Running Head: Developing Strategy 1
Running Head: Developing Strategy 1
Running Head: Developing Strategy 1
Johnny Iturralde
Arun Iyengar
Part II: SWOTT Analysis
Explain what your paper will discuss, including a brief description of SWOT Analysis.
Explain what the external factors are, in general; their characteristics; how would they
Identify and explain how this external factor influences your company.
Identify and explain how this external factor influences your company.
Social, Demographic
Identify and explain how this external factor influences your company.
Competitive Forces
Identify Porter’s five forces and explain how they influence your company.
Identify and explain how this external factor influences your company.
Explain what the internal factors are, in general; their characteristics; how would they
Tangible Assets
Intangible Assets
Core Competency
Identify and explain the core competency (there should be only one) of your company.
Company Departments
Department Policies
Identify and state one policy of each of the departments (three only) you identified above.
Explain the relationship between the analysis of the external & internal factors and their
relationship to SWOT Analysis. Based on the External and Internal factor analysis, identify in
Identify Strength #1 Describe how you will use it to profit from an opportunity or
neutralize a threat.
Identify Strength #2 Describe how you will use it to profit from an opportunity or
neutralize a threat.
Identify Opportunity #1 Describe how you will use it to further your company’s goals.
Identify Opportunity #2 Describe how you will use it to further your company’s goals.
Identify two future trends in your industry and how you will deal with it.