Diño v. Jardines
Diño v. Jardines
Diño v. Jardines
Civil Code. Moreover, it was also found out that the P165,000 supposed
G.R. No. 145871 January 31, 2006 purchase price was earning interest and in case of default, it shall bear 10%
AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J. penalty charge. The above findings clearly show that the intention of the
parties was merely for the property to stand as security for the loan.
On January 31 1987, Lina Jardines sold a parcel of land with improvements In addition, the agreed interest rate of 9% per month or 108% per annum,
for P165,000 to Leonides Diño through a Deed of Sale with Pacto de Retro. as claimed by respondent; or 10% per month or 120% per annum, as
It was stipulated in the deed that period of redemption would expire in 6 claimed by petitioner, is clearly excessive, iniquitous, unconscionable and
month or on July 29, 1987. Jardines was not able to redeem the land. exorbitant. Being so, the Court declared it as void and thus, it is to be
Hence, Diño filed a Petition for Consolidated Ownership with RTC Baguio considered that the parties have no stipulation regarding the interest rate.
on December 14,1992. In turn, the rate of interest should be 12% per annum to be computed
from judicial or extrajudicial demand, subject to the provisions of Article
Jardines contended that the Deed of Absolute Sale did not embody the real 1169 of the Civil Code. As such, the 12% interest should be reckoned from
intention of the parties. The true transaction entered was one of simple the date of extrajudicial demand which was March 12,1989.
loan and the Deed of Sale was only executed as a security for the loan.
Jardines claimed that she borrowed P 50,000 on the first week of January Notes:
with a monthly interest of 9% to be paid in 6 months. When it was
insufficient for the construction of her house, she again borrowed P30,000. Art. 1602. The contract shall be presumed to be an equitable mortgage, in
It was never her intention to sold the house given that her property is any of the following cases:
valued at P1.5 million. She already paid the P55,000 and was willing to (1) When the price of a sale with right to repurchase is unusually
settle the unpaid balance but Diño insisted on appropriating the property. inadequate;
She was still in possession of the property and was the one paying for the (2) When the vendor remains in possession as lessee or otherwise;
real estate tax xxx xxx xxx
(5) When the vendor binds himself to pay the taxes on the thing sold;
RTC: Pacto de retro sale xxx xxx xxx
CA: Reversed; Equitable mortgage
The Court affirmed the findings of the CA. The true nature of the contract
entered by the parties was one of equitable mortgage based on the fact
that Jardines was still in physical possession of the property and the one
paying the real property taxes. This is also pursuant to Article 1602 of the