Exports 1.1. Export RFC Destinations Target Systems

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1.1. Export RFC destinations target systems

Log on to the host on which the system is running as user <sid>adm.

In addition to the rfc tables, we include securestore tables in the export from the
target system. If these tables are imported after the valid license is installed,
passwords in RFC’s need not be reentered. No RFC’s should exist to productive
system (except CUA and Solman).

Log on to the target system host on which the system is running as user
<SID>adm. Use a text editor to create the export controlfile “export_sm59.sql” in
/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID> as shown below:

# start of script
# execute script with
# R3trans -w export_sm59.log export_sm59.sql
# as <sid>adm in /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>
# this creates a file export_sm59.dat for import of RFC data and a
# logfile export_sm59.log
delete from RFCDES
select * from RFCDES
delete from RFCDOC
select * from RFCDOC
delete from RFCATTRIB
select * from RFCATTRIB
delete from RFCCHECK
select * from RFCCHECK
delete from RFCDESSECU
select * from RFCDESSECU
delete from RFCSYSACL
select * from RFCSYSACL
delete from RFCTRUST
select * from RFCTRUST
delete from RFCCMC
select * from RFCCMC
delete from RFCGO
select * from RFCGO
delete from SXRFC
select * from SXRFC
delete from IBSSI_RFCDEST
select * from IBSSI_RFCDEST
delete from PARAMVALUE
select * from PARAMVALUE
delete from TXCOM
select * from TXCOM
delete from RSECTAB
select * from RSECTAB
delete from RSECACTB
select * from RSECACTB
delete from RZLLITAB
select * from RZLLITAB
# end of script

Perform the export as user <sidadm>


R3trans -w export_sm59.log export_sm59.sql

Verify correct execution in export_sm59.log.

Pass/fail/N Variance
A report nr.

1.2. Export Partner Profile tables from target system

Create screenshots or verify with existing documents the configuration of we20 and
we21 in customer clients and 000.

Log on to the target system host on which the system is running as user <SID>adm.
Use a text editor to create the export controlfile “export_pp.sql” in
/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID> as shown below:

# begin of script
# execute script with
# R3trans -w export_pp.log export_pp.sql
# as <sid>adm in /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>
# this creates a file export_pp.dat for import of Partner Profiles
# logfile export_pp.log
delete from EDPP1
select * from EDPP1
delete from EDP12
select * from EDP12
delete from EDP13
select * from EDP13
delete from EDP21
select * from EDP21
# end of script

Perform the export as user <sidadm>

R3trans -w export_pp.log export_pp.sql

Verify correct execution in export_pp.log.

Initials Pass/fail/NA
report nr.

1.3. Export Logical systemnames table from target system

Log on to the target system host on which the system is running as user <SID>adm.
Use a text editor to create the export controlfile “export_ls.sql” in
/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID> as shown below:

# begin of script
# execute script with
# R3trans -w export_ls.log export_ls.sql
# as <sid>adm in /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>
# this creates a file export_ls.dat for import of Logical system names
# logfile export_ls.log
delete from PATH
select * from PATH
# end of script
Perform the export as user <sidadm>

R3trans -w export_ls.log export_ls.sql

Verify correct execution in export_ls.log.

1.4. Export Port information (WE21) from target system

Log on to the target system host on which the system is running as user <SID>adm.
Use a text editor to create the export controlfile “export_po.sql” in
/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID> as shown below:

# begin of script
# execute script with
# R3trans -w export_pp.log export_po.sql
# as <sid>adm in /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>
# this creates a file export_po.dat for import of Ports
# logfile export_po.log
delete from EDIPO
select * from EDIPO
delete from EDIPO2
select * from EDIPO2
delete from EDIPOA
select * from EDIPOA
delete from EDIPOD
select * from EDIPOD
delete from EDIPOF
select * from EDIPOF
delete from EDIPOI
select * from EDIPOI
delete from EDIPORT
select * from EDIPORT
delete from EDIPOX
select * from EDIPOX
delete from EDIPOXH
select * from EDIPOXH
# end of script
1.5. Export Distribution Model (BD64) from target system
Log on to the target system host on which the system is running as user <SID>adm.
Use a text editor to create the export controlfile “export_po.sql” in
/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID> as shown below:

# begin of script
# execute script with
# R3trans -w export_pp.log export_dm.sql
# as <sid>adm in /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>
# this creates a file export_dm.dat for import of Distrubution Models
# logfile export_dm.log
delete from TBD00T
select * from TBD00T
delete from TBD05
select * from TBD05
delete from TBD06
select * from TBD06
delete from TBDBR
select * from TBDBR
delete from TBDBRF
select * from TBDBRF
# end of script

1.6. Import RFC destinations to target systems

Log on to the target system host on which the system is running as user <SID>adm.
Use a text editor to create the import controlfile “import_sm59.sql” in
/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID> as shown below:

Go to /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>

create import_sm59.sql:

file = ‘/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>/export_sm59.dat’

Inorder to import the exported rfc destination;

Execute as sidadm;

R3trans -w /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>/import_sm59.log

1.7. Import partner profiles to target systems

Log on to the target system host on which the system is running as user <SID>adm.
Use a text editor to create the import controlfile “import_pp.sql” in
/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID> as shown below:

Go to /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>

create import_pp.sql:

file = ‘/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>/export_pp.dat’

Inorder to import the exported partner profiles;

Execute as sidadm;

R3trans -w /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>/import_pp.log
1.8. Import logical systems to target systems

Log on to the target system host on which the system is running as user <SID>adm.
Use a text editor to create the import controlfile “import_ls.sql” in
/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID> as shown below:

Go to /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>

create import_ls.sql:

file = ‘/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>/export_ls.dat’

Inorder to import the exported partner profiles;

Execute as sidadm;

R3trans -w /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>/import_ls.log

1.9. Import Ports information to target systems

Log on to the target system host on which the system is running as user <SID>adm.
Use a text editor to create the import controlfile “import_po.sql” in
/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID> as shown below:

Go to /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>

create import_po.sql:

file = ‘/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>/export_po.dat’

Inorder to import the exported partner profiles;

Execute as sidadm;

R3trans -w /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>/import_po.log
1.10. Import distribution models to target systems

Log on to the target system host on which the system is running as user <SID>adm.
Use a text editor to create the import controlfile “import_dm.sql” in
/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID> as shown below:

Go to /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>

create import_dm.sql:

file = ‘/sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>/export_dm.dat’

Inorder to import the exported partner profiles;

Execute as sidadm;

R3trans -w /sap_staging/EXPORTS_TEST_REFRESH/<SID>/import_dm.log

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