The Effect of Vitiligo On Sexual Relationships
The Effect of Vitiligo On Sexual Relationships
The Effect of Vitiligo On Sexual Relationships
Judith R. Porter, PhD,a Ann Hill Beuf, PhD,b Aaron B. Lerner, MD,e and
James J. Nordlund, MDd Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, New Haven, Connecticut,
Allentown, Pennsylvania, and Cincinnati, Ohio
To study the effect of vitiligo on interference with sexual relationships, we surveyed 158 pa-
tients by questionnaire. Although a majority of patients reported a negative impact on sexual
relationships, most patients felt embarrassment when showing their body or meeting strang-
ers. The majority of patients who reported a negative impact on sexual relationships attrib-
uted the problems to their embarrassment. Those who were particularly affected were those
with low self-esteem, men, those to whom appearance is important, and single persons. Der-
matologists should be especially alert to the effects of disfigurement and should attempt to
assist patients with this problem. (1 AM ACAD DERMATOL 1990;22:221-2.)
Journal of the
American Academy of
222 Porter et al Dermatology