(3.1) Data Presentation (3.2) Data Analysis (3.3) Data Interpretation
(3.1) Data Presentation (3.2) Data Analysis (3.3) Data Interpretation
(3.1) Data Presentation (3.2) Data Analysis (3.3) Data Interpretation
[1.1] background
[1.2] review of literature
[1.3] objectives of study
[1.4] research methodology
[1.6] limitation of study
[1.7] chapter planning
2.conceptual framework
[2.1] basic concept of online study
[22] advantages and disadvantages
[2.3] challenges to online banking system
3.data analysis
[3.1] data presentation
[3.2]data analysis
[3.3] data interpretation
5. referances
6. questionnaires
7. annexure
Internet banking is the term used for new age banking system. Internet banking is also called
as online banking and it is an outgrowth of PC banking. Internet banking uses the internet as
the delivery channel by which to conduct banking activity, for example, transferring funds,
paying bills, viewing checking and savings account balances, paying mortgages and
purchasing financial instruments and certificates of deposits.
In the present scenario, most of the business organizations are using the internet for a
variety of communication tasks, such as promotion of consumer awareness and interest,
providing information and consultation, facilitating two-way communications with
customers through e-mail, stimulating product trial and enabling customers to place
orders.In order to avail the benefits that are accrued through using Internet, financial
institutions like banks are transforming themselves and conducting their business
electronically. This transformation from normal banking to electronic banking enabled
customers to transact online, while saving on various factors.
The precursor for the modern home online banking services were the distance banking
services over electronic media from the early 1980s. The term online became popular in the
late '80s and referred to the use of a terminal, keyboard and TV (or monitor) to access the
banking system using a phone line. ‘Home banking’ can also refer to the use of a numeric
keypad to send tones down a phone line with instructions to the bank. Online services started
in New York in 1981 when four of the city’s major banks (Citibank, Chase Manhattan,
Chemical and Manufacturers Hanover) offered home banking services using the videotext
system. Because of the commercial failure of videotext these banking services never became
popular except in France where the use of videotext (Minitel) was subsidised by the telecom
provider and the UK, where the Prestel system was used.
The UK's first home online banking services were set up by Bank of Scotland for customers of
the Nottingham Building Society (NBS) in 1983. The system used was based on the UK's
Prestel system and used a computer, such as the BBC Micro, or keyboard connected to the
telephone system and television set. The system (known as 'Homelink') allowed on-line
viewing of statements, bank transfers and bill payments. In order to make bank transfers and
bill payments, a written instruction giving details of the intended recipient had to be sent to
the NBS who set the details up on the Homelink system.
Typical recipients were gas, electricity and telephone companies and accounts with other
banks. Details of payments to be made were input into the NBS system by the account holder
via Prestel. A cheque was then sent by NBS to the payee and an advice giving details of the
payment was sent to the account holder. BACS was later used to transfer the payment
directly. Stanford Federal Credit Union was the first financial institution to offer online
internet banking services to all of its members in October 1994.
The history of ATM can be traced back to the 1960s, when the first ATM machine was
invented by John Shepherd-Barron he was managing director of De La Rue Instruments.
That Machine was used by Barclays Bank (Barclays Bank in Enfield Town in North London,
United Kingdom) in 1967. However,HSBC was the first bank to introduce ATM in
India back in 1987 in Mumbai followed by Bank of India in 1988. According to R.B.I.
annual report (2008-09) almost all commercial banks are providing ATM facilities to its
customers and to date 27,277 ATMs installed by public sector banks and 15320 ATMs
installed by private sector banks in India.
In general, the Internet sites offer only the most basic services. 55% are so called
'entry level' sites, offering little more than company information and basic marketing
materials. Only 8% offer 'advanced transactions' such as online funds transfer, transactions
& cash management services.
Foreign & Private Banks are much advanced in terms of the number of sites &their level of
To identify and describe the adoption issues that exist in Indian banks regarding internet
banking, I have read many articles like: diffusion model by (Rogers,1983) analysed
consumers’ attitude towards direct banking (Lockett and Littler,1997).The main advantage
that I found in these researches regarding internet banking is that its availability 24 hours a
day and 7 days a week.The main disadvantages associated with direct
banking,however,included its complexity and the security risks involved in using it.The
results of this exploratory study are used to confirm the choice of approach to the main study.
In December,2005,the global internet access exceeded the 1000 million mark;this was
one of the most important milestones in the internet revolution(IWS,2006).According to
ABA(2004) and FOX(2005) internet based strategy is more effective than the traditional
banking as according to reports it is more profitable,loyal,and produces committed
consumers. According to Black et ab (2002)-In the new banking environment, internet
banking is increasingly managed as an operational activity and an important component of
multi-channel strategy
To gain a better understanding of the service quality dimensions that affect customer
satisfaction in the e-banking sector from a consumer perspective. Perceptions of banks
regarding the strategic and operational value of web-based banking, its benefits to
customers and banks, and the key technology considerations.
To find the gap between the perceived value and the performance of e-banking, if any,
To recommend how to bridge the gap as mentioned above in e-banking
The advantages that this paper can cater to the people and organizations dealing with e-
banking are:
Type of Data:-
• Keeping in view the nature of requirements of the study to collect all the
relevant information regarding the extent of awareness of the customers using
E-banking facilities offered by Punjab National Bank, direct personal
interview method with structured questionnaire was adopted for the
collection of primary data. Secondary data has been collected through the
various internet sites by surfing on Internet and from the records available
with the bank.
Sources of data:
• Following are the methods of sources of data:
• Questionnaire was used to collect primary data from respondents. The
questionnaire was structured type and contained questions relating to
different dimensions of e-banking preferences among service class such as
level of usage, factors influencing the usage of e-banking services, benefits
accruing to the users of e-banking services, problems encountered. An
attempt was also made to elicit reasons for its non-usage. The questions
included in the questionnaire were open-ended, dichotomous and offering
multiple choices.
Understanding the various types of Internet banking will help examiners assess therisks
involved. Currently, the following three basic kinds of Internet banking arebeing employed in
the marketplace
This is the basic level of Internet banking. Typically, the bank has marketing information
about the bank’s products and services on a stand-alone server. The risk is relatively low, as
informational systems typically have no path between the server and the bank’s internal
network. This level of Internet banking can be provided by the banks or outsourced. While the
risk to bank is relatively low, the server or web site may be vulnerable to alteration.
Appropriate controls therefore must be in place to prevent unauthorized alterations to the
bank’s server or web site.
The interaction maybe limited to electronic mail, account enquiry, loan applications, or static
fileupdates(name and address change). Because these servers may have a path tothe bank’s
internalnetworks, the risk is higher with this configuration thanwith informational systems.
Appropriate controls need to be in the place toprevent, monitor, and alert management of any
unauthorized attempt to accessthe bank’s internal networks and computer systems. Virus
controls alsobecome much more critical in this environment.
This level of Internet banking allows customers to executetransactions. Since a path
typically exists between the server and the bank oroutsourcer’s internal network, this is the
highest risk architecture and musthave the strongest controls. Customer transactions can
include accessing accounts, paying bills, transferring funds etc.
If these high-touch interactions of the high-tech service process fail, there are fewer
opportunities to recover the mistake than in high-touch service processes. Indeed, based on
the nature of the relationship with customers, banking services involve a continuous flow of
interactions between the customer and the service provider.
There arises little gap between the perceived value and performance of e-banking
services offered by Punjab National Bank. The instructions to use an ATM or other e-
banking services offered are not available in different languages and are available only in two
to three languages.
To access online Banking , a customer visits the financial institution’s secure website,
and enters the online banking facility using the customer number and credentials
previously setup , online banking services usually viewing and downloading
balances and statements , and may include the ability to initiate payments , transfers
and other transactions , as well as interacting with a bank in other ways.
There are some advantages on using online banking both for banks and customers:
• Access anywhere
•Delayed statements
This changing financial landsacpe brings with it new challenghes for bank
management and regulatory and supervisory authorities . the major one stem from
increased cross- border transaction resulting from drastically loewer transaction
costs and the greater ease of banking activities , and form the reliance on technology
to provide banking services wth the necessary security.
•Regulatory risk: Beacause the internet allows services to be provided from
anywhere in the world , there is a danger the banks will try to avoid regulation and
supervision .
•Legal risk: Electronic banking carries heightened legal risks for banks. Banks can
potentially expand the geographical scope of their services faster through elecvtronic
banking than through traditional banks. In some cases , however , they might not be
fully versed in a jurisdiction ‘s local laws and regulations before they begin to offer
services there, either with a license or without a license if one is not required. When
a license is not required , a virtual bank—lacking contact with its host country
supervisor –may find it even more difficult to stay abreast of regulatory changes.
Perceived Value
In every industry, E-commerce is revolutionizing the way business is conducted. New
business models are replacing out-dated ones and organizations are rethinking business
process designs and customer-relationship management strategies. Punjab National Bank is
in no exception to this transformation. This section examines PNB’s views on providing
banking services to customers using the web. Specifically, it addresses issues such as the
strategic need for Internet banking, its effect on customer-bank relationships, and customers’
experiences in Internet banking.
E-banking is chosen by PNB bank as it is a fast process as transactions are made over
internet and it’s also an easy process for the customers to undergo a transaction anywhere
over the world, customers are not required to come to the bank for transactions , they can do
it from their home and its an user friendly process. There was a survey made before
introducing E-banking in PNB bank and It could be observed that the highest preference was
given Quality of service and the proximity as the second important reason for selecting the
bank. This indicates that the bank works more for providing good quality of service rather
than popularity.
Furthermore, PNB, the bank see Internet banking as a strategic opportunity that can reduce
transaction costs, enhance customer service, increase the customer base and improve cross-
selling opportunities. In addition, Internet banking is perceived more favourably by banks
that offer it compared to those that do not.
The bank believe that providing these services to customers in the new economy is
essential for survival and thus, mandatory. Respondents felt that banks not
providing e-transaction capabilities would lose customers to competitors who offer
such services. This perception is supported by the fact that a large percentage of the
banks who currently do not offer web-based banking plan to do so in the near future.
Another benefit of Internet banking for PNB was the impression it gave to the public
of a cutting-edge bank, thereby enhancing its reputation.
This study also showed that e-banking is not perceived as a threat by many bricks-
and-mortar banks. In fact, most banks are attempting to form alliances and
partnerships with banks, financial institutions, and other businesses with physical
presence in order to provide services that cannot be delivered on the web alone (e.g.
cash withdrawals, effective customer service).
Source: wikipedia
The above diagram shows the different services offered by the bank and the accurate
percentage of usage of those services by the customers. It can be seen most customer use the
Direct Deposit service i.e. 52.4%; 35.2% is the usage of ATM cards; 20% respondents use
the Debit card facility; 24.8% use the Automatic Payment system and the rest i.e. 3.9%
usage is made on computer banking.
From an operational perspective, the high officials of PNB perceived that web based banking
would have significant benefits.
E-transactions could significantly lower the cost per transaction and thus contribute
to the bottom line of the bank.
Internet banking allows the bank to offer ancillary services such as insurance,
brokerage services, and mortgage payments through their web site. Such services are
offered either directly or through a partner arm. Revenues generated from these
services are an added bonus to the bank as shown in the above diagram.
Successful launch of an e-commerce site improves service quality as the customer is
presented with several options (Internet, in person, ATM, phone, interactive voice
response, etc.) to transact with the bank. These options can result in an increased
number of customer accounts.
Internet banking allows customers to conduct certain transactions (e.g., checking
balances, funds transfers, bill payment, etc.) online at any time. This added
convenience to the customer lowers transaction costs to the bank—a win-win
proposition for the bank and its customers. In the above diagram there are several
products or services which are used by the bank. These products benefit the
customers and thus it reduces their physical visit to the bank.
Punjab National Bank (PNB) is also offering recharge of prepaid mobile card, which
can be done by computer banking also. Often these banks tie with other banks to use
their ATM like: HDFC and SBI; PNB, UTI and Global Trust Bank.
In this manner, the bankers perceive an increase in their 'Point of Cash Delivery'. Apart
from this credit, debit card have are becoming preferred medium of payment. Thus,
technology has created various delivery channels for bank customers.
The above pie chart shows the regular use of e-banking facility used by the customers. 28%
people use it once or twice per week, as all the persons store their cash in the bank instead of
their house. And there are few persons who use the e-banking facility several times a month,
as per our diagram n results it shows it conquered 23% of the position.
These people using more and more e-banking products will thus reduce their physical
presence in the branch. 21% customers use it once a month may be for drawing up salary or
for paying bills etc. There are few customers who never use the e-banking services i.e. 6% and
2% customers’ uses e-banking facility every day. And the rest 20% customers hardly use the
facility, may be they visit at regular intervals physically.
Geographical Reach:
Punjab National Bank also perceived that Internet banking
allows expanded customer contact through increased geographical reach and lower
cost delivery channels. In fact other banks are doing business exclusively via the
Internet — they do not have traditional banking offices and only reach their
customers online. And some financial institutions are using the Internet as an
alternative delivery channel to reach existing customers and attract new customers
Relationship building is a strategic priority for PNB. The bankers
perceived that e- banking technology and products can provide a means for this
national bank to develop and maintain an ongoing relationship with their customers
by offering easy access to a broad array of products and services. By capitalizing on
brand identification and by providing a broad array of financial services, PNB hope to
build customer loyalty, cross-sell, and enhance repeat business
Customer Demographics:
The bankers perceived that e- banking will help the bank to offer a
wide array of options to their banking customers. Some customers will rely on
traditional branches to conduct their banking business. For many, this is the most
comfortable way for them to transact their banking business. Those customers place a
premium on person-to-person contact. Other customers are early adopters of new
technologies that arrive in the marketplace
. These customers were the first to obtain PCs and the first to
employ them in conducting their banking business. The demographics of banking
customers will continue to change. The challenge to all banks is to understand their
customer base and find the right mix of delivery channels to deliver products and
services profitably to their various market segments.
The bankers perceived that e-banking will help the bank to
remain competitive with other banks,retain customers, attract new customers, reduce
operating expenses, or generate income.
The bankers perceived that customers who adopt online banking are typically more
profitable to the bank, stay with the bank longer and use more products strengthening
the bank customer relationship. Information Technology and Internet banking has
bridged the information gap, which was interestingly because of human involvement.
The bankers perceived that the bank can make the information of products and
services available on their site, which is, an advantageous proposition. Prospective
customer can gather all the information from the website and thus if he comes to the
branch with queries it will be very specific and will take less time of employee.
Customer can visit these websites and can compare the services offered by a bank with
that of another. Customer can get all the information, by saving money and time. The
trend thus emerging out is that of virtual corporate system where the human role is
minimized to maximum effect.
Basic transactional web sites allow customers to review account balances, holdings and
recent banking statements. Systems that allow customers to initiate transactions online, such
as transferring money between accounts or making payments, will provide additional
advantages to the customer.
Pie-chart showing different age group peoples using the net
banking facility
Source: Internet
In the above diagram we can see the age group which uses the most of net banking
facility services provided by the bank. The maximum usage is done by the middle aged
people i.e. 25%, and the 24% of usage is also done by the people aged 25-34. Younger
persons are being more likely to adopt internet banking which has also linked age and
adoption of technologies. This pie-chart also indicates that older consumers may be
discouraged from the utilization of electronic banking by issues such as limitation of
mobility and visibility.
These enhanced web sites will enable customers to pay bills, apply for and review
loans and mortgages, and check credit card bills.Using the Internet, financial
information from a bank can be linked to account information stored in a program
such as Microsoft Money on a home computer. These features improve "stickiness" of
customers leading to a lower attrition rate.
Using Atm
not using any of them
Source: internet
E-banking has gained wide acceptance internationally . in india also the things are changing
fast. With the advent of Net-banking , Indian economy is on the tbreshold of a major banking
revolution. In 2002 , only about a dozen banks were providing E-banking services. The
Indian banks lag far behind the international or presence of providing online banking. In fact,
this is not possible without creating sufficient infrastructure or presence of sufficient number
of users. The experience of two of the leading private sector banks i.e ICICI bank and HDFC
Bank shows that the number of transaction carried out on the internet is still very limited
compared to banking customers base
1. Are you aware of net banking services offered by the banks?
(a) Yes
(b) NO
Awareness of internet
banking services
(a) Yes
(b) NO
(a) Yes
(b No
Main transactions
Pay bill FD
16% 13%
Interpretation of the above diagram
6. Are you aware of the benefits of net banking which are available?
(a) Yes
(b) No
10% Benefits of Internet
0% banking
(a) Yes
(b) No
Interpretation of the above diagram
It’s pretty tragic but most of the respondents are unaware of the
techniques which can be taken up for any type of fraud
8. Are you aware of all the methods which can be taken up to secure your
(a) Yes
(b) No
Methods to secure
(a) Yes
(b) No
(a) Yes
(b) No
(a) Convenience
(b) Speed
(c) Transparency
(d) Time
Chapter- 4
Conclusion &
In conclusion, as has been rightly noted by the Working Group that "the applicability of
various existing laws and banking practices to e-banking is not tested and is still evolving,
both in India and abroad. With rapid changes in technology and innovation in the field of e-
banking, there is a need for constant review of different laws relating to banking and
The establishment of the multidisciplinary high level standing committee to review the legal
and technological requirements of e-banking on a continual basis and recommendations of
appropriate measures as and when necessary would really be a panacea for legal clarifications
as and when they arise.
The key in such future and further deliberations would be to encourage banks towards
innovation and where necessary or required evolve new practices and customs to complement
the banking laws in force from time to time.
Keeping in view the terms of reference, the Group has made a number of recommendations in
preceding chapters. A summary of these recommendations is given below.
The role of the network and database administrator is pivotal in securing the information
system of any organization. Organizations should make explicit security plan and document
Legal Issues
The banks providing Internet banking service, at present are only accepting the request for
opening of accounts. The accounts are opened only after proper physical introduction and
verification. Under the present regime there is an obligation on banks to maintain secrecy
and confidentiality of customer’s account.
Dear Respondent,
(a) Yes
(b) No
(a)Axis bank
(c)HSBC Bank
(b) No
6. Are you aware of the benefits of net banking which are available?
(a) Yes
(b) No
7. Are you aware of the methods which can be undertaken to make any
kind of fraud?
(a) Yes
8. Are you aware of all the methods which can be taken up to secure your
(a) Yes
(b) No
9. Does your bank educate you about the net banking services being offered?
(a) Yes
(b) No
10. Would you prefer using net banking instead of visiting your bank every
now and then?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(b) Speed
(c) Transparency
(d) Time
Personal Information
Occupation: Signature: