Moyamoya Disease

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Moyamoya disease is a chronic, progressive cerebrovascular disease characterized by stenosis of arteries around the circle of Willis and development of collateral vessels. It was first described in Japan and is more common in Asian populations. The cause is unknown but genetic factors likely play a role.

Accumulating evidence suggests a genetic component, particularly involving the RNF213 gene in Asian populations. Other potential etiological factors that have been proposed include alleles of HLA genes and high levels of growth factors in the vascular tissue and cerebrospinal fluid.

Common presentations include transient ischemic attacks, strokes, and headaches. Hemorrhagic presentations are also seen. The disease often progresses over time if left untreated.

Moyamoya disease: Etiology, clinical features, and diagnosis

Nijasri Charnnarong Suwanwela, MD
Section Editors
Jose Biller, MD, FACP, FAAN, FAHA
Douglas R Nordli, Jr, MD
Deputy Editor
John F Dashe, MD, PhD
Disclosures: Nijasri Charnnarong Suwanwela, MD Grant/Research/Clinical Trial Support: AstraZeneca [Acute
ischemic stroke (Ticagrelor)]; Lundbeck [Acute ischemic stroke (Desmoteplase)]. Consultant/Advisory Boards: Bayer AG
[AF and stroke (Rivaroxaban)]; Boehringer Ingelheim [AF and stroke (Dabigatran)]; Pfizer [AF and stroke (Apixaban)].
Speaker's Bureau: Bayer AG [Ischemic stroke (Rivaroxaban)]; Boehringer Ingelheim [Ischemic stroke (Dabigatran)];
Sanofi [Ischemic stroke (Clopidogrel)]. Jose Biller, MD, FACP, FAAN, FAHA Nothing to disclose. Douglas R Nordli,
Jr, MDGrant/Research/Clinical Trial Support: NIH [febrile status, SUDEP]. Consultant/Advisory Boards: Eisai [AED
(zonisamide, perampanel)]. John F Dashe, MD, PhD Nothing to disclose.

Contributor disclosures are reviewed for conflicts of interest by the editorial group. When found, these are addressed by
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content. Appropriately referenced content is required of all authors and must conform to UpToDate standards of

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All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete.
Literature review current through: Oct 2015. | This topic last updated: Jul 23, 2015.

INTRODUCTION — Moyamoya disease (MMD) is a unique chronic progressive cerebrovascular

disease characterized by bilateral stenosis or occlusion of the arteries around the circle of Willis with
prominent arterial collateral circulation. "Moyamoya" is a Japanese word meaning puffy, obscure, or
hazy like a puff of smoke in the air. Thus, the term was used to describe the smoky angiographic
appearance of the vascular collateral network [1,2].

Moyamoya disease was first described in Japan in 1957. Many similar cases have subsequently been
reported, mainly in Japan and other Asian countries. The disease is found less frequently in North
America and Europe.

This topic will review the etiology and clinical aspects of moyamoya disease. Prognosis and treatment
are discussed elsewhere. (See "Moyamoya disease: Treatment and prognosis".)

ETIOLOGY — The etiology of MMD is unknown. The high incidence among the Japanese and Asian
population, together with a familial occurrence of approximately 10 to 15 percent of cases, strongly
suggests a genetic etiology.

Accumulating evidence suggests that the RNF213 gene on chromosome 17q25.3 is an important
susceptibility factor for MMD in East Asian populations [3-8].

●A report from Japan found that the c.14576G>A variant of RNF213 was present in 95 percent of
41 patients with familial MMD, 79 percent of 163 patients with sporadic MMD, and 2 percent of
283 normal control subjects [5].
●A study in the Han Chinese population demonstrated that mutations in RNF213 gene were
associated with increased susceptibility to MMD; ischemic MMD was related to the R4810K
mutation, whereas hemorrhagic MMD was associated with the A4399T mutation [9].
●In a report from Korea of 352 subjects with intracranial large artery stenosis, the c.14429G>A
variant of RNF213 was detected in 76 percent of subjects meeting all criteria for MMD (n = 131),
in 35 percent of 221 subjects with intracranial stenosis (n = 221), and in none of the healthy
control subjects (n = 51) [10].
Other reports have linked familial moyamoya disease to chromosomes 3p24.2-p26, 6q25, 8q23, and
12p12 [11-13]. Although the mode of inheritance is not established, one study suggested that familial
moyamoya is an autosomal dominant disease with incomplete penetrance [14]. The authors proposed
that genomic imprinting and epigenetic modification may account for the predominantly maternal
transmission and elevated female to male incidence ratio. (See 'Epidemiology' below and "Basic
principles of genetic disease", section on 'Imprinting'.)

Several alleles of class II genes of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) have been associated with
moyamoya disease [15]. High levels of fibroblast growth factor, which may stimulate arterial growth,
have been found in the vascular intima, media, and smooth muscle, as well as cerebrospinal fluid
among patients with moyamoya [16,17]. Transforming growth factor beta-1, which mediates
neovascularization, may also contribute to the pathogenesis of the disorder [18,19]. High levels of
hepatocyte growth factor, a strong inducer of angiogenesis, have been detected in the carotid fork and
cerebrospinal fluid in patients with moyamoya disease [20].

An association between upper respiratory tract infection, especially tonsillitis, and moyamoya disease
has been observed, suggesting the possibility of autoimmune disease. However, the absence of
immune complexes on blood vessel walls argues against this hypothesis.

Associated conditions — Classic angiographic findings of moyamoya vessels have been

demonstrated in patients with other medical conditions. This has led some investigators to propose the
term "moyamoya phenomenon" or "moyamoya syndrome" as an entity separate from true idiopathic
moyamoya disease.

Traditionally, patients with the angiographic appearance of moyamoya and no known risk factors are
considered to have moyamoya disease, while those with one of the well recognized associated
conditions (neurofibromatosis type 1, cranial irradiation, Down syndrome, and sickle cell disease) are
classified as having moyamoya syndrome [21].

Some of the conditions associated with moyamoya include:

●Atherosclerosis [22]
●Infectious diseases
•Meningitis [23]
•Other viral or bacterial infection (eg, Propionibacterium acnes, leptospirosis, HIV) [24,25]
●Hematologic conditions
•Sickle cell disease [26-28]
•Beta thalassemia [29]
•Fanconi anemia [30]
•Hereditary spherocytosis [31]
•Homocystinuria and hyperhomocysteinemia [32]
•Factor XII deficiency [33]
•Essential thrombocythemia [34]
●Vasculitis and autoimmune diseases
•Systemic lupus erythematosus [35]
•Polyarteritis nodosa and postinfectious vasculopathy [36]
•Graves disease and thyroiditis [37-40]
•Sneddon syndrome and the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome [41,42]
•Anti-Ro and anti-La antibodies [43]
•Type 1 diabetes mellitus [40]
●Connective tissue disorders and neurocutaneous syndromes
•Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) [44-46]
•Tuberous sclerosis [47]
•Sturge-Weber syndrome [48]
•Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis type IIIb [49]
•Hypomelanosis of Ito [50]
•Pseudoxanthoma elasticum [51]
•Marfan syndrome [52]
●Chromosomal disorders
•Down syndrome [53,54]
•Turner syndrome [55]
•Alagille syndrome [56,57]
●Other vasculopathies
•Vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage [58]
•Radiation therapy to the base of the brain (see "Delayed complications of cranial
irradiation", section on 'Cerebrovascular effects') [59]
•Fibromuscular dysplasia [60]
●Other extracranial cardiovascular diseases
•Congenital heart disease [61]
•Williams syndrome [62]
•Coarctation of the aorta [63]
•Renal artery stenosis [64]
●Metabolic diseases
•Type I glycogenosis [65,66]
•Hyperphosphatasia [67]
•Primary oxalosis [68]
●Cranial trauma [69]
●Brain tumors [70-72]
●Cavernous malformation [73]
●Pulmonary sarcoidosis [74,75]
●Hereditary multisystem disorder with short stature, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, and
dysmorphism [76]
●Polycystic kidney disease [77-79]

EPIDEMIOLOGY — In epidemiologic surveys conducted in Japan, the following observations have

been made [80-82]:

●The annual incidence of moyamoya is 0.35 to 0.94 per 100,000 population

●The prevalence of moyamoya is 3.2 to 10.5 per 100,000 population
●There is a female predominance, with a male-to-female ratio of 1:1.8 to 1:2.2
●A family history of moyamoya disease is present in 10.0 to 15.4 percent of patients

A study that analyzed hospital discharge data from Washington and California in the western United
States found an estimated overall moyamoya incidence (combined idiopathic moyamoya disease and
moyamoya syndrome) of 0.086 per 100,000, lower than in Japan [83]. Among ethnic groups in
California, the moyamoya incidence rate for Asians was 0.28 per 100,000, similar to the incidence in
Japan. The incidence rates were lower for blacks, whites, and Hispanics (0.13, 0.06, and 0.03 per
100,000, respectively).

Age distribution — Moyamoya disease and moyamoya syndrome occur in children and adults of all
ages, although presentation in infancy is rare [84]. Data from Japan regarding the peak age of
moyamoya disease onset are conflicting. A study published in 1995 found a major peak in the 10 to 14
year old age group and a lesser peak in the 40 to 49 year old group [80]. In contrast, a report
published in 2008 found a major peak in the 45 to 49 year old group and a lesser peak in the 5 to 9
year old group [82]. Methodologic differences between studies and improved clinical detection over
time may, at least in part, account for the apparent change in age distribution of moyamoya in Japan.
A cohort study of 802 patients with moyamoya disease from China also demonstrated a bimodal age
distribution, with a major peak in the 5 to 9 year old group and another peak in the 35 to 39 year old
group [85].

CLINICAL FEATURES — The clinical manifestations of moyamoya are variable and include transient
ischemic attack (TIA), ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, and epilepsy. Although data are
inconsistent, a 2012 systematic review of population-based studies found that the predominant mode
of presentation was ischemia, particularly in children [86]. However, there may be regional and ethnic
differences in the expression of disease by age at the time of diagnosis.

●In the systematic review, intracerebral hemorrhage was the most frequent initial presentation in
China and Taiwan [86]. In an earlier study from Japan not included in the systematic review,
ischemic events were more prevalent than hemorrhagic events in children with moyamoya, while
hemorrhagic stroke (mainly intraparenchymal and intraventricular hemorrhage) was more
common in adults [87]. The rate of epilepsy was also more frequent in children than in adults. A
report from Korea noted that hemorrhagic stroke in moyamoya disease often presented as
intraventricular hemorrhage with or without intraparenchymal hemorrhage [88].
●In contrast, reports from other populations have found that ischemia is more frequent than
hemorrhage in adults with moyamoya disease and moyamoya syndrome [89,90]. As examples,
in a retrospective report from the United States of 31 adults (14 white, 9 Hispanic, 4 black, and 3
Asian) with moyamoya disease or moyamoya syndrome, ischemic symptoms were the
presentation for 19 patients (61 percent), and consisted mainly of a watershed pattern of
infarction in those with stroke [90]. A retrospective study from Germany of 21 white patients with
idiopathic moyamoya disease found that all presented with ischemic events, including 16 who
were adults at symptom onset [89]. Only one hemorrhagic stroke (a subarachnoid hemorrhage)
occurred during a mean follow-up of 3.7 years.

Nevertheless, small patient numbers in studies of moyamoya performed outside of Asian countries
prevent definitive conclusions about regional differences in moyamoya expression.

Among symptomatic patients with moyamoya disease, some have only one or a few events, while
others have multiple recurrences. In a study from Korea with 88 patients (36 of whom had
revascularization surgery) from 1 to 75 years of age at presentation who were followed for 6 to 216
months, the following outcomes were reported [91]:

●A single ischemic or hemorrhagic cerebrovascular episode was noted in 40 patients (45

●Recurrent ischemic and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular events occurred in 48 patients (55
percent). Recurrences included ischemic events (TIA and/or infarction) in 37 patients, ischemic
and hemorrhagic events in 9, and multiple hemorrhages in 2.
●The most frequent neurologic deficit was hemiparesis in 64 percent of cases. Additional
common sequelae were aphasia, seizure, altered mentation, and visual disturbance.
In children, symptomatic episodes of ischemia may be triggered by exercise, crying, coughing,
straining, fever, or hyperventilation [92,93].

There are case reports of patients with moyamoya who develop dystonia, chorea, or dyskinesia, but
these appear to be uncommon manifestations of moyamoya [94-96]. Rare patients with moyamoya
disease have morning glory optic disc anomaly (picture 1), usually in conjunction with other
craniofacial abnormalities [97-99]. (See "Congenital anomalies and acquired abnormalities of the optic
nerve", section on 'Morning glory disc'.)

The prognosis of moyamoya disease is discussed separately. (See "Moyamoya disease: Treatment
and prognosis", section on 'Natural history and prognosis'.)

Suzuki stages — Suzuki and colleagues followed patients with moyamoya disease and classified the
angiographic progression into six stages [1,2]:

●Stage 1 – Narrowing of carotid fork only

●Stage 2 – Initiation of basal moyamoya with dilatation of all main cerebral arteries
●Stage 3 – Intensification of moyamoya together with reduction of flow in the middle and anterior
cerebral arteries
●Stage 4 – Minimization of moyamoya vessels; the proximal portions of the posterior cerebral
arteries become involved
●Stage 5 – Reduction of moyamoya and absence of all main cerebral arteries
●Stage 6 – Disappearance of moyamoya vessels; the cerebral circulation is supplied only by the
external carotid system

NEUROIMAGING — Head CT and/or brain MRI are important studies for the detection of brain
infarction and hemorrhage in patients with moyamoya. Noninvasive and conventional angiographic
studies can demonstrate stenosis or occlusion of the Circle of Willis vessels. Transcranial Doppler
ultrasonography is a noninvasive way to evaluate intracranial hemodynamics and large artery
stenosis. A number of methods may be useful to estimate resting brain perfusion and blood flow

Head CT — On CT scan, infarction may involve cortical and subcortical regions (image 1). Dilatation
of the sulci, accompanied by focal ventricular enlargement indicating volume loss, is usually found in
the chronic phase of disease. In a retrospective series of 32 adults with MMD and first-ever ischemic
stroke, patients with early stage MMD (ie, Suzuki stage 1 or 2) had ischemic lesions on brain MRI
involving only deep subcortical structures, while those with advanced stage MMD (ie, Suzuki stage 3
or higher) had predominantly cortical lesions [100]. (See 'Suzuki stages' above.)

In patients with parenchymal hemorrhage, cranial CT usually shows a high density area indicating
blood in the basal ganglia, thalamus, and/or ventricular system (image 2). Bleeding in the cortical and
subcortical regions has been reported with lower frequency [101,102].

Brain MRI — Brain MRI, particularly diffusion and perfusion MR techniques, is superior to CT scan for
detection of small and/or acute ischemic brain lesions. In one report of 20 children from Canada with
angiographic moyamoya, ischemic injury involving superficial and deep border zone (ie, watershed)
regions, particularly deep border zones, was observed in over one-half of children [103].

In some cases, dilated collateral vessels in the basal ganglia and thalamus can be demonstrated as
multiple punctate flow voids, a finding which is considered virtually diagnostic of moyamoya syndrome
[21]. In prospective studies from Japan, asymptomatic cerebral microbleeds were present on gradient
echo (T2*) MRI sequences in 30 percent or more of adult patients with MMD [104-106]; the presence
of these lesions may predict subsequent intracerebral hemorrhage.
In patients with moyamoya, both fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images and post contrast
T1 images may show a linear pattern of increased signal in the leptomeninges and perivascular
spaces [107,108]. This pattern has been termed the "ivy sign," since it resembles the appearance of
ivy creeping on stones [107]. The probable cause is slow retrograde collateral flow through engorged
pial vessels via leptomeningeal anastomosis [108,109]. Observational data suggest the ivy sign is
correlated with decreased cerebrovascular reserve [110].

One small study using high resolution MRI vascular wall imaging found that nearly all patients with
MMD demonstrated concentric enhancement of the distal internal carotid arteries, whereas patients
with intracranial atherosclerotic disease generally had focal and eccentric enhancement of the
symptomatic arterial segment [111].

Angiography — Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) can demonstrate stenotic or occlusive

lesions in the distal internal carotid arteries (image 3) and the arteries around the circle of Willis
[112,113]. In addition, MRA can visualize the collateral "moyamoya vessels" in the basal region (image
4), although it is less sensitive to smaller vessel occlusion than conventional cerebral angiography.
Nevertheless, due to its high diagnostic yield and noninvasive nature, MRA has supplanted
conventional angiography in most centers as the primary imaging modality to evaluate moyamoya
syndrome [21,113]. Computed tomographic angiography (CTA) can also noninvasively demonstrate
the abnormal vessels of moyamoya disease, including the collateral moyamoya vessels in the basal
ganglia [114].

Although now used less frequently than MRA and CTA, conventional cerebral angiography is the gold
standard for the diagnosis of moyamoya disease. Characteristic angiographic findings include stenosis
or occlusion at the distal internal carotid artery and the origin of the anterior cerebral and middle
cerebral arteries on both sides, and abnormal vascular networks at the basal ganglia or moyamoya
vessels (image 1 and image 2).

The Suzuki angiographic stages of moyamoya disease are discussed above. (See 'Suzuki
stages' above.)

In adults who presented with intracerebral or intraventricular hemorrhage, small aneurysms in the
periventricular area have been reported (picture 2).

Hemodynamic studies — Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (TCD) provides a noninvasive way

to evaluate intracranial hemodynamics by measuring blood flow velocity in large intracranial vessels at
the circle of Willis [21]. Since the mean velocity of blood flow is inversely related to arterial diameter,
TCD can also detect arterial occlusive disease; a focal increase in velocity usually suggests large
artery stenosis.

In patients with suspected moyamoya disease, TCD has been used in the initial evaluation of
moyamoya disease, and serial TCD studies have been used to follow changes in blood flow over time
[21,115,116]. One of the most widespread applications of this method is in patients with sickle cell
disease. (See "Cerebrovascular complications of sickle cell disease", section on 'Predicting risk'.)

Although supporting evidence is limited, additional methods that may be useful to determine the extent
of inadequate resting brain perfusion and blood flow reserve in patients with moyamoya disease prior
to and after treatment include the following [21,117-122]:

●Perfusion CT
●Xenon-enhanced CT
●Perfusion-weighted MRI
●Positron emission tomography (PET)
●Single-photon emission CT (SPECT) with acetazolamide challenge

PATHOLOGY — Brain tissue of patients with moyamoya disease usually reveals evidence of prior
stroke. However, the cause of death in most autopsy cases is intracerebral hemorrhage [123]. The
hemorrhage is commonly found in the basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus,
midbrain, and/or periventricular region. Bleeding into the intraventricular space is frequently observed.
Multiple areas of cerebral infarction and focal cortical atrophy are commonly found.

Although large vessel stenosis and occlusion are the hallmark of this disease, extensive territorial
infarction is uncommon. The brain infarcts are generally small and located in the basal ganglia,
internal capsule, thalamus, and subcortical regions [124].

Vascular stenosis — Pathologic vascular lesions appear in the large vessels of the circle of Willis
and in the small collateral vessels [125]. Bilateral concentric stenosis or occlusion is consistently found
in the distal internal carotid arteries and the proximal anterior and middle cerebral arteries. Less
frequently, the posterior circulation is affected, especially the posterior cerebral artery.

In the large arteries, variable stenosis or occlusion is associated with the following microscopic
features [126-128]:

●Fibrocellular thickening of the intima

●Tortuosity and/or duplication or triplication of the internal elastic lamina
●Attenuation of the media

As an example, one study found that specimens of the middle cerebral artery from patients with
moyamoya (n = 25) had significantly thinner media and thicker intima than those from control subjects
(n = 6) [129].

The pathology of the smaller perforating vessels in moyamoya is variable. Morphometric analysis
suggests that some are dilated with relatively thin walls, while others are stenotic with thick walls [126].
Dilated vessels, more common in younger patients than in adults, tend to show fibrosis with
attenuation of the media, and microaneurysm formation. Stenotic vessels tend to have intimal
thickening and duplication of the elastic lamina.

Collateral vessels — One of the hallmarks of moyamoya disease is the presence of a collateral
meshwork of overgrown and dilated small arteries, the moyamoya vessels, that branch from the circle
of Willis.

Leptomeningeal vessels are another source of collaterals in moyamoya (image 5). As a result of
intracranial internal carotid artery stenosis, leptomeningeal anastomoses may develop among the
three main cerebral arteries (middle, anterior, and posterior). These collaterals result from dilatation of
preexisting arteries and veins. In addition, transdural anastomoses, termed vault moyamoya, may
develop from extracranial arteries such as the middle meningeal and superficial temporal arteries
[130]. Ethmoidal moyamoya is the term applied when the collateral network involves primarily the
frontobasal region, derived from the ophthalmic artery and the posterior and anterior ethmoidal

Aneurysms — Cerebral aneurysms have been associated with moyamoya disease in a number of
reports [131-135].

●Large artery aneurysms can develop at vessel branching points in the circle of Willis and cause
subarachnoid hemorrhage when they rupture. In patients with unilateral moyamoya, these
aneurysms are found most commonly in the anterior communicating artery/anterior cerebral
artery complex [136]. In patients with bilateral moyamoya, aneurysms are more often located in
the basilar artery [136]. Histologic study from autopsy specimens of large artery aneurysms
showed disappearance of internal elastic lamina and media [137]. These findings are similar to
those of the berry aneurysm commonly observed in primary subarachnoid hemorrhage.
●Aneurysms can also arise from the small collateral moyamoya vessels, choroidal arteries, or
other peripheral collateral arteries [136]. These small vessel aneurysms are the major cause of
parenchymal (intracerebral) hemorrhage in moyamoya disease.

Extracranial involvement — In patients with moyamoya disease, stenosis due to fibrocellular intimal
thickening may also affect the extracranial and systemic arteries, including the cervical carotid, renal,
pulmonary, and coronary vessels [127,138]. Involvement of the renal arteries has been most
frequently reported. In one study of 86 patients with moyamoya, six (7 percent) had renal artery
stenosis, two had associated renovascular hypertension, and one had a renal artery aneurysm [64].
Similarly, in a later study of 73 consecutive patients with moyamoya, four (5 percent) had renal artery
stenosis [139].

DIAGNOSIS — The diagnosis of moyamoya disease is based upon the characteristic angiographic
appearance of bilateral stenoses affecting the distal internal carotid arteries and proximal circle of
Willis vessels, along with the presence of prominent basal collateral vessels.

Repeated ischemic attacks resulting from low perfusion in the same arterial
territory, and/or intracerebral hemorrhage in the region of the caudate, or intraventricular hemorrhage
within the lateral ventricles, are patterns suggestive of moyamoya disease. However, some patients
are clinically asymptomatic. Definitive diagnosis requires neurovascular imaging.

Moyamoya disease is one of the differential diagnoses of stroke in children or young adults.
(See "Ischemic stroke in children and young adults: Etiology and clinical features", section on
'Differential diagnosis'.)

Diagnostic criteria — Diagnostic criteria for idiopathic moyamoya disease proposed by a Japanese
research committee include the following major requirements [140]:

●Stenosis or occlusion at the terminal portion of the internal carotid artery and at the proximal
portion of the anterior and middle cerebral arteries on magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
●Abnormal vascular networks in the basal ganglia on MRA; these networks can also be
diagnosed by the presence of multiple flow voids on brain MRI
●Angiographic findings are present bilaterally; cases with unilateral angiographic findings are
considered probable
●The following conditions should be excluded:
•Autoimmune disease
•Brain neoplasm
•A history of cranial irradiation
•Down syndrome
•Head trauma

The diagnostic criteria for conventional cerebral angiography are similar to those for MRA [140].

Screening studies — Indications for angiographic screening studies in family members of patients
with moyamoya are not well defined. The 2008 American Heart Association Stroke Council guidelines
state that there is insufficient evidence to justify screening studies in asymptomatic individuals or in
relatives of patients with moyamoya syndrome in the absence of a strong family history of moyamoya
disease or medical conditions that predispose to moyamoya syndrome [21].

Even in individuals with a strong family history of moyamoya disease or those with medical conditions
that predispose to moyamoya syndrome, the utility of angiographic screening is unclear, particularly
since available medical and surgical treatment of asymptomatic moyamoya disease is of uncertain

SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS — Moyamoya disease is a unique chronic progressive

cerebrovascular disease characterized by bilateral stenosis or occlusion of the arteries around the
circle of Willis with prominent arterial collateral circulation.

●The etiology of moyamoya disease is unknown. The high incidence among the Japanese and
Asian population, together with a familial occurrence of approximately 10 percent of cases,
strongly suggests a genetic etiology. Accumulating evidence suggests that the RNF213 gene on
chromosome 17q25.3 is an important susceptibility factor for moyamoya disease in East Asian
populations. Patients with the angiographic appearance of moyamoya and no known risk factors
are considered to have moyamoya disease, while those with one of the well recognized
associated conditions (neurofibromatosis type 1, cranial irradiation, Down syndrome, and sickle
cell disease) are classified as having moyamoya syndrome. (See 'Etiology' above.)
●Ischemic cerebrovascular events, either transient ischemic attack or infarction, are more
prevalent than hemorrhagic events in children with moyamoya, while hemorrhagic stroke is more
common in adults. (See 'Clinical features' above.)
●Cranial CT and/or MRI are useful for the detection of brain infarction and hemorrhage in
patients with moyamoya. Vascular imaging with magnetic resonance angiography, Computed
tomographic angiography, or conventional catheter angiography is essential to demonstrate
stenotic or occlusive lesions in the distal internal carotid arteries and the arteries around the
circle of Willis. (See 'Neuroimaging' above.)
●Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography provides a noninvasive way to evaluate intracranial
hemodynamics and large artery stenosis. Perfusion CT, xenon-enhanced CT, perfusion-
weighted MRI, positron emission tomography, and single-photon emission CT
with acetazolamide challenge may be useful to estimate resting brain perfusion and blood flow
reserve. (See 'Hemodynamic studies' above.)
●The pathologic hallmarks of moyamoya are (see 'Pathology' above):
•Concentric stenosis or occlusion in the distal internal carotid arteries and large vessels of
the circle of Willis
•A collateral meshwork of overgrown and dilated small arteries, the moyamoya vessels,
which branch from the circle of Willis
●The diagnosis of moyamoya disease is based upon the characteristic angiographic appearance
of bilateral stenoses affecting the distal internal carotid arteries and proximal circle of Willis
vessels, along with the presence of prominent basal collateral vessels. (See 'Diagnosis' above.)
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