Mansoor Ahmad: Education

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DOB: 14th February, 1992

Cell: (+92) (300)-437-7337

BS Electrical Engineering
FAST - National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences Lahore
Intermediate Pre-Engineering
Punjab College of Science, Faisalabad, Punjab

 Programming Languages: C, Assembly, C++, PHP, Lua & Python
 Atmel, Microchip, Arduino and raspberry pi
 RTOS and Microcontroller programming
(8bit, 16bit & 32bit)
 Various Communication protocols like USART, I2C, SPI, One Wire, TCP/IP & Modbus
 IoT & MQTT
 Database Applications: MS SQL Server, MySQL
 Excellent troubleshooting and debugging skills
 Object Oriented Programming
 Networking Applications: Wireshark
 Presentation Skills, Technical Report and Letter Writing
 Data communication and networking

Online Energy Monitoring System
Designed and managed an online energy monitoring system for costing and monitoring of steam, Gas and electricity in industries. A
small and simple yet powerful design for industry needs.

Micro Modulation Combustion Control with O2 Trim

A cost-effective, rugged and reliable Micro Modulation Combustion Control System controlled with Arduino. It uses industry-proven
zirconium oxide sensor to measure oxygen ration and adjust air fuel ratio accordingly in burners or boilers. Highly reliable industrial
solution and currently operating in various industries.
Thermal Mask Gas Flow Meter
An intelligent solution for accurate consumption measurement for compressed air and gases. It works according to the approved
calorimetric measuring principle. In this process a heated sensor is cooled down by the gas circulating around it. The flow-dependent
cooling-down is used as a measuring effect while the degree of cooling-down is directly depending on the passing air.

Differential Pressure Steam Flow Meter

To measure the consumption of gas a differential pressure flow meter used difference of pressure in two sides of a line to measure
accurate flow of steam or gas.

Capacitance Liquid Level Monitor

To measure the level of liquid in a container a capacitance probe is used which measures the capacitance which is directly
proportional to the level of liquid inside the container and then from the level it calculates the approximate volume in litters and
show that data on 128x64 lcd and also log this data on a remote server.

Data Logger
A very cheap data logger used already available Wi-Fi connection to send data to a web server using ESP8266.

Burner Management System

An intelligent burner management system which monitors and controls industrial boilers and provides safeties to all
operation touch controlled BMS give one click solution for all problems.

Home Automation over Internet (Final Year Project)
Designed a home automation system which can be controlled over internet. Interface of the system was designed using PHP. Up to
200 rooms can be controlled by this each room could have up to 8 loads. This was accomplished using 8 bit MCUs (Microchip
PIC18F452) and RS-485 protocol.

Remote Control Switch Board

An IR remote control Switch board using Microchip (PIC16F628A) which can control up to 8 switches and one AC fan speed

Multi-Protocol IR decoder
Multiprotocol IR decoder using PIC16F628A which can decode all commonly used IR remote controls protocols like NEC, SONY, RC5,

Temperature controlled fan speed

Regulate the speed of fan using surroundings temperature this project was done as a course project using PIC18F452 (RTOS & SPI).

Multi-Threaded TCP/IP server

A simple python server running on Raspberry PI which creates a new thread whenever it get request from the outside on port it is
serving later this project was used in FYP and it was used as local server.

Console Game
A two player console chess game using C++ (OOP) as a course project.

 Embedded Systems
 Microcontroller Programming
 Computer Organization & Architecture
 Data Structures
 Data Communication and Networking
 Database & Management Systems

 Application Engineer at HUNCH Automation
 2-year experience in Embedded Systems

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