Loss and Damage Rates For Major Strikes

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The report analyzes bombing missions against Japan from various altitudes to determine the influence of altitude on losses and damage rates.

Light missions (10,000-25,000 ft) had slightly higher loss rates but lower total loss rates compared to higher daylight missions. Night missions at 5,000-9,000 ft had low loss rates. Missions below 10,000 ft suffered more damage.

A table is provided showing the losses and damage for different types of missions grouped by altitude ranges. Missions below 10,000 ft consistently had higher damage rates.

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Ini t . -,-'r.;;.r",....

Ope...tian. Anal701. ct10n

APe 12'4
17 April 1\11<5.
~-':tto;ttOll oUlCeUed _
SC • fa 110. 11101. __
UII'UIIDUlh . . . . . .Mit.. 28 !lov. 58

TO. Cc Anding General, III Bomber COmMAnd.

In r ..pon e to Tour Tarba1 requeot ot 14 April 1945 the

sect10n haa aad. an an .10 ot t the
~or r1I<•• ot the III _bar C....and 8ion8 lio. 7 l'Ql!ih
1-au a ~wo {2 COpie8 ot a bri.t report suamarl.s1nll
CUI' tinding••

• Chiat,
Operationa Anal,y.ie section.

1 Inol.
Inal. 1 - lleo I CO nI IlC

• , .
,v·· ,
'\,", '

cr. Co.\8 ot BolIIb1ng Op<l .....Uon. at VlU'ioue titua.••

JI& or atrike ••1on. 7 - 61 _" anal,yud to

c1et..m1ne the influence of olt1l.u4e 011 1.... and du"'C'.
rate.. It..houlc1 be noted. that the data at hand :Ln-
cl...- UI\Y 1. ctical var1ab1..a which ••"" not iaolatecl
tor separate atu at t.h1a t~. coor'llngly our
c _ t a are not abeolut.ti¥ concluaiva, but _ beliav
thq are properlT representath. ot Ul. true tacta.
Conolua1ons •

(a) l1&bt 1I1••1ona (10,000 - 2t>, t ••t)

aa """'P"rac1 with h1in cllQ'l1&ht 111••1011. (aboYe 25,000
taat) ha....... ta1ne<l a .11gb\ly h1gb.r'r.te ot loe
clu. \0 en acUoo, a -..bat h1Nlar _jor d . . . . .O
rate, _ a very . .ch h1&Mr Il1w>l' de• • rate. 'l'ha
aparatlaoal 1.... l' to ..ch 1_1', doubU... _ in
large pan \0 tha ....ilab1l1~ of 11lO JUa, but oleo
\0 tile _1..1' d.llJlUo1t7 ot oporatioo 1. lowl' alti-
~. '11Ie total 10•• rote ..u aubatant1&ll,y low... tOl'
tile 1.... alt1~ ••1011••

II \ oper.\lOO8 (5,000 - 9.000 taat) ha...
~ a low loaa I"ILteit ud a ywy.1.aIw d··'a_ rate,
. . ~ wit.h tile dql1gb\ raia.1ona aca1na\ .1II1lRl'
~. Airorat\ in tile IIppOr ranee. of th_ 111••10118
_Ut7'~ a . . . . . .t. bi..... d"ea_ rat.. tbul a1r-
aaft in tile 1_ _ .J bIJoo\llot- ..... a.ciftrlaacI \0
-.pl.'.\M. taat.

l. neue 1 ....... .Ip'.'. llIIll ...d." altit__

tile lIIJioh
Il1nNt\ 's 'ad priMry _ -lDIuT w-pt.ao in Japan. n ... •apara\a
"''S' eI ...........\1on. can ol.nrq dl.......'

(a) ....111... 7 - 19, dqulb"* a\\.oka 01\ ....... t*-

altib'.. ¥Vq1as '9.000 t .... or h!t/>...
(II) 1I1aa- lIII - >t, dql1cll\ at\Mlat OIl • t ..
altUs'" s1I1Tb Mol _ .l1cII\q 1 _ _ \a an av...... eI a6.0a0-
., left.
t 0.0. IC

(e) MI..lI1ona 59. re.... ~ ~ a~~ Il.

alU~1l ... 1Ib1en had been .huplT reduced to. ........ below 20.
f ••'.

(d) lI1a.lona 46, 50. 60, and 61, ree.n~ dqlJ.&b~

ral.aUvwlT UchtlT d.t... d t pt. 0 K1U.hIl t altit
a 16,000 - 18.000 t ..~.
C.) ••1en. 40 - 45, 48, 51. S5 - 57. n1&b~ a~ta.ka &&a1n.~
R tl'<lII al~ltlld •• below 10,000 t ..~.
2. A tabulation ot the 10•••• ed clamag. autt.
the•• t,ype. of a1..1on. tollow..

fable 1,

,8.0. 1l1••1cn. to the J!!]!8!l." II&1nl •

A I 0 D I
lUll lI1all1ona lI1aalcn. 1Ii•• lone ••1on. Ili•• lone
7 - 19 20 - 39 58, 59 46, 50, ~,48.
,4 51.55-57
To\al.,. . .
of A1J'eJ'at\ 7U 290 346 2056
• tloc
of A1J'eJ'at\
*1. . . . .,

Len. all ... . - 5.2 3.4 1.7 0.6 1.6

!Aft \e . . 'I
a..... 1.4 1.' 1.7 0.6 0.6
21.5 22.1 S2.4 9.0 1.7

*Jer Ifo Data '.1 6.2 0.0 0.8

WI... Jlo Data 19.0 46.2 9.0 , 7.9 J

n.- n.7 ll.1 50.0 5.2 1.0

J1cIlteJoll n.o 10.7 13.' 2.6 0••

•.unran d. . . . lit' both tlak t1gbt.era in"lu.... in eaeb•

• C.ll. xu IC 4/17/45

3. """l1 of t. prvoed1ng t.able, t.eeet.bo.. with oona1c1e U ....

ot t.bo principal t.aot.lcal chanult.ar1at.1c• ..t t.be 111••1.... 1oYolvad
.......... t.ba t ..l.l.ow1ns.

a. Q\ daTl18ht oparat1"". ""aimt. I!ClnahI>-

lAwer the altitude .11ght1¥ t about 30,000 f","

to 26.000 - 27,000 t ..t creatad no.1sJlU1 I. diUerenee
10 our erability to ena..., t1&l1t.... or fl&k. 1......
rapcNot.acl. clu' to ..,... actlon and DIll' beUl. d&II • froIa
fl&k _ fi&ht.ar '''aroa.1;r
a!fact.ad. llowan.., our
t.ot.al la... rot.a notab1¥ racIlIcad, p 1>17 _ t.o
radwlt10n 10 nOlle«l&l\J act10n operatlonal 1 t.ba
f _ galned oocperiance and .. tbe _ehanlcal .t.ra1na of
~ altltolde _reU... and t.ba .. r1.t.ioal pre....... QIl tllal
cOfl-"Iptlon were rel..1.e'Yed.

X-r1.n& t.be alt1_ to belaa 20.000 feat, .. 1I1&h'

M -j.n.d.. expe••• the to..- \,0 Mre .tteati. . . . . .
appoalt1Q1l. Th. urac,. of heavy fl&k gun. ahoule! thao-
rat1aa1];y be ........ 4 t~. . . «....t.. &riel t.be parf...........
ot 01&_,. flght.are ehoI&ld be aari<ad1¥ bet.t.a.. at. t.ba la I'
al\1_., ~ _rlance !>Mr. _to th_ _ ct.at1Q1l&,-
d . . . . .traa tJabtal'" lnoreaMd 100 Iwbat, d••pit. the raot
U1at. !1cI>t.ar _ort. . . proriAacl QIl . . . . of t.ba. II1Ml_•
. . tlak daM" 1nc..._ a J _ 5 fl>14, to t.ha po1nt. _re
IIa1t of \he et.l"1.k1ng tore. ret.l&mad t.o baM bDlaol • fl&k •
• 221_, \-hi. 1M.., . ill N\tla de. . . . . . DDt. .....n..cn..l
ill lae_ to a .1pl.t1oant. cle&rael t.ba _ at la•• ad
alU. 1& a larp wr . . . in ~. qu111ltlT rapalrabla
tlak ,.- a not.able ""t. not 1&. . . 1 n c _ ill UIa _to
ot ~ ••t'I, _ a al1&ll' l n a _ 10 our loa_ ....
. . . . t.c 0'' :
..,\1Q1l. . !be - ' not..~e faat.ura of t.bo.
1I1.a.~ .. tar .. 00IIt.a are ...... • . . the faot. t.bat
U. •• u •..,ut.T af Iw Jia fra' 1& of b hr. ill
• : .s,
.u.et.Nee...., .... t.cW lae_ 18 IIa1t deep1t.e the ..w1Ue>nal
.&1\1.... \bat. I... Jia. 1t 1& reaaona~ to
MU_ \hat. ~ of the _ralT d....... a1rara!\ ...u
..... ~ laet. _ t.W the ne I : aot.l loa• •
ltaw _ ..... hl.....

~. Qo ""l18h' _au... .,..,..., Iz"&'

~ t.he alt.1_ t.c 16.0ll0 - lI.ODD teat
. .~. 'llld.eb .... ralat1W1T :u.tat..1T c1ef.WI -
• . . . 'a1Ulaat. _......... Q\ Ute. . . .at _ _ l . -
Is • rat.ea .... ~ 1MI lIeaa_ at t.IIa S OJ
a t. at h 1.1U1rl _ _taoad. . . DOt. tJa.
aDEW I . t _. ... u . . -.l~ ._J1 ... " -
i ' ',,7an taa\ ...n·r1# Vi...... II ' J '
• . . . .'a' trao _ ~ a1't 'a1t.11at. aU~ ...
I'.. "":.' , '~:.; .... '

...., C.G. XlI IlC 4/1.7/4'
c. 1l1&ht. oper.t.lona ...wt. HQIlllhu,-

t ..t. on
t.h. alt1t.u4a. t.o ."'.l"lIu
• •l.nll n1sPt. oper.ti..... 10
ot 6,(01) - "
(.) . .
acCOllpU hed wit.h ext..-1;T l1&ht. 10ll••e--qll1ta c...,....w..
t.o t.he at.e ot th. I1Uahll at.tack. . . tar u - . . aot,lOll
18 car,cem.d, ~t. 111. t.h hiah.r nOll-<lOllbat. 10..... It
.hOllld. be racarked tbat at. th••• low altit.u4a• •1'. n1sbt.
aaa1nat hea'l't.1;T tlak...utatl4ad iarl.ta th. tlak cl..... 1&
b1&har, but t.he t1&ht.ar oppo.1tion h.u t.hu. tar bean _
&lilible, wit.h t.ho raault. t.hat. loa... t.o aU to"",,, ot
en~ action h.... been th. _ . 1 _ can COfttl.nu.
to capitalise Oft Japane•• unp perednu. to cIiot." t.ha_
_..lv......105t. 1o_lt1tuel. 1l1&ht. ai•• lon. c!apenc!a on the
ra '" with which the ......., d......lopa count..............
4. A ap_o1a1 atucIT .... ....". at • lIl.&ht opt r.tiona, whar.
the alUt.... ban r""led troa below S,OOO to alaoat 10,000 t ..t
to t..,. to d.1acov.r .... at. .ttect, i t Wl7, Tar1atiooa 10 ali1t.u4a wit.b1A
•• •• had on our coate.

a. rt&ura 2 .how t.he altitud., 10 200 toot 1ot.erTal.,

raporta to he",. baon flown bT 671 a1rcratt on eleven wing .ttorte
aaa1n_t. tour t.&riet. .raa. at.tacked at n1sPt.. 1t alao .hon the
........1' ot aircraft. which _ra .t each altit • 1otarTal.

b. ok .crut1nJ at thi. c11a", "uuta that cl'·ap

... 1ocurred. at aU altituc!a. 10 app 1;T the _ proport1.....
ra COIIplate 1nt0l'JUt.10ll Oft thi_ po1ot Will be to 10 Tabla 2, .
be•• ll 011 a larPl'. 1., alao tak.n t W.••lona 40 - 4S.

• Or !II(iIlI T'1'AQ!
Altltud. bel' ot Alc l' ot Alc • .t sol
o.ed. to Daule D&aa&ed A/C ll....ed

~ 6,(01) 211l 1Il 8.'

6,CIllO • ',900 403 37 9.2
A...... 7,CIllO 32S 49 15.

• ••

.... e.G. In Ie

o. M. tabl.. anel otber t.all S... ~ toarpw IlAcl b7 w1JI&.

"'" .boom be.... beor. out the taot ~t tbe o..te bave beerI le•• t ..
tbo 1 _ alt1tu.el. attack. ~ tor the hlpr _ ••

el. Thre. ~tb•••• can be acl.ancocl to Ul'la1D . , . witIdA

.-..a at 5.000 to 9.000 t ••t. tb. greater el.... g. a1ght be OIItt....
• a1roNott at tb. up r.ne! ot tb. ranp.

(1) Seorcbl1g/Jt. rtJJq be IIOre .tt.c101ve at tbo b1&ba..

tban at th.. 10""1' altituw... b.oau... at tb.... 811. el.....Uon
the eearchl1&ht. bav.. a 101\&." t1!De to locate aaol
con. th. aircraft at b1gbor alt1tuel... anel have a wic1a..
beaa wb1cb cover. 110.... ot tbe .kT.

(2) HlIAvy nak gIIIIO aT be "Ore .tt.ct1... at tbe

bi&bor than at th. 10....1' elUtudea (witll1n tb. ranee IMIlaw
1.0,000 teet) bece..... tbough clatlo.UOD .........."",,14 be
w ..... I'llll&O ..rrore along the tra,jecrt.ol'7 (tue1n& ........)
will be 1... th.. v.1oo1tT ot tbe proJ.et1la 10 18_.
() Raclor. "Mel to c11rect tho .aaroIllJ.&hte. 10 . . .
• tt••Un .t 7,000 teet than at 5,000 t ...t.

SiDe. the above ora 0Ill.3 unpravecl

au 1M _lUllocl t our OlqlOrianoe to elate 1. that.
!l1POt........ all. . - ,
II IIA¥ w1tb ...urano. the, whon a to.... 1. c11.,.te
8ba4 an a night ..ttao.. to· be nom
witll1n th. I1ftn. ..
&\ lew alt1tu.dea, the aireratt at. the 10... JS"" at tbo\
n . . . . ~ ...tt... 100'" d.,"&" tItM th••• a\ tbo IIPPV
,.n ..-r-tbo ranp. AatuaU7 ...... OIlperi.... tbu tar baa
.... to the aon\l'U7.
w \ .., tar .....that i t tba ."'ire .-.. ....
. ., , with attook., .." at 3,000 - 6,000 1Dftei7ll
~ 5.000 - 8.000 t ..t, tbore _'1.4 be
. . leN ...tt.rocl lly the . .tire to.....
a.. lee. 1'....

......,.S Aaal7s\.
Lit & IIIOIE CIlIIllAID, oIlllllPB L. 1I!lQCI.

"'...... epr,\S- ~ •

. "...

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