Eni Ghana2017
Eni Ghana2017
Eni Ghana2017
Development Project
The OCTP (Offshore Cape Three Points) license is located offshore 60 Flowlines systems to the “John Agyekum Kufuor” Floating, Production,
km from the Western Coast of the Republic of Ghana. The integrated Storage and Offloading (FPSO) unit.
Oil and Non Associated Gas (NAG) project consists of the development
of the Cenomanian (Oil), Sankofa Main & East (NAG) and Gye Nyame The oil will be processed, stored and offloaded directly offshore
(NAG) reservoirs. using oil tankers. The gas from the NAG project will be transported
The production will take place by means of 19 wells and a Subsea through a subsea pipeline to an Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) and
Production System (SPS) tied back via Subsea Umbilicals, Risers, subsequently delivered to the Ghana National Gas Company (GNGC).
CTP-Block 4
Dev. Lease
Sanzule Aboadze
= 100
oil and 270 mboe of
NAG, have been
discovered in the Block
thanks to Eni’s distinctive
approach to exploration
and develop fields.
0 0 Gye Nyame
RE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand),
0 5 10 20 30 40 C, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community
Joint Venture
Key Facts Eni is the Block’s Operator with a 44.44% share. Other partners
are Ghana National Petroleum Corporation with 20% and Vitol
with 35.56%.
deep water
19 subsea wells wells with a measured
depth range
2,730-4,566 msl
24 umbilicals +
64.8 km umbilicals 19 X-mas Trees & Main Contractors - Oil Development
13 FLETs
Main Contractors working on the Ghana OCTP project are Yinson
(FPSO), GE (SPS), Oceaneering (Umbilicals), NOV (Risers & Flowlines),
SRI EMAS (SURF Transportation & Installation), Maersk (Drilling &
Our Passion: Health, Safety and Environment Eni’s seven safety leadership expectations that lay out the best
practices for safety leaders are:
Eni plans, realises, manages and disposes of its tangible assets, • creating the safety vision;
guaranteeing the safeguard of health and safety, minimising • maintaining safety focus;
environmental impacts and optimising the use of energetic and • motivating and inspiring others;
natural resources. Eni operates in different and challenging conditions • being credible and trustworthy;
with people from more than seventy countries active on our projects • being team oriented;
worldwide. One aspect connects all of us in Eni: we have a common • communicating effectively;
passion for looking after our people’s safety and health as well as • giving feedback and recognition.
environment. Our targets are:
• zero harm and this is the obvious choice because These expectations are strictly connected with the motivation
we set the highest industry standards; to spread the culture of safety in Eni.
• develop safety leaders who are passionate and courageous
in creating a culture where safety is a driving value. Every day. Regarding the environmental actions, Eni Ghana is targeting, in line
Everywhere; with Eni and WBG standards, a zero flaring approach.
• operate by applying the highest Eni and WBG HSE standards
and working conditions enabling everyone to go home safe
and sound.
GNGC 20'' Gas Pipeline
Sanzule OCTP ORF
OCTP - FPSO ipeli
"John Agyekum Kufuor" G as P
Sea bed
Phase-2 NAG
Sankofa Gye
East NAG Nyame NAG
Main NAG
Three reservoirs, one oil bearing and two gas bearing, have been discovered Drilling campaign started on July 11, 2015 and to date 18 wells of OCTP
in the eastern part of the OCTP Block license, 60 km from the Coast, field have been successfully drilled. The completion campaign is still being
overlaying about 88 km2, in a water depth range of 600-1000 m. executed using a 6th generation dynamic positioning dual activity drilling
ship, and planned to be completed by the end of 2018.
Cenomanian Oil reservoir was discovered by the drilling of Sankofa East Eni Continuous Circulation Device®, Eni patented technology for
– 1X well in 2012 during the appraisal campaign of the Sankofa East NAG continuous circulation, has been adopted during the pre-drilling campaign
reservoir and, after the drilling of a development well in the western part to reduce drilling time and to drill all the wells at the highest safety
of the license, an oil column of 535 m TVD was confirmed. standards. The drilling ship has been equipped with double BOP and
The Cenomanian development consists of 14 underwater wells: 8 oil state-of-the-art pressure test management in order to reduce rig time and
producers, 3 water injectors and 3 gas injectors. to increase safety on BOP running and testing. Well architecture has been
standardized for all OCTP wells. A continuous improvement approach
The Non Associated Gas Project consists of the development of has been implemented throughout the entire campaign, striving for
two structures: Sankofa Main & East reservoir discovered by the well excellence in all the operations. Pre-drilling campaign has been completed
Sankofa-1A in 2009. Gye Nyame reservoir, located westward, discovered 208 days ahead of POD (Plan of Development) schedule. Sand control
by Gye Nyame-1 well in 2011. The full NAG project will take place through has been performed through cased hole Frac-Pack for the well producers,
5 gas producers, 4 in Sankofa Main & East and 1 in Gye Nyame. in order to maximize production. Upper completion installation time
has been optimized to match the challenging start-up date defining
The entire project will operate with zero flaring and zero discharge policy. detailed engineering and real time monitoring of operation performance.
e-cd device
Utilization of dopeless tubing has been introduced for the completion Subsea Production and Umbilical System
activities in order to reduce operations time.
The oil production network consists of eight oil producers arranged
Wells are cleaned up prior to the hand-over to the FPSO, in order in three production loops. Oil produced from the reservoir is conveyed
to guarantee smoother start-up and higher well productivity since through the actuated FLET (Flow Line End Termination) and tied back
the beginning. to the FPSO via insulated piggable 6, 8 or 10-inch nominal diameter
flowline and riser. Reservoir pressure is maintained by both gas and
water injection. Each water and gas injection well has a dedicated riser
and flowline to enable injection from topside.
Development scheme comprises GLSS, SSIV’s, 13 FLETs, 19 X-mas Trees With the aim to anticipate the First Oil, the installation campaign
and IWOCS, tie-in system for spools, jumpers and 24 umbilicals, ROV started 1 months earlier than planned with the installation of 2
installation tooling, and FPSO topside control system. flexible oil lines + 1 umbilical (minimum required to achieve the
first oil), which were laid and left on seabed (wet storage) prior to
the arrival of the FPSO from Singapore. The wet storage allowed to
Risers, Flowlines, Transportation & Installation accelerate the installation campaign and achieve an earlier start-up.
All flexible risers and flowlines (19 risers and 20 flowlines) for the Once the FPSO was moored and declared ready for SURF hook-up
OCTP Project are being produced in National Oilwell Varco (NOV) (April 26, 2017), the pull in, hook-up and commissioning of the Oil
facilities in Denmark. First Lot (4 risers and 4 flowlines, 20 km in Loop lines was successfully completed allowing to achieve the First
total) were delivered to the Installation Contractor (SRI EMAS) on Oil on 20th of May 2017. Overall offshore campaign was successfully
January 11, 2017 as per plan. The installation of the subsea structures, completed ahead of schedule, keeping highest standard in Safety
the umbilicals and flexible lines started in March 2017. and Quality.
• Pipes for sealine Ghana
• FPSO modules stools
• Suction piles Indonesia Singapore
• Risers protection • Topside process • Topside integration
structures modules and commissioning
• Bend restrictors • Topside power module
• Risers anchors and E-House
• Pipes concrete coating
FPSO arrives
in Singapore
March 1, 2016
January, 2017
Completion of
Topside Integration
February 19, 2016 February 28, 2017 April 26, 2017
FPSO Sail Away from China FPSO Sail Away FPSO RFSHU
to Singapore from Singapore to Ghana
Project Timeline
March 2009 December 2014 February 2015
gas discovery approval commencement of Subsea Structures
of development plan & Umbilicals Package
... from the arrival of the FPSO at the offshore site to the first oil in 40 days
27 March 3 April 10 April 17 April 24 April 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 May 5 June
and topside hook-up
Eni CEO Claudio Descalzi said: “Starting production only two and a half
years after the approval of the Development Plan is an extraordinary
result and a reason for great pride”.
Project partners
Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (20%)
Ghana’s National Oil Company, established in 1983 as a strategic
commercial vehicle for State participation in the oil and gas industry
with the mandate to undertake exploration, development, production
and disposal of petroleum. It is the National Gas Aggregator and a partner
in all petroleum agreements in Ghana.
Visit eni.com