Fan Engineering
Fan Engineering
Fan Engineering
Fan Engineering
We depend increasingly on the movement of air and gases for
our comfort and survival. This is not confined to ventilation and air
conditioning but includes heat transfer, drying, blowing, particle
transportation and filtering, the control of environments and the
extraction of life threatening fumes and hot smoke.
The prime vehicle for moving air and gases is the fan. The
relatively traditional appearance of fans conceals recent advances
in aerodynamic, mechanical and acoustic technology. The demand
for improvements in performance gathers pace with environmental
awareness, safety legislation and the need to satisfy EC Directives.
The knowledge needed to make these advances can be found
This book, published by Woods of Colchester limited, is the third
edition of a work first issued in July 1952 and was originally aimed
at those concerned with practical fan engineering problems.
Distribution of the first edition which was translated in to French,
exceeded 20,000 copies, being surpassed by that of the second
edition, first published in June 1960, which reached about 27,000
copies. This included translations into French, German, Spanish
and Italian. In the years since the second edition was issued the
fan industry has continued to expand both in demand for its
products and in the technological sophistication of customer
applications and requirements. Moreover, in these intervening
years the growth of sales in a world-wide sense has emphasised
the need for a more systematic presentation of information
relating to fan performance and the newer terminology associated
with different national practices.
This revised edition of the guide, like its predecessors, is aimed
at the practical as well as the professional engineer, and contains
many worked examples. It provides a comprehensive compendium
of information relating to fans, fan drives, fan selection and their
environment of application. It commences with two chapters
describing the ventilation requirements of the individual and of
occupied spaces subject to various thermal environments caused
by industrial, human and solar inputs. The next three chapters
continue with a description of methods of heat rejection and
heating, including discussion of such important current issues as
pollution control and explosion hazards. The heart of the book
treats extensively, in Chapters 6 and 7, the details of
determination of system losses, fan performance specification and
fan sizing. There the scope covers many climatic conditions whilst,
for the more mathematically-minded, the basic theory of fan
pressure generation is included.
vi Foreword
Managing Director
Woods of Colchester
Author's Preface
Length, Area and Volume. The metre, the square metre and the
metre are appropriate to all purposes of fan and ventilating tech-
nology. The kilometre is reserved for travel distances and the
xxvi Introductory notes on SI and other units
Velocity. The metre per second is a good unit for all air
movement purposes. In talking of vehicle speeds, it is recognised
that the kilometre per hour will prevail.
Rotational Speed. The revolution per second is the unit used in this
book, although the more familiar revolution per minute is
sometimes added, in brackets, in the text. Strictly the basic SI
unit is the radian per second which, to a mathematician, is the
natural unit of angular velocity. The engineer will feel that the
complete revolution has the stronger grip on reality.
Pressure and Stress. Throughout this book the pascal (the name
now internationally adopted for the newton per square metre)
is used as the unit of pressure. 1 Pa (equal to about 0.1mm or
0.004in of water) is as small a unit as is ever needed for ordinary
experimental work with air, while the fact that system pressures
often run to a few thousand Pa does not necessitate the
introduction of the kilopascal, a unit which would always need
decimal places in our field.
Barometric pressures at around 105 Pa are admittedly
inconveniently large, and deference is paid to meteorological
practice by putting the millibar equivalent in brackets in the text
(1 mb = 100 Pa). Nevertheless, important formulae contain the
ratio of fan pressure to barometric pressure and it is important to
maintain consistency. Modern barometers are calibrated in
millibars, and the old mm or in of mercury should gradually
Stress in a material is the same quantity as pressure, and the
megapascal (MPa) is a suitable unit. Since most stressed
components will be dimensioned in millimetres rather than
metres, it is convenient,
Introductory notes on Sl and other units xxvii
c 1
2 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
The reference of percentages to the dry air part of the total mixture is a
useful convention in view of the highly variable nature of the water content. It
also has advantages in calculation which will appear in later chapters. The air
contains small proportions of many other substances, most of which can be
classed as impurities.
1.1.2 Oxygen is of course the vital component for life support, and indeed
man can function effectively when breathing pure oxygen alone. The average
person at rest passes some 500 litres of air per hour through his respiratory
system. This air carries 140 grams of oxygen, of which some 15% is absorbed
into the bloodstream, a consumption rate of 21 gm per hour.
Oxygen deficiency, with its symptoms of weakness and lethargy, may arise
in two ways. Without any change in the proportion of oxygen, the density
may be reduced, as at high altitude, to the point where the respiratory system
cannot handle the additional volume required. More rarely, the proportion of
oxygen may be excessively reduced by consumption, dilution or displacement.
Consumption or dilution occur in enclosed spaces such as submarines or
sewers. The danger of displacement may arise from heavy vapours left at the
bottom of empty tanks or vats. 25% reduction in available oxygen can be
serious for those with respiratory or cardiac weakness. 50% is a severe test
for the fittest, without acclimatisation.
1.1.3. Nitrogen. together with argon, and traces of the other inert gases,
neon, helium, krypton and xenon, has no physiological effects under normal
conditions. At the high pressures encountered by deep-sea divers an
increased proportion of nitrogen is absorbed into the blood. Too rapid a
return to normal pressure causes the painful and dangerous symptoms known
as "the bends", in which the excess nitrogen reappears as bubbles in the
veins and arteries.
time used as an index of the effectiveness of ventilation with limits of a half to one
per cent, but this practice has died out.
1.1.7 Bacteria, often associated with dust particles or water droplets, may
remain in suspension in the air far long periods. In hospitals a positive programme
of control is necessary. In ordinary life the spread of infection by coughing and
sneezing is a direct function of the number of people congregated together in a
limited space. There is positive evidence that good ventilation reduces this hazard.
The body has notmuch heat storage capacity because we cannot allow the
greater part of our substance to get significantly hotter or cooler without
distress. Apart from minor temporary deviations we must dissipate heat just
as fast as it is generated - i.e. at the metabolic rate. There are three
processes by which the body loses heat: convection; radiation; evaporation.
1.4 Evaporation
At temperatures above about 30°C the system just described is unable to
secure the necessary heat loss, even at rest. Indeed, above 35°C convection
and radiation cease to be losses and become heat gains making the body's
task even harder. Reaction to this situation is known as evaporative
regulation. It consists in the automatic activation of the sweat glands over an
area of skin proportional to the corrective effort required.
The transformation of sweat into water vapour absorbs energy, just as the
boiling of water does. This energy is taken from the wetted skin surface in a
form known as the latent heat of evaporation (see Chapter 12). The cooling
effect is powerful : the worker in a hot industrial environment may easily
produce and evaporate one kilogram of sweat each hour, which will remove
heat at the rate of 680 watts. The water and salt lost by the body have to be
replaced, and it is natural that such workers should be copious drinkers.
Apart from the sweat mechanism, evaporation of the water vapour in the
exhaled breath carries away heat at a minimum rate of around 20 watts: the
proportions at rest are illustrated in Fig. 1.1. Note that the metabolic rate
cannot be reduced, though we may increase it if we are cold by voluntary
activity-walking briskly, stamping the feet, swinging the arms, etc. Shivering
is an automatic reaction with the same purpose.
6 Woods Practical Guide to fan Engineering
In a still atmosphere the air next to the skin and trapped in the clothing
becomes almost saturated, and its capacity to absorb and carry away
moisture is severely limited. The sweat produced stays wet on the skin and
the body's effort to give off heat is retarded. The surplus sweat which drips
off or is wiped away is virtually useless for heat removal.
Currents of air flowing round the body correct this situation. Saturated air is
replaced by fresh and evaporation is helped in exactly the same manner as
heat removal is helped by forced convection. To understand the limitations of
evaporative regulation, and the value of ventilation and air motion, we must
study the subject of air humidity.
1.5 Humidity
The moisture in humid air takes the form of an invisible vapour, mixed with
the other gaseous constituents. If mist or steam can be seen it means that
more moisture is present than the air can hold; the excess has condensed in
the form of liquid water droplets.
Air that carries the maximum possible amount of water in the vapour form
is said to be saturated. The temperature at which air becomes saturated rises
with its moisture content and is known as the dew point. Thus air saturated at
14°C carries about 1% of water vapour by weight. But at 25 °C it could
contain 2%, so that 1 % moisture content is now only half the saturation
value. It will be sufficient, for our present purpose, to say that its relative
humidity is 50%, saturation value at the same temperature being taken as
Strictly speaking the relative humidity is the ratio of the number of
molecules of water vapour present to the number in the same volume of
saturated air at the same temperature and pressure. The comparison is based
on equal volumes of moist air rather than equal weights of dry air, and the
values are slightly higher except at 0% and 100%. Relative humidity is also
equal to the ratio of the vapour pressure of the water present to the vapour
pressure at saturation.
the handle, providing 3 to 4m/s air movement over the bulbs. The cloth
covering the wet bulb should be clean and freshly soaked in distilled water.
The other bulb must be quite clean and dry.
Air conditions for the human environment are generally described in terms
of the dry-bulb temperature (°C DB) and the relative humidity (RH). There is
no simple formula relating RH to °C DB and °C WB (wet-bulb temperature).
Tabulated values may be used (see Table 14.8) but more information can be
obtained from a Psychrometric Chart. Fig. 1.3. is a simple example suitable
for the present discussion, giving, in addition
to the RH, the dew-point and the moisture content. Many more complicated
psychrometric charts have been drawn, with refinements of accuracy and giving
additional information for the engineer concerned with air conditioning or process
work. See for example Figs. 4.4 and 12.13.
level; this should not exceed 3°C. Draughts must be avoided, and research
has indicated the range which is free from unpleasant sensation as a function
of temperature. The suggested velocity limitation is:
The last condition will not be met in poorly insulated buildings with
convective heating. In such cases cold walls will have to be offset by higher
air temperatures. Conversely, when the heating is mainly radiant a lower air
temperature will give maximum comfort. This problem is dealt with in Section
The optimum temperatures quoted will not be detrimental to any activity
provided some clothing is discarded when working hard. However, with
moderate and heavy work loads lower temperatures can be tolerated; for
example the British Factory Acts allow 15 5°C minimum where factory work is
done seated. Outdoor work can, of course, be done in freezing, or indeed
Arctic, conditions given the necessary clothing, fitness, activity and
acclimatisation, but rest periods in warm surroundings should be available.
10 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
The Tower limit for cold weather is intended to guard against chill when
leaving work which has caused heavy sweating. It will be seen from Fig. 1.4
that a high air velocity can lower the effective temperature by 5 °C or more,
particularly if the air is humid. At the same time the velocity should be limited
if the exposure is long term. Some recommended velocities from the source
just referred to for use in high effective temperatures are:
The stress refers to the combination of heat and work loading. Intermittent
exposure may be at the site of exceptional heat stress, or in relief areas set
aside for recovery after severe exposure.
e.g. in steel works, it is precisely the radiant sources which cause the heat
The prediction and calculation of the heat loads from radiant sources is often
a complex and somewhat unrewarding exercise. The ventilation engineer is
more likely to be called in when certain operations in existing installations are
the subject of complaint. Effective action may include shielding of heat sources,
enclosure and ventilation of sensitive spots such as control desks and relief
areas, or even (for very short exposure to intense heat) the use of protective
clothing with an aluminised surface to minimise radiation absorption.
1.9.3 Example 1
Suppose in a particular workshop the measured dry-bulb temperature is
34°C and the measured wet-bulb temperature 25°C. Fig. 1.3 shows that the
relative humidity is 45% and the moisture content 0.016. On Fig. 1.4 the
location of the straight edge is already drawn as line AB, and shows that the
effective temperature is 28°C with natural air movement only (0.15m/s).
This is on the high side for heavy work and could be reduced to 26 °C with
general air movement at about 1m/s or to 24°C with a positive cooling stream
at 4m/s. Alternatively, if the moisture content could be reduced to 1.0%, say
by local extraction of escaping steam, with an accompanying reduction to 32 °C
dry-bulb, Fig. 1.3 shows that we have
The air and human well-being 13
reduced the RH to 33% and the wet-bulb to just over 20'C. This gives an
effective temperature of 24°C without considering the enhanced air
Example 2
Suppose the same air conditions exist in a foundry, where the workers
cannot readily be shielded from radiant heat. A globe temperature of
52°C is measured with natural air movement of about 1m/s caused by
convection currents only. Fig. 1.4 shows an effective temperature of 34
°C in which only short periods of heavy work are possible.
At first sight it appears that air velocity has negligible effect. However,
it must be remembered that the globe thermometer should be exposed to
the same conditions as the worker. An experiment is tried with the globe
in the work place exposed to a spot-cooling air stream at 4m/s and the
globe temperature falls to 42°C. This gives an effective temperature of
29°C-target value for the work pattern in question.
General ventilation
2.1.3 Recirculation
The flow rates just quoted on a per person basis must be supplied
as fresh outside air. So must the air extracted to remove pollution,
moisture or heat. However, the flow rate required to achieve the air
change recommended in Table 2.1 will usually be considerably
greater. The excess can be recirculated through ducts from that
part of the building where the bulk of the air is exhausted, to the
opposite side. This means that the same air may pass several times
through the various rooms in the building, providing the necessary
air circulation to prevent stagnation, and reducing the heating or
cooling load.
Fig. 2.1 is a schematic example of a ducted system showing the
winter and summer arrangements. Fig. 2.2 shows a unit system
suitable for single storey factories, with winter recirculation of the
warm air collected at roof level.
18 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
2.1.5 Example
Ventilation is required for an open office with dimensions 12m x
30m x 3m high. The number of occupants is assumed to be 90,
this being the maximum permitted under U.K. regulations.
We will first select six air changes per hour from the
recommendations in Table 2.1, bearing in mind that the
occupancy is high. Then the ventilation rate equals:
Since the air space per person is 1080/90 = 12M3, Table 2.2
recommends a fresh air supply of 6 litre/s per person.
Supposing smoking to be permitted, we will increase this by a
third to 8 litre/s, giving a total fresh air supply rate of 8 x 90 =
720 litre/s.
The radiant heat load remaining will be about 80% of the rating
for tungsten lamps, 60% for fluorescent.
(b) Flue heat loss-the heat carried up the flue by hot gases
comprising the products of combustion and the excess air.
The direct intensity, Id varies with the altitude angle of the sun
above the horizon. The effective intensity on any surface is further
reduced by the inclination of the surface to the sun. In addition,
diffuse radiation, If reaches earth's surface after scattering by
atmospheric dust and vertical walls receive reflected radiation from
the ground.
It should be noted that if the terrain is very bare and the air very
dry, increased ground reflection and atmospheric clarity may increase
tropical solar intensities by 20%. Conversely, Industrial atmospheres
may reduce intensities by 20% to 40% even on the sunniest days.
Altitude corrections can be derived from Fig. 2.3, but for moderate
heights an addition of 1% per 100m above sea level will suffice. The
figures in the tables are for the time of year and day giving the
highest intensity for each entry. The 24-hour average midsummer
intensity averaged over walls equally exposed to all points of the
compass is remarkably constant at about 0.08 kW/m2, with about 0.35
kW/m2 on roofs. The tables may be used for the southern hemisphere
by interchanging N and S.
2.4.2 Example
A single-storey machine shop has a plan area of 40m x 12m
and a height of 4m to the eaves and 6m to a central ridge. The
40m wall faces 40° west of south and has five windows. A roof
light on the NE side spans 32m and is 1 m wide. Rural situation
in UK at 52° north latitude.
28 Woods Practical Guide to Pan Engineering
This is the temperature rise of the air when finally extracted. The
occupied zone may be expected to be about 3°C above the outside
Air distribution and
The main topic in this chapter will be the siting of air inlets
and outlets and their design in relation to air movement in
the ventilated spaces.
3.2 Jets
3.2.1 Jet controlled circulation
While comparatively crude provisions suffice for high-volume
general ventilation systems in industrial buildings, greater
sophistication is needed for optimum comfort in a leisure
assembly area. The points of air supply are critical, both in their
location and in the manner in which the air is introduced.
The air will generally be supplied in the form of a jet in order
to maintain control over a relatively large floor area. This jet will
be of relatively high velocity and must be kept out of the
"occupied zone"-namely the accessible parts of the room not
more than 1.8 metres above floor level. As the jet advances
across the room it slows down and at the same time expands,
dragging into motion or "entraining" an ever-increasing volume
of air from the room. When the peak velocity has fallen below
0.5m/s the jet breaks up into random motion and ceases to
advance. It is mainly the entrained air, circulating back through
the occupied zone to rejoin the jet nearer the supply outlet,
which provides the controlled air movement, ideally in the range
of 0.1 to 0.25m/s, which is required. In industrial situations
velocities up to 0.4m/s would be applicable.
a jet from an outlet with double the area, the entrained volume
flow being the same as it would be from the same outlet into open
The throw of a jet is defined as the distance Xt at which the peak
velocity Vx has fallen to 0.5m/s. It is good practice to set the throw
at about three-quarters of the distance to the wall opposite the
outlet. Fig. 3.5 illustrates the type of air distribution aimed at. It
also shows, for the case of a cooled air conditioning jet, the result
of inadequate throw (draught-making velocities fall into the
occupied zone) and of excessive throw (cold draughts down the far
Not only the throw, Xt but also the supply air quantity, Qo, must
be right for satisfactory design, and the selection of Qo. is dealt with
in the next section. Here we may note that the basic equation can
be recast to give the required outlet area in terms of Qo, Xt and Vx.
(= 0.5m/s).
3.2.3 Example
A room 12m x 8m x 3m high is to be air conditioned with outlet
slots near ceiling level along the 12m wall. Four air changes are
they have respectively lower and higher densities than the air in
the room. As entrained air is mixed with the jet the average
temperature difference from the room air will fall-substantially in
proportion to the fall in peak velocity. However, the jet will be
excessively deflected up or down if we try to load it with too
much heating or cooling duty.
If a single jet is designed to provide satisfactory throw down
the length, L m, of a room which is H m high by B m wide, then
it should still be satisfactory when carrying a heating or cooling
load of W watts, provided the supply volume flow is not less
3.2.5 Example
Substituting the values Qo = 0.08M3/s, B = 3m, H = 3m from
example 3.2.3. in the last equation, we find that the maximum
heating or cooling load, W, is 740 W per outlet or 3 kW for the
whole space. If the requirement were to be, say, 6 kW, then Qo
must be increased, and Vo decreased, in the ratio 3√6/3 = 1.26.
Both types may be used, seated, with the head directly in the air
stream. They are therefore tested by exploring the air velocity
distribution at appropriate distances directly in front of the fans.
These distances are taken as three impeller diameters in front of
table fans, or 1.5 metres below a ceiling fan placed 3m above the
floor. Typical performances are shown in Fig. 3.6, the air volume
flows being integrated to include all the air entrained at the test
38 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
It will be seen that ceiling and table fans are capable of producing
air movement in the range 1 to 4m/s over the upper part of the
body. Velocities at the higher end of this range are welcome when
the temperature is very high. At more moderate temperatures the
fan speed may be lowered or table fans may be moved to moderate
the air movement.
Pedestal fans are perhaps most useful for occasional hot spells in
temperate climates when air movement is otherwise inadequate.
Being generally designed with a view to attractive appearance and
quietness they are most often found in restaurants and similar
3.3.4 Mancoolers
The portable cooling fan or mancooler is a much more powerful
jetblast device. It is used for the relief of industrial heat stress (see
Section 1.8) rather than comfort cooling. A constant-velocity
contour plot of the
Air distribution and circulation 39
Solar and other heat gains discussed in Chapter 2 will form the major
part of the heat load on a cooling system. If the building is air condi-
tioned there will be an additional load due to the heat flowing into the
building from outside temperature to to the lower internal comfort
temperature, tc. This will be Hf + Hv calculated as before.
walls will be relatively cold. This will increase the heat which the
body disposes of by the radiation route. To maintain constant heat
loss, and therefore comfort, the body must secure an equivalent
reduction in the heat disposed of by the convection route. This can
be done if the air temperature is raised, though the rise required is
less if the air movement is substantial. At an air movement rate
around 01m/s the rise in air temperature needed is about 2°C for
every 1 °C fall in the mean radiant temperature. At 0.2 to 0.4m/s it
will be nearer to 1 °C for every 1 °C.
Precisely the opposite effect occurs if the heat is supplied mainly
by radiation. The body's radiant heat loss will fall, its convective
loss must rise, and the air temperature for comfort will be below
the comfort index temperature by 2°C per 1 °C radiant excess at
0.1m/s or 1 °C per 1 °C at the higher air velocity.
Since the whole approximation process is fairly crude it is
sufficient to class heating systems as mainly convective or mainly
radiant. The following is a general classification by type, with typical
Imagine the case of a 100% radiant system. The radiant heat will
travel directly to the walls without heating the intervening air. If
there is no ventilation the air will ultimately reach the same
temperature tr as the walls. However, there must actually be fresh
air introduced at a rate Qv m3/s requiring Hv watts to reach tc °C.
This air can, however, be preheated to a lower temperature ta which
will enable a new balance to be found maintaining comfort
temperature tc. In the case of a mainly radiative heating system:
44 Woods Practical Guide to fan Engineering
4.4.3 Stack effect arises from the buoyancy of the warm air
inside a building which will be at a lower density than the cold
air outside. It is most effective in high, single-storey, factory
buildings with ridge mounted or other ventilators in the roof. An
approximate formula for the volume flow is:
equals 200 kW of process heat, 1.2, and 1.0 being the density
and specific heat of the air, respectively.
48 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
4.4.4 Infiltration
When windows are closed, inward and outward leakages still take
place round the edges, and have a significant effect on the heating
requirements. The leakage depends on the pressure across the
window and its sealing qualities. As a guide to estimation three
standard leakage coefficients, Aw have been established for the
infiltration rate per metre of joint which are representative of the
upper limits to be expected from modern, metal-framed windows:
Weather-stripped and pivotted 0.05 litre/s per metre at 1 Pa
Weather-stripped and sliding 0.125 litre/s per metre at 1 Pa
Not weather-stripped 0.25 litre/s per metre at 1 Pa
quadrant. Fig. 4.3 is plotted to give the leakage rate directly from
the wind speed at roof level derived from Fig. 4.1 in accordance
An open plan office block in a suburban area is 30m x 15m x
50m high and has 200 windows each on the north and south
faces, 100 windows each on the east and west. The windows
are not weatherstripped and each has a periphery of 5m. What
winter infiltration rate should be allowed?
falls at the rate of about 1 °C for each 1000 joules of sensible heat
lost per kilogramme of dry air. Two very simple approximate
relationships follow:
A cooling rate of 1 kW (= 1 kJ/s) applied to an air flow of 1 kg/s
will reduce the dry-bulb temperature by 1 °C.
Latent heat at the rate of 1 kW is extracted by the evaporation of
water at the rate of:
substantial provided the air was not too humid to start with. The
process can be followed on a portion of the psychrometric chart
selected in Fig. 4.4 to suit hot climate applications. On this chart
lines of constant
52 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
In this formula both M and ppm (parts per million by volume) may be
either daily average or short-period values, whichever gives the higher
value of Q. SF is a safety factor, commonly chosen between 3 and 6,
according to the uncertainty of the data and to possible defects in the
ventilation distribution. Good distribution was discussed in Chapter 3; the
danger is of local gas concentration in places where workers may spend a
significant part of their time.
5.1.2 Example
Acetone is used as a solvent in a workroom of 50M3 volume. The
maximum recorded consumption is 5 litres in an eight hour shift.
The density of liquid acetone is 790 kg/m3, that is 0.79 kg/litre, so that
the vapour generation rate is about 4 kg in eight hours, ½ kg/hr or 140
The maximum daily average concentration of acetone vapour from
Table 5.1. is 1000 ppm and the vapour density is 2.44 kg/m3. Taking the
factor of safety as 5, the required general ventilation rate is:
Pollution control 55
56 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
Extraction is through top and bottom slits in a baffle leading to the exhaust
duct. This ensures the extraction of heavy gases collecting towards the floor
of the cupboard, as well as light gases at the top.
When dangerous micro-organisms or highly radio-active materials have to
be handled, protection from contact must be as complete as possible.
Glove-boxes with air-locked entry arrangements for specimens and
high-efficiency filters monitored for pressure drop in the exhaust ducts are
used, see Fig. 5.2.
Dust clouds can also explode, but only in concentrations exceeding the
10mg/m3 quoted as the maximum for industrial atmospheres. Aluminium and
magnesium powders cause particularly violent explosions, while organic dusts
such as starch are easily ignited. Good housekeeping is important, with
accumulations of dust in odd corners rigorously excluded. Otherwise a small
local explosion may raise a dense dust cloud resulting in a massively
destructive blast.
General ventilation is not effective for the control of industrial dust. Local
extraction at source will be required, followed by dust collectors to prevent
dust nuisance outside the plant. These are discussed later in this chapter.
58 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
5.2.2. Example
A batch oven dries painted sheet steel products at a temperature of
180°C. Xylol solvent is driven off at an estimated rate of 1.5 kg per hour (=
420 mg/s). The lower explosive limit for xylol is 10,000 ppm (Table 5.3) and
the density of its vapour is 3.8 kg/m3 at room temperature.
Pollution control 59
As both the air and the vapour will leave the oven at 180°C, the flow rate
to be produced in the extract duct (proportional to absolute temperature, i.e.
273 + t °C) will be:
incendive spark (i.e. one with more than 0001 joule energy). When motors or
other electrical equipment must be used in a continuously explosive
atmosphere, Ex p, pressurised, machines can be considered, though, with all
the necessary precautions, they tend to be excessively costly except in the
largest sizes.
Pollution control 63
Turbulent flow applies to particles larger than 600µm or so, when the drag
force increases with the square of the velocity.
Streamline flow is predominant in the 0.1 to 100 µm range. The drag force
is viscous and proportional to velocity.
Pollution control 65
66 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
Transitional flow occurs between the turbulent and streamline forms, the
drag force being higher than in either.
The air itself is always in motion, and when its velocity is well above the
terminal velocity of a particle, that particle will be carried with the air. Thus
particles in the 1 to 100µm range are classed as temporary impurities - quite
mild air movement will keep them in suspension for a substantial period.
Smaller particles move so slowly under gravity that they are likely to remain
as permanent impurities. Larger particles will settle more or less rapidly, but
can be transported, and thereby removed, by deliberate air currents of
sufficient magnitude.
Screening of particles which are too large to pass through the air passages
in a filter medium.
Adhesion to sticky or wetted surfaces off which the larger particles would
otherwise rebound.
The strands of viscous filters are generally relatively coarse and open and
most are at their best with particles in the4to 10Nmrange. The panels are
usually washable and can be re-oiled and re-used repeatedly. Automatic filters
can, therefore, be constructed from endless bands of filter material
continuously circulating through a bath which serves for both washing and
Viscous filters find their major application in the cleansing of the air supply
to buildings. They are particularly useful in cities with badly polluted
atmospheres, as they can deal economically with heavy dust loads. Pressure
drop is low - 100 to 150 Pa.
Dry filters are also made in panels or rolls of fabric or fibrous material,
natural or synthetic.
For air conditioning supply systems they have finer, more closely packed
strands and will remove most of the carbonaceous dusts in the 0.5 to 5m
range responsible for dirtying fabrics and decorations. The material is
generally thrown away when dirty, but can be cleaned in special solutions.
Pollution control 69
discharged from large chemical plants. For these installations ionisation and
collection are combined in one stage with wires at 30,000 to 75,000 volts
(negative) between earthed plates. The pressure drop of all electrostatic
precipitators is very low, and the expense is associated with the power pack
to produce the high DC voltages and the safety precautions these voltages
Absolute filters are made from a dry filter medium akin to paper or felt.
They are made possible by the very small diameters in which glass and
asbestos fibre can now be produced. The pores are so fine that the diffusion
or Brownian movements of particles as small as 0.01 µm will cause
impingement and retention. The medium can be quite thin so that, with deep
corrugations, maximum face velocities of 1.25 to 2.5m/s can be reached.
Pressure drop is likely to reach 250 to 500 Pa, and soiled filter medium must
be thrown away. If the filter is used to capture bacteria only it can be
sterilised and re-used several times.
Such filters are used in the air supply to clean rooms or sterile rooms of the
highest standard. Operating theatres, pharmaceutical, photographic and
biological laboratories and the trapping of radio-active dust may be
mentioned. If necessary an efficiency of 99.995% can be reached with
methylene blue test dust. The cost is high and pre-filters are necessary to
remove coarse dust and lengthen the life of the absolute medium.
Activated carbon filters can be used for the adsorption of gases and
vapours. The carbon is produced in granulated form, packed into panels
through which the room air is circulated and recirculated. The granules need
not be tightly packed, and many of the large molecules characteristic of
odours are captured in an active way reminiscent of the capillarity of liquids.
Each carbon granule is a structure with a large surface area formed on a
multitude of internal pores. The medium has a long life since it can absorb up
to half its own weight of gas or vapour, which can then be driven off by
heating and the carbon used again. 95% efficiency is obtainable and the
pressure drop can be constant in clean air at about 60 Pa. These filters are
perhaps most commonly found in cooker hoods for domestic kitchens.
The critical phase is the capture of the particle by an air stream sufficiently
strong to direct and transport the particle towards the duct. The air direction
must be proof against excessive deflection by draughts; 0.5m/s is usually
enough to secure this. 0.5m/s is also sufficiently above the terminal velocity
given in Fig. 5.4 for the capture of most dusts. Industrial grit, however, is
usually too heavy for air capture; hoods must be placed in line with the
expected flight from grinding wheels and
Pollution control 71
similar sources. Similarly the natural flow of air and vapour upwards from
boiling pans or other heated sources must be respected in the siting and
sizing of a hood above.
The velocity of the air towards a suction point falls rapidly with the distance
away-in fact with the square of the distance when this is more than about
twice the diameter of the suction opening. The distribution of velocity close to
circular suction openings is shown in Fig. 5.8, the figures being air velocities
in per cent of average duct velocity. Wide flanges will improve the inward
velocities in their neighbourhood, but will make little difference to the
approach velocities along the centre line.
76 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
the balloon. The air inside the balloon does experience a greater
pressure than the atmospheric air outside, though the difference
will not be very great-perhaps 105,000 Pa compared with 100,000
Pa in the atmosphere.
The term "pressure" without qualification describes both po =
100,000 Pa outside the balloon and pa = 105,000 Pa inside - the air
being supposed to be still in both cases. If there is any danger of
misunderstanding, this form of pressure can be particularised as
absolute pressure.
612S i
6.1.4`Total pressure, p,
At any point in the air the sum of the static pressure and the velocity
pressure is called the total pressure.
We must now observe that in order to raise the pressure (absolute or
static) of a sample of air we must do work on it; in other words the air must
absorb energy. In our example we must work with the lungs to raise the
pressure in the balloon. Conversely, if the air pressure falls it must give out
energy. Limiting ourselves to moderate static pressure changes for which the
air can be considered incompressible we can neglect changes in density and
temperature and forget about the corresponding complications of
thermodynamics. It is then found that the change in static pressure is equal
to the energy absorbed or given out by unit volume of air. Dimensionally we
can easily see, thanks to SI, that this is right.
78 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
Next we remember that the ordinary formula for the kinetic energy of a
mass m kg moving with a velocity v m/s is ½mv2 joules. Therefore the kinetic
energy of air which has a mass of ρ kilogrammes per cubic metre is ½ρv2
joules per cubic metre when it is moving with velocity v. This is also its
velocity pressure in Pa and, dimensionally:
We can now see that the formula at the end of this section in terms of
pressures has a corresponding expression in terms of energies:
Here total pressure and total energy both have the restricted, relative,
meaning of their definitions. They are not "total" in an absolute sense since
the basic pressure and energy of the atmosphere are excluded.
With simple incompressible flow the only exception to the rule that
total pressure falls in the direction of flow will be a fan. A fan does work
on the air and the total pressure will rise from fan inlet to fan outlet by an
amount called the fan total pressure, which will be considered in more
detail later.
The second part of this expression is the total pressure drop which will
always make a negative contribution to the static pressure difference.
The first part is the change in conventional velocity pressure, with a
80 Woods Practical Guide to fan Engineering
In this way the system pressures of the order of 100 Pa which generate
internal air circulation can be isolated for calculation from external pressure
differences which may exceed 1500 Pa.
Following the lettered stages through the system with reference to the fig.
numbers where numerical data will be found
a. Air velocity increases from zero in the free atmosphere towards the duct
entry. There is no loss, so p, is constant at its free atmosphere zero
value. As V increases ps falls with ½ρV2.
d. pt rises by the fan total pressure. In the diagram ps rises by the same
amount, but this is only because inlet and outlet areas are equal in the
case illustrated. Note that the change in ps is never equal to the "fan
static pressure", for the definition of which see Chapter 7.
f. When the duct area is suddenly enlarged, pt will fall corresponding to the
loss of energy. The nominal fall is sharp, as shown by the full line. The
broken line illustrates the lengthwise distribution of energy loss which in
fact occurs. ps will rise sharply, both nominally and actually as measured
by the wall pressure. This, "static pressure regain" arises because the
whole of the drop in kinetic energy from e to g is not lost.
j. The air is accelerated with little loss of pt but with a large fall in ps,
corresponding to the large rise in pv to ½ρVk2.
m. At any system outlet to the free atmosphere, the whole of the kinetic
energy of the flow will be lost. Thus, in contradistinction to the inlet a,
where ps fell and pt remained zero, at an outlet pt will fall from its value
just before the outlet to zero while ps will reach zero before discharge at
m, and remain zero.
n. The broken line again distinguishes the actual loss of energy along the
outlet jet from the sharp fall in nominal pt at m.
Air flow and pressure in ducted systems 83
From this velocity, and the air density, ρ(kg/m3) the conventional velocity
pressure is determined:
This is then multiplied by a factor, K, and the result is the total pressure
drop from the inlet (1) to the outlet (2) of the element. Since we are calling it
a pressure drop, we can ignore the negative sign which it would have as a
pressure change (from high to low in the direction of flow).
± 2 or 3% variation in the volume flow handled by the fan. The elements of total
pressure drop are added together round the system, and may be classified as
The last item brings out the fact that a ducted system should be regarded as a
complete circuit. Of course the air entering the system is not (or should not be)
the same air that leaves the system outlets. But it is flowing at exactly the same
volume (strictly mass) rate and can be looked upon as ultimately circulating
round at almost zero velocity through the almost infinite area offered by the free
The data in section 6.6 are derived from a number of sources, the most
important being the research results and survey published by BHRA (Internal
Flow - a guide to losses in pipe and duct systems. D. S. Miller, British
Hydromechanics Research Ass. Bedford). Slight liberties have been taken in
smoothing and extrapolating the data in the interests of simplicity and clarity, but
this is a field where differences of 20 to 25% between one authority and another
are by no means unusual.
The K values given apply to medium to large volume flows at medium to high
velocities-these being, of course, the conditions under which the resulting energy
losses will be most significant. In smaller systems, as judged by the Reynolds
number criterion (see 13.5.2), K will be greater. The factor by which it should be
increased is roughly as in the following table for low-loss bends and similar
components; the increase is less for sharp bends, and in other cases where the
flow separates from the walls.
intakes are the optimum, but require tooling and are mostly limited to
proprietary equipment, such as fans.
6.5.2Outlets. Always remember to include one velocity pressure for the final
discharge to atmosphere - whether from a duct or a fan. This velocity
pressure is already included in Fig. 6.8 and the tables for outlet louvres and
cowls to show the overall effect of outlet area selection in these cases.
6.5.4 Sudden contraction does not produce much loss at area ratios down
to 0.8 but does generate separated flow and some noise. A 60° or less cone
contraction eliminates these defects, and is particularly necessary at the inlet
to a fan.
6.5.6 Guards must have mesh sizes meeting the safety requirements and the
wire or bar of which they are made must be sufficiently robust. Once these
needs are met any further reduction in free area will cause unnecessary loss.
Locate the guard in a low velocity section if possible. Wire mesh or perforated
plate designed to make K = 2 is used in test airways to produce a velocity
distribution as uniform as possible over the cross section.
6.5.6 Filters, heat exchangers and the like should have pressure loss data
provided by the supplier. Filters in particular show a K value decreasing as the
air velocity rises, since the pressure drop does not increase as fast as the
velocity squared - an effect of the low Reynolds number in the material.
Air flow and pressure inducted systems 87
6.5.9 Diffusers joining two ducts are usually required to expand through a
specified area ratio while the length is at the designer's choice. The loss falls
with increasing length to a minimum (K = 0.06) with an included angle of 7°
or less. A 7° diffuser is very often too long in practice, bearing in mind that 2
to 4 diameters of uniform duct are needed after the diffuser for full recovery.
If the limited length (L/De) available (or economical) places the design in the
region of Fig. 6.7 above the broken line, it is better to truncate the diffuser as
illustrated in the example. Note that diffusers with an included angle more
than 25° are rarely worth while - sudden expansion is nearly as good.
While the total pressure falls, the static pressure rises from inlet to outlet
of a diffuser. This rise is called the static pressure regain.
6.5.10 Outlet diffusers save energy by reducing the velocity at which the
air is finally discharged. If they expand at too steep an angle the extra gain in
velocity pressure will be more than offset by extra diffusion losses. Generally
speaking the designer will need to limit the length of the diffuser for cost
reasons or because space is limited - a diffuser outlet should be at least 1½
times its small diameter from a wall. He can, however, choose the outlet area,
and Fig. 6.8 shows the area ratio for minimum loss as a function of length.
The figure also gives the corresponding loss and included angle.
6.5.12 Interaction between bends which are close to one another affects the
loss in the second bend. See 6.6.6. Provided the bends have a throat radius
of at least half the width the results are favourable - a reduction in total loss.
Sharp bends on the other hand must be spaced at least two diameters apart,
or else the losses will be greatly increased for the reasons discussed in the
last paragraph. To insure against under estimating the losses, diffusers and
expanders should be spaced three diameters from bends.
velocity reduction, and it is best to design for roughly equal velocities. The
same applies to Y-type flow divisions.
For minimum dividing branch loss it is best to use a rectangular duct in
which branches are taken off with half-throat-radius bends of constant height,
while the main duct area is proportionately reduced at each branch. Velocity
reduction by more than 10% should be avoided both in branch and main,
though acceleration by 30% or more is quite safe.
The friction factor f varies in quite a complex manner with the gas velocity,
the properties of the gas, the diameter of the duct, and the effective
roughness of its walls. The general case, applicable to long airways in mining,
tunnelling and industrial process work, is discussed in Chapter 13. For
ventilating, and most air handling work it is adequate, and much simpler, to
use a chart which takes into account the variations of f with duct diameter
and velocity when atmospheric air is the gas flowing.
Fig. 6.17 is such a chart, drawn up to give the pressure gradient directly
with air of standard density, = 1.2 kg/m3, and with wall roughness, ε µm
(micrometres) representative of typical ventilating duct
Air flow and pressure in ducted systems 89
construction. Full details of the basis and use of this chart are given, with an
example, on pages 98 and 99. Corrections are given for density - exact when
the gas is predominantly air - and wall roughness. The roughness correction is
approximate only, but then so, usually, is the evaluation of e. The chart is
plotted from the formula:
This is still not the value to use in the chart. What is wanted is a genuinely
equivalent cylindrical duct which, if substituted for the rectangular or other
duct, would pass the same volume flow, Q, under the same pressure gradient.
The area and velocity for such a duct would be different, and so therefore
would the friction factor f. Allowance for this can be made (see Chapter 13) by
the somewhat awkward formula below under the same conditions of standard
air and wall roughness. Use of the formula can be avoided by referring to
Chart 6.18 which gives, for a rectangular duct a x b mm, an effective diameter
Dq mm transferrable directly across to chart 6.17.
The downstream duct should be at least 4D2 long, for full pressure
K for bends turning through angles other than 90° can be expressed
approximately as a percentage of the 90° value.
96 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
with the main ducts tapering in width as the m3/s fall. The ratio of branch
velocity to main velocity is, however, low for efficient junction and it would be
better to bring them into closer agreement. See Fig.6.13.
In a branched system the total pressure drop is usually calculated for the run
to the farthest branch outlet or inlet. The total pressure drop to a nearer branch
would be less, and as equal volume flow at all outlets or inlets is probably the
design objective a damper would be needed in each branch to absorb the
excess pressure. The system would be "balanced" after installation, the damper
in the farthest branch being set fully open and the remainder closed by trial
until equal volume flow is achieved at each.
A static regain method is sometimes recommended for long supply ducts with
many take-off branches. The idea is to maintain constant static pressure at all
take-off points in the main duct thereby minimising the damper losses. The
main duct is resized for a lower velocity after each take-off and it is assumed
that about 25% of the fall in velocity pressure will be lost at each junction, the
remaining 75% being "regained" as a rise in static pressure. The velocity
reduction is chosen so that the regain just balances the loss of total pressure at
the junction plus the duct friction of the section.
Fuller data on branch and junction losses is now available, see Figs. 6.11 to
6.15, and we may judge by how much (if at all) the main velocity may exceed
the branch velocity without incurring excessive junction loss. See the last
paragraph of Section 6.9 for an example of satisfactory balance.
Air flow and pressure in ducted systems 101
In these formulae it is sufficient to take the temperature t°C and the absolute
pressure pa pascals at the average of their values round the system. Remember
that pa = po + ps for circuits open to the atmosphere, po being the barometric
pressure in pascals ( = 100 x millibars). Also that the pressure in a closed circuit
may be quoted as a "gauge pressure", in which case the barometric pressure
must be added to obtain pa.
For gases other than air ps is the value at standard temperature and pressure
relative to air as given in Table 14.11. The standards are conventionally po =
101,325 Pa (760mm of mercury) and 20°C. For ease of calculation they are
here taken as po = 100,000 Pa and t = 16°C, at which all densities remain
standard. For precise density calculation, taking into account humidity, see
Chapter 10.
Example 1: An air conditioning plant in Johannesburg (altitude 1700m)
circulates air at 25°C through a high velocity supply system with a total
pressure drop of 2,000 Pa, calculated at ρ = 1.2 kg/m3.
The normal atmospheric pressure at 1700m is given in Table 14.5 as 82,500
Pa. The average static pressure in the system can be taken as:
102 Woods Practical Guide to fan Engineering
(e) The fairing is that provided for an open inlet fan and any loss is
allowed for in the fan performance.
(f) K would only be 0.01 for a 2½% sudden contraction without change
of shape (Fig. 6.3). Allow a nominal K = 0.05 for the transition from round
to rectangular.
(g) Fig. 6.18 gives Dq = 1200mm as the equivalent diameter of a 1000 x
1200mm section. Fig. 6.17 gives g = 1.4 Pa/m at Q = 16 and D = 1200.
1.4 x 20m = 28 Pa.
(h) Fig 6.10 applies. R/A = 0.6/1.2 = 0.5. B/A = 1.0/1.2 = 0.83.
Therefore K = 0.26.
(i) As item (g) g = 1.4 Pa/m and 1.4 x 5m = 7 Pa.
(j) The data in Section 6.6.5 for low loss right angle tees applies. V1/V3 =
12.3/13.3 exceeding the minimum specified as 0.9. r/b = 0.3/0.65 is
slightly better than the 0.5 specified. At Q1 /Q3 = 8/16 = 0.5, K31 = 0.2.
104 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
(k) From Fig. 6.18, 650 x 1000 gives 880mm Dg. From Fig. 6.17, Q = 8
and D = 880 gives g = 1.8 Pa/m and multiplication by 4m gives 7Pa.
One point on the characteristic can always be found at which the efficiency of
the fan is a maximum. This is called the best efficiency point-d on the diagram.
As well as providing the lowest power consumption for a given duty, operation at
this point usually secures the lowest noise level for that particular fan.
To solve this problem we assume that the loss factors K for the various items
in the system remain constant when the flow rate is varied. The losses of total
pressure are then proportional to the various velocity pressures, and each of
these, and therefore their sum when they are added together, Pr, is proportional
to the square of the volume flow rate. This relationship can be shown on the
graph by plotting the line marked "system characteristic" which passes through
the duty required at A and follows the "square law"
At the point B where the system characteristic intersects the fan characteristic
the operating conditions for both the fan and the system are met. B is therefore
the operating point.
7.3.1 Example
Consider the airway system of section 6.15 in the last chapter. The desired
duty point is at 16.Om3/s and 316 Pa, as plotted at A in Fig. 7.1. The square law
system characteristic is then drawn. The fan characteristic in this figure is for a
1250mm diameter adjustable pitch axial fan, running at 12 revolutions per
second and set at a pitch angle allowing 10% margin over the estimated total
pressure drop at 16M3/s. If the
108 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
The fan total pressure is divided into two parts: the fan velocity pressure,
which is a conventional measure (see 6.6) of the kinetic energy at fan outlet,
and the fan static pressure, which represents the work done in compression. The
fan static pressure is fully available to the user, but the fan velocity pressure
suffers from the handicap that some of it will inevitably be lost, although this
loss appears as part of the system pressure drop when calculated by the method
in the last chapter. At an open fan outlet, or at the end of a duct system kept at
fan outlet area all the way, the loss is 100% of the fan velocity pressure. If the
duct area is gradually expanded, or a diffuser (conical expander) fitted to the fan
outlet, the loss can be limited by careful design to 25% of the fan velocity
pressure. Most practical cases lie between these extremes.
In order that the user may know what he is getting, it is usual in the
English-speaking world to quote or plot both the fan total pressure and the fan
static pressure; the fan velocity pressure can then be found by subtraction.
Alternatively, one of the pressures may be given, together with the outlet
velocity or area from which the others can be calculated. In some European
countries, however, only one "fan pressure" is recognised. This is usually equal
to our "fan static pressure" for an open outlet fan or to our "fan total pressure"
for a ducted outlet fan. It seems to the writer illogical that 100% of the fan
velocity pressure should be credited to a fan connected to a duct, where some is
bound to be lost, and none to an open outlet fan when some can be recovered,
and no more need be lost.
Fans and fan performance 109
Ps is the fan static pressure which is equal to the fan total pressure less the
fan velocity pressure.
tion. All fans work by aerodynamic action in so far as this implies the action
of forces exerted by the impeller blades on the air.
The total pressure rise takes place wholly within the volume swept by the
rotating blades. Neglecting losses the total pressure is constant up to the
blade entry, and constant again downstream of the blade exit.
(c) Upstream guide vanes cause the incoming air to swirl in the opposite
direction to the impeller rotation, serving to cancel out the swirl introduced
by the impeller. They are not often used since they improve efficiency less
than downstream guide vanes, and have an unfavourable effect on noise
level. However, they do cause a substantial increase in peak pressure and
will sometimes overcome a pressure limit set by a fixed motor speed.
(d) Diffusers will convert some of the fan velocity pressure into fan static
pressure, which is the only useful form at an open outlet. They will reduce
the system loss when used to connect the fan outlet to a larger duct or
chamber. Their performance in these roles is very much dependent on the
flow pattern at the fan outlet, and for this reason manufacturers will
generally quote the combined performance of the fan and a diffuser of
recommended dimensions.
Fans and fan performance 115
(d) If two identical guide vane fans are run in series the fan total pressure
would be approximately doubled at a given volume flow, apart from
losses due to mutual interference, the fan velocity pressure remaining the
same. Two non-guide-vane fans will only produce about 50% more
pressure than one, since the second stage will be unloaded by the swirl
produced by the first. The effect may be looked upon as a reduction in
the rotational speed of the second impeller relative to the air entering it,
which is spinning in the same direction.
7.7.2 High efficiency justifies axial fan designs of relatively high first cost
when the power absorbed is measured in hundreds of kilowatts. Among
features distinguishing such designs from the general-purpose type are:
(b) Blade form designed specifically for the required duty. When dieforming is
not justified, this entails increased labour to provide a good surface finish.
(c) Aerofoil-section guide vanes, again designed specifically for the required
(e) Careful streamlining of the annulus passage, and fairing of bearing supports
or other obstructions. This may entail moving the driving motor right out of
the casing, introducing the necessary transmission elements to the impeller.
(e) Space for a long tail-fairing following the impeller hub and guide vanes to
maximise fan total pressure by conversion of annulus velocity pressure.
Fans and fan performance 119
(f) Space for a long, gradually expanding diffuser to minimise outlet velocity
pressure, and maximise fan static pressure.
These measures may raise the peak fan total efficiency to 90% compared
with 80% for a good general-purpose model at optimum duty.
7.7.3 Small axial fans continue the general-purpose range downwards, but
are more often manufactured with plastic impellers and sometimes casings also.
In the 100 to 200mm diameter range the high pressure conformation is often
used to counter the 50 or 60 rev/s speed limitation set by induction driving
motors. In the aircraft field small axial fans of exceptionally high power-weight
ratio are made, using the high induction motor speeds possible on a 400 Hz
7.7.4 Low pressure axial fans are met with particularly in large sizes with
volume flows from 50M3/s upwards at fan static pressure from 100 to 200 Pa.
As an example they may be applied singly, discharging from the top of
evaporative cooling towers, or in multiple, circulating air across extensive banks
of heat exchange tubes.
Hubs are small and the blades long, slender, and few in number three, four
or six. Blades were at one time of timber, but now hollow glass-reinforced
polyester, or similar, mouldings, or hollow aerofoil sections from steel or
aluminium sheet are more usual. Guide vanes are unnecessary.
120 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
Propeller fans are quiet and effective for ventilation purposes, both supply and
exhaust. They are also used for unit heaters and similar applications where some
resistance is encountered. For these an experimental matching of the fan and
the unit is important since the pressure development and the flow pattern over
the heat exchanger are very dependent on the blade and orifice plate positions.
As more of the impeller projects on the outlet side of the orifice, the free flow
volume falls, because the inlet orifice flow no longer covers all the blade. At the
same time the pressure at low flow rises, because more blade is exposed on the
outlet side for centrifugal action. The free flow can be substantially increased by
rounding the orifice edge or fitting a rounded inlet ring. This is because the vena
contracta is expanded (see section 7.5.4) and less velocity pressure is required
for a given volume flow. Moderate pressure performance is also helped, but high
pressure development is impaired. If the rounding is enlarged into a true
7 22 Woods Practical Guide to fan Engineering
bell mouth and a short tunnel formed around the impeller, the fan becomes in
effect an axial fan, and is better served by an aerofoil section impeller.
The impellers of propeller fans are almost invariably mounted on the shaft of
the driving motor. The air flow cools the motor, which can be totally enclosed to
keep out dust. The impeller power rises rather sharply if the volume flow is
drastically restricted, and the motor could be overheated, particularly if on the
downstream side, where centrifugal flow starves it of cooling air. However,
propeller fans are not often used in systems where such excessive resistance
could arise.
Table and pedestal fans may be fitted with very similar impellers to propeller
fans. The orifice flow pattern is the same, though the zero fan static pressure
condition only has to be considered and no plate orifice or ring is needed.
Fans and fan performance 123
making an angle with the radius from 45° upwards, forward in the direction of
rotation. The air velocity relative to the impeller changes from backwards at
blade inlet to forwards at blade outlet with little change in magnitude. However,
the air leaves the impeller with a very high tangential absolute velocity - higher
than the blade velocity. This means that a good deal of the pressure rise must
come from velocity conversion in the volute casing.
With the usual proportions - impeller width about 50% and blade depth about
8% of the diameter - mechanical considerations limit the tip speed so that the
maximum pressure is about 900 Pa. This can be
centrifugal action. Mechanically much higher tip speeds are possible and
full-width general-purpose models will commonly develop up to 2500 Pa.
Another advantage is their non-overloading power characteristic, by which is
meant a power input which does not peak at either free flow or no flow. These
fans may be regarded as the standard industrial centrifugals in the larger sizes,
where their aerodynamic performance justifies increased first cost.
appliances as table fans and electric fan heaters. Efficiency is low, but the fans
are fairly quiet for their duty.
To obtain reasonable performance an adequate outlet diffuser is necessary
since pressure mainly comes from conversion of the high velocity pressure
leaving the impeller. It is also necessary to design the air circuit through the
appliance and the impeller as one unit, to ensure that the build-up of the vortex
will not be disturbed. Larger models are occasionally made where the
rectangular flow passage is helpful. An example is the provision of air curtains
over the open doorways to exclude the weather.
Fans and fan performance 135
7.14.2 Weather resistance. Higher grades of exposed plastic components and paint
finishes are required for repeated exposure to rain, fog, and the ultra-violet radiation
of the sun. Ingress of rain and snow must be limited to protect moving parts and
delicate components. Severe climates pose special hazards. For example, termite and
fungus attack in tropical environments on insulation and other organic materials;
lubricant stiffness and material embrittlement at Arctic temperatures; marine strength
standards for deck-mounted fan casings.
Heavier concentrations in the air handled by the fan demand special surface
treatments going right back to the basic steel or aluminium. Baked enamels, sprayed
metal powders, or thick fused plastics coats may be cited, each requiring a carefully
planned process schedule.
Fans to handle highly corrosive gases, particularly when wet or hot, may require to
be constructed from special corrosion-resistant metals or plastics. Selectivity is
necessary since no material is uniformly resistant to all reagents, though rigid PVC
has a wide range of application in the chemical industry.
7.14.5 Heat resistance. General-purpose fans with motors out of the air stream will
handle air with temperatures well above 40°C, the first limitation being generally
reached with the bearing lubricant. Standard
136 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
lithium-based ball bearing greases will give satisfactory life at 60°C to 80°C
housing temperature according to speed. Pedestal housings can be isolated to
maintain such temperatures with much hotter air in the fan. Oil-lubricated bearing
systems can be designed for any practical condition, with circulation through an
oil cooler, or water cooling for the worst cases.
Electric motors operating in the air stream of a fan are normally rated for a
maximum ambient temperature of 40°C. Specially wound motors insulated with
Class F or Class H materials may be rated to operate in temperatures up to 70°C
and 100°C respectively. At higher temperatures the motor should be moved
outside the air stream as with most centrifugal fans and bifurcated axials.
For hot gas fans operating at really high temperatures, the materials of
construction must be changed. Maximum impeller speeds and stresses may
require progressive limitation at temperatures above 200°C for aluminium alloy
and 400°C for mild steel construction.
At temperatures from 600°C to 1000°C special steels are available to resist the
dimensional changes known as creep, and the increased corrosion rates which
would otherwise occur.
In the absence of external forces air will enter the fan in the axial direction
v1. To find its velocity w1 relative to the leading edge of the moving blade, we
must subtract the blade velocity vector u1 (that is add – u1) to the air velocity
vector v1. This operation is performed by drawing the vector triangle as in Fig.
7.24b. The impeller will be so designed that, at the "design point" volume
flow and corresponding inlet velocity w, will meet the blade at the most
favourable angle of approach.
138 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
The blade is given an aerofoil shape designed to deflect the relative velocity in
the direction of rotation from w1 to w2. Note that the components of w1 and w2 in
the axial direction must be the same since there is the same volume flow in the
same annulus area at inlet and outlet. It follows from the geometry of the flow
(note also the increase in blade passage width from s1 to s2) that w2must be less
than w1. The corresponding fall in the relative velocity pressure, (½ρw12 - ½ρw22)
results in an equal rise in static pressure (ps2 – ps1) within the impeller from blade
inlet to blade outlet.
Now static pressure, as explained in Section 6.1.2, is an absolute property of
the air which does not change with the frame of reference. Therefore the rise of
static pressure within the impeller is also the rise of static pressure external to the
impeller from the inlet to outlet side. A fall in relative kinetic energy has been
transformed into a rise in absolute static energy. The vector diagram on the outlet
side, u2 being the same as u1 shows that the absolute velocity v2 is increased as
well as deflected from v1. With a little rearrangement the two diagrams can be
combined into the composite vector diagram 7.24c, which shows the velocity
changes quite clearly. We can now determine the total pressure rise across the
impeller (pt2 - pt1).
An alternative expression can be found with the aid of the absolute flow angles
a shown, together with the relative flow angles β in Fig. 7.24c. For our particular
case a1 = 90° and u2 = u1 while there is no change in the axial component of v,
ie. V2 sin α2 = v1.
The velocity vectors at blading inlet and outlet have the same meaning as
for axial fans, although u2 is no longer equal to u1. Once again the relative
velocity vector w1 determined by the inlet side vector triangle, meets the
leading edge of the blade at a favourable angle at design volume flow. The
radial component at outlet v2 is fixed by the volume flow and outlet area,
while the assumption that the relative velocity w2 is in the direction of the
trailing edge of the blade completes the outlet velocity triangle.
Transformation of relative kinetic energy within the blade passages will
produce the static pressure rise ½ρw12 - ½ρw22 in the axial case, and the
total pressure rise will again include the change in velocity pressure, ½ρv22 -
½ρv12. There is, however, an additional pressure rise in the centrifugal fan
case, derived as follows.
Consider the element of air shown in Fig. 7.25d. Between radii r and (r +
dr) and between successive blades spaced s circumferentially and of width b,
the mass of this air will be:
There are thus three component parts to the total pressure rise across the
This expression is in fact quite general for impellers of any kind, including
axial and mixed flow types. It is also unnecessary for the inlet velocity to be
axial, deflection with and against the impeller rotation being respectively
defined by positive and negative values of α1. Formula 76 still applies, the
alternative formula in terms of flow angles being:
Similarly the flow entering the impeller brings with it angular momentum at
the rate qmr1 v1 cos α1. The difference between these quantities is the rate at
which angular momentum is being added to the air stream, which must equal
the torque applied by the impeller:
8.1 AC Motors
8.1.1 polyphase induction motors are the normal standard drive
for industrial fans, where the necessary three phase AC (alternating
current) supply is almost always available. The usual squirrel-cage
rotor has the merits of minimum maintenance, robustness and low
cost; the electrical conductors are of aluminium cast in place
through holes in the iron rotating member (rotor). In large sizes
copper bars brazed to copper end rings may be preferred.
Fan drives and speed control 143
When an induction motor is loaded the speed falls, the drop from
synchronous speed being known as the slip. The slip at full load ranges
from 1% of synchronous speed for large motors to 10% for fractionals,
typical actual full load speeds being given in Table 14.24. It is the slip
of the rotor conductors past the synchronously rotating magnetic field
which generates the rotor currents; these in turn react with the field to
produce torque.
The slip is approximately proportional to load up to full load, but
thereafter it increases more rapidly until at pull-out the maximum
torque is reached. The relationship between slip and torque is
dependent on rotor design, and two examples are illustrated in Fig.
8.1. Since the initial load at starting is that due to friction only, high
torque motors are not necessary for fan drives. Standard rotors are
normal practice, though there is a tendency for these to incorporate
special cage features to flatten the torque curve and improve starting.
In small sizes where specialised quantity production is justified, fan
motors may have limited pull-out torque and a suitably tailored
torque-speed curve to improve voltage-speed control and limit starting
While standard industrial motors may be used for direct fan drive
with the impeller mounted on the shaft extension, modifications are
often necessary and specialised fan motor designs are produced.
Before specifying a standard motor to replace one which may or may
not be standard, the following points should be checked:
144 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
Will the bearing system take the weight load and aerodynamic
thrust? See 8.6.3, 8.6.4 and 8.6.5.
Is the shaft extension suitable to secure the impeller? A shaft
shoulder and shaft-end clamp washer may be necessary.
Will the fan air stream and the motor cooling flow conflict? Removal
of the motor cooling fan and cowl, with re-rating in the fan air stream,
may be necessary for motors in the air stream.
Is the motor insulation and lubrication system and its rating correct
for the air conditions, running hours, etc.? See 8.6.1 and 8.6.6.
Will the motor size and shape, the necessary mounting arms or plat-
form and such features as projecting terminal boxes obstruct the air
flow to or from the impeller, or set up noise generating air flow
Will the motor start a high inertia impeller quickly enough to avoid
overheating or unnecessary tripping of the overload protection?
to carry the leads to the stator. The latter arrangement is usual for
ceiling fans and is also occasionally used for small double inlet
multi-vane centrifugal fans.
in motors with full load ratings up to about 350 watts output. At higher
outputs the motor frame must be derated, and a practical maximum
for voltage regulation is about 1 kW output.
Small fan motors are often designed with relatively high resistance
cage rotors because, as explained under wound-rotor motors, this in-
creases stability. Voltage control by autotransformer is best for
stability also, since the output volts are independent of load, but series
chokes or resistors are often used.
The permanent-split capacitor motor is best regulated by control of
the main winding voltage, the auxiliary winding and capacitor
remaining at full voltage. This arrangement maintains a better balance
between the field strength and phase angles of the two windings.
increasing stability and reducing regulator load.
Fan drives and speed control 149
Since the energy loss has been removed from the rotor winding there
is no longer any limit to the power output for which the motors may be
built. Unfortunately, the loss remains inevitable. Apart from certain
rather costly systems of regenerative recovery it must be dissipated in
the resistor elements. If the full load fan power is Wi watts at n1
150 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
remains available for the high speed winding, which will not usually
need to be derated more than 30% to 35%.
It is possible to provide:
in delta for 220 or 240 volt three phase supplies as used in some
countries for low-power installations. This makes stock motors more
widely available.
Motor makers usually quote the inertia of the motor rotor, together
with the maximum allowed starting time or kinetic energy of rotating
parts. If these are exceeded an increase of motor frame size is
necessary, though this is only likely to occur when a heavy centrifugal
impeller operates at well below its maximum speed, using a
correspondingly low power driving motor.
8.4.5 Example
A 1250mm heavy-duty, backward-curved impeller, weight 350 kg
and radius of gyration 430mm, absorbs 15 kW when belt driven at 12
rev/s by a 24 rev/s motor.
156 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
All organic insulating materials deteriorate with time, and the end
of their life is reached when degeneration has sapped most of their
Fan drives and speed control 161
High altitude will impair motor cooling, since a given volume flow of
air will carry away less heat at a lower density. Standard motor ratings
apply to any altitude up to 1000m. Above this 1% should be deducted
from the allowable temperature rise for each 100m above 1000m. The
motor manufacturer should always be consulted about derated or
specially wound motors since temperature rise is not simply
proportional to output.
Axial fans with the impeller mounted on the shaft extension utilise
totally enclosed, air stream cooled motors. These are often TEFC
motors with the cooling fan and cowl omitted, and the TEFC rating will
be achieved provided the air velocity over the motor is not less than
the values indicated by Table 8.4. In fact the cooling is generally so
good that higher ratings are justified. These should be left to the fan
manufacturer to determine, since a number of factors are involved,
including particularly air distribution.
162 Woods Practical Guide to Fan
The elliptical plot at the bottom of Fig. 8.13 shows the relationship
between Fr and Fa with T = 0 for all angles between + 90° (blowing
upwards) and - 90° (blowing downwards). Unbalance forces are
The straight lines on Fig. 8.13 show the combined journal and
thrust capacity of the 70mm bearing at 975 rev/min for a life of
20,000 hours. A radial, journal, load of 7500 N can be carried with
no influence from thrust until the latter reaches 2100 N. From that
point on the radial capacity is steadily reduced until it has vanished
altogether when the thrust has reached 4900 N.
Reverting to the example, with horizontal spindle, point a, the
radial load is 1880 N and the thrust capacity ab = 4200 N. With
vertical spindle, blowing upwards, fg becomes the weight load of
2400 N and the remaining capacity for thrust, gh, is 4900 - 2400 =
2500 N. At an intermediate inclination the weights of the
components apply a radial load fc and an axial load cd to the drive
end bearing. This leaves a thrust capacity de for aerodynamic
loading, and de passes through a minimum of 2420 N when α =
65°, obtained by applying the condition tan α = (1880-2400) tan β
166 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
Angular contact ball bearings are very useful for increasing thrust
capacity. They are made with differing angles of contact between balls
and races, and the angle with the highest capacity usually available 40°
(from the radial direction) is selected for listing in Table 14.22. They
should be used in pairs or as a single double-row assembly and will then
take thrust in either direction as well as radial loads. The shape of the
combined load diagrams is no longer dependent on life, which leads to
simpler formulae.
the balls forcing their way through would raise the temperature and
cause rapid loss of oil. Where lubricators are fitted this means that an
escape path for excess grease must be provided-either through a
clearance around the shaft or by means of a relief valve. Dirt is fatal
to all bearings, and great care must be taken to prevent its entrance
along with fresh grease.
Bearings and bearing housings cannot be "sealed for life" except
for very. intermittent use or low speed. The grease will deteriorate
and must be periodically replaced, either through lubricators or by
dismantling, washing and repacking the bearings with fresh grease.
The latter procedure is to be preferred if performed with due care to
avoid damage, but re-lubrication through nipples or "Stauffers" is
serviceable enough provided it is done with care and discretion. There
should be a regular maintenance schedule, and the lubricators must
be operated neither too often nor at too long intervals.
The re-lubrication intervals recommended by one bearing maker
are summarised in Fig. 8.14. The chart applies to ball bearings at
grease temperatures not exceeding 70°C, which may be taken as
corresponding to 50°C ambient at low or 40°C ambient at high
speeds. The following factors may be applied to the re-lubrication
interval at other temperatures, and roller or angular contact bearings.
Good quality mineral oils are used for the oil lubrication of rolling
bearings, and it is important that the oil viscosity should have the right
value at the working temperature. This value is dependent on the linear
speed of the balls or rollers, and on the load. Too low a viscosity would
violate the hydrodynamic conditions for establishing an oil film at the
rolling surfaces. Too high a viscosity would cause excessive friction. Fig.
8.15 gives one maker's recommendation of optimum viscosity at
working temperature taking the loading corresponding to 20,000 hours'
life. For well-cooled bearings the working temperature and correspond-
ing viscosity might be taken as 40°C. Oil makers will quote the viscosity
at various temperatures, but SI units may not be used. A comparison
with Redwood and other scales is given in Table 14.15, Chapter 14.
170 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
Plain oil-lubricated sleeve bearings are still used for some large low
speed fans, or for very small domestic fans in the interests of silence.
Their engineering aspects are outside the scope of this book.
Speed control of the fan driving motor was discussed in the last
chapter. Other methods of controlling the performance may well be
more favourable in particular circumstances, and a comparative
study is the subject of this chapter.
Often the full volume and pressure for which the fan is selected
are not required continuously and to leave the fan operating as if
they were is very wasteful of energy. Half or more of the
kilowatt-hours supplied to the motor can commonly be saved by
adjusting the fan performance automatically to match requirements
and fuel economies resulting from control of the air duty may
multiply the savings. A significant UK government exercise was
reported in 1974. 306 office and public buildings were fitted with
advanced heating control systems at an average cost of £1,500:
the resulting annual saving in fuel costs per building was £860 (that
is 30% to 50% of the original annual cost). This is good business
under any accounting system.
Variable volume flow is a feature of several of the best air
conditioning control systems currently available and its inclusion in
new plant will enable advantage to be taken of new ideas in a
rapidly developing field.
In the chemical, food processing, and many other industries
control is necessary to maintain consistent quality. Variations in
throughput, raw material analysis, ambient temperature, etc. must
be compensated, and if this can be done by adjusting the flow of air
or gas there will be accompanying savings in circulating energy.
172 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
The chief drawback of multi-speed motors for fans is the size of the
step to the first regulated speed. This may prejudice their consideration
except for simple applications such as ventilation where the criteria for
successful operation are somewhat vague. The maximum ratio of the
first regulated speed to full speed depends on the pole number of the
motor at full speed (see Table 8.1) in the following manner:
9.1.2 Fans in parallel can obviously be used for flow control by switching
off one or more of the units. This system is mainly used with axial fans
for relatively large volume flows. A line of parallel fans may also best
suit the building or plant layout.
It is best also to pass the combined air flow at relatively low velocity
through a plenum chamber between the fans and the system and to
choose fans having a fairly low ratio of outlet velocity pressure to fan
static pressure-secured if necessary by fitting outlet diffusers. Otherwise
the mismatch, inevitable at some duties, between the fan outlet velocity
and the system velocity will waste energy.
The characteristics of fans in parallel are illustrated in Fig. 9.1. for the
case of three identical units. Volume flows at constant pressure are of
course proportional to the number of fans running. The dotted system
characteristics show that constant pressure is ideal for fans in parallel,
fan efficiency being maintained at peak value. In such a system fans
would be switched in to maintain the plenum pressure applied to a
series of resistive outlets as fresh outlets were opened up. On the other
hand constant resistance systems can only be operated efficiently over
a fairly small control range.
Fan duty control and energy saving 173
A stable characteristic is important for fans in parallel. Fig. 9.2 illustrates the
danger of using a fan with a marked drop in pressure at restricted volume
flow. The dotted system resistance line shows the volume flow per fan on the
assumption that two fans share the volume flow equally between them,
operating at A. If one fan is shut down the other will operate at point B,
carrying the whole volume flow in place of the half share plotted at E. If the
shut down fan is now re-started it will be unable to move out of the stalled
region finishing up at C, while the other operates at D. The average volume
flow per fan is now at F well short of the intended volume and pressure point
174 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
9.1.3Fens in series can provide for duty control if of the contra-rotating axial type
(see 7.6.4 (F) ). When the motor driving one of the impellers is disconnected from
the supply, it will idle at about two-thirds of full speed, absorbing around 50% of
fan velocity pressure in aerodynamic loss. Centrifugal fans and axial fans with
guide vanes have much greater idling losses and are not used for this form of duty
As indicated by Fig. 9.3 fans in series are best suited to pressure control at fairly
constant flow rate (constant volume system) ; not a great deal of fan efficiency is
lost on a constant resistance system, however. Since the pressure rise across each
driven impeller depends on the swirl
preceding it, the overall pressure is not simply proportional to the number of
impellers driven. The switching order is important to avoid excessive counter-swirl
which would overload one of the motors, and the makers' advice should be sought
on this point.
Contra-rotating fans in series are best suited to applications requiring pressures
of 1000 Pa upwards. Simple standard impellers can be used, not the more
specialised mechanical and aerodynamic designs needed to develop such
pressures in a single stage. Motor costs are not much affected over 10 kW rating
(two 50 kW motors may well be slightly cheaper than one for 100 kW) and rather
less noise is generated.
The added facility of step-by-step duty control is, therefore, obtained very
Fan duty control and energy saving 175
9.1.4 energy saving. Throughout this chapter a uniform system will be adopted
for assessing the efficiency of a control system. The reference standard will be the
energy consumed in the absence of control - that is to say the power input to the
driving motor at full fan duty multiplied by the time per day, week or year during
which any air flow is required.
As a rule the volume or mass flow is the quantity actually required by the user.
This requirement is supposed to vary over a control range expressed as a
percentage of the maximum flow, at full fan duty. On the rarer constant volume
systems the fan total pressure is the variable. For comparison purposes it will then
be assumed that any volume flow within the control range is equally likely - if the
range is split into a
number of equal intervals of volume flow, an equal time is spent in each. The
case where the distribution of volume flow with time is known is touched on in
A constant system resistance case is sketched in Fig. 9.4. The pressure
varies with the square, and the power input with the cube of the volume flow,
and the latter is plotted along 1 2 3. A two-step control is considered, without
significant variations in fan or motor efficiency. The fan operates at full power
until the requirement has fallen to point 2, from which point the reduced
power suffices until the end of the control range at 3. The energy saved by
the two-step control is represented by area D (power reduction x proportionate
time at reduced power). The reference power is the whole area A + B + C +
D and the percentage ratio giving the control saving is 100D/(A + B + C + D).
For any control range 1 to 3 there is an optimum volume flow 2 at which to
make the change from full to reduced power for maximum
176 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
control saving. This can be calculated and its location is shown by the broken
line on Fig. 9.5, as a function of the control range. As well as the two-step
case with optimum location of change point 2, the optimum three-step case
has been calculated, and also the most efficient control possible, continuous
control, in which the only energy used is that for the pressure and volume flow
actually required from moment to moment.
Finally, the control savings for two-speed 4-6 pole (2:3) and 6-8 pole (3:4)
motors are shown. While ineffective for a limited volume reduction it will be
seen that these are practically as good as the optimum two-stage change point
for control ranges exceeding 60% and 40% respectively. This would not be
the case, of course, if more than proportionate time were spent at the higher
volume flows.
9.1.5 Example of stage control. The three methods of duty control described in
9.1.1, 9.1.2 and 9.1.3 are combined in this example. The fans are used to
ventilate a 1.5 km vehicle tunnel with a capacity of
Fan duty control and energy saving 177
2,000 cars per hour joining Kowloon and Shatin at Hong Kong. There are supply and
exhaust units at each end of the tunnel and each of the four plants consists of 8
stages of 1500mm axial fans in four parallel sets of contra-rotating pairs. Each
impeller is driven by a 40 kW 970 - 485 rev/min two-speed induction motor.
The fans are connected to supply and exhaust ducting on the transverse principle
(see Chapter 13), and the carbon monoxide content of the air is monitored at
several sampling points in the tunnel. By switching the fans in different
combinations the volume flow per unit can be varied from 15 to 140M3/s in eight
steps according to the pollution level, the top rate being for emergency use only in
case of a vehicle fire. Since all the stages are not normally required, spares for
maintenance or breakdown are minimised.
Fig. 9.6 shows the fan characteristics for the combinations usually employed, and
their working intersections A to H with the system
178 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
characteristic of the installation. The corresponding data for each operating point
are listed in Table 9.1. It will be seen that the average daily energy consumption
of 3200 kWh for the four plants compares with 103 x 24 x 4 = 9900 kWh to
maintain the full normal duty of 90m3/s, a control saving of (9900 - 3200)/9900
= 68%.
For a constant resistance system the fan efficiency will remain constant over
the speed range. The basic power input will fall in proportion to the cube of the
speed ratio for variable ratio systems as plotted in Fig. 9.7. In the case of
variable slip systems the full fan torque is borne by the driving motor without any
"gearing" ratio" reduction; this means that the basic input power is proportional
to the square of the speed ratio.
The losses additional to the basic power input will be those in the driving
motor and in the transmission system which can be determined from the overall
efficiency of the assembly at full fan speed. In the absence of detailed knowledge
it is a safe assumption that these additional losses will remain constant over the
speed range. In fact most of them will fall with speed and load, but not by any
means in proportion.
when division between branches is to be adjusted, they quite fail to realise the
potential savings of energy unless accompanied by control of the fan itself.
All dampers serve simply to throttle the flow in the airway in which they are
placed. Back pressure is built up by accelerating the air to high velocity and then
allowing its kinetic energy to be dissipated in turbulence downstream. They do not
have an "efficiency" in energy terms but their characteristics in respect of noise
generation, stability, and smoothness of control are important.
While most dampers are merely placed across the airway in which the airflow is
to be reduced, an alternative exists which may or may not be preferable according
to the fan characteristic and other circumstances. This is the by-pass duct
containing a damper which, when opened, permits some air to flow back from the
fan outlet to the inlet, thereby reducing the flow in the main system. The same
effect can be secured by simply opening a damper in the airway wall downstream
of the fan to "bleed off" by-pass air, or alternatively to open an entry port for
by-pass air in a suction airway upstream of the fan. In both the latter cases
possible disturbance to conditions outside the duct must be considered.
hand series dampers, or indeed any undue flow restrictions, are bad for a
propeller fan; if duty control is necessary the by-pass or bleed-off method is
always better for this type-if it can be arranged.
The backward-curved fan is more flexible. There is little prospect of power
saving however, what there is being usually better with series than with by-pass
damper control. Axial fans depend very much on the
blade pitch angle; low volume, shallow pitched blading places them in the same
class as backward-curved fans. High volume, steep pitched impellers on the other
hand should not be subjected to much volume reduction by series dampers or the
unstable, stalled flow region may be entered. By-pass control is better, and may
permit power saving of 20% to 40%.
9.3.3 Performance with damper and by-pass control
Figs. 9.9 and 9.10 illustrate the application of damper and by-pass control
respectively to a constant resistance, "square-law" system
Fan duty control and energy saving 183
characteristic. The most suitable fan designs for power saving are selected for
the illustrations, and it will be seen that a reduction of impeller power slightly
greater than the reduction in volume flow is achieved in both cases. The
electrical losses in the driving motor are not likely to fall quite so fast, and it
must also be noted that a forward-curved fan for series damper control is
unlikely to be as efficient at full duty as an axial fan for by-pass control.
adopting by-pass control and an axial or other fan with a falling power
characteristic. The by-pass is adjusted to dump the surplus air when the pressure
required is low.
To maintain constant minimum pressure in an enclosure (e.g. a dustfree
workshop) with a varying air change requirement the control damper should be
placed in the outlet from the room. By-pass control of the supply is then
functionally possible, but it would be simpler and more economical to choose a
backward-curved or other fan with a
fairly flat fan static pressure characteristic and a rising power characteristic over
the volume flow range required. The outlet damper would then suffice to control
volume flow and efficiency could remain quite high.
Many designs of damper, when partially closed, deflect the air strongly over to
one side of the duct in which they are placed (or to both sides in the butterfly
case). Placed less than, say, five duct diameters upstream of a fan inlet these will
badly affect its performance; if closer spacing is necessary the damper should be
of the opposed vane or similar symmetrical, non-swirl-generating type. Similar
considerations apply to the flow from a by-pass duct entering the suction duct
close to a fan inlet.
Fan duty control and energy saving 185
This is the commonest system, and applies when the required volume flow
is delivered (or exhausted) through a system of airways, filters, heater
batteries, etc. with the specified total pressure drop varying with the square
of the volume flow. In the example the volume flow can be
Characteristics of this type are met with in air conditioning systems requiring a
fixed pressure (here 300 Pa) to operate the final room outlet distribution and
control units. The rest of the pressure drop arises in the airways and equipment
supplying the outlet units. The example shows a volume flow adjustable from
46M3/s down to zero with 75% to 85% efficiency from 46 to 21 m3/s - 60 to 13
kW input.
Characteristics of this type arise when the fan supplies a plenum chamber
feeding a number of outlets, only some of which are in service at any one time.
These may be process supply points, each requiring a fixed volume flow and
pressure, or the plenum may be on the suction side of the fan, drawing from a
varying number of fume cupboards, for example. In air conditioning the supply
might be to a number of floors in a building, each with its own conditioning unit,
and each operating for different periods according to occupancy. The fan pitch
would be automatically adjusted to maintain constant pressure or suction in the
plenum. In the example the volume flow may be adjusted from 60m3/S to zero and
75% to 85% efficiency is maintained over the wide range of 58m3/s to 18m3/s - 62
to 15 kW input.
For the 1600mm 975 rev/min fan of 9.4.2 2∏n = 102 radians/sec. Taking M,
the mass of one blade, as 3 kg, and its radius of gyration, rg, as 550mm, the
centrifugal force per blade will be:
This is nearly 600 times the weight of the blade, which is 3 x 9.8 = 29.4
newtons and the situation is sometimes spoken of as equivalent to operating
in a gravitational field of 600g. g = 9.8m2/s is the acceleration due to gravity
at the earth's surface.
Such a force, and indeed forces several times as great, are within the static
capacity of ordinary ball-thrust or needle roller thrust bearings, and these are
commonly used to carry the centrifugal force at the blade root while
permitting blade rotation with minimum friction. The taper-roller thrust
bearings used for aircraft propellers are normally unnecessary for fans.
Levers at the base of each blade translate the common pitch angle
adjustment into axial movement of a sliding member within the hub. This may
be actuated in four ways:
(a) Automatically, by the expansion of a pneumatic bellows of reinforced
rubber within the hub against a spring. The bellows is fed with
compressed air through a rotary air seal on the shaft extension.
(b) Automatically, by an external pneumatic or electric thruster through a
lever system which applies pressure to the stationary race of a ball thrust
bearing the revolving race of which is coupled to the sliding actuator
within the hub.
Fan duty control and energy saving 189
Vane control operates on the inlet swirl angle α1 With the vanes in the neutral
position the inlet flow is axial, cos α1, and the second term are zero. Swirl in the
same direction as the impeller rotation (a, less than 90° and cos α1 positive) will
reduce the pressure rise. Swirl in the opposite direction (a, more than 90° and cos
α1 negative) may raise the fan pressure, unless the impeller blading is incapable of
carrying the increased deflection so that α2 is not maintained.
The impeller power will be decreased or increased in proportion to the
pressure. In the first case some of the torque needed to produce the outlet swirl
α2 will have been transferred from the impeller to the vanes; in the second case
the impeller has to apply additional torque to counteract that applied by the
vanes. Since the guide vanes are not rotating they can apply torque without
consuming power, unlike the impeller.
power. The equivalent variable pitch axial fan of Fig. 9.11 covered 38% volume
reduction and 75% power reduction for the same change in efficiency.
narrower range, e.g. 50% volume flow, the 20° pitch angle could be used for
maximum duty, giving 85% efficiency there, the fan diameter being increased
from 1600mm to 1800mm at the same speed.
In Fig. 9.15 "ideal control" represents the mechanical input to a fan which
maintains a constant efficiency of 85% over the whole control range. All other
curves include the electrical and other losses in the driving motor and control
194 Woods Practical Guide to fan Engineering
symbols have the same meaning as in Fig. 9.15, IC being the power absorbed by
a fan of constant efficiency (85%) with no allowance for motor or other driving
losses, conditions which are of course unattainable in practice. At constant total
pressure, power is then clearly proportional to volume flow.
Fan duty control and energy saving 195
Of damper control, systems the by-pass (curve BP) is effective for control of
volume flow over a range up to 25% reduction; it is applicable to any fan, which
continues to operate at full duty and efficiency, the unwanted volume flow being
simply dumped. There is no control saving, however, and for a large control range
series dampers will be more efficient for centrifugal fans in which there is a
substantial fall of power with volume flow. Indeed, if a forward-curved centrifugal
fan is used, series damper control is best for all ranges (curve DP FC noting that
70% rather than 85% fan efficiency is assumed).
For a backward-curved centrifugal fan vane control (curve VC, BC) shows to best
advantage on a constant pressure system, the example of Fig. 9.14 at 900 Pa
coming within 5% of the optimum energy saving for control ranges up to 50%
volume flow reduction. The variable pitch axial fan is even better, however,
maintaining a good efficiency over a 100% control range. It should be noted that
curve VP AX in Fig. 9.16 (corresponding to the example of Fig. 9.11 at 800 Pa) is
chosen to suit a 100% control range. For a narrower range the increased pitch angle
of 32°, which accounts for the increased power consumption at 100% volume flow,
need not be used. A slightly larger fan could be operated over the 80% to 40%
range of Fig. 9.16, giving within 3% of the optimum saving over a 50% volume flow
As the pressure required to maintain flow falls the excess developed by the fan
can be absorbed in a series damper (curve DP) but there will then be no energy
saving. An axial fan with a falling power characteristic will gain somewhat from
by-pass damper control (curve BP AX from Fig. 9.10) and a backward-curved
centrifugal fan from vane control (curve VC BC from Fig. 9.14 at 50m3/s). In neither
case is more than about half the available energy saving secured.
Speed control is suitable for constant volume flow (though not for constant
pressure). Curve SP assumes 83% full load efficiency for the variable speed motor
and control circuitry combined, a figure which will in practice depend on the system
adopted. At lower speeds and pressures the electrical losses will fall, but the fan will
move to points of lower efficiency on the fan characteristic as the free flow point is
approached (10% total pressure in Fig. 9.17). Curve SL allows for the additional
losses involved in speed control with electrical or mechanical slip.
Once again the example of variable pitch axial fan control gives the best energy
saving over a wide range of volume control. (Curve VP AX from Fig. 9.11 at 40m3/s.)
Again selection of optimum pitch angles will bring energy saving within 3% of the
ideal value for a more limited control range - 40% in this case.
196 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
For distribution in time the simplest assumption is that all volume flows in a
constant resistance or pressure system and all pressures in a constant volume
system are equally likely. With such a control regime the energy consumption over
a representative time period will be simply proportional to the area under the
appropriate curve in the figures cited, over the control range. This assumption has
been made in Table 9.2.
198 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
This is a constant resistance system and Table 9.2 may be applied to compare
the annual energy consumption of the fan with various control means. The
reference power for the Table will be the product of maximum volume flow and
pressure increased by the losses of an 85% efficient fan and 92% motor.
Multiplying this reference power by the percentage in Fig. 9.17 for each pressure
band and by the number of hours spent in that band, and then adding the results
will lead to the total energy consumption per
1,000 hours.
Fan duty control and energy saving 199
and fatigue
Fan noise tests are often made with analysing equipment which automatically
plots the results in third octave bands. These may serve to locate and roughly
assess the magnitude of prominent pitched tones in the noise. The 24 bands are
too numerous for practical noise control work, however, and they should be
reduced to octave form for quotation.
10.1.3 The sound power scale
A sense of the magnitude of sound power levels (SWL) will grow with familiarity,
but there is an unfortunate initial tendency towards confusion with sound pressure
levels (SPL). The two would be numerically the same in the somewhat imaginary
circumstances of a very small sound source, radiating equally in all directions, and
at a distance of about 30cm from the ear. At 3m distance the sound power level
would be unchanged but the sound pressure level would be 20 d8 less (SWL =
SPL3 + 20).
Noise control, even ordinary transmission through ducts, will make the
difference greater and the inexperienced user must not be intimidated by the
high-sounding values of fan sound power levels. Table 10.1 gives an idea of the
whole gamut of sound power, together with air duties at which the fans are likely
to feed similar sound powers into a ducted system.
air of standard density, and SWL is the level of sound power which would enter
and travel along a duct connected to either the fan inlet or the fan outlet. Lp is
derived from the fan total pressure and Lq from the volume flow.
The air duty has been used rather than the size, speed, or mechanical power
input sometimes employed in similar surveys; this makes for a fairer comparison
between fans of differing type and mechanical efficiency. Any range of sizes and
speeds all to one particular fan design will have Lp values close to a straight line
sloping upwards at an angle between 45° and 50°.
A manufacturers noise ratings for a standard fan series will be based on a
standardised test procedure (see Chapter 11) leading to such a design line or its
equivalent. These ratings should always be used they are as much a function of
the particular product as is the fan efficiency. Nevertheless, some general
observations can be made on the values to be expected in typical cases.
The shaded area in Fig. 10.1 covers the range within which Lp may be expected
to lie. Standard axial and forward-curved multi-vane centrifugal ranges will be
located about the middle of the band. Backward-curved centrifugal and mixed flow
designs should be found in the lower half of the area, while the lowest Lp values
may be approached by high efficiency aerofoil bladed backward-curved centrifugal
fans, but are unlikely to be improved upon by any design. The bottom limit of the
band has been sloped steeply upwards at the higher pressure because designs for
these pressures are likely to approach the radial tipped form, which is not so quiet.
In general, fans of standard types should only be found with ratings near the
top of the band if they are poorly selected-in particular for pressures well below
the best efficiency point. On the other hand such levels may well be reached or
exceeded in practice if the installation has poor arrangements for controlling the
inlet flow. Fig. 10.2 has been reproduced from Woods Practical Guide to Noise
Control to illustrate this important point. Axial fans are illustrated, but similar
considerations apply to all types. Any sharp change of direction or area, and any
obstruction to the flow should be kept well away from the fan inlet.
SW is proportional to Q.(PFt)a
Now the volume flow Q is proportional to the fan speed n rev/sec and the fan
total pressure PFt to n2. Therefore, for a given fan
SW is proportional to n(2a + 1)
prediction an experimental value should be used. In the case of the Aerofoil axial
range SW ∝ n5.5 (i.e. a = 2.25) and the index for a pure dipole source (see
10.3.1) would be 6 (a = 2.5).
206 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
Sound power (SW, watts) has the same units as air output power (Q x PFt
m3/s X Pa = watts) and it is instructive to express the first as a fraction of the
second. This fraction is known as the sound power ratio (SWR) on a duty
The corresponding relationships between the sound power ratio, SWR and
the fan total pressure are plotted in Fig. 10.3.
Noise, vibration and fatigue 207
10.2.3 Change of sound power with duty point
So far we have considered only the fan sound power level at the best
efficiency point on the fan characteristic. This is generally the lowest value, and
the typical examples in Fig. 10.4 show the way in which the sound power
increases away from this point. Variations of 5 to 10 dB are common and may
be quite sharp if the characteristic contains a marked stall point. The shapes
shown are representative of the fan types quoted.
Example: The 1600mm 975 rev/min variable pitch axial fan of Figs. 9.11 and
10.5 operates in an air conditioning installation along system characteristic B.
The following table can be drawn up, reading SWL values to 1 dBW from the
nearest contour on Fig. 10.5.
208 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
The last line in this table is the experimental value of LP corresponding to the
observed value of SWL. Comparing these results with the Lp band on Fig. 10.1,
the result for 16° lies on the mid line. The 24° and 32° results are better than
average, and steep pitched axial fans working near peak pressure generally do
give the most favourable noise levels for a given duty. The LP values at 0° and 8°
are not so good, partly because
of the relatively low usage of available pressure, and partly because the blade is
aerodynamically "off-design" for these angles, being designed for optimum
performance around 24°.
It is interesting to note the strong correlation between the sound power and the
aerodynamic loss of a fan. Reasons for this correlation will appear in Section 10.4,
and to demonstrate it Fig. 10.6 has been drawn to the same scale as Fig. 10.5.
The aerodynamic losses in watts can be
Noise, vibration and fatigue 209
expressed on the same decibel scale as the sound power and over the whole
of the volume-pressure chart the difference is between 48 and 52 dB. At 50
dB the sound power would be one hundred-thousandth of the aerodynamic
loss. For fans of the same design, but different speeds and diameters this
ratio would vary with (tip speed)2.5.
to be made from the total sound power level in dBW to obtain the band level.
Some typical examples are quoted in Table 10.2, but it is important to use the
manufacturers data since variations are substantial, e.g. from - 2 dB to - 12 d8 in
the 63 Hz band, and - 15 dB to - 35 d8 in the 8000 Hz band.
The generally higher frequencies of the axial fan sound output make it more
audible when heard directly, but on the other hand it is more readily attenuated by
noise control. The spectra quoted apply to fans for around 10m3/s at 250 Pa. The
sound powers will move towards lower frequencies at lower pressures or larger
volumes, towards higher frequencies at higher pressures and smaller volumes.
Noise, vibration and fatigue 211
These values apply to the sound power flow along a duct. If there is no duct,
less power will be radiated into surrounding space from the open outlet or inlet.
A rough idea of the difference may be obtained by assuming plane wave
reflection at the opening. The d8 deduction to be made to determine the octave
band sound power level radiated depends on the area of the inlet or outlet
opening and the band frequency as shown in Fig. 10.7.
The measured sound power of a fan will be predominantly broad band or
random frequency noise. However, it is liable to include some discrete frequency
sound particularly at a frequency equal to the rate at which the fan blades pass a
fixed point. This becomes identifiable to the ear when it raises the appropriate
third-octave band 5 dB above its neighbours (making only 2 dB contribution to
the octave band) and can be objectionable if it is much greater.
Example: The 1600mm 975 rev/min variable pitch axial fan of the last
example has an overall sound power level of 110 dBW at 24° pitch angle. What is
the sound power spectrum entering the plant room from an open fan inlet? The
manufacturers spectrum correction, the reflection correction from Fig. 10.7 and
the resultant octave band sound power levels are as follows:
the flow velocity. The forces are random and produce broad band noise, being known
acoustically as dipole sources. If V is the relative velocity of the air and the surface, the
sound power will vary with V6.
The noise source is a regular pulsation in the mass-flow-rate of the air or gas
stream, entering or leaving the atmosphere. To limit the noise the pulsation must
be reduced, as by a reservoir, a cavity resonator if the speed is fixed, or a diesel
engine type silencer.
A pitched tone is produced at pulsation frequency with many harmonics. A
powerful source, particularly when the flow change has a steep wave front.
Acoustically a monopole source with sound power varying as V4.
Taking the rotational speed N, diameter D, and output power W of the impeller
as the typical quantities:
Acoustical theory, considering only the Mach number effect, yields the
following relations for the source types mentioned in 10.3
214 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
Fan noise is principally dipole in origin and, for the simplest cases of boundary
layer separation, there is reason to believe that the Reynolds number exponent y
should be about – 0.4, leading to:
Axial fans seem to follow this relationship quite closely (e.g. N5.5 D7.5), but other
types may well introduce more complex generation mechanism. For example,
centrifugal fans are usually considered to follow the law:
10.5 Vibration
A fan, like any other rotating machine, inevitably vibrates to some extent, and is
a source of vibration in the structure on which it is mounted. Unless the fan is
small and light, or the foundation heavy and solid it is advisable to mount the fan
on vibration isolators, and this subject is treated in Woods Practical Guide to Noise
Control. The fan manufacturer will normally advise on the choice of isolators, and
sometimes provides them built-in between the driving motor and the mounting
This section deals with standards that have been established for assessing the
severity of vibration, and with the limitation of the commonest source in fans - out
of balance.
In such a vibration the velocity and acceleration are sine waves also, advanced in
time by one quarter (90°) and one half (180°) of a cycle respectively.
The velocity is best represented by its rms (root-mean-square) value
which is 1 /√2 times the peak value for a sine wave. All these quantities are
illustrated and tabulated in terms of v with reference to the sine wave in Fig. 10.8.
Vibration which has its origin principally in out-of-balance is sine-wave in character,
but vibrations arising from such sources as rough bearings or air turbulence are not.
The relations of Fig. 10.8 then break down, and acceleration in particular may be
much greater than is indicated in relation to displacement.
216 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
The grading applies only to frequencies from 10 Hz to 100 Hz. Vibration severity is
given as v, rms.
In practice, of course, the bearings must be supported, and if they are rigidly
held they will experience the full centrifugal force due to the whole mass M at a
radius e - since the shaft axis is now stationary instead of the c.g. The product
Me is called the unbalance and the rotor will be statically balanced by
counterweight m if:
Clearly the bearings must be well spaced (I not too small) if a small couple
unbalance is not to produce large effects. With a rotating mass M the
effective value of ∆e for balance quality grading is:
10.5.6 Balancing
Narrow impellers (Fig. 10.9) can be corrected by static balancing,
particularly if produced by a dimensionally consistent method such as
diecasting. Close tolerances on the shaft-hub fit are essential, and must not
be spoiled by careless fitting. Dynamic unbalance will be produced by a small
run-out such as might result from forcing the impeller on against a bruised
shaft or shoulder.
Impellers with a breadth exceeding some 20% of the diameter are likely to
require dynamic balancing. This involves driving the rotor in the bearings of a
balancing machine which are soft mounted in a horizontal direction. The
resulting bearing vibrations are picked-up, analysed and displayed to show
the positions and values of counterweights to be attached in two selected
correcting planes.
Built up impellers may have their component parts separately balanced
subject to a final check on the complete assembly. For example, an axial
impeller with a broad heavy hub might have this component dynamically
balanced, followed by a static balance when a set of comparatively light and
narrow blades had been attached. This
Noise, vibration and fatigue 219
220 Woods Practical Guide to fan Engineering
final stage could be more accurate than a dynamic operation since the sensitivity
of the latter may be impaired by the masking effect of the fluctuating
aerodynamic forces on the moving blades.
Example 3. Fig. 10.11 (b) illustrates the impeller of the last example overhung
from a housing weighing 1.5 kg with bearings 80mm apart. Suppose the
impeller to have been balanced just to the G6.3 limits, viz ∆e = 16 Nm at 60
rev/s both statically and dynamically.
The static unbalance:
Note that these are in each case one-sixth of the initial unbalance.
The static unbalance will produce a reaction unbalance force of 40
which will be located half-way between the bearings. These
Noise, vibration and fatigue 221
On the total mass of 2.5 + 1.5 = 4.0 kg this will produce with soft
mounted bearings:
This is much too large a vibration for a Class I application as Table 10.3 will
show. The solution, however, is not to attempt to improve the balance
quality of the impeller but rather to stiffen the bearing housing against
rocking motion. This may be done either by attaching the housing rigidly to a
base of substantial mass (increasing M) or by fitting the housing with rigid
arms of substantial span attached for example, to the fan casing (increasing
the effective I).
222 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
While high-speed turbines are designed to pass through the first, and often
other, critical speeds during run up, this is never the case for fans. Fan shafts are
designed with sufficient stiffness to keep below the first critical speed at all times,
although a resiliently mounted fan will pass through low speed resonance as a
complete assembly. In this case there is no bending of the shaft.
Fig. 10.12 (a) illustrates such a case. The impeller, of mass M, will not be
perfectly balanced. Suppose its centre of gravity is distant a from the centre line of
the shaft which is straight when unloaded. When bent through a deflection y, there
will be a proportionate reaction force F = ky. This must equal the centrifugal force
produced by M kg rotating in a circle of radius (y + e) with angular velocity ω =
2∏n. That is:
The deflection thus becomes indefinitely large when Mω2 equals k, which
determines the critical speed:
While fans should never be allowed to reach the first critical speed, it is of
theoretical interest to note that, if they do, y changes over to a negative value. This
means that the impeller centre of gravity CG now rotates inside, rather than
outside, the shaft centre as shown in Fig. 10.12 (c). As the speed rises the c.g. will
move nearer and nearer the
Noise, vibration and fatigue 223
centre line through the bearings, as a smaller and smaller eccentricity suffices to
supply the force required to bend the shaft. The deflection y ultimately
approaches e.
At all speeds these shaft forces will be balanced by reactions at the bearings.
The bearing housing must be rigidly mounted so as not to yield; if it does y will
increase while k and the critical speed will fall. The alternative of soft mounting is
not usually satisfactory because of excessive impeller off-centre when passing
through low speed resonance.
224 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
The operating speed is thus 56% of the first critical speed, which is
satisfactory - 60% to 65% is a reasonable maximum if the rigidity of the bearing
housing can be relied on.
When a steady stress is applied in addition the alternating part must be reduced
for the same life although the permissible peak stress rises. The straight line
relationship of Fig. 10.14 is a fairly safe assumption for most structural materials. For
any desired life applying to both Sa and Se:
226 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
10.7.2 Alternating stress in axial fan blading
The fan designer must take into account the alternating stresses
experienced by an impeller. As an example consider one blade of an axial fan.
A steady mean lift force is applied to the blade corresponding to the pressure
rise, but this has a randomly varying component in addition as discussed in
10.3.1. Both forces produce a bending moment and corresponding stresses
which reach a maximum near the blade root, and add to the centrifugal
stresses. This is a mixed stress condition similar to that of Fig. 10.14.
These stresses can be examined experimentally. The first step is to coat the
blade with a test layer of a special brittle lacquer. When the blade surface is
stretched by tensile stress, cracks appear in the lacquer. These cracks run at
right-angles to the direction of the stress, and are closer together the greater
the value of the stress. The points on the surface where the tensile stress is a
maximum can thus be identified, and strain gauges are attached at these
points, one on each side of the blade. Completing an electrical bridge network
and bringing out the four
corners of the bridge through small precious metal slip rings it is possible to
display the alternating component of the bending stress.
Fig. 10.15 is a record of such a display. A consistent vibration frequency is
immediately obvious, and this proves to be equal to the natural frequency of
vibration of a stationary blade, if struck. On the other hand it is clear that the
vibrations do not build up indefinitely as would a resonant vibration. The
random nature of the air forces has a damping as well as an exciting action.
Of course, resonance with any fixed pattern imposed on the random forces
must be avoided. Such a pattern would be caused by the interaction force of
10.3.2, and it is wise to design for a natural blade frequencyfive orsix times
maximum rotation frequency to be well above any likely excitation.
As the examples show the maximum vibration amplitude occurs when the
fan pressure is a maximum. The more irregular forces of separated flow in
the stalled region are not so effective. This facilitates a development
programme for determining the maximum permissible tip speed of a specific
design. Maximum operating stress amplitudes can be related to static life
tests on actual production wings.
11.2.1 Pressure
The only two quantities that can always be measured at a point in an
air stream are the temperature and the pressure. The pressure will be
measured separately, in two parts:
Firstly, absolute or barometric reference pressure of the still
atmosphere close to the test airways.
Secondly, the gauge pressure, or pressure difference between the
reference atmosphere and the still air within a small hole exposed at
the required point in the air stream.
If the air is flowing parallel to the surface in which the hole is made,
the gauge pressure will be the static pressure of the air stream. If, how-
ever, the hole is the open end of a tube facing the airflow, the air
stream will be brought to rest locally, and the gauge pressure measured
will be the total pressure of the air stream; see Section 6.1.3.
Fan testing and performance prediction 229
Fig. 11.1 may be used without correction in ordinary work provided the
following conditions are met:
(a) The tube must be aligned with the direction of airflow within 5°
(0.5% error) or 10° (1% error).
(b) The tube diameter must not exceed one twenty-fifth times the duct
diameter or one twentieth times the smaller side of a rectangular
duct. It must also not exceed 15mm.
(c) The velocity should be between 3m/s and 70m/s for standard air.
(d) The pressure difference ∆ ρ = pt - ps is measured, together with the
air density ρ, and the velocity calculated from:
Fan testing and performance prediction 231
232 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
Condition (a) is usually met by aligning the tube parallel with the duct
axis and checking that there is nothing tending to produce swirl in the
air stream upstream of the tube. If there is, straightening vanes must
be inserted to ensure reasonably parallel flow. Contractions, bends and
other disturbing features should preferably be at least 10 duct
diameters upstream of the measurement.
Condition (b) usually rules out velocity measurement by Pitot-static
tube in ducts smaller than about 200mm diameter. Measurements of
rather less accuracy can still be made by means of a small "facing tube"
or Pitot tube within the maximum diameter limits to determine is
measured at holes drilled in the duct wall level with the open end of the
tube. It is vital that all static and total pressure openings should be
clear, square and free from burrs and deformities of all kinds.
This quantity should equal the calculated total pressure drop for a
volume flow q round the system of airways outside the test planes.
Any differences must be accounted for either by errors of estimation or
by errors of test, or by system faults such as leaks or badly-matched
flanges. Pt2 - Pt1 plus the calculated pressure drop in any duct sections
between the test planes and the fan, should equal the rated fan total
pressure PFt. Any differences may be due to a faulty fan or fan
installation, or to site test errors, or to departures from the
standardised airway layout and provisions for pressure measurement.
The space marked "fan" represents a cased fan under test, which may
be of any type-centrifugal, axial or mixed flow-having an inlet and
outlet, one or both of which may be designed for duct connection. Air-
flow is in the direction of the arrow.
236 Woods Practical Guide to fan Engineering
of the outlet kinetic energy is in fact dissipated within the outlet jet
as the air slows to near zero velocity at the test station where the
test enclosure ambient pressure is ps4 = pt4 = 0
The fan static pressure is by definition the fan total pressure
minus the conventional fan outlet velocity pressure. In the case of
open outlet Type A or C tests this deduction exactly cancels out the
added velocity pressure mentioned in the last paragraph, so that
the fan static pressure equals zero minus the effective total
pressure on the inlet side, e.g. for a Type A test:
The friction losses Pf in the test airways are taken as those that
would arise if the flow were axial, with the distribution finally
reached in a long straight duct. This is the "handbook value" which
a user would employ
238 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
be removed when tests are to be taken in a duct on the outlet side for
Type B or D performance. An effective flow straightener will do this, and
if it removed just the swirl energy and no more the minimum energy
convention would be satisfied. Unfortunately, the energy actually
removed is very dependent on the combination of swirl pattern and
straightener design, hence the need to standardise the latter.
In practice a fan with pronounced outlet swirl ought not to be
selected for use with a long straight outlet side duct, because the
friction loss in the latter will be substantially increased. Guide vanes
should be fitted which will remove and recover (instead of removing and
destroying) the
242 Woods Practical Guide to fan Engineering
swirl energy. The flow straightener will then merely ensure that the test
conditions are satisfactory in the downstream duct; the relatively small
outlet swirl components from centrifugal, guide-vane axial or contra-
rotating fans will be removed without significant disturbance to the
characteristic for the fan and diffuser in combination as one unit. The
fan velocity pressure is now the lower value at diffuser outlet, and
the broken line 4 shows that there is a loss of total pressure in the
combination. The fan static pressure is then a better standard of
comparison, giving the pressure available to overcome the upstream
system resistance, without need to specify or allow for the area
selected for the fan or diffuser outlet.
or of mass flow:
The Reynold's number need only be known quite roughly since the
changes it produces in α or C are small. When testing with atmospheric
air it is sufficient to use the approximate formulae below, using either Qv
the expected volume flow, or ∆p the observed pressure difference.
246 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
flow, Qv1, fan total pressure, PFt etc. should be converted to Q1v1PFt
etc. by the use of the following relationships:
larger fan may be expected to develop slightly more than the fan total
pressure given by the above formula, with corresponding slight
improvement in efficiency. This is the so-called scale effect, and
adjustments to the simple formula can only be made if both parties to
the test agree that there is satisfactory experimental evidence for a
scaling formula applying to the type and design of fan in question.
If the performance of a whole range of fans is to be predicted it is
best to take thorough performance tests at diameter intervals of not
more than 2: 1. Not only is there a Reynold's number effect, but there
are inevitably some significant departures from true geometric
similarity, notably in surface roughness (which should increase with
size, but does not), blade thickness and impeller to casing clearances.
The fan laws in this form need not be applied below 2500 Pa, nor
for Kp changes of less than 0.01. They should hold for values of K'P
within the range (Kp ± 0.03). For larger changes in compression
ratio they will give the best available prediction, when
supplemented by any necessary scale effect adjustments for size
change. If there is a change of gas with isentropic exponent y' in
place of y and a computer is available the exact value of Kp/ K'P
could be calculated from:
11.5 Accuracy
the volume flow error, which is allowed for by canting the ellipse at
high volumes.
It will be seen that the broken lines touching the outer edges of
all the error ellipses will be two fan characteristics between which
the true characteristic will be in 95% of cases. Crossing these has
been drawn a system resistance line-here a "square law" line, but
see Chapter 9 for other possibilities-representing exactly the user's
estimate. The intersections with the broken lines now give the
range of volume flow within which the fan performance will be.
Often this will be one half or less of the basic uncertainty range of
volume flow.
can usually be neglected. m is greater in hot air drying processes, but the
much greater heats of evaporation or condensation are then the predominant
The airflow is thus 0.66 kg/s. Adding heat at the rate of 6.0 kW = 6.0 kJ/s
produces a temperature rise of:
A draught in the 0-. to 1 m/s range can increase the natural convection heat
transfer of a small source by 50% to 100%, or more if the temperature
difference is low. On the other hand a large, hot, surface creates its own
draught pattern, which is much less sensitive to casual air movement.
12.1.5 Radiation
All bodies radiate heat at a rate which is proportional to the fourth power of
their absolute temperature - (273 + t°C). On the other hand all the surfaces
around radiate heat back, and if they are at the same temperature there is
precise balance and no heat is transferred. The appropriate temperature to take
for the surroundings is the mean radiant temperature, tr°C (see 1.9) and if the
hot surface is at t°C the net heat emission will be:
The factor ε is called the emissivity and ranges from near 1.0 for a matt black
surface to nearly zero for a brightly polished mirror-like one, which not only
reflects back most of the radiant heat that reaches it, but also retains precisely
the same fraction (1 - ε) of the radiant heat it could emit as a black body,
thereby preserving balance in surroundings of equal temperature.
Fig. 12.3 is based on the above formula, with tr at room temperature level,
and Table 12.1 records the current recommendations of the IHVE for the
emissivity of surfaces found in heating practice. The radiant heat
264 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
This gives an estimate of just over 1200 watts, but it must be emphasised that
an actual radiator will be rated on the basis of tests under controlled conditions
of installation, and in terms of the entering water temperature and flow rate
which set the surface temperature distribution over the whole unit.
Clearly the local temperature difference across the tube wall, on which the
local heat transfer depends, will vary widely from point to point through the
battery. It might range from as much as 100°C if the entry points of air and
water coincide to as little as (100 - 20) - 65 = 15°C if the exit points coincide.
A simple average of the entry difference and the exit difference will always
overestimate the effective value. The best estimate is usually the quantity
known as the logarithmic mean temperature difference ∆tlm. If, of the air
entry and air exit differences, the larger is ∆tmx and the smaller ∆tmn
Fig. 12.4 also illustrates the case we have just calculated in the diagram
marked "parallel flow". In this it is assumed that air and water enter together
at one end of the battery, travel along its length, and emerge together.
Clearly, in this case:
If in this same battery we were to reverse the flow of water so that hot
water enters where hot air leaves, we should have a "counter flow" system,
and would find that the temperatures became those shown in the second
diagram. Then:
We see that the log mean temperature rise has gone up by about 10%,
and so have the temperature rise of the air and the temperature fall of the
water. This equality of percentage changes is in fact the condition that
determines the new values, and it means also that the heat exchange rate of
the battery has gone up 10% to 110 kW. Indeed a fully counterflow system
quite generally makes the most effective use of a given battery if it can be
100% effective if it brought the primary fluid right to the entering tem-
perature of the secondary. Not only is this strictly impossible, however, but it
would require a grossly oversized exchanger and excessive secondary flow to
get close to it. Nevertheless, the heat exchange effectiveness defined as:
Combining this with Gs / GP = 36/7.2 = 5.0 we see from Fig. 12.6 that GH / GP
should be 2.0. Thus the temperature difference across the exchanger should be
∆tH = AtP x (GP / GH) = 30°C. This checks with a log mean temperature
difference derived on the assumption that the
We can therefore conclude that the variable pitch fan can be used to control
the liquid discharge temperature at 50°C while the atmospheric temperature
varies over the range 5 °C to 35 °C. The potential for energy saving can be seen
from completion of the exercise:
In service, paints, varnishes and impregnants will slow down, though they
cannot altogether stop, deterioration, and sensitive materials must be protected
from too damp or too dry an environment - particularly one which swings from
one extreme to the other. When first produced, however, many natural and some
synthetic products contain much too much free moisture. These must be dried to
a moisture content which
Use of air in heat exchange and drying units 271
Drying times will vary from minutes to weeks, and rates must be carefully
scheduled to suit the product. Too rapid drying causes damage in several
Parts already dried may be overheated.
Over-rapid evaporation may injure the fibres as water forces its way out
of the interior.
If the surface layers are allowed to dry out while the interior is still wet,
they will shrink and may crack or warp the whole piece.
The air immediately in contact with the surface is quickly saturated, and
must be continually replaced if evaporation is to continue.
Industrial driers may be classified according to the way in which the air is
brought into contact with the moist surface and replaced as it saturates.
Drying sheds or lofts are naturally ventilated buildings in which the product
is stacked, hung or festooned for comparatively long periods. Air movement
may be promoted by circulating fans.
Use of air in heat exchange and drying units 273
Batch driers are heated ovens in which the product is spread on trays or racks.
Sufficient air change must be ensured to prevent saturation, and an internal air
circulating system may be incorporated. Air temperature and humidity may be
adjusted to a programme covering the drying period.
Conveyer driers are similar in principle to batch driers, but provided with a
continuously or intermittently moving conveyer on which wet stock enters at one
end and dried stock leaves at the other. Air conditions will be steady with time,
but may be adjusted along the length of the drier, particularly by a counter flow
Through flow driers are used for a granular or porous product supported on a
perforated base so that air may be passed directly through it. Hop kilns and
in-sack grain driers are examples.
Rotary driers are rotating drums through which the stock is cascaded or
tumbled so that it comes into intimate contact with air flowing through.
Spray driers inject a solution or slurry through nozzles forming a fine spray
which evaporates rapidly, leaving the product in powder form.
Heat may be supplied wholly through the air stream, which is preheated before
entering the drier. If the drying temperature is high economy depends on a close
approach to saturation in the air leaving the drier. At low drying temperatures,
although drying times are longer, heating may be dispensed with altogether,
particularly in a hot, dry climate. The ambient air itself is then the source of heat,
which will flow to the stock by virtue of the low, wet -bulb, temperature of the
Alternatively, the heat may be applied directly to the stock, generally by
radiation which is particularly suitable for sheets and similar forms with a high
ratio of exposed surface to mass. In special cases heat may be generated within
the body of the product, either by resistance heating from an electric current
flowing through, or by electro-magnetic induction or dielectric heating in a high
frequency field.
From the point of view of the fan engineer the constant rate period is the
significant one. The air flow must remove the moisture generated at a
planned humidity level, and the heat required for the evaporation must be
supplied, both being at their maximum in this period. Control to lower levels
of air flow and heat supply will be appropriate to the falling rate periods.
Example. At what rate must heat be supplied to evaporate 100 kg per hour
of water from a wet surface at 80°C ?
It does not matter whether this heat is applied via the air or directly to the
stock. There will, however, be additional heat required in practice to cover:
Heat wasted in so far as the whole of the air does not reach saturation.
Heat needed during the rising rate period to raise the temperature of the
stock and its moisture content to 80 °C; this will not have been available for
Use of air in heat exchange and drying units 275
Two values of vapour pressure are significant, and may be obtained from
the relationship with temperature in Fig. 12.11
Example. What would be the evaporation rate in the last example if the wet
sand surface were independently heated to 50°C in the same air stream ?
From the psychrometric chart, Fig. 12.13, the dew point of air at 90°C
dry-bulb and 35°C wet-bulb is 19°C, giving VPDP = 2200 Pa from Fig. 12.11.
At 50°C VPws = 12,300 Pa from Fig. 12.11.
the air, which will be zero when the surface is at dry-bulb temperature and
increase by hc = 40 W/m2 for each °C below;
the steam, which will be zero when the surface is at steam temperature,
and increase by 50 W/m2 for each °C below.
Point P where the total heat transfer equals the evaporation heat rate, will be
the probable surface temperature: 47°C.
278 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
Use of air in heat exchange and drying units 279
280 Woods Practical Guide to fan Engineering
Note that each point defines an air condition at some stage in the drying
process, and that:
The condition point moves horizontally to the right as heat is added to the air
without change of moisture content.
The condition point moves diagonally up one of the constant H lines as
moisture is absorbed by the air with no addition or subtraction of heat. This is
very nearly a line of constant wet-bulb temperature.
The evaporative efficiency E is comparable in value to the heat exchange
effectiveness of a system of similar geometry. It is called an "efficiency" rather
than an "effectiveness" because it really does give the fraction of the heat
supplied to the air which is used in evaporating moisture, the rest being wasted.
At least that would be the situation if the surface temperature of the stock
equalled the wet-bulb temperature of the incoming air; and all the heat were
delivered to the air with none lost. Heat delivered directly to the stock is used at
100% efficiency.
In an air heated drier of economical size the air velocities required to maintain
a good drying rate may be so high that an excessive quantity of air flows through
the drier. This means a low moisture content in the air leaving the drier with a low
evaporative efficiency and consequent loss of heat in the excess air.
Use of air in heat exchange and drying units 281
90m visibility is satisfactory for 60 km/hr driving speed. 2 and 4 cd/m2 = are
measures of the luminance of the surface seen.
Traffic statistics will indicate the normal number of cars and lorries to be
dealt with, but on trunk roads there will always be occasions when each lane is
used to its maximum capacity. Many studies have shown that there is a
minimum spacing which the average driver considers safe, and the way in
which this varies with speed is indicated in Fig. 13.2 for
Ventilation of tunnels and mines 285
the case where the traffic is wholly private cars of European size (4m long). It is
interesting to note that there is a maximum capacity of the order of 1800 cars per
hour per lane which occurs around 60 km/hour with reduction at both lower and
higher speeds.
Multiplying together the number of cars per km (Fig. 13.2) by the length of the
tunnel the number of traffic lanes and the pollution rate per vehicle gives the total
to be dealt with by the ventilation system. This
100-150 ppm CO: expected maximum flow at 40-60 km/hr; all private cars.
Each of these targets will set a separate value for the ventilation rate, and the
largest of these will be the m3/s peak capacity to be installed, plus an allowance
for plant out of service for maintenance, etc.
Doubling the section length thus multiplies the fan power required by
1111. Most long tunnels have ventilation sections of the order of 1 km long
where they can be conveniently provided, but with tunnels under wide rivers,
straits or high mountains this is difficult and costly. If such
Ventilation of tunnels and mines 287
tunnels are very long it is usual to limit the maximum traffic density by control at
entry. Minimum speed and vehicle spacing may also be controlled.
Even with strict capacity limitation large powers may be involved Thus, the 16
km long tunnel now under construction to replace the St. Gotthard Pass between
Switzerland and Italy has one 5.5 km long ventilating section and the installed fan
power will be over 20,000kw. Duty control to relate the ventilation rate to the
pollution level produced by the number of vehicles actually in the tunnel can reduce
the average power to a fraction of the installed capacity - see the example of the
Lion Rock tunnel at Hong Kong described in Section 9.1.5, with an average
measured power about one-eighth of capacity.
The diagrams under the heading "arrangement" indicate the tunnel with traffic
flow from left to right, together, where appropriate, with air supply and exhaust
ducts. These are branched at frequent intervals to supply and exhaust ports
situated at road and roof level respectively in the tunnel walls. Arrows coded
according to volume flow indentify the points where air enters and leaves the
The "tunnel velocity" curves show the longitudinal air velocity averaged over the
40M2 cross-section, the full line applying to the stationary car case. When the cars
are moving they will induce air to flow with them along the tunnel. The broken line
shows the velocity resulting from an increase from 240m3/s to 320m3/s in system
(a) or an induced flow of 160m3/s in the remainder, where there is no net
fan-induced flow.
Finally, the variation of "pollution level" along the tunnel is shown again in full
line for the stationary and broken line for the moving cg cases.
running cost, though they are virtually essential for very long tunnels, since they
can be readily sectionalised through supply and exhaust access shafts. Some
consulting engineers also consider them best at restricting the spread of a fire,
and extracting the smoke. This may imply supply fans reversible to extract in an
emergency, and capable of continuing to function for 15 to 30 minutes in very hot
Large, high efficiency, fans are likely to be needed, installed in plant rooms with
the duty and layout generally favouring the axial type. Variable pitch or other
control means are important to save energy by matching ventilating rate to need.
In urban surroundings towers may be needed, both to obtain fresh unpolluted air,
and to dissipate the exhaust gases by chimney action so that they will not
constitute a nuisance to neighbouring buildings.
tunnel area; this introduces a "piston effect" which further increases the
propulsive force, providing adequate ventilation by displacing air from entry to
exit portal.
The tunnel should nevertheless be sectionalised by means of intermediate
vent shafts. By limiting the volume of air to be moved these reduce the pressure
required and the corresponding extra tractive effort. It is also important to limit
the sudden rise or fall of pressure, within the train, proportionate to the drag
force, which occurs when the train enters or leaves the tunnel or passes a vent
shaft. A change of 3% in absolute pressure ( ± 3000 Pa) is unpleasant to the
passengers, and may harm the ear of someone whose pressure equalising
mechanism (the Eustachian tube) is partially blocked, or who has some other
special physiological sensitivity.
Fans will be used both to supplement the air movement produced by the
trains, and to control the distribution of supply and exhaust between the
stations, the tunnels, and the plant areas. Extraction at the centres of tunnel
sections is usual, with supply and pressure relief vents near the ends,
controllable so that cooling air can be drawn or blown into the stations in hot
weather, limiting the platform temperature to, say, 3°C above the outside level.
Higher exhaust temperatures may be permissible elsewhere; for example there
may be fan-powered extraction points under station platforms to remove heat
stored in the brakes with exhaust air well above platform temperature.
The fan powers are large so that energy economy calls for a sophisticated
control system. This will operate through damper and fan duty control, secured
by on-off switching, variable-pitch or speed control as discussed in Chapter 9.
Reliable estimates of flow resistance are also
292 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
This was balanced by the following heat absorbed by means of the ventilation
294 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
particularly suited to auxiliary fan duty. They may be stocked in 2-stage units, and
built up to 4- or 6-stages as required by the growing length of the airway. In
coal-mining all stages are installed at inlet, building up to a pressure of several
thousand Pa. In some circumstances, however, it may be preferable to string
them at intervals along the duct, thereby limiting the pressure rise above the
airway - though this should never be allowed to become negative, with possible
ingress of contaminated air.
Increasing the volume flow will shorten the time lost in shot-firing and may
enable longer shifts to be worked. Axial fans with high tip speeds, e.g. 800mm
diameter at 59 rev/s (3540 rev/min) may therefore be used. Even in the
conditions of a construction site it is advisable to fit such fans with silencers,
which can take the simple form of a metre or two of acoustically lined duct.
Silencers are also increasingly employed for much less noisy booster and auxiliary
fans in mines; mine roadways can be very reverberant, and the value of good
working conditions is becoming more widely recognised.
Inlet from atmosphere: loss can be made small by good entry design.
Intake and discharge registers and dampers: a good part of the pressure drop will
arise from the restrictions necessary to equalise flow.
fields surrounding large buildings. In hilly country the wind can have a substantial
influence on the longitudinal flow velocity in a tunnel. Some Japanese tests on a
tunnel piercing a mountain range showed a pressure difference as high as 1.6
times the velocity pressure corresponding to the wind speed quoted in
meteorological reports.
where t1 (°C) and ρ1 (kg/m3) are the temperature and density at the lower portal
and g = 9.81 m/s2.
It will be seen that f varies over quite a range according to the values of the
two quantities:
This approximation is used to construct the scale at the top of Fig. 13.6, so
that the chart may be entered directly with the product of D or Dh in metres and
v in m/s.
ε is the equivalent roughness of the airway walls here measured in
micrometres, µm (1000µm = 1 mm). It is not necessarily the same as the
surface roughness of the material used, because account is taken of imperfectly
fitted joints and similar factors representative of normal installation practice. Fig.
13.6 shows that, for any given value of rough-
Ventilation of tunnels and mines 299
ness ε, and diameter, D metres, the friction factor falls from a value close to that
for a completely smooth duct (ε = 0), through a transitional curve to a constant
value as v and Re increase.
Values of ε quoted by various authorities as representative of ducts
made from particular materials are quoted in Table 13.3. Also quoted are ranges
corresponding to experimental values of pressure drop reported for a number of
actual road tunnels, mainly in the European Alpine area.
The formulae and the chart are quite general and apply to any duct, pipe or
airway of any (constant) cross-section. Also to any gas or liquid provided the
appropriate values of ρ and µ (see Chapter 14) are used. No practical airflow
absorbing enough power to be worth consideration will fall into the uncertain
area marked critical flow but viscous liquid flows may. At some Re value between
3500 and 2000 the f value for such a flow will fall to the laminar flow line where
turbulence is entirely suppressed and f = 64/Re.
That is K = 32 in ∆p = K. ½ρv2
Supply and exhaust ducts are sometimes stepped down in size as they
progress from the fan end to the far end. In any one section with mean velocity
v, at the end nearer the fan and v2 at the other end the pressure loss will be
In addition to duct friction there is bound to be some "mixing" loss as the air
passing through each port joins or is extracted from the main stream. This
subject was discussed in Chapter 6, and detail design is important to minimise
loss of energy at these points. Loss of energy is inevitable at the dampers
needed in each port to maintain equality of flow in spite of the greater pressure
difference available at some of them.
Fig. 13.7 illustrates a basic difference in this respect between the supply and
exhaust sides. While the distributions of total pressure will bathe same if mixing
losses are neglected, the static pressure changes far more along the exhaust
duct and relatively large damper losses will be incurred towards the fan end on
this side.
If the vehicle is travelling with velocity a and the air with velocity v in the same
direction their relative velocity is (u - v) m/s. The force F is then proportional to the
relative velocity pressure ½ρ (u - v)2, to the frontal area of the vehicle Av and to a
drag coefficient Cv.
A typical value of Av for a private car is 2.3m2. Cars in convoy benefit from the
"slipstream" effect, and suggested typical values for Cv per car with current models
Vehicles which are large compared with the tunnel add to the drag by "piston
effect'. One model test of double deck buses side by side in a two-lane tunnel
indicated a Cv in the order of 5.
The total drag of a line of stationary vehicles can thus be estimated, and the
corresponding pressure added to that required to maintain longitudinal flow. If they
are moving faster than the air they will add to the other pressures supplied by jet
fans or a semi-transverse system. Trial and error calculations are then needed to
find the tunnel air velocity which will result in balance between the propulsive and
the drag forces.
An example of the results of such a calculation is given in Fig. 13.8 which relates
to a system of natural longitudinal ventilation without forced draught or external
wind or other forces. Two-lane, one-way
302 Woods Practical Guide to fan Engineering
service than under laboratory conditions. The following table broadly corresponds
to the recorded experience of the British National Coal Board and other
Consider a long duct coupled to a supply fan at the inlet end and intended to
deliver Q2m3/s of fresh air at the far end. If the leakage were zero, the
appropriate friction factor f, and the duct cross-section A m2, there would be a
positive static pressure pf at the fan end equal to:
A greater volume flow Q, will be required at the fan end if there is leakage (Q1
– Q2), in order that Q2 may be maintained. The higher velocities towards the fan
end will increase the pressure drop; requiring a greater pressure, p1.
Mathematical analysis* leads to the practical data of Fig. 13.9; some
approximation is involved and f is taken as 0.015 throughout, but precision is out
of place when only a crude assessment of the leakage coefficient can be made.
304 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
13.8.2 Example
An 800mm diameter duct is required to deliver 5m3/s over a distance of 2
km. Welded seam duct lengths are to be used, properly gasketted and
supported at each joint to minimise strain. What fan duty should be specified
Ventilation of tunnels and mines 305
If extra care in installation secured an initial value of λ = 0.15, Q2/Q1 and pf/p1
would become 0.84. The corresponding fan requirement for Q2 = 5m3/s would be
The fan specified will exceed this duty, moving to a slightly different operating
point on its characteristic. However, the air power is likely to remain fairly constant
at 28 kW, so to estimate new values of Q1 and
Q2 multiply by
If the duct installation were allowed to deteriorate to the poor condition λ = 1.5,
Q2/Q1 = pf/p1 = 0.33:
Clearly there are practical limits to the length over which air may be conveyed
by a single fan. These limits can be extended by employing a number of fans in
series, spaced along the duct length. In fact, if the airway is divided into a number
of sections of equal length, with a fan at the centre of each section the volume
flow discharged will equal that at entry however long the airway.
This is rarely a practical solution, however. Equal leakage volumes will flow,
outwards from the downstream, positive pressure, half of each section and
inwards to the upstream, negative pressure, half. This local recirculation will be
liable to contaminate the fresh air supply in the duct, if that is its purpose. If, on
the other hand, the system is used to extract contaminated air, then the outward
leakage will constitute an escape of contamination.
A more satisfactory method is to locate the fans at the beginning of each
section, perhaps with an additional stage in the first one, to ensure a positive
pressure everywhere in a supply duct, or negative pressure in an extraction duct.
There will then be leakage, but the very high pressure required from a single fan,
and the corresponding excessive leakage, will be avoided. Axial fans are best
suited to such a system, but it is important that they should be guide vane types,
or contra-rotating pairs. This is to avoid excessive outlet swirl, which is maintained
for long distances in a cylindrical duct. Swirl at the inlet of a later fan stage would
reduce its performance, and swirl in the airway increases the pressure drop.
Acting on the tunnel area, A1 m2, this would produce a pressure rise:
The total pressure rise due to a number of fans, n, is simply the sum of the
individual pressure rises. The fans may be located in parallel groups, but should
be spaced 10 or more tunnel diameters apart lengthwise to ensure complete
mixing of the jet from each.
These formulae are only exact if the mean tunnel velocity is very small
compared with the fan outlet velocity. As much energy can be saved by
employing a lower fan velocity and larger volume flow for the same thrust a
more thorough treatment is justified.
fan total pressure. The difference constitutes a negative fan static pressure,
which will be:
The high outlet velocity of the fan creates a local excess of momentum flux in
the jet. In dropping back to the normal tunnel value as the jet slows down this will
exert a forward force on the air ("force = rate of change of momentum"). The
reaction to this force is provided by a rise in tunnel static pressure, Apj, which is
the second contribution to the
effective performance. The drop in the broken total pressure line represents the
loss of fan outlet energy which takes place in the turbulent decay of the outlet
The static and total pressure lines have been drawn at a slope which
corresponds to the pressure gradient required to keep the air moving against
tunnel wall friction. The effective pressure changes are measured from the
downstream projections of these gradients, and it will be seen that the effective
boost in total pressure due to the fan:
308 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
The jet action efficiency ηj is the ratio of the work done against tunnel friction to
the air power output of the fan Q2Pt.
The overall efficiency will depend on the fan efficiency ηt, also:
These formulae involve residual errors of the order of nP A2/A1 per unit where np
is the number of fans in a parallel group.
Ventilation of tunnels and mines 309
The resistance ∆p, to the required volume flow Q1 through the tunnel will be
estimated as the sum of the items listed in 13.5.1. It can be expressed in terms
of the velocity V1= Q1 /A1 as:
The number of fans, n, and total pressure rise per fan, ∆pt must be chosen
so that:
a and ηj are plotted against V2/V1 in Fig. 13.11 showing how the jet action
efficiency can be increased by reducing V2/V1 which, in turn, requires a higher
value of a and hence of nQ2 for a given ventilation load expressed by KQ1.
The designer must, therefore, judge how far to reduce running costs (higher
ηj)at the expense of increase in capital cost (more and larger, lower speed, jet
fans). In any case a substantial reserve jet thrust is desirable to deal with
possible excess in uncertain factors such as wind pressure and traffic drag.
Two-speed operation (e.g. 2/4 pole motors) is worth careful consideration. If
the low speed suffices for normal operation the low value of V2/V1 increases ηj
and saves running cost. For heavy traffic some of the fans can be switched to
top speed, and in emergency more than four times normal thrust is available
when all fans are at full speed.
The selection of jet fans for a given tunnel duty is covered by Fig. 13.11. The
inverse problem can be solved with the aid of the linear chart, Fig. 13.12. This
enables the volume flow generated in the tunnel by a given installation of jet
fans to be determined. The method is best explained by an example.
310 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
Ventilation of tunnels and mines 311
The following table compares this performance with that of twelve 800mm,
1450-970 rev/min two-speed fans spaced 150m in pairs, calculated in a similar
Clearly the twelve 800mm fans have the better performance, though their
cost is likely to be about 25% greater - offset by savings in wiring and
installation cost. The low speed performance should meet the stationary
traffic requirement; when in motion the drag would change to a propulsive
force, and Q2 would increase substantially. The power saving is 12% at high
speed, 75% at low, and the low speed fans would be 10 dB quieter.
The margin to deal with the drag of large vehicles and with adverse winds
might be considered inadequate. An installation of eighteen 800mm fans
would produce 150 Pa - a margin of 100 Pa over that required for 150m3/s on
the above basis of calculation.
Useful data
Useful data 313
The factors defined by deca- hecto- deci- and centi- are best
confined to well-established usages such as centimetre or hectare.
The original European definitions of a billion (1012) and a trillion
(1018) appear to be dying out in favour of the current American
usage with a billion equal to 109 and a trillion equal to 1012. A
milliard is unambiguously equal to 109.
The ratings in Table 14.26 give the power supplied by the driving
motor. The power transmitted to the load is commonly taken as
95% of the power supplied. The ratings are for Standard Belts to
BS 1440 and BS 3548 in V-V speed reduction drives. For speed-up
drives take the factor K1 for reversing motors. Premium grade belts
are available to the same dimensions with 30% to 40% higher
rating. Special proprietary belts to different dimensions can
transmit two or more times the power in the same space.
358 Woods Practical Guide to Fan Engineering
There are many books on the topics covered by this Practical Guide, most of
them written to meet the needs of the examination student. A few works of
general reference are listed here which themselves contain extensive
bibliographies of books and papers for more detailed study.
I.H.V.E. Guide. The Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, London.
Revised every few years.
Book A. Design Data.
Book B. Installation and Equipment Data.
Book C. Reference Data.
A.S.H.R.A.E. Guide and Data Book. The American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, New York. Revised every few
years. Three volumes.
Handbook of Fundamentals.
Systems and Equipment.
Fans. Osborne.
Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1966.
Figures in italics denote illustrations.