Teacher Made Test - Holes

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Name and surname:

........./ 1 mark TOTAL SCORE: ......../ 30
HOLES d. Yelnats
By: Louis
Sachar 7) What is Zero’s real name?
Directions: Please circle the correct a. Joseph
answer. 1 point each. b. Daniel
c. Seth
1) Why did the Yelnats name their son d. Hector
a. It was his grandfather’s name 8) What animal does Elya carry up the
b. They liked the name mountain every day?
c. It is Yelnats spelled backwards a. Horse
d. He looked like a Stanley b. Cat
c. Pig
2) What is Stanley’s nickname? d. Dog
a. Warrior 9) What was the first artifact Stanley
b. Megadude found while digging holes at Camp
c. Big Guy Green Lake?
d. Caveman a. Shotgun shell
3) What did Mr. Stir not let Stanley have any of? b. Buried treasure
a. Water c. Rattles from a snake
b. Blankets d. A lipstick tube
c. Rest
d. Snack 10) What did the Warden hope to
find by digging holes at Camp
Green Lake?
4) What does Zero like to do?
a. A bottle of onion juice
a. Dig holes
b. Artifacts from the time when there
b. Wash Clothes
was water at Camp Green Lake
c. Dance
c. The money Kate Barlow stole from
d. Hang out with his friends banks
5) What does Zero help Stanley with? d. None of the above.
a. Escaping
b. Making other friends at Camp Green Lake 11) Why was Stanley Yelnats cursed?
c. Digging holes a. Because of his no-good-dirty-rotten-
d. Beating up the other guys pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather
b. Because he was a dirty-rotten-no-good
6) What is the name of the boat Stanley and kid.
Zero find? c. Because of his no –good-dirty-rotten-
a. Sam d. Because of his dirty-rotten-no-good
b. Elya life.
c. Mary Lou
13) Why was Charles Walker called trout?
12) How did Kate Barlow die? a. Because he was a good fisherman.
a. She was shot by Trout Walker b. Because the best dish he could cook
b. She was killed in a holdup. was trout
c. She fell in a hole at Camp Green Lake c. Because her feet smelled like two dead
d. She was bitten by a yellow, spotted trout
lizard and died laughing. d. Because he had a fish face.

14). What did Camp Green Lake

become? 16. Who is Ms. Morengo?
a) A Prison A) The Warden's friend
b) A Boy Scout Camp B) Mr. Sir's wife
c) An Amusement Park C) Stanley's lawyer
d) A Girl Scout Camp D) Stanley's aunt

15). What is the name of the product 17) . All of the following describe Ms.
Stanley's father invented? Morengo EXCEPT:
a) Fantastic Feet a) Straight, black hair
b) Peach Delight b) Hispanic
c) Smell Swell c) Tall
d) Sploosh d) Determined

......../ 17 marks

Directions: Please read the following and then write on the line true or false. 1 point

1) The novel takes place at a boys’ juvenile detention center

situated in the dried up lake.

2) Most of the story is set in contemporary time, around

the end of the 1980’s.

3) There are flashbacks to the town of Green Lake,

which existed ninety-nine years earlier before the lake dried up.
4) There is an actual Green Lake, one of the largest
lakes in Texas, southwest of Port Lavaca.

5) The real town of Green Lake was all but

abandoned after the Civil War.

.........../ 5 marks
Vocabulary Content: ........./ 7 marks

Part A: Palindromes

Directions: Fill in the blank that you think best applies to each answer.

Palindromes are a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of units that may be read the
same way in either direction.

6) The name in Holes is a palindrome.

Part B: Vocabulary Sentences

Directions: Use the word box to help you fill in the blanks.

Splatter Parch Dawdle

Raspy Evict Crumple

1) Stanley watched the water on the dirt, where it was

quickly absorbed by the thirsty ground.

2) His voice was weak and .

3) His knees beneath him.

4) He couldn’t afford to .

5) The landlord is threatening to us because of the


6) His mouth was as dry and as the lake.

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