4 Week Muscle Up Program
4 Week Muscle Up Program
4 Week Muscle Up Program
Tony is the owwner of Paradigm CrossFit in Rochester, New York and is a Lead Coach on n t he CrossFit Gym
G nast ics Sem inar st aff . He
has been coach hing gym nastics f or 10+ ye
ears. In addition
n t o gymnast ics coaching he al so coaches comm pet itive and non-
com petit ive CrrossFit ters.
You can direct any quest ion t hat are specii f ic t o t his prog
g ram t o: t ony@crossfit gym nastt ics.com
Not es: Theres no st raight line t o achievingg a Muscle up. However developing t he streng gth and regim ent
e ing the pract ice seems to
arer path. The most import ant
be a m uch clea a t hing to rem m em ber is t he only pract ice is good
g practice. This m eans all m ovement
should be ideaal, and not just t o t he "st and
dards" t o finish up the day. The purer you pra act ice, the prettt ier t he skill.
* Max Effort , St rengt h, and Volum e workout s should be d one on separate days.
B: 7x 1 ME Hollow Body
Ring Pull Up (False Grip, A2: 5x 3 EROM St atic Dip (Dip
ring t o st ernum ) Bars) B: Ring Dip: 5- 4- 3- 2- 2- 2
A:10x ME Transition:
*Utilize the feet if needed
f ocusing on keeping t he
rings and elbows tight . As
soon as t here is dist ance, A1: 4x 8 Ring push up w/ A: Ring Pull Up
t he set is done. Turnout 5- 4- 3- 2- 2- 2
A2: 4x 5 False Grip Ring PU
Negat ive B: Ring Dip: 5- 5- 4- 3- 2- 2
A3: 4x 2 Wtd Ring Dip