Dissertations About Jürgen Moltmann
Dissertations About Jürgen Moltmann
Dissertations About Jürgen Moltmann
Total 423
United States of America
Bremer, Otto A (1969)
A Study of the Beliefs and Values of Lutheran Students at the University of California at
Santa Barbara in Comparison with Their Parents and Pastors and in Relation to Some
Contemporary Theology, Especially Bonhoeffer and Moltmann
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA
Wolkerstorfer, Gail M (1971)
The Theology of Sacrament and Jürgen Moltmann’s Theology of Hope
Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
Mueller, Roman C (1974)
A Quest for Insight: A Discussion of Christology Based on Selected Works of Jürgen
Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA
Holt, L (1976)
The Concept of God in the Theology of Jürgen Moltmann
Columbia Theological Seminary, Atlanta, GA
Conyers, Abda Johnson, III (1979)
Jürgen Moltmann’s Concept of History
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
Cole-Turner, Ronald Stephen (1983)
God’s Experience: The Trinitarian Theology of Jürgen Moltmann in Conversation with
Charles Hartshorne
Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ
Harkey, Martin Luther, III (1985)
A Theology for the Ministry of Volunteers: With Reference to Calvin’s Doctrine of Vocation,
and with Particular Focus on Developing Leadership for Christian Education in the
Congregation (Moltmann, Laity, Calling)
Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ
Parker, Paul Plenge (1986)
God and the Moral Life: The Influence of Beliefs about God in Selected Moral Arguments of
Bernard Haering and Jürgen Moltmann
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
Scott, Gregory Mahlon (1989)
A Comparison of the Political Thought of Jacques Ellul and Jürgen Moltmann
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Camacho, Haroldo Samuel (1991)
A Synthesis of Moltmann’s Archetypal Christology with Jung’s God-Image Archetype: A
Theological Psychology for Pastoral Counseling and Psychotherapy
Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, CA
Haas, V (1993)
Paul Tillich on Eschatology and History with Special Reference to Jürgen Moltmann
The Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA
Siu, Paul Y (1993)
Hope Deferred: A Critical Examination of Jürgen Moltmann’s Doctrine of Justification in
Relation to the Promise of Eschatological Hope, with Special Reference to ‘Der Weg Jesu
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Chicago, IL
Helton, H (1994)
The Doctrine of the Kingdom of God and Issues Related to War and Peace in the Political
Theologies of Reinhold Niebuhr and Jürgen Moltmann
The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
Davis, Joseph Randall (1996)
The Groaning of Creation: Jürgen Moltmann’s Theology of Suffering Creationism
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX
Linahan, Jane Elizabeth (1998)
The Kenosis of God and Reverence for the Particular: A Conversation with Jürgen Moltmann
Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
Kim, Byunghoon (2002)
Tritheism and Divine Person as Center of Consciousness with a Comparative Appraisal of
Jürgen Moltmann and William Hill as Test Cases
Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI
Fincher, M (2004)
Does God Suffer?: An Analysis of Jürgen Moltmann’s Arguments for Divine Passibility
Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA
Matei, Eugen (2004)
The Practice of Community in Social Trinitarianism: A Theological Evaluation with
Reference to Dumitru Stăniloae and Jürgen Moltmann
Fuller Theological Seminary, Center for Advanced Theological Study, Pasadena, CA
Skogmo, Matthew G (2006)
An evaluation and comparison of the Spirit Christologies of Jürgen Moltmann and James
D.G. Dunn
Vanguard University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Griffith, G (2007)
The Quest for Immortality in the Face of Death and the Christian Concept of Hope in the
Theology of the Cross: Ernest Becker and Jürgen Moltmann
Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, IA
Bingaman, Brock (2009)
All Things New: The Human Calling in Creation within Maximus the Confessor and Jürgen
Moltmann’s Trinitarian -Christocentric Visions
Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL
Kiros, Getachew (2012)
Revelation, Trinity and Theological Method in Dialogue with Jürgen Moltmann and Wolfhart
Fuller Theological Seminary, Center for Advanced Theological Study, Pasadena, CA
Jung, Young Jin (2016)
Defining a Reformed Sacramentality: Assessing John Calvin’s Legacy of Eucharistic
Presence Compared to the Works of Huldrych Zwingli, Karl Barth, Jürgen Moltmann, and the
Korean Church
Fuller Theological Seminary, Center for Advanced Theological Study, Pasadena, CA
United Kingdom
O’Collins, Gerald Glynn, S (1969)
The Theology of Revelation in some Recent Discussion: A Study of Wolfhart Pannenberg,
Ernst Fuchs, Jürgen Moltmann and Gerald Downing
University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Cambridge
Purves, A (1978)
Political Theology and Theology of Pastoral Care: A Comparative Study, with Special
Reference to Jürgen Moltmann and Seward Hiltner
The University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom), Edinburgh
Bristow, M (1988)
The Church in the Theology of Jürgen Moltmann
The University of Manchester (United Kingdom), Manchester
Lee, F (1988)
The Holy Trinity and the Renewal of Creation: An Enquiry into the Theology of Jürgen
Moltmann, Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Tübingen, German Federal
Lambeth Diploma, Canterbury
Ng, Kam Weng (1989)
From Christ to Social Practice: Christological Foundations for Social Practice in the
Theologies of Albrecht Ritschl, Karl Barth and Jürgen Moltmann
University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Cambridge
Maitland-Cullen, P (1990)
The Theodicy Problem in the Theology of Jürgen Moltmann
The University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom), Edinburgh
Brady, S (1992)
The Intermediate State in the Theology of Barth, Hick, Moltmann and Rahner
London Bible College (United Kingdom), London
Wilson, D (1994)
Exile, Trinity and the Kingdom: Albert Camus, Jürgen Moltmann and the Problem of
Theodicy in its Twentieth Century Context
The University of Manchester (United Kingdom), Manchester
Wright, N (1994)
Disavowing Constantine: Mission, Church and the Social Order in the Theologies of John
Howard Yoder and Jürgen Moltmann
University of London, King’s College (United Kingdom), London
Penton, G (1995)
Hope and Promise: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Writings of Jürgen Moltmann
The University of Nottingham (United Kingdom), Nottingham
Tang, Siu-Kwong (1995)
God’s History in the Theology of Jürgen Moltmann
University of St. Andrews (United Kingdom), St. Andrews
Gilbertson, M (1997)
See, I Am Making all Things New: God and Human History in the Book of Revelation and in
Twentieth-Century Theology, with Particular Reference to Wolfhart Pannenberg and Jürgen
University of Durham (United Kingdom), Durham
Law, J (1998)
The Future of Jesus Christ: A Constructive Analysis of the Development of the Eschatological
Structure of Jürgen Moltmann’s Theology: 1964-1996
University of Oxford (United Kingdom), Oxford
Waddell, P (1998)
Thinking and Living the Trinity: A Study in Jürgen Moltmann and Karl Rahner
University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Cambridge
Carter, Dee (2004)
The Redemption of Nature: Accounts of Atonement in Jürgen Moltmann’s Theology
University of Gloucestershire (United Kingdom), Cheltenham
Gibb, R (2005)
Grace and Global Justice: the Socio-Political Mission of the Church in an Age of
Globalization, with Special Reference to Jürgen Moltmann, Stanley Hauerwas, and Oliver
University of St. Andrews (United Kingdom), St. Andrews
Guttesen, P (2005)
Leaning into the Future: the Kingdom of God in the Theology of Jürgen Moltmann and in the
Book of Revelation
University of St. Andrews (United Kingdom), St. Andrews
Dare, Ben (2012)
Foundations of ‘Ecological Reformation’: A Critical Study of Jürgen Moltmann’s
Contributions towards a ‘New Theological Architecture’ for Environment Care
Cardiff University (United Kingdom), Cardiff
Meier, Franz Hermann (1972)
Antizipation – Widerspruch – Gehorsam: Zur ‘Theologie der Hoffnung‘ von Jürgen
Pontifical Gregorian University (Italy), Roma
Severgnini, Agostino (1987)
Intoduzione all cristologia in Jürgen Moltmann
Pontifical Lateran University, Roma
Dibitonto, Daria (2000)
Dio nel mondo e il mondo in Dio: il fondamento della speranza reale nel pensiero di Jürgen
University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli
Teixeira Sequeira, Manuel Antonio (2011)
Contemplación de los misterios de la vida de Jesucristo: una aproximación fenomenológica a
la presencia de Cristo en Pierre de Bérulle, Romano Guardini, Hans Urs von Balthasar,
Jürgen Moltmann, Christian Ducquoc y Alex Stock
Pontifical Gregorian University (Italy), Roma
Marston, Thomas W (1969)
Moltmann’s Theology of Hope
McGill University (Canada), Montreal
Watts, Robert Gary (1981)
Realistic Hope: The Influence of Eschatology on the Social Ethics of Reinhold Niebuhr and
Jürgen Moltmann
McGill University (Canada), Montreal
Althouse, Peter Frederick (2001)
Spirit of the Last Days: Contemporary Pentecostal Theologians in Dialogue with Jürgen
University of St. Michael’s College (Canada), Toronto
South Africa
Louw, Daniel Johannes (1972)
Toekoms tussen Hoop en Angs: ‘n Ondersoek na die Funksie van die ‚Ontologie van die Nog-
Nie-Syn‘ in die Hedendaagse Filosophie an Teologie van die Hoop, met Besondere
Verwysing na die Denke van E. Bloch en J. Moltmann” [The Future between Hope and Fear:
An Investigation into the Function of the ‘Ontology of Not-Yet-Being’ in Modern Philosophy
and the Theology of Hope: With Particular Reference to the Thought of Ernst Bloch and
Jürgen Moltmann]
Stellenbosch University (South Africa), Stellenbosch
Kotze, J (1981)
Eskatologie en die verstaansvraag: ‘n studie van aspekte uit die teologie van Albert
Schweitzer en Jürgen Moltmann” [Eschatology and the Question of Understanding: A Study
of Aspects of the Theology of Albert Schweitzer and Jürgen Moltmann]
Stellenbosch University (South Africa), Stellenbosch
Balcomb, Anthony Oswald (1982)
A Critical Analysis of the Use of the Crucifixion Motif in the Theology of Jürgen Moltmann
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban
Kirschner, Thorsten-Marco (2008)
Futurist Eschatologies in Africa and Europe: Pannenberg, Moltmann, Mbiti and Kato
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban
Mülder, Uwe (1969)
Die Geschichtsphilosophie des jungen Marx und die futurische Eschatologie bei Jürgen
University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg
Kappes, Clemens (1987)
Freiheit und Erlösung: Überlegungen zu den Grundlagen der Soteriologie in den Entwürfen
von Hans Urs von Balthasar, Karl Rahner und Jürgen Moltmann
Universät Münster, Münster
Varkey, Wilson (2011)
Role of the Holy Spirit on the Protestant Systematic Theology: A Comparative Study of Karl
Barth, Jürgen Moltmann, and Wolfhart Pannenberg
Universität Regensburg, Regensburg
Tripole, Martin R (1972)
Community as Eschatology: An Investigation of the Theology of the Church of Jürgen
Moltmann with a General Introduction to His Thought
Institut Catholique de Paris, Paris
Krol, Mieczyslaw, and Michel Meslin (1991)
Critique du monothéisme selon Jürgen Moltmann
Universite de Paris Sorbonne, Paris
Nguyen Van Nghia, Benoît, Gilles Berceville, and Emmanuel Durand (2007)
La souffrance de l’homme peut-elle l’ouvrir au mystère de Dieu?: une lecture de Jürgen
Moltmann, le Dieu crucifié
Catholic University of Paris, Paris
Sadono Agung Widodo, François-Xavier (2013)
L'historicité de la théologie: ses fondements christologiques dans les oeuvres contrastées de
Jürgen Moltmann et Johann Baptist Metz
Institut catholic de Paris, Paris
Mansfeld, Paulus van (1973)
De zin van de vrije tijd in de teologie van Karl Rahner en Jurgen Moltmann
Tilburg University (Netherlands), Tilburg
Martens, F (1973)
De hoop tussen hemel en aarde: het Novum bij Jürgen Moltmann
Tilburg University (Netherlands), Tilburg
Vroom, H (1978)
De schrift alleen?: een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de toetsing van theologische uitspraken
volgens de openbaringstheologische visie van Torrance en de hermeneutisch-theologische
opvattingen van Van Buren, Ebeling, Moltmann en Pannenberg” [Scripture Alone?: A
Comparative Study Assessing Theological Statements in Accordance with Torrance’s
Theology of Revelation and the Hermeneutical and Theological Conceptions of Van Buren,
Ebeling, Moltmann and Pannenberg]
Amsterdam Free University, Amsterdam
Geertsema, H (1980)
Van boven na voren: wijsgierige achtergronden en problemen van het theologische denken
over geschiedenis bij Jürgen Moltmann [From above onwards: Philosophical Backgrounds
and the Problems with Theological Thinking about History according to Jürgen Moltmann]
Amsterdam Free University, Amsterdam
Jansen, Joost (1984)
Partners op weg naar ene rijk van God?: Kerk en Israël in de theologie van Jürgen Moltmann”
[Partners on the Way to the Kingdom of God ?: The Church and Israel in the Theology of
Jürgen Moltmann]
Tilburg University (Netherlands), Tilburg
Butti, J (1985)
‘Godverlatenheid‘, geloofscriterium voor christelijk engagement?: Een onderzoek naar het
begrip ‚godverlatenheid‘ in het boek ‚De gekruisigde God‘ van Jürgen Moltmann”
[‘Godforsakenness’: Faith Criterion for Christian Commitment?: An Study of the Concept of
Godforsakenness in Jürgen Moltmann’s The Crucified God]
Heerlen University of Theology and Pastorate (Netherlands), Heerlen
Mulders, H (1999)
De trinitaire kruistheologie van Jürgen Moltmann: de rol van God bij Jezus’ kruisdood”
[Jürgen Moltmann’s Trinitarian Theology of the Cross: The Role of God in Jesus’
Crucifixion] [degree unknown], Tilburg University, 1999
Tilburg University (Netherlands), Tilburg
Bonzo, J (2007)
Indwelling the Forsaken Other: The Trinitarian Ethics of Jürgen Moltmann
Amsterdam Free University, Amsterdam
Smyth, Jeanette K (2009)
An Analysis of the Catholic Funeral Liturgy: A Critical Conversation with Jürgen
Moltmann’s Theology of Hope
St Paul’s Theological College, Brisbane College of Theology (Australia), Brisbane
Jöhri, Mauro (1974)
Die Rede vom Leiden Gottes – Konsens in einer Anfrage: dargestellt an Kazoh Kitamori,
Eberhard Jüngel, Jürgen Moltmann
University of Fribourg (Switzerland), Fribourg
Álvarez de Sotomayor Reina, Carlos, and Fernando Sebastián Aguilar (1971)
Jürgen Moltmann: comprensión teológica de lo real desde la esperanza
Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain), Salamanca
Fernández Bañuelos, Vicente Augusto, and Juan Luis Ruiz de la Peña (1979)
La búsqueda de una alternativa como tarea filosófico-teológica: (visión del problema en
Kolakovski, Garaudy, Moltmann y Metz)
Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain), Salamanca
Cleary, Anne (1984)
The significance of the Cross in the theology of Jurgen Moltmann.
Maynooth University, Maynooth
Stevens, Douglas (1986)
Jurgen Moltmann's development of an understanding of God and implications arising for the
church's understanding of its being and purpose
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin
Moloney, S (1987)
The Moltmann-Bonino Debate: A Discussion of the Debate in the Light of the Augustinian
Question Concerning the Relationship between God’s Plan of Salvation and Human
Dublin Trinity College, Dublin
Da Costa Bastos, Levy (2004)
Justiça para a nova criação é esperança para o mundo: justificação em Jürgen Moltmann”
[Justice for the New Creation is Hope for the World: Justification in Jürgen Moltmann]
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Rio de Janeiro
Nienov, Ricardo (2014)
Onde está o espírito do senhor ali reina a liberdade: fundamentação pneumatológica e
trinitária da liberdade em Jürgen Moltmann
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), Porto Alegre
Van de Beek, Evert Pieter (1970)
Werkzame toekomst: Een studie naar analeiding van Jürgen Moltmann’s ‚Theologie van de
Hoop‘ [Active Future: A Study of Jürgen Moltmann’s Theology of Hope]
Neu Zealand
Spence, Ewen Athole (1978)
Political Theology and Practical Politics: A Study in the Thought of Jürgen Moltmann
University of Canterbury (New Zealand), Christchurch
張寶琪 著 [Zhang, Bao qi] (2003)
認同與關聯 : 莫特曼辯證式的十架神學” [The Theological Dialectic of the Cross in Jürgen
Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan City
Holm, Bo Kristian (1994)
Forståelsen af menneskets helliggørelse hos Martin Luther og Jürgen Moltmann
Aarhus University (Denmark), Aarhus
Vankairinga, Jessee H (1990)
Jürgen Moltmann’s Political Theology in the Context of Mizoram
Rajabari Eastern Theological College (India), Rajabari
Delgado, Mariano (1985)
"Eschatologische Glaubenshermeneutik" die Theologiemodelle von Wolfhart Pannenberg,
Jürgen Moltmann, Edward Schillebeeckx und Johann Baptist Metz als Antwort auf die
Identitäts- und Relevanzkrise des Christlichen in der Moderne; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte
hermeneutischer Theologie im 20. Jahrhundert
Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck
董安林 [Dong, Lin An] (2005)
莫尔特曼生态神学思想初探 [A Preliminary Study on Moltmann’s Ecological Theology]
Tsinghua University (People’s Republic of China), Beijing
Szűcs, József (1992)
A háromdimenziós teológia: Jürgen Moltmann teológiájának 3 dimenziója
Rasmusson, Arne (1994)
The Church as Polis: From Political Theology to Theological Politics as Exemplified by
Jürgen Moltmann and Stanley Hauerwas
Lunds Universitet (Sweden), Lund
Gunjević, Lidija, and Snežna Večko (2014)
Biblical Jubilee: Biblical Perspectives and the Interpretation of Jubilee in the Theology of
Jürgen Moltmann
University of Ljubljana, Lubljana