Baanat Suad For NBF. 2017 (Recovered)
Baanat Suad For NBF. 2017 (Recovered)
Baanat Suad For NBF. 2017 (Recovered)
In March 2016, I had the opportunity to visit National Book Foundation
Islamabad where I met the Chairman of the Foundation Dr. Inam ul Haq Javed.
It so happened that he had seen my versified English translation of Imam
Bouseri R.A.’s famous Qaseedah BURDATUL MADIH published from
Islamabad in 2008. The Qaseedah included explanation of difficult words,
rhymed translation in English, literal translation and explanatory Notes. Dr.
Sahib also noted in this book titled ELEGY OF STREAKY GARMENT the
mention of two more Qaseedahs namely; the original Ka’b bin Zohair’s Burdah
which the famous Arabian poet had composed and read before the Prophet
SAW at Masjid e Nabavi following the conquest of Makkah (630 A.D.). This
Qaseedah which contains 60 verses was offered by the poet to seek amnesty
for his past satirical poetry against the Prophet SAW. Not only he was granted
pardon but Prophet SAW bestowed him with his Yemeni shawl named
BURDAH in Arabic.
This book is a response to Dr. Inam Sahib’s earnest desire for which I am
grateful to him. May Allah SWT accept my work and give the two of us shared
reward for this ‘Labour of Love’. It contains three Qaseedahs in their original
Arabic text and their translations as follows:
ii. BURDATUL MADIH by Imam Bouseri R.A. (162 Verses)
iii. NAHJUL BURDAH by Ahmad Shauqi (190 verses)
While I have translated the English and Urdu translation in verse for all three
Qaseedahs, the Persian translation of Qaseedah Ka’b bin Zohair and Nahajul
Burdah of Ahmad Shauqi has been done by Ahmad Hyderi and Muhammad
Dasti Nishapuri (Author of AASMAN E MADINAH) respectively.
Some distinctions of this work: i) In all probability, this work is the first-ever
attempt in Pakistan for a trilogy of including three Qaseedahs in one volume; ii)
and that too with trilingual translation of all three Qaseedahs in Urdu, English
and Persian; iii) another distinction is the rhyme in translations in Urdu and
English attempted by this translator; iv) each Qaseedah has been preceded by
a detailed introduction about the life of the respective poet and his works; v) All
three English translations in rhyme end in English letter ‘N’ in each of their (first
as well assecond) line . Yet another distinction is that vi) while the second line
of original Arabic Qaseedah Ka’b ends in Arabic letter ‘ ’لin the case of
Qaseedah Ka’b, my Urdu translation of this Qaseedah also ends in rhyme with
the Arabic/Urdu letter ل. This is called Qaseedah Lamiyyah in Arabic. vii) Other
two Qaseedahs (of Bouseri R.A. and Ahmad Shauqi) end their rhyme in second
line of each verse with Arabic letter م. This is called Qaseedah Meemiyyah in
Arabic. My Urdu translations of these two Qaseedahs also end in the letter م.
So these translations in Urdu can also be called Lamiyyah and Meemiyyah
respectively on the Arabic Qaseedah pattern.
The book starts with an article (immediately after this Preface), titled
Translator’s Note detailing the special virtues and distinctions, as mentioned in
Quran, about the ‘Seal of the Prophets’ Sayyadna Muhammad Mustafa SAW,
compared to other prophets. I have retained this Note from my previous edition
for the beauty of its contents.
Before conclusion, I may add that according to many scholars, out of all
the three Qasaa’id, the original Burdah Ka’b بُرده کعب بن زهيرis regarded as the
most masterly stroke. I too found it difficult to locate its ancient vocabulary for
which, at times, I had to refer to 5-6 Arabic dictionaries for one word. There is
consensus that out of the remaining two Qaseedahs, Imam Bouseri R.A.’s
Burdah الدريَّه في مدح خير البريَّه
ّ ِ الکواکبfar exceeds in its beauty, content, meter and
has been globally acknowledged as a distinguished and celebrated piece of
Arabic literature and as one of the most eminent praise ever said for the Prophet
SAW. Nahjul Burdah نهج البردهof Shauqi cannot be compared to Imam Bouseri
R.A.’s masterpiece.
Since I did not have much explanatory content for the Burdah Ka’b, I have
decorated each of its 60 verses with comparable verse from the ‘Master of
Ghazal’ Hafiz Shirazi in Persian supplemented by its English translation in
rhyme. The English translation of Hafiz has been produced from my own
translation of complete Diwan e Hafiz to be published very soon. The Sufi poetry
under each verse of Burdah Imam Bouseri R.A. is by various poets from the
entire Islamic world such as Ghalib, Iqbal, some Arabic, Persian and Turkish
poets. This is a universal heritage. I have added in some verses of this
Qaseedah, Hafiz Shirazi’s couplets alongwith versified English translation.
However, I must acknowledge that most of this classic poetry is reflected in The
Mantle Adorned by Abdal Hakim Murad (Quilliam Press Ltd. 2009). In Ahmad
Shauqi’s Nahjul Burdah, I have added only a few verses here and there since it
is the lengthiest and required lot of time, may be in next edition.
All praise and glory is for the Lord- Almighty Allah and blessings and
peace of Allah be upon His most honoured and most beloved Prophet
Muhammad صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّم. I feel greatly honoured to have been bestowed
this opportunity of translating Imam Bouseri ‘ رحمةهللا عليهs Qaseedah Burdah
which, before me, has been translated a number of times in numerous global
languages including regional languages of Pakistan. In fact, I have not added
anything to its beauty through English translation in rhyme. The plain fact is that
whenever I love some piece of poetry, I try to understand it more in depth and
give it a serious perusal and the best way for me has been to render it into a
wording that eases my own comrehension of the same. The same happened
when I translated Khayyam’s 250 quatrains in versified rhyme in English in the
year 2000 (Published by ECO Cultural Institute, Tehran in 2003). Having
listened to more popular verses of this Qaseedah on the Pakistan Television
channel (PTV) and in Mahaafil-e-Milaad (of late, I watched a beautiful recitation
by Mehmut Kurtis of Turkey on some music channel), I became keen to go
through Qaseedah in its entirety. Thus, during my trip to Pakistan from Doha
(Qatar) in January 2007 where I was serving as Counsellor/Deputy Head of
Pakistani Mission, I started work on its translation on 4 January 2007 and
Alhamd Lillah, the same has now been completed after eight months, the later
half of work done in Islamabad during May-August 2007 period.
I know that this Qaseedah is not available in the Gulf countries’ book
shops easily these days. I found three copies of the same (one contained in
Deewan Bouseri) in Qatar’s two libraries namely; Qatar National Library and
Sheikh Ali Bin Abdullah Al-Thani Library. While searching for the same, a
Sudanese Library staff once commented that this Qaseedah contained a few
references which were not appreciable by some scholars (due to excess in
praise of the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمfor which he used the Arabic word غلو.
And he quoted Verse 156 which mentions about Prophet ’صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمs
knowledge being so vast that the sciences and knowledge inscribed on لوح و قلم
(Pen and Plate) are only a part of it. In my humble opinion, Allah Almighty- the
Omni-Scientist bestowed upon His Chosen Prophet, a knowledge that is
immeasurable by us in our ordinary calculations. Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّم
used to get information from divine sources in various ways; i) the channel of
وحيor revelation of Holy Quran from time to time through the medium of
archangel Gabriel عليه السالم, ii) information or news of unseen غيب. While Quran
mentions about Allah;
ِ َو ِعن َدهُ َم َفا ِت ُح ا ْلغَ ْي
ب الَ يَ ْعلَ ُمهَا إِالَّ ُه َو
(Surah Anám 6, Verse 59) Translation: With Him are the keys of the unseen,
the treasures that none knoweth but He. Quran also tells us in another verse:
سول ُ ضى ِمن َّر َ َارتْ إِ َّال َم ِن- غ ْي ِب ِه أ َ َح ًد ا َ ب َف َال يُ ْظ ِه ُر
َ علَى ِ عَا ِل ُم ا ْل َغ ْي
(Surah Jinn 72, Verse 26-27) Translation: He (alone) knows the Unseen, nor
does He make any one acquainted with His Mysteries, Except an apostle
whom He has chosen:
And one encounters innumerable examples in the blessed life of Prophet صلى
هللا عليه و آله وسلّمsuch as his giving glad tidings to Suraqah bin Jasham who had
chased him during Hijrah that he will wear Persian king’s bangles, tidings of
victory of Rome and Persia, his confidence after Treaty of Hudaibiyyah that
victory was on its way, his preparations for the battle of Mutah for which, unlike
in previous battles, he appointed, in advance, three commanders in succession
namely; Zaid bin Harith, Jafar bin Abi Talib and Abdullah bin Rawaha as if he
knew beforehand the sequence of events and his companions’ martyrdom), and
iii) the exclusive and beyond-human-comprehension chain of events and
guided-tour of heavenly spots and a special session with the Lord on the Night
of Ascension or ISRA when Allah almighty revealed to him what Quran says;
ع ْب ِد ِه َما أَوحَى
َ ( فَأَوحَى إِلَىSurah Al-Najm 53, Verse 10) Translation: So did (Allah)
convey the inspiration to His Servant- (conveyed) what He (meant) to convey.
This is something which only Allah knows as to what He revealed to him or only
he knows to whom it was revealed. There is no third person or go-between to
give any clue as to what transpired during this exclusive meeting. Let me add
that while the word عبدmeans a servant who is required to worship, Allah has
always used this word in a very affectionate connotation for this particular
Prophet, not only here but even in another verse which pertains to invitation for
ISRA or Night Journey.
س ِجدِاأل َ ْقصَى
ْ َرام ِإلَى ال َم
ِ س ِجدِالح ْ َ َان الَّذِي أ
ْ س َرى ِبعَ ْب ِد ِه لَيأل ً ِّمن َال َم َ س ْبح
(Surah Al-Isra 17, Verse 1) Translation: Glory to (Allah) Who did take His
Servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque.
So here is a special ( عبدServant) who is being honoured in a sublime way by
the Creator of the worlds.
Under verse Nos. 37, 38, 39 and 40 which mention about superiority of Prophet
Muhammad صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمas ( أفضل الرسلthe Most blessed or favoured
Prophet) over all other Prophets, the Arabic commentator in one of the above-
referred Qatar Library books commented that one should not differentiate
between prophets of Allah, as according to Holy Quran:
ُ ين أَحَد ِّمن ُر
س ِل ِه ُ ال نُفَ ِ ّر
َ َق ب
(Surah Baqarah 2, Verse 285) Translation: We make no distinction between
one and another of His apostles. Well, in my opinion, we must never
differentiate and rightly so, in the established fact that all of messengers were
Allah’s chosen people bestowed with prophethood; that’s part of the belief. This
makes Muslims different from other ‘Peoples of the Book ’اهل الكتابwho used to
believe in some prophets but discarded others. But as regards the inter se
merits or divine favours on some of them, let us read another Quranic verse in
its proper context. Quran says:
ع َلى بَعض َ س ُل َفضَّلنَا َبعض ُهم ُّ َتِلك
ُ الر
(Surah Baqarah 2, Verse 253) Translation: Those apostles We endowed with
favours, some above others. Or Surah Isra, Verse 55 says:
علَى بَ ْعض َ ض ال َّنبِ ِّي
َ ين َّ ََولَقَ ْد ف
َ ض ْلنَا بَ ْع
Translation: And indeed, We have preferred some of the prophets above
others. Another Quranic verse that bears ample testimony as to Prophet
Muhammad صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمbeing the supreme in the line of Prophets is
evident in the following:
Here, let me take the liberty to reproduce and supplement therein what the
esteemed author of “Atlas on the Prophet ’ صلى هللا عليه و آله وس ّلمs Biography“”
Dr. Shawqi Abu Khalil has mentioned in the introductory chapter of his book
about this most-beloved and most-honoured Prophet of Allah. He writes:
Concerning Muhammad صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّم, Allah SWT says in Quran;
َ ُإِنَّا فَتَحنَا َلكَ فَتْ ًحا ُّمبِي ًنا ِليَغ ِف َر َلكَ هللاُ َما تَقَ َّد َم ِم ْن َذ ْن ِبكَ َو َما تَأ َ َّخ َر َويُتِ َّم نِ ْع َمتَه
ْ ع َليكَ َويَه ِد َيكَ ِص َرا ًطا ُّم
ست َ ِقي ًما
(Surah Al-Fat’h 48, Verses 1,2) Translation: We have indeed (O dear
Prophet Muhammed – peace and blessings of Allah SWT be upon him),
bestowed upon you a clear victory. So that Allah may forgive, for your sake, the
earlier and later sins of your community (of those who did good deeds, made
sacrifices and participated in Jihad) and complete His favours upon you, and to
show you the Straight Path.
iv) Musa عليه السالمasks مرى ِ َ سر ِلى أ ّ ِ ( َو َيSurah Ta-ha 20, Verse 26)
Translation: And ease my task for me. About the Ameen-Trustworthy Prophet
َ ُس ُركَ ِل ْلي
صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّم, it says; سرى ّ ِ َ( َونُيSurah Al-A’ala 87, Verse 8)
Translation: And We shall make easy for you (O Muhammad صلى هللا عليه و آله
)وس ّلمthe easy way.
vi) Musa عليه السالمwas sent as a Prophet to the children of Israel, to his own
people only.
سرآئِي َل َوال تُعَ ِذّ ْب ُهم
ْ ِسل َمعَنَا َبنِى إِ فَأ َ ْر
(Surah Ta-ha 20, Verse 47) Translation: So let the children of Israel go with
us and torment them not. In another verse, Quran says:
ًسرآئِي َل أَآلَّ تَت َّ ِخذُو ِم ْن دُونِى َو ِكيال
ْ تاب َو َجعَلنَا ُه ُهدًى ِلّبَنِى ِإ َ َوآتَينَا ُمو
َ سى ال ِك
(Surah Al-Isra 17, Verse 2) Translation: And We gave Musa عليه السالمthe
Scripture and made it a guidance for the children of Israel (saying): Take none
other than Me as your Wakil (Protector, Lord or Disposer of your affairs, etc)
But Muhammad صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمwas sent as mercy to the worlds (entire
ً يرا َّونَذ
ِيرا ً شِ اس َب ِ َّس ْلنَاكَ إِالّ كَآفَّ ًة ِلّلنَ َو َما أ َ ْر
(Surah Saba 34: 28) Translation: And We have not sent you (O Muhammad
) صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمexcept as a giver of glad tidings and a warner to all mankind.
َ سلناكَ ِإالّ َرحْ َمة ً ِلّل َعالَ ِم
ين َ َو َما أَر
(Surah Al-Anbiya 21, Verse 107) Translation: And We have sent you (O
Muhammad )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمnot but as a mercy for the Aalamin (Mankind,
jinn and all that exists)
ين – َولَتَعلَ ُمنَّ نَبَأ َ ُه بَ ْع َد ِحين َ إن ُه َو ِإالّ ِذك ٌْر لّل َعالَ ِم
(Surah Saad 38, Verse 87-88) Translation: It (this Quran) is only a reminder
for all the Aalamin (mankind and jinn). And you shall certainly know the truth of
it after a while.
هللا ِإ َلي ُك ْم ج َِميعًا
ِ ُ سول ُ اس ِإنِّى َر ُ قُل يَا أَيُّهَاال َّن
(Surah Al-A’araaf 7, Verse 158) Translation: Say (O Muhammad صلى هللا عليه
ّ )و آله وسلم: O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah.
viii) Allah has given two of His most beautiful names to His best loved
ٌ ُف َّر ِحيم ِ علَيكُم بِال ُم
َ ِؤمن
ٌ ين َرؤ َ علَي ِه َما
ٌ عنِتُّم ح َِر
َ يص َ يز ِ ُسو ٌل ّم ْن أ َ ْنف
ٌ سكُم ع َِز ُ لَقَد جَآ َءكُم َر
(Surah Al-Tawbah 9, Verse 128) Translation: Verily, there has come unto you
a Messenger (Muhammad )صلى هللا عليه و آله وس ّلمfrom amongst yourselves. It
grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He is anxious over
you; for the believers, he is most kind and most merciful.
ix) Allah swears by His beloved Prophet’s age, as is the Arab tradition and
an honour in such swearing in:
َ لَ َع ْم ُركَ ِإنَّ ُه ْم لَ ِفي
َ سك َْر ِت ِه ْم َي ْع َم ُه
(Surah Hijr 15, Verse 72) Translation: Verily, by your life (O Muhammad صلى
) هللا عليه و آله وسلّم, in their wild intoxication, they were wandering blindly.
x) While Allah addresses other prophets by name O Adam, O Musa, O Nuh,
O Dawud, O Zakariyya, O Yahya, O Lot, O Isa , his most beloved Messenger
is called ( يأ أيُّهَاال ُم َز ِّملthe Enshrouded One!, Surah 73), ( يأ أيُّهَاالم َد ِث ّرthe Encloaked
One!, Surah 74) سول ُ أيهاالر
َّ ّ ( يا أيهاال َّنO Prophet!, O Messenger!)
يا, بى
xi) While the miracles of earlier Prophets were temporary and went off after
them, the exclusive miracle of Muhammad bin Abdullah صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمis
lasting and eternal, in the preservation and availability of Holy Quran which
keeps revealing its mysteries and testifying new discoveries with each passing
day. Allah has guaranteed its preservation:
َ ظ
ون ُ ِإِنَّا نَحْ نُ نَ َّز ْل َنا ال ِذّك َْر َو ِإنَّا لَهُ لَحَاف
(Surah Hijr 15, Verse 9) Translation: Verily, We, it is We, Who have sent down
the Dhikr (i.e. the Quran) and surely, we will guard it (from corruption or
deliberate distortion).
Zohair was counted among three prominent poets from the Days of
Ignorance ا ّيام الجاهلية, the other two being Imra’ul-Qais and Nabigha Al-Zubyani.
Zohair is still studied in schools and universities all over the Arab world as one
of the finest poets of the pre-Islamic era. He was a great concentrator and
civilized poet who was renowned for composing a Qaseedah in four months,
editing it in another four months, and then submitting it to friends for appraisal
for another four months. He lived for approximately 90 years and died before
the Commissioning of Prophethood by Muhammad صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّم. He was
more influenced by the sayings of ( اهل الكتابChristians and Jews) as indicates
his poetry. He had three sons namely; Salim, Ka’ab and Bujayr.
Ka’ab’s cousins, uncles and two aunts namely; Salma and Khansa were
all born-poets. He himself started saying verses in the early childhood. Born in
pre-Islamic days, he embraced Islam and lived until the times of Muawiyah bin
Abu Sufyan. His brother Bujayr embraced Islam earlier than Ka’ab. The story
goes that the two poet brothers were highly opposed to Islam and Prophet صلى
هللا عليه و آله وسلّم. Following the conquest of Makkah, both brothers quit Makkah.
One day, while Prophet SAW was preaching at AbraqڏulڏGhazaaf under a palm
tree, Bujayr asked Ka’ab to wait (keep grazing goats) while he would go and
listen to Prophet ’ صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمs verses (scripture) so that they could
compose a rejoinder. In fact, Bujayr was captivated by the kind persona of the
Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمat the very first sight and instantly embraced Islam.
Having waited some time for the return of his brother, Ka’ab at last came to
know of his brother’s conversion. In fact, Bujayr asked his broteher to either
come to Madinah to seek amnesty or flee away as had done two other satirical
poets Ibn al-Zibara and Hubayra bin Abu Wahb. Kab replied by sending some
derogatory verses to his brother, the first verse is as follows:
Give Bujayr a message from me:
Do you accept what I said, confound you?
Tell us plainly if you don’t accept what I say
For what reason other than that has he led you
To a religion I cannot find his father ever did
And you can not find that your father followed?
Iyou do not accept what I say I shall not grieve
Nor say if you stumble God help you!
Al-Ma’mun* has given you a full cup to drink
And added a second draught of the same.
(*Ka’b used this title as Quresh used to name the Apostle so).
Who will tell Ka’b that that for which you wrongly blame me
Is the better course?
To God alone not al-Uzza and al-Lat
You will escape and be safe while escape is possible,
On a day when none will escape
Except a Muslim pure of heart
Zohair’s religion is a thing of naught
Ad the religion of Abu Salma is forbidden to me.
Bujayr had showed Ka’b’s verses to the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمwho
permitted the beheading of Ka’ab. It so happened that after the conquest of
Makkah, one such anti-Islamic poet Nazar bin Harith was beheaded and others
were on the run like Ibnul Zubari and Habeerah bin Abi Wahab. During these
times, Ka’ab went in hiding. He sent a five-line poetic message to Bujayr
seeking his advice. In this short verse, he described Prophet as ‘trustworthy’.
Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمis reported to have said commenting about his own
description: “He has told the truth, although he is a confirmed liar. I am certainly
“trustworthy.” Prophet is reported to have added: “Certainly, the moral values of
Islam were not known to his parents.” It seems that Bujayr sent his advice,
mixed in prose and poetry, to his brother to submit himself before the Prophet
صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمwho was a very kind-hearted person and would forgive him.
Bujayr wrote to his brother:
Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وس ّلمhad never killed anyone who declared his
repentance of past hostility against Islam, no matter how grave his crime was.
The examples of Wahshi who had killed his dear most uncle Hamzah عليه السالم
at the battle of Uhud and Hind, sister of Abu Sufyan who had disfigured and
desecreated the body of Hamzah عليه السالمbut was pardoned by the Prophet,
came to Ka’ab’s mind. Thus, Ka’ab who had been deserted by friends, headed
for Madinah. Fearing Prophet’s earlier order ُ َمن لَ َقي کعب فَليَقتُلُهhe used to travel at
night hiding himself at day time. Once in Madinah, he got shelter at Abu Bakar
Siddique ( رضي هللا تعالى عنهsome say, at a relative from Juhainah). Next morning,
he reached Prophet SAW’s mosque where Ali A.S. asked him who he was. He
replied that he was a traveler who had come to see the Prophet SAW. When
permitted entry inside, he raised the cries of االَمان االَمانOne of the Ansar
recognized Ka’b and asked for Prophet SAW’s permission to kill him. At this,
Ka’b said that he had repented and embraced Islam. He asked for pardon.
Prophet SAW said: .ُ ا ِالسالم يَم ُحو ما ققبلَهThus, he joined prayers behind Prophet
صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمand embraced Islam. Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمasked
Abu Bakar to utter what Ka’ab had said in his derogatory verses. When Abu
Bakar reached at فانهلك المأمور وعلكا, Ka’ab said: “No more المآمورbut I said
المأمون.” Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمsaid: “By God المأمون.” He was greatly
pleased with Ka’ab who recited his elegy which later became known as
قصيدةالبردة. When he reached the verse:
ان الرسول لنور يستضاء به – مهند من سيوف هللا مسلول
Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمwas so pleased that he appointed him as a
distinguished poet on his side, appreciated him and granted him his Burdah
(striped robe). Of the four famous poets-laureate of the Prophet SAW namely:
Ka’b bin Zohair, Ka’b bin Malik, Hassan bin Thabit and Abdullah bin Rawaha,
Ka’b bin Zohair was certainly the most distinguished. Thus, Ka’ab’s elegy also
became famous as Burdah Ka’ab. Later, Muawiyah had wanted to buy this
blessed garment Burdah (robe) but Ka’ab refused to sell Prophet صلى هللا عليه و
’ آله وسلّمs gift. When he died, Muawiyah turned to his descendants and bought
it at a price of 40,000 Dirhams. This robe was later inherited by subsequent
Caliphs who used to wear it on Eid festivals/prayers. Thus, it came down to
Ottoman Caliphs. Sultan Murad II preserved it in a box made of gold.
Reportedly, it still remains preserved there until now at Astana in Turkey (or
possibly at Top Kapi Museum in Istanbul).
Essence of Ka’ab’s Burdah in praise of Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وس ّلم: Ka’ab
uttered his Qaseedah (60 verses) in an unusual way, starting with ode-pattern
and expressing a desire for the beloved. Ka’ab speaks of his desire for a certain
character named Su’aad who is away from him. He is her captive and she is
either his mistress or likely his wife as report some tales. This part ends at verse
14. One must not forget the Arab cultural aspect here that the poet talks of his
romantic feelings in front of Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمimmediately after a
morning prayer in the mosque and he is not stopped by the Prophet صلى هللا عليه
و آله وسلّم. Instead, he is granted amnesty. Thus, the ode was not for selfish
expressions but what comes in later verses expresses poet’s immense love for
Allah’s religion and praise of Prophet Muhammad صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّم. He seeks
a union with Su’aad, expresses his pleasure on the blessing of pledging
allegiance to the Prophet of Islam and expresses his feelings of gladness or
السعادةabout entry into a new religion. An in-depth look at this Qaseedah makes
clear that it is the embracing of Islam that is Su’aad, other references being to
his brother’s letter of advice, amnesty and protection from the Prophet صلى هللا
عليه و آله وسلّمand his own warm feelings about entry into the new religion.
Part Two of Ka’ab’s Burdah is a praise of his camel or carrier (as was the
case about horses and camels during that period). Camel becomes a source of
transportation to reach Su’aad, hence a mention of camel’s training, upbringing,
feeding, virtues etc. Here the poet uses, unlike Roman or Persian phrases,
desert-Arabic words. These attributes stretch upto verse 39. Suddenly, he turns
to the praise of Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمand speaks of amnesty from the
Prophet of Islam صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمin the next four verses with full force. A
man with price on his head, a fugitive is suddenly given a new lease of life, this
induces the poet to utter words of wisdom as appears in his verses;
1st wisdom or fact: ( انه ال صديق االّ نفسهhis verse )كل صديق عنك مشغول
2nd wisdom or fact: ( ان هللا يفعل ما يشآءhis verse )و كل ما قدرالرحمان مفعول
3rd wisdom or fact: ( ان كل انسان مهما طالت به الحياة سينتهى الى الترابhis verse يوم على
)آلة حدبآء محمول
The word نبئتis a ray of light or the start of a new life. Continuing his
praise for the Prophet, he confesses his sins and pledges to give up old habits.
In it, he also associates other companions of the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّم.
He accepts Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمwith his heart and soul, takes Quran as
the miracle descended from heavens, as he says;
مهال هداك الذى أعطاك نافلة – القرآن فيها مواعيظ و تفصيل
Just in one verse, he speaks about his life spared by Prophet صلى هللا عليه
ّ )مهال( و آله وسلمand also speaks of the Quran as God’s word and a miracle of the
Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّم. His soul opens up to Islam in full, changing for him
a life of despair to one full of safety and security. Here, he sits in the assembly
of Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمwho has a majesty and awe amongst his
companions. He ends up his elegy in praise of Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمin
the last 8 verses, touching on latter’s emigration to Madinah, his battles with
non-believers etc. The beginning of this part is so touching and befitting;
ان الرسول لنور يستضاء به – مهند من سيوف هللا مسلول
He describes Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وس ّلمas the light and a sword,
describing Muslim armies as brave and undeterred, ready to embrace death
voluntarily and showing no back. This Qaseedah is an example for the poets of
pre-Islamic and early Islamic epoch, composed on pre-Islamic pattern but
subject-wise, it’s a piece of Islamic poetry, from a poet who, on the one hand,
had witnessed the Days of Ignorance ايّام الجاهليّه, then sided with unbelievers;
this being the poet’s first Qaseedah after his conversion to Islam. This brings
Ka’ab to the top list of post-Islamic poets except probably for Hassan Bin Thabit-
the official poet of the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّم
Interestingly, Ka’ab’s Qaseedah praises the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّم
and his companions; especially Muhajirun (who migrated from Makkah to
Madinah) but it does not include any praise of the Ansaars (Madinite helpers –
Ansaars who gave shelter to refugees- Muhajirun). Some say that Ka’ab recited
the Qaseedah some days after his arrival in Madinah and Ansaars were omitted
because one of them had suggested the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمfor killing
the Ka’ab. According to Adil Salahi, the author of ‘Muhammad صلى هللا عليه و آله
وسلّمMan and Prophet’, it is perhaps more accurate to say that in keeping with
traditions of the time, Ka’ab recited his poem on the very first morning of arrival
in Madinah. That Ansaars were omitted in it is due to the fact that Ka’ab did not
know much about them. He praised Muhajirun because they were his own
people who had supported the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلّمever since the early
days of Islam. Shortly afterwards, Ka’ab composed a fine poem praising
Ansaar, after having learnt fully the true nature of their role in serving the cause
of Islam.
Ka’b ibn Zohair’s ‘SU’AAD HAS DEPARTED’
Part-I: (Nasīb) (Verses 1–14)
نت سعاد؛ فقلبی الیوم متبولَبا
د ّیم إثر
َ لم یف، َها مت
ہےملول، آج ميرا دل بيمار محبت،سعاد چلی گئی ُ
پابند سالسل، بنا رهائی،پرچهائياں ڈہونڈتا ہوا
.سعاد رفت و قلب من امروز اسير او شده و فديه ای برای آزادی او داده نشده است
بانَت: (from بينونه، )بينbe separate, far distant, distinct, divorce, depart
سعا ُد: Sweetheart; lady of the ode
متبو ُل: (from تبلto consume) destroy, annihilate, inflict a calamity (Itbal:
drive out of one’s senses/ confuse a man’s mind (woman)
ُمتّي ٌم: (from تيم، (تامenslave, degrade, inspire with love
إثر: sign, trace left behind
لم يُف َد: (from فديهransom) not ransomed
مکبو ُل: (from کبلto imprison) enchained, imprisoned (Kubal: to fetter a
اذا، غداة البین،و ما سعاد
غضیض الطرف، إل أغن
روتے هرن مثل لگتی تہی سعاد جب چلے وه لوگ کل
نگه نيچی گهايل، سرمہ لگی آنکهيں،ُگنگناتی هوئی
سعاد به مانند يک آهويی بود که چشمانش پر از،زمانی که قوم سعاد اين منطقه را ترک کردند
.سرمه بود و در صدايش غنه داشت
غداة: morning
رحل: to travel, to depart
ُّ أغن: to hum, make soft melodies (also to make noise through nostrils)
غضيضُ : (from ) غضto lower, diminish, withhold
مکحو ُل: eyes darkened with collyrium (antimony)
ِرَاء مدب َِهیفاء مقب
لۃ عجز
َل طَول ّ َکَي َقصر
ِنها و
م َشت
ل ی
پلڻتے موڻے سرين،پتلی کمر سامنے سے جب آئے
گلہ بنتا نهيں کہ اسکا قد هے کوتاه ياہےطويل
هيفا ُء: (woman) with a slim waist
ُمق ِبلَ ًۃ:when she comes/appears from front
عجزا ُء َ :buttock (fleshy one). Big butts with slim waist is sign of beauty in
ً ُمدبِ َرة:when she shows her back
ال يَشتَکَي:There is no fault/nothing to complaint about
قَصر: shortness (in height)
َطو ُل: tall (in height)
اذا ابتسمت، تجلو عوارضَ ذی ظلم
معـلول،ِکـــأنه منهل بالراح
جب وه مسکرائے اسکے دانتوں کی سفيدی چمکے
جيسے لے مے کےگهونٹ ايک کے بعد ايک مسلسل
گويی آب بر روی. گويی آثار شراب بر روی دندان های براقش پيدا می شود،هنگامی که می خندد
.دندان هايش برای نخستين بار و چندمين بار با شراب سيراب شده است
تجلو: (from)جالءto illuminate, lighten
َ : frontal teeth which expose during smile
ذی َظلم: Zalam: whiteness (of teeth) . Not ظلم ُ Zulm which means
منه ٌل:(pl. is )مناهلa watering place, place with a spring in desert ii) ين ِه ُل،ن ِهل
to take a first drink or draught/quench thirst
ِ راح: liquid, drink, wine
( معـلو ُلfrom )علto drink again for satiation. Camels have a habit to take a
sip then raise head (called )نهل. Second time they take large sip called عل
َّـــت بذی شبم من ماء
أضحی و هو مشمول،َ
صاف بأبطح
ڻهنڈا پانی کنکريوں پہ بہتا هوا،ندی کا موڑ
وادی کاصاف پانی جس پہ گذری هوباد شمال
شرابی که از آب خنکی آميخته شده و در پيچی رها شده و در دشت رها شده و باد شمال نيز بر آن
ش َّجـــت
ُ : to mix water in wine
شبم: cold ( يوم ذو شب ِمmeans a cold day)
محنيه: river’s angulation where water is pure and cold
أبط َح: wide stream in hills with small pebbles in sediment. Its water is
أضحی: morning hours when sun is yet not in full heat
مشمو ُل: hit by northern ( شمالcold) wind
و،تنفی الریاح القذی عنه
بیض، من صوب ساریة
هوائوں کے گذر سے اسکی دهول گئی هودُهل
پها ڑوں کی خنکی شامل،رات کی زورداربارش
خار و خاشاک را از آب دور می کنند و باران های ابر سفيد و پهناور شباهنگام آن را پر می،بادها
تَنفی: dispel, remove
ُ ريا: (pl. of )ريحwinds
قذی: mote or small particle (in the eye) or the ones floating on running
ُ أفرطه: to fill, saturate
صوب: heavy downpour
سارية: clouds that pour at night ( morning clouds are called )غاديه
( يعاليلplural of )يعلول: i) bubbles that make up on rain drops ii) white
mountains from which ice or rain water descends down into rivers
نها ص َِّها خ
ّ لو أ،لة ِم بَکر
َ مقبول َّ النصح
َ أن أو،َها
َلو موعود
بڑی اچہی دوست گر س ّچی رهتی وعدے کی
کم از کم دوست کا مشوره تووه کرليتی قبول
،اگر سعاد به عهد خود وفا می کرد و به گفته ی خود پايبند می بود و نصحيت ها را می پذيرفت
.دوست خوبی می بود
کرم بِهاِ َ ا: What made Su’aad so honoured (exclamation)
ً ُخلَّة: friend (its plural is )اخالءfrom خليل
موعو َد: promise
نُص َح: advice, counsel
لة قـــد سیــطَ من دمــهاََّّها خ
َ و و،فجع
و إخالف و،َلع
ايسی محبوبه جسکے خون ميں هے شامل
قول کرنا تبديل، وعده خالفی، هتهيانا،تڑپانا
.اما سعاد خونش با مصيبت و دروغ و خلف وعده مخلوط شده است
سيــ َط: (from ط ُ سو
ُ ي، ) ساطto mix, mingle, link
فج ٌع: calamity
( َول ٌعWal’u) : Falsehood, lie, deprive one of his right ( ول ُعWala’u= violent
love, passion)
ٌ َ ا: )pl. of Khulf)خلف
ُ breach of word or promise (Khalf /Akhlaf means
تبدي ُل: perfidy
فما تدوم علی حال تکون بها
َّن فی أثوابها الغــول
کما تلــو
نهيں رهتی ايک حال پر ڻک کر وه کبهی بہی
بدلے رنگ ايسےجيسے بدلے لباس کوئی چڑيل
مانند غولی که دائما،سعاد پيوسته در حال تغيير خصوصيات خود است و به عهد خود وفا نمی کند
.در حال تغيير است و از شکلی به شکل ديگر در می آيد
تدو ُم:to stay, permanence, consistency
َّ : to change colours (mood, temperament)
أثواب: clothes (pl. of ) ثوب
غــو ُل:demon, genii that takes varied forms/calamity, misfortune. In Arabia,
desert-dwellers find a genii who appears in different forms and colours to
frighten men. It takes the shape of a dog or cat, sometimes red, at others
black; sometimes two-legged, at others four-legged. In Persia, they call
it غول بياباني
مت َع
َْ ِ الذي ز
هد َسَّك بالع
َْ َ ول
ِیل ء الغ
َِك الما َْما ی
مس إلَّ ك
عهد و پيمان پر نهيں رهتی وه کبہی بہی قائم
جيسے چهلنی کا پانی فورا باہر جاتا ہے نکل
، چون غربالی که آب هيچگاه بر روی آن باقی نمی ماند، معشوق هيچگاه به وعده خود عمل نکرد
.يعنی به دنبال معشوقی هستم که به وعده اش عمل نمی کند
َّ ت َ َم:to fulfill, grab, hold fast to
َزعَم: say, assert, pretend, be of opinion
الغَرابِي ُل: sieve
نہ صبر در د ِل عاشق نہ آب در غربال
ْعدَتَ فال يَغُ َّر ْنكَ ما َمنَّتْ وما َو
ضلي ُلْ َ ي واألحْ ال َم ت
َّ ِإنَّ األمان
اسکی اميد دالنے کا يا وعده کا دهوکه نه کهانا
خواب کرتے هيں خوار و ذليل،جهوڻی تمنّائيں
Literal Translation:
Let not the wishes she inspired and the promise she made beguile
thee: lo, these
ishes and dreams are a delusion. how theyIn is blood (it weeps),
hatoo does
كانَتْ َمواعي ُد ع ُْرقوب لَها َمثَال
وما َموا ِعيدُها إال َّ األباطي ُل
.پيمان های او به مانند داستان عرقوب است که تنها و تنها باطل و خيال است
Literal Translation:
The promise of `Urqub were a parable of her, and his promise were
naught but vanity.
ديدي كه يار جز سر جور و ستم نداشت
بشكست عهد وز غم ما هيچ غم نداشت
As you saw, friend had only cruelty and oppression
Broke promise and of our grief, he held no concern
ُ َ ْ
أرجو وآ ُم ُل أن تدْنو َم َو َّدتها ْ
ْ َ ْ َ
وما إِخا ُل ل َديْنا ِمن ِك تنوي ُل
ولی گمان نمی کنم که از تو ای سعاد،اميد دارم و آرزويم اين است که عشق وی شامل حال ما شود
.بهره ای نايل شوم
أرجو ْ : I hope
وآ ُم ُل: I have covet, I desire
دْنو: to be closer
ُ مودت: friendship, intimacy
إِخا ُل: think, imagine
ت ْنوي ُل: bestow, grant, large
Literal Translation:
I hope and expect that women will ever be ready to keep their word
but never
me thinks are they ready.
سرشک در طلب درها فشانيد
ولی از وصف اوبی حاصلی بود
My tears shed pearls, union they did anticipate
But given his characteristic, I had no any profit
أرض اليُبَ ِلّغُها
ْ ِسعا ُد بُ ْست َ أم ْ
ِ ق النَّجيباتُ ال َمرا
سي ُل ُ إال َّ ال ِعتا
Literal Translation:
In the evening Su'ad came to a land whither none is brought save by
camels that are excellent and noble and fleet.
يا راکبا تبری عن موثقی و هادی
ان تلق اهل نجد کلم بحسب حالی
O camel rider who has left my place of habitat
If ye meet Najd dwellers, tell them of my state
ٌغذا ِف َرة
ُ ّ ولَ ْن يُ َب ِلّغَها إال
إرقا ٌل وتَبْغي ُل ْ علَى األي ِْن َ لها
به آن منطقه نمی رسد جز شتری بسيار نيرومند که با وجود خستگی هم چنان با نشاط و شاداب به
.راه خود ادامه دهد
Literal Translation:
To bring him there he wants a stout she -camel which, though
fatigued, loses not her wonted speed and pace;
شهسوار من كه مه آيينه دار روي اوست
تاج خورشيد بلندش خاك نعل مركب است
Our horse-rider whose face does reflect moon
Dust of his horse's heelpiece, high sun's crown
َِْم ْن ُك ِ ّل نَضَّا َخ ِة ال ِذّ ْف َرى إذا ع َِرقت
ْالم َمجْ هو ُل
ِ س األع ُ طامِ ضتُها َ ع ُْر
از آن شترانی که جوی عرق در زير گوششان شکل می گيرد و بيابان های بی نام و نشان را در می
نضاخ ِة: sprinkler (watering. First stage is مسح, second stage is بل, third
stage is نضح, fourth stage is نضخand fifth stage is )غسل
ال ِذ ْفرى: small bone behind the lobe of the ear
ع ِرق: to sweat
ع ْرض ُ : effort, resolve
س ُ طام
ِ :effaced, erased, collapsed ( طموسto be lost, be non-existent)
ِ األع: (plural of ) علمsigns, traces
مجْ هو ُل: not known, having become extinct, traceless
Literal Translation:
One that largely bedews the bone behind her ear when she sweats,
one that sets
himself to cross a trackless unknown wilderness;
با هيچ كس نشاني زان دلستان نديدم
يا من خبر ندارم يا او نشان ندارد
No trace of the heart-teaser by any person I could find
Either he has left no trace or I remained all along blind
َ ْ َ
يوب بِعَ ْين ْي ُمف َرد ل ِهق ُ
ت َ ْر ِمي الغ َ
والمي ُل
از ِ إذا ت َ َوقَّ َد ِ
ت ال َح َّز ُ
ناکجاها را با چشمانی سفيد شبيه به گاو نر وحشی می پيمايد آن گاه که سرزمين های سخت وخاک
های متراکم از شدت گرما شعله ور می شود.
Literal Translation:
Scanning the high grounds with eyes keen as those of a solitary
)white oryx when stony levels and sand - hills are kindled (by the sun
عكس خوي بر عارضش بين كفتاب گرم رو
در هواي آن عرق تا هست هر روزش تب است
Sweat shines on his cheek, even oven-hot sun
Seeks his sweat, is in constant febrile condition
ض َْخ ٌم ُمقَلَّدُها فَ ْعم ُمقَيَّدُها
ت الفَحْ ِل ت َ ْفضي ُل في َخ ْل ِقها ع َْن بَنا ِ
دارای گردی زخيم ،و پيشانی وسيع و فراخ ،و از ديگر اشتران هم نوع خود ،برتر و نيکو تر است.
Literal Translation:
Big in the neck, fleshy in the hock surpassing in her make the other
daughters of the sire;
دختری شبگرد و تلخ و تيز و گلرنگ است و مست
به سوی خانہ حافظ بريد،گر بيابيدش
Daughter night-wanderer, sharp, intoxicated
If ye find her, bring her back to Hafiz’s abode
ٌع ْلكوم ُم َذك َّْرة َ
َ غ ْلبا ُء َوجْ نا ُء
س َعة قُدَّا َمها ِمي ُلَ في د َْفها
،و شبيه به شتر نر است، و جثه ای بزرگ دارد،و گونه ای بسيار وسيع،دارای گردنی بزرگ است
.پهلوی آن فراخ و گردنی بسيار دراز دارد
ُسه ُ ْ
ُ ِّوجلدُها ِمن أطوم ال يُ َؤيْ ِ
َ ْ
بضاحيَ ِة ال َمتني ِْن َمهْزو ُل
ِ َط ْل ٌح
کنه حتی به هنگام تابش،و پوست آن شتر به مانند الک پشت است که با وجود الغری اندام و کمر
.خورشيد ( يعنی زمان اوج قدرت کنه) نمی تواند در وی تاثيری داشته باشد
Literal Translation:
Whose tortoise -shell skin is not pierced at last even by a lean
(hungry) tick on the outside of her back;
در ضعيفی و نزاری تن بيچاره من
چو هاللی است کہ انگشت نما می گردد
In weakness, my feeble body turned slimmer
Like a crescent, so weak and thin as a finger
ف أخوها أبوها ِمن ُم َه َّجنَة ٌ َح ْر
ع ُّمها خالُها ق ْودا ُء ش ِْملي ُل
َ و
و عمو و دايی وی دراز، برادر و پدرش از اشترانی نيکو و با اصل و نسب هستند،الغر اندام است
.گردن و تندرو هستند
Literal Translation:
A hardy beast whose brother is her sire by a noble dam, and her
sire's brother is her dam's brother; a long - necked one and nimble.
حافظ ز جان محب رسول است و آل او
حقا!بر اين گواست خداوند داورم
Hafiz whole-heartedly in love of progeny of Prophet
I swear, God- my justice is witness to this Statement
ُيَ ْمشي القُرا ُد عَليْها ث َّم يُ ْز ِلقُه
راب َزها ِلي ُل
ٌ وأقْ ٌِم ْنها ِلبان
لغزنده است و کنه بعد از راه رفتن بر پوستش می لغزد و به پايين،سينه و لگن خاصره های اين شتر
.می افتد
Literal Translation:
The qurad (A large species of tick) crawls over her then her smooth
breast and flanks cause it to slip off.
عشق دوست ہر ساعت دروں نار می رقصم
ِ کہ
گاہے بر خار می رقصم, گاہےبر خاک می غلتم
ض ع َْن ع ُُرض َ ُ ٌ
ِ ْعيْرانَة ق ِذفتْ بالنَّح َ
ور َمفتو ُل ُّ ت
ِ الز َ
ِ ِم ْرفقُها ع َْن بَنا
و محل،ضخامت و قدرت وی به مانند اسب وحشی است که در پهلوهايش گوشت انبوه وجود دارد
. بسيار نيرومند است،پيوند بازو به جسم و سينه
Literal Translation:
Onager -like is she her side slabbed with firm flesh her elbow joint
(i.e. the middle
joint of the foreleg) far removed from the ribs;
پی پاره ای نمی کنم از هيچ استخوان
تا صد هزار زخم بہ دندان نمی رسد
ع ْينَيْهاو َم ْذ َب َحهاَ َكأنَّ ما فات
ومن الَّلحْ َيي ِْن ِب ْرطي ُلِ ِم ْن َخ ْط ِمها
جبڑوں سے ليکر،نکيل سے ليکر آنکهوں تک
اسکا چهره قوی جيسے پتهرمستطيل،گلے تک
. سنگی دراز و بزرگ است،گويا که در پيشگاه چشمان و گلو و ابتدای بينی و گونه اش
Literal Translation:
Her muzzle juts out from her eyes and throat as though it were a pick-
حافظ غم مخور که شاهد بخت
عاقبت بر کشد ز چهره نقاب
Hafiz! worry not, luck’ll oneday turn, so happen
Off the countenance, he’ll at last lift the curtain
َ ب النَّ ْخ ِل ذا ُخ
صل ْ
ِ ت ُ ِم ُّر ِمث َل عَسي
غارز لَ ْم ت ُ َخ ّ ِو ْنهُ األحالي ُل
ِ في
دم خود را به مانند شاخه های نخل خرما دراز می کند و هرگز بچه به دنيا نياورده که قدرتش اندک
Literal Translation:
She lets a tail like a leafless palm -branch with small tufts of hair
hang down over a sharb - edged (unrounded) udder from which its
tears do not take away (milk) little by little (i.e. she is a camel for
riding not for milking).
حافظ چه طرفه شاخ نباتيست كلك تو
كش ميوه دلپذيرتر از شهد و شكر است
Hafiz! Of what sugar-cane branch is your pen
It's fruit, more delicious than honey or bonbon
صير بِهاِ َقَ ْنوا ُء في ُح َّريَتها ِللب
سهي ُلْ َ ق ُمبينٌ وفي ال َخ َّدي ِْن ت
ٌ َ عت
و شخص بينا با نگاه در گوش هايش اصالتی آشکار می يابد و در گونه هايش،دارای بينی مايل
.روانی و سادگی وجود دارد
Literal Translation:
Her nose aquiline; in her generous ears are signs of breeding plain
for the expert to see, and in her cheeks smoothness.
جمال شخص نه چشم است و زلف و عارض و خال
هزارنكته در اين كاروبار دلداريست
Eyes, locks, cheeks or mole not sole attribute
In this task of amour, many a thousand aspect
ِ سرات وهي َ َعلَى ي َ ت َ ْخدِي
األرض تَحْ لي ُل
َ َّ َذوا ِبل َم
َّس ُهن
جا ملے پيشروؤں سے،دوڑےهلکی ڻانگوں سے
ّ َاسکے الغرپا ُچهوئيں زمين بس ق
سم کرنے حالل
حال آن که بسيار الغر است و از شدت سرعت بسيار کم پاهايش،با گام هايی روان به پيش می تازد
.با زمين تماس پيدا می کند
Literal Translation:
Though she be not trying, she races along on light slender feet that
skim the ground as they fall
فلک چو جلوه کنان بنگرد سمندر تو را
کمينہ پايگهش اوج کهکشان گيرد
Even sky looks at your gracious steed, splendid one
The summit of the milky way is steed’s base of origin
َ ت يَتْ ُركْنَ ال َح
ً صى ِزيما ِ س ْم ُر العَجايا ُ
ؤوس األ ْك ِم ت َ ْنعي ُل
َ لم يَ ِق ِهنَّ ُر
سنگ های بيابان را،به مانند ملخ های خاکستری است در سرعت و بخاطر قدرت و شدت اين شتر
.تکه تکه می کند بدون اين که به سم نياز داشته باشد
Literal Translation:
With tawny hock tendons feet that leave the gravel scattered and are
not shod so that they should be kept safe from the blackness of the
heaped stone________________
هالل تا کہ مگر نعل مرکبش گردد
ز روی صدق صدش بوسہ بر تراب زده
New moon wants to become a shoe of his steed
Sincerely umpteen kisses at his dust it does send
ْعيْها إذا ع َِرقَت
َ ب ذِرا َ
َ كأنَّ أ ْو
ِ ُوقد تَلَفَّ َع بالق
ور العَساقي ُل
در زمانی که سراب کوه، و آن هنگام که عرق می کند،گويا بازگشت دو بازويش به هنگام دويدن
.های بلند را در هم می پيچد
Literal Translation:
The swift movement of her forelegs when she sweats and the
mirage enfolds the hills.
خوی کرده می خرامد و بر عارض سمن
از شرم روی او عرق از ژاله می رود
Beloved in stroll, his face soaked in perspiration
Shyness; on his face sweat from dew does shine
ً صط ِخداَ َ
ِ يَ ْوما ً يَظ ُّل به
ْ الح ْربا ُء ُم
ضاحيَهُ بالش َّْم ِس َم ْملو ُل
ِ َّكأن
. گويا که جسمش را در خاکستر داغ قرار داده اند،در روزی که آفتاب پرست ازشدت گرما می سوزد
Literal Translation:
On a day when the chameleon basks in some high spot until its
exposed part is baked as in fire
شہ سپہر چون زرين سپر کشد بردوش
بہ تيغ صبح و عمود افق جهان گيرد
When king of sky- sun wears golden shield on its shoulder
With sword of morn-n-rays of horizon, world it does capture
ِْيه ْم وق ْد َجعَلَت
ِ قو ِم حاد ْ
ْ وقا َل ِلل
صى قِيلوا َْن
َ ب يَ ْر ُكض ال َح ِ ق ال َجنا ِد َ ُو ْر
ت گرمی سے ساربان پکاراڻها قوم قيلولہ کرو ِ ش ّد
خاکستری مکڑپتہروں پر پاؤں مارے ہيں مسلسل
در اين شرايط که،ساربان که در اصل وظيفه تحريک و به حرکت در آوردن قوم را بر عهده دارد
به قوم خويش دستور خواب چاشتگاهی می،ملخ ها پاهايشان را از شدت گرما بر سنگ می کوبند
حادِي: cameleer who sings sweet tunes to run camels at faster pace
ُو ْرقpaper, green-black like dove which is called ُورقا ُء
ِ الجنا ِد: locusts
: to dispel something with foot, to hasten a horse’ speed by hitting it with
ي ْر ُكضْنheel
الحصى: stones, pebbles
(قيلوله )قِيلُوا: afternoon nap, siesta
Literal Translation:
And the grey cicalas having begun to hop on the gravel the camel
driver bids his
companions take the siesta-
احاديا بجمال الحبيب قف و انزل
كه نيست صبر جميلم ز اشتياق جمال
Friend’s cameleer, halt! from the ride come down
I’m sans patience in longing, to see him I’m keen
َ َ
ع ْيطل ن ِصف َ هار ذِراعا َّ
ِ ش َّد الن
جاوبَها نُ ْك ٌد َمثا ِكي ُلَ
َ قا َمتْ ف
شدت برگشت و باال آمدن بازوان شتر به هنگام دويدن مانند،به هنگام ارتفاع خورشيد و شدت گرما
ارتفاع دست زنی است که فرزند از دست داده است و زنان ديگر نيز همپای او به عزاداری پرداخته
ِ شد الن: the hottest hour of the day i.e. noon till afternoon
عيْطل: pretty, long-necked lady
صف ِ ن: middle aged woman; also calledکهل و کهوله
جاوب: to make conversation, talk to one another, to respond to
نُ ْكد: cry out or croak with all might ii) be hard and difficult to bear
مثا ِكي ُل: bereft of children ُمثکالت: elegy on the death of children
Literal Translation:
Resembles the beating of hand on hand by a bereaved grey haired
woman who rises to lament and is answered by those who have lost
many a child.
همچو حافظ همه شب ناله و زاري كرديم
كاي دريغا به وداعش نرسيديم و برفت
Like Hafiz, all night in wailing and weeping we spent
Alas! We couldn’t even say him good-bye and he left
ْس لَها
َ ض ْبعَي ِْن لَي ُ ْ ٌ
َّ نَ َّوا َحة ِرخ َوة ال
لَ َّما نَعَى بِ ْك َرها النَّاعونَ َم ْعقو ُل
زن از فرزنده داده با سرعت باال دستانش را به حرکت در می آورد و به هنگام شنيدن خبر مرگ
.فرزندش ديگر عقل و هوش خود را از دست داده است
Literal Translation:
One wailing shrilly, her arms weak who had no understanding when
news was
brought of the death of her firstborn son
گل در حجاب بود که مر غ سحر گهی
آمد به باغ حافظ و فر ياد خواند ورفت
Flower still in bud; early morn nightingale did enter
Into Hafiz’s garden, it made a cry and did disappear
ت َ ْف ِري الُّلبانَ ِب َكفَّيْها و َمد َْرعُها
ق ع َْن تَراقيها َرعابي ُل ٌ َّشق
َ ُم
Literal Translation:
She tears her breast with her hands while her tunic is rent in pieces
from her collar
از دامن تو دست ندارند عاشقان
پيراهن صبوري ايشان دريد هاي
Lovers will never let go of your skirt garment
How you’ve torn up their garment of restraint
الوشاةُ َجنابَيْها وقَ ْولُ ُه ُم
ُ س َعى ْ َت
س ْل َمى لَ َم ْقتو ُل
ُ إنَّك يا ا ْبنَ أبي
سخن چينان اطراف شترم سخن چينی کردند و گفتند ای ابی سلمی تو را می کشند( به خاطر هجو
.)پيامبر و اسالم ياران او تو را می کشند
Note: Now poet starts admitting how Prophet SAW had ordered for his
elimination on the eve of Muslim conquest of Makkah because of his
vitriolic poetry against the Prophet SAW. While the poet intends to reach
Madinah to seek amnesty, ill-wishers threaten him about getting killed.
َ رقيب از کوئے اُو شد
س ّد راهم که در را ِه حرم باشد حرامی
ُوقا َل ُك ُّل َخليل ُك ْنتُ آ ُملُه
ع ْنكَ َمشْغو ُل َ ال أ ُ ْل ِهيَنَّكَ إنِّي
هر دوستی که من اميد کمک و ياری از او را داشتم به من گفت که ما به تو نزديک نمی شويم و ما
.از تو رو گردانيم
Literal Translation:
And every friend of whom I was hopeful said `I will not help thee out
I am too busy to mind thee.
حافظ ابناي زمان را غم مسكينان نيست
زين ميان گر بتوان به كه كناري گيرند
Hafiz! worldly masters indifferent to a suppliant
Better if you keep aloof from such a lot arrogant
سبي ِلي ال َ أبال ُك ُمَ فَقُ ْلتُ َخلوا
الرحْ منُ َم ْفعو ُل َّ فَ ُك ُّل ما قَد ََّر
ای بی پدران هر آنچه خدا قسمت کند همان انجام- از سر راه من کنار برويد- به آنها گفتم برويد
.می شود و اتفاق می افتد
Literal Translation:
I said `Let me go my way, may ye have no father! for whatever the
Merciful hath decreed shall be done.
رو مشرق و رو مغرب و رو رو هر چه نصيب است ازان کم نشود جو
گر تيغ بارد در كوي آن ماه
گردن نهاديم الحكم هلل
Even if sword is to fall in moon-faced’s street
By decree of God, I’ve placed my neck for it
ُسال َمتُه َ ْ َ ْ ُ
َ ُْك ُّل اب ِْن أنثى وإن طالت
يَ ْوما ً على آلَة َحدْبا َء َمحْ مو ُل
هر بچه انسانی هر چقدر هم که عمرش طوالنی باشد روزی بر تخته تابوت سوار می شود ( خواهد
اب ِْن أ ُ ْنثى: child born to aa female, every living person
طال: lengthen, prolong
آلة: instrument, platform (here a cot or a bier)
حدْباءfrom احدب: convex, raised
آلة حدْباء: coffin raised on bier
محْ مو ُل: borne, carried (from (حمل
Literal Translation:
Every son of woman, long though his safety be one day is borne
upon a gibbous bier'
پايان کار
ِ سر انجام مرگ است
ِ اگر صد بمانی و گر صد هزار
عدَني َ
َ هللا أ ْو
ِ سو َل ُ أ ُ ْنبِئْتُ أنَّ َر
هللا َمأ ْ ُمو ُل
ِ سو ِل َ والعَ ْف ُو
ُ ع ْن َد َر
حکم قتل
ِ مجہےاطالع ملی رسول هللا نے ديا
ليکن هللا کے رسول سےهے اميدعفووفضل
با خبر شدم که پيامبر مرا تهديد کرده است در حاليکه همه مردم انتظار عفو و بخشايش از رسول
.خدا را دارند
Literal Translation:
I was told that the Messenger of Allah threatened me (with death) but
with the
Messenger of Allah I have hope of finding pardon.
ت بيکراں است
ِ ترا دريائے رحم جرم من کو ِه گراں است
ِ اگرچه
طالع اگر مدد دهد دامنش آورم به كف
گر بكشم زهي طرب ور بكشد زهي شرف
If luck favours, his skirt I’ll attain in my finger
!I get it, my pleasure! If I get killed my honour
هللا ُم ْعتَذِرا ً
سو َل ِ َ
وقَ ْد أتَيْتُ َر ُ
هللا َم ْقبو ُل
سو ِل ِ والعُ ْذ ُر ِع ْن َد َر ُ
از برای عذرخواهی نزد پيامبر حاضر شده ام و بی گمان پيامبر عذرخواهی مرا خواهد پذيرفت.
Literal Translation:
I came to Allah’s Apostle with a plea for forgiveness; Allah’s
Messenger always accepts excuse and faults
اس مقبول Some sources say that the second lines reads as : َرام النّ ِ
ذر ِعن َد ک ِ
َوالعُ ُ
هر کس کہ بدرگاه توآيد بہ نياز محروم زدرگا ِه تو کے گردَد باز
Hafiz Shirazi says:
يا رب سببي ساز كه يارم به سالمت
بازآيد و برهاندم از بند مالمت
God! Be some pretext, friend to come
And free me from the clutch of blame
َم ْهالً هَداكَ الذي أَعْطاكَ نافِلَةَ
ظ وتَفُصي ُلآن فيها َمواعي ٌا ْلقُ ْر ِ
آهسته تر( آهسته تر و کمتر مرا تهديد کن) ای کسی که خدا به تو نعمت قر آن را داده است که در
آن موعظه ها و فضل و بخشايش است .-خدا تو را هدايت کند.
Literal Translation:
Gently ! mayst thou be guided by Him who gave thee the gift of the
Koran wherein
are warnings and a plain setting out ( of the matter)
َالوشاة ول ْم ْ َ ّ َ
ُ ال تَأ ُخذنِي بِأقوا ِل ْ
َّ ِأ ُ ْذنِ ْب وقَ ْد َكث ُ َرتْ ف
ي األقاوي ُل
مرا به خاطر حرف های سخن چينان مورد مواخذه قرار نده حال آن که گناهی نکرده ام هر چند سخنان
.در مورد بسيار است
Literal Translation:
Do not punish me when I have not sinned on account of what is said
by the informers even should the (false) saying about me be many
قدت گفتم كه شمشاد است بس خجلت به بار آورد
كه اين نسبت چرا كرديم و اين بهتان چرا گفتيم
To box-tree I compared your height, I feel ashamed
Why I attributed it this way, it was a slander I made
لَقَ ْد أقو ُم َمقاما ً لو يَقو ُم بِه
س َمعِ الفي ُل ْ َ أرى وأ
ْ َس َم ُع ما لم ي َ
من در جايگاه و مقامی ايستاده ام که می بينم و می شنوم آن چيزهايی را که اگر فيل بجای من بشنود
.)و ببيند ( ادامه ترجمه در بيت بعد
Literal Translation:
Ay I stand in such a place that if an elephant stood there seeing (what
I see) and
hearing what I hear, (continues in next verse)
در خرابات مغان نور خدا مي بينم
اين عجب بين كه چه نوري ز كجا مي بينم
In the Magian’s tavern, I am seeing God’s light
Isn’t strange! what a light it is and where I see it
َأن يكونَ لَهُ ِمن ُ لَ َظ َّل ِي ْر
ْ َّ ع ُد إال
هللا ت َ ْنوي ُل ْ
ِ سو ِل ِب ِإذ ِن ُ الَّر
مگر اينکه از جانب رسول خدا _ با خواست واراده الهی، از اين ديده ها و شنيده ها فيل می لرزد
._ بخشايش و عفو و امانی بيايد
Literal Translation:
The sides of his neck would be shaken with terror if there be no
forgiveness from the Messenger of Allah.
آيا عظيم وقاری کہ هر کہ بنده توست
ز رفع قدر کمر بند تو امان گيرد
What majesty you earn, anyone under your protection
Safety he gains, from the high girdle of your exaltation
َما ِزلتُ اَق َطتِع البَيدَا ُء ُمد َِّرعَا
وب اللَّي ِل َمسبُو ُل ُ َ الم َو ث
ِ ظ ّ ُجن َح ال
Literal Translation:
I did not cease to cross the desert plunging betimes into the
darkness when the mantle of Night is fallen.
شب ظلمت و بيابان به كجا توان رسيدن
مگر آن كه شمع رويت به رهم چراغ دارد
Dark night, desert barren, how I find destination
Unless your candle-like face lends us its lantern
ُ نازُ َ َحتَّى َو
ِ ضعْتُ يَميني ال أ
َف ذِي نَقمات قِيلُهُ ال ِقي ُل
ِ ّ في ك
تا اينکه دستم را بدون نزاع و در گيری در دست صاحب قدرتی نهادم که حرف او حرف است (به
)و مرا می کشد.وعده اش وفا می کند
وض ْع: to put
يمين: right hand
ُنازعِ ُ أ: from منازعۃquarrel, last gaps, agony
ذِي نقمات: to avenge (from )نقمه
قِي ُل: true word, final or ultimate reply
قِيلُهُ ال ِقي ُل: His word is the absolute word and ultimate truth.
Literal Translation:
Till I laid my right hand not to withdraw it in the hand of the avenger
whose word is
the word of truth.
حافظ!چو تو پا در حرم عشق نهادی
در دامن او دست زن واز همہ بگسيل
Hafiz! since you stepped foot in love’s enclosure
Grab his skirt, let everything go, all ye surrender!
This reminds one of a couple of other couplets from Hafiz Shirazi which
mention a bit shortness of hand in acceding to the beloved:
تو از کجا و اميد وصال اوز کجا
حافظ،بہ دامنش نرسد دست هر گدا
See your position, yet hope of his union ye bea
Hafiz! Not very beggar can reach him quiet near
ْ ب ِع ْندي
ُإذ أ ُ َك ِلّ ُمه ُ لَذاكَ أ َ ْه َي
سئ ُو ُل ْ سوب و َم ٌ وقي َل إنَّكَ َم ْن
جب آپ صلعم سے بات کی ميں هيبت زده تها
ميں مسئول،کا لوگوں نے ميرا هے قصور
)اين جايگاهی که من ايستاده ام ترسناکتر است زمانی که در باره آن صحبت می کنم ( اعتراف ميکنم
.و به من گفته می شود که تو درباره کارهای خود مسئول هستی و کارها به تو نسبت داده می شود
Literal Translation:
For indeed he is more feared by me when I speak to him and they
told me I should be asked of my lineage
سرشكم آمد و عيبم بگفت روي به روي
شكايت از كه كنم خانگيست غمازم
My tears fell and brought to the fore my fault
Talebearer is in my home, how do I complaint
Note: Prophet SAW had such awe and grace that not everyone could
face them in routine. Ali A.S. said: ُ َمن رااهُ بَديهةً َهابَهُ َو َمن عَا ا َ َحبَّهHe who saw
them suddenly was struck in awe. He who interacted with him would
love him. Amr bin Aas said that he could never look into Prophet SAW’s
countenance eye to eye and cannot describe the facial description of the
Prophet SAW.
ُس َكنُه ْ ُ ث األ
ْ س ِد َم ِ ِم ْن خادِر ِم ْن لُيو
َ ِم ْن َب ْط ِن
عث َّ َر ِغي ٌل دونَهُ غي ُل
اس شير سے زياده هيبت والے آپ جسکا مسکن
اطراف جسکے جنگل هی جنگل،عثّر جنگل بيچ
اين جايگاه و وضعيت برای من ترسانک تر است از سرزمين شيران در ( بطن عثر) که پر از نی
. است
Literal Translation:
Than a lion of the jungle one whose lair is amidst dense thickets in
the lowland of
عجايب ره عشق ای رفيق بسيار است
زپيش آهوی اين دشت شير نر بدويد
Friend! on love-path many things worth amaze
Doe of this desert is after a robust lion in chase
ش ُهماُ ع ْي َ
َ يَ ْغدو فيُ ْل ِح ُم ِض ْرغا َمي ِْن
فور َخرادي ُل ٌ لَحْ ٌم َمنَ القَ ْو ِم َم ْع
شيری که بامداد خارج می شود و به دو بچه شير خود گوشت تکه تکه شده و افتاده مردمان را برای
.تغذيه فراهم می کند
(ي ْغدوfrom غدوة ُ ) : early morning chores (coming, going, eating drinking etc)
ْل ِح ُمmeat ( اِلحام: to feed meet)
ض ْرغام ِ : lion’s cub, lion’s whelp
ْش ُ عي: living, bread and butter
م ْعفورfrom عفر: roll in the dust, throw in the ground
خرادي ُلplural of خردل: hash-meat, eat the best of a dish
Literal Translation:
He goes in the morning to feed two cubs whose victual is human
flesh rolled in the
dust and torn to pieces.
حافظ بکنج ميکده دارد قرارگاه
کالطير فی الحديقه والليث فی االجم
The corner of tavern, serves Hafiz as his rest home
As lives bird in the garden and lion in den’s sanctum
َُإِذا يُسا ِو ُر قِ ْرنا ً ال يَ ِح ُّل له
أن يَتْ ُركَ ال ِق ْرنَ إال َّ و َه َو َم ْغلُو ُل
. او را جز به صورت شاخ شکسته و يا زمين خورده رها می کند، وقتی با رقيبش به پيکار بپردازد
.يعنی هيچ کسی يارای مقابله و مبارزه با پيامبر نيست
Literal Translation:
When he springs on his adversary tis against his law that he should
leave the adversary ere he is broken
ز روي دوست دل دشمنان چه دريابد
چراغ مرده كجا شمع آفتاب كجا
Of friend's face, enemy’s heart cannot get solace ever
No match between fused lamp and sun-like chandelier
ًضام َزة
ِ ع ال َج ّ ِو
ُ سبا َ َ ِم ْنهُ ت
َ ظ ُّل
األراجي ُل
ِ وال ت َ َمشَّى بَوادِي ِه
و در اين وادی، ساکن وبی حرکت هستند، درندگان موجود در اين وادی وسيع،از بخاطر وجود وی
.هيچ پياده ای حرکت نمی کند
Literal Translation:
From him the asses of the broad dale flee in affright and men do not
walk in his wadi.
در ضعيفی و نزاری تن بيچاره من
چو هاللی است کہ انگشت نما می گردد
In weakness, my feeble body turned slimmer
Like a crescent, so weak and thin as a finger
وال يَزا ُل بِوادي ِه أ ُخو ثِقَة
سان َمأكو ُلِ ُم َط َّر َح البَ ِ ّز والد َّْر
شخص شجاع و مورد اعتمادی وجود دارد که لباس و گوشت وی خورده،و هم چنان در اين وادی
.شده است
ستضا ُء بِ ِهَ ْ ُنور يَ
ٌ سو َل ل َّ َّإن
ُ الر
سلُو ُل
ْ هللا َم
ِ يوفِ س ُ ُم َهنَّ ٌد ِم ْن
پيامير شمشيری است نورانی و درخشان از شمشيرهای هندی و از شمشيرها ی از نيام بيرون آمده
.)الهی( قاطع آماده مبارزه با کفار است
*لنور: light
يُسْتضا ُء بِ ِه: light is borrowed from him
: sharp sword made in India (ref. to the then India which included
ُمهندPakistan & BD)
ِيوف للا ِ سُ ** One of God’s swords
م ْسلو ُلfrom سل: draw out slowly, draw the sword
Literal Translation:
Truly the Messenger is a light whence illumination is sought a drawn
Indian sword
one of the swords of Allah.
Prophet SAW was نورindeed نور علی نورwithout any doubt. Quran bears
testimony to this:
ٌ ُ قَ ْد َجا َءكُم ِ ّمنَ اللَّـ ِه نindeed towards you has come a light* from
ٌ َ ور َو ِكت
ٌاب ُّمبِين
Allah, and a clear Book. (* The Holy Prophet is a light from Allah).
Surah al-Maidah-5, Verse- 15.
يرا ِ َودَا ِعيًا ِإ َلى اللَّـ ِه ِب ِإ ْذنِ ِه َوAnd as a caller towards Allah, by His
ً ِس َرا ًجا ُّمن
command, and as a sun that enlightens. (The Holy Prophet is a light
from Allah.) Surah Al-Ahzaab-33, Verse 46.
Among Allah’s attributed names is, inter alia, included نورbut Prophet
SAW’s NOOR is neither ‘exact ’عينnor ‘part جزوof Allah SWT’s نورAll
attributes of Allah SWT are ancient قديمي, eternal ازلي, everlasting ابدي, not-
recent غير حادث, immortal غير فاني, infinite غير محدود. Rest of the creation
whether angels or human beings as well as their attributes are recent حادث,
mortal فانيand finite محدودand brought into being from nothing. None of the
attributes of Allah SWT resemble or in anyway are shared by any human
being. Sharing is only linguistic لفظيand not substantive معنوي. As a man
can be called بصير، سميعor رحيم، رؤفor even as کريم، حکيم،ب قدرت ِ صاحbut
not in that sense and substance which is the attribute of Allah SWT. No
creation/creature is ‘part ’جزوof the Creator, nor like of it. He is سبحانهُ و تعالی
well beyond that ثُم الوری، ثُم الوری، ثُم الوریMaktoobat-e-Mujaddidi says:
ليس شيء ک َِمث ِل ِه اَبَ ًدا
َ از همه در صفات و ذات جدا
On the other hand, deeming or calling Prophet SAW only an ordinary بشر
is also a trait of those with ill-manners and derogatory. According to the
Quran, unbelievers, not acknowledging the true station of the Prophets of
Allah SWT, said: بشر مثلُنَا
ُ ( قالو َما اَنتم ا ِّالSurah Yaseen-36, Verse 15) The
(people) said: "Ye are only men like ourselves. The term بشرis an ordinary
word that can be used for any high or low person. A dignified and worthy
man deserves a respectful word. When ordinary scholars or Pirs do not
like being called without titles like Maulavi Sahib, Shah Sahib, Hazrat
Sahib, how come a Muslim would want to use such an ordinary word for
the Prophet SAW whose right on the believers is more than his own soul
or that of his parents and children. Of course, Prophet SAW was from
human race and fulfilled all human needs in living such a life. But knowing
it and then uttering it in that manner is quiet different. Saying mere بشر
without full understanding is unfair and uncalled for even though literally it
may be so. If someone says a precious diamond just a stone, he is wrong,
a non-connoisseur. But if he says that this is a matchless, priceless pearl,
its essence being of stone, it is correct. In short, نورانيتis not contradictory
to بشريت. Both attributes are provided in the Quran and both should be
believed in; none should be singly denied. Imam Bouseri R.A. in his
famous Qaseedah Burdat ul Madeeh has summed up this point as
follows (verse 51):
هللا ُك ِلّ ِه ِم
ِ لق َ َواَنَّهُ َخ
ِ ير َخ فَ َم ْبلَ ُغ ال ِع ِلم فِي ِه أَنَّهُ بَش ٌَر
To the best of our knowledge, he is human
Yet he is the best of all in Lord’s creation
آفاقها گرديده ام مهر بتان ورزيده ام
بسيار خوبان ديده ام ليكن تو چيزے ديگرى
اگر هر موي من گردد زباني شود هر يک ورا اوصاف خواني
هنوز از بي زباني خفته باشم ز صد وصفش يکي نا گفته باشم
**It is said that the poet Ka’ab bin Zohair had initially used the words سيوف
الهندin his composition. When Prophet SAW heard this verse, he asked
Ka’b to change it to ِيوف للا
ِ س ُ which bears more veneration. The context was
already clear in the first word of this line, no repetition required. Thus,
amending/improving a poet’s work is also masnoon (or Prophet’s custom)
as reflected in the conduct of Prophet SAW.
في فِتْيَة ِم ْن قُريْش قا َل قائِلُ ُه ْم
ْ ِببَ ْط ِن َمكَّةَ لَ َّما أ
سلَ ُموا ُزولُوا
پيامبر از خانواده ای از قبيله قريش است که گوينده آنها در سرزمين مکه ( پيامبر ) به هنگام مسلمان
.شدن آنها گفت برويد_ اشاره به مهاجرت مسلمانان از مکه به مدينه
Literal Translation:
Amongst a band of Kuraish whose spokesman said when they
!professed Islam in the valley of Mecca,`Depart ye
مباش در پي آزار و هر چه خواهي كن
كه در شريعت ما غير از اين گناهي نيست
You do whatever you like but annoy not anyone ever
In our faith canon except this, there’s no any blunder
كاس وال ُكش ٌ
ُف ْ َ
زالُوا ف َما زا َل أن ٌ
ِع ْن َد ا ِلّ ِ
لقاء وال ِمي ٌل َمعازي ُل
آنها از مکه رفتند اما نه مانند مردان ضعيف و نه مانند رفتن مردان ترسو به وقت جنگ ،ونه مثل
مردان بی سالح و بدون شمشير ( مقتدرانه و مسلحانه رفتند).
Literal Translation:
They departed but no weaklings were they or shieldless in battle or
without weapons and courage.
جز نقد جان به دست ندارم شراب كو
كان نيز بر كرشمه ساقي كنم نثار
Save soul’s cash I’m empty, where wine-stand
On Saki’s amorous glance, soul I want to award
ين أبْطا ٌل لُبو ُ
س ُه ْم ش ُّم العَرانِ ِ
سرابي ُل
َأو َد في ال َه ْي َجا َ
سجِ د ُِم ْن نَ ْ
آنها بينی بلند( کنايه از سرافراز ) و پهلوانانه رفتند ،زره و لباسهای آنها و شلوار هايشان در
های داوودی بود(نسج داوودی از بهترين نوع بافته ها بوده است).ميدان جنگ از بافته
ُ : peak, high (from شمآHaving a straight nose)
ش ُّم
ين ِ ِالعران: ) ِعرنينPl.) first, the best of a thing, base of the nose (cartilage)
أبْطالheroes, champions (plural of ) بطل
ِنسْج: Woven
الهيْجا:combat, strife, close fight, battle (from هيجagitated, rush and attack)
سرابي ُل:pl. of ِسربالIron-coat
Literal Translation:
Warriors with noses high and straight clad for the fray in mail-coats
of David’s
weaving (David is described in the Quran (xii.80) as a maker of coats
of mail).
___________خنگ چوگاني چرخت رام شد در زير زين
شهسوارا چون به ميدان آمدي گويي بزن
Under your saddle is chaugan steed of the sphere
You have entered arena, hit the ball our royal rider!
ٌ َشكَّتْ لَ َها َحل
ق ُ س َوا ِب ُغ قد
َ يضٌ ِب
ِ ق القَ ْف
عاء َمجْ دو ُل ُ َكأنَّها َحل
ّ انکی زرهيں
حلقے باهم جڑے، لمبی، مصقل،مجال
جيسےقفعا درخت کے حلقے ايکدوسرے سےمتصل
زره های آنها سفيد و بلند بود که حلقه های آن در هم فرو رفته بود مثل گياه قفغعاء حلقه های آن در
.هم تنيده است
Literal Translation:
Bright ample with pierced rings strung together like the rings of the
qaf’a (Name of a plant)
منش با خرقه پشمين كجا اندر كمند آرم
زره مويي كه مژگانش ره خنجرگزاران زد
I’ve a woolen robe only, how can I seize his reign
Armoured one, his eyelashes waylay swordsmen
ْ ُّ
الجما ِل الزه ِر يَ ْع ِص ُم ُه ْمِ ي َ ش ْ َم َشون يَ ْم
سو ُد التنابِي ُل
ُّ ب إذا ع ََّر َد الٌ ض َْر
آنها يعنی مهاجران مانند شتران سفيد در جنگ راه می روند که متأخران را در برابر شمشيرهای
.سياهان کوتاه قد حفاظت می کنند که سريع به اين طرف و آن طرف می روند
ي ْمشون:they walk
الجما ِل ِ : camels
ُّ plural of ازهر: white
الز ْه ِر
ص ُم ِ ي ْع: protect, keep watch, check
ض ْرب: to kill, to strike, give blows
عردfrom تعريد: to flee, lose the way, be put to flight
التنابِي ُلplural of تِنبال: short-height, low-statured
Literal Translation:
They march like splendid camels and defend themselves with blows
when the short
black men take to flight ( Probably a hit at the people of Medina some
of whom had
urged Muhammad to show the poet no mercy.)
Note: Many assume the poet here meant white ones as the emigrants
from Makkah (Muhajiroon) whereas the short-statured black ones was
reference to helpers (Ansaars of Madinah). Emigrants were disappointed
at hearing degradation of Helpers in this manner. Later, the poet wrote
many odes in praise of Madinite Helpers (Ansaars). A piece of such poetry
is given below:
Yet many others are of the opinion that short-statured, blacks (second line
of the verse) is a reference to unbelievers and hypocrites.
ال يَ ْف َرحونَ إذا نَالتْ ِرما ُح ُه ُم
ِ قَ ْوما ً ولَيْسوا َم
جازيعا ً إذا نِيلُوا
آنها سپاهی بودند که هنگامی که تيرشان دشمن را مورد اصابت قرار می داد شاد نمی شدند( فريفته
.و مغرور نمی شدند) و وقتی که دشمن بر آنها غلبه کند نيز شکوه و ناله نمی کنند
Literal Translation:
They are not exultant if their spears overtake an enemy or apt to
despair if they be
themselves overtaken.
من از بازوي خود دارم بسي شكر
كه زور مردم آزاري ندارم
For my arm, my thanks are umpteen
I lack power to hit injury against men
َّ َ
ِ ُال يَق ُع الط ْعنُ إال َّ في ن
حور ِه ُم
ت تَهْلي ُل ِ وما لَ ُه ْم ع َْن ِح
ِ ياض المو
به خاطر همين نيزه فقط، آنها در جنگ در صف مقدم هستند و هميشه به طرف دشمن پيش می روند
در گلوی آنها فرو می رود نه در پشت آنها ( زيرا نيزه در پشت کسی فرو می رود که در حال عقب
.نشينی و فرار از دشمن است) و آنها از رفتن در ميادين جنگ ترس و هراسی ندارند
Literal Translation:
The spear thrust falls not but on their throats for them there is no
shrinking from the ponds of death (i.e. places where draughts of
death are drunk).
مگر به تيغ اجل خيمه بركنم ور ني
رميدن از در دولت نه رسم و راه من است
Only death could uproot my tent from here
Quitting this august door is not my manner
ُ َامنَا تَق
ط ُرال َّد َما ِ علَي اَقد
َ َوال ِکن دمي ُکلُو ُم َنا
ِ َب ت َ فَلَسنَا
ِ علَي االَع َقا
On heels you will never see our wounds’ blood
Blood flows from front, at our feet it does exude