantities than NE (312), as might be pre- the sensing of natural stimuli, even enhancing the response
dicted from the relative contents of these two catecholamines to hypoxia in some cases (403) and thus the inhibitory action
in the carotid body. The presence of TH and dopamine β- of DA has been attributed to a Gαi -mediated, postsynaptic
hydroxylase (884) are correspondingly also localized to the action on D2 receptors (46, 180).
type I cell and TH has been further localized to within the The inhibitory effect of DA is susceptible to desensitiza-
dense core vesicles of the dog carotid body (429). Note that tion after repeated bouts of DA application and high, repeated
markers of TH are often used to identify type I cells, but care doses of DA can eventually lead to an excitatory response in
should be taken, especially in culture preparations, to ensure the cat (937) in a manner similar to that observed with D2
that other cell types of similar morphology are not mistak- receptor block. However, only 64% of D2 receptor density
enly identified (924). Carotid body DA synthesis in rabbits was lost 14 days after sinus nerve section (208) and, as con-
is increased by exposure to 3 h of hypoxia (270) but not in firmed by D2 receptor mRNA being localized to type I cells,
rats exposed to much shorter bouts of hypoxia (332). TH is petrosal ganglion neurons, and sympathetic postganglionic
also found in nerve fibers and ganglion cells innervating the neurons of the carotid body (180), the DA receptors are not
carotid body (884), most likely related here to the organ’s simply present postsynaptically to type I cells. Additionally,
autonomic innervation. the presence of mRNA for Gαs -coupled, D1 receptors has
The release of DA by hypoxia is dependent upon voltage- been reported in rabbit, cat, and rat carotid body also on type
gated Ca2+ influx in the rabbit (644) as well as in rats and cats I cells, petrosal ganglion cells, and autonomic postganglionic
(743, 868), although the release induced by CO2 /acidosis in fibers (48). Thus the effect of exogenously applied DA may be
the cat and rat appears inconsistent or minimal (400,868) and further complicated, at least if presented to the whole organ,
in the rabbit, although release in response to CO2 /acidosis although it remains to be seen if D1 receptor protein is present.
was Ca2+ influx dependent, it appeared not to be mediated If, however, DA is presented selectively to postsynaptic pet-
via dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ entry (644). It is worth rosal ganglion cells, no effect is observed in cat (28). Sim-
recalling that the effects upon DA release observed with ilarly, in cocultures of rat type I cell with petrosal ganglion
CO2 /acidosis would most likely be affected by a direct in- cells, D2 receptor antagonists failed to modify either basal
hibitory effect of protons upon exocytosis and Ca2+ channels discharge or hypoxia stimulated discharge (951). However, in
(745). The release of DA is strongly correlated with the in- the rabbit a dose-dependent increase in postsynaptic activity
tensity of hypoxia stimulation in the rabbit and with afferent can be observed in petrosal ganglion cells that can readily be
discharge (271) although it was noted by these authors that blocked by the D2 receptor antagonist, spiperone (27).
Ca2+ -free media, whilst ablating the release of DA during A modulatory, rather than necessary role for DA D2 recep-
hypoxia, only reduced chemodischarge by 50%. DA release tors in nonrabbit species is further exemplified by the finding
from the rat type I cell has since been confirmed by quan- that, if DA is applied at low dose prior to application of ACh or
tal resolution, amperometric recordings (849) where a single ATP to cat petrosal ganglion cells, the sensitivity to the ACh is
quantal event had an average charge of 46 fC, correlating to augmented whilst higher doses of DA depress the sensitivity
ca. 1,40,000 catecholamine molecules per vesicle (670). to both ACh (28) and ATP (25) with the effect antagonized by
Application of exogenous DA in the rabbit induces an spiroperone. A further consideration is brought into play by
excitatory response, yet in other species the release of DA is the observation that nanomolar concentrations of DA, when
not so tightly associated with increases in neural discharge applied to isolated rabbit type I cells can, like NE, selectively
and repeated bouts of hypoxia have been applied to show and reversibly attenuate the inward Ca2+ channel current, in
that discharge responses in the rat are maintained despite this case by around 40% (67), thus perhaps providing a feed-
decreases in the rate of release of catecholamine (215, 402). back mechanism to inhibit further transmitter release. It is not
In addition, the discharge responses to hypoxia in the rat yet determined whether a similar mechanism may underlie,

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at least in part, the inhibitory action of DA observed in other reduce the carotid chemoreceptor discharge response to hy-
species. Taken together, the results are not confirmatory of poxia in cats (575) and another antagonist, caffeine, had a
an excitatory transmitter role for DA in nonrabbit species but similar, inhibitory effect upon hypoxia-mediated chemoexci-
instead indicate a modulatory role, shaping the responses to tation in rats (173). The stimulatory effect of adenosine on
other transmitter substances. However, DA may act in the rab- the carotid body appears sufficient to increase ventilation in
bit as a neurotransmitter, thus demonstrating a clear species both rats (592, 593) and humans (896, 897) and thus demon-
difference in a fundamental process of transduction. It is worth strates a “protective” effect of adenosine at a systemic level
noting, however, that there are indications that the dog carotid that complements a similar role at the cellular level where
body may respond to DA similarly to the rabbit (88, 409), al- its actions can broadly be taken as aimed at either increas-
though both of these studies in the dog were performed in situ, ing O2 delivery or reducing O2 demand. It should be noted,
leaving open the possibility of indirect effects mediated via however, that in a different study, caffeine application to cats
alteration in carotid blood flow. had no sustained effect upon carotid body chemodischarge in
Regarding other catecholamines, the content of NE is hypoxia (47).
small relative to DA, with most of the carotid body NE lo- Pharmacological and histochemical evidence suggests
calized to sympathetic neurons (268), but an inhibitory action that adenosine most likely activates A2A and A2B receptor
of NE upon basal and hypoxia-induced chemodischarge in subtypes on type I cells (173, 575, 773, 899), as these sub-
the cat in vivo has been reported, acting via α2 receptors types have been colocalized with TH in the carotid body
(464) mediating inhibition of a voltage-dependent, but re- (173, 307, 451). However, although it has also been suggested
sistant (non-L-, N-, or P/Q-type), macroscopic Ca2+ current that A2A receptors located postsynaptically, may be of greater
in type I cells (32, 660), in addition to any high-dose effect functional consequence than those located on type I cells
of β-adrenoceptor mediated vasoconstriction of carotid body (173), it appears that both A2A and A2B subtypes contribute
blood vessels. almost equally to the modulating effect of adenosine upon
chemodischarge in hypoxia. A1 receptors appear to be present
only on rabbit type I cells, where they may modulate Ca2+
Adenosine currents (747) and A3 receptors are apparently absent from
The purine nucleoside, adenosine, is ubiquitously expressed the carotid body (451). Adenosine decreases the type I cell
in cells as an intermediary of ATP metabolism, deriving pre- K+ current amplitude in the rat by an action largely, but not
dominantly from the cleavage of AMP by 5 -nucleotidase or exclusively, upon a Ca2+ -insensitive, 4-AP-sensitive compo-
by the hydrolysis of S-adenosylhomocysteine. Extracellular nent and thus its presynaptic action includes the inhibition of
adenosine concentration can be raised via facilitated diffu- a delayed rectifier component of the outward current (852).
sion via nucleoside transporters and/or by the catabolism of Adenosine (largely A2B ) receptor activation is known to in-
extracellular ATP by membrane-bound, 5 -ectonucleotidases. crease cAMP content in rat carotid bodies (168), an effect that
Upon release, adenosine acts on a number of specific, G- can potentiate the release of catecholamines from the rabbit
protein coupled, P1 purinoceptors located on pre- and post- carotid body in response to hypoxia (696). In addition, the 2-
synaptic membranes. Molecular characterization has identi- to 3-fold increase in cAMP during hypoxia in rabbit carotid
fied four adenosine receptor subtypes; the high affinity A1 , bodies could be entirely prevented by prior application of
A2A subtypes and the lower affinity A2B and A3 subtypes A2 receptor antagonists (143). Interestingly, receptor interac-
(292, 774). Degradation of adenosine occurs via the action of tion appears to be important in determining the carotid body
adenosine kinase and adenosine deaminase. During hypoxia, response to hypoxia as an antagonistic interaction between
the intracellular production and consequent release of adeno- adenosine A2B and dopamine, D2 receptors has been reported
sine is increased rapidly (514, 915). The release of adenosine (168), whereby the augmenting effect of A2 agonists upon
from the carotid body during hypoxia arises, unsurprisingly, rat carotid body cAMP content could be abolished by D2 ag-
both from ATP catabolism and nucleoside transporter mech- onists, presumably via actions upon Gs and Gi /Go proteins,
anisms, but appears to have a lower O2 threshold than other respectively. That the effect of adenosine upon K+ currents
tissues, such that a 44% increase above basal levels was noted in the rat is mediated via changes in cAMP levels is, how-
in the carotid body at a moderate level of hypoxia at which ever, not supported by direct patch clamp recordings from
release was not yet observable from either superior cervical isolated rat type I cells (348), although in the rabbit, cAMP
ganglia or carotid artery tissue (169). can decrease K+ current amplitude (542).
A stimulatory effect of adenosine upon carotid body
chemodischarge is observable in the cat both in vivo (573,574)
and in vitro (759) as well as in the rat, in vitro (852), demon- Adenosine triphosphate
strating an effect that must therefore be independent of its Energy rich phosphate compounds, including ATP, are known
known action upon blood flow (699). An excitatory effect of chemoexcitants (42, 412), with their potency related to the
adenosine upon aortic chemoreceptors in the cat, has also been number of energy-rich bonds (224) and even in these early
reported (758). Importantly, the addition of the adenosine re- studies, an extracellular site of action was postulated, based
ceptor antagonist, 8 phenyl-theophylline, could significantly on the short latency of effect between intracarotid drug

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

injection and stimulation. A key neurotransmitter role for the naptic petrosal ganglion neurons (951), Nurse and colleagues
purine nucleotide, ATP, has therefore long been considered demonstrated that ATP could induce a fast depolarizing,
for the carotid body and we now believe it mediates its main suramin-sensitive and slowly desensitizing inward current in
actions primarily through activation of ionotropic P2X recep- rat petrosal neurons (947). Most significantly, however, they
tors, located on the afferent terminals of sinus nerve petrosal also showed that total inhibition of spontaneous and hypoxia-
ganglion neurons. As with ACh and DA (see above), however, induced postsynaptic membrane activity could be achieved,
it appears likely that released ATP is not, by itself, solely re- in around two-thirds of trials, only with the coapplication of
sponsible for mediating the excitatory effect of natural stimuli ATP and ACh antagonists (947). They thus provided the first
and is therefore best considered as a cotransmitter, acting in convincing evidence of ATP-ACh cotransmission, at least in
most likelihood with ACh (947). In addition, a possible feed- the carotid body (771) and, in so doing, also incidentally pro-
back, modulatory role for metabotropic, P2Y autoinhibitory vided a possible explanation for the discrepancies often noted
receptors has also been postulated. in simpler, single drug, studies on the carotid body.
In accordance with its putative transmitter role, ATP is Immunohistochemical and pharmacological approaches
taken up by type I and type II cells and concentrated in the were used to conclude that the postsynaptic effect of ATP was
cell nuclei (450), adenine nucleotides are found in large quan- mediated via P2X2 /P2X3 heteromultimeric purinoceptors as
tity and associated with catecholamines and neuropeptides found in other sensory neurons (525). A later study by the
within dense-core, secretory granules of type I cells (94, 95), same group utilized single cell RT-PCR to identify mRNA
and ATP is released, in concentrations up to 500 nM, from for both P2X2 and P2X3 subunits in the same postsynaptic
the carotid body during hypoxia in a manner dependent upon neurons and showed also colocalization of the two proteins,
both cell depolarization and voltage-gated Ca2+ entry (122). with confocal microscopy, in petrosal ganglion cell somas and
The stimulus-induced release of ATP has negligible effect afferent nerve endings (727). These authors suggested that
upon the total carotid body content of this nucleotide (639). varying amounts of coexpression of these two subunits might
Although exogenously applied ATP or adenosine can evoke a account for intra- and interspecies variability in the responses
dose-dependent increase in discharge in the cat carotid body to ATP brought about by the generation of heterogeneous
(571,574) and reflex hyperventilation (571), these early func- populations of P2X receptors (535).
tional studies, in vivo, indicated that the effect of ATP was A genetic proof of the importance of ATP and its par-
most likely subsequent to its ectonucleotidase-mediated, hy- ticular receptor subtypes for carotid chemotransmission was
drolysis to AMP/adenosine as its effect could be potentiated provided subsequently by the demonstration of loss of func-
by the adenosine uptake inhibitor, dipyridamole and depres- tion in mice engineered to be deficient of P2X2 , P2X3 , or
sion of basal discharge, rather than excitation, was observed double-knockout of P2X2 /3 subunits (752). In this study, only
in response to the stable ATP analogue, α-β methylene ATP. mice deficient in P2X2 , whether alone or in combination
Whilst this latter finding led McQueen and Ribeiro (574) with the P2X3 subunit, showed impairment in both carotid
to postulate the existence of purinergic P2 receptors in the chemosensory discharge and ventilatory response to hypoxia
carotid body, in addition to the, by then, established P1 recep- whilst P2X3 -deficient animals were no different to the wild-
tors, it was subsequently concluded that the depressive effect type phenotype in these two readouts. Thus, a crucial role for
of α-β methylene ATP applied in vivo was possibly conse- P2X2 purinoceptors appears established for hypoxia sensing
quent upon the concomitant fall in arterial blood pressure, mediated via the carotid body.
as in vitro application of ATP, in the same species, always Ventilatory sensitivity to elevated PCO2 was, however,
generated chemoexcitation (794). In addition, it is possible unchanged in all P2X2 and P2X3 -deficient animals, which
that α-β methylene ATP may have induced significant re- suggests either that the gain of central chemoreceptors is less
ceptor desensitization and/or induced inhibition via a possi- dependent upon peripheral chemoreceptor input in mice rela-
ble presynaptic, hyperpolarizing effect on type I cells (588). tive to, for example, dogs (92) or that a compensatory mech-
The study by McQueen and colleagues (571) failed to repeat anism has been invoked in these animals or that P2X2 /P2X3
the inhibitory effect of α-β methylene ATP on chemorecep- receptors are not involved in CO2 /acid transmission at the
tor discharge, showing instead a significant excitation but carotid body. This latter possibility is, however, not apparent
which, additionally, could not be blocked by the P2 antag- in the coculture recordings of Zhang and Nurse (946) who
onist, suramin. In contrast, the actions of adenosine could showed that the petrosal ganglion response to CO2 /acidosis
be readily be replicated in vitro (759) and a specific role for required the Ca2+ -dependent release of ATP with ACh (946)
adenosine in chemotransmission remains viable with actions with acidosis possibly acting to potentiate the sensitivity of
identified both at presynaptic and postsynaptic locations in the P2X receptors (805) and that the same afferent neuron could
carotid body (171). It should be noted, however, that suramin respond to both hypoxia and CO2 in a greater than additive
does not block P2X4 or P2X7 receptors (625), leaving the and ATP-dependent manner (727), as might have been pre-
possibility of some residual effect being mediated via these dicted from the synergistic effects of these two stimuli on
receptor subtypes. type I cell intracellular Ca2+ (184). It should be noted, how-
Utilising a unique functional coculture preparation of ex- ever, that the resolution of current plethysmographic methods
perimentally accessible, presynaptic type I cells and postsy- to measure hypercapnic responses as utilized by Rong et al.

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(752), is not sufficient to separate peripheral and central CO2 carotid body paracrine signalling. Additionally, whilst exoge-
sensitivities. nous ATP had no effect upon basal Ca2+ levels in type I cells, it
A direct chemoexcitant effect of ATP upon P2X recep- was able to prevent or reverse the intracellular Ca2+ elevation
tors of the afferent sinus nerve terminals, rather than an in- induced in type I cells by hypoxia (924) at high concentra-
direct effect via modulation of type I cell neurotransmission tions of up to 100 μM, but even at 500 nM, it could reduce
was further confirmed by Alcayaga et al. (22) who demon- the stimulus-induced Ca2+ elevation by up to 40% via an
strated a dose-dependent increase in chemodischarge induced unspecified, membrane hyperpolarising effect. This negative-
in isolated petrosal ganglion cells by ATP that persisted after feedback mechanism could account for the inhibitory action
application of the P2Y receptor antagonist, Reactive Blue 2. of ATP noted by others upon chemodischarge (588). It was
ACh-ATP cotransmission was also later confirmed in the cat suggested by Campannuci et al. (132) that this may arise from
where a combination of hexamethonium and suramin tran- the inhibitory action of NO formed subsequent to the P2X re-
siently inhibited the discharge response to acid or stop-flow ceptor activation of efferent GPN, following ATP release from
stimulation of identified petrosal neurons, superfused in vitro type I cells or from red blood cells (241) during hypoxia.
(853). However, in a contradiction of the earlier studies, Reyes
et al. (740) showed that neither basal nor hypoxia stimulated
chemodischarge, in a perfused-superfused, cat carotid body Neuropeptides
preparation (where site access and effective drug concentra- Carotid bodies express a variety of neuropeptides that serve as
tions are less an issue than in superfused-only preparations), transmitters or modulators elsewhere in the nervous system.
were not inhibited significantly by a combination of hexam-
ethanium and suramin at the concentrations used by Zhang
Substance P
et al. (947) in their rat coculture preparation and also that the
sensitivity to ATP was relatively low; its ED50 for discharge Substance P (SP)-like immunoreactivity is expressed in type
of 20 μg being 10 to 20× greater than for ACh or nicotine I cells as well as nerve fibers of sensory and autonomic origin
(739).Whether this is a(nother) species difference or whether in the carotid body (140, 305, 489, 721). type I cells express
it reflects the methodology used is not known, but it does carboxypeptidase-E (CPE), an enzyme necessary for process-
mean that a key role for ATP-ACh cotransmission is not yet ing of SP (317, 470) and the enzyme neutral endopeptidase
fully established. It should be appreciated that cotransmission (NEP), responsible for terminating the actions of SP, is also
as a term does not, of course, imply costorage or corelease found in the interstial spaces surrounding the type I cells
(939). As a less-important, related aside, it is perhaps unfortu- and the nerve terminals (471). Kim et al. (439) reported that
nate that Sun and Reis (811) in their rebuttal of the necessity hypoxia releases SP from rabbit carotid bodies in a stimulus-
for chemotransmission in the carotid body, utilized Reactive dependent manner. Hypoxia-evoked SP release requires extra-
Blue 2 rather than, for example, a nonselective P2 antago- cellular Ca2+ and activation of N- and L-type Ca2+ channels.
nist such as suramin or pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2 - On the other hand, hypercapnia has no effect on SP release
4 -disulphonic acid (PPADS) and so would have failed to from the carotid body.
antagonise P2X receptors and consequently, at least part, of Exogenous administration of SP augments the sensory
the excitatory effect of NaCN. discharge of the carotid body in a number of species (175,472,
Although certain P2X receptor subtypes can desensitize 570,595,721) with the exception of goats (707). SP potentiates
rapidly, little desensitization was noted in petrosal ganglion the hypoxic sensory response (721) and, whereas SP receptor
discharge responses to repeated, closely spaced (20 s), bolus antagonists, when given in nanomolar concentrations, prevent
injections of ATP (22), which contrasts with the marked de- the excitatory effects of SP, and abolish the sensory response
sensitization observed when ATP is continuously applied for 2 to hypoxia while leaving the sensory response to hypercapnia
min (794). This does not appear consistent with the sustained unaffected in cats (718, 722, 726) as well as in rats (175). In
chemoafferent discharge observed during a period of hypoxia goats SP reduced ventilation (707). However, carotid body
and it has been suggested that the P2X2 subtype located on sensory activity was not recorded in this study. It is likely that
the postsynaptic site may reduce desensitization (947). Alter- the reduced ventilation by SP in goats is independent of the
natively, or additionally, an interplay between both excitatory integrity of the carotid body and may conceivably be due to
and inhibitory transmitters might need to exist to prolong either broncho constriction and/or blood pressure changes.
excitation and a “push-pull” hypothesis has been raised to Autoradiographic analysis has also revealed SP-binding
account for this phenomenon (717). Whether this sustained sites in the cat carotid body [see (715) for references]. Block-
response may in some way be related to the identified pres- ade of NK-1 receptors in the cat carotid body prevented
ence of P2Y1 autoreceptors on type I cells (924) or P2Y2 hypoxia-evoked sensory excitation (718) suggesting that SP,
receptors on type II cells of the rat carotid body (923) is not acting on NK-1 receptors, participates in the sensory trans-
known, but is a possibility and suggests that the responses mission in this species. In rats, although SP stimulates the
mediated by ATP will not be simple, postsynaptic ones. Thus, carotid body activity (175), there is no evidence for NK-1 re-
agonist activation of P2Y2 receptors in type II cells initiates ceptor mRNA either in glomus cells or in the petrosal neurons
an intracellular Ca2+ elevation (923) that could be involved in (305). In rats, the actions of SP therefore may be mediated by

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

other neurokinin receptors (for example, NK-2 or NK-3). SP diffuse to neighboring cells and are inactivated with a half-
may directly influence mitochondrial metabolism by acting as life of only a few seconds. More importantly, NO and CO
a protonophore (725). Therefore, in rats, a dual mechanism, share some common properties with molecular oxygen. For
one involving receptor activation (via NK-2 or NK-3) and the instance, like oxygen, both NO and CO are gases and bind
other via an action on mitochondria may mediate the sensory to heme, perhaps with greater affinity than oxygen (3, 577).
excitation by SP. Thus, SP-like peptide(s) may participate Many of their biological actions are coupled to activation
in the sensory transmission during hypoxia by mechanisms of heme containing proteins and are regulated by the redox
not strictly adherent to the criteria proposed for conventional state of the cell (591, 792). Similarities with molecular oxy-
synaptic transmission. Interactions of SP with other neuro- gen prompted several investigators to examine their roles in
transmitters/modulators in the carotid body remain to be elu- carotid body function.
Nitric oxide
NO is generated during the enzymatic conversion of L-
Endothelin (ET-1) expression is barely detectable in type arginine to -L-citrulline and this reaction is catalyzed by
I cells under basal conditions; whereas prolonged hypoxia the eNOS. Three isoforms of NOS have been isolated: neu-
markedly increases its expression (354). ET-1 stimulates ronal, endothelial, and inducible (591). In the carotid body
carotid body activity by acting on ETA receptors (145). Whilst the neuronal isoform of NOS is found in the nerve plexuses
ET-1 by itself had little or no effect on basal [Ca2+ ]i in glo- innervating the chemoreceptor tissue (720,878,885). Chronic
mus cells, it markedly potentiates hypoxia-evoked elevations ablation of sinus nerve abolishes NOS-positive fibers in the
in [Ca2+ ]i which was attributed to phosphorylation of Ca2+ carotid body (885). NOS containing neurons are present in
channel proteins (144). ET-1 also increases cAMP levels in the petrosal ganglion, which provides sensory innervation to
the carotid body. These studies suggest that ET is a potent the carotid body (131,885). Some ganglion cells in the carotid
modulator of the sensory response to hypoxia. Recent stud- body also express neuronal NOS (322, 878). The endothelial
ies (675) have shown that ET-1 contributes to sensitization isoform of NOS is expressed in blood vessels of the carotid
of the hypoxic sensory response of the carotid body dur- body (885). It is uncertain whether glomus cells express NO
ing prolonged sustained as well as IH (see later sections on synthase. Prolonged hypoxia induces inducible NOS expres-
plasticity). sion in carotid bodies, an effect that was more pronounced in
younger compared to older rats (202).
The NO synthase activity was measured by [3 H] citrulline
Enkephalins and other peptides
assay in the cat (720) and rat carotid bodies (880). Omission
Nearly 98% of type I cells express Enkephalins (ENK)-like of Ca2+ inhibited the enzyme activity suggesting that NO
immunoreactivity (269, 884). Hanson et al. (337) reported a synthase in the carotid body is primarily of the constitutive
decrease in met-ENK content following 30 min of hypoxia in type. Acute hypoxia inhibited NO synthase activity in the
rabbit carotid bodies indicating release of ENK by hypoxia. carotid body (720).
ENK inhibits the carotid body activity, and naloxone and Inhibitors of NO synthase augment the carotid body ac-
delta-opiate receptor antagonist augment the baseline carotid tivity (153, 720, 846) and nitrosyl compunds that liberate NO
body activity as well as the sensory response to hypoxia (709). (NO donors) reduced carotid body activity (153, 880). The
The functional significance of ENK in hypoxic sensory trans- role of endogenous NO was further evaluated by using mice
mission of the carotid body is not known. with selective disruption of neuronal NO synthase (446). Neu-
Type I cells also express ANP. Wang et al. (881) reported ronal NO synthase knockout mice exhibit enhanced carotid
that ANP inhibits the carotid body activity and its actions body activity evidenced by more pronounced respiratory de-
are mediated by cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). pression by brief hyperoxia (Dejour’s test; an index of pe-
Galanin, NPY, and calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP)- ripheral chemoreceptor sensitivity) and augmented ventila-
like immunoreactivities were also reported in the nerve fibers tory response to hypoxia. Interestingly, mice deficient in en-
innervating the glomus tissue (397,444). However, the signif- dothelial NO synthase exhibited reduced peripheral chemore-
icance of these peptides in sensory transmission has not been ceptor sensitivity and a blunted ventilatory response to hy-
established. poxia (447). Since endothelial NO synthase knockout mice
had higher blood pressure compared to wild type controls, it
is possible that chronic vasoconstriction might have rendered
Gasotransmitters the carotid bodies insensitive to hypoxia.
It is being increasingly appreciated that endogenously gen- There are a number of pathways through which NO can
erated gas molecules [e.g., NO, CO, and H2 S] function as exert its actions in the carotid body. One such pathway in-
transmitters in the central and peripheral nervous system. Un- cludes activation of the heme containing guanylate cyclase
like classical neurotransmitters or modulators, gasotransmit- and subsequent elevation in cellular levels of cGMP (792).
ters are not stored in vesicles. Once generated, they rapidly NO synthase inhibitors reduce, whereas NO donors increase

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cGMP levels in the carotid body (885). Actions of NO may Zn-protoporphyrin-9 (ZnPP-9), a potent inhibitor of HO,
also involve naturally occurring NO derivatives, such as S- augments carotid body sensory activity in a dose-dependent
nitrosothiols, whose actions depend on the redox environ- manner and exogenous administration of CO reversed this ef-
ment of the cell (133, 795). Summers et al. (808) reported fect (719), suggesting that endogenously generated CO, like
that NO inhibits L-type Ca2+ channel activity of type I cells NO and oxygen, inhibit the carotid body sensory activity.
and Campanucci et al. (132) showed that released NO could Williams et al. (913) reported that hypoxia evoked inhibition
hyperpolarize type I cells. These effects may be mediated of calcium-sensitive potassium (BK) channels is absent after
through S-nitrosothiols but more data is required. knockdown of HO-2 expression and suggested that HO-2 is
Paraganglia near the carotid body contain nNOS (720) an oxygen sensor that controls channel activity during oxygen
and the VAChT and are intrinsically chemosensitive (129, deprivation. However, hypoxia-evoked catecholamine secre-
130, 306) as well as possessing P2X purinoceptors sensi- tion from type I cells is preserved in HO-2 null mice (653).
tive to ATP (132) and are presumably the source of the en- The studies described thus far indicate that NO generated
dogenous NO released from the hypoxia-stimulated carotid by the nerve endings and blood vessels, and CO produced by
body (298,880,885). As well as inhibiting chemoafferent dis- type I cells exert tonic inhibitory influence on carotid body
charge (21,23,720), NO would also induce vasodilation of the activity. How might NO and CO contribute to O2 chemorecep-
carotid body microvasculature and correspondingly, increase tion in the carotid body? Synthesis of NO and CO requires
total blood flow through the carotid body (615). Accordingly, molecular oxygen (548, 591). Biochemical studies indicate
nNOS deficient mice show both an elevated basal chemodis- that NO synthase activity is sensitive to hypoxia over a physi-
charge and an augmented sensitivity to hypoxia (446), al- ologically relevant range in the carotid body (720). The affin-
though the contribution of an altered blood flow to this re- ity of the heme-hemeoxygenase complex for oxygen is 30-
sponse was not determined. Utilising data derived from a to 90-fold greater than myoglobin (577). Since NOS and HO
novel GPN-type I cell coculture preparation, Campanucci operate over a wide range of oxygen, it is likely that endoge-
et al. (132) proposed that the paraganglia were depolarized nously generated NO and CO keep the carotid body activity
directly by hypoxic inhibition of background (TWIK-related) low under normoxic condition, and sensory excitation by hy-
K+ channels and indirectly by ATP released during hypoxia poxia might in part due to decreased enzymatic generation of
from either nearby type I cells and/or circulating red blood NO and CO and thus releasing this inhibition (716).
cells and which activated P2X receptors located on the para-
ganglia, leading to raised intracellular Ca2+ and the nNOS-
Hydrogen sulfide
mediated release of NO. The full physiological significance
of these effects has not yet been determined but they do offer Like NO and CO, H2 S is a gasotransmitter physiologically
a form of local feedback during chemostimulation that may regulating neuronal transmission (443). Cystathionine γ-
be modulated by pathological states lyase (CSE; EC and cystathionine β-synthase (CBS;
Thus, Ye et al. (930) reported that chronic hypoxia (10% are the major enzymes associated with generation
O2 for four weeks) upregulates inducible NO synthase ex- of endogenous H2 S (299, 606). CBS is the predominant H2 S
pression in the carotid body and acute hypoxia increases NO synthesizing enzyme in the brain, while CSE preponderates
levels and S-methylisothiourea (SMT), a specific blocker of in the peripheral tissues whose H2 S levels are reduced 90%
inducible NOS prevented this effect. These authors suggested in CSE−/− mice (299). Li et al. (526) reported that CBS is
that NO generation might play a physiological role in blunting the major enzyme expressed in the mouse carotid body and
the hypoxic chemosensitivity during chronic hypoxia. Ding inhibitors of CBS but not CSE impairs carotid body sensory
et al. (206) reported that decreased NO levels in the carotid response to acute hypoxia. On the other hand, a study by
body account in part to the augmented peripheral chemoreflex Peng et al. (684) showed that CSE is localized to type I cells
in heart failure rabbits (see later section on heart failure). of mouse and rat carotid bodies as evidenced by colocalization
with TH a marker of type I cells (Fig. 10). More importantly,
hypoxia increased H2 S generation in a stimulus-dependent
manner in the carotid body in wild type but not in CSE knock-
Carbon monoxide
out mice. Peng et al. (684) further demonstrated that low H2 S
CO is synthesized in mammalian cells during degradation of generation during normoxia is due to inhibitory effects of CO
heme by the enzyme heme oxygenase (HO) and the reaction generated by heme oxygenase. Furthermore, CSE knockout
requires molecular oxygen. NADPH and cytochrome P-450 mice displayed selective impairment of carotid body response
reductase are essential cofactors (548). Two isoforms of heme to hypoxia but not to CO2 (684). Despite the differences in the
oxygenase have been characterized including an inducible enzymatic source of H2 S generation, these studies (526, 684)
HO-1 and a constitutively expressed HO-2 and the later is demonstrate that H2 S is an excitatory gasotransmitter in the
predominantly expressed in neuronal cells. HO-2 is expressed carotid body.
in type I cells of the cat and rat carotid bodies (719). HO-2 The excitatory effects of H2 S on carotid body activity
immunoreactivity was not seen in nerve fibers and supporting seem to require Ca2+ influx (526, 684) and may involve in-
cells. hibition of maxiK currents (526, 821), but at a site of action

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

(A) (B) (C)

100 µV

CSE +/+
CSE +/+

CB activity (imp/s)
CSE +/+

CB activity (⌬imp/s)
10 CSE –/–
20 HX 1 min
CSE –/–

CSE –/– 2

20 60 100 140
PO2 (mmHg)

H2S generation (nmol/hr/mg)

(D) (E) CSE +/+ (F) 2

200 NOR PCO2 – 68 mmHg

CB activity (imp/s)

CB activity (⌬imp/s)
Hx 10 n.s.
100 20 CO2 1 min 1
CSE –/–
50 n.s. 10

0 0 0
CSE +/+ CSE –/– CO2 CSE +/+ CSE –/–

Figure 10 Cystathionine γ-lyase (CSE) localization in the mouse carotid body and carotid body responses to hypoxia
and hypercapnia in CSE+/+ and CSE−/− mice. (A) CSE expression in carotid bodies from CSE+/+ and CSE−/− mice.
Carotid body sections were stained with antibodies specific for CSE or tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a marker of type I cells.
(Scale bar: 20 μm). (B) Sensory response of isolated carotid bodies to hypoxia (Hx) (PO2 ca. 39 mmHg; at black bar)
in CSE+/+ and CSE−/− mice. Integrated carotid body sensory activity (CB activity) is presented as impulses per second
(imp/s). Superimposed action potentials from the single fiber are presented in inset. (C) Carotid body responses to graded
hypoxia from CSE+/+ and CSE−/− mice, measured as the difference in response between baseline and hypoxia (D imp/s).
Data are mean ±SEM of n = 24 (CSE+/+ ) and n = 23 (CSE−/− ) fibers from eight mice each. (D) H2 S levels (mean± SEM)
in carotid bodies from CSE+/+ and CSE−/− mice under normoxia (NOR) and hypoxia (Hx) (PO2 ca. 40 mm Hg) from four
independent experiments. (E) Example illustrating carotid body responses to CO2 (PCO2 ca. 68 mmHg; at black bar) in
CSE+/+ and CSE−/− mice. (F) Average data mean (± SEM) of CO2 response from n = 24 (CSE+/+ ) and n = 19 (CSE−/− )
fibers from eight mice in each group. *** and **, P<0.001 and <0.01 respectively; n.s. (not significant), P>0.05. Adapted,
with permission, from (684) Peng et al.

different to that proposed for the action of CO (98). Interest- methodologies and functional readouts used in different labo-
ingly, it has been proposed that H2 S also mediates O2 sensing ratories appears to be a potential source of discrepancy. As the
by trout gill chemoreceptors indicating it is ancient and well response to natural stimuli is almost always sustained, albeit
conserved system across phyla (647). It has also been reported with adaptation in some cases, it is apparent that the feedback
that H2 S is involved in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction modulation pathways described cannot exceed the forward
(646, 648), lending further support to its role in O2 sensing. gain of any excitatory pathway. These modulatory pathways
Clearly, the carotid body possesses multiple transmitters may therefore play a role in the acute sensing of stimuli but
and modulators, acting in concert to both excite and inhibit probably play a greater role in mediating the plastic changes in
chemodischarge depending upon their specific concentrations chemoreceptor function noted with the adaptation to chronic
and receptor affinities, their temporal and spatial relations hypoxia in health and disease (see later section on plasticity).
with regard to the sites and timing of their release and even A greater understanding of their functional roles may thus
the maturational state of the animal. The temporal relations be of potential clinical interest for the future development
regarding release are particularly important when considering of selective therapeutic agents aimed at relieving the adverse
transduction mechanisms. Thus, an initial, stimulus-induced, consequences of O2 lack.
release of excitatory postsynaptic transmitter could, via feed-
back modulation on autoreceptors, lead subsequently either to
release of more of the same or another excitatory transmitter,
cause release of an inhibitory transmitter and/or attenuate of Other Physiological Stimuli of the
release of the initial transmitter. The permutations are consid- Carotid Body
erable given the complexity of the organ’s repertoire of trans-
mitters and receptors. In addition, species differences appear Hyercapnia and acidosis
to be a real phenomenon in terms of transmitter utilization Carotid body chemoafferents are stimulated by rises in PaCO2
in carotid body chemosensory transduction and the different which may account, even in hyperoxia, for up to 30% to

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

50% of the respiratory drive induced by systemic hypercap- might generate proportional oscillations in chemodischarge,
nia (100, 365, 611), with some of the reflex response due independent of the mean level of blood gas tensions and which
to a peripheral chemoreflex-mediated sensitization of central could provide feedforward information to the CNS regarding
chemoreceptors (92, 181). In addition, the time for a ven- exercise intensity (57, 58, 480), perhaps with an augmenting
tilatory response to a hypercapnic stimulus is increased in influence from some other blood-borne factor (71, 553). Cer-
carotid body denervated animals (18, 788). This is not an in- tainly, oscillations in blood gas tensions and pH can modulate
significant contribution by the carotid body and it is therefore ventilation in anesthetized dogs and cats (177, 822), but some
perhaps surprising that the study of CO2 transduction in the concerns remain regarding the fidelity of the oscillating signal
carotid body has received relatively little attention over the transmitted in blood to the carotid bodies of conscious, free-
years, especially given the potential role this may play in the breathing mammals (631). However, the speed of response of
prevention of sleep disordered breathing (788). related, intrapulmonary CO2 receptors in birds does appear
The carotid body response to CO2 differs from of that to able to provide natural breath by breath control of breathing,
O2 in a number of ways. Thus, in contrast to O2 , there is a at least in this class of animals (266).
threshold for CO2 excitation of the carotid body, and afferent Chemoreceptor discharge can be altered by changes in
discharge in normoxia can be silenced if PaCO2 falls below blood pH (253, 872, 954) and the question of whether CO2
18 to 25 mmHg (63, 254). The threshold can be varied by stimulates the carotid body via its molecular form and/or
hypoxia: if Pao2 is reduced below ca. 60 mmHg, the PaCO2 whether through alteration in pH, has long been debated.
threshold reduces in an approximately linear fashion to be less In addition, as alterations in PCO2 and/or pH in vivo can
than 10 mmHg from below a Pao2 of ca. 30 mmHg (491,493). influence O2 delivery via shifts in the position of the O2 -
There appears to be no level of hypoxia-induced discharge hemoglobin dissociation curve, the interaction of these three
that cannot be abolished by appropriate reduction in PCO2 . stimuli need also be considered when interpreting data gen-
Whilst this may be taken to imply that the hypoxia sensing erated in vivo. Thus, if, during normoxia in vivo, arterial pH
mechanism has an absolute requirement for CO2 /acidosis, it is held constant by the systemic infusion of HCO3 − whilst
may more simply reflect the necessary, but nonselective, need PaCO2 is elevated, chemodischarge is still able to increase
for an optimal pH range for normal physiology. Above the (80) and at any fixed level of PaCO2 , an increase in pHa de-
threshold, at a fixed Po2 , the chemoafferent response to PCO2 creases discharge frequency (710). In addition, superfusing
increases linearly through the physiological range until ca. the in vitro carotid body with isohydric hypercapnic solutions
65 mHg PaCO2 (80) after which the rate of rise decreases un- elicits an increased rate of synthesis and release of dopamine
til discharge plateaus when PaCO2 tensions reach a value in and an augmentation of sinus nerve discharge (733,742), thus
excess of 70 to 80 mmHg (80, 254, 280). This differs from in- providing evidence contrary to the concept of pH/CO2 acting
creasing hypoxia, where single-fiber discharge increases until upon local vasculature of the carotid body (612).
it fails, with little indication of a plateau. It is worth noting The uncatalysed hydration of CO2 to equilibrium is quick,
that, at the plateau level of discharge, whilst further increases with a half time of 3.7 s in strongly buffered solutions, or even
in PCO2 do not increase discharge further, the discharge is less if H+ is not held constant (494), but this reaction can be
not “saturated” as lowering the Po2 can further increase it. accelerated by 0.5 to 1.0 × 106 times via the action of the zinc
Remarkably, discharge can be maintained steady even at a metalloenzyme, carbonic anhydrase, with the rate-limiting
PaCO2 >200 mmHg, if Pao2 is held normoxic (80). However, factor being the transfer time of products and substrates
the amplitude of chemoafferent response to CO2 over physio- between the environment and the zinc atom located within
logical ranges of stimulus intensities is small when compared the enzyme. The localization of this enzyme in the carotid
to the response to physiological levels hypoxia. Thus, even at body may therefore be of functional consequence and indirect
peak stimulation intensity, the afferent discharge response to experiments to address this showed that the dynamic carotid
hypercapnia is often only, at best, less than 50% of the peak body response to PCO2 both in vivo and in vitro could be
response to hypoxia (282, 493, 693) and this reduced potency reduced or abolished by the sulphonamides, acetazolamide
of CO2 has been ascribed to direct, inhibitory effects of hyper- (90, 321) or methazolamide (404), membrane-permeant
capnic acidosis on both VGCCs and the exocytotic processes inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase, but was not affected by the
of type I cells (745). membrane-impermeant isoform, benzolamide (340). Car-
If a step increase in PaCO2 is applied to the carotid body, bonic anhydrase inhibition reduced basal discharge around
the response is characterised by an initial fast overshoot in dis- 5-fold with a half time of 19 s (404) and this may account for
charge, peaking within 1 s, followed by an adaptation phase the significantly reduced peripheral CO2 ventilatory sensitiv-
with a half time of 5 to 10 s before a new a steady level ity observed when low-dose acetazolamide was administered
is achieved (90). Similarly, an undershooting response in af- to anesthetized cats (873). Caution should however, be
ferent discharge, with adaptation, is observable on return to applied when interpreting data when acetazolamide has been
a lower PaCO2 . Thus, in contrast to the response to Pao2 , used as a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, as the compound
the response to PaCO2 is more rapid and has both a dynamic is only very slowly permeating and can also directly affect
and a steady-state component. This speed of response makes it maxiK channels (700, 701). Methazolamide is more selective
more likely that natural fluctuations in PaCO2 rather than Pao2 for carbonic anhydrase. Carbonic anhydrase is localized

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pHi of type I cell CSN discharge

7.2 7.2
7.4 7.4

23 22
10 8
CO2 (%)
5 5

6.9 800


7.4 0
4 min 1 min

Figure 11 Effect of respiratory acidosis upon pHi and chemodischarge. A comparison

of the effects on intracellular pHi in the type I cell with carotid sinus nerve discharge
rate (on the right: redrawn from Gray, 1968) of a simulated respiratory acidosis (i.e.
increasing PCO2 at constant [HCO3 − ]o ). Adapted, with permission, from (110) John
Wiley and Sons, Buckler et al.

within the cytosol and is also membrane bound in type I cells These include the amiloride-sensitive, Na+ -H+ exchanger
(741) and thus, whilst molecular CO2 per se cannot be entirely (104, 110, 910) and the Na+ -HCO3 − symporter (110) as well
excluded as a signaling molecule, the evidence suggests that as a 4,4 -Diisothiocyano-2,2 -stilbenedisulfonic acid (DIDS)
the carotid body response to CO2 is not mediated via variation sensitive, Cl− /HCO3 − antiporter (110) and perhaps an anion
in extracellular pH but is subsequent to the intracellular permeable channel (799). Consequently, a fall in pHi is met
acidification of type I cells. The carotid body also responds to by a regulatory increase in acid (or acid equivalent) extrusion
nonrespiratory acidosis, generating chemoafferent response via transmembrane transport.
curves to non-CO2 -dependent variations in pH that are Irrespective of the measurement technique used or the
similar to the response to changes in CO2 (80, 90, 320) with buffer solution applied, the type I cell steady-state pHi varies
near-linear responses to pH between ca. 7.7 and 6.9 (494), proportionally with pHo (104, 110, 111, 360, 910) as was pre-
from where it tends to plateau. Whist this may provide a dicted from earlier studies on whole organs and in accordance
unique signal for respiratory drive during the acute metabolic with expectations from many other cell types (Fig. 11). As
acidosis of exercise (908), the stimulus most likely acts no the rate of change of pHi differed when pHo was altered
differently to variations in pH induced by changing PCO2 . by varying PCO2 rather than when pHo was altered in non-
However, by determining the chemoafferent response to HCO3 − solutions, the presence of HCO3 − appears important
increases in arterial PCO2 before and after infusing HCO3 − to to the normal physiological function of these cells as also
increase the pH, Pokorski and Lahiri (710) could show in the demonstrated by the reduced basal discharge and sensitivity
cat in vivo, that, the response to any level of PCO2 was greater to hypoxia observed in HEPES buffered solutions (951). In
than the response at a lower PCO2 but at the same arterial themselves, however, these findings are not remarkable and
[H+ ], suggesting that there may be an, as yet undetermined, provide little insight into the type I cell’s particular ability to
effect of CO2 that is independent of its effect on pH. transduce a CO2 /pH stimulus. That ability appears to be due
These findings at the level of the whole organ are in broad to an unusually high correlation of 0.63 to 0.85 between pHi
agreement with direct fluorometric measurements of intracel- and pHo in these cells (110, 910); a value two to three times
lular pH (pHi) in isolated type I cells, where at normal levels greater in magnitude than typically found in most other cells
of PCO2 , the type I cell pHi in HCO3 − buffered solutions including various types of muscle (19, 20, 240), CNS neurons
is typically held at a fairly unremarkable value of between (837) and neutrophils (787), but more similar to that observed
7.2 and 7.3 (111, 910). Although other values for pHi have in red blood cells (295). Thus, despite the various pHi regu-
been reported, these may have been unduly low due to the latory mechanisms described above, the type I cell acts as if
cell injury induced by the invasive use of H+ -selective ion it has little ability to resist a change in pHo. The particular
electrodes (360) or by the use of non-HCO3 − -buffered so- sensitivity to CO2 /pH of the carotid body appears therefore
lutions (78, 110). The type I cell pHi is well regulated, both not to lie with any specialized proton extrusion mechanism or
by its cytoplasmic buffering capacity, of which CO2 /HCO3 − intrinsic (non-CO2 ) buffering power but, rather, more with its
buffering makes a considerable contribution to any non-CO2 tight coupling of pHi to extracellular pH.
acid load (108) and by a number of acid/alkaline regulat- The mechanism underlying this tight coupling is not es-
ing mechanisms present in the membrane of type I cells. tablished in type I cells, but a role for a pHo/pHi-dependent

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modulation of the Na+ -H+ exchanger has been proposed position of the steady state exponential Po2 stimulus-response
(110) and partly rejected (910), but in either case would still curves with increasing hypercapnia.
require this exchanger in the type I cell to possess a particular In contrast, the dynamic sensitivity to PCO2 appears inde-
acid sensitivity. It is worth noting that the aortic chemorecep- pendent of Po2 (126,840) and thus it follows that the degree of
tors of the cat are barely able to transduce an hypercapnic adaptation must be Po2 dependent with the maximum steady-
stimulus, at least if Po2 is held above a level of mild hypoxia state PCO2 stimulus response gradients at low Po2 perhaps
and so must have a considerably lower CO2 sensitivity than representing the dynamic sensitivity without adaptation. Con-
that of carotid chemoreceptors in the same species (495). versely, a transient response to hypercapnia with full and brisk
What the reason for this reduced sensitivity may be, is not adaptation would appear as a weak CO2 sensitivity as was pro-
known but it may perhaps lie with a lower dependency of pHi posed to account for the aortic chemoreceptor response to this
upon pHo in the aortic body when compared to the carotid stimulus (342). It is also worth noting here that stimulus in-
body. This has yet to be confirmed. teraction in discharge in vivo is not seen if PaCO2 is varied
The mammalian carotid body possesses an ability to trans- without change in pHo by blood injection of HCO3 − (390). In
duce a carbonic anhydrase-mediated change in pHi brought addition, the in vivo chemoafferent sensitivity to hypoxia ap-
about by natural variations in arterial PCO2 or pH that is inde- pears critically dependent upon the presence of CO2 /HCO3 −
pendent of its sensing of hypoxia and with a uniqueness that (782). Thus, the assertion postulated by Torrance and col-
may have its origins within the particularly high dependency leagues (341, 840) that the hypoxic response of the carotid
of pHi upon pHo in type I cells. From an evolutionary perspec- body is an acidic response that is modulated by Po2 cannot
tive, it is interesting to note that many of these various findings yet be countered directly, although mechanistic evidence for
in the mammalian carotid body have direct correlate with the this is not forthcoming. Indeed, the attractive possibility that
sensing of CO2 in neuroepithelial cells of the zebrafish gill variation in pHi may have been a common stimulus for both
(734), where the sensitivity to CO2 is much greater than that CO2 and hypoxia, appears untenable as direct measure of
of the mammal. type I cell pHi shows little change during stimulation either
by hypoxia or metabolic uncouplers and where change does
occur, this is not prevented by intracellular alkalosis (109).
Interactions between hypoxia and CO2
Many newborn animals show little carotid body hypoxia
Each chemoafferent fiber of the sinus nerve can convey sensitivity at birth and a greater than additive interaction be-
frequency-coded information regarding carotid body hypoxia tween Po2 and PCO2 in chemoreceptor discharge is corre-
and hypercapnic stimulus intensity. Although the stimuli and spondingly not observable in newborn rats from birth until
their transduction processes appear to be independent, it ap- hypoxia sensitivity has become established which is usually
pears that they might interact positively in the adult to pro- around the time of weaning (693). As CO2 -O2 interaction can
duce discharge frequencies that are greater than additive and be prevented from maturing naturally by artificially resisting
thus partly account for the so-called “multiplicative” interac- the natural rise in arterial Po2 that occurs postnatally with the
tion observable at the level of ventilation (618). Accordingly, onset of air breathing (511), the development of O2 sensing
although there may be additional CNS interaction between appears itself to be an O2 -dependent process. This “resetting”
peripheral and central chemoreceptors (744), it has long been of chemoreceptor afferents is translated into a maturational
recognized that when hypoxia is applied together with hyper- augmentation of the reflex ventilatory responses to hypoxia in
capnia to present an “asphyxial” stimulus to the carotid body, animals (339) and humans (127,912) and it has been suggested
the resulting chemoafferent discharge frequency is greater that a failure to re-set adequately may predispose infants to
than the sum of the two responses when applied indepen- cardiorespiratory disturbances that could increased morbidity
dently and this is seen in multifiber and single fiber record- or even mortality (128). Thus, without sensitivity to hypoxia,
ings both in vivo and in vitro (493, 693). Thus, it is perfectly the carotid body sensitivity to hypercapnia seems set at a min-
straightforward to determine a level of relatively high PaCO2 imal, hyperoxic level, such that decreasing steady state Po2
in which chemodischarge is almost abolished by a concurrent simply shifts the PCO2 stimulus response curve upward with-
high Pao2 and a level of relatively low Pao2 where discharge is out measurable change in slope. In this respect, the newborn
similarly almost absent due to a reduced PaCO2 . If, however, carotid body response is somewhat similar to the response of
the higher PaCO2 and the lower Pao2 are applied together, the adult aortic chemoreceptor, where the relatively reduced
the resulting afferent discharge is greatly increased to many Po2 sensitivity of this organ (495) may account for the greatly
times more than the sum of the frequency responses to the reduced degree of multiplicative interaction at this receptor
original pairs of stimuli. As a consequence, increasing PCO2 observed from and above arterial normocapnia and over physi-
might be said to augment the sensitivity of the carotid body to ological ranges of Po2 . A greater O2 -CO2 interaction has been
hypoxia but it may be equally be stated that hypoxia increases reported in hypocapnia (497) which may, perhaps, be the re-
the carotid body sensitivity to CO2 . The plainest way to show sult of a plateau in the discharge response to increased CO2
this is by determination of a “fan” of linear CO2 stimulus re- being achieved at lower stimulus intensities here than in the
sponses with slopes that increase with increasing hypoxia that carotid body. The mechanism for this measurable difference
can equally be expressed as rightward and upward shifts in the between the two organs in the adult is not known but may

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

reflect differences in blood flow, the regulation tissue Po2 or cellular Ca2+ or greatly attenuated by application of either
variation in sensor type or sensitivity. the nonselective Ca2+ channel blocker Ni2+ or by the L-
Whether the development of multiplicative interaction in type channel blocker, nicardipine (105, 106, 108). These data
the carotid body might, even in part, account for the aug- support an extracellular source of Ca2+ for CO2 /pH-induced
mented hypoxia chemoafferent sensitivity (re-setting) at the neurosecretion as reported also for hypoxia mediated eleva-
carotid (93,437,693) and aortic bodies (479) is not known. As tions in Ca2+ and, similarly, the elevation can be prevented if
resetting can be measured both in vivo and in vitro this sug- membrane potential is clamped during hypercapnic stimula-
gests it to be an O2 -dependent process inherent to chemore- tion (106). Accordingly, catecholamine secretion in response
ceptor tissue and as there is little evidence to suggest gross to acidosis is also dependent on extracellular Ca2+ (748).
morphological changes in this organ over this time period Thus, a common source of stimulus-induced Ca2+ elevation
(161, 600), the mechanism for the development of interaction is found for both hypoxia and hypercapnia, with voltage-
most likely occurs with changes at the level of the sensor gated, L-type Ca2+ channels providing most, but not all of
and/or other elements of the transduction process including the entry pathway. Summers et al. (808) reported that isohy-
Ca2+ -dependent, neurotransmitter release (680) and/or ionic dric hypercapnia augmented, whereas decreasing either extra
conductances of type I cells (347,890,891). Alternatively, this or pHi, inhibited L-type Ca2+ current in rabbit glomus cells.
maturation may arise from postnatal changes in the degree of Isohydric hypercapnia increased cyclic AMP levels in carotid
coupling between pHi and pHo as Teppema and colleagues bodies and 8-Br-cAMP mimicked the effect of CO2 on glomus
have shown that ventilatory CO2 -O2 interaction in the cat cell Ca2+ current. A PKA inhibitor prevented hypercapnia-
(824) and human (823) could be abolished by low dose aceta- evoked augmentation of Ca2+ currents. Thus, the results sug-
zolamide acting at the carotid body and postulated that this gested that the effect of CO2 on the L-type Ca2+ current is
might represent an alkalizing effect upon type I cells mediated not secondary to changes in pH and seems to be mediated
through inhibition of a plasmalemmal Cl− /HCO3 − exchanger. by a PKA-dependent mechanism. Furthermore, the same au-
Whilst this may also have been, at least in part, an effect of thors showed that hypercapnia and hypoxia act additively in
acetazolamide upon maxiK channels (700), there has been no stimulating Ca2+ current in rabbit type I cells.
indication of such CO2 -O2 interaction occurring at the level However, a role for falls in pH leading to reverse
of maxiK channels in type I cells (691), although a potenti- mode Na+ -Ca2+ -exchange subsequent to activation of Na+ -
ating effect of hypercapnia upon hypoxia has been noted at dependent acid extrusion mechanisms as suggested for the
the level of Ca2+ signaling (184). The effect of acetazolamide rabbit carotid body (748) appears not essential for rat acid
on CO2 -O2 interaction in the reflex studies of Teppema and transduction as the Ca2+ response to acid in this species is
colleagues was less in hyperoxia than hypoxia, which may re- independent of extracellular [Na+ ]. Voltage-gated Ca2+ entry
flect a functional consequence of the O2 sensitivity of carotid can be evoked by hypoxia and hypercapnia within a single cell
body carbonic anhydrase (97). and the response to the two stimuli summate, at least addi-
The presence of stimulus interaction in the carotid body tively, with the response to hypoxia potentiated by concurrent
need not require a common transduction mechanism for O2 acidosis and vice versa (184). This elegantly demonstrates
and CO2 , as the two pathways need only to share common that convergence of stimuli must occur prior to Ca2+ channel
elements, but wherever this interaction does occur, any mech- activation and supports the concept that stimulus interaction
anism(s) proposed for hypoxia chemotransduction should be is an inherent property of type I cells. However, unlike the af-
able to account for its modification by pH/CO2 . In this re- ferent chemodischarge response to a combination of the two
spect, it may be of note that whilst increasing temperature, stimuli, the degree of interaction in type I cells is relatively
a recognized chemoexcitant stimulus, augmented CO2 sensi- variable and weak. Consequently, the hyperbolic intracellular
tivity (512), hyperkalaemia, another chemoexcitant, did not Ca2+ response to graded changes in Po2 was not significantly
(694). right-shifted (P50 2.73 and 2.66 mmHg in 5% and 20% CO2 ,
respectively) by hypercapnia, which could be taken to show
Hypercapnia and Ca2+ that CO2 is not sensed via alteration in the affinity of a Po2
Decreases in pHi, induced by hypercapnic acidosis, isocap- An alternate view for the relatively weak stimulus inter-
nic acidosis, or isohydric hypercapnia can all elevate [Ca2+ ]i action at the level of the single cell may, however, lie in the
in type I cells (105). The elevation was not sustained in hy- more recent findings of Rocher et al. (745). These authors
percapnic acidosis or isocapnic acidosis, with the secondary aimed to ascertain why the catecholamine release and the af-
fall in [Ca2+ ]i being almost completely adapting in the latter ferent chemodischarge responses to hypercapnic stimuli were
form of stimulation. In contrast, the response to isohydric hy- almost always considerably smaller than these responses to
percapnia was more gradual and sustained. These temporal hypoxia, despite the acidic stimuli causing, on average, a 2-
variations in [Ca2+ ]i were noted by Buckler and Vaughan- fold greater degree of membrane depolarization and similar
Jones (105) to be remarkably similar to the neural discharge elevations of [Ca2+ ]i in type I cells for comparable level of
responses to the same stimuli as observed previously (90,320) stimulus intensities. Their data provide the convincing ev-
and could be abolished in type I cells by removal of extra- idence of a reversible, direct inhibitory effect of high H+

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concentrations upon both the Ca2+ currents induced by aci- mechanism in the nucleus tractus solitarius (518) that may be
dosis and upon the exocytotic process itself, with a reduction involved in the regulation of brain and plasma glucose levels
to pH 6.6 from control reducing these currents by 63% and following chemoreceptor stimulation. Similarly, intracarotid
the catecholamine release in response to a Ca2+ ionophore by injections of glucose could significantly attenuate the normal
between 45% to 98%. hormonal response to hypoglycaemia (293), although these
In addition the hypoxic, but not the hypercapnic, exocy- authors did not consider the reflex to originate from periph-
totic response was potentiated by a cAMP-dependent acti- eral receptors in the carotid sinus region.
vation of an EPAC (exchange-protein activated by cAMP)- The inference that low glucose could be a stimulus at the
mediated, PKA-independent, mechanism. Although the data carotid body, was subsequently tested further in conscious
was not shown, these authors also describe an essential role dogs, where the response to insulin-mediated, low plasma
for cAMP in mediating the stimulus interaction between hy- glucose concentration was shown, in a glycaemic clamp proto-
poxia and hypercapnia. These findings offer a new avenue for col, to be less effectively counterregulated in bilateral carotid
carotid body research and the finding of a nonspecific effect chemo- and barodenevated animals than in sham controls
of pH on cellular function does not diminish their importance. (466, 786), through an impairment in the normal elevation of
Thus, the earlier viewpoint that the two major stimuli of the plasma glucagon and cortisol levels. However, although the
carotid body might differ only in the sensor mechanism(s) for presumed adequate carotid body stimulus in these dog exper-
each, appears increasingly less tenable and greater consider- iments was hypoglycaemia, a role for insulin-induced, coun-
ation of the methodology used to measure a chemoresponse terregulatory hormones could not be excluded. The authors
to either and/or their interaction at the cellular or organ level also noted an expected fall in arterial Po2 in chemodenervated
will need to occur if interpretations of function are not to be dogs of ca. 20 mmHg from a control level of 102 mmHg, but
confused. had previously shown (953) that Pao2 would need to fall to
<60 mmHg before an hypoxic effect on glucose metabolism
could be noted and so excluded this as a stimulus in their
experiments, although did note that they could not discount
Is the carotid body a glucosensor? the possibility that hyperinsulinaemia may have interacted
Systemic metabolic regulation requires a link between the positively with hypoxia. In a subsequent study (465), it was
active sensing of plasma glucose concentration and a set of demonstrated that maintenance of plasma glucose during ex-
regulatory, reflex neuroendocrine responses that act to main- ercise in dogs, was also sinus nerve dependent. Irrespective
tain plasma glucose in the normal range of 4 to 6 mM (ca. of the stimulus, no role for aortic chemoreceptors was dis-
70-110 mg dl−1 ). Whilst a number of central neural sites, cernible in these experiments.
including the ventromedial and lateral hypothalamus, are glu- Given the polymodal nature of chemoafferents, it may be
cose sensitive (119), the main receptor sites for initiating expected that carotid body stimulation by insulin-mediated
counterregulatory responses to falls in plasma glucose levels hypoglycaemia should induce, like hypoxia, a hyperventila-
lie in the periphery and are found in β cells of the pancreas tion and hypocapnia. Although not considered by Koyama
(117) as well as in liver (223) and hepatic portal vein (374). et al. (466), this was tested directly by Kumar and colleagues
In addition to the above established sites, a potential low (70) who measured ventilation and O2 consumption in anes-
glucose-sensing role for cells of the carotid body has also been thetized rats and found a reflex increase in alveolar ventila-
proposed and its particular blood flow and metabolism would tion induced by insulin infusion that was correlated to the
appear to make it a likely candidate receptor for the sens- fall in plasma glucose concentration and which could be pre-
ing of a metabolic substrate. However, at present, the various vented by euglycaemic clamp or sinus nerve denervation.
pieces of evidence supporting this novel sensory role appear However, and importantly, there was no corresponding fall in
conflicting. Thus, contrary to expectation, given an initial re- PaCO2 induced by the reflex increase in ventilation and this
port that showed no discharge sensitivity to low glucose in was presumed a consequence of the measured and expected
an isolated cat carotid body preparation (31), in vivo glucose hypermetabolism, making the reflex response to insulin in-
infusion into the vascularly isolated carotid sinus region in fusion, an appropriate isocapnic hyperpnea induced by the
the same species was found to reduce carotid body activity by elevated metabolic rate rather than a hypocapnic hyperventi-
20% and increase the threshold to hypoxia (35). In addition, lation. These workers subsequently proposed that the hyperp-
direct carotid chemoreceptor stimulation by sodium cyanide nea was mediated by a hormone-mediated increase in carotid
was shown to increase hepatic glucose output and increase body CO2 sensitivity (71). Entirely consistent findings were
brain glucose retention within 2 to 8 min, via an adrenal made in an experimental rat model of type I diabetes, where
gland- and sinus nerve-dependent manner (35). This same insulin infusion decreased the plasma glucose to euglycaemic
group subsequently demonstrated that the increase in plasma levels and which was correlated to a proportional increase
glucose following chemostimulation was mediated via activa- in both ventilation and metabolic rate such that the ratio of
tion of hepatic arginine vasopressin V1a receptors (594) and the two was unchanged (761). Further confirmatory studies
have since identified both an nNOS-activated mechanism in measuring ventilatory responses in humans who had been
the hypothalamopituitary axis (125) and a GABAB -mediated made hypoglycaemic for 30 min, showed that the expected

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

(A) (B)


TTX (1 μM)

Figure 12 Functional cocultures of rat type I cells and petrosal neurons. (A) Immunofluorescence staining of
a coculture of dissociated rat petrosal neurons and carotid body type I cells. Culture was immunostained with
tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and neurofilament (NF, 68 kDa) antibodies and visualized with a fluorescein- and
Texas Red-conjugated secondary antibody, respectively. The two type I cell clusters are TH positive (cytoplasmic
green fluorescence), and are intimately associated with NF-positive petrosal processes (red fluorescence); nuclei
of type I cells in the clusters appear dark. The single petrosal cell body is both TH and NF positive, accounting for
the yellow-orange fluorescence; note an NF-positive pseudounipolar process leaves the petrosal cell body and
appears to bifurcate into two main branches, each of which projects to a type I cell cluster. The petrosal neuron
(PN) and type I cells were together for 8 days in vitro; scale bar represents 10 μm. (B) Effects of coculture on
spontaneous membrane activity recorded with the perforated-patch technique from petrosal neurons. (i) Typical
recording illustrating lack of spontaneous activity in a PN cultured without type I cells; membrane potential,
indicated by the two displaced continuous traces remained relatively steady over time. Note in i-iii the right end
of the top trace is continuous with the beginning (left end) of the lower trace. (ii) In coculture, atypical PN that was
juxtaposed to a type I cell cluster showed spontaneous spikes and subthreshold potentials (two displaced traces),
resembling excitatory post-synaptic potential (EPSPs) seem at chemical synapses. (iii) Perfusion of tetrodotoxin
(TTX) (1 μM) to block action potentials, did not eliminate subthreshold potentials (SSPs) recorded in a different
PN, juxtaposed to a type I cell cluster. Vertical scale bar (top left) represents 20 mV; horizontal bar represents 1 s
in (i) and (ii) and 1.5 s in (iii). The resting membrane potential was −65 mV in (i), −60 mV in (ii), and −70 mV in
(iii). Modified, with permission, from (951) John Wiley and Sons, Zhong et al.

elevation in ventilation also occurred here without change in organ and have the advantage of enabling a greater level of
arterial PCO2 , and which may have been mediated through an investigation than is technically feasible in the connective tis-
action of a number of counterregulatory hormones, including sue encased, whole organ coupled with the greater integrity
glucagon and cortisol (886). In addition, a role for adrenaline, conferred by retaining a degree of intact intercellular commu-
has been proposed and which may act to increase carotid body nication (Fig. 12). Thus, superfusion with zero/low glucose
and ventilatory CO2 sensitivity (553). solutions could stimulate a, dose dependent, up to a 20-fold
A recent study performed on the in vitro cat carotid body increase in catecholamine secretion (in an intracellular ATP-
(283) showed that removal of glucose for 12 min had no ef- independent manner) from type I cells in slices (539, 669),
fect on the absolute release of either ACh or ATP from in beginning within a minute of application; a level equivalent
vitro cat carotid bodies, thus providing circumstantial evi- to that observed in response to anoxia. Low glucose could
dence against a direct role for reduced plasma glucose as an also excite rat petrosal neurons cocultured and in postsynap-
acute chemostimulus. They are therefore in accordance with tic contact with type I cells (944), through the presynaptic
earlier measurements made from the whole rat carotid body corelease of ATP and ACh. Together, these data were con-
in vitro where no elevation, and often a decrease in type I cell sistent with electrophysiological recordings of ion channel
catecholamine or ATP release or single fiber chemoafferent activity made subsequently from isolated type I cells (303)
discharge frequency (31, 172, 198), was observed with glu- who also demonstrated the presence of the facilitated glucose
copenia, for up to 1 to 2 h of incubation, after which time transporters, GLUT1, GLU3, and GLUT4 in these cells but
an irreversible and relatively small (cf hypoxia) increase in not GLUT2, as may have been expected from its role in other
discharge could sometimes be observed, that preceded organ glucose sensing systems (829, 830).
death. If low glucose is detected by the carotid body, the sensed
However, the results described above using intact carotid variable appears most likely to be a metabolite of glucose,
bodies are in direct contradiction with findings made using evidenced by the finding that glucose analogs do not prevent
the novel, reduced carotid body preparations of petrosal gan- the catecholamine response to 0 mM glucose in thin carotid
glion neuron-type I cell cocultures (951) and carotid body body slices (303). On examining the mechanism of glucose
thin slice preparations (670). These latter preparations offer a sensing in these preparations, it appears that, although the
powerful methodological link between studies performed on transduction process shares some common downstream el-
the isolated type I cell and studies performed on the whole ements, such as raised intracellular Ca2+ concentration and

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neurotransmitter release, these are triggered through a quite be required to maintain carotid body function during hypoxia
different membrane delimited process than that currently as- (638, 643).
cribed for hypoxia sensing. Thus, low glucose activates an
inward Na+ permeable cationic conductance leading to a re-
duction, rather than an increase, in membrane resistance in Immune functions of the carotid body
cocultured cells (944) that, at least in single cells appears to Histologists have long noticed the presence of macrophages
induce a membrane depolarization of ca. 10 mV due to the in the carotid body, but have either largely disregarded them
opening of type 1 cell TRPC channels (303) that had pre- or presumed them incidental to the high organ blood flow.
viously been described in this organ (115), but ascribed no Although a functional role for macrophages as a source of
specific function. In addition, a selective inhibition of voltage- cytochrome b558 has now been described (234), the last
gated K+ channels at membrane potentials above −40 mV had few years have seen a growing realization that the carotid
also been reported that was of similar magnitude to that ob- body may possess an immununlogical function, both as a
served in response to severe hypoxia (669) and which would means of communicating peripheral systemic immune status
presumably counteract, or at least attenuate, the fall in input to the CNS (645) and as a means of instigating the plastic
resistance induced by the opening of TRPC channel. Again, changes observed within the carotid body during exposure
the carotid body appears to differ here from more-recognized to the chronic hypoxia of altitude or disease states such as
glucose sensors where background “leak” K+ channel inhibi- COPD. Thus, the interleukin, cytokine receptors, IL-1R1 and
tion to low glucose has as described for orexin-sensitive CNS IL-6Rα were first identified in carotid body tissue, localized
neurons (118). within the cytoplasm, nucleus, and cell membrane of type I
The reason for the various differences between species, cells even in normoxia (874, 875) findings described previ-
between carotid body preparations and between carotid body ously in pain sensing primary neurons (895).
tissue and other glucose-sensing systems, is an important one Sensitivity of the carotid body to hypoxia could also be
to determine as any sensor role for the carotid body in the modulated by the proinflammatory cytokines, IL-1β, IL-6,
neuroendocrine axis, if vindicated, could perhaps prove to be and TNF-α (509,536,785). In addition, the systemic injection
of greater physiological importance than its ability to sense of IL-1β in rats, increased the expression of its receptor
hypoxia. Any such role should require the carotid body to de- in type I cells (948) as did chronic hypoxia (509, 536),
tect, quickly, small (<1 mM) falls in plasma glucose levels in with tissue hypoxia most likely triggering the elevation of
otherwise normal conditions and initiate corrective reflexes. cytokines. Liu et al. (536) additionally showed that chronic
Zhang et al. (944) suggested that in the experiments of Bin- hypoxia induced macrophage invasion in the carotid body
Jaliah et al. (70), the relatively high Po2 deliberately used that peaked at three days of stimulation and only a transient
by these workers to exclude hypoxia-induced excitation, may rise in carotid body IL-1β and TNF-α expression on both
have prevented the full glucose response from being observed, immune cells and type I cells but a more sustained increase
given the positive interaction previously described between in IL-6 expression on these cells that persisted for more than
hypoxia and glucopenia (283, 669). Although, this might rea- 28 days. Importantly, these authors showed that the common
sonably lead to the question of whether low glucose is acting antiinflammatory drugs, ibuprofen and dexamethasone, could
as an adequate stimulus in its own right or simply facilitating reduce macrophage invasion, cytokine expression, and block
an hypoxic sensitivity, it is also necessary to appreciate that the augmented sinus nerve discharge induced by chronic
the level of tissue Po2 at the site of postsynaptic site of afferent hypoxia.
action potential initiation in the whole carotid body in vitro, In a related study, Fernandez et al. (267) showed that
although not known in most cases, will be much lower as a systemic infusion or topical application of the bacterial en-
consequence of diffusion and metabolism than the superfusate dotoxin, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) could induce carotid body
level and could even be equivalent to the stimulatory level of inflammation, as expected in the cat, but was also capable
Po2 used in the, essentially monolayer, coculture experiments of inducing a tachypnoea via a significant augmentation of
of Zhang et al. (944). Thus, in both cases, the Po2 is likely to basal sinus nerve discharge. The tachypnoea was prevented
have been higher than in vivo, tissue levels. The interaction by bilateral sinus nerve and aortic nerve section. Anatomi-
with oxygen was tested directly (172, 382), by measuring the cally, these latter authors also described a “disorganization”
response to low glucose at varying levels of Po2 , between hy- of carotid body glomoids, an increase in carotid body connec-
peroxia and hypoxia. In both studies, hypoxia did not induce tive tissue and recruitment of polymorphonuclear cells (gran-
glucose sensitivity as measured by ATP or catecholamine re- uloyctes) within 4 h of i.v. LPS administration. No apoptosis
lease or afferent nerve discharge. Indeed, the sensitivity to was observed, thus negating this as the mechanism for en-
hypoxia appeared reduced by glucopenia. How the disparate hanced basal function. Intriguingly, the ventilatory responses
findings are to be reconciled regarding glucose sensitivity in to hypoxia or hyperoxia of animals exposed to LPS, although
this organ is not yet known but the answer may yet lie in the intact, were not enhanced and might even have been reduced.
preparations being utilized and their metabolic status (476), Accordingly, TNF-α when applied to an in vitro carotid body
especially given the greatly increased metabolism known to preparation reduced the discharge induced by hypoxia in a

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

dose-dependent manner. The authors suggest that the reduced extracellular ions, particularly K+ (54, 412, 533) as well as
cytokine effect during hypoxia may reflect the common ob- changes in osmolarity (136, 300, 301, 590) and temperature
servation that the degree of enhancement to stimulation is (26,61,62,69,572). The carotid body responses to these stim-
typically reduced as the basal effect is increased (239), de- uli are robust and reproducible and can in most cases also be
spite they themselves having seen no effect of TNF-α upon observable at the level of cardiorespiratory reflexes (602,672,
basal discharge in their in vitro carotid body preparation. Such 777, 942), which has led to the notion that the carotid body
an effect may therefore not explain why no effect upon periph- might act as a polymodal receptor within the stress axis of the
eral chemoreceptor function, as assessed indirectly by reflex body (478).
ventilatory responses to an alternating blood gas stimulus, Consequently, these “other” stimuli may yet prove to be as
had been observed in an earlier study (894) when IL-1β was relevant for human health as the response to hypoxia and more
administered intraperitoneally in cats to raise metabolic rate. complete descriptions of stimulus-dependent chemoreceptor
Mechanistically, the activation of cytokine receptors ap- transduction mechanisms are required to establish whether the
pears to initiate a sequence of cellular events bearing remark- carotid body contains multiple, stimulus-specific, transducing
ably similar features to the hypoxia transduction process. pathways or whether the various stimuli simply modify some
Thus, IL-1β could, reversibly, inhibit outward K+ currents element of the O2 transduction pathway. In addition, recent
in rat type I cells in a concentration-dependent manner (785) studies have shown that the contribution of the carotid body
as well as induce a rise in intracellular Ca2+ in these cells basal discharge to eupnic ventilation in the intact and awake
(509, 785), as could IL-6 and TNF-α (509). No release of animal (Fig. 2B) may previously have been grossly underesti-
catecholamine could be detected in the study of Shu et al. mated in some studies through a failure to completely silence
(785), but they were able to demonstrate that IL-1β could the receptor and suggests that the carotid body may contribute
increase discharge rate in the whole CSN in vivo, albeit it in excess of 50% of the drive to breathe in normoxia (91) and
after a relatively long latency of around 6 min and which also play a major role in determining CNS CO2 chemosen-
could be blocked by ATP but not dopamine receptor antag- sitivity (92). Interestingly, the finding of Blain et al. (91) is
onists. Subsequent studies, by the same group demonstrated not too dissimilar to the original postulation of a 34% carotid
that IL-6 application could induce catecholamine release in body contribution to tonic respiration by Bernthal and Weeks
a dose-dependent manner via a Cd2+ -sensitive elevation in (69) who used hypothermia to decrease carotid body dis-
intracellular Ca2+ (262). The question remains as to how the charge. However, despite a long history of such knowledge,
cytokine receptor activation induces K+ channel inactivation such considerations of the importance of the carotid body are
and whether this is direct or via interaction with the cellular still effectively in their infancy and it may be time for a re-
machinery directed toward transduction of blood gas and pH consideration of how we view the role of this receptor system
stimuli. Additionally, the reason why IL-6 could induce cat- in health and disease.
echolamine release but IL-1β could not, may warrant further
Thus, the possibility that cytokines, poorly transferred
across the blood brain barrier, may act via the csn Plasticity of Carotid Body
chemoafferent-mediated excitation of brainstem neurons, as Chemoreceptors
a means of informing the CNS of peripheral inflammation
and thus enable initiation of appropriate systemic responses Physiological responses of the carotid body to acute hypoxia
including fever, inactivity, and appetite loss. In addition, the are dynamically altered by chronic perturbations in systemic
adaptation of the carotid body to chronic hypoxia may be, at and/or environmental O2 . This section summarizes the plas-
least in part, a consequence of local inflammatory responses ticity of the carotid body function under the physiological
rather than any intrinsic feature of type I cells and its re- conditions of exercise, high altitude, pregnancy, as well as
versibility by antiinflammatory agents offers an exciting av- pathophysiological situations including congestive heart fail-
enue for carotid body research and, although relatively little ure (CHF), sleep-disordered breathing, and hypertension.
studied to date, it is expected that more attention may be paid
to this key area in the near future.
The Carotid Bodies and Exercise
The carotid body—a polymodal receptor? Reflexes arising from carotid bodies have been implicated in
In addition to blood gas tensions and/or pH, glucose and ventilatory stimulation during exercise (672, 888, 892, 907).
proinflammatory cytokines the carotid body is also sensitive Exercise hyperpnea was depressed in carotid body-resected
to a number of other blood-borne, physicochemical stimuli subjects compared with subjects with intact carotid bodies
(478). These include various circulating hormones including (384, 893). Stulbarg et al. (807) noted a decreased ventilatory
catecholamines (537, 553), but see (534), angiotensin response to exercise in three subjects with carotid body re-
(30, 296, 413, 506, 521), adenosine (573, 759, 852), and section who became severely hypoxemic during exercise. It

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

should, however, be noted that some carotid body-resected which may stimulate chemoreceptors. Although metabolic
subjects had a history of asthma, which by itself depresses acidosis (lactic acid) has been thought to be a stimulus for
the hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) (394). Nonetheless, peripheral chemoreceptors, especially during heavy exercise
these studies indicate the potential importance of carotid body (892), patients with McArdle’s syndrome (myophophorylase
reflexes in exercise-induced hyperpnea. Ventilatory changes deficiency) who cannot generate lactic acid, respond with an
during exercise are categorized into three phases: phase I, increase in ventilation during heavy exercise (673), suggest-
the rapid increase in ventilation that occurs at the start of ing that lactic acid may not be a major stimulant. As K+
the exercise; phase II, the exponential increase in ventilation is released from contracting muscle (576), hyperkalemia has
during exercise; and phase III, the steady-state ventilation. It been proposed as a stimulus to the carotid body during ex-
was proposed that the carotid body chemoreflex contributes ercise (672). The following findings support this possibility:
significantly to ventilatory stimulation during phases II and (i) systemic administration of K+ augments breathing, and
III (888, 907). Thus, it maintains arterial PCO2 and prevents sinoaortic denervation prevents this response (55, 56) and (ii)
hypoxemia during phase II and contributes up to 20% of the exogenous K+ stimulates the carotid body activity in exper-
ventilatory drive during phase III. The relative contribution imental animals, and this effect was potentiated by hypoxia
from the chemoreflex may increase as much as 50% to venti- and depressed by hyperoxia (55, 120); whereas hypercapnia
latory stimulation in phase III during exercise in an hypoxic had no effect on K+ -induced augmentation of the carotid body
environment, with an arterial Po2 of 50 mmHg (888, 907). activity (120). It is likely that K+ stimulates the carotid body
Although the studies on human subjects suggest a role for activity by directly acting either on the sensory nerve ending
peripheral chemoreceptors in exercise-induced hyperventila- and/or on type I cells. Although some studies question the
tion, observations from experimental animals are not entirely role of K+ (791, 889), a majority of the evidence seems to
consistent with such a possibility. Based on the data from support K+ as a major stimulus to chemoreceptors during ex-
carotid body-denervated ponies and experiments on awake ercise. It has also been suggested that a circulating factor(s)
dogs and goats, Dempsey and Smith (200) concluded that during hypermetabolic states may augment the carotid body
carotid body chemoreceptors exert an inhibitory influence to sensitivity to arterial PCO2 and that this may contribute to
the respiratory motor output during heavy exercise. Forster the hyperpnea of exercise (71). However, although much sup-
and Pan (291) studied the role of carotid bodies in the con- porting evidence exists, a definitive role for the carotid bodies
trol of breathing during submaximal exercise in humans and in exercise has yet to be determined.
ponies and concluded that the carotid bodies “fine tune” alve-
olar ventilation during submaximal exercise but do not pro-
vide the primary drive for exercise hyperpnea. It should be Carotid Body Function in Pregnancy
noted that much of the evidence for a role of carotid bodies
in exercise hyperpnea is based on indirect assessment of pe- It has long been known that normal pregnancy is associated
ripheral chemoreceptor function. Direct monitoring of carotid with increased resting ventilation and an augmented venti-
body activity in humans, and exercising animals is technically latory response to hypoxia and hypercapnia (901). The in-
problematic. Thus, some of the controversies surrounding the creased chemosensitive drive to ventilation is evident after
role of peripheral chemoreceptors in exercise-induced hyper- week 20 of gestation, is correlated with elevated levels of pro-
ventilation are likely due to inherent technical limitations for gesterone and estradiol and precedes an increase in metabolic
assessing chemoreceptor function. rate (599). Enhanced hypoxic ventilatory chemosensitivity
Besides ventilation, exercise also affects the cardiovascu- can be elicited in nonpregnant women by combined admin-
lar system. There is evidence suggesting that the carotid bod- istration of progesterone and estrogen (736). Hannhart et al.
ies contribute to exercise-induced cardiovascular changes in (334) reported a marked enhancement of carotid body sensory
healthy humans (803) and the increase in sympathetic vaso- response to hypoxia in pregnant compared to nonpregnant
constrictor outflow (804). In addition to their role in car- control cats. These observations suggest that increased carotid
diorespiratory stimulation, carotid body reflexes play a role body sensitivity to hypoxia contributes in part to elevated
in neuroendocrine responses to exercise (465), where circulat- basal ventilation and augmented hypoxic ventilatory sensitiv-
ing glucagon and NE were markedly attenuated in exercising ity in pregnant animals. Estrogen affects neuronal excitability
dogs whose carotid sinus nerves had been bilaterally sectioned by two mechanisms. One, the “genomic” effect, is slow in
16 days before the experiment. onset; the other is rapid and of short duration, the “nonge-
nomic” effect (567). Nuclear estrogen receptors mediate the
slow actions of estrogen, whereas the rapid actions (nonge-
Mechanisms underlying carotid body nomic actions) are associated with activation of G-proteins,
stimulation by exercise cAMP, mitogen-activated protein kinases, Ca2+ channels, and
Arterial Po2 and PCO2 are maintained within the physiolog- Ca2+ entry [see (567)]. Determining which of these mecha-
ical range during exercise in a normoxic environment. How nisms contributes to the estrogen-induced enhanced hypoxic
then might the carotid bodies become stimulated during ex- sensitivity of the carotid body would provide a better under-
ercise? Exercise increases circulating catecholamine levels, standing of chemoreceptor function during pregnancy.

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min h-days months-years

Figure 13 Ventilatory response to chronic hypoxia. Ventilatory responses during and after prolonged
hypoxic exposures include hypoxic ventilatory decline (HVD), ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia (VAH),
and hypoxic desensitization (HD). Modified, with permission, from, (714) Copyright Elsevier, Powell et al.

Carotid Bodies and the in the body including the lung. These findings might of rele-
vance in explaining the high incidence of carotid body tumors
Acclimatization to Altitude in high altitude residents.
Sojourns at high altitude lead to a series of physiological Kusakabe et al. (487) examined the reversibility of the
adaptations, which are critical for overcoming the deleteri- effects of prolonged hypoxia on carotid body morphology.
ous effects of hypoxia. One such adaptation is the ventilatory These authors reported that after eight weeks of hypoxia, rat
acclimatization to hypoxia (VAH) (714). VAH is character- carotid bodies were enlarged and showed pronounced neovas-
ized by a progressive increase in baseline ventilation (Fig. 13), cularization. One to two weeks after terminating hypoxia, vas-
which ensures adequate oxygen supply. Failure to hyperventi- cularization decreased but the size of the carotid bodies still
late sufficiently during the ascent to altitude can have adverse remained larger. However, after eight weeks of reoxygena-
physiological consequences and is associated with, for exam- tion, carotid body morphology appeared normal compared to
ple, acute mountain sickness, pulmonary edema, and cere- controls, suggesting that the effects of chronic hypoxia on
bral edema. VAH is associated with augmented HVR humans carotid body morphology are reversible after reoxygenation.
(199, 290, 767) and experimental animals (871). K+ channels are downregulated in adult rat carotid bodies
There is a large body of evidence suggesting that carotid exposed to 3 to 4 weeks of hypoxia. Ortiz et al. (654) reported
bodies are critical for VAH (86). In experimental animals, that acute hypoxia decreases the open probability of TASK-
bilateral denervation of carotid bodies attenuates or abolishes like currents in glomus cells of the normoxic carotid body and
VAH (86, 289). Direct recording of carotid body sensory ac- this response was markedly augmented in type I cells cultured
tivity showed progressive increase in afferent discharge in under an hypoxic environment for 48 h. Caceres et al. (124)
response to prolonged hypoxia (617). Following several days reported that mRNA encoding Na(v)1.1, Na(v)1.2, Na(v)1.3,
of hypobaric hypoxia, carotid body response to acute hypoxia Na(v)1.6, and Na(v)1.7 isoforms are expressed in normoxic
is enhanced in cats (59, 871) and rats (147). Human subjects rat carotid bodies and expression of three isoforms, Na(v)1.1,
who have undergone carotid surgery adapt rather poorly to Na(v)1.3, and Na(v)1.6 was seen in TH expressing type I cells.
high altitude (750). Prolonged exposure to several weeks of The Na(v)1.1 isoform was upregulated following one week of
hypoxia may eventually desensitize the carotid body response hypoxia (10% O2 ). It was suggested that Na(v) upregulation
to acute hypoxia (817, 900). represents an adaptive mechanism to increase chemoreceptor
sensitivity during acclimatization to prolonged hypoxia.
Voltage gated Ca2+ channel density increased in type I
Mechanisms associated with the carotid body cells of carotid bodies treated with prolonged hypoxia (368)
response to chronic hypoxia and c-AMP has been implicated in this response (797,798). A
Chronic hypoxia causes hyperplasia of the type I cells and recent study by Cáceres et al. (123) reported that the carotid
hypertrophy as well as neovascularization in the carotid body body expresses α1G, α1H, and α1I isoforms of the T-type
(201, 363, 422, 504, 695). Growth factor (VEGF and PD- Ca2+ channels and hypoxic treatment for eight days decreased
ECGF) expression is increased in carotid bodies exposed α1G expression and hypoxia evoked catecholamine secretion
to chronic hypoxia. VEGF expression is increased in type I was inhibited by mibefradil, a purported inhibitor of T-type
cells and platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor (PD- Ca2+ channels.
ECGF) expression in the extracellular stroma (422). Carotid Studies with heterologous expression systems provided
bodies also express receptors associated with VEGF actions, some insights into the effects of prolonged hypoxia on ion
that is, Fit-1 and Flk-1 (422). VEGF acting on Flk-1 might channel expression. Hartness et al. (345) reported that three
mediate hyperplasia of the type I cells and acting via Flit- days of hypoxia increased maxi-K+ current density and
1 might promote neovascularization. In addition, PD-ECGF markedly altered Ca2+ sensitivity in HEK293 cells stably
might also contribute to angiogenesis, as it does elsewhere coexpressing α and β subunits. The increased maxi-K+

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current density was due to a 3-fold increase in the β-subunit ET-1 is present in either low or undetectable levels in
expression, which was attributed to posttranslational mech- type I cells under normoxic conditions (147). The effects of
anisms. On the other hand, the α-subunit expression was ET-1 are mediated by ETA receptors (144). Chronic hypoxia
unaltered by prolonged hypoxia. Del Toro et al. (197) reported markedly increases the expression of ET-1 and ETA receptors
upregulation of T-type Ca2+ channels by prolonged hypoxia in the carotid body (147). More importantly, blockade of ETA
in PC12 cells which was attributed to hypoxia-inducible receptors prevented the enhanced hypoxic sensory response in
transcriptional factor (HIF-1)-mediated transcription. In animals conditioned with chronic hypoxia (144, 147). It has
addition to ion channels, chronic hypoxia also increases gap been suggested that ET, by promoting the phosphorylation
junction-forming protein connexin43 protein in the carotid of Ca2+ channel proteins, leads to potentiation of the sensory
body and petrosal ganglion in rats (146). While these studies response to hypoxia (144). More interestingly, an ET receptor
provide evidence for altered ion channel expression, their antagonist prevented proliferation of type I cells in hypoxia
relevance to the sensitization or desensitization of carotid treated carotid bodies (147). Thus, ET-1 signaling seems to
body response to chronic hypoxia need to be established. be a promising candidate for mediating the sensitization of
the hypoxic sensory response and morphological changes in
response to chronic hypoxia, at least in the rat.
Chronic hypoxia and neurotransmitters The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is expessed in the
carotid bodies and chronic hypoxia: (i) increases angiotensin
Catecholamines I (AT-1) receptors along with an enhanced chemosensory re-
Chronic hypoxia increases TH mRNA, protein, as well as the sponse to the exogenous application of angiotensin II (521);
enzyme activity in the carotid body (179, 331, 578, 877). Ex- (ii) upregulates angiotensinogen mRNA in type I cells (508);
posure to two days of hypoxia increased dopamine levels and and (c) increases angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) ac-
turnover in the type I cell (333). The D2 receptor mediates the tivity (506) and the metabolite, angiotensin-4 as well as AT-4
inhibitory actions of DA and hypoxia has a biphasic effect on receptors in type I cells of the rat carotid body (297). Exoge-
D2 receptor expression in the carotid body, an initial decrease nous AT-4 elevated [Ca2+ ]i in type I cells and this response
followed by increase (395). It was proposed that the chronic was more pronounced in type I cells from chronic hypoxia
hypoxia-induced enhanced carotid body response involves a treated carotid bodies (297). The functional significance of
downregulation of the dopaminergic system, which normally RAS in chemoreceptor adaptation to prolonged hypoxia re-
exerts an inhibitory influence on the chemoreceptor response quires further studies.
to hypoxia (503, 649, 818). Tjong et al. (836) reported that melatonin enhances the
type I cell [Ca2+ ]i response to hypoxia in rats treated with
four weeks of 10% O2 and that these effects were prevented
Acetylcholine by application of putative melatonin receptor antagonist. The
effects of chronic hypoxia were associated with upregulation
ACh stimulates carotid body sensory activity via neuronal
of melatonin 2 receptor mRNA in the carotid body. While
nicotinic cholinergic receptors (nAChRs). Following 14 days
these studies indicate that melatonin modulates Ca2+ signal-
of hypoxia, the sensory response to acute hypoxia and ACh
ing in the type I cells, its functional significance to carotid
are markedly augmented. However, mecamylamine, a po-
body adaptations to chronic hypoxia is not clear.
tent blocker of nAChRs, prevented the enhanced ACh but
not the hypoxia-induced sensory excitation in carotid bodies
treated with two weeks of chronic hypoxia (357), suggesting Purinergic transmission
that ACh does not contribute to the enhanced hypoxic sensi-
He et al. (355) examined the effects of chronic hypobaric hy-
tivity. The failure of mecamylamine to reduce the chronic
poxia (0.38 ATM; 9-16 d) on the expression of P2X2 receptor
hypoxia-induced increase in carotid body sensory activity
expression and their contribution to the sensitization of the
might, however, be related to its ability to completely inhibit
hypoxic sensory response. P2X2-like immunoreactivity was
basal dopamine release (357).
seen in nerve plexus and type I cells in normal carotid bod-
ies and chronic hypoxia had no effect on P2X2 expression.
P2X2 receptor antagonists had no apparent effect on chronic-
Peptidergic transmitters/modulators
hypoxia evoked sensitization of the carotid body response to
Two weeks of chronic hypoxia reduces SP-like immunoreac- low O2 .
tivity in type I cells of the cat carotid body (486, 879). Like-
wise, prolonged hypoxia for eight weeks decreases NPY-,
Nitric oxide and carbon monoxide
and CGRP-like immunoreactivity and increases VIP-like im-
munoreactivity in nerve fibers innervating the rat carotid body Di Giulio et al. (204) reported upregulation of nNOS protein
and these effects are reversed following eight weeks of reoxy- in the carotid body after 12 days of hypoxia. However, Ye
genation (487). The significance of altered SP, NPY, CGRP, et al. (930) found no changes in nNOS expression in the
and VIP remains to be established. carotid body with four weeks of hypoxia; whereas iNOS

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

expression increased markedly, which was not expressed Hypoxia-inducible factor-1

in normoxic tissue. These investigators further showed that
Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) is a heterodimeric protein
chronic hypoxia increases NO production in the carotid body
composed of a constitutively expressed HIF-1β subunit and
and elevated iNOS levels contribute at least 30% to this re-
an O2 -regulated HIF-1α subunit. HIF-1 is a global transcrip-
sponse. Because NO exerts inhibitory actions on the carotid
tional regulator of oxygen homeostasis that controls multiple
body sensory activity, these authors suggested that increased
physiological processes (776). Type I cells express low levels
NO production contributes to the blunting of the hypoxic sen-
of HIF-1α under normoxia, and hypoxia upregulates the HIF-
sitivity that occurs with several weeks of hypoxia. He et al.
1α protein (510, 755). Complete HIF-1α deficiency results in
(356) reported that sensory response to S-nitroso-N-acetyl-
embryonic lethality at midgestation with major malforma-
penicillamine (SNAP), a NO donor was enhanced in carotid
tions of the heart and vasculature (405). Hif1a+/− heterozy-
bodies from chronic hypoxia exposed rats and this response
gous mice, which are partially deficient in HIF-1α develop
was associated with decreased response of soluble guanylate
normally and are indistinguishable from wild type controls
cyclase (sGC) and downregulation of sGC mRNA.
under normoxic conditions. Although the carotid body mor-
phology was normal, the sensory response to hypoxia but not
Inflammatory cytokines to cyanide was markedly impaired in Hif1a+/− mice (445).
Moreover, wild type mice displayed VAH in response to pro-
Liu et al. (536) reported that carotid bodies exposed to chronic longed hypoxia, and this response was absent in Hif1a+/−
hypoxia showed robust invasion of ED1(+) macrophages, up- mice (445). The absence of VAH in Hif1a+/− mice was at-
regulation of proinflammatory cytokines, especially IL-6 in tributed to impaired hypoxic sensing of the carotid body
type I and in type II cells. Antiinflammatory drugs (ibupro- (Fig. 14). Several genes are regulated by HIF-1 including
fen or dexamethasone) blocked immune cell invasion and those encoding endothelins, TH, VEGF, and ion channels
severely reduced CH-induced cytokine expression as well as (776), which are also affected by prolonged hypoxia in the
prevented hypersensitivity of the carotid bodies to acute hy- carotid body. It is likely that HIF-1 contributes to carotid body
poxia. These findings indicate that chemoreceptor adaptation adaptations to prolonged hypoxia by altering the transcription
involves novel neuroimmune mechanisms, which may alter of one or more of these genes.
the functional phenotypes of type I cells and chemoafferent
Immediate early genes and activator protein-1
Activator protein-1 or AP-1 is a transcriptional activator com-
NADPH oxidases posed of either a heterodimer of Fos and Jun family of pro-
Type I cells express Nox enzymes, especially Nox2 and 4 teins or a homodimer of Jun family of proteins (40). Mem-
(685). He et al. (359) examined the roles of Nox and the en- bers of the fos family of genes include c-fos, fos B, and fra-1
suing generation of ROS in the enhanced hypoxic sensory re- (369). c-fos and fos B are expressed in the nervous system
sponse of carotid bodies induced by chronic hypoxia. Carotid and share 72% homology in DNA binding sequence. Malik
bodies from rats exposed to chronic hypoxia (two weeks; et al. (550) reported that mice lacking the fos B gene when ex-
0.38 ATM) showed higher levels of ROS as measured by di- posed to prolonged hypoxia exhibit an impaired VAH, which
hydroethidium fluorescence and AEBSF, an inhibitor of Nox, was attributed to the impaired carotid body response to acute
prevented the response. AEBSF caused a ∼3-fold increase hypoxia.
in carotid body sensory response to hypoxia in rats exposed The studies outlined above suggest that VAH is impaired
to chronic hypoxia as opposed to small increase in controls. in mice deficient in transcriptional activators fos B and HIF-1.
Nox2, Nox4, and p47 (regulatory subunit) mRNAs increased It likely that the magnitude and the time course of carotid body
in hypoxia-treated carotid bodies. From these observations, adaptations to chronic hypoxia and the ensuing VAH depend
the authors concluded that ROS generated by Nox dampens on complex interactions between more than one transcrip-
chronic hypoxia-induced hypersensitivity of the carotid body tion factor resulting in the coordinated regulation of several
to acute hypoxia. downstream genes and their protein products.

Molecular mechanisms underlying the carotid Carotid Bodies and Intermittent

body response to chronic hypoxia Hypoxia: Relevance to
Increasing evidence suggest that transcriptional regulation of Sleep-Disordered Breathing
genes is one of the pivotal mechanism that underlies the long-
term adaptations to chronic hypoxia (116,776). The following For people who reside at or near sea level, recurrent episodes
section summarizes studies addressing the role of transcrip- of hypoxia are encountered more frequently than continu-
tion factors in mediating carotid body adaptations to chronic ous hypoxia in life. Transient episodes of hypoxia are as-
hypoxia. sociated with many pathophysiological situations, including

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology


CSA (Impulses sec–1)


200 µV

200 µV

10 1 ms 1 ms

0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
PO2–35 mmHg PO2–35 mmHg

180 180
160 After 160
140 140

120 120
100 100
80 80
100% 21% 12% 100% 21% 12%
O2 O2 O2 O2 O2 O2
Hifla+/+ Hifla+/–

Figure 14 Chemoafferent and ventilatory responses to hypoxia in HIF-1α deficient

mice. (A) Sensory responses to hypoxia (black bars) in wild type (Hif1a+/+ ; left panel)
and HIF-1α deficient (Hif1a+/− ; right panel) mice. PO2 = partial pressure of O2 in the
perfusate. Superimposed action potential of “single” fiber from which the data were
derived is shown (inset). Note the blunted carotid body response to acute hypoxia in
HIF-1α deficient mice. Adapted, with permission, from (690)John Wiley and Sons,
Peng et al. (B) Effect of chronic hypoxia on ventilatory response to acute hypoxia in
wild type (Hif1a+/+ ) (left panel) and HIF-1α deficient (Hif1a+/− ; right panel) mice.
Changes in minute ventilation (VE) are expressed (mean ± SEM) relative to the values
obtained while breathing 100% O2. Note the absence of ventilatory adaptation to
hypoxia (VAH) in HIF-1α deficient mice. Modified, with permission, from (445) Kline
et al.

sleep-disordered breathing with recurrent apneas (obstructive with recurrent apneas (obstructive or central apneas). It has
or central apneas). Recurrent apneas are prevalent in prema- been suggested that the carotid bodies constitute a “frontline”
ture infants (708), 5% of middle-aged men and 2% of women defense system for detecting systemic hypoxia associated
after menopause (619,778) and the incidence of recurrent ap- with apneas (156). Patients with recurrent apneas exhibit aug-
neas is increasing in adults. In severely affected patients, the mented HVR (610), which was attributed to enhanced periph-
frequency of apneas may exceed as many as 60 episodes/h eral chemoreceptor sensitivity (428). Consistent with such a
and arterial blood O2 saturation can be reduced to as low as possibility is the finding that ventilatory depression with brief
50%. As a consequence of periodic cessations of breathing, hyperoxic challenge (Dejour’s test, a measure of peripheral
patients with recurrent apneas experience not only chronic chemoreceptor sensitivity) was more pronounced in obstruc-
intermittent hypoxia (IH) but also chronic intermittent hyper- tive sleep apnea patients than in control subjects (428, 815).
capnia (i.e., elevations in arterial CO2 ). A major advance in Furthermore, glomectomized subjects with sleep apneas do
the field of apnea research is the demonstration that expos- not develop hypertension [see discussion in (793)]. Rats ex-
ing experimental animals to chronic IH alone is sufficient to posed to 30 days of IH (20 s of 5% inspired O2 ; 9 episodes/h;
evoke physiological changes similar to that described in re- and 8 h/day) develop hypertension similar to that seen in
current apnea patients (287). Although both continuous and patients with recurrent apneas, and chronic bilateral sec-
IH results in decreases in arterial O2 , physiological responses tioning of sinus nerves prevented this response (520). These
to both forms of hypoxia differ quite considerably. Whilst studies thus provide indirect evidence for altered carotid
continuous hypoxia leads to adaptations of the physiological body function both in humans and rodents experiencing
systems, chronic IH associated with recurrent apneas result in chronic IH.
morbidities including development of hypertension, elevated
sympathetic nerve activity, myocardial infarctions, and stroke
(619, 778). IH and adult carotid body activity
Much of the earlier information on the role of carotid Direct evidence for altered carotid body function in response
bodies during chronic IH has come from studies on patients to chronic IH has come from studies on experimental models

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

(A) (B)
10 ms SDIH

CB sensory activity

(% asphyxia)


Imp/s 100 150

0 0 0
A.P. 0 90 180 270 360
40 s
PaO2 (Torr)
PaO2 = 35 Torr PaO2 = 34 Torr
Control IH

Figure 15 Effect of intermittent hypoxia upon chemodischarge. (A) Representative tracings showing the changes in carotid
body sensory discharges [impulses/second (imp/s)] in response to hypoxia in a control rat and a rat conditioned with 10 days
of intermittent hypoxia (IH). AP, raw action potentials; time calibration = 40 s. Hypoxic challenges are marked under the
tracings as solid bars, and arterial PO2 (PaO2) levels during hypoxic challenges are indicated under the bars. Inset: setting
of the window discriminator for selection of action potentials above the baseline. (B) Average data showing the relationships
of carotid body (CB) sensory activity (expressed as % of asphyxia response) against PaO2 while arterial PCO2 (PaCO2 ) was
maintained close to 35 Torr in control (n = 8,), IH-conditioned (n = 8,), and recovered rats (IH-normoxia, n = 7) that were
conditioned with 10 days of IH followed by 10 days of normoxic exposure. *** P < 0.001, significantly different compared
with control rats. Adapted, with permission, from (687) Peng and Prabhakar.

including rats (686,723), cats (737,738), and mice (690). Peng because it resembled the time course of LTF of breathing
& Prabhakar (687) examined the effects of graded isocapnic elicited by repetitive hypoxia (584). On the other hand, con-
hypoxia on carotid body sensory activity in anesthetized adult trol carotid bodies do not exhibit (or have a weak) sensory
rats that were exposed to 10 days of IH (15 s of 5% inspired LTF in response to repetitive hypoxia (178).
O2 followed by 5 min of 21% O2 /episode; 9 episodes/h; and Unlike AIH, acute intermittent hypercapnia (10 episodes
8 h/day). These investigators found that the sensory response of 15 s of 7% CO2 + 93% O2 interspersed with 5 min of
to hypoxia (Pao2 35 mmHg) was significantly augmented in 100% O2 ), another “physiological” stimulus to the carotid
IH compared to control rats (Fig. 15). Similar sensitization body was ineffective in evoking sensory LTF in IH-treated
of the hypoxic sensory response was also reported in cats rats (686). The induction of sensory LTF is a time-dependent
(737) and mice (690). Thus, chronic IH sensitizes carotid phenomenon, in that it was apparent after three days of IH,
body response to acute hypoxia in three species studied thus and the magnitude further increased following 10 days of IH.
far. The augmented hypoxic response could be reversed by More interestingly, the magnitude of sensory LTF was not de-
reexposing IH treated rats to normoxia for 10 days. In con- pendent on the severity of hypoxia used for IH conditioning,
trast, the carotid body response to hypercapnia, albeit weak because it was indistinguishable with either FiO2 of 5% or
in rats, was unaffected following chronic IH. These findings 10% O2 used for IH conditioning (686). Like the sensitization
support the notion that chronic IH resulting from recurrent of the hypoxic response, sensory LTF was also reversible
apneas does indeed affect the O2 sensing ability of the carotid after reexposing chronic IH treated rats to 10 days of
bodies. normoxia.
Chronic IH in addition to sensitizing the carotid body to The studies outlined above suggest that chronic IH exerts
hypoxia also induces hitherto uncharacterized form of plastic- two major effects on the carotid body including (i) selec-
ity manifested as sensory long-term facilitation of the carotid tive sensitization of the hypoxic sensory response and (ii)
body [LTF; (686,690)]. When anesthetized rats were exposed induction of sensory LTF. The total duration of hypoxia ac-
to acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH; 15 s of hypoxia followed cumulated over 10 days of IH corresponds to 4 h of exposure
by 5 min of reoxygenation, 10 episodes), sensory activity to low O2 . However, a single episode of 4 h of hypoxia or 4 h
increased with each episode and promptly returned to base- of hypoxia/day for 10 days were ineffective in eliciting sen-
line after terminating AIH. In striking contrast, in chronic sitization of the hypoxic sensory response and sensory LTF
IH-exposed animals, AIH produced long-lasting increase in of the carotid body (686,723). These findings suggest that for
baseline activity that persisted for at least 60 min after termi- a given duration of hypoxic exposure, an intermittent pattern
nating AIH stimulus (Fig. 16). This long-lasting increase in of stimulation is more effective than continuous hypoxia in
baseline sensory activity has been termed sensory LTF (686), altering carotid body function.

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

(A) (B)


Carotid body sensory activity

Carotid body sensory activity

0 Control

(% of baseline)

A.P. 100
20 40 60
Pre-AIH AIH #1 AIH #10 60 min
Post-AIH AIH Post-AIH (min)

Figure 16 Acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH) induces sensory long term facilitation (LTF) in the carotid body in chronic
intermittent hypoxia (CIH) animals. (A) Carotid body sensory activity in a control (upper) and CIH-conditioned (lower) animal.
Pre-AIH is baseline activity; AIH #1 and AIH #10 represent the first and 10th episodes of AIH; impulses (Imp) per s, integrated
sensory discharge; A.P., action potentials. (B) Average changes in the sensory activity during AIH and during every 5 min
of the post-AIH period. Average data represent mean ± SEM from control (n = 7) and 10 days CIH-conditioned (n = 7)
animals. The shaded area represents the difference in baseline activity in CIH and control animals during the post-AIH period.
Adapted, with permission, from (686) Peng et al.

IH and neonatal carotid body function because even few hours of IH was sufficient for eliciting
Clinical studies have shown that depending on gestational age, sensitization of the hypoxic response in neonates, whereas a
nearly 90% of infants born preterm experience IH as a conse- minimum of three days of IH was required in adults to elicit a
quence of recurrent apneas (708). Carotid bodies are immature similar effect. Although IH augments carotid body sensitivity
at birth and respond poorly to hypoxia compared with adults to hypoxia in both adults and neonates, sensory LTF was seen
(93, 138, 217, 437, 693). However, preterm infants exhibit- only in the former but not the later suggesting that these two
ing greater number of apneas display augmented peripheral effects are distinct from each other.
chemoreceptor reflex as evidenced by more pronounced ven-
tilatory depression in response to brief hyperoxia (Dejour’s
test) than those having lesser incidence of apneas (134, 624). Mechanisms associated with the effects of
To test whether IH induces hypoxic sensitivity in neonatal chronic IH on carotid bodies
carotid body, Peng et al. (688) exposed rat pups at age P2 Chronic IH-induced sensitization of the hypoxic response as
to 16 h of IH. The carotid body response to hypoxia in age well as the sensory LTF could be elicited in ex vivo superfused
matched control pups was weak and slow in onset (100 s). carotid bodies of rats and mice (686, 690) suggesting that the
In striking contrast, the carotid body sensory response to hy- effects of IH were not secondary to elevated blood pressures
poxia was greater and the time course of the response was seen in IH-exposed animals (473, 520, 690). Morphometric
faster (30 s) in IH treated pups. These observations suggest analysis revealed no significant differences in the total volume
that exposure to IH, as short as few hours, induces hypoxic of the carotid body, number of type I cells, or type I cell
sensitivity of the carotid bodies in neonates, which otherwise volume between control and chronic IH exposed adult rats
are insensitive to hypoxia. The enhanced hypoxic sensitivity (686). However, IH caused hyperplasia of the type I cells of
of the carotid body was also reflected in augmented HVR in neonatal carotid bodies (675).
neonatal rat pups exposed to IH (688). Thus, these studies
suggest that IH sensitizes carotid body response to hypoxia
in neonates as it does in adults. However, whether IH affects Cellular mechanism(s)
the carotid body response to CO2 has not been examined. Chronic IH increased ROS in adult (686) and neonatal carotid
Although IH affects carotid body function in both adults bodies (675) as evidenced by decreased aconitase enzyme
and neonates, some notable differences were reported (676). activity, as well as increased in malondialdehyde levels, ro-
Unlike adult carotid bodies, chronic IH was ineffective in bust biochemical markers of ROS. Adult rats treated with
inducing sensory LTF in neonatal carotid bodies. In contrast a stable, membrane permeant superoxide dismutase mimetic
to adults, sensitization of the carotid body response to hypoxia [manganese(III) tetrakis (1-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin pen-
was not reversed in neonates after reexposure to normoxia. tachloride (MnTMPyP), 5 mg/kg, i.p.], a potent scavenger
Rather they persisted in juvenile life. Finally, carotid bodies of ROS each day for 10 days before subjecting them to IH
from neonates appear more sensitive to IH than in adults prevented sensitization of the hypoxic response as well as the

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

sensory LTF of the carotid body (686, 723). Interestingly, a sensory response in IH-treated adult cats. Antioxidant treat-
single application of superoxide dismutase mimetic on the ment prevent ET-1 release, upregulation of ETA mRNA, and
tenth day of IH treatment, instead of daily administration, augmented hypoxic sensory response, but not the hyperplasia
failed to prevent IH-evoked changes in the carotid body func- of glomus cells in IH-treated neonatal carotid bodies (675).
tion (686), implying that a ROS-mediated signaling cascade These studies suggest that ROS by affecting ET-1 signaling
rather than ROS per se is critical for chronic IH-induced func- mechanisms seem to mediate in part carotid body sensitiza-
tional alterations in the carotid body. Antioxidant treatment tion caused by IH.
also prevented IH-induced sensitization of the carotid body
response to hypoxia in neonates (675). Thus, ROS seem to
play an important role in altering the carotid body response
to hypoxia in response to IH. 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) leads to long-term neuronal acti-
Cellular sources of ROS can arise from the inhibition vation elsewhere in the nervous system (547,558). The carotid
of complexes I and III of the mitochondrial electron trans- body expresses substantial amounts of 5-HT (410). Repetitive
port chain (36), as well as from the activation of several ox- applications of 5-HT evokes sensory LTF of the carotid body
idases (330). Biochemical measurements of carotid bodies via PKC-dependent activation of NADPH oxidase (689). A
from chronic IH exposed rats showed marked downregula- recent study reported that acute hypoxia releases 5-HT from
tion of the mitochondrial complex I but not the complex III IH but not from control rat carotid body (685). Furthermore,
(686). A recent study showed that chronic IH upregulates the same study also showed an absence of an IH-induced sen-
Nox2 and Nox4, NADPH oxidase isoforms, and Nox activity sory LTF of the carotid body by a 5-HT2 receptor antagonist
in the adult carotid bodies (685). Furthermore, chronic IH- and in mice deficient in 5-HT. Thus, although the role of 5-
induced sensory LTF was absent in mice deficient in Nox2 HT in carotid body response to acute hypoxia is uncertain, the
(685). Nox2 activation mediates IH-induced complex I inhi- above studies suggest that it plays a role in eliciting plasticity
bition via s-glutathionylation of complex I subunits in cell of the carotid body under the conditions of IH.
cultures (436), suggesting interactions between two prooxi-
dant systems resulting in ROS-induced ROS. Whilst the role
Molecular mechanisms
of Nox in acute response to hypoxia is debated, it appears that
activation Nox and the ensuing ROS seems critical in altering HIF-1 and HIF-2 (also known as endothelial (per-arnt-sim,
the carotid body function under pathophysiological situations PAS) domain protein-1, EPAS-1) are the two well-studied
involving IH. members of the HIF family of transcriptional activators and
they share 80% sequence homology as well as interact with
HIF-1β (832). Similar to continuous hypoxia (see the ear-
lier section on altitude acclimatization), IH activates HIF-1-
As described in the preceding section, neurotransmit- mediated transcription. However, IH-evoked HIF-1 requires
ters/modulators play important roles in sensory excitation of signaling mechanisms distinct from chronic hypoxia and in-
the carotid body by hypoxia. As the effects of IH on carotid cludes Nox/ROS-dependent accumulation of HIF-1α and a
body are reversible in adults, it has been proposed that IH novel Ca2+ /CaMK-mediated recruitment of transcriptional
recruits additional neurotransmitters are modulators that play coactivator CREB-binding protein (CBP) (935, 936). In con-
minor or negligible role(s) in mediating sensory excitation trast, IH downregulates HIF-2α in the rat carotid body via
under normal conditions. To date, a role has been proposed proteolytic degradation by Ca2+ -activated proteases, calpains
for ET-1 and 5-HT in IH-induced sensitization of the hypoxic (608).
response and sensory LTF of the carotid body. The carotid body responses to chronic IH were examined
mice with heterozygous deficiency of HIF-1α (690). Carotid
bodies from wild type mice exposed to chronic IH exhib-
ited sensitization of the hypoxic response and sensory LTF
Kanagy et al. (427) reported elevated plasma endothelin-1 and these responses were strikingly absent in IH exposed
levels in chronic IH-treated rats. Similar elevations in serum Hif-1a+/− mice, suggesting that HIF-1-mediated transcrip-
endothelin-1 levels were also reported in obstructive sleep- tional activation is an important molecular mechanism un-
apnea patients (760). ET-1 expression increased in type I cells derpinning the carotid body changes by chronic IH. How
of carotid bodies from IH-treated adult cats (738) and neonatal might HIF-1 contribute to altered carotid body function by
rats (675). Studies on neonatal rats further showed enhanced IH? Intriguingly, IH-induced increases in ROS were absent
basal release of ET-1 from the carotid body under normoxia in Hif-1a +/− mice (690), indicating that HIF-1 plays a role
and upregulation of ETA but not ETB receptors (675). An ETA in ROS generation by IH. Indeed, IH-induced upregulation
but not ETB receptor antagonist (675) prevented the enhanced of Nox2mRNA in the carotid body was absent in Hif-1a+/−
hypoxic sensory response of the IH-treated neonatal carotid mice (934), suggesting that HIF-1 activation mediates tran-
body. Likewise, Rey et al. (738) reported that ET-receptor an- scriptional upregulation of Nox2 by IH. Given that Nox2 is
tagonists could also block (738) sensitization of the hypoxic required for HIF-1 activation by IH (936) and HIF-1 regulates

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

Chronic intermittent hypoxia

Reactive oxygen species

? ++ + ?

Carotid body
Gene/protein expression

Sensitization of the hypoxic Sensory LTF

sensory response
Increased sympathetic
nerve activity
Unstable breathing

Increased blood pressure

Worsening of apneas

Figure 17 Effect of CIH upon the cardiorespiratory system. Schematic illustration of the
mechanisms and the consequences of chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH)-induced changes
in the carotid body on cardiorespiratory systems. Adapted, with permission, from (724),
Copyright Elsevier, Prabhakar et al.

Nox2 expression suggests a positive feed-forward interaction persistent increase in sympathetic nerve activity and often
between Nox2 and HIF-1. On the other hand, IH downreg- exhibit hypertension (428). Activation of the carotid body
ulates superoxide dismutase-2 (Sod-2), a mitochondrial an- reflexly activates sympathetic nervous system and elevates
tioxidant enzyme and preventing HIF-2α degradation by sys- blood pressures. It is likely that chronic IH-induced sensory
temic treatment of calpain inhibitor rescues downregulation of LTF contribute to persistent elevation of sympathetic nerve
Sod-2 (608). Downregulation of HIF-2 therefore contributes activity in patients with recurrent apnea (Fig. 17).
to elevation of ROS by IH via insufficient transcription of
antioxidative enzymes, such as Sod-2. Thus, an imbalance
between HIF-1 and HIF-2 contributes to IH-induced changes
in the carotid body via increasing oxidative stress and ensu- Hyperoxia and Carotid Body Function
ing recruitment of additional transmitter/modulators. How- Whilst the preceding sections describe the impact of pro-
ever, as delineated in the preceding sections, the sensory re- longed sustained and IH on carotid body function and their
sponse to hypoxia involves a variety of K+ channels, Ca2+ functional consequences, this section outlines the impact of
signaling pathways, changes in tissue O2 consumption, and too much oxygen (hyperoxia) on carotid body function and its
metabolism. Undoubtedly, studies are needed to investigate consequences on breathing. The effects of ∼70 h of exposures
further the effects of IH on these signaling pathways for bet- to normobaric (100% O2 ) and hyperbaric (5 ATM) hyperoxia
ter understanding of altered carotid body function under the were examined cat carotid body function (496, 839). Normo-
setting of IH. baric as well as hyperbaric hyperoxia selectively impaired
the carotid body response to hypoxia and cyanide; whereas it
augmented the hypercapnic sensory response. However, the
Cardiorespiratory consequences of chronic carotid body response to nicotine and dopamine were unal-
intermittent hypoxia induced changes tered. Electronmicroscopic analysis of carotid bodies from hy-
The chronic IH-induced sensitization of the hypoxic sensory perbaric hypoxia treated cats showed significantly increased
response in neonates is of considerable physiological signif- mean volume-density of mitochondria and decreased cristated
icance in that in its absence, hypoxia resulting from apneas area per mitochondrion, whereas the distribution of dense-
may have deleterious effects on the central nervous system cored vesicles was unaltered in type I cells (839). These ob-
resulting in ventilatory depression. In the adults, on the other servations suggest that the impaired hypoxic response is due
hand, in the early stages of apnea syndrome, carotid body to changes in oxidative metabolism resulting from altered mi-
sensitization might be beneficial in that it aids to maintain tochondrial structure rather than availability of neourotrans-
oxygenation via augmented HVR, and increases in blood mitters.
pressure. However, if the apneas are untreated, the augmented A majority of preterm infants exhibit recurrent apneas
hypoxic sensitivity of the carotid body might lead to unsta- and supplemental O2 is a common therapy to improve arte-
ble breathing resulting in an increased number of apneas. rial blood O2 in these subjects. Katz-Salamon and Lagercrantz
Moreover, patients with sleep-disordered breathing display (431) reported that preterm infants on long-term supplemental

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

O2 display attenuated ventilatory response to hypoxia. Ling humoral activation is a hallmark of CHF, which contributes
et al. (532) reported that perinatal hyperoxia does not impair to the progression and ultimate mortality of the disease (243).
central integration of carotid chemoreceptor afferent input. The role of chemoreflexes arising from the carotid body in
On the other hand, several studies reported severely impaired sympathetic activation in CHF has received considerable at-
carotid body responses to acute hypoxia in rats treated with tention in recent years (154,769). The following section sum-
chronic hyperoxia (89, 221, 338, 729, 869). A recent study by marizes how CHF affects carotid body function and its impact
Donnelly et al. (220) showed enhanced carotid body response on autonomic functions.
to hypoxia in P7 rats treated with 60% O2 for a day; whereas CHF patients, especially those in more severe stages of
extending hyperoxic exposure to three to five days signifi- heart failure display exaggerated peripheral chemoreflex func-
cantly reduced the hypoxic response. The attenuated sensory tion as evidenced by augmented ventilatory response to hy-
response was associated with reduced [Ca2+ ]i responses to poxia (152, 155). The augmented chemoreflex function, how-
hypoxia in type I cells as well as decreased afferent nerve ever, is not obvious in patients with mild CHF (609). Studies
conduction. Furthermore, the effects of hyperoxia persisted on CHF patients are complicated by several factors including
into adult life. Thus, the carotid bodies of adult rats treated etiology, duration, severity, and treatment and animal models
with perinatal hyperoxia showed blunted sensory response to may thus provide some further insight. Rapid pacing of the
hypoxia, decreased dopamine release by hypoxia, decreased heart (360-380 beats/min) in rabbits causes dilated cardiomy-
dopamine synthesis, reduced [Ca2+ ]i responses to hypoxia of opathy with progressive deterioration of left ventricular func-
type I cells (729). tion over the course of three to four weeks (813) and studies
Chronic perinatal hyperoxia caused hypoplasia of the on this rabbit model provided clear evidence for the contri-
carotid body (242, 729). Ultrastructural analysis revealed bution of the carotid chemoreflex to sympathetic activation in
necrosis of type I cells, increased endoplasmic reticulum, CHF (528, 531, 813). Direct recording of carotid body sen-
Golgi appratus, and mitochondrial volume with loss of cristae sory activity (Fig. 18) showed elevated baseline activity and
in young compared to older rats that were treated with peri- enhanced sensory response to hypoxia in CHF compared to
natal hyperoxia (203). A study by Erickson et al. (242) control rabbits (812).
showed loss of unmyelinated but not myelinated axons in the
carotid sinus nerves and degenerative changes in chemoaf-
ferent neurons in the glossopharyngeal petrosal ganglion in Mechanisms associated with enhanced carotid
prenatal hyperoxia exposed rats. These authors suggested body sensitivity to hypoxia in congestive heart
that the chemoafferent degeneration following perinatal hy- failure
peroxia is due specific loss of trophic factor(s) from the
Angiotensin II (Ang II)
carotid body. Kwak et al. (490) found that hyperoxia elevates
ROS levels and increased cell death in organotypic slices Circulating and local tissue Ang II levels are increased in
of petrosal-nodose ganglia from neonatal rats and antioxi- CHF patients (751) and in CHF rabbits (531). Since carotid
dants prevented this response, suggesting that ROS mediates bodies express the enzymatic machinery for local generation
hyperoxia-induced loss of chemoafferent neurons. However, of Ang II (296, 507), recent studies have examined the role
Bavis et al. (64) reported that the carotid body response to of Ang II in CHF-induced sensitization of the carotid body
hypoxia was not restored by treating hyperoxic perinatal rats function. Ang II levels and AT1 receptor mRNA and protein
with vitamin E (1000 IU vitamin E/kg) or a superoxide dis- expressions were elevated in carotid bodies from CHF rabbits
mutase mimetic, MnTMPyP (daily intraperitoneal injection (768). An AT1 receptor antagonist prevented CHF-evoked
of 5-10 mg/kg), two established antioxidants. Thus, these sensitization of the carotid body response to hypoxia (531).
studies show that perinatal hyperoxia, when given in a criti- Recent studies explored the mechanisms by which Ang II con-
cal time window after birth, leads to long-lasting impairment tributes to the enhanced hypoxic sensitivity in CHF carotid
of hypoxic sensing by the carotid body and associated with bodies. Hypoxia-induced K+ channel inhibition in type I cells
structural changes including those in mitochondria, hypopla- was more pronounced in CHF rabbits and ATI receptor block-
sia of type I cells and loss of chemoafferent neurons in petrosal ade prevented this effect (529). Furthermore, NADPH oxidase
ganglion. Further studies addressing the mechanisms linking subunit mRNA and protein are elevated in carotid bodies from
the structural and functional changes in the carotid body to CHF rabbits, and a NADPH oxidase inhibitor or a superox-
hyperoxia are needed. ide dismutase mimetic prevented the effect of Ang II on the
sensitivity of the K+ current to hypoxia (527). Furthermore,
blockade of AT1R by L-158,809 attenuated or normalized
the exaggerated hypoxia-induced chemoreflex responses in
The Carotid Body and Congestive CHF rabbits (531). Based on these findings it has been sug-
Heart Failure gested that Ang II/AT1R signaling via NADPH oxidase/ROS
enhance O2 sensitivity of K+ channels in type I cells, which
CHF is a major health care problem affecting one in 10 men might account for the enhanced hypoxic sensitivity of the
and women after age 60 in the USA alone (753). Sympatho- carotid body in CHF rabbits.

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body Comprehensive Physiology

Sham CHF

DF (imp/s)


PaO2 = 93 Torr PaO2 = 95 Torr

DF (imp/s)



PaO2 = 71 Torr PaO2 = 71 Torr

DF (imp/s)



PaO2 = 414 Torr 10 s PaO2 = 43 Torr

Figure 18 Effect of chronic heart failure of chemodischarge. Representative recordings of

afferent discharge of carotid body (CB) chemoreceptors during normoxia and two levels of
isocapnic hypoxia from a sham (left) and a chronic heart failure (CHF) rabbit (right). Adapted,
with permission, from, (812) Sun et al.

Nitric oxide K+ currents in type I cells under normoxic conditions is a

consequence of NO depletion in the carotid body. These ob-
NO-synthase activity and NO production were decreased in
servations indicate an absence of tonic inhibitory influence
various tissues from CHF rabbits (955). The role NO in carotid
from endogenous NO generated by nNOS in carotid bod-
body function in CHF rabbits was examined. Type I cells from
ies from CHF rabbits. The enhanced carotid body sensitivity
rabbit carotid bodies, in contrast to rat and cat type I cells
to hypoxia in CHF appears in part due to upregulation Ang
seem to express neuronal NO synthase (812). Carotid bodies
II/superoxide anion pathway and downregulation of NOS/NO
from CHF rabbits showed a decreased basal production of NO
pathways in the carotid body (768).
(528,812) and a reduced number of NADPH-diaphorase posi-
tive cells, a marker of neuronal NO synthase. The NO synthase
inhibitior, N-nitro-l-arginine (L-NNA) increased baseline dis-
charge and augmented the hypoxic sensory response in control
rabbits, whereas it had very little effect on carotid bodies from
The Carotid Body and Hypertension
CHF rabbits (812). Furthermore, gene transfer of nNOS using Patients with essential hypertension exhibit enhanced sympa-
an adenoviral vector (Ad·nNOS) to the carotid body in CHF thetic nerve and ventilatory response to hypoxia, and these
rabbits enhanced protein expression and NO production in responses were attributed to an exaggerated carotid body re-
the carotid body and reversed the augmented chemoreceptor sponse to low O2 (428, 847). Fukuda et al. (294) recorded
activity in the CHF state (528). Ad·nNOS treatment of the carotid body sensory activity in spontaneously hypertensive
carotid body restored normal chemoreflex function in CHF rats (SHR) and found augmented sensory response to hypoxia
rabbits (528). but not to CO2 in SHR rats compared to normotensive con-
The cellular mechanisms underlying the effects of NO in trols. Carotid body sensitivity to hypoxia, however, was un-
CHF carotid bodies were also examined. NO donors enhanced altered in renal hypertension (41). Enlargement of the carotid
K+ currents in type I cells in sham and CHF rabbits (530); body was reported in SHR rats and humans with essential
whereas the NOS-inhibitor, L-NNA blunted IK in sham rabbits but not with renal hypertension (328, 329). Catecholamine
but not in CHF rabbits (768). It was suggested that blunted levels were elevated in carotid bodies from hypertensive rats

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Comprehensive Physiology Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Function and Plasticity of the Carotid Body

(328). Although these studies demonstrate that certain forms Whilst progress on the transduction mechanism has been
of hypertension lead to enhanced carotid body sensitivity to substantial, understanding the sensory transmission has been
hypoxia, little is known about the underlying mechanisms. relatively slow. One reason may be the species-, gender-, and
Recently Tan et al. (816) studied the responses of amiloride- age-dependent variations apparent in the neurochemical con-
sensitive acid-sensing sodium channel (ASIC3) and TASK-1 tent and receptor expression of the carotid body and another is
responses to acidic pH in type I cells from young SHRs. They the inherent limitations associated with pharmacological ap-
found that both ASIC3 and TASK-1 channel expressions were proaches. Recent studies on transgenic animal models appear
elevated and depolarizing effects of low pH on type I cells promising in resolving some of the controversies and limita-
were pronounced in SHR compared to normotensive controls tions associated with pharmacological approaches. Given the
and have suggested that these changes may contribute to the complexity of the organ’s repertoire of transmitters and recep-
elevated sympathetic activity that precedes the full expression tors, it is likely that the excitatory and inhibitory transmitters
of hypertension. work in concert with a “push-pull” mechanism conferring
the sustained excitation during acute hypoxia and probably
playing a greater role in mediating the plastic changes in
chemoreceptor function in health and disease.
Conclusion The carotid body, in addition to hypoxia, also responds to
a wide variety of other respiratory and nonrespiratory stimuli
Since the discovery of carotid bodies as sensory organs for including CO2 , pH, glucose, proinflammatory cytokines, cir-
detecting arterial blood O2 , much attention has been focused culating hormones, K+ , osmolarity, and temperature. These
on elucidating the mechanisms of transduction and transmis- observations raise the question whether carotid body is a
sion. A substantial body of evidence points to the type I cell “polymodal” sensory receptor or whether these stimuli sim-
and the opposing afferent nerve endings as the primary site ply modify some elements of the O2 transduction pathway.
of sensory transduction. The past couple of decades has wit- Future studies addressing the carotid body response to these
nessed a rapid progress in our understanding of the cellular “other” stimuli may prove to be as relevant for human health
and molecular mechanisms associated with the transduction as the response to hypoxia.
process. We have attempted to summarize the current con- It is becoming increasingly evident that the carotid body
cepts on the transduction and transmission mechanisms with response to acute hypoxia is dynamically altered in response
a particular emphasis on integrating cellular responses with to chronic perturbations in systemic and/or environmental
the sensory nerve activity of the whole organ in response to O2 . The plasticity of the sensory response of the carotid
hypoxia. The suggestion that type I cells have neurosecretory body and ensuing alterations in reflex responses are criti-
function is now well supported by evidence of an absolute cal for ventilatory adaptations to hypoxia at high altitude as
requirement for Ca2+ -dependent neurotransmission between well as during exercise. Further studies addressing cellular
type I cells and afferent nerve endings. The nature of the O2 and molecular mechanisms underlying carotid body adapta-
sensor mediating cellular response to acute hypoxia is a key tions to chronic hypoxia are needed. Although it is appreci-
to the understanding of transduction. Whilst a number of hy- ated pregnancy leads to hyperactive carotid body, neither the
potheses (e.g., membrane and mitochondrial hypotheses, as underlying mechanisms nor its functional consequences are
well as heme proteins), have been advanced, none appear to delineated. Recent studies provide rather more compelling
describe the chemosensory response to hypoxia in full. Part evidence for carotid body reflexes triggering autonomic mor-
of the difficulty arises from a lack of detailed descriptions of bidities associated with pathological situations such as recur-
O2 affinity of the purported “O2 sensor.” It would be of great rent apnea syndrome, CHF and hypertension. A greater un-
value in future studies for greater attention to be paid to the derstanding of key signaling pathways associated with carotid
stimulus-response curves of PO2 in cellular models, similar body plasticity under pathological conditions is of potential
to those described for the whole organ. Furthermore, any hy- clinical interest for the future development of selective ther-
pothesis regarding the transduction mechanism(s) should take apeutic agents aimed at relieving the adverse consequences
in to account (i) the particularly high sensitivity of the organ associated with these diseases.
for changes in Po2 , (ii) its rapid, within seconds, speed of
response, and (iii) for the modulating actions of other natural
stimuli such as CO2 . Given these caveats, there is little, if
any, compelling evidence to suggest that a single O2 sensor
can be responsible for the entire stimulus-response charac-
teristics of the carotid body. Alternatively, given the complex The original drawing from Fernando de Castro reproduced
stimulus-relation characteristics of the carotid body, it may in Figure 1A belongs to the Fernando De Castro Archives,
be more useful to consider several sensors working in concert and we are indebted with Fernando-Guillermo de Castro to
over different ranges of Po2 rather than a single sensor. Such authorize us for the use of this in the current work.
a multi-O2 sensor concept may provide an important failsafe Authors work is supported by grants from the British
redundancy for a vital homeostatic process. Heart Foundation (to P.K) and National Institutes of Health,

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