PS 779 PDF
PS 779 PDF
PS 779 PDF
TB 43-PS-779, The Preventive Maintenance Monthly, is an official publication of the Department of the Army, providing information for all
Soldiers assigned to combat and combat support units and all Soldiers with unit maintenance and supply duties. All information published has been
reviewed and approved by the agency responsible for the equipment, publication or policy discussed. Application of the information is optional
with the user. Masculine pronouns may refer to both genders. The use of product or company names does not constitute endorsement of those
products, services or companies by the U.S. Army. The use of non-DoD hyperlinks, along with their content, does not constitute endorsement by
DoD or DA. Neither DoD nor DA exercises any editorial control over, and cannot vouch for, content on non-DoD websites.
You are invited to send PS your ideas for improving maintenance By order of the Secretary of the Army:
procedures, questions on maintenance and supply problems and
questions or comments on material published in PS. MARK A. MILLEY
General, United States Army Chief of Staff
Just write to:
MSG Half-Mast Official:
PS, the Preventive Maintenance Monthly
Bldg. 3303
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898
Or email: GERALD B. O’KEEFE Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army
Approved for
Public Release;
Distribution is
October Woo-
2017 hOo!
I’m LOose!
Only You
Can Prevent
LOose Parts!
To find
out HOW
see Pages,
DA Form
SMALL ARMS 35 2028…
M16-Series Rifle, M4/M4A1 Carbine, Loose Barrel
more than one Soldier has Just like
and Pistol Grip 36-37
had the experience of cracking it was in
Blank Firing Attachment Guide Available 37 open the latest version of a TM the last
M240B Machine Gun, Stuck Round Procedure 38 and noticing that the NSN for a three TM
ISSUE 779 OCTOBER 2017 M4/M4A1 Carbine, Barrel Erosion Gage Change certain part is wrong. Again! releases.
for M855A1 Ammo 39
COMBAT VEHICLES 2 M2010 Sniper Rifle, Loose Swivel Sling Insert Fix 39
You grab an ink The day is saved and
Stryker, DVE Power Surge Preventiion 3 MISSILES 40 pen, line out all is right with the
Stryker, Idle Engine Before and After Shutdown 4 the wrong NSN world. but…
MITAS PM Tips 40-41 and jot down
Stryker, Proper Towing 5
Stryker, Shackle Hardware Alignment 6 the correct
M1-Series Tanks Inlet Screen, No Repairs Allowed 6 number. …that’s not enough!
M2/M3-Series Bradley/MLRS Transmission Check 7 CBRN 41
M113-Series FOV Battery PM Pointers 8-9 if someone orders a part with the
M1135 NBCRV Stryker Update to PS 773-36-37 41 wrong NSN, they’ll get something they
TACTICAL VEHICLES 10 M159, M164 CBRN DR SKO, Breathing Apparatus can’t use. if someone uses a procedure
Low-Air Alarm Fix 42 that’s incorrect, they might damage their
HMMWV Pintle Towing Bracket Not Needed 11 equipment or get hurt.
HEMTT A4, PLS A1, Replace Hydraulic COMMUNICATIONS 43
Manifold Solenoids 12-13
FBCB2, JBC-P JV5 Display Replacement 44
M149A2 Water Trailer Tire and Wheel Assembly 14
Cmd Post Platform AB-1386/U QEAM Antenna Lube 45
Cable Protection Pointers 46-47 Either
costs time
and money.
HMEE-1 Headlamps, Remove Before Unloading 16
M400W Skid Loader Battery PM 17 Clothing Cleaning Advice 49-53
LCU-2000 Anchor Chain Corrosion 18 So you
should do
AVIATION 19 correct the
GCSS-Army Training 55 mistake in
T700-GE-700 Engine Excess Parts for Turn-in 20-21 your TM.
Computers and Software, Toss PCMCIA Cards 56-57
H-60 Series, Unserviceable Engine Parts Turn-in 22
MAC Determines Annual Services Timeframe 57
H-60M Blackhawk Aircrew Trainers (BAT) 23-25
DA Form 2028 for TM Corrections 58-59 You should
UH-60, AH-64 Series Tools, Test Equipment Turn-in 26
submit a DA
A Race for PM 27-34 Connie’s Post Scripts 60-61 Form 2028.
TB 43-PS-779, The Preventive Maintenance Monthly, is an official publication of the Department of the Army, providing information for all
Soldiers assigned to combat and combat support units and all Soldiers with unit maintenance and supply duties. All information published has been When you find a TM Submitting a
reviewed and approved by the agency responsible for the equipment, publication or policy discussed. Application of the information is optional
with the user. Masculine pronouns may refer to both genders. The use of product or company names does not constitute endorsement of those
mistake, it exists in every DA Form 2028
products, services or companies by the U.S. Army. The use of non-DoD hyperlinks, along with their content, does not constitute endorsement by copy of that TM for that doesn’t just
DoD or DA. Neither DoD nor DA exercises any editorial control over, and cannot vouch for, content on non-DoD websites. piece of equipment. You’ve save you
fixed your TM copy, but trouble, it
PS, The Preventive Maintenance Monthly (ISSN 0475-2953) Soldiers all over the helps other
is published monthly by the Department of the Army, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898. world still have incorrect troops,
information. too.
You are invited to send PS your ideas for improving maintenance By order of the Secretary of the Army:
procedures, questions on maintenance and supply problems and
questions or comments on material published in PS. MARK A. MILLEY So if you catch a TM error, correct it
General, United States Army Chief of Staff and then immediately fill out and submit
Just write to: a da Form 2028.
MSG Half-Mast Official:
PS, the Preventive Maintenance Monthly
USAMC LOGSA (AMXLS-GP) You’ll find info on where and how to submit
Bldg. 3303 the form on Pages 58-59 of this issue:
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898
Or email: archives/PS2017/779/779-58-59.pdf Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army
What’sa matter, pal? No, but my DVE is
rge Threat
You look like you lost damaged, thanks to
• Power Off Su your best friend! your carelessness!
th e Idle
• Don’t Skip
n’ t Bl ow th e Tow!
• Do
t Sh ac kl e
• Preven e
Hardware Damag Screen!
t Re pa ir In le t
• Don’
• Bad Transmiss
Not So Fast!
eps You
• Battery PM Ke !
Charged to Fig ht
Dear Editor,
The Stryker’s driver’s vision enhancer (DVE) comes in pretty handy, but
it doesn’t work very well if it’s damaged by careless start-up and shut-down
Sometimes drivers get in a hurry at the end of a mission and forget to
turn off the power to the DVE before they shut down the engine and power
off the vehicle.
That leaves the DVE camera, NSN 5855-01-588-3763, and the DVE screen,
NSN 5980-01-525-1688, vulnerable to power surges. And replacing those two
items isn’t cheap.
Always turn off power
Turn off power to DVE to prevent power surge to camera
to the DVE before you
shut down the engine and
power off the vehicle. You’ll
also want to double-check
that the DVE is shut down
before applying power to
the vehicle and starting
the engine.
Dear Editor,
I see too many Strykers
damaged because crews
Gravity drains oil out of the don’t know the right way
Drivers, it’s turbocharger when the Stryker’s
easy to get been sitting for a while. to tow a disabled vehicle.
in a hurry, So make sure you idle the vehicle The best way is to flat-tow
especially at 650- 700 rpm for 30 seconds a disabled Stryker with Best way to tow disabled Stryker
when you’re or so before heading out. another Stryker using a
moving out on And don’t rev the engine while is with another Stryker and a tow bar
a mission. you’re waiting!
tow bar.
Towing the right way prevents costly damage to the transfer, the turbocharger
and tires. Follow the towing procedures found in the -10 TM and you’ll be all right.
idling lets enough oil circulate
But being in
to the turbocharger’s bearings And remember that if a Stryker is so damaged it can’t be flat-towed,
a hurry is no mechanics shouldn’t use a HEMTT wrecker to tow with the Stryker’s front
excuse for not to prevent any damage.
starting up end suspended.
if you skip the idling, chances
your Stryker are your unit is soon gonna be Not only will towing damage the rear suspension
If Stryker is too damaged
the right way. shelling out some big bucks for and hubs on the Stryker, but it can also break the
a new turbocharger. HEMTT’s lift cylinders. Instead, call for an M916 to flat tow, use trailer
tractor truck with an M870A1 semitrailer.
The turbocharger Run the engine at
And you continues to spin low idle for at
need to for a short time least three minutes
be patient after shutdown. before shutdown.
when the But the oil stops
mission’s circulating as soon
done, too! as you shut off the The circulating
engine. oil cools the
turbocharger and
That means you lubes the bearings
need to cool down so there’s
the turbocharger no overheating CW3 Brian Robinson
Ft Bliss, TX
Editor’s note: Thanks for hooking us up
before shutting after the engine is
down the engine. shut down. with some good Stryker towing tips!
yOwch! I’m
goNna have t’get
that checked out!
I smell burning oil!
I think you need a new
Hang on!
Let’s not be
so hasty!
D rivers, be sure to take a minute to check
Retaining nut and
the recovery lug shackles on the back of cotter pin should face
your Stryker. away from ramp
If the retaining nut and cotter pin are
installed on the wrong side of the shackle,
they can get damaged when the ramp is
raised or lowered.
Prevent damage by making sure the Some units are turning in Bradley Replacing a “bad”
and MLRS HMPT-800 transmissions,
retaining nut and cotter pin are installed
transmission when the
NSN 2520-01-626-5061, that have been problem is something else
on the outside of the shackle, facing away diagnosed as needing replacement when is a big waste of time,
effort and money!
from the ramp. Then check them each time
the transmissions are actually fine.
PS 779 8 OCT 17
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779 08-09.indd All Pages 8/22/17 10:27 AM
Dear Editor,
When ordering the pintle hook kit, NSN 2540-01-189-2193, for our HMMWVs,
we’ve noticed that it often includes a pintle mounting bracket, NSN 5340-00-
That bracket was designed to
strengthen weaker bumpers like those on Pintle mounting bracket
base model M998-series vehicles. But when no longer needed
MWO 9-2320-280-20-7 was issued, those
bumpers were reinforced with a slightly
smaller bracket, NSN 5340-01-506-7986.
We thought it would be a good idea to
let mechanics know so they won’t try to
install the -2432 bracket from the kit.
It’s just big enough to prevent proper
• Abandon the
Bracket! installation of the castle nut.
• Replace Hydrau s
Manifold Solenoid 1SG Garth Creekmore
• New Cap Protec
SSG James Evans
Hydraulic Fluid!
• Right Assemb
Makes a Differenc Editor’s note: An excellent point, Sergeants! Mechanics, if you receive a kit that
includes the bracket, leave it in the box.
W as your HEMTT A4 or PLS A1 manufactured before
2016? Then you need to replace the solenoids on the
Some of
of those
solenoids may
the form at: filename=soum/tacom_wn/ RequestForm.pdf
overheat and
hydraulic distribution manifold right now. catch
catch fire!
fire! You’ll find the HEMTT A4 solenoids listed as Item 10 in Fig 423 of
TM 9-2320-326-13&P on IETM EM 0288 (Dec 15). The PLS A1 solenoids are
shown as Item 3 in Fig 768 of TM 9-2320-319-13&P on IETM EM 0298 (Mar 10).
Replace HEMTT A4’s four solenoids... For more information, check out TACOM Safety-of-Use message 17-004:
SV2 Solenoid
SV3 Solenoid
new cap protects
hydraulic fluid!
SV1 Solenoid SV4 Solenoid You need me to
keep water out
of your EHPU’s
hydraulic tank!
Dear Editor,
I’ve noticed quite a few units that have the wrong tire and wheel assembly
installed on their M149A2 water trailers.
The correct wheel assembly for the M149A2 is NSN 2530-01-611-7619. It
has an offset rim, so the 10R22.5 tire doesn’t protrude past the fender well.
But some M149A2
CORRECT INCORRECT trailers are incorrectly
equipped with NSN 2530-
01-528-9461. While it
has the same tire as the
other assembly, the rim
isn’t offset. So when
installed on the M149A2,
the tire sticks out past
the fender well. That
makes the trailer wider
than it should be and can
be dangerous.
M149A2 assembly
is offset and doesn’t protrude 1SG Garth Creekmore
past wheel well… OHARNG
…like M149/M149A1 tire and wheel assembly
Editor’s note: Operators, check your trailers now. If the wrong assembly is installed,
notify your mechanic. And check out TACOM GPA 17-015 for more details on tire
and wheel assemblies for small trailers:
There gOes That’s
Another gonna
anchor. cost ‘em
big time!
Lose an Anchor?
A rmy mariners, losing an anchor on the landing craft utility (LCU) is a big, expensive
• When Dino
deal! At $3,100 an anchor, that’s a lotta bucks to leave on the ocean floor! More!
Engines Fly No
Missing anchors are the result of ne Parts
• Turn in Engi
neglected anchor chain components that
Pump water for Repair
• New BAT Ta ht
corrode from constant exposure to salt out of chain
water. The salt’s not going away any time locker to Simulated Flig h Tools
soon, so it’s up to you to wash down the prevent • What To Do pment
chains regularly. corrosion and Test Equi
Make sure they’re clean of any mud, silt
and debris after you’ve raised anchor and
stored the chains in their locker. Also, you’ll
want to pump out any standing water and
contaminants in the chain locker. Letting
the chain stew in a locker full of water is an
open invitation to corrosion!
This same info will be added to Item 126
of the PMCS charts in TM 55-1905-223-10
(Jan 89, w/Ch 12, Jul 09).
And don’t forget to inspect the anchor chain components for wear and damage. See
Item 22 in the PMCS chart and Para 4-10 in TM 55-1905-223-24-15 for more information.
Another great reference for anchor chain component care is TC 4-15.51, Marine Crewman’s
Handbook. Download a copy at the APD website:
The T700-GE-700 Excess Airframe Items Got questions? Contact Michael Weist, at (256) 313-1335, or by email:
are lists
of -700 Item NSN PN
engine and
airframe SDC 6630-01-342-0470 70450-01043-126
parts no
longer CDU 2520-01-342-0497 70450-01043-126
needed if Engine inlet anti-ice valve 4810-01-116-7091 70306-10012-107
you aren’t are you sure these are ah, you’re already
operating Bleed-air shutoff valve 4810-01-108-7364 70306-02102-103 goNna help me fly? extinct! whadaya got
-700 t’lose?
engines on L/H engine to airframe harness 5995-01-101-9852 70552-10101-101
h-60A s: R/H engine to airframe harness 5995-01-102-6086 70552-10101-101
PS 779 21 OCT 17
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779 20-21.indd All Pages 8/26/17 12:52 PM
H-60 Series… H-60M Aircraft…
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779 22-23.indd All Pages 8/29/17 5:14 PM
scenarios include emergency
evasive maneuvers that might For emergencies or issues that To access the BAT portal, you’ll
be catastrophic and deadly if need immediate assistance, call the need to create an account at:
BAT simulator can attempted as part of regular BAT hotline at (256) 8 76-5005.
be programmed for aircraft training.
many different pilot no, I’m Not
training scenarios Batman and
After all, I don’t know
pilots can where he is!
walk away
from a
PS 779 24 OCT 17
runNing Out
oF TiME!
Not sure,
but I’m losing
One lap to go
and a comfortable
I can’t believe
it. We had this I’m sorry,
race won! Machine. Just
sit tight. the
tow truck will
be there soon.
Can’t get too
PS 779 29 OCT 17
So whaddya
Even the smallest think?
part can cause
big problems if it
fails. That’s why So far so
paying attention good!
to details is so
important when
it comes to
doing PM.
PS 779 32 OCT 17
Whether it’s
on the race
track or the
good PM
leads the way
to victory!
Small Arms…
to BFAs
BFA Guide!
Dear Editor,
The explosive kick of fired rounds is eventually going to loosen parts on
your M16-series rifle and M4/M4A1 carbine. It’s important to find and fix loose
parts before they stop your weapon in its tracks.
The most important check is the barrel. After so many fired rounds, the
barrel starts to back out. A loose barrel affects accuracy and headspace and
could even blow up!
Don’t hold the lower receiver We’ve
when you feel the barrel for gotta get
looseness. There will normally this ASAP!
be movement between the
upper and lower receivers.
Separate the receivers and
hold the bottom of the upper
receiver while twisting the Dear Editor,
barrel. Grip the barrel around In our role as TACOM LARS, we run into some confusion about which blank
the front sight assembly for firing attachments (BFA) to use on the various small arms. Using the wrong
better leverage. If you feel any BFA can hurt weapon performance and even damage the weapon.
movement, report it. Hold bottom of upper receiver with one hand and Unfortunately, some small arms TMs still haven’t caught up with new BFAs.
barrel around front sight with the other, then twist To clear up confusion, we developed a comprehensive list of what BFAs go
barrel to see if it’s loose with which weapons, including those used with the various versions of the
M240 and those for the M240 and M249 standard and short barrels.
Feel the pistol grip for looseness. Every armorer should get a copy.
If it gets too loose, the selector
switch spring can bend. The switch James Garner
could switch itself or it could be JBLM, WA Editor’s note: We agree. If you would like a copy of
Gary Crippen
difficult to turn. If the grip is loose
Ft Riley, KS James and Gary’s BFA guide, email us at:
at all, report it.
Feel pistol grip
for looseness 36 OCT 17 PS 779 37 OCT 17
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779 36-37.indd All Pages 8/28/17 4:17 PM
I gotta kick M4/M4A1
your charging
Machine handle to get Carbine…
that stuck no you
Gun… round out. don’t!
Dear Editor,
For more info, see TACOM LCMC Maintenance Information Message 17-018:
We’ve run into a few cases where gunners tried to unstick a stuck round in a
M240B machine gun by kicking the charging handle. That’s an extremely bad
step to take. Kicking the handle loosens the rivets on the charging rails on
the side of the receiver. The M240B is finished. M2010 Sniper Rifle…
Don’t hit the carrying handle to get the barrel off, either. That can break
off the handle, which means having to get a new barrel.
Stuck rounds are usually caused by corroded rounds or a dirty chamber.
So the best ways to prevent stuck rounds are to first examine all rounds for
corrosion and dirt. If any rounds are corroded, don’t use them. If they’re
dirty, clean them.
Then thoroughly clean the chamber with your cleaning rod and CLP. If you’re
firing lots of rounds, stop and clean the chamber again.
But if you do get a stuck round, carefully follow the procedure in the TM:
1. Charge the gun and put the safety on safe (S). The fore end assembly swivel That means
2. Push the cocking handle to the forward locked position. sling inserts on the M2010 sniper the M2010
3. Wait until the barrel is cool and remove the barrel. rifle tend to work loose. can’t hold its
shot group.
4. Push your cleaning rod through the muzzle and
gently tap out the round. Scott Taylor
Cleaning rod Small Arms Repair Operators need to check for loose inserts. First see if
Stuck cartridge case Ft Benning, GA
the fore end sling inserts are staked. You should see a
small indent. No stake? Tell your repairman.
Grasp the fore end and buttstock and twist. If the
fore end assembly twists at all, it needs to be replaced.
For replacement instructions, send the weapon’s
serial number to the sniper team equipment specialists:
Editor’s Gunners should stick with your suggestions or Fore end sling inserts staked?
note: on stuck rounds, Scott. Thanks.
For more information, see TACOM LCMC maintenance action message MA17-021 at:
PS 779 38 OCT 17
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779 38-39.indd All Pages 8/26/17 2:43 PM
Hammerhead drifting?
here are Suspect the elevation You certainly
some tips have the MITAS
on hOw motor lock worm. If the touch, chief
you can… hammerhead drifts up on its DenNy. Thanks
own, try this quick check. for the tips!
With the power off, pull
down on the launcher. If it
moves down, the elevation
motor lock worm needs to
be replaced. This has been a
frequent problem for us.
The PM Stryker
Dear Editor, Brigade Combat
Team has pointed
While supporting the modified improved target acquisition system (MITAS),
out there were a
I’ve picked up a few tips to help units get the most out of MITAS:
Train, train, train. The only formal training available for MITAS is at Ft
Benning’s Stryker Master Gunner Course. Units should send qualified and
Stryker couple of misses
on Pages 36-37 in
PS 773 (Apr 17):
experienced NCOs to the course and then those trained gunners should help
train others in their units.
The training needs to happen every month so it stays fresh in operators’
minds. Gunners and crews should first master actual MITAS turret operations
(raise, stow, scan, load and unload) then practice MITAS sight picture • The M1135 NBCRV Stryker still uses the • The joint service lightweight
adjustments, target passive ranging and using aided target tracker. Then
they can practice target engagement and gunnery skills with the anti-tank
ACADA, not the newer JCAD. So before you standoff chemical agent detector
guided missile (ATGM) basic skill trainer (BST) and the Stryker TOW simulator hit the road, make sure the ACADA, (JSLSCAD) has a real cover, not
(STS). AN/VDR-2 and AN/UDR-13 are securely a piece of foam as pictured.
Without monthly training, operators forget simple things like first unlocking clamped in place. Otherwise, a rough bump Order the canvas cover with NSN
the turret. Then the turret motor burns out. can send them flying. That damages them 5340-01-573-6846. And use it. It
and you if you’re in the wrong place. protects the expensive lens.
Train, train,
trAiN! YoU can’t Stryker still uses
REmeMBer how
to OperaTE me if ACADA, not JCAD
yOu don’T TrAin
with me at leASt
• Replacement Available
For JV5 Display
• Keep Quick in Quick
Erection Mast
Some self-contained • No Cables, No Go!
breathing apparatus (SCBA)
harnesses that are part Protect Them!
of the M159 and M164 CBRN
dismounted reconnaissance
sets, kits and outfits
(DR SKO) may have the
wrong setting for the
low-air alarm threshold.
Hey, this
display unit
is dead. We’d do you have
better order problems
a new one. cranking your
quick erection
antenna mast?
Soldiers have
a Solution
for yOu!
yeah, But
the NSN is a
terminal item!
No Cables, a good investment. Hundreds of protectors are available in the supply system.
Just type in “cable protectors” in FED LOG for a complete list.
Length x Width
Here NSN 5975- Material
(in inches)
are a few
to get you 10 x 2.5 01-117-0591 Aluminum
started: 20 x 2.187 00-782-1757 Aluminum
WaY to Go! yOur A caBle proTECtor 23.5 x 4.14 01-197-8278 Aluminum
Big ol’ FeEt jUst would’ve preVEnted
cOst mE a CAbLe! thAt! 36 x 1.5 01-253-6583 Plastic It’s also important
36 x 20 01-469-0892 Plastic to leave slack in
cables when hooking
47.75 x 2 01-075-7825 Aluminum them up. That makes
Dear Editor, 60 x 1.281 00-233-6234 Steel it less likely a cable
When units set up in the field, there are cables everywhere: power cables, will be ripped out
antenna cables, commo cables—the list goes on. 60 x 2 01-470-3560 Plastic of its connector if
The cables are critical. Just one damaged cable could shut down operations 60 x 2.188 00-247-5062 Steel someone does trip
and many cost big bucks to replace. That’s why it’s vital units do everything over it.
60 x 16 01-559-0051 Plastic
possible to protect cables.
Some cables are so fragile that one step can damage them. Those cables 96 x 2.188 00-280-3983 Steel
should be buried in a shallow trench.
Cables left on top of the ground should at least be marked with flags
during the day and with glowsticks at night to prevent Soldiers tripping over wait A nO, No. He saiD
them and trucks driving over them. minUte! I’m to Give us sOme
nO slaCKeR! SLAck!
use Me to …and
ProtEct cablEs me at
during the DAY… nigHT!
CPT David Anderson Editor’s note: Cable protection is a must and worth every
Ft Carson, CO
minute of effort. Thanks for the suggestions, Captain.
PS 779 47 OCT 17
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779 46-47.indd All Pages 8/21/17 11:39 PM
So from head to
…it has to be toe, here’s everything
clean and in you need to know
good shape. about cleaning and
caring for your
clothing and gear!
Machine wash in
cold water on the
permanent press
cycle using a mild Disinfect Disinfecting is especially
detergent that the bladder important if the water starts
doesn’t contain occasionally. tasting funny or you haven’t
bleach, whiteners, used your system in a while.
brighteners or
Rinse completely, but
don’t wring or twist
the clothing.
Hang dry (avoid
direct sunlight to
prevent fading) or
machine dry on
low to medium.
Don’t bleach, iron, tape, machine TM 10-8400-205-23&P, General Repair Procedures for Protective Equipment,
wash or dry ballistic panels. if the
if you spot any problems, ask for panels and inserts get wet, let covers helmets and body armor.
a new IBA . Damaged panels and them air dry flat. Never dry them
inserts can’t protect as well. near a heater or open flame.
The TMs cited in this article are available online at:
PS 779 52 OCT 17
Yup. I guess
we better get
cracking on the
training for it!
ng for The next step is web-based Training for Record. Register at this web address:
• Need Traini
GCSS-Army? A Cards
• Toss Out PC The GCSS-Army Training and Certification (GTRAC) system is mandatory. You
• How Long Sh e Take? must complete it and earn the appropriate certificates before moving on to New
Annual Servic d! Equipment Training (NET).
• Spread the Need more information on GCSS-Army training? Watch the short, informative
video, Learning GCSS-Army the Right Way:
PS 779 54 OCT 17 PS 779 55 OCT 17
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779 54s-55.indd All Pages 8/26/17 12:52 PM
Computers and Software… Aaahh freak out!
LoOks like
the PArtY is
over For Us!
Still have
DM224 PCMCIA DM224 PCMCIA cards,
cards around? NSN 7025-01-498-9882,
Get rid of were used with the
them! AN/PSM-95 Soldiers
Portable On-system
Repair Tool (SPORT)
and an earlier version
of the Maintenance
Support Device (MSD).
LCMC do depends on
you submit the equipment.
your Here’s the
DA Form information
2028 to? you need!
I can’t believe they Ugh. Scratch that
got the NSN for this bolt out and write down
wrong again in the TM. the right one.
PS 779 58 OCT 17
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PS 779 60 OCT 17
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