Mob Syllabus
Mob Syllabus
Mob Syllabus
Objective of the Module: The objectives is to develop a basic understand of the theories and concepts of
management, demonstrate the ability to apply management theory and concepts to organizational
problems, develop the basic interpersonal, analytical, critical thinking, teamwork and decision-making
skills required of managers, and develop an awareness of current issues and trends in management.
Value Addition:
At the end of the course the student will be able to understand the role manager in an organization
and various activities and functions of him/her in relation to the other functional areas of
Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior : Concept and Meaning of Management-
Management Process and Functions: Planning, Organizing, leading and controlling; Controlling
mechanisms. Managerial Roles, Skills and Styles-The Individual Management Model-3D Model of
Managerial Behavior - MBO - MBWA -Organizational Architecture –Organizational Practices –The
Peter’s Principle –Parkinson’s Law Theory- Main Approaches to Organization, Structure, and
Management –Classical, Human Relations, Systems and Contingency Approaches. Models of OB-
Autocratic, Custodial, Supportive, Collegial and System Models.
Individual Processes in Organizations: Psychological contract - Personality Traits - Key work related
attitudes –Individual differences – Nomothetic and Ideographic approaches - Kelly’s Personal construct
Theory. The Process of Perception - Organization and arrangement of stimuli - Perceptual illusions -
Perceptual distortions and errors. Need based and Process based
perspectives on motivation - Motivation and Organizational performance - Content Theories:
Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg, McCleland. Process Theories : Vroom, Porter and Lawler, Equity
Theory - Goal Theory - Attribution Theory.
Interpersonal processes in Organizations : Communication in Organization - Communication
Process - Methods – Barriers - Grapevine. Transactional Analysis. Johari Window. Group
Dynamics: Typology of Groups - Conflicts in groups - Working with Diversity - The Nature of Conflict
- Reactions to Conflict - A model of Conflict. Leadership Models and Concepts - Trait and Behavioral
Approaches to Leadership: Path-Goal Theory, Vroom’s Decision Tree Approach to Leadership- Hersey
and Blanchard Model.. Decision Making and Negotiations: Approaches to Decision making -Rational,
Behavioral, Practical, and Personal Approaches - Open and Closed Models of Decision Making.
Organizational Processes and Characteristics : Dimensions of Organization structure and
organizational design– Authority, Responsibility, and Accountability – Delegation –
Centralization, Decentralization, Recentralization – Line and Staff Relationship - Organization
Design -Organization Culture and Organization Effectiveness – Organization Climate - Stress
Management – Business ethics. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour,
Emerging Trends in Management: Comparative Management, Challenges in Indian Management,
Global Management practices, Corporate Social Responsibility and Capability Management. National
commissions on Subjects pertaining to management of people.
Recommended Book -
Curtis Cook, Phillip Hunsaker, Robert Coffey. Management and Organizational
Behavior, 2006, New Delhi, Tata McGrawHill.
Further Reference:
Slocum and Hellriegel; Organisational Behaviour; Cengage Learning; New Delhi, 2008, 10th edition.
B.R.Virmani, 2005, Managing People in Organisations, Response Books.
Udai Pareek 2004, Understanding Organisational Behaviour, Oxford University Press.
Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich, 2007, Essentials of Management, TMH.
Thomas N. Duening; John M. Ivancevich; Management – Principles and Guidelines by Biztantra
Education; New Delhi ISBN 8177223860,2007.
Heinz Weihrich, Mark V Cannice, Harold Koontz; Management – A global and entrepreneurial
perspective; Tata McGraw Hill; 12th edition by ISBN 0070660190 9780070660199,2008