2016 Boiler Safety Checklist and Preventative Maintenance

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Boiler Safety Checklist &

Preventative Maintenance
Radiant Realities
Tim Blomdahl

Radiant Realities 1
Pressure Vessel Construction Codes
Boiler MAWP (maximum allowable working pressure) equals the
design pressure & maximum safety valve setting of the pressure vessel

ASME Section 1
Power Boilers
MAWP Above
15 PSI Steam
160 PSI Hot Water
250 DEG. F. Hot Water

ASME Section 4
Heating Boilers
MAWP Below 15 Psi Steam

Radiant Realities 2
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2013 Current Edition
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Radiant Realities 3
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Firetube Boilers

Radiant Realities 5
Scotch Marine Firetube Boiler

Radiant Realities 6
Cleaver Brooks 200 hp Firetube Boiler
Scotch Marine Type
• Combustion gas travels inside of the tubes
• Two, three or four construction
• 5 sq. ft. of heating surface per boiler hp
• 1000 sq. ft. of fireside heating surface = 200hp
• Natural gas or light oil fired (Typically dual fuel)
• Forced draft burner
• 16,300 lb shipping weight
• 60” diameter shell x 15’-0” long
Radiant Realities 7
Typical 200 hp Boiler Rating
Firetube Boilers Are Rated By Horsepower (hp)
Boiler hp is steam output
• 1 boiler hp evaporates 34.5 lbs of water per hour
• 200 hp boiler output (200hp*34.5lbs/hr=6900)
• 6900 lbs of steam per hour output
Burner Input 42,000 btu per hp
• 8,165,000 Btu fuel input at rated capacity
• 81.7 Therms of gas (100,000 btus per therm)
• 58.3 Gph of light oil (@ 140,000 btus per gal)
Radiant Realities 8
Factor Of Evaporation
• A 200 hp boiler can evaporate 6900 lbs/hr
at 0 psi operating steam pressure and when
212F. Feedwater is supplied to the boiler
• The amount of steam that a boiler can generate
is based upon the pressure that it operates at
and the temperature of the water that it
• A 200 hp boiler operating at 120psi and 170F.
Feedwater= evaporates 31.7lbs/hr=6340 lbs/hr
• 6340/6900 = .918 @ 92% of its rated capacity
Radiant Realities 9
0psig gauge pressure & 212 F. Feedwater = 34.5 lbs/hr of steam per boiler horsepower
200 hp Boiler Water Side

At Normal operating water level (NOWL)

• A Cleaver Brooks boiler holds 8,625
pounds of water or 1,034 gallons.

• The minimum safe operating water level

is typically 3” above the tubes. (Any less
compromises the structural integrity of
the boiler).

Radiant Realities 11
Boiler Evaporation Rate

• 200 hp boiler can evaporate 831 gals per hour

or 13.85 gpm.
• 831gals/1034 gals in the boiler = .8036
• 80% of boilers total water volume could be
evaporated in one hour at the boilers rated
output capacity if no water was added to the

Radiant Realities 12
Radiant Realities 14
Steam and Water Trim

Radiant Realities 15
Steam Boiler
Ancillary Equipment
Water Filters
Water Softeners
Chemical Feeders
Packaged Feedwater Systems
Blowdown Separators

Radiant Realities 16
Fresh Water & Water Treatment

Most steam systems need fresh water make-up

• Water filters are used to remove impurities

• Water softeners are used to remove hardness

• Chemicals are also used to remove hardness

Radiant Realities 17
Radiant Realities 18
Typically Two Water
Softener Tanks Are
Used. One to soften
water and one to
regenerate the resin
in a tank that has
been used up. This
way the softening
process can
continue without

Radiant Realities 19
Salt for regeneration

Radiant Realities 20
Water Softeners
Water hardness or (calcium and magnesium) is an issue.
• A water softer is an ion exchange system. The water leaves
the softener with sodium compounds verses calcium and
• A very common water softener has a resin material in it
that is changed to calcium and magnesium zeolite and is
regenerated with salt or sodium chloride for the zeolite.
Treat water per mfg. recommendations
Typical water hardness allowed. (Firetube boilers)
• 50-75ppm for 100psi steam
• 20ppm for 200psi steam
Definition of 75 parts per million (ppm)
For every million pounds of water, 75 lbs of dry solids are
dissolved in the water.
Packaged Chemical
Feed System
•Storage Tank
•Electric motorized agitator
•Low flow high head chemical
metering pump

Radiant Realities 22
Feed Inlet
Stop Valve


Radiant Realities 23
Chemicals Used To Treat Water Hardness
• Caustic soda and phosphate is used to change
calcium and magnesium scale forming
components into non-adhering sludge that
falls to the bottom of the boiler for removal by
bottom blowdown.

• 1/16” scale = 15% fuel increase.
• Scale slows down heat transfer through the
tubes, the tubes overheat and shorten the
operating life of the tubes.
Chemicals Are Used To Minimize Oxygen Corrosion
Air in ambient temperature water is an issue!
• Untreated water contains dissolved oxygen and
other gasses that promote corrosion and pitting
of metal boiler components.
• Heat also helps removes dissolved oxygen in
When water is heated air comes out of solution.
• Sodium sulfite oxygen scavengers combine with
oxygen to form harmless compounds. Sodium
sulfite forms sodium sulfate and is removed by
bottom blowdown.
Water at 30psi and 60F. Heated
To 180F. Releases 3.4% air by volume.
100 gals becomes 96.6 gals of water and
3.4 gallons of air at 180F.
Boiler pH
• Maintain Boiler pH between 9-10.5
• Alkalinity should be kept below 11 to prevent
priming and foaming

Condensate Return pH
• Maintain Condensate return pH between 7.4-
8.4 alkalinity

pH Scale

PH 7 is Neutral
Sample Coolers
Boiler water samples are cooled Sample coolers have a
at boiler operating pressure with 2000 or 3000 psi
no loss of flash steam. Samples internal coil (heat
are used to determine water exchanger) inside of the
quality. shell. Cool water is run
through the shell to cool
the boiler water inside
of the coil.
Radiant Realities 29
Vent tank to outdoors
Vented Never operate tank above“0” psi
Tank With Not An ASME Pressure Vessel.
Duplex Pump

Radiant Realities 30
Vent to Condensate
Atmosphere Return

Fresh Water
Steam Connection
Make Up Sparge For Pre-Heating
Valve Tube Condensate up to 210F.

Duplex Pumps

Radiant Realities 31
Temperature Water Level
Gage Sight Glass

Radiant Realities 32
Overflow Drain

Steam Connection
For Pre-Heating
Up to 210F.

Radiant Realities 33
Radiant Realities 34
Condensate Tank Sizing
• Condensate tanks are typically sized for 15 minutes of maximum boiler
evaporation. (What the boiler can evaporate in 15 minutes at high fire.)
• 200 hp Boiler with 212 F. feed water operating at 0 psi evaporates =6900 lbs/hr
(6900/4 = 1725 lbs)
• 1725 lbs every 15 min. (1725lbs/(8.33lbs per gal)= 207.08 gal. tank)
• Typically a storage tank sized for 1 gallon per boiler hp is large enough to receive
the condensate generated by the boiler.
• Other factors may require that a larger storage tank be used.
• 1 gal. per hp. 200 hp boiler = 200 gal. tank

Code Requires That Tanks Maintain A Minimum Amount Of Water

• A 10 minute minimum supply of water must be available for delivery to the boiler
at all times.
• 207.8* (2/3) = (10 minute supply)
• 10 Minute supply= 138.53 gal minimum supply of water for a 200 hp boiler.
Boiler Feed Water Pumps
• Boilers with over 500 sq ft of heating surface require two separate means
of feeding water to the boiler. (Two pumps for power boilers)
• 1 boiler hp = 5 sq. ft. of heating surface (For most firetube boilers)
• Boilers over 100 hp or (3450 lbs/hr output) require twp pumps

• Start stop pumps are typically sized to deliver double what the boiler can
evaporate per hour.
• 200 hp boiler can evaporate 6900 lbs/hr (34.5* 200= 6900 lbs/hr output)
• Divide the known lbs/hr output by 500 to get gpm. 6900/500=13.8 gpm
• Size the start/stop pump for twice the boiler evaporation rate.
• 13.8 gpm * 2 = 27.6 gpm

Pump discharge pressure

• The quantity of water delivered must be at a pump pressure that is no less
than 3% above the relief valve setting of the boiler at all times.
• If the boiler RV is set at 150 psi the pump must be able to develop a
minimum of 154.6 psi
Feed Water
Supply Piping

Radiant Realities
Boiler Feed Water
feed water Inlet

Stop valve, or globe valve must be the same

size as the boiler inlet connection
Check Valve

ASME Section 1
Feed water piping
PG-58.3.3 BEP
Radiant Realities 38
Vented Deaerator

Radiant Realities 39
Deaerators are an ASME Section 8 Unfired Pressure Vessel
DA Typically Operates At 5psi to 12psi Steam Pressure
Small metering valve and piping
used to vent soluble air driven out of
solution at steam operating temp.

Radiant Realities 40
Spray Type
Column Type Deaerator

Radiant Realities 41
Steam Boiler Water Level

Radiant Realities 10
Start Stop
Pumps Normal operating
water level.
Pump off…..

Radiant Realities 43
There must always be
water in the sight glass
even when the boiler
auxiliary low water
cutoff shuts the burner
off due to a low water

Primary Low Water
Cut-Off Pump
Float type start stop
pump control with
automatic reset
 Maintains the boiler normal
operating water level
 Turns a pump on
 Turns a pump off
 Turns off the burner if a low
water condition exists
 Sounds an alarm

Radiant Realities 45
Float Type LWCO
With Water Column

Radiant Realities 46
Radiant Realities 47
Primary Low Water Cut-Off

Radiant Realities 48
Auxiliary or Secondary LWCO
Locate ½” below Primary burner cut-off cast line

Radiant Realities 49
Primary LWCO Float Type
Auxiliary LWCO Float Type
Start stop pump control with combined
A manual reset switch is required on all “Auxiliary”
water column & typical automatic reset
low water cut-off controls

Radiant Realities 50
Low pressure steam
systems can use the motive
force of city water pressure
to get water into the boiler
verses using pumps if city
water pressure is high

Water feeder and low-

water cut-off combination
Normal Operating Water Level does not leave much room for steam.
High water levels need to be addressed immediately.


Radiant Realities 52
Why Do Low Water Issues Occur?
1. Pump control fails to turn the pump on
2. Pump fails to supply enough water
3. Pump fails to pump water
4. Fresh water make up valve fails
5. No fresh water makeup
6. Lose city water pressure
7. Closed boiler feedwater valve
Boiler Blowdown

Radiant Realities 54
Quick opening boiler bottom
blowdown valves are always
opened first.
Radiant Realities 55
Slow opening blowdown
valve minimum five
turns to open.

Radiant Realities 56
Packaged Boiler Bottom Blowdown Separator
With an automatic self operating regulator that allows
cold water in as required to bring BD going to drain to
acceptable drain pipe temperature.

Blowdown separator tanks are not required to

have automatic cooling. Tanks with drain valves
that allow BD to cool in the tank or BD drained
to another tank is also acceptable by code.

Radiant Realities 57
Blowdown Tank Vent
Tank Inlet

Tank Drain

Radiant Realities 58

Radiant Realities 59
Boiler Bottom Blowdown
Boilers over 100 psi working steam pressure
Require two blowdown valves. Two slow opening or
one quick opening & one slow opening valve.

Pipe and Fittings

• Piping must be steel, Sch. 80 Minimum
• Fittings must be steel
• Threaded fittings must be forged steel fittings
• Maximum pipe size allowed 2-1/2” on any sized

Radiant Realities 60
Combustion Stack temperature is 120 F. Above steam operating temperature.
125psi steam operates at 353F. So an efficient boiler stack
temperature would be 475F.

2800-3200 F.

The boiler water absorbs an enormous

amount of heat energy. 3000F. Down
to less than 500F. In a very efficient
Radiant Realities 61
Steel begins to melt at 2370F.
Water is in the boiler to protect the
steel heat exchanger
Radiant Realities 62
The By-Products of Combustion
• Natural Gas is primarily methane
• The primary products of combustion are CO2 and
H2O. (Carbon Dioxide and Water)
• Water within the products of combustion is
totally vaporized and above the dew point
Products of combustion below the dew point
• CO2 plus Heat + Moisture = carbonic acid
• SO2 plus Heat + Moisture = sulfuric acid
Oil contains sulfur
Radiant Realities 63
Radiant Realities 64
• Combustion Efficiency is the effectiveness of
the burner only and relates to its ability to
completely burn the fuel. The Boiler has little
bearing on combustion efficiency. A well
designed burner will operate with as little as
15-20% excess air, while converting all
combustibles in the fuel to thermal energy.
• CO2 8.5-10.5%

Radiant Realities 65
Heat Absorption In the Boiler
Heat moves by conduction convection and radiation

Radiant Realities 66
Heat Absorption In the Boiler

Radiant Realities 67
Heat Absorption In the Boiler

Radiant Realities 68
Conventional Boilers Are Typically 80% Efficient
Fuel input = 100 %

Latent Heat
Heat Loss Sensible heat
= 10.2 % =89.8%
Up chimney Flue gas loss = 3 to 5 %
Up chimney
Boiler stand-by and jacket
loss =3 to 5 %
Into mechanical
efficiency of

Useful heat
Radiant Realities 69
Radiant Realities 70
British Thermal Unit

• A BTU is defined
as the amount of
thermal heat
energy required
to heat 1 lb. of
WATER 1 deg. F.

Water Boiling Point
The weight of air in the atmosphere exerts 14.7 pounds
per square inch on Earth at sea level

• Water at 14.7 psia (absolute) or 0 psig (gauge)

boils at 212 F.
• Water at 1 mile high boils at 202 F.
• Water on top of Mt Everest boils at 154 F.
• Water at .28 psia boils at 60 F.
• Water at 100 psig boils at 337.90 F.
Pressure Determines Boiling Point Temperature

At sea level water
boils at 212F. 0 psig
Or 14.7 psia absolute.
Steam and saturated
water have the exact
same temperature.
The liquid cannot hold
any more heat energy
and every additional
BTU converts 1 pound
of liquid to 1 pound of
The lower the steam
pressure the more
latent heat energy the
steam contains and
has to give up at the
heat emitter.
Latent heat quantity
goes down as steam
pressure goes up….
Temperature goes up
as steam pressure
goes up.
For every pound of
condensate at 125 psi sent
to a 0 psi vented condensate
receiver 14.9% of it’s liquid
volume flashes to steam
High Temperature Water At Mother
Nature’s Pressure
• At sea level’s atmospheric pressure of
14.7psia absolute (Or 0 psig gage)
mother nature will not allow water to
exist as a liquid above 212 degrees F.
• A percentage of every pound of water above 212 F.
has to flash to steam based upon the pressure
environment that it exits in.
Steam Quality & Purity
• Steam quality has to do with the amount of
moisture in the steam.
• Steam purity refers to the amount of solids,
liquid, or vaporous contamination in the steam.
Solids content.
• Carryover: Any solid, liquid or vaporous
contaminant that leaves a boiler along with the
steam. Entrained boiler water, which may contain
dissolved or suspended solids is the most
Radiant Realities 77
Radiant Realities 78
Water droplets in high velocity steam
can be as abrasive as sand particles
• They can erode pipe fittings and rapidly
eat away at valve seats.
• If a puddle of water is allowed to
accumulate it will eventually be picked
up by high velocity steam and
accelerated to near steam velocity.
• Causes water hammer, loosens pipe
fittings and supports.

Boilers are constructed to a
maximum allowable working
pressure. (This is the design
pressure of the vessel and the
maximum set point of a
safety valve).

Radiant Realities 80
Steam Systems Operate By Pressure
• Pressure controls operate the burner and
establish system operating pressure.
• The pressure environment allows pressure to
build and be maintained.
• The burners job is to maintain steam pressure by
delivering heat energy. It typically modulates
within a range to satisfy pressure demands.
• Based upon the steam load, pressure can be
fairly stable or drop. The burner firing rate is
increased or decreased to maintain the pressure
control set point.
Balanced Pressure System
Delta P or change in pressure allows steam to flow. Steam
condenses, takes up less space, pressure drops accordingly.
A steam system seeks a balanced pressure condition
Or steady state condition
• In a steady state condition fuel is burned at a steady rate.
Steam is used at a steady rate. Equilibrium is obtained.
• What upsets equilibrium?
• Additional Steam load.
What happens when a steam control valve is opened?
• The pressure drops in the boiler over the saturated water
surface. Heat energy is added to make steam as required
to the satisfy the pressure switch set point.

Pressure Controls
• One operating pressure control minimum.
(More can be used if desired).
• One high limit pressure control with
manual reset is required. On all steam
• Siphon or equivalent means of
maintaining a water seal at the control is

High Limit w/ Manual


Radiant Realities 84
Boilers must have at least one
steam operating pressure switch

Radiant Realities 85
Boilers must have one high limit safety pressure switch to
shut off the burner if the primary operating switch fails.
(This control must have a manual reset switch)

Radiant Realities 86
Modulating pressure control
If used, controls firing rate from a minimum fire to a
maximum firing rate in response to steam pressure.

Radiant Realities 87
Modulating Burners
Burners fire within a minimum range 10% or 20% to the maximum
designed burner input rating. (Low fire to high fire input.)
This chart details efficiency based upon the firing rate.

Radiant Realities 88
Safety Valves

Unfired Pressure
Vessel Stamp

Power Boiler

Heating Boiler

Radiant Realities 89
Radiant Realities 90
Safety Valve Drip Pan Elbow

Radiant Realities 91
Radiant Realities 92
SV Set Pressure Vs. Boiler Operating

ASME Section 1 Power Boilers

Within 10% of safety valve setting or no
closer than 7 psi.

Low Pressure Steam Boiler: 5psi

15psi Boiler not operated above 10psi

Radiant Realities 93
Steam demand & burner Loading

Burner Loading
• Unloaded
• No steam demand, burner is off.
• Loaded
• Burner is on and firing.
• Over Loaded
• Burner cannot add enough heat energy to maintain the
steam pressure.
• Too many steam users are turned on.
• Under Loaded
• Not enough steam load. Steam pressure rises. Burner
shuts off.

Radiant Realities 95
Steam Distribution Piping
What’s happening in the steam piping?
• Flow
• Velocity
• Pressure Drop
• Temperature
• Pressure
• Condensing
• Expansion
• Contraction
• Vacuum (When cools)

Radiant Realities 96
Steam Pipe Sizing
• Steam piping is sized based upon pressure drop &
• Typical heating system steam velocity is 4000 to
6000 fpm
• Typical industrial system steam velocity is 6000 to
12000 fpm
• Velocity equals pressure drop, noise, and erosion
• It’s best to keep velocity on the low side…..
• Noise is more acceptable in industrial plants vs.
heating plants so higher velocities are used.

Radiant Realities 97
Steam Velocity
Heating Systems
4000-6000 FPM

Process Steam
8000-12000 FPM

Steam Velocity
Does steam move faster at low Steam piping does not
pressure or high pressure? determine how fast steam
moves through it. The amount of
steam that the steam user is
asking for, and the operating
Move 6900 lbs of steam through 4” pressure determines the speed
pipe to the user in one hour. Using
70 psi and 125 psi steam of the steam in piping.
If 6900 lbs per hour of steam is
Velocity (fpm) = 2.4 * Q * Vs needed by the user.
4” pipe at 125 psi will have a
steam velocity of 4188 fpm.
4” pipe at 70 psi will have a
Vs=Sp. Volume (cubic feet)
steam velocity of 6725 fpm.
A= Internal pipe area (square in.) A 37% increase in velocity at
lower pressure.
70 psi = 6725 fpm
125 psi = 4188 fpm

Saturated steam velocity

4” pipe can move 8,900 lbs of steam per hour at 125 psi, and velocity of 6000
ft per minute.
4” pipe can only move 1,800 lbs of steam per hour at 10 psi and a velocity of
6000 ft per minute.

Steam Plant Checklists
And Preventative

Requires that boiler
manufacturers provide
maintenance and
testing procedures

2012 Current Edition
2012 ASME CSD-1
Boilers up to 300 Hp

Radiant Realities 103

Five Sections

General CG


Waterside Electrical CE
Radiant Realities 105
Radiant Realities 106
Radiant Realities 107
Boilers and Burners
Above 12,500,000
Btus (@ 300 Hp)

Radiant Realities 108

Steam Plant Checklists

Procedures should be established according to

the manufacturer’s recommendations

Use checklists and keep logs in the boiler room

Two separate logs
–Daily operations
–Maintenance activities

Radiant Realities 109

Boiler Room Logs and Records
The simple and basic reason for maintenance
Maintain top efficiency
Extend operational life of the equipment
Promote safety
1. Maintain complete records. Document each
individual component, model, serial number,
part number, and date installed.
2. Establish a detailed startup procedure.
3. Establish a written operating procedure.
Radiant Realities 110
General Safety
• Sufficient lighting
• Good housekeeping (Not a storage area)
• Adequate fresh air supply
• Heat room to acceptable ambient air temperature
• Keep electrical equipment clean
• Confirm no smell of gas or leaks exist
• Confirm that steam or water leaks have been referred to
maintenance staff for action
• Note any unusual boiler conditions
• Note changes in equipment status and why
Radiant Realities 111
Daily Operation Safety Checklist
• Water level
• Steam pressure
• Burner firing rate
• Main gas pressure
• Burner supply gas pressure
• Burner flame condition
• Flue temperature
• Feedwater temperature
• Feedwater tank water level
• Feed pump discharge pressure
• Makeup water usage
• Control settings
• Boiler cycles
Radiant Realities 112
Power Boiler Daily Duties

• Insure adequate supply of combustion air

• Take a water sample
• Treat water as required
• Blowdown water column
• Blowdown sight glass
• Blowdown/Test primary low water cut-off
• Blowdown/Test auxiliary low water cut-of
• Blowdown the boiler

Radiant Realities 113

Testing LWCO/Pump Control
Three Ways To Test LWCO’s
Open LWCO drain valve (Perform test daily)
• Burner should shut off
• Pump should come on
• (Not the best test for a float that may be sticking)
Slow drain test
• Partially open boiler bottom blowdown valve
• Perform test twice a year
Evaporation test
• Shut off the valve that supplies water to the boiler
• Turn off the pumps
Radiant Realities 115
Sight Glass

Sight Glass

Water Column

Radiant Realities 116

Water Column & Sight Glass Blowdown
Daily for power boilers
• Operator should monitor the action of the water
in the gauge glass. It should enter the glass
quickly indicating that the lines are free of sludge
and sediment or scale buildup.

Boiler bottom blowdown

Daily for power boilers
• Perform bottom blowdown when the boiler is
operating at a light load. Typically ½” in sight
glass. (Based upon water treatment)

Radiant Realities 117

Condition of the Burner Flame
1. Observe the condition of the flame to
determine it is even and not off color.
2. Gas flame should be translucent blue with
varying amounts of yellow on the flame ends
depending upon firing rate. The flame should
be even around the burner.
3. Oil burner flame should be bright yellow
without dark trails off the end of the flame.
4. Record stack temperature
Radiant Realities 118
Boiler Feedwater System Checklist
1. Feed water tank temperature
1. Warmer the better
2. Normal tank temperature
3. High temperature (always below 212F.)
1. Leaking steam traps
2. High volume of condensate return
3. Undersized vent piping
4. Lower than normal tank temperature
1. Leaking cold water makeup valve
2. Less condensate returned to tank
3. Cooled condensate
2. Feed water tank level
3. Feed pump discharge pressure
4. Tank vent plume
5. Tank leaks, corrosion
Radiant Realities 119
Performance Management

Radiant Realities 120

Oregon Boiler & Pressure Vessel
Specialty Code

Radiant Realities
Tim Blomdahl
Purpose of Oregon Adopted Boiler Law

• Protect the public

• Protect property in Oregon
• Ensure safe construction
• Safe installation
• Safe maintenance
• Safe repair of boilers & pressure vessels
Volumes 1,2,4,5,8,9,10
2013 ASME Code Sections
 Section 1 Rules for Construction of Power Boilers
 Section 2 Materials Parts A,B,C,D
 Section 4 Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers
 Section 5 Non-Destructive Examination
 Section 8 Unfired Pressure Vessels Div 1, 2,3
 Section 9 Welding & Brazing Qualifications
 Section 10 Fiber Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels
 Section 6 Recommended Rules Const of Heating Blrs
 Section 7 Recommended Rules Const of Power Blrs
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2013 Current Edition
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Radiant Realities 126

ASME Section 1 Boiler Construction Code
Designed to a MAWP (Maximum allowable working pressure)
High Pressure Boilers

ASME Section 1
Power Boilers
15 psi steam pressure
160 psi hot water
250 deg. F. hot water

Radiant Realities 127

ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Stamps
Miniature Boiler Limits ASME Section 1
100 Psi MAWP Power Boiler
5 Cu. Ft. Gross Volume
16” Diameter Shell Max Code Stamps
20 Sq. Ft. Of Heating Surface
2013 Current Adopted Edition ASME Section 2
Materials (4 Parts A,B,C,D)
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ASME Section IV Pressure Vessel Construction Code
MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
Design Pressure & “Safety Valve Setting”

ASME Section IV “H”

Steam Boilers
Operate below 15 psi
Hot Water Heating Boilers
Hot Water Supply Boilers
Operate below 160 psi
Operate below 250 deg F.

ASME Section IV “HLW”

Potable Hot Water Boilers
Operate below 160 psi Cleaver Brooks
Operate below 210 deg F.

Radiant Realities 136

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2013 Current Adopted Edition
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Unfired Pressure Vessels
Three Divisions
2013 Current Adopted Edition
2013 Current Adopted Edition
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2013 Current Adopted Edition
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ASME to lower it’s
international operating
costs has implemented a
single ASME stamp for all
pressure vessels verses the
individual stamped letters
used before 2010.
Typical ASME stamp and
letter designation below.

“S” Power Boiler

Boiler Safety Relief Valve Stamps
If it has a “V” in the stamp it applies to Boiler safety relief valves

Power Boilers
Unfired Pressure Vessel Relief Valve Stamps
2012 Current Adopted Edition
No Pressure Limit. Rules
For High Pressure Piping

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2012 Current Adopted Edition

2012 Current Adopted Edition

2012 Current Adopted Edition

Pressure Piping Rules

Up To 150 Psig

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2012 Current Edition
2012 ASME CSD-1
Boilers up to 300 Hp

Radiant Realities 152

ASME Code History
• 1911 Standards & rules for construction
• 1915 Section 1 Power Boilers Adopted
• 1920 Adopted by the State of Oregon
• ASME Section 1 set’s the rules for construction
of boilers that operate over 15 psi steam,
including, internal piping, external piping, the
valves, and the boiler external piping to the
valves, which make up the complete boiler
Boilers and Burners
Above 12,500,000
Btus (@ 300 Hp)
Purchase for $63.00

Radiant Realities 155

2013 NBIC
National Board Inspection Code
• Part 1 Installation
• Part 2 Inspection
• Part 3 Repairs/Alterations

Human Factor
• Operation, maintenance, and people issues
are by far the biggest combustion safety issue
• 40% of all deaths and accidents are caused by
human error or poor maintenance.
• Codes offer very little specific direction in
regards to training, other than to say training
it is required and should be done regularly.

Radiant Realities 167

Preventative Maintenance
• Combustion equipment can become less safe
with every minute of operation.
• Dust, dirt, debris accumulate in combustion
air fans and burners, changing air/fuel ratios
• Some gas control valves get a little more
sloppy every time they are cycled.
• Pressure switch diaphragms and contacts age
• Water level controls accumulate sludge.

Radiant Realities 168

2014 Oregon
Mechanical Specialty
Based upon
2012 International Mechanical Code
2012 International Fuel Gas Code
State of Oregon Permits
ASME Code Rules
• ASME code rules are not mandatory unless
they are adopted into the laws of a
• Usually referred to as a “Jurisdiction”.
Government authority.

• Example: Wyoming did not want to add the

expense of boiler rules to their governing
How Is The Code Funded In Oregon
• Permits are required to install boilers and unfired
pressure vessels. Unless exempt.
• Permits are required to operate pressure vessels and
be inspected.
• Permits for repairs, non-welded repairs and minor
repairs (replacement of safety controls)
• Business licensing to install boilers
• Class 1-6 Boiler & Pressure Vessel Licensing
• Fees for continuing education added to license

Flat Rate Boiler Permits

Effective January 1, 2010

Boiler installation permits are $175.00 with
12% surcharge
Total cost $196.00
Responsibility of Inspectors

• For new boilers, the inspector shall verify that the

controls and safety devices required by ASME CSD-1
or other construction codes are installed and
function as designed in accordance with
manufacturers instructions.


• All inspectors witnessing installation, repair or

alteration of boilers, pressure vessels or pressure
piping shall verify that the contractor and workers
performing the work are appropriately licensed and
hold valid permits as required by ORS 480.630

State Of Oregon Boiler Licenses
Class 1-6 Licenses
Class 1
Trainee helper boiler installer by non-welding
Class 2
Unfired pressure vessel installer non-welded.
Class 3
Building service mechanic. Install or repair boilers
and unfired pressure vessels by non-welding
Class 4
Boilermaker. Install alter or repair boilers &
pressure vessels (excluding non-boiler external
piping) by welding or other methods of
Class 5
Pressure piping mechanic. Fabricate install alter
repair pressure piping boilers and pressure vessels
by welded & non-welded methods.
Class 5A Process piping mechanic limited
Class 5 B Refrigeration piping mechanic
Class 6
Welder supervised by class 4,5,5a 5b and
Non-welded under direct supervision
Direct Supervision
• Means the person supervised is in the physical
presence of a qualified licensed person at the job
site and the person doing the supervision is
directly assigned to monitor and direct the
activities of the person supervised. Direct
supervision must be on a ratio of one qualified
licensed person to one trainee helper.
• Applies to class 3 helper/trainees. Non-weld

• Means the individual person assigned to perform
supervision is directly and specifically assigned to
monitor and direct the activities of the person being
supervised. Both the person performing supervision
and those being supervised shall be prepared to
identify each other. Applies to class 5 supervision
attachment by welding. More than 1 class 6 can be
supervised. A class 6 license can install by non-
welded methods, direct supervision rules apply.

Thank You!
Tim Blomdahl

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