Our Week at A Glance 2-19

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Second Grade News

February 19, 2018:

This Week: Feb. 19-23

Tuesday – NO SCHOOL! (Teacher’s Professional Development workday)

Wednesday – Art
Thursday – Music
Friday- Wellness

Things to do!

 Student SHOUT OUT! Congratulations to Paisley Barber for her generous

work as she partners with the fundraiser Brightening Birthdays- Volunteers
of America. If you’d like to support the cause, donations will continue until
March 3rd!
Click here to donate  Amazon Wish List For Donations
Click here to watch the 10tv interview with Paisley and her sister!  Sisters
In Action!

 Continue reading at home, practicing spelling words, and math!

Looking Ahead (Please make sure you mark these days in your calendar! They
will be fun and important days!)

 Friday, February 23rd - 2nd Trimester Ends

 Monday, February 26th- 3rd Trimester Begins
 March 5th & March 7th- Parent/Teacher Conferences! Click the link below
to sign up for a time to meet. If you have more than one child in our class,
please make sure you sign up for TWO time slots.
Click here for conference sign up  Sign up

Scholastic Book Orders:

Our class is LOVING reading time. They are all super interested in finding new
genres and books to get hooked on! A wonderful way to support your child’s
love for reading is to buy MORE BOOKS! Scholastic website has so many
amazing books and they are such great prices!! Here is the link to browse books
and order online: https://clubs.scholastic.com/
Our class code for online orders is RHD8M. All book orders are sent to our school
and then sent home with your child.
Current Learning:

Fundations: This week we will begin Unit 10 (2 weeks). Students will read and spell
words with ai an ay, using spelling option procedure to spell words with a /a/
sound. Students will also be introduced to the concept of homophones using
definitions to support the correct spelling based on its meaning. For example:
(main, mane).

The trick words for this unit are:

Week 1: great, country, away
Week 2: America, school, thought
 PLEASE make sure you are practicing these words and patterns with your
child every night. This will support them when they READ and WRITE!! It’s
SO important!

Math: We will begin Unit 6- Geometry this week. Students will identify, describe,
draw, and create 2-D shapes based on their defining features. Students will
explore the area of shapes, split shapes into various equal parts, and recognize
that equal parts of identical wholes do not need to be the same shape.
In Number Corner, we have been working on fractions through identifying
the amount of red within a variety of Country flags. Our class has loved this as it
relates to the Olympics! Quick facts! The quick facts are timed checkpoints for
mastery (2 minutes) that support fluently adding/subtracting. The pace of these
quick facts are student driven. If your child has mastered counting on facts, they
will move forward to doubles, doubles plus or minus one, make ten, add ten,
add nine, and leftovers. These are all of the strategies that we continue to learn
and practice. For extra support at home, I would suggest having your child
practice math fact fluency on XtraMath  https://xtramath.org/#/home/index

Writing: We have successfully finished our Opinion writing unit! Our next unit will
focus on Informative writing. Students will go through the process of the Scientific
Method. They will pose questions, research, form a hypothesis, test experiments
that focus on force and motion, and analyze their results. I love this unit! It has a
strong focus on inquiry and science!

Reading: We will continue to identify author’s purpose, character traits, story

elements, lessons/morals, make inferences, and comparing/contrasting
characters throughout our reading lessons. We will continue to investigate non-
fiction text features in relation to informational texts (index, glossary, table of
contents, captions, labels, headings, diagrams, maps, etc.)

I will continue to BAS students to identify their instructional reading level this
week. This is an assessment used to identify self-correction rates, accuracy, and
comprehension on leveled texts. Once I have assessed all students, I will create
new Guided Reading groups and continue supporting decoding and
comprehensions skills.

Social Studies: (Junior Achievement) Last week, students participated in making

decisions that benefit their school community. They voted to express their
choice and to determine the will of the majority. This week will be our last session
with our Junior Achievement volunteers. We will miss our time together!!

Have a GREAT week!

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