Natural Fibers For Hydrogels Production and Their Applications in Agriculture

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Agroindustria y Ciencia de los Alimentos / Agroindustry and Food Science

Acta Agron. (2017) 66 (4) p 495-505 ISSN 0120-2812 | e-ISSN 2323-0118

Natural fibers for hydrogels production and their applications

in agriculture
Fibras naturales para la elaboración de hidrogeles y sus aplicaciones en la agricultura

Liliana Serna Cock1 and Marcelo Alexander Guancha-Chalapud2

Facultad de Ingeniería y Administración. Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Palmira, Colombia. Author for correspondence: 2Centro Nacional de Asistencia Técnica a la Industria (ASTIN). Servicio Nacional deAprendizaje - SENA. Cali-Valle,
Colombia Author for

Rec.: 06.04.2016 Accep.: 07.10.2016

This paper presents a review on hydrogels applied to agriculture emphasizing on the use of natural fibers. The objectives were
to examine, trends in research addressed to identify natural fibers used in hydrogels development and methods for modifying
natural fibers, understand factors which determine the water retention capacity of a hydrogel. Consequently, this paper
shows some methodologies used to evaluate the hydrogels efficiency and to collect in tables, relevant information in relation
to methods of natural fibers modification and hydrogel synthesis. It was found that previous research focused on hydrogels
development processed with biodegradable polymers such as starch, chitosan and modified natural fibers, cross-linked with
potassium acrylate and acrylamide, respectively. In addition, current researches aimed to obtaining hydrogels with improved
properties, which have allowed a resistance to climatic variations and soil physicochemical changes, such as pH, presence
of salts, temperature and composition. In fact, natural fibers such as sugarcane, agave fiber and kapok fiber, modified with
maleic anhydride, are an alternative to obtain hydrogels due to an increasing of mechanical properties and chemically active
sites. However, the use of natural nanofibers in hydrogels, has been a successful proposal to improve hydrogels mechanical
and swelling properties, since they give to material an elasticity and rigidity properties. A hydrogel efficiency applied to soil,
is measured throughout properties as swellability, mechanical strength, and soil water retention. It was concluded that
hydrogels, are an alternative to the current needs for the agricultural sector.
Key words: Hydrogels, methods of modifying fiber, nanofibers, superabsorbent, water retention capacity.

En el presente artículo se presenta una revisión de literatura sobre hidrogeles aplicados a la agricultura, haciéndose mayor
énfasis en el uso de fibras vegetales. Los objetivos fueron examinar las tendencias en la investigación, identificar las fibras
naturales utilizadas en el desarrollo de hidrogeles, mostrar los métodos de modificación de fibras naturales para la elaboración
de hidrogeles, entender los factores que determinan la capacidad de retención de agua de un hidrogel, mostrar algunas
metodologías empleadas para evaluar la eficiencia de un hidrogel y recopilar en tablas, información relevante en relación
a métodos de modificación de fibras naturales y de síntesis de hidrogeles. Se encontró que las investigaciones se orientan
al desarrollo de hidrogeles elaborados a bases de polímeros biodegradables como almidón, quitosano y fibras vegetales
modificadas, entrecruzadas con acrilato de potasio y acrilamida. Además, las investigaciones apuntan a la obtención de
hidrogeles con propiedades mejoradas, que permitan resistir las variaciones climáticas y los cambios fisicoquímicos del suelo
como el pH, la presencia de sales, temperatura y composición. Fibras naturales como caña de azúcar, fibra de agave y fibra
de kapoc, modificadas con anhídrido maléico, son una alternativa para la obtención de hidrogeles debido al incremento de
las propiedades mecánicas, sumado al incremento de los sitios químicamente activos. Sin embargo, el uso de nanofibras
naturales ha sido una propuesta exitosa para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas y de hinchamiento de los hidrogeles, ya
que aportan al material elasticidad y rigidez. La eficiencia de un hidrogel aplicado al suelo se mide a través de propiedades
como capacidad de hinchamiento resistencia mecánica y retención de agua en el suelo. Se concluyó que los hidrogeles, son
una alternativa a las necesidades actuales del sector agrícola.
Palabras clave: Capacidad de retención de agua, hidrogeles, métodos de modificación de fibras, nanofibras, superabsorbentes.

Acta Agronómica. 66 (4) 2017, p 495-505

Introduction to dissipate the mechanical energy, which is caused

by the pressure exerted on the hydrogel (Sannino
Population growth necessitates an increasing et al., 2009). One of the alternatives to improve
demand for agricultural products in quantity and the mechanical properties is the use of natural
diversity, which translates into a greater water fibers (Rodrigues et al., 2013), these fibers are
demand for agricultural activities and a greater characterized by containing cellulose, hemicellulose
soil intensification use available for crops (FAO, and lignin, respectively (Bessadok, Marais, Roudesli,
2013). In Colombia, agriculture consumes about Lixon & Métayer, 2008)natural fibres are more and
70% of available water (Arévalo, 2012; IDEAM, more considered as reinforcement in composite
2014; IDEAM, 2015). Hydrogels are presented as an materials. In this work, to improve the adhesion
alternative to the current needs for the agricultural between a polyester matrix (unsaturated polyester
sector due to most crops requires an additional resin. The lignin layer which covers the cellulose of
irrigation. Hydrogels are polymers which have natural fibers and hinders the reaction with other
a three-dimensional cross-linked structure that molecules (Chang & Zhang, 2011). Given these
allows them to absorb, store and release water concerns, is necessary to perform pretreatments
molecules (Mohan, Murthy & Raju, 2006; Pourjavadi and chemical modifications to improve the natural
& Mahdavinia, 2006). Among the most important fibers reactivity (Feng et al., 2010; Sannino et al.,
applications are as follows: manufacture of personal 2009). It is important to note that most commercial
hygiene products, medical (Arredondo, 2009), hydrogels are based on non-biodegradable acrylic.
environmental (heavy metals removal) (Orozco- Therefore, cellulose-based hydrogels fit well in the
Guareno, Hernandez, Gomez-Salazar, Mendizabal current trend to develop ecological alternatives
& Katime, 2011) and agriculture (Cortés et al., addressed to hydrogels production (Sannino et
2007; Liang, Huang, Zhang, Hu & Liu, 2013). The al., 2009). Given these concerns, the aim of this
most important agricultural areas are gardening, review was to present a research carried out on the
horticulture and silviculture, respectively (Journal methods of hydrogel synthesis based on natural
the Business, 2015; Vundavalli, Vundavalli, Nakka fibers, the characterization methods and their
& Rao, 2015). In Colombia, hydrogels application evaluation during soil application. In addition,
is addressed to counteract drought in crops identify the research trends in this field.
such as mango in the municipality of Magangue-
Bolivar, Colombia (Asohofrucol, 2014). In 2014, the Natural fibers for hydrogels production
superabsorbent hydrogels global production was
3119 million tons. An increase of 11.8% over the Natural fibers are used as a reinforcement in
previous year. Among the countries with the highest composite materials as an alternative to replace the
demand for the product are as follows: China, use of synthetic fibers in order to obtain low-cost
Japan, United States, Germany and countries in and environmentally friendly products (Cuéllar &
the Middle East. Although most of this product is Muñoz, 2010; Kalia, Kaith & Kaur, 2014; Rodriguez,
intended for hygiene products manufacture, the Jose, Daniel, Viviane & Alves Lavinia, 2014; Thakur
agricultural industry occupies the second place in & Thakur, 2014). Natural fibers are the most
superabsorbent hydrogels consumption (Cannazza, abundant polymers in nature, which are present
Cataldo, De Benedetto, Demitri, Madaghiele & in leaves, stems, seeds and plant fruits (Thomas,
Sannino, 2014). Paul, Pothan & Deepa, 2011). Some examples are
flax fibers, jute, pitch, plantain, among others.
Hydrogels for agricultural applications are based These are characterized by their strength, flexibility,
on synthesized acrylates. These components have easy processing and biodegradability (Thakur &
allowed an increasing in the soil available water, Thakur, 2014). The biodegradation rate of natural
which induce to fast growth (Gascue, Aguilera, fibers depends on the environmental conditions
Ramirez, Prin & Torres, 2006), prolong a plant and the degradation capacity of the microbial
survival under water stress (Cannazza et al., 2014; population (Malherbe & Cloete, 2002). Although
Cortés et al., 2007; Hüttermann, Orikiriza & Agaba, specific bio-degradability data for natural fibers are
2009; Mo, Shu-quan, Hua-min, Zhan-bin & Shu- not reported in the literature. The biodegradability
qin, 2006; Zhong, Zheng, Mao, Lin & Jiang, 2012) method of natural fibers in composite materials
and have allowed a controlled release of fertilizers is reported. For example, Sahoo, Sahu, Rana &
(Liu et al., 2013). One of the major limitations Das, (2005), report the biodegradation of jute fiber
in hydrogels use for agricultural applications is and jute fiber crosslinked with polybutylacrylate
the low mechanical resistance (Guilherme et al., using soil biodegradability method. In fact, the
2015; Sannino, Demitri & Madaghiele, 2009). A method is to bury a sample of known fiber weight or
pressure exerted by the plant and soil layer on the material to be studied at a specific soil depth under
hydrogel, influences the loss of swelling capacity, controlled conditions of humidity and temperature,
elasticity and rigidity, respectively (Feng, Li & Wang, and determine weight loss over time. The authors
2010). To maintain a polymer elasticity, long chain mentioned that during 12 months of evaluation, the
molecules and a suitable crosslinking are required fibers presented greater weight loss (47.1%) (greater

Natural fibers for hydrogels production
and their applications in agriculture

degradation) compared to the composite material more considered as reinforcement in composite

(31.8%) (jute fibers cross-linked with polybuty- materials. In this work, to improve the adhesion
acrylate). On the other hand, Wu (2012), studied between a polyester matrix (unsaturated polyester
the polylactic acid biodegradability reinforced with resin. Table 1, shows the composition and major
stay fibers at concentrations between 20 and 40% mechanical properties of natural fibers. Cellulose
by weight, using the soil bio-degradability method. is characterized by the presence of hydroxyl
He found greater weight loss in reinforced materials groups in the chain, which improve its reactivity,
with higher stay fiber content during follow-up for possibility of chemical modification, compatibility
six weeks. These fibers are characterized by mainly with other polymers and water solubility (Zhou,
cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, respectively Fu, Zhang & Zhan, 2013).
(Bessadok et al., 2008)natural fibres are more and

Table 1. Composition in cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin (Abdul Khalil, Bhat, & Ireana Yusra, 2012) and mechanical properties of natural fibers (Pickering, Efendy
& Le, 2015)

Natural Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin Extracts Density Water absorption Break resistance Tension resistance Module of Young
Fiber (%) (%) (%) (%) ( (%)* (%) (MPa) (GPa)
Ramio 76 17 1 6 1.5 NR 2.0-3.8 400-938 400-128
Flax 63 12 3 13 1.5 NR 1.2-3.2 345-1830 27-80
Hemp 70 22 6 2 1.5 NR 1.6 550-1110 58-70
Jute 71 14 13 2 1.3-1.5 NR 1.5-1.8 393-800 10--55
Stay 73 14 11 2 1.3-1.6 56 2.0-2.5 507-855 9,4-28
Cotton 95 2 1 0,4 1.5-1.6 NR 1.5-2.4 188-308 18-28
Coconut 32-43 10—20 43—49 4 1.2 130-180 15-30 131-220 4-6
*Source: (Chandramohan & Marimuthu, 2011)

However, a lignin layer which coats the cellulose agave fibers modified with maleic anhydrous and
of natural fibers have achieved a difficulty to react styrene showed an increasing tensile strength
with other molecules (Chang & Zhang, 2011). forces (Bessadok et al., 2008). Therefore, modified
Given these concerns, is necessary to carry out fibers with maleic anhydride are an alternative
pretreatments and chemical modifications to for obtaining hydrogels due to an increasing in
improve the reactivity and its interaction with mechanical properties, which have allowed an
other molecules (Feng et al., 2010; Sannino et increasing in chemical active sites of a modified
al., 2009). chain due to a double link site, which allows a
maleic anhydride adhesion to cellulose chain.
Modifying methods of natural fibers for Mechanical modification of plant fibers is another
hydrogels production way of increasing the degree of gel swelling.
In fact, the mechanical activation affects the
The modification methods of natural fibers destruction of a molecular lignin structure and
usually are divided in two stages: a pretreatment, an increasing of active sites in the cellulose
whose objective is the lignin removal throughout throughout destruction of its crystalline structure
mechanical or chemical treatments by alkaline (Huang et al., 2009; Liang et al., 2013). Similarly,
treatment (Shi, Wang, Zheng & Wang, 2014) and Liang et al. (2013), found that increasing the
chemical modification, consisting of molecules mechanical modification time, increases the
insertion into the active sites (hydroxyl groups) degree of swelling of a synthesized hydrogel from
of cellulose (Thomas et al., 2011). These sugar cane bagasse and acrylic acid.
modifications increase the water absorption and
retention capacity throughout an interaction with Nevertheless, the chemical modification
modifying agents and active sites generation (Liang methods for natural fibers present disadvantages
et al., 2013; R. F. Rodrigues, Trevenzoli, Santos, as reactive use at high concentrations and high
Leão & Botaro, 2006)avaliou-se a capacidade da amount of solvent to carry out the reaction.
madeira Paraju (Manilkara longifolia. Table 2, In addition, reaction times are high, generally
shows modifying agents used for different natural times vary between 1, 3, 24 and 48 hours. The
fibers, pretreatment conditions and the most number of stages is increased due to a separation,
significant effect. washing and neutralization operations involved
with the used corrosive reagents nature and
Modification of sugarcane bagasse fibers using the amount of generated waste water (Chen
maleic anhydride, acetic anhydride, acrylic acid et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2007). Therefore, other
and styrene, increases the fibers hydrophobic methods have been proposed to minimize the
capacity and decreasing mechanical tensile use of solvents. Alternatives such as assisted
properties. Similarly, as indicated in Table 1, microwave modification, which is characterized

Acta Agronómica. 66 (4) 2017, p 495-505

by using short reaction times and less solvent. concentration of the catalyst. In this sense,
Lie et al., (2009), performed the optimization of modification were carried out using ultrasound,
assisted cellulose modification by microwave which becomes as a strategy to reduce the
using acetic anhydride as modifying agent, during use of solvents and lignin removal. Ultrasonic
the reaction tests the temperature, time, radiation pretreatment increased the lignin removal from
potency were varied and iodine (I2) was used as sugarcane bagasse, which translates into a
the catalyst. The substitution degree of cellulose greater exposure of the cellulose hydroxyl groups,
hydroxyl groups was evaluated by finding that which may react with the modifying agent (Liu
substitution is increased with an increasing et al., 2007).

Table 2. Modifying methods of natural fibers for hydrogel synthesis

Type of fiber Treatment conditions Modifying agent Effect Reference

Pretreatment: Pyridine as solvent in ultrasound at 30°C, treatment times:

0-35 minutes. Time pretreatment
Sugar cane Modifying: Maleic anhydride (1.5g to 5.5g), using toluene as solvent. increasing by ultrasound,
Chemical modifying
increased the substitution Liu et al., (2007)
Bagasse Reactor: Ball with three mouths with reflux. with maleic anhydride
degree of the modifying
Reaction time: 30 to 120 min. agent.
Reaction temperature: 85 to 105°C
Reflux modifying 10% by weight of maleic anhydride with respect to acetone
fiber with solvent, acetone fibers ratio (1/20) Maleic anhydride
Reaction time: 25 hours
Reaction temperature: 50°C

Reflux modifying with acetic anhydride

Reaction temperature: 100°C
Acetic anhydride Tensile properties
Reaction time: 3 hours increasing for fibers
Agave fiber Bessadok et al., (2008)
treated with maleic
Acrylic acid modifying 0.3 M anhydride and styrene.
Acrylic acid
Reaction temperature: 85°C
Reaction time: 1 hour

Styrene modifying 0.3M

Reaction temperature: 85°C Styrene
Reaction time: 1 hour
Microwave assisted modification optimization
The degree of substitution
Catalyst: Iodine (I2) between 1 and 15 (%mol I2/AGU (Anhydroglucose units) Microwave assisted was increased with
Cellulose Microwave power: 300 to 800W modification with acetic increasing catalyst, Lie et al., (2009)
Treatment time: 5 and 40 minutes anhydride temperature, and
irradiation power
Treatment temperature:80-130°C

Reactor: Ball of three mouths of 500ml with reflux. Chemical modifica-

Increased swelling
Sugar cane tion: chloropoxypro-
Reaction temperature: 60°C capacity and higher rate Zhong et al., (2012)
Bagasse pane, tetraethylene-
Reaction time: 48 hours of release.
Increased swelling
Mechanical modifica-
Sugar cane Mechanical activation at different treatment times: 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 capacity of the hydrogel
tion with high energy Liang et al., 2013
Bagasse hours. for longer mechanical
activation time.
Increased swelling
Pretreatment with NaClO2 at 1% pretreatment temperature: 70-80°C capacity and elastic
Kapoc fiber  Does not apply Shi et al., (2014)
Time: 1hour modulus by increasing
the fiber percentage

Hydrogels synthesis from plant fibers and In tests carried out by Shi et al. (2014), described
effect on swelling ability in Table 3, it was found that an increasing in the
amount of fiber during the hydrogels synthesis,
In general, the methods of hydrogels synthesis increased the swelling ability and the elastic
are carried out by mass polymerization, solution modulus. However, natural fiber had achieved
and reverse suspension, using an initiator an increasing above 10% from a decreasing gel
and a cross-linker. The hydrogels synthesis formation due to the fiber is insoluble in water
based on plant fibers usually uses the solution and the active sites are decreased due to the
polymerization method. In Table 3, some methods initiator inefficiency.
of hydrogels synthesis based on natural fibers
are presented.

Natural fibers for hydrogels production
and their applications in agriculture

Table 3. Methods of hydrogels synthesis based on natural fibers

Type of
Raw material Polymerization conditions Method Reference
Modified sugar cane bagasse, sodium hydroxide, Reactor: Beaker of 250ml. Polymerization in Swelling ability. Liang et al., 2013
acrylic acid. Cross-linker: N, N- bisacrylamide Reaction temperature: 60°C solution Swelling kinetics. Huang et al.,
methylene. Initiator: Ammonium persulfate and Reaction time: 3hours 2009
sodium sulfite. Swelling ability to pH change.
Swelling ability in saline solutions (NaCl,
Effect of temperature change on swelling
Flax fiber (shive) pretreated with NaOH Reactor set to microwave with condensation Microwave assisted Swelling ability. Feng, Li, & Wang,
sodium hydroxide, acrylic acid. Cross-linker: N, system polymerization Swelling kinetics. (2010)
N – bisacrylamide methylene. Initiator: Potassium Nitrogen as inert gas Swelling ability to pH change.
Persulfate Reaction temperature: 22 minutes Swelling ability in saline solutions (NaCl,
Power of irradiation: 160W CaCl2 and FelCl3).
Commercial nanocrystalline cellulose, acrylamide Concentration of nanocrystals: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 Polymerization Rheology of the gelation process (C. Zhou, Wu,
Crosslinker: N, N-methylene bisacrylamide and 9.3% weight. by free radicals in Swelling ability and kinetics. Yue, & Zhang,
Reactor: 50ml flask with stirring. solution 2011)
Initiator: Sodium persulphate and sodium Measurement of compression properties.
bisulphite Nitrogen as inert gas.
Temperature: 25°C
Reaction time: 20 hours.
Chitosan nanofibers, acrylamide. Concentration of 1.5% nanofibers with the Polymerization Measurement of rheological and compres- (C. Zhou & Wu,
Crosslinker: N, N-methylene bisacrylamide monomer by free radicals in sion properties. 2011)
Reactor: 20x60mm test tubes solution Swelling ability and kinetics.
Initiator: potassium persulfate and sodium
bisulfite. Nitrogen as inert gas.
Temperature: 40°C
Reaction time: 20 hours.
Modified sugar cane bagasse. 500ml three-necked reactor equipped with Polymerization in Determination of NPK Zhong et al.,
Phosphoric rock reflux solution Release ratio (Phosphorus) (2012).

Acrylic acid partially neutralizing with NaOH and Reaction time: 3 hours Swelling ability
NH3. Reaction temperature: 75°C
Initiator: Potassium persulfate
Crosslinker: N, N -methylether bisacrylamide
Wheat straw pretreated with 1M HNO3
Acrylic acid neutralized with KOH and dimethyl Swelling ability and water retention
diallyl ammonium chloride Three-mouth reactor equipped with reflux Swelling kinetics
Polymerization in
Acrylamide Reaction time: 5 hours Re-swelling ability Li et al., (2012)
Initiator: Potassium persulfate and ceramic Reaction temperature: 50°C Swelling to pH change and in saline
ammonium nitrate solutions.
Crosslinker: NN methylenebisacrylamide
Cotton cellulose nanofibers.
Chitosan Three-mouth reactor with reflux
Polymerization in Swelling in saline solutions and to pH Spagnol et al.,
Acrylic acid Reaction time: 2 hours Reaction tempera- solution change (2012)
Initiator: Potassium persulfate ture: 70°C
Crosslinker: NN methylene bisacrylamide.
Cotton nanofibers, acrylamide and potassium Concentration of nanofibres. 1, 5, 10, and Polymerization Swelling ability and kinetics. (Spagnol,
acrylate 20% by relative weight to monomers. by free radicals in Swelling ability in saline solutions. Rodrigues, Neto,
Crosslinker: N, N-methylene bisacrylamide. Reactor: No report solution et al., 2012)based
Water retention capacity. on poly(acrylami-
Initiator: potassium persulfate. Nitrogen as inert gas. Evaluation of the pH effect on the swelling de-co-acrylate
Catalyst: N, N, N, N-tetramethyldiamine Temperature: Not reported. ability.
Reaction time: 15 hours.

Cotton nanofibers, cassava starch and sodium Crosslinking concentration: 1 to 3% by Polymerization Kinetics and speed of swelling. (Spagnol, Ro-
acrylate. weight. by free radicals in Swelling ability in saline solutions and to drigues, Pereira,
Crosslinker: N, N-methylene bisacrylamide. Concentration of nanofibers: 5 to 20% by solution pH change. et al., 2012b)

Initiator: Potassium persulfate. weight. Mechanical properties (Young’s Modulus).

Reactor: Three-necked flask equipped with
reflux with n stirring
Reaction temperature: 70°C.
Reaction time: 3 hours.
Pretreated flax fiber waste.
Acrylic acid Flask with reflux Swelling by pH change and saline solutions
Polymerization in
Acrylamide Reaction time: 2 hours Reaction tempera- Water holding capacity in the soil Wu et al., (2012)
Initiator: Ammonium persulfate ture: 70°C Water retention by temperature change
Crosslinker: NN methylene bisacrylamide.

Acta Agronómica. 66 (4) 2017, p 495-505

Type of
Raw material Polymerization conditions Method Reference
Carboxylated cellulose nanofibers.
Swelling ability.
Carboxymethyl cellulose
Three-necked flask with reflux Retention and release capacity.
Acrylic acid Polymerization in
Reaction time: 2 hours Reaction tempera- Swelling to pH change and saline solutions Zhou et al., (2013)
Acrylamide solution
ture: 70°C Water retention capacity by temperature
Initiator: Ammonium persulfate
Crosslinker: NN methylene bisacrylamide.
Kapoc Fiber Reactor: 250ml equipped with mechanical Polymerization in Elastic module. Shi et al., (2014)
Sodium hydroxide, acrylic acid. agitation solution Swelling ability.
Crosslinker: N, N-methylene bisacrylamide Initia- Nitrogen as inert gas Swelling ability to pH change.
tor: Ammonium persulfate. Reaction temperature: 70°C Swelling kinetics.
Reaction time: 3 hours Swelling ability in saline solutions (NaCl,
CaCl2 and AlCl3).
Polyethylene glycol diacrylate
Swelling ability.
Chitosan nanofibers,
Reaction temperature: environment Retention and release capacity. Nitta et al.,
Initiator: ammonium persulfate. Not reported
Reaction time: 30 minutes Resistance to compression and (2015)
Crosslinker: NNNN-Tetramethyl ethylenedi- rupture.
Commercial cellulose nanofibers, sodium Concentration of nanofibers: 0 to 2% Photopolimeriza- Swelling ability free and in saline (Wen et al.,
acrylate poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate by weight. tion by UV at solutions 2015)
365nm of wave-
Photoinitiator: 1-phenyl hydroxycyclohexyl Reactor: Beaker length to a power
ketone. of 100W.

Reaction time: 8 minutes.

In the study reported in Table 3, Liang et al. in the polymer network whose advantage is a
(2013), showed the swelling is modified by the controlled release in the soil.
effect of pH change, the presence of salts (NaCl
and CaCl2) and temperature. In acidic media, the Nanofibers in hydrogels
presence of hydronium ions interacts with the
hydroxyl groups of cellulose chain, generating Hydrogels with high swelling ability are usually
a greater presence of hydrogen linking forces, fragile due to the lack of energy dissipation
increasing the chain cross-links and a decreasing mechanisms and an uneven distribution of cross-
in the absorption capacity. In basic media, the linking points (C. Zhou & Wu, 2011). However,
present cation, interacts with the carboxyl group the use of natural fibers at nanoscale, improves
of the polyacrylate and polyacrylamide chain, the hydrogel mechanical properties due to
neutralizing the electrostatic attraction active they act as matrix reinforcement (Aouada, de
sites, which causes a decreasing in the swelling Moura, Orts & Mattoso, 2011; Guilherme et al.,
ability at higher saline concentration. With 2015; Krishnan K, Jose, K. R & George, 2015;
reference to temperature, the swelling ability Missoum, Belgacem & Bras, 2013) without
was increased at temperatures between 0 and affecting the swelling ability (Rodrigues et al.,
50°C, at higher temperatures, decreases due to 2013). In fact, the nanofibers have allowed to
the surface water had achieved a higher energy improve the swelling ability due to the capacity
compared to the attraction energy exerted by the of forming hydrogen bridges, elasticity and
polymer chain on the molecule. Similar results available natural fiber surface (Nitta et al., 2015;
were obtained in hydrogels from kapok fibers Zhou et al., 2013; Spagnol, Rodrigues, Pereira
(Shi et al., 2014). et al., 2012)the XRD pattern indicated that the
nanofibrils crystallinity was as high as 90%. A
Specifically in flax fiber, Feng et al. (2010), 2 4-1 fractional factorial design was employed
found a decreasing swelling ability in saline to evaluate the effect of acrylic acid/chitosan
solutions at acid (1-4) and basic (10-14) pH. molar ratio, crosslinker, initiator, and filler in
The material biodegradation in 52 days was the swelling capacity of hydrogel composites. By
40% at 40°C and performed an increasing in the analysis of variance (ANOVA. The presence
microorganism attack, since the material porosity of hydrophylic groups (hydroxyl groups - OH) in
and temperature promote the activation thereof. the nanofibers, facilitate a more precise liquids
Zhong et al. (2012), found that phosphoric rock diffusion into the hydrogel matrix more efficient
inclusion in the polymer matrix, have allowed an and faster. Therefore, have allowed an increasing
improvement in the swelling ability and the rate in the swelling rate (Spagnol, Rodrigues, Pereira et
of water release. In addition, this compound al., 2012a, 2012b)the XRD pattern indicated that
becomes an alternative for fertilizers inclusion the nanofibrils crystallinity was as high as 90%.
A 2 4-1 fractional factorial design was employed

Natural fibers for hydrogels production
and their applications in agriculture

to evaluate the effect of acrylic acid/chitosan method (Guilherme et al., 2015) Initially, dry
molar ratio, crosslinker, initiator, and filler in the hydrogel (xerogel) is weighed and immersed into
swelling capacity of hydrogel composites. By the an excess of distilled water or solvent of interest.
analysis of variance (ANOVA. Spanol, Rodrigues, The amount of water absorbed is determined by
Neto et al. (2012a), Spagnol & Rodrigues, (2012b), weight difference (Cortés et al., 2007; Orozco-
who synthesized hydrogels from cotton cellulose Guareno et al., 2011). Generally, the test is
nanofibers. They found the swelling ability performed in different periods of time until the
was increased with an increasing in nanofiber maximum swelling ability is achieved, which
content. Conversely, the swellability decreased have allowed the swelling kinetics determination.
for concentrations greater than 10% by weight The swelling ability depends on the degree of
in nanofibers. Similar results found by Zhou et hydrogel crosslinking. For hydrogels applied to
al. (2013), at concentrations greater than 5% by agriculture, is necessary to determine properties
weight in cellulose nanofibers content. In fact, an that simulate soil conditions (Agaba, Orikiriza,
excessive increasing in the nanofibers content, Obua, Kabasa & Worbes, 2011; Ekebafe, Ekebafe,
which have allowed an increasing in the physical Ogbeifun & Okieimen, 2011). pH, the presence of
crosslinking and nanofiber stacking in polymer salts and soil temperature are the major factors
material networks, in which the water molecules that influence the swelling ability (Chang, Han &
are stored and results in a decreasing swelling Zhang, 2009; Delgado-Pelayo, Gallardo-Guerrero
ability (Spagnol & Rodrigues, 2012b). & Hornero-Méndez, 2014; Ullah, Othman, Javed,
Ahmad & Akil, 2015). The presence of salts,
The addition of nanofibers in hydrogels
acidic or basic pH and temperatures above 50°C
increases the density of cross-linking points,
decrease the swelling ability (Guilherme et al.,
which improves the resistance to fracture,
2015; Shi et al., 2014; Ullah et al., 2015).
flexural strength and compression (Kabiri,
Omidian, Doroudiani & Zohuriaan, 2011). Li et al. (2012), studied the retention and
Also, they promote the formation of a porous re-swelling ability of hydrogels based on wheat
morphology (Wen, Zhu, Gauthier & An, 2015), straw. Water retention was determined using
which improves biodegradability, thermal hydrogel samples with their maximum swelling
stability and water retention capacity due to ability using distilled water and saline solutions
temperature changes in the medium (Aouada et (NaCl, CaCl2, Na2SO4, MgCl2) and water release
al., 2011). The resistance to compression and was studied by immersing the swollen hydrogel
the elastic modulus is increased by chitosan in saline solutions (NaCl 0.9%). It should be
nanofibers addition in polyethylene glycol acrylate taken into account that hydrogel re-swelling is
based on hydrogels compared to hydrogels determined by performing swelling and drying
without nanofibers addition (Nitta et al., 2015). As cycles to the sample.
indicated in Table 2, Zhou & Wu (2011), evaluated
the addition of chitosan nanofibers in hydrogels Resistance to compression and elastic
from acrylamide. The resistance to compression modulus
was increased for hydrogels based on chitosan
nanofibers. This increase was attributed to a When a material is subjected to an increasing
good nanofibers dispersion in the matrix, and the tension in a single direction, a rupture occurs
nanofibers interfacial adhesion to polyacrylamide due to an increasing in microscopic material
chain. However, there was a decreasing in defects, the maximum tension that resists the
swelling ability due to a low chitosan affinity with material when it arrives at the point of fracture,
water and the presence of amino (-NH2) functional is denominated resistance to the compression
groups, which increased the crosslinking points (Dianney et al., 2010). In this sense, the
density in the matrix, due to possible reactions resistance to compression is determined by
that could be presented with the cross-linker. a vertical force on the hydrogel surface in its
maximum state of swelling. Nevertheless, the
Characterization of hydrogels applied pressure and material displacement
resulting from the compression, determine the
mechanical properties, these are calculated
Swelling ability
throughout a theoretical model (Ahearne, Yang &
In hydrogels, the swelling mechanism occurs Liu, 2008). Mechanical properties such as elastic
by the solvent diffusion towards the hydrogel modulus and resistance to compression are of
polymeric networks due to the hydrophilic great interest due to hydrogels for agricultural
capacity of the present functional groups applications are affected by an exerted pressure
(Guilherme et al., 2015). The process causes of the soil layer and the pressure of the plant root
the expansion of the cross-linked chains, hence system on the material (Sannino et al., 2009).
an increasing in mass and volume. In fact, the The hydrogel samples are brought to their
swelling ability is determined by the gravimetric maximum swellability, which are subjected to

Acta Agronómica. 66 (4) 2017, p 495-505

a resistance to compression at a rate of 0.1N. the thermodynamic soil suction potential value
min-1 in a DMA analyzer (mechanical dynamic (average pressure exerted by a plant on the soil
analysis) where a deformation-tension curve to absorb water)(Demitri, Scalera, Madaghiele,
is obtained (Chang et al., 2009). However, the Sannino & Maffezzoli, 2013). It was found
resistance to compression and the elongation is that the greater amount of water is released
increased in hydrogels obtained from pineapple at low pressures, due to plant present greater
leaf fiber pretreated with NaOH and acrylamide availability to a lesser effort of the roots.
using NN-methylene bisacrylamide as compared
Conversely, Singh et al. (2010), evaluated the
to hydrogels obtained with untreated fiber due
retention ability and pressure plate release of
to an increasing chemical treatment in the fiber
hydrogels synthesized from acrylamide, commercial
surface area, which improves the interfacial fiber
amorphous resin (heteropolysaccharide derived
adhesion into the acrylamide. In addition, the
fr om Cochlosper mum species) and clay
increase of active sites facilitates the initiator and
nanoparticles. Therefore, to carry out tests,
crosslinker action (Ghazali, Adrus & Jamaluddin,
mixtures of hydrogel (0.50 and 0.75% by weight)
with sandy loam soil, a soil conditioner (coconut
The elastic modulus in hydrogels is related to a peat, vermiculite, and perlite at rate of 3: 1: 1 per
hydrogel ability to return to its original state even volume proportions) and control sample (without
were subjected to a force (Guilherme et al., 2015). hydrogel), were used. The results showed that
Alternatively, Nitta et al. (2015), determined the the retained water content was higher compared
elastic modulus of hydrogels based on chitosan to control sample with respect to the applied
nanofibers throughout resistance to compression pressure. The water release capacity is higher for
test using a rheometer. Previously, Cortés et al. 0.75% from soil hydrogel mixtures compared to
(2007), evaluated the swelling ability at different control. In this sense, a higher release capacity
mechanical loads and determined the elastic indicates a greater water availability of wate for
modulus of hydrogels throughout an application the plant under conditions of water stress.
of a mechanical load using a piston.
Performance evaluation of the hydrogels
The elastic modulus is increased by the
applied to soil
addition of cotton cellulose nanofibers from a
concentration of 10% by weight in hydrogels Various techniques are used to determine the
synthesized from cassava starch and sodium performance of the hydrogel applied to soil, such
acrylate (Spagnol et al., 2012b). Similar results as moisture retention curves, instant irrigation
were found in hydrogels synthesized based on tests, wilt tests and plant growth tests for fast
acrylamide reinforced with chitosan nanofibers. In growing species (Cortés et al., 2007).
fact, the results of the resistance to compression,
indicates an increasing (50.2KPa) measurement, More recently, Cannazza et al. (2014), studied
compared to hydrogels synthesized only with the hydrogels performance with clay soils and
acrylamide (6.5KPa) and hydrogels cross-linked soils with high iron content. For evaluation
with acrylamide and chitosan (21.3KPa). In purpose, seedlings of chicory and tomato were
addition, the results indicate that hydrogels with used. Soil samples were prepared using hydrogel
nanofibers are more flexible, recover up to 80% percentages between 0 and 1.5%, followed for 78
of their original height compared to hydrogels days evaluating the loss of soil moisture. In fact,
synthesized only with acrylamide (recovery of hydrogels were found to improve the soil moisture
50% of the original height) (Zhou & Wu, 2011). retention capacity.
Liu, Liang, Zhan, Liu & Niu (2006), used soil
in vitro methods to determine the water samples from arid regions. Mixing 1g of hydrogel
retention and release capacity of a hydrogel with 100g of soil, which was added with 250g
of distilled water and the soil moisture loss was
Cortés et al. (2007), evaluated the release of water
monitored for 30 days. They also carried out water
from acrylic based on hydrogels using a pressure
infiltration tests where they used mixtures of 1g of
plate equipment, which is used to determine
hydrogel per 100g of dried soil, which were added
soil moisture retention curves. For instance, the
with 250g of water, maintained the samples at
equipment is provided with a pressure chamber
room temperature, and the sample weight loss was
in which the wet samples are located and a
assessed for nine days. Respectively, they found
porous plate, which have allowed the passage of
the evaporation percentage and soil infiltration
water, the hydrogel is brought to its maximum
samples based on hydrogel was lower than 41
swelling ability when is placed into the chamber, a
and 55.7%, respectively compared to normal
specific pressure is applied and maintained until
soil. Similar results were found in hydrogels
there is no flow of water from the chamber (Singh,
synthesized from waste fiber from flax (F. Wu,
Sarkar, Kumar Singh, Parsad & Singh-Parmar,
Zhang, Liu & Yao, 2012). Moisture levels were
2010). The pressure values are set according to

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