Construction and Building Materials: M. Mastali, A. Dalvand
Construction and Building Materials: M. Mastali, A. Dalvand
Construction and Building Materials: M. Mastali, A. Dalvand
h i g h l i g h t s
Effects of silica fume and the recycled steel fiber experimentally investigated.
The hardened properties were characterized by using compressive, tensile, flexural, and impact tests.
The fresh properties were determined by using the slump flow test and V-funnel test.
Combined effects of silica fume and the recycled steel fiber improved the mechanical properties and impact resistance.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper aims to investigate the effects of replacing cement with silica fume in the reinforced self-
Received 18 April 2016 compacting concrete with recycled steel fiber and study its mechanical properties and impact resistance.
Received in revised form 30 June 2016 To characterize mechanical properties and impact resistance, 144 specimens with different fiber volume
Accepted 11 August 2016
fractions of 0.25%, 0.5%, and 0.75% were experimentally tested. Mechanical properties of specimens were
characterized with regard of compressive, splitting tensile, and flexural strengths. Concerning the
obtained large experimental database, an analytical analysis was performed by using regression analysis
to investigate the correlate between the impact and mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete
Silica fume
Recycled steel fiber
reinforced with recycled steel fibers. In addition, the correlation between the mechanical properties of
Self-compacting concrete specimens and the content of the replaced cement with silica fume was also examined.
Mechanical properties The results revealed that the combined effects of silica fume and recycled steel fiber improved the
Impact resistance mechanical properties and impact resistance of specimens. Moreover, linear equations were also devel-
oped to correlate mechanical properties and impact resistance of specimens with a high coefficient of
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction steel fibers obtained from different waste sources such as waste
tires and waste formworks were used in these studies. To produce
Over the last three decades, significant studies have been recycled steel fibers from waste materials different recycling meth-
executed to examine the impact of steel fibers as reinforcing ods such as conventional pyrolysis and microwave-induced are
matrix on the mechanical properties and impact resistance. The used [1]. Aghaee et al. studied about the mechanical properties
previous findings revealed that steel fibers significantly improves of structural lightweight concrete reinforced with waste steel
the mechanical properties and impact resistance of the reinforced wires found in the construction sites [2]. Mechanical properties
concrete. In the last decade, with regard of high cost of steel fiber of mixtures were characterized through execution of compressive,
and environmental friendly issues, using recycled steel fibers as tensile, flexural tests. Furthermore, to attain impact resistance of
reinforcing matrix in cement-based materials attracted the mixtures, specimens were tested under drop weight impact test.
attention of many researchers. Mixtures were reinforced by different recycled steel fiber volume
Many researchers examined the fresh state and hardened prop- fractions, including 0.25%, 0.50% and 0.75% [2]. The results showed
erties of the reinforced concrete with recycled steel fibers. Recycled that the maximum compressive strength recorded for the rein-
forced mixture was associated with the recycled steel fiber volume
⇑ Corresponding author. 0.5%, however, the maximum splitting tensile strength and flexural
E-mail address: (M. Mastali). strength recorded in the reinforced specimens with the recycled
0950-0618/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Mastali, A. Dalvand / Construction and Building Materials 125 (2016) 196–209 197
steel fiber volume 0.75% [2]. Khaloo et al. investigated the use of compressive, splitting tensile, and flexural tests. Experimental
polymer fibers recycled from waste car timing belts in reinforcing investigations on the hardened properties of mixtures were per-
high performance concrete [3]. Fresh-state of mixtures were formed for with 144 specimens divided into four groups, including
assessed by slump flow diameter. In addition, the mechanical 36 cubic specimens for compressive tests, 36 cylinders for splitting
properties of the reinforced specimens also were determined tensile tests, 36 prismatic beams for flexural tests, and 36 disk
through measuring compressive and flexural tests [3]. Different specimens for impact resistance tests. Considering the gathered
fiber lengths (20 mm and 40 mm) and different volume fractions relatively large experimental database, regression analysis was
(0.2%, 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%) were used to reinforce the mixtures [3]. used to analysis the experimental data and some equations were
In their study, it was found that increasing fiber length from 20 linearly developed to investigate the correlation between the
to 40 mm leads to achieving a higher efficiency in the flexural impact and mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete
strength of the fiber reinforced concrete (3–64% for fiber length reinforced with recycled steel fibers. In addition, some equations
20 mm and 25–125% for fiber length 40 mm) [3]. Khaloo et al. were also presented to indicate the effects of silica fume contents
worked on the mechanical properties and rheology of the self- on the impact resistance and the mechanical properties of
compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers [4]. Four different mixtures.
steel volume fractions of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2% were used in the
mixtures. Slump flow diameter, T500, TV, and L-box tests were car-
ried out to evaluate the rheology of those mixtures. Compressive, 2. Experimental study
splitting tensile, and flexural tests were also performed to estimate
the mechanical properties of mixtures at 7, 28, and 91 days [4]. 2.1. Materials and concrete mixture design
Concerning the results, it was revealed that adding steel fibers
reduces the workability of the SCC. More, specifically adding fiber Concrete mixtures consisted of Portland cement (type II based
at a volume fraction of more than 2% intensify this reduction [4]. on ASTM C150 recommendations [7]), silica fume, fine and coarse
Adding steel fiber also reduced the compressive strength of the aggregates, water, and superplasticizer (SP). Cement was replaced
material, while splitting tensile strength and flexural strength were with silica fume of 7% and 14% weight. The chemical compositions
improved. Moreover, flexural toughness of the SCC beams and physical properties of a used silica fume and cement are listed
increased as the content of steel fibers increased [4]. Nili et al. in Table 1. The coarse and fine aggregates were obtained from the
investigated the combined effects of silica fume and steel fibers crushed limestone with a specific gravity of 2.63 g/cm3 and a max-
on the impact resistance and the mechanical properties of concrete imum size of 10 mm. In addition, the fine aggregate provided from
[5]. Hooked steel fibers of 60 mm and the aspect ratio of 80, with
three different volume fractions 0%, 0.5%, and 1% were used as rein-
Table 1
forcing matrix. Cement was replaced with 8% weight silica fume. Chemical composition and physical properties of cement and silica fume.
The experimental results showed that steel fibers improve the
strength performance of concrete, particularly the splitting tensile Chemical composition Cement Silica fume
and the flexural strengths. Furthermore, significant improvement SiO2 (%) 21.10 85–95
was also observed in the impact resistance of the reinforced spec- Al2O3 (%) 4.37 0.5–1.7
Fe2O3 (%) 3.88 0.4–2.0
imens, compared to the reference specimen. The results demon-
MgO (%) 1.56 0.1–0.9
strated that using the steel fiber in the mixtures containing silica K2O (%) 0.52 0.15–1.02
fume significantly increase the ductility and impact resistance of Na2O (%) 0.39 0.15–0.20
the resulting concrete [5]. Dalvand et al. studied the effects of CaO (%) 63.33 –
C3S (%) 51.00 –
replacing cement with silica fume on the impact resistance and
C2S (%) 22.70 –
mechanical properties of conventional concrete [6]. Cement was C3A (%) 5.10 –
replaced with 7% and 14% weight silica fume. It was observed that C4AF (%) 11.90 –
increasing the content of silica fume improved both mechanical Physical properties
properties and impact resistance of conventional concrete. Hence, Specific gravity (g/cm3) 3.11 2.21
the maximum improvement in the mechanical properties and Specific surface (cm2/g) 3000 14,000
impact resistance of specimens were recorded for the 14%-
cement mixture replaced with silica fume [6].
With respect to the previous studies, adding the silica fume to
the fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) with particular shapes, lengths,
and diameters of steel fibers improves the impact resistance and
the mechanical properties. To the authors’ best knowledge there
is no study reporting the effects of replacing silica fume on the
reinforced self-compacting concrete mixtures with recycled steel
fibers presenting different characteristics such as different diame-
ters, lengths, and shapes. In this regard, this study was established
to investigate the effects of replacing cement with silica fume on
the impact resistance and the mechanical properties behavior of
the reinforced self-compacting concrete mixtures with recycled
steel fibers.
Different contents of silica fume (7% and 14%) used instead of
cement in the mix compositions. Moreover, the mixtures were
reinforced by three different levels of fiber volume fractions,
including 0.25%, 0.5%, and 0.75%. The effects of replacing cement
with silica fume on the rheology were investigated through the
use of slump flow test (diameter and time) and V-funnel test.
The mechanical properties of mixtures were characterized using Fig. 1. Used recycled steel fiber.
198 M. Mastali, A. Dalvand / Construction and Building Materials 125 (2016) 196–209
natural river sand with a specific gravity of 2.60 g/cm3. The crushed recycled steel fibers to the fresh self-compacting concrete until the
sand used in this study was distributed with an approximate max- desired fiber/volume ratio was achieved. Fibers were incrementally
imum of 4.75 mm grain diameter and the proportion of grains added to the self-compacting concrete to avoid balling of fibers.
smaller than 0.1 mm was less than 15%. A high range water reducer Then, the compositions were cast into cubic molds (100 100
agent providing a water reduction from 10% to 15% at small dosage 100 mm) [9], cylindrical disk molds (150 65 mm) [10,11], pris-
rates and achieving a water reduction up to 30% at high dosage matic beams (320 80 60 mm) [12], and cylindrical molds
rates was used in order to adjust the workability of the self- (150 300 mm) [13] to be examined by the compressive, impact,
compacting concrete mixtures. Steel fibers were also used to rein- flexural, splitting tensile tests, respectively. All specimens were
force self-compacting concretes. They were obtained from tire stored at ambient temperature of 20 °C and 75% relative humidity
recycling, containing different characteristics such as different for 24 h. Then, specimens were demolded and cured in water at tem-
diameters, lengths, and shapes. In this study, the recycled steel perature of 23 °C for 28 days. After 28 days, all specimens were
fibers were supplied by an Iranian private company. The fibers pre- tested and the hardened properties of specimens were characterized
sented an average length of more than 40 mm, diameter by compressive, splitting tensile, flexural, and impact tests.
0.15 ± 0.05 mm, and tensile strength more than 2000 MPa, and To evaluate the fresh-state of mixtures, slump flow test (diam-
density was about 7850 kg/m3 [8]. Fig. 1 illustrates the fibers used eter and time) and V-funnel test were carried out based on EFNARC
in this work. Mix compositions were reinforced by three different and ACI 237R [14,15]. Nagataki et al. indicated that slump flow
recycled steel fiber volume fractions of 0.25%, 0.5%, and 0.75%. time and diameter tests are two common assessment methods to
The water/binder ratio was kept constant (equal to 0.44) for all determine the flow characteristics of unobstructed concrete in
mixtures. horizontal surface [16]. Fig. 2 represents the slump flow test for
Table 2 lists the mixture designations and material proportions the reinforced self-compacting concrete with 0.5% steel fiber. As
used for the mixtures. Based on the target slump flow, the propor- indicated in Fig. 2, the recycled steel fibers were distributed
tions of materials in Table 2 were determined to be equal or greater homogenously in the composition and there was no segregation
than 600 mm for the plain self-compacting concrete. observed between steel fibers and paste. The highest packing
To batch, the cement and silica fume were mixed with both density of the particle structure could be used to design fresh
coarse and fine aggregates for 2 min. Then, the water and superplas- mix compositions of SCC [21], while a trial-error basis was used
ticizer were added to the mixtures and mixed for 6–8 min. Finally, to approach a target slump flow equal or greater than 600 mm
the concrete-fibers mixtures were prepared by gradual addition of for plain self-compacting concrete in this study.
Table 2
Mixture designations and used material proportions.
Designation of mixtures Water/binder⁄ Silica fume (%, in Wt) Cement/powder⁄⁄ Fiber (%, in Vol) Fine agg./powder Coarse agg./powder SP/powder
F0S0 (control) 0.44 0 0.16 0 0.42 0.42 0.0016
F0.25S0 0.44 0 0.16 0.25 0.42 0.42 0.0016
F0.5S0 0.44 0 0.16 0.5 0.42 0.42 0.0016
F0.75S0 0.44 0 0.16 0.75 0.42 0.42 0.0016
F0S7 0.44 7 0.15 0 0.42 0.42 0.0016
F0S14 0.44 14 0.13 0 0.42 0.42 0.0016
F0.25S7 0.44 7 0.15 0.25 0.42 0.42 0.0016
F0.25S14 0.44 14 0.13 0.25 0.42 0.42 0.0016
F0.5S7 0.44 7 0.15 0.5 0.42 0.42 0.0016
F0.5S14 0.44 14 0.13 0.5 0.42 0.42 0.0016
F0.75S7 0.44 7 0.15 0.75 0.42 0.42 0.0016
F0.75S14 0.44 14 0.13 0.75 0.42 0.42 0.0016
Homogeneous distribuon
of recycled steel fibers
Fig. 2. The slump flow test for reinforced self-compacting concrete with 0.5% recycled steel fiber.
M. Mastali, A. Dalvand / Construction and Building Materials 125 (2016) 196–209 199
2.2. Test setups and instrumentations 2.2.3. Three point bending test
Thirty-six prismatic beams with dimension of (320 80
2.2.1. Compressive test 60 mm) were used to carry out three point bending (TPB) test in
Thirty-six cubic specimens (100 100 100 mm) were pre- accordance with the ASTM C78 recommendation [12]. The flexural
pared based on the ASTM C39 recommendation and used to assess load was recorded by using a load cell with a capacity of 50 kN,
the compressive strength of different mixtures [9]. To impose the while the mid-span deflection was recorded by using a Linear Vari-
compressive load, a digital standard automatic testing machine able Differential Transformer (LVDT) of 10 mm stroke. Adopted
with 1000 kN capacity was used. Compressive strength of TPB test setup is depicted in Fig. 3a. TPB test was conducted with
specimens were recorded under a loading rate of 0.3 MPa/s. For a deflection rate of 0.6 mm/min under displacement control. Eq.
each mix composition, three specimens were tested and the (2) was used to compute the flexural strength of specimens under
average of the results are presented. TPB test:
2.2.2. Splitting tensile test rf ¼ 2
A total of thirty-six cylindrical specimens (150 300 mm) were
cast and prepared for performing the splitting tensile test accord- where, F is the total flexural load, L is span length, b and h are width
ing to the ASTM C496 recommendation [13]. Splitting tensile (60 mm) and height (80 mm) of beams, respectively.
strength of specimens were registered under a load rate of
0.05 MPa/s. Tensile strength of specimens was computed based 2.2.4. Impact test
on the following equation: Impact test was carried out for thirty-six cylindrical disks based
on ACI Committee 544 [17]. According to the adopted test setup, a
rt ¼ ð1Þ steel hammer of 4.45-kg weight was dropped from a 457-mm
height on a steel ball of 63.5 mm diameter. The steel ball indicated
where, P is the maximum tensile force, l is length of cylinder, and d in Fig. 3b was touching the central surface of specimens. Totally,
is diameter of cylinder. thirty-six disks of 150 mm diameter and 65 mm height were cast
Fig. 3. a) Adopted test setup for flexural test setup; b) used apparatus for implementation of impact test.
200 M. Mastali, A. Dalvand / Construction and Building Materials 125 (2016) 196–209
640 80
540 40
520 30
500 20
Fig. 5. Effect of silica fume on the compressive strength of mix compositions.
was registered about 15% due to replacement of 14% silica fume
T500 (sec.)
5 and adding 0.75% recycled steel fiber compare to control mixture
4 (F0S0).
3 Replacing cement with silica fume resulted in increasing slump
2 flow time (T500) as increasing silica fume content from 7% to 14%
1 in the reinforced self-compacting mixtures with fiber content
0 0.75% resulted in attaining the maximum increase of T500 (about
25%). Besides, the slump flow time (T500) was also increased by
adding both silica fume and recycled steel fiber. In comparison
(b) with the control mixture, the maximum increase of T500 attained
for specimen F0.75S14 with about two times increase.
The results obtained from the V-funnel test are depicted in
12 Fig. 4c. Replacing cement with silica fume resulted in an increase
10 of TV, so that increasing the content of silica fume from 7% to
14% in the self-compacting mixtures leads to achieve the maxi-
Tv (sec.)
mum increase of TV (about 25%). Based on the results, adding both
6 silica fume and recycled steel fiber resulted in achieving the max-
4 imum increase of TV with about 85% increase for specimen
F0.75S14, compared with the control mixture.
Benaicha et al. investigated the effects of silica fume and viscos-
0 ity modifying agent on the mechanical and rheological behavior of
self-compacting concrete [19]. The rheological tests used in this
study consisted of the slump flow, V-funnel, L-Box, and sieve segre-
(c) gation test, as well as yield stress and viscosity measurements [18].
Fig. 4. Effect of silica fume on: a) slump flow; b) T500; c) TV.
Silica fume in different binder weights 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and
30% was added to the mixture. The results showed that increasing
the content of the silica fume reduced the slump flow and
and tested at age of 28 days. To calculate energy absorption the fol- increased V-funnel flow time of the mixtures [19].
lowing equation was adopted:
where, N is number of blows, W is weight of ball, and H is height of 3.2.1. Compressive strength
The compressive strength results represented in Fig. 5. Regard-
ing the results, adding the recycled steel fiber increases the
3. Results and discussion compressive strength as a result of crack arresting capacity of
bridging fibers, so that adding 0.75% recycled steel fiber to the
3.1. Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete mixtures plain self-compacting mixtures without presence of silica fume
(F0.75S0) increased remarkably the compressive strength (about
In the first stage of the present study, the fresh-state self- 18%), compared with the control mixture.
compacting concrete mixtures was assessed by using slump flow Moreover, replacing cement with silica fume and adding
test and V-funnel test. The results are indicated in Fig. 4. Concern- recycled steel fibers to plain self-compacting concrete increases
ing the results, increasing the content of silica fume led to reduce the compressive strength, as shown in Fig. 5. Silica fume as a poz-
the workability, so that the maximum reduction (5%) for the slump zolanic material improves the aggregate-paste bond and enhances
flow diameter had been registered for specimen F0S14, compared the bond properties at interface between the fiber and the matrix
to F0S7. Moreover, addition of recycle steel fiber intensify this with a dense C-S-H gel in the reinforced self-compacting mixtures.
reduction due to increase of self-compacting concrete viscosity Based on the results presented in Fig. 5, the maximum increase of
[18]. The maximum reduction in slump flow diameter due to compressive strength in the mixtures was obtained when the
addition of simultaneously silica fume and recycled steel fiber maximum contents of silica fume (14%) and steel fibers (0.75%)
M. Mastali, A. Dalvand / Construction and Building Materials 125 (2016) 196–209 201
Forming the
Arresng the further
localized crack
opening of cracks due to
fiber bridging acon
F0S0 F0.75S7
Fig. 6. a) Effect of silica fume on the splitting tensile strength of mix compositions; b) formed crack patterns in the cylindrical concrete specimens under splitting tensile test.
10 10
9 F0.25S0 F0.5S0 9
8 F0.75S0 F0S0 8
7 7
Force (kN)
6 6
Force (kN)
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2 F0.25S0 F0.5S0
1 1 F0.75S0 F0S0
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Deflecon (mm) Deflecon (mm)
Fig. 8. Effect of addition of recycled steel fiber on the flexural performance of compositions.
results in increasing fiber-bridging actions in the reinforced self- by the bridging action of the recycled steel fiber, arresting the
compacting concrete specimens. In this study, the results obtained cracks from further opening, and forming new cracks in the vicinity
for the splitting tensile strength were consistent with the findings [20]. Moreover, regardless of the recycled steel fiber content used
in [22–25]. to reinforce of the matrix, the flexural strength of mixtures was
increased by replacing silica fume due to enhanced interface of
3.2.3. Flexural strength aggregate-paste and fiber-matrix. As a results of adding silica fume,
The effects of replacing cement with silica fume on the flexural the maximum increment was achieved for the specimen F0.75S14
strength of the plain and reinforced self-compacting mixtures are (about 35%), compared to the F0S0.
shown in Fig. 7. The maximum increase of flexural strength in The effects of adding recycled steel fiber on the flexural
the reinforced self-compacting concrete mixtures without pres- performance of the mixtures without presence of silica fume
ence of silica fume was detected in specimen F0.75S0 (about are depicted in Fig. 8. Regarding the results, increasing the fiber
25%), compared to the control specimen. This increase was made content decreases the flexural stiffness, while the ultimate load
10 F0S0 10 F0.25S0
F0S7 F0.25S7
9 F0S14 9
8 8
7 7
Force (kN)
Force (kN)
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Deflecon (mm) Deflecon (mm)
(a) (b)
10 F0.5S0 10 F0.75S0
9 F0.5S7 9 F0.75S7
F0.5S14 F0.75S14
8 8
7 7
Force (kN)
Force (kN)
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Deflecon (mm) Deflecon (mm)
(c) (d)
Fig. 9. Effect of silica fume on the force vs. deflection response of mix compositions with: a) 0% recycled steel fiber; b) 0.25% recycled steel fiber; c) 0.5% recycled steel fiber;
d) 0.75% recycled steel fiber.
M. Mastali, A. Dalvand / Construction and Building Materials 125 (2016) 196–209 203
F0S0 F0.25S7
F0.5S7 F0.75S7
Fig. 10. a) Fracture surface of reinforced specimens; b) effects of recycled steel fiber and silica fume on the formed crack numbers.
carrying capacity and its corresponding deflection increased. with recycled steel fiber 0.75%, compared to the control speci-
Furthermore, the post-cracking residual strength was increased men (F0S0).
by adding greater contents of recycled steel fiber. The maximum Ponikiewski et al. investigated on the effects of using steel fibers
improvement in the load carrying capacity and its corresponding with different lengths (30 mm and 50 mm) on the flexural perfor-
deflection were about 22% and 7 times for the mixture reinforced mance of the reinforced self-compacting concretes [27]. After
204 M. Mastali, A. Dalvand / Construction and Building Materials 125 (2016) 196–209
while steel fibers with shorter lengths had a three-dimensional Specimen The first crack The ultimate crack INPB Absorbed
orientation [27,28]. They also found that planar alignment of long impact resistance impact resistance (blows) energy
steel fibers causes to greater improvement of the reinforced (blow) (blow) (
Sf= -3.5714 (SF) + 631.67 Vf0.5%
Slump flow (mm)
Sf= -2.8571 (SF) + 611.67
R² = 0.979
560 Sf = -2.5 (SF) + 599.17
Sf = -2.8571 (SF) + 581.67
R² = 0.993
R² = 0.979
0 7 14
Silica fume (%)
10 R² = 0.964
8 Tv = 0.213 (SF) + 6.8333
7 R² = 0.964
6 Vf0.5%
5 Vf0.75%
0 7 14
Silica fume (%)
Fig. 11. Silica fume versus: a) slump flow; b) T500; c) TV.
M. Mastali, A. Dalvand / Construction and Building Materials 125 (2016) 196–209 205
performance of fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete speci- content enhances the difference between the blow number of the
mens, including increasing ultimate load carrying capacity, deflec- first crack impact resistance and the blow number of the ultimate
tion corresponding to the ultimate load, and the post-cracking crack impact resistance. The use of a recycled steel fiber of 50 mm
residual strength. Since, it was shown that replacement of silica length resulted in a planar fiber orientation. Mastali et al. demon-
fume in the plain and reinforced self-compacting mixtures have strated that three-dimensional orientations of the fibers reduce the
no significant effect on the flexural stiffness of specimens. impact resistance of the reinforced concrete specimens, while
A fractured surface is shown in Fig. 10a where, parts of recycled planar fiber orientation enhances it [28].
steel fibers are marked. Regarding the presented fractured surface, In this paper, increasing the Number of Post initial crack Blows
it was revealed that recycled steel fibers are distributed uniformly to failure is labelled as the ‘‘INPB” parameter. Increasing steel fiber
in the fracture surface and the fiber-bridging action can efficiently content from 0.25% to 0.5% and 0.75% increases the number of
improve the mechanical properties of the reinforced mixtures. post-initial crack blows to failure as much as 2.11 and 2.88 times,
3.2.4. Impact resistance Replacement of silica fume also increased the impact resistance
The results on the impact resistance of specimens are summa- of both plain and reinforced self-compacting concrete mixtures. As
rized in Table 3. Concerning the results, adding recycled steel fiber a result, compared to the specimen control mixture and due to the
in the mixture without presence of silica fume improves both the replacement of silica fume 14% in the specimens F0S14, the maxi-
first and ultimate crack impact resistance of specimens; however, mum increase of the first and ultimate crack impact resistance was
further increase was obtained for the ultimate crack impact resis- 70.58% and 73.68%, respectively. Nili et al. indicated that adding
tance, compared to the first crack impact resistance. The maximum silica fume to concrete enhances the interfacial transition zone
increase of the first and ultimate crack impact resistance was (ITZ) between cement paste and aggregate in concrete [5].
recorded more than 3 and 4 times for the specimen F0.75S0 Since, simultaneously use of both silica fume and recycled steel
comparing to the control mixture. Increased recycled steel fiber fiber resulted in recording the maximum increment for the first
Compressive strength (MPa)
6.5 FC = 0.5714 (SF) + 55
fr = 0.0393 (SF) + 5.6517 63 R² = 0.999
Flexural strength (MPa)
R² = 0.993 43 R² = 0.964
fr = 0.0357 (SF) + 4.6633 33
4.5 R² = 0.949
23 Vf0%
4 Vf0%
Vf0.25% FC = 0.8571 (SF) + 17.333 Vf0.25%
13 R² = 0.990 Vf0.5%
3.5 Vf0.5%
Vf0.75% Vf0.75%
3 3
0 7 14 0 7 14
Silica fume (%) Silica fume (%)
(c) (d)
UC = 1.0714 (SF) + 80.833
93 R² = 0.998
The ulmate crack impact
83 UC = 0.7143 (SF) + 70
R² = 0.999
resistence (blow)
UC = 0.6429 (SF) + 47.5
53 R² = 0.964
33 Vf0%
UC = (SF) + 19.333
R² = 0.993 Vf0.5%
0 7 14
Silica fume (%)
Fig. 12. Silica fume versus: a) compressive strength; b) splitting tensile strength; c) flexural strength; d) the first crack impact resistance; e) the ultimate crack impact
206 M. Mastali, A. Dalvand / Construction and Building Materials 125 (2016) 196–209
(about 4 times) and ultimate (about 5 times) crack impact resis- the INPB was increased as much as 16 times for specimen
tance of specimen F0.75S14 compare to control mixture. Moreover, F0.75S14, compared to the control mixture.
5 ft = 0.0362fc + 2.0273
R² = 0.9863
4.5 ft = 0.0439fc + 1.4401
R² = 0.999
ft = 0.0442fc + 1.0053
3.5 Vf0.5%
R² = 0.951
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Compressive strength (MPa)
6.5 fr = 0.045fc+ 2.6315
R² = 0.995
6 fr = 0.0279fc + 3.6952
Flexural strength (MPa)
R² = 0.9932
5.5 fr = 0.0458fc + 2.419
R² = 0.999
fr = 0.0425fc + 2.2203
4.5 R² = 0.956 Vf0%
4 Vf0.25%
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Compressive strenght (MPa)
The first crack impact resistance
FC = 0.651fc + 11.374
63 R² = 0.985
53 FC = 0.5557fc + 14.953
R² = 0.985
FC = 0.5528fc + 4.4521
R² = 0.943
23 Vf0%
FC = 1.0166fc - 41.155 Vf0.25%
13 R² = 0.993 Vf0.5%
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Compressive strnegth (MPa)
The ulmate crack impact resistance
73 UC = 0.9262fc + 9.9214
R² = 0.985
Fig. 10b shows the crack patterns formed on some tested disks, [29,30]. According to ASTM C1018, toughness is computed at
which were plain and reinforced with recycled steel fiber 0.75%. four specific deflections, including d, 3d, 5.5d and 10.5d [29,30].
Simultaneously use of both silica fume and recycled steel fiber The elastic or pre-peak toughness is measured at the deflection
resulted in forming more cracks on the surface of specimens of d, however, post peak toughness is recorded at other deflec-
because of improvements at the interface of aggregate-paste and tions. Several parameters involved in this method include tough-
fiber-matrix and increased fiber bridging action, as shown in ness indices designated by I5, I10, and I20. These indices are
Fig. 10b. defined in Fig. 14a. The residual strengths are also computed
based on the average post-peak load at a specific deflection
interval. Eqs. (4) and (5) can be used to determine the residual
4. Analytical analysis strength values:
In the first stage of this section, regard of the relatively large R5;10 ¼ 20ðI10 I5 Þ ð4Þ
gathered experimental database, the fresh and hardened proper-
ties of plain and reinforced self-compacting concrete specimens R10;20 ¼ 10ðI20 I10 Þ ð5Þ
with recycled steel fiber can be correlated with the content of silica
fume by empirical equations with high coefficient of determination Furthermore, the Japanese Concrete Institute (JCI) proposed a
(R2). These empirical equations were developed by using regres- method based on measuring the mid-span deflection at span/150
sion analysis. of the beams under flexural test. Flexural toughness factor can be
Fig. 11a indicates the linear empirical equations that correlate computed through the following equation [31]:
the slump flow diameter to silica fume content. Based on the
developed equations in Fig. 11, fresh-state properties of the plain
and reinforced self-compacting concrete mixtures can be linearly
correlated to the silica fume content. Concerning these results,
increased silica fume content caused the highest reduction rate
in slump flow diameter for the plain self-compacting concrete
mixtures since the slope of developed equations for the plain
self-compacting concrete (Vf 0%) was higher than that for the
specimens with fiber contents. Moreover, the maximum rate of
increased T500 and TV was obtained for the reinforced self-
compacting concrete with the recycled steel fiber 0.75% as a result
of replacing silica fume.where, Sf is slump flow and SF is the con-
tent of silica fume in Fig. 11.
Replacing cement with silica fume resulted in the highest rate
of gaining compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and
flexural strength for the reinforced self-compacting concrete with
recycled steel fiber 0.75%, as indicated in Fig. 12. This is because
the maximum rate of increasing the first and ultimate crack impact
resistance of the specimens with replacement of silica fume was
recorded for the plain self-compacting concrete and the reinforced
self-compacting concrete with recycled steel fiber 0.75%, respec-
tively.where, fc is compressive strength (MPa), ft is tensile strength
(MPa), fr is flexural strength, FC is the first crack impact resistance,
and UC is the ultimate crack impact resistance shown in Fig. 12.
Fig. 13 shows the empirical equations developed on the rela-
tionship between the impact resistance and mechanical properties.
Accordingly, there was observed a linear relationship between the
impact resistance and mechanical properties in each group of
By increasing compressive strength, the maximum rate of Fig. 14. a) Definition of flexural toughness indices based on ACTM C1018; b)
increasing splitting tensile strength was recorded for reinforced definition of flexural toughness indices based on JCI.
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[29] ASTMC 1018, Standard Test Method for Flexural Toughness and First-Crack
Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, ASTM International, West
Conshohocken, PA, USA, 1998.