Grouped Conductor Surface Voltage Gradients

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Grouped Conductor Surface Voltage Gradients

M. T E M O S H O K

G ROUPED CONDUCTORS, two or more parallel

conductors per phase, have properties which allow
their use in a-c power transmission at higher voltages,
the following, in addition to conductor areas: greater number of
conductors per phase, up to an intragroup conductor spacing of
approximately 25 inches or more; smaller intragroup conductor
spacing down to approximately eight inches, below which the gradient
including: lower surface voltage gradient, directly con- increases; greater spacing between phases.
tributing to lower corona losses; lower inductive reactance;
3. Variation in height of conductors above ground, as practically
higher capacitive susceptance. To determine by analytical applied, has almost a negligible effect on conductor surface voltage
methods the degree grouped conductors affect the conduc- gradients.
tor surface voltage gradients is the aim of this article. The
4. Ground wires, as practically applied, increase the maximum
calculated values of voltage gradients can be used to guide surface voltage gradient less than two per cent, and generally one
tests on corona losses. per cent or less. This maximum gradient exists on the center phase
Factors studied that affect voltage gradients at the sur- group of a horizontal configuration of conductors.
face of the conductors are: number of conductors per 5. T h e greatest reduction in inductance and increase in capacitance
phase; spacing between conductors of a group; spacing is with increasing number of conductors per phase. Other factors
between phases; size of conductors; height of conductors producing this variation to a lesser degree are: larger intragroup
conductor spacing; smaller spacing between phases; greater total
above ground; presence and location of ground wires;
conductor area per phase.
instantaneous values of voltages of each phase.
For the smooth single conductor per phase systems, the If total conductor areas per phase are kept constant, and
surface voltage gradient is practically uniform about the intragroup conductor spacings kept between 12 inches to
conductor periphery, and that single value can be used in 24 inches, the reduction of maximum voltage gradients of
corona loss calculations. With two or more conductors grouped conductors compared to that of an equivalent area
per phase, the lines of force between the conductors are dis- single conductor is moderate. At a 15-inch intragroup con-
torted resulting in a variable voltage gradient about the ductor spacing this reduction becomes approximately 3, 9,
conductor periphery. Figure 1 illustrates this flux distor- and 14 per cent for two, three, or four conductors per phase,
tion, for the center phase group of the two, three, and four respectively. If the intragroup conductor spacing is 24
conductors per group configurations, which results, for the inches and more, not more than 10 per cent reduction can
specific example, in a variation between the maximum and be realized with any grouping of conductors up to four in
minimum surface voltage gradients of between 12 per cent number, and increasing the intragroup conductor spacing to
and 15 per cent. It is this variation that needs test results 25 inches or more can result in the maximum voltage
to establish a correlation between actual corona loss and the gradient of the grouped conductors becoming greater than
variable surface voltage gradient, thus: that of the equivalent single conductor. For a 32-foot
1. Total cross-sectional conductor area per phase (based on outside spacing between phases and 18-inch intragroup conductor
diameter of each conductor) has the greatest effect on conductor spacing, increasing the area of conductors per phase from
surface voltage gradients; the greater the total area, the smaller the 1X10 6 circular mils to 4.0 X10 6 circular mils (based on
voltage gradient. over-all diameters), results in approximately 44 per cent
2. Appreciable reduction in surface voltage gradients results with decrease in maximum conductor surface voltage gradient.
Digest of p a p e r 4 8 - 2 8 5 , " R e l a t i v e Surface Voltage Gradients of Grouped C o n d u c t o r s , "
The effect of spacing between phases is indicated in the
recommended by the A I E E transmission and distribution committee a n d approved by example of a 4-conductor grouping at a phase spacing of 45
the A I E E technical program committee for presentation at the A I E E Midwest general
meeting, Milwaukee Wis., O c t o b e r 18-22, 1948. Scheduled for publication in A I E E feet and intragroup conductor spacing of 18 inches. The
volume 67, 1948.
reduction in voltage gradient compared to the equivalent
M. Temoshok is with the central station engineering divisions, General Electric Com-
pany, Schenectady, N . Y. single conductor was 15 per cent.

Figure 1. Flux and

equipotential lines of
center phase group of
1, 2, 3 , and 4 con-
ductors, each of a
horizontal configura-
tion at time of maxi-
mum peak voltage,
with intragroup spac-
ing at 18 inches, phase
spacing at 32 feet,
and 66.7 feet above
Conductor diameter Conductor diameter Conductor diameter Conductor diameter
the ground
2.00 inches 7.414 inches 7.755 inches 7.000 inch

MARCH 1949 Temoshok—Grouped Conductor Surface Voltage Gradients 213

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