The Effect of Discussion Technique and English Learning Motivation Toward Students' Speaking Ability
The Effect of Discussion Technique and English Learning Motivation Toward Students' Speaking Ability
The Effect of Discussion Technique and English Learning Motivation Toward Students' Speaking Ability
The aim of this study is to investigate whether there is (1) a difference in the speaking
ability between students who are taught by using discussion technique and those taught by
using the conventional technique; (2) an effect of interaction between the speaking techniques
applied and English learning motivation toward students’ speaking ability; (3) a difference in
speaking ability between students with high English learning motivation who are taught by
using discussion technique and those taught by using the conventional technique; and (4) a
difference in speaking ability between students with low English learning motivation who are
taught by using discussion technique and those taught by using the conventional technique.
The study used a 2X2 factorial design, which involved a sample of 96 students. The data were
collected by using questionnaire and a speaking test then analyzed by Two-way ANOVA. The
result indicates that (1) there was a significant difference in speaking ability between the
students who were taught by using discussion technique and those taught by using the
conventional technique; (2) there was a significant interactional effect between the teaching
techniques applied and students’ motivation toward their speaking ability; (3) there was a
significant difference in speaking ability between students with high English learning
motivation who were taught by using discussion technique and those taught with the
conventional technique; and (4) there was significant difference in speaking ability between
the students with low English learning motivation who were taught by using discussion
technique and those taught with the conventional technique.
speak, scared to make mistakes, and have develop problem-solving and critical –
no confidence. Besides, Gardner (2002) in thinking skills; and (7) it is a technique in
Astiti (2012: 2) further states that the inside which teachers show tolerance to students’
factors have a very important role to make opinions and attitudes, which can help to
students gain success in learning a develop rapport between instructors and
language. Meanwhile, the outside factor is students. Further, Killen (1996: 36)
related to the teacher. The teacher should highlights that discussion technique is
be able to recognize the students’ problem potential to be applied in EFL teaching
and to create conducive atmosphere in the because: (1) it prompts students for further
classroom that will raise the students’ ability responses; (2) it engages a reluctant
to speak English. Consequently, English students; (3) it focuses student’s responses;
teachers are expected to apply the and (4) it prompts students to think at higher
appropriate technique which will surely work level. Additionally, Kelly (2010) explains
to fulfill learners’ need of English three basic logical reasons for why
communication. This notion is in line with discussion technique is very applicable in
the communicative approach which defines teaching speaking: (1) instructors maintain
language as communication and the goal of a greater control over what is being taught
language teaching is to develop because they are able to steer the
communicative competence (Hymes in discussion; (2) discussion technique is
Richard & Rogers, 2002: 159). In supporting comfortable for the teacher because it is a
ideas of communicative language teaching modified form of lecture; and (3) students
as described above, speaking instructors have a tendency to stay focused on the
are expected to provide themselves with lesson because they might prepare to
wider variety of methodological options to share their ideas.
choose techniques and materials according Killen’s and Kelly’s concepts above
to the needs of the learners. Related to this are in line with Brown’s notion. Brown
purpose, discussion technique is potential (2001:178) affirms essential advantages of
to be implemented, which is expected to group discussion in EFL teaching: (1)
enable students to promote their speaking students are able to generate interactive
ability. In line with this, Killen (1996: 28) language; (2) students are embraced by an
discloses his logical argumentations in effective climate; (3) students are to
supporting the notion that discussion promote learner responsibility and
technique is an appropriate technique in the autonomy; and (4) students are able to
area of teaching speaking. Those are: (1) understand toward individualizing
discussion is an active learning process, instruction. Moreover, Suryosubroto (2002:
which is more likely to maintain students’ 179) also highlights that discussion is a
interest than a passive, teacher-directed strategy in teaching in which the teacher
learning experience; (2) it secures active gives great opportunity to the students for
involvement in learning which motivates having scientific dialogue in gathering
students, particularly when they can see opinions, making conclusion, or giving an
that others value their contributions and alternative solution to a certain issue. He
respect their points of view; (3) it develops asserts that discussion technique provides
students’ ability to analyze the lesson opportunities for students’ thoughtfulness
content and express ideas orally, thus about information received in class so that
enhancing their thinking and communication they are able to solve the problem
skills; (4) it can be an effective way of discussed.
allowing students to share their knowledge By regarding the strengths and
and experience and an appropriate way to logical reasons described above, it is
demonstrate to students the relevance of obvious that discussion technique
their background knowledge; (5) it can encourages students to communicate in
generate new ideas or produce original English. Therefore, this leads the current
solutions to problems by stimulating research to conduct an experimental study
divergent or lateral thinking; (6) it is better to justify whether or not discussion
than lecture as a way of helping students
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 1 Tahun 2013)
responsibility and autonomy; and (4) previous researches, such as: (1)
students are able to understand toward discussion technique is able to facilitate the
individualizing instruction. Hence, it can be students to communicate in English; (2)
summed up that the strong points of discussion technique can encourage verbal
discussion technique are students are able interaction; (3) discussion technique
to promote their higher-level thinking, supports students’ team work; (4)
initiative learner, autonomous language discussion technique can develop students’
user, caring student, and high responsibile interest in learning English; and (5) this
student. technique creates carefulness in expressing
Moreover, discussion technique their ideas. However, this research findings
proved to be an appropriate technique in are different from those six researches in
teaching speaking has been supported by terms of autonomous language user and
relevant researches done by Gall and Gall intiative learner. By applying discussion
(1990) ( in Killen, 1996: 26) who found out technique, students were motivated to be
that discussion was an effective technique responsibile for the learning a foreign
of facilitating students’ communication skills. language. All speaking activities were done
Additionally, Blackwell (1998) in Electrical by students themselves. They were the
Engineering Technology in Perdue main processors in the classroom,
University encountered that group meanwhile speaking instructor was as the
discussion technique was able to increase real facilitator and motivator.
students’ interest and learning English. The second research question is
Larson (1999) in Western Washington whether or not there is a significant
recommended that discussion was a good interactional effect between techniques
technique to the college students engage in applied and students’ English learning
a lesson to learn academic content by motivation toward students’ speaking ability.
encouraging verbal interaction to promoted The two-way ANOVA shows that the value
students’ speaking achievement more of FAB on the interactional effect is 4.868,
effectively.Tsou (2005) in Southern Taiwan whereas Fcv(1,96;(005)) is 3.94. Since FAB is
at the Foreign Language Classes further higher than Fcv, this indicates that there is a
discovered that discussion increased significant interactional effect between the
students’ oral participation in class teaching techniques applied and the
significantly and lead to improvement of students’ English learning motivation toward
students’ speaking proficiency. Next, the speaking ablity. There are two
Kusmaryati (2009) also encountered that interactions found out: (1) between the
discussion technique was effective in students who have high English learning
improving the English speaking ability. This motivation taught by using discusion
technique could be applied in teaching technique and those taught by using the
English, because it has improved the ability conventional technique and (2) between
of students’ speaking ability. By applying students with low English learning
this technique, the students were given a motivation taught by using discussion and
big opportunity to express their own ideas those low motivated students taught by
and it can arouse their motivation to speak using the conventional technique.
in the classroom. Raheem (2011) in Ado- The first interaction between the
Ekiti, Nigeria, further disclosed that students who have high English learning
discussion technique was better than basis motivation taught by using discusion
the conventional lecture technique in technique and those taught by using the
improving students’ achievement and conventional technique was proven to be
retention in social studies. Discussion significant. Inferential statistics shows that
technique promoted students for sharing of the mean score of students who have high
ideas, development of social skills of talking English learning motivation taught by using
and listening, clarification of ideas and discussion technique (XA1B1: 83.4167) is
promotion of team work. higher than the mean score of the students
This research has the similarities of who have high English learning motivation
the research findings from those six taught by using the conventional technique
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 1 Tahun 2013)
(XA2B1: 73.8750). To make it sure that learning English. Hence, it can be summed
these means difference are significant, the up that learning motivation is an essential
Tukey test is also conducted. The Tukey variable to be involved in determining
test shows that The Qcv on df = 96 at the students’ successfulness in mastering
significant value 0.05 is 3.94, whereas Qob English courses. Students’ learning
is 11.70225. From the calculation, Qob is motivation is a smart engine mover, which
higher than Qcv, indicates that significant influences their best achievement
mean this difference is answered. The significantly in the area of speaking
result proven by inferential statistics and achievement.
Tukey test above in supporting first Moreover, the experts’ insights
interaction also has been strongly stated above are in line with previous
supported by previous relevant researches relevant researches, such as: Degang’s
and previous theories, which highlight the research (2010) to Thai students majoring
importance of learning motivation toward in business English at an English-medium
students’ successfulness in acquiring a University which revealed that students
foreign language. Harmer (2007:98) asserts were relatively highly motivated, close to
that the students’ successfulness of equally motivated to learn English Tamimi.
learning English cannot be separated from Furthermore, Shuib (2009) did the research
their motivation. He discloses that at petroleum engineering undergraduates
motivation is some kind of internal drive in Hadhramout University of Sciences and
which pushes someone to do things in order Technology, Malaysia encountered that
to achieve something. Harmer’s idea is in students’ achievement in acquiring a foreign
line with Williams & Burden (1997: 120) in language cannot be separated from their
Harmer (2007:98), which reveals that English language motivation; and Carreira
motivation is a state of cognitive arousal (2006) in Japanese Elementary Schools
which provokes a decision to act, as a result further proved that motivation could shed
of which there is sustained intellectual and/ light on how the teaching methods for
or physical effort so that the person can elementary school students in the higher
achieve some previously set goal. grades can be improved. The result of these
Furthermore, Uno (2009: 27) affirms the previous relevant researches are in line with
main roles of motivation in terms of learning the the result of this study in terms of the
English. They are: (1) motivation can role of English learning motivation in
determine learning reinforcement, (2) acquiring a foreign language.
motivation makes learning objectives In this study, the students who have
clearer, and (3) motivation makes learning high English learning motivation are
persistent. Whereas, Djamarah (2002: 157) appropriately taught by using discussion
in Astuti (2012: 6) states that motivation is a technique since they are able to be critical
psychology factor that can influence the speakers, involve actively, become high
process and the result of learning. If the responsibile students, eager to be
students have high learning motivation, they challenged, and be brave to share their
will do more learning activity. Additionally, ideas.
Rost (2006) puts emphasis that as Finally, there is significant difference
teachers, they often forget that all of their in the speaking ability of low motivated
learning activities are filtered through their students who are taught by using
students’ motivation. In this sense, students discussion technique and those taught by
control the flow of the classroom. Without using the conventional technique. These
student’s motivation, there is no pulse; there findings are also in line with the result of
is no life in the class. When teachers learn inferential statistics and Tukey test, which
to incorporate direct approaches to indicates that mean score of the students’
generating student motivation in their speaking ability who have low English
teaching, they will become happier and learning motivation taught by using
more successful teachers. This notion discussion technique (A1B2: 75.5000) is
means, as teachers, they can directly higher than the mean score of the students’
influence their students’ motivation about speaking ability who have low English
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 1 Tahun 2013)
learning motivation taught by using the are taught by using discussion technique
conventional technique (A2B2: 70.4583). shows higher mean score in their speaking
Besides, the result of Tukey test signifies ability than those who have low English
that the value of Qcv in df = 96 at the learning motivation taught by using the
significance level 0.05 is 3.94 from the conventional technique.
calculation, it is found that Qob> Qcv, which From the result of discussion, it can
means there is a significant difference in the be concluded that the implementation of
speaking ability between the students who discussion technique gives a better
have low English learning motivation taught achievement in the area of speaking ability
by using discussion technique and the than the conventional technique. When the
students who have low English learning English learning motivation of the students
motivation taught by using the conventional is considered, it is found that the
technique. This finding indicates that implementation of discussion technique
discussion technique works was not only for makes better achievement to both high and
high motivated students but also to the low low motivated students.
students. The implication of this study can be
described as follows: (1) It shows that the
conventional technique that has been being
applied by the speaking lecturers need to
CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, AND be reconsidered in the future speaking
SUGGESTION technique. The speaking lecturers should
consider implementing the discussion
Based on the result of the data technique as one of potential techniques in
analysis, the conclusion of this study can be teaching speaking II course since it had
posed as follows: (1) there is a significant been proven in this study. It is found that
difference in speaking ability between the the application of discussion technique
students who are taught by using supports better achievement in speaking
discussion technique and speaking ability of ability toward students who have both high
the students who are taught by using the and low English learning motivation; (2)
conventional technique. The students’ discussion technique is appropriate with
speaking ability is better when they are high and low motivated students,
taught by using discussion technique than particularly for the university students of
when they are taught by using the English program in speaking courses.
conventional technique; (2) there is a Through discussion technique, high and low
significant interactional effect between the motivated students are able to be major
teaching techniques applied and students’ processors and critical thinkers; speaking
English learning motivation toward their lecturer becomes the real facilitator and
speaking ability; (3) there is a significant motivator for the students. Therefore, this
difference in speaking ability between the technique is suitable to be applied.
students who have high English learning Speaking lecturers are suggested to
motivation who are taught by using apply discussion technique in their speaking
discussion technique and those taught by classes to engage students to be high
using the conventional technique. responsibile students, critical thinkers,
Discussion technique gives better individualizing learner in acquiring their
contribution to the students’ speaking ability foreign language. Moreover, the speaking II
than the conventional technique; and (4) lecturers are also suggested to realize the
there is a significant difference in speaking major role of knowing students’ English
ability between the students who have low learning motivation, which significantly
English learning motivation who are taught influences their speaking ability. Then, for
by using discussion technique and those next researchers, they are able to use this
students who have low English learning research as an insight to conduct other
motivation who are taught by using the researches in connection with variables
conventional technique. The students who studied.
have low English learning motivation who
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