ECE 788: Electrical Machines Assignment 2: Submitted by
ECE 788: Electrical Machines Assignment 2: Submitted by
ECE 788: Electrical Machines Assignment 2: Submitted by
Submitted by
Shamsuddeen N
SNo: 1453319
24 Nov’2014
The aim of this assignment is to design a 3phase, 25W, 15 Vl-l (open circuit emf), fixed speed, rare earth
magnet generator. The generator should supply full-load power to a three phase balanced resistive load
while maintaining a voltage regulation of 10%.
Design input:
Load 0-25 W
Rotor speed 3000rpm
Generated line voltage at 25W 13.5 Vl-l
Generated line voltage at no- 15 Vl-l
The main dimensions of the machine are fixed. The machine is three phase star connected. The winding
connection has to be found out to get highest distribution factor. The only variable available is number of
turns, which should be optimized to meet the design requirements.
Design Steps:
The following steps are followed in design.
1. Basic calculation to find design requirements.
2. Calculation of flux linkage from magnetic circuit.
3. Estimation of flux linkage and coil emf from FEM.
4. Find optimal winding scheme to form a balanced three phase winding.
5. Estimation of per phase open circuit emf for a turn and 3000 rpm.
6. Find number of turns to meet OCV requirement.
7. Estimation single coil inductance.
8. Calculation of resistance.
9. Optimization of number of turns to meet voltage regulation.
Part: I
1. Basic calculation:
Per phase load resistance = Per phase rms voltage^2 /Per phase power
= 7.29 Ohm
Per phase load current = Per phase power/per phase voltage
= 1.07 A
Per phase resistance to meet voltage regulation 13.5 Vll
= (Open circuit voltage phase voltage- terminal phase voltage)/load current.
= 0.81 Ohm
2. Calculation of flux linkage from magnetic circuit:
To find out flux linkage of a single coil, the magnetic circuit in Fig.1 is considered. In the magnetic circuit
the reluctance of core region is considered as zero and the reluctance of air gap and magnet are only
considered. Rg and Rm are air gap and magnet reluctance respectively. ϕr and ϕg are magnet remnant and
air gap flux respectively.
From the magnetic circuit the expression for air gap flux is
ϕ =
In the above equation, the nominator term can be found separately as follows,
ϕr =
μ μ
Where, lm is magnet length, and Br is remnant flux density.
= . ×
The given FEMM model is run at two mechanical degrees viz., 0 and 1.5. The zero reference is taken when
tooth 1 is aligned to the magnet as shown in Fig 2. The flux passing through the tooth is the flux which links
the coil wound around tooth. So, this flux information is sufficient to find out induced emf in the coil. After
running the solver, normal value of flux passing through the teeth 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are found. This
information and considering half wave and quarter wave symmetry of sinusoidal waveform, the flux
information at each 10o electric step angle is found. Induced emf for a single turn and 1 rad/s is found by
taking differentiation with the radian angle. Table 1 shows these values for one quarter. Fig. 2 and 3 shows
plot of these values for one electric cycle.
Table I
angle in Angle in Flux linkage
Degree radian (Wb) emf (V)
0 0 -2.93024E-05 0
10 0.174533 -0.000028929 -2.13942E-06
20 0.349066 -2.77379E-05 -6.8245E-06
30 0.523599 -2.54086E-05 -1.33459E-05
40 0.698132 -2.21409E-05 -1.87225E-05
50 0.872665 -1.80677E-05 -2.33377E-05
60 1.047198 -1.36503E-05 -2.53098E-05
70 1.22173 -9.13675E-06 -2.58607E-05
80 1.396263 -4.58799E-06 -2.60625E-05
90 1.570796 0 -2.62872E-05
Fig. 3: Flux linkage of single turn and corresponding emf for 1 rad/s estimated from FEMM. The calculated
value is also shown which is in good agreement with FEM value.
Part: II
Fig. 5: Induced emf in single turn coil wound around teeth 1, 2, and 3 at 1 rad/s.
Fig. 6: emf vectors of all coils.
Once emf vectors of all coils are available, they can be added to form a balanced three phase with high
winding factor. In this design, the best two winding schemes (Scheme 1 and 2), are analyzed. Fig. 7 shows
the vector diagram for scheme 1 and Fig. 8 shows that of scheme 2. In scheme 2, coils, 1, 10, 7, 16, 4 and 13
are inverted. The physical meaning of the inversion here is the corresponding coils should be wound in anti-
clock wise direction compared to other coils. Table III presents the winding factor for each schemes and it
is shown that scheme 2 has highest winding factor, hence it is chosen for the design. Fig. 9 shows the
stator diagram with the winding scheme 2.
Table: III
Winding Schemes
Scheme I Scheme II
Coil No# Angle Coil No# Angle
17 220 18 20
1 180 1 180
3 140 2 340
8 220 9 20
10 180 10 180
12 140 11 340
factor 0.8444 0.95979
Fig. 8: Final winding (Scheme 2).
Fig. 12: Flux plot while exciting three coils of a phase together to understand phase coupling.
Fig. 13: Single turn coil flux and inductance for various current.
Table IV
Line- line
No of Phase rms
turns Open circuit Phase Phase Phase voltage voltage
per voltage per resistance inductance current across load 3 Phase across
phase phase rms (V) (Ohm) (H) rms (A) rms (V) load (W) load (V)
6 1.67E+00 5.10E-03 4.80E-08 2.28E-01 1.66E+00 1.14E+00 2.8823
12 3.33E+00 1.02E-02 1.92E-07 4.56E-01 3.33E+00 4.55E+00 5.7605
18 5.00E+00 1.53E-02 4.32E-07 6.84E-01 4.99E+00 1.02E+01 8.6347
24 6.66E+00 2.04E-02 7.68E-07 9.11E-01 6.64E+00 1.82E+01 11.5049
30 8.33E+00 2.55E-02 1.20E-06 1.14E+00 8.30E+00 2.83E+01 14.3711
36 9.99E+00 3.06E-02 1.73E-06 1.36E+00 9.95E+00 4.07E+01 17.2333
The optimal number of turns and conductor diameter are chosen for the rare earth magnet, three phase
generator of given dimensions. The design meets all the requirements with superior load regulation.