Mansoor Ahmad: Education
Mansoor Ahmad: Education
Mansoor Ahmad: Education
BS Electrical Engineering
FAST - National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences Lahore
Intermediate Pre-Engineering
Punjab College of Science, Faisalabad, Punjab
Programming Languages: C, Assembly, C++, PHP, Lua & Python
Atmel, Microchip, Arduino and raspberry pi
RTOS and Microcontroller programming
(8bit, 16bit & 32bit)
Various Communication protocols like USART, I2C, SPI, One Wire, TCP/IP & Modbus
Database Applications: MS SQL Server, MySQL
Excellent troubleshooting and debugging skills
Object Oriented Programming
Networking Applications: Wireshark
Presentation Skills, Technical Report and Letter Writing
Data communication and networking
Online Energy Monitoring System
Designed and managed an online energy monitoring system for costing and monitoring of steam, Gas and electricity in industries. A
small and simple yet powerful design for industry needs.
Data Logger
A very cheap data logger used already available Wi-Fi connection to send data to a web server using ESP8266.
Home Automation over Internet (Final Year Project)
Designed a home automation system which can be controlled over internet. Interface of the system was designed using PHP. Up to
200 rooms can be controlled by this each room could have up to 8 loads. This was accomplished using 8 bit MCUs (Microchip
PIC18F452) and RS-485 protocol.
Multi-Protocol IR decoder
Multiprotocol IR decoder using PIC16F628A which can decode all commonly used IR remote controls protocols like NEC, SONY, RC5,
Console Game
A two player console chess game using C++ (OOP) as a course project.
Embedded Systems
Microcontroller Programming
Computer Organization & Architecture
Data Structures
Data Communication and Networking
Database & Management Systems
Application Engineer at HUNCH Automation
2-year experience in Embedded Systems