Issue 127 Organic Consumers Association

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Food and Consumer News Tidbits with an Edge… From the Organic Consumers Association · www.organicconsumers.


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A mericans now understand that climate-destabilizing greenhouse gases are a
major threat to our survival. Unfortunately, large corporations have convinced
Congress to ignore real solutions to the crisis (like significant advances in fuel-effi-
ciency), while providing billions of dollars per year in subsidies to big-agribusiness
for agrofuels.
More than a hundred US based and international organizations, including the
Organic Consumers Association, are calling for a moratorium on the more than $8
billion of annual government subsidies paid to large corporations producing agro-
fuels from industrial-scale genetically engineered crops.
Family farmers currently receive only a small portion of annual funds allocated to
agrofuels. While billions of dollars in subsidies for corn, soy and palm oil-based
Quick Agro-Fuel Facts agrofuels certainly result in higher profits for corporate giants such as Archer
Increasing fuel efficiency by just 3% Daniels Midland, Cargill, and Monsanto, their overall contribution to reducing reli-
would reduce US dependence on for- ance on foreign oil and greenhouse gases is negligible (see facts in sidebar).
eign oil more than all of the agrofuels Government support for agrofuels in the US costs taxpayers roughly $2 per gallon
combined. in subsidies at the gas pump. These misguided funding priorities have taken tens
of billions of dollars of funding away from essential greenhouse gas reduction pol-
The amount of grain it takes to fill an icies, such as energy conservation, solar and wind power, fuel-efficiency technolo-
average gas tank with ethanol would be gies, and mass transit.
enough to feed a person for a year. While the OCA supports the production of biofuels from recycled waste (such as
-Foreign Affairs used vegetable oil, manure or sewage) and biomass sustainably grown and har-
vested for the benefit of local communities, the current focus is a recipe for disaster.
If the US stopped growing food and con- Learn more and sign the Agrofuel Moratorium Petition today:
verted its entire grain harvest into eth-
anol, it would satisfy less than 16% of
its automotive needs.
Related Quotes What Is the Future of Bio-Fuels?
-Earth Policy Institute
“Farmers are seeing little of the huge OCA’s web forum provides an online
The majority of US biofuels are pro- profits ethanol refiners like Archer discussion space for like-minded folks.
duced from pesticide intensive geneti- Daniels Midland (ADM) are banking… Over 1500 people have registered to
cally engineered crops (soy, corn). ADM will earn an estimated $1.3 billion the forum and are posting thoughts
from ethanol alone in the 2007 fiscal about everything from organic gar-
Monocultures of soy and sugar cane in year.” -from the New York Times dening to food safety to sustainability
Latin America and palm oil in Indonesia article: “How ADM makes a killing on issues.
and Malaysia have led to massive defor- ethanol”
estation and the loss of invaluable bio- This week’s feature topic is on bio-
diversity. “The United States, in a misguided fuels. What’s good about them, what’s
effort to reduce its oil insecurity by bad about them, and what role do they
Current methods of industrial-scale bio- converting grain into fuel for cars, is have in the future of the sustainability
fuel production worsen global warming generating global food insecurity on a movement? To read what other peo-
by increasing deforestation and degra- scale never seen before.” -Economist ple think, and to join in the discus-
dation of peatlands and soils, while also Lester Brown, speaking to the Des sions, visit www.organicconsumers.
creating more nitrous oxide emissions Moines Register 1/25/08 org/forum/index.php
from fertilizer use.
Written and edited by Craig Minowa & Ronnie Cummins
Organic Bytes #127 · January 31, 2008 · page 2

Unchain Your Heart this Valentine’s Day: Break Who in the World Loves Fast Food the Most?
the Chains of Toxic Pesticides and Child Slavery Last week, the polling body Synovate and the BBC released
Tis that time of year when results of a survey analyzing how people around the world view
more than 20 million fast food, dieting and exercise.
Americans are buying One of the questions of the survey was “I like the taste of fast
sweets and flowers food too much to give it up.” 44 percent of Americans agreed
for their loved ones with the statement while only 19 percent of the French agreed.
on Valentine’s Day. For the first time, the UK gained the dubious honor of being
Unfortunately, these the fast food capitol of the world with 45 percent of people say-
tokens of love aren’t ing they couldn’t give up the greasy grub.
as sweet or pure as When it comes to weight loss, over half of surveyed American,
they may appear. French and British people said they cut down on food to shed
Over 40% of the world’s pounds, while Malaysia had the highest percentage of people
conventional chocolate (i.e. Unchain connecting weight loss to herbs and supplements.
non-organic and non-Fair Trade) Your Heart! Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are among the top
comes from Africa’s Ivory Coast, where users of low-fat products and meal replacements, but also gym
the International Labor Organization and US State Department memberships and home exercise equipment.
have reported widespread instances of child slavery. Meanwhile, Learn more:
commercial flowers, most of which are produced in countries
such as Colombia, are the most toxic and heavily sprayed agri- ABC Told Not to Air Program
cultural crops on Earth. Highlighting Vaccine Problems
In order for you to deliver your bouquet to your beauty, poorly The American Academy of Pediatrics is calling on the ABC tele-
paid workers in Third World countries put in up to 18 hour vision network to cancel the premiere episode of Eli Stone, in
work days for poverty wages during peak flower buying times which a mother wins a $5.2 million lawsuit charging her son
such as Valentine’s Day. got autism from a vaccine.
But don’t let the bad news squelch your Valentine’s plans. Show The Academy claims airing the program may cause more peo-
your love by choosing Fair Trade and organic flowers and choc- ple to question the safety of vaccinations. In related news, a
olate for your Valentine’s Day gifts. recent poll in OCA’s web forum found that 72% of the survey
Check out OCA’s Buying Guide, watch an entertaining flash participants avoid all vaccinations, 11% avoid some vaccina-
movie and take action against the 5 major chocolate and flower tions, 12% get all of their vaccinations, and 4% believe vaccina-
corporations: tions should be required by law.
Food Safety Alert: Unlabeled Allergens
in Food Threaten Children’s Health Featured Web Video: Sweet Misery - a Poisoned World
In the last issue of Organic Bytes, we highlighted Robyn O’Brien If you’re still eating foods containing the artificial sweetener
as the activist of the week. Robyn’s organization, AllergyKids. aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, diet drinks, etc.), you need to
com, is working with the OCA to close a loophole in US food watch this documentary. Aspartame was approved for wide-
labeling regulations that is allowing common foods to contain spread use in the US in July of 1983. Within six months, brain
dangerous new allergens without labeling. tumor rates climbed 10%, diabetes went up 30% and brain lym-
Specifically, the US Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer phoma tumors skyrocketed 60%.
Protection Act fails to highlight and require labels for the now Learn how this toxic chemical was scandalously approved by
commonplace foreign or “novel” gene-spliced proteins and the FDA and is now one of the most widespread food additives
allergens in soy, corn, canola and other food products. in the US:
According to Daniel Sheehan, an FDA scientist, American
children are part of “a large, uncontrolled and basically Organic Bytes is a publication of the Organic Consumers Association
unmonitored human infant experiment.” Contact your 6771 S. Silver Hill Dr. · Finland, MN 55603 · 218·353·7454 · 218·353·7652 fax
Congress-members to require labels on gene-spliced foreign Note to co-op & natural food store subscribers: Organic Bytes is a great
proteins and allergens in food products, which are contribut- tool for keeping your staff and customers up to date on the latest issues.
ing to the epidemic of food allergies, autism, ADHD and asthma Feel free to print for posting on bulletin boards and staff break tables.
in our children. Learn more and take action: You are welcome to use this material for your newsletters. Subscribe to Organic Bytes:
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