Offences Against The Person Act Trinidad and Tobago
Offences Against The Person Act Trinidad and Tobago
Offences Against The Person Act Trinidad and Tobago
10 of 1925
Amended by
2 of 1939
14 of 1939
28 of 1973
11 of 1979
19 of 1979
45 of 1979
3 of 1980
19 of 1985
27 of 1986
85 of 2000
*90 of 2000
*11 of 2005
chapter 11:08
1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.
3. Rule of Construction. Application of law of England.
4. Murder.
4A. Diminished responsibility.
4B. Provocation.
4C. Application of sections 4A and 4B.
5. Conspiring or soliciting to commit murder.
6. Manslaughter.
7. Excusable homicide.
8. Murder, etc., where hurt abroad and death in Trinidad and Tobago or
vice versa.
9. By any other means attempting to commit murder.
20. Not providing apprentices or servants with food, etc., whereby life
21. Exposing children so that life endangered.
22. Causing bodily injury by explosive substance.
23. Use of explosive substance or other noxious thing, with intent to do
grievous bodily harm.
24. Attempt to blow up buildings, etc.
25. Setting spring-guns, man-traps, etc.
Traps for vermin.
Protection of dwelling house.
26. Drivers of vehicles injuring persons by furious driving.
27. Obstructing or assaulting a religious official in the discharge of his duties.
28. Assaults on persons saving shipwrecked property.
29. Assault on peace officers, etc.
30. Assault occasioning bodily harm.
Common assault.
30A. Harassment.
30B. Putting a person in fear of violence.
30C. Defence.
30D. Orders for protection and compensation.
30E. Award of compensation.
30F. Further Order.
} (Repealed by Act No. 27 of 1986).
chiLD steaLing
54. Child stealing.
Fathers taking their illegitimate children.
55. Bigamy.
to (Repealed by Act No. 27 of 1986).
chapter 11:08
Short title. 1. This Act may be cited as the Offences Against the
Person Act.
Rule of 3. Any person who commits any act or acts which if done or
Application of committed in England would amount to or constitute the offence
law of England.
of murder, manslaughter, buggery or rape, shall be deemed guilty
of murder, manslaughter, buggery or rape, as the case may be; and
every offence mentioned in this Act which would be an indictable
offence according to the law of England shall be and is deemed to
be an indictable offence in Trinidad and Tobago.
Murder. 4. Every person convicted of murder shall suffer death.
[45 of 1979].
Diminished 4a. (1) Where a person kills or is a party to the killing of another,
[19 of 1985]. he shall not be convicted of murder if he was suffering from such
abnormality of mind (whether arising from a condition of arrested or
retarded development of mind or any inherent causes or induced by
disease or injury) as substantially impaired his mental responsibility
for his acts and omissions in doing or being a party to the killing.
(2) On a charge of murder, it shall be for the defence to
prove that the person charged is by virtue of this section not liable
to be convicted of murder.
12. Any person who unlawfully and maliciously by any means Shooting or
wounding with
whatsoever wounds or causes any grievous bodily harm to any intent to do
person, or shoots at any person with intent to do some grievous grievous bodily
[45 of 1979].
What shall 13. Any gun, pistol, or other arm which is loaded in the
loaded arms. barrel with gunpowder or any other explosive substance, and any
ball, shot, slug or other destructive material shall be deemed to be
loaded arms within the meaning of this Act; although the attempt
to discharge the same may fail from want of proper priming or
from any other cause.
Inflicting injury 14. Any person who unlawfully and maliciously wounds or
with or without
weapon. inflicts any grievous bodily harm upon any other person either
with or without any weapon or instrument is liable to
imprisonment for five years.
Using drug, etc., 16. Any person who unlawfully applies or administers to, or
with intent to
commit offence. causes to be taken by, or attempts to apply or administer to, or
attempts to cause to be administered to or taken by, any person,
any chloroform, laudanum or other stupefying or overpowering
drug, matter or thing, with intent in any of such cases thereby to
enable himself or any other person to commit, or with intent in
any of such cases thereby to assist any other person in committing
any indictable offence, is liable to imprisonment for fifteen years.
19. If, upon the trial of any person for an offence under On indictment
under section 17
section 17, the jury are not satisfied that such person is guilty of jury may find
verdict under
that offence but are satisfied that he is guilty of an offence under section 18.
section 18, then and in every such case the jury may acquit the
accused of the offence under section 17 and find him guilty of the
offence under section 18 and thereupon he shall be liable to be
punished in the same manner as if convicted upon an indictment
for the offence under section 18.
20. Any person legally liable, either as a master or mistress, Not providing
apprentices or
to provide for an apprentice or servant, necessary food, clothing or servants with
food, etc.,
lodging, who wilfully and without lawful excuse refuses or whereby life
neglects to provide the same, or who unlawfully and maliciously endangered.
22. Any person who unlawfully and maliciously, by the Causing bodily
injury by
explosion of gunpowder or other explosive substance, burns, explosive
maims, disfigures, disables or does any grievous bodily harm
to any person, is liable to imprisonment for life or for any term
of years.
23. Any person who unlawfully and maliciously causes any Use of
gunpowder or other explosive substance to explode, or sends or substance or
other noxious
delivers to, or causes to be taken or received by, any person any thing, with
intent to do
grievous bodily
Setting 25. (1) Any person who sets or places, or causes to be set or
man-traps, etc. placed any spring-gun, man-trap or other engine calculated to
destroy human life or inflict grievous bodily harm, with the intent
that the same or whereby the same may destroy or inflict grievous
bodily harm upon a trespasser or other person coming in contact
therewith, is liable to imprisonment for five years.
(2) Any person who knowingly and wilfully permits any
such spring-gun, man-trap or other engine which may have been
set or placed in any place then being in or afterwards, coming
into his possession or occupation by some other person to
continue so set or placed, shall be deemed to have set and placed
the gun, trap, or engine with the intent as mentioned above.
Traps for (3) Nothing contained in this section shall extend to make
it illegal to set or place any gun or trap, such as may have been or
may be usually set or placed with the intent of destroying vermin.
Protection of (4) Further, nothing in this section shall be deemed to
dwelling house.
make it unlawful to set or place, or cause to be set or placed, or
to be continued set or placed, from sunset to sunrise, any spring-
gun, man-trap, or other engine which is set or placed, or caused
or continued to be set or placed, in a dwelling house, for the
protection thereof.
26. (1) Any person, having the charge of any vehicle, who, Drivers of
by wanton or furious driving, or other wilful misconduct, or by injuring
persons by
wilful neglect, does or causes to be done any bodily harm to any furious driving.
person whatsoever, is liable to imprisonment for four years.
(2) In this section, the expression “vehicle” includes a
carriage, hackney carriage, motor car, motor cab, motor van,
motor lorry, motor omnibus, motorcycle, tramcar, cart,
agricultural cart, hand cart, tricycle and bicycle.
27. Any person who— Obstructing or
assaulting a
(a) by threats or force, obstructs or prevents, or religious official
in the discharge
endeavours to obstruct or prevent, any religious of his duties.
[85 of 2000].
head or official in or from celebrating or
otherwise officiating at any religious service, or
meeting or at any place of divine worship, or in
or from the performance of his duty in the
lawful burial or cremation of the dead; or
(b) strikes or threatens any violence to, or upon
any civil process, or under the pretence of
executing any civil process, arrests any
religious head or official who is engaged in, or
to the knowledge of the offender is about to
engage in, or is going to perform, or is
returning from the performance of any rites or
duties mentioned in this section,
commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to
imprisonment for four years.
28. Any person who assaults and strikes or wounds any Assaults on
persons saving
Magistrate, officer or other person whatsoever lawfully shipwrecked
authorised, in or on account of the exercise of his duty, in or
concerning the preservation of any vessel in distress, or of any
vessel, goods or effects wrecked, stranded or cast on shore, or
lying under water is liable to imprisonment for four years.
Assault on 29. Any person who assaults, resists or wilfully obstructs any
peace officers,
etc. Magistrate, Justice, constable, peace officer or revenue officer in
[45 of 1979]. the due execution of his duty, or any person acting in aid of the
Magistrate, Justice, constable, peace officer, or revenue officer,
or assaults any person with intent to resist or prevent the lawful
apprehension or detainer of himself or of any other person for any
offence, is liable to imprisonment for four years.
Assault 30. Any person who is convicted upon an indictment of any
bodily harm. assault occasioning actual bodily harm is liable to imprisonment
for five years; and any person who is convicted upon an
Common indictment for a common assault is liable to a fine of four
thousand dollars and to imprisonment for two years.
30B. (1) A person who is accused of conduct which would Putting a person
in fear of
constitute an offence under section 30A and which causes the violence.
other person to fear that violence will be used against him, and [11 of 2005].
the person whose course of conduct is in question knows or ought
to know that his conduct will cause the other person so to fear,
commits an offence and is liable on conviction on indictment to
a fine of ten thousand dollars and to imprisonment for five years
or, on summary conviction, to a fine of five thousand dollars and
to imprisonment for six months.
(2) For the purpose of this section, the person whose
course of conduct is in question is deemed to know that it will
cause another person to fear that violence will be used against
him if a reasonable person in possession of the same
information would think the course of conduct would cause the
other person so to fear.
(3) If on trial on indictment, a person charged with an
offence under this section is found not guilty, the Court may find
him guilty of an offence under section 30A.
to (Repealed by Act No. 27 of 1986).
50. (1) Upon the conviction of the tenant, lessee, or occupier Determination
of any premises, of knowingly permitting the premises, or any of tenancy of
premises on
part thereof, to be used as a brothel, the landlord or lessor is conviction for
permitting use
entitled to require the person so convicted to assign the lease or as brothel, etc.
other contract under which the premises are held by him to some
person approved by the landlord or lessor, which approval shall
not be unreasonably withheld, and, in the event of the person so
convicted failing within three months to assign the lease or
contract, the landlord or lessor is entitled to determine the lease or
other contract but without prejudice to the rights or remedies of
any party to the lease or contract accrued before the date of the
determination. If the landlord or lessor should so determine the
lease or other contract of tenancy, the Court which has convicted
the tenant, lessee, or occupier shall have power to make a
summary order for delivery of possession to the landlord or lessor.
(2) If the landlord, or lessor after the conviction is
brought to his notice, fails to exercise his rights under the
foregoing provisions of this section, and subsequently during the
subsistence of the lease or contract any such offence is again
committed in respect of the premises, the landlord or lessor shall
to (Repealed by Act No. 27 of 1986).
chiLD steaLing
Child stealing. 54. Any person who unlawfully, either by force or fraud,
leads or takes away, or decoys or entices away or detains, any
child under the age of ten years, with intent to deprive any parent
or guardian, or other person having the lawful care or charge of
the child, of the possession of the child, or with intent to steal any
article upon or about the person of the child, to whomsoever the
article may belong, and any person who with any such intent,
receives or harbours any such child, knowing the same to have
been, by force or fraud, led, taken, decoyed, enticed away, or
detained as mentioned in this section is liable to imprisonment for
Fathers taking five years; but no person who claims to be the father of, or to have
illegitimate any right of possession of, an illegitimate child is liable to be
prosecuted by virtue hereof on account of the getting possession
of that child, or taking that child out of the possession of the
mother or any other person having the lawful charge thereof.
55. (1) Any person who being married, marries any other Bigamy.
person during the lifetime of the former husband or wife,
whether the second marriage has taken place in Trinidad and
Tobago or elsewhere, is liable to imprisonment for four years.
(2) Nothing contained in this section shall extend to
any person marrying a second time whose husband or wife has
been continually absent from such person for the space of seven
years then last past, and has not been known by such person to
be living within that time, or shall extend to any person who, at
the time of the second marriage has been divorced from the
bond of the first marriage, or to any person whose former
marriage has been declared void by the sentence of any Court of
competent jurisdiction.
57. Any person who unlawfully supplies or procures any Procuring drugs,
etc., to cause
poison or other noxious thing, or any instrument or thing abortion.
whatsoever, knowing that the same is intended to be unlawfully
used or employed with intent to procure the miscarriage of any
woman, whether she is or is not with child, is liable to
imprisonment for two years.
to (Repealed by Act No. 27 of 1986).
prOtectiOn OrDer
(Name of Defendant)
(Name of person to be protected)
NOW THIS COURT ORDERS, that for the period from the …....................………
You ………………………………………….
(Name of Defendant)
fail to comply with any of the terms of this Order you shall be liable on
summary conviction to imprisonment for six months pursuant to
section 30D(5) of the above-mentioned Act.
Justice or Clerk of the Peace of the
Magistrate’s Court for the District
cOMpensatiOn OrDer
(Name of Defendant)
towards ……………………………………..................................................…
(Name of person to be compensated)
Justice or Clerk of the Peace of the
Magistrate’s Court for the District
...........…….........……………………………..… Defendant
………………………………………………..……………………… on the
(Name of person against whom the Order was made)
(Name of person who is protected by the Order)
I ask for a discharge of the Order/variation of the Order in the following terms:
towards…………………………………………...………………………. and
(Name of person protected by the Order)
does this day Order that the Protection Order be discharged with
Justice or Clerk of the Peace of the
Magistrate’s Court for the District
an act to amend the Offences against the person act, ch. 11:08.
Short title and 1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Offences Against the
Person (Amendment) Act, 2000.
(2) This Act shall come into operation on such date as
the President may appoint by Proclamation.
Section 3 of the 2. Section 3 of the Offences Against the Person Act
Act amended
Ch. 11:08. (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) is renumbered as section (1),
and the following new subsection (2) is added thereto:
“ (2) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1), a
person shall suffer death if he is convicted of murder 1.”.
Sections 4D, 3. The Act is amended by inserting after section 4C the
4E, 4F, 4G, 4H,
4I, and 4J following new sections:
“Murder 1. 4D. Murder 1 is the category of the offence
of murder as may be determined under section
4J which is not reduced to manslaughter or
which is not required to be punished as
manslaughter under any written law and
consists of the offences specified in section 4E.
Categories of 4E. (1) Subject to subsection (2), murder
Murder 1.
committed in the following circumstances is
Murder 1, that is to say:
(a) the murder of—
(i) a member of the security
forces acting in the
execution of his duties
or of a person assisting a
member so acting;
5. The Criminal Law Act is amended by substituting for the Ch. 10:04
word “murder” occurring in section 2A the words “murder 1”.