Kendriya Vidyalaya Iit Kanpur: Project Report ON

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SESSION 2017-18
Submitted to: Submitted by:

(Chemistry Faculty) (CBSE Roll No)

Estimation of the total hardness
of water sample using EDTA








This is to certify that Manvendra Singh of Class
XI-A of Kendriya vidyalaya iit kanpur has completed
his project report on “HARDNESS OF WATER” as a
part of her Chemistry syllabus of CBSE under my
supervision. She has taken proper care and shown utmost
sincerity in completion of this project.

I certify that this project is up to my expectation

and as per guidelines issued by CBSE.

---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Project Mentor External Examiner
(Science Faculty)

I am thankful to our Principal Mr. Dharmendra Kumar and the
Chemistry teacher D. K. Verma for providing me an opportunity to work
on this project.

It is a matter of pride and pleasure to express my indebtedness and

warm gratitude to faculty of Science for their keen interest, continuous
assistance and constructive criticism at every stage of the survey.

I am also thankful to CBSE for including this

project as a part of Chemistry syllabus.


Hard water is water that has high mineral content (in
contrast with "soft water"). Hard water is formed when water
percolates through deposits of limestone and chalk which are
largely made up of calcium and magnesium carbonates.

Hard drinking water may have moderate health benefits,

but can pose serious problems in industrial settings, where
water hardness is monitored to avoid costly breakdowns in
boilers, cooling towers, and other equipment that handles
water. In domestic settings, hard water is often indicated by a
lack of foam formation when soap is agitated in water, and by
the formation of limescale in kettles and water heaters.
Wherever water hardness is a concern, water softening is
commonly used to reduce hard water's adverse effects.

Soaps are sodium or potassium salts of higher fatty acids like
stearic, palmitic and oleic acids can be either saturated or
unsaturated. They contain a long hydrocarbon chain of about 10-20
carbon with one carboxylic acid group as the functional group.
A soap molecule a tadpole shaped structure, whose ends have
different polarities. At one end is the long hydrocarbon chain that is
non-polar and hydrophobic, i.e., insoluble in water but oil soluble.
At the other end is the short polar carboxylate ion which is
hydrophilic i.e., water soluble but insoluble in oil and grease.

Long Hydrocarbon Chain Hydrophobic end Hydrophilic end

When soap is shaken with water it becomes a soap

solution that is colloidal in nature. Agitating it tends to
concentrate the solution on the surface and causes foaming.
This helps the soap molecules make a unimolecular film on the
surface of water and to penetrate the fabric. The long non-
polar end of a soap molecule that are hydrophobic, gravitate
towards and surround the dirt (fat or oil with dust absorbed in
it). The short polar end containing the carboxylate ion, face the
water away from the dirt. A number of soap molecules
surround or encircle dirt and grease in a clustered structure
called ‘micelles’, which encircles such particles and emulsify
Cleansing action of soaps decreases in hard water. Hard water
contains Calcium and magnesium ions which react with sodium
carbonate to produce insoluble carbonates of
higher fatty acids.

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (edta) is a reagent that forms
edta-metal complexes with many metal ions (but not with alkali metal
ions such as Na+ and K+). In alkaline conditions (pH›9) it forms stable
complexes with the alkaline earth metal ions Ca2+ and Mg2+. The edta
reagent can be used to measure the total quantity of dissolved Ca2+ and
Mg2+ ions in a water sample. Thus the total hardness of a water sample
can be estimated by titration with a standard solution of edta.

Suitable conditions for the titration are achieved by the addition

of a buffer solution of pH 10. The buffer solution stabilises the pH at 10.
There are H+ ions produced as the reaction proceeds, and without the
buffer solution the pH would decrease.

The edta reagent cannot under these conditions distinguish between

the hardness caused by Ca2+ and Mg2+, or (directly) between temporary
and permanent hardness. Therefore the results of this experiment are
usually expressed in terms of the quantity of insoluble CaCO3 that would
have to be converted into soluble salts to give the same total number of
moles of dissolved Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. This enables the total hardness of
water from different sources to be compared easily.

Because it is a primary standard, and is also more soluble in water, the

disodium salt of edta is more commonly used as the reagent rather than
edta itself. If Na2H2Y represents this salt, it ionises in aqueous solution

to H2Y2-, which complexes in a 1:1 ratio with either Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions
(which are represented as M2+). The reaction can be represented as

H2Y2- + M2+ → MY2- + 2H+

The indicator Eriochrome Black T is used to detect the end point.

This is an indicator that has a different colour when complexed to metal
ions than when it is a free indicator. The reaction between the red
indicator-metal complex and the edta reagent at the end point can be
represented as follows:

MIn- + H2Y2- → HIn2- + MY2- + H+

Wine blue

Ammonium Chloride

Ammonium Hydraoxide

Disodium salt of EDTA

Erichrome Black T indicator

Magnesium Sulphate

 Pipette with elongated tip
 Measuring Cylinder
 Wash bottle
 Standard Flask
 Beaker
 Burette

1. Pipette out 20ml of the field sample
2.Add 2ml of Ammonia Buffer.
3.Add 2 drops of EBT indicator
4.Fill the burette with EDTA
5.Titrate the contents against EDTA
6.Continue the Titration till the colour
changes to steel blue
7.Calculate the total hardness

Sample No. Volume of Burette reading Burette Reading Volume of
sample (ml) (Initial) (Final) EDTA (ml)

1. 20 0 29.3 29.3

2. 20 0 29.8 29.8

3. 20 0 29.8 29.8

 Calcium hardness of the given water
sample in ml per litre as Calcium
Carbonate equivalents is equal to volume
of EDTA into normality into 50 into 100
divided by volume of sample taken

 Here the volume of EDTA is 29.8 ml

 Normality is 0.02

 Volume of sample is taken 20ml

 Substituting the value in formula and

calculating we get the value 1490ml/L.


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