Lab Report 5
Lab Report 5
Lab Report 5
9 February
Submitted by
Name – Sachin Kumar Meena
Roll no - 15110110
Coarse Aggregates
Aggregates, which when passed through 4.75 mm sieve, are mostly retained
on the sieve with a defined amount of fine material passing through the sieve.
As we know aggregate of prime constituents of different layer of road pavement. The aggregate are
subject to bear the impart load cost by moving vehicles. The property to resist load is term as toughness.
It is determine by aggregate impact value test.
Relevant is codes
Aggregates are passed through 12.5 mm and 10 mm sieves and the coarse aggregates retained
on the 10 mm sieve are collected in a big tray.
Then take the cylindrical metal and take weight.
Fill the one third of the cylindrical with aggregate compact 25 aggregate blows by tamping rod,
leveled and weighed.
In the similar manner, fill the other two layers.
Aggregates are transferred to the metal cup and the metal cup is then fixed on the base of the
A series of 15 blows are applied on the sample.
Lock the hammer; remove the cylindrical metal cup from machine. . After that, the sample is
The impacted sample is passed through 2.36 mm sieve and aggregates retained and passed are
weighed separately.
Sample 1
Sample 2
Aggregate Impact Value = Weight Passed *100/Total Weight (after impact)
Average Impact Value = 10.8%
Impact value should not exceed 45% by weight of concrete. Since our average impact value is under the
limit, the samples are suitable to be used in construction purpose. The aggregate impact value gives a
relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to sudden shock or impact, which in some aggregates
differs from its resistance to a slow compressive load.
1. Loss must be minimized while providing impact.
2. Equipment should be cleaned before testing.
3. The machine should be held stable to minimize in results.
4. Use the machine safely.
5. Tare the balance every time before use.
Lab Report 5
9 February
Submitted by
Name – Sachin Kumar Meena
Roll no - 15110110
Aggregate Abrasion Value test
To measure the abrasion value of the given sample of coarse aggregates by
using Los Angeles Machine.
Relevant IS code
Aggregates are passed through 10-6.3 mm sieves, 6.3-4.75 mm, the coarse aggregates retained
on the 10 mm sieves, and 4.75mm are collected in separate trays to take 2.5 kg.
Then place the aggregate sample along the abrasive charge in the cylinder with 8 ball.
Machine is set to 500 rotations after properly fitting the opening of the cylinder.
After 500 rotations, switch off the machine open the cover and the sample collected on the tray
and weighed.
The sample is passed through 1.70 mm sieve and aggregates retained weighed separately.
Original Weight of aggregates, A = 5 kg
Sieve 6.3-10 mm = 2.5 kg
Sieve 4.75- 6.3 mm = 2.5 kg
Weight retained on 1.7 mm sieve = 4.315
Difference between the original weight and the weight retained, B = 5-4.315= .685 kg
Precautions: -
1. The machine should be open very carefully and closed tightly before starting rotations and after
test electric supply should be off.
2. Clean the equipment before and after testing.
3. Loss must be minimized when we are collecting our sample in the tray.
4. Tare the balance every time before use and take all the readings very carefully.
By this experiment, we can determine the Los Angle value test. This test simulates field condition better
as other. We can conclude this sample is suitable for construction. Due to its measurement of both
resistance in abrasion and impact this is more popular. The coarse aggregate have very low Los Angle
Lab Report 5
9 February
Submitted by
Name – Sachin Kumar Meena
Roll no - 15110110
To measure the Flakiness and Elongation index of the given sample of coarse aggregates.
Flakiness Index: The Flakiness index of an aggregate is the percentage by weight of particles in it whose
least dimension is less than three fifths of their mean dimension.
Elongation Index: The elongation index of an aggregate is the percentage by weight of particles whose
greatest dimension is greater than one and four fifths times their mean dimension.
Apparatus Used:
Metal Gauge
IS Sieves
Weighing Machine
Measure the weight of the approximate 200 pieces of the aggregate sample.
Aggregates are passed through different type sieves.
Aggregates are individually passed through the gauge. Aggregates, which do not pass the gauge
are kept separately.
Aggregates that pass through the gauge are weighed for both categories.
Measure the weight of the approximate 200 pieces of the aggregate sample.
Aggregates are passed through different type sieves.
We take the aggregate, which is passes through the 10mm and 6.3 mm thickness gauge.
Aggregates are individually passed through the gauge. Aggregates, which do not pass the gauge
are kept separately.
Aggregates that pass through the gauge are weighed for both categories.
Flakiness index of coarse aggregates = 24.04%
Elongation index of coarse aggregates = 30.65%
The value that we get from this test is 24.04% for flakiness. The Flakiness index of an aggregate is the
percentage by weight of particles in it whose least dimension is less than three fifths of their mean
dimension. The flakiness index of an aggregate sample is found by separating the flaky particles and
expressing their mass as a percentage of the mass of the sample tested.
The value that we get from this test is 30.65% for elongation. The elongation index of an aggregate is the
percentage by weight of particles whose greatest dimension is greater than one and four fifths times
their mean dimension. As per is code flakiness and elongation index are not applicable to aggregate
sizes smaller than 6.3 mm.
Safety precautions:
1. Loss must be minimized while collecting sample on the tray.
2. The aggregates should be properly tried on gauge.
3. 3. Tare the balance every time before use.
4. Safety items (shoes mask etc.) must be wear.