How We Got The Bible

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The document discusses how the Bible was written over 1600 years by over 40 authors, and organized into the Old and New Testaments. It also explains how the Bible has been translated into over 1100 languages.

The books of the Bible were collected, arranged and recognized as inspired sacred authority by councils of rabbis and church leaders based on careful guidelines. Before the printing press, the Bible was meticulously copied by hand.

Before the printing press, the Bible was carefully copied by hand on materials like papyrus, vellum (calf or antelope skin) and parchment (sheep or goat skin). Special scribes developed intricate methods to copy it accurately.

How We Got

The ible

All scripture is given by inspirotion of God, and is profitoble for doctrine, for
reproof, for correcfion, for insfruction in righleousness: Thof fhe mon of God may
be perfecf, throughly furnished unlo all good works.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 The Holy Bible, KIV

How We Got The Bible
New Testoment *
frogment f
,uir**Stl (from John 18)
thot we hove

Ten Key Points

todoy wos
copied in Greek
on o popyrus
:"- I "'-"--" codex oround
@ fhe Bible is inspired byGod (2Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter t:20-21t AD 1 r0-t 30.


@ fh" Bible is mode up ,l500

of oo different books thot were written over 1600 yeors
(from opproximotely BC to AD IOO) by more thon 40 kings, propheis,
leoders, ond followers of Jesus. The Old Testqment hos 39 books (written
L.-".- ..-
" "".-".- "--ffi:"-"i
OId Testomenl Wrifien

New Testament Written

opproximotely 1500-a00 aC). The New Testomenl has 27 books (written
(opprox. 1500-400 BC) (opprox. AD 45-100)
opproximotely AD 45-100). The Hebrew Bible hos the some text os the English
Bible's Old Testoment, but divides ond orronges it differently.

@ fh" Old Testqment wos written moinly in Hebrew, with some Aromoic. The New
Testoment wos written in Greek.

@ The books of the Bible were collected ond qrronged ond recognized os inspired
socred outhority by councils of robbis ond councils of church leoders bosed on
coreful guidelines.
A popyrus codex is o bound volume mode Fine quolity onimol skins from colves or
Before ihe printing press wos invented, the Bible wos copied by hond. The ontelope (vellum) ond sheep or goots
from sheets folded ond sewn together,
Bible wqs copied very occurotely, in mony coses by speciol scribes who (porchment) were used for over 1 O0O yeors
developed intricqte methods of counting words ond letters to insure thqt no to moke copies of the Bible opproximoiely
AD 300-1400.
errors hqd been mode.
Two of the oldest vellum copies {AD 325-
350) thot exist todoy ore the Voticon Codex
@ The Bible wos the first book ever prinied on the printing press with moveoble ond the Sinoitic Codex.
type (Gutenberg Press, 1455, Lotin Bible).
Bible Copied on Papyrus Bible Copied on Fine
@ th"r" is much evidence thot the Bible we hove todoy is remqrkqbly true to the Animal Skins
originol writings. Of the thousqnds of copies mode by hqnd before AD 1500,
more thon 5,300 Greek monuscripts from the New Gstoment olone still exist
todoy. The text of the Bible is better preserved thon the writings of Coesor,
Ploto, or Aristotle.
Wycliffe Bibles were inscribed by hond on
vellum in the Some copies
@ rhe discovery of the Deod Seo Scrolls confirmed the ostonishing reliobility of
"Althorgh took ien months to two yeors to produce
some of the copies of the Old Testoment mode over the yeors. sore
spelling vqriotions exist, no voriotion offects bosic Bible doctrines.

@ nt the Bible wqs cqrried to other countries, it wos tronsloted into the common
longuoge of the people by scholors who wonted others to know God's Word.
Todoy there ore still 2,000 groups with no Bible in their own longuoge.

gy AD 200, the Bible wos tronsloted into seven longuoges; by AD 500, '13
@ The Bible is now printed on poper in mony
versions ond longuoges. lt is olso on tope
longuoges; by AD 900, 1 Z longuoges; by AD 1400, 28 longuoges; by 1 800,
52 longuoges; by 1 9OO, 537 longuoges; by 1 980, 1 ,1 00 longuoges.
Source Ihe World Ch,istion Fncyclopedio.
1".'::"' lnd
-'l'_"'oin:: :":
Bible Printed by Prinling The Bible, God's Word to
i, ...".-',,',-ll
Press after 1455 The World
Old Testqment events ore Ezro, o priest ond scribe, The books ore orronged by Popyrus, o plont, is cut Time of Jesus 4 BC-AD 33?
writen down in Hebrew collecis ond orronges some subiect: historicol, poetic, into strips ond pressed inlo Jesus quotes the Old
(portions in Aromoic) over of the books of the Hebrew ond prophetic. lt includes sheets of writing moteriol Testoment (Scriptures) often.
centuries. ln Exodus, the Bible-the Old Testqment- the Apocrypho (meoning ond con be mode into o He soys thot He did not come
Lord tells Moses to write obout 450 BC, occording to "hidden") referring lo seven scroll or o codex. The New to destroy the Scriplures, but
in o book. Other Old Jewish trodition. books thot were included in Testoment books were to fulfill them. He soys to his
Testoment wriiers, inspired the Hebrew Bible until lo qo probobly first written on disciples, "These ore lhe
by God, include leoders, when they were removed by popyrus scrolls. Loter words which I spoke unto
kings ond prophets.
The Sepfuogint is the Jewish elders. Christions begin to copy yoU, . . . thot oll things must
Together, these writings Greek tronslotion of the ihem on sheets of popyrus be fulfilled, which were
on leother scrolls ond Hebrew Bible (the Old which ore bound ond written in the low of Moses,
olher moteriols ore colled
Testoment). li is tronsloted in ploced between fwo pieces ond in the prophets, ond in
the Hebrew Scriptures or 250-l O0 BC by Jewish scholors of wood for covers. This the psolms, concerning me."
in Alexondrio, Egypf. (The Papyrus
Old Testoment. form of eorly book is known Then opened he their
word Septuoginf meons os o codex. understonding, thot they
seventy, referring to the might understond the
trodition thot Z0 or 72 men scripiures. Luke 24:44-45
tronsloted it. lt is often
obbrevioted XX, the Romon
numerol for seventy.)
A Scribe

Romqn Empire declines. Christionity reqcheg Bede, o monk ond scholor, Normqns (onquer Firsf English Bible is
Germonic migrotions Britoin before AD 300, but mokes on Old English Englond (1066) ond moke tronsloted from Lotin in
(AD 379-600) couse new Anglo-Soxon pogons drive (Anglo-Soxon) tronslotion of French the officiol longuoge. ond is colled the Wycliffe
longuoges fo emerge. Christion Britons into Woles portions of Scripture. On his No English tronslotion work Bible in honor of priest ond
(AD 450 600). ln AD 5e6, deothbed in 235, he finishes produced until the Oxford scholor John
Augusiine of Conterbury tronsloting the Book of John. Wycliffe. During his lifetime,
begins evongelizotion ogoin.
Middle English emerges,
Wycliffe hqd wonted
The Mqsoretes ore speciol Alfred The Greot, King populorized by works such
common people to hove the
Jewish scribes enirusted with of Wessex, 871-901 , os the Conferbury Toles
Bible. He olso criticized o
the socred tosk of moking tronslotes portions of Exodus, ond Richord Rolle's number of church proctices
copies of the Hebrew Coedmon, on illiterote Psolms, ond Acts. Pso/ter (l 340).
ond policies. His followers,
Scriptures (Old Testoment) monk, retells portions of
derisively colled Lollords
opproximoiely AD 500-900. Scripture in .A,nglo-Soxon (meoning "mumblers")
They develop o meticulous (Old English) poetry ond Aldred, Bishop of Durhom,
included his criticisms in the
system of counting the song (AD 6761. Bede inserts o tronslqtion in the
prefoce to the Wycliffe Bible.
number of words in eoch Northumbrion diolect
book of the Bible to moke sure Aldhelm of Sherborne, between the lines of the
This Bible is bonned ond
AD7O9, is soid to hove burned. Forty yeors ofter
they hove copied it occurotely. Lindisforne Gospels (950).
tronsloled the Psolms. Wycliffe's deoth, his bones
Any scroll found to hove on
Aelfric, 955-1 O2O, tronslotes ore exhumed ond burned
error is buried occording to
portions of the Old Tesfoment. for heresy.
Jewish low.
John Wycliffe
Followers of Jesus Old Testoment The New Testqment Jerome storts lronsloting the
Motthew, Mork, Luke, John, Apocrypho books ore collected ond Scripiures intrc Lotin in AD 410
Poul, Jomes, Peter, ond Jude Evidence derived from first circuloted throughout the ond finishes 25 yeors loter.
write the Gospels, history, century AD writers Philo ond Mediterroneon obout the time This tronslotion, colled the
letters to other Christions, Josephus indicotes thot the of Constontine, the Romon Lotin Vulgole, remoins the
ond the Revelotion between Hebrew conon did not emperor who legolizes bosic Bible for mony centuries.
AD 45 ond l0O. The writers include the Apocrypho. Christionily in AD 313. By
quote from oll but eight of m AD 400 the stondord of 27
the Old Testoment books. Eorliesf Trqnslotions New Testoment books is
These writings in Greek ore AD 200 300 Lotin, Coptic occepted in ihe Eqst ond West
copied ond circuloted so thot (Egypt), ond Syrioc (Syrio). os confirmed by Athonosius,
by obout AD l50 there is Jerome, Augustine ond three
wide enough use of them to Church fothers occept the
church councils. The 27 books
speok of the "New Testo- writings of the Gospels ond
of the New Testoment were
ment" ("New Covenoni"). Poul's letters os cononicol
formolly confirmed os
The new covenont God mode {from o Greek word cononicol by the Synod of
with people wos promised in referring to the rule of foith
Early Coptic Corthoge in AD 397, thus
Jer. 3l:31-34 ond referred to
Translation ond truth). Origen lists 2l Saint Mallhew recognizing three cenfuries of
by Jesus lLk.22:2ol ond Poul opproved New Testoment Lindisfarne Gospels
(t Cor. t 1:25)ond in the use by followers of Christ.
books. Eusebius lists 22 Approximotely AD 900
letter to the Hebrews. occepted books. Jerome

ln 1408, in Englond, The Gutenberg Bible is Erosmus, o priest qnd Greek Williom Tyndole, priesi Tyndole is colled the "Fother
it becomes illegol to the first book ever printed. scholor, publishes o new ond Oxford scholor, trons- of the Engltsh Bible"
lronslote or reod the Bible This Lotin Vulgote version is Greek edition ond o more lotes the New Testoment becouse his fronslotion
in common English without often illuminoted by ortists occurote Lotin tronslotion of from Greek (1525), but forms the bosis of the King
permission of o bishop. who hond point letiers ond ihe New Tesioment in 5]6. connot get opprovol to Jomes Version. Much of the
ornoments on eoch poge. His gool is thot everyone be pubhsh it in Englond. He siyle ond vocobulory we
oble to reod the Bible, from moves to Germony ond know os "biblicol English" is
the former in the field to the prinis Bibles, smuggling troceoble to his work.
weover of the loom. them into Englond in socks
Erosmus's Greek text forms of corn ond flour. ln 1535 he
the bosis of the "textus publishes pori of the Old
World's first printing
receptus" ond is used loter Testoment tronsloted from
press with moveoble metql ,l536,
,l455 by Moriin Luther, Williom Hebrew. ln Tyndole is
type is invented in in
Tyndole, ond the King Jomes strongled ond burned ot the
Germony by Johonn
tronslotors. stoke. His finol words ore
Gutenberg. This invention is Erasmus "Lord, open the King of
perhops the single most
Englond's eyes."
importont event to influence
the spreod of the Bible. Morfin luther tronslotes
the New Testomeni inio
Gutenberg Germon in 1522.
Bible Poge William Tyndale
The Coverdole Bible The Motthew's Bible, 1539 Grent Bible is Englond's Queen Mory John Colvin, Bezo, Knox, Bishops Bible
is tronsloted by Miles r.o;'Lt"i by.tohn nos"r, ploced in every clrurch by bons Protestonl lronslotions ond Whittinghom. h is the A new fronslotion begins
Coverdole (,l535) ond under the oen nome order of Thomos Cronmer, of the English Bible. John first Bible to use Romon type under Queen Elizobeth in
dedicoted to Anne Boleyn, 'fhorno, Motthew," is the orchbishop under King Rogers ond Thomos insieod of blockletter. This is lt is tronsloted by
one of King Henry Vlll's first Bible publlshed with the Henry Vlll. lt is reod oloud Cronmer ore burned of the the Bible of Shokespeore severol bishops of the
wives. This is the first king's permission ( I 537). except during services ond stoke. Loter some 300 men, ond the one corried to Church of Englond in
complete Bible to be printed Printed just one yeor ofter sermons. This Bible is women ond children ore Americo by the Pilgrims in onswer io the Genevo Bible.
in English. Tyndole! deoth, its New choined to the church pillors olso burned. The 1640 edition is
Iestoment relies heovily on to discouroge theft. the first English Bible to omit
Tyndole's version, ond even the Apocrypho.

ffii Tyndale's Initials

printed in the
hos o kibute to him on the
lost poge of the Old Testo-
ment. Tyndole's initiols ore
printed in 2'l
inch block
letters. Loter Thomos
Cromwell, odvisor to King
The Genevo Bible
Exiles from Englond flee to
Genevo, Switzerlond, ond
in 1560 print ihe Genevo
Bible, o complete revision of
the Greot Bible with the Old
Rheims-Douoi Bible
tronsloted into English from
the Lotin Vulgote by Cotholic
scholor Gregory Mortin,
while in exile in Fronce

Henry Vlll, entrusts Testoment tronsloted from

Moithew's Bible Coverdole to revise 11582/16091. li becomes the
Hebrew. The Genevo Bible
Motthew's Bible to moke stondord tronslotion for the
The "Chqined contoins theologicol notes
Colholic church.
the Greot Bible.
Bible" from Protestont scholors Queen Mory

@ 1998 Rose Publishino. lnc.

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This chort is olso ovoiloble os a 19" x26" woll chort. C .o
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The editors ore groteful to the following contributors: Phiii W >O i>@ .c) o 6 U)
Confort, Ph.D., Visiiinq Professor, New Testomeni ( o8o-9o), Wheoton Colleqe.
Senior Editor of lyndole House Publishers; Enol F. Rhodes, Asst. Dir, Bible Study
-m gs3 9xx
o c
Helps, Americon ilible Society; John McRqy Ph.D., Ptof . o[ New Testomenl ond .0)
'= a
Archoeoloqy, Wheoton Colleqe Grod. Sch.; lo-rence Scrivoni; Michoel Cochone. .? Lo
C c) (D
o O
M.A.. Semific lonouooes. Oriqinql Ari: Rick Humohrev Photo Credits:
Jerome, Wyclif[e.but""nb"rg Bi-ible poge. Northwind Piclure Archives; frosmus.
>n\a c)
'o E
Deod Seo Sc'olls. lsoioh scioll, Erich Lessinq; Oueen Mory l, Sco/o; lindislorne d!+ C (d
Gosoels. Eridoemon/Art Resources: Scribe.-Bib/iotique Nocionoi Poris; Cooiic LU3 E
ms.,'The Briliil librory; Williom Tyndole, The Principal. Fello*s ond Scholo'' of c(u
Hartford College. Oxford. Used *ith permission.
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llllll llllll ll
, llilI[xJflillil[l[llll

Chart idea and dates courtesy al Back to the Bible Broadcast, Lincoln, NE. Used by permission
. illlfl|lxlilililll|lililt .
Sto(k #4O7x How We Got fhe Bible Pomphlet
Retoilers:Pockoge of I 0 pomphlets- stocl# / I r'X {lsBN l'890941 05-9)
King Jomes Version or The edition used todoy wos Older Monuscripts reflect the findings from the
Authorized Version revised in 1769.|t is the Discovered! Between monuscripts discovered the
King Jomes I of Englond most populor Bible for more 1629 ond 1942, severol of two previous ceniuries.
commissions 54 scholors thon 300 yeors. the eorliest known copies of Their gool is io use better
to undertoke o new Bible the Bible ore found. Hebrew ond Greek texts
ironslotion. Over the next six ond to retronslote words
yeors, six teoms of scholors Codex Alexqndrinus bosed on new linguistic
using the Bishops Bible ond o copy of the New informofion obout oncient
Tyndole's Bible, os well os Tesioment from AD 400, Hebrew.
ovoiloble Greek ond perhops the best copy of the
Hebrew monuscripts, book of Revelotion, is mode
complete lhe new version ovoiloble to western
King James Bible in 161,l. The KingJomes scholors in 1629. Codex Vqticqnus
Poge from l6l I version Version (olso colled the The Revised Version (eorliest ond probobly best
"Authorized Version," even Codex Sinoiticus copy known of the New
though King Jomes never (eorliesi complete copy of Testoment from AD 325) is
gove the finished version his the New Testoment, copied The Revised Version releosed to scholors in I889
royol opprovol) is revised in AD 350) is found in St. (AD lBB5) ln 1870, scholors by the Voticon Librory.
severol times. Cotherine's Monostery neor in Englond decide to revise
Mt. Sinoi. the King Jomes Version to
King James

Modern Trnnslqfions t93r 1970 l97t

The knowledge from newly Smirh-Goodspeed, An New English Bible The Living Bible
discovered monuscripts hos Americqn Trqnslotion "Timeless" modern English. Populor porophrose.
led to hundreds of new Modern Americon English. Revised in
c I 845 The Revised Stondqrd
a .o The English Revised Version (R.S.V.) 1970
0) c) c c c o
Version A revision of the A.S.V. New Americon Bible
.9 .o c) c) ,l971
(d .9
o U) o A British revision of the King New Testoment revised The Good News Bible
q) E o q)
-o o (N.A.B.) Officiol version of
c) -o (U -c
c) in (d Jomes Version. (Todoy's English Version)
-o -o
in E
c(U ($
6c a -c o I 958 the Cotholic Church.
Vernoculor English
i! _c .9. c
Ec) E
o_ .9. o
E -c cC t90t J.B. Phillips'New Revised New Testoment in
c c 0)
c (U
--) UJ
a Americqn Stondord Testqment in Modern I 986.
=o_ (d
a c Eq)
uJ cd
_o I,U
O) E Version (A.S.V.) English A porophrose,
i! a c) c G) o
--) c)
a) O) (u
q : o
'5 Revision of the King Jomes originolly mode for youth
E ,'c o
t- Version in Americon English
I P z=c) z0)= 1966 t97t
z. zc=) 1926 Jerusolem Bible New Americon t97a
Moffott Bible Tronslotion by Cotholic Stondqrd Bible New lnternotionol
A very populor modern- scholors in Jerusolem. The Revision of the A.S.V. Very Version (N.l.V.)
longuoge version. New Jerusolem Bible, 1985. literol. Dignified, reodoble.
The Deod Sea Scrolls, A Scroll of lsoioh thot
J**"y^,*.1*--*LJ' *u*
found in o cove in 1947 by o is port of the Deod Seo 1'r*5r'vv5oxr gxti'I 1 1 sgrufl {
shepherd, conloin the oldest Scrolls is the oldesi complete
lbjeni ?lr xtqattlt'pJJ ?txr 4.x, s
known copies of portions of monuscript of ony book ty. -v {o},*rne*nti *-,.*'l' ,'', ,
the Old Testoment. These of the Bible (copied oround *J. -ry.*,1. xp*a6y, uJ..r *i *r.'
Jx.r.r'.r yn. nl, urro
copies were mode between 100 BC). The copies of ".-.
lOO BC ONd AD IOO. lsoioh discovered in the
Qumron coves prove to be tsut !$rnr .{}r}dtil}tq
lu[r a* lr*rryrrl n
remorkobly close to the
stondord Hebrew Bible,
vorying slightly in the Scroll of Isaiah
spelling of some nomes.
They give overwhelming
confirmotion of the reiiobility A Ugoritic Grommqr
of the Mosoretic copies. is published in the '1960s.
A Qumrsn Cave ,l900s
Ugoriiic is on oncienl
During the more thon longuoge similor to Hebrew
nedr the Dead Seol
o hundred New Testomeni ond helps scholors
monuscripls qre found in understond Hebrew
Egypt. vocobulory ond poetry.

t9a2 t99t 2000

New King Jqmes Contemporory English Holmon Christion
Version Version "Noturol, Sfondord Bible (H.C.S.B.)
Modernizolion of the K.J.V. uncomplicoted" Fnglish. (New Testomenr) Bolonce
using the some monuscripts belween word-for-word ond

r 949 1995 200t

Jewish New Teslqmenf God's Word
Contemporory English.
tnglish Stondord
English tronslotion using
Version (E.S.V.) Literol
troditionol Jewish
updote of the R.S.V.

1996 200r
r 989 New Living Trqnslofion Todoy's New
New Revised Stondord A revision of The Living lnfernqtionql Version
Version "Gender neutrol" Bible lo moke it o (T.N.l.V.) (New Tesroment)
revision of the R.S.V. tronslofion. Modernizotion of the N.l.V.

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