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1 IA 18 0

1 2,1 2
Periodic Table of the Elements 13 IIIA 14 IVA 15 VA 16 VIA 17 VIIA
1,01 4,00
3 1,0 4 1,5 No EN 5 2,0 6 2,5 7 3,0 8 3,5 9 4,0 10
Li Be Element B C N O F Ne
6,94 9,01 AMU 10,8 12,0 14,0 16,0 19,0 20,2
11 0,9 12 1,2 13 1,5 14 1,8 15 2,1 16 2,5 17 3,0 18
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
23,0 24,3
3 IIIB 4 IVB 5 VB 6 VIB 7 VIIB 8 VII 9 VII 10 VII 11 IB 12 IIB 27,0 28,1 31,0 32,1 35,45 39,9
19 0,8 20 1,0 21 1,3 22 1,5 23 1,6 24 1,6 25 1,5 26 1,8 27 1,8 28 1,8 29 1,9 30 1,6 31 1,6 32 1,8 33 2,0 34 2,4 35 2,8 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
39,1 40,1 45,0 47,9 50,9 52,0 54,9 55,8 58,9 58,7 63,5 65,4 69,7 72,6 74,9 79,0 79,9 83,8
37 0,8 38 1,0 39 1,2 40 1,4 41 1,6 42 1,8 43 1,9 44 2,2 45 2,2 46 2,2 47 1,9 48 1,7 49 1,7 50 1,8 51 1,9 52 2,1 53 2,5 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
85,5 87,6 88,9 91,2 92,9 95,9 (98) 101,1 102,9 106,4 107,9 112,4 114,8 118,7 121,8 127,6 126,9 131,3
55 0,7 56 0,9 57-71 72 1,6 73 1,5 74 2,4 75 1,9 76 2,2 77 2,2 78 2,2 79 2,5 80 2,0 81 1,6 82 1,8 83 1,9 84 2,0 85 2,5 86

Cs Ba La-Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
132,9 137,3 Lanthanides 178,5 180,9 183,8 186,2 190,2 192,2 195,1 197,0 200,6 204,4 207,2 209,0 (209) (210) (222)
87 0,7 88 0,9 89-103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
Fr Ra Ac-Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Uut Uuq Uup Uuh Uus Uuo
(223) 226,0 Actinides (261) (262) (263) (262) (265) (266) (269) (272) (277) (284) (289) (288) (293) (282) (282)

Transition Metal 57 1,1 58 1,1 59 1,1 60 1,1 61 62 1,1 63 64 1,2 65 66 1,2 67 1,2 68 1,2 69 1,3 70 71 1,3
Metalloid La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Non-metal (145)
138,9 140,1 140,9 144,2 150,4 152,0 157,3 158,9 162,5 164,9 167,3 168,9 173,0 175,0
Noble Gas
Lanthanide 89 1,1 90 1,3 91 1,5 92 1,4 93 1,3 94 1,3 95 1,3 96 1,3 97 1,3 98 1,3 99 1,3 100 1,3 101 1,3 102 1,3 103
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
227,0 232,0 231,0 238,0 237,0 (244) (243) (247) (247) (251) (252) (257) (258) (258) (260)




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When we look outside at everything in nature, look around us at everything manufactured
or look up at everything in space we cannot but be struck by the incredible diversity and
complexity of life; so many things, that look so different, operating in such unique ways.
The physical universe really contains incredible complexity.

Yet, what is even more remarkable than this seeming complexity is the fact that things in
the physical universe are knowable. We can investigate them, analyse them and under-
stand them. It is this ability to understand the physical universe that allows us to trans-
form elements and make technological progress possible.

If we look back at some of the things that developed over the last century ñ space travel,
advances in medicine, wireless communication (from television to mobile phones) and
materials a thousand times stronger than steel we see they are not the consequence of
magic or some inexplicable phenomena. They were all developed through the study and
systematic application of the physical sciences. So as we look forward at the 21st century
and some of the problems of poverty, disease and pollution that face us, it is partly to the
physical sciences we need to turn.

For however great these challenges seem, we know that the physical universe is know-
able and that the dedicated study thereof can lead to the most remarkable advances.
There can hardly be a more exciting challenge than laying bare the seeming complexity
of the physical universe and working with the incredible diversity therein to develop prod-
ucts and services that add real quality to peopleís lives.

Physical sciences is far more wonderful, exciting and beautiful than magic! It is every-

1 Vectors in two dimensions 4

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Resultant of perpendicular vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Components of vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
1.4 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

2 Newton’s laws 56
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.2 Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.3 Newton’s laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.4 Forces between masses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
2.5 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

3 Atomic combinations 136

3.1 Chemical bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
3.2 Molecular shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
3.3 Electronegativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
3.4 Energy and bonding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
3.5 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

4 Intermolecular forces 166

4.1 Intermolecular and interatomic forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
4.2 The chemistry of water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
4.3 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

5 Geometrical optics 194

5.1 Summary of properties of light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
5.2 Light rays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
5.3 Properties of light: revision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
5.4 The speed of light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
5.5 Refraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
5.6 Snell’s Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
5.7 Critical angles and total internal reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
5.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

6 2D and 3D wavefronts 234

6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
6.2 Wavefronts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
6.3 Huygens principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
6.4 Diffraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
6.5 Diffraction through a single slit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
6.6 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

7 Ideal gases 252

7.1 Motion of particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
7.2 Ideal gas laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
7.3 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284

8 Quantitative aspects of chemical change 290

8.1 Gases and solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
8.2 Stoichiometric calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
8.3 Volume relationships in gaseous reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
8.4 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312

9 Electrostatics 318
9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
9.2 Coulomb’s law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
9.3 Electric field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
9.4 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341

10 Electromagnetism 346
10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
10.2 Magnetic field associated with a current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
10.3 Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
10.4 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369

11 Electric circuits 372

11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
11.2 Ohm’s Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
11.3 Power and energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
11.4 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413

12 Energy and chemical change 418

12.1 Energy changes in chemical reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
12.2 Exothermic and endothermic reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
12.3 Activation energy and the activated complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
12.4 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432

13 Types of reactions 438

13.1 Acids and bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
13.2 Acid-base reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
13.3 Redox reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
13.4 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465

14 The lithosphere 470

14.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
14.2 The lithosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
14.3 Mining and mineral processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
14.4 Energy resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
14.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486

15 Quantities used in the book 490

Solutions to exercises 491

List of Definitions 508

Image Attribution 510


Vectors in two dimensions

1.1 Introduction 4
1.2 Resultant of perpendicular vectors 4
1.3 Components of vectors 36
1.4 Chapter summary 50
1 Vectors in two dimensions

1.1 Introduction ESBK2

In grade 10 you learnt about vectors in one dimension. Now we will take these con-
cepts further and learn about vectors in two dimensions as well as components of

As a very short recap, a vector has both a magnitude and a direction. There are many
physical quantities, like forces, that are well described by vectors (called or known
as vector quantities). We often use arrows to represent vectors visually because the
length of the arrow can be related to the magnitude and the arrowhead can indicate
the direction. We will talk about the head, tail and magnitude of a vector when using
arrows to represent them. Below is a diagram showing a vector (the arrow). The
magnitude is indicated by the length and the labels show the the tail and the head of
the vector. The direction of the vector is indicated by the direction in which the arrow
is pointing.


Tail Head

When we write the symbol for a physical quantity represented by a vector we draw an
arrow over it to signify that it is a vector. If the arrow is left out then we are referring
only to the magnitude of the vector quantity.

Key Mathematics Concepts

• Theorem of Pythagoras — Mathematics, Grade 10, Analytical geometry

• Units and unit conversions — Physical Sciences, Grade 10, Science skills

• Equations — Mathematics, Grade 10, Equations and inequalities

• Trigonometry — Mathematics, Grade 10, Trigonometry

• Graphs — Mathematics, Grade 10, Functions and graphs

1.2 Resultant of perpendicular vectors ESBK3

In grade 10 you learnt about the resultant vector in one dimension, we are going to
extend this to two dimensions. As a reminder, if you have a number of vectors (think
forces for now) acting at the same time you can represent the result of all of them
together with a single vector known as the resultant. The resultant vector will have the
same effect as all the vectors adding together.

4 1.1. Introduction
We will focus on examples involving forces but it is very important to remember
that this applies to all physical quantities that can be described by vectors, forces,
displacements, accelerations, velocities and more.

Vectors on the Cartesian plane ESBK4

The first thing to make a note of is that in Grade 10 we worked with vectors all acting
in a line, on a single axis. We are now going to go further and start to deal with two
dimensions. We can represent this by using the Cartesian plane which consists of two
perpendicular (at a right angle) axes. The axes are a x-axis and a y-axis. We normally
draw the x-axis from left to right (horizontally) and the y-axis up and down (vertically).

We can draw vectors on the Cartesian plane. For example, if we have a force, F , of
magnitude 2 N acting in the positive x-direction we can draw it as a vector on the
Cartesian plane.

−2 −1 1 2


Notice that the length of the vector as measured using the axes is 2, the magnitude
specified. A vector doesn’t have to start at the origin but can be placed anywhere on
the Cartesian plane. Where a vector starts on the plane doesn’t affect the physical
quantity as long as the magnitude and direction remain the same. That means that
all of the vectors in the diagram below can represent the same force. This property is
know as equality of vectors.

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 5


In the diagram the vectors have the
same magnitude because the ar-
F rows are the same length and they
x have the same direction. They are
−2 −1 1 2
all parallel to the x-direction and
F parallel to each other.

This applies equally in the y- y

direction. For example, if we have
a force, F , of magnitude 2,5 N 2
acting in the positive y-direction F
we can draw it as a vector on the 1
Cartesian plane.
Just as in the case of the x- x
direction, a vector doesn’t have −2 −1 1 2
to start at the origin but can be −1
placed anywhere on the Cartesian
plane. All of the vectors in the −2
diagram below can represent the
same force.

−2 −1 1 2
F −1


6 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

The following diagram shows an exam- To emphasise that the vectors are per-
ple of four force vectors, two vectors pendicular you can see in the figure
that are parallel to each other and the below that when originating from the
y-axis as well as two that are parallel to same point the vector are at right an-
each other and the x-axis. gles.
y y

2 2
1 1
x x
−2 −1 1 2 −2 −1 1 2
−1 −1
F2 F2
−2 −2

Exercise 1 – 1:

1. Draw the following forces as vectors on the Cartesian plane originating at the

• F1 = 1,5 N in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 2 N in the positive y-direction

2. Draw the following forces as vectors on the Cartesian plane:

• F1 = 3 N in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 1 N in the negative x-direction
• F3 = 3 N in the positive y-direction

3. Draw the following forces as vectors on the Cartesian plane:

• F1 = 3 N in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 1 N in the positive x-direction
• F3 = 2 N in the negative x-direction
• F4 = 3 N in the positive y-direction

4. Draw the following forces as vectors on the Cartesian plane:

• F1 = 2 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 1,5 N in the negative y-direction
• F3 = 2,5 N in the negative x-direction
• F4 = 3 N in the positive y-direction

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23F3 2. 23F4 3. 23F5 4. 23F6

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 7

Vectors in two dimensions are not
always parallel to an axis. We
might know that a force acts at an 2
angle to an axis so we still know F1
the direction of the force and if we
know the magnitude we can draw 1
the force vector. For example, we
can draw F1 = 2 N acting at 45◦ 45◦
to the positive x-direction:
0 x
0 1 2

We always specify the angle as be-

45◦1 x ing anti-clockwise from the posi-
tive x-axis. So if we specified an
−1 F1 negative angle we would measure
it clockwise from the x-axis. For
example, F1 = 2 N acting at −45◦
−2 to the positive x-direction:

We can use many other ways of specifying the direction of a vector. The direction
just needs to be unambiguous. We have used the Cartesian coordinate system and an
angle with the x-axis so far but there are other common ways of specifying direction
that you need to be aware of and comfortable to handle.

Compass directions ESBK5

We can use compass directions when appropriate to specify the direction of a vector.
For example, if we were describing the forces of tectonic plates (the sections of the
earth’s crust that move) to talk about the forces involved in earthquakes we could talk
the force that the moving plates exert on each other.

Figure 1.1: A map of the 15 major tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s crust.

8 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

The four cardinal directions are
North, South, East and West when
using a compass. They are shown
in this figure:
When specifying a direction of
a vector using a compass direc-
tions are given by name, North
or South. If the direction is di-
rectly between two directions we
can combine the names, for exam-
ple North-East is half-way between
North and East. This can only hap-
pen for directions at right angles to
each other, you cannot say North-
South as it is ambiguous.
Figure 1.2: A sketch of the compass directions.

Bearings ESBK6

Another way of using the compass to specify direction in a numerical way is to use
bearings. A bearing is an angle, usually measured clockwise from North. Note that
this is different to the Cartesian plane where angles are anti- or counter-clockwise from
the positive x-direction.

The resultant vector ESBK7

In grade 10 you learnt about adding vectors together in one dimension. The same
principle can be applied for vectors in two dimensions. The following examples show
addition of vectors. Vectors that are parallel can be shifted to fall on a line. Vectors
falling on the same line are called co-linear vectors. To add co-linear vectors we use
the tail-to-head method you learnt in Grade 10. In the figure below we remind you of
the approach of adding co-linear vectors to get a resultant vector.

F3 y
F4 F5 F6
2 F2
1 F1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

In the above figure the blue vectors are in the y-direction and the red vectors are in
the x-direction. The two black vectors represent the resultants of the co-linear vectors

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 9

What we have done is implement the tail-to-head method of vector addition for the
vertical set of vectors and the horizontal set of vectors.

Worked example 1: Revision: head-to-tail addition in one dimension


Use the graphical head-to-tail method to determine the resultant force on a rugby

player if two players on his team are pushing him forwards with forces of F1 = 600 N

and F2 = 900 N respectively and two players from the opposing team are pushing him
→ →
backwards with forces of F3 = 1000 N and F4 = 650 N respectively.


Step 1: Choose a scale and a reference direction

Let’s choose a scale of 100 N: 0,5 cm and for our diagram we will define the positive
direction as to the right.

Step 2: Choose one of the vectors and draw it as an arrow of the correct length in
the correct direction

We will start with drawing the vector F1 = 600 N pointing in the positive direction.
Using our scale of 0,5 cm : 100 N, the length of the arrow must be 3 cm pointing to
the right.

F1 = 600 N

0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Step 3: Take the next vector and draw it starting at the arrowhead of the previous
→ →
The next vector is F2 = 900 N in the same direction as F1 . Using the scale, the arrow
should be 4,5 cm long and pointing to the right.

F1 = 600 N F2 = 900 N

0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Step 4: Take the next vector and draw it starting at the arrowhead of the previous

10 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

The next vector is F3 = 1000 N in the opposite direction. Using the scale, this arrow
should be 5 cm long and point to the left.

Note: We are working in one dimension so this arrow would be drawn on top of the
first vectors to the left. This will get confusing so we’ll draw it next to the actual line as
well to show you what it looks like.

F1 = 600 N F2 = 900 N
F3 = 1000 N
0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Step 5: Take the next vector and draw it starting at the arrowhead of the previous

The fourth vector is F4 = 650 N in the opposite direction. Using the scale, this arrow
must be 3,25 cm long and point to the left.

F1 = 600 N F2 = 900 N
F4 = 650 N F3 = 1000 N
0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Step 6: Draw the resultant, measure its length and find its direction

We have now drawn all the force vectors that are being applied to the player. The
resultant vector is the arrow which starts at the tail of the first vector and ends at the
head of the last drawn vector.

yFR = 150 N
F1 = 600 N F2 = 900 N
F4 = 650 N F3 = 1000 N
0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The resultant vector measures 0,75 cm which, using our scale is equivalent to 150 N
and points to the left (or the negative direction or the direction the opposing team
members are pushing in).

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 11

Exercise 1 – 2:

1. Find the resultant in the x-direction, Rx , and y-direction, Ry for the following

• F1 = 1,5 N in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 1,5 N in the positive x-direction
• F3 = 2 N in the negative x-direction

 x , and y-direction, R
2. Find the resultant in the x-direction, R  y for the following

• F1 = 2,3 N in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 1 N in the negative x-direction
• F3 = 2 N in the positive y-direction
• F4 = 3 N in the negative y-direction

 x , and y-direction, R
3. Find the resultant in the x-direction, R  y for the following

• F1 = 3 N in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 1 N in the positive x-direction
• F3 = 2 N in the negative x-direction
• F4 = 3 N in the positive y-direction

 x , and y-direction, R
4. Find the resultant in the x-direction, R  y for the following

• F1 = 2 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 1,5 N in the negative y-direction
• F3 = 2,5 N in the negative x-direction
• F4 = 3 N in the positive y-direction

5. Find a force in the x-direction, Fx , and y-direction, Fy , that you can add to the
following forces to make the resultant in the x-direction, Rx , and y-direction, Ry

• F1 = 2,4 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 0,7 N in the negative y-direction
• F3 = 2,8 N in the negative x-direction
• F4 = 3,3 N in the positive y-direction

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23F7 2. 23F8 3. 23F9 4. 23FB 5. 23FC

12 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

Magnitude of the resultant of vectors at right angles ESBK8

We apply the same principle to vectors that are at right angles or perpendicular to each

Sketching tail-to-head method

The tail of the one vector is placed at the head of the other but in two dimensions the
vectors may not be co-linear. The approach is to draw all the vectors, one at a time.
For the first vector begin at the origin of the Cartesian plane, for the second vector
draw it from the head of the first vector. The third vector should be drawn from the
head of the second and so on. Each vector is drawn from the head of the vector that
preceded it. The order doesn’t matter as the resultant will be the same if the order is

Let us apply this procedure to two vec-


• F1 = 2 N in the positive y- 2

• F2 = 1,5 N in the positive x-

First, we first draw a Cartesian plane

0 x
with the first vector originating at the
origin as shown on the right. 0 1 2

The second step is to take the second  is the vector connect-

The resultant, R,
vector and draw it from the head of the ing the tail of the first vector drawn to
first vector: the head of the last vector drawn:
y y
F2 F2
2 2
F1 F1
1 1

0 x 0 x
0 1 2 0 1 2

It is important to remember that the order in which we draw the vectors doesn’t matter.
If we had drawn them in the opposite order we would have the same resultant, R.  We
can repeat the process to demonstrate this:

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 13

We first draw a Cartesian plane with The next step is to take the other vector
the second vector originating at the ori- and draw it from the head of the vector
gin: we have already drawn:
y y

2 2
1 1
F2 F2
0 x 0 x
0 1 2 0 1 2

 is the vector con-

The resultant, R, 2
necting the tail of the first vector F1
drawn to the head of the last vec- 
tor drawn (the vector from the start 1 R
point to the end point):
0 x
0 1 2

Worked example 2: Sketching vectors using tail-to-head


Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method:

• F1 = 2 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 1,5 N in the positive x-direction

• F3 = 1,3 N in the negative y-direction

• F4 = 1 N in the negative x-direction

14 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors


Step 1: Draw the Cartesian plane and

Step 2: Draw the second vector
the first vector
Starting at the head of the first vector
First draw the Cartesian plane and
we draw the tail of the second vector:
force, F1 starting at the origin:
0 x
0 x 0 1 2
0 1 2

Step 3: Draw the third vector Step 4: Draw the fourth vector
Starting at the head of the second vec- Starting at the head of the third vector
tor we draw the tail of the third vector: we draw the tail of the fourth vector:
y y
F2 F2
2 2
F1 F3 F1 F3
1 1 F4

0 x 0 x
0 1 2 0 1 2

Step 5: Draw the resultant vector

Starting at the origin draw the resultant vector to the head of the fourth vector:

F1 F3
1 F4

0 x
0 1 2

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 15

Worked example 3: Sketching vectors using tail-to-head


Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method by first
determining the resultant in the x- and y-directions:

• F1 = 2 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 1,5 N in the positive x-direction

• F3 = 1,3 N in the negative y-direction

• F4 = 1 N in the negative x-direction


Step 1: First determine Rx Step 2: Secondly determine R y

First draw the Cartesian plane with the Next we draw the Cartesian plane with
vectors in the x-direction: the vectors in the y-direction:
y y

2 2
F1 F3
1 1
 x F4
R y
0 x 0 x

0 F2 1 2 0 1 2
Step 3: Draw the resultant vectors, R Step 4: Comparison of results
and R x head-to-tail To double check, we can replot all the
vectors again as we did in the previous
y worked example to see that the out-
come is the same:
2 y

x F2
1 R 2
y R F1 F3
R  x 
0 1 F4
0 1 2 y R
0 x
0 1 2

16 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

Exercise 1 – 3:
When dealing with more
than two vectors the
1. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method: procedure is repetitive.
First find the resultant of
• F1 = 2,1 N in the positive y-direction any two of the vectors to
be added. Then use the
• F2 = 1,5 N in the negative x-direction same method to add the
resultant from the first
2. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method: two vectors with a third
vector. This new resultant
is then added to the
• F1 = 12 N in the positive y-direction fourth vector and so on,
• F2 = 10 N in the positive x-direction until there are no more
vectors to be added.
• F3 = 5 N in the negative y-direction
• F4 = 5 N in the negative x-direction

3. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method
by first determining the resultant in the x- and y-directions:

• F1 = 2 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 1,5 N in the negative y-direction
• F3 = 1,3 N in the negative y-direction
• F4 = 1 N in the negative x-direction

4. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method
by first determining the resultant in the x- and y-directions:

• F1 = 6 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 3,5 N in the negative x-direction
• F3 = 8,7 N in the negative y-direction
• F4 = 3 N in the negative y-direction

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23FD 2. 23FF 3. 23FG 4. 23FH

Sketching tail-to-tail method

In this method we draw the two vectors with their tails on the origin. Then we draw
a line parallel to the first vector from the head of the second vector and vice versa.
Where the parallel lines intersect is the head of the resultant vector that will also start
at the origin. We will only deal with perpendicular vectors but this procedure works
for any vectors.

Let us apply this procedure to the same two vectors we used to illustrate the head-to-tail

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 17

• F1 = 2 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 1,5 N in the positive x-direction

1. We first draw a Cartesian plane 2. Then we add the second vector

with the first vector originating at but also originating from the ori-
the origin: gin so that the vectors are drawn
1 F1
0 x F2
0 1 2 0 x
0 1 2

3. Now we draw a line parallel to F1 4. Next we draw a line parallel to F2
from the head of F2 : from the head of F1 :
y y

2 2
F1 F1
1 1
F2 F2
0 x 0 x
0 1 2 0 1 2

5. Where the two lines intersect is You might be asking what you would
the head of the resultant vector do if you had more than 2 vectors to
which will originate at the origin add together. In this case all you need
so: to do is first determine R  x by adding
y all the vectors that are parallel to the x-
direction and R  y by adding all the vec-
tors that are parallel to the y-direction.
2 Then you use the tail-to-tail method to
find the resultant of R x and R y.
1 R
0 x
0 1 2

18 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

Exercise 1 – 4:

1. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-tail method:

• F1 = 2,1 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 1,5 N in the negative x-direction

2. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-tail method by
first determining the resultant in the x- and y-directions:

• F1 = 2 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 1,5 N in the negative y-direction
• F3 = 1,3 N in the negative y-direction
• F4 = 1 N in the negative x-direction

3. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-tail method by
first determining the resultant in the x- and y-directions:

• F1 = 6 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 3,5 N in the negative x-direction
• F3 = 8,7 N in the negative y-direction
• F4 = 3 N in the negative y-direction

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23FJ 2. 23FK 3. 23FM

Closed vector diagrams

A closed vector diagram is a set of vec-

tors drawn on the Cartesian using the 4 y
tail-to-head method and that has a re-
3 F2
sultant with a magnitude of zero. This
means that if the first vector starts at the
origin the last vector drawn must end at 2 F1
the origin. The vectors form a closed
polygon, no matter how many of them 1
are drawn. Here are a few examples of
closed vector diagrams: 0 x
0 1 2 3 4

In this case there were 3 force vectors. When drawn tail-to-head with the first force
starting at the origin the last force drawn ends at the origin. The resultant would have
a magnitude of zero. The resultant is drawn from the tail of the first vector to the head
of the final vector.

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 19

In the diagram below there are 4 vectors that also form a closed vector diagram.

4 F2

F1 1 F3

−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4



In this case with 4 vectors, the shape is a 4-sided polygon. Any polygon made up of
vectors drawn tail-to-head will be a closed vector diagram because a polygon has no

Using Pythagoras’ theorem to find magnitude

If we wanted to know the resultant of
the three blue vectors and the three 5
red vectors in Figure 1.2 we can use
the resultant vectors in the x- and y- 4
directions to determine this. x
The black arrow represents the resul-
 x and R
 y . We can 3
tant of the vectors R
find the magnitude of this vector using y
2 R 
the theorem of Pythagoras because the
three vectors form a right angle trian-
gle. If we had drawn the vectors to 1
scale we would be able to measure the
magnitude of the resultant as well. 0 x
1 2 3 4

What we’ve actually sketched out already is our approach to finding the resultant of
many vectors using components so remember this example when we get there a little

20 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

Worked example 4: Finding the magnitude of the resultant


The force vectors in Figure 1.2 have the following magnitudes: 1 N, 1 N, 2 N for the
blue ones and 2 N, 2 N and 1,5 N for the red ones. Determine the magnitude of the


Step 1: Determine the resultant of the vectors parallel to the y-axis

The resultant of the vectors parallel to the y-axis is found by adding the magnitudes
(lengths) of three vectors because they all point in the same direction. The answer is
R y =1 N + 1 N + 2 N = 4 N in the positive y-direction.

Step 2: Determine the resultant of the vectors parallel to the x-axis

The resultant of the vectors parallel to the x-axis is found by adding the magnitudes
(lengths) of three vectors because they all point in the same direction. The answer is
R x =2 N + 2 N + 1,5 N = 5,5 N in the positive x-direction.

Step 3: Determine the magnitude of the resultant

We have a right angled triangle. We also know the length of two of the sides. Using
Pythagoras we can find the length of the third side. From what we know about resultant
vectors this length will be the magnitude of the resultant vector.

The resultant is:

Rx2 + Ry2 = R2 (Pythagoras’ theorem)

(5,5)2 + (4)2 = R2
R = 6,8

Step 4: Quote the final answer

Magnitude of the resultant: 6,8 N

Note: we did not determine the resultant vector in the worked example above because
we only determined the magnitude. A vector needs a magnitude and a direction. We
did not determine the direction of the resultant vector.

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 21

Graphical methods ESBK9

Graphical techniques

In grade 10 you learnt how to add vectors in one dimension graphically.

We can expand these ideas to include vectors in two-dimensions. The following

worked example shows this.

Worked example 5: Finding the magnitude of the resultant in two dimensions



Given two vectors, R  y = 4 N in the positive y-direction and R

 x = 3 N in the positive x-
direction, use the tail-to-head method to find the resultant of these vectors graphically.


Step 1: Choose a scale and draw axes Step 2: Draw R x

The vectors we have do not have very The magnitude of R  x is 3 N so the ar-
big magnitudes so we can choose sim- row we need to draw must be 3 cm
ple scale, we can use 1 N : 1 cm as our long. The arrow must point in the pos-
scale for the drawing. itive x-direction.
Then we draw axes that the vector di-
agram should fit in. The largest vector y
has length 4 N and both vectors are in
the positive direction so we can draw 5
axes from the origin to 5 and expect
the vectors to fit. 4

y 3

5 2

4 1
3 0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5

0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5

22 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

Step 3: Draw Ry Step 4: Draw the resultant vector, R 
The length of R  y is 4 so the arrow The resultant vector is the vector from
we need to draw must be 4 cm long. the tail of the first vector we drew di-
The arrow must point in the positive y- rectly to the head of the last vector we
direction. The important fact to note is drew. This means we need to draw a
that we are implementing the head-to- vector from the tail of R  x to the head
tail method so the vector must start at 
of Ry .
the end (head) of R x.
R y
2 y
1 x
0 θ
R x
0 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5

Step 5: Measure the resultant, R

We are solving the problem graphically so we now need to measure the magnitude of
the vector and use the scale we chose to convert our answer from the diagram to the
 is 5 cm long therefore the magnitude
actual result. In the last diagram the resultant, R
of the vector is 5 N.

The direction of the resultant, θ, we need to measure from the diagram using a pro-
tractor. The angle that the vector makes with the x-axis is 53◦ .

Step 6: Quote the final answer

 is 5 N at 53◦ from the positive x-direction.


In the case where you have to find the resultant of more than two vectors first apply the
tail-to-head method to all the vectors parallel to the one axis and then all the vectors
parallel to the other axis. For example, you would first calculate R  y from all the vectors
parallel to the y-axis and then R  x from all the vectors parallel to the x-axis. After that
you apply the same procedure as in the previous worked example to the get the final

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 23

Worked example 6: Finding the magnitude of the resultant in two dimensions


Given the following three force vectors, determine the resultant force:

• F1 = 3,4 N in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 4 N in the positive x-direction

• F3 = 3 N in the negative y-direction


Step 1: Determine R

First we determine the resultant of all the vectors that are parallel to the x-axis. There
are two vectors F1 and F2 that we need to add. We do this using the tail-to-head
method for co-linear vectors.

F1 F2
0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

 x , that would give us the same outcome is:

The single vector, R

0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Step 2: Determine R

There is only one vector in the y-direction, F3 , therefore R

 y = F3 .

Step 3: Choose a scale and draw axes

The vectors we have do not have very big magnitudes so we can choose simple scale,
we can use 1 N : 1 cm as our scale for the drawing.

Then we draw axes that the diagram should fit on. The longest vector has length 7,4 N.
We need our axes to extend just further than the vectors aligned with each axis. Our
axes need to start at the origin and go beyond 7,4 N in the positive x-direction and
further than 3 N in the negative y-direction. Our scale choice of 1 N : 1 cm means
that our axes actually need to extend 7,4 cm in the positive x-direction and further
than 3 cm in the negative y-direction

24 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors


0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




Step 4: Draw Rx

The magnitude of R x is 7,4 N so the arrow we need to draw must be 7,4 cm long. The
arrow must point in the positive x-direction.

0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




Step 5: Draw Ry

The magnitude of R y is 3 N so the arrow we need to draw must be 3 cm long. The

arrow must point in the negative y-direction. The important fact to note is that we are
implementing the head-to-tail method so the vector must start at the end (head) of R x.

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 25


0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


−3 y


Step 6: Draw the resultant vector, R

The resultant vector is the vector from the tail of the first vector we drew directly to the
head of the last vector we drew. This means we need to draw a vector from the tail of
 x to the head of R
R  y.

0 x
1 θ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


−3 y


Step 7: Measure the resultant, R

We are solving the problem graphically so we now need to measure the magnitude
of the vector and use the scale we chose to convert our answer from the diagram to
 is 8,0 cm long therefore the
the actual result. In the last diagram the resultant, R
magnitude of the vector is 8,0 N.

The direction of the resultant we need to measure from the diagram using a protractor.
The angle that the vector makes with the x-axis is 22◦ .

Step 8: Quote the final answer

 is 8,0 N at −22◦ from the positive x-direction.


26 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

Worked example 7: Finding the resultant in two dimensions graphically


Given the following three force vectors, determine the resultant force:

• F1 = 2,3 N in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 4 N in the positive y-direction

• F3 = 3,3 N in the negative y-direction

• F4 = 2,1 N in the negative y-direction


Step 1: Determine R

There is only one vector in the x-direction, F1 , therefore R

 x = F1 .

Step 2: Determine R y  y , that would give

The single vector, R
Then we determine the resultant of all us the same effect is:
the vectors that are parallel to the y-
axis. There are three vectors F2 , F3
and F4 that we need to add. We do 4
this using the tail-to-head method for
co-linear vectors. 3

y 2

2 F2 Ry


Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 27

Step 3: Choose a scale and draw axes Step 4: Draw R x
We choose a scale 1 N : 1 cm for the The magnitude of R  x is 2,3 N so the ar-
drawing. row we need to draw must be 2,3 cm
Then we draw axes that the diagram long. The arrow must point in the pos-
should fit in. We need our axes to itive x-direction.
extend just further than the vectors y
aligned with each axis. Our axes need
to start at the origin and go beyond 1
2,3 N in the positive x-direction and x
further than 1,4 N in the negative y-
direction. Our scale choice of 1 N x
1 2 3
= 1 cm means that our axes actually −1
need to extend 2,3 cm in the positive
x-direction and further than 1,4 cm in
the negative y-direction

1 2 3


Step 5: Draw R y Step 6: Draw the resultant vector, R 

The magnitude of R  y is 1,4 N so the ar- The resultant vector is the vector from
row we need to draw must be 1,4 cm the tail of the first vector we drew di-
long. The arrow must point in the neg- rectly to the head of the last vector we
ative y-direction. The important fact to drew. This means we need to draw a
note is that we are implementing the vector from the tail of R  x to the head
head-to-tail method so the vector must  y.
of R
start at the end (head) of R  x.
1 x
R x
x 1 2 3
1 2 3 −1 
R y
−1 y

Step 7: Measure the resultant, R

We are solving the problem graphically so we now need to measure the magnitude of
the vector and use the scale we chose to convert our answer from the diagram to the
 is 2,7 cm long therefore
magnitude of the vector. In the last diagram the resultant, R
the magnitude of the vector is 2,7 N.

28 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

The direction of the resultant we need to measure from the diagram using a protractor.
The angle that the vector makes with the x-axis is 31 degrees.

Step 8: Quote the final answer

 is 2,7 N at −31◦ from the positive x-direction.


Worked example 8: Finding the resultant in two dimensions graphically


A number of tugboats are trying to manoeuvre a submarine in the harbour but they
are not working as a team. Each tugboat is exerting a different force on the submarine.

Given the following force vectors, determine the resultant force:

• F1 = 3,4 kN in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 4000 N in the positive y-direction

• F3 = 300 N in the negative y-direction

• F4 = 7 kN in the negative y-direction


Step 1: Convert to consistent S.I. units

To use the graphical method of finding the resultant we need to work in the same units.
Strictly speaking in this problem all the vectors are in newtons but they have different
factors which will affect the choice of scale. These need to taken into account and the
simplest approach is to convert them all to a consistent unit and factor. We could use
kN or N, the choice does not matter. We will choose kN. Remember that k represents
a factor of ×103 .

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 29

F1 and F4 do not require any adjustment because they are both in kN. To convert N
to kN we use:

kN = ×103
N 1
kN ×103
N = ×10−3 kN

To convert the magnitude of F2 to kN:

F2 = 4000 N
F2 = 4000 × 10−3 kN
F2 = 4 kN

Therefore F2 = 4 kN in the positive y-direction.

To convert the magnitude of F3 to kN:

F3 = 300 N
F3 = 300 × 10−3 kN
F3 = 0,3 kN

Therefore F3 = 0,3 kN in the negative y-direction. So:

• F1 = 3,4 kN in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 4 kN in the positive y-direction

• F3 = 0,3 kN in the negative y-direction

• F4 = 7 kN in the negative y-direction

Step 2: Choose a scale and draw axes

The vectors we have do have very big magnitudes so we need to choose a scale that
will allow us to draw them in a reasonable space, we can use 1 kN : 1 cm as our scale
for the drawings.

Step 3: Determine R

There is only one vector in the x-direction, F1 , therefore R

 x = F1 .

Step 4: Determine R

Then we determine the resultant of all the vectors that are parallel to the y-axis. There
are three vectors F2 , F3 and F4 that we need to add. We do this using the tail-to-head
method for co-linear vectors.

30 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

 y , that would give
The single vector, R
us the same outcome is:
4 y
3 4

2 F2

1 2

−1 x
−2 −1

−3 −2

−4 −3


Step 5: Draw axes Step 6: Draw Rx

Then we draw axes that the diagram 
The length of Rx is 3,4 kN so the arrow
should fit on. We need our axes to we need to draw must be 3,4 cm long.
extend just further than the vectors The arrow must point in the positive x-
aligned with each axis. Our axes need direction.
to start at the origin and go beyond y
3,4 kN in the positive x-direction and
further than 3,3 kN in the negative y- 1
direction. Our scale choice of 1 kN x
: 1 cm means that our axes actually
need to extend 3,4 cm in the positive x
1 2 3 4
x-direction and further than 3,3 cm in −1
the negative y-direction
y −2

1 −3

x −4
1 2 3 4




Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 31

Step 7: Draw R y Step 8: Draw the resultant vector, R 

The length of Ry is 3,3 kN so the arrow The resultant vector is the vector from
we need to draw must be 3,3 cm long. the tail of the first vector we drew di-
The arrow must point in the negative rectly to the head of the last vector we
y-direction. The important fact to note drew. This means we need to draw a
is that we are implementing the head- vector from the tail of R  x to the head
to-tail method so the vector must start 
of Ry .
at the end (head) of R
1 x
R x
1 θ 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 −1
y −2 

Step 9: Measure the resultant, R

We are solving the problem graphically so we now need to measure the magnitude
of the vector and use the scale we chose to convert our answer from the diagram to
 is 4,7 cm long therefore the
the actual result. In the last diagram the resultant, R
magnitude of the vector is 4,7 kN.

The direction of the resultant we need to measure from the diagram using a protractor.
The angle that the vector makes with the x-axis is 44◦ .

Step 10: Quote the final answer

 is 4,7 kN at −44◦ from the positive x-direction.


Algebraic methods ESBKB

Algebraic addition and subtraction of vectors

In grade 10 you learnt about addition and subtraction of vectors in one dimension.
The following worked example provides a refresher of the concepts.

32 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

Worked example 9: Adding vectors algebraically


A force of 5 N to the right is applied to a crate. A second force of 2 N to the left is also
applied to the crate. Calculate algebraically the resultant of the forces applied to the


Step 1: Draw a sketch

A simple sketch will help us understand the problem.


Step 2: Decide which method to use to calculate the resultant

Remember that force is a vector. Since the forces act along a straight line (i.e. the
x-direction), we can use the algebraic technique of vector addition.

Step 3: Choose a positive direction

Choose the positive direction to be to the right. This means that the negative direction
is to the left.

Rewriting the problem using the choice of a positive direction gives us a force of 5 N
in the positive x-direction and force of 2 N in the negative x-direction being applied
to the crate.

Step 4: Now define our vectors alge- Step 5: Add the vectors
braically Thus, the resultant force is:

F1 + F2 = (5) + (−2)

F1 = 5 N =3N
F2 = −2 N

Step 6: Quote the resultant

Remember that in this case a positive force means to the right: 3 N to the right.

We can now expand on this work to include vectors in two dimensions.

Worked example 10: Algebraic solution in two dimensions


Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 33

A force of 40 N in the positive x-direction acts simultaneously (at the same time) to
a force of 30 N in the positive y-direction. Calculate the magnitude of the resultant


Step 1: Draw a rough sketch

As before, the rough sketch looks as follows:

lt an 30 N

40 N

Step 2: Determine the length of the resultant

Note that the triangle formed by the two force vectors and the resultant vector is a right-
angle triangle. We can thus use the Theorem of Pythagoras to determine the length of
the resultant. Let R represent the length of the resultant vector. Then:

Fx2 + Fy2 = R2 Pythagoras’ theorem

(40)2 + (30)2 = R2
R = 50 N

Step 3: Quote the resultant

The magnitude of the resultant force is then 50 N.


For two dimensional vectors we have only covered finding the magnitude of vectors
algebraically. We also need to know the direction. For vectors in one dimension this
was simple. We chose a positive direction and then the resultant was either in the
positive or in the negative direction. In grade 10 you learnt about the different ways to
specify direction. We will now look at using trigonometry to determine the direction
of the resultant vector.

We can use simple trigonometric identities to calculate the direction. We can calculate
the direction of the resultant in the previous worked example.

34 1.2. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

Worked example 11: Direction of the resultant


A force of 40 N in the positive x-direction acts simultaneously (at the same time) to
a force of 30 N in the positive y-direction. Calculate the magnitude of the resultant


Step 1: Magnitude

We determined the magnitude of the resultant vector in the previous worked example
to be 50 N. The sketch of the situation is:

ult 30 N

40 N

Step 2: Determine the direction of the resultant

To determine the direction of the resultant force, we calculate the angle α between the
resultant force vector and the positive x-axis, by using simple trigonometry:
opposite side
tan α =
adjacent side
tan α =
α = tan−1 (0,75)
α = 36,87◦

Step 3: Quote the resultant

The resultant force is then 50 N at 36,9◦ to the positive x-axis.

Exercise 1 – 5: Algebraic addition of vectors

1. A force of 17 N in the positive x-direction acts simultaneously (at the same time)
to a force of 23 N in the positive y-direction. Calculate the resultant force.

2. A force of 23,7 N in the negative x-direction acts simultaneously to a force of

9 N in the positive y-direction. Calculate the resultant force.

3. Four forces act simultaneously at a point, find the resultant if the forces are:

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 35

• F1 = 2,3 N in the positive x-direction
• F2 = 4 N in the positive y-direction
• F3 = 3,3 N in the negative y-direction
• F4 = 2,1 N in the negative y-direction

4. The following forces act simultaneously on a pole, if the pole suddenly snaps in
which direction will it be pushed:

• F1 = 2,3 N in the negative x-direction

• F2 = 11,7 N in the negative y-direction
• F3 = 6,9 N in the negative y-direction
• F4 = 1,9 N in the negative y-direction

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23FN 2. 23FP 3. 23FQ 4. 23FR

1.3 Components of vectors ESBKC

In the discussion of vector addition we saw that a number of vectors acting together
can be combined to give a single vector (the resultant). In much the same way a single
vector can be broken down into a number of vectors which when added give that
original vector. These vectors which sum to the original are called components of the
original vector. The process of breaking a vector into its components is called resolving
into components.

In practise it is most useful to resolve a vector into components which are at right
angles to one another, usually horizontal and vertical. Think about all the problems
we’ve solved so far. If we have vectors parallel to the x- and y-axes problems are
straightforward to solve.

Any vector can be resolved into a horizontal and a vertical component. If R is a vector,
→ → →
then the horizontal component of R is Rx and the vertical component is Ry .

When resolving into components that

3 are parallel to the x- and y-axes we
are always dealing with a right-angled
R y
R triangle. This means that we can use
trigonometric identities to determine
1 θ the magnitudes of the components (we
know the directions because they are
0 aligned with the axes).
0 1 2 3

From the triangle in the diagram above we know that

36 1.3. Components of vectors

Rx Ry
cos(θ) = sin θ =
Rx and Ry
= cos(θ) = sin(θ)
Rx = R cos(θ) Ry = R sin(θ)

Rx = R cos(θ)

Ry = R sin(θ)

Note that the angle is measured counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis.

Worked example 12: Resolving a vector into components


A force of 250 N acts at an angle of 30◦ to the positive x-axis. Resolve this force into
components parallel to the x- and y-axes.


Step 1: Draw a rough sketch of the original vector



Step 2: Determine the vector components

Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions
are perpendicular to one another, the components form a right-angled triangle with
the original force as its hypotenuse.

100 0N

30◦ Fx
0 100 200 300 x

Notice how the two components acting together give the original vector as their resul-

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 37

Step 3: Determine the magnitudes of the component vectors

Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the
original displacement:

Fy = 250 sin(30◦ ) and Fx = 250 cos(30◦ )

= 125 N = 216,5 N

Remember Fx and Fy are the magnitudes of the components. Fx is in the positive
x-direction and Fy is in the positive y-direction.

Worked example 13: Resolving a vector into components


A force of 12,5 N acts at an angle of 230◦ to the positive x-axis. Resolve this force into
components parallel to the x- and y-axes.


Step 1: Draw a rough sketch of the original vector



−15 −10 −5 5 10 15 x


Step 2: Determine the vector components

Next we resolve the force into components parallel to the axes. Since these directions
are perpendicular to one another, the components form a right-angled triangle with
the original force as its hypotenuse.

38 1.3. Components of vectors

Now we can use trigonometry to calculate the magnitudes of the components of the
original force:

Fy = 12,5 sin(230◦ ) and Fx = 12,5 cos(230◦ )

= −9,58 N = −8,03 N

Notice that by using the full angle we actually get the correct signs for the components
if we use the standard Cartesian coordinates. Fx is in the negative x-direction and Fy
is in the negative y-direction.

Exercise 1 – 6:

1. Resolve each of the following vectors into components:

• F1 =5 N at 45◦ to the positive x-axis.

• F2 =15 N at 63◦ to the positive x-axis.
• F3 =11,3 N at 127◦ to the positive x-axis.
• F4 =125 N at 245◦ to the positive x-axis.

2. Resolve each of the following vectors into components:

• F1 =11 × 104 N at 33◦ to the positive x-axis.

• F2 =15 GN at 28◦ to the positive x-axis.
• F3 =11,3 kN at 193◦ to the positive x-axis.
• F4 =125 × 105 N at 317◦ to the positive x-axis.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23FS 2. 23FT

Vector addition using components ESBKD

Components can also be used to find the resultant of vectors. This technique can be
applied to both graphical and algebraic methods of finding the resultant. The method
is straightforward:

1. make a rough sketch of the problem;

2. find the horizontal and vertical components of each vector;

3. find the sum of all horizontal components, R

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 39

4. find the sum of all the vertical components, R

5. then use them to find the resultant, R.

Consider the two vectors, F1 and F2 , in Figure 1.3, together with their resultant, R.



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x
Figure 1.3: An example of two vectors being added to give a resultant.

Each vector in Figure 1.3 can be broken down into one component in the x-direction
(horizontal) and one in the y-direction (vertical). These components are two vectors
which when added give you the original vector as the resultant. This is shown in Figure
1.4 below:

F1x F2x









0 1 2 F1x 3 4 5 6 7 x
Figure 1.4: Adding vectors using components.

We can see that:

F1 = F1x + F1y

F2 = F2x + F2y
R =R y
x + R

40 1.3. Components of vectors

 x = F1x + F2x
But, R
and R y = F1y + F2y

In summary, addition of the x-components of the two original vectors gives the x-
component of the resultant. The same applies to the y-components. So if we just
added all the components together we would get the same answer! This is another
important property of vectors.

Worked example 14: Adding vectors using components


If in Figure 1.4, F1 =5,385 N at an angle of 21,8◦ to the horizontal and F2 =5 N at an

angle of 53,13◦ to the horizontal, find the resultant force, R.


Step 1: Decide how to tackle the problem

The first thing we must realise is that the order that we add the vectors does not matter.
Therefore, we can work through the vectors to be added in any order. We also draw
up the following table to help us work through the problem:

Vector x-component y-component Total


Step 2: Resolve F1 into components

We find the components of F1 by using known trigonometric ratios.

First we find the magnitude of the Secondly we find the magnitude of

vertical component, F1y : the horizontal component, F1x :

F1y F1x
sin(θ) = cos(θ) =
F1 F1
F1y F1x
sin(21,8◦ ) = cos(21,8◦ ) =
5,385 5,385
F1y = (sin(21,8◦ )) (5,385) F1x = (cos(21,8◦ )) (5,385)
= 2,00 N = 5,00 N
2.00 N

5.00 N

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 41

The components give the sides of the right angle triangle, for which the original vector,
F1 , is the hypotenuse.

Vector x-component y-component Resultant

F1 5,00 N 2,00 N 5,385 N

Step 3: Resolve F2 into components

We find the components of F2 by Secondly we find the magnitude of

using known trigonometric ratios. the horizontal component, F2x :
First we find the magnitude of the
vertical component, F2y :
cos(θ) =
F2y F2x
sin(θ) = cos(53,13◦ ) =
F2 5
F2y F2x = (cos(53,13◦ )) (5)
sin(53,13◦ ) =
5 = 3,00 N
F2y = (sin(53,13◦ )) (5)
= 4,00 N
4,31 N

3,23 N

Vector x-component y-component Total

F1 5,00 N 2,00 N 5,385 N
F2 3,00 N 4,00 N 5N

Step 4: Determine the components of the resultant vector

Now we have all the components. If we add all the horizontal components then

we will have the x-component of the resultant vector, Rx . Similarly, we add all the

vertical components then we will have the y-component of the resultant vector, Ry .

Rx = F1x + F2x Ry = F1y + F2y

= 5,00 N + 3,00 N = 2,00 N + 4,00 N
= 8,00 N = 6,00 N
→ →
Therefore, Rx is 8 N to the right. Therefore, Ry is 6 N up.

42 1.3. Components of vectors

Vector x-component y-component Total
F1 5,00 N 2,00 N 5,385 N
F2 3,00 N 4,00 N 5N
Resultant 8,00 N 6,00 N

Step 5: Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector

Now that we have the components of

the resultant, we can use the Theorem
of Pythagoras to determine the magni- R2 = (Ry )2 + (Rx )2
tude of the resultant, R. = (6,00)2 + (8,00)2
= 100,00
R = 10,00 N



The magnitude of the resultant, R is 10,00 N. So all we have to do is calculate its

direction. We can specify the direction as the angle the vectors makes with a known
direction. To do this you only need to visualise the vector as starting at the origin
of a coordinate system. We have drawn this explicitly below and the angle we will
calculate is labelled α.

Using our known trigonometric ratios we can calculate the value of α:

tan α =
α = tan−1
α = 36,9◦

Step 6: Quote the final answer

→ ◦
R is 10 m at an angle of 36, 9 to the positive x-axis.

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 43

Worked example 15: Resultant using components


Determine, by resolving into components, the resultant of the following four forces
acting at a point:

• F1 =3,5 N at 45◦ to the positive x-axis.

• F2 =2,7 N at 63◦ to the positive x-axis.

• F3 =1,3 N at 127◦ to the positive x-axis.

• F4 =2,5 N at 245◦ to the positive x-axis.


Step 1: Sketch the problem

Draw all of the vectors on the Cartesian plane. This does not have to be precisely
accurate because we are solving algebraically but vectors need to be drawn in the
correct quadrant and with the correct relative positioning other.


2 F2

1 F1

−3 −2 −1 1 2 3 x



We are going to record the various components in a table to help us manage keep
track of the calculation. For each vector we need to determine the components in the
x- and y-directions.

Vector x-component y-component Total

F1 3,5 N
F2 2,7 N
F3 1,3 N
F4 2,5 N


44 1.3. Components of vectors

Step 2: Determine components of F1


1 F1

−3 −2 −1 1 2 3 x



Firstly we find the magnitude of Secondly we find the magnitude of

the vertical component, F1y : the horizontal component, F1x :

F1y F1x
sin(θ) = cos(θ) =
F1 F1
F1y F1x
sin(45◦ ) = cos(45◦ ) =
3,5 3,5
F1y = (sin(45◦ )) (3,5) F1x = (cos(45◦ )) (3,5)
= 2,47 N = 2,47 N

Step 3: Determine components of F2


2 F2

−3 −2 −1 1 2 3 x



Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 45

Firstly we find the magnitude of Secondly we find the magnitude of
the vertical component, F2y : the horizontal component, F2x :

sin(θ) = F2x
F2 cos θ =
F2y F2
sin(63◦ ) = F2x
2,7 cos(63◦ ) =
F2y = (sin(63◦ )) (2,7) 2,7
F2x = (cos(63◦ )) (2,7)
= 2,41 N
= 1,23 N

Step 4: Determine components of F3



−3 −2 −1 1 2 3 x



Firstly we find the magnitude of Secondly we find the magnitude of

the vertical component, F3y : the horizontal component, F3x :

sin(θ) = F3x
F3 cos(θ) =
F3y F3
sin(127◦ ) = F3x
1,3 cos(127◦ ) =
F3y = (sin 127◦ ) (1,3) 1,3
F3x = (cos 127◦ ) (1,3)
= 1,04 N
= −0,78 N

Step 5: Determine components of F4

46 1.3. Components of vectors


−3 −2 −1 1 2 3 x



Firstly we find the magnitude of Secondly we find the magnitude of

the vertical component, F3y : the horizontal component, F4x :

sin(θ) = F4x
F4 cos(θ) =
sin(245◦ ) = F4x
2,5 cos(245◦ ) =
F4y = (sin(245◦ )) (2,5) 2,5
F4x = (cos(245◦ )) (2,5)
= −2,27 N
= −1,06 N

Step 6: Determine components of resultant

Sum the various component columns to determine the components of the resultant.
Remember that if the component was negative don’t leave out the negative sign in the

Vector x-component y-component Total

F1 2,47 N 2,47 N 3,5 N
F2 1,23 N 2,41 N 2,7 N
F3 −0,78 N 1,04 N 1,3 N
F4 −1,06 N −2,27 N 2,5 N

R 1,86 N 3,65 N

Now that we have the components of the resultant, we can use the Theorem of
Pythagoras to determine the magnitude of the resultant, R.

R2 = (Ry )2 + (Rx )2
= (1,86)2 + (3,65)2
= 16,78
R = 4,10 N

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 47

We can also determine the angle with the positive x-axis.

tan(α) =
α = tan−1 ( )
α = 27,00◦

Step 7: Quote the final answer

The resultant has a magnitude of 4,10 N at and angle of 27,00◦ to the positive x-

Informal experiment:Force board


Determine the resultant of three non-linear forces using a force board.

Apparatus and materials:

You will need:

• blank paper

• force board

• 4 spring balances

• assortment of weights

• gut or string
48 • four pulleys1.3. Components of vectors

Before beginning the detailed method think about the strategy. By connecting a cord to
the ring, running it over a pulley and hanging weights off it you can get a force exerted
on the ring. The more weights or heavier the weight you hang the greater the force.
The force is in the direction of the cord. If you run a number of cords over pulleys
you are exerting more forces, all in different directions, on the ring. So we have a
system where we can change the magnitude and direction of the forces acting on the
ring. By putting a spring balance between the cord and the ring, we can measure the
force. Putting a piece of paper under the ring allows us to draw the directions and the
readings on the spring balances allows us to measure the magnitude.

We are going to use this information to measure the forces acting on the rings and then
we can determine the resultants graphically.

1. Set up the forceboard and place a piece of paper under the ring.

2. Set up four different forces by connecting a spring balance to the ring on the one
side and some cord on the other side. Run the cord over a pulley and attach
some weights to it. Work in a group to do this effectively.

3. Draw a line along each cord being careful not to move any of them.

4. Make a note of the reading on each spring balance.

5. Now remove the paper.

6. Working on the paper, draw each line back towards the where the centre of the
ring had been. The lines should all intersect at a point. Make this point the
centre of your Cartesian coordinate system.

7. Now choose an appropriate scale to relate the length of arrows to the readings
on the spring balances. Using the appropriate spring balance and correct line on
the paper, draw an arrow to represent each of the forces.


For two different choices of 3 of the force vectors we will determine the resultant. To
determine the resultant we need to add the vectors together. The easiest way to do this
is to replicate the vectors using a ruler and protractor and draw them tail-to-head.

Conclusions and questions:

Note the direction and the magnitudes of the resultants of the various combinations.

1. How does the calculated resultant compare to the vector that wasn’t used to
calculate the resultant in each case?

2. What general relationship should exist between the resultant and the fourth vec-
tor and why do you think this is the case?

3. Would this be the same if we had more or less forces in the problem? Justify
your answer.

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 49

See simulation: 23FV at

See video: 23FW at

1.4 Chapter summary ESBKF

See presentation: 23FX at

• A vector has a magnitude and direction.

• Vectors can be used to represent many physical quantities that have a magnitude
and direction, like forces.

• Vectors may be represented as arrows where the length of the arrow indicates
the magnitude and the arrowhead indicates the direction of the vector.

• Vectors in two dimensions can be drawn on the Cartesian plane.

• Vectors can be added graphically using the head-to-tail method or the tail-to-tail

• A closed vector diagram is a set of vectors drawn on the Cartesian using the
tail-to-head method and that has a resultant with a magnitude of zero.

• Vectors can be added algebraically using Pythagoras’ theorem or using compo-


• The direction of a vector can be found using simple trigonometric calculations.

• The components of a vector are a series of vectors that, when combined, give
the original vector as their resultant.

• Components are usually created that align with the Cartesian coordinate axes.
For a vector F that makes an angle of θ with the positive x-axis the x-component
 x = R cos(θ) and the y-component is R
is R  y = R sin(θ).

Exercise 1 – 7:

1. Draw the following forces as vectors on the Cartesian plane originating at the

• F1 = 3,7 N in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 4,9 N in the positive y-direction

2. Draw the following forces as vectors on the Cartesian plane:

• F1 = 4,3 N in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 1,7 N in the negative x-direction
• F3 = 8,3 N in the positive y-direction

3. Find the resultant in the x-direction, Rx , and y-direction, Ry for the following

50 1.4. Chapter summary

• F1 = 1,5 N in the positive x-direction
• F2 = 1,5 N in the positive x-direction
• F3 = 2 N in the negative x-direction

4. Find the resultant in the x-direction, Rx , and y-direction, Ry for the following

• F1 = 4,8 N in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 3,2 N in the negative x-direction
• F3 = 1,9 N in the positive y-direction
• F4 = 2,1 N in the negative y-direction

5. Find the resultant in the x-direction, Rx , and y-direction, Ry for the following

• F1 = 2,7 N in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 1,4 N in the positive x-direction
• F3 = 2,7 N in the negative x-direction
• F4 = 1,7 N in the negative y-direction

6. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method:

• F1 = 4,8 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 3,3 N in the negative x-direction

7. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method:

• F1 = 0,7 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 6 N in the positive x-direction
• F3 = 3,8 N in the negative y-direction
• F4 = 11,9 N in the negative x-direction

8. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method
by first determining the resultant in the x- and y-directions:

• F1 = 5,2 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 7,5 N in the negative y-direction
• F3 = 4,8 N in the positive y-direction
• F4 = 6,3 N in the negative x-direction

9. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-head method
by first determining the resultant in the x- and y-directions:

• F1 = 6,7 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 4,2 N in the negative x-direction
• F3 = 9,9 N in the negative y-direction
• F4 = 3,4 N in the negative y-direction

10. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-tail method:

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 51

• F1 = 6,1 N in the positive y-direction
• F2 = 4,5 N in the negative x-direction

11. Sketch the resultant of the following force vectors using the tail-to-tail method by
first determining the resultant in the x- and y-directions:

• F1 = 2,3 N in the positive y-direction

• F2 = 11,8 N in the negative y-direction
• F3 = 7,9 N in the negative y-direction
• F4 = 3,2 N in the negative x-direction

12. Four forces act simultaneously at a point, find the resultant if the forces are:

• F1 = 2,3 N in the positive x-direction

• F2 = 4,9 N in the positive y-direction
• F3 = 4,3 N in the negative y-direction
• F4 = 3,1 N in the negative y-direction

13. Resolve each of the following vectors into components:

a) F1 =105 N at 23,5◦ to the positive x-axis.

b) F2 =27 N at 58,9◦ to the positive x-axis.
c) F3 =11,3 N at 323◦ to the positive x-axis.
d) F4 =149 N at 245◦ to the positive x-axis.
e) F5 =15 N at 375◦ to the positive x-axis.
f) F6 =14,9 N at 75,6◦ to the positive x-axis.
g) F7 =11,3 N at 123,4◦ to the positive x-axis.
h) F8 =169 N at 144◦ to the positive x-axis.

14. A point is acted on by two forces and the resultant is zero. The forces

a) have equal magnitudes and directions.

b) have equal magnitudes but opposite directions.
c) act perpendicular to each other.
d) act in the same direction.

15. A point in equilibrium is acted on by three forces. Force F1 has components

15 N due south and 13 N due west. What are the components of force F2 ?

a) 13 N due north and 20 N due west

b) 13 N due north and 13 N due west
c) 15 N due north and 7 N due west
d) 15 N due north and 13 N due east


20 N


52 1.4. Chapter summary

16. Two vectors act on the same point. What should the angle between them be so
that a maximum resultant is obtained?

a) 0◦ b) 90◦ c) 180◦ d) cannot tell

17. Two forces, 4 N and 11 N, act on a point. Which one of the following cannot be
the magnitude of a resultant?

a) 4 N b) 7 N c) 11 N d) 15 N

18. An object of weight W is supported by two cables attached to the ceiling and
wall as shown. The tensions in the two cables are T1 and T2 respectively. Ten-
sion T1 = 1200 N. Determine the tension T2 by accurate construction and
measurement or by calculation.



19. An object X is supported by two strings, A and B, attached to the ceiling as

shown in the sketch. Each of these strings can withstand a maximum force of
700 N. The weight of X is increased gradually.

30◦ 45◦

a) Draw a rough sketch of the triangle of forces, and use it to explain which
string will break first.
b) Determine the maximum weight of X which can be supported.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23FY 2. 23FZ 3. 23G2 4. 23G3 5. 23G4 6. 23G5

7. 23G6 8. 23G7 9. 23G8 10. 23G9 11. 23GB 12. 23GC
13a. 23GD 13b. 23GF 13c. 23GG 13d. 23GH 13e. 23GJ 13f. 23GK
13g. 23GM 13h. 23GN 14. 23GP 15. 23GQ 16. 23GR 17. 23GS
18. 23GT 19. 23GV

Chapter 1. Vectors in two dimensions 53


Newton’s laws

2.1 Introduction 56
2.2 Force 56
2.3 Newton’s laws 74
2.4 Forces between masses 109
2.5 Chapter summary 119
2 Newton’s laws

2.1 Introduction ESBKG

In this chapter we will learn how a net

force is needed to modify the motion
of an object. We will recall what a
force is and learn about how force and
motion are related. We are also intro-
duced to Newton’s three laws and we
will learn more about the force of grav-

Key Mathematics Concepts

• Ratio and proportion — Physical Sciences, Grade 10, Science skills

• Equations — Mathematics, Grade 10, Equations and inequalities

• Units and unit conversions — Physical Sciences, Grade 10, Science skills

2.2 Force ESBKH

What is a force? ESBKJ

A force is anything that can cause a change

to objects. Forces can do things like:

• change the shape of an object,

• accelerate or stop an object, and

• change the direction of a moving ob-


A force can be classified as either a contact

force or a non-contact force.

Figure 2.1: Contact forces

56 2.1. Introduction
A contact force must touch or be in contact with
an object to cause a change. Examples of contact
forces are:

• the force that is used to push or pull things,

like on a door to open or close it

• the force that a sculptor uses to turn clay into

a pot

• the force of the wind to turn a windmill

Figure 2.2: Contact forces

A non-contact force does not have to touch

an object to cause a change. Examples of
non-contact forces are the forces due to:

• gravity, like the Earth pulling the

Moon towards itself;

• electricity, like a proton and an elec-

tron attracting each other; and

• magnetism, like a magnet pulling a

paper clip towards itself.

The unit of force in the interna-

tional system of units (S.I. units) is
the newton (symbol N). This unit
is named after Sir Isaac Newton
who first defined force. Force is
a vector quantity and so it has a
magnitude and a direction. We

use the symbol F for force.

Figure 2.3: Non-contact forces

This chapter will often refer to the resultant force acting on an object. The resultant
force is simply the vector sum of all the forces acting on the object. It is very important
to remember that all the forces must be acting on the same object. The resultant force
is the force that has the same effect as all the other forces added together.

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 57

Different types of forces in physics ESBKK

A lot of the physics topics you will study revolve

around the impact or effect of forces. Although
there are many different forces, will learn some fun-
damental principles for approaching the problems
and applications in this book no matter which force

Physics is the study of the natural world and you

probably know a lot more physics than you think.
You see things happening everyday that are gov-
erned by the laws of physics but you probably aren’t
thinking about physics at the time. If you throw a
stone up in the air it eventually falls to the ground.
A lot of physics can be learnt by analysing an every-
day situation.

We are going to learn about some forces in the next

few sections but before we start lets describe an ev-
eryday situation in which they all play a role so you
can visualise what is happening. You need a ta-
ble and a three books that all have different masses.
Take any book and put it on the table. Nothing hap-
pens, the book just rests on the table if the table is
flat. If you slowly lift one side of the table so that the
top of the table is tilted the book doesn’t move im-
mediately. As you lift the table more and more the
book suddenly starts to slide off the table. You can
repeat this with all three books and see how much
you have to tilt the table before the books start to

This real world situation illustrates a lot of the

physics we want to learn about in this chapter.

The normal force

58 2.2. Force
When an object is placed on a surface, for example think of the case of putting a book
on a table, there are a number of forces acting. Firstly, if the table were not there the
book would fall to the floor. The force that causes this is gravity. The table stops the
book falling to the floor. The only way this can happen is for the table to exert a force
on the book. The force that the table exerts on the book must balance out the force
of gravity. This tells us a few things immediately! Gravity is a force pulling the book
down, it is a vector. The force that the table exerts must balance this out and it can
only do this if it has the same magnitude and acts in the opposite direction.

This occurs often, gravity pulls a person towards the earth but when you are standing
on the ground something must be balancing it, if you put a heavy box on the ground
the gravitational force is balanced. If you put a brick on water it will sink because
nothing balances the gravitational force. We give the force that a surface (any surface)
exerts to balance the forces on an object in contact with that surface the normal force.

The normal force is a force that acts on the object as a result of the interaction with the
surface and is perpendicular to the surface. This last part might be seem unexpected
(counter-intuitive) because if we tilt the table slightly the direction of the gravitational
force hasn’t changed but the direction of the normal force has a little (the normal is not
always directly opposite gravity). Don’t panic, this will all make sense before the end
of this chapter. Remember: the normal force is always perpendicular (at a right angle)
to the surface.

DEFINITION: Normal force

 , is the force exerted by a surface on an object in contact with it.

The normal force, N



Friction forces

Why does a box sliding on a surface eventually come to a stop? The answer is friction.
Friction arises where two surfaces are in contact and moving relative to each other.

For an everyday example, press your hands together and move one backwards and
forwards, we have two surfaces in contact with one moving relative to the other. Your

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 59

hands get warm, you will have experienced this before and probably rub your hands
together in winter to warm them up. The heat is generated through friction.

Friction arises because the surfaces interact with each other. Think about sandpaper
with lots of bumps on the surface. If you rub sandpaper the bumps will slot into any
groove .

When the surface of one object slides over the surface of another, each body exerts
a frictional force on the other. For example if a book slides across a table, the table
exerts a frictional force onto the book and the book exerts a frictional force onto the
table. Frictional forces act parallel to surfaces.

DEFINITION: Frictional force

Frictional force is the force that opposes the motion of an object in contact with a
surface and it acts parallel to the surface the object is in contact with.

box applied force

rough table

The magnitude of the frictional force depends on the surface and the magnitude of the
normal force. Different surfaces will give rise to different frictional forces, even if the
normal force is the same. Frictional forces are proportional to the magnitude of the
normal force.
Ffriction ∝ N

For every surface we can determine a constant factor, the coefficient of friction, that
allows us to calculate what the frictional force would be if we know the magnitude
of the normal force. We know that static friction and kinetic friction have different
magnitudes so we have different coefficients for the two types of friction:

• µs is the coefficient of static friction

• µk is the coefficient of kinetic friction

A force is not always large enough to make an object move, for example a small
applied force might not be able to move a heavy crate. The frictional force opposing
the motion of the crate is equal to the applied force but acting in the opposite direction.
This frictional force is called static friction. When we increase the applied force (push
harder), the frictional force will also increase until it reaches a maximum value. When
the applied force is larger than the maximum force of static friction the object will
move. The static frictional force can vary from zero (when no other forces are present
and the object is stationary) to a maximum that depends on the surfaces.

60 2.2. Force

Frictional Force (N )
3 fsmax

2 Kinetic


0 1 2 3 4
Applied Force (N )

For static friction the force can vary up to some maximum value after which friction
has been overcome and the object starts to move. So we define a maximum value for
the static friction: fsmax = µs N .

When the applied force is greater than the maximum, static frictional force, the object
moves but still experiences friction. This is called kinetic friction. For kinetic friction
the value remains the same regardless of the magnitude of the applied force. The
magnitude of the kinetic friction is: fk = µk N .

Remember that static friction is present

when the object is not moving and kinetic
friction while the object is moving. For ex-
ample when you drive at constant velocity
in a car on a tar road you have to keep the
accelerator pushed in slightly to overcome
the friction between the tar road and the
wheels of the car. However, while moving
at a constant velocity the wheels of the car
are rolling, so this is not a case of two sur-
faces “rubbing” against each other and we
are in fact looking at static friction. If you
should break hard, causing the car to skid
to a halt, we would be dealing with two sur-
faces rubbing against each other and hence
kinetic friction. The higher the value for the
coefficient of friction, the more ’sticky’ the
surface is and the lower the value, the more
’slippery’ the surface is.

Friction is very useful. If there was no

friction and you tried to prop a ladder
up against a wall, it would simply slide
to the ground. Rock climbers use fric-
tion to maintain their grip on cliffs. The
brakes of cars would be useless if it
wasn’t for friction!

Early humans made use of friction to create fire. Friction can create a lot of heat and

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 61

the early humans used this fact when they rubbed two sticks together to start a fire.
When you rub your hands together fast and pressing hard you will feel that they get
warm. This is heat created by the friction. You can use this to start a fire.

To start a fire you need two pieces of

wood, one long straight, round piece
approximately the same thickness as
your finger and about 40 cm long as
well as a thicker flat piece of wood.
The flat thick piece of wood needs a
hole that the long straight one can fit
into. Then you put the flat piece on
the ground, the long straight one in the
hole and rub it between your hands ap-
plying downwards pressure to increase
the normal force and the amount of
friction. Where the two pieces of wood See video: 23GW at
rub against each other the friction re-
sults in many tiny pieces of wood be-
ing rubbed off and getting hot.

After a while the hole will start to smoke. At this point the smoking wood bits, called
the ember, need to be gently tipped out of the hole into a small bed of dry grass. You
cover the ember completely and blow gently. The grass should start to burn. Then you
use the burning grass to light some dry twigs, and keep working your way up to bigger
pieces of wood.

To make it even easier, a bow from wood with a string can be used to cause the wood
to turn. By twisting the string from the bow around the long piece of wood it can be
driven without requiring a person use their hands.

Worked example 1: Static friction


A box resting on a surface experiences a normal force of magnitude 30 N and the

coefficient of static friction tween the surface and the box, µs , is 0,34. What is the
maximum static frictional force?


Step 1: Maximum static friction

We know that the relationship between the maximum static friction, fsmax , the coeffi-
cient of static friction, µs and the normal, N , to be:

fsmax = µs N

We have been given that µs = 0,34 and N = 30 N. This is all of the information
required to do the calculation.

Step 2: Calculate the result

62 2.2. Force
fsmax = µs N
= (0,34)(30)
= 10,2

The maximum magnitude of static friction is 10,2 N.

Worked example 2: Static friction


The forwards of your school’s rugby team are trying to push their scrum machine. The
normal force exerted on the scrum machine is 10 000 N. The machine isn’t moving at
all. If the coefficient of static friction is 0,78 what is the minimum force they need to
exert to get the scrum machine to start moving?


Step 1: Minimum or maximum

The question asks what the minimum force required to get the scrum machine moving
will be. We don’t know a relationship for this but we do know how to calculate the
maximum force of static friction. The forwards need to exert a force greater than this
so the minimum amount they can exert is in fact equal to the maximum force of static

Step 2: Maximum static friction

We know that the relationship between the maximum static friction, fsmax , the coeffi-
cient of static friction, µs and the normal, N , to be:

fsmax = µs N

We have been given that µs = 0,78 and N = 10 000 N. This is all of the information
required to do the calculation.

Step 3: Calculate the result

fsmax = µs N
= (0,78)(10 000)
= 7800 N

The maximum magnitude of static friction is 7800 N.

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 63

Worked example 3: Kinetic friction


The normal force exerted on a pram is 100 N. The pram’s brakes are locked so that the
wheels cannot turn. The owner tries to push the pram but it doesn’t move. The owner
pushes harder and harder until it suddenly starts to move when the applied force is
three quarters of the normal force. After that the owner is able to keep it moving with
a force that is half of the force at which it started moving. What is the magnitude of
the applied force at which it starts moving and what are the coefficients of static and
kinetic friction?


Step 1: Maximum static friction

The owner of the pram increases the force he is applying until suddenly the pram starts
to move. This will be equal to the maximum static friction which we know is given by:
fsmax = µs N

We are given that the magnitude of the applied force is three quarters of the normal
force magnitude, so:
fsmax = N
= (100)
= 75 N

Step 2: Coefficient of static friction

We now know both the maximum magnitude of static friction and the magnitude of
the normal force so we can find the coefficient of static friction:
fsmax = µs N
75 = µs (100)
µs = 0,75

Step 3: Coefficient of kinetic friction

The magnitude of the force required to keep the pram moving is half of the magnitude
of the force required to get it to start moving so we can determine it from:
1 max
fk = f
2 s
= (75)
= 37,5 N

We know the relationship between the magnitude of the kinetic friction, magnitude
of the normal force and coefficient of kinetic friction. We can use it to solve for the

64 2.2. Force
coefficient of kinetic friction:

f k = µk N
37,5 = µk (100)
µk = 0,375

Worked example 4: Coefficient of static friction


A block of wood experiences a normal force of 32 N from a rough, flat surface. There
is a rope tied to the block. The rope is pulled parallel to the surface and the tension
(force) in the rope can be increased to 8 N before the block starts to slide. Determine
the coefficient of static friction.


Step 1: Analyse the question and determine what is asked

The normal force is given (32 N) and we know that the block does not move until the
applied force is 8 N.

We are asked to find the coefficient for static friction µs .

Step 2: Find the coefficient of static friction

F f = µs N
8 = µs (32)
µs = 0,25

Note that the coefficient of friction does not have a unit as it shows a ratio. The value
for the coefficient of friction friction can have any value up to a maximum of 0,25.
When a force less than 8 N is applied, the coefficient of friction will be less than

Worked example 5: Static friction


A box resting on an inclined plane experiences a normal force of magnitude 130 N

and the coefficient of static friction, µs , between the box and the surface is 0,47. What

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 65

is the maximum static frictional force?


Step 1: Maximum static friction

We know that the relationship between the maximum static friction, fsmax , the coeffi-
cient of static friction, µs and the normal, N , to be:

fsmax = µs N.

This does not depend on whether the surface is inclined or not. Changing the incli-
nation of the surface will affect the magnitude of the normal force but the method of
determining the frictional force remains the same.

We have been given that µs = 0,47 and N = 130 N. This is all of the information
required to do the calculation.

Step 2: Calculate the result

fsmax = µs N
= (0,47)(130)
= 61,1 N

The maximum magnitude of static friction is 61,1 N.

Informal experiment:Normal forces and friction


To investigate the relationship between normal force and friction.


Spring balance, several blocks, of the same material, with hooks attached to one end,
several rough and smooth surfaces, bricks or blocks to incline the surfaces


• Attach each of the blocks to the spring balance in turn and note the reading.

• Take one block and attach it to the spring balance. Now slide the block along
each of the surfaces in turn. Note the readings. Repeat for the other blocks.

• Repeat the above step but incline the surfaces at different angles.


66 2.2. Force
Record your results in a table


Tension is the magnitude of the force that exists in objects like ropes, chains and
struts that are providing support. For example, there are tension forces in the ropes
supporting a child’s swing hanging from a tree.

Exercise 2 – 1:

1. A box is placed on a rough surface. It has a normal force of magnitude 120 N. A

force of 20 N applied to the right cannot move the box. Calculate the magnitude
and direction of the friction forces.

2. A block rests on a horizontal surface. The normal force is 20 N. The coefficient

of static friction between the block and the surface is 0,40 and the coefficient of
dynamic friction is 0,20.

a) What is the magnitude of the frictional force exerted on the block while the
block is at rest?
b) What will the magnitude of the frictional force be if a horizontal force of
magnitude 5 N is exerted on the block?
c) What is the minimum force required to start the block moving?
d) What is the minimum force required to keep the block in motion once it
has been started?
e) If the horizontal force is 10 N, determine the frictional force.

3. A lady injured her back when she slipped and fell in a supermarket. She holds
the owner of the supermarket accountable for her medical expenses. The owner
claims that the floor covering was not wet and meets the accepted standards.
He therefore cannot accept responsibility. The matter eventually ends up in
court. Before passing judgement, the judge approaches you, a science student,
to determine whether the coefficient of static friction of the floor is a minimum
of 0,5 as required. He provides you with a tile from the floor, as well as one of
the shoes the lady was wearing on the day of the incident.

a) Write down an expression for the coefficient of static friction.

b) Plan an investigation that you will perform to assist the judge in his judge-
ment. Follow the steps outlined below to ensure that your plan meets the
i. Formulate an investigation question.
ii. Apparatus: List all the other apparatus, except the tile and the shoe,
that you will need.
iii. A stepwise method: How will you perform the investigation? Include
a relevant, labelled diagram.
iv. Results: What will you record?
v. Conclusion: How will you interpret the results to draw a conclusion?

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 67

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23GX 2. 23GY 3. 23GZ

Force diagrams ESBKM

Force diagrams are sketches of the physical situation you are dealing with, with arrows
for all the forces acting drawn on the system. For example, if a block rests on a surface
then there is a force from gravity pulling the block down and there is a normal force
acting on the block from the surface. The normal force and the force of gravity have
the same magnitude in this situation. The force diagram for this situation is:



The length of the arrows are the same to indicate that the forces have the same magni-

Another example could be a the same block on a surface but with an applied force,
FL , to the left of 10 N and an applied force, FR , to the right of 20 N. The weight and
normal also have magnitudes of 10 N.



It is important to keep the following in mind when you draw force diagrams:

• Make your drawing large and clear.

• You must use arrows and the direction of the arrow will show the direction of
the force.

• The length of the arrow will indicate the size of the force, in other words, the
longer arrows in the diagram (FR for example) indicates a bigger force than a
shorter arrow (FL ). Arrows of the same length indicate forces of equal size (FN
and Fg ). Use “little lines” like in maths to show this.

68 2.2. Force
• Draw neat lines using a ruler. The arrows must touch the system or object.

• All arrows must have labels. Use letters with a key on the side if you do not have
enough space on your drawing.

• The labels must indicate what is applying the force (the force of the car) on what
the force is applied (on the trailer) and in which direction (to the right)

• If the values of the forces are known, these values can be added to the diagram
or key.

Free body diagrams ESBKN

In a free-body diagram, the object of interest is drawn as a dot and all the forces acting
on it are drawn as arrows pointing away from the dot. We can redraw the two force
diagrams above as free body diagrams:

Fg gravity 

N normal
Fg gravity 

Resolving forces into components ESBKP

We have looked at resolving forces into components. There is one situation we will
consider where this is particularly useful, problems involving an inclined plane. It is
important because the normal force depends on the component of the gravitational
force that is perpendicular to the slope.

Let us consider a block on an inclined plane. The plane is inclined at an angle θ to

the horizontal. It feels a gravitational force, Fg , directly downwards. This force can be
broken into components that are perpendicular to the plane and parallel to it. This is
shown here:

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 69


We can use any coordinate system to describe the situation and the simplest thing to
do is to make the x-axis of the Cartesian coordinate system align with the inclined
plane. Here is the same physical situation with the coordinate system drawn in:

2 4
Fg 3
1 2
0 0

This means that the components of gravitational force are aligned (parallel) with one of
the axes of the coordinate system. We have shown in the figures that the angle between
the horizontal and the incline is also the angle between the gravitational force and its
component perpendicular to the inclined plane (this is normal to the plane). Using
this angle and the fact that the components form part of a right-angled triangle we can
calculate the components using trigonometry:

2 4
3θ Fgy
1 2 Fg
1 Fgx
0 0

Using trigonometry the components are given by:

Fgx = Fg sin(θ)
Fgy = Fg cos(θ)

Worked example 6: Components of force due to gravity


70 2.2. Force
A block on an inclined plane experiences a force due to gravity, Fg of 137 N straight
down. If the slope is inclined at 37◦ to the horizontal, what is the component of the
force due to gravity perpendicular and parallel to the slope?


Step 1: Components

We know that for a block on a slope we can resolve the force due to gravity, Fg into
components parallel and perpendicular to the slope.

Fgx = Fg sin(θ)
Fgy = Fg cos(θ)

Step 2: Calculations

This problem is straightforward as we know that the slope is inclined at an angle of

37◦ . This is the same angle we need to use to calculate the components, therefore:

Fgx = Fg sin(θ) Fgy = Fg cos(θ)

= (137) sin(37◦ ) = (137) cos(37◦ )
= 82,45 N = 109,41 N

Step 3: Final answer

The component of Fg that is perpendicular to the slope is Fgy =109,41 N in the nega-
tive y-direction.

The component of Fg that is perpendicular to the slope is Fgx =82,45 N in the negative

Exercise 2 – 2:

1. A block on an inclined plane experiences a force due to gravity, Fg of 456 N

straight down. If the slope is inclined at 67,8◦ to the horizontal, what is the
component of the force due to gravity perpendicular and parallel to the slope?

2. A block on an inclined plane is subjected to a force due to gravity, Fg of 456 N

straight down. If the component of the gravitational force parallel to the slope is
Fgx =308,7 N in the negative x-direction (down the slope), what is the incline
of the slope?

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23H2 2. 23H3

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 71

Finding the resultant force ESBKQ

The easiest way to determine a resultant force is to draw a free body diagram. Re-
member from Chapter 1 that we use the length of the arrow to indicate the vector’s
magnitude and the direction of the arrow to show which direction it acts in.

After we have done this, we have a diagram of vectors and we simply find the sum of
the vectors to get the resultant force.

6N 4N 6N 4N

(a) (b)
Figure 2.4: (a) Force diagram of 2 forces acting on a box. (b) Free body diagram of the box.

For example, two people push on a box from opposite sides with forces of 4 N and
6 N respectively as shown in Figure 2.4 (a). The free body diagram in Figure 2.4 (b)
shows the object represented by a dot and the two forces are represented by arrows
with their tails on the dot.

As you can see, the arrows point in opposite directions and have different lengths. The
resultant force is 2 N to the left. This result can be obtained algebraically too, since
the two forces act along the same line. First, as in motion in one direction, choose a
frame of reference. Secondly, add the two vectors taking their directions into account.

For the example, assume that the positive direction is to the right, then:
FR = (4) + (−6)
= −2
= −2 N to the left.

Remember that a negative answer means that the force acts in the opposite direction
to the one that you chose to be positive. You can choose the positive direction to be
any way you want, but once you have chosen it you must use it consistently for that

As you work with more force diagrams in which the forces exactly balance, you may
notice that you get a zero answer (e.g. 0 N). This simply means that the forces are
balanced and the resultant is zero.

Once a force diagram has been drawn the techniques of vector addition introduced
in Chapter 1 can be used. Depending on the situation you might choose to use a
graphical technique such as the tail-to-head method or the parallelogram method, or
else an algebraic approach to determine the resultant. Since force is a vector quantity
all of these methods apply.

A good strategy is:

72 2.2. Force
• resolve all forces into components parallel to the x- and y-directions;
 x and R
• calculate the resultant in each direction, R  y , using co-linear vectors; and

 x and R
• use R  y to calculate the resultant, R.

Worked example 7: Finding the resultant force


A car (experiencing a gravitational force of magnitude 12 000 N and a normal force of

the same magnitude) applies a force of 2000 N on a trailer (experiencing a gravitational
force of magnitude 2500 N and normal force of the same magnitude). A constant
frictional force of magnitude 200 N is acting on the trailer, and a constant frictional
force of magnitude 300 N is acting on the car.

1. Draw a force diagram of all the forces acting on the car.

2. Draw a free body diagram of all the forces acting on the trailer.

3. Use the force diagram to determine the resultant force on the trailer.


Step 1: Draw the force diagram for the car.

The question asks us to draw all the forces on the car. This means that we must include
horizontal and vertical forces.

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 73

Step 2: Determine the resultant force on the trailer.

To find the resultant force we need to add all the horizontal forces together. We do
not add vertical forces as the movement of the car and trailer will be in a horizontal
direction, and not up or down. FR = 2000 + (−200) = 1800N to the right.

See simulation: 23H4 at

Exercise 2 – 3: Forces and motion

1. A boy pushes a shopping trolley (weight due to gravity of 150 N) with a constant
force of 75 N. A constant frictional force of 20 N is present.

a) Draw a labelled force diagram to identify all the forces acting on the shop-
ping trolley.
b) Draw a free body diagram of all the forces acting on the trolley.
c) Determine the resultant force on the trolley.

2. A donkey (experiencing a gravitational force of 2500 N) is trying to pull a cart

(force due to gravity of 800 N) with a force of 400 N. The rope between the
donkey and the cart makes an angle of 30◦ with the cart. The cart does not

a) Draw a free body diagram of all the forces acting on the donkey.
b) Draw a force diagram of all the forces acting on the cart.
c) Find the magnitude and direction of the frictional force preventing the cart
from moving.

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1. 23H5 2. 23H6

2.3 Newton’s laws ESBKR

In this section we will look at the effect of forces on objects and how we can make
things move. This will link together what you have learnt about motion and what you
have learnt about forces.

74 2.3. Newton’s laws

Newton’s first law ESBKS

Sir Isaac Newton was a scientist who lived in England (1642-1727) who was interested
in the motion of objects under various conditions. He suggested that a stationary
object will remain stationary unless a force acts on it and that a moving object will
continue moving unless a force slows it down, speeds it up or changes its direction of
motion. From this he formulated what is known as Newton’s first law of motion:

DEFINITION: Newton’s first law of motion

An object continues in a state of rest or uniform motion (motion with a constant veloc-
ity) unless it is acted on by an unbalanced (net or resultant) force.

This property of an object, to continue in its current state of motion unless acted upon
by a net force, is called inertia.

Let us consider the following situations:

An ice skater pushes herself away from

the side of the ice rink and skates
across the ice. She will continue to
move in a straight line across the ice
unless something stops her. Objects
are also like that. If we kick a soc-
cer ball across a soccer field, according
to Newton’s first law, the soccer ball
should keep on moving forever! How-
ever, in real life this does not happen.

Is Newton’s Law wrong? Not really.

Newton’s first law applies to situations
where there aren’t any external forces
present. This means that friction is not
present. In the case of the ice skater,
the friction between the skates and the
ice is very little and she will continue
moving for quite a distance. In the case
of the soccer ball, air resistance (fric-
tion between the air and the ball) and
friction between the grass and the ball
is present and this will slow the ball

See video: 23H7 at

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 75

Newton’s first law in action

Let us look at the following two examples. We will start with a familiar example:

Seat belts:

We wear seat belts in cars. This is to protect us when the car is involved in an acci-
dent. If a car is travelling at 120 km·h−1 , the passengers in the car is also travelling
at 120 km·h−1 . When the car suddenly stops a force is exerted on the car (making it
slow down), but not on the passengers. The passengers will carry on moving forward
at 120 km·h−1 according to Newton’s first law. If they are wearing seat belts, the seat
belts will stop them by exerting a force on them and so prevent them from getting hurt.

See video: 23H8 at


A spaceship is launched into space. The force of the exploding gases pushes the rocket
through the air into space. Once it is in space, the engines are switched off and it will
keep on moving at a constant velocity. If the astronauts want to change the direction
of the spaceship they need to fire an engine. This will then apply a force on the rocket
and it will change its direction.

Worked example 8: Newton’s first law in action


Why do passengers get thrown to the side when the car they are driving in goes around
a corner?


Step 1: What happens before the car turns

Before the car starts turning both the passengers and the car are travelling at the same
velocity. (picture A)

Step 2: What happens while the car turns

The driver turns the wheels of the car, which then exert a force on the car and the car
turns. This force acts on the car but not the passengers, hence (by Newton’s first law)

76 2.3. Newton’s laws

the passengers continue moving with the same original velocity. (picture B)

Step 3: Why passengers get thrown to the side?

If the passengers are wearing seat belts they will exert a force on the passengers until
the passengers’ velocity is the same as that of the car (picture C). Without a seat belt
the passenger may hit the side of the car.

C: Both the car and

A: Both the car and
B: The car turns but the person are travel-
the person travelling
not the person ling at the same ve-
at the same velocity
locity again

Exercise 2 – 4:

1. If a passenger is sitting in a car and the car turns round a bend to the right, what
happens to the passenger? What happens if the car turns to the left?

2. Helium is less dense than the air we breathe. Discuss why a helium balloon in
a car driving around a corner appears to violate Newton’s first law and moves
towards the inside of the turn not the outside like a passenger.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23H9 2. 23HB

Newton’s second law of motion ESBKT

According to Newton’s first law, things ’like to keep on doing what they are doing’. In
other words, if an object is moving, it tends to continue moving (in a straight line and
at the same speed) and if an object is stationary, it tends to remain stationary. So how
do objects start moving?

Let us look at the example of a 10 kg box on a rough table. If we push lightly on the

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 77

box as indicated in the diagram, the box won’t move. Let’s say we applied a force
of 100 N, yet the box remains stationary. At this point a frictional force of 100 N is
acting on the box, preventing the box from moving. If we increase the force, let’s say
to 150 N and the box almost starts to move, the frictional force is 150 N. To be able to
move the box, we need to push hard enough to overcome the friction and then move
the box. If we therefore apply a force of 200 N remembering that a frictional force of
150 N is present, the ’first’ 150 N will be used to overcome or ’cancel’ the friction and
the other 50 N will be used to move (accelerate) the block. In order to accelerate an
object we must have a resultant force acting on the block.

box applied force

rough table

Now, what do you think will happen if we pushed harder, lets say 300 N? Or, what do
you think will happen if the mass of the block was more, say 20 kg, or what if it was
less? Let us investigate how the motion of an object is affected by mass and force.

Formal experiment: Newton’s second law of motion


To investigate the relation between the acceleration of objects and the application of a
constant resultant force.



1. A constant force of 20 N, acting at an angle of 60◦ to the horizontal, is applied

to a dynamics trolley.

2. Ticker tape attached to the trolley runs through a ticker timer of frequency 20 Hz
as the trolley is moving on the frictionless surface.

3. The above procedure is repeated 4 times, each time using the same force, but
varying the mass of the trolley as follows:

• Case 1: 6,25 kg
• Case 2: 3,57 kg
• Case 3: 2,27 kg
• Case 4: 1,67 kg

78 2.3. Newton’s laws

4. Shown below are sections of the four ticker tapes obtained. The tapes are marked
with the letters A, B, C, D, etc. A is the first dot, B is the second dot and so on.
The distance between each dot is also shown.

Tape 1
5mm 9mm 13mm 17mm 21mm 25mm

Tape 2
3mm 10mm 17mm 24mm 31mm 38mm

Tape 3
2mm13mm 24mm 35mm 46mm 57mm

Tape 4
9mm 24mm 39mm 54mm 69mm 84mm

Tapes are not drawn to scale.


1. Use each tape to calculate the instantaneous velocity (in m·s−1 ) of the trolley
at points B and F (remember to convert the distances to m first!). Use these
velocities to calculate the trolley’s acceleration in each case.

2. Tabulate the mass and corresponding acceleration values as calculated in each

case. Ensure that each column and row in your table is appropriately labelled.

3. Draw a graph of acceleration vs. mass, using a scale of 1 cm = 1 m·s−2 on the

y-axis and 1 cm = 1 kg on the x-axis.

4. Use your graph to read off the acceleration of the trolley if its mass is 5 kg.

5. Write down a conclusion for the experiment.

You will have noted in the investigation above that the heavier the trolley is, the slower
it moved when the force was constant. The acceleration is inversely proportional to
the mass. In mathematical terms: a ∝ m

In a similar investigation where the mass is kept constant, but the applied force is
varied, you will find that the bigger the force is, the faster the object will move. The
acceleration of the trolley is therefore directly proportional to the resultant force. In
mathematical terms: a ∝ F.

Rearranging the above equations, we get a ∝ m or F = ma.

Remember that both force and acceleration are vectors quantities. The acceleration is

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 79

in the same direction as the force that is being applied. If multiple forces are acting
simultaneously then we only need to work with the resultant force or net force.

DEFINITION: Newton’s second law of motion

If a resultant force acts on a body, it will cause the body to accelerate in the direction
of the resultant force. The acceleration of the body will be directly proportional to the
resultant force and inversely proportional to the mass of the body. The mathematical
representation is:
Fnet = ma

Force is a vector quantity. Newton’s second law of motion should be applied to the
y- and x-directions separately. You can use the resulting y- and x-direction resultants
to calculate the overall resultant as we saw in the previous chapter.

See video: 23HC at

Applying Newton’s second law of motion

Newton’s second law can be applied to a variety of situations. We will look at the
main types of examples that you need to study.

Worked example 9: Newton’s second law: Box on a surface


A 10 kg box is placed on a table. A horizontal force of magnitude 32 N is applied to

the box. A frictional force of magnitude 7 N is present between the surface and the

1. Draw a force diagram indicating all of the forces acting on the box.

2. Calculate the acceleration of the box.

friction = 7 N 32 N
10 kg


Step 1: Identify the horizontal forces and draw a force diagram

80 2.3. Newton’s laws

We only look at the forces acting in a horizontal direction (left-right) and not vertical
(up-down) forces. The applied force and the force of friction will be included. The
force of gravity, which is a vertical force, will not be included.

direction of motion



Step 2: Calculate the acceleration of the box

Remember that we consider the y- and x-directions separately. In this problem we can
ignore the y-direction because the box is resting on a table with the gravitational force
balanced by the normal force.

We have been given:

Applied force F1 = 32 N

Frictional force Ff = −7 N

Mass m = 10 kg

To calculate the acceleration of the box we will be using the equation FR = ma.

FR = ma
F1 + Ff = (10)a
(32 − 7) = (10)a
25 = (10)a
a = 0,25 m·s−2 to the left.

Worked example 10: Newton’s second law: box on a surface


Two crates, 10 kg and 15 kg respectively, are connected with a thick rope according
to the diagram. A force, to the right, of 500 N is applied. The boxes move with an
acceleration of 2 m·s−2 to the right. One third of the total frictional force is acting on
the 10 kg block and two thirds on the 15 kg block. Calculate:

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 81

1. the magnitude and direction of the total frictional force present.

2. the magnitude of the tension in the rope at T.

a = 2 m · s−2

500 N
10 kg T 15 kg


Step 1: Evaluate what is given

To make things easier lets give the two crates labels, let us call the 10 kg crate number
2 and the 15 kg crate number 1.

We have two crates that have overall has an acceleration that is given. The fact that
the crates are tied together with a rope means that they will both have the same accel-
eration. They will also both feel the same force due to the tension in the rope.

We are told that there is friction but we are only given the relationship between the
total frictional force both crates experience and the fraction each one experiences. The
total friction, Ff T will be the sum of the friction on crate 1, Ff 1 , and the friction on
crate 2, Ff 2 . We are told that Ff 1 = 23 Ff T and Ff 2 = 31 Ff T . We know the blocks are
accelerating to the right and we know that friction will be in the direction opposite to
the direction of motion and parallel to the surface.

Step 2: Draw force diagrams

The diagram for the crates is:

a = 2 m · s−2

Applied force = 500 N

15 kg
Friction = ? 10 kg

The diagram for crate 1 (indicated by blue dotted lines) will be:

T Fapplied

Ff 1


82 2.3. Newton’s laws

• Fg1 is the force due to gravity on the first crate

 1 is the normal force from the surface on the first crate

• N

• T is the force of tension in the rope

• Fapplied is the external force being applied to the crate

• Ff 1 is the force of friction on the first crate

The diagram for crate 2 (indicated by orange dashed lines) will be:


Ff 2


• Fg2 is the force due to gravity on the second crate

 2 is the normal force from the surface on the second crate

• N

• T is the force of tension in the rope

• Ff 2 is the force of friction on the second crate

Step 3: Apply Newton’s second law of motion

The problem tells us that the crates are accelerating along the x-direction which means
that the forces in the y-direction do not result in a net force. We can treat the different
directions separately so we only need to consider the x-direction.

We are working with one dimension and can choose a sign convention to indicate the
direction of the vectors. We choose vectors to the right (or in the positive x-direction)
to be positive.

We can now apply Newton’s second law of motion to the first crate because we know
the acceleration and we know all the forces acting on the crate. Using positive to
indicate a force to the right we know that Fres1 = Fapplied − Ff 1 − T

Fres1 = m1a
Fapplied − Ff 1 − T = m1 a
Fapplied − Ff T − T = m1 a
(500) − Ff T − T = (15)(2)
−T = (15)(2) − (500) + Ff T

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 83

Now apply Newton’s second law of motion to the second crate because we know the
acceleration and we know all the forces acting on the crate. We know that Fres2 =
T − Ff 2 . Note that tension is in the opposite direction.

Fres2 = m2a
T − Ff 2 = m2 a
T − Ff T = m2 a
T = (10)(2) + Ff T

Step 4: Solve simultaneously

We have used Newton’s second law of motion to create two equations with two un-
knowns, this means we can solve simultaneously. We solved for T in the equations
above but one carries a negative sign so if we add the two equations we will subtract
out the value of the tension allowing us to solve for Ff T :

1 2
(T ) + (−T ) = ((10)(2) + Ff T ) + ((15)(2) − (500) + Ff T )
3 3
1 2
0 = 20 + 30 − 500 + Ff T + Ff T
3 3
0 = −450 + Ff T
Ff T = 450 N

We can substitute the magnitude of Ff T into the equation for crate 2 to determine the
magnitude of the tension:
T = (10)(2) + Ff T
T = (10)(2) + (450)
T = 20 + 150
T = 170 N

Step 5: Quote final answers

The total force due to friction is 450 N to the left. The magnitude of the force of tension
is 170 N.

Worked example 11: Newton’s second law: box on a surface (Alternative



Two crates, 10 kg and 15 kg respectively, are connected with a thick rope according
to the diagram. A force, to the right, of 500 N is applied. The boxes move with an

84 2.3. Newton’s laws

acceleration of 2 m·s−2 to the right. One third of the total frictional force is acting on
the 10 kg block and two thirds on the 15 kg block. Calculate:

1. the magnitude and direction of the total frictional force present.

2. the magnitude of the tension in the rope at T.

a = 2 m · s−2

500 N
10 kg T 15 kg


Step 1: Draw a force diagram

Always draw a force diagram although the question might not ask for it. The accelera-
tion of the whole system is given, therefore a force diagram of the whole system will
be drawn. Because the two crates are seen as a unit, the force diagram will look like

a = 2 m · s−2

Applied force = 500 N

Friction = ? 15 kg
10 kg

Step 2: Calculate the frictional force

To find the frictional force we will apply Newton’s second law. We are given the mass
(10 + 15 kg) and the acceleration (2 m·s−2 ). Choose the direction of motion to be the
positive direction (to the right is positive).

FR = ma
Fapplied + Ff = ma
500 + Ff = (10 + 15) (2)
Ff = 50 − 500
Ff = −450N

The frictional force is 450 N opposite to the direction of motion (to the left).

Step 3: Find the tension in the rope

To find the tension in the rope we need to look at one of the two crates on their own.
Let’s choose the 10 kg crate. Firstly, we need to draw a force diagram:

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 85

a = 2 m · s−2

3 of total frictional force Tension T
Ff on 10 kg crate 10 kg

Figure 2.5: Force diagram of 10 kg crate.

The frictional force on the 10 kg block is one third of the total, therefore:

Ff = 3 × 450

Ff = 150N

If we apply Newton’s second law:

FR = ma
T + Ff = (10) (2)
T + (−150) = 20
T = 170 N

Note: If we had used the same principle and applied it to 15 kg crate, our calculations
would have been the following:

FR = ma
Fapplied + T + Ff = (15) (2)
500 + T + (−300) = 30
T = −170 N

The negative answer here means that the force is in the direction opposite to the
motion, in other words to the left, which is correct. However, the question asks for the
magnitude of the force and your answer will be quoted as 170 N.

Worked example 12: Newton’s second law: man pulling a box


A man is pulling a 20 kg box with a rope that makes an angle of 60◦ with the horizon-
tal. If he applies a force of magnitude 150 N and a frictional force of magnitude 15 N
is present, calculate the acceleration of the box.

86 2.3. Newton’s laws

150 N
60 ◦
20 kg
15 N


Step 1: Draw a force diagram or free body diagram

The motion is horizontal and therefore we will only consider the forces in a horizontal
direction. Remember that vertical forces do not influence horizontal motion and vice

 150 N  Fapplied
60 ◦ 150 N
Fx Ff 60 ◦
Ff 20 kg
15 N Fg
15 N

Step 2: Calculate the horizontal component of the applied force

We first need to choose a direction to be the positive direction in this problem. We

choose the positive x-direction (to the right) to be positive.

The applied force is acting at an angle of 60◦ to the horizontal. We can only consider
forces that are parallel to the motion. The horizontal component of the applied force
needs to be calculated before we can continue:

Fx = Fapplied cos(θ)
= 150 cos(60◦ )
= 75 N

Step 3: Calculate the acceleration

To find the acceleration we apply Newton’s second law:

FR = ma
Fx + Ff = (20)a
(75) + (−15) = (20)a
a = 3 m·s−2

The acceleration is 3 m·s−2 to the right.

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 87

Worked example 13: Newton’s second law: truck and trailer


A 2000 kg truck pulls a 500 kg trailer with a constant acceleration. The engine of the
truck produces a thrust of 10 000 N. Ignore the effect of friction. Calculate the:

1. acceleration of the truck; and

2. tension in the tow bar T between the truck and the trailer, if the tow bar makes
an angle of 25◦ with the horizontal.

a = ? m · s−2

10 000 N

500 kg T 2000 kg

Figure 2.6: Truck pulling a trailer.


Step 1: Draw a force diagram

Draw a force diagram indicating all the forces on the system as a whole:

500 kg T 2 000 kg

Fgtrailer Fgtruck

Figure 2.7: Free body diagrams for truck pulling a trailer.

Step 2: Apply Newton’s second law of motion

We choose the positive x-direction to be the positive direction. We only need to

consider the horizontal forces. Using only the horizontal forces means that we first
need to note that the tension acts at an angle to the horizontal and we need to use the
horizontal component of the tension in our calculations.


T cos25◦

88 2.3. Newton’s laws

The horizontal component has a magnitude of T cos(25◦ ).

In the absence of friction, the only force that causes the system to accelerate is the
thrust of the engine. If we now apply Newton’s second law of motion to the truck we

FRtruck = mtrucka (we use signs to indicate direction)

Fengine − T cos(25◦ ) = (2000)a
(10 000) − T cos(25◦ ) = (2000)a
(10 000) − T cos(25◦ )

We now apply the same principle to the trailer (remember that the direction of the
tension will be opposite to the case of the truck):

FRtrailer = mtrailera (we use signs to indicate direction)

T cos(25◦ ) = (500)a
T cos(25◦ )

We now have two equations and two unknowns so we can solve simultaneously. We
subtract the second equation from the first to get:

(10 000) − T cos(25◦ ) T cos(25◦ )

(a) − (a) = ( )−( )
(2000) (500)
(10 000) − T cos(25◦ ) T cos(25◦ )
0=( )−( )
(2000) (500)
(multiply through by 2000)
0 = (10 000) − T cos(25◦ ) − 4T cos(25◦ )
5T cos(25◦ ) = (10 000)
(10 000)
T =
5 cos(25◦ )
T = 2206,76 N

Now substitute this result back into the second equation to solve for the magnitude of
T cos(25◦ )
(2206,76) cos(25◦ )
= 4,00 m·s−2

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 89

TIP Object on an inclined plane
Do not use the
abbreviation W for
weight as it is used to In an earlier section we looked at the components of the gravitational force parallel
abbreviate ’work’. Rather and perpendicular to the slope for objects on an inclined plane. When we look at
use the force of gravity Fg
for weight.
problems on an inclined plane we need to include the component of the gravitational
force parallel to the slope.

Think back to the pictures of the book on a table, as one side of the table is lifted
higher the book starts to slide. Why? The book starts to slide because the component
of the gravitational force parallel to the surface of the table gets larger for the larger
angle of inclination. This is like the applied force and it eventually becomes larger
than the frictional force and the book accelerates down the table or inclined plane.

The force of gravity will also tend to push an object ’into’ the slope. This is the compo-
nent of the force perpendicular to the slope. There is no movement in this direction as
this force is balanced by the slope pushing up against the object. This “pushing force”
is the normal force (N) which we have already learnt about and is equal in magnitude
to the perpendicular component of the gravitational force, but opposite in direction.

Surface friction

horizontal component
parallel to the surface

Fg sin(θ) θ
vertical component
θ perpendicular to the surface
Fg cos(θ)

Fg cos(θ)

Fg sin(θ)

See simulation: 23HD at

Worked example 14: Newton’s second law: box on inclined plane


A body of mass M is at rest on an inclined plane due to friction.

90 2.3. Newton’s laws

What of the following option is the magnitude of the frictional force acting on the

1. Fg

2. Fg cos(θ)

3. Fg sin(θ)

4. Fg tan(θ)


Step 1: Analyse the situation

The question asks us to determine the magnitude of the frictional force. The body is
said to be at rest on the plane, which means that it is not moving and therefore the
acceleration is zero. We know that the frictional force will act parallel to the slope. If
there were no friction the box would slide down the slope so friction must be acting
up the slope. We also know that there will be a component of gravity perpendicular
to the slope and parallel to the slope. The free body diagram for the forces acting on
the block is:


θ Fg cos(θ)
Fg sin(θ)

Step 2: Determine the magnitude of the frictional force

We can apply Newton’s second law to this problem. We know that the object is not
moving so the resultant acceleration is zero. We choose up the slope to be the positive
direction. Therefore:

FR = ma using signs for direction

Ff − Fg sin(θ) = m(0)
Ff − Fg sin(θ) = m(0)
Ff = Fg sin(θ)

Step 3: Quote your final answer

The force of friction has the same magnitude as the component of the force of gravita-
tion parallel to the slope, Fg sin(θ).

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 91

Worked example 15: Newton’s second law: object on an incline


A force of magnitude T = 312N up an incline is required to keep a body at rest on a

frictionless inclined plane which makes an angle of 35◦ with the horizontal. Calculate
the magnitudes of the force due to gravity and the normal force, giving your answers
to three significant figures.



Step 1: Find the magnitude of Fg

We are usually asked to find the magnitude of T , but in this case T is given and we
are asked to find Fg . We can use the same equation. T is the force that balances the
component of Fg parallel to the plane (Fgx ) and therefore it has the same magnitude.


θ Fg cos(θ)
Fg sin(θ)

We can apply Newton’s second law to this problem. We know that the object is not
moving so the resultant acceleration is zero. We choose up the slope to be the positive
direction. Therefore:

FR = ma using signs for direction

T − Fg sin(θ) = m(0)
Fg =
sin(35◦ )
= 543,955 N

Step 2: Find the magnitude of N

We treat the forces parallel and perpendicular to the slope separately. The block is
stationary so the acceleration perpendicular to the slope is zero. Once again we can

92 2.3. Newton’s laws

apply Newton’s second law of motion. We choose the direction of the normal force
as the positive direction.

FR = ma using signs for direction

N − Fg cos(θ) = m(0)
N = Fg cos(θ)

We could substitute in the value of Fg calculated earlier. We would like to illustrate

that there is another approach to adopt to ensure you get the correct answer even
if you made a mistake calculating Fg . Fg cos(θ) can also be determined with the
use of trigonometric ratios. We know from the previous part of the question that
T = Fg sin(θ). We also know that

Fg sin(θ)
tan(θ) =
Fg cos(θ)
tan(35◦ )
= 445,58 N

Note that the question asks that the answers be given to 3 significant figures. We
 from 445,58 N up to 446 N perpendicular to the surface upwards
therefore round N

and T from 543,955 N up to 544 N parallel to the plane, up the slope.

Lifts and rockets

So far we have looked at objects being pulled or pushed across a surface, in other
words motion parallel to the surface the object rests on. Here we only considered
forces parallel to the surface, but we can also lift objects up or let them fall. This is
vertical motion where only vertical forces are being considered.

Let us consider a 500 kg lift, with no passengers, hanging on a cable. The purpose
of the cable is to pull the lift upwards so that it can reach the next floor or lower the
lift so that it can move downwards to the floor below. We will look at five possible
stages during the motion of the lift and apply our knowledge of Newton’s second law
of motion to the situation. The 5 stages are:

1. A stationary lift suspended above the ground.

2. A lift accelerating upwards.

3. A lift moving at a constant velocity.

4. A lift decelerating (slowing down).

5. A lift accelerating downwards (the cable snaps!).

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 93

We choose the upwards direction to be the positive direction for this discussion.

Stage 1:

The 500 kg lift is stationary at the second floor of a tall building.

The lift is not accelerating. There must be a tension T from the cable acting on the lift
and there must be a force due to gravity, Fg . There are no other forces present and we
can draw the free body diagram:



We apply Newton’s second law to the vertical direction:

FR = mlifta (we use signs to indicate direction)

T − Fg = mlift (0)
T = Fg

The forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Stage 2:

The lift moves upwards at an acceleration of 1 m·s−2 .

If the lift is accelerating, it means that there is a resultant force in the direction of the
motion. This means that the force acting upwards is now greater than the force due to
gravity Fg (down). To find the magnitude of the T applied by the cable we can do the
following calculation: (Remember we have chosen upwards as positive.)

We apply Newton’s second law to the vertical direction:

FR = mlifta (we use signs to indicate direction)

T − Fg = mlift (1)
T = Fg + mlift (1)

The answer makes sense as we need a bigger force upwards to cancel the effect of
gravity as well as have a positive resultant force.

Stage 3:

The lift moves at a constant velocity.

When the lift moves at a constant velocity, the acceleration is zero,

FR = mlifta (we use signs to indicate direction)

T − Fg = mlift (0)
T = Fg

94 2.3. Newton’s laws

The forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. It is common mistake to
think that because the lift is moving there is a net force acting on it. It is only if it is
accelerating that there is a net force acting.

Stage 4:

The lift slows down at a rate of 2 m·s−2 . The lift was moving upwards so this means that
it is decelerating or accelerating in the direction opposite to the direction of motion.
This means that the acceleration is in the negative direction.

FR = mlifta (we use signs to indicate direction)

T − Fg = mlift (−2)
T = Fg − 2mlift

As the lift is now slowing down there is a resultant force downwards. This means that
the force acting downwards is greater than the force acting upwards.

This makes sense as we need a smaller force upwards to ensure that the resultant force
is downward. The force of gravity is now greater than the upward pull of the cable and
the lift will slow down.

Stage 5:

The cable snaps.

When the cable snaps, the force that used to be acting upwards is no longer present.
The only force that is present would be the force of gravity. The lift will fall freely and
its acceleration.

Apparent weight

Your weight is the magnitude of the gravitational force acting on your body. When you
stand in a lift that is stationery and then starts to accelerate upwards you feel you are
pressed into the floor while the lift accelerates. You feel like you are heavier and your
weight is more. When you are in a stationery lift that starts to accelerate downwards
you feel lighter on your feet. You feel like your weight is less.

Weight is measured through normal forces. When the lift accelerates upwards you feel
a greater normal force acting on you as the force required to accelerate you upwards
in addition to balancing out the gravitational force.

When the lift accelerates downwards you feel a smaller normal force acting on you.
This is because a net force downwards is required to accelerate you downwards. This
phenomenon is called apparent weight because your weight didn’t actually change.


As with lifts, rockets are also examples of objects in vertical motion. The force of grav-
ity pulls the rocket down while the thrust of the engine pushes the rocket upwards. The
force that the engine exerts must overcome the force of gravity so that the rocket can
accelerate upwards. The worked example below looks at the application of Newton’s
second law in launching a rocket.

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 95

Worked example 16: Newton’s second law: rocket


A rocket (of mass 5000 kg) is launched vertically upwards into the sky at an accelera-
tion of 20 m·s−2 . If the magnitude of the force due to gravity on the rocket is 49 000 N,
calculate the magnitude and direction of the thrust of the rocket’s engines.


Step 1: Analyse what is given and what is asked

We have the following:

m = 5000kg

a=20 m·s−2 upwards.

Fg =49 000 N downwards.

We are asked to find the thrust of the rocket engine F .

Step 2: Find the thrust of the engine

We will apply Newton’s second law:

FR = ma (using signs to indicate direction)

F − Fg = (5000)(20)
F − (49 000) = (5000)(20)
F = 149 000 N

Step 3: Quote your final answer

The force due to the thrust is 149 000 N upwards.

Worked example 17: Rockets


How do rockets accelerate in space?

96 2.3. Newton’s laws


tail nozzle


Step 1:

• Gas explodes inside the rocket.

• This exploding gas exerts a force on each side of the rocket (as shown in the
picture below of the explosion chamber inside the rocket).

Note that the forces shown in this picture

are representative. With an explosion there
will be forces in all directions.

• Due to the symmetry of the situation, all the forces exerted on the rocket are
balanced by forces on the opposite side, except for the force opposite the open
side. This force on the upper surface is unbalanced.

• This is therefore the resultant force acting on the rocket and it makes the rocket
accelerate forwards.

Exercise 2 – 5:

1. A tug is capable of pulling a ship with a force of 100 kN. If two such tugs
are pulling on one ship, they can produce any force ranging from a minimum
of 0 kN to a maximum of 200 kN. Give a detailed explanation of how this is
possible. Use diagrams to support your result.

2. A car of mass 850 kg accelerates at 2 m·s−2 . Calculate the magnitude of the

resultant force that is causing the acceleration.

3. Find the force needed to accelerate a 3 kg object at 4 m·s−2 .

4. Calculate the acceleration of an object of mass 1000 kg accelerated by a force

of magnitude 100 N.

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 97

5. An object of mass 7 kg is accelerating at 2,5 m·s−2 . What resultant force acts on

6. Find the mass of an object if a force of 40 N gives it an acceleration of 2 m·s−2 .

7. Find the acceleration of a body of mass 1000 kg that has a force with a magnitude
of 150 N acting on it.

8. Find the mass of an object which is accelerated at 3 m·s−2 by a force of magni-

tude 25 N.

9. Determine the acceleration of a mass of 24 kg when a force of magnitude 6 N

acts on it. What is the acceleration if the force were doubled and the mass was

10. A mass of 8 kg is accelerating at 5 m·s−2 .

a) Determine the resultant force that is causing the acceleration.

b) What acceleration would be produced if we doubled the force and reduced
the mass by half?

11. A motorcycle of mass 100 kg is accelerated by a resultant force of 500 N. If the

motorcycle starts from rest:

a) What is its acceleration?

b) How fast will it be travelling after 20 s?
c) How long will it take to reach a speed of 35 m·s−1 ?
d) How far will it travel from its starting point in 15 s?

12. A force of 200 N, acting at 60◦ to the horizontal, accelerates a block of mass
50 kg along a horizontal plane as shown.

200 N
60 ◦

50 kg

a) Calculate the component of the 200 N force that accelerates the block hor-
b) If the acceleration of the block is 1,5 m·s−2 , calculate the magnitude of the
frictional force on the block.
c) Calculate the vertical force exerted by the block on the plane.

13. A toy rocket experiences a force due to gravity of magnitude 4,5 N is supported
vertically by placing it in a bottle. The rocket is then ignited. Calculate the force
that is required to accelerate the rocket vertically upwards at 8 m·s−2 .

14. A constant force of magnitude 70 N is applied vertically to a block as shown.

The block experiences a force due to gravity of 49 N. Calculate the acceleration
of the block.

98 2.3. Newton’s laws

70 N

15. A student experiences a gravitational force of magnitude 686 N investigates the

motion of a lift. While he stands in the lift on a bathroom scale (calibrated in
newton), he notes three stages of his journey.

a) For 2 s immediately after the lift starts, the scale reads 574 N.
b) For a further 6 s it reads 686 N.
c) For the final 2 s it reads 854 N.

Answer the following questions:

a) Is the motion of the lift upward or downward? Give a reason for your
b) Write down the magnitude and the direction of the resultant force acting
on the student for each of the stages 1, 2 and 3.

16. A car of mass 800 kg accelerates along a level road at 4 m·s−2 . A frictional force
of 700 N opposes its motion. What force is produced by the car’s engine?

17. Two objects, with masses of 1 kg and 2 kg respectively, are placed on a smooth
surface and connected with a piece of string. A horizontal force of 6 N is applied
with the help of a spring balance to the 1 kg object. Ignoring friction, what will
the force acting on the 2 kg mass, as measured by a second spring balance, be?

1 kg 2 kg

18. A rocket of mass 200 kg has a resultant force of 4000 N upwards on it.

a) What is its acceleration on the Earth, where it experiences a gravitational

force of 1960 N?
b) What driving force does the rocket engine need to exert on the back of the
rocket on the Earth?

19. A car going at 20 m·s−1 accelerates uniformly and comes to a stop in a distance
of 20 m.

a) What is its acceleration?

b) If the car is 1000 kg how much force do the brakes exert?

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 99

20. A block on an inclined plane experiences a force due to gravity, Fg of 300 N
straight down. If the slope is inclined at 67,8◦ to the horizontal, what is the
component of the force due to gravity perpendicular and parallel to the slope?
At what angle would the perpendicular and parallel components of the force due
to gravity be equal?

21. A block on an inclined plane is subjected to a force due to gravity, Fg of 287 N
straight down. If the component of the gravitational force parallel to the slope is
Fgx =123,7 N in the negative x-direction (down the slope), what is the incline
of the slope?

22. A block on an inclined plane experiences a force due to gravity, Fg of 98 N

straight down. If the slope is inclined at an unknown angle to the horizontal
but we are told that the ratio of the components of the force due to gravity
perpendicular and parallel to the slope is 7:4. What is the angle the incline
makes with the horizontal?

23. Two crates, 30 kg and 50 kg respectively, are connected with a thick rope ac-
cording to the diagram. A force, to the right, of 1500 N is applied. The boxes
move with an acceleration of 7 m·s−2 to the right. The ratio of the frictional
forces on the two crates is the same as the ratio of their masses. Calculate:

a = 2 m · s−2

1500 N
30 kg T 50 kg

a) the magnitude and direction of the total frictional force present.

b) the magnitude of the tension in the rope at T.

24. Two crates, 30 kg and 50 kg respectively, are connected with a thick rope ac-
cording to the diagram. If they are dragged up an incline such that the ratio
of the parallel and perpendicular components of the gravitational force on each
block are 3 : 5. The boxes move with an acceleration of 7 m·s−2 up the slope.
The ratio of the frictional forces on the two crates is the same as the ratio of their
masses. The magnitude of the force due to gravity on the 30 kg crate is 294 N
and on the 50 kg crate is 490 N. Calculate:

a = 7 m · s−2
500 N

50 kg
30 kg

a) the magnitude and direction of the total frictional force present.

b) the magnitude of the tension in the rope at T.

100 2.3. Newton’s laws

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23HF 2. 23HG 3. 23HH 4. 23HJ 5. 23HK 6. 23HM

7. 23HN 8. 23HP 9. 23HQ 10. 23HR 11. 23HS 12. 23HT
13. 23HV 14. 23HW 15. 23HX 16. 23HY 17. 23HZ 18. 23J2
19. 23J3 20. 23J4 21. 23J5 22. 23J6 23. 23J7 24. 23J8

Newton’s third law of motion ESBKV

Newton’s third law of Motion deals

with the interaction between pairs of
objects. For example, if you hold a
book up against a wall you are exerting
a force on the book (to keep it there)
and the book is exerting a force back at
you (to keep you from falling through
the book). This may sound strange,
but if the book was not pushing back
at you, your hand would push through
the book! These two forces (the force
of the hand on the book (F1 ) and the
force of the book on the hand (F2 )) are
called an action-reaction pair of forces.
They have the same magnitude, but act
in opposite directions and act on dif-
ferent objects (the one force is onto the
Figure 2.8: Newton’s action-reaction book and the other is onto your hand).

There is another action-reaction pair of forces present in this situation. The book
is pushing against the wall (action force) and the wall is pushing back at the book
(reaction). The force of the book on the wall (F3 ) and the force of the wall on the book
( F4 ) are shown in the diagram.


book F1 : force of hand on book

F2 : force of book on hand
F1 F2 F3 : force of book on wall
F4 : force of wall on book
F3 F4

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 101

DEFINITION: Newton’s third law of motion

If body A exerts a force on body B, then body B exerts a force of equal magnitude on
body A, but in the opposite direction.

See video: 23J9 at

These action-reaction pairs have several properties:

• the same type of force acts on the objects,

• the forces have the same magnitude but opposite direction, and

• the forces act on different objects.

Newton’s action-reaction pairs can be found everywhere in life where two objects
interact with one another. The following worked examples will illustrate this:

Worked example 18: Newton’s third law - seat belt


Dineo is seated in the passenger seat of a car with the seat belt on. The car suddenly
stops and he moves forwards (Newton’s first law - he continues in his state of motion)
until the seat belt stops him. Draw a labelled force diagram identifying two action-
reaction pairs in this situation.


Step 1: Draw a force diagram

Start by drawing the picture. You will be using arrows to indicate the forces so make
your picture large enough so that detailed labels can also be added. The picture needs
to be accurate, but not artistic! Use stick-men if you have to.

Step 2: Label the diagram

Take one pair at a time and label them carefully. If there is not enough space on the
drawing, then use a key on the side.

102 2.3. Newton’s laws

F1 : The force of Dineo on the seat belt
F2 : The force of the seat belt on Dineo
F3 : The force of Dineo on the seat (downwards)
F2 F1 F4 : The force of the seat on Dineo (upwards)



Worked example 19: Newton’s third law: forces in a lift


Tammy travels from the ground floor to the fifth floor of a hotel in a lift moving at con-
stant velocity. Which ONE of the following statements is TRUE about the magnitude
of the force exerted by the floor of the lift on Tammy’s feet? Use Newton’s third law to
justify your answer.

1. It is greater than the magnitude of Tammy’s weight.

2. It is equal in magnitude to the force Tammy’s feet exert on the floor of the lift.

3. It is equal to what it would be in a stationary lift.

4. It is greater than what it would be in a stationary lift.


Step 1: Analyse the situation

This is a Newton’s third law question and not Newton’s second law. We need to focus
on the action-reaction pairs of forces and not the motion of the lift. The following
diagram will show the action-reaction pairs that are present when a person is standing
on a scale in a lift.

F1 : force of feet on lift (downwards)
F2 : force of lift on feet (upwards)
F2 F3 : force of gravity on person (downwards)
F4 : force of person on lift (upwards)
lift F3


Figure 2.9: Newton’s action-reaction pairs in a lift.

In this question statements are made about the force of the floor (lift) on Tammy’s feet.
This force corresponds to F2 in our diagram. The reaction force that pairs up with

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 103

this one is F1 , which is the force that Tammy’s feet exerts on the floor of the lift. The
magnitude of these two forces are the same, but they act in opposite directions.

Step 2: Choose the correct answer

It is important to analyse the question first, before looking at the answers. The answers
might confuse you if you look at them first. Make sure that you understand the situation
and know what is asked before you look at the options.

The correct answer is number 2.

Worked example 20: Newton’s third law: book and wall


Bridget presses a book against a vertical

wall as shown in the photograph.

1. Draw a labelled force diagram indi-

cating all the forces acting on the

2. State, in words, Newton’s third law of


3. Name the action-reaction pairs of

forces acting in the horizontal plane.


Step 1: Draw a force diagram

A force diagram will look like this:

104 2.3. Newton’s laws

Upwards frictional force of wall on book

Applied force by Bridget on book Force of wall on book

Downwards gravitational force on book

Ff riction
FW all FBridget


Note that we had to draw all the forces acting on the book and not the action-reaction
pairs. None of the forces drawn are action-reaction pairs, because they all act on the
same object (the book). When you label forces, be as specific as possible, including
the direction of the force and both objects involved, for example, do not say gravity
(which is an incomplete answer) but rather say ’Downward (direction) gravitational
force of the Earth (object) on the book (object)’.

Step 2: State Newton’s third law

If body A exerts a force onto body B, then body B will exert a force equal in magnitude,
but opposite in direction, onto body A.

Step 3: Name the action-reaction pairs

The question only asks for action-reaction forces in the horizontal plane. Therefore:

Pair 1: Action: Applied force of Bridget on the book; Reaction: The force of the book
on the girl.

Pair 2: Action: Force of the book on the wall; Reaction: Force of the wall on the book.

Note that a Newton’s third law pair will always involve the same combination of words,
like ’book on wall’ and ’wall on book’. The objects are ’swapped around’ in naming
the pairs.

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 105

General experiment: Balloon rocket


In this experiment for the entire class, you will use a balloon rocket to investigate
Newton’s third law. A fishing line will be used as a track and a plastic straw taped to
the balloon will help attach the balloon to the track.


You will need the following items for this experiment:

1. balloons (one for each team)

2. plastic straws (one for each team)

3. tape (cellophane or masking)

4. fishing line, 10 metres in length

5. a stopwatch - optional (a cell

phone can also be used)

6. a measuring tape - optional


1. Divide into groups of at least five.

2. Attach one end of the fishing line to the blackboard with tape. Have one team-
mate hold the other end of the fishing line so that it is taut and roughly horizon-
tal. The line must be held steady and must not be moved up or down during the

3. Have one teammate blow up a balloon and hold it shut with his or her fingers.
Have another teammate tape the straw along the side of the balloon. Thread the
fishing line through the straw and hold the balloon at the far end of the line.

4. Let go of the rocket and observe how the rocket moves forward.

5. Optionally, the rockets of each group can be timed to determine a winner of the
fastest rocket.

a) Assign one teammate to time the event. The balloon should be let go when
the time keeper yells “Go!” Observe how your rocket moves toward the
b) Have another teammate stand right next to the blackboard and yell “Stop!”
when the rocket hits its target. If the balloon does not make it all the way to
the blackboard, “Stop!” should be called when the balloon stops moving.
The timekeeper should record the flight time.
c) Measure the exact distance the rocket travelled. Calculate the average
speed at which the balloon travelled. To do this, divide the distance trav-
elled by the time the balloon was “in flight.” Fill in your results for Trial 1
in the Table below.
d) Each team should conduct two more races and complete the sections in the
Table for Trials 2 and 3. Then calculate the average speed for the three trials
to determine your team’s race entry time.

106 2.3. Newton’s laws


Distance (m) Time (s) Speed (m·s−1 )

Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3


The winner of this race is the team with the fastest average balloon speed.

See video: 23JB at

While doing the experiment, you should think about,

1. What made your rocket move?

2. How is Newton’s third law of Motion demonstrated by this activity?
3. Draw pictures using labelled arrows to show the forces acting on the inside of
the balloon before it was released and after it was released.

See video: 23JC at

See video: 23JD at

The Saturn V (pronounced “Saturn

Five”) was an American human-rated
expendable rocket used by NASA’s
Apollo and Skylab programs from
1967 until 1973. A multistage
liquid-fuelled launch vehicle, NASA
launched 13 Saturn Vs from the
Kennedy Space Center, Florida with no
loss of crew or payload. It remains
the tallest, heaviest, and most power-
ful rocket ever brought to operational
status and still holds the record for the
heaviest launch vehicle payload.

Exercise 2 – 6:

1. A fly hits the front windscreen of a moving car. Compared to the magnitude
of the force the fly exerts on the windscreen, the magnitude of the force the
windscreen exerts on the fly during the collision, is:

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 107

a) zero.
b) smaller, but not zero.
c) bigger.
d) the same.

2. Which of the following pairs of forces correctly illustrates Newton’s third law?

A man standing still A book pushed
against a wall

Force of book on wall

Force of wall on book
force of floor
on man
weight of man

A bird flying at a constant A crate moving at
height and velocity constant speed

Force used to push

the crate
Weight of the bird

frictional force exerted

The weight of the bird = by the floor
force of Earth on bird

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23JF 2. 23JG

Forces in equilibrium ESBKW

At the beginning of this chapter it was mentioned that resultant forces cause objects
to accelerate in a straight line. If an object is stationary or moving at constant velocity
then either,

• no forces are acting on the object, or

• the forces acting on that object are exactly balanced.

In other words, for stationary objects or objects moving with constant velocity, the
resultant force acting on the object is zero.

DEFINITION: Equilibrium

An object in equilibrium has both the sum of the forces acting on it equal to zero.

108 2.3. Newton’s laws

2.4 Forces between masses ESBKX

Gravity is arguably the first force that people really learn about. People don’t re-
ally think of it as learning about gravity because it is such a big part of our everyday
lives. Babies learning to crawl or walk are struggling against gravity, games involving
jumping, climbing or balls all give people a sense of the effect of gravity. The saying
“everything that goes up, must come down” is all about gravity. Rain falls from the sky
because of gravity and so much more. We all know that these things happen but we
don’t often stop to ask what is gravity, what causes it and how can we describe it more
accurately than “everything that goes up, must come down”?

All of the examples mentioned involve objects with mass falling to the ground, they
are being attracted to the Earth. Gravity is the name we give to the force that arises
between objects because of their mass. It is always an attractive force. It is a non-
contact force, therefore it acts at a distance. The Earth is responsible for a gravitational
force on the moon which keeps it in its orbit around the Earth and the gravitational
force the moon exerts on the Earth is the dominant cause of ocean tides.

Sir Isaac Newton was the first scientist to precisely define the gravitational force, and
to show that it could explain both falling bodies and astronomical motions. The grav-
itational force is relatively simple. It is always attractive, and it depends only on the
masses involved and the distance between them. Stated in modern language, New-
ton’s universal law of gravitation states that every particle in the universe attracts every
other particle with a force along a line joining them. The force is directly proportional
to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between them.

Newton’s law of universal gravitation ESBKY

DEFINITION: Newton’s law of universal gravitation

Every point mass attracts every other point mass by a force directed along the line con-
necting the two. This force is proportional to the product of the masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between them.

The magnitude of the attractive gravitational force between the two point masses, F is
given by:
m1 m2
F =G 2

where: F is in newtons (N), G is the gravitational constant 6,67 × 10−11 N·m2 ·kg−2 ,
m1 is the mass of the first point mass in kilograms (kg), m2 is the mass of the second
point mass in kilograms (kg) and d is the distance between the two point masses in
metres (m). For any large objects (not point masses) we use the distance from the
centre of the object(s) to do the calculation. This is very important when dealing with
very large objects like planets. The distance from the centre of the planet and from
the surface of the planet differ by a large amount. Remember that this is a force of
attraction and should be described by a vector. We use Newton’s law of universal
gravitation to determine the magnitude of the force and then analyse the problem to
determine the direction.

For example, consider a man of mass 80 kg standing 10 m from a woman with a mass

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 109

of 65 kg. The attractive gravitational force between them would be:
m1 m2
F =G 2
= 6,67 × 10
= 3,47 × 10−9 N

If the man and woman move to 1 m apart, then the force is:
m1 m2
F =G 2
= 6,67 × 10
= 3,47 × 10−7 N

As you can see, these forces are very small.

Now consider the gravitational force between the Earth and the Moon. The mass of
the Earth is 5,98 × 1024 kg, the mass of the Moon is 7,35 × 1022 kg and the Earth and
Moon are 3,8 × 108 m apart. The gravitational force between the Earth and Moon is:
m1 m2
F =G
   (5,98 × 1024 )(7,35 × 1022 ) 
= 6,67 × 10
(0,38 × 109 )2
= 2,03 × 1020 N

From this example you can see that the force is very large.

These two examples demonstrate that the greater the masses, the greater the force
between them. The 1/d2 factor tells us that the distance between the two bodies plays
a role as well. The closer two bodies are, the stronger the gravitational force between
them is. We feel the gravitational attraction of the Earth most at the surface since that
is the closest we can get to it, but if we were in outer-space, we would barely feel the
effect of the Earth’s gravity!

Remember that F = ma which means that every object on Earth feels the same grav-
itational acceleration! That means whether you drop a pen or a book (from the same
height), they will both take the same length of time to hit the ground... in fact they will
be head to head for the entire fall if you drop them at the same time. We can show
this easily by using Newton’s second law and the equation for the gravitational force.
The force between the Earth (which has the mass MEarth ) and an object of mass mo is
Gmo MEarth
F = and the acceleration of an object of mass mo (in terms of the force
acting on it) is ao = .

So we equate them and we find that:

ao = G

Since it doesn’t depend on the mass of the object, mo , the acceleration on a body
(due to the Earth’s gravity) does not depend on the mass of the body. Thus all objects

110 2.4. Forces between masses

experience the same gravitational acceleration. The force on different bodies will be
different but the acceleration will be the same. Due to the fact that this acceleration
caused by gravity is the same on all objects we label it differently, instead of using a
we use gEarth which we call the gravitational acceleration and it has a magnitude of
approximately 9,8 m·s−2 .

The fact that gravitational acceleration is independent of the mass of the object holds
for any planet, not just Earth, but each planet will have a different magnitude of gravi-
tational acceleration.

Exercise 2 – 7:

1. When the planet Jupiter is closest to Earth it is 6,28 × 108 km away. If Jupiter has
a mass of 1,9 × 1027 kg, what is the magnitude of the gravitational force between
Jupiter and the Earth?

2. When the planet Jupiter is furthest from the Earth it is 9,28 × 108 km away. If
Jupiter has a mass of 1,9 × 1027 kg, what is the magnitude of the gravitational
force between Jupiter and the Earth?

3. What distance must a satellite with a mass of 80 kg be away from the Earth to
feel a force of 1000 N? How far from Jupiter to feel the same force?

4. The radius of Jupiter is 71,5×103 km and the radius of the moon is 1,7×103 km,
if the moon has a mass of 7,35 × 1022 kg work out the gravitational acceleration
on Jupiter and on the moon.

5. Astrology, NOT astronomy, makes much of the position of the planets at the
moment of one’s birth. The only known force a planet exerts on Earth is gravita-
tional. Calculate:

a) the gravitational force exerted on a 4,20 kg baby by a 100 kg father 0,200 m

away at birth
b) the force on the baby due to Jupiter if it is at its closest distance to Earth,
some 6,29 × 1011 m away.
c) How does the force of Jupiter on the baby compare to the force of the father
on the baby?

6. The existence of the dwarf planet Pluto was proposed based on irregularities in
Neptune’s orbit. Pluto was subsequently discovered near its predicted position.
But it now appears that the discovery was fortuitous, because Pluto is small and
the irregularities in Neptune’s orbit were not well known. To illustrate that Pluto
has a minor effect on the orbit of Neptune compared with the closest planet to

a) Calculate the acceleration due to gravity at Neptune due to Pluto when

they are 4,50 × 1012 m apart, as they are at present. The mass of Pluto is
1,4 × 1022 kg and the mass of Neptune is: 1,02 × 1026 kg.
b) Calculate the acceleration due to gravity at Neptune due to Uranus,
presently about 2,50 × 1012 m apart, and compare it with that due to Pluto.
The mass of Uranus is 8,62 × 1025 kg.

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 111

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1. 23JH 2. 23JJ 3. 23JK 4. 23JM 5. 23JN 6. 23JP

Weight and mass ESBKZ

In everyday discussion many people use weight and mass to mean the same thing
which is not true.

Mass is a scalar and weight is a vector. Mass is a measurement of how much matter
is in an object; weight is a measurement of how hard gravity is pulling on that object.
Your mass is the same wherever you are, on Earth; on the moon; floating in space,
because the amount of stuff you’re made of doesn’t change. Your weight depends
on how strong a gravitational force is acting on you at the moment; you’d weigh less
on the moon than on Earth, and in space you’d weigh almost nothing at all. Mass is
measured in kilograms, kg, and weight is a force and measured in newtons, N.

When you stand on a scale you are trying measure how much of you there is. People
who are trying to reduce their mass hope to see the reading on the scale get smaller
but they talk about losing weight. Their weight will decrease but it is because their
mass is decreasing. A scale uses the persons weight to determine their mass.

You can use Fg = mg to calculate weight.

Worked example 21: Newton’s second law: lifts and g


A lift, with a mass of 250 kg, is initially at rest on the ground floor of a tall building.
Passengers with an unknown total mass, m, climb into the lift. The lift accelerates
upwards at 1,6 m·s−2 . The cable supporting the lift exerts a constant upward force of
7700 N.

1. Draw a labelled force diagram indicating all the forces acting on the lift while it
accelerates upwards.

2. What is the maximum mass, m, of the passengers the lift can carry in order to
achieve a constant upward acceleration of 1,6 m·s−2 .


Step 1: Draw a force diagram.

We choose upwards as the positive direction.

112 2.4. Forces between masses

Upward force of cable on lift
(FC = 7700 N)

Downward force of Downward force of Earth on lift

passengers weight

Step 2: Gravitational force

We know that the gravitational acceleration on any object on Earth, due to the Earth,
is g = 9,8 m·s−2 towards the centre of the Earth (downwards). We know that the force
due to gravity on a lift or the passengers in the lift will be Fg = mg .

Step 3: Find the mass, m.

Let us look at the lift with its passengers as a unit. The mass of this unit will be
(250 kg + m) and the force of the Earth pulling downwards (Fg ) will be (250 + m) ×
9,8 m·s−2 . If we apply Newton’s second law to the situation we get:

Fnet = ma
FC − Fg = ma
7700 − (250 + m) (9,8) = (250 + m) (1,6)
7700 − 2500 − 9,8 m = 400+1,6 m
4800 = 11,4 m
m = 421,05 kg

Step 4: Quote your final answer

The mass of the passengers is 421,05 kg. If the mass were larger then the total down-
ward force would be greater and the cable would need to exert a larger force in the
positive direction to maintain the same acceleration.

In everyday use we often talk about weighing things. We also refer to how much
something weighs. It is important to remember that when someone asks how much
you weigh or how much an apple weighs they are actually wanting to know your mass
or the apples mass, not the force due to gravity acting on you or the apple.

Weightlessness is not because there is no gravitational force or that there is no weight

anymore. Weightless is an extreme case of apparent weight. Think about the lift
accelerating downwards when you feel a little lighter. If the lift accelerated downwards
with the same magnitude as gravitational acceleration there would be no normal force
acting on you, the lift and you would be falling with exactly the same acceleration and
you would feel weightless. Eventually the lift has to come to a stop.

In a space shuttle in space it is almost exactly the same case. The astronauts and
space shuttle feel exactly the same gravitational acceleration so their apparent weight is

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 113

zero. The one difference is that they are not falling downwards, they have a very large
velocity perpendicular to the direction of the gravitational force that is pulling them
towards the earth. They are falling but in a circle around the earth. The gravitational
force and their velocity are perfectly balanced that they orbit the earth.

In a weightless environment, defining up and down doesn’t make as much sense as in

our every day life. In space this affects all sorts of things, for example, when a candle
burns the hot gas can’t go up because the usual up is defined by which way gravity
acts. This has actually been tested.

Figure 2.10: A candle burning on earth (left) and one burning in space (right).

Exercise 2 – 8:

1. Jojo has a mass of 87,5 kg, what is his weight on the following planets:

a) Mercury (radius of 2,440 × 103 km and mass of 3,3 × 1023 kg)

b) Mars (radius of 3,39 × 103 km and mass of 6,42 × 1023 kg)
c) Neptune (radius of 24,76 × 103 km and mass of 1,03 × 1026 kg)?

2. If object 1 has a weight of 1,78 × 103 N on Neptune and object 2 has a weight
of 3,63 × 105 N on Mars, which has the greater mass?

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23JQ 2. 23JR

Comparative problems ESBM2

Comparative problems involve calculation of something in terms of something else that

we know. For example, if you weigh 490 N on Earth and the gravitational acceleration

114 2.4. Forces between masses

on Venus is 0,903 that of the gravitational acceleration on the Earth, then you would
weigh 0, 903 × 490N = 442,5N on Venus.

Method for answering comparative problems

• Write out equations and calculate all quantities for the given situation

• Write out all relationships between variable from first and second case

• Write out second case

• Substitute all first case variables into second case

• Write second case in terms of first case

Worked example 22: Comparative problem


A man has a mass of 70 kg. The planet Zirgon is the same size as the Earth but has
twice the mass of the Earth. What would the man weigh on Zirgon, if the gravitational
acceleration on Earth is 9,8 m·s−2 ?


Step 1: Determine what information has been given

The following has been provided:

• the mass of the man, m

• the mass of the planet Zirgon (mZ ) in terms of the mass of the Earth (MEarth ),
mZ = 2MEarth

• the radius of the planet Zirgon (rZ ) in terms of the radius of the Earth (rE ),
rZ = rEarth

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem

We are required to determine the man’s weight on Zirgon (wZ ). We can do this by
m1 · m2
Fg = mg = G

to calculate the weight of the man on Earth and then use this value to determine the
weight of the man on Zirgon.

Step 3: Situation on Earth

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 115

MEarth · m
FEarth = mgE = G
= (70 kg) 9,8 m·s−2
= 686 N

Step 4: Situation on Zirgon in terms of situation on Earth

Write the equation for the gravitational force on Zirgon and then substitute the values
for mZ and rZ , in terms of the values for the Earth.
mZ · m
wZ = mgZ = G
2MEarth · m
MEarth · m
=2 G 2
= 2FEarth
= 2 (686 N)
= 1372 N

Step 5: Quote the final answer

The man weighs 1372 N on Zirgon.

Worked example 23: Comparative problem


A man has a mass of 70 kg. On the planet Beeble how much will he weigh if Bee-
ble has a mass half of that of the Earth and a radius one quarter that of the Earth.
Gravitational acceleration on Earth is 9,8 m·s−2 .


Step 1: Determine what information has been given

The following has been provided:

• the mass of the man on Earth, m

• the mass of the planet Beeble (mB ) in terms of the mass of the Earth
(MEarth ),mB = 12 MEarth
• the radius of the planet Beeble (rB ) in terms of the radius of the Earth (rE ),
rB = 14 rE

116 2.4. Forces between masses

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem

We are required to determine the man’s weight on Beeble (wB ). We can do this by
m1 m2
Fg = mg = G

to calculate the weight of the man on Earth and then use this value to determine the
weight of the man on Beeble.

Step 3: Situation on Earth

FEarth = mgEarth = G 2
= (70)(9,8)
= 686 N

Step 4: Situation on Beeble in terms of situation on Earth

Write the equation for the gravitational force on Beeble and then substitute the values
for mB and rB , in terms of the values for the Earth.

FBeeble = mgBeeble = G 2
=G2 1 2
4 rE
=8 G 2
= 8(686)
= 5488 N

Step 5: Quote the final answer

The man weighs 5488 N on Beeble.

Exercise 2 – 9:

1. Two objects of mass 2X and 3X respectively, where X is an unknown quantity,

exert a force F on each other when they are a certain distance apart. What will
be the force between two objects situated the same distance apart but having a
mass of 5X and 6X respectively?

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 117

a) 0,2 F
b) 1,2 F
c) 2,2 F
d) 5 F

2. As the distance of an object above the surface of the Earth is greatly increased,
the weight of the object would

a) increase
b) decrease
c) increase and then suddenly decrease
d) remain the same

3. A satellite circles around the Earth at a height where the gravitational force is a
factor 4 less than at the surface of the Earth. If the Earth’s radius is R, then the
height of the satellite above the surface is:

a) R
b) 2 R
c) 4 R
d) 16 R

4. A satellite experiences a force F when at the surface of the Earth. What will be
the force on the satellite if it orbits at a height equal to the diameter of the Earth:
a) F
b) 2 F
c) 3 F
d) 9 F

5. The weight of a rock lying on surface of the Moon is W. The radius of the Moon
is R. On planet Alpha, the same rock has weight 8W. If the radius of planet Alpha
is half that of the Moon, and the mass of the Moon is M, then the mass, in kg, of
planet Alpha is:
a) 2
b) 4
c) 2 M
d) 4 M

6. Consider the symbols of the two physical quantities g and G used in Physics.

a) Name the physical quantities represented by g and G.

b) Derive a formula for calculating g near the Earth’s surface using Newton’s
law of universal gravitation. M and R represent the mass and radius of the
Earth respectively.

7. Two spheres of mass 800 g and 500 g respectively are situated so that their
centres are 200 cm apart. Calculate the gravitational force between them.

118 2.4. Forces between masses

8. Two spheres of mass 2 kg and 3 kg respectively are situated so that the gravi-
tational force between them is 2,5 × 10−8 N. Calculate the distance between

9. Two identical spheres are placed 10 cm apart. A force of 1,6675 × 10−9 N exists
between them. Find the masses of the spheres.

10. Halley’s comet, of approximate mass 1 × 1015 kg was 1,3 × 108 km from the
Earth, at its point of closest approach during its last sighting in 1986.

a) Name the force through which the Earth and the comet interact.
b) Is the magnitude of the force experienced by the comet the same, greater
than or less than the force experienced by the Earth? Explain.
c) Does the acceleration of the comet increase, decrease or remain the same
as it moves closer to the Earth? Explain.
d) If the mass of the Earth is 6 × 1024 kg, calculate the magnitude of the force
exerted by the Earth on Halley’s comet at its point of closest approach.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23JS 2. 23JT 3. 23JV 4. 23JW 5. 23JX 6. 23JY

7. 23JZ 8. 23K2 9. 23K3 10. 23K4

2.5 Chapter summary ESBM3

See presentation: 23K5 at

• The normal force, N , is the force exerted by a surface on an object in contact

with it. The normal force is perpendicular to the surface.
• Frictional force is the force that opposes the motion of an object in contact with
a surface and it acts parallel to the surface the object is in contact with. The
magnitude of friction is proportional to the normal force.
• For every surface we can determine a constant factor, the coefficient of friction,
that allows us to calculate what the frictional force would be if we know the
magnitude of the normal force. We know that static friction and kinetic friction
have different magnitudes so we have different coefficients for the two types of

– µs is the coefficient of static friction

– µk is the coefficient of kinetic friction

• The components of the force due to gravity, Fg , parallel (x-direction) and per-
pendicular (y-direction) to a slope are given by:
Fgx = Fg sin(θ)
Fgy = Fg cos(θ)

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 119

• Newton’s first law: An object continues in a state of rest or uniform motion
(motion with a constant velocity) unless it is acted on by an unbalanced (net or
resultant) force.

• Newton’s second law: If a resultant force acts on a body, it will cause the body
to accelerate in the direction of the resultant force. The acceleration of the body
will be directly proportional to the resultant force and inversely proportional to
the mass of the body. The mathematical representation is:

Fnet = ma

• Newton’s third law: If body A exerts a force on body B, then body B exerts a
force of equal magnitude on body A, but in the opposite direction.

• Newton’s law of universal gravitation: Every point mass attracts every other
point mass by a force directed along the line connecting the two. This force
is proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the
square of the distance between them.
m1 m2
F =G

Physical Quantities
Quantity Unit name Unit symbol
Acceleration (a) metres per second squared m·s−1
Force (F ) newton N
Mass (m) kilogram kg
Tension (T ) newton N
Weight (N ) newton N

Exercise 2 – 10: Forces and Newton’s Laws

1. A force acts on an object. Name three effects that the force can have on the

2. Identify each of the following forces as contact or non-contact forces.

a) The force between the north pole of a magnet and a paper clip.
b) The force required to open the door of a taxi.
c) The force required to stop a soccer ball.
d) The force causing a ball, dropped from a height of 2 m, to fall to the floor.

3. A book of mass 2 kg is lying on a table. Draw a labelled force diagram indicating

all the forces on the book.

4. A constant, resultant force acts on a body which can move freely in a straight
line. Which physical quantity will remain constant?

a) acceleration
b) velocity
c) momentum
d) kinetic energy

120 2.5. Chapter summary

[SC 2003/11]

5. Two forces, 10 N and 15 N, act at an angle at the same point.

15 N

10 N

Which of the following cannot be the resultant of these two forces?

a) 2 N
b) 5 N
c) 8 N
d) 20 N

[SC 2005/11 SG1]

6. A concrete block weighing 250 N is at rest on an inclined surface at an angle of

20◦ . The magnitude of the normal force, in newtons, is

a) 250
b) 250 cos 20◦
c) 250 sin 20◦
d) 2500 cos 20◦

7. A 30 kg box sits on a flat frictionless surface. Two forces of 200 N each are
applied to the box as shown in the diagram. Which statement best describes the
motion of the box?

a) The box is lifted off the surface.

b) The box moves to the right.
c) The box does not move.
d) The box moves to the left.



200N 30kg

8. A concrete block weighing 200 N is at rest on an inclined surface at an angle of

20◦ . The normal force, in newtons, is

a) 200
b) 200 cos 20◦

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 121

c) 200 sin 20◦
d) 2000 cos 20◦

9. A box, mass m, is at rest on a rough horizontal surface. A force of constant

magnitude F is then applied on the box at an angle of 60◦ to the horizontal, as

rough surface

If the box has a uniform horizontal acceleration of magnitude, a, the frictional

force acting on the box is...

a) F cos60◦ − ma in the direction of A

b) F cos60◦ − ma in the direction of B
c) F sin60◦ − ma in the direction of A
d) F sin60◦ − ma in the direction of B

[SC 2003/11]

10. Thabo stands in a train carriage which is moving eastwards. The train suddenly
brakes. Thabo continues to move eastwards due to the effect of:

a) his inertia.
b) the inertia of the train.
c) the braking force on him.
d) a resultant force acting on him.

[SC 2002/11 SG]

11. A 100 kg crate is placed on a slope that makes an angle of 45◦ with the hori-
zontal. The gravitational force on the box is 98 N. The box does not slide down
the slope. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the frictional force and the
normal force present in this situation.

12. A body moving at a CONSTANT VELOCITY on a horizontal plane, has a number

of unequal forces acting on it. Which one of the following statements is TRUE?

a) At least two of the forces must be acting in the same direction.

b) The resultant of the forces is zero.
c) Friction between the body and the plane causes a resultant force.
d) The vector sum of the forces causes a resultant force which acts in the
direction of motion.

[SC 2002/11 HG1]

13. Two masses of m and 2m respectively are connected by an elastic band on a fric-
tionless surface. The masses are pulled in opposite directions by two forces each
of magnitude F , stretching the elastic band and holding the masses stationary.

122 2.5. Chapter summary

m elastic band 2m

Which of the following gives the magnitude of the tension in the elastic band?

a) zero
b) 2F
c) F
d) 2F

[IEB 2005/11 HG]

14. A rocket takes off from its launching pad, accelerating up into the air.


tail nozzle


The rocket accelerates because the magnitude of the upward force, F is greater
than the magnitude of the rocket’s weight, W. Which of the following statements
best describes how force F arises?

a) F is the force of the air acting on the base of the rocket.

b) F is the force of the rocket’s gas jet pushing down on the air.
c) F is the force of the rocket’s gas jet pushing down on the ground.
d) F is the reaction to the force that the rocket exerts on the gases which escape
out through the tail nozzle.

[IEB 2005/11 HG]

15. A box of mass 20 kg rests on a smooth horizontal surface. What will happen to
the box if two forces each of magnitude 200 N are applied simultaneously to the
box as shown in the diagram.

200 N
200 N 30◦
20 kg

The box will:

a) be lifted off the surface.

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 123

b) move to the left.
c) move to the right.
d) remain at rest.

[SC 2001/11 HG1]

16. A 2 kg mass is suspended from spring balance X, while a 3 kg mass is suspended

from spring balance Y. Balance X is in turn suspended from the 3 kg mass. Ignore
the weights of the two spring balances.

3 kg

2 kg

The readings (in N) on balances X and Y are as follows:

a) 19,6 29,4
b) 19,6 49
c) 24,5 24,5
d) 49 49

[SC 2001/11 HG1]

17. P and Q are two forces of equal magnitude applied simultaneously to a body at

θ P

As the angle θ between the forces is decreased from 180◦ to 0◦ , the magnitude
of the resultant of the two forces will

a) initially increase and then decrease.

b) initially decrease and then increase.
c) increase only.
d) decrease only.

[SC 2002/03 HG1]

18. The graph below shows the velocity-time graph for a moving object:

124 2.5. Chapter summary


Which of the following graphs could best represent the relationship between the
resultant force applied to the object and time?


t t t t

(a) (b) (c) (d)

[SC 2002/03 HG1]

19. Two blocks each of mass 8 kg are in contact with each other and are accelerated
along a frictionless surface by a force of 80 N as shown in the diagram. The force
which block Q will exert on block P is equal to ...

80 N
8 kg 8 kg

a) 0 N
b) 40 N
c) 60 N
d) 80 N

[SC 2002/03 HG1]

20. A 12 kg box is placed on a rough surface. A force of 20 N applied at an angle

of 30◦ to the horizontal cannot move the box. Calculate the magnitude and
direction of the normal and friction forces.

21. Three 1 kg mass pieces are placed on top of a 2 kg trolley. When a force of
magnitude F is applied to the trolley, it experiences an acceleration a.

1 kg
1 kg 1 kg
2 kg

If one of the 1 kg mass pieces falls off while F is still being applied, the trolley
will accelerate at ...
a) 5a
b) 5a

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 125

c) 4a
d) 5a

[SC 2002/03 HG1]

22. A car moves along a horizontal road at constant velocity. Which of the following
statements is true?

a) The car is not in equilibrium.

b) There are no forces acting on the car.
c) There is zero resultant force.
d) There is no frictional force.

[IEB 2004/11 HG1]

23. A crane lifts a load vertically upwards at constant speed. The upward force
exerted on the load is F. Which of the following statements is correct?

a) The acceleration of the load is 9,8 m·s−1 downwards.

b) The resultant force on the load is F.
c) The load has a weight equal in magnitude to F.
d) The forces of the crane on the load, and the weight of the load, are an
example of a Newton’s third law ’action-reaction’ pair.

[IEB 2004/11 HG1]

24. A body of mass M is at rest on a smooth horizontal surface with two forces
applied to it as in the diagram below. Force F1 is equal to M g. The force F1 is
applied to the right at an angle θ to the horizontal, and a force of F2 is applied
horizontally to the left.

F1 =Mg

How is the body affected when the angle θ is increased?

a) It remains at rest.
b) It lifts up off the surface, and accelerates towards the right.
c) It lifts up off the surface, and accelerates towards the left.
d) It accelerates to the left, moving along the smooth horizontal surface.

[IEB 2004/11 HG1]

25. Which of the following statements correctly explains why a passenger in a car,
who is not restrained by the seat belt, continues to move forward when the
brakes are applied suddenly?

a) The braking force applied to the car exerts an equal and opposite force on
the passenger.

126 2.5. Chapter summary

b) A forward force (called inertia) acts on the passenger.
c) A resultant forward force acts on the passenger.
d) A zero resultant force acts on the passenger.

[IEB 2003/11 HG1]

26. A rocket (mass 20 000 kg) accelerates from rest to 40 m·s−1 in the first 1,6 sec-
onds of its journey upwards into space.
The rocket’s propulsion system consists of exhaust gases, which are pushed out
of an outlet at its base.

a) Explain, with reference to the appropriate law of Newton, how the escaping
exhaust gases exert an upwards force (thrust) on the rocket.
b) What is the magnitude of the total thrust exerted on the rocket during the
first 1,6 s?
c) An astronaut of mass 80 kg is carried in the space capsule. Determine the
resultant force acting on him during the first 1,6 s.
d) Explain why the astronaut, seated in his chair, feels “heavier” while the
rocket is launched.

[IEB 2004/11 HG1]

27. a) State Newton’s second law of Motion.

b) A sports car (mass 1000 kg) is able to accelerate uniformly from rest to
30 m·s−1 in a minimum time of 6 s.
i. Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of the car.
ii. What is the magnitude of the resultant force acting on the car during
these 6 s?
c) The magnitude of the force that the wheels of the vehicle exert on the road
surface as it accelerates is 7500 N. What is the magnitude of the retarding
forces acting on this car?
d) By reference to a suitable Law of Motion, explain why a headrest is impor-
tant in a car with such a rapid acceleration.
[IEB 2003/11 HG1 - Sports Car]

28. A child (mass 18 kg) is strapped in his car seat as the car moves to the right at
constant velocity along a straight level road. A tool box rests on the seat beside

tool box

The driver brakes suddenly, bringing the car rapidly to a halt. There is negligible
friction between the car seat and the box.

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 127

a) Draw a labelled free-body diagram of the forces acting on the child during
the time that the car is being braked.
b) Draw a labelled free-body diagram of the forces acting on the box during
the time that the car is being braked.
c) Modern cars are designed with safety features (besides seat belts) to protect
drivers and passengers during collisions e.g. the crumple zones on the car’s
body. Rather than remaining rigid during a collision, the crumple zones
allow the car’s body to collapse steadily.
State Newton’s second law of motion.

[IEB 2005/11 HG1]

29. The total mass of a lift together with its load is 1200 kg. It is moving downwards
at a constant velocity of 9 m·s−1 .

9 m · s−1

1 200 kg

a) What will be the magnitude of the force exerted by the cable on the lift
while it is moving downwards at constant velocity? Give an explanation for
your answer.
b) The lift is now uniformly brought to rest over a distance of 18 m.
Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of the lift.
c) Calculate the magnitude of the force exerted by the cable while the lift is
being brought to rest.

[SC 2003/11 HG1]

30. A driving force of 800 N acts on a car of mass 600 kg.

a) Calculate the car’s acceleration.

b) Calculate the car’s speed after 20 s.
c) Calculate the new acceleration if a frictional force of 50 N starts to act on
the car after 20 s.
d) Calculate the speed of the car after another 20 s (i.e. a total of 40 s after the

31. A stationary block of mass 3 kg is on top of a plane inclined at 35◦ to the hori-



a) Draw a force diagram (not to scale). Include the weight of the block as well
as the components of the weight that are perpendicular and parallel to the
inclined plane.

128 2.5. Chapter summary

b) Determine the values of the weight’s perpendicular and parallel compo-

32. A crate on an inclined plane

Elephants are being moved from the Kruger National Park to the Eastern Cape.
They are loaded into crates that are pulled up a ramp (an inclined plane) on
frictionless rollers.
The diagram shows a crate being held stationary on the ramp by means of a rope
parallel to the ramp. The tension in the rope is 5000 N.



a) Explain how one can deduce the following: “The forces acting on the crate
are in equilibrium”.
b) Draw a labelled free-body diagram of the forces acting on the elephant.
(Regard the crate and elephant as one object, and represent them as a dot.
Also show the relevant angles between the forces.)
c) The crate has a mass of 800 kg. Determine the mass of the elephant.
d) The crate is now pulled up the ramp at a constant speed. How does the
crate being pulled up the ramp at a constant speed affect the forces acting
on the crate and elephant? Justify your answer, mentioning any law or
principle that applies to this situation.

[IEB 2002/11 HG1]

33. Car in Tow
Car A is towing Car B with a light tow rope. The cars move along a straight,
horizontal road.

a) Write down a statement of Newton’s second law of Motion (in words).

b) As they start off, Car A exerts a forwards force of 600 N at its end of the tow
rope. The force of friction on Car B when it starts to move is 200 N. The
mass of Car B is 1200 kg. Calculate the acceleration of Car B.
c) After a while, the cars travel at constant velocity. The force exerted on the
tow rope is now 300 N while the force of friction on Car B increases. What
is the magnitude and direction of the force of friction on Car B now?
d) Towing with a rope is very dangerous. A solid bar should be used in pref-
erence to a tow rope. This is especially true should Car A suddenly apply
brakes. What would be the advantage of the solid bar over the tow rope in
such a situation?
e) The mass of Car A is also 1200 kg. Car A and Car B are now joined by
a solid tow bar and the total braking force is 9600 N. Over what distance
could the cars stop from a velocity of 20 m·s−1 ?

[IEB 2002/11 HG1]

34. Testing the Brakes of a Car
A braking test is carried out on a car travelling at 20 m·s−1 . A braking distance
of 30 m is measured when a braking force of 6000 N is applied to stop the car.

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 129

a) Calculate the acceleration of the car when a braking force of 6000 N is
b) Show that the mass of this car is 900 kg.
c) How long (in s) does it take for this car to stop from 20 m·s−1 under the
braking action described above?
d) A trailer of mass 600 kg is attached to the car and the braking test is repeated
from 20 m·s−1 using the same braking force of 6000 N. How much longer
will it take to stop the car with the trailer in tow?

[IEB 2001/11 HG1]

35. A box is held stationary on a smooth plane that is inclined at angle θ to the


θ w

F is the force exerted by a rope on the box. w is the weight of the box and N is
the normal force of the plane on the box. Which of the following statements is
a) tan θ = w
b) tan θ = N
c) cos θ = Fw
d) sin θ = N

[IEB 2005/11 HG]

36. As a result of three forces F1 , F2 and F3 acting on it, an object at point P is in


F1 F2


Which of the following statements is not true with reference to the three forces?

a) The resultant of forces F1 , F2 and F3 is zero.

b) Force F1 , F2 and F3 lie in the same plane.
c) Force F3 is the resultant of forces F1 and F2 .
d) The sum of the components of all the forces in any chosen direction is zero.

[SC 2001/11 HG1]

37. A block of mass M is held stationary by a rope of negligible mass. The block
rests on a frictionless plane which is inclined at 30◦ to the horizontal.

130 2.5. Chapter summary



a) Draw a labelled force diagram which shows all the forces acting on the
b) Resolve the force due to gravity into components that are parallel and per-
pendicular to the plane.
c) Calculate the weight of the block when the force in the rope is 8 N.

38. A heavy box, mass m, is lifted by means of a rope R which passes over a pulley
fixed to a pole. A second rope S, tied to rope R at point P, exerts a horizontal
force and pulls the box to the right. After lifting the box to a certain height, the
box is held stationary as shown in the sketch below. Ignore the masses of the
ropes. The tension in rope R is 5850 N.

rope R

70◦ rope S


a) Draw a diagram (with labels) of all the forces acting at the point P, when P
is in equilibrium.
b) By resolving the force exerted by rope R into components, calculate the...
i. magnitude of the force exerted by rope S.
ii. mass, m, of the box.

[SC 2003/11]

39. A tow truck attempts to tow a broken down car of mass 400 kg. The coefficient
of static friction is 0,60 and the coefficient of kinetic (dynamic) friction is 0,4. A
rope connects the tow truck to the car. Calculate the force required:

a) to just move the car if the rope is parallel to the road.

b) to keep the car moving at constant speed if the rope is parallel to the road.
c) to just move the car if the rope makes an angle of 30◦ to the road.
d) to keep the car moving at constant speed if the rope makes an angle of 30◦
to the road.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 131

1. 23K6 2a. 23K7 2b. 23K8 2c. 23K9 2d. 23KB 3. 23KC
4. 23KD 5. 23KF 6. 23KG 7. 23KH 8. 23KJ 9. 23KK
10. 23KM 11. 23KN 12. 23KP 13. 23KQ 14. 23KR 15. 23KS
16. 23KT 17. 23KV 18. 23KW 19. 23KX 20. 23KY 21. 23KZ
22. 23M2 23. 23M3 24. 23M4 25. 23M5 26. 23M6 27. 23M7
28. 23M8 29. 23M9 30. 23MB 31. 23MC 32. 23MD 33. 23MF
34. 23MG 35. 23MJ 36. 23MK 37. 23MM 38. 23MN 39. 23MP

Exercise 2 – 11: Gravitation

1. An object attracts another with a gravitational force F. If the distance between

the centres of the two objects is now decreased to a third ( 13 ) of the original
distance, the force of attraction that the one object would exert on the other
would become...
a) 9F
b) 3F
c) 3F
d) 9F

[SC 2003/11]

2. An object is dropped from a height of 1 km above the Earth. If air resistance is

ignored, the acceleration of the object is dependent on the...

a) mass of the object

b) radius of the earth
c) mass of the earth
d) weight of the object

[SC 2003/11]

3. A man has a mass of 70 kg on Earth. He is walking on a new planet that has a

mass four times that of the Earth and the radius is the same as that of the Earth (
ME = 6 × 1024 kg, rE = 6 × 106 m )

a) Calculate the force between the man and the Earth.

b) What is the man’s weight on the new planet?
c) Would his weight be bigger or smaller on the new planet? Explain how you
arrived at your answer.

4. Calculate the distance between two objects, 5000 kg and 6 × 1012 kg respec-
tively, if the magnitude of the force between them is 3 × 108 N

5. An astronaut in a satellite 1600 km above the Earth experiences a gravitational

force of magnitude 700 N on Earth. The Earth’s radius is 6400 km. Calculate:

132 2.5. Chapter summary

a) The magnitude of the gravitational force which the astronaut experiences
in the satellite.
b) The magnitude of the gravitational force on an object in the satellite which
weighs 300 N on Earth.

6. An astronaut of mass 70 kg on Earth lands on a planet which has half the Earth’s
radius and twice its mass. Calculate the magnitude of the force of gravity which
is exerted on him on the planet.

7. Calculate the magnitude of the gravitational force of attraction between two

spheres of lead with a mass of 10 kg and 6 kg respectively if they are placed
50 mm apart.

8. The gravitational force between two objects is 1200 N. What is the gravitational
force between the objects if the mass of each is doubled and the distance be-
tween them halved?

9. Calculate the gravitational force between the Sun with a mass of 2 × 1030 kg and
the Earth with a mass of 6×1024 kg if the distance between them is 1,4×108 km.

10. How does the gravitational force of attraction between two objects change when

a) the mass of each object is doubled.

b) the distance between the centres of the objects is doubled.
c) the mass of one object is halved, and the distance between the centres of
the objects is halved.

11. Read each of the following statements and say whether you agree or not. Give
reasons for your answer and rewrite the statement if necessary:

a) The gravitational acceleration g is constant.

b) The weight of an object is independent of its mass.
c) G is dependent on the mass of the object that is being accelerated.

12. An astronaut weighs 750 N on the surface of the Earth.

a) What will his weight be on the surface of Saturn, which has a mass 100
times greater than the Earth, and a radius 5 times greater than the Earth?
b) What is his mass on Saturn?

13. Your mass is 60 kg in Paris at ground level. How much less would you weigh
after taking a lift to the top of the Eiffel Tower, which is 405 m high? Assume the
Earth’s mass is 6,0 × 1024 kg and the Earth’s radius is 6400 km.

14. a) State Newton’s law of universal gravitation.

b) Use Newton’s law of universal gravitation to determine the magnitude of
the acceleration due to gravity on the Moon.
The mass of the Moon is 7,4 × 1022 kg.
The radius of the Moon is 1,74 × 106 m.
c) Will an astronaut, kitted out in his space suit, jump higher on the Moon or
on the Earth? Give a reason for your answer.

Chapter 2. Newton’s laws 133

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23MS 2. 23MT 3. 23MV 4. 23MW 5. 23MY 6. 23MZ

7. 23N2 8. 23N3 9. 23N4 10. 23N5 11a. 23N6 11b. 23N7
11c. 23N8 12. 23N9 13. 23NC 14. 23ND

134 2.5. Chapter summary


Atomic combinations

3.1 Chemical bonds 136

3.2 Molecular shape 148
3.3 Electronegativity 153
3.4 Energy and bonding 159
3.5 Chapter summary 160
3 Atomic combinations

We live in a world that is made up of many complex compounds. All around us we

see evidence of chemical bonding from the chair you are sitting on, to the book you
are holding, to the air you are breathing. Imagine if all the elements on the periodic
table did not form bonds but rather remained on their own. Our world would be pretty
boring with only 100 or so elements to use.

Imagine you were painting a picture and wanted to show the colours around you. The
only paints you have are red, green, yellow, blue, white and black. Yet you are able
to make pink, purple, orange and many other colours by mixing these paints. In the
same way, the elements can be thought of as natures paint box. The elements can
be joined together in many different ways to make new compounds and so create the
world around you.

In Grade 10 we started exploring chemical

bonding. In this chapter we will go on to ex-
plain more about chemical bonding and why
chemical bonding occurs. We looked at the
three types of bonding: covalent, ionic and
metallic. In this chapter we will focus mainly
on covalent bonding and on the molecules that
form as a result of covalent bonding.
In this chapter we will use the term molecule to mean a covalent molecular structure.
This is a covalent compound that interacts and exists as a single entity.

3.1 Chemical bonds ESBM4

Why do atoms bond? ESBM5

As we begin this section, it’s important to remem-

ber that what we will go on to discuss is a model
of bonding, that is based on a particular model of
the atom. You will remember from the discussion
on atoms (in Grade 10) that a model is a representa-
tion of what is happening in reality. In the model
of the atom that you are learnt in Grade 10, the Figure 3.1:
atom is made up of a central nucleus, surrounded Electron arrangement
by electrons that are arranged in fixed energy levels of a fluorine atom.
(sometimes called shells). Within each energy level, The black electrons
electrons move in orbitals of different shapes. The (small circles on the
inner ring) are the core
electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom
electrons and the white
are called the valence electrons. This model of the electrons (small circles
atom is useful in trying to understand how different on the outer ring) are
types of bonding take place between atoms. the valence electrons.

136 3.1. Chemical bonds

The following points were made in these earlier discussions on electrons and energy TIP
levels: A model takes what we
see in the world around
• Electrons always try to occupy the lowest possible energy level.
us and uses that to make
• The noble gases have a full valence electron orbital. For example neon has the certain predictions about
what we cannot see.
following electronic configuration: 1s2 2s2 2p6 . The second energy level is the
outermost (valence) shell and is full.
• Atoms form bonds to try to achieve the same electron configuration as the noble
• Atoms with a full valence electron orbital are less reactive.

Energy and bonding ESBM6

There are two cases that we need to consider when two atoms come close together.
The first case is where the two atoms come close together and form a bond. The
second case is where the two atoms come close together but do not form a bond. We
will use hydrogen as an example of the first case and helium as an example of the
second case.

Case 1: A bond forms

Let’s start by imagining that there are two hydrogen atoms approaching one another.
As they move closer together, there are three forces that act on the atoms at the same
time. These forces are described below:

1. repulsive force between the electrons of the atoms, since like charges repel

+ +

Figure 3.2: Repulsion between electrons

2. attractive force between the nucleus of one atom and the electrons of another

+ +

Figure 3.3: Attraction between electrons and protons.

3. repulsive force between the two positively-charged nuclei

+ +

Figure 3.4: Repulsion between protons

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 137

These three forces work together when two atoms come close together. As the total
force experienced by the atoms changes, the amount of energy in the system also

Now look at Figure 3.5 to understand the energy changes that take place when the two
atoms move towards each other.

Distance between atomic nuclei



- X

Figure 3.5: Graph showing the change in energy that takes place as two hydrogen atoms move
closer together.

Let us imagine that we have fixed the one atom and we will move the other atom
closer to the first atom. As we move the second hydrogen atom closer to the first (from
point A to point X) the energy of the system decreases. Attractive forces dominate this
part of the interaction. As the second atom approaches the first one and gets closer to
point X, more energy is needed to pull the atoms apart. This gives a negative potential

At point X, the attractive and repulsive forces acting on the two hydrogen atoms are
balanced. The energy of the system is at a minimum.

Further to the left of point X, the repulsive forces are stronger than the attractive forces
and the energy of the system increases.

For hydrogen the energy at point X is low enough that the two atoms stay together
and do not break apart again. This is why when we draw the Lewis diagram for a
hydrogen molecule we draw two hydrogen atoms next to each other with an electron
pair between them.


We also note that this arrangement gives both hydrogen atoms a full outermost energy
level (through the sharing of electrons or covalent bonding).

138 3.1. Chemical bonds

Case 2: A bond does not form

Now if we look at helium we see that each helium atom has a filled outer energy level.
Looking at Figure 3.6 we find that the energy minimum for two helium atoms is very
close to zero. This means that the two atoms can come together and move apart very
easily and never actually stick together.

Distance between
atomic nuclei

Figure 3.6: Graph showing the change in energy that takes place as two helium atoms move
closer together.

For helium the energy minimum at point X is not low enough that the two atoms stay
together and so they move apart again. This is why when we draw the Lewis diagram
for helium we draw one helium atom on its own. There is no bond.

We also see that helium already has a full outermost energy level and so no compound


See simulation: 23NF at

Valence electrons and Lewis diagrams ESBM7

Now that we understand a bit more about bonding we need to refresh the concept of
Lewis diagrams that you learnt about in Grade 10. With the knowledge of why atoms
bond and the knowledge of how to draw Lewis diagrams we will have all the tools that
we need to try to predict which atoms will bond and what shape the molecule will be.

In grade 10 we learnt how to write the electronic structure for any element. For draw-
ing Lewis diagrams the one that you should be familiar with is the spectroscopic no-
tation. For example the electron configuration of chlorine in spectroscopic notation
is: 1s2 2s2 2p5 . Or if we use the condensed form: [He]2s2 2p5 . The condensed spectro-
scopic notation quickly shows you the valence electrons for the element.

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 139

TIP Using the number of valence electrons we can easily draw Lewis diagrams for any
A Lewis diagram uses element. In Grade 10 you learnt how to draw Lewis diagrams. We will refresh the
dots or crosses to
concepts here as they will aid us in our discussion of bonding.
represent the valence
electrons on different
atoms. The chemical Lewis diagrams for the elements in period 2 are shown below:
symbol of the element is
used to represent the
nucleus and the core Element Group number Valence electrons Spectroscopic Lewis di-
electrons of the atom.
notation agram
Lithium 1 1 [He]2s1

You can place the
unpaired electrons
Beryllium 2 2 [He]2s2
anywhere (top, bottom, Be

left or right). The exact •
ordering in a Lewis
diagram does not matter.
Boron 13 3 [He]2s2 2p1 •

Carbon 14 4 [He]2s2 2p2 •

Nitrogen 15 5 [He]2s2 2p3 •


Oxygen 16 6 [He]2s2 2p4 •


Fluorine 17 7 [He]2s2 2p5 ••


Neon 18 8 [He]2s2 2p6 ••




Exercise 3 – 1: Lewis diagrams

Give the spectroscopic notation and draw the Lewis diagram for:

1. magnesium 3. chlorine 5. argon

2. sodium 4. aluminium

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1. 23NG 2. 23NH 3. 23NJ 4. 23NK 5. 23NM

Covalent bonds and bond formation ESBM8

Covalent bonding involves the sharing of electrons to form a chemical bond. The out-
ermost orbitals of the atoms overlap so that unpaired electrons in each of the bonding
atoms can be shared. By overlapping orbitals, the outer energy shells of all the bond-
ing atoms are filled. The shared electrons move in the orbitals around both atoms. As

140 3.1. Chemical bonds

they move, there is an attraction between these negatively charged electrons and the TIP
positively charged nuclei. This attractive force holds the atoms together in a covalent Covalent bonds are
examples of interatomic

DEFINITION: Covalent bond

Remember that it is only
A form of chemical bond where pairs of electrons are shared between atoms. the valence electrons that
are involved in bonding,
and so when diagrams
are drawn to show what
We will look at a few simple cases to deduce some rules about covalent bonds. is happening during
bonding, it is only these
electrons that are shown.
Dots or crosses represent
Case 1: Two atoms that each have an unpaired electron electrons in different

For this case we will look at hydrogen chloride and methane.

Worked example 1: Lewis diagrams: Simple molecules


Represent hydrogen chloride (HCl) using a Lewis diagram.


Step 1: For each atom, determine the number of valence electrons in the atom, and
represent these using dots and crosses.

The electron configuration of hydrogen is 1s1 and the electron configuration for chlo-
rine is [He]2s2 2p5 . The hydrogen atom has 1 valence electron and the chlorine atom
has 7 valence electrons.

The Lewis diagrams for hydrogen and chlorine are:



× Cl


Notice the single unpaired electron (highlighted in blue) on each atom. This does not
mean this electron is different, we use highlighting here to help you see the unpaired

Step 2: Arrange the electrons so that the outermost energy level of each atom is full.

Hydrogen chloride is represented below.


H Cl


Notice how the two unpaired electrons (one from each atom) form the covalent

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 141

The dot and cross in between the two atoms, represent the pair of electrons that are
shared in the covalent bond. We can also show this bond using a single line:


H Cl


Note how we still show the other electron pairs around chlorine.

From this we can conclude that any electron on its own will try to pair up with another
electron. So in practise atoms that have at least one unpaired electron can form bonds
with any other atom that also has an unpaired electron. This is not restricted to just
two atoms.

Worked example 2: Lewis diagrams: Simple molecules


Represent methane (CH4 ) using a Lewis diagram


Step 1: For each atom, determine the number of valence electrons in the atom, and
represent these using dots and crosses.

The electron configuration of hydrogen is 1s1 and the electron configuration for carbon
is [He]2s2 2p2 . Each hydrogen atom has 1 valence electron and the carbon atom has 4
valence electrons.


H× C × H


Remember that we said we can place unpaired electrons at any position (top, bottom,
left, right) around the elements symbol.

Step 2: Arrange the electrons so that the outermost energy level of each atom is full.

The methane molecule is represented below.

ו H


H C H or H C H

142 3.1. Chemical bonds

Exercise 3 – 2:
Notice how in this
Represent the following molecules using Lewis diagram: example we wrote a 2 in
front of the hydrogen?
1. chlorine (Cl2 ) 2. boron trifluoride (BF3 ) Instead of writing the
Lewis diagram for
hydrogen twice, we
simply write it once and
Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service use the 2 in front of it to
indicate that two
1. 23NN 2. 23NP hydrogens are needed for
each oxygen.

Case 2: Atoms with lone pairs

We will use water as an example. Water is made up of one oxygen and two hydrogen
atoms. Hydrogen has one unpaired electron. Oxygen has two unpaired electrons and
two electron pairs. From what we learnt in the first examples we see that the unpaired
electrons can pair up. But what happens to the two pairs? Can these form bonds?

Worked example 3: Lewis diagrams: Simple molecules


Represent water (H2 O) using a Lewis diagram


Step 1: For each atom, determine the number of valence electrons in the atom, and
represent these using dots and crosses.

The electron configuration of hydrogen is 1s1 and the electron configuration for oxygen
is [He]2s2 2p4 . Each hydrogen atom has 1 valence electron and the oxygen atom has 6
valence electrons.


2H O


Step 2: Arrange the electrons so that the outermost energy level of each atom is full.

The water molecule is represented below.

•• ••



•× or

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 143

TIP And now we can answer the questions that we asked before the worked example. We
A lone pair can be used see that oxygen forms two bonds, one with each hydrogen atom. Oxygen however
to form a dative covalent
keeps its electron pairs and does not share them. We can generalise this to any atom.
If an atom has an electron pair it will normally not share that electron pair.

A lone pair is an unshared electron pair. A lone pair stays on the atom that it belongs

In the example above the lone pairs on oxygen are highlighted in red. When we draw
the bonding pairs using lines it is much easier to see the lone pairs on oxygen.

Exercise 3 – 3:

Represent the following molecules using Lewis diagrams:

1. ammonia (NH3 ) 2. oxygen difluoride (OF2 )

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1. 23NQ 2. 23NR

Case 3: Atoms with multiple bonds

We will use oxygen and hydrogen cyanide as examples.

Worked example 4: Lewis diagrams: Molecules with multiple bonds


Represent oxygen (O2 ) using a Lewis diagram


Step 1: For each atom, determine the number of valence electrons that the atom has
from its electron configuration.

The electron configuration of oxygen is [He]2s2 2p4 . Oxygen has 6 valence electrons.

×× ••


× •

144 3.1. Chemical bonds

Step 2: Arrange the electrons in the O2 molecule so that the outermost energy level
in each atom is full.

The O2 molecule is represented below. Notice the two electron pairs between the two
oxygen atoms (highlighted in blue). Because these two covalent bonds are between
the same two atoms, this is a double bond.

×× •• ×× ••





Each oxygen atom uses its two unpaired electrons to form two bonds. This forms
a double covalent bond (which is shown by a double line between the two oxygen

Worked example 5: Lewis diagrams: Molecules with multiple bonds


Represent hydrogen cyanide (HCN) using a Lewis diagram


Step 1: For each atom, determine the number of valence electrons that the atom has
from its electron configuration.

The electron configuration of hydrogen is 1s1 , the electron configuration of nitrogen

is [He]2s2 2p3 and for carbon is [He]2s2 2p2 . Hydrogen has 1 valence electron, carbon
has 4 valence electrons and nitrogen has 5 valence electrons.

× ••

× •

Step 2: Arrange the electrons in the HCN molecule so that the outermost energy
level in each atom is full.

The HCN molecule is represented below. Notice the three electron pairs (highlighted
in red) between the nitrogen and carbon atom. Because these three covalent bonds
are between the same two atoms, this is a triple bond.



H C N or H C N

As we have just seen carbon shares one electron with hydrogen and three with ni-
trogen. Nitrogen keeps its electron pair and shares its three unpaired electrons with

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 145

Exercise 3 – 4:

Represent the following molecules using Lewis diagrams:

1. acetylene (C2 H2 ) 2. formaldehyde (CH2 O)

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1. 23NS 2. 23NT

Case 4: Co-ordinate or dative covalent bonds

DEFINITION: Dative covalent bond

This type of bond is a description of covalent bonding that occurs between two atoms
in which both electrons shared in the bond come from the same atom.

A dative covalent bond is also known as a coordinate covalent bond. Earlier we said
that atoms with a pair of electrons will normally not share that pair to form a bond. But
now we will see how an electron pair can be used by atoms to form a covalent bond.

One example of a molecule that contains a dative covalent bond is the ammonium
ion (NH+ +
4 ) shown in the figure below. The hydrogen ion H does not contain any
electrons, and therefore the electrons that are in the bond that forms between this ion
and the nitrogen atom, come only from the nitrogen.

H +
•• ••

H + [H]+




ו ו

Notice that the hydrogen ion is charged and that this charge is shown on the ammo-
nium ion using square brackets and a plus sign outside the square brackets.

We can also show this as:

H +


Note that we do not use a line for the dative covalent bond.

Another example of this is the hydronium ion (H3 O+ ).

To summarise what we have learnt:

146 3.1. Chemical bonds

• Any electron on its own will try to pair up with another electron. So in theory
atoms that have at least one unpaired electron can form bonds with any other
atom that also has an unpaired electron. This is not restricted to just two atoms.

• If an atom has an electron pair it will normally not share that pair to form a bond.
This electron pair is known as a lone pair.

• If an atom has more than one unpaired electron it can form multiple bonds to
another atom. In this way double and triple bonds are formed.

• A dative covalent bond can be formed between an atom with no electrons and
an atom with a lone pair.

See simulation: 23NV at

Exercise 3 – 5: Atomic bonding and Lewis diagrams

1. Represent each of the following atoms using Lewis diagrams:

a) calcium c) phosphorous e) silicon

b) lithium d) potassium f) sulfur

2. Represent each of the following molecules using Lewis diagrams:

a) bromine (Br2 ) d) hydronium ion (H3 O+ )

b) carbon dioxide (CO2 )
c) nitrogen (N2 ) e) sulfur dioxide (SO2 )

3. Two chemical reactions are described below.

• nitrogen and hydrogen react to form NH3

• carbon and hydrogen bond to form CH4

For each reaction, give:

a) the number of valence electrons for each of the atoms involved in the reac-
b) the Lewis diagram of the product that is formed
c) the name of the product

4. A chemical compound has the following Lewis diagram:



a) How many valence electrons does element Y have?
b) How many valence electrons does element X have?
c) How many covalent bonds are in the molecule?
d) Suggest a name for the elements X and Y.

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 147

5. Complete the following table:

Compound CO2 CF4 HI C2 H2

Lewis diagram
Total number of bonding pairs
Total number of non-bonding pairs
Single, double or triple bonds

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1a. 23NW 1b. 23NX 1c. 23NY 1d. 23NZ 1e. 23P2 1f. 23P3
2a. 23P4 2b. 23P5 2c. 23P6 2d. 23P7 2e. 23P8 3. 23P9
4. 23PB 5. 23PC

3.2 Molecular shape ESBM9

Molecular shape (the shape that a single molecule has) is important in determining
how the molecule interacts and reacts with other molecules. Molecular shape also
influences the boiling point and melting point of molecules. If all molecules were
linear then life as we know it would not exist. Many of the properties of molecules
come from the particular shape that a molecule has. For example if the water molecule
was linear, it would be non-polar and so would not have all the special properties it

Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory ESBMB

The shape of a covalent molecule can be predicted using the Valence Shell Electron
Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory. Very simply, VSEPR theory says that the valence elec-
tron pairs in a molecule will arrange themselves around the central atom(s) of the
molecule so that the repulsion between their negative charges is as small as possible.

In other words, the valence electron pairs arrange themselves so that they are as far
apart as they can be.

DEFINITION: Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory

Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory is a model in chemistry, which is
used to predict the shape of individual molecules. VSEPR is based upon minimising
the extent of the electron-pair repulsion around the central atom being considered.

VSEPR theory is based on the idea that the geometry (shape) of a molecule is mostly
determined by repulsion among the pairs of electrons around a central atom. The pairs
of electrons may be bonding or non-bonding (also called lone pairs). Only valence
electrons of the central atom influence the molecular shape in a meaningful way.

148 3.2. Molecular shape

Determining molecular shape ESBMC TIP
The central atom is the
atom around which the
To predict the shape of a covalent molecule, follow these steps: other atoms are arranged.
So in a molecule of water,
the central atom is
oxygen. In a molecule of
1. Draw the molecule using a Lewis diagram. Make sure that you draw all the ammonia, the central
valence electrons around the molecule’s central atom. atom is nitrogen.

2. Count the number of electron pairs around the central atom.

3. Determine the basic geometry of the molecule using the table below. For exam-
ple, a molecule with two electron pairs (and no lone pairs) around the central
atom has a linear shape, and one with four electron pairs (and no lone pairs)
around the central atom would have a tetrahedral shape.

The table below gives the common molecular shapes. In this table we use A to rep-
resent the central atom, X to represent the terminal atoms (i.e. the atoms around the
central atom) and E to represent any lone pairs.

Number of bonding Number of

Geometry General formula
electron pairs lone pairs
1 or 2 0 linear AX or AX2
2 2 bent or angular AX2 E2
3 0 trigonal planar AX3
3 1 trigonal pyramidal AX3 E
4 0 tetrahedral AX4
5 0 trigonal bipyramidal AX5
6 0 octahedral AX6

Table 3.1: The effect of electron pairs in determining the shape of molecules. Note that in the
general example A is the central atom and X represents the terminal atoms.

Figure 3.7: The common molecular shapes.

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 149

Figure 3.8: The common molecular shapes in 3-D.

In Figure 3.8 the green balls represent the lone pairs (E), the white balls (X) are the
terminal atoms and the red balls (A) are the center atoms.

Of these shapes, the ones with no lone pairs are called the ideal shapes. The five ideal
shapes are: linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, trigonal bypramidal and octahedral.

One important point to note about molecular shape is that all diatomic (compounds
with two atoms) compounds are linear. So H2 , HCl and Cl2 are all linear.

See simulation: 23PD at

Worked example 6: Molecular shape


Determine the shape of a molecule of BeCl2


Step 1: Draw the molecule using a Lewis diagram

•• ••


Cl Be Cl


•• ••

The central atom is beryllium.

Step 2: Count the number of electron pairs around the central atom

There are two electron pairs.

Step 3: Determine the basic geometry of the molecule

There are two electron pairs and no lone pairs around the central atom. BeCl2 has the
general formula: AX2 . Using this information and Table 3.1 we find that the molecular
shape is linear.

150 3.2. Molecular shape

Step 4: Write the final answer

The molecular shape of BeCl2 is linear.

Worked example 7: Molecular shape


Determine the shape of a molecule of BF3


Step 1: Draw the molecule using a Lewis diagram

•• ו

ו ••

•• •× ••


•• ••

The central atom is boron.

Step 2: Count the number of electron pairs around the central atom

There are three electron pairs.

Step 3: Determine the basic geometry of the molecule

There are three electron pairs and no lone pairs around the central atom. The molecule
has the general formula AX3 . Using this information and Table 3.1 we find that the
molecular shape is trigonal planar.

Step 4: Write the final answer

The molecular shape of BF3 is trigonal planar.

Worked example 8: Molecular shape


Determine the shape of a molecule of NH3


Step 1: Draw the molecule using a Lewis diagram

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 151

We can also work out the ••


shape of a molecule with H N H
double or triple bonds. ו
To do this, we count the
double or triple bond as
one pair of electrons.
The central atom is nitrogen.

Step 2: Count the number of electron pairs around the central atom

There are four electron pairs.

Step 3: Determine the basic geometry of the molecule

There are three bonding electron pairs and one lone pair. The molecule has the general
formula AX3 E. Using this information and Table 3.1 we find that the molecular shape
is trigonal pyramidal.

Step 4: Write the final answer

The molecular shape of NH3 is trigonal pyramidal.

Group discussion: Building molecular models

In groups, you are going to build a number of molecules using jellytots to represent
the atoms in the molecule, and toothpicks to represent the bonds between the atoms.
In other words, the toothpicks will hold the atoms (jellytots) in the molecule together.
Try to use different coloured jellytots to represent different elements.

You will need jellytots, toothpicks, labels or pieces of paper.

On each piece of paper, write the words: “lone pair”.

You will build models of the following molecules:

HCl, CH4 , H2 O, BF3 , PCl5 , SF6 and NH3 .

For each molecule, you need to:

• Determine the molecular geometry of the molecule

• Build your model so that the atoms are as far apart from each other as possi-
ble (remember that the electrons around the central atom will try to avoid the
repulsions between them).

• Decide whether this shape is accurate for that molecule or whether there are any
lone pairs that may influence it. If there are lone pairs then add a toothpick to
the central jellytot. Stick a label (i.e. the piece of paper with “lone pair” on it)
onto this toothpick.

152 3.2. Molecular shape

• Adjust the position of the atoms so that the bonding pairs are further away from Depending on which
source you use for
the lone pairs.
electronegativities you
may see slightly different
• How has the shape of the molecule changed? values.
• Draw a simple diagram to show the shape of the molecule. It doesn’t matter
if it is not 100% accurate. This exercise is only to help you to visualise the
3-dimensional shapes of molecules. (See Figure 3.8 to help you).

Do the models help you to have a clearer picture of what the molecules look like? Try
to build some more models for other molecules you can think of.

Exercise 3 – 6: Molecular shape

Determine the shape of the following molecules.

1. BeCl2 3. PCl5 5. CO2 7. H2 O

2. F2 4. SF6 6. CH4 8. COH2

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23PF 2. 23PG 3. 23PH 4. 23PJ 5. 23PK 6. 23PM

7. 23PN 8. 23PP

3.3 Electronegativity ESBMD

So far we have looked at covalent molecules. But how do we know that they are
covalent? The answer comes from electronegativity. Each element (except for the
noble gases) has an electronegativity value.

Electronegativity is a measure of how strongly an atom pulls a shared electron pair

towards it. The table below shows the electronegativities of the some of the elements.

For a full list of electronegativities see the periodic table at the front of the book. On
this periodic table the electronegativity values are given in the top right corner. Do not
confuse these values with the other numbers shown for the elements. Electronegativi-
ties will always be between 0 and 4 for any element. If you use a number greater than
4 then you are not using the electronegativity.

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 153

FACT Element Electronegativity Element Electronegativity
The concept of Hydrogen (H) 2,1 Lithium (Li) 1,0
electronegativity was
Beryllium (Be) 1,5 Boron (B) 2,0
introduced by Linus
Pauling in 1932, and this Carbon (C) 2,5 Nitrogen (N) 3,0
became very useful in Oxygen (O) 3,5 Fluorine (F) 4,0
explaining the nature of Sodium (Na) 0,9 Magnesium (Mg) 1,2
bonds between atoms in
molecules. For this work,
Aluminium (Al) 1,5 Silicon (Si) 1,8
Pauling was awarded the Phosphorous (P) 2,1 Sulfur (S) 2,5
Nobel Prize in Chemistry Chlorine (Cl) 3,0 Potassium (K) 0,8
in 1954. He also received Calcium (Ca) 1,0 Bromine (Br) 2,8
the Nobel Peace Prize in
1962 for his campaign
against above-ground Table 3.2: Table of electronegativities for selected elements.
nuclear testing.

DEFINITION: Electronegativity

Electronegativity is a chemical property which describes the power of an atom to attract

electrons towards itself.

The greater the electronegativity of an atom of an element, the stronger its attractive
pull on electrons. For example, in a molecule of hydrogen bromide (HBr), the elec-
tronegativity of bromine (2,8) is higher than that of hydrogen (2,1), and so the shared
electrons will spend more of their time closer to the bromine atom. Bromine will
have a slightly negative charge, and hydrogen will have a slightly positive charge. In a
molecule like hydrogen (H2 ) where the electronegativities of the atoms in the molecule
are the same, both atoms have a neutral charge.

Worked example 9: Calculating electronegativity differences


Calculate the electronegativity difference between hydrogen and oxygen.


Step 1: Read the electronegativity of each element off the periodic table.

From the periodic table we find that hydrogen has an electronegativity of 2,1 and
oxygen has an electronegativity of 3,5.

Step 2: Calculate the electronegativity difference

3,5 − 2,1 = 1,4

Exercise 3 – 7:

1. Calculate the electronegativity difference between:

Be and C; H and C; Li and F; Al and Na; C and O.

154 3.3. Electronegativity

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service Note that metallic
bonding is not given
here. Metals have low
1. 23PQ electronegativities and so
the valence electrons are
not drawn strongly to any
one atom. Instead, the valence electrons are
loosely shared by all the
atoms in the metallic

Electronegativity and bonding ESBMF TIP

The symbol δ is read as
The electronegativity difference between two atoms can be used to determine what
type of bonding exists between the atoms. The table below lists the approximate
values. Although we have given ranges here bonding is more like a spectrum than a
set of boxes.

Non-polar Weak polar Strong polar Ionic

0 0,1 - 1 1,1 - 2 > 2,1

Non-polar Weak polar Strong polar Ionic

Electronegativity difference Type of bond

0 Non-polar covalent
0-1 Weak polar covalent
1,1 - 2 Strong polar covalent
> 2,1 Ionic

Non-polar and polar covalent bonds ESBMG

It is important to be able to determine if a molecule is polar or non-polar since the

polarity of molecules affects properties such as solubility, melting points and boiling

Electronegativity can be used to explain the difference between two types of covalent
bonds. Non-polar covalent bonds occur between two identical non-metal atoms, e.g.
H2 , Cl2 and O2 . Because the two atoms have the same electronegativity, the electron
pair in the covalent bond is shared equally between them. However, if two different
non-metal atoms bond then the shared electron pair will be pulled more strongly by
the atom with the higher electronegativity. As a result, a polar covalent bond is formed
where one atom will have a slightly negative charge and the other a slightly positive

This slightly positive or slightly negative charge is known as a partial charge. These
partial charges are represented using the symbols δ + (slightly positive) and δ − (slightly
negative). So, in a molecule such as hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen is Hδ and

chlorine is Clδ .

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 155

TIP Polar molecules ESBMH
To determine if a
molecule is symmetrical
look first at the atoms Some molecules with polar covalent bonds are polar molecules, e.g. H2 O. But not
around the central atom. all molecules with polar covalent bonds are polar. An example is CO2 . Although
If they are different then + −
the molecule is not
CO2 has two polar covalent bonds (between Cδ atom and the two Oδ atoms), the
symmetrical. If they are molecule itself is not polar. The reason is that CO2 is a linear molecule, with both
the same then the terminal atoms the same, and is therefore symmetrical. So there is no difference in
molecule may be charge between the two ends of the molecule.
symmetrical and we need
to look at the shape of the
molecule. DEFINITION: Polar molecules

A polar molecule is one that has one end with a slightly positive charge, and one
end with a slightly negative charge. Examples include water, ammonia and hydrogen

DEFINITION: Non-polar molecules

A non-polar molecule is one where the charge is equally spread across the molecule
or a symmetrical molecule with polar bonds. Examples include carbon dioxide and

We can easily predict which molecules are likely to be polar and which are likely to
be non-polar by looking at the molecular shape. The following activity will help you
determine this and will help you understand more about symmetry.

Activity: Polar and non-polar molecules

The following table lists the molecular shapes. Build the molecule given for each case
using jellytots and toothpicks. Determine if the shape is symmetrical. (Does it look the
same whichever way you look at it?) Now decide if the molecule is polar or non-polar.

Geometry Molecule Symmetrical Polar or non-polar

Linear HCl
Linear CO2
Linear HCN
Bent or angular H2 O
Trigonal planar BF3
Trigonal planar BF2 Cl
Trigonal pyramidal NH3
Tetrahedral CH4
Tetrahedral CH3 Cl
Trigonal bipyramidal PCl5
Trigonal bipyramidal PCl4 F
Octahedral SF6
Octahedral SF5 Cl

See simulation: 23PR at

156 3.3. Electronegativity

Worked example 10: Polar and non-polar molecules


State whether hydrogen (H2 ) is polar or non-polar.


Step 1: Determine the shape of the molecule

The molecule is linear. There is one bonding pair of electrons and no lone pairs.

Step 2: Write down the electronegativities of each atom

Hydrogen: 2,1

Step 3: Determine the electronegativity difference for each bond

There is only one bond and the difference is 0.

Step 4: Determine the polarity of each bond

The bond is non-polar.

Step 5: Determine the polarity of the molecule

The molecule is non-polar.

Worked example 11: Polar and non-polar molecules


State whether methane (CH4 ) is polar or non-polar.


Step 1: Determine the shape of each molecule

The molecule is tetrahedral. There are four bonding pairs of electrons and no lone

Step 2: Determine the electronegativity difference for each bond

There are four bonds. Since each bond is between carbon and hydrogen, we only
need to calculate one electronegativity difference. This is: 2,5 − 2,1 = 0,4

Step 3: Determine the polarity of each bond

Each bond is polar.

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 157

Step 4: Determine the polarity of the molecule

The molecule is symmetrical and so is non-polar.

Worked example 12: Polar and non-polar molecules


State whether hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is polar or non-polar.


Step 1: Determine the shape of the molecule

The molecule is linear. There are four bonding pairs, three of which form a triple bond
and so are counted as 1. There is one lone pair on the nitrogen atom.

Step 2: Determine the electronegativity difference and polarity for each bond

There are two bonds. One between hydrogen and carbon and the other between
carbon and nitrogen. The electronegativity difference between carbon and hydrogen
is 0,4 and the electronegativity difference between carbon and nitrogen is 0,5. Both
of the bonds are polar.

Step 3: Determine the polarity of the molecule

The molecule is not symmetrical and so is polar.

Exercise 3 – 8: Electronegativity

1. In a molecule of beryllium chloride (BeCl2 ):

a) What is the electronegativity of beryllium?

b) What is the electronegativity of chlorine?
c) Which atom will have a slightly positive charge and which will have a
slightly negative charge in the molecule? Represent this on a sketch of the
molecule using partial charges.
d) Is the bond a non-polar or polar covalent bond?
e) Is the molecule polar or non-polar?

158 3.3. Electronegativity

2. Complete the table below:

Molecule Difference in electroneg- Non-polar/polar Polar/non-polar

ativity between atoms covalent bond molecule
H2 O
C2 H2

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23PS 2. 23PT

3.4 Energy and bonding ESBMJ

As we saw earlier in the chapter we can show the energy changes that occur as atoms
come together (Figure 3.5). Shown below is the same image but this time with two
extra pieces of information: the bond energy and the bond length.

bond Distance between atomic nuclei


bond energy

- X

Figure 3.9: Graph showing the change in energy that takes place as atoms move closer to-

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 159

DEFINITION: Bond length

The distance between the nuclei of two adjacent atoms when they bond.

DEFINITION: Bond energy

The amount of energy that must be added to the system to break the bond that has

It is important to remember that bond length is measured between two atoms that
are bonded to each other. The following diagrams show the bond length for CO and
for CO2 . The grey circle represents carbon and the white circle represents oxygen.
bond length X
Figure 3.10: Figure 3.11:
The bond length for car- The bond length for each C − O bond in car-
bon monoxide (CO). bon dioxide (CO2 ) is indicated by X. Y is not
the bond length.

A third property of bonds is the bond strength. Bond strength means how strongly
one atom attracts and is held to another. The strength of a bond is related to the bond
length, the size of the bonded atoms and the number of bonds between the atoms. In

• the shorter the bond length, the stronger the bond between the atoms.

• the smaller the atoms involved, the stronger the bond.

• the more bonds that exist between the same atoms, the stronger the bond.

3.5 Chapter summary ESBMK

See presentation: 23PV at

• A chemical bond is the physical process that causes atoms to be attracted to-
gether and to be bound in new compounds.

• The noble gases have a full valence shell. Atoms bond to try fill their outer
valence shell.

• There are three forces that act between atoms: attractive forces between the pos-
itive nucleus of one atom and the negative electrons of another; repulsive forces
between like-charged electrons, and repulsion between like-charged nuclei.

• The energy of a system of two atoms is at a minimum when the attractive and
repulsive forces are balanced.

• Lewis diagrams are one way of representing molecular structure. In a Lewis

diagram, dots or crosses are used to represent the valence electrons around the
central atom.

160 3.5. Chapter summary

• A covalent bond is a form of chemical bond where pairs of electrons are shared
between two atoms.

• A single bond occurs if there is one electron pair that is shared between the same
two atoms.

• A double bond occurs if there are two electron pairs that are shared between the
same two atoms.

• A triple bond occurs if there are three electron pairs that are shared between the
same two atoms.

• A dative covalent bond is a description of covalent bonding that occurs between

two atoms in which both electrons shared in the bond come from the same atom.

• Dative covalent bonds occur between atoms of elements with a lone pair and
atoms of elements with no electrons. Examples include the hydronium ion
(H3 O+ ) and the ammonium ion (NH+4 ).

• The shape of molecules can be predicted using the VSEPR theory.

• Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory is a model in chemistry,

which is used to predict the shape of individual molecules. VSEPR is based
upon minimising the extent of the electron-pair repulsion around the central
atom being considered.

• Electronegativity is a chemical property which describes the power of an atom

to attract electrons towards itself in a chemical.

• Electronegativity can be used to explain the difference between two types of

covalent bonds: polar covalent bonds (between non-identical atoms) and non-
polar covalent bonds (between identical atoms or atoms with the same elec-

• A polar molecule is one that has one end with a slightly positive charge, and
one end with a slightly negative charge. Examples include water, ammonia and
hydrogen chloride.

• A non-polar molecule is one where the charge is equally spread across the
molecule or a symmetrical molecule with polar bonds.

• Bond length is the distance between the nuclei of two atoms when they bond.

• Bond energy is the amount of energy that must be added to the system to break
the bond that has formed.

• Bond strength means how strongly one atom attracts and is held to another atom.
Bond strength depends on the length of the bond, the size of the atoms and the
number of bonds between the two atoms.

Exercise 3 – 9:

1. Give one word/term for each of the following descriptions.

a) The distance between two adjacent atoms in a molecule.

b) A type of chemical bond that involves the sharing of electrons between two

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 161

c) A measure of an atom’s ability to attract electrons to itself in a chemical

2. Which ONE of the following best describes the bond formed between an H+
ion and the NH3 molecule?

a) Covalent bond
b) Dative covalent (co-ordinate covalent) bond
c) Ionic Bond
d) Hydrogen Bond

3. Explain the meaning of each of the following terms:

a) valence electrons
b) bond energy
c) covalent bond

4. Which of the following reactions will not take place? Explain your answer.

a) H + H → H2
b) Ne + Ne → Ne2
c) Cl + Cl → Cl2

5. Draw the Lewis diagrams for each of the following:

a) An atom of strontium (Sr). (Hint: Which group is it in? It will have an

identical Lewis diagram to other elements in that group).
b) An atom of iodine.
c) A molecule of hydrogen bromide (HBr).
d) A molecule of nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ). (Hint: There will be a single un-
paired electron).

6. Given the following Lewis diagram, where X and Y each represent a different



a) How many valence electrons does X have?
b) How many valence electrons does Y have?
c) Which elements could X and Y represent?

7. Determine the shape of the following molecules:

a) O2 c) BCl3 e) CCl4 g) Br2

b) MgI2 d) CS2 f) CH3 Cl h) SCl5 F

8. Complete the following table:

162 3.5. Chapter summary

Element pair Electronegativity Type of bond that could
difference form
Hydrogen and lithium
Hydrogen and boron
Hydrogen and oxygen
Hydrogen and sulfur
Magnesium and nitrogen
Magnesium and chlorine
Boron and fluorine
Sodium and fluorine
Oxygen and nitrogen
Oxygen and carbon

9. Are the following molecules polar or non-polar?

a) O2 b) MgBr2 c) BF3 d) CH2 O

10. Given the following graph for hydrogen:

Distance between atomic nuclei



- X

a) The bond length for hydrogen is 74 pm. Indicate this value on the graph.
(Remember that pm is a picometer and means 74 × 10−12 m).
The bond energy for hydrogen is 436 kJ·mol−1 . Indicate this value on the
b) What is important about point X?

11. Hydrogen chloride has a bond length of 127 pm and a bond energy of
432 kJ·mol−1 . Draw a graph of energy versus distance and indicate these values
on your graph. The graph does not have to be accurate, a rough sketch graph
will do.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1a. 23PW 1b. 23PX 1c. 23PY 2. 23PZ 3a. 23Q2 3b. 23Q3
3c. 23Q4 4. 23Q5 5a. 23Q6 5b. 23Q7 5c. 23Q8 5d. 23Q9
6. 23QB 7a. 23QC 7b. 23QD 7c. 23QF 7d. 23QG 7e. 23QH
7f. 23QJ 7g. 23QK 7h. 23QM 8. 23QN 9a. 23QP 9b. 23QQ
9c. 23QR 9d. 23QS 10. 23QT 11. 23QV

Chapter 3. Atomic combinations 163


Intermolecular forces

4.1 Intermolecular and interatomic forces 166

4.2 The chemistry of water 184
4.3 Chapter summary 189
4 Intermolecular forces

All around us we see matter in different phases. The air we breathe is a gas, while the
water you drink is a liquid and the chair you are sitting on is a solid. In this chapter we
are going to look at one of the reasons that matter exists as solids and liquids.

In the previous chapter, we discussed the different forces that exist between atoms
(interatomic forces). When atoms are joined to one another they form molecules, and
these molecules in turn have forces that bind them together. These forces are known
as intermolecular forces.

Intermolecular forces allow us to determine which substances are likely to dissolve

in which other substances and what the melting and boiling points of substances
are. Without intermolecular forces holding molecules together we would not exist.
Note that we will use the term molecule
throughout this chapter as the compounds
we are looking at are all covalently bonded
and do not exist as giant networks (recall
from grade 10 that there are three types
of bonding: metallic, ionic and covalent).
Sometimes you will see the term simple
molecule. This is a covalent molecular

Interatomic (between atoms) forces are also known as intramolecular (within
molecules) forces. You can remember this by thinking of international which means
between nations.

4.1 Intermolecular and interatomic forces ESBMM

DEFINITION: Intermolecular forces

Intermolecular forces are forces that act between molecules.

You will also recall from the previous chapter, that we can describe molecules as being
either polar or non-polar. A polar molecule is one in which there is a difference in
electronegativity between the atoms in the molecule, such that the shared electron
pair spends more time close to the atom that attracts it more strongly. The result is that
one end of the molecule will have a slightly positive charge (δ + ), and the other end
will have a slightly negative charge (δ − ). The molecule is said to be a dipole.

166 4.1. Intermolecular and interatomic forces

A dipole molecule is a molecule that has two (di)
poles. One end of the molecule is slightly positive
and the other is slightly negative. We can depict
this very simply as an oval with one positive side δ+ δ−
and one negative. In reality however, the molecules
do not look like this, they look more like the images
in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: A different representation of dipole molecules. The red region is slightly negative,
and the blue region is slightly positive.

It is important to remember that just because the bonds within a molecule are polar,
the molecule itself may not necessarily be polar. The shape of the molecule may also
affect its polarity. A few examples are shown in Table 4.1 to refresh your memory.
Note that we have shown tetrahedral molecules with all the terminal atoms at 90◦ to
each other (i.e. flat or 2-dimensional), but the shape is really 3-dimensional.

Molecule Chemical Bond between Shape of molecule Polarity of

formula atoms molecule
Hydrogen H2 Non-polar cova- Non-polar
lent Linear molecule
Hydrogen HCl Polar covalent Polar
chloride Linear molecule

Carbon CF4 Polar covalent Non-polar
tetrafluoride Tetrahedral molecule

Fδ Cδ Fδ
− −

Trifluoro- CHF3 Polar covalent Polar

methane Tetrahedral molecule


Table 4.1: Polarity in molecules with different atomic bonds and molecular shapes.

Chapter 4. Intermolecular forces 167

Types of intermolecular forces ESBMN

It is important to be able to recognise whether the molecules in a substance are polar

or non-polar because this will determine what type of intermolecular forces there are.
This is important in explaining the properties of the substance.

1. Ion-dipole forces
As the name suggests, this type of intermolecular force exists between an ion and
a dipole (polar) molecule. You will remember that an ion is a charged atom, and
this will be attracted to one of the charged ends of the polar molecule. A positive
ion will be attracted to the negative pole of the polar molecule, while a negative
ion will be attracted to the positive pole of the polar molecule. This can be seen
when sodium chloride (NaCl) dissolves in water. The positive sodium ion (Na+ )
will be attracted to the slightly negative oxygen atoms in the water molecule,
while the negative chloride ion (Cl− ) is attracted to the slightly positive hydrogen
atoms. These intermolecular forces weaken the ionic bonds between the sodium
and chloride ions so that the sodium chloride dissolves in the water (Figure 4.2).


H2 O

Cl− δ + H2 O δ − Na+ δ − H2 O δ + Cl−

H2 O


Figure 4.2: Ion-dipole forces in a sodium chloride solution.

This is a simplified diagram to highlight the regions of positive and negative

charge. When sodium chloride dissolves in water it can more accurately be
shown as:


Cl Na

2. Ion-induced-dipole forces
Similar to ion-dipole forces these forces exist between ions and non-polar molecules.
The ion induces a dipole in the non-polar molecule leading to a weak, short lived
force which holds the compounds together.

168 4.1. Intermolecular and interatomic forces

These forces are found in haemoglobin (the molecule that carries oxygen around FACT
your body). Haemoglobin has Fe2+ ions. Oxygen (O2 ) is attracted to these ions These intermolecular
forces are also sometimes
by ion-induced dipole forces.
called “London forces” or
“momentary dipole”
3. Dipole-dipole forces forces or “dispersion”
When one dipole molecule comes into contact with another dipole molecule, forces.
the positive pole of the one molecule will be attracted to the negative pole of the
other, and the molecules will be held together in this way (Figure 4.3). Examples TIP
When the noble gases
of materials/substances that are held together by dipole-dipole forces are HCl,
condense, the
SO2 and CH3 Cl. intermolecular forces that
hold the liquid together
are induced dipole forces.

δ+ δ− δ+ δ−

Figure 4.3: Two dipole molecules are held together by the attractive force between their
oppositely charged poles.

One special case of this is hydrogen bonding.

4. Induced dipole forces

We know that while carbon dioxide is a non-polar molecule, we can still freeze
it (and we can also freeze all other non-polar substances). This tells us that there
must be some kind of attractive force in these kinds of molecules (molecules can
only be solids or liquids if there are attractive forces pulling them together). This
force is known as an induced dipole force.
In non-polar molecules the electronic charge is usually evenly distributed but it
is possible that at a particular moment in time, the electrons might not be evenly
distributed (remember that the electrons are always moving in their orbitals).
The molecule will have a temporary dipole. In other words, each end of the
molecules has a slight charge, either positive or negative. When this happens,
molecules that are next to each other attract each other very weakly. These forces
are found in the halogens (e.g. F2 and I2 ) and in other non-polar molecules such
as carbon dioxide and carbon tetrachloride.
All covalent molecules have induced dipole forces. For non-polar covalent
molecules these forces are the only intermolecular forces. For polar covalent
molecules, dipole-dipole forces are found in addition to the induced dipole

5. Dipole-induced-dipole forces
This type of force occurs when a molecule with a dipole induces a dipole in a
non-polar molecule. It is similar to an ion-induced dipole force. An example of
this type of force is chloroform (CHCl3 ) in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ).

The following image shows the types of intermolecular forces and the kinds of com-
pounds that lead to those forces.

Chapter 4. Intermolecular forces 169

TIP Non-polar
Do not confuse hydrogen Polar
covalent covalent
bonds with actual
chemical bonds.
Hydrogen bonding is an Dipole-dipole Induced dipole
example of a case where forces forces
a scientist named
something believing it to Polar Non-polar
be one thing when in fact covalent dipole forces covalent
it was another. In this
case the strength of the
hydrogen bonds misled Ion-induced
scientists into thinking
dipole forces
this was actually a forces
chemical bond, when it is Ions
really just an
intermolecular force.
Figure 4.4: The types of intermolecular forces. The boxes represent the type of compound
while the lines represent the type of force.

The last three forces (dipole-dipole forces, dipole-induced dipole forces and induced
dipole forces) are sometimes collectively known as van der Waals’ forces. We will
now look at a special case of dipole-dipole forces in more detail.

Hydrogen bonds

As the name implies, this type of intermolecular bond involves a hydrogen atom.
When a molecule contains a hydrogen atom covalently bonded to a highly electroneg-
ative atom (O, N or F) this type of intermolecular force can occur. The highly elec-
tronegative atom on one molecule attracts the hydrogen atom on a nearby molecule.

Water molecules for example, are held together by hydrogen bonds between the hy-
drogen atom of one molecule and the oxygen atom of another (Figure 4.5). Hydrogen
bonds are a relatively strong intermolecular force and are stronger than other dipole-
dipole forces. It is important to note however, that hydrogen bonds are weaker than
the covalent and ionic bonds that exist between atoms.

hydrogen bonds
atomic bonds


Figure 4.5: Two representations showing the hydrogen bonds between water molecules:
space-filling model and structural formula.

The difference between intermolecular and interatomic forces ESBMP

It is important to realise that there is a difference between the types of interactions that
occur in molecules and the types that occur between molecules. In the previous chap-
ter we focused on the interactions between atoms. These are known as interatomic
forces or chemical bonds. We also studied covalent molecules in more detail.

170 4.1. Intermolecular and interatomic forces

Remember that a covalent bond has an electronegativity difference of less than 2,1.
Covalent molecules have covalent bonds between their atoms. Van der Waals’ forces
only occur in covalent molecules. We can show the interatomic and intermolecular
forces between covalent compounds diagrammatically or in words. Intermolecular
forces occur between molecules and do not involve individual atoms. Interatomic
forces are the forces that hold the the atoms in molecules together. Figure 4.5 shows

Interatomic forces Intermolecular forces

Atoms or molecules Forces between atoms Forces between molecules
Strength of forces Strong forces Relatively weak forces
Distance between atoms Very short distances Larger distances than bonds
or molecules

Table 4.2: The differences between interatomic and intermolecular forces.

Worked example 1: Intermolecular forces


Which intermolecular forces are found in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 )?


Step 1: Think about what you know about the molecule.

Carbon has an electronegativity of 2,5. Chlorine has an electronegativity of 3,0. The

electronegativity difference between carbon and chlorine is 1,0 (recall the section on
electronegativity in the previous chapter). We also know that the bond between carbon
and chlorine is polar.

Also from the previous chapter we know that carbon tetrachloride is a tetrahedral
molecule (recall molecular shape). Carbon tetrachloride is symmetrical and so is non-
polar overall.

Step 2: Now decide which case it is

Carbon tetrachloride is non-polar and so the only kind of force that can exist is induced

Worked example 2: Intermolecular forces


Which intermolecular forces are found in the following solution: sodium chloride in

Chapter 4. Intermolecular forces 171


Step 1: Think about what you know about the molecules

Sodium chloride is ionic. (the electronegativity difference is 2,1). Water has polar
bonds (the electronegativity difference is 1,4). Water is a polar molecule (its molecular
shape is bent or angular).

Step 2: Now decide which case it is

This is an ionic substance interacting with a polar substance. This interaction is an

ion-dipole force.

Exercise 4 – 1:

Which intermolecular forces are found in:

1. hydrogen fluoride (HF)

2. methane (CH4 )

3. potassium chloride in ammonia (KCl in NH3 )

4. krypton (Kr)

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23QW 2. 23QX 3. 23QY 4. 23QZ

Understanding intermolecular forces ESBMQ

The types of intermolecular forces that occur in a substance will affect its properties,
such as its phase, melting point and boiling point. You should remember from the
kinetic theory of matter (see grade 10), that the phase of a substance is determined by
how strong the forces are between its particles. The weaker the forces, the more likely
the substance is to exist as a gas. This is because the particles are able to move far apart
since they are not held together very strongly. If the forces are very strong, the particles
are held closely together in a solid structure. Remember also that the temperature of
a material affects the energy of its particles. The more energy the particles have, the
more likely they are to be able to overcome the forces that are holding them together.
This can cause a change in phase.

Shown below are the three phases of water. Note that we are showing two dimensional
figures when in reality these are three dimensional.

172 4.1. Intermolecular and interatomic forces














Figure 4.6: The three phases of water.

The effects of intermolecular forces

The following five experiments investigate the effect of various physical properties
(evaporation, surface tension, solubility, boiling point and capillarity) of substances
and determine how these properties relate to intermolecular forces. Each experiment
will look at a different property.

Formal experiment: The effects of intermolecular forces: Part 1


To investigate evaporation and to determine the relation between evaporation and

intermolecular forces.


You will need the following items for this experiment:

• ethanol, water, nail polish remover (acetone), methylated spirits

• evaporating dishes (or shallow basins)

1. Place 20 ml of each substance given in separate evaporating dishes.

2. Carefully move each dish to a warm (sunny) spot.

3. Mark the level of liquid in each dish using a permanent marker. Make several
marks at different positions around the dish. If the permanent marker is leaving
a smudge rather than a noticeable mark, carefully wipe the side of the dish and
try again.

4. Observe each dish every minute and note which liquid evaporates fastest.

Chapter 4. Intermolecular forces 173

20 ml 20 ml
methylated nail polish
spirits remover

20 ml 20 ml
water ethanol


Record your results in the table below. You do not need to measure the level of the
liquid, but rather just write how much the level had dropped (e.g. for water you might
write did not notice any decrease in the level or for ethanol you might write almost all
the liquid had evaporated).

Substance 1 min 2 min 3 min 4 min 5 min

Nail polish remover
Methylated spirits

Discussion and conclusion:

You should find that water takes the longest time to evaporate. Water has strong in-
termolecular forces (hydrogen bonds). Ethanol (CH3 CH2 OH) and methylated spirits
(mainly ethanol (CH3 CH2 OH) with some methanol (CH3 OH)) both have hydrogen
bonds but these are slightly weaker than the hydrogen bonds in water. Nail polish re-
mover (acetone (CH3 COCH3 )) has dipole-dipole forces only and so evaporates quickly.

Substances with weaker intermolecular forces evaporate faster than substances with
stronger intermolecular forces.

Formal experiment: The effects of intermolecular forces: Part 2


To investigate surface tension and to determine the relation between surface tension
and intermolecular forces.


You will need the following items for this experiment:

• water, cooking oil (sunflower oil), glycerin, nail polish remover (acetone), methy-
lated spirits

• small glass beakers or glass measuring cylinders

• small piece of glass or clear plastic (about 5 cm by 5 cm.)

174 4.1. Intermolecular and interatomic forces

1. Place about 50 ml of each substance given in separate small beakers or measur-
ing cylinders.
2. Observe the shape of the meniscus. (This is the level of the liquid). Note what
happens at the edges where the liquid touches the glass. (You can place a few
drops of food colouring in each substance to help you see the meniscus.)
3. Now place a drop of the substance on a small piece of glass. Observe the shape
of the drop.

Water Oil Glycerine

Nail polish remover Methylated spirits


Record your results in the table below. You just need to give a qualitative result (in
other words what you see in the experiment).

Substance Shape of meniscus Shape of droplet

Nail polish remover
Methylated spirits

Discussion and conclusion:

The meniscus for all these substances should be concave (i.e. higher at the edges
than in the middle). This is because the forces holding the molecules in the substance
together are weaker than the attraction between the substance and the glass of the

You should also have noticed that water, oil and Glycerine tend to form a drop, while
nail polish remover and methylated spirits do not. Strong intermolecular forces help
hold the substance together, while weaker ones do not hold the molecules in the
substance together as much.

Water has the strongest intermolecular forces (hydrogen bonds) of all the substances
used. Glycerine and methylated spirits also have hydrogen bonds, but these inter-
molecular forces are slightly weaker than in water. Sunflower oil is mostly non-polar
but has very long molecules which help account for the higher surface tension.

Substances with strong intermolecular forces will generally have a greater surface ten-
sion than substances with weaker intermolecular forces.

Chapter 4. Intermolecular forces 175

Formal experiment: The effects of intermolecular forces: Part 3


To investigate solubility and to determine the relation between solubility and inter-
molecular forces.


You will need the following items for this experiment:

• Solids: sodium chloride (table salt), iodine, potassium permanganate
• Solvents: water, ethanol, chloroform
• 9 beakers or test-tubes
• 3 A4 sheets of paper

1. Place about 20 ml of each solvent given in separate beakers. Place this set on a
piece of paper labelled “sodium chloride”.
2. Repeat this step twice. The second set is for potassium permanganate (so your
piece of paper will say “potassium permanganate”) and the third set is for iodine
(so your piece of paper will say “iodine”). You should now have nine beakers in
3. Into the first set, add about 2 g of sodium chloride.
4. Into the second set, add about 2 g of potassium permanganate.
5. Into the third set, add about 2 g of iodine.
6. Observe how much of each substance dissolves in the solvent.


Water Ethanol Chloroform


Water Ethanol Chloroform


Water Ethanol Chloroform


Record your results in the table below. If you observe only a small amount of the solid
dissolving then write that very little solid dissolved. If all the solid dissolves then write
that all the solid dissolved.

176 4.1. Intermolecular and interatomic forces

Substance Water Chloroform Ethanol
Sodium chloride
Potassium permanganate

Discussion and conclusion:

You should find that the sodium chloride and potassium permanganate dissolved (at
least a bit) in all the substances. The iodine did not dissolve in any of the substances.
The three solvents (water, chloroform and ethanol) are all polar and have dipole-dipole
forces. Sodium chloride and potassium permanganate are both ionic substances, while
iodine is non-polar.

Substances will dissolve in solvents that have similar intermolecular forces or in sol-
vents where the ionic bonds can be disrupted by the formation of ion-dipole forces.

Formal experiment: The effects of intermolecular forces: Part 4


To investigate boiling point and to determine the relation between boiling point and
intermolecular forces.


You will need the following items for this experiment:

• water, cooking oil (sunflower oil), Glycerine, nail polish remover, methylated

• test-tubes and a beaker

• hot plate



Methylated spirits and nail polish remover are highly flammable. They will easily
catch fire if left near an open flame. For this reason they must be heated in a water
bath. This experiment MUST be performed in a well ventilated room.

1. Place about 20 ml of each substance given in separate test-tubes.

2. Half-fill the beaker with water and place on the hot plate.

3. Place the test-tubes in the beaker.

Chapter 4. Intermolecular forces 177

4. Observe how long each substance takes to boil. As soon as a substance boils,
remove it from the water bath.



Write down the order in which the substances boiled, starting with the substance that
boiled first and ending with the substance that boiled last.

Discussion and conclusion:

You should have found that the nail polish remover and the methylated spirits boil
before the water, oil and Glycerine.

Glycerine, water and methylated spirits have hydrogen bonds between the molecules.
However, in water and Glycerine these intermolecular forces are very strong while in
the methylated spirits they are slightly weaker. This leads to the higher boiling point
for water and Glycerine. Nail polish remover has weaker dipole-dipole forces.

Although cooking oil is non-polar and has induced dipole forces the molecules are
very large and so these increase the strength of the intermolecular forces.

Substances with strong intermolecular forces will have a higher boiling point than
substances with weaker intermolecular forces.

Formal experiment: The effects of intermolecular forces: Part 5


To investigate capillarity (how far up a tube a liquid rises or how far down a liquid falls)
and to determine the relation between capillarity and intermolecular forces.


You will need the following items for this experiment:

• water, cooking oil (sunflower oil), nail polish remover, methylated spirits

• large shallow dish, narrow glass tube (with one end closed)

1. Place about 20 ml of water in the shallow dish.

2. Hold the narrow tube just above the level of the water in the dish.

178 4.1. Intermolecular and interatomic forces

3. Observe how far up the tube the water travels.

4. Repeat for the other three substances, remembering to wash and dry the dish
and tube well between each one.




Record your results in the table below. You do not need to measure how far up the
tube the substance travels but rather say if it only travelled a short distance or a long

Substance Distance travelled up tube

Nail polish remover
Methylated spirits

Discussion and conclusion:

Water travels the greatest distance up the tube. Nail polish remover travels the least

Capillarity is related to surface tension. If the attractive force between the glass walls of
the tube and the substance are stronger than the intermolecular forces in the substance,
than the edges of the liquid will be pulled above the surface of the liquid. This in turn
helps pull the liquid up the tube.

Substances with strong intermolecular forces will travel further up a narrow tube (have
a greater capillarity) than substances with weaker intermolecular forces.

From these experiments we can see how intermolecular forces (a microscopic prop-
erty) affect the macroscopic behaviour of substances. If a substance has weak inter-
molecular forces then it will evaporate easily. Substances with weak intermolecular
forces also have low surface tension and do not rise as far up in narrow tubes as sub-
stances with strong intermolecular forces. Boiling points are lower for substances with
weak intermolecular forces. Substances are more likely to be soluble in liquids with
similar intermolecular forces.

We will now look at some more properties (molecular size, viscosity, density, melting
and boiling points, thermal expansion, thermal conductivity) in detail.

Chapter 4. Intermolecular forces 179

FACT Molecular size
It is partly the stronger
intermolecular forces that
The alkanes are a group of organic compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen
explain why petrol
(mainly octane (C8 H18 )) bonded together. The carbon atoms link together to form chains of varying lengths.
is a liquid, while candle
wax (C23 H48 ) is a solid. If The boiling point and melting point of these molecules is determined by their molecu-
these intermolecular
lar structure, and their surface area. The more carbon atoms there are in an alkane, the
forces did not increase
with increasing molecular greater the surface area and therefore the higher the boiling point. The melting point
size we would not be also increases as the number of carbon atoms in the molecule increases. This can be
able to put liquid fuel into seen in the table below.
our cars or use solid

Formula CH4 C2 H6 C5 H12 C6 H14 C20 H42

Name methane ethane pentane hexane icosane
Molecular mass (g·mol−1 ) 16 30 72 86 282
Melting point (◦ C) −183 −183 −130 −95 37
Boiling point (◦ C) −164 −89 36 69 343
Phase at room temperature gas gas liquid liquid solid

You will also notice that, when the molecular mass of the alkanes is low (i.e. there
are few carbon atoms), the organic compounds are gases because the intermolecular
forces are weak. As the number of carbon atoms and the molecular mass increases, the
compounds are more likely to be liquids or solids because the intermolecular forces
are stronger.

You should see that the larger a molecule is the stronger the intermolecular forces are
between its molecules. This is one of the reasons why methane (CH4 ) is a gas at room
temperature while pentane (C5 H12 ) is a liquid and icosane (C20 H42 ) is a solid.


Viscosity is the resistance to flow

of a liquid. Compare how easy it is
to pour water and syrup or honey.
The water flows much faster than
the syrup or honey.

You can see this if you take a cylinder filled with water and a cylinder filled with
glycerin. Drop a small metal ball into each cylinder and note how easy it is for the
ball to fall to the bottom. In the glycerin the ball falls slowly, while in the water it falls

Substances with stronger intermolecular forces are more viscous than substances with
weaker intermolecular forces.

180 4.1. Intermolecular and interatomic forces

Activity: Machine and motor oils

You are given the following information about engine oils.

Oil Use Other info

SAE 30 monograde Engines Low viscosity
SAE 50 monograde Engines High viscosity
SAE 15W-40 multigrade Engines Medium viscosity
SAE 0W-40 multigrade Engines Medium viscosity

Multigrade oils can be used even in cold

weather since they remain fluid (The first
number is the rating for winter weather and
the W shows that this is the rating in win-
ter. The second number is the viscosity rat-
ing in summer). Monograde oils are given
their viscosity rating at 100◦ C. The vis-
cosity is an indication of how well the oil
flows. The more viscous an oil the larger
the molecules that are in the oil.

• Which oil has the longest molecules?

• Which oil has the shortest molecules?

• Which oil has the strongest overall intermolecular forces?

• Which oil has the weakest overall intermolecular forces?

• What can you conclude about the link between the magnitude of the intermolec-
ular force and viscosity?



Density is a measure of the mass in a unit volume.

The solid phase is often the most dense phase (water is one noteworthy exception to
this). This can be explained by the strong intermolecular forces found in a solid. These
forces pull the molecules together which results in more molecules in one unit volume
than in the liquid or gas phases. The more molecules in a unit volume the denser that
substance will be.

Melting and boiling points

Intermolecular forces affect the boiling and melting points of substances. Substances
with weak intermolecular forces will have low melting and boiling points while those
with strong intermolecular forces will have high melting and boiling points. In the
experiment on intermolecular forces you investigated the boiling points of several sub-
stances, and should have seen that molecules with weaker intermolecular forces have

Chapter 4. Intermolecular forces 181

a lower boiling point than molecules with stronger intermolecular forces.

One further point to note is that covalent network structures (recall from grade 10 that
these are covalent compounds that form large networks and an example is diamond)
will have high melting and boiling points due to the fact that some bonds (i.e. the
strong forces between atoms) have to break before the substance can melt. Covalent
molecular substances (e.g. water, sugar) often have lower melting and boiling points,
because of the presence of the weaker intermolecular forces holding these molecules

Thermal expansion

As substances are heated their molecules start moving more vigorously (their kinetic
energy increases). This causes the liquid to expand on heating. You can observe this
in a thermometer. As the alcohol (or mercury) is heated it expands and rises up the

This is why when you tile a floor you have to leave gaps between the tiles to allow
for expansion. It is also why power lines sag slightly and bridges have slight gaps for

Thermal conductivity

Different materials conduct heat differently. The following activity will highlight this.

Investigation: Thermal conductivity

Take a long thin piece of graphite and a long thin piece of copper (or other metal).
Attach a bit of wax to the one end of each rod (you will need to melt the wax a bit first
to make it stick). While the wax is still soft, press a toothpick into the blob of wax.

Now suspend the graphite and copper rods from a desk or chair using a piece of string
and heat the other end. Observe which toothpick falls off first. Try to explain why.

Heat is transferred through a substance from the point being heated to the other end.
This is why the bottom of a pot gets hot first (assuming you are heating the pot on
a stove plate). In metals there are some free, delocalised electrons which can help
transfer the heat energy through the metal. In covalent molecular compounds there
are no free, delocalised electrons and the heat does not travel as easily through the

Worked example 3: Understanding intermolecular forces


Explain why the melting point of oxygen (O2 ) is much lower than the melting point of
hydrogen chloride HCl.

182 4.1. Intermolecular and interatomic forces


Step 1: Write down what you know about melting points and forces

The stronger the intermolecular force, the higher the melting point. So if a substance
has strong intermolecular forces, then that substance will have a high melting point.

Step 2: Write down which forces occur in the two given compounds

Oxygen is non-polar and has induced dipole forces. Hydrogen chloride is polar and
has dipole-dipole forces.

Step 3: Combine all the facts to get the answer

We know that stronger intermolecular forces lead to higher melting points. We also
know that oxygen has weaker intermolecular forces than hydrogen chloride (induced
dipole versus dipole-dipole forces). Therefore oxygen will have a lower melting point
than hydrogen chloride since oxygen has weaker intermolecular forces.

Exercise 4 – 2: Types of intermolecular forces

1. Given the following diagram:

H Cl H Cl

a) Name the molecule and circle it on the diagram

b) Label the interatomic forces (covalent bonds)
c) Label the intermolecular forces

2. Given the following molecules and solutions:

HCl, CO2 , I2 , H2 O, KI(aq), NH3 , NaCl(aq), HF, MgCl2 in CCl4 , NO, Ar, SiO2
Complete the table below by placing each molecule next to the correct type of
intermolecular force.

Type of force Molecules

Dipole-dipole (no hydrogen bonding)
Dipole-dipole (hydrogen bonding)
Induced dipole

In which one of the substances listed above are the intermolecular forces:

a) strongest b) weakest

3. Use your knowledge of different types of intermolecular forces to explain the

following statements:

Chapter 4. Intermolecular forces 183

There are about 55,5 mol a) The boiling point of F2 is much lower than the boiling point of NH3
of water in 1 L. This is
equivalent to 3,34 × 1025 b) Water evaporates slower than carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ).
molecules of water.
That’s a lot of water
c) Sodium chloride is likely to dissolve in methanol (CH3 OH) .
4. Tumi and Jason are helping their dad tile the bathroom floor. Their dad tells
them to leave small gaps between the tiles. Why do they need to leave these
small gaps?

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23R2 2. 23R3 3a. 23R4 3b. 23R5 3c. 23R6 4. 23R7

4.2 The chemistry of water ESBMR

See video: 23R8 at

We will now look at how intermolecular forces apply to a very special liquid. This
section shows how the knowledge of intermolecular forces can be applied to the case
of water.

The microscopic structure of water ESBMS

In many ways, water behaves very differently from other compounds. These properties
are directly related to the microscopic structure of water, and more specifically to the
shape of the molecule and its polar nature, and to the intermolecular forces that hold
water molecules together.

In the previous chapter you learnt about molecular shape and polarity. Water has two
hydrogen atoms around a central oxygen atom. The central oxygen atom also has
two lone pairs of electrons. This gives water a bent (or angular) shape. It also means
that water is polar since the two hydrogen atoms are not parallel to each other and so
do not cancel out the bond polarity (refer back to the previous chapter on molecular
shape). We can see this in the following image:

Hydrogen O

Figure 4.7: Diagrams showing the structure of a water molecule. Each molecule is made up
of two hydrogen atoms that are attached to one oxygen atom.

184 4.2. The chemistry of water

Water molecules are held together by hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds are a much FACT
stronger type of intermolecular force than those found in many other substances, and It is the high specific heat
of water and its ability to
this affects the properties of water.
absorb infra-red radiation
that allows water to
regulate the climate.
intermolecular forces Towns close to the sea
covalent bonds often have less extreme
H H temperatures than inland
towns due to the oceans
ability to absorb the heat.



Figure 4.8: Intermolecular and covalent bonds (interatomic forces) in water. Note that the
diagram on the left only shows intermolecular forces. The covalent bonds (interatomic forces)
are between the atoms of each water molecule.

The unique properties of water ESBMT

We will now look at a few of the properties of water.

1. Specific heat
DEFINITION: Specific heat

Specific heat is the amount of heat energy that is needed to increase the temperature
of a unit mass of a substance by one degree.

Water has a high specific heat, meaning that a lot of energy must be absorbed
by water before its temperature changes.
You have probably observed this phenomenon if you have boiled water in a
pot on the stove. The metal of the pot heats up very quickly, and can burn
your fingers if you touch it, while the water may take several minutes before
its temperature increases even slightly. How can we explain this in terms of
hydrogen bonding? Remember that increasing the temperature of a substance
means that its particles will move more quickly. However, before they can move
faster, the intermolecular forces between them must be disrupted. In the case of
water, these forces are strong hydrogen bonds, and so a lot of energy is needed
just to break these, before the particles can start moving further apart.

2. Absorption of infra-red radiation

Water is able to absorb infra-red radiation (heat) from the sun. As a result of this,
the oceans and other water bodies act as heat reservoirs, and are able to help
moderate the Earth’s climate.

3. Melting point and boiling point

The melting point of water is 0 ◦ C and its boiling point is 100 ◦ C (at standard
pressure or 0,987 atm). This large difference between the melting and boiling
point is very important because it means that water can exist as a liquid over a
large range of temperatures. (This temperature range is only large in the world

Chapter 4. Intermolecular forces 185

FACT around us, if we look at space and the universe then this is a very narrow tem-
When the boiling point of perature range.)
water is measured at sea
level (e.g. towns like In grade 10 you studied the heating and cooling curve of water. This is given
Cape Town and Durban), below.
it is often very close to
100 ◦ C since the
atmospheric pressure is condensing
almost the same as the
standard pressure. If you

Temperature (◦ C)
Temperature (◦ C)
measure the boiling point
of water in a town at a
higher altitudes (e.g.
Johannesburg or
Polokwane) it will have a freezing
slightly lower boiling melting

FACT Time (min)

Antarctica, the “frozen Time (min)
continent”, has one of the Heating curve Cooling curve
world’s largest and
deepest freshwater lakes. Figure 4.9: Heating and cooling curves for water.
And this lake is hidden
beneath 4 km of ice! Lake
Vostok is 200 km long 4. High heat of vaporisation
and 50 km wide. The
DEFINITION: Heat of vaporisation
thick, glacial blanket of
ice acts as an insulator,
preventing the water from Heat of vaporisation is the energy that is needed to change a given quantity of a sub-
freezing. stance into a gas.

The strength of the hydrogen bonds between water molecules also means that
it has a high heat of vaporisation. “Heat of vaporisation” is the heat energy
that is needed to change water from the liquid to the gas phase. Because the
forces between molecules are strong, water has to be heated to 100 ◦ C before
it changes phase. At this temperature, the molecules have enough energy to
break the intermolecular forces that hold the molecules together. The heat of
vaporisation for water is 40,65 kJ·mol−1 .
It is very important for life on earth that water does have a high heat of vaporisa-
tion. Can you imagine what a problem it would be if water’s heat of vaporisation
was much lower? All the water that makes up the cells in our bodies would evap-
orate and most of the water on earth would no longer be able to exist as a liquid!
5. Less dense solid phase
Another unusual property of water is that its solid phase (ice) is less dense than
its liquid phase. You can observe this if you put ice into a glass of water. The
ice doesn’t sink to the bottom of the glass, but floats on top of the liquid. This
phenomenon is also related to the hydrogen bonds between water molecules.
While other materials contract when they solidify, water expands. The ability
of ice to float as it solidifies is a very important factor in the environment. If
ice sank, then eventually all ponds, lakes, and even the oceans would freeze
solid as soon as temperatures dropped below freezing, making life as we know
it impossible on Earth. During summer, only the upper few metres of the ocean
would thaw. Instead, when a deep body of water cools, the floating ice insulates
the liquid water below, preventing it from freezing and allowing life to exist
under the frozen surface.

It should be clear now, that water is an amazing compound, and that without its unique
properties, life on Earth would definitely not be possible.

186 4.2. The chemistry of water

Worked example 4: Properties of water


Explain why water takes a long time to heat up, but the pot that you are heating it in
gets hot quickly.


Step 1: Decide which property is applied here

We are asked why water takes a long time to heat up compared to the pot you are
heating it in. The property that applies here is the high specific heat of water. The
other properties of water do not apply here since we are comparing the pot to the
water and the pot is not changing phase.

Step 2: Write the final answer

Water has a high specific heat, while the metal that the pot is made of does not. The
metal pot needs less energy to heat it up and so it gets hotter faster. Water needs a lot
of energy to change its temperature and so it takes longer to get hot.

Informal experiment:The properties of water


To investigate the properties of water.


• water

• ice

• beakers

• carbon tetrachloride, oil, ethanol

• various solids (e.g. sodium chloride, potassium chloride, potassium perman-

ganate, iodine)


1. Pour about 100 ml of water into a glass beaker.

2. Place the beaker on a stand and heat it over a Bunsen burner for about a minute.

3. After this time, carefully touch the side of the beaker (Make sure you touch the
glass very lightly because it will be very hot and may burn you!). Then test the
temperature of the water.

Chapter 4. Intermolecular forces 187

4. Note what happens when you place ice into water.

5. Carefully layer water and carbon tetrachloride in a test-tube. Which substances

floats on top? Try adding the water first and the carbon tetrachloride second and
then the other way around. Repeat with oil and ethanol.

6. Dissolve the different solid substances in water. Observe how much of each
solid (if any) dissolves.


Record all your results in the following table.

Property Observation
Ice in water
Carbon tetrachloride and water
Oil and water
Ethanol and water


You should find that the glass beaker heats up faster than the water. You should also
find that water is more dense in the liquid phase than in the solid phase. Water floats
on some liquids and other liquids float on water. Water is a good solvent for polar and
ionic substances.

Activity: How humans have used the properties of water

Carry out some research into: water bags on cars, clay pots and carafes for water and
safe or “cool” rooms to keep food cool. Find out which people groups use these things
and how the properties of water help in each case.

Exercise 4 – 3: The properties of water

1. Hope returns home from school on a hot day and pours herself a glass of water.
She adds ice cubes to the water and notices that they float on the water.

a) What property of ice cubes allows them to float in the water?

b) Briefly describe how this property affects the survival of aquatic life during

2. Which properties of water allow it to remain in its liquid phase over a large
temperature range? Explain why this is important for life on earth.

188 4.2. The chemistry of water

3. Which property of water allows the oceans to act as heat reservoirs? What effect
does this have on the Earths climate?

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23R9 2. 23RB 3. 23RC

4.3 Chapter summary ESBMV

See presentation: 23RD at

• Intermolecular forces are the forces that act between molecules.

• The type of intermolecular force in a substance, will depend on the nature of

the molecules.

• Polar molecules have an unequal distribution of charge, meaning that one part
of the molecule is slightly positive and the other part is slightly negative. The
molecule is said to be a dipole.

• Non-polar molecules have an equal distribution of charge.

• There are five types of intermolecular forces: ion-dipole forces, ion-induced-

dipole forces, dipole-dipole forces, dipole-induced dipole forces and induced
dipole forces.

• Ion-dipole forces exist between ions and polar (dipole) molecules. The ion is
attracted to the part of the molecule that has an opposite charge to its own.

• Ion-induced dipole forces exist between ions and non-polar molecules. An ion
induces a dipole in the non-polar molecule.

• Dipole-dipole forces exist between two polar (dipole) molecules.

• Dipole-induced dipole forces exist between a polar molecule and a non-polar


• Induced dipole forces exist between two non-polar molecules.

• Dipole-dipole forces, dipole-induced dipole forces and induced dipole forces

are collectively called van der Waals’ forces.

• Hydrogen bonds are a type of dipole-dipole force that occurs when a hydrogen
atom is attached to a highly electronegative atom (oxygen, fluorine, nitrogen).
A hydrogen atom on one molecule is attracted to the electronegative atom on a
second molecule.

• Intermolecular forces affect the properties of substances.

• Substances with larger molecules have stronger intermolecular forces than sub-
stances with smaller molecules.

Chapter 4. Intermolecular forces 189

• Viscosity is the resistance to flow of a liquid. Substances that are very viscous
have larger molecules and stronger intermolecular forces than substances with
smaller molecules.
• Density is a measure of the mass in a unit volume. Solids have strong inter-
molecular forces and so have more molecules in one unit volume.
• Substances with weak intermolecular forces will have low melting and boiling
points while those with strong intermolecular forces will have high melting and
boiling points.
• Thermal expansion is the expansion of a liquid on heating.
• Thermal conductivity is a measure of how much a material conducts heat.
• Water has strong hydrogen bonds which hold the molecules together. It is these
intermolecular forces that give water its unique properties.
• Water has the following properties: a high specific heat, absorption of infrared
radiation, a large range in which it exists as a liquid, a high heat of vaporisation
and has a less dense solid phase.
• Specific heat is the amount of heat energy that is needed to increase the temper-
ature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree.
• Heat of vaporisation is the energy that is needed to change a given quantity of
a substance into a gas.

Exercise 4 – 4:

1. Give one word or term for each of the following descriptions:

a) The attractive force that exists between molecules.

b) A molecule that has an unequal distribution of charge.
c) The amount of heat energy that is needed to increase the temperature of a
unit mass of a substance by one degree.

2. Refer to the list of substances below:

HCl, Cl2 , H2 O, NH3 , N2 , HF
Select the true statement from the list below:

a) NH3 is a non-polar molecule

b) The melting point of NH3 will be higher than for Cl2
c) Ion-dipole forces exist between molecules of HF
d) At room temperature N2 is usually a liquid

3. The following table gives the melting points of various hydrides:

Hydride Melting point (◦ C)

HI −34
NH3 −33
H2 S −60
CH4 −164

190 4.3. Chapter summary

a) In which of these hydrides does hydrogen bonding occur?
i. HI only
ii. NH3 only
iii. HI and NH3 only
iv. HI, NH3 and H2 S
b) Draw a graph to show the melting points of the hydrides.
c) Explain the shape of the graph.

(IEB Paper 2, 2003)

4. The respective boiling points for four chemical substances are given below:

Substance Boiling point

Hydrogen sulphide −60 ◦ C
Ammonia −33 ◦ C
Hydrogen fluoride 20 ◦ C
Water 100 ◦ C

a) Which one of the substances exhibits the strongest forces of attraction be-
tween its molecules in the liquid state?
b) Give the name of the force responsible for the relatively high boiling points
of hydrogen fluoride and water and explain how this force originates.
c) The shapes of the molecules of hydrogen sulfide and water are similar, yet
their boiling points differ. Explain.

(IEB Paper 2, 2002)

5. Susan states that van der Waals forces include ion-dipole forces, dipole-dipole
forces and induced dipole forces.
Simphiwe states that van der Waals forces include ion-dipole forces, ion-induced
dipole forces and induced dipole forces.
Thembile states that van der Waals forces include dipole-induced dipole forces,
dipole-dipole forces and induced dipole forces.
Who is correct and why?

6. Jason and Bongani are arguing about which molecules have which intermolecu-
lar forces. They have drawn up the following table:

Compound Type of force

Potassium iodide in water (KI(aq)) dipole-induced dipole forces
Hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) induced dipole forces
Helium (He) ion-induced dipole forces
Methane (CH4 ) induced dipole forces

a) Jason says that hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) is non-polar and so has induced
dipole forces. Bongani says hydrogen sulfide is polar and has dipole-dipole
forces. Who is correct and why?
b) Bongani says that helium (He) is an ion and so has ion-induced dipole
forces. Jason says helium is non-polar and has induced dipole forces. Who
is correct and why?

Chapter 4. Intermolecular forces 191

c) They both agree on the rest of the table. However, they have not got the
correct force for potassium iodide in water (KI(aq)). What type of force
actually exists in this compound?

7. Khetang is looking at power lines around him for a school project. He notices
that they sag slightly between the pylons. Why do power lines need to sag

8. Briefly describe how the properties of water make it a good liquid for life on

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1a. 23RF 1b. 23RG 1c. 23RH 2. 23RJ 3. 23RK 4. 23RM

5. 23RN 6. 23RP 7. 23RQ 8. 23RR

192 4.3. Chapter summary


Geometrical optics

5.1 Summary of properties of light 194

5.2 Light rays 194
5.3 Properties of light: revision 196
5.4 The speed of light 202
5.5 Refraction 202
5.6 Snell’s Law 211
5.7 Critical angles and total internal reflection 221
5.8 Summary 229
5 Geometrical optics

Your reflection in the mirror, a straw in a glass of water, telescopes, communications,

spotlights and car headlights. All these things rely on the way light reflects off surfaces
or refracts in different media. If light did not reflect and refract as it does, you would
not be able to see how you look before going out or communicate over long distances.

Key Mathematics Concepts

• Equations — Mathematics, Grade 10, Equations and inequalities

• Trigonometry — Mathematics, Grade 10, Trigonometry

5.1 Summary of properties of light ESBMW

Imagine you are indoors on a sunny day. A beam of sunlight through a window lights
up a section of the floor. How would you draw this sunbeam? You might draw a series
of parallel lines showing the path of the sunlight from the window to the floor. This
is not exactly accurate — no matter how hard you look, you will not find unique lines
of light in the sunbeam! However, this is a good way to draw light and to model light
geometrically, as we will see in this chapter.

We call these narrow, imaginary lines of light light rays. Recall that light can behave
like a wave and so you can think of a light ray as the path of a point on the crest of a

We can use light rays to model the

behaviour of light relative to mirrors,
lenses, telescopes, microscopes, and
prisms. The study of how light in-
teracts with materials is called optics.
When dealing with light rays, we are
usually interested in the shape of a ma-
terial and the angles at which light rays
hit it. From these angles, we can de-
termine, for example, the distance be-
tween an object and its reflection. We
call these methods geometrical optics.

5.2 Light rays ESBMX

In physics we use the idea of a light ray to indicate the direction in which light travels.
In geometrical optics, we represent light rays with straight arrows to show how light

194 5.1. Summary of properties of light

propagates. Light rays are not an exact description of the light; rather they show the
direction in which the light wavefronts are travelling.


Light rays are lines which are perpendicular to the light’s wavefronts. In geometrical
optics we represent light rays with arrows with straight lines.

The lightbulb is a source of light. The

light wavefronts are shown by the con-
centric circles coming from the bulb.
We represent the direction in which
the wavefronts are moving by drawing
light rays (the arrows) perpendicular to
the wavefronts.
In Figure 5.1, the light rays from the
object enter the eye and the eye sees
the object. Note that we can only see
an object when light from the object
enters our eyes. The object must be a
source of light (e.g. a light bulb) or else
it must reflect light from a source (e.g.
the moon which reflects light from the
sun), and the light must enter our eyes.

Figure 5.1: We can only see an object when light from that object enters our eyes. When the
light travels from the object to the eye, the eye can see the object. Light rays entering the eye
from the cart are shown as dashed lines. The second wheel of the cart will be invisible as no
straight, unobstructed lines exist between it and the eye.

From the figures you can see that the light rays showing the path of light are straight
arrows. In geometrical optics, light travels in straight lines.

Investigation: To demonstrate that light travels in straight lines


You will need a candle, matches and three sheets of paper.


1. Make a small hole in the middle of each of the three sheets of paper.

2. Light the candle.

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 195

3. Look at the burning candle through the hole in the first sheet of paper.

4. Place the second sheet of paper between you and the candle so that you can still
see the candle through the holes.

5. Now do the same with the third sheet so that you can still see the candle. The
sheets of paper must not touch each other.

6. What do you notice about the holes in the paper?


In the investigation you will notice that the holes in the paper need to be in a straight
line. This shows that light travels in a straight line. We cannot see around corners.
This also proves that light does not bend around a corner, but travels straight.

Ray diagrams ESBMY

A ray diagram is a drawing that shows the path of light rays. Light rays are drawn
using straight lines and arrow heads. The figure below shows some examples of ray


5.3 Properties of light: revision ESBMZ

When light interacts with objects or a medium, such as glass or water, it displays
certain properties: it can either be reflected, absorbed or transmitted.

196 5.3. Properties of light: revision

Reflection ESBN2

When you smile into a mirror,

you see your own face smiling
back at you. This is caused by
the reflection of light rays on
the mirror. Reflection occurs
when an incoming light ray
bounces off a surface. In the
following figure, a still lake re-
flects the landscape surround-
ing it.
Figure 5.2: A landscape reflection from a still lake.

To describe the reflection of light, we will use the following terminology. The incoming
light ray is called the incident ray. The light ray moving away from the surface is the
reflected ray. The most important characteristic of these rays is their angles in relation
to the reflecting surface. These angles are measured with respect to the normal of the
surface. The normal is an imaginary line perpendicular to the surface. The angle of
incidence, θi is measured between the incident ray and the surface normal. The angle
of reflection, θr is measured between the reflected ray and the surface normal. This is
shown in Figure 5.3.

ra den ed
y t e ct ay
fl r

θ i θr

Figure 5.3: The angles of incidence and reflection are measured with respect to the normal to
the surface.

When a ray of light is reflected, the reflected ray lies in the same plane as the incident
ray and the normal. This plane is called the plane of incidence and is shown in Figure

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 197


Plane of incidence

θi θr


Figure 5.4: The plane of incidence is the plane including the incident ray and the normal to
the surface. The reflected ray also lies in the plane of incidence.

DEFINITION: Law of reflection

The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection:

θi = θr
and the incident ray, reflected ray, and the normal, all lie in the same plane.

The simplest example of the law of reflection is if the angle of incidence is 0◦ . In this
case, the angle of reflection is also 0◦ . You see this when you look straight into a

incident ray reflected ray

surface surface
Figure 5.5: When a light ray strikes a surface at right angles to the surface, then the ray is
reflected directly back.

Applying what we know from the law of reflection, if a light ray strikes a surface at
60◦ to the normal to the surface, then the angle that the reflected ray makes with the
normal must also be 60◦ as shown in Figure 5.6.

198 5.3. Properties of light: revision

incident ray


reflected ray
Figure 5.6: Ray diagram showing angle of incidence and angle of reflection. The law of
reflection states that when a light ray reflects off a surface, the angle of reflection θr is the same
as the angle of incidence θi .

Real world applications of reflection

A parabolic reflector is a mirror or dish (e.g. a satellite dish) which has a parabolic
shape. Some examples of very useful parabolic reflectors are car headlamps, spotlights,
telescopes and satellite dishes. In the case of car headlights or spotlights, the outgoing
light produced by the bulb is reflected by a parabolic mirror behind the bulb so that
it leaves as a collimated beam (i.e. all the reflected rays are parallel). The reverse
situation is true for a telescope where the incoming light from distant objects arrives as
parallel rays and is focused by the parabolic mirror to a point, called the focus, where
an image can be made. The surface of this sort of reflector has to be shaped very
carefully so that the rays all arrive at the same focal point.

Telescope mirror Car headlight / Spotlight

incident light rays reflected light rays


parabolic mirror parabolic mirror

Figure 5.7: On the left is a ray diagram showing how a telescope mirror works to collect
incoming incident light (parallel rays) from a distant object such as a star or galaxy and focus
the rays to a point where a detector e.g. a camera, can make an image. The diagram on
the right shows how the same kind of parabolic reflector can cause light coming from a car
headlight or spotlight bulb to be collimated. In this case the reflected rays are parallel.

Exercise 5 – 1: Rays and Reflection

1. Are light rays real? Explain.

2. The diagram shows a curved surface. Draw normals to the surface at the marked

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 199


3. Which of the labels, A–H, in the diagram, correspond to the following:



a) normal
b) angle of incidence
c) angle of reflection
d) incident ray
e) reflected ray

4. State the Law of Reflection. Draw a diagram, label the appropriate angles and
write a mathematical expression for the Law of Reflection.

5. Draw a ray diagram to show the relationship between the angle of incidence and
the angle of reflection.

6. The diagram shows an incident ray I. Which of the other 5 rays (A, B, C, D, E)
best represents the reflected ray of I?

I C normal B


7. A ray of light strikes a surface at 15◦ to the normal to the surface. Draw a ray
diagram showing the incident ray, reflected ray and surface normal. Calculate
the angles of incidence and reflection and fill them in on your diagram.

8. A ray of light leaves a surface at 45◦ to the normal to the surface. Draw a ray
diagram showing the incident ray, reflected ray and surface normal. Calculate
the angles of incidence and reflection and fill them in on your diagram.

9. A ray of light strikes a surface at 25◦ to the surface. Draw a ray diagram show-
ing the incident ray, reflected ray and surface normal. Calculate the angles of
incidence and reflection and fill them in on your diagram.

10. A ray of light leaves a surface at 65◦ to the surface. Draw a ray diagram show-
ing the incident ray, reflected ray and surface normal. Calculate the angles of
incidence and reflection and fill them in on your diagram.

200 5.3. Properties of light: revision

11. A beam of light (for example from a torch) is generally not visible at night, as it
travels through air. Try this for yourself. However, if you shine the torch through
dust, the beam is visible. Explain why this happens.

12. If a torch beam is shone across a classroom, only students in the direct line of
the beam would be able to see that the torch is shining. However, if the beam
strikes a wall, the entire class will be able to see the spot made by the beam on
the wall. Explain why this happens.

13. A scientist looking into a flat mirror hung perpendicular to the floor cannot see
her feet but she can see the hem of her lab coat. Draw a ray diagram to help
explain the answers to the following questions:

a) Will she be able to see her feet if she backs away from the mirror?
b) What if she moves towards the mirror?

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23RS 2. 23RT 3a. 23RV 3b. 23RW 3c. 23RX 3d. 23RY
3e. 23RZ 4. 23S2 5. 23S3 6. 23S4 7. 23S5 8. 23S6
9. 23S7 10. 23S8 11. 23S9 12. 23SB 13. 23SC


In addition to being reflected, light can also be absorbed. Recall from grade 10 that vis-
ible light covers a range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. The colours
we see with our eyes correspond to light waves with different wavelengths or frequen-

Imagine that you shine a torch or other source of white light onto a white piece of
paper. The light is reflected off the paper and into our eyes and we see the colour of
the paper as white. Now if we were to shine the same light onto a red apple we will
notice that the colour of the apple appears red. This means that the surface of the apple
is only reflecting red light into our eyes. All the other wavelengths in the incident white
light are absorbed by the apple’s skin. If you touch the apple, it will feel warm because
it is absorbing the energy from all the light it is absorbing. Because of absorption and
reflection, we can perceive colours of different objects. White objects reflect all or
most of the wavelengths of light falling on them, coloured objects reflect particular
wavelengths of light and absorb the rest. Black objects absorb all the light falling on
them. This is why wearing a white t-shirt outside in the sun is cooler than wearing
a black t-shirt, since the white t-shirt reflects most of the light falling on it, while the
black t-shirt will absorb it and heat up.


A further property of light is that it can be transmitted through objects or a medium.

Objects through which light can be transmitted are called transparent and objects

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 201

which block out light or that light cannot pass through are called opaque.

For example, glass windows allow visible light to pass through them which is why we
can see through windows. The light rays from things outside the window can pass
through or be transmitted through the glass and into our eyes. Brick walls on the other
hand are opaque to visible light. We cannot see through brick walls because the light
cannot be transmitted through the wall into our eyes. The transmission of light through
an object depends on the wavelength of the light. For example, short wavelength
visible light cannot be transmitted through a brick wall whereas long wavelength radio
waves can easily pass through walls and be received by a radio or cell phone. In other
words, a brick wall is transparent to radio waves!

5.4 The speed of light ESBN3

One of the most exciting discoveries in physics during the last century, and the corner-
stone of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, is that light travels at a constant speed in a given
medium. Light also has a maximum speed at which it can propagate, and nothing can
move faster than the speed of light. The maximum speed at which light can travel is
when it propagates through free space (a vacuum) at 299 792 485 m·s−1 . A vacuum
is a region with no matter in it, not even air. However, the speed of light in air is very
close to that in a vacuum.

We use the symbol c to represent the speed of light in a vacuum and approximate it as
c = 3 × 108 m·s−1

DEFINITION: Speed of light

The speed of light, c, is constant in a given medium and has a maximum speed in
vacuum of

c = 3 × 108 m·s−1

5.5 Refraction ESBN4

See video: 23SD at

See video: 23SF at

In the previous sections we studied light reflecting off various surfaces. What happens
when light passes from one medium into another? The speed of light, like that of
all waves, is dependent on the medium through which it is travelling. When light
moves from one medium into another (for example, from air to glass), the speed of
light changes. If the light ray hits the boundary of the new medium (for example the
edge of a glass block) at any angle which is not perpendicular to or parallel with the
boundary, the light ray will change its direction through the next medium, or appear
to ‘bend’. This is called refraction of light. It is important to note that while the speed
of the light changes when it passes into the new medium, the frequency of the light

202 5.4. The speed of light

remains the same.

DEFINITION: Refraction

Refraction occurs at the boundary of two media when light travels from one medium
into the other and its speed changes but its frequency remains the same. If the light ray
hits the boundary at an angle which is not perpendicular to or parallel to the surface,
then it will change direction and appear to ‘bend’.

Refraction is nicely demonstrated when you look from above at an angle at a straw
in a glass of water. The straw appears bent in the liquid. This is because the light
rays leaving the straw change direction when they hit the surface between the liquid
and the air. Your eyes trace the light rays backwards as straight lines to the point they
would have come from if they had not changed direction and as a result you see the
tip of the straw as being shallower in the liquid than it really is.



glass of water

Figure 5.8: Due to refraction, a straw in a glass of water appears bent when an observer looks
down at an angle from above the water surface.

Refractive index ESBN5

The speed of light and therefore the degree of bending of the light depends on the re-
fractive index of material through which the light passes. The refractive index (symbol
n) is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to its speed in the material.

DEFINITION: Refractive index

The refractive index (symbol n) of a material is the ratio of the speed of light in a
vacuum to its speed in the material and gives an indication of how difficult it is for
light to get through the material.
n = refractive index (no unit)
c = speed of light in a vacuum (3,00 × 108 m·s−1 )
v = speed of light in a given medium (m·s−1 )

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 203

Using the definition of refractive index
we can see how the speed of light changes in different media, because the speed of
light in a vacuum, c, is constant.

If the refractive index, n, increases, the speed of light in the material, v, must decrease.
Therefore light travels slower through materials of high refractive index, n.

Table 5.1 shows refractive indices for various materials. Light travels slower in any
material than it does in a vacuum, so all values for n are greater than 1.

Medium Refractive Index

Vacuum 1
Helium 1,000036
Air* 1,0002926
Carbon dioxide 1,00045
Water: Ice 1,31
Water: Liquid (20◦ C) 1,333
Acetone 1,36
Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) 1,36
Sugar solution (30%) 1,38
Fused quartz 1,46
Glycerine 1,4729
Sugar solution (80%) 1,49
Rock salt 1,516
Crown Glass 1,52
Sodium chloride 1,54
Polystyrene 1,55 to 1,59
Bromine 1,661
Sapphire 1,77
Glass (typical) 1,5 to 1,9
Cubic zirconia 2,15 to 2,18
Diamond 2,419
Silicon 4,01

Table 5.1: Refractive indices of some materials. nair is calculated at standard temperature and
pressure (STP).

Worked example 1: Refractive index


Calculate the speed of light through glycerine which has a refractive index of 1,4729.


Step 1: Determine what is given and what is required

204 5.5. Refraction

We are given the refractive index, n of glycerine and we need to calculate the speed
of light in glycerine.

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem

We can use the definition of refractive index since the speed of light in vacuum is a
constant and we know the value of glycerine’s refractive index.

Step 3: Do the calculation

Rearrange the equation to solve for v and substitute in the known values:
3 × 108 m·s−1
= 2,04 × 108 m·s−1

Exercise 5 – 2: Refractive index

1. Use the values given in Table 5.1, and the definition of refractive index to calcu-
late the speed of light in water (ice).

2. Calculate the refractive index of an unknown substance where the speed of light
through the substance is 1,974 × 108 m·s−1 . Round off your answer to 2 decimal
places. Using Table 5.1, identify what the unknown substance is.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23SG 2. 23SH

Optical density ESBN6

Optical density is a measure of the refracting power of a medium. In other words,

the higher the optical density, the more the light will be refracted or slowed down
as it moves through the medium. Optical density is related to refractive index in
that materials with a high refractive index will also have a high optical density. Light
will travel slower through a medium with a high refractive index and high optical
density and faster through a medium which has a low refractive index and a low

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 205

optical density.

DEFINITION: Optical density

Optical density is a measure of the refracting power of a medium.

Representing refraction with ray diagrams ESBN7

It is useful to draw ray diagrams to understand how the geometrical optics concepts we
have discussed previously work. Before we can draw the diagrams we need to define
a few concepts such as the normal to a surface, the angle of incidence and the angle
of refraction.


The normal to a surface is the line which is perpendicular to the plane of the surface.

DEFINITION: Angle of incidence

The angle of incidence is the angle defined between the normal to a surface and the
incoming (incident) light ray.

DEFINITION: Angle of refraction

The angle of refraction is the angle defined between the normal to a surface and the
refracted light ray.

incident ray

water, n=1,3
air, n = 1,0 θ2
refracted ray

Figure 5.9: The diagram shows the boundary between two media: water and air. An incoming
light ray is refracted when it passes through the surface of the water into the air. The angle of
incidence is θ1 and the angle of refraction is θ2 .

When light travels from one medium to another, it is refracted. If the angle of incidence
is not equal to zero, the light ray will change direction from its original path as it is

206 5.5. Refraction

incident ray

water, n=1,3
air, n = 1,0 θ2
refracted ray

Figure 5.10: Light is moving from an optically dense medium to an optically less dense

incident ray

air, n = 1,0
water, n=1,3

refracted ray
Figure 5.11: Light is moving from an optically less dense medium to an optically denser

A practical demonstration of the propagation of light from air into glass and back into
air or light from one medium to another can be done. You will need a glass block,
ray box, colour filters, non-rectangular glass blocks, water, paper, ruler, pencil and

General experiment: Propagation of light from air into glass and back into air


To investigate propagation of light from air into glass and back into air


ray box, rectangular glass block, plain paper, pencil, ruler, protractor.

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 207


Follow the steps below:

1. Place the glass block on a plain piece of paper and use your pencil to draw
around the block to make its outline on the paper.

2. Now turn on the ray box and aim the light ray through the left side of the glass
block as illustrated in the diagram:

glass block

ray box

3. Now use your pencil to draw a dot somewhere on the incident light ray and
another dot at the point where it enters the glass block.

4. Use your pencil to draw a dot at the point where the light exits the glass block
and also somewhere else along the exiting ray.

5. Turn off the ray box and remove the glass block from the paper. Use your ruler
to join the dots so that you have drawn a picture that looks like the figure above.

6. Now draw the normals to the surfaces where the light ray enters and leaves the
block and mark the angle of incidence and angle of refraction on the left surface
and the right surface.

Questions for discussion:

1. At the surface where the light enters the glass block, what do you notice about
the angle of incidence compared to the angle of refraction?

208 5.5. Refraction

2. Now look at the surface where the light exits the glass block. Compare the angle
of incidence and angle of refraction here.

3. How do the optical densities and indices of refraction for air and glass compare?

Informal experiment:Propagation of light from one medium into another medium


To investigate the propagation of light from one medium into another


ray box, glass blocks of various shapes, a transparent container filled with water, plain
paper, pencil, ruler, protractor.


Starting with the rectangular glass block, repeat the steps below for each of the various
differently shaped glass blocks:

1. Place the glass block on a plain piece of paper and use your pencil to draw
around the block to make its outline on the paper.

2. Turn on the ray box and aim the light ray through one of the block’s surfaces.

3. Draw a dot at the point where the light enters the block and another dot some-
where else along the incident ray. Also draw a dot at the point where the ray
exits the surface of the block and another somewhere along the exiting ray.

4. Remove the glass block and turn off the ray box. Use your ruler to join the dots.

5. Now draw the normals to the surfaces where the light ray enters and exits the

6. Use your protractor to measure the angles of incidence and refraction at the
surfaces where the light ray enters and exits the block.

Now follow the same steps as before but place differently coloured filters at the surface
of the blocks where the light enters the block.

Lastly, replace the glass blocks with the container of water and repeat the same steps
as above. For this case, try to aim the ray box so that the angle of incidence on the
water container is the same as it was for the rectangular glass block you investigated
first. This is easier if you place your new piece of paper on top of the drawing you
made with the rectangular block. Line up the water container where you drew the
edge of your glass block. Then you can aim the ray box so that the light lines up with
the incident ray on your paper and follow the steps as before.

Questions for discussion:

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 209

1. For each of your differently shaped glass blocks, how does the angle of incidence
going from air to glass compare to the angle of refraction?

2. What happens when you place a coloured filter at the boundary between the air
and a glass block?

3. When you compare your two diagrams for the rectangular glass block and the
water container, if you did it correctly, the angles of incidence from air to
glass/water should be the same. What can you say about the angles of refraction
for glass and water respectively? How does this compare with what you already
know about the refractive indices or optical densities of these materials?

See simulation: 23SJ at

Exercise 5 – 3: Refraction

1. Explain refraction in terms of a change of wave speed in different media.

2. In the diagram, label the following:

a) angle of incidence
b) angle of refraction
c) incident ray
d) refracted ray
e) normal


Medium 1 F
Medium 2 C

3. What is the angle of refraction?

4. Describe what is meant by the refractive index of a medium.

5. In the diagram, a ray of light strikes the interface between two media.

210 5.5. Refraction


Medium 1
Medium 2

Draw what the refracted ray would look like if:

a) medium 1 had a higher refractive index than medium 2.

b) medium 1 had a lower refractive index than medium 2.

6. Challenge question: What values of n are physically impossible to achieve?

Explain your answer. The values provide the limits of possible refractive indices.

7. Challenge question: You have been given a glass beaker full of an unknown
liquid. How would you identify what the liquid is? You have the following
pieces of equipment available for the experiment: a laser or ray box, a protractor,
a ruler, a pencil, and a reference guide containing optical properties of various

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23SK 2. 23SM 3. 23SN 4. 23SP 5. 23SQ 6. 23SR

7. 23SS

5.6 Snell’s Law ESBN8

Now that we know that the degree of bending, or the angle of refraction, is dependent
on the refractive index of a medium, how do we calculate the angle of refraction? The
answer to this question was discovered by a Dutch physicist called Willebrord Snell in
1621 and is now called Snell’s Law or the Law of Refraction.

DEFINITION: Snell’s law

n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2
n1 = Refractive index of material 1
n2 = Refractive index of material 2
θ1 = Angle of incidence
θ2 = Angle of refraction

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 211

FACT Remember that angles of incidence and refraction are measured from the normal,
Snell never published his which is an imaginary line perpendicular to the surface.
discovery of the Law of
Refraction. His work was
actually published by Suppose we have two media with refractive indices n1 and n2 . A light ray is incident
another prominent on the surface between these materials with an angle of incidence θ1 . The refracted
physicist of the time, ray that passes through the second medium will have an angle of refraction θ2 .
Christiaan Huygens, who
gave credit to Snell.
incident ray

refracted ray

Formal experiment: Verifying Snell’s Law


To verify Snell’s law


glass block, ray box, 360◦ protractor, 5 pieces of A4 paper, pencil, ruler


This experiment will require you to follow the steps below 5 times (once for each piece
of A4 paper).

1. Place the glass block in the middle of the A4 piece of paper so that its sides are
parallel to each of the sides of the paper and draw around the block with a pencil
to make its outline on the piece of paper.

2. Turn on the ray box and aim the light ray towards the glass block so that it makes
an angle with the nearest surface of the block as shown in the picture. For each
piece of paper, change the angle of the incoming ray.

212 5.6. Snell’s Law

A4 paper

glass block

ray box

3. You will now need to mark on the paper, the path of the incoming and outgoing
light rays. Do this by first drawing a dot on the paper somewhere along the
incoming light ray. Now draw a second dot on the paper at the point where
the incoming light ray hits the surface of the block. Do the same thing for the
outgoing light ray; mark the point where it leaves the block and some other point
along its path.

4. Now switch off the ray box and remove the glass block from the paper. Use a
ruler to join the dots of the incoming ray. Now join the dots of the outgoing ray.
Lastly, draw a line which joins the point where the incoming ray hits the block
and where the outgoing ray leaves the block. This is the path of the light ray
through the glass.

5. The aim of this experiment is to verify Snell’s law. i.e. n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2 . We
know the refractive index of our two media:
For air, n1 = 1,0
For glass, n2 = 1,5
Now we need to measure the two angles, θ1 and θ2 . To do this, we need to
draw the normal to the surface where the light ray enters the block. Use the
protractor to measure an angle of 90◦ to the entry surface and draw the normal.
At this point, the drawing on your piece of paper should look something like the


6. Now measure θ1 and θ2 using the protractor. Enter the values you measured into
a table which looks like:

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 213

θ1 θ2 n1 sin θ1 n2 sin θ2


Have a look at your completed table. You should have 5 rows filled in, one for each
of your pieces of A4 paper. For each row, what do you notice about the values in the
last two columns? Do your values agree with what Snell’s law predicts?

Formal experiment: Using Snell’s law to determine the refractive index of an un-
known material


To determine the refractive index of an unknown material


ray box, 360◦ protractor, 5 pieces of A4 paper, a block of unknown transparent mate-
rial, pencil, ruler


This experiment will require you to follow the steps below at least 5 times. The steps
are the same as you followed in the previous experiment.

1. Place the block in the middle of the A4 piece of paper so that its sides are parallel
to each of the sides of the paper and draw around the block with a pencil to make
its outline on the piece of paper.

2. Turn on the ray box and aim the light ray towards the block so that it makes an
angle with the nearest surface of the block. For each piece of paper, change the
angle of the incoming ray.

3. You will now need to mark on the paper, the path of the incoming and outgoing
light rays. Do this by first drawing a dot on the paper somewhere along the
incoming light ray. Now draw a second dot on the paper at the point where
the incoming light ray hits the surface of the block. Do the same thing for the
outgoing light ray; mark the point where it leaves the block and some other point
along its path.

4. Now switch off the ray box and remove the block from the paper. Use a ruler to
join the dots of the incoming ray. Now join the dots of the outgoing ray. Lastly,
draw a line which joins the point where the incoming ray hits the block and
where the outgoing ray leaves the block. This is the path of the light ray through
the block.

214 5.6. Snell’s Law

5. The aim of this experiment is to determine the refractive index n2 of the unknown
material using Snell’s law which states n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2 . We know that for
air n1 = 1,0 and we can measure the angle of incidence, θ1 and the angle of
refraction, θ2 . Then we can solve the equation for the unknown, n2 .
To measure θ1 and θ2 , we need to draw the normal to the surface where the light
ray enters the block. Use the protractor to measure an angle of 90◦ to the entry
surface and draw the normal. Now use the protractor to measure θ1 and θ2 .

6. Enter the values you measured into a table which looks like the one below and
calculate the resulting value for n2 .

n1 sin θ1
θ1 θ2 n2 = sin θ2


What do you notice about all your values in the last column of the table?


You should have noticed that the values in the last column of the table are similar but
not identical. This is due to measurement errors when you measured the angles of
incidence and angles of refraction. These sorts of errors are common in all physics
experiments and lead to a measure of uncertainty in the final extracted value. How-
ever, since we did the same experiment 5 times, we can average the 5 independent
measurements of n2 to get a good approximation to the real value for our unknown

n2 > n1
then from Snell’s Law,
sin θ1 > sin θ2

For angles smaller than 90◦ , sin θ increases as θ increases. Therefore,

θ1 > θ2 .

This means that the angle of incidence is greater than the angle of refraction and the
light ray is bent toward the normal.

Similarly, if
n2 < n1
then from Snell’s Law,
sin θ1 < sin θ2 .
For angles smaller than 90◦ , sin θ increases as θ increases. Therefore,

θ1 < θ2 .

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 215

This means that the angle of incidence is less than the angle of refraction and the light
ray is bent away from the normal.


the light is bent
this is the path or refracted away
that the light from the normal
should take if
the two media
were the same
Figure 5.12: Light is moving from a medium with a higher refractive index to one with a lower
refractive index. Light is refracted away from the normal.


original path
of light

the light is bent

refracted or refracted towards
the normal
Figure 5.13: Light is moving from a medium with a lower refractive index to a medium with a
higher refractive index. Light is refracted towards the normal.

What happens to a ray that lies along the normal line? In this case, the angle of
incidence is 0◦ and
sin θ2 = sin θ1
∴ θ2 = 0.

This shows that if the light ray is incident at 0◦ , then the angle of refraction is also 0◦ .
The direction of the light ray is unchanged, however, the speed of the light will change
as it moves into the new medium. Therefore refraction still occurs although it will not
be easily observed.

216 5.6. Snell’s Law

Let’s use an everyday example that you can more easily imagine. Imagine you are
pushing a lawnmower or a cart through short grass. As long as the grass is pretty much
the same length everywhere, it is easy to keep the mower or cart going in a straight
line. However, if the wheels on one side of the mower or cart enter an area of grass
that is longer than the grass on the other side, that side of the mower will move more
slowly since it is harder to push the wheels through the longer grass. The result is that
the mower will start to turn inwards, towards the longer grass side as you can see in the
picture. This is similar to light which passes through a medium and then enters a new
medium with a higher refractive index or higher optical density. The light will change
direction towards the normal, just like the mower in the longer grass. The opposite
happens when the mower moves from an area of longer grass into an area with shorter
grass. The side of the mower in the shorter grass will move faster and the mower will
turn outwards, just like a light ray moving from a medium with high refractive index
into a medium with low refractive index moves away from the normal.

short grass long grass

Figure 5.14: The lawnmower is moving from an area of short grass into an area of longer grass.
When it reaches the boundary between the areas, the wheels which are in the long grass move
slower than the wheels which are still in the short grass, causing the lawnmower to change
direction and its path to bend inwards.

Worked example 2: Using Snell’s Law


Light is refracted at the boundary between water and an unknown medium. If the
angle of incidence is 25◦ , and the angle of refraction is 20,6◦ , calculate the refractive
index of the unknown medium and use Table 5.1 to identify the material.


Step 1: Determine what is given and what is being asked

The angle of incidence θ1 =25◦

The angle of refraction θ2 =20,6◦

We can look up the refractive index for water in Table 5.1: n1 = 1,333

We need to calculate the refractive index for the unknown medium and identify it.

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 217

We can use Snell’s law to calculate the unknown refractive index, n2

According to Snell’s Law:

n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2
n1 sin θ1
n2 =
sin θ2
1,333 sin 25◦
n2 =
sin 20,6◦
n2 = 1,6

Step 3: Identify the unknown medium

According to Table 5.1, typical glass has a refractive index between 1,5 to 1,9. There-
fore the unknown medium is typical glass.

Worked example 3: Using Snell’s law


A light ray with an angle of incidence of 35◦ passes from water to air. Find the angle
of refraction using Snell’s Law and Table 5.1. Discuss the meaning of your answer.


Step 1: Determine the refractive indices of water and air

From Table 5.1, the refractive index is 1,333 for water and about 1 for air. We know
the angle of incidence, so we are ready to use Snell’s Law.

Step 2: Substitute values

According to Snell’s Law:

n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2
1,33 sin 35◦ = 1 sin θ2
sin θ2 = 0,763
θ2 = 49,7◦ or 130,3◦

Since 130,3◦ is larger than 90◦ , the solution is:

θ2 = 49,7◦

Step 3: Discuss the answer

The light ray passes from a medium of high refractive index to one of low refractive
index. Therefore, the light ray is bent away from the normal.

218 5.6. Snell’s Law

Worked example 4: Using Snell’s Law


A light ray passes from water to diamond with an angle of incidence of 75◦ . Calculate
the angle of refraction. Discuss the meaning of your answer.


Step 1: Determine the refractive indices of water and air

From Table 5.1, the refractive index is 1,333 for water and 2,42 for diamond. We
know the angle of incidence, so we are ready to use Snell’s Law.

Step 2: Substitute values and solve

According to Snell’s Law:

n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2
1,33 sin 75◦ = 2,42 sin θ2
sin θ2 = 0,531
θ2 = 32,1◦

Step 3: Discuss the answer

The light ray passes from a medium of low refractive index to one of high refractive
index. Therefore, the light ray is bent towards the normal.

Exercise 5 – 4: Snell’s Law

1. State Snell’s Law.

2. Light travels from a region of glass into a region of glycerine, making an angle of
incidence of 40◦ .

air glycerine

a) Draw the incident and refracted light rays on the diagram and label the
angles of incidence and refraction.
b) Calculate the angle of refraction.

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 219

3. A ray of light travels from silicon to water. If the ray of light in the water makes
an angle of 69◦ to the normal to the surface, what is the angle of incidence in
the silicon?

4. Light travels from a medium with n = 1,25 into a medium of n = 1,34, at an

angle of 27◦ from the normal.

a) What happens to the speed of the light? Does it increase, decrease, or

remain the same?
b) What happens to the wavelength of the light? Does it increase, decrease,
or remain the same?
c) Does the light bend towards the normal, away from the normal, or not at

5. Light travels from a medium with n = 1,63 into a medium of n = 1,42.

a) What happens to the speed of the light? Does it increase, decrease, or

remain the same?
b) What happens to the wavelength of the light? Does it increase, decrease,
or remain the same?
c) Does the light bend towards the normal, away from the normal, or not at

6. Light is incident on a rectangular glass prism. The prism is surrounded by air.

The angle of incidence is 23◦ . Calculate the angle of reflection and the angle of

7. Light is refracted at the interface between air and an unknown medium. If the an-
gle of incidence is 53◦ and the angle of refraction is 37◦ , calculate the refractive
index of the unknown, second medium.

8. Light is refracted at the interface between a medium of refractive index 1,5 and a
second medium of refractive index 2,1. If the angle of incidence is 45◦ , calculate
the angle of refraction.

9. A ray of light strikes the interface between air and diamond. If the incident
ray makes an angle of 30◦ with the interface, calculate the angle made by the
refracted ray with the interface.

10. The angles of incidence and refraction were measured in five unknown media
and recorded in the table below. Use your knowledge about Snell’s Law to
identify each of the unknown media A–E. Use Table 5.1 to help you.

Medium 1 n1 θ1 θ2 n2 Unknown Medium

Air 1,0002926 38 27 ? A
Air 1,0002926 65 38,4 ? B
Vacuum 1 44 16,7 ? C
Air 1,0002926 15 6,9 ? D
Vacuum 1 20 13,3 ? E

11. Zingi and Tumi performed an investigation to identify an unknown liquid. They
shone a ray of light into the unknown liquid, varying the angle of incidence
and recording the angle of refraction. Their results are recorded in the following

220 5.6. Snell’s Law

Angle of incidence Angle of refraction
0,0◦ 0,00◦
5,0◦ 3,76◦
10,0◦ 7,50◦
15,0◦ 11,2◦
20,0◦ 14,9◦
25,0◦ 18,5◦
30,0◦ 22,1◦
35,0◦ 25,5◦
40,0◦ 28,9◦
45,0◦ 32,1◦
50,0◦ 35,2◦
55,0◦ 38,0◦
60,0◦ 40,6◦
65,0◦ 43,0◦
70,0◦ ?
75,0◦ ?
80,0◦ ?
85,0◦ ?

a) Write down an aim for the investigation.

b) Make a list of all the apparatus they used.
c) Identify the unknown liquid.

12. Predict what the angle of refraction will be for 70◦ , 75◦ , 80◦ and 85◦ .

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23ST 2. 23SV 3. 23SW 4. 23SX 5. 23SY 6. 23SZ

7. 23T2 8. 23T3 9. 23T4 10. 23T5 11. 23T6 12. 23T7

5.7 Critical angles and total internal reflection ESBN9

Total internal reflection ESBNB

See video: 23T8 at

You may have noticed when experimenting with ray boxes and glass blocks in the
previous section that sometimes, when you changed the angle of incidence of the
light, it was not refracted out into the air, but was reflected back through the block.

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 221

When the entire incident light ray travelling
through an optically denser medium is reflected
back at the boundary between that medium and
another of lower optical density, instead of pass-
ing through and being refracted, this is called
total internal reflection.

As we increase the angle of incidence, we reach a point where the angle of refraction
is 90◦ and the refracted ray travels along the boundary of the two media. This angle of
incidence is called the critical angle.

DEFINITION: Critical angle

The critical angle is the angle of incidence where the angle of refraction is 90◦ . The
light must travel from an optically more dense medium to an optically less dense

Less dense


Figure 5.15: When the angle of incidence is equal to the critical angle, the angle of refraction
is equal to 90◦ .

If the angle of incidence is bigger than this critical angle, the refracted ray will not
emerge from the medium, but will be reflected back into the medium. This is called
total internal reflection.

The conditions for total internal reflection are:

1. light is travelling from an optically denser medium (higher refractive index) to an

optically less dense medium (lower refractive index).

2. the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle.

Less dense

> θc

222 5.7. Critical angles and total internal reflection

Figure 5.16: When the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, the light ray is
reflected at the boundary of the two media and total internal reflection occurs.

Each pair of media have their own unique critical angle. For example, the critical angle
for light moving from glass to air is 42◦ , and that of water to air is 48,8◦ .

Informal experiment:The critical angle of a rectangular glass block


To determine the critical angle for a rectangular glass block.


rectangular glass block, ray box, 360◦ protractor, paper, pencil, ruler


1. Place the glass block in the middle of the piece of paper and draw around the
outside of the block with your pencil to make its outline.

2. Turn on the ray box and aim the light ray into the left side of the glass block.
Adjust the angle at which the light strikes the glass block until you see the re-
fracted light ray travelling along the top edge of the glass block (i.e. the angle
of refraction is 90◦ ). This situation should look something like the following



rectangular glass block

ray box

3. Draw a dot on the paper at the point where the light enters the glass block from
the ray box. Then draw a dot on the paper at the point where the light is refracted
(at the top of the glass block).

4. Turn off the ray box and remove the glass block from the paper.

5. Now use your ruler to draw a line between the two dots. This line represents the
incident light ray.

6. When the angle of refraction is 90◦ , the angle of incidence is equal to the critical
angle. Therefore to determine the critical angle, we need to measure this angle
of incidence. Do this using your protractor.

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 223

Remember that for total 7. Compare your answer with the values other members of your class obtain and
internal reflection the
discuss why they might not be identical (although they should be similar!).
incident ray is always in
the denser medium!

Calculating the critical angle

Instead of always having to measure the critical angles of different materials, it is possi-
ble to calculate the critical angle at the surface between two media using Snell’s Law.
To recap, Snell’s Law states:
n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2
where n1 is the refractive index of material 1, n2 is the refractive index of material 2, θ1
is the angle of incidence and θ2 is the angle of refraction. For total internal reflection
we know that the angle of incidence is the critical angle. So,

θ 1 = θc .

However, we also know that the angle of refraction at the critical angle is 90◦ . So we
θ2 = 90◦ .

We can then write Snell’s Law as:

n1 sin θc = n2 sin 90◦

Solving for θc gives:

n1 sin θc = n2 sin 90◦

sin θc = (1)
∴ θc = sin −1

Worked example 5: Critical angle


Given that the refractive indices of air and water are 1,00 and 1,33 respectively, find
the critical angle.


Step 1: Determine how to approach the problem

We can use Snell’s law to determine the critical angle since we know that when the
angle of incidence equals the critical angle, the angle of refraction is 90◦ .

224 5.7. Critical angles and total internal reflection

Step 2: Solve the problem

n1 sin θc = n2 sin 90◦

−1 n2
θc = sin
−1 1
= sin

= 48,8

Step 3: Write the final answer

The critical angle for light travelling from water to air is 48,8◦ .

Worked example 6: Critical angle


Complete the following ray diagrams to show the path of light in each situation.
a) b)

air air

water water

30◦ 50◦

c) d)

air water

water air
48,8◦ 48,8◦


Step 1: Identify what is given and what is asked

The critical angle for water is 48,8◦

We are asked to complete the diagrams.

For incident angles smaller than 48,8◦ refraction will occur.

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 225

For incident angles greater than 48,8◦ total internal reflection will occur.

For incident angles equal to 48,8◦ refraction will occur at 90◦ .

The light must travel from a medium with a higher refractive index (higher optical
density) to a medium with lower refractive index (lower optical density).

Step 2: Complete the diagrams


air air

50◦ 50◦

Refraction occurs (ray is bent away Total internal reflection occurs.

from the normal).


Refraction towards the normal (air is

θc = 48,8◦ .
less dense than water).

Fibre optics

Total internal reflection is a very useful natural phenomenon since it can be used to
confine light. One of the most common applications of total internal reflection is
in fibre optics. An optical fibre is a thin, transparent fibre, usually made of glass or
plastic, for transmitting light. Optical fibres are usually thinner than a human hair! The
construction of a single optical fibre is shown in Figure 5.17.

The basic functional structure of an optical fibre consists of an outer protective cladding
and an inner core through which light pulses travel. The overall diameter of the fibre is
about 125 µm (125 × 10−6 m) and that of the core is just about 50 µm (50 × 10−6 m).
The difference in refractive index of the cladding and the core allows total internal
reflection to occur in the same way as happens at an air-water surface. If light is
incident on a cable end with an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle then
the light will remain trapped inside the glass strand. In this way, light travels very
quickly down the length of the cable.

226 5.7. Critical angles and total internal reflection

Endoscopy means to look
inside and refers to
inner core looking inside the human
cladding body for diagnosing
medical conditions.
Figure 5.17: Structure of a single optical fibre.

Fibre Optics in Telecommunications Optical fibres are most common in telecommu-

nications, because information can be transported over long distances, with minimal
loss of data. This gives optical fibres an advantage over conventional cables.

Signals are transmitted from one end of the fibre to another in the form of laser pulses.
A single strand of fibre optic cable is capable of handling over 3000 transmissions at
the same time which is a huge improvement over the conventional co-axial cables.
Multiple signal transmission is achieved by sending individual light pulses at slightly
different angles. For example if one of the pulses makes a 72,23◦ angle of incidence
then a separate pulse can be sent at an angle of 72,26◦ ! The transmitted signal is
received almost instantaneously at the other end of the cable since the information
coded onto the laser travels at the speed of light! During transmission over long dis-
tances repeater stations are used to amplify the signal which has weakened by the time
it reaches the station. The amplified signals are then relayed towards their destination
and may encounter several other repeater stations on the way.

Fibre optics in medicine Optic fibres are used in medicine in endoscopes.

The main part of an endoscope is the optical fibre. Light is shone down the optical
fibre and a medical doctor can use the endoscope to look inside the body of a patient.
Endoscopes can be used to examine the inside of a patient’s stomach, by inserting the
endoscope down the patient’s throat.

Endoscopes also allow minimally invasive surgery. This means that a person can be
diagnosed and treated through a small incision (cut). This has advantages over open
surgery because endoscopy is quicker and cheaper and the patient recovers more
quickly. The alternative is open surgery which is expensive, requires more time and is
more traumatic for the patient.

Exercise 5 – 5: Total internal reflection and fibre optics

1. Describe total internal reflection by using a diagram and referring to the condi-
tions that must be satisfied for total internal reflection to occur.

2. Define what is meant by the critical angle when referring to total internal reflec-
tion. Include a ray diagram to explain the concept.

3. Will light travelling from diamond to silicon ever undergo total internal reflec-

4. Will light travelling from sapphire to diamond undergo total internal reflection?

5. What is the critical angle for light travelling from air to acetone?

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 227

6. Light travelling from diamond to water strikes the interface with an angle of in-
cidence of 86◦ as shown in the picture. Calculate the critical angle to determine
whether the light be totally internally reflected and so be trapped within the

86◦ diamond

7. Which of the following interfaces will have the largest critical angle?

a) a glass to water interface

b) a diamond to water interface
c) a diamond to glass interface

8. If a fibre optic strand is made from glass, determine the critical angle of the light
ray so that the ray stays within the fibre optic strand.

9. A glass slab is inserted in a tank of water. If the refractive index of water is 1,33
and that of glass is 1,5, find the critical angle.

10. A diamond ring is placed in a container full of glycerin. If the critical angle is
found to be 37,4◦ and the refractive index of glycerin is given to be 1,47, find
the refractive index of diamond.

11. An optical fibre is made up of a core of refractive index 1,9, while the refractive
index of the cladding is 1,5. Calculate the maximum angle which a light pulse
can make with the wall of the core. NOTE: The question does not ask for the
angle of incidence but for the angle made by the ray with the wall of the core,
which will be equal to 90◦ − angle of incidence.

n = 1, 5

θ n = 1, 9

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23T9 2. 23TB 3. 23TC 4. 23TD 5. 23TF 6. 23TG

7. 23TH 8. 23TJ 9. 23TK 10. 23TM 11. 23TN

228 5.7. Critical angles and total internal reflection

5.8 Summary ESBNC

See presentation: 23TP at

• Light rays are lines which are perpendicular to the light’s wavefronts. In geomet-
rical optics we represent light rays with arrows with straight lines.

• Light rays reflect off surfaces. The incident ray shines in on the surface and the
reflected ray is the one that bounces off the surface. The normal is the line
perpendicular to the surface where the light strikes the surface.

• The angle of incidence is the angle between the incident ray and the surface,
and the incident ray, reflected ray, and the normal, all lie in the same plane.

• The Law of Reflection states the angle of incidence (θi ) is equal to the angle of
reflection (θr ) and that the reflected ray lies in the plane of incidence.

• Light can be absorbed and transmitted.

• The speed of light, c, is constant in a given medium and has a maximum speed
in vacuum of 3 × 108 m·s−1

• Refraction occurs at the boundary of two media when light travels from one
medium into the other and its speed changes but its frequency remains the same.
If the light ray hits the boundary at an angle which is not perpendicular to or
parallel to the surface, then it will change direction and appear to ‘bend’.

• The refractive index (symbol n) of a material is the ratio of the speed of light in a
vacuum to its speed in the material and gives an indication of how difficult it is
for light to get through the material.
n= v

• Optical density is a measure of the refracting power of a medium.

• The normal to a surface is the line which is perpendicular to the plane of the

• The angle of incidence is the angle defined between the normal to a surface and
the incoming (incident) light ray.

• The angle of refraction is the angle defined between the normal to a surface and
the refracted light ray.

• Snell’s Law gives the relationship between the refractive indices, angles of inci-
dence and reflection of two media.
n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2

• Light travelling from one medium to another of lighter optical density will be
refracted towards the normal.
Light travelling from one medium to another of lower optical density will be
refracted away from the normal.

• The critical angle of a medium is the angle of incidence when the angle of
refraction is 90◦ and the refracted ray runs along the interface between the two

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 229

• Total internal reflection takes place when light travels from one medium to an-
other of lower optical density. If the angle of incidence is greater than the critical
angle for the medium, the light will be reflected back into the medium. No
refraction takes place.
• Total internal reflection is used in optical fibres in telecommunication and in
medicine in endoscopes. Optical fibres transmit information much more quickly
and accurately than traditional methods.

Exercise 5 – 6: End of chapter exercises

1. Give one word for each of the following descriptions:

a) The perpendicular line that is drawn at right angles to a reflecting surface

at the point of incidence.
b) The bending of light as it travels from one medium to another.
c) The bouncing of light off a surface.

2. State whether the following statements are true or false. If they are false, rewrite
the statement correcting it.

a) The refractive index of a medium is an indication of how fast light will travel
through the medium.
b) Total internal refraction takes place when the incident angle is larger than
the critical angle.
c) The speed of light in a vacuum is about 3 × 108 m·s−1 .

3. Complete the following ray diagrams to show the path of light.

a) c) e)

water glass air

glass air water
40◦ 30◦ 42◦

b) d) f)

air air water

glass water air
50◦ 48,8◦ 55◦

4. A ray of light strikes a surface at 35◦ to the normal to the surface. Draw a ray
diagram showing the incident ray, reflected ray and surface normal. Calculate
the angles of incidence and reflection and fill them in on your diagram.

5. Light travels from glass (n = 1,5) to acetone (n = 1,36). The angle of incidence
is 25◦ .

230 5.8. Summary

a) Describe the path of light as it moves into the acetone.
b) Calculate the angle of refraction.
c) What happens to the speed of the light as it moves from the glass to the
d) What happens to the wavelength of the light as it moves into the acetone?

6. Light strikes the interface between diamond and an unknown medium with an
incident angle of 32◦ . The angle of refraction is measured to be 46◦ . Calculate
the refractive index of the medium and identify the medium.

7. Explain what total internal reflection is and how it is used in medicine and
telecommunications. Why is this technology much better to use?

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1a. 23TQ 1b. 23TR 1c. 23TS 2a. 23TT 2b. 23TV 2c. 23TW
3a. 23TX 3b. 23TY 3c. 23TZ 3d. 23V2 3e. 23V3 3f. 23V4
4. 23V5 5. 23V6 6. 23V7 7. 23V8

Chapter 5. Geometrical optics 231


2D and 3D wavefronts

6.1 Introduction 234

6.2 Wavefronts 234
6.3 Huygens principle 235
6.4 Diffraction 237
6.5 Diffraction through a single slit 238
6.6 Chapter summary 248
6 2D and 3D wavefronts

6.1 Introduction ESBND

You have learnt about the basic properties of waves before, specifically about reflection
and refraction. In this chapter, you will learn about phenomena that arise with waves
in two and three dimensions: diffraction. We will also build on interference which
you have learnt about previously but now in more than one dimension.

6.2 Wavefronts ESBNF

Investigation: Wavefronts

The diagram below shows three identical waves being emitted by three point sources.
A point source is something that generates waves and is so small that we consider it to
be a point. It is not large enough to affect the waves. All points marked with the same
letter are in phase. Join all points with the same letter.



What type of lines (straight, curved, etc.) do you get? How does this compare to the
line that joins the sources?

Consider three point sources of waves. If each source emits waves isotropically (i.e.
the same in all directions) we will get the situation shown in as shown in Figure 6.1

234 6.1. Introduction

We define a wavefront
as the imaginary line that
joins waves that are in
phase. These are in-
dicated by the orange,
vertical lines in Figure
6.1. The points that are
in phase can be peaks,
Figure 6.1: troughs or anything in be-
tween, it doesn’t matter
Wavefronts are imaginary lines joining
waves that are in phase. In the exam-
which points you choose
ple, the wavefronts (shown by the or- as long as they are in
ange, vertical lines) join all waves at the phase.
crest of their cycle.

6.3 Huygens principle ESBNG

Christiaan Huygens described how to determine the path of waves through a medium.

DEFINITION: The Huygens Principle

Every point of a wave front serves as a point source of spherical, secondary waves.
After a time t, the new position of the wave front will be that of a surface tangent to
the secondary waves.
Huygens principle applies to any wavefront, even those that are curved as you would
get from a single point source. A simple example of the Huygens Principle is to con-
sider the single wavefront in Figure 6.2.

wavefront at time t

wavefront at time t
acts a source of circular waves

wavefront at time t + ∆t

Figure 6.2: ‘n Enkele golffront by tydstip t tree op soos ‘n versameling puntbronne van
sirkelvormige golwe wat mekaar steur om ‘n nuwe golffront by ‘n tydstip t + ∆t. te gee.
Die proses hou aan en is van toepassing op enige tipe golfvorm

Chapter 6. 2D and 3D wavefronts 235

Worked example 1: Application of the Huygens principle


Given the wavefront,

use the Huygens Principle to determine the wavefront at a later time.


Step 1: Draw circles at various points along the given wavefront

Step 2: Join the circle crests to get the wavefront at a later time

236 6.3. Huygens principle

6.4 Diffraction ESBNH

One of the most interesting, and also very useful, properties of waves is diffraction.

DEFINITION: Diffraction

Diffraction is the ability of a wave to spread out in wavefronts as the wave passes
through a small aperture or around a sharp edge.

For example, if two rooms are connected by an open doorway and a sound is produced
in a remote corner of one of them, a person in the other room will hear the sound as
if it originated at the doorway.

As far as the second room is concerned, the vibrating air in the doorway is the source
of the sound.

This means that when waves move through small holes they appear to bend around
the sides because there are not enough points on the wavefront to form another straight
wavefront. This is bending round the sides we call diffraction.



Diffraction effects are more clear for water waves with longer wavelengths. Diffraction
can be demonstrated by placing small barriers and obstacles in a ripple tank and ob-
serving the path of the water waves as they encounter the obstacles. The waves are
seen to pass around the barrier into the regions behind it; subsequently the water be-
hind the barrier is disturbed. The amount of diffraction (the sharpness of the bending)
increases with increasing wavelength and decreases with decreasing wavelength. In
fact, when the wavelength of the waves are smaller than the obstacle, no noticeable
diffraction occurs.

This experiment demonstrates diffraction using water waves in a ripple tank. You can
also demonstrate diffraction using a single slit and a light source with coloured filters.

Chapter 6. 2D and 3D wavefronts 237

General experiment: Diffraction

Water waves in a ripple tank can be used to demonstrate diffraction and interference.

• Turn on the wave generator so that it produces waves with a high frequency
(short wavelength).

– Place a few obstacles, one at a time, (e.g. a brick or a ruler) in the rip-
ple tank. What happens to the wavefronts as they propagate near/past the
obstacles? Draw your observations.
– How does the diffraction change when you change the size of the object?

• Now turn down the frequency of the wave generator so that it produces waves
with longer wavelengths.

– Place the same obstacles in the ripple tank (one at a time). What happens
to the wavefronts as they propagate near/past the obstacles? Draw your
– How does the diffraction change from the higher frequency case?

• Remove all obstacles from the ripple tank and insert a second wave generator.
Turn on both generators so that they start at the same time and have the same

– What do you notice when the two sets of wavefronts meet each other?
– Can you identify regions of constructive and destructive interference?

• Now turn on the generators so that they are out of phase (i.e. start them so that
they do not make waves at exactly the same time).

– What do you notice when the two sets of wavefronts meet each other?
– Can you identify regions of constructive and destructive interference?

6.5 Diffraction through a single slit ESBNJ

Waves diffract when they encounter obstacles. Why does this happen? If we apply
Huygens principle it becomes clear. Think about a wavefront impinging on a barrier
with a slit in it, only the points on the wavefront that move into the slit can continue
emitting forward moving waves - but because a lot of the wavefront has been blocked
by the barrier, the points on the edges of the hole emit waves that bend round the
edges. How to use this approach to understand what happens is sketched below:

238 6.5. Diffraction through a single slit

Before the the wavefront strikes the barrier the wavefront generates another forward
moving wavefront (applying Huygens’ principle). Once the barrier blocks most of
the wavefront you can see that the forward moving wavefront bends around the slit
because the secondary waves they would need to interfere with to create a straight
wavefront have been blocked by the barrier.

If you employ Huygens’ principle you can see the effect is that the wavefronts are no
longer straight lines.

Diffraction patterns ESBNK

We can learn even more about what happens after the wavefront strikes the barrier by
applying Huygens’ principle further.

Each point on the wavefront moving through the slit acts like a point source. We
can think about some of the effects of this if we analyse what happens when two
point sources are close together and emit wavefronts with the same wavelength and
frequency. These two point sources represent the point sources on the two edges of
the slit and we can call the source A and source B.

Each point source emits wavefronts from the edge of the slit. In the diagram we show
a series of wavefronts emitted from each point source. The black lines show peaks
in the waves emitted by the point sources and the gray lines represent troughs. We
label the places where constructive interference (peak meets a peak or trough meets
a trough) takes place with a solid diamond and places where destructive interference
(trough meets a peak) takes place with a hollow diamond. When the wavefronts hit a
barrier there will be places on the barrier where constructive interference takes place
and places where destructive interference happens.

Chapter 6. 2D and 3D wavefronts 239


The measurable effect of the constructive or destructive interference at a barrier de-

pends on what type of waves we are dealing with. If we were dealing with sound
waves, then it would be very noisy at points along the barrier where the construc-
tive interference is taking place and quiet where the destructive interference is taking

The pattern of constructive then destructive interference measured some distance away
from a single slit is caused because of two properties of waves, diffraction and inter-
ference. Sometimes this pattern is called an interference pattern and sometimes it is
called a diffraction pattern. Both names are correct and both properties are required
for the pattern to be observed. For consistency we will call it a diffraction pattern in
for the rest of this book.

The intensity of the diffraction pattern for a single narrow slit looks like this:


The picture above sketches how the wavefronts interfere to form the diffraction pat-
tern. The peaks correspond to places where the waves are adding constructively and
the minima are places where destructive interference is taking place. If you look at
the picture you can see that if the wavelength (the distance between two consecutive
peaks/troughs) of the waves were different the pattern would be different. For example,
if the wavelength were halved the sketch would be:

240 6.5. Diffraction through a single slit


The amount that the waves diffract depends on the wavelength. We can compare
the spread in the points of constructive and destructive interference by plotting the
highlighted points together for the two cases. We have to line up the central maximum
from the two cases to see the difference. The case where the wavelength is smaller
results in smaller angles between the lines of constructive and destructive interference.


It also depends on the width of the slit, changing the width of the slit would change
the distance between the points labelled A and B in the sketch. For example, if we
repeat the sketch halving the distance between the points A and B we would get:


We can compare the spread in the points of constructive and destructive interference
by plotting the highlighted points together for the two cases. We have to line up
the central maximum from the two cases to see the difference. The case where the
two points are closer together, in purple, results in bigger angles between the lines of
constructive and destructive interference.

Chapter 6. 2D and 3D wavefronts 241

Effect of slit width and wavelength on diffraction patterns ESBNM

Using our sketches we see that the extent to which the diffracted wave passing through
the slit spreads out depends on the width of the slit and the wavelength of the waves.
The narrower the slit, the more diffraction there is and the shorter the wavelength the
less diffraction there is. The degree to which diffraction occurs is:
diffraction ∝
where λ is the wavelength of the wave and w is the width of the slit.

We can do a sanity check on the relationship by considering some special cases, very
big and very small values for each of the numerator and denominator to see what sort
of behaviour we expect (this is not a calculation, just a check to see what sort outcomes
we expect when we change wavelength or slit width):

• Set λ = 1 and w very large, the result will be very big1number which is a very small
number. So for a very big slit there is very little diffraction.
• Set λ = 1 and w very small, the result will be very small1 number which is a very
big number. So for a very small slit there is large diffraction (this makes sense
because eventually you are dealing with a point source which emits circular
• Set λ very large and w = 1, the result will be very big1number which is a very big
number. So for a very big wavelength there is large diffraction.
• Set λ very small and w = 1, the result will be very small1 number which is a very
small number. So for a very small wavelength there is little diffraction.

Wave nature of light ESBNN

In Grade 10 we learnt about electromagnetic radiation and that visible light is a small
part of the EM spectrum. EM radiation is a wave so we should see diffraction for
visible light when it strikes a barrier or passes through a slit. In everyday life you don’t
notice diffraction of light around objects or when light passes through an open door
or window. This is because the wavelength of light is very small and the ”slits” like
doors and windows are quite large.

We can put some everyday numbers into

diffraction ∝
to see how much diffraction we expect. White light is combination of light of many
different colours and each colour has a different frequency or wavelength. To make
things simpler lets just think about one colour, green light has a wavelength of 532 ×
10−9 m. If a wavefront of green light struck the wall of a house with an open door that
is 1 m wide what would we expect to see?

diffraction ∝
532 × 10−9 m

∝ 532 × 10−9

242 6.5. Diffraction through a single slit

Figure 6.3: A diffraction grating reflecting green light.

The result is a very small number so we expect to see very little diffraction. In fact, the
effect is so small that we cannot see it with the human eye. We can observe diffraction
of green light but for us to get diffraction ∝ 1 we need the wavelength and slit width to
be the same number. So we know the effects of diffraction should become noticeable
when the wavelength and slit width are similar. We can’t change the wavelength of
green light but there are objects called diffraction gratings that have very narrow slits
that we can use to study the diffraction of light. We let wavefronts of green light strike
a diffraction grating and then put a screen on the other side. We can see where the
intensity of the the light on the screen is large and where it is small. For green light on
a particular diffraction grating the pattern of green light on the screen looks like:

Blue light with a wavelength of 450 × 10−9 m and the same diffraction grating will

Worked example 2: Diffraction


Two diffraction patterns are presented, determine which one has the longer wavelength
based on the features of the diffraction pattern. The first pattern is for green light:

The second pattern is for red light:

The same diffraction grating is used in to generate both diffraction patterns.


Step 1: Determine what is required

We need to compare the diffraction patterns to extract information about the relative
wavelengths so we can decide which one is longer. We know that the diffraction
pattern depends on wavelength and slit width through:
diffraction ∝

Chapter 6. 2D and 3D wavefronts 243

The diffraction grating is the same in both cases so we know that the slit width is

Step 2: Analyse patterns

By eye we can see that the red pattern is wider than the green pattern. There is more
diffraction for the red light, this means that:

diffractionred > diffractiongreen

λred λgreen
w w
λred > λgreen

Step 3: Final answer

The wavelength of the red light is longer than that of the green light.

Exercise 6 – 1:

1. As the width of the slit producing a single-slit diffraction pattern is reduced, how
will the diffraction pattern produced change?

2. A water break at the entrance to a harbour consists of a rock barrier with a

50 m wide opening. Ocean waves of 20 m wavelength approach the opening
straight on. Light with a wavelength of 500 × 10−9 m strikes a single slit of width
30 × 10−9 m. Which waves are diffracted to a greater extent?

3. For the diffraction pattern below, sketch what you expect to change if:

a) the wavelength gets larger

b) the wavelength gets smaller
c) the slit width gets larger
d) the slit width gets smaller
e) the frequency of the wave gets smaller
f) the frequency of the wave gets larger

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23V9 2. 23VB 3a. 23VC 3b. 23VD 3c. 23VF 3d. 23VG
3e. 23VH 3f. 23VJ

244 6.5. Diffraction through a single slit

Calculating maxima and minima [NOT IN CAPS] ESBNP

This section is for interest and extension, skip to end of chapter summary if you are
following CAPS.

There is a formula we can use to determine where the peaks and minima are in the
interference spectrum. There will be more than one minimum. There are the same
number of minima on either side of the central peak and the distances from the first
one on each side are the same to the peak. The distances to the peak from the second
minimum on each side is also the same, in fact the two sides are mirror images of each
other. We label the first minimum that corresponds to a positive angle from the centre
as m = 1 and the first on the other side (a negative angle from the centre) as m = −1,
the second set of minima are labelled m = 2 and m = −2 etc.

λ θ

The equation for the angle at which the minima occur is given in the definition below:

DEFINITION: Interference Minima

The angle at which the minima in the interference spectrum occur is:
sin θ = mλw
θ is the angle to the minimum
w is the width of the slit
λ is the wavelength of the impinging wavefronts
m is the order of the minimum, m = ±1, ±2, ±3, ...

Worked example 3: Diffraction minimum


A slit with a width of 2511 nm has red light of wavelength 650 nm impinge on it. The
diffracted light interferes on a surface. At which angle will the first minimum be?


Step 1: Check what you are given

We know that we are dealing with diffraction patterns from the diffraction of light
passing through a slit. The slit has a width of 2511 nm which is 2511 × 10−9 m and

Chapter 6. 2D and 3D wavefronts 245

we know that the wavelength of the light is 650 nm which is 650 × 10−9 m. We are
looking to determine the angle to first minimum so we know that m = 1.

Step 2: Applicable principles

We know that there is a relationship between the slit width, wavelength and interfer-
ence minimum angles: sin θ = mλ w

We can use this relationship to find the angle to the minimum by substituting what we
know and solving for the angle.

Step 3: Substitution

650 × 10−9 m
sin θ =
2511 × 10−9 m
sin θ =
sin θ = 0,258861012
θ = sin−1 0,258861012
θ = 15◦

The first minimum is at 15◦ from the centre maximum.

Worked example 4: Diffraction minimum


A slit with a width of 2511 nm has green light of wavelength 532 nm impinge on it.
The diffracted light interferes on a surface, at what angle will the first minimum be?


Step 1: Check what you are given

We know that we are dealing with diffraction patterns from the diffraction of light
passing through a slit. The slit has a width of 2511 nm which is 2511 × 10−9 m and
we know that the wavelength of the light is 532 nm which is 532 × 10−9 m. We are
looking to determine the angle to first minimum so we know that m = 1.

Step 2: Applicable principles

We know that there is a relationship between the slit width, wavelength and interfer-
ence minimum angles: sin θ = mλ w

We can use this relationship to find the angle to the minimum by substituting what we
know and solving for the angle.

246 6.5. Diffraction through a single slit

Step 3: Substitution

532 × 10−9 m
sin θ =
2511 × 10−9 m
sin θ =
sin θ = 0,211867782
θ = sin−1 0,211867782
θ = 12.2◦

The first minimum is at 12,2◦ from the centre peak.

From the formula sin θ = mλ w you can see that a smaller wavelength for the same slit
results in a smaller angle to the interference minimum. This is something you just saw
in the two worked examples. Do a sanity check, go back and see if the answer makes
sense. Ask yourself which light had the longer wavelength, which light had the larger
angle and what do you expect for longer wavelengths from the formula.

Worked example 5: Diffraction minimum


A slit has a width which is unknown and has green light of wavelength 532 nm impinge
on it. The diffracted light interferes on a surface, and the first minimum is measure at
an angle of 20,77◦ ?


Step 1: Check what you are given

We know that we are dealing with diffraction patterns from the diffraction of light
passing through a slit. We know that the wavelength of the light is 532 nm which is
532 × 10−9 m. We know the angle to first minimum so we know that m = 1 and
θ = 20.77◦ .

Step 2: Applicable principles

We know that there is a relationship between the slit width, wavelength and interfer-
ence minimum angles: sin θ = mλ w

We can use this relationship to find the width by substituting what we know and
solving for the width.

Step 3: Substitution

Chapter 6. 2D and 3D wavefronts 247

532 × 10−9 m
sin θ =
532 × 10−9
sin 20,77◦ =
532 × 10−9
w = 1500 × 10−9
w = 1500 nm

The slit width is 1500 nm.

See simulation: 23VK at

6.6 Chapter summary ESBNQ

See presentation: 23VM at

• A wavefront is an imaginary line that connects waves that are in phase.

• Huygen’s Principle states that every point of a wave front serves as a point source
of spherical, secondary waves. After a time t, the new position of the wave front
will be that of a surface tangent to the secondary waves.

• Diffraction is the ability of a wave to spread out in wavefronts as the wave passes
through a small aperture or around a sharp edge.

• When a wave passes through a slit, diffraction of the wave occurs. Diffraction of
the wave is when the wavefront spreads out or “bends” around corners.

• The degree of diffraction depends on the width of the slit and the wavelength of
the wave with: diffraction ∝ wλ where λ is the wavelength of the wave and w is
the width of the slit.

Exercise 6 – 2:

1. In the diagram below the peaks of wavefronts are shown by black lines and
the troughs by grey lines. Mark all the points where constructive interference
between two waves is taking place and where destructive interference is taking
place. Also note whether the interference results in a peak or a trough.

248 6.6. Chapter summary



2. For a slit of width 1300 nm, order the following EM waves from least to most

a) green at 510 nm
b) blue at 475 nm
c) red at 650 nm
d) yellow at 570 nm

3. For light of wavelength 540 nm, determine which of the following slits widths
results in the maximum and which results in the minimum amount of diffraction

a) 323 × 10−9 m
b) 12,47 nm
c) 21,1 pm

4. For light of wavelength 635 nm, determine what the width of the slit needs to
be to have the diffraction be less than the angle of diffraction in each of these

a) Water waves at the entrance to a harbour which has a rock barrier with
a 3 m wide opening. The waves have a wavelength of 16 m wavelength
approach the opening straight on.
b) Light with a wavelength of 786 × 10−9 m strikes a single slit of width 30 ×
10−7 m.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23VN 2. 23VP 3. 23VQ 4. 23VR

Chapter 6. 2D and 3D wavefronts 249


Ideal gases

7.1 Motion of particles 252

7.2 Ideal gas laws 255
7.3 Chapter summary 284
7 Ideal gases

We are surrounded by gases in our atmosphere

which support and protect life on this planet. Ev-
eryday we breathe in oxygen and release carbon
dioxide. Green plants take in the carbon dioxide
and release oxygen. One way or another we are
surrounded by a mix of many different gases, some
that we need and some that are harmful to us.
In this chapter, we are going to learn more about
gases and about the different gas laws.

Key Mathematics Concepts

• Ratio and proportion — Physical Sciences, Grade 10, Science skills

• Equations — Mathematics, Grade 10, Equations and inequalities

• Graphs — Mathematics, Grade 10, Functions and graphs

• Units and unit conversions — Physical Sciences, Grade 10, Science skills

7.1 Motion of particles ESBNR

The kinetic theory of gases ESBNS

In grade 10 you learnt about the kinetic theory of matter. The kinetic theory of matter
says that all matter is composed of particles which have a certain amount of energy
which allows them to move at different speeds depending on the temperature (energy).
There are spaces between the particles and also attractive forces between particles
when they come close together.

Now we will look at applying the same ideas to gases.

The main assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases are as follows:

• Gases are made up of particles (e.g. atoms or molecules). The size of these
particles is very small compared to the distance between the particles.

• These particles are constantly moving because they have kinetic energy. The
particles move in straight lines at different speeds.

• There are attractive forces between particles. These forces are very weak for

• The collisions between particles and the walls of the container do not change
the kinetic energy of the system.

• The temperature of a gas is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the


252 7.1. Motion of particles

From these assumptions we can define the pressure and temperature of any gas.


The pressure of a gas is a measure of the number of collisions of the gas particles with
each other and with the sides of the container that they are in.

See video: 23VS at

DEFINITION: Temperature

The temperature of a substance is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the


If the gas is heated (i.e. the temperature increases), the average kinetic energy of the gas
particles will increase and if the temperature is decreased, the average kinetic energy
of the particles decreases. If the energy of the particles decreases significantly, the gas
liquefies (becomes a liquid).

One of the assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases is that all particles have a different
speed. However, this is only the case for a real gas. For an ideal gas we assume that
all particles in the gas have the same speed.

So for an ideal gas we can simply talk about the speed of particles. But for a real gas
we must use the average speed of all the particles.

See video: 23VT at

Ideal gases and non-ideal gas behaviour ESBNT

When we look at the gas laws in the next section we will only deal with ideal gases.


An ideal gas has identical particles of zero volume, with no intermolecular forces
between them. The atoms or molecules in an ideal gas move at the same speed.

Almost all gases obey the gas laws within a limited range of pressures and tempera-
tures. So we can use the gas laws to predict how real gases will behave.


Real gases behave more or less like ideal gases except at high pressures and low tem-

Before we go on to look at the gas laws we will first see what happens to gases at high
pressures and low temperatures.

When we defined an ideal gas, we said that an ideal gas has identical particles of

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 253

zero volume and that there are no intermolecular forces between the particles in the
gas. We need to look more closely at these statements because they affect how gases
behave at high pressures or at low temperatures.

1. Molecules do occupy volume

When pressures are very high and

the molecules are compressed, the
volume of the molecules becomes

significant. This means that the rea
total volume available for the gas ide
molecules to move is reduced and al
collisions become more frequent.
This causes the pressure of the gas Pressure

to be higher than what would be Figure 7.1:

expected for an ideal gas (Figure Gases deviate from ideal
7.1). gas behaviour at high pres-

2. Forces of attraction do exist between molecules

At low temperatures, when the speed of

the molecules decreases and they move
closer together, the intermolecular forces


l g as
become more apparent. As the attraction


between molecules increases, their move-

ment decreases and there are fewer colli-
sions between them. The pressure of the
gas at low temperatures is therefore lower Temperature
than what would have been expected for Figure 7.2:
an ideal gas (Figure 7.2). If the temperature
Gases deviate from
is low enough or the pressure high enough, ideal gas behaviour
a real gas will liquefy. at low temperatures.

Exercise 7 – 1:

1. Summarise the difference between a real gas and an ideal gas in the following

Property Ideal gas Real gas

Size of particles
Attractive forces
Speed of molecules

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23VV

254 7.1. Motion of particles

7.2 Ideal gas laws ESBNV

There are several laws to explain the behaviour of ideal gases. The first three that we
will look at apply under very strict conditions. These laws are then combined to form
the general gas equation and the ideal gas equation.

Before we start looking at these laws we need to look at some common conversions
for units.

The following table gives the SI units. This table also shows how to convert between
common units. Do not worry if some of the units are strange to you. By the end of this
chapter you will have had a chance to see all these units in action.

Variable SI Units Other units

760 mm Hg = 1 atm
Pressure (p) Pascals (Pa) = 101 325 Pa
= 101,325 kPa
1 m3 = 1 000 000 cm3
Volume (V) m3 = 1000 dm3
= 1000 L
Moles (n) mol
Universal gas constant (R) J·K−1 ·mol−1
Temperature (K) Kelvin (K) K = ◦ C + 273

Table 7.1: Conversion table showing SI units of measurement and common conversions.

Two very useful volume relations to remember are: 1 mL = 1 cm3 and 1 L = 1 dm3 .

Boyle’s law: Pressure and volume of an enclosed gas ESBNW

If you have ever tried to force in the plunger of a syringe or a bicycle pump while
sealing the opening with your finger, you will have seen Boyle’s Law in action! The
following experiment will allow you to see this law in action.


The pressure of a fixed quantity of gas is inversely proportional to the volume it occu-
pies so long as the temperature remains constant.

Informal experiment: Boyle’s law


To verify Boyle’s law.

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 255


Boyle’s law apparatus (a syringe or bicycle pump attached to a pressure gauge.)


1. Use the pump to fill the syringe (or glass tube) until the pressure gauge reads the
maximum value. Note the volume and the pressure reading.

2. Slowly release some of the air until the pressure has dropped by about 20 units
(the units will depend on what your pressure gauge measures, e.g. kPa).

3. Let the system stabilise for about 2 min and then read the volume.

4. Repeat the above two steps until you have six pairs of pressure-volume readings.


Record your results in the following table. Remember that your pressure and volume
units will be determined by the apparatus you are using.

Pressure Volume

What happens to the volume as the pressure decreases?

Plot your results as a graph of pressure versus volume (in other words plot pressure on
the x-axis and volume on the y-axis). Pressure is the independent variable, which we
are changing to see what happens to volume.

Plot your results as a graph of pressure versus the inverse of volume (in other words
V , so for each volume reading you will work out the value of 1 divided by the volume

What do you notice about each graph?

256 7.2. Ideal gas laws


If the volume of the gas decreases, the pressure of the gas increases. If the volume of
the gas increases, the pressure decreases. These results support Boyle’s law.

In the above experiment, the volume of the gas decreased when the pressure increased,
and the volume increased when the pressure decreased. This is called an inverse
relationship (or more-less relationship). The inverse relationship between pressure
and volume is shown in Figure 7.3.

Figure 7.3: Graph showing the inverse relationship between pressure and volume.

Can you use the kinetic theory of gases to explain this inverse relationship between the
pressure and volume of a gas? Let’s think about it. If you decrease the volume of a gas,
this means that the same number of gas particles are now going to come into contact
with each other and with the sides of the container much more often. But we said that
pressure is a measure of the number of collisions of gas particles with each other and
with the sides of the container they are in. So, if the volume decreases, the number of
collisions increases and so the pressure will naturally increase. The opposite is true if
the volume of the gas is increased. Now, the gas particles collide less frequently and
the pressure will decrease.

Robert Boyle is the scientist who is credited with discovering that the pressure and
volume of a sample of gas are inversely proportional. This can be seen when a graph
of pressure against the inverse of volume is plotted. When the values are plotted, the
graph is a straight line. This relationship is shown in Figure 7.4.

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 257

Figure 7.4: The graph of pressure plotted against the inverse of volume, produces a straight
line. This shows that pressure and volume are inversely proportional.

We have just seen that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to the volume
of the gas, provided the temperature stays the same. We can write this relationship
symbolically as:

where ∝ means proportional and we write V to show that the proportionality is

This equation can also be written as follows:


where k is a proportionality constant. If we rearrange this equation, we can say that:

pV = k

This equation means that, assuming the temperature and amount of gas is constant,
multiplying any pressure and volume values for a fixed amount of gas will always give
the same value (k). For example:

p1 V1 = k
p2 V2 = k

where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to two pairs of pressure and volume readings for the
same mass of any gas at the same temperature.

From this, we can then say that:

p1 V1 = p2 V2

And we can also generalise this to say that:

p1 V1 = p2 V2
= p3 V3
= pn Vn

258 7.2. Ideal gas laws

In other words we can use any two pairs of readings, it does not have to be the first and FACT
second readings, it can be the first and third readings or the second and fifth readings. Did you know that the
mechanisms involved in
breathing also relate to
If you work out the value of k for any pair of pressure readings from the experiment Boyle’s Law? Just below
above and then work out k for any other pair of pressure readings you should find they the lungs is a muscle
are the same. called the diaphragm.
When a person breathes
in, the diaphragm moves
For example if you have: down and becomes more
“flattened” so that the
p1 = 1 atm volume of the lungs can
p2 = 2 atm increase. When the lung
volume increases, the
V1 = 4 cm3 pressure in the lungs
V2 = 2 cm3 decreases (Boyle’s law).
Since air always moves
then using the first pressure and volume gives: from areas of high
pressure to areas of lower
k = p1 V1 pressure, air will now be
drawn into the lungs
k = (1 atm)(4 cm3 ) because the air pressure
outside the body is higher
= 4 atm·cm3 than the pressure in the
lungs. The opposite
and using the second pressure and volume gives:
process happens when a
person breathes out.
k = p2 V2
Now, the diaphragm
= (2 atm)(2 cm3 ) moves upwards and
causes the volume of the
= 4 atm·cm3 lungs to decrease. The
pressure in the lungs will
increase, and the air that
Remember that Boyle’s Law requires two conditions. First, the amount of gas must stay was in the lungs will be
constant. If you let a little of the air escape from the container in which it is enclosed, forced out towards the
the pressure of the gas will decrease along with the volume, and the inverse propor- lower air pressure outside
the body.
tion relationship is broken. Second, the temperature must stay constant. Cooling or
heating matter generally causes it to contract or expand, or the pressure to decrease
or increase. In the experiment, if we were to heat up the gas, it would expand and
require you to apply a greater force to keep the plunger at a given position. Again, the
proportionality would be broken.

See simulation: 23VW at

Before we look at some calculations using Boyle’s law we first need to know some
different units for volume and pressure. Volume units should be familiar to you from
earlier grades and will usually be cm3 or dm3 or m3 or L. The SI unit for volume is m3 .

Pressure is measured in several different units. We can measure pressure in millimetres

of mercury (mm Hg) or pascals (Pa) or atmospheres (atm). The SI unit for pressure is
Pa. See Table 7.1 for converting between units.

Worked example 1: Boyle’s law


A sample of helium occupies a volume of 160 cm3 at 100 kPa and 25 ◦ C. What
volume will it occupy if the pressure is adjusted to 80 kPa and the temperature remains

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 259

It is not necessary to SOLUTION
convert to SI units for
Boyle’s law. Changing
Step 1: Write down all the information that you know about the gas.
pressure and volume into
different units involves
multiplication. If you
were to change the units
in the above equation, p1 = 100 kPa
this would involve
multiplication on both p2 = 80 kPa
sides of the equation, and V1 = 160 cm3
so the conversions cancel
each other out. However, V2 =?
although SI units don’t
have to be used, you must
make sure that for each
variable you use the same
units throughout the
Step 2: Use an appropriate gas law equation to calculate the unknown variable.
equation. This is not true
for some of the Because the temperature of the gas stays the same, the following equation can be used:
calculations we will do at
a later stage, where SI
units must be used.
p2 V2 = p1 V1

Step 3: Substitute the known values into the equation, making sure that the units for
each variable are the same. Calculate the unknown variable.

(80)V2 = (100)(160)
(80)V2 = 16 000
V2 = 200 cm3

The volume occupied by the gas at a pressure of 80 kPa is 200 cm3

Step 4: Check your answer

Boyle’s law states that the pressure is inversely proportional to the volume. Since the
pressure decreased the volume must increase. Our answer for the volume is greater
than the initial volume and so our answer is reasonable.

Worked example 2: Boyle’s law


The volume of a sample of gas is increased from 2,5 L to 2,8 L while a constant
temperature is maintained. What is the final pressure of the gas under these volume
conditions, if the initial pressure is 695 Pa?

260 7.2. Ideal gas laws


Step 1: Write down all the information that you know about the gas.

V1 = 2,5 L
V2 = 2,8 L
p1 = 695 Pa
p2 =?

Step 2: Choose a relevant gas law equation to calculate the unknown variable.

The sample of gas is at constant temperature and so we can use Boyle’s law:

p2 V2 = p1 V1

Step 3: Substitute the known values into the equation, making sure that the units for
each variable are the same. Calculate the unknown variable.

(2,8)p2 = (695)(2,5)
(2,8)p2 = 1737,5
p2 = 620,5 kPa

The pressure of the gas at a volume of 2,8 L is 620,5 kPa

Step 4: Check your answer

Boyle’s law states that the pressure is inversely proportional to the volume. Since the
volume increased the pressure must decrease. Our answer for the pressure is less than
the initial pressure and so our answer is reasonable.

Exercise 7 – 2: Boyle’s law

1. An unknown gas has an initial pressure of 150 kPa and a volume of 1 L. If the
volume is increased to 1,5 L, what will the pressure be now?

2. A bicycle pump contains 250 cm3 of air at a pressure of 90 kPa. If the air is
compressed, the volume is reduced to 200 cm3 . What is the pressure of the air
inside the pump?

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 261

3. The air inside a syringe occupies a volume of 10 cm3 and exerts a pressure of
100 kPa. If the end of the syringe is sealed and the plunger is pushed down, the
pressure increases to 120 kPa. What is the volume of the air in the syringe?

4. During an investigation to find the relationship between the pressure and volume
of an enclosed gas at constant temperature, the following results were obtained.

Volume (dm3 ) 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Pressure (kPa) 400 300 240 200 171 150 133 120

a) Plot a graph of pressure (p) against volume (V). Volume will be on the x-axis
and pressure on the y-axis. Describe the relationship that you see.
b) Plot a graph of p against . Describe the relationship that you see.
c) Do your results support Boyle’s Law? Explain your answer.

5. Masoabi and Justine are experimenting with Boyle’s law. They both used the
same amount of gas. Their data is given in the table below:

Masoabi Justine
Initial Final Initial Final
Temperature (K) 325 350 325 325
Volume (dm3 ) 1 3 1 3
Pressure (Pa) 650 233 650 217

Masoabi and Justine argue about who is correct.

a) Calculate the final pressure that would be expected using the initial pressure
and volume and the final volume.
b) Who correctly followed Boyle’s law and why?

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1. 23VX 2. 23VY 3. 23VZ 4. 23W2 5. 23W3

Charles’ law: Volume and temperature of an enclosed gas ESBNX

Charles’ law describes the relationship between the volume and temperature of a gas.
The law was first published by Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac in 1802, but he referenced
unpublished work by Jacques Charles from around 1787. This law states that at con-
stant pressure, the volume of a given mass of an ideal gas increases or decreases by
the same factor as its temperature (in Kelvin) increases or decreases. Another way of

262 7.2. Ideal gas laws

saying this is that temperature and volume are directly proportional.

DEFINITION: Charles’ Law

The volume of an enclosed sample of gas is directly proportional to its Kelvin temper-
ature provided the pressure and amount of gas is kept constant.

Informal experiment: Charles’s law


To demonstrate Charles’s Law.


glass bottle (e.g. empty glass coke bottle), balloon, beaker or pot, water, hot plate


1. Place the balloon over the opening of the empty bottle.

2. Fill the beaker or pot with water and place it on the hot plate.

3. Stand the bottle in the beaker or pot and turn the hot plate on.

4. Observe what happens to the balloon.


You should see that the balloon starts to expand. As the air inside the bottle is heated,
the pressure also increases, causing the volume to increase. Since the volume of the
glass bottle can’t increase, the air moves into the balloon, causing it to expand.


The temperature and volume of the gas are directly related to each other. As one
increases, so does the other.

You can also see this if you place the balloon and bottle into a freezer. The balloon
will shrink after being in the freezer for a short while.

Mathematically, the relationship between temperature and pressure can be represented

as follows:
V ∝T

In other words, the volume is directly proportional to the temperature.

Or, replacing the proportionality symbol with the constant of proportionality (k):

V = kT

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 263

If the equation is rearranged, then:


So we can say that:

V1 V2
T1 T2

The equation relating volume and temperature produces a straight line graph.

However, if we plot this graph using the Celsius temperature scale (i.e. using ◦ C), the
zero point of temperature doesn’t correspond to the zero point of volume. When the
volume is zero, the temperature is actually −273 ◦ C (Figure 7.5).
Volume (cm3 )

-273◦ C 0◦ C Temperature
Figure 7.5: The relationship between volume and temperature, shown on the Celsius temper-
ature scale.

A new temperature scale, the Kelvin scale must be used instead. Since zero on the
Celsius scale corresponds with a Kelvin temperature of −273 ◦ C, it can be said that:

Kelvin temperature (TK ) = Celsius temperature (TC ) + 273

We can write:

TK = TC + 273 or TC = TK − 273

We can now plot the graph of temperature versus volume on the Kelvin scale. This is
shown in Figure 7.6.

264 7.2. Ideal gas laws

0 Temperature (K)
Figure 7.6: The volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature, provided the
pressure of the gas is constant.

See video: 23W4 at

Can you explain Charles’ law in terms of the kinetic theory of gases? When the tem-
perature of a gas increases, so does the average speed of its molecules. The molecules
collide with the walls of the container more often and with greater impact. These col-
lisions will push back the walls, so that the gas occupies a greater volume than it did
at the start. We saw this in the first demonstration. Because the glass bottle couldn’t
expand, the gas pushed out the balloon instead.

Worked example 3: Charles’ law


At a temperature of 298 K , a certain amount of CO2 gas occupies a volume of 6 L.

What temperature will the gas be at if its volume is reduced to 5,5 L? The pressure
remains constant.


Step 1: Write down all the information that you know about the gas.

V1 = 6 L
V2 = 5,5 L
T1 = 298 K
T2 =?

Step 2: Convert the known values to SI units if necessary.

Temperature data is already in Kelvin, and so no conversions are necessary.

Step 3: Choose a relevant gas law equation that will allow you to calculate the
unknown variable.

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 265

The pressure is kept constant while the volume and temperature are being varied. The
amount of gas is also kept constant and so we can use Charles’ law:
V1 V2
T1 T2

Step 4: Substitute the known values into the equation. Calculate the unknown vari-

6 5,5
298 T2
0,0201 . . . =
(0,0201 . . .)T2 = 5,5
T2 = 273,2 K

The gas will be at a temperature of 273,2 K.

Step 5: Check your answer

Charles’ law states that the temperature is directly proportional to the volume. In this
example the volume decreases and so the temperature must decrease. Our answer
gives a lower final temperature than the initial temperature and so is correct.

Worked example 4: Charles’ law


Ammonium chloride and calcium hydroxide are allowed to react. The ammonia that
is released in the reaction is collected in a gas syringe (a syringe that has very little
friction so that the plunger can move freely) and sealed in. This gas is allowed to
come to room temperature which is 20 ◦ C. The volume of the ammonia is found to
be 122 mL. It is now placed in a water bath set at 32 ◦ C. What will be the volume
reading after the syringe has been left in the bath for 1 hour (assume the plunger moves
completely freely)? (By leaving the syringe for this length of time, we can be certain
that the sample of gas is at the higher temperature.)


Step 1: Write down all the information that you know about the gas.

266 7.2. Ideal gas laws

Note that here the
temperature must be
V1 = 122 mL converted to Kelvin since
V2 =? the change from degrees
Celsius involves addition,
T1 = 20 ◦ C not multiplication by a
T2 = 7 ◦ C fixed conversion ratio (as
is the case with pressure
and volume.)

Step 2: Convert the known values to SI units if necessary.

Here, temperature must be converted into Kelvin, therefore:

T1 = 20 + 273 = 293 K
T2 = 32 + 273 = 305 K

Step 3: Choose a relevant gas law equation that will allow you to calculate the
unknown variable.

The pressure is kept constant while the volume and temperature are being varied. The
amount of gas is also kept constant and so we can use Charles’ law:
V2 V1
T2 T1

Step 4: Substitute the known values into the equation. Calculate the unknown vari-

V2 122
305 293
= 0,416 . . .
V2 = 127 mL

The volume reading on the syringe will be 127 mL after the syringe has been left in
the water bath for one hour.

Step 5: Check your answer

Charles’ law states that the temperature is directly proportional to the volume. In this
example the temperature increases and so the volume must increase. Our answer gives
a higher final volume than the initial volume and so is correct.

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 267

Exercise 7 – 3: Charles’ law
You may see this law
referred to as
Gay-Lussac’s law or as 1. The table below gives the temperature (in ◦ C) of helium gas under different
Amontons’ law. Many volumes at a constant pressure.
scientists were working
on the same problems at
the same time and it is Volume (L) Temperature (◦ C)
often difficult to know 1,0 −161,9
who actually discovered a
1,5 −106,7
particular law.
2 −50,8
2,5 4,8
3,0 60,3
3,5 115,9

a) Draw a graph to show the relationship between temperature and volume.

b) Describe the relationship you observe.
c) If you extrapolate the graph (in other words, extend the graph line even
though you may not have the exact data points), at what temperature does
it intersect the x-axis?
d) What is significant about this temperature?
e) What conclusions can you draw? Use Charles’ law to help you.

2. A sample of nitrogen monoxide (NO) gas is at a temperature of 8 ◦ C and occupies

a volume of 4,4 dm3 . What volume will the sample of gas have if the temperature
is increased to 25 ◦ C?

3. A sample of oxygen (O2 ) gas is at a temperature of 340 K and occupies a volume

of 1,2 dm3 . What temperature will the sample of gas be at if the volume is
decreased to 200 cm3 ?

4. Explain what would happen if you were verifying Charles’ law and you let some
of the gas escape.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23W5 2. 23W6 3. 23W7 4. 23W8

Pressure-temperature relation ESBNY

The pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature, if the volume is kept
constant (Figure 7.7). Recall that as the temperature of a gas increases, so does the
kinetic energy of the particles in the gas. This causes the particles in the gas to move
more rapidly and to collide with each other and with the side of the container more
often. Since pressure is a measure of these collisions, the pressure of the gas increases
with an increase in temperature. The pressure of the gas will decrease if its temperature

268 7.2. Ideal gas laws

0 Temperature (K)
Figure 7.7: The relationship between the temperature and pressure of a gas.

In the same way that we have done for the other gas laws, we can describe the rela-
tionship between temperature and pressure using symbols, as follows:

T ∝ p,


p = kT

Rearranging this we get:


and that, provided the amount of gas stays the same (and the volume also stays the
p1 p2
T1 T2

Worked example 5: Pressure-temperature relation


At a temperature of 298 K , a certain amount of oxygen (O2 ) gas has a pressure of

0,4 atm. What temperature will the gas be at if its pressure is increased to 0,7 atm?


Step 1: Write down all the information that you know about the gas.

T1 = 298 K
T2 =?
p1 = 0,4 atm
p2 = 0,7 atm

Step 2: Convert the known values to SI units if necessary.

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 269

The temperature is already in Kelvin. We do not need to convert the pressure to

Step 3: Choose a relevant gas law equation that will allow you to calculate the
unknown variable.

The volume is kept constant while the pressure and temperature are being varied.
The amount of gas is also kept constant and so we can use the pressure-temperature
p1 p2
T1 T2

Step 4: Substitute the known values into the equation. Calculate the unknown vari-

0,4 0,7
298 T2
0,0013 . . . =
(0,0013 . . .)T2 = 0,7
T2 = 521,5 K

The temperature will be 521,5 K.

Step 5: Check your answer

The pressure-temperature relation states that the pressure is directly proportional to

the temperature. In this example the pressure increases and so the temperature must
increase. Our answer gives a higher final temperature than the initial temperature and
so is correct.

Worked example 6: Pressure-temperature relation


A fixed volume of carbon monoxide (CO) gas has a temperature of 32 ◦ C and a pressure
of 680 Pa. If the temperature is decreased to 15 ◦ C what will the pressure be?


Step 1: Write down all the information that you know about the gas.

270 7.2. Ideal gas laws

T1 = 32 ◦ C
T2 = 15 ◦ C
p1 = 680 Pa
p2 =?

Step 2: Convert the known values to SI units if necessary.

We need to convert the given temperatures to Kelvin temperature.

T1 = 32 + 273
= 305 K
T2 = 15 + 273
= 288 K

Step 3: Choose a relevant gas law equation that will allow you to calculate the
unknown variable.

p2 p1
T2 T1

Step 4: Substitute the known values into the equation. Calculate the unknown vari-

p2 680
288 305
= 2,2295 . . .
p2 = 642,1 Pa

The pressure will be 642,1 Pa.

Step 5: Check your answer

The pressure-temperature relation states that the pressure is directly proportional to

the temperature. In this example the temperature decreases and so the pressure must
decrease. Our answer gives a lower final pressure than the initial pressure and so is

Exercise 7 – 4: Pressure-temperature relation

1. The table below gives the temperature (in ◦ C) of helium under different pressures

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 271

at a constant volume.

Pressure (atm) Temperature (◦ C) Temperature (K)

1,0 20
1,2 78,6
1,4 137,2
1,6 195,8
1,8 254,4
2,0 313

a) Convert all the temperature data to Kelvin.

b) Draw a graph to show the relationship between temperature and pressure.
c) Describe the relationship you observe.

2. A cylinder that contains methane gas is kept at a temperature of 15 ◦ C and exerts

a pressure of 7 atm. If the temperature of the cylinder increases to 25 ◦ C, what
pressure does the gas now exert?

3. A cylinder of propane gas at a temperature of 20 ◦ C exerts a pressure of 8 atm.

When a cylinder has been placed in sunlight, its temperature increases to 25 ◦ C.
What is the pressure of the gas inside the cylinder at this temperature?

4. A hairspray can is a can that contains a gas under high pressures. The can has the
following warning written on it: “Do not place near open flame. Do not dispose
of in a fire. Keep away from heat.” Use what you know about the pressure and
temperature of gases to explain why it is dangerous to not follow this warning.

5. A cylinder of acetylene gas is kept at a temperature of 291 K. The pressure in

the cylinder is 5 atm. This cylinder can withstand a pressure of 8 atm before
it explodes. What is the maximum temperature that the cylinder can safely be
stored at?

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23W9 2. 23WB 3. 23WC 4. 23WD 5. 23WF

The general gas equation ESBNZ

All the gas laws we have described so far rely on the fact that the amount of gas and
one other variable (temperature, pressure or volume) remains constant. Since this is
unlikely to be the case most times, it is useful to combine the relationships into one
equation. We will use Boyle’s law and the pressure-temperature relation to work out
the general gas equation.

Boyle’s law: p ∝ (constant T)

In other words pressure is inversely proportional to the volume at constant temperature.

272 7.2. Ideal gas laws

Pressure-temperature relation: p ∝ T (constant V) TIP
Remember that the
general gas equation only
In other words pressure is also directly proportional to the temperature at constant
applies if the mass (or
volume. number of moles) of the
gas is fixed.
If we now vary both the volume and the temperature, the two proportionalities will
still hold, but will be equal to a different proportionality constant.

So we can combine these relationships, to get:


Note that this says that the pressure is still directly proportional to the temperature and
inversely proportional to the volume.

If we introduce the proportionality constant, k, we get:


or, rearranging the equation:

pV = kT

We can also rewrite this relationship as follows:


Provided the mass of the gas stays the same, we can also say that:

p1 V 1 p2 V2
T1 T2

In the above equation, the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to two pressure and volume readings
for the same mass of gas under different conditions. This is known as the general gas
equation. Temperature is always in Kelvin and the units used for pressure and volume
must be the same on both sides of the equation.

Worked example 7: General gas equation


At the beginning of a journey, a truck tyre has a volume of 30 dm3 and an internal
pressure of 170 kPa. The temperature of the tyre is 16 ◦ C. By the end of the trip, the
volume of the tyre has increased to 32 dm3 and the temperature of the air inside the
tyre is 40 ◦ C. What is the tyre pressure at the end of the journey?


Step 1: Write down all the information that you know about the gas.

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 273

T1 = 16 ◦ C
T2 = 40 ◦ C
V1 = 30 dm3
V2 = 32 dm3
p1 = 170 kPa
p2 =?

Step 2: Convert the known values to SI units if necessary.

We need to convert the given temperatures to Kelvin temperature.

T1 = 16 + 273
= 289 K
T2 = 40 + 273
= 313 K

Step 3: Choose a relevant gas law equation that will allow you to calculate the
unknown variable.

Temperature, pressure and volume are all varying so we must use the general gas
p2 V 2 p1 V 1
T2 T1

Step 4: Substitute the known values into the equation. Calculate the unknown vari-

(32)p2 (170)(30)
313 289
= 17,647 . . .
(32)p2 = 5523,529 . . .
p2 = 172,6 kPa

The pressure will be 172,6 kPa.

274 7.2. Ideal gas laws

Worked example 8: General gas equation


A sample of a gas exerts a pressure of 100 kPa at 15 ◦ C. The volume under these
conditions is 10 dm3 . The pressure increases to 130 kPa and the temperature increases
to 32 ◦ C. What is the new volume of the gas?


Step 1: Write down all the information that you know about the gas.

T1 = 15 ◦ C
T2 = 32 ◦ C
p1 = 100 kPa
p2 = 130 kPa
V1 = 10 dm3
V2 =?

Step 2: Convert the known values to SI units if necessary.

Here, temperature must be converted into Kelvin, therefore:

T1 = 15 + 273 = 288 K
T2 = 32 + 273 = 305 K

Step 3: Choose a relevant gas law equation that will allow you to calculate the
unknown variable.

We use the general gas equation:

p2 V2 p1 V 1
T2 T1

Step 4: Substitute the known values into the equation. Calculate the unknown vari-

(130)V2 (100)(10)
305 288
= 3,47 . . .
(130)V2 = 1059,027 . . .
V2 = 8,15 dm3

The volume will be 8,15 dm3 .

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 275

Worked example 9: General gas equation


A cylinder of propane gas is kept at a temperature

of 298 K. The gas exerts a pressure of 5 atm and
the cylinder holds 4 dm3 of gas. If the pressure of
the cylinder increases to 5,2 atm and 0,3 dm3 of gas
leaks out, what temperature is the gas now at?


Step 1: Write down all the information that you know about the gas.

T1 = 298 K
T2 =?
V1 = 4 dm3
V2 = 4 − 0,3 = 3,7 dm3
p1 = 5 atm
p2 = 5,2 atm

Step 2: Convert the known values to SI units if necessary.

Temperature data is already in Kelvin. All other values are in the same units.

Step 3: Choose a relevant gas law equation that will allow you to calculate the
unknown variable.

Since volume, pressure and temperature are varying, we must use the general gas

p1 V1 p2 V 2
T1 T2

Step 4: Substitute the known values into the equation. Calculate the unknown vari-

(5)(4) (5,2)(3,7)
298 T2
0,067 . . . =
(0,067 . . .)T2 = 19,24
T2 = 286,7 K

The temperature will be 286,7 K.

276 7.2. Ideal gas laws

Exercise 7 – 5: The general gas equation
A joule can be defined as
Pa·m3 . So when you are
1. A closed gas system initially has a volume of 8 L and a temperature of 100 ◦ C. using the ideal gas
The pressure of the gas is unknown. If the temperature of the gas decreases to equation you must use
the SI units to ensure that
50 ◦ C, the gas occupies a volume of 5 L and the pressure of the gas is 1,2 atm.
you get the correct
What was the initial pressure of the gas? answer.

2. A balloon is filled with helium gas at 27 ◦ C and a pressure of 1,0 atm. As the
balloon rises, the volume of the balloon increases by a factor of 1,6 and the
temperature decreases to 15 ◦ C. What is the final pressure of the gas (assuming
none has escaped)?

3. 25 cm3 of gas at 1 atm has a temperature of 25 ◦ C. When the gas is compressed

to 20 cm3 , the temperature of the gas increases to 28 ◦ C. Calculate the final
pressure of the gas.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23WG 2. 23WH 3. 23WJ

The ideal gas equation ESBP2

In the early 1800’s, Amedeo Avogadro noted that if you have samples of different
gases, of the same volume, at a fixed temperature and pressure, then the samples must
contain the same number of freely moving particles (i.e. atoms or molecules).

DEFINITION: Avogadro’s Law

Equal volumes of gases, at the same temperature and pressure, contain the same num-
ber of molecules.

You will remember from the previous section, that we combined different gas law
equations to get one that included temperature, volume and pressure. In this equation

the value of k is different for different masses of gas.

We find that when we calculate k for 1 mol of gas that we get:

= 8,314

This result is given a special name. It is the universal gas constant, R. R is measured
in units of J·K−1 ·mol−1 . No matter which gas we use, 1 mol of that gas will have the
same constant.

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 277

TIP If we now extend this result to any number of moles of a gas we get the following:
All quantities in the
equation pV = nRT
= nR
must be in the same units T
as the value of R. In other
words, SI units must be
used throughout the
where n is the number of moles of gas.
Rearranging this equation gives:
pV = nRT

This is the ideal gas equation. When you work with this equation you must have all
units in SI units.

See video: 23WK at

Worked example 10: Ideal gas equation


Two moles of oxygen (O2 ) gas occupy a volume of 25 dm3 at a temperature of 40 ◦ C.

Calculate the pressure of the gas under these conditions.


Step 1: Write down all the information that you know about the gas.

p =?
V = 25 dm3
n = 2 mol
T = 40 ◦ C
R = 8,314 J·K·mol−1

Step 2: Convert the known values to SI units if necessary.

We need to convert the temperature to Kelvin and the volume to m3 :

V = = 0,025 dm3
T = 40 + 273 = 313 K

Step 3: Choose a relevant gas law equation that will allow you to calculate the
unknown variable.

We are varying everything (temperature, pressure, volume and amount of gas) and so
we must use the ideal gas equation.

pV = nRT

278 7.2. Ideal gas laws

Step 4: Substitute the known values into the equation. Calculate the unknown vari-

(0,025 m3 )(p) = (2 mol)(8,314 J·K−1 ·mol−1 )(313 K)

(0,025 m3 )(p) = 5204,564 Pa·m3
p = 208 182,56 Pa

The pressure will be 208 182,56 Pa or 208,2 kPa.

Worked example 11: Ideal gas equation


Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) gas is produced as a result of the reaction between calcium
carbonate and hydrochloric acid. The gas that is produced is collected in a container
of unknown volume. The pressure of the gas is 105 kPa at a temperature of 20 ◦ C. If
the number of moles of gas collected is 0,86 mol, what is the volume?


Step 1: Write down all the information that you know about the gas.

p = 105 kPa
V =?
n = 0,86 mol
T = 20 ◦ C
R = 8,314 J·K·mol−1

Step 2: Convert the known values to SI units if necessary.

We need to convert the temperature to Kelvin and the pressure to Pa:

p = 105 × 1000 = 105 000 Pa

T = 20 + 273 = 293 K

Step 3: Choose a relevant gas law equation that will allow you to calculate the
unknown variable.

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 279

We are varying everything (temperature, pressure, volume and amount of gas) and so
we must use the ideal gas equation.

pV = nRT

Step 4: Substitute the known values into the equation. Calculate the unknown vari-

(105 000 Pa)V = (8,314 J·K−1 ·mol−1 )(293 K)(0,86 mol)

(105 000 Pa)V = 2094,96 Pa·m3
V = 0,020 m3
= 20 dm3

The volume is 20 dm3 .

Worked example 12: Ideal gas equation


Nitrogen (N2 ) reacts with hydrogen (H2 ) according to the following equation:

N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3

2 mol ammonia (NH3 ) gas is collected in a separate gas cylinder which has a volume
of 25 dm3 . The pressure of the gas is 195,89 kPa. Calculate the temperature of the gas
inside the cylinder.


Step 1: Write down all the information that you know about the gas.

p = 195,98 Pa
V = 25 dm3
n = 2 mol
R = 8,3 J·K−1 mol−1
T =?

Step 2: Convert the known values to SI units if necessary.

280 7.2. Ideal gas laws

We must convert the volume to m3 and the pressure to Pa:
V =
= 0,025 m3
p = 195,89 × 1000
= 195 890 Pa

Step 3: Choose a relevant gas law equation that will allow you to calculate the
unknown variable.

pV = nRT

Step 4: Substitute the known values into the equation. Calculate the unknown vari-

(195 890)(0,025) = (2)(8,314)T

4897,25 = 16,628(T )
T = 294,52 K

The temperature is 294,52 K.

Worked example 13: Ideal gas equation


Calculate the number of moles of air particles in a classroom of length 10 m, a width

of 7 m and a height of 2 m on a day when the temperature is 23 ◦ C and the air pressure
is 98 kPa .


Step 1: Calculate the volume of air in the classroom

The classroom is a rectangular prism (recall grade 10 maths on measurement). We can

calculate the volume using:

V = length × width × height

= (10)(7)(2)
= 140 m3

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 281

Step 2: Write down all the information that you know about the gas.

p = 98 kPa
V = 140 m3
n =?
R = 8,314 J·K−1 mol−1
T = 23 ◦ C

Step 3: Convert the known values to SI units if necessary.

We must convert the temperature to K and the pressure to Pa:

T = 25 + 273 = 298 K
p = 98 × 1000 = 98 000 Pa

Step 4: Choose a relevant gas law equation that will allow you to calculate the
unknown variable.

pV = nRT

Step 5: Substitute the known values into the equation. Calculate the unknown vari-

(98 000)(140) = n(8,314)(298)

13 720 000 = 2477,572(n)
n = 5537,7 mol

The number of moles in the classroom is 5537,7 mol.

Exercise 7 – 6: The ideal gas equation

1. An unknown gas has a pressure of 0,9 atm, a temperature of 120 ◦ C and the
number of moles is 0,28 mol. What is the volume of the sample?

2. 6 g of chlorine (Cl2 ) occupies a volume of 0,002 m3 at a temperature of 26 ◦ C.

What is the pressure of the gas under these conditions?

282 7.2. Ideal gas laws

3. An average pair of human lungs contains about 3,5 L of air after inhalation and
about 3,0 L after exhalation. Assuming that air in your lungs is at 37 ◦ C and
1,0 atm, determine the number of moles of air in a typical breath.

4. A learner is asked to calculate the answer to the problem below:

Calculate the pressure exerted by 1,5 moles of nitrogen gas in a container with
a volume of 20 dm3 at a temperature of 37 ◦ C.
The learner writes the solution as follows:

V = 20 dm3
n = 1,5 mol
R = 8,314 J·K−1 ·mol−1
T = 37 + 273 = 310 K

pT = nRV
p(310) = (1,5)(8,314)(20)
p(310) = (249,42)
= 0,8 kPa

a) Identify 2 mistakes the learner has made in the calculation.

b) Are the units of the final answer correct?
c) Rewrite the solution, correcting the mistakes to arrive at the right answer.

5. Most modern cars are equipped with airbags for both the driver and the passen-
ger. An airbag will completely inflate in 0,05 s. This is important because a
typical car collision lasts about 0,125 s. The following reaction of sodium azide
(a compound found in airbags) is activated by an electrical signal:
2NaN3 (s) → 2Na (s) + 3N2 (g)

a) Calculate the mass of N2 (g) needed to inflate a sample airbag to a volume

of 65 dm3 at 25 ◦ C and 99,3 kPa. Assume the gas temperature remains
constant during the reaction.
b) The above reaction produces heat, which raises the temperature in the
airbag. Describe, in terms of the kinetic theory of gases, how the pressure
in the sample airbag will change, if at all, as the gas temperature returns to
25 ◦ C.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23WM 2. 23WN 3. 23WP 4. 23WQ 5. 23WR

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 283

7.3 Chapter summary ESBP3

See presentation: 23WS at

• The kinetic theory of gases helps to explain the behaviour of gases under differ-
ent conditions.

• The kinetic theory of gases states that gases are made up of constantly moving
particles that have attractive forces between them.

• The pressure of a gas is a measure of the number of collisions of the gas particles
with each other and with the sides of the container that they are in.

• The temperature of a substance is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the


• An ideal gas has identical particles of zero volume, with no intermolecular forces
between the particles. The atoms or molecules in an ideal gas move at the same

• A real gas behaves like an ideal gas, except at high pressures and low temper-
atures. At low temperatures, the forces between molecules become significant
and the gas will liquefy. At high pressures, the volume of the particles becomes

• Boyle’s law states that the pressure of a fixed quantity of gas is inversely propor-
tional to the volume it occupies so long as the temperature remains constant. In
other words, pV = k or:

p1 V1 = p2 V2

• Charles’ law states that the volume of an enclosed sample of gas is directly
proportional to its Kelvin temperature provided the pressure and amount of gas
remains constant. In other words, VT = k or:

V1 V2
T1 T2
• The pressure of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to its temperature, if
the volume is constant. In other words, Tp = k or:

p1 p2
T1 T2
• For Charles’ law and for the pressure-temperature relation the temperature must
be written in Kelvin. Temperature in degrees Celsius (◦ C) can be converted to
temperature in Kelvin (K) using the following equation:

TK = TC + 273

• Combining Boyle’s law and the relationship between the temperature and pres-
sure of a gas, gives the general gas equation, which applies as long as the amount
of gas remains constant. The general gas equation is pVT = k, or:

p1 V 1 p2 V 2
T1 T2

284 7.3. Chapter summary

• Avogadro’s law states that equal volumes of gases, at the same temperature and
pressure, contain the same number of molecules.

• The universal gas constant (R) is 8,314 J·K−1 ·mol−1 . This constant is found by
calculating pV
T for 1 mol of any gas.

• Extending the above calculation to apply to any number of moles of gas gives
the ideal gas equation:

pV = nRT

In this equation, SI units must be used. The SI unit for volume is m3 , for pressure
it is Pa and for temperature it is K.

Physical Quantities
Quantity Unit name Unit symbol
Moles (n) moles mol
Pressure (p) pascals Pa
Temperature (T ) kelvin K
Volume (V ) meters cubed m3

Exercise 7 – 7:

1. Give one word or term for each of the following definitions.

a) A gas is that has identical particles of zero volume, with no intermolecular

forces between the particles.
b) The law that states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the
temperature of the gas, provided that the pressure and the amount of the
gas remain constant.
c) A measure of the average kinetic energy of gas particles.

2. Which one of the following properties of a fixed quantity of a gas must be kept
constant during an investigation of Boyle’s law?

a) density
b) pressure
c) temperature
d) volume

(IEB 2003 Paper 2)

3. Three containers of equal volume are filled with equal masses of helium, nitro-
gen and carbon dioxide gas respectively. The gases in the three containers are
all at the same temperature. Which one of the following statements is correct
regarding the pressure of the gases?

a) All three gases will be at the same pressure

b) The helium will be at the greatest pressure
c) The nitrogen will be at the greatest pressure

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 285

d) The carbon dioxide will be at the greatest pressure

(IEB 2004 Paper 2)

4. The ideal gas equation is given by pV = nRT. Which one of the following con-
ditions is true according to Avogadro’s hypothesis?

a p ∝ V1 (T = constant)
b V ∝T (p = constant)
c V ∝n (p, T = constant)
d p∝T (n = constant)

(DoE Exemplar paper 2, 2007)

5. Complete the following table by stating whether or not the property is constant
or variable for the given gas law.

Law Pressure (p) Volume (V) Temperature Moles (n)

Boyle’s law
Charles’ law
General gas
Ideal gas

6. Use your knowledge of the gas laws to explain the following statements.

a) It is dangerous to put an aerosol can near heat.

b) A pressure vessel that is poorly designed and made can be a serious safety
hazard (a pressure vessel is a closed, rigid container that is used to hold
gases at a pressure that is higher than the normal air pressure).
c) The volume of a car tyre increases after a trip on a hot road.

7. Copy the following set of labelled axes and answer the questions that follow:
Volume (m3 )

Temperature (K)

a) On the axes, using a solid line, draw the graph that would be obtained for
a fixed mass of an ideal gas if the pressure is kept constant.
b) If the gradient of the above graph is measured to be 0,008 m3 ·K−1 , calculate
the pressure that 0,3 mol of this gas would exert.

(IEB 2002 Paper 2)

286 7.3. Chapter summary

8. Two gas cylinders, A and B, have a volume of 0,15 m3 and 0,20 m3 respectively.
Cylinder A contains 35 mol He gas at pressure p and cylinder B contains 40 mol
He gas at 5 atm. The ratio of the Kelvin temperatures A:B is 1,80:1,00. Calculate
the pressure of the gas (in kPa) in cylinder A.
(IEB 2002 Paper 2)
9. A learner investigates the relationship between the Celsius temperature and the
pressure of a fixed amount of helium gas in a 500 cm3 closed container. From
the results of the investigation, she draws the graph below:



10 20 temperature (0 C)

a) Under the conditions of this investigation, helium gas behaves like an ideal
gas. Explain briefly why this is so.
b) From the shape of the graph, the learner concludes that the pressure of
the helium gas is directly proportional to the Celsius temperature. Is her
conclusion correct? Briefly explain your answer.
c) Calculate the pressure of the helium gas at 0 ◦ C.
d) Calculate the mass of helium gas in the container.

(IEB 2003 Paper 2)

10. One of the cylinders of a motor car engine, before compression contains
450 cm3 of a mixture of air and petrol in the gaseous phase, at a temperature of
30 ◦ C and a pressure of 100 kPa. If the volume of the cylinder after compression
decreases to one tenth of the original volume, and the temperature of the gas
mixture rises to 140 ◦ C, calculate the pressure now exerted by the gas mixture.
11. A gas of unknown volume has a temperature of 14 ◦ C. When the temperature
of the gas is increased to 100 ◦ C, the volume is found to be 5,5 L. What was the
initial volume of the gas?
12. A gas has an initial volume of 2600 mL and a temperature of 350 K.

a) If the volume is reduced to 1500 mL, what will the temperature of the gas
be in Kelvin?
b) Has the temperature increased or decreased?
c) Explain this change, using the kinetic theory of gases.

13. In an experiment to determine the relationship between pressure and tempera-

ture of a fixed mass of gas, a group of learners obtained the following results:

Pressure (kPa) 101 120 130,5 138

Temperature (◦ C) 0 50 80 100
Total gas volume (cm3 ) 250 250 250 250

Chapter 7. Ideal gases 287

a) Draw a straight-line graph of pressure (on the dependent, y-axis) versus
temperature (on the independent, x-axis) on a piece of graph paper. Plot
the points. Give your graph a suitable heading.
b) A straight-line graph passing through the origin is essential to obtain a
mathematical relationship between pressure and temperature..
Extrapolate (extend) your graph and determine the temperature (in ◦ C) at
which the graph will pass through the temperature axis.
c) Write down, in words, the relationship between pressure and Kelvin tem-
d) From your graph, determine the pressure (in kPa) at 173 K. Indicate on your
graph how you obtained this value.
e) How would the gradient of the graph be affected (if at all) if a larger mass of
the gas is used? Write down ONLY increases, decreases or stays the same.

(DoE Exemplar Paper 2, 2007)

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1a. 23WT 1b. 23WV 1c. 23WW 2. 23WX 3. 23WY 4. 23WZ

5. 23X2 6a. 23X3 6b. 23X4 6c. 23X5 7. 23X6 8. 23X7
9. 23X8 10. 23X9 11. 23XB 12. 23XC 13. 23XD

288 7.3. Chapter summary


Quantitative aspects of chemical


8.1 Gases and solutions 290

8.2 Stoichiometric calculations 298
8.3 Volume relationships in gaseous reactions 310
8.4 Chapter summary 312
8 Quantitative aspects of chemical change

Wherever we look in real life we see the importance of mixing things in precise quan-
tities. Cooking and baking, the medicines you take when sick, the products that you
buy, all of these rely on the ingredients being mixed in specific amounts. And even
the amount of product formed relies on how much of each ingredient is used. In this
chapter we will look at some of these quantities and how they can be calculated.

In grade 10 we learnt about writing chemical equations and about the information that
can be obtained from a balanced chemical equation. In this chapter we are going to ex-
plore these concepts further and learn more about gases, solutions and reactions. We
will explore the concept of theoretical yield in greater detail and learn about limiting

Key Mathematics Concepts

• Ratio and proportion — Physical Sciences, Grade 10, Science skills

• Equations — Mathematics, Grade 10, Equations and inequalities

• Units and unit conversions — Physical Sciences, Grade 10, Science skills

8.1 Gases and solutions ESBP4

We will begin by taking a closer look at gases and solutions and work out how to solve
problems relating to them.

Molar volumes of gases ESBP5

It is possible to calculate the volume of one mole of gas at standard temperature and
pressure (STP) using what we now know about gases.

STP is a temperature of 273 K and a pressure of 101,3 kPa. The amount of gas is
usually 1 mol.

We write down all the values that we know about one mole of gas at STP:

p = 101,3 kPa = 101 300 Pa

n = 1 mol
R = 8,31 J·K−1 ·mol−1
T = 273 K

Now we can substitute these values into the ideal gas equation:

290 8.1. Gases and solutions

The standard units used
pV = nRT for this equation are p in
Pa, V in m3 and T in K.
(101 300)V = (1)(8,31)(273) Remember also that
(101 300)V = 2265,9 1000 cm3 = 1 dm3 and
1000 dm3 = 1 m3 .
V = 0,0224 m3
V = 22,4 dm3

The volume of 1 mole of gas at STP is 22,4 dm3 .

And if we had any number of moles of gas, not just one mole then we would get:

Vg = 22,4ng

Worked example 1: Molar gas volume


What is the volume of 2,3 mol of hydrogen gas at STP?


Step 1: Find the volume

Vg = (22,4)ng
= (22,4)(2,3)
= 51,52 dm3

Reactions and gases ESBP6

Some reactions take place between gases. For these reactions we can work out the
volumes of the gases using the fact that volume is proportional to the number of moles.

We can use the following formula:



VA = volume of A
VB = volume of B
a = stoichiometric coefficient of A
b = stoichiometric coefficient of B

Chapter 8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change 291

The number in front of a
reactant or a product in a
balanced chemical
equation is called the Worked example 2: Volume and gases
stoichiometric coefficient
or stoichiometric ratio.


Hydrogen and oxygen react to form water according to the following equation:

2H2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2H2 O(g)

If 3 dm3 of oxygen is used, what volume of water is produced?


Step 1: Determine the volume of water produced in the reaction.

We use the equation given above to work out the volume of water needed:
VH 2 O = VO2
= 2(3)
= 6 dm3

We can interpret the chemical equation in the worked example above (2H2 (g) +
O2 (g) → 2H2 O(g)) as:

2 moles of hydrogen react with 1 mole of oxygen to produce 2 moles of water. We

can also say that 2 volumes of hydrogen react with 1 volume of oxygen to produce 2
volumes of water.

Worked example 3: Gas phase calculations


What volume of oxygen at STP is needed for the complete combustion of 3,3 dm3 of
propane (C3 H8 )? (Hint: CO2 and H2 O are the products as in all combustion reactions)


Step 1: Write a balanced equation for the reaction.

C3 H8 (g) + 5O2 (g) → 3CO2 (g) + 4H2 O (g)

Step 2: Determine the volume of oxygen needed for the reaction.

292 8.1. Gases and solutions

We use the equation given above to work out the volume of oxygen needed: When you are busy with
these calculations, you
a will need to remember
VA = VB the following:
5 1 dm3 =1 L=1000 mL
V O2 = VC3 H8 =1000 cm3 , therefore
1 dividing a volume in cm3
= 5(3,3) by 1000 will give you the
equivalent volume in
= 16,5 dm3
dm3 .

Exercise 8 – 1:

1. Methane burns in oxygen, forming water and carbon dioxide according to the
following equation:

CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) → 2H2 O(g) + CO2 (g)

If 4 dm3 of methane is used, what volume of water is produced?

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23XF

Solutions ESBP7

In grade 10 you learnt how to calculate the molar concentration of a solution. The
molar concentration of a solution is the number of moles of solute per litre of solvent
(mol·L−1 ). This is more commonly given as moles of solute per cubic decimetre of
solution (mol·dm−3 ).

To calculate concentration we use C = Vn , where C is the molar concentration, n is

the number of moles and V is the volume of the solution.

Calculating molar concentrations is useful to determine how much solute we need to

add to a given volume of solvent in order to make a standard solution.

A standard solution is a solution in which the concentration is known to a high degree

of precision. When we work with standard solutions we can take the concentration to
be constant.

Chapter 8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change 293

Worked example 4: Concentration calculations
When performing a
titration we say that the
substance of unknown QUESTION
concentration is titrated
with the standard
How much sodium chloride (in g) will one need to prepare 500 cm3 of a standard
solution. A pipette is a
measuring device that is solution with a concentration of 0,01 mol·dm−3 ?
used to measure an exact
amount of a liquid. If you SOLUTION
use a pipette to add liquid
to a flask then you would
say that the liquid was
Step 1: Convert all quantities into the correct units for this equation.
pipetted into a flask.
The volume must be converted to dm3 :
V =
= 0,5 dm3

Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of sodium chloride needed.

0,01 =
n = 0,005 mol

Step 3: Convert moles of NaCl to mass.

To find the mass of NaCl we need the molar mass of NaCl. We can get this from the
periodic table (recall from grade 10 how to calculate the molar mass of a compound).

m = nM
= (0,005)(58)
= 0,29 g

The mass of sodium chloride needed is 0,29 g

We will now look at another use of concentration which is for titration calculations.


A titration is a technique for determining the concentration of an unknown solution.

Titrations can be done using many different types of reactions. Acid-base reactions
and redox reactions are both commonly used for titrations.

In grade 10 you did a simple acid-base titration. Now we will look at how to calculate
the concentration of an unknown solution using an acid-base titration.

We can reduce the number of calculations that we have to do in titration calculations

294 8.1. Gases and solutions

by using the following:
a b

The a and b are the stoichiometric coefficients of compounds A and B respectively.

Worked example 5: Titration calculation


Given the equation:

NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq) → NaCl (aq) + H2 O (l)

25 cm3 of a 0,2 mol·dm−3 hydrochloric acid solution was pipetted into a conical flask
and titrated with sodium hydroxide. It was found that 15 cm3 of the sodium hydroxide
was needed to neutralise the acid. Calculate the concentration of the sodium hydrox-


Step 1: Write down all the information you know about the reaction, and make sure
that the equation is balanced.

NaOH: V = 15 cm3

HCl: V = 25 cm3 ; C = 0,2 mol·dm−3

The equation is already balanced.

Step 2: Convert the volume to dm3

= 0,015 dm3

VHCl =
= 0,025 dm3

Step 3: Calculate the concentration of the sodium hydroxide

a b
(0,2)(0,025) (CNaOH )(0,015)
1 1
0,005 = (0,015)CNaOH
CNaOH = 0,33 mol·dm−3

The concentration of the NaOH solution is 0,33 mol·dm−3

Chapter 8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change 295

Worked example 6: Titration calculation


4,9 g of sulfuric acid is dissolved in water and the final solution has a volume of
220 cm3 . Using an acid-base titration, it was found that 20 cm3 of this solution was
able to completely neutralise 10 cm3 of a sodium hydroxide solution. Calculate the
concentration of the sodium hydroxide in mol·dm−3 .


Step 1: Write a balanced equation for the titration reaction.

H2 SO4 (aq) + 2NaOH (aq) → Na2 SO4 (aq) + 2H2 O (l)

Step 2: Calculate the concentration of the sulfuric acid solution.

First convert the volume into dm3 :

V = = 0,22 dm3

Then calculate the number of moles of sulfuric acid:

= 0,05 mol

Now we can calculate the concentration of the sulfuric acid:

= 0,227 mol·dm−3

Step 3: Calculate the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution.

Remember that only 20 cm3 or 0,02 dm3 of the sulfuric acid solution is used.

C 1 V1 C 2 V2
n1 n2
(0,227)(0,02) (CNaOH )(0,01)
1 2
0,00454 = (0,005)CNaOH
CNaOH = 0,909 mol·dm−3

296 8.1. Gases and solutions

Exercise 8 – 2: Gases and solutions

1. Acetylene (C2 H2 ) burns in oxygen according to the following reaction:

2C2 H2 (g) + 5O2 (g) → 4CO2 (g) + 2H2 O (g)

If 3,5 dm3 of acetylene gas is burnt, what volume of carbon dioxide will be

2. 130 g of magnesium chloride (MgCl2 ) is dissolved in 300 mL of water.

a) Calculate the concentration of the solution.

b) What mass of magnesium chloride would need to be added for the concen-
tration to become 6,7 mol·dm−3 ?

3. Given the equation:

KOH (aq) + HNO3 (aq) → KNO3 (aq) + H2 O (l)
20 cm3 of a 1,3 mol·dm−3 potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution was pipetted into
a conical flask and titrated with nitric acid (HNO3 ). It was found that 17 cm3 of
the nitric acid was needed to neutralise the base. Calculate the concentration of
the nitric acid.

4. Given the equation:

3Ca(OH)2 (aq) + 2H3 PO4 (aq) → Ca3 (PO4 )2 (aq) + 6H2 O (l)
10 cm3 of a 0,4 mol·dm−3 calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2 ) solution was pipetted
into a conical flask and titrated with phosphoric acid (H3 PO4 ). It was found that
11 cm3 of the phosphoric acid was needed to neutralise the base. Calculate the
concentration of the phosphoric acid.

5. A 3,7 g sample of an antacid (which contains mostly calcium carbonate) is dis-

solved in water. The final solution has a volume of 500 mL. 25 mL of this
solution is then pipetted into a conical flask and titrated with hydrochloric acid.
It is found that 20 mL of the hydrochloric acid completely neutralises the antacid
solution. What is the concentration of the hydrochloric acid?
The equation for this reaction is:

CaCO3 (aq) + 2HCl (aq) → CaCl2 (aq) + H2 O (l) + CO2 (g)

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23XG 2. 23XH 3. 23XJ 4. 23XK 5. 23XM

Chapter 8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change 297

8.2 Stoichiometric calculations ESBP8

In grade 10 you learnt how to write balanced chemical equations and started looking
at stoichiometric calculations. By knowing the ratios of substances in a reaction, it is
possible to use stoichiometry to calculate the amount of either reactants or products
that are involved in the reaction.

The following figure highlights the relation between the balanced chemical equation
and the number of moles:

Mass Mass
m m
n= M n= M

n n
C= V Reactants Balanced Products C= V
Concentration equation Concentration
Moles Moles

V = 22, 4n V = 22, 4n
Volume Volume

Figure 8.1: Stoichiometric flow diagram

In grade 10 we explored some of the concepts of stoichiometry. We looked at how

to calculate the number of moles of a substance and how to find the molar mass. We
also looked at how to find the molecular and empirical formulae of substances. Now
we will explore more of these concepts such as limiting reagents, percent purity and
percent yield.

Limiting reagents ESBP9

Activity: What is a limiting reagent?

For this activity you will need A4 sheets of paper in white, red, blue, yellow, green
and pink. (or you can use several sheets of white paper and colour them using kokis
or crayons).

Tear the white sheet into five pieces, the red sheet into ten pieces, the blue sheet into
eight pieces, the yellow sheet into seven pieces, the green sheet into nine pieces and
the pink piece into four pieces.

1. Stick two red pieces to each white piece. Do you have any red or white pieces

2. Stick one yellow piece to each blue piece. Do you have any yellow or blue
pieces left?

298 8.2. Stoichiometric calculations

3. Stick three green pieces to each pink piece. Do you have any green or pink
pieces left?

You should find that you had no red or white pieces left. For the blue and yellow
pieces you should have one blue piece left. And for the green and pink pieces you
should have had one pink piece left.

We say that the pink and blue pieces were in excess while the green and yellow sheets
were limiting. In other words you would have had to tear the green and yellow sheets
into more pieces or you would have had to tear the blue and pink pieces into less

In the above activity we could solve the problem of having too many or too few pieces
of paper by simply tearing the pieces of paper into more pieces. In chemistry we also
encounter this problem when mixing different substances. Often we will find that we
added too much or too little of a particular substance. It is important to know that this
happens and to know how much (i.e. the quantities) of different reactants are used in
the reaction. This knowledge is used in industrial reactions.

DEFINITION: Limiting reagent

A limiting reagent (or reactant) is a reagent that is completely used up in a chemical


DEFINITION: Excess reagent

An excess reagent (or reactant) is a reagent that is not completely used up in a chemical

See simulation: 23XN at

Worked example 7: Limiting reagents


Sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) reacts with ammonia (NH3 ) to produce the fertiliser ammonium
sulfate ((NH4 )2 SO4 ) according to the following equation:

H2 SO4 (aq) + 2NH3 (g) → (NH4 )2 SO4 (aq)

What is the maximum mass of ammonium sulfate that can be obtained from 2,0 kg of
sulfuric acid and 1,0 kg of ammonia?


Step 1: Convert the mass of sulfuric acid and ammonia into moles

Chapter 8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change 299

Moles of sulfuric acid: Moles of ammonia:
m m
n= n=
2000 1000
= =
98 17
= 20,4 mol = 58,8 mol

Step 2: Use the balanced equation to determine which of the reactants is limiting.

We need to look at how many moles of product we can get from each reactant. Then
we compare these two results. The smaller number is the amount of product that we
can produce and the reactant that gives the smaller number, is the limiting reagent.

The mole ratio of H2 SO4 to (NH4 )2 SO4 is 1 : 1. So the number of moles of (NH4 )2 SO4
that can be produced from the sulfuric acid is:

stoichiometric coefficient (NH4 )2 SO4

n(NH4 )2 SO4 = nH2 SO4 ×
stoichiometric coefficient H2 SO4
1 mol (NH4 )2 SO4
= 20,4 mol H2 SO4 ×
1 mol H2 SO4
= 20,4 mol (NH4 )2 SO4

The mole ratio of NH3 to (NH4 )2 SO4 is 2 : 1. So the number of moles of (NH4 )2 SO4
that can be produced from the ammonia is:

stoichiometric coefficient (NH4 )2 SO4

n(NH4 )2 SO4 = nNH3 ×
stoichiometric coefficient NH3
1 mol (NH4 )2 SO4
= 58,8 mol NH3 ×
2 mol NH3
= 29,4 mol (NH4 )2 SO4

Since we get less (NH4 )2 SO4 from H2 SO4 than is produced from NH3 , the sulfuric
acid is the limiting reactant.

Step 3: Calculate the maximum mass of ammonium sulfate that can be produced

From the step above we saw that we have 20,4 mol of (NH4 )2 SO4 .

The maximum mass of ammonium sulfate that can be produced is calculated as fol-

m = nM
= (20,4)(132)
= 2692,8 g
= 2,6928 kg

The maximum mass of ammonium sulfate that can be produced is 2,69 kg.

300 8.2. Stoichiometric calculations

Exercise 8 – 3:

1. When an electrical current is passed through a sodium chloride solution, sodium

hydroxide can be produced according to the following equation:
2NaCl (aq) + H2 O (l) → Cl2 (g) + H2 (g) + 2NaOH (aq)
What is the maximum mass of sodium hydroxide that can be obtained from
4,0 kg of sodium chloride and 3,0 kg of water?

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23XP

Percent yield ESBPB

The percent yield of a reaction is very important as it tells us how efficient a reaction
is. A reaction that has a low percent yield is not very useful in industry. If you are
making a new medicine or pesticide and your reaction has a low percent yield then
you would search for a different way of doing the reaction. This reduces the amount
of (often very expensive) chemicals that you use and reduces waste.

The percent yield can be calculated using:

actual yield
%yield = × 100
theoretical yield

where the actual yield is the amount of product that is produced when you carry out
the reaction and the theoretical yield is the amount of product that you calculate for
the reaction using stoichiometric methods.

Worked example 8: Percent yield


Sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) reacts with ammonia (NH3 ) to produce the fertiliser ammonium
sulfate ((NH4 )2 SO4 ) according to the following equation:

H2 SO4 (aq) + 2NH3 (g) → (NH4 )2 SO4 (aq)

A factory worker carries out the above reaction (using 2,0 kg of sulfuric acid and 1,0 kg
of ammonia) and gets 2,5 kg of ammonium sulfate. What is the percentage yield of
the reaction?


Step 1: Determine which is the limiting reagent

Chapter 8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change 301

We determined the limiting reagent for this reaction with the same amounts of reac-
tants in the previous worked example, so we will just use the result from there.

Sulfuric acid is the limiting reagent. The number of moles of ammonium sulfate that
can be produced is 20,4 mol.

Step 2: Calculate the theoretical yield of ammonium sulphate

From the previous worked example we found the maximum mass of ammonium sulfate
that could be produced.

The theoretical yield (or maximum mass) of ammonium sulfate that can be produced
is 2,69 kg.

Step 3: Calculate the percentage yield

actual yield
%yield = × 100
theoretical yield
= (100)
= 92,8%

This reaction has a high percent yield and so would therefore be a useful reaction to
use in industry.

Exercise 8 – 4:

1. When an electrical current is passed through a sodium chloride solution, sodium

hydroxide can be produced according to the following equation:
2NaCl + H2 O → Cl2 + H2 + 2NaOH
A chemist carries out the above reaction using 4,0 kg of sodium chloride and
3,0 kg of water. The chemist finds that they get 1,8 kg of sodium hydroxide.
What is the percentage yield?

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23XQ

302 8.2. Stoichiometric calculations

Molecular and empirical formulae ESBPC

Molecular and empirical formulae were introduced in grade 10. The empirical formula
is the simplest formula of a compound (and represents the ratio of atoms of each
element in a compound). The molecular formula is the full formula of the compound
(and represents the total number of atoms of each element in a compound). You
should also recall from grade 10 the percent composition of a substance. This is the
percentage by molecular mass that each element contributes to the overall formula.
For example water (H2 O) has the following percentage composition: 89% oxygen and
11% hydrogen.

Worked example 9: Empirical and molecular formula


Vinegar, which is used in our homes, is a dilute form of acetic acid. A sample of acetic
acid has the following percentage composition: 39,9% carbon, 6,7% hydrogen and
53,4% oxygen.

1. Determine the empirical formula of acetic acid.

2. Determine the molecular formula of acetic acid if the molar mass of acetic acid
is 60,06 g·mol−1 .


Step 1: Find the mass

In 100 g of acetic acid, there is: 39,9 g C, 6,7 g H and 53,4 g O.

Step 2: Find the moles

n= M

nC = = 3,325 mol
nH = = 6,6337 mol
nO = = 3,3375 mol

Step 3: Find the empirical formula

To find the empirical formula we first note how many moles of each element we have.
Then we divide the moles of each element by the smallest of these numbers, to get the
ratios of the elements. This ratio is rounded off to the nearest whole number.

Chapter 8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change 303

3,325 6,6337 3,3375

3,325 6,6337 3,3375

3,325 3,325 3,325
1 2 1

The empirical formula is CH2 O.

Step 4: Find the molecular formula

The molar mass of acetic acid using the empirical formula (CH2 O) is 30,02 g·mol−1 .
However the question gives the molar mass as 60,06 g·mol−1 . Therefore the actual
 of moles
 of each element must be double what it is in the empirical formula
= 2 . The molecular formula is therefore C2 H4 O2 or CH3 COOH

Exercise 8 – 5:

1. A sample of oxalic acid has the following percentage composition: 26,7% car-
bon, 2,2% hydrogen and 71,1% oxygen.
Determine the molecular formula of oxalic acid if the molar mass of oxalic acid
is 90 g·mol−1 .

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23XR

Percent purity ESBPD

The final use of stoichiometric calculations that we will look at is to determine the per-
cent purity of a sample. Percent purity is important since when you make a compound
you may have a small amount of impurity in the sample and you would need to keep
this below a certain level. Or you may need to know how much of a particular ion is
dissolved in water to determine if it is below the legally allowed level.

Percent purity can be calculated using:

mass of compound
%purity = × 100
mass of sample

304 8.2. Stoichiometric calculations

Worked example 10: Percent purity


Shells contain calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ) as well as other minerals. Faarah wants to
know how much calcium carbonate is in a shell. She finds that the shell weighs 5 g.
After performing some more experiments she finds that the mass of calcium carbonate
and the crucible (a container that is used to heat compounds in) is 3,2 g. The mass of
the crucible is 0,5 g. How much calcium carbonate is in the shell?


Step 1: Write down an equation for percent purity

Percent purity is given by:

mass of compound
%purity = × 100
mass of sample

Step 2: Find the mass of the product

We are given the mass of the crucible and the mass of the crucible with the product.
We need to subtract the mass of the crucible from the mass of the crucible with the
product to obtain only the mass of the product.

Mass product = 3,2 g − 0,5 g

= 2,7 g

Step 3: Calculate the answer.

Substituting the calculated mass into the equation for percent purity gives:
mass of compound
%purity = × 100
mass of sample
= (100)
= 54%

Worked example 11: Percent purity


Limestone is mostly calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ). Jake wants to know how much cal-
cium carbonate is in a sample of limestone. He finds that the sample weighs 3,5 g. He
then adds concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl) to the sample. The equation for this

Chapter 8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change 305

reaction is:

CaCO3 (s) + 2HCl (aq) → CO2 (g) + CaCl2 (aq) + H2 O (l)

If the mass of calcium chloride produced is 3,6 g, what is the percent purity of the
limestone sample?


Step 1: Calculate the number of moles of calcium chloride

The number of moles of calcium chloride is:

= 0,032 mol

Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of calcium carbonate

The molar ratio of calcium chloride to calcium carbonate is 1:1. Therefore the number
of moles of calcium carbonate is 0,032 mol.

Step 3: Calculate the mass of calcium carbonate

The mass of calcium carbonate is:

m = nM
= (0,032)(100)
m = 3,24 g

Step 4: Calculate the percent purity

Substituting the calculated mass into the equation for percent purity gives:
mass of compound
%purity = × 100
mass of sample
= × (100)
= 94,3%

Exercise 8 – 6:

1. Hematite contains iron oxide (Fe2 O3 ) as well as other compounds. Thembile

306 8.2. Stoichiometric calculations

wants to know how much iron oxide is in a sample of hematite. He finds that
the sample of hematite weighs 6,2 g. After performing some experiments he
finds that the mass of iron oxide and the crucible (a container that is used to heat
compounds in) is 4,8 g. The mass of the crucible is 0,5 g. How much iron oxide
is in the sample of hematite?

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1. 23XS

See video: 23XT at

General experiment: The thermal decomposition of lead(II) nitrate


To observe what happens when lead(II) nitrate is heated.

• Bunsen burner

• Test tube (glass)

• Test tube holder

• 0,5 g lead(II) nitrate



Lead(II) nitrate produces toxic nitrogen dioxide on heating.

1. Place the lead(II) nitrate sample in the test tube.

2. Light the Bunsen burner and carefully hold the test tube in the flame. Remember
to point the mouth of the test tube away from you.

3. Observe what happens.


A crackling noise is heard on heating the sample and a small amount of a brownish
coloured gas is noted. The white powder became yellow.

Chapter 8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change 307

If a glowing splint is held at the mouth of the test tube the splint reignites.

The balanced chemical for this reaction is:

2Pb(NO3 )2 (s) + heat → 2PbO (s) + 4NO2 (g) + O2 (g)

Informal experiment:Stoichiometry


To determine the percentage yield of magnesium carbonate from magnesium sulfate

and sodium carbonate.


• magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts)

• sodium carbonate

• mass meter

• hot plate

• small glass beakers (heat resistant)

• funnel

• filter paper


1. Weigh out 5 g of magnesium sulfate.

2. Dissolve the magnesium sulfate in 20 ml of water. Heat the solution until all the
solid dissolves.

3. Dissolve 5 g of sodium carbonate in 20 ml of warm water. If necessary heat the

solution to dissolve all the sodium carbonate.

4. Carefully pour the sodium carbonate solution into the hot magnesium sulfate
solution. You should have a milky looking solution.

5. Weigh the filter paper (if your mass meter is not very accurate then assume the
mass of the filter paper is 0). Carefully filter the final solution.

6. Leave the filter paper to dry slightly (or overnight) and then weigh it. The solid
that stays on the filter paper is magnesium carbonate.

308 8.2. Stoichiometric calculations


The equation for this reaction is: MgSO4 (aq) + Na2 CO3 (aq) → Na2 SO4 (aq) +
MgCO3 (s) + H2 O (l).

Use the above equation to work out the percentage yield of the magnesium sulfate.
Remember that you need to determine which of the reactants is limiting. (You may get
a percentage yield of greater than 100% if your sample is not completely dry.)


By performing an experiment we were able to calculate the percentage yield of a


Exercise 8 – 7: Stoichiometry

1. Given the following reaction:

3Fe2 O3 (s) + CO (g) → 2Fe2 O4 (s) + CO2 (g)

If 2,3 kg of Fe2 O3 and 1,7 kg of CO is used, what is the maximum mass of Fe2 O4
that can be produced?

2. Sodium nitrate decomposes on heating to produce sodium nitrite and oxygen

according to the following equation:

2NaNO3 (s) → 2NaNO2 (s) + O2 (g)

Nombusa carries out the above reaction using 50 g of sodium nitrate. Nombusa
finds that they get 36 g of sodium nitrite. What is the percentage yield?

3. Benzene has the following percentage composition: 92,31% carbon and 7,69%
Determine the molecular formula of benzene if the molar mass of benzene is
78 g·mol−1 .

4. Cuprite is a minor ore of copper. Cuprite is mainly composed of copper(I) oxide

(Cu2 O). Jennifer wants to know how much copper oxide is in a sample of cuprite.
She has a sample of cuprite that weighs 7,7 g. She performs some experiments
and finds that the mass of iron oxide and crucible (a container that is used to heat
compounds in) is 7,4 g. The mass of the crucible is 0,2 g. What is the percent
purity of the sample of cuprite?

5. A sample containing tin dioxide (SnO2 ) is to be tested to see how much tin
dioxide it contains. The sample weighs 6,2 g. Sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) is added to
the sample and tin sulfate (Sn(SO4 )2 ) forms. The equation for this reaction is:

SnO2 (s) + 2H2 SO4 (aq) → Sn(SO4 )2 (s) + 2H2 O(l)

If the mass of tin sulfate produced is 4,7 g, what is the percent purity of the

Chapter 8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change 309

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1. 23XV 2. 23XW 3. 23XX 4. 23XY 5. 23XZ

8.3 Volume relationships in gaseous reactions ESBPF

Using what we have learnt about stoichiometry and about gases we can now apply
these principles to reactions involving gases.

We will use explosions as an example.

Worked example 12: Explosions


Ammonium nitrate is used as an explosive in mining. The following reaction occurs

when ammonium nitrate is heated:

2NH4 NO3 (s) → 2N2 (g) + 4H2 O (g) + O2 (g)

If 750 g of ammonium nitrate is used, what volume of oxygen gas would we expect to
produce (at STP)?


Step 1: Work out the number of moles of ammonium nitrate

The number of moles of ammonium nitrate used is:

= 9,375 mol

Step 2: Work out the amount of oxygen

The mole ratio of NH4 NO3 to O2 is 2 : 1. So the number of moles of O2 is:

stoichiometric coefficient O2
nO2 = nNH4 NO3 ×
stoichiometric coefficient NH4 NO3
1 molO2
= 9,375 molNH4 NO3 ×
2 mol NH4 NO3
= 4,6875 mol

310 8.3. Volume relationships in gaseous reactions

Step 3: Work out the volume of oxygen

Recall from earlier in the chapter that we said that one mole of any gas occupies
22,4 dm3 at STP.

V = (22,4)n
= (22,4)(4,6875)
= 105 dm3

Airbags in cars use a controlled explosion to inflate the bag. When a car hits another
car or an object, various sensors trigger the airbag. A chemical reaction then produces
a large volume of gas which inflates the airbag.

Worked example 13: Controlled explosion


Sodium azide is sometimes used in airbags. When triggered, it has the following

2NaN3 (s) → 2Na(s) + 3N2 (g)

If 55 grams of sodium azide is used, what volume of nitrogen gas would we expect to


Step 1: Work out the number of moles of sodium azide

The number of moles of sodium azide used is:

= 0,85 mol

Step 2: Work out the amount of nitrogen

Chapter 8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change 311

The mole ratio of NaN3 to N2 is 2 : 3. So the number of moles of N2 is:
stoichiometric coefficient N2
nN2 = nNaN3 ×
stoichiometric coefficient NaN3
3 molN2
= 0,85 molNaN3 ×
2 mol NaN3
= 1,27 mol N2

Step 3: Work out the volume of nitrogen

V = (22,4)n
= (22,4)(1,27)
= 28,4 dm3

Exercise 8 – 8: Gases 2

1. What volume of oxygen is needed for the complete combustion of 5 g of mag-

nesium to form magnesium oxide?

2. Annalize is making a mini volcano for her science project. She mixes baking
soda (mostly NaHCO3 ) and vinegar (mostly CH3 COOH) together to make her
volcano erupt. The reaction for this equation is:

NaHCO3 (s) + CH3 COOH (aq) → CH3 COONa (aq) + H2 O (l) + CO2 (g)

What volume of carbon dioxide is produced if Annalize uses 50 ml of

0,2 mol·dm3 acetic acid?

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23Y2 2. 23Y3

8.4 Chapter summary ESBPG

See presentation: 23Y4 at

• The volume of one mole of gas at STP is 22,4 dm3

312 8.4. Chapter summary

• For any number of moles of gas at STP we can use Vg = 22,4ng to find the

• The volume relationship for two gases in a reaction is given by: VA = ab VB .

where VA is the volume of gas A, VB is the gas B, a is the stoichiometric coeffi-
cient of gas A and b is the stoichiometric coefficient of gas B.
• The concentration of a solution can be calculated using: C = V
where C is the concentration (in mol·dm3 ), n is the number of moles of solute
dissolved in the solution and V is the volume of the solution (in dm3 ).

• A standard solution is a solution in which the concentration is known to a high

degree of precision. For the purposes of calculations, a standard solution can be
thought of as one in which the concentration is a set value.

• A titration is a technique for determining the concentration of an unknown solu-

tion. We can calculate the unknown concentration using:

a b

• A limiting reagent is a reagent that is completely used up in a chemical reaction.

• An excess reagent is a reagent that is not completely used up in a chemical


• Percent yield is calculated using:

actual yield
%yield = × 100
theoretical yield

Where the actual yield is the amount of product that is produced when you
carry out the reaction and the theoretical yield is the amount of product that you
calculate for the reaction using stoichiometric methods.

• The empirical formula is the simplest formula of a compound.

• The molecular formula is the full formula of a compound.

• Percent purity is calculated using:

mass of compound
%purity = × 100
mass of sample

Physical Quantities
Quantity Unit name Unit symbol
Concentration (C) moles per cubic decimetre mol·dm−3
Mass (m) kilogram kg
Molar mass (m) gram per mole g·mol−1
Moles (n) moles mol

Chapter 8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change 313

Exercise 8 – 9:

1. Write only the word/term for each of the following descriptions:

a) A reagent that is completely used up in a chemical reaction.

b) The simplest formula of a compound.
c) The amount of product that is calculated for a reaction using stoichiometric
d) A technique for determining the concentration of an unknown solution.

2. What is the volume of 3 mol of N2 gas at STP?

a) 67,2 dm3
b) 22,4 dm3
c) 33,6 dm3
d) 63,2 dm3

3. Given the following reaction:

3NO2 (g) + H2 O (g) → 2HNO3 (g) + NO (g)

If 2,7 dm3 of NO2 is used, what volume of HNO3 is produced?

a) 4,1 dm3
b) 2,7 dm3
c) 1,8 dm3
d) 3,4 dm3

4. If 4,2 g of magnesium sulfate is dissolved in 350 cm3 of water, what is the con-
centration of the solution?

a) 0,1 mol·dm−3
b) 0,05 mol·dm−3
c) 0,003 mol·dm−3
d) 0,0001 mol·dm−3

5. Gold is occasionally found as the mineral calaverite. Calaverite contains a tel-

luride of gold (AuTe2 ). Phumza wants to know how much calaverite is in a
sample of rock. She finds that the rock sample weighs 3,6 g. After performing
some experiments she finds that the mass of calaverite and the crucible is 2,4 g.
The mass of the crucible is 0,3 g. What is the percent purity of calaverite in the

a) 63%
b) 54%
c) 58%
d) 67%

6. 300 cm3 of a 0,1 mol·dm−3 solution of sulfuric acid is added to 200 cm3 of a
0,5 mol·dm−3 solution of sodium hydroxide.

314 8.4. Chapter summary

a) Write down a balanced equation for the reaction which takes place when
these two solutions are mixed.
b) Calculate the number of moles of sulfuric acid which were added to the
sodium hydroxide solution.
c) Is the number of moles of sulfuric acid enough to fully neutralise the sodium
hydroxide solution? Support your answer by showing all relevant calcula-

(IEB Paper 2 2004)

7. Given the equation:

2NaOH (aq) + H2 SO4 (aq) → Na2 SO4 (aq) + 2H2 O (l)
25 cm3 of a 0,7 mol·dm−3 sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) solution was pipetted into a
conical flask and titrated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH). It was found that
23 cm3 of the sodium hydroxide was needed to neutralise the acid. Calculate
the concentration of the sodium hydroxide.

8. Ozone (O3 ) reacts with nitrogen monoxide gas (NO) to produce NO2 gas. The
NO gas forms largely as a result of emissions from the exhausts of motor vehicles
and from certain jet planes. The NO2 gas also contributes to the brown smog
(smoke and fog), which is seen over most urban areas. This gas is also harmful
to humans, as it causes breathing (respiratory) problems. The following equation
indicates the reaction between ozone and nitrogen monoxide:

O3 (g) + NO (g) → O2 (g) + NO2 (g)

In one such reaction 0,74 g of O3 reacts with 0,67 g NO.

a) Calculate the number of moles of O3 and of NO present at the start of the

b) Identify the limiting reagent in the reaction and justify your answer.
c) Calculate the mass of NO2 produced from the reaction.

(DoE Exemplar Paper 2, 2007)

9. Calcium carbonate decomposes on heating to produce calcium oxide and oxy-

gen according to the following equation:

CaCO3 (s) → CaO (s) + O2 (g)

Thabang carries out the above reaction using 127 g of calcium carbonate. He
finds that he gets 68,2 g of calcium oxide. What is the percentage yield?

10. Some airbags contain a mixture of sodium azide (NaN3 ) and potassium nitrate
(KNO3 ). When a car crash is detected by the signalling system, the sodium azide
is heated until it decomposes to form nitrogen gas and sodium metal:

2NaN3 (s) → 2Na (s) + 3N2 (g)

The potassium nitrate then reacts with the sodium metal forming more nitrogen:

10Na (s) + 2KNO3 (s) → K2 O (s) + 5Na2 O (s) + N2 (g)

A typical passenger side airbag contains 250 g of sodium azide.

Chapter 8. Quantitative aspects of chemical change 315

a) What mass of sodium metal is formed in the first reaction?
b) What is the total volume of nitrogen gas formed from both reactions?
c) How much potassium nitrate (in g) is needed for all the sodium to be used
up in the second reaction?

11. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) are a class of compounds that have a long history
of use in refrigerators. CFC’s are slowly being phased out as they deplete the
amount of ozone in the ozone layer. Jabu has a sample of a CFC that has the fol-
lowing percentage composition: 14,05% carbon, 41,48% chlorine and 44,46%
Determine the molecular formula of this CFC if the molar mass is 171 g·mol−1 .

12. A sample containing tin dioxide (SnO2 ) is to be tested to see how much tin
dioxide it contains. The sample weighs 6,2 g. Sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) is added to
the sample and tin sulfate (Sn(SO4 )2 ) forms. The equation for this reaction is:

SnO2 (s) + 2H2 SO4 (aq) → Sn(SO4 )2 (s) + 2H2 O (l)

If the mass of tin sulfate produced is 4,7 g, what is the percent purity of the

13. Syngas (synthesis gas) is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Syngas
can be produced from methane using:

CH4 (g) + H2 O (g) → CO (g) + 3H2 (g)

Neels wants to make a mixture of syngas that has three times the volume of
hydrogen gas.

a) If the volume of methane used is 4 dm3 , what volume of carbon monoxide

and hydrogen will be produced?
b) Will this amount of methane produce the correct mixture?

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1a. 23Y5 1b. 23Y6 1c. 23Y7 1d. 23Y8 2. 23Y9 3. 23YB
4. 23YC 5. 23YD 6. 23YF 7. 23YG 8. 23YH 9. 23YJ
10. 23YK 11. 23YM 12. 23YN 13. 23YP

316 8.4. Chapter summary



9.1 Introduction 318

9.2 Coulomb’s law 318
9.3 Electric field 328
9.4 Chapter summary 341
9 Electrostatics

9.1 Introduction ESBPH

In Grade 10, you learnt about the force between charges. In this chapter you will learn
exactly how to determine this force and about a basic law of electrostatics.

Key Mathematics Concepts

• Ratio and proportion — Physical Sciences, Grade 10, Science skills

• Equations — Mathematics, Grade 10, Equations and inequalities

• Units and unit conversions — Physical Sciences, Grade 10, Science skills

• Scientific notation — Physical Sciences, Grade 10, Science skills

9.2 Coulomb’s law ESBPJ

Like charges repel each other while unlike charges attract each other. If the charges
are at rest then the force between them is known as the electrostatic force. The elec-
trostatic force between charges increases when the magnitude of the charges increases
or the distance between the charges decreases.

The electrostatic force was first studied in detail by Charles-Augustin de Coulomb

around 1784. Through his observations he was able to show that the magnitude of
the electrostatic force between two point-like charges is inversely proportional to the
square of the distance between the charges. He also discovered that the magnitude of
the force is proportional to the product of the charges. That is:
Q1 Q 2
F ∝ ,
where Q1 and Q2 are the magnitudes of the two charges respectively and r is the
distance between them. The magnitude of the electrostatic force between two point-
like charges is given by Coulomb’s law.

DEFINITION: Coulomb’s law

Coulomb’s law states that the magnitude of the electrostatic force between two point
charges is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of the charges and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
kQ1 Q2
F = ,
The proportionality constant k is called the electrostatic constant and has the value:
9,0 × 109 N·m2 ·C−2 in free space.

318 9.1. Introduction

Similarity of Coulomb’s law to Newton’s universal law of gravitation.

Notice how similar in form Coulomb’s law is to Newton’s universal law of gravitation
between two point-like particles:
Gm1 m2
FG = ,

where m1 and m2 are the masses of the two point-like particles, d is the distance
between them, and G is the gravitational constant. Both are inverse-square laws.

Both laws represent the force exerted by particles (point masses or point charges) on
each other that interact by means of a field.

See video: 23YQ at

Worked example 1: Coulomb’s law


Two point-like charges carrying charges of +3 × 10−9 C and −5 × 10−9 C are 2 m

apart. Determine the magnitude of the force between them and state whether it is
attractive or repulsive.


Step 1: Determine what is required

We are required to determine the force between two point charges given the charges
and the distance between them.

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem

We can use Coulomb’s law to calculate the magnitude of the force. F = k Q1r2Q2

Step 3: Determine what is given

We are given:

• Q1 = +3 × 10−9 C • Q2 = −5 × 10−9 C • r=2m

We know that k = 9,0 × 109 N·m2 ·C−2 .

We can draw a diagram of the situation.

Q1 = +3 × 10−9 C Q2 = −5 × 10−9 C



Step 4: Check units

Chapter 9. Electrostatics 319

All quantities are in SI units.

Step 5: Determine the magnitude of the force

Using Coulomb’s law we have

kQ1 Q2
F =
(9,0 × 109 )(3 × 10−9 )(5 × 10−9 )
= 3,37 × 10−8 N

Thus the magnitude of the force is 3,37 × 10−8 N. However since the point charges
have opposite signs, the force will be attractive.

Step 6: Free body diagram

We can draw a free body diagram to show the forces. Each charge experiences a force
with the same magnitude and the forces are attractive, so we have:

Q1 = +3 × 10−9 C Q2 = −5 × 10−9 C

F=3, 37 × 10− 8 N F=3, 37 × 10− 8 N

Next is another example that demonstrates the difference in magnitude between the
gravitational force and the electrostatic force.

Worked example 2: Coulomb’s law


Determine the magnitudes of the electrostatic force and gravitational force between
two electrons 10−10 m apart (i.e. the forces felt inside an atom) and state whether the
forces are attractive or repulsive.


Step 1: Determine what is required

We are required to calculate the electrostatic and gravitational forces between two
electrons, a given distance apart.

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem

We can use:
kQ1 Q2
Fe =

320 9.2. Coulomb’s law

to calculate the electrostatic force and
Gm1 m2
Fg =

to calculate the gravitational force.

Step 3: Determine what is given

• Q1 = Q2 = 1,6 × 10−19 C (The charge on an electron)

• m1 = m2 = 9,1 × 10−31 kg (The mass of an electron)

• r = d = 1 × 10−10 m

We know that:

• k = 9,0 × 109 N·m2 ·C−2

• G = 6,67 × 10−11 N·m2 ·kg−2

All quantities are in SI units.

We can draw a diagram of the situation.

Q1 = −1, 60 × 10−19 C Q2 = −1, 60 × 10−19 C

10−10 m

Step 4: Calculate the electrostatic force

kQ1 Q2
Fe =
(9,0 × 109 )(1,60 × 10−19 )(1,60 × 10−19 )
(10−10 )2
= 2,30 × 10−8 N

Hence the magnitude of the electrostatic force between the electrons is 2,30×10−8 N.
Since electrons carry like charges, the force is repulsive.

Step 5: Calculate the gravitational force

Gm1 m2
Fg =
(6,67 × 10−11 )(9,11 × 10−31 )(9,11 × 10−31 )
(10−10 )2
= 5,54 × 10−51 N

Chapter 9. Electrostatics 321

We can apply Newton’s The magnitude of the gravitational force between the electrons is 5,54 × 10−51 N.
third law to charges
because two charges exert Remember that the gravitational force is always an attractive force.
forces of equal magnitude
on one another in Notice that the gravitational force between the electrons is much smaller than the
opposite directions. electrostatic force.

Choosing a positive
When substituting into
Worked example 3: Coulomb’s law
the Coulomb’s law
equation, one may
choose a positive
direction thus making it
unnecessary to include QUESTION
the signs of the charges.
Instead, select a positive Three point charges are in a straight line. Their charges are Q1 = +2 × 10−9 C,
direction. Those forces
Q2 = +1 × 10−9 C and Q3 = −3 × 10−9 C. The distance between Q1 and Q2 is
that tend to move the
charge in this direction 2 × 10−2 m and the distance between Q2 and Q3 is 4 × 10−2 m. What is the net
are added, while forces electrostatic force on Q2 due to the other two charges?
acting in the opposite
direction are subtracted.
+2 × 10−9 C +1 × 10−9 C −3 × 10−9 C
Q1 Q2 Q3

2 × 10−2 m 4 × 10−2 m


Step 1: Determine what is required

We need to calculate the net force on Q2 . This force is the sum of the two electrostatic
forces - the forces between Q1 on Q2 and Q3 on Q2 .

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem

• We need to calculate the two electrostatic forces on Q2 , using Coulomb’s law.

• We then need to add up the two forces using our rules for adding vector quanti-
ties, because force is a vector quantity.

Step 3: Determine what is given

We are given all the charges and all the distances.

Step 4: Calculate the magnitude of the forces.

Force on Q2 due to Q1 :

322 9.2. Coulomb’s law

Q1 Q2
F1 = k
(2 × 10−9 )(1 × 10−9 )
= (9,0 × 109 )
(2 × 10−2 )2
(2 × 10−9 )(1 × 10−9 )
= (9,0 × 109 )
(4 × 10−4 )
= 4,5 × 10−5 N

Force on Q2 due to Q3 :

Q2 Q3
F3 = k
(1 × 10−9 )(3 × 10−9 )
= (9,0 × 109 )
(4 × 10−2 )2
(1 × 10−9 )(3 × 10−9 )
= (9,0 × 109 )
(16 × 10−4 )
= 1,69 × 10−5 N

Step 5: Vector addition of forces

We know the force magnitudes but we need to use the charges to determine whether
the forces are repulsive or attractive. It is helpful to draw the force diagram to help
determine the final direction of the net force on Q2 . We choose the positive direction
to be to the right (the positive x-direction).

The force between Q1 and Q2 is repulsive (like charges). This means that it pushes Q2
to the right, or in the positive direction.

The force between Q2 and Q3 is attractive (unlike charges) and pulls Q2 to the right.

Q1 Q2 F1 Q3


Therefore both forces are acting in the positive direction.


FR = 4,5 × 10−5 N + 1,69 × 10−5 N

= 6,19 × 10−5 N

The resultant force acting on Q2 is 6,19 × 10−5 N to the right.

Chapter 9. Electrostatics 323

Worked example 4: Coulomb’s law


Three point charges form a right-angled triangle. Their charges are Q1 = 4 × 10−9 C =
4 nC, Q2 = 6 × 10−9 C = 6 nC and Q3 = −3 × 10−9 C = −3 nC. The distance
between Q1 and Q2 is 5 × 10−2 m and the distance between Q1 and Q3 is 3 × 10−2 m.
What is the net electrostatic force on Q1 due to the other two charges if they are
arranged as shown?

Q3 = -3 nC

3 × 10−2 m

Q2 = +6 nC
Q1 = +4 nC

5 × 10−2 m


Step 1: Determine what is required

We need to calculate the net force on Q1 . This force is the sum of the two electrostatic
forces - the forces of Q2 on Q1 and Q3 on Q1 .

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem

• We need to calculate, using Coulomb’s law, the electrostatic force exerted on

Q1 by Q2 , and the electrostatic force exerted on Q1 by Q3 .

• We then need to add up the two forces using our rules for adding vector quanti-
ties, because force is a vector quantity.

Step 3: Determine what is given

We are given all the charges and two of the distances.

Step 4: Calculate the magnitude of the forces.

The magnitude of the force exerted by Q2 on Q1 , which we will call F2 , is:

Q1 Q2
F2 = k
(4 × 10−9 )(6 × 10−9 )
= (9,0 × 109 )
(5 × 10−2 )2
(4 × 10−9 )(6 × 10−9 )
= (9,0 × 109 )
(25 × 10−4 )
= 8,630 × 10−5 N

324 9.2. Coulomb’s law

The magnitude of the force exerted by Q3 on Q1 , which we will call F3 , is:

Q1 Q3
F3 = k
(4 × 10−9 )(3 × 10−9 )
= (9,0 × 109 )
(3 × 10−2 )2
(4 × 10−9 )(3 × 10−9 )
= (9,0 × 109 )
(9 × 10−4 )
= 1,199 × 10−4 N

Step 5: Vector addition of forces

This is a two-dimensional problem involving vectors. We have already solved many

two-dimensional force problems and will use precisely the same procedure as before.
Determine the vectors on the Cartesian plane, break them into components in the x-
and y-directions, and then sum components in each direction to get the components
of the resultant.

We choose the positive directions to be to the right (the positive x-direction) and up
(the positive y-direction). We know the magnitudes of the forces but we need to use
the signs of the charges to determine whether the forces are repulsive or attractive.
Then we can use a diagram to determine the directions.

The force between Q1 and Q2 is repulsive (like charges). This means that it pushes Q1
to the left, or in the negative x-direction.

The force between Q1 and Q3 is attractive (unlike charges) and pulls Q1 in the positive

We can redraw the diagram as a free-body diagram illustrating the forces to make sure
we can visualise the situation:

Q3 = -3 nC

Q2 = +6 nC
F2 Q1 = +4 nC

Step 6: Resultant force

The magnitude of the resultant force acting on Q1 can be calculated from the forces
using Pythagoras’ theorem because there are only two forces and they act in the x- and
FR2 = F22 + F32 by Pythagoras’ theorem

FR = (8,630 × 10−5 )2 + (1,199 × 10−4 )2
FR = 1,48 × 10−4 N

Chapter 9. Electrostatics 325

and the angle, θR made with the x-axis can be found using trigonometry.

tan(θR ) =
1,199 × 10−4
FR F3 tan(θR ) =
8,630 × 10−5
1,199 × 10−4
θR = tan−1 ( )
8,630 × 10−5
F2 θR θR = 54,25◦ to 2 decimal places

The final resultant force acting on Q1 is 1,48 × 10−4 N acting at an angle of 54,25◦ to
the negative x-axis or 125,75◦ to the positive x-axis.

We mentioned in grade 10 that charge placed on a spherical conductor spreads evenly

along the surface. As a result, if we are far enough from the charged sphere, electro-
statically, it behaves as a point-like charge. Thus we can treat spherical conductors
(e.g. metallic balls) as point-like charges, with all the charge acting at the centre.

Exercise 9 – 1: Electrostatic forces

1. Calculate the electrostatic force between two charges of +6 nC and +1 nC if

they are separated by a distance of 2 mm.

2. What is the magnitude of the repulsive force between two pith balls (a pith ball
is a small, light ball that can easily be charged) that are 8 cm apart and have
equal charges of −30 nC?

3. How strong is the attractive force between a glass rod with a 0,7 µC charge and
a silk cloth with a −0,6 µC charge, which are 12 cm apart, using the approxima-
tion that they act like point charges?

4. Two point charges exert a 5 N force on each other. What will the resulting force
be if the distance between them is increased by a factor of three?

5. Two point charges are brought closer together, increasing the force between them
by a factor of 25. By what factor was their separation decreased?

6. If two equal charges each of 1 C each are separated in air by a distance of 1 km,
what is the magnitude of the force acting between them?

7. Calculate the distance between two charges of +4 nC and −3 nC if the electro-

static force between them is 0,005 N.

8. For the charge configuration shown, calculate the resultant force on Q2 if:

• Q1 =2,3 × 10−7 C • r1 =2,5 × 10−1 m

• Q2 =4 × 10−6 C
• Q3 =3,3 × 10−7 C • r2 =3,7 × 10−2 m

326 9.2. Coulomb’s law

r1 r2

Q1 Q3 Q2

9. For the charge configuration shown, calculate the charge on Q3 if the resultant
force on Q2 is 6,3 × 10−1 N to the right and:

• Q1 =4,36 × 10−6 C • r1 =1,85 × 10−1 m

• Q2 =−7 × 10−7 C • r2 =4,7 × 10−2 m
r1 r2

Q1 Q3 Q2

10. Calculate the resultant force on Q1 given this charge configuration:

Q3 = +3 nC

0,04 m

Q2 = +1 nC
Q1 = +2 nC
0,07 m

11. Calculate the resultant force on Q1 given this charge configuration:

Q3 = -3 nC

0,4 m

Q2 = +1 nC
Q1 = -9 nC
0,65 m

12. Calculate the resultant force on Q2 given this charge configuration:

Q1 = +8 nC 0,05 m Q2 = +3 nC

0,03 m

Q3 = -2 nC

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23YR 2. 23YS 3. 23YT 4. 23YV 5. 23YW 6. 23YX

7. 23YY 8. 23YZ 9. 23Z2 10. 23Z3 11. 23Z4 12. 23Z5

Chapter 9. Electrostatics 327

9.3 Electric field ESBPK

We have seen in the previous section that point charges exert forces on each other
even when they are far apart and not touching each other. How do the charges ‘know’
about the existence of other charges around them?

The answer is that you can think of every charge as being surrounded in space by an
electric field. The electric field is the region of space in which an electric charge will
experience a force. The direction of the electric field represents the direction of the
force a positive test charge would experience if placed in the electric field. In other
words, the direction of an electric field at a point in space is the same direction in
which a positive test charge would move if placed at that point.

DEFINITION: Electric field

A region of space in which an electric charge will experience a force. The direction
of the field at a point in space is the direction in which a positive test charge would
moved if placed at that point.

Representing electric fields ESBPM

We can represent the strength and direction of an electric field at a point using elec-
tric field lines. This is similar to representing magnetic fields around magnets using
magnetic field lines as you studied in Grade 10. In the following we will study what
the electric fields look like around isolated charges.

Positive charge acting on a test charge

The magnitude of the force that a test charge experiences due to another charge is
governed by Coulomb’s law. In the diagram below, at each point around the positive
charge, +Q, we calculate the force a positive test charge, +q, would experience, and
represent this force (a vector) with an arrow. The force vectors for some points around
+Q are shown in the diagram along with the positive test charge +q (in red) located at
one of the points.



328 9.3. Electric field

At every point around the charge +Q, the positive test charge, +q, will experience
a force pushing it away. This is because both charges are positive and so they repel
each other. We cannot draw an arrow at every point but we include enough arrows to
illustrate what the field would look like. The arrows represent the force the test charge
would experience at each point. Coulomb’s law is an inverse-square law which means
that the force gets weaker the greater the distance between the two charges. This is
why the arrows get shorter further away from +Q.

Negative charge acting on a test charge

For a negative charge, −Q, and a positive test charge, +q, the force vectors would look



Notice that it is almost identical to the positive charge case. The arrows are the same
lengths as in the previous diagram because the absolute magnitude of the charge is the
same and so is the magnitude of the test charge. Thus the magnitude of the force is the
same at the same points in space. However, the arrows point in the opposite direction
because the charges now have opposite signs and attract each other.

Electric fields around isolated charges - summary

Now, to make things simpler, we draw continuous lines that are tangential to the force
that a test charge would experience at each point. The field lines are closer together
where the field is stronger. Look at the diagram below: close to the central charges,
the field lines are close together. This is where the electric field is strongest. Further
away from the central charges where the electric field is weaker, the field lines are
more spread out from each other.

Chapter 9. Electrostatics 329

Electric field due to a positive charge Electric field due to a negative charge

+Q -Q

We use the following conventions when drawing electric field lines:

• Arrows on the field lines indicate the direction of the field, i.e. the direction in
which a positive test charge would move if placed in the field.

• Electric field lines point away from positive charges (like charges repel) and to-
wards negative charges (unlike charges attract).

• Field lines are drawn closer together where the field is stronger.

• Field lines do not touch or cross each other.

• Field lines are drawn perpendicular to a charge or charged surface.

• The greater the magnitude of the charge, the stronger its electric field. We repre-
sent this by drawing more field lines around the greater charge than for charges
with smaller magnitudes.

1 nC 10 nC

Some important points to remember about electric fields:

• There is an electric field at every point in space surrounding a charge.

• Field lines are merely a representation – they are not real. When we draw them,
we just pick convenient places to indicate the field in space.

• Field lines exist in three dimensions, not only in two dimension as we’ve drawn

• The number of field lines passing through a surface is proportional to the charge
contained inside the surface.

330 9.3. Electric field

Electric fields around different charge configurations ESBPN

We have seen what the electric fields look like around isolated positive and negative
charges. Now we will study what the electric fields look like around combinations of
charges placed close together.

Electric field around two unlike charges

We will start by looking at the electric field around a positive and negative charge
placed next to each other. Using the rules for drawing electric field lines, we will
sketch the electric field one step at a time. The net resulting field is the sum of the
fields from each of the charges. To start off let us sketch the electric fields for each of
the charges separately.

+Q -Q

A positive test charge (red dots) placed at different positions directly between the two
charges would be pushed away (orange force arrows) from the positive charge and
pulled towards (blue force arrows) the negative charge in a straight line. The orange
and blue force arrows have been drawn slightly offset from the dots for clarity. In
reality they would lie on top of each other. Notice that the further from the positive
charge, the smaller the repulsive force, F+ (shorter orange arrows) and the closer to the
negative charge the greater the attractive force, F− (longer blue arrows). The resultant
forces are shown by the red arrows. The electric field line is the black line which is
tangential to the resultant forces and is a straight line between the charges pointing
from the positive to the negative charge.

F+ F+ F+
+Q -Q
F− F− F−

Now let’s consider a positive test charge placed slightly higher than the line joining
the two charges. The test charge will experience a repulsive force (F+ in orange) from
the positive charge and an attractive force (F− in blue) due to the negative charge. As
before, the magnitude of these forces will depend on the distance of the test charge
from each of the charges according to Coulomb’s law. Starting at a position closer to
the positive charge, the test charge will experience a larger repulsive force due to the
positive charge and a weaker attractive force from the negative charge. At a position
half-way between the positive and negative charges, the magnitudes of the repulsive
and attractive forces are the same. If the test charge is placed closer to the negative
charge, then the attractive force will be greater and the repulsive force it experiences

Chapter 9. Electrostatics 331

due to the more distant positive charge will be weaker. At each point we add the forces
due to the positive and negative charges to find the resultant force on the test charge
(shown by the red arrows). The resulting electric field line, which is tangential to the
resultant force vectors, will be a curve.

F+ F+
F− F−
+Q -Q

Now we can fill in the other field lines quite easily using the same ideas. The electric
field lines look like:

+Q -Q

Electric field around two like charges (both positive)

For the case of two positive charges Q1 and Q2 of the same magnitude, things look a
little different. We can’t just turn the arrows around the way we did before. In this case
the positive test charge is repelled by both charges. The electric fields around each of
the charges in isolation looks like.

+Q +Q

Now we can look at the resulting electric field when the charges are placed next to
each other. Let us start by placing a positive test charge directly between the two

332 9.3. Electric field

charges. We can draw the forces exerted on the test charge due to Q1 and Q2 and
determine the resultant force.

F2 F1
+Q1 +Q2

The force F1 (in orange) on the test charge (red dot) due to the charge Q1 is equal in
magnitude but opposite in direction to F2 (in blue) which is the force exerted on the
test charge due to Q2 . Therefore they cancel each other out and there is no resultant
force. This means that the electric field directly between the charges cancels out in the
middle. A test charge placed at this point would not experience a force.

Now let’s consider a positive test charge placed close to Q1 and above the imaginary
line joining the centres of the charges. Again we can draw the forces exerted on the
test charge due to Q1 and Q2 and sum them to find the resultant force (shown in red).
This tells us the direction of the electric field line at each point. The electric field line
(black line) is tangential to the resultant forces.


+Q1 +Q2

If we place a test charge in the same relative positions but below the imaginary line
joining the centres of the charges, we can see in the diagram below that the resultant
forces are reflections of the forces above. Therefore, the electric field line is just a
reflection of the field line above.


+Q1 +Q2


Since Q2 has the same charge as Q1 , the forces at the same relative points close to Q2
will have the same magnitudes but opposite directions i.e. they are also reflections .
We can therefore easily draw the next two field lines as follows:

Chapter 9. Electrostatics 333

+Q +Q

Working through a number of possible starting points for the test charge we can show
the electric field can be represented by:

+Q +Q

Electric field around two like charges (both negative)

We can use the fact that the direction of the force is reversed for a test charge if you
change the sign of the charge that is influencing it. If we change to the case where
both charges are negative we get the following result:

-Q -Q

334 9.3. Electric field

Charges of different magnitudes

When the magnitudes are not equal the larger charge will influence the direction of
the field lines more than if they were equal. For example, here is a configuration
where the positive charge is much larger than the negative charge. You can see that
the field lines look more similar to that of an isolated charge at greater distances than
in the earlier example. This is because the larger charge gives rise to a stronger field
and therefore makes a larger relative contribution to the force on a test charge than the
smaller charge.

-Q +10Q

Electric field strength ESBPP

In the previous sections we have studied how we can represent the electric fields
around a charge or combination of charges by means of electric field lines. In this rep-
resentation we see that the electric field strength is represented by how close together
the field lines are. In addition to the drawings of the electric field, we would also like
to be able to quantify (put a number to) how strong an electric field is and what its
direction is at any point in space.

A small test charge q placed near a charge Q will experience a force due to the electric
field surrounding Q. The magnitude of the force is described by Coulomb’s law and
depends on the magnitude of the charge Q and the distance of the test charge from Q.
The closer the test charge q is to the charge Q, the greater the force it will experience.
Also, at points closer to the charge Q, the stronger is its electric field. We define the
electric field at a point as the force per unit charge.

DEFINITION: Electric field

The magnitude of the electric field, E, at a point can be quantified as the force per unit
charge We can write this as:

where F is the Coulomb force exerted by a charge on a test charge q.
The units of the electric field are newtons per coulomb: N·C−1 .

Chapter 9. Electrostatics 335

Since the force F is a vector and q is a scalar, the electric field, E, is also a vector; it
has a magnitude and a direction at every point.

Given the definition of electric field above and substituting the expression for Coulomb’s
law for F :
= 2
r q
E= 2
we can see that the electric field E only depends on the charge Q and not the magni-
tude of the test charge.

If the electric field is known, then the electrostatic force on any charge q placed into
the field is simply obtained by rearranging the definition equation:

F = qE.

See video: 23Z6 at

See simulation: 23Z7 at

Worked example 5: Electric field 1


Calculate the electric field strength 30 cm from a 5 nC charge.

+5 nC

30 cm


Step 1: Determine what is required

We need to calculate the electric field a distance from a given charge.

Step 2: Determine what is given

We are given the magnitude of the charge and the distance from the charge.

Step 3: Determine how to approach the problem

We will use the equation: E = k rQ2 .

Step 4: Solve the problem

336 9.3. Electric field

(9,0 × 109 )(5 × 10−9 )
= 4,99 × 102 N·C−1

Worked example 6: Electric field 2


Two charges of Q1 = +3nC and Q2 = −4nC are separated by a distance of 50 cm.

What is the electric field strength at a point that is 20 cm from Q1 and 50 cm from Q2 ?
The point lies between Q1 and Q2 .

+3 nC -4 nC

10 cm 30 cm


Step 1: Determine what is required

We need to calculate the electric field a distance from two given charges.

Step 2: Determine what is given

We are given the magnitude of the charges and the distances from the charges.

Step 3: Determine how to approach the problem

We will use the equation: E = k rQ2 .

We need to calculate the electric field for each charge separately and then add them
to determine the resultant field.

Step 4: Solve the problem

We first solve for Q1 : Then for Q2 :

kQ kQ
E= E=
r2 r2
(9,0 × 109 )(3 × 10−9 ) (9,0 × 109 )(4 × 10−9 )
= =
0,22 0,32
= 6,74 × 102 N·C−1 = 3,99 × 102 N·C−1

Chapter 9. Electrostatics 337

We need to add the two electric fields because both are in the same direction. The
field is away from Q1 and towards Q2 . Therefore, Etotal = 6,74 × 102 + 3,99 × 102 =
1,08 × 102 N·C−1

Worked example 7: Two-dimensional electric fields


Two point charges form a right-angled triangle with the point A at the origin. Their
charges are Q2 = 6 × 10−9 C = 6 nC and Q3 = −3 × 10−9 C = −3 nC. The distance
between A and Q2 is 5 × 10−2 m and the distance between A and Q3 is 3 × 10−2 m.
What is the net electric field measured at A from the two charges if they are arranged
as shown?

Q3 = -3 nC

0,03 m

Q2 = +6 nC
0,05 m


Step 1: Determine what is required

We are required to calculate the net electric field at A. This field is the sum of the two
electric fields - the field from Q2 at A and from Q3 at A.

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem

• We need to calculate the two fields at A, using E = k rQ2 for the magnitude and
determining the direction from the charge signs.

• We then need to add up the two fields using our rules for adding vector quanti-
ties, because the electric field is a vector quantity.

Step 3: Determine what is given

We are given all the charges and the distances.

Step 4: Calculate the magnitude of the fields.

The magnitude of the field from Q2 at A, which we will call E2 , is:

338 9.3. Electric field

E2 = k
(6 × 10−9 )
= (9,0 × 109 )
(5 × 10−2 )2
(6 × 10−9 )
= (9,0 × 109 )
(25 × 10−4 )
= 2,158 × 104 N·C−1

The magnitude of the electric field from Q3 at A, which we will call E3 , is:

E3 = k
(3 × 10−9 )
= (9,0 × 109 )
(3 × 10−2 )2
(3 × 10−9 )
= (9,0 × 109 )
(9 × 10−4 )
= 2,997 × 104 N·C−1

Step 5: Vector addition of electric fields

We will use precisely the same procedure as before. Determine the vectors on the
Cartesian plane, break them into components in the x- and y-directions, sum compo-
nents in each direction to get the components of the resultant.

We choose the positive directions to be to the right (the positive x-direction) and up
(the positive y-direction). We know the electric field magnitudes but we need to use
the charges to determine the direction. Then we can use the diagram to determine the

The force between a positive test charge and Q2 is repulsive (like charges). This means
that the electric field is to the left, or in the negative x-direction.

The force between a positive test charge and Q3 is attractive (unlike charges) and the
electric field will be in the positive y-direction.

We can redraw the diagram illustrating the fields to make sure we can visualise the

Q3 = -3 nC

Q2 = +6 nC

Step 6: Resultant force

Chapter 9. Electrostatics 339

The magnitude of the resultant force acting on Q1 can be calculated from the forces
using Pythagoras’ theorem because there are only two forces and they act in the x- and
ER = E22 + E32 Pythagoras’ theorem

ER = (2,158 × 104 )2 + (2,997 × 104 )2
ER = 3,693 × 104 N·C−1

and the angle, θR made with the x-axis can be found using trigonometry.

tan(θR ) =
2,997 × 104
E 3
E tan(θR ) =
2,158 × 104
2,997 × 104
θR = tan−1 ( )
2,158 × 104
 2 θR
E A θR = 54,24◦

The final resultant electric field acting at A is 3,693 × 104 N·C−1 acting at 54,24◦ to
the negative x-axis or 125,76◦ to the positive x-axis.

Exercise 9 – 2: Electric fields

1. Calculate the electric field strength 20 m from a 7 nC charge.

+7 nC

20 m

2. Two charges of Q1 = −6 pC and Q2 = −8 pC are separated by a distance of

3 km. What is the electric field strength at a point that is 2 km from Q1 and 1 km
from Q2 ? The point lies between Q1 and Q2 .

-8 pC -6 pC

1 km 2 km

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23Z8 2. 23Z9

340 9.3. Electric field

9.4 Chapter summary ESBPQ

See presentation: 23ZB at

• Objects can be positively, negatively charged or neutral.

• Coulomb’s law describes the electrostatic force between two point charges and
can be stated as: the magnitude of the electrostatic force between two point
charges is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of the charges
and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
kQ1 Q2
F = r2

• An electric field is a region of space in which an electric charge will experience

a force. The direction of the field at a point in space is the direction in which a
positive test charge would moved if placed at that point.

• We can represent the electric field using field lines. By convention electric field
lines point away from positive charges (like charges repel) and towards negative
charges (unlike charges attract).

• The magnitude of the electric field, E, at a point can be quantified as the force
per unit charge We can write this as: E = Fq where F is the Coulomb force
exerted by a charge on a test charge q. The units of the electric field are newtons
per coulomb: N·C−1 .

• The electric field due to a point charge Q is defined as the force per unit charge:
F kQ
E= q = r2

• The electrostatic force is attractive for unlike charges and repulsive for like charges.

Physical Quantities
Quantity Unit name Unit symbol
Charge (q) coulomb C
Distance (d) metre m
Electric field (E) newtons per coulomb N·C−1
Force (F ) newton N

Exercise 9 – 3:

1. Two charges of +3 nC and −5 nC are separated by a distance of 40 cm. What

is the electrostatic force between the two charges?

2. Two conducting metal spheres carrying charges of +6 nC and −10 nC are sep-
arated by a distance of 20 mm.

a) What is the electrostatic force between the spheres?

b) The two spheres are touched and then separated by a distance of 60 mm.
What are the new charges on the spheres?
c) What is new electrostatic force between the spheres at this distance?

Chapter 9. Electrostatics 341

3. The electrostatic force between two charged spheres of +3 nC and +4 nC re-
spectively is 0,4 N. What is the distance between the spheres?

4. Draw the electric field pattern lines between:

a) two equal positive point charges.

b) two equal negative point charges.

5. Two small identical metal spheres, on insulated stands, carry charges −q and
+3q respectively. When the centres of the spheres are separated by a distance d
the one exerts an electrostatic force of magnitude F on the other.

−q +3q

The spheres are now made to touch each other and are then brought back to
the same distance d apart. What will be the magnitude of the electrostatic force
which one sphere now exerts on the other?
a) 4F
b) 3F
c) 2F
d) 3F

[SC 2003/11]

6. Three point charges of magnitude +1 C, +1 C and −1 C respectively are placed

on the three corners of an equilateral triangle as shown.

+1 µC +1 µC

-1 µC

Which vector best represents the direction of the resultant force acting on the
−1 C charge as a result of the forces exerted by the other two charges?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

[SC 2003/11]

342 9.4. Chapter summary

7. a) Write a statement of Coulomb’s law.
b) Calculate the magnitude of the force exerted by a point charge of +2 nC
on another point charge of −3 nC separated by a distance of 60 mm.
c) Sketch the electric field between two point charges of +2 nC and −3 nC,
respectively, placed 60 mm apart from each other.
[IEB 2003/11 HG1 - Force Fields]

8. The electric field strength at a distance x from a point charge is E. What is the
magnitude of the electric field strength at a distance 2x away from the point
a) 4E
b) 2E
c) 2E
d) 4E

[SC 2002/03 HG1]

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23ZC 2. 23ZD 3. 23ZF 4a. 23ZG 4b. 23ZH 5. 23ZJ

6. 23ZK 7. 23ZM 8. 23ZN

Chapter 9. Electrostatics 343



10.1 Introduction 346

10.2 Magnetic field associated with a current 346
10.3 Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction 357
10.4 Chapter summary 369
10 Electromagnetism

10.1 Introduction ESBPR

Electromagnetism describes the interaction between charges, currents and the electric
and magnetic fields to which they give rise. An electric current creates a magnetic
field and a changing magnetic field will create a flow of charge. This relationship
between electricity and magnetism has been studied extensively. This has resulted
in the invention of many devices which are useful to humans, for example cellular
telephones, microwave ovens, radios, televisions and many more.

10.2 Magnetic field associated with a current ESBPS

If you hold a compass near a wire through which current is flowing, the needle on the
compass will be deflected.

Since compasses work by pointing along magnetic field lines, this means that there
must be a magnetic field near the wire through which the current is flowing.

The magnetic field produced by an electric current is always oriented perpendicular to

the direction of the current flow. Below is a sketch of what the magnetic field around
a wire looks like when the wire has a current flowing in it. We use B  to denote a
magnetic field and arrows on field lines to show the direction of the magnetic field.
Note that if there is no current there will be no magnetic field.

The direction of the current in the conductor (wire) is shown by the central arrow. The
circles are field lines and they also have a direction indicated by the arrows on the
lines. Similar to the situation with electric field lines, the greater the number of lines
(or the closer they are together) in an area the stronger the magnetic field.

346 10.1. Introduction

Important: all of our discussion regarding field directions assumes that we are dealing FACT
with conventional current. The Danish physicist,
Hans Christian Oersted,
was lecturing one day in
1820 on the possibility of
electricity and magnetism
To help you visualise this situation, being related to one
stand a pen or pencil straight up on a another, and in the
desk. The circles are centred around process demonstrated it
conclusively with an
the pencil or pen and would be drawn experiment in front of his
parallel to the surface of the desk. The whole class. By passing
tip of the pen or pencil would point in an electric current
the direction of the current flow. through a metal wire
suspended above a
magnetic compass,
Oersted was able to
produce a definite motion
You can look at the pencil or pen from of the compass needle in
above and the pencil or pen will be a response to the current.
dot in the centre of the circles. The What began as a guess at
the start of the class
direction of the magnetic field lines is session was confirmed as
counter-clockwise for this situation. fact at the end. Needless
To make it easier to see what is hap- to say, Oersted had to
pening we are only going to draw one revise his lecture notes for
future classes. His
set of circular fields lines but note that discovery paved the way
this is just for the illustration. for a whole new branch
of science -
If you put a piece of paper behind the electromagnetism.
pencil and look at it from the side, then
× you would be seeing the circular field
× lines side on and it is hard to know that
× they are circular. They go through the
× paper. Remember that field lines have
× a direction, so when you are looking
× at the piece of paper from the side it
means that the circles go into the paper
on one side of the pencil and come out
of the paper on the other side.

When we are drawing directions of

magnetic fields and currents, we use
the symbols  and ⊗. The symbol  +
represents an arrow that is coming out +
of the page and the symbol ⊗ repre- +
sents an arrow that is going into the
page. +
It is easy to remember the meanings of +
the symbols if you think of an arrow +
with a sharp tip at the head and a tail
with feathers in the shape of a cross.

We will now look at three examples of current carrying wires. For each example
we will determine the magnetic field and draw the magnetic field lines around the

Chapter 10. Electromagnetism 347

Magnetic field around a straight wire ESBPT

The direction of the magnetic field around the current carrying conductor is shown in
Figure 10.1.


(a) (b)
Figure 10.1:
Magnetic field around a conductor when you look at the conductor from one end. (a) Current
flows out of the page and the magnetic field is counter-clockwise. (b) Current flows into the
page and the magnetic field is clockwise.

   ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
current flow

current flow
⊗ ⊗ ⊗   

Figure 10.2:
Magnetic fields around a conductor looking down on the conductor. (a) Current flows clock-
wise. (b) current flows counter-clockwise.

Activity: Direction of a magnetic field

Using the directions given in Figure 10.1 and Figure 10.2 try to find a rule that easily
tells you the direction of the magnetic field.

Hint: Use your fingers. Hold the wire in your hands and try to find a link between the
direction of your thumb and the direction in which your fingers curl.

The magnetic field

around a current carry-
ing conductor.

348 10.2. Magnetic field associated with a current

There is a simple method of finding the relationship between the direction of the
current flowing in a conductor and the direction of the magnetic field around the same
conductor. The method is called the Right Hand Rule. Simply stated, the Right Hand
Rule says that the magnetic field lines produced by a current-carrying wire will be
oriented in the same direction as the curled fingers of a person’s right hand (in the
“hitchhiking” position), with the thumb pointing in the direction of the current flow.


Your right hand and left hand are unique in the sense that you cannot rotate one of
them to be in the same position as the other. This means that the right hand part of the
rule is essential. You will always get the wrong answer if you use the wrong hand.

Activity: The Right Hand Rule

Use the Right Hand Rule to draw in the directions of the magnetic fields for the follow-
ing conductors with the currents flowing in the directions shown by the arrows. The
first problem has been completed for you.

⊗ ⊗ ⊗

1.    2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

Chapter 10. Electromagnetism 349

Activity: Magnetic field around a current carrying conductor


1. one 9 V battery with holder

2. two hookup wires with alligator clips

3. compass

4. stop watch


1. Connect your wires to the battery leaving one end of each wire unconnected so
that the circuit is not closed.

2. Be sure to limit the current flow to 10 seconds at a time (Why you might ask, the
wire has very little resistance on its own so the battery will go flat very quickly).
This is to preserve battery life as well as to prevent overheating of the wires and
battery contacts.

3. Place the compass close to the wire.

4. Close the circuit and observe what happens to the compass.

5. Reverse the polarity of the battery and close the circuit. Observe what happens
to the compass.


Use your observations to answer the following questions:

1. Does a current flowing in a wire generate a magnetic field?

2. Is the magnetic field present when the current is not flowing?

3. Does the direction of the magnetic field produced by a current in a wire depend
on the direction of the current flow?

4. How does the direction of the current affect the magnetic field?

Magnetic field around a current carrying loop ESBPV

So far we have only looked at straight wires carrying a current and the magnetic fields
around them. We are going to study the magnetic field set up by circular loops of wire
carrying a current because the field has very useful properties, for example you will
see that we can set up a uniform magnetic field.

350 10.2. Magnetic field associated with a current

Activity: Magnetic field around a loop of conductor

Imagine two loops made from wire which carry currents (in opposite directions) and
are parallel to the page of your book. By using the Right Hand Rule, draw what you
think the magnetic field would look like at different points around each of the two
loops. Loop 1 has the current flowing in a counter-clockwise direction, while loop 2
has the current flowing in a clockwise direction.

direction of current direction of current

loop 1 loop 2

direction of current direction of current

If you make a loop of current carrying conductor, then the direction of the magnetic
field is obtained by applying the Right Hand Rule to different points in the loop.

⊗ ⊗
 The directions of the magnetic

⊗ field around a loop of current
 ⊗ carrying conductor with the
⊗ current flowing in a counter-

 ⊗ clockwise direction is shown.
⊗ ⊗
-6 -7

Notice that there is a variation on the Right Hand Rule. If you make the fingers of your
right hand follow the direction of the current in the loop, your thumb will point in the
direction where the field lines emerge. This is similar to the north pole (where the
field lines emerge from a bar magnet) and shows you which side of the loop would
attract a bar magnet’s north pole.

Chapter 10. Electromagnetism 351

Magnetic field around a solenoid ESBPW

If we now add another loop with the current in the same direction, then the magnetic
field around each loop can be added together to create a stronger magnetic field. A
coil of many such loops is called a solenoid. A solenoid is a cylindrical coil of wire
acting as a magnet when an electric current flows through the wire. The magnetic
field pattern around a solenoid is similar to the magnetic field pattern around the bar
magnet that you studied in Grade 10, which had a definite north and south pole as
shown in Figure 10.3.

current flow

Figure 10.3:
Magnetic field around a solenoid.
-8 -7

Real-world applications ESBPX


An electromagnet is a piece of wire intended to generate a magnetic field with the

passage of electric current through it. Though all current-carrying conductors produce
magnetic fields, an electromagnet is usually constructed in such a way as to maximise
the strength of the magnetic field it produces for a special purpose. Electromagnets are
commonly used in research, industry, medical, and consumer products. An example

352 10.2. Magnetic field associated with a current

of a commonly used electromagnet is in security doors, e.g. on shop doors which
open automatically.

As an electrically-controllable magnet, electromagnets form part of a wide variety of

“electromechanical” devices: machines that produce a mechanical force or motion
through electrical power. Perhaps the most obvious example of such a machine is the
electric motor which will be described in detail in Grade 12. Other examples of the
use of electromagnets are electric bells, relays, loudspeakers and scrapyard cranes.

See video: 23ZP at

General experiment: Electromagnets


A magnetic field is created when an electric current flows through a wire. A single
wire does not produce a strong magnetic field, but a wire coiled around an iron core
does. We will investigate this behaviour.


1. a battery and holder

2. a length of wire

3. a compass

4. a few nails


1. If you have not done the previous experiment in this chapter do it now.

2. Bend the wire into a series of coils before attaching it to the battery. Observe
what happens to the deflection of the needle on the compass. Has the deflection
of the compass grown stronger?

3. Repeat the experiment by changing the number and size of the coils in the wire.
Observe what happens to the deflection on the compass.

Chapter 10. Electromagnetism 353

4. Coil the wire around an iron nail and then attach the coil to the battery. Observe
what happens to the deflection of the compass needle.


1. Does the number of coils affect the strength of the magnetic field?

2. Does the iron nail increase or decrease the strength of the magnetic field?

Case study: Overhead power lines and the environment

Physical impact:

Power lines are a common sight all

across our country. These lines bring
power from the power stations to our
homes and offices. But these power
lines can have negative impacts on the
environment. One hazard that they
pose is to birds which fly into them.
Conservationist Jessica Shaw has spent
the last few years looking at this threat.
In fact, power lines pose the primary
threat to the blue crane, South Africa’s
national bird, in the Karoo.

“We are lucky in South Africa to have

a wide range of bird species, includ-
ing many large birds like cranes, storks
and bustards. Unfortunately, there are
also a lot of power lines, which can im-
pact on birds in two ways. They can be
electrocuted when they perch on some
types of pylons, and can also be killed
by colliding with the line if they fly into
it, either from the impact with the line
or from hitting the ground afterwards.

These collisions often happen to large birds, which are too heavy to avoid a power line
if they only see it at the last minute. Other reasons that birds might collide include
bad weather, flying in flocks and the lack of experience of younger birds.

Over the past few years we have been researching the serious impact that power line
collisions have on Blue Cranes and Ludwig’s Bustards. These are two of our endemic
species, which means they are only found in southern Africa. They are both big birds
that have long lifespans and breed slowly, so the populations might not recover from
high mortality rates. We have walked and driven under power lines across the Over-
berg and the Karoo to count dead birds. The data show that thousands of these birds

354 10.2. Magnetic field associated with a current

are killed by collisions every year, and Ludwig’s Bustard is now listed as an Endan- When lightning strikes a
ship or an aeroplane, it
gered species because of this high level of unnatural mortality. We are also looking
can damage or otherwise
for ways to reduce this problem, and have been working with Eskom to test different change its magnetic
line marking devices. When markers are hung on power lines, birds might be able to compass. There have
see the power line from further away, which will give them enough time to avoid a been recorded instances
collision.” of a lightning strike
changing the polarity of
the compass so the
Impact of fields: needle points south
instead of north.
The fact that a field is created around the power lines means that they can potentially
have an impact at a distance. This has been studied and continues to be a topic of
significant debate. At the time of writing, the World Health Organisation guidelines
for human exposure to electric and magnetic fields indicate that there is no clear link
between exposure to the magnetic and electric fields that the general public encounters
from power lines, because these are extremely low frequency fields.

Power line noise can interfere with radio communications and broadcasting. Essen-
tially, the power lines or associated hardware improperly generate unwanted radio
signals that override or compete with desired radio signals. Power line noise can
impact the quality of radio and television reception. Disruption of radio communica-
tions, such as amateur radio, can also occur. Loss of critical communications, such as
police, fire, military and other similar users of the radio spectrum, can result in even
more serious consequences.

Group discussion:

• Discuss the above information.

• Discuss other ways that power lines affect the environment.

Exercise 10 – 1: Magnetic Fields

1. Give evidence for the existence of a magnetic field near a current carrying wire.

2. Describe how you would use your right hand to determine the direction of a
magnetic field around a current carrying conductor.

3. Use the Right Hand Rule to determine the direction of the magnetic field for the
following situations:

Chapter 10. Electromagnetism 355

current flow


current flow


4. Use the Right Hand Rule to find the direction of the magnetic fields at each of
the points labelled A - H in the following diagrams.



Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23ZQ 2. 23ZR 3a. 23ZS 3b. 23ZT 4. 23ZV

356 10.2. Magnetic field associated with a current

10.3 Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction ESBPY

Current induced by a changing magnetic field ESBPZ

While Oersted’s surprising discovery of electromagnetism paved the way for more
practical applications of electricity, it was Michael Faraday who gave us the key to the
practical generation of electricity: electromagnetic induction.

Faraday discovered that when he moved a magnet near a wire a voltage was generated
across it. If the magnet was held stationary no voltage was generated, the voltage only
existed while the magnet was moving. We call this voltage the induced emf (E).

A circuit loop connected to a sensitive ammeter will register a current if it is set up as

in this figure and the magnet is moved up and down:

Magnetic flux

Before we move onto the definition of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction and
examples, we first need to spend some time looking at the magnetic flux. For a loop of
 the magnetic flux (φ) is defined
area A in the presence of a uniform magnetic field, B,
φ = BA cos θ

Chapter 10. Electromagnetism 357


θ = the angle between the magnetic field, B, and the normal to the loop of area A
A = the area of the loop
B = the magnetic field

The S.I. unit of magnetic flux is the weber (Wb).

You might ask yourself why the angle θ is included. The flux depends on the magnetic
field that passes through surface. We know that a field parallel to the surface can’t
induce a current because it doesn’t pass through the surface. If the magnetic field is
not perpendicular to the surface then there is a component which is perpendicular and
a component which is parallel to the surface. The parallel component can’t contribute
to the flux, only the vertical component can.

In this diagram we show that a magnetic field at an angle other than perpendicular
can be broken into components. The component perpendicular to the surface has the
magnitude B cos(θ) where θ is the angle between the normal and the magnetic field.



B sin(θ)

B cos(θ)


DEFINITION: Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction

The emf, E, produced around a loop of conductor is proportional to the rate of change
of the magnetic flux, φ, through the area, A, of the loop. This can be stated mathemat-
ically as:

E = −N
where φ = B · A and B is the strength of the magnetic field. N is the number of circuit
loops. A magnetic field is measured in units of teslas (T). The minus sign indicates
direction and that the induced emf tends to oppose the change in the magnetic flux.
The minus sign can be ignored when calculating magnitudes.

Faraday’s Law relates induced emf to the rate of change of flux, which is the product
of the magnetic field and the cross-sectional area through which the field lines pass.

358 10.3. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction


It is not the area of the wire itself but the area that the wire encloses. This means that
if you bend the wire into a circle, the area we would use in a flux calculation is the
surface area of the circle, not the wire.

In this illustration, where the magnet is in the same plane as the circuit loop, there
would be no current even if the magnet were moved closer and further away. This is
because the magnetic field lines do not pass through the enclosed area but are parallel
to it. The magnetic field lines must pass through the area enclosed by the circuit loop
for an emf to be induced.

 

Direction of induced current ESBQ2

The most important thing to remember is that the induced current opposes whatever
change is taking place.

In the first picture (left) the circuit loop has the south pole of a magnet moving closer.
The magnitude of the field from the magnet is getting larger. The response from the
induced emf will be to try to resist the field towards the pole getting stronger. The field
is a vector so the current will flow in a direction so that the fields due to the current
tend to cancel those from the magnet, keeping the resultant field the same.

To resist the change from an approaching south pole from above, the current must
result in field lines that move away from the approaching pole. The induced magnetic
field must therefore have field lines that go down on the inside of the loop. The current
direction indicated by the arrows on the circuit loop will achieve this. Test this by using
the Right Hand Rule. Put your right thumb in the direction of one of the arrows and
notice what the field curls downwards into the area enclosed by the loop.

Chapter 10. Electromagnetism 359


In the second diagram the south pole is moving away. This means that the field from
the magnet will be getting weaker. The response from the induced current will be
to set up a magnetic field that adds to the existing one from the magnetic to resist it
decreasing in strength.

Another way to think of the same feature is just using poles. To resist an approaching
south pole the current that is induced creates a field that looks like another south pole
on the side of the approaching south pole. Like poles repel, you can think of the
current setting up a south pole to repel the approaching south pole. In the second
panel, the current sets up a north pole to attract the south pole to stop it moving away.

We can also use the variation of the Right Hand Rule, putting your fingers in the
direction of the current to get your thumb to point in the direction of the field lines (or
the north pole).

We can test all of these on the cases of a north pole moving closer or further away
from the circuit. For the first case of the north pole approaching, the current will resist
the change by setting up a field in the opposite direction to the field from the magnet
that is getting stronger. Use the Right Hand Rule to confirm that the arrows create a
field with field lines that curl upwards in the enclosed area cancelling out those curling
downwards from the north pole of the magnet.

Like poles repel, alternatively test that putting the fingers of your right hand in the
direction of the current leaves your thumb pointing upwards indicating a north pole.

360 10.3. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction


For the second figure where the north pole is moving away the situation is reversed.

Direction of induced current in a solenoid ESBQ3

The approach for looking at the direction of current in a solenoid is the same the
approach described above. The only difference being that in a solenoid there are
a number of loops of wire so the magnitude of the induced emf will be different.
The flux would be calculated using the surface area of the solenoid multiplied by the
number of loops.

Remember: the directions of currents and associated magnetic fields can all be found
using only the Right Hand Rule. When the fingers of the right hand are pointed in
the direction of the magnetic field, the thumb points in the direction of the current.
When the thumb is pointed in the direction of the magnetic field, the fingers point in
the direction of the current.

The direction of the current will be such as to oppose the change. We would use a
setup as in this sketch to do the test:

coil with N
turns and cross-
sectional area,
current  

magnetic field, B
moving to the left.

In the case where a north pole is brought towards the solenoid the current will flow so

Chapter 10. Electromagnetism 361

TIP that a north pole is established at the end of the solenoid closest to the approaching
An easy way to create a magnet to repel it (verify using the Right Hand Rule):
magnetic field of
changing intensity is to
move a permanent
magnet next to a wire or
coil of wire. The
magnetic field must
increase or decrease in  
intensity perpendicular to
the wire (so that the
magnetic field lines “cut
across” the conductor), or
else no voltage will be
In the case where a north pole is moving away from the solenoid the current will flow
TIP so that a south pole is established at the end of the solenoid closest to the receding
The induced current magnet to attract it:
generates a magnetic
field. The induced
magnetic field is in a
direction that tends to
cancel out the change in
the magnetic field in the
loop of wire. So, you can  
use the Right Hand Rule
to find the direction of the
induced current by
remembering that the
induced magnetic field is
opposite in direction to
the change in the In the case where a south pole is moving away from the solenoid the current will flow
magnetic field. so that a north pole is established at the end of the solenoid closest to the receding
magnet to attract it:

 

In the case where a south pole is brought towards the solenoid the current will flow so
that a south pole is established at the end of the solenoid closest to the approaching
magnet to repel it:

 

362 10.3. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction


Electromagnetic induction is put into practical use in the construction of electrical

generators which use mechanical power to move a magnetic field past coils of wire to
generate voltage. However, this is by no means the only practical use for this principle.

If we recall, the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying wire is always perpen-

dicular to the wire, and that the flux intensity of this magnetic field varies with the
amount of current which passes through it. We can therefore see that a wire is capable
of inducing a voltage along its own length if the current is changing. This effect is
called self-induction. Self-induction is when a changing magnetic field is produced by
changes in current through a wire, inducing a voltage along the length of that same

If the magnetic flux is enhanced by bending the wire into the shape of a coil, and/or
wrapping that coil around a material of high permeability, this effect of self-induced
voltage will be more intense. A device constructed to take advantage of this effect is
called an inductor.

Remember that the induced current will create a magnetic field that opposes the
change in the magnetic flux. This is known as Lenz’s law.

Worked example 1: Faraday’s law


Consider a flat square coil with 5 turns. The coil is 0,50 m on each side and has a
magnetic field of 0,5 T passing through it. The plane of the coil is perpendicular to
the magnetic field: the field points out of the page. Use Faraday’s Law to calculate
the induced emf, if the magnetic field is increases uniformly from 0,5 T to 1 T in 10 s.
Determine the direction of the induced current.



Step 1: Identify what is required

We are required to use Faraday’s Law to calculate the induced emf.

Step 2: Write Faraday’s Law

Chapter 10. Electromagnetism 363

E = −N
We know that the magnetic field is at right angles to the surface and so aligned with
the normal. This means we do not need to worry about the angle that the field makes
with the normal and φ = BA. The starting or initial magnetic field, Bi , is given as is
the final field magnitude, Bf . We want to determine the magnitude of the emf so we
can ignore the minus sign.

The area, A, is the area of square coil.

Step 3: Solve Problem

E =N
φf − φ i
Bf A − B i A
A(Bf − Bi )
(0,50)2 (1 − 0,50)
= (5)
(0,50)2 (1 − 0,50)
= (5)
= 0,0625 V

The induced current is anti-clockwise as viewed from the direction of the increasing
magnetic field.

Worked example 2: Faraday’s law


Consider a solenoid of 9 turns with unknown radius, r. The solenoid is subjected to

a magnetic field of 0,12 T. The axis of the solenoid is parallel to the magnetic field.
When the field is uniformly switched to 12 T over a period of 2 minutes an emf with a
magnitude of −0,3 V is induced. Determine the radius of the solenoid.



Step 1: Identify what is required

364 10.3. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction

We are required to determine the radius of the solenoid. We know that the relationship
between the induced emf and the field is governed by Faraday’s law which includes
the geometry of the solenoid. We can use this relationship to find the radius.

Step 2: Write Faraday’s Law

E = −N
We know that the magnetic field is at right angles to the surface and so aligned with
the normal. This means we do not need to worry about the angle the field makes with
the normal and φ = BA. The starting or initial magnetic field, Bi , is given as is the
final field magnitude, Bf . We can drop the minus sign because we are working with
the magnitude of the emf only.

The area, A, is the surface area of the solenoid which is πr2 .

Step 3: Solve Problem

E =N
φf − φ i
Bf A − B i A
A(Bf − Bi )
(πr )(12 − 0,12)
(0,30) = (9)
r2 =
(9)π(12 − 0,12)
r = 0,107175
r = 0,32 m

The solenoid has a radius of 0,32 m.

Worked example 3: Faraday’s law


Consider a circular coil of 4 turns with radius 3 × 10−2 m. The solenoid is subjected
to a varying magnetic field that changes uniformly from 0,4 T to 3,4 T in an interval of
27 s. The axis of the solenoid makes an angle of 35◦ to the magnetic field. Find the
induced emf.

Chapter 10. Electromagnetism 365



Step 1: Identify what is required

We are required to use Faraday’s Law to calculate the induced emf.

Step 2: Write Faraday’s Law

E = −N
We know that the magnetic field is at an angle to the surface normal. This means we
must account for the angle that the field makes with the normal and φ = BA cos(θ).
The starting or initial magnetic field, Bi , is given as is the final field magnitude, Bf .
We want to determine the magnitude of the emf so we can ignore the minus sign.

The area, A, will be πr2 .

Step 3: Solve Problem

E =N
φf − φ i
Bf A cos(θ) − Bi A cos(θ)
A cos(θ)(Bf − Bi )
(π(0,03)2 cos(35))(3,4 − 0,4)
= (4)
= 1,03 × 10 V

The induced current is anti-clockwise as viewed from the direction of the increasing
magnetic field.

See simulation: 23ZW at

366 10.3. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction

Real-life applications

The following devices use Faraday’s Law in their operation.

• induction stoves

• tape players

• metal detectors

• transformers

Project: Real-life applications of Faraday’s Law

Choose one of the following devices and do some research on the internet, or in
a library, how your device works. You will need to refer to Faraday’s Law in your

• induction stoves

• tape players

• metal detectors

• transformers

Exercise 10 – 2: Faraday’s Law

1. State Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction in words and write down a

mathematical relationship.

2. Describe what happens when a bar magnet is pushed into or pulled out of a
solenoid connected to an ammeter. Draw pictures to support your description.

3. Explain how it is possible for the magnetic flux to be zero when the magnetic
field is not zero.

4. Use the Right Hand Rule to determine the direction of the induced current in the
solenoid below.

Chapter 10. Electromagnetism 367

coil with N
turns and cross-
sectional area,


5. Consider a circular coil of 5 turns with radius 1,73 m. The coil is subjected
to a varying magnetic field that changes uniformly from 2,18 T to 12,7 T in an
interval of 3 minutes. The axis of the solenoid makes an angle of 27◦ to the
magnetic field. Find the induced emf.

6. Consider a solenoid coil of 11 turns with radius 13,8 × 10−2 m. The solenoid
is subjected to a varying magnetic field that changes uniformly from 5,34 T to
2,7 T in an interval of 12 s. The axis of the solenoid makes an angle of 13◦ to
the magnetic field.

a) Find the induced emf.

b) If the angle is changed to 67,4◦ , what would the radius need to be for the
emf to remain the same?

7. Consider a solenoid with 5 turns and a radius of 11 × 10−2 m. The axis of the
solenoid makes an angle of 23◦ to the magnetic field.

a) Find the change in flux if the emf is 12 V over a period of 12 s.

b) If the angle is changed to 45◦ , what would the time interval need to change
to for the induced emf to remain the same?

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 23ZX 2. 23ZY 3. 23ZZ 4. 2422 5. 2423 6. 2424

7. 2425

368 10.3. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction

10.4 Chapter summary ESBQ4

See presentation: 2426 at

• Electromagnetism is the study of the properties and relationship between electric

currents and magnetism.

• A current-carrying conductor will produce a magnetic field around the conduc-


• The direction of the magnetic field is found by using the Right Hand Rule.

• Electromagnets are temporary magnets formed by current-carrying conductors.

• The magnetic flux through a surface is the product of the component of the
magnetic field normal to the surface and the surface area, φ = BA cos(θ).

• Electromagnetic induction occurs when a changing magnetic field induces a

voltage in a current-carrying conductor.

• The magnitude of the induced emf is given by Faraday’s law of electromagnetic

induction: E = −N ∆φ

Physical Quantities
Quantity Unit name Unit symbol
Induced emf (E) volt V
Magnetic field (B) tesla T
Magnetic flux (φ) weber Wb
Time (t) seconds s

Exercise 10 – 3:

1. What did Hans Oersted discover about the relationship between electricity and

2. List two uses of electromagnetism.

3. a) A uniform magnetic field of 0,35 T in the vertical direction exists. A piece

of cardboard, of surface area 0,35 m2 is placed flat on a horizontal surface
inside the field. What is the magnetic flux through the cardboard?
b) The one edge is then lifted so that the cardboard is now inclined at 17◦ to
the positive x-direction. What is the magnetic flux through the cardboard?
What will the induced emf be if the field drops to zero in the space of 3 s?

4. A uniform magnetic field of 5 T in the vertical direction exists. What is the

magnetic flux through a horizontal surface of area 0,68 m2 ? What is the flux if
the magnetic field changes to being in the positive x-direction?

5. A uniform magnetic field of 5 T in the vertical direction exists. What is the

magnetic flux through a horizontal circle of radius 0,68 m?

Chapter 10. Electromagnetism 369

6. Consider a square coil of 3 turns with a side length of 1,56 m. The coil is
subjected to a varying magnetic field that changes uniformly from 4,38 T to
0,35 T in an interval of 3 minutes. The axis of the solenoid makes an angle of
197◦ to the magnetic field. Find the induced emf.

7. Consider a solenoid coil of 13 turns with radius 6,8 × 10−2 m. The solenoid is
subjected to a varying magnetic field that changes uniformly from −5 T to 1,8 T
in an interval of 18 s. The axis of the solenoid makes an angle of 88◦ to the
magnetic field.

a) Find the induced emf.

b) If the angle is changed to 39◦ , what would the radius need to be for the emf
to remain the same?

8. Consider a solenoid with 5 turns and a radius of 4,3 × 10−1 mm. The axis of the
solenoid makes an angle of 11◦ to the magnetic field.
Find the change in flux if the emf is 0,12 V over a period of 0,5 s.

9. Consider a rectangular coil of area 1,73 m2 . The coil is subjected to a varying

magnetic field that changes uniformly from 2 T to 10 T in an interval of 3 ms.
The axis of the solenoid makes an angle of 55◦ to the magnetic field. Find the
induced emf.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 2427 2. 2428 3. 242B 4. 242C 5. 242D 6. 242F

7. 242G 8. 242H 9. 242J

370 10.4. Chapter summary


Electric circuits

11.1 Introduction 372

11.2 Ohm’s Law 372
11.3 Power and energy 399
11.4 Chapter summary 413
11 Electric circuits

11.1 Introduction ESBQ5

The study of electrical circuits is essential to understand the technology that uses elec-
tricity in the real-world. We depend on electricity and electrical appliances to make
many things possible in our daily lives. This becomes very clear when there is a power
failure and we can’t use the kettle to boil water for tea or coffee, can’t use the stove
or oven to cook dinner, can’t charge our cellphone batteries, watch TV, or use electric

Key Mathematics Concepts

• Units and unit conversions — Physical Sciences, Grade 10, Science skills

• Equations — Mathematics, Grade 10, Equations and inequalities

• Graphs — Mathematics, Grade 10, Functions and graphs

11.2 Ohm’s Law ESBQ6

Three quantities which are fundamental to electric circuits are current, voltage (poten-
tial difference) and resistance. To recap:

1. Electrical current, I, is defined as the rate of flow of charge through a circuit.

2. Potential difference or voltage, V , is the amount of energy per unit charge

needed to move that charge between two points in a circuit.

3. Resistance, R, is a measure of how ‘hard’ it is to push current through a circuit


We will now look at how these three quantities are related to each other in electric

An important relationship between the current, voltage and resistance in a circuit was
discovered by Georg Simon Ohm and it is called Ohm’s Law.


The amount of electric current through a metal conductor, at a constant temperature,

in a circuit is proportional to the voltage across the conductor and can be described
I = VR
where I is the current through the conductor, V is the voltage across the conductor
and R is the resistance of the conductor. In other words, at constant temperature, the
resistance of the conductor is constant, independent of the voltage applied across it or
current passed through it.

372 11.1. Introduction

Ohm’s Law tells us that if a conductor is at a constant temperature, the current flowing
through the conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it. This means that
if we plot voltage on the x-axis of a graph and current on the y-axis of the graph, we
will get a straight-line.

1 ∆I
4 R = ∆V

Current, I (A) 3

1 ∆V

0 1 2 3 4
Voltage, V (V)

The gradient of the straight-line graph is related to the resistance of the conductor as
I 1
= .
This can be rearranged in terms of the constant resistance as:
R= .

General experiment: Ohm’s Law


To determine the relationship between the current going through a resistor and the
potential difference (voltage) across the same resistor.


4 cells, 4 resistors, an ammeter, a voltmeter, connecting wires

1) 2)


Chapter 11. Electric circuits 373


This experiment has two parts. In the first part we will vary the applied voltage across
the resistor and measure the resulting current through the circuit. In the second part
we will vary the current in the circuit and measure the resulting voltage across the
resistor. After obtaining both sets of measurements, we will examine the relationship
between the current and the voltage across the resistor.

1. Varying the voltage:

a) Set up the circuit according to circuit diagram 1), starting with just one cell.
b) Draw the following table in your lab book.

Number of cells Voltage, V (V) Current, I (A)


c) Get your teacher to check the circuit before turning the power on.
d) Measure the voltage across the resistor using the voltmeter, and the current
in the circuit using the ammeter.
e) Add one more 1,5 V cell to the circuit and repeat your measurements.
f) Repeat until you have four cells and you have completed your table.

2. Varying the current:

a) Set up the circuit according to circuit diagram 2), starting with only 1 resis-
tor in the circuit.
b) Draw the following table in your lab book.

Voltage, V (V) Current, I (A)

c) Get your teacher to check your circuit before turning the power on.
d) Measure the current and measure the voltage across the single resistor.
e) Now add another resistor in series in the circuit and measure the current
and the voltage across only the original resistor again. Continue adding
resistors until you have four in series, but remember to only measure the
voltage across the original resistor each time. Enter the values you measure
into the table.

Analysis and results:

1. Using the data you recorded in the first table, draw a graph of current versus
voltage. Since the voltage is the variable which we are directly varying, it is
the independent variable and will be plotted on the x-axis. The current is the
dependent variable and must be plotted on the y-axis.

374 11.2. Ohm’s Law

2. Using the data you recorded in the second table, draw a graph of voltage vs.
current. In this case the independent variable is the current which must be
plotted on the x-axis, and the voltage is the dependent variable and must be
plotted on the y-axis.


1. Examine the graph you made from the first table. What happens to the current
through the resistor when the voltage across it is increased? i.e. Does it increase
or decrease?

2. Examine the graph you made from the second table. What happens to the volt-
age across the resistor when the current increases through the resistor? i.e. Does
it increase or decrease?

3. Do your experimental results verify Ohm’s Law? Explain.

Questions and discussion:

1. For each of your graphs, calculate the gradient and from this determine the resis-
tance of the original resistor. Do you get the same value when you calculate it
for each of your graphs?

2. How would you go about finding the resistance of an unknown resistor using
only a power supply, a voltmeter and a known resistor R0 ?

See simulation: 242K at

Exercise 11 – 1: Ohm’s Law

1. Use the data in the table below to answer the following questions.

Voltage, V (V) Current, I (A)

3,0 0,4
6,0 0,8
9,0 1,2
12,0 1,6

a) Plot a graph of voltage (on the x-axis) and current (on the y-axis).
b) What type of graph do you obtain (straight-line, parabola, other curve)
c) Calculate the gradient of the graph.
d) Do your experimental results verify Ohm’s Law? Explain.
e) How would you go about finding the resistance of an unknown resistor
using only a power supply, a voltmeter and a known resistor R0 ?

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 375

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 242M

Ohmic and non-ohmic conductors ESBQ7

Conductors which obey Ohm’s Law have a constant resistance when the voltage is
varied across them or the current through them is increased. These conductors are
called ohmic conductors. A graph of the current vs. the voltage across these conduc-
tors will be a straight-line. Some examples of ohmic conductors are circuit resistors
and nichrome wire.

As you have seen, there is a mention of constant temperature when we talk about
Ohm’s Law. This is because the resistance of some conductors changes as their temper-
ature changes. These types of conductors are called non-ohmic conductors, because
they do not obey Ohm’s Law. A light bulb is a common example of a non-ohmic
conductor. Other examples of non-ohmic conductors are diodes and transistors.

In a light bulb, the resistance of the filament wire will increase dramatically as it warms
from room temperature to operating temperature. If we increase the supply voltage in
a real lamp circuit, the resulting increase in current causes the filament to increase
in temperature, which increases its resistance. This effectively limits the increase in
current. In this case, voltage and current do not obey Ohm’s Law.

The phenomenon of resistance changing with variations in temperature is one shared

by almost all metals, of which most wires are made. For most applications, these
changes in resistance are small enough to be ignored. In the application of metal lamp
filaments, which increase a lot in temperature (up to about 1000 ◦ C, and starting from
room temperature) the change is quite large.

In general, for non-ohmic conductors, a graph of voltage against current will not be a
straight-line, indicating that the resistance is not constant over all values of voltage and

Current, I (A)

3 I vs. V for a
non-ohmic conductor

0 1 2 3 4
Voltage, V (V)

376 11.2. Ohm’s Law

Informal experiment:Ohmic and non-ohmic conductors


To determine whether two circuit elements (a resistor and a lightbulb) obey Ohm’s


4 cells, a resistor, a lightbulb, connecting wires, a voltmeter, an ammeter

1) 2)




The two circuits shown in the diagrams above are the same, except in the first there is
a resistor and in the second there is a lightbulb. Set up both the circuits above, starting
with 1 cell. For each circuit:

1. Measure the voltage across the circuit element (either the resistor or lightbulb)
using the voltmeter.

2. Measure the current in the circuit using the ammeter.

3. Add another cell and repeat your measurements until you have 4 cells in your


Draw two tables which look like the following in your book. You should have one table
for the first circuit measurements with the resistor and another table for the second
circuit measurements with the lightbulb.

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 377

Number of cells Voltage, V (V) Current, I (A)


Using the data in your tables, draw two graphs of I (y-axis) vs. V (x-axis), one for the
resistor and one for the lightbulb.

Questions and Discussion:

Examine your graphs closely and answer the following questions:

1. What should the graph of I vs. V look like for a conductor which obeys Ohm’s

2. Do either or both your graphs look like this?

3. What can you conclude about whether or not the resistor and/or the lightbulb
obey Ohm’s Law?

4. Is the lightbulb an ohmic or non-ohmic conductor?

Using Ohm’s Law ESBQ8

We are now ready to see how Ohm’s Law is used to analyse circuits.

Consider a circuit with a cell and an ohmic resistor, R. If

the resistor has a resistance of 5 Ω and voltage across the
resistor is 5 V, then we can use Ohm’s Law to calculate R
the current flowing through the resistor. Our first task is
to draw the circuit diagram. When solving any problem
with electric circuits it is very important to make a dia-
gram of the circuit before doing any calculations. The
circuit diagram for this problem is shown alongside.

The equation for Ohm’s Law is:


which can be rearranged to:


The current flowing through the resistor is:

378 11.2. Ohm’s Law


Worked example 1: Ohm’s Law


Study the circuit diagram below:

The resistance of the resistor is 10 Ω and the current going through the resistor is 4 A.
What is the potential difference (voltage) across the resistor?


Step 1: Determine how to approach the problem

We are given the resistance of the resistor and the current passing through it and are
asked to calculate the voltage across it. We can apply Ohm’s Law to this problem
R= .

Step 2: Solve the problem

Rearrange the equation above and substitute the known values for R and I to solve for
R×I = ×I
V =I ×R
= 10 × 4
= 40 V

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 379

Step 3: Write the final answer

The voltage across the resistor is 40 V.

Exercise 11 – 2: Ohm’s Law

1. Calculate the resistance of a resistor that has a potential difference of 8 V across

it when a current of 2 A flows through it. Draw the circuit diagram before doing
the calculation.

2. What current will flow through a resistor of 6 Ω when there is a potential dif-
ference of 18 V across its ends? Draw the circuit diagram before doing the

3. What is the voltage across a 10 Ω resistor when a current of 1,5 A flows though
it? Draw the circuit diagram before doing the calculation.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 242N 2. 242P 3. 242Q

Recap of resistors in series and parallel ESBQ9

In Grade 10, you learnt about resistors and were introduced to circuits where resistors
were connected in series and in parallel. In a series circuit there is one path along
which current flows. In a parallel circuit there are multiple paths along which current

series circuit parallel circuit

one current path multiple current paths

When there is more than one resistor in a circuit, we are usually able to calculate
the total combined resistance of all the resistors. This is known as the equivalent

380 11.2. Ohm’s Law

Equivalent series resistance

In a circuit where the resistors are connected in series, the equivalent resistance is just
the sum of the resistances of all the resistors.

DEFINITION: Equivalent resistance in a series circuit,

For n resistors in series the equivalent resistance is:

Rs = R1 + R2 + R3 + . . . + Rn

Let us apply this to the following circuit.

R1 =3 Ω

9V R2 =10 Ω

R3 =5 Ω

The resistors are in series, therefore:

Rs = R1 + R2 + R3
= 3 Ω + 10 Ω + 5 Ω
= 18 Ω

See simulation: 242R at

See video: 242S at

Equivalent parallel resistance

In a circuit where the resistors are connected in parallel, the equivalent resistance is
given by the following definition.

DEFINITION: Equivalent resistance in a parallel circuit

For n resistors in parallel, the equivalent resistance is:

1 1 1 1 1
= + + + ... +
Rp R 1 R2 R3 Rn

Let us apply this formula to the following circuit.

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 381

V =9 V R1 =10Ω R2 =2Ω R3 =1Ω

What is the total (equivalent) resistance in the circuit?

1 1 1 1
= + +
Rp R1 R 2 R3
1 1 1
= + +
10 Ω 2 Ω 1 Ω
1 Ω + 5 Ω + 10 Ω
10 Ω
16 Ω
10 Ω
Rp = 0,625 Ω

See video: 242T at

See video: 242V at

Exercise 11 – 3: Series and parallel resistance

1. Two 10 kΩ resistors are connected in series. Calculate the equivalent resistance.

2. Two resistors are connected in series. The equivalent resistance is 100 Ω. If one
resistor is 10 Ω, calculate the value of the second resistor.

3. Two 10 kΩ resistors are connected in parallel. Calculate the equivalent resis-


4. Two resistors are connected in parallel. The equivalent resistance is 3,75 Ω. If

one resistor has a resistance of 10 Ω, what is the resistance of the second resistor?

5. Calculate the equivalent resistance in each of the following circuits:

a) b)

R1 =2Ω

R1 =3Ω R2 =3Ω

R2 =2Ω R3 =4Ω

R4 =1Ω

382 11.2. Ohm’s Law

c) d)

R2 =2Ω

R1 =2Ω

R4 =1Ω
R1 =3Ω R2 =3Ω R3 =4Ω

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 242W 2. 242X 3. 242Y 4. 242Z 5. 2432

Use of Ohm’s Law in series and parallel circuits ESBQB

Using the definitions for equivalent resistance for resistors in series or in parallel, we
can analyse some circuits with these setups.

Series circuits

Consider a circuit consisting of three resistors and a single cell connected in series.


V R2


The first principle to understand about series circuits is that the amount of current is
the same through any component in the circuit. This is because there is only one path
for electrons to flow in a series circuit. From the way that the battery is connected,
we can tell in which direction the current will flow. We know that current flows from
positive to negative by convention. Conventional current in this circuit will flow in a
clockwise direction, from point A to B to C to D and back to A.

We know that in a series circuit the current has to be the same in all components. So
we can write:
I = I1 = I2 = I3 .

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 383

We also know that total voltage of the circuit has to be equal to the sum of the voltages
over all three resistors. So we can write:

V = V 1 + V 2 + V3

Using this information and what we know about calculating the equivalent resistance
of resistors in series, we can approach some circuit problems.

Worked example 2: Ohm’s Law, series circuit


Calculate the current (I) in this circuit if the resistors are both ohmic in nature.

R1 =2 Ω

R2 =4 Ω

V =12 V


Step 1: Determine what is required

We are required to calculate the current flowing in the circuit.

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem

Since the resistors are ohmic in nature, we can use Ohm’s Law. There are however
two resistors in the circuit and we need to find the total resistance.

Step 3: Find total resistance in circuit

Since the resistors are connected in series, the total (equivalent) resistance R is:

R = R1 + R2



Step 4: Apply Ohm’s Law

384 11.2. Ohm’s Law

R× = ×

Step 5: Write the final answer

A current of 2 A is flowing in the circuit.

Worked example 3: Ohm’s Law, series circuit


Two ohmic resistors (R1 and R2 ) are connected in series with a cell. Find the resistance
of R2 , given that the current flowing through R1 and R2 is 0,25 A and that the voltage
across the cell is 1,5 V. R1 =1 Ω.


Step 1: Draw the circuit and fill in all known values.

R1 =1 Ω

R2 =?

V =1,5 V

I=0,25 A

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem.

We can use Ohm’s Law to find the total resistance R in the circuit, and then calculate
the unknown resistance using:
R = R1 + R2

because it is in a series circuit.

Step 3: Find the total resistance

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 385


Step 4: Find the unknown resistance

We know that:

and that
R1 = 1 Ω

R = R1 + R2
R 2 = R − R1

R1 = 5 Ω

Worked example 4: Ohm’s Law, series circuit


For the following circuit, calculate:

1. the voltage drops V1 , V2 and V3 across the resistors R1 , R2 , and R3

2. the resistance of R3 .

R2 =3 Ω

R1 =1 Ω R3

V =18 V

I=2 A


386 11.2. Ohm’s Law

Step 1: Determine how to approach the problem

We are given the voltage across the cell and the current in the circuit, as well as the
resistances of two of the three resistors. We can use Ohm’s Law to calculate the voltage
drop across the known resistors. Since the resistors are in a series circuit the voltage is
V = V1 + V2 + V3 and we can calculate V3 . Now we can use this information to find
the voltage across the unknown resistor R3 .

Step 2: Calculate voltage drop across R1

Using Ohm’s Law:

R1 =
I · R1 = I ·
V 1 = I · R1
V1 = 2 V

Step 3: Calculate voltage drop across R2

Again using Ohm’s Law:

R2 =
I · R2 = I ·
V 2 = I · R2
V2 = 6 V

Step 4: Calculate voltage drop across R3

Since the voltage drop across all the resistors combined must be the same as the voltage
drop across the cell in a series circuit, we can find V3 using:

V = V1 + V 2 + V 3
V3 = V − V1 − V2
= 18 − 2 − 6
V3 = 10 V

Step 5: Find the resistance of R3

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 387

We know the voltage across R3 and the current through it, so we can use Ohm’s Law
to calculate the value for the resistance:
R3 =
R3 = 5Ω

Step 6: Write the final answer

V1 = 2 V

V2 = 6 V

V3 = 10 V

R1 = 5Ω

Parallel circuits

Consider a circuit consisting of a single cell and three resistors that are connected in


V R1 R2 R3


The first principle to understand about parallel circuits is that the voltage is equal across
all components in the circuit. This is because there are only two sets of electrically
common points in a parallel circuit, and voltage measured between sets of common
points must always be the same at any given time. So, for the circuit shown, the
following is true:
V = V1 = V2 = V3 .

The second principle for a parallel circuit is that all the currents through each resistor
must add up to the total current in the circuit:

I = I1 + I2 + I3 .

Using these principles and our knowledge of how to calculate the equivalent resistance
of parallel resistors, we can now approach some circuit problems involving parallel

388 11.2. Ohm’s Law

Worked example 5: Ohm’s Law, parallel circuit


Calculate the current (I) in this circuit if the resistors are both ohmic in nature.

R1 =2 Ω

R2 =4 Ω

V =12 V


Step 1: Determine what is required

We are required to calculate the current flowing in the circuit.

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem

Since the resistors are ohmic in nature, we can use Ohm’s Law. There are however
two resistors in the circuit and we need to find the total resistance.

Step 3: Find the equivalent resistance in circuit

Since the resistors are connected in parallel, the total (equivalent) resistance R is:

1 1 1
= + .
R R1 R2

1 1 1
= +
R R1 R2
1 1
= +
2 4
Therefore, R = 1,33Ω

Step 4: Apply Ohm’s Law

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 389

R· = ·
I=V ·
= (12)

Step 5: Write the final answer

The current flowing in the circuit is 9 A.

Worked example 6: Ohm’s Law, parallel circuit


Two ohmic resistors (R1 and R2 ) are connected in parallel with a cell. Find the re-
sistance of R2 , given that the current flowing through the cell is 4,8 A and that the
voltage across the cell is 9 V.

R1 =3 Ω

R2 =?

V =9 V

I=4,8 A


Step 1: Determine what is required

We need to calculate the resistance R2 .

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem

Since the resistors are ohmic and we are given the voltage across the cell and the
current through the cell, we can use Ohm’s Law to find the equivalent resistance in

390 11.2. Ohm’s Law

the circuit.
= 1,875 Ω

Step 3: Calculate the value for R2

Since we know the equivalent resistance and the resistance of R1 , we can use the
formula for resistors in parallel to find the resistance of R2 .
1 1 1
= +
R R1 R2
Rearranging to solve for R2 :
1 1 1
= −
R2 R R1
1 1
= −
1,875 3
= 0,2
R2 =

Step 4: Write the final answer

The resistance R2 is 5 Ω

Worked example 7: Ohm’s Law, parallel circuit


An 18 volt cell is connected to two parallel resistors of 4 Ω and 12 Ω respectively.

Calculate the current through the cell and through each of the resistors.


Step 1: First draw the circuit before doing any calculations

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 391

R1 =4 Ω

R2 =12 Ω

V =18 V

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem

We need to determine the current through the cell and each of the parallel resistors.
We have been given the potential difference across the cell and the resistances of the
resistors, so we can use Ohm’s Law to calculate the current.

Step 3: Calculate the current through the cell

To calculate the current through the cell we first need to determine the equivalent
resistance of the rest of the circuit. The resistors are in parallel and therefore:

1 1 1
= +
R R1 R 2
1 1
= +
4 12
R= =3Ω

Now using Ohm’s Law to find the current through the cell:


Step 4: Now determine the current through one of the parallel resistors

We know that for a purely parallel circuit, the voltage across the cell is the same as the
voltage across each of the parallel resistors. For this circuit:

V = V1 = V2 = 18 V

392 11.2. Ohm’s Law

Let’s start with calculating the current through R1 using Ohm’s Law:
R1 =
I1 =
I1 = 4,5 A

Step 5: Calculate the current through the other parallel resistor

We can use Ohm’s Law again to find the current in R2 :

R2 =
I2 =
I2 = 1,5 A

An alternative method of calculating I2 would have been to use the fact that the cur-
rents through each of the parallel resistors must add up to the total current through the

I = I1 + I2
I 2 = I − I1
= 6 − 4.5
I2 = 1,5 A

Step 6: Write the final answer

The current through the cell is 6 A.

The current through the 4 Ω resistor is 4,5 A.

The current through the 12 Ω resistor is 1,5 A.

Exercise 11 – 4: Ohm’s Law in series and parallel circuits

1. Calculate the value of the unknown resistor in the circuit:

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 393

R3 =1 Ω

R2 =3 Ω

R4 =?

R1 =3 Ω
V =9 V

I=1 A

2. Calculate the value of the current in the following circuit:

R2 =2,5 Ω

R3 =1,5 Ω R1 =1 Ω

V =9 V


3. Three resistors with resistance 1 Ω, 5 Ω and 10 Ω respectively, are connected in

series with a 12 V battery. Calculate the value of the current in the circuit.

4. Calculate the current through the cell if the resistors are both ohmic in nature.

R1 =1 Ω

R2 =3 Ω

V =9 V

5. Calculate the value of the unknown resistor R4 in the circuit:

394 11.2. Ohm’s Law

R4 =? Ω

R3 =60 Ω

R2 =40 Ω

R1 =120 Ω

V =24 V

I=2 A

6. Three resistors with resistance 1 Ω, 5 Ω and 10 Ω respectively, are connected in

parallel with a 20 V battery. All the resistors are ohmic in nature. Calculate:

a) the value of the current through the battery

b) the value of the current in each of the three resistors.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 2433 2. 2434 3. 2435 4. 2436 5. 2437 6. 2438

Series and parallel networks of resistors ESBQC

Now that you know how to handle simple series and parallel circuits, you are ready to
tackle circuits which combine these two setups such as the following circuit:



Parallel Circuit 1

Parallel Circuit 2


Figure 11.1: An example of a series-parallel network. The dashed boxes indicate parallel
sections of the circuit.

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 395

It is relatively easy to work out these kind of circuits because you use everything you
have already learnt about series and parallel circuits. The only difference is that you
do it in stages. In figure 11.1, the circuit consists of 2 parallel portions that are then
in series with a cell. To work out the equivalent resistance for the circuit, you start by
calculating the total resistance of each of the parallel portions and then add up these
resistances in series. If all the resistors in figure 11.1 had resistances of 10 Ω, we can
calculate the equivalent resistance of the entire circuit.

We start by calculating the total resistance of Parallel Circuit 1.




The value of Rp1 is:

1 1 1
= +
Rp1 R1 R2
1 1 −1
Rp1 = +
10 10
1 + 1 −1
= 5Ω

We can similarly calculate the total resistance of Parallel Circuit 2:

1 1 1
= +
Rp2 R3 R4
1 1 −1
Rp2 = +
10 10
1 + 1 −1
= 5Ω

You can now treat the circuit like a simple series circuit as follows:

396 11.2. Ohm’s Law

Rp1 = 5 Ω

Rp2 = 5 Ω

Therefore the equivalent resistance is:

R = Rp1 + Rp2
= 10 Ω

The equivalent resistance of the circuit in figure 11.1 is 10 Ω.

Exercise 11 – 5: Series and parallel networks

1. Determine the equivalent resistance of the following circuits:

a) c)

1Ω 2Ω



1Ω 2Ω 6Ω


2. Examine the circuit below:

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 397

12 V

1Ω 2Ω



If the potential difference across the cell is 12 V, calculate:

a) the current I through the cell.

b) the current through the 5 Ω resistor.

3. If current flowing through the cell is 2 A, and all the resistors are ohmic, calculate
the voltage across the cell and each of the resistors, R1 , R2 , and R3 respectively.

R3 = 4 Ω

R1 = 4,66 Ω

R2 = 2 Ω

4. For the following circuit, calculate:

V = 10 V
R4 = 1, 5 Ω
R1 = 2 Ω

R2 = 1 Ω

R3 = 1 Ω

a) the current through the cell

b) the voltage drop across R4
c) the current through R2

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1a. 2439 1b. 243B 1c. 243C 2. 243D 3. 243F 4. 243G

398 11.2. Ohm’s Law

11.3 Power and energy ESBQD FACT
It was James Prescott
Joule, not Georg Simon
Ohm, who first
Electrical power ESBQF discovered the
mathematical relationship
between power
A source of energy is required to drive current round a complete circuit. This is pro- dissipation and current
vided by batteries in the circuits you have been looking at. The batteries convert through a resistance. This
chemical potential energy into electrical energy. The energy is used to do work on the discovery, published in
electrons in the circuit. 1841, followed the form
of the equation: P = I 2 R
and is properly known as
Power is a measure of how rapidly work is done. Power is the rate at which the work Joule’s Law. However,
is done, work done per unit time. Work is measured in joules (J) and time in seconds these power equations
(s) so power will be Js which we call a watt (W). are so commonly
associated with the
Ohm’s Law equations
In electric circuits, power is a function of both voltage and current and we talk about relating voltage, current,
the power dissipated in a circuit element: and resistance that they
are frequently credited to
DEFINITION: Electrical Power

Electrical power is the rate at which electrical energy is converted in an electric circuit.
It calculated as:

P =I ·V
Power (P) is exactly equal to current (I) multiplied by voltage (V), there is no extra
constant of proportionality. The unit of measurement for power is the watt (abbreviated

Equivalent forms

We can use Ohm’s Law to show that P = V I is equivalent to P = I 2 R and P = R .

Using I = R allows us to show:
Using V = I · R allows us to show:
P =V ·I
P =V ·I
= (I · R) · I Ohm’s Law =V · Ohm’s Law
= I 2R V2

Worked example 8: Electrical power


Given a circuit component that has a voltage of 5 V and a resistance of 2 Ω what is the
power dissipated?


Chapter 11. Electric circuits 399

Step 1: Write down what you are given and what you need to find

V =5V
P =?

Step 2: Write down an equation for power

The equation for power is:

P = V 2R

Step 3: Solve the problem

P =
= 12,5 W

The power is 12,5 W.

Worked example 9: Electrical power


Study the circuit diagram below:

The resistance of the resistor is 15 Ω and the current going through the resistor is 4 A.
What is the power for the resistor?


400 11.3. Power and energy

Step 1: Determine how to approach the problem

We are given the resistance of the resistor and the current passing through it and are
asked to calculate the power. We can have verified that:

P = I 2R

Step 2: Solve the problem

We can simply substitute the known values for R and I to solve for P .

P = I 2R
= (4)2 × 15
= 240 W

Step 3: Write the final answer

The power for the resistor is 240 W.

Worked example 10: Power in series circuit


Two ohmic resistors (R1 and R2 ) are connected in series with a cell. Find the resistance
and power of R2 , given that the current flowing through R1 and R2 is 0,25 A and that
the voltage across the cell is 6 V. R1 = 1 Ω.


Step 1: Draw the circuit and fill in all known values.

R1 =1 Ω

R2 =?

V =6 V

I=0,25 A

Step 2: Determine how to approach the problem.

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 401

Notice that we use the We can use Ohm’s Law to find the total resistance R in the circuit, and then calculate
same circuits in examples
the unknown resistance using:
as we extend our
knowledge of electric R = R1 + R2
circuits. This is to
emphasise that you can
always combine all of the because it is in a series circuit.
principles you have learnt
when dealing with any Step 3: Find the total resistance

V =R·I
= 24 Ω

Step 4: Find the unknown resistance

We know that:
R = 24 Ω

and that
R1 = 1 Ω

R = R1 + R2
R 2 = R − R1

R = 23 Ω

Step 5: Solve the problem

Now that the resistance is known and the current, we can determine the power:

P = I 2R
= (0,25)2 (23)
= 1,44 W

Step 6: Write the final answer

The power for the resistor R2 is 1,44 W.

402 11.3. Power and energy

Worked example 11: Power in series and parallel networks of resistors


Given the following circuit:



Parallel Circuit 1 RP 1

Parallel Circuit 2 RP 2



The current leaving the battery is 1,07 A, the total power dissipated in the circuit is
6,42 W, the ratio of the total resistances of the two parallel networks RP 1 : RP 2 is 1:2,
the ratio R1 : R2 is 3:5 and R3 = 7 Ω.

Determine the:

1. voltage of the battery,

2. the power dissipated in RP 1 and RP 2 , and

3. the value of each resistor and the power dissipated in each of them.


Step 1: What is required

In this question you are given various pieces of information and asked to determine
the power dissipated in each resistor and each combination of resistors. Notice that
the information given is mostly for the overall circuit. This is a clue that you should
start with the overall circuit and work downwards to more specific circuit elements.

Step 2: Calculating the voltage of the battery

Firstly we focus on the battery. We are given the power for the overall circuit as well
as the current leaving the battery. We know that the voltage across the terminals of the
battery is the voltage across the circuit as a whole.

We can use the relationship P = V I for the entire circuit because the voltage is the

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 403

same as the voltage across the terminals of the battery:

V =
= 6,00 V

The voltage across the battery is 6,00 V.

Step 3: Power dissipated in RP 1 and RP 2

Remember that we are working from the overall circuit details down towards those for
individual elements, this is opposite to how you treated this circuit earlier.

We can treat the parallel networks like the equivalent resistors so the circuit we are
currently dealing with looks like:

RP 1

RP 2

We know that the current through the two circuit elements will be the same because it
is a series circuit and that the resistance for the total circuit must be: RT = RP 1 + RP 2 .
We can determine the total resistance from Ohm’s Law for the circuit as a whole:

Vbattery = IRT
RT =
= 5,61 Ω

404 11.3. Power and energy

We know that the ratio between RP 1 : RP 2 is 1:2 which means that we know:
RP 1 = RP 2 and
RT = RP 1 + RP 2
= RP 2 + RP 2
= RP 2
(5,61) = RP 2
RP 2 = (5,61)
RP 2 = 3,74 Ω

and therefore:
RP 1 = RP 2
= (3.74)
= 1,87 Ω

Now that we know the total resistance of each of the parallel networks we can calculate
the power dissipated in each:

PP 1 = I 2 RP 1
= (1,07)2 (1,87)
= 2,14 W


PP 2 = I 2 RP 2
= (1,07)2 (3,74)
= 4,28 W

Step 4: Parallel network 1 calculations

Now we can begin to do the detailed calculation for the first set of parallel resistors.



Parallel Circuit 1 RP 1

Parallel Circuit 2 RP 2



Chapter 11. Electric circuits 405

We know that the ratio between R1 : R2 is 3:5 which means that we know R1 = 35 R2 .
We also know the total resistance for the two parallel resistors in this network is 1,87 Ω.
We can use the relationship between the values of the two resistors as well as the
formula for the total resistance ( RP1 T = R11 + R12 )to find the resistor values:

1 1 1
= +
RP 1 R1 R2
1 5 1
= +
RP 1 3R2 R2
1 1 5
= ( + 1)
RP 1 R2 3
1 1 5 3
= ( + )
RP 1 R2 3 3
1 1 8
RP 1 R2 3
R2 = RP 1
= (1,87)
= 4,99 Ω

We can also calculate R1 :

R1 = R2
= (4,99)
= 2,99 Ω

To determine the power we need the resistance which we have calculated and either
the voltage or current. The two resistors are in parallel so the voltage across them is the
same as well as the same as the voltage across the parallel network. We can use Ohm’s
Law to determine the voltage across the network of parallel resistors as we know the
total resistance and we know the current:

V = IR
= (1,07)(1,87)
= 2,00 V

We now have the information we need to determine the power through each resistor:

V2 V2
P1 = P2 =
R1 R2
(2,00)2 (2,00)2
= =
2,99 4,99
= 1,34 W = 0,80 W

Step 5: Parallel network 2 calculations

Now we can begin to do the detailed calculation for the second set of parallel resistors.

406 11.3. Power and energy

We are given R3 = 7,00 Ω and we know RP 2 so we can calculate R4 from:
1 1 1
= +
RP 2 R3 R4
1 1 1
= +
3,74 7,00 R4
R4 = 8,03 Ω

We can calculate the voltage across the second parallel network by subtracting the
voltage of the first parallel network from the battery voltage, VP 2 = 6,00 − 2,00 =
4,00 V.

We can now determine the power dissipated in each resistor:

V2 V2
P3 = P4 =
R3 R2
(4,00)2 (4,00)2
= =
7,00 8,03
= 2,29 W = 1,99 W

Exercise 11 – 6:

1. What is the power of a 1,00 × 108 V lightning bolt having a current of 2,00 ×
104 A?

2. How many watts does a torch that has 6,00 × 102 C pass through it in 0,50 h use
if its voltage is 3,00 V?

3. Find the power dissipated in each of these extension cords:

a) an extension cord having a 0,06 Ω resistance and through which 5,00 A is

b) a cheaper cord utilising (using) thinner wire and with a resistance of 0,30 Ω,
through which 5,00 A is flowing

4. Determine the power dissipated by each the resistors in the following circuits, if
the batteries are 6 V:






Chapter 11. Electric circuits 407

1Ω 2Ω 6Ω


c) Also determine the value of the unknown resistor if the total power dissi-
pated is 9,8 W

1Ω ?Ω



5. Examine the circuit below:


1Ω 2Ω



If the potential difference across the cell is 7 V, calculate:

a) the current I through the cell.

b) the current through the 5 Ω resistor
c) the power dissipated in the 5 Ω resistor

6. If current flowing through the cell is 2 A, and all the resistors are ohmic, calculate
the power dissipated in each of the resistors, R1 , R2 , and R3 respectively.

R3 = 4 Ω

R1 = 4,66 Ω

R2 = 2 Ω

408 11.3. Power and energy

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 243H 2. 243J 3. 243K 4a. 243M 4b. 243N 4c. 243P

5. 243Q 6. 243R

Electrical energy ESBQG

When power is dissipated in a device there is a transfer of energy from one kind to
another. For example, a resistor may get very hot which indicates that the energy is
being dissipated as heat. Power was the rate at which work was done, the rate at which
energy is transferred. If we want to calculate the total amount of energy we need to
multiply the rate of energy transfer by the time over which that energy transfer took

Electrical energy is simply power times time. Mathematically we write:

E =P ×t
Energy is measured in joules (J) and time in seconds (s).

Worked example 12: Electrical energy


A 30 W light bulb is left on for 8 hours overnight, how much energy was wasted?


Step 1: What is required

We need to determine the total amount of electrical energy dissipated by the light
bulb. We know the relationship between the power and energy and we are given the
time. Time is not given in the correct units so we first need to convert to S.I. units:
8 hr = 8 × 3600 s
= 28 800 s

Step 2: Calculate the energy

We know that:
E = Pt
= (30)(28 800)
= 864 000 J

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 409

Worked example 13: Electrical energy


Study the circuit diagram below:

The resistance of the resistor is 27 Ω and the current going through the resistor is 3,3 A.
What is the power for the resistor and how much energy is dissipated in 35 s?


Step 1: Determine how to approach the problem

We are given the resistance of the resistor and the current passing through it and are
asked to calculate the power. We have verified that:

P = I 2R

and we know that

E = Pt

Step 2: Solve the problem

We can simply substitute the known values for R and I to solve for P .

P = I 2R
= (3,3)2 × 27
= 294,03 W

Now that we have determined the power we can calculate the energy:

E = Pt
= (294,03)(35)
= 10 291,05 J

Step 3: Write the final answer

The power for the resistor is 294,03 W and 10 291,05 J are dissipated.

410 11.3. Power and energy

Electricity is sold in units which are one kilowatt hour (kWh). A kilowatt hour is simply
the use of 1 kW for 1 hr. Using this you can work out exactly how much electricity
different appliances will use and how much this will cost you.

Worked example 14: Cost of electricity


How much does it cost to run a 900 W microwave oven for 2,5 minutes if the cost of
electricity is 61,6 c per kWh?


Step 1: What is required

We are given the details for a device that uses electrical energy and the price of elec-
tricity. Given a certain amount of time for use we need to determine how much energy
was used and what the cost of that would be.

The various quantities provided are in different units. We need to use consistent units
to get an answer that makes sense.

The microwave is given in W but we can convert to kW:900 W = 0,9 kW.

Time is given in minutes but when working with household electricity it is normal to
work in hours. 2,5 minutes = 2,5
60 = 4,17 × 10

Step 2: Calculate usage

The electrical power is:

E = Pt
= (0,9)(4,17 × 10−2 )
= 3,75 × 10−2 kWh

Step 3: Calculate cost (C) of electricity

The cost for the electrical power is:

C = E × price
= (3,75 × 10−2 )(61,6)
= 3,75 × 10−2 kWh
= 2,31 c

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 411

Activity: Using electricity

The following table gives the cost of electricity for users who consume less than
450 kWh on average per month.

Units (kWh) Cost per unit (c)

0–150 61,60
150–350 81,04
350–600 107,43
> 600 118,06

You are given the following appliances with their power ratings.

Appliance Power rating

Stove 3600 W
Microwave 1200 W
Washing machine 2200 W
Kettle 2200 W
Fridge 230 W
Toaster 750 W
Energy saver globe 40 W
Light bulb 120 W
Vacuum cleaner 1600 W

You have R 150,00 to spend on electricity each month.

1. Which usage class do you fall into?

2. Complete the following table.

Appliance Cost to run for 1 hour

Washing machine
Energy saver globe
Vacuum cleaner

3. For how long can you use each appliance to ensure that you spend less than
R 150,00 per month? Assume you are using a maximum of 20 energy saver
globes around your home.

412 11.3. Power and energy

11.4 Chapter summary ESBQH

See presentation: 243S at

• Ohm’s Law states that the amount of current through a conductor, at constant
temperature, is proportional to the voltage across the resistor. Mathematically
we write I = VR

• Conductors that obey Ohm’s Law are called ohmic conductors; those that do not
are called non-ohmic conductors.
• We use Ohm’s Law to calculate the resistance of a resistor. R = I

• The equivalent resistance of resistors in series (Rs ) can be calculated as follows:

Rs = R1 + R2 + R3 + . . . + Rn

• The equivalent resistance of resistors in parallel (Rp ) can be calculated as follows:

1 1 1 1 1
Rp = R1 + R2 + R3 + . . . + Rn

• Electrical power is the rate at which electrical energy is converted in an electric


• The electrical power dissipated in a circuit element or device is P = V I and can

also be written as P = I 2 R or P = VR and is measured in joules (J).

• The electrical energy dissipated is E = P t and is measured in joules (J).

• One kilowatt hour refers to the use of one kilowatt of power for one hour.

Physical Quantities
Quantity Unit name Unit symbol
Current (I) ampere A
Electrical energy (E) joule J
Power (P ) watt W
Resistance (R) ohm Ω
Voltage (V ) volt V

Exercise 11 – 7:

1. Give one word or term for each of the following definitions:

a) The amount of energy per unit charge needed to move that charge between
two points in a circuit.
b) The rate at which electrical energy is converted in an electric circuit.
c) A law that states that the amount of current through a conductor, at constant
temperature, is proportional to the voltage across the resistor.

2. A 10 Ω has a voltage of 5 V across it. What is the current through the resistor?

a) 50 A
b) 5 A

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 413

c) 0,5 A
d) 7 A

3. Three resistors are connected in series. The resistances of the three resistors are:
10 Ω, 4 Ω and 3 Ω. What is the equivalent series resistance?

a) 1,5 Ω
b) 17 Ω
c) 0,68 Ω
d) 8 Ω

4. Three resistors are connected in parallel. The resistances of the three resistors
are: 5 Ω, 4 Ω and 2 Ω. What is the equivalent parallel resistance?

a) 1,05 Ω
b) 11 Ω
c) 0,95 Ω
d) 3 Ω

5. A circuit consists of a 6 Ω resistor. The voltage across the resistor is 12 V. How

much power is dissipated in the circuit?

a) 864 W
b) 3 W
c) 2 W
d) 24 W

6. Calculate the current in the following circuit and then use the current to calculate
the voltage drops across each resistor.


3 Ω

9V 10 Ω R2

5 Ω


7. A battery is connected to this arrangement of resistors. The power dissipated in

the 100 Ω resistor is 0,81 W. The resistances of voltmeters V1 and V2 are so high
that they do not affect the current in the circuit.

414 11.4. Chapter summary

100 Ω

V1 50 Ω 50 Ω V2

25 Ω

a) Calculate the current in the 100 Ω resistor.

b) Calculate the reading on voltmeter V2 .
c) Calculate the reading on voltmeter V1 .

8. A kettle is marked 240 V; 1500 W.

a) Calculate the resistance of the kettle when operating according to the above
b) If the kettle takes 3 minutes to boil some water, calculate the amount of
electrical energy transferred to the kettle.

[SC 2003/11]

9. Electric Eels
Electric eels have a series of cells from head to tail. When the cells are activated
by a nerve impulse, a potential difference is created from head to tail. A healthy
electric eel can produce a potential difference of 600 V.

a) What is meant by “a potential difference of 600 V”?

b) How much energy is transferred when an electron is moved through a po-
tential difference of 600 V?

[IEB 2001/11 HG1]

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1a. 243T 1b. 243V 1c. 243W 2. 243X 3. 243Y 4. 243Z

5. 2442 6. 2443 7. 2444 8. 2445 9. 2446

Chapter 11. Electric circuits 415


Energy and chemical change

12.1 Energy changes in chemical reactions 418

12.2 Exothermic and endothermic reactions 425
12.3 Activation energy and the activated complex 429
12.4 Chapter summary 432
12 Energy and chemical change

You have probably seen a fire burning or burnt fuel for warmth or cooking or light.
A fire burning is one of the most noticeable examples of a chemical reaction that
produces a lot of energy.

All chemical reactions involve energy changes. In some

reactions, we are able to observe these energy changes
as either an increase or a decrease in the overall energy
of the system. In some reactions we see this as a change
in the temperature. In other reactions we can observe
this change when a reaction starts to give off light or
when a reaction will only work after light is shone on it.

The study of energy changes (particularly heat) in chemical reactions is known as

chemical thermodynamics. This is also sometimes called thermochemistry.

See video: 2447 at

Key Mathematics Concepts

• Graphs — Mathematics, Grade 10, Functions and graphs

• Equations — Mathematics, Grade 10, Equations and inequalities
• Units and unit conversions — Physical Sciences, Grade 10, Science skills

12.1 Energy changes in chemical reactions ESBQJ

What causes the energy changes in chemical reactions? ESBQK

When a chemical reaction occurs, bonds in the reactants break, while new bonds form
in the product. The following example explains this. Hydrogen reacts with oxygen to
form water, according to the following equation:
2H2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2H2 O(g)

In this reaction, the bond between the two hydrogen atoms in the H2 molecule will
break, as will the bond between the oxygen atoms in the O2 molecule. New bonds
will form between the two hydrogen atoms and the single oxygen atom in the water
molecule that is formed as the product.

For bonds to break, energy must be absorbed. When new bonds form, energy is
released. The energy that is needed to break a bond is called the bond energy or bond
dissociation energy. Bond energies are measured in units of kJ·mol−1 .

DEFINITION: Bond energy

Bond energy is a measure of bond strength in a chemical bond. It is the amount of

energy (in kJ·mol−1 ) that is needed to break the chemical bond between two atoms.

418 12.1. Energy changes in chemical reactions

Remember when we discussed bonding (chapter 3) we used the following energy TIP
diagram: A chemical system is a
closed system that
contains only the
reactants and products
involved in the reaction.

Distance between atomic nuclei



- X

Figure 12.1: Graph showing the changes in energy that take place as the distance between
two atoms changes.

We can use this diagram to understand why bond breaking requires energy and bond
making releases energy. Point X on the diagram is at the lowest energy. When a bond
breaks, the atoms move apart and the distance between them increases (i.e. the atom
moves to the right on the x-axis or from point X to point A). Looking at the diagram we
see that when this happens, the energy increases (i.e. the energy at point A is greater
than the energy at point X). So when a bond breaks energy is needed.

When a bond forms the atoms move closer together and the distance between them
decreases (i.e. the atom moves to the left on the x-axis or from point A to point X).
Looking at the diagram we see that when this happens, the energy decreases (i.e. the
energy at point X is less than the energy at point A). So when a bond forms energy is

Looking at the example of hydrogen reacting with oxygen to form water:

2H2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2H2 O(g)

We see that energy is needed to break the bonds in the hydrogen molecule and to
break the bonds in the oxygen molecule). And we also see that energy is released
when hydrogen and oxygen bond to form water). When we look at the entire reaction
and consider both bond breaking and bond forming we need to look at the enthalpy
of the system.


Enthalpy is a measure of the total energy of a chemical system for a given pressure,
and is given the symbol H.

As we learn about exothermic and endothermic reactions we will see more on the
concept of enthalpy.

Chapter 12. Energy and chemical change 419

TIP Exothermic and endothermic reactions ESBQM
∆ is read as delta and
means a change in. You
may recall this symbol In some reactions, the energy that must be absorbed to break the bonds in the reac-
from physics. tants, is less than the energy that is released when the new bonds of the products are
formed. This means that in the overall reaction, energy is released as either heat or
light. This type of reaction is called an exothermic reaction.

DEFINITION: Exothermic reaction

An exothermic reaction is one that releases energy in the form of heat or light.

Another way of describing an exothermic reaction is that it is one in which the energy
of the products is less than the energy of the reactants, because energy has been re-
leased during the reaction. We can represent this using the following general formula:

Reactants → Products + Energy

In other reactions, the energy that must be absorbed to break the bonds in the reac-
tants, is more than the energy that is released when the new bonds in the products
are formed. This means that in the overall reaction, energy must be absorbed from the
surroundings. This type of reaction is known as an endothermic reaction.

DEFINITION: Endothermic reaction

An endothermic reaction is one that absorbs energy in the form of heat or light.

Another way of describing an endothermic reaction is that it is one in which the en-
ergy of the products is greater than the energy of the reactants, because energy has
been absorbed during the reaction. This can be represented by the following general
Reactants + Energy → Products

The difference in energy (E) between the reactants and the products is known as the
heat of the reaction. It is also sometimes referred to as the enthalpy change of the
system. This is represented using ∆H

Formal experiment: Endothermic and exothermic reactions - part 1

Apparatus and materials:

You will need:

• citric acid

• sodium bicarbonate

• a polystyrene cup

• a lid for the cup

420 12.1. Energy changes in chemical reactions

• thermometer

• glass stirring rod

• scissors

Note that citric acid is found in citrus fruits such as lemons. Sodium bicarbonate is
actually bicarbonate of soda (baking soda), the baking ingredient that helps cakes to


1. If your lid does not have a hole for a

straw, then cut a small hole into the

2. Pour some citric acid (C6 H8 O7 ) into

the polystyrene cup, cover the cup
with its lid and record the tempera- lid
ture of the solution.

3. Stir in the sodium bicarbonate cup

(NaHCO3 ), then cover the cup
citric acid
4. Immediately record the temperature,
and then take a temperature reading
every two minutes after that. Record
your results.

The equation for the reaction that takes place is:

C6 H8 O7 (aq) + 3NaHCO3 (s) → 3CO2 (g) + 3H2 O(Š) + Na3 C6 H5 O7 (aq)


Time (mins) 0 2 4 6
Temperature (◦ C)

Plot your temperature results on a graph of time (x-axis) against temperature (y-axis).

Discussion and conclusion:

• What happens to the temperature during this reaction?

• Is this an exothermic or an endothermic reaction? (Was energy taken in or given

out? Did the temperature increase or decrease?)

• Why was it important to keep the cup covered with a lid?

Chapter 12. Energy and chemical change 421

Formal experiment: Endothermic and exothermic reactions - part 2

Apparatus and materials:

• Vinegar

• steel wool

• thermometer

• polystyrene cup and plastic lid (from previous experiment)


1. Put the thermometer through the

plastic lid, cover the cup and record
the temperature in the empty cup.
You will need to leave the thermome-
ter in the cup for about 5 minutes in thermometer
order to get an accurate reading. lid

2. Soak a piece of steel wool in vine-

gar for about a minute. The vinegar cup
removes the protective coating from
the steel wool so that the metal is ex-
posed to oxygen.
steel wool
3. Take the thermometer out of the cup.
Keep the thermometer through the
hole of the lid.

4. After the steel wool has been in the vinegar, remove it and squeeze out any
vinegar that is still on the wool. Wrap the steel wool around the thermometer
and place it (still wrapped round the thermometer) back into the cup. The cup is
automatically sealed when you do this because the thermometer is through the
top of the lid.

5. Leave the steel wool in the cup for about 5 minutes and then record the temper-
ature. Record your observations.


You should notice that the temperature increases when the steel wool is wrapped
around the thermometer.


The reaction between oxygen and the exposed metal in the steel wool is exothermic,
which means that energy is released and the temperature increases.

422 12.1. Energy changes in chemical reactions

Examples of endothermic and exothermic reactions ESBQN TIP
Note that we are only
discussing chemical
There are many examples of endothermic and exothermic reactions that occur around changes (recall from
us all the time. The following are just a few examples. grade 10 about physical
and chemical changes).
Physical changes can also
be classified as
1. Endothermic reactions exothermic or
endothermic. When we
• Photosynthesis are referring to physical
Photosynthesis is the chemical reaction that takes place in green plants, change then we talk
about exothermic or
which uses energy from the sun to change carbon dioxide and water into endothermic processes.
food that the plant needs to survive, and which other organisms (such as hu- Evaporation is an
mans and other animals) can eat so that they too can survive. The equation endothermic process
for this reaction is: while condensation is an
exothermic process.

6CO2 (g) + 6H2 O (l) + energy → C6 H12 O6 (s) + 6O2 (g)

Photosynthesis is an endothermic reaction. Energy in the form of sunlight
is absorbed during the reaction.
• The thermal decomposition of limestone
In industry, the breakdown of limestone into quicklime and carbon dioxide
is very important. Quicklime can be used to make steel from iron and also
to neutralise soils that are too acid. However, the limestone must be heated
in a kiln (oven) at a temperature of over 900 ◦ C before the decomposition
reaction will take place. The equation for the reaction is shown below:

CaCO3 (s) → CaO (s) + CO2 (g)

2. Exothermic reactions

• Combustion reactions
The burning of fuel is an example of a combustion reaction, and we as
humans rely heavily on this process for our energy requirements. The fol-
lowing equations describe the combustion of a hydrocarbon such as petrol
(C8 H18 ):
fuel + oxygen → heat + water + carbon dioxide

2C8 H18 (l) + 25O2 (g) → 16CO2 (g) + 18H2 O (g) + heat
This is why we burn fuels (such as paraffin, coal, propane and butane) for
energy, because the chemical changes that take place during the reaction
release huge amounts of energy, which we then use for things like power
and electricity. You should also note that carbon dioxide is produced during
this reaction. The chemical reaction that takes place when fuels burn has
both positive and negative consequences. Although we benefit from heat,
power and electricity the carbon dioxide that is produced has a negative
impact on the environment.
• Respiration
Respiration is the chemical reaction that happens in our bodies to produce
energy for our cells. The equation below describes what happens during
this reaction:

C6 H12 O6 (s) + 6O2 (g) → 6CO2 (g) + 6H2 O(l) + energy

In the reaction above, glucose (a type of carbohydrate in the food we eat)
reacts with oxygen from the air that we breathe in, to form carbon dioxide

Chapter 12. Energy and chemical change 423

FACT (which we breathe out), water and energy. The energy that is produced
Lightsticks or glowsticks allows the cell to carry out its functions efficiently. Can you see now why
are used by divers,
you must eat food to get energy? It is not the food itself that provides you
campers, and for
decoration and fun. A with energy, but the exothermic reaction that takes place when compounds
lightstick is a plastic tube within the food react with the oxygen you have breathed in!
with a glass vial inside it.
To activate a lightstick,
you bend the plastic stick,
See video: 2448 at
which breaks the glass
vial. This allows the
chemicals that are inside See video: 2449 at
the glass to mix with the
chemicals in the plastic
tube. These two
chemicals react and Exercise 12 – 1: Exothermic and endothermic reactions 1
release energy. Another
part of a lightstick is a
fluorescent dye which
changes this energy into 1. State whether energy is taken in or released in each of the following situations:
light, causing the
lightstick to glow! This is a) The bond between hydrogen and chlorine in a molecule of hydrogen chlo-
known as
ride breaks.
phosphorescence or
chemiluminescence. b) A bond is formed between hydrogen and fluorine to form a molecule of
hydrogen fluoride.
c) A molecule of nitrogen (N2 ) is formed.
d) A molecule of carbon monoxide breaks apart.

2. State whether the following descriptions are used to describe an endothermic or

an exothermic reaction:

a) Reactants react to give products and energy.

b) The energy that must be absorbed to break the bonds in the reactants is
greater than the energy that is released when the products form.
c) The energy of the products is found to be greater than the energy of the
reactants for this type of reaction.
d) Heat or light must be absorbed from the surroundings before this type of
reaction takes place.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1a. 244B 1b. 244C 1c. 244D 1d. 244F 2a. 244G 2b. 244H
2c. 244J 2d. 244K

424 12.1. Energy changes in chemical reactions

12.2 Exothermic and endothermic reactions ESBQP TIP
∆H has been calculated
for many different
reactions and so instead
The heat of reaction ESBQQ of saying that ∆H is
positive or negative, we
can look up the value of
The heat of the reaction is represented by the symbol ∆H, where: ∆H for the reaction and
use that value instead.
∆H = Eprod − Ereact

• In an exothermic reaction, ∆H is less than zero because the energy of the reac-
tants is greater than the energy of the products. Energy is released in the reaction.
For example:

H2 (g) + Cl2 (g) → 2HCl (g) ∆H < 0

• In an endothermic reaction, ∆H is greater than zero because the energy of the

reactants is less than the energy of the products. Energy is absorbed in the
reaction. For example:

C (s) + H2 O (l) → CO (g) + H2 (g) ∆H > 0

Some of the information relating to exothermic and endothermic reactions is sum-

marised in Table 12.1.

Type of reaction Exothermic Endothermic

Energy absorbed or re- Released Absorbed
Relative energy of reac- Energy of reactants Energy of reactants less
tants and products greater than energy of than energy of product
Sign of ∆H Negative (i.e. < 0) Positive (i.e. > 0)

Table 12.1: A comparison of exothermic and endothermic reactions.

Writing equations using ∆H

There are two ways to write the heat of the reaction in an equation. For the exothermic
reaction C(s) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g), we can write:

C(s) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g) ∆H = −393 kJ·mol−1


C(s) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 393 kJ·mol−1

For the endothermic reaction, C(s) + H2 O(g) → H2 (g) + CO(g), we can write:

C(s) + H2 O(g) → H2 (g) + CO(g) ∆H = +131 kJ·mol−1


C(s) + H2 O(g) + +131 kJ·mol−1 → H2 (g) + CO(g)

Chapter 12. Energy and chemical change 425

The units for ∆H are kJ·mol−1 . In other words, the ∆H value gives the amount of
energy that is absorbed or released per mole of product that is formed. Units can
also be written as kJ, which then gives the total amount of energy that is released or
absorbed when the product forms.

The energy changes during exothermic and endothermic reactions can be plotted on
a graph:

Potential energy

∆H < 0


Figure 12.2: The energy changes that take place during an exothermic reaction.
Potential energy

∆H > 0


Figure 12.3: The energy changes that take place during an endothermic reaction.

We will explain shortly why we draw these graphs with a curve rather than simply
drawing a straight line from the reactants energy to the products energy.

Investigation: Endothermic and exothermic reactions


To investigate exothermic and endothermic reactions.

426 12.2. Exothermic and endothermic reactions

Apparatus and materials:

• Approximately 2 g of calcium chloride (CaCl2 )

• Approximately 2 g of sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

• Approximately 2 g of potassium nitrate (KNO3 )

• Approximately 2 g of barium chloride (BaCl2 )

• concentrated sulphuric acid (H2 SO4 ) (Be careful, this can cause serious burns)

• 5 test tubes

• thermometer


When working with concentrated sulfuric acid always wear gloves and safety glasses.
Always work in a well ventilated room or in a fume cupboard.


Calcium Sodium Potassium Barium

chloride hydroxide nitrate chloride

Sulfuric acid Sodium hydroxide

Water and
Water sulfuric acid

1. Dissolve about 1 g of each of the following substances in 5-10 cm3 of water in a

test tube: CaCl2 , NaOH, KNO3 and BaCl2 .

2. Observe whether the reaction is endothermic or exothermic, either by feeling

whether the side of the test tube gets hot or cold, or using a thermometer.

3. Dilute 3 cm3 of concentrated H2 SO4 in 10 cm3 of water in the fifth test tube and
observe whether the temperature changes.

Remember to always add the acid to the water.

4. Wait a few minutes and then carefully add NaOH to the diluted H2 SO4 . Observe
any temperature (energy) changes.

Chapter 12. Energy and chemical change 427


Record which of the above reactions are endothermic and which are exothermic.

Exothermic reactions Endothermic reactions

• When BaCl2 and KNO3 dissolve in water, they take in heat from the surround-
ings. The dissolution of these salts is endothermic.

• When CaCl2 and NaOH dissolve in water, heat is released. The process is

• The reaction of H2 SO4 and NaOH is also exothermic.

Exercise 12 – 2: Endothermic and exothermic reactions

1. In each of the following reactions, say whether the reaction is endothermic or

exothermic, and give a reason for your answer. Draw the resulting energy graph
for each reaction.

a) H2 (g) + I2 (g) → 2HI (g) + 21 kJ·mol−1

b) CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 2H2 O (g) ∆H = −802 kJ·mol−1
c) The following reaction takes place in a flask:
Ba(OH)2 .8H2 O (s) + 2NH4 NO3 (aq) → Ba(NO3 )2 (aq) + 2NH3 (aq) +
10H2 O (l)
Within a few minutes, the temperature of the flask drops by approximately
20◦ C.
d) 2Na (aq) + Cl2 (aq) → 2NaCl (aq) ∆H = −411 kJ·mol−1
e) C (s) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g)

2. For each of the following descriptions, say whether the process is endothermic
or exothermic and give a reason for your answer.

a) evaporation
b) the combustion reaction in a car engine
c) bomb explosions
d) melting ice
e) digestion of food
f) condensation

3. When you add water to acid the resulting solution splashes up. The beaker also
gets very hot. Explain why.

428 12.2. Exothermic and endothermic reactions

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service It is important to realise
that even though
exothermic reactions
1a. 244M 1b. 244N 1c. 244P 1d. 244Q 1e. 244R 2a. 244S release energy they still
2b. 244T 2c. 244V 2d. 244W 2e. 244X 2f. 244Y 3. 244Z need a small amount of
energy to start the

12.3 Activation energy and the activated complex ESBQR

If you take a match and just hold it or wave it around in the air, the match will not
light. You have to strike the match against the side of the box. All chemical reactions
need something that makes them start going.

Chemical reactions will not take place until the system has some minimum amount of
energy added to it. This energy is called the activation energy.

DEFINITION: Activation energy

Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy that is needed to start a chemical

Recall from earlier that we drew graphs for the energy changes in exothermic and
endothermic reactions. We can now add some information to these graphs. This will
also explain why we draw these graphs with a curve rather than using a straight line
from the reactants energy to the products energy.

We will start by looking at exothermic reactions. We will use:

H2 (g) + F2 (g) → 2HF (g)

as an example of an exothermic reaction.


F F (activated complex)

Potential energy

H2 + F2
∆H = −268
kJ.mol−1 2HF

Figure 12.4: The energy changes that take place during an exothermic reaction.

Chapter 12. Energy and chemical change 429

TIP The reaction between H2 (g) and F2 (g) (Figure 12.4) needs energy in order to proceed,
The activation energy is and this is the activation energy. To form the product the bond between H and H in H2
the difference between
must break. The bond between F and F in F2 must also break. A new bond between
the energy of the
reactants and the H and F must also form to make HF. The reactant bonds break at the same time that
maximum energy (i.e. the the product bonds form.
energy of the activated
We can show this as:
The reaction between H2 H H
and F2 was considered by
NASA (National
Aeronautics and Space F F
Administration) as a fuel
system for rocket boosters
because of the energy
that is released during
This is called the activated complex or transition state. The activated complex lasts for
this exothermic reaction. only a very short time. After this short time one of two things will happen: the original
bonds will reform, or the bonds are broken and a new product forms. In this example,
TIP the final product is HF and it has a lower energy than the reactants. The reaction is
Enzymes and activation exothermic and ∆H is negative.
An enzyme is a catalyst
that helps to speed up the The activated complex is the complex that exists as the bonds in the products are
rate of a reaction by forming and the bonds in the reactants are breaking. This complex exists for a very
lowering the activation short period of time and is found when the energy of the system is at its maximum.
energy of a reaction.
There are many enzymes
in the human body,
In endothermic reactions, the final products have a higher energy than the reactants.
without which lots of An energy diagram is shown below (Figure 12.5) for the endothermic reaction:
important reactions
would never take place. O2 (g) + N2 (g) → 2NO (g)
Cellular respiration is one
example of a reaction that
is catalysed by enzymes.
Notice that the activation energy for the endothermic reaction is much greater than for
You will learn more about
catalysts in Grade 12. the exothermic reaction.


Potential energy

energy 2NO
∆H > 0
N2 + O2

Figure 12.5: The energy changes that take place during an endothermic reaction.

It is because of this activation energy that we first need to show an increase in energy
from the reactant to the activated complex and then a decrease in energy from the
activated complex to the product. We show this on the energy graphs by drawing a
curve from the energy of the reactants to the energy of the products.

430 12.3. Activation energy and the activated complex

Worked example 1: Activation energy


Refer to the graph below and then answer the questions that follow:

103 kJ
Potential energy

45 kJ

10 kJ


1. Calculate ∆H.
2. Is the reaction endothermic or exothermic and why?
3. Calculate the activation energy for this reaction.


Step 1: Calculate ∆H

∆H is found by subtracting the energy of the reactants from the energy of the products.
We find the energy of the reactants and the products from the graph.
∆H = energy of products − energy of reactants
= 10 kJ − 45 kJ
= −35 kJ

Step 2: Determine if this is exothermic or endothermic.

The reaction is exothermic since ∆H < 0. We also note that the energy of the reactants
is greater than the energy of the products.

Step 3: Calculate the activation energy

The activation energy is found by subtracting the energy of the reactants from the
energy of the activated complex. Again we can read the energy of the reactants and
activated complex off the graph.
activation energy = energy of activated complex − energy of reactants
= 103 kJ − 45 kJ
= 58 kJ

Chapter 12. Energy and chemical change 431

Exercise 12 – 3: Energy and reactions

1. Carbon reacts with water according to the following equation:

C (s) + H2 O (g) → CO (g) + H2 (g) ∆H > 0
Is this reaction endothermic or exothermic? Give a reason for your answer.

2. Refer to the graph below and then answer the questions that follow:

25 kJ

Potential energy

0 kJ

−15 kJ


a) What is the energy of the reactants?

b) What is the energy of the products?
c) Calculate ∆H.
d) What is the activation energy for this reaction?

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1. 2452 2. 2453

12.4 Chapter summary ESBQS

See presentation: 2454 at

• When a reaction occurs, bonds in the reactants break and new bonds in the
products form. These changes involve energy.

• When bonds break, energy is absorbed and when new bonds form, energy is

• The bond energy is a measure of bond strength in a chemical bond. It is the

amount of energy (in kJ·mol−1 ) that is needed to break the chemical bond be-
tween two atoms.

• Enthalpy is a measure of the total energy of a chemical system for a given pres-
sure and is given the symbol H.

432 12.4. Chapter summary

• If the energy that is needed to break the bonds is less than the energy that is
released when new bonds form, then the reaction is exothermic. The energy of
the products is less than the energy of the reactants.

• An exothermic reaction is one that releases energy in the form of heat or light.

• If the energy that is needed to break the bonds is more than the energy that is
released when new bonds form, then the reaction is endothermic. The energy
of the products is greater than the energy of the reactants.

• An endothermic reaction is one that absorbs energy in the form of heat or light.

• Photosynthesis and the thermal decomposition of limestone are both examples

of endothermic reactions.

• Combustion reactions and respiration are both examples of exothermic reac-


• The difference in energy between the reactants and the product is called the heat
of reaction and has the symbol ∆H.

• ∆H is calculated using: ∆H = Eprod − Ereact

• In an endothermic reaction, ∆H is a positive number (greater than 0). In an

exothermic reaction, ∆H will be negative (less than 0).

• Chemical reactions will not take place until the system has some minimum
amount of energy added to it.

• The activation energy is the minimum amount of energy that is needed to start
a chemical reaction.

• The activated complex (or transition state) is the complex that exists as the bonds
in the products are forming and the bonds in the reactants are breaking. This
complex exists for a very short period of time and is found when the energy of
the system is at its maximum.

Exercise 12 – 4:

1. For each of the following, give one word or term for the description.

a) The minimum amount of energy that is needed for a reaction to proceed.

b) A measure of the bond strength in a chemical bond.
c) A type of reaction where ∆H is less than zero.
d) A type of reaction that requires heat or light to proceed.

2. For the following reaction:

HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) → NaCl (aq) + H2 O (l)

choose the correct statement from the list below.

a) Energy is taken in when the new bonds in NaCl are formed.

b) Energy is released when the bonds in HCl break.

Chapter 12. Energy and chemical change 433

c) Energy is released when the bonds in H2 O form.
d) Energy is released when the bonds in NaOH break.

3. For the following reaction:

A + B → AB ∆H = −129 kJ·mol−1

choose the correct statement from the list below.

a) The energy of the reactants is less than the energy of the product.
b) The energy of the product is less than the energy of the reactants.
c) The reaction needs energy to occur.
d) The overall energy of the system increases during the reaction.

4. Consider the following chemical reaction:

2NO2 (g) → N2 O4 (g) ∆H < 0

Which one of the following graphs best represents the changes in potential en-
ergy that take place during the production of N2 O4 ?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

5. In each of the following reactions, say whether the reaction is endothermic or

exothermic, and give a reason for your answer. Draw the resulting energy graph
for each reaction.

a) Fe2 O3 (s) + 2Al (s) → 2Fe (s) + Al2 O3 (s) + heat

b) NH4 Cl (s) + heat → NH3 (g) + HCl (g)

6. The cellular respiration reaction is catalysed by enzymes. The equation for the
reaction is:
C6 H12 O6 (s) + 6O2 (g) → 6CO2 (g) + 6H2 O (l)

The change in potential energy during this reaction is shown below:

Potential energy

C6 H12 O6 + 6O2

6CO2 + 6H2 O


434 12.4. Chapter summary

a) Will the value of ∆H be positive or negative? Give a reason for your answer.
b) Explain what is meant by activation energy.
c) Glucose is one of the reactants in cellular respiration. What important
chemical reaction produces glucose?
d) Is the reaction in your answer above an endothermic or an exothermic one?
Explain your answer.
e) Draw the energy graph for the reaction that produces glucose.

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1a. 2455 1b. 2456 1c. 2457 1d. 2458 2. 2459 3. 245B
4. 245C 5a. 245D 5b. 245F 6. 245G

Chapter 12. Energy and chemical change 435


Types of reactions

13.1 Acids and bases 438

13.2 Acid-base reactions 443
13.3 Redox reactions 452
13.4 Chapter summary 465
13 Types of reactions

All around you there are chemical reactions taking place. Green plants are photo-
synthesising, car engines are relying on the reaction between petrol and air and your
body is performing many complex reactions. In this chapter we will look at two com-
mon types of reactions that can occur in the world around you and in the chemistry
laboratory. These two types of reactions are acid-base reactions and redox reactions.

13.1 Acids and bases ESBQT

What are acids and bases? ESBQV

Activity: Household acids and bases

Look around your home and school and find examples of acids and bases. Remember
that foods can also be acidic or basic.

Make a list of all the items you find. Why do you think they are acids or bases?

Some common acids and bases, and their chemical formulae, are shown in Table 13.1.

Acid Formula Base Formula

Hydrochloric acid HCl Sodium hydroxide NaOH
Sulfuric acid H2 SO4 Potassium hydroxide KOH
Sulfurous acid H2 SO3 Sodium carbonate Na2 CO3
Acetic (ethanoic) acid CH3 COOH Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2
Carbonic acid H2 CO3 Magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2
Nitric acid HNO3 Ammonia NH3
Phosphoric acid H3 PO4 Sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3

Table 13.1: Some common acids and bases and their chemical formulae.

Most acids share certain characteristics, and most bases also share similar characteris-
tics. It is important to be able to have a definition for acids and bases so that they can
be correctly identified in reactions.

Defining acids and bases ESBQW

One of the first things that was noted about acids is that they have a sour taste. Bases
were noted to have a soapy feel and a bitter taste. However you cannot go around tast-
ing and feeling unknown substances since they may be harmful. Also when chemists
started to write down chemical reactions more practical definitions were needed.

438 13.1. Acids and bases

A number of definitions for acids and bases have developed over the years. One of TIP
the earliest was the Arrhenius definition. Arrhenius (1887) noticed that water dissoci- For more information on
dissociation, refer to
ates (splits up) into hydronium (H3 O+ ) and hydroxide (OH− ) ions according to the
Grade 10 (chapter 18:
following equation: reactions in aqueous
2H2 O (l) → H3 O+ (aq) + OH− (aq)

Arrhenius described an acid as a compound that increases the concentration of H3 O+

ions in solution and a base as a compound that increases the concentration of OH−
ions in solution.

Look at the following examples showing the dissociation of hydrochloric acid and
sodium hydroxide (a base) respectively:
1. HCl (aq) + H2 O(l) → H3 O+ (aq) + Cl− (aq)
Hydrochloric acid in water increases the concentration of H3 O+ ions and is
therefore an acid.
2. NaOH (s) −→ Na+ (aq) + OH− (aq)
Sodium hydroxide in water increases the concentration of OH− ions and is there-
fore a base.
Note that we write −→ to indicate that water is needed for the dissociation.

However, this definition could only be used for acids and bases in water. Since there
are many reactions which do not occur in water it was important to come up with a
much broader definition for acids and bases.

In 1923, Lowry and Bronsted took the work of Arrhenius further to develop a broader
definition for acids and bases. The Bronsted-Lowry model defines acids and bases in
terms of their ability to donate or accept protons.


A Bronsted-Lowry acid is a substance that gives away protons (hydrogen cations H+ ),

and is therefore called a proton donor.


A Bronsted-Lowry base is a substance that takes up protons (hydrogen cations H+ ),

and is therefore called a proton acceptor.

Below are some examples:

1. HCl (aq) + NH3 (aq) → NH+
4 (aq) + Cl (aq)
We highlight the chlorine and the nitrogen so that we can follow what happens
to these two elements as they react. We do not highlight the hydrogen atoms as
we are interested in how these change. This colour coding is simply to help you
identify the parts of the reaction and does not represent any specific property of
these elements.

HCl (aq) + NH3 (aq) → NH+
4 (aq) + Cl (aq)

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 439

In order to decide which substance is a proton donor and which is a proton
acceptor, we need to look at what happens to each reactant. The reaction can
be broken down as follows:
HCl (aq) → Cl− (aq) and
NH3 (aq) → NH+
4 (aq)
From these reactions, it is clear that HCl is a proton donor and is therefore an
acid, and that NH3 is a proton acceptor and is therefore a base.

2. CH3 COOH (aq) + H2 O (l) → H3 O+ (aq) + CH3 COO− (aq)

Again we highlight the parts of the reactants that we want to follow in this reac-
CH3 COOH (aq) + H2 O (l) → H3 O+ (aq) + CH3 COO− (aq)
The reaction can be broken down as follows:
CH3 COOH (aq) → CH3 COO− (aq) and
H2 O (l) → H3 O+ (aq)
In this reaction, CH3 COOH (acetic acid or vinegar) is a proton donor and is
therefore the acid. In this case, water acts as a base because it accepts a proton
to form H3 O+ .

3. NH3 (aq) + H2 O (l) → NH+ −

4 (aq) + OH (aq)
Again we highlight the parts of the reactants that we want to follow in this reac-
NH3 (aq) + H2 O (l) → NH+ −
4 (aq) + OH (aq)
The reaction can be broken down as follows:
H2 O (l) → OH− (aq) and
NH3 (aq) → NH+
4 (aq)
Water donates a proton and is therefore an acid in this reaction. Ammonia
accepts the proton and is therefore the base.

Notice in these examples how we looked at the common elements to break the reac-
tion into two parts. So in the first example we followed what happened to chlorine to
see if it was part of the acid or the base. And we also followed nitrogen to see if it was
part of the acid or the base. You should also notice how in the reaction for the acid
there is one less hydrogen on the right hand side and in the reaction for the base there
is an extra hydrogen on the right hand side.

Amphoteric substances

In examples 2 and 3 above we notice an interesting thing about water. In example 2

we find that water acts as a base (it accepts a proton). In example 3 however we see
that water acts as an acid (it donates a proton)!

Depending on what water is reacting with it can either react as a base or as an acid.
Water is said to be amphoteric. Water is not unique in this respect, several other
substances are also amphoteric.

DEFINITION: Amphoteric

An amphoteric substance is one that can react as either an acid or base.

440 13.1. Acids and bases

When we look just at Bronsted-Lowry acids and bases we can also talk about am-
phiprotic substances which are a special type of amphoteric substances.

DEFINITION: Amphiprotic

An amphiprotic substance is one that can react as either a proton donor (Bronsted-
Lowry acid) or as a proton acceptor (Bronsted-Lowry base). Examples of amphiprotic
substances include water, hydrogen carbonate ion (HCO− 3 ) and hydrogen sulfate ion

(HSO4 ).

Note: You may also see the term ampholyte used to mean a substance that can act as
both an acid and a base. This term is no longer in general use in chemistry.

Polyprotic acids [NOT IN CAPS]

A polyprotic (many protons) acid is an acid that has more than one proton that it can
donate. For example sulfuric acid can donate one proton to form the hydrogen sulfate
H2 SO4 (aq) + OH− (aq) → HSO− 4 (aq) + H2 O (l)

Or it can donate two protons to form the sulfate ion:

H2 SO4 (aq) + 2OH− (aq) → SO2−

4 (aq) + 2H2 O (l)

In this chapter we will mostly consider monoprotic acids (acids with only one proton
to donate). If you do see a polyprotic acid in a reaction then write the resulting reaction
equation with the acid donating all its protons.

Some examples of polyprotic acids are:

H2 SO4 , H2 SO3 , H2 CO3 and H3 PO4 .

See simulation: 245H at

Exercise 13 – 1: Acids and bases

1. Identify the Bronsted-Lowry acid and the Bronsted-Lowry base in the following

a) HNO3 (aq) + NH3 (aq) → NO− +

3 (aq) + NH4 (aq)
b) HBr (aq) + KOH (aq) → KBr (aq) + H2 O (l)

2. a) Write a reaction equation to show HCO−

3 acting as an acid.
b) Write a reaction equation to show HCO−
3 acting as an base.
c) Compounds such as HCO−
3 are . . .

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 441

Up to now you have Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service
looked at reactions as
starting with the reactants
and going to the products. 1a. 245J 1b. 245K 2. 245M
For acids and bases we
also need to consider
what happens if we swop
the reactants and the
products around. This
will help you understand
conjugate acid-base pairs.

TIP Conjugate acid-base pairs ESBQX

The word conjugate
means coupled or
connected. Look at the reaction between hydrochloric acid and ammonia to form ammonium and
chloride ions (again we have highlighted the different parts of the equation):

HCl (aq) + NH3 (aq) → NH+
4 (aq) + Cl (aq)

We look at what happens to each of the reactants in the reaction:

HCl (aq) → Cl− (aq) and

NH3 (aq) → NH+

4 (aq)

We see that HCl acts as the acid and NH3 acts as the base.

But what if we actually had the following reaction:

4 (aq) + Cl (aq) → HCl (aq) + NH3 (aq)

This is the same reaction as the first one, but the products are now the reactants.

Now if we look at the what happens to each of the reactants we see the following:

4 (aq) → NH3 (aq) and

Cl− (aq) → HCl (aq)

We see that NH+
4 acts as the acid and Cl acts as the base.

When HCl (the acid) loses a proton it forms Cl− (the base). And that when Cl− (the
base) gains a proton it forms HCl (the acid). We call these two species a conjugate
acid-base pair. Similarly NH3 and NH+ 4 form a conjugate acid-base pair.

We can represent this as:

conjugate pair

HCl + NH3 NH+

4 + Cl

acid 1 base 2 acid 2 base 1

conjugate pair

442 13.1. Acids and bases

Activity: Conjugate acid-base pairs
In chemistry the word salt
does not mean the white
Using the common acids and bases in Table 13.1, pick an acid and a base from the substance that you
list. Write a chemical equation for the reaction of these two compounds. sprinkle on your food
(this white substance is a
salt, but not the only salt).
Now identify the conjugate acid-base pairs in your chosen reaction. Compare your A salt (to chemists) is a
results to those of your classmates. product of an acid-base
reaction and is made up
of the cation from the
base and the anion from
See video: 245N at the acid.

Exercise 13 – 2: Acids and bases

1. In each of the following reactions, label the conjugate acid-base pairs.

a) H2 SO4 (aq) + H2 O (l) → H3 O+ (aq) + HSO−

4 (aq)
b) NH+ −
4 (aq) + F (aq) → HF(aq) + NH3 (aq)
c) H2 O (l) + CH3 COO− (aq) → CH3 COOH (aq) + OH− (aq)
d) H2 SO4 (aq) + Cl− (aq) → HCl (aq) + HSO−
4 (aq)

2. Given the following reaction:

H2 O (l) + NH3 (aq) → NH+
4 (aq) + OH (aq)

a) Write down which reactant is the base and which is the acid.
b) Label the conjugate acid-base pairs.
c) In your own words explain what is meant by the term conjugate acid-base

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1a. 245P 1b. 245Q 1c. 245R 1d. 245S 2. 245T

13.2 Acid-base reactions ESBQY

The reaction between an acid and a base is known as a neutralisation reaction. Often
when an acid and base react a salt and water will be formed. We will look at a few
examples of acid-base reactions.
1. Hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide to form sodium chloride (a salt)
and water. Sodium chloride is made up of Na+ cations from the base (NaOH)
and Cl− anions from the acid (HCl).

HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) → H2 O (l) + NaCl (aq)

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 443

FACT 2. Hydrogen bromide reacts with potassium hydroxide to form potassium bromide
Bee stings are acidic and (a salt) and water. Potassium bromide is made up of K+ cations from the base
have a pH between 5 and
(KOH) and Br− anions from the acid (HBr).
5,5. They can be soothed
by using substances such
as bicarbonate of soda HBr (aq) + KOH (aq) → H2 O (l) + KBr (aq)
and milk of magnesia.
Both bases help to
neutralise the acidic bee 3. Hydrochloric acid reacts with ammonia to form ammonium chloride (a salt).

sting and relieve some of Ammonium chloride is made up of NH+ 4 cations from the base (NH3 ) and Cl
the itchiness! anions from the acid (HCl).

HCl (aq) + NH3 (aq) → NH4 Cl (aq)

You should notice that in the first two examples, the base contained OH− ions, and
therefore the products were a salt and water. NaCl (table salt) and KBr are both salts.
In the third example, NH3 also acts as a base, despite not having OH− ions. A salt is
still formed as the only product, but no water is produced.

It is important to realise how useful these neutralisation reactions are. Below are some
• Domestic uses
Calcium oxide (CaO) is a base (all metal oxides are bases) that is put on soil that
is too acidic. Powdered limestone (CaCO3 ) can also be used but its action is
much slower and less effective. These substances can also be used on a larger
scale in farming and in rivers.
Limestone (white stone or calcium carbonate) is used in pit latrines (or long
drops). The limestone is a base that helps to neutralise the acidic waste.

• Biological uses
Acids in the stomach (e.g. hydrochloric acid) play an important role in helping to
digest food. However, when a person has a stomach ulcer, or when there is too
much acid in the stomach, these acids can cause a lot of pain. Antacids are taken
to neutralise the acids so that they don’t burn as much. Antacids are bases which
neutralise the acid. Examples of antacids are aluminium hydroxide, magnesium
hydroxide (“milk of magnesia”) and sodium bicarbonate (“bicarbonate of soda”).
Antacids can also be used to relieve heartburn.

• Industrial uses
Basic calcium hydroxide (limewater) can be used to absorb harmful acidic SO2
gas that is released from power stations and from the burning of fossil fuels.

General experiment: Acid-base reactions


To investigate acid-base reactions.

Apparatus and materials:

• Volumetric flask

• conical flasks

444 13.2. Acid-base reactions

• sodium hydroxide solution

• hydrochloric acid solution

• pipette

• indicator


20 ml
NaOH (aq)

fill to add 20 ml to add did the

the mark a conical flask 10 ml HCl color change?
if not add
5 ml HCl

1. Use the pipette to add 20 ml of the sodium hydroxide

solution to a volumetric flask. Fill up to the mark with
water and shake well.

2. Measure 20 ml of the sodium hydroxide solution into

a conical flask. Add a few drops of indicator.

3. Slowly add 10 ml of hydrochloric acid. If there is a

colour change stop. If not add another 5 ml. Con-
tinue adding 5 ml increments until you notice a colour


The solution changes colour after a set amount of hydrochloric acid is added.

In the above experiment you used an indicator to see when the acid had neutralised the
base. Indicators are chemical compounds that change colour depending on whether
they are in an acid or in a base.
Informal experiment: Indicators


To determine which plants and foods can act as indicators.

Apparatus and materials:

• Possible indicators: Red cabbage, beetroot, berries (e.g. mulberries), curry pow-
der, red grapes, onions, tea (rooibos or regular), baking powder, vanilla essence
• acids (e.g. vinegar, hydrochloric acid), bases (e.g. ammonia (in many household
cleaners)) to test
• Beakers

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 445

1. Take a small amount of your first possible indicator (do not use the onions, vanilla
essence and baking powder). Boil the substance up until the water has changed
2. Filter the resulting solution into a beaker being careful not to get any plant matter
into the beaker. (You can also pour the water through a colander or sieve.)
3. Pour half the resulting coloured solution into a second beaker.
4. Place one beaker onto an A4 sheet of paper labelled “acids”. Place the other
beaker onto a sheet of paper labelled “bases”.
5. Repeat with all your other possible indicators (except the onions, vanilla essence
and baking powder).
6. Into all the beakers on the acid sheet carefully pour 5 ml of acid. Record your
7. Into all the beakers on the base sheet carefully pour 5 ml of base. Record your
If you have more than one acid or base then you will need to repeat the above
steps to get fresh indicator samples for your second acid or base. Or you can use
less of the resulting coloured solution for each acid and base you want to test.
8. Observe the smell of the onions and vanilla essence. Place a small piece of
onion into a beaker. This is for testing with the acid. Pour 5 ml of acid. Wave
your hand over the top of the beaker to blow the air towards your nose. What
do you notice about the smell of the onions? Repeat with the vanilla essence.
9. Place a small piece of onion into a beaker. This is for testing with the base. Pour
5 ml of base. Wave your hand over the top of the beaker to blow the air towards
your nose. What do you notice about the smell of the onions? Repeat with the
vanilla essence.
10. Finally place a teaspoon of baking powder into a beaker. Carefully pour 5 ml of
acid into the beaker. Record your observations. Repeat using the base.


Substance Colour Results with acid Results with base

Red cabbage
Curry powder
Red grapes
Vanilla essence
Baking powder

You should note that some of the substances change colour in the presence of either
an acid or a base. The baking powder fizzes when it is in the acid solution, but no
reaction is noted when it is in the base solution. Vanilla essence and onions should
lose their characteristic smell when in the base.

446 13.2. Acid-base reactions

We will now look at three specific types of acid-base reactions. In each of these types FACT
of acid-base reaction the acid remains the same but the kind of base changes. We will Vanilla and onions are
known as olfactory
look at what kind of products are produced when acids react with each of these bases
(smell) indicators.
and what the general reaction looks like. Olfactory indicators lose
their characteristic smell
when mixed with acids or
Acid and metal hydroxide ESBQZ

When an acid reacts with a metal hydroxide a salt and water are formed. We have
already briefly explained this. Some examples are:

• HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) → H2 O (l) + NaCl (aq)

• 2HBr (aq) + Mg(OH)2 (aq) → 2H2 O (l) + MgBr2 (aq)

• 3HCl (aq) + Al(OH)3 (aq) → 3H2 O (l) + AlCl3 (aq)

We can write a general equation for this type of reaction:

nH+ (aq) + M(OH)n (aq) → nH2 O (l) + Mn+ (aq)

Where n is the group number of the metal and M is the metal.

Exercise 13 – 3:

1. Write a balanced equation for the reaction between HNO3 and KOH.

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1. 245V

Acid and metal oxide ESBR2

When an acid reacts with a metal oxide a salt and water are also formed. Some
examples are:

• 2HCl (aq) + Na2 O (aq) → H2 O (l) + 2NaCl

• 2HBr (aq) + MgO → H2 O (l) + MgBr2 (aq)

• 6HCl (aq) + Al2 O3 (aq) → 3H2 O (l) + 2AlCl3 (aq)

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 447

We can write a general equation for the reaction of a metal oxide with an acid:

2yH+ (aq) + Mx Oy (aq) → yH2 O (l) + xMn+ (aq)

Where n is the group number of the metal. The x and y represent the ratio in which
the metal combines with the oxide and depends on the valency of the metal.

Exercise 13 – 4:

1. Write a balanced equation for the reaction between HBr and K2 O.

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1. 245W

Acid and a metal carbonate ESBR3

General experiment: The reaction of acids with carbonates

Apparatus and materials:

• Small amounts of baking powder (sodium bicarbonate)

• hydrochloric acid (dilute) and vinegar

• retort stand

• two test tubes

• one rubber stopper for the test tube

• a delivery tube

• lime water (calcium hydroxide in water)

The experiment should be set up as shown below.

448 13.2. Acid-base reactions

delivery tube

rubber stopper

sodium bicarbonate
and hydrochloric acid


1. Carefully stick the delivery tube through the rubber stopper.

2. Pour limewater into one of the test tubes.

3. Carefully pour a small amount of hydrochloric acid into the other test tube.

4. Add a small amount of sodium carbonate to the acid and seal the test tube with
the rubber stopper. Place the other end of the delivery tube into the test tube
containing the lime water.

5. Observe what happens to the colour of the limewater.

6. Repeat the above steps, this time using vinegar.


The clear lime water turns milky meaning that carbon dioxide has been produced. You
may not see this for the hydrochloric acid as the reaction may happen to fast.

When an acid reacts with a metal carbonate a salt, carbon dioxide and water are
formed. Look at the following examples:

• Nitric acid reacts with sodium carbonate to form sodium nitrate, carbon dioxide
and water.

2HNO3 (aq) + Na2 CO3 (aq) → 2NaNO3 (aq) + CO2 (g) + H2 O (l)

• Sulfuric acid reacts with calcium carbonate to form calcium sulfate, carbon diox-
ide and water.

H2 SO4 (aq) + CaCO3 (aq) → CaSO4 (s) + CO2 (g) + H2 O (l)

• Hydrochloric acid reacts with calcium carbonate to form calcium chloride, car-
bon dioxide and water.

2HCl (aq) + CaCO3 (s) → CaCl2 (aq) + CO2 (g) + H2 O (l)

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 449

Exercise 13 – 5:

1. Write a balanced equation for the reaction between HCl and K2 CO3 .

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 245X

Using what we have learnt about acids and bases we can now look at preparing some

General experiment: Making salts


To make some salts using acid-base reactions.


• hydrochloric acid (1 mol·dm−3 ), sulfuric acid (dilute), sodium hydroxide, cop-

per(II) oxide, calcium carbonate

• beakers, mass meter, funnels, filter paper, bunsen burner, measuring cylinders



Wear gloves and safety glasses when working with sulfuric acid. Work in a well
ventilated room.

Part 1

1. Measure out 20 ml of hydrochloric acid into a beaker.

2. Measure out 20 ml of sodium hydroxide and carefully add this to the beaker
containing hydrochloric acid.

3. Gently heat the resulting solution until all the water has evaporated. You should
have a white powder left.

450 13.2. Acid-base reactions

Part 2

1. Carefully add 25 ml of sulfuric acid to a clean beaker.

2. Add about a small amount (about 0,5 g) of copper(II) oxide to the beaker con-
taining sulfuric acid. Stir the solution.

3. Once all the copper(II) oxide has dissolved, add another small amount of cop-
per(II) oxide. Repeat until no more solid dissolves and there is a small amount
of undissolved solid.

4. Filter this solution and discard the filter paper.

5. Gently heat the resulting liquid. You should get a small amount of solid.

Part 3

1. Measure out 20 ml of hydrochloric acid into a new beaker.

2. Add about a small amount (about 0,5 g) of calcium carbonate to the beaker
containing hydrochloric acid. Stir the solution.

3. Once all the calcium carbonate has dissolved, add another small amount of
calcium carbonate. Repeat until no more solid dissolves and there is a small
amount of undissolved solid.

4. Filter this solution and discard the filter paper.

5. Gently heat the resulting liquid. You should get a small amount of solid.


In the first reaction (hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide) the resulting solution
was clear. When this solution was heated a small amount of white powder was noted.
This powder is sodium chloride.

In the second reaction (sulfuric acid with copper(II) oxide) the resulting solution was
blue in colour. When this solution was heated a small amount of white powder was
noted. This powder is copper sulfate.

In the third reaction (hydrochloric acid with calcium carbonate) the resulting solution
was clear. When this solution was heated a small amount of white powder was noted.
This powder is calcium sulfate.

Try write reaction equations for the three reactions above.


We used acid-base reactions to produce different salts.

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 451

Exercise 13 – 6: Acids and bases
You can remember this by
using OiLRiG: Oxidation For each of the following reactants state what type of acid-base reaction the pair of
is Loss Reduction is Gain. reactants undergoes and write the balanced reaction equation.

1. HNO3 and Ca(OH)2 4. H3 PO4 and KOH

2. HCl and BeO 5. HCl and MgCO3

3. HI and K2 CO3 6. HNO3 and Al2 O3

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 245Y 2. 245Z 3. 2462 4. 2463 5. 2464 6. 2465

13.3 Redox reactions ESBR4

If you have seen a piece of rusty metal then you

have seen the end result of a redox reaction (iron
and oxygen forming iron oxide). Redox reactions
are also used in electrochemistry and in biological

When some reactions occur, an exchange of electrons takes place. It is this exchange
of electrons that leads to the change in charge that we noted in grade 10 (chapter
18, reactions in aqueous solution). When an atom gains electrons it becomes more
negative and when it loses electrons it becomes more positive.

Oxidation is the loss of electrons from an atom, while reduction is the gain of electrons
by an atom. In a reaction these two processes occur together so that one element or
compound gains electrons while the other element or compound loses electrons. This
is why we call this a redox reaction. It is a short way of saying reduction-oxidation


Oxidation is the loss of electrons by a molecule, atom or ion.


Reduction is the gain of electrons by a molecule, atom or ion.

Before we look at redox reactions we need to first learn how to tell if a reaction is a
redox reaction. In grade 10 you learnt that a redox reaction involves a change in the
charge on an atom. Now we will look at why this change in charge occurs.

452 13.3. Redox reactions

Oxidation numbers ESBR5 TIP
You will notice that some
elements always have the
By giving elements an oxidation number, it is possible to keep track of whether that same oxidation number
element is losing or gaining electrons during a chemical reaction. The loss of electrons while other elements can
change oxidation
in one part of the reaction must be balanced by a gain of electrons in another part of numbers depending on
the reaction. the compound they are
DEFINITION: Oxidation number

Oxidation number is the charge an atom would have if it was in a compound com-
posed of ions.

There are a number of rules that you need to know about oxidation numbers, and
these are listed below.

1. A molecule consisting of only one element always has an oxidation number of

zero, since it is neutral.
For example the oxidation number of hydrogen in H2 is 0. The oxidation number
of bromine in Br2 is also 0.

2. Monatomic ions (ions with only one element or type of atom) have an oxidation
number that is equal to the charge on the ion.
For example, the chloride ion Cl− has an oxidation number of −1, and the
magnesium ion Mg2+ has an oxidation number of +2.

3. In a molecule or compound, the sum of the oxidation numbers for each element
in the molecule or compound will be zero.
For example the sum of the oxidation numbers for the elements in water will be

4. In a polyatomic ion the sum of the oxidation numbers is equal to the charge.
For example the sum of the oxidation numbers for the elements in the sulfate ion
4 ) will be −2.

5. An oxygen atom usually has an oxidation number of −2. One exception is in

peroxides (e.g. hydrogen peroxide) when oxygen has an oxidation number of
For example oxygen in water will have an oxidation number of −2 while in
hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) it will have an oxidation number of −1.

6. The oxidation number of hydrogen is often +1. One exception is in the metal
hydrides where the oxidation number is −1.
For example the oxidation number of the hydrogen atom in water is +1, while
the oxidation number of hydrogen in lithium hydride (LiH) is −1.

7. The oxidation number of fluorine is −1.

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 453

Worked example 1: Oxidation numbers


Give the oxidation number of sulfur in a sulfate (SO2−

4 ) ion


Step 1: Determine the oxidation number for each atom

Oxygen will have an oxidation number of −2. (Rule 5, this is not a peroxide.) The
oxidation number of sulfur at this stage is uncertain since sulfur does not have a set
oxidation number.

Step 2: Determine the oxidation number of sulfur by using the fact that the oxidation
numbers of the atoms must add up to the charge on the compound

In the polyatomic SO2−

4 ion, the sum of the oxidation numbers must be −2 (rule 4).

Let the oxidation number of sulfur be x. We know that oxygen has an oxidation
number of −2 and since there are four oxygen atoms in the sulfate ion, then the sum
of the oxidation numbers of these four oxygen atoms is −8.

Putting this together gives:

x + (−8) = −2
x = −2 + 8
= +6

So the oxidation number of sulfur is +6.

Step 3: Write down the final answer

In the sulfate ion, the oxidation number of sulfur is +6.

Worked example 2: Oxidation numbers


Give the oxidation number of both elements in ammonia (NH3 ).


Step 1: Determine the oxidation number for each atom

Hydrogen will have an oxidation number of +1 (rule 6, ammonia is not a metal hy-
dride). At this stage we do not know the oxidation number for nitrogen.

Step 2: Determine the oxidation number of nitrogen by using the fact that the oxida-
tion numbers of the atoms must add up to the charge on the compound

454 13.3. Redox reactions

In the compound NH3 , the sum of the oxidation numbers must be 0 (rule 3).

Let the oxidation number of nitrogen be x. We know that hydrogen has an oxidation
number of +1 and since there are three hydrogen atoms in the ammonia molecule,
then the sum of the oxidation numbers of these three hydrogen atoms is +3.

Putting this together gives:

x + (+3) = 0
= −3

So the oxidation number of nitrogen is −3.

Step 3: Write the final answer

Hydrogen has an oxidation number of +1 and nitrogen has an oxidation number of


Worked example 3: Oxidation numbers


Give the oxidation numbers for all the atoms in sodium chloride (NaCl).


Step 1: Determine the oxidation number for each atom in the compound

This is an ionic compound composed of Na+ and Cl− ions. Using rule 2 the oxidation
number for the sodium ion is +1 and for the chlorine ion it is −1.

This then gives us a sum of 0 for the compound.

Step 2: Write the final answer

The oxidation numbers for sodium is +1 and for chlorine it is −1.

Exercise 13 – 7: Oxidation numbers

1. Give the oxidation numbers for each element in the following chemical com-

a) MgF2 b) CaCl2 c) CH4 d) MgSO4

2. Compare the oxidation numbers of:

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 455

The word species is used
a) nitrogen in: c) chromium in: e) hydrogen in:
in chemistry to indicate −
either a compound, a NO2 and NO Cr2 O2−
7 and CrO4 NaH and H2 O
molecule, an ion, an b) carbon in: d) oxygen in:
atom or an element.
CO2 and CO H2 O and H2 O2

3. Give the oxidation numbers for each of the elements in all the compounds.
State if there is any difference between the oxidation number of the element in
the reactant and the element in the product.

a) C (s) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g)

b) N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) → 2NH3 (g)

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1a. 2466 1b. 2467 1c. 2468 1d. 2469 2a. 246B 2b. 246C
2c. 246D 2d. 246F 2e. 246G 3a. 246H 3b. 246J

Redox reactions ESBR6

Now that we know how to determine the oxidation number of a compound, we will
go on to look at how to use this knowledge in reactions.

Oxidation and reduction

By looking at how the oxidation number of an element changes during a reaction,

we can easily see whether that element is being oxidised (lost electrons) or reduced
(gained electrons).

If the oxidation number of a species becomes more positive, the species has been
oxidised and if the oxidation number of a species becomes more negative, the species
has been reduced.

We will use the reaction between magnesium and chlorine as an example.

The chemical equation for this reaction is:

Mg (aq) + Cl2 (aq) → MgCl2 (aq)

As a reactant, magnesium has an oxidation number of zero, but as part of the product
magnesium chloride, the element has an oxidation number of +2. Magnesium has
lost two electrons and has therefore been oxidised (note how the oxidation number
becomes more positive). This can be written as a half-reaction. The half-reaction for
this change is:

Mg → Mg2+ + 2e−

456 13.3. Redox reactions

As a reactant, chlorine has an oxidation number of zero, but as part of the product
magnesium chloride, the element has an oxidation number of −1. Each chlorine atom
has gained an electron and the element has therefore been reduced (note how the
oxidation number becomes more negative). The half-reaction for this change is:

Cl2 + 2e− → 2Cl−

DEFINITION: Half-reaction

A half reaction is either the oxidation or reduction reaction part of a redox reaction.

In the two half-reactions for a redox reaction the number of electrons donated is exactly
the same as the number of electrons accepted. We will use this to help us balance
redox reactions.

Two further terms that we use in redox reactions and that you may see are reducing
agents and oxidising agents.

An element that is oxidised is called a reducing agent, while an element that is re-
duced is called an oxidising agent.

You can remember this by thinking of the fact that when a compound is oxidised, it
causes another compound to be reduced (the electrons have to go somewhere and
they go to the compound being reduced).

Redox reactions

DEFINITION: Redox reaction

A redox reaction is one involving oxidation and reduction, where there is always a
change in the oxidation numbers of the elements involved. Redox reactions involve
the transfer of electrons from one compound to another.

Informal experiment: Redox reaction - displacement reaction


To investigate the redox reaction between copper sulfate and zinc.


• A few granules of zinc

• 15 ml copper (II) sulfate solution

(blue colour)

• glass beaker zinc granules copper sulfate


Chapter 13. Types of reactions 457


Add the zinc granules to the copper sulfate solution and observe what happens. What
happens to the zinc granules? What happens to the colour of the solution?


• Zinc becomes covered in a layer that looks like copper.

• The blue copper sulfate solution becomes clearer.

Cu2+ ions from the CuSO4 solution are reduced to form copper metal. This is what
you saw on the zinc crystals. The reduction of the copper ions (in other words, their
removal from the copper sulfate solution), also explains the change in colour of the
solution (copper ions in solution are blue). The equation for this reaction is:

Cu2+ (aq) + 2e− → Cu (s)

Zinc is oxidised to form Zn2+ ions which are clear in the solution. The equation for
this reaction is:

Zn (s) → Zn2+ (aq) + 2e−

The overall reaction is:

Cu2+ (aq) + Zn (s) → Cu (s) + Zn2+ (aq)


A redox reaction has taken place. Cu2+ ions are reduced and the zinc is oxidised. This
is a displacement reaction as the zinc replace the copper ions to form zinc sulfate.

Informal experiment: Redox reaction - synthesis reaction


To investigate the redox reaction that occurs when magnesium is burnt in air.


A strip of magnesium; bunsen burner; tongs; glass beaker.


458 13.3. Redox reactions


Do not look directly at the flame.

1. Light the bunsen burner and use a pair of tongs to hold the magnesium ribbon
in the flame.

2. Hold the lit piece of magnesium over a beaker. What do you observe?


The magnesium burns with a bright white flame. When the magnesium is held over a
beaker, a fine powder is observed in the beaker. This is magnesium oxide.

The overall reaction is:

2Mg (s) + O2 (g) → 2MgO (s)


A redox reaction has taken place. Magnesium is oxidised and the oxygen is reduced.
This is a synthesis reaction as we have made magnesium oxide from magnesium and

Informal experiment: Redox reaction - decomposition reaction


To investigate the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.


Dilute hydrogen peroxide (about 3%); manganese dioxide; test tubes; a water bowl;
stopper and delivery tube, Bunsen burner

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 459


Hydrogen peroxide can cause chemical burns. Work carefully with it.


1. Put a small amount (about 5 ml) of hydrogen peroxide in a test tube.

2. Set up the apparatus as shown above.

3. Very carefully add a small amount (about 0,5 g) of manganese dioxide to the test
tube containing hydrogen peroxide.


You should observe a gas bubbling up into the second test tube. This reaction happens
quite rapidly.

The overall reaction is:

2H2 O2 (aq) → 2H2 O (l) + O2 (g)


A redox reaction has taken place. H2 O2 is both oxidised and reduced in this decom-
position reaction.

See video: 246K at

Using what you have learnt about oxidation numbers and redox reactions we can bal-
ance redox reactions in the same way that you have learnt to balance other reactions.
The following worked examples will show you how.

460 13.3. Redox reactions

Worked example 4: Balancing redox reactions


Balance the following redox reaction:

Fe2+ (aq) + Cl2 (aq) → Fe3+ (aq) + Cl− (aq)


Step 1: Write a reaction for each compound

Fe2+ → Fe3+

Cl2 → Cl−

Step 2: Balance the atoms on either side of the arrow

We check that the atoms on both sides of the arrow are balanced:

Fe2+ → Fe3+

Cl2 → 2Cl−

Step 3: Add electrons to balance the charges

We now add electrons to each reaction so that the charges balance.

We add the electrons to the side with the greater positive charge.

Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e−

Cl2 + 2e− → 2Cl−

Step 4: Balance the number of electrons

We now make sure that the number of electrons in both reactions is the same.

The reaction for iron has one electron, while the reaction for chlorine has two elec-
trons. So we must multiply the reaction for iron by 2 to ensure that the charges balance.

2Fe2+ → 2Fe3+ + 2e−

Cl2 + 2e− → 2Cl−

We now have the two half-reactions for this redox reaction.

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 461

The reaction for iron is the oxidation half-reaction as iron became more positive (lost
electrons). The reaction for chlorine is the reduction half-reaction as chlorine has
become more negative (gained electrons).

Step 5: Combine the two half-reactions

2Fe2+ → 2Fe3+ + 2e−

+ Cl2 + 2e− → 2Cl−
2Fe2+ + Cl2 + 2e− → 2Fe3+ + 2Cl− + 2e−

Step 6: Write the final answer

Cancelling out the electrons gives:

2Fe2+ (aq) + Cl2 (aq) → 2Fe3+ (aq) + 2Cl− (aq)

Note that we leave the co-efficients in front of the iron ions since the charge on the left
hand side has to be the same as the charge on the right hand side in a redox reaction.

In the example above we did not need to know if the reaction was taking place in
an acidic or basic medium (solution). However if there is hydrogen or oxygen in the
reactants and not in the products (or if there is hydrogen or oxygen in the products but
not in the reactants) then we need to know what medium the reaction is taking place
in. This will help us to balance the redox reaction.

If a redox reaction takes place in an acidic medium then we can add water molecules
to either side of the reaction equation to balance the number of oxygen atoms. We can
also add hydrogen ions to balance the number of hydrogen atoms. We do this because
we are writing the net ionic equation (showing only the ions involved and often only
the ions containing the elements that change oxidation number) for redox reactions
and not the net reaction equation (showing all the compounds that are involved in the
reaction). If a Bronsted acid is dissolved in water then there will be free hydrogen ions.

If a redox reaction takes place in an basic medium then we can add water molecules
to either side of the reaction equation to balance the number of oxygen atoms. We
can also add hydroxide ions (OH− ) to balance the number of hydrogen atoms. We
do this because we are writing the net ionic equation (showing only the ions involved
and often only the ions containing the elements that change oxidation number) for
redox reactions and not the net reaction equation (showing all the compounds that are
involved in the reaction). If a Bronsted base is dissolved in water then there will be
free hydroxide ions.

462 13.3. Redox reactions

Worked example 5: Balancing redox reactions


Balance the following redox reaction:

Cr2 O2− 3+
7 (aq) + H2 S (aq) → Cr (aq) + S (s)

The reaction takes place in an acidic medium.


Step 1: Write a reaction for each compound

Cr2 O2−
7 → Cr

H2 S → S

Step 2: Balance the atoms on either side of the arrow

We check that the atoms on both sides of the arrow are balanced.

In the first reaction we have 2 chromium atoms and 7 oxygen atoms on the left hand
side. On the right hand side we have 1 chromium atom and no oxygen atoms. Since
we are in an acidic medium we can add water to the right hand side to balance the
number of oxygen atoms. We also multiply the chromium by 2 on the right hand side
to make the number of chromium atoms balance.

Cr2 O2−
7 → 2Cr
+ 7H2 O

Now we have hydrogen atoms on the right hand side, but not on the left hand side
so we must add 14 hydrogen ions to the left hand side (we can do this because the
reaction is in an acidic medium):

Cr2 O2− +
7 + 14H → 2Cr
+ 7H2 O

We do not use water to balance the hydrogens as this will make the number of oxygen
atoms unbalanced.

For the second part of the reaction we need to add 2 hydrogen ions to the right hand
side to balance the number of hydrogens:

H2 S → S + 2H+

Step 3: Add electrons to balance the charges

We now add electrons to each reaction so that the charges balance.

We add the electrons to the side with the greater positive charge.

Cr2 O2− +
7 + 14H + 6e → 2Cr
+ 7H2 O

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 463

H2 S → S + 2H+ + 2e−

Step 4: Balance the number of electrons

We now make sure that the number of electrons in both reactions is the same.

The reaction for chromium has 6 electrons, while the reaction for sulfur has 2 elec-
trons. So we must multiply the reaction for sulfur by 3 to ensure that the charges

Cr2 O2− +
7 + 14H + 6e → 2Cr
+ 7H2 O
3H2 S → 3S + 6H+ + 6e−

We now have the two half-reactions for this redox reaction.

The reaction involving sulfur is the oxidation half-reaction as sulfur became more
positive (lost electrons). The reaction for chromium is the reduction half-reaction as
chromium has become more negative (gained electrons).

Step 5: Combine the two half-reactions

We combine the two half-reactions:

Cr2 O2− +
7 + 14H + 6e
− → 2Cr3+ + 7H2 O
+ 3H2 S → 3S + 6H+ + 6e−
2− + −
Cr2 O7 + 14H + 6e + 3H2 S → 2Cr3+ + 7H2 O + 3S + 6H+ + 6e−

Step 6: Write the final answer

Crossing off the electrons and hydrogen ions gives:

Cr2 O2− + 3+
7 (aq) + 3H2 S (aq) + 8H (aq) → 2Cr (aq) + 3S (s) + 7H2 O (l)

In Grade 12, you will go on to look at electrochemical reactions, and the role that
electron transfer plays in this type of reaction.

Exercise 13 – 8: Redox reactions

1. Consider the following chemical equations:

Fe (s) → Fe2+ (aq) + 2e−

4H+ (aq) + O2 (g) + 4e− → 2H2 O (l)

464 13.3. Redox reactions

Which one of the following statements is correct?

a) Fe is oxidised and H+ is reduced

b) Fe is reduced and O2 is oxidised
c) Fe is oxidised and O2 is reduced
d) Fe is reduced and H+ is oxidised

(DoE Grade 11 Paper 2, 2007)

2. Which one of the following reactions is a redox reaction?

a) HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) → NaCl (aq) + H2 O (l)

b) AgNO3 (aq) + NaI (aq) → AgI (s) + NaNO3 (aq)
c) 2FeCl3 (aq) + 2H2 O (l) + SO2 (aq) → H2 SO4 (aq) + 2HCl (aq) + 2FeCl2 (aq)
d) BaCl2 (aq) + MgSO4 (aq) → MgCl2 (aq) + BaSO4 (s)

3. Balance the following redox reactions:

a) Zn (s) + Ag+ (aq) → Zn2+ (aq) + Ag (s)

b) Cu2+ (aq) + Cl− (aq) → Cu (s) + Cl2 (g)
c) Pb2+ (aq) + Br− (aq) → Pb (s) + Br2 (aq)
d) HCl (aq) + MnO2 (s) → Cl2 (g) + Mn2+ (aq)
This reaction takes place in an acidic medium.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1. 246M 2. 246N 3a. 246P 3b. 246Q 3c. 246R 3d. 246S

13.4 Chapter summary ESBR7

See presentation: 246T at

• There are many different types of reactions that can take place. These include
acid-base and redox reactions.

• The Arrhenius definition of acids and bases defines an acid as a substance that
increases the concentration of hydronium ions (H3 O+ ) in a solution. A base is a
substance that increases the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH− ) in a solution.
However this description only applies to substances that are in water.

• The Bronsted-Lowry model defines acids and bases in terms of their ability to
donate or accept protons.

• A Bronsted-Lowry acid is a substance that gives away protons (hydrogen cations

H+ ), and is therefore called a proton donor.

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 465

• A Bronsted-Lowry base is a substance that takes up protons (hydrogen cations
H+ ), and is therefore called a proton acceptor.

• An amphoteric substance is one that can react as either an acid or base. Water
(H2 O) is an example of an amphoteric substance.

• An amphiprotic is one that can react as either a proton donor (Bronsted-Lowry

acid) or as a proton acceptor (Bronsted-Lowry base). HCO− −
3 and HSO4 are
examples of amphiprotic substances.

• A conjugate acid-base pair refers to two compounds in a reaction (one reactant

and one product) that transform or change into the other through the loss or gain
of a proton.

• The reaction between an acid and a base is a neutralisation reaction.

• Acids and bases are used in domestic uses (for example calcium carbonate on
acidic soil) in biology (for example in antacids for stomach ulcers) and in industry
(for example in absorbing harmful SO2 gas),.

• Indicators are chemical compounds that change colour depending on whether

they are in an acid or in a base.

• When an acid reacts with a metal hydroxide a salt and water are formed. The salt
is made up of a cation from the base and an anion from the acid. An example of
a salt is potassium chloride (KCl), which is the product of the reaction between
potassium hydroxide (KOH) and hydrochloric acid (HCl).

• When an acid reacts with a metal oxide a salt and water are formed. An example
is the reaction between magnesium oxide (MgO) and hydrochloric acid (HCl).

• When an acid reacts with a metal carbonate a salt, water and carbon dioxide are
formed. An example is the reaction between calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ) and
hydrochloric acid (HCl).

• Oxidation is the loss of electrons by a molecule, atom or ion.

• Reduction is the gain of electrons by a molecule, atom or ion.

• A redox reaction is one involving oxidation and reduction, where there is always
a change in the oxidation numbers of the elements involved. Redox reactions
involve the transfer of electrons from one compound to another.

• An oxidation number is the charge an atom would have if it was in a compound

composed of ions.

• If the oxidation number of a species becomes more positive, the species has
been oxidised and if the oxidation number of a species becomes more negative,
the species has been reduced.

• A half reaction is either the oxidation or reduction reaction part of a redox re-
action. In the two half-reactions for a redox reaction the number of electrons
donated is exactly the same as the number of electrons accepted.

• An element that is oxidised is called a reducing agent, while an element that is

reduced is called an oxidising agent.

466 13.4. Chapter summary

Exercise 13 – 9:

1. Give one word/term for each of the following descriptions:

a) A chemical reaction during which electrons are transferred.

b) A substance that takes up protons and is said to be a proton acceptor.
c) The loss of electrons by a molecule, atom or ion.
d) A substance that can act as either an acid or as a base.

2. Given the following reaction:

HNO3 (aq) + NH3 (aq) → NH+
4 (aq) + NO3 (aq)

Which of the following statements is true?

a) HNO3 accepts protons and is a Bronsted-Lowry base

b) HNO3 accepts protons and is a Bronsted-Lowry acid
c) NH3 donates protons and is a Bronsted-Lowry acid
d) HNO3 donates protons and is a Bronsted-Lowry acid

3. When chlorine water (Cl2 dissolved in water) is added to a solution of potas-

sium bromide, bromine is produced. Which one of the following statements
concerning this reaction is correct?

a) Br is oxidised
b) Cl2 is oxidised
c) Br− is the oxidising agent
d) Cl− is the oxidising agent

(IEB Paper 2, 2005)

4. Given the following reaction:

H2 SO3 (aq) + 2KOH (aq) → K2 SO3 (aq) + 2H2 O (l)

Which substance acts as the acid and which substance acts as the base?

5. Use balanced chemical equations to explain why HSO−

4 is amphoteric.

6. Milk of magnesia is an example of an antacid and is only slightly soluble in

water. Milk of magnesia has the chemical formula Mg(OH)2 and is taken as a
powder dissolved in water. Write a balanced chemical equation to show how
the antacid reacts with hydrochloric acid (the main acid found in the stomach).

7. In an experiment sodium carbonate was used to neutralise a solution of hy-

drochloric acid. Write a balanced chemical equation for this reaction.

8. Write a balanced chemical equation for phosphoric acid (H3 PO4 ) reacting with
calcium oxide (CaO).

9. Label the acid-base conjugate pairs in the following equation:

HCO− 2− +
3 (aq) + H2 O → CO3 (aq) + H3 O (aq)

Chapter 13. Types of reactions 467

10. Look at the following reaction:

2H2 O2 (l) → 2H2 O (l) + O2 (g)

a) What is the oxidation number of the oxygen atom in each of the following
i. H2 O2
ii. H2 O
iii. O2
b) Does the hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) act as an oxidising agent or a reducing
agent or both, in the above reaction? Give a reason for your answer.

11. Challenge question: Zinc reacts with aqueous copper sulfate (CuSO4 (aq)) to
form zinc sulfate (ZnSO4 (aq)) and copper ions. What is the oxidation number
for each element in the reaction?

12. Balance the following redox reactions:

a) Pb (s) + Ag+ (aq) → Pb2+ (aq) + Ag (s)

b) Zn2+ (aq) + I− (aq) → Zn (s) + I2 (g)
c) Fe3+ (aq) + NO2 (aq) → Fe (s) + NO− 3 (aq)
This reaction takes place in an acidic medium.

13. A nickel-cadmium battery is used in various portable devices such as calculators.

This battery uses a redox reaction to work. The equation for the reaction is:

Cd (s) + NiO(OH) (s) → Cd(OH)2 (s) + Ni(OH)2 (s)

This reaction takes place in a basic medium. Balance the equation.

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1a. 246V 1b. 246W 1c. 246X 1d. 246Y 2. 246Z 3. 2472
4. 2473 5. 2474 6. 2475 7. 2476 8. 2477 9. 2478
10. 2479 11. 247F 12a. 247G 12b. 247H 12c. 247J 13. 247K

468 13.4. Chapter summary


The lithosphere

14.1 Introduction 470

14.2 The lithosphere 470
14.3 Mining and mineral processing 477
14.4 Energy resources 485
14.5 Summary 486
14 The lithosphere

14.1 Introduction ESBR8

In Grade 10 we studied the elements. We learnt about the different elements and
the compounds that could be formed from those elements. But where do all these
elements come from? Where did mankind find them and how has he used them?

This chapter will explore the part of the Earth known as the lithosphere. We will find
out what the lithosphere is and how the elements are distributed within it.

14.2 The lithosphere ESBR9

If we were to cut the Earth in half we would see that our planet is made up of a
number of layers, namely the core at the centre (separated into the inner and outer
core), the mantle, the upper mantle, the crust and the atmosphere (Figure 14.1).
The core is made up mostly of iron. The mantle, which lies between the core and
the crust, consists of molten rock, called magma which moves continuously because
of convection currents. The crust is the thin, hard outer layer that “floats” on the
magma of the mantle. It is the upper part of the mantle and the crust that make up
the lithosphere (lith means types of stone and sphere refers to the round shape of the

470 14.1. Introduction

Figure 14.1: A cross-section through the Earth to show its different layers.

DEFINITION: Lithosphere

The lithosphere is the solid outermost shell of our planet. The lithosphere includes
the crust and the upper part of the mantle, and is made up of material from both the
continents and the oceans on the Earth’s surface.

The lithosphere is vital to humans as this is the part of the Earth that we live on and
can easily access. This is the part of the Earth that supports us, provides for us and
gives us a wealth of materials to use. We are now going to explore how man slowly
became aware of the wealth of minerals at his feet and how he has learnt to use these
minerals for his benefit.

History of mankind ESBRB

The ancient history of humankind can be divided into several periods: the Stone Age
or Palaeolithic period (from approximately 2,6 million years to 10 000 years ago); the
Bronze Age or Mesolithic period (from approximately 10 000 B.C. to 100 A.D.); and
the Iron Age or Neolithic period (approximately 100 A.D. to 1200 A.D.) In many places
in the world these periods overlapped in time and it is important to understand that
the above dates are very general approximations.

The Stone Age can be further divided into three periods: the Early Stone Age (2,6
million – 300 000 years ago); the Middle Stone Age (approximately 300 000 – 50 000
years ago); and the Late Stone Age or (approximately 50 000 – 10 000 years ago).

Chapter 14. The lithosphere 471

The largest Iron Age site Major
in South Africa is found at Age Time Information Images
Mapungubwe, in the
Limpopo Province.
Basic stone tools were used.
Mapungubwe (inhabited Mankind mainly used the rocks
Early 2,6 million
from about 1000 – 1300 and stones he found lying around
A.D.) is thought to be the stone - 300 000 Stone
him. Evidence for this has been
ancient capital of an age years ago
found in the Sterkfontein caves in
African king. The site was
rediscovered in 1932 and the Cradle of Humankind.
has proved to be a Mankind learnt to use fire to
treasure trove of treat stones before they were
archaeological evidence
made into tools. Stone tools be-
for an advanced society.
The remains of royal came more refined during this pe-
Middle 300 000 - Stone
burial sites, houses, tools, riod. Evidence for this has been
art and farming
stone 50 000 years treated
found at Swartkrans (Cradle of Hu-
implements have been age ago with fire
mankind), Montagu Cave (Klein
found. Gold-plated
jewellery, sculptures and Karoo), Klasies River Mouth (Tsit-
artifacts (thought to have sikamma), Stilbaai and Blombos
belonged to members of Cave (Southern Cape).
the royal family) have also Mankind started turning to other
been discovered at the
site. materials that were easily avail-
able. He started working with dif-
Late 50 000 - ferent materials and seeing how
stone 10 000 these new materials could be
age years ago combined with stone. Evidence
for this has been found in the
Melkhoutboom Cave, in the Su-
urberg Mountains (Eastern Cape).
The Bronze Age saw the first use
of smelted copper and bronze
Bronze 10 000 B.C. Copper
in the manufacture of tools and
age - 100 A.D. and tin
weapons. Evidence for this has
been found in North Africa.
Primitive mining for materials oc-
curred during this period. Fur-
naces were used to heat metal, in Iron and
100 A.D. -
Iron age order to smelt it into weapons and other
1200 A.D.
tools. Evidence for this has been metals
found at Melville Koppies and at
Mapungubwe (Limpopo).

Table 14.1: The different ages of civilisation.

After the Iron Age ended, mankind started to explore many more ways to get at the
precious metals that they were using. Mining for the minerals started to become
more common and man began to look for new sources of the metals and minerals
he needed.

Many different cultures in Africa used gold, diamonds and other precious metals for
different things. A large number of these artefact’s were looted from these people and
taken to Europe by the colonists and explorers that came from Europe. Efforts have
now begun to return these stolen artifacts to the people they came from, but many
museums still hold onto their collections.

472 14.2. The lithosphere

When colonists and explorers first began exploring and settling in Africa they started FACT
looking at ways to use the natural resources they found. The deepest mine in the
world is currently the
TauTona Mine (or
Although diamonds had long been known to the indigenous people of South Africa, Western Deep No. 3
colonists found them on a farm outside Kimberley (Northern Cape) in the 1860’s. The Shaft) outside
original hill on which the diamonds were found was mined extensively by the hands Carletonville, Gauteng.
Owned by AngloGold
of thousands of hopeful diamond prospectors who rushed to the area. Today the site
Ashanti, it is 3,9 km deep
of that hill is now the Big Hole in Kimberley – one of the largest holes in the world and has about 800 km of
that was dug by hand. In 1888, several small diamond mining companies merged to tunnels. The rock face at
form De Beers, the company that still dominates the global diamond mining and retail that depth reaches
industry today. temperatures of 60◦ C and
air-conditioners have to
be used to cool the air in
Around the same time (1880), the colonists discovered gold reefs just south of present- the mine from 55◦ C to
day Johannesburg. The rush of gold-prospectors to the area resulted in the birth of the 28◦ C.
city of Johannesburg. A massive labour force was required to dig deep into the bedrock
to extract the rock containing the gold. Indeed, huge numbers of mine workers are still
employed by gold mines in South Africa today, but (as with diamond mining too), due
to technological advancements over the last 150 years, much of their work is now
aided by industrial mining equipment.

Many farmers and indigenous people were forced to work in the new diamond and
gold mines. These people were taken by force from their homes and put to work on
the mines. Many of them died from a result of the poor working conditions and from
mining disasters that occurred.

Group discussion: Minerals and the rights to own them

Many indigenous people share the same central belief that the land and all it produces
are for all the people to use equally. The land and what it produces is often vital to the
survival of these people.

When the colonists came to Southern Africa, they largely ignored the indigenous peo-
ple and exploited them for the knowledge they held and the work they could provide.
A great number of atrocities were committed against the indigenous people.

Now the indigenous people are rising up and asking that what is rightfully theirs should
be returned to them. Organisations (such as the UN working group on indigenous
people) have formed to address these issues.

Shortly after De Beers formed they claimed the right to all the diamonds in the area
and anyone found with diamonds could be killed for taking the diamonds illegally.
Other large mining companies have tried to claim the rights to the minerals that they

In groups or as a class discuss whether or not a few select people should hold the rights
to the land and the minerals in it. Who owns the minerals? Should big corporates hold
the rights? Or should it belong to all the people?

Chapter 14. The lithosphere 473

Elements and minerals ESBRC

Now that we know what mankind used to make tools and shelter from, we will take a
look at why he chose the materials he did. In the early ages (early and middle stone
age) mankind used whatever was to hand and easy to get to. Later on (from the late
stone age to the present day) he started wondering how these different materials could
be improved. So what exactly is in the lithosphere and how did mankind use this

The crust is made up of about 80 elements, which occur in over 2000 different com-
pounds and minerals. However, most of the mass of the material in the crust is made
up of only 8 of these elements. These are oxygen (O), silicon (Si), aluminium (Al),
iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg). These
elements are seldom found in their pure form, but are usually part of other more com-
plex minerals. A mineral is a compound that is formed through geological processes,
which give it a particular structure. A mineral could be a pure element, but more
often minerals are made up of many different elements combined. Quartz is just one
example. It is a mineral that is made up of silicon and oxygen. Some more examples
are shown in Table 14.2.
Most common
Element Chemistry

Au (pure element) or
Calaverite or
Gold AuTe2 (Calaverite, a gold
pure element

Iron Hematite Fe2 O3 (iron oxide)

Pure element or Cu (pure element) or

chalcocite Cu2 S (copper sulfide)

Carbon C (pure element)
graphite, coal

Pure element,
Platinum combined with Pt (pure element)
other elements

Zinc Sphalerite ZnS

Manganese diox-
Manganese MnO2

Chromite FeCr2 O4

Table 14.2: Table showing examples of minerals and their chemistry.

474 14.2. The lithosphere


Minerals are natural compounds formed through geological processes. The term “min-
eral” includes both the material’s chemical composition and its structure. Minerals
range in composition from pure elements to complex compounds.

In this chapter we will mainly look at metal minerals (gold, copper, iron). There are
also non-metal minerals (sand, stone) and fuel minerals (coal, oil).

A rock is a combination of one or more minerals. Granite for example, is a rock that
is made up of minerals such as SiO2 , Al2 O3 , CaO, K2 O, Na2 O and others. There
are three different types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Igneous
rocks (e.g. granite, basalt) are formed when magma is brought to the Earth’s surface
as lava, and then solidifies. Sedimentary rocks (e.g. sandstone, limestone) form when
rock fragments, organic matter or other sediment particles are deposited and then
compacted over time until they solidify. Metamorphic rock is formed when any other
rock types are subjected to intense heat and pressure over a period of time. Examples
include slate and marble.

The figure below shows how these different types of rock are formed in the lithosphere.

Many of the elements that are of interest to us (e.g. gold, iron, copper), are unevenly
distributed in the lithosphere. In places where these elements are abundant, it is
profitable to extract them (e.g. through mining) for economic purposes. If their con-
centration is very low, then the cost of extraction becomes more than the money that
would be made if they were sold. Rocks that contain valuable minerals are called ores.

Chapter 14. The lithosphere 475

FACT As humans, we are particularly interested in the ores that contain metal elements, and
A gemstone (also also in those minerals that can be used to produce energy.
sometimes called a gem,
semi-precious stone or
precious stone), is a
highly attractive and
valuable piece of mineral
which, when cut and
polished, is used in
jewellery and other
adornments. Examples of
gemstones are amethyst,
diamond, cat’s eye and

Figure 14.2: Location of minerals in South Africa.


An ore is a volume of rock that contains minerals which make it valuable for mining.

See video: 247M at


The following diagram shows the abundance of all the elements.

476 14.2. The lithosphere

Look at the diagram and answer the following questions:

1. Name three of the rarest metals.

2. Name four rock-forming elements.

3. What element is the rarest?

4. What element is the most abundant?

5. Find the following elements on the image: gold, copper, iron, manganese, plat-
inum, zinc, chromium, phosphorus, oxygen and carbon. Which of these is the
most abundant? Which is the least abundant?

6. Classify the following elements as rock-forming, rarest metals and other: gold,
copper, iron, manganese, platinum, zinc, chromium, phosphorus, oxygen and

14.3 Mining and mineral processing ESBRD

Now that we know where the minerals that mankind uses can be found, we can look at
how he accesses the minerals. We have seen that often the minerals are not found just
lying around waiting to be picked up, but rather are embedded in rocks and combined
with other elements.

As man learnt more and made new discoveries, the techniques used to extract the ores

Chapter 14. The lithosphere 477

FACT improved and the amount of mineral that could be extracted increased greatly. Large
Indigenous people often tunnels started to be cut into the Earth to access minerals buried deep underground.
have unique ways of
New processing methods meant new kinds of metals could be mined.
finding mineral deposits,
such as observing the
behaviour of animals or The main stages in mining are: exploration, extraction, refining, manufacturing and
noting the abundance of marketing. We will take a brief look at exploration, extraction and refining.
particular plants.

Coal miners used to take Exploration ESBRF
a canary with them down
the mines. If the canary
died, they knew that there Ancient humans did not worry about whether they could make money from the ores
was a high level of gas they mined. All they cared about was accessing metals and minerals that would help
building up and that it them eat, keep warm and beat the neighbouring tribes.
was not safe to stay down
in the mine.
In modern times money matters and so the first step in mining is to find a suitably
sized deposit of ore. For example, diamonds were found in Kimberley and gold ore
was found in Johannesburg. These deposits were large enough to make mining for the
gold and diamonds profitable.

As the number and size of known deposits is shrinking, geologists (who study the
lithosphere) are developing new ways of finding suitable deposits. Geologists will
often spend years learning how to find ores and then spend years exploring for the

Obtaining the ore ESBRG

Once a suitably sized deposit of a mineral has been found, mining can begin. In
ancient times mining and mineral processing were very primitive and the main method
used to extract ores was digging by hand.

Mining is largely divided into surface and underground mining. Minerals are often
found in river beds, beach sands and other sandy areas. These are known as alluvial
deposits. These minerals can be fairly easily removed by surface mining techniques.
Other minerals occur in long streaks known as veins or in pipes, and underground
mining techniques are used to access these minerals.

Surface mining includes open pit mines, quarrying, strip mining and landfill mining.
Coal and copper are often mined in this way.

Underground mining mainly consists of digging tunnels and shafts into the Earth’s
crust. Gold is often mined in this way. Underground mining is more risky than surface
mining as tunnels can collapse and dangerous gases build up underground.

We will look more at underground and surface mining shortly.

Extracting the minerals ESBRH

Once the ore has been mined it is usually crushed into smaller pieces that can be
processed more easily. The mineral then needs to be removed from the ore.

Ancient peoples soon learnt that fire could be used to refine and purify the metals.
This technique is known as smelting. This was the earliest method used to extract the

478 14.3. Mining and mineral processing

mineral from the ore.

Smelting involves heating the ore to a very high temperature, often in a blast furnace. A
reducing agent is usually added and the mineral is removed using chemical reactions.

In modern times several new techniques are used to extract the mineral from the ore,
in addition to smelting. The most common methods are flotation, leaching and use of
redox reactions.

Leaching involves mixing the ore with a carefully chosen liquid that dissolves either
the mineral or the unwanted minerals. The liquid is often an acid.

Flotation involves the use of air bubbles to separate the valuable minerals from the
unwanted rock. The valuable mineral becomes attached to the air bubbles and rises to
the top of the mixture from where they can be removed.

The following table lists several metals and the typical methods used to mine and
extract them.

Metal Mining techniques Extraction techniques

Gold Underground mining (shaft min- Gold cyanidation is used. The ore
ing) and surface mining. is chemically treated to extract the
Iron Surface mining (open pit mining). Smelting and chemical reduction.
Phosphate Surface mining (open pit mining). Treatment with acid.
Coal Surface mining (open pit mining). Coal is extracted in almost pure
Underground mining is now start- form.
ing to become more common.
Diamonds Surface mining (alluvial deposits) Diamonds are extracted from
and underground mining (pipe rocks and in almost pure form.
Copper Surface mining (open pit mining). Leaching is used to extract the
copper using an acid.
Platinum Underground mining (shaft min- Chemical methods and as a
ing). byproduct of copper mining.
Zinc Underground mining (shaft min- Smelting and leaching.
Chromium Surface mining (open pit mining) Smelting, redox reactions.
(Chrome) and underground mining (shaft
Asbestos Surface mining (open pit mining). Extracted in fairly pure form.
Manganese Surface mining (open pit mining) Smelting and chemical processes.
and underground mining (shaft

Table 14.3: Table showing the mining and mineral extraction techniques for several minerals.

We will now discuss gold mining in more detail to gain a better understanding of the
mining process.

Chapter 14. The lithosphere 479

Gold mining ESBRJ

Gold had long been known in Africa by the indigenous people, but in the late 1800’s
colonists found gold reefs and started exploiting the resource. Since then it has played
a very important role (and often a controversial one too) in South Africa’s history
and economy. Its discovery brought many foreigners into South Africa, lured by the
promises of wealth. They set up small mining villages which later grew into larger
settlements, towns and cities. One of the first of these settlements was the beginning
of present-day Johannesburg, also known as Egoli or Place of Gold.

Most of South Africa’s gold is concentrated in the Golden Arc which stretches from
Johannesburg to Welkom. Geologists believe that, millions of years ago, this area was
a massive inland lake. Rivers feeding into this lake brought sand, silt, pebbles and fine
particles of gold, depositing them over a long period of time. Eventually these deposits
accumulated and became compacted to form gold-bearing sedimentary rock or gold
reefs. It is because of this complex but unique set of circumstances that South Africa’s
gold deposits are so concentrated in that area. In other countries like Zimbabwe, gold
occurs in smaller pockets which are scattered over a much greater area.

Mining the gold ESBRK

A number of different techniques can be used to mine gold and other minerals. The
three most common methods in South Africa are panning, open pit (not typically used
for gold) and shaft mining.

1. Panning
Panning for gold is a manual technique that is used to sort gold from other
sediments. Wide, shallow pans are filled with sand and gravel (often from river
beds) that may contain gold. Water is added and the pans are shaken so that the
gold is sorted from the rock and other materials. Because gold is much more
dense, it settles on the bottom of the pan. Pilgrim’s Rest in Mpumalanga was the
first site for gold panning in South Africa.
2. Surface mining (open pit mining)
This type of mining takes place from the surface of the Earth. In open pit mining,
the topsoil is removed first and placed on the side of a trench. Then the surface
layers of rock are removed to expose the deeper, valuable mineral layers. The
valuable rocks are then blasted into smaller rocks using explosives. The rocks
are loaded onto huge trucks and taken away for further crushing and processing.
Any mineral that is found close to the surface (even up to 1000 m) can be mined
using surface mining techniques. If minerals are found deeper, as is the case
with most of the gold in South Africa, underground mining is used.
3. Underground mining (shaft mining)
South Africa’s thin but extensive gold reefs slope at an angle underneath the
ground, and this means that some deposits are very deep and often difficult to
reach. Shaft mining is needed to reach the gold ore. After the initial drilling,
blasting and equipping of a mine shaft, tunnels are built leading outwards from
the main shaft so that the gold reef can be reached. Shaft mining is a dangerous
operation, and roof supports are needed so that the rock does not collapse. In
addition the intense heat and high pressure below the surface make shaft mining
very complex, dangerous and expensive. A diagram illustrating open cast and
shaft mining is shown in Figure 14.3.

480 14.3. Mining and mineral processing

Gold deposits

1 Gold seam close to surface

2 Open pit mining at shallow gold seam
3 Sloping gold seams
4 Main underground shaft
5 Tunnel from main shaft to access gold


3 4

Figure 14.3: Diagram showing open pit and shaft mining.

Processing the gold ore ESBRM

For every ton of ore that is mined, only a very small amount (about 5 g) of gold is
extracted. A number of different methods can be used to separate gold from its ore,
but one of the more common methods is called gold cyanidation.

In the process of gold cyanidation, the ore is crushed and then cyanide (CN− ) solution
is added so that the gold particles are chemically separated from the ore. In this stage
of the process, gold is oxidised. Zinc dust is then added to the cyanide solution. The
zinc then takes the place of the gold, so that the gold is precipitated out of the solution.
This process is shown in Figure 14.4.

STEP 1 - The ore is crushed until it is like a fine powder

STEP 2 - A sodium cyanide (NaCN) solution is mixed with the finely ground rock
4Au + 8NaCN + O2 + 2H2 O → 4NaAu(CN)2 + 4NaOH
Gold is oxidised.

STEP 3 - The gold-bearing solution can then be separated from the

remaining solid ore through filtration.

STEP 4 - Zinc is added. Zinc replaces the gold in the gold-cyanide solution.
The gold is precipitated from the solution.
This is the reduction part of the reaction.
Figure 14.4: Flow diagram showing how gold is processed.

Chapter 14. The lithosphere 481

Characteristics and uses of gold ESBRN

Gold has a number of uses because of its varied and unique characteristics. Below is
a list of some of these characteristics that have made gold such a valuable metal:

• Shiny
Gold’s beautiful appearance has made it one of the favourite metals for use in

• Durable
Gold does not tarnish or corrode easily, and therefore does not deteriorate in
quality. It is sometimes used in dentistry to make the crowns for teeth.

• Malleable and ductile

Gold can be bent and twisted into shape, as well as being flattened into very
thin sheets. For this reason gold is used to make fine wires and thin, flat sheets.

• Good conductor
Gold is a good conductor of electricity and is therefore used in transistors, com-
puter circuits and telephone exchanges.

• Heat ray reflector

Because gold reflects heat very effectively, it is used in space suits and in vehi-
cles. It is also used in the protective outer coating of artificial satellites. One of
the more unusual applications of gold is its use in firefighting, where a thin layer
of gold is placed in the masks of the firefighters to protect them from the heat.

Exercise 14 – 1: Gold mining

1. In Mapungubwe (in the Limpopo Province) there is evidence of gold mining

in South Africa as early as 1200. Today, South Africa is a world leader in the
technology of gold mining. The following flow diagram illustrates some of the
most important steps in the recovery of gold from its ore.

Gold A NaAu(CN)2 B Gold C Pure gold

bearing ore precipitate

a) Name the process indicated by A.

b) During process A, gold is removed from the ore. Is gold oxidised or reduced
during this process?
c) Use oxidation numbers to explain your answer to the question above.
d) Name the chemical substance that is used in process B.
e) During smelting (illustrated by C in the diagram), gold is sent to a large oven
called a furnace. Why do you think this process is needed, and explain
what happens to the gold during this process.

482 14.3. Mining and mineral processing

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1. 247N

Mining and the environment ESBRP

Environmental impacts of gold mining

However, despite the incredible value of gold and its usefulness in a variety of appli-
cations, all mining is undertaken at a cost to the environment. The following are just a
few of the environmental impacts of gold mining:

• Resource consumption
Gold mining consumes large amounts of electricity and water. Electricity is often
generated using non-renewable resources.

• Poisoned water
If the mining process is not monitored properly, acid and other chemicals from
gold processing can leach into nearby water systems such as rivers. This causes
damage to animals and plants, as well as to humans who may rely on that water
for drinking.

• Changing the landscape

This applies particularly to surface mines (open pit mines), where large amounts
of soil and rock must be displaced in order to access the mineral reserves. The
shape of the landscape can be changed when large amounts of rocks are dug up
from the Earth and stacked on the surface. These are called mine dumps. Open
pit mines also create very large holes (pits) in the ground that change the shape
of the land.

• Air pollution
Dust from open pit mines, as well as harmful gases such as sulphur dioxide and
nitrogen dioxide, could be released from mining processes and contribute to air

• Threaten natural areas

Mining activities often encroach on protected areas and threaten biodiversity in
their operation areas.

Group discussion: Mine rehabilitation

There is a growing emphasis on the need to rehabilitate old mine sites that are no
longer in use. If it is too difficult to restore the site to what it was before, then a new

Chapter 14. The lithosphere 483

type of land use might be decided for that area. Any mine rehabilitation programme
should aim to achieve the following:

• ensure that the site is safe and stable

• remove pollutants that are contaminating the site

• restore the biodiversity that was there before mining started

• restore waterways to what they were before mining

There are different ways to achieve these goals. For example plants can be used to
remove metals from polluted soils and water, and can also be used to stabilise the soil
so that other vegetation can grow. Land contouring can help to restore drainage in the

In groups of 3-4, discuss the following questions:

1. What are the main benefits of mine rehabilitation?

2. What are some of the difficulties that may be experienced in trying to rehabilitate
a mine site?

3. Suggest some creative ideas that could be used to encourage mining companies
to rehabilitate old sites.

4. One rehabilitation project that has received a lot of publicity is the rehabilitation
of dunes that were mined for titanium by Richards Bay Minerals (RBM). As a
group, carry out your own research to try to find out more about this project.

• What actions did RBM take to rehabilitate the dunes?

• Was the project successful?
• What were some of the challenges faced?

Group discussion: Mining and Mapungubwe

Read the following information about Mapungubwe.

Because of the history preserved at the site, Mapungubwe was declared a National
Heritage Site in the 1980’s and a World Heritage Site in 2003. The area surrounding it
was declared a National Park in 1995. Unfortunately, the site is currently under huge
threat from an Australian mining company who have been granted rights to construct
an opencast and underground coal mine less than 6 km from the border of the National
Park. There is much concern that mining operations will have a negative impact on the
ecosystems, flora and fauna around Mapungubwe, and that it will hinder preservation
of the site. Several environmental agencies have taken the matter to court in order to
prohibit the planned mine and protect the environment around Mapungubwe.

484 14.3. Mining and mineral processing

As a class discuss, whether or not the proposed mining should go ahead. Divide into
two teams. Assign one team to be in favour of the mining and one team against it.
Each team should find facts relevant to their argument and then present it to the other
team. At the end of the discussion, draw conclusions about whether or not the mining
should take place.

Other minerals ESBRQ

We have largely focused on the process involved in mining gold. However gold is not
the only mineral of interest to humankind. Many other minerals are useful such as
copper, iron and platinum.

Activity: Other mining activities

Choose one of the minerals given in the list below and find information on how that
mineral is mined. Use the information given in this chapter about gold mining and try
to find similar information for the mineral you have chosen. Write up your findings in
a report. If possible, split the class into groups and assign a different mineral to each

• Iron • Diamond • Zinc • Manganese

• Phosphate • Copper • Chrome
• Coal • Platinum • Asbestos

14.4 Energy resources ESBRR

At present we rely mainly on oil and coal resources to provide our energy needs. How-
ever these resources are non-renewable energy sources and have many negative effects
on the environment. Alternative sources of energy are constantly being investigated to
assess if they will be able to provide for our growing energy needs. If we ignore these
alternatives, one day we will run out of oil and coal reserves.

One of the most debated topics around energy resources is climate change. Scientists
and environmentalists disagree as to the causes and effects of climate change and
whether or not it actually exists.

Activity: Climate change

Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the distribution of weather pat-
terns over periods of time ranging from decades to millennia. It is seen as changes in
extreme weather events (freak storms, tornadoes, tsunamis, etc.) and changes in the
average weather conditions for cities and regions.

Chapter 14. The lithosphere 485

Scientists collect data about climate change from ice core drilling, floral and faunal
records, glacial and periglacial processes, isotopic analysis and from many other meth-
ods. Each of these methods provides different indicators of how the Earth’s climate has
changed over time.

Many factors influence the Earth’s climate such as the amount of solar radiation re-
ceived, changes in the Earth’s orbit, changes on the Earth’s surface, such as continen-
tal drift and size of polar ice caps, etc. All these factors combined make it difficult to
pinpoint exactly what causes a particular change in climate. Also the effects of these
events can take centuries to fully develop.

Human activities such as mining, burning of fossil fuels and agriculture also have an
effect on the climate. Scientists are largely in agreement that the climate is changing
irreversibly and that humans are a big cause of this change.

What is not agreed upon is how big an effect humans have and how much of a problem
it is. At present global temperatures are found to be increasing and polar ice caps are
found to be decreasing in size. Whether humans are simply making this worse or are
actually causing the change is not yet understood.

Despite the debate, humans do need to be aware of their impact on the environment
and will need to come up with ways to reduce it.

1. Discuss the above information.

2. Discuss ways in which human activities impact on the enviroment.

3. Discuss ways in which this impact can be reduced.

4. Conduct research on climate change and the debates about it. Critically anal-
yse the information and draw your own conclusions. Discuss these ideas and
conclusions with your classmates.

14.5 Summary ESBRS

See presentation: 247P at

• The Earth’s lithosphere is a rich source of many minerals.

• The lithosphere consists of the upper crust and mantle of the Earth.

• The minerals can be extracted using mining techniques.

• People have long been exploiting the Earth’s mineral resources.

• Mining and mineral use has a significant environmental impact.

• Other resources in the lithosphere are fuels.

486 14.5. Summary

Exercise 14 – 2:

1. Give one word/term for each of the following descriptions:

a) The part of the Earth that includes the crust and in which all minerals are
b) The process in which minerals are extracted from the ores.
c) An age in which humans discovered the use of fire to improve the properties
of stone.

2. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
More profits, more poisons
Since the last three decades gold miners have made use of cyanidation to recover
gold from the ore. Over 99% of gold from ore can be extracted in this way. It
allows miners to obtain gold flakes – too small for the eye to see. Gold can also
be extracted from the waste of old operations which sometimes left as much as
a third of the gold behind.
The left-over cyanide can be re-used, but is more often stored in a pond behind
a dam or even dumped directly into a local river. A teaspoonful of two-percent
solution of cyanide can kill a human adult.
Mining companies insist that cyanide breaks down when exposed to sunlight
and oxygen which render it harmless. They also point to scientific studies that
show that cyanide swallowed by fish will not ’bio-accumulate’, which means it
does not pose a risk to anyone who eats the fish. In practise, cyanide solution that
seeps into the ground will not break down because of the absence of sunlight. If
the cyanide solution is very acidic, it could turn into cyanide gas which is toxic
to fish. On the other hand, if the solution is alkaline, the cyanide does not break
There are no reported cases of human death from cyanide spills. If you don’t see
corpses, everything is okay.

a) What is cyanidation?
b) What type of chemical reaction takes place during this process: precipita-
tion; acid-base; redox?
c) Is the solution after cyanidation acidic, basic or neutral?
d) How is the solid gold recovered from the solution?
e) Refer to cyanidation and discuss the meaning of the heading of the extract:
More profits, more poisons.

DBE exemplar paper - Nov 2007

Think you got it? Get this answer and more practice on our Intelligent Practice Service

1a. 247Q 1b. 247R 1c. 247S 2. 247T

Chapter 14. The lithosphere 487

Units used in the book

488 Units used in the book


Quantities used in the book

15 Quantities used in the book

Physical Quantities
Quantity Unit name Unit symbol
Acceleration (a) metres per second squared m·s−1
Charge (q) coulomb C
Concentration (C) moles per cubic decimetre mol·dm−3
Current (I) amperes A
Distance (d) metre m
Electrical energy (E) joules J
Electric field (E) newtons per coulomb N·C−1
Force (F ) newton N
Induced emf (E) volt V
Magnetic field (B) tesla T
Magnetic flux (φ) weber Wb
Mass (m) kilogram kg
Moles (n) moles mol
Pressure (p) pascals Pa
Power (P ) watts W
Resistance (R) ohms Ω
Temperature (T ) kelvin K
Tension (T ) newton N
Time (t) seconds s
Voltage (V ) volts V
Volume (V ) meters cubed m3
Weight (N ) newton N

Table 15.1:
Units used in the book

490 Units used in the book

Solutions to exercises

1 Vectors in two dimensions

Exercise 1 – 2:

x = 1 N
1. R  x = −2,5 N and R
4. R  y = 2,5 N
 x is 1,3 N and R
2. R  y = −1 N

3. R y = 3 N
 x = 2 N and R 5. Fx = 2,8 N and Fy = −5 N

Exercise 1 – 5: Algebraic addition of vectors

1. 28,6 N at 53,53◦ 3. 2,69 N at 328,67◦

2. 25,4 N at 159,21◦ 4. 186,4◦

Exercise 1 – 6:

1. • Fx = 3,54 N, Fy = 3,54 N 104 N

• Fx = 6,81 N, Fy = 13,37 N • Fx = 13,2 GN, Fy = 7,04 GN
• Fx = −6,80 N, Fy = 9,02 N
• Fx = −2,54 kN, Fy =
• Fx = −52,83 N, Fy = 11,01 kN
−113,29 N
• Fx = 9,14 × 106 N, Fy =
2. • Fx = 9,22×104 N, Fy = 5,99× −8,52 × 106 N

Exercise 1 – 7:

3. R  y = 0 N.
 x = 1 N, R c) Fx = 9,02 N and Fy = −6,8 N
 x = 1,6 N, R
4. R  y = 0,2 N d) Fx = −62,97 N and Fy =
−135,04 N
 x = 1,4 N, R
5. R  y = 1,7 N
e) Fx = 3,89 N and Fy = 14,49 N
12. 3,25 N at 45◦ f) Fx = 14,43 N and Fy = 3,71 N
13. a) Fx = 96,29 N and Fy = g) Fx = −6,22 N and Fy =
41,87 N 9,43 N
b) Fx = 13,95 N and Fy = h) Fx = −136,72 N and Fy =
23,12 N 99,34 N

Solutions 491
14. have equal magnitudes but opposite 17. 4 N
18. 902,98 N
15. 15 N due north and 7 N due west
19. a) B
16. 0◦ b) 781 N

2 Newton’s laws

Exercise 2 – 1:

1. Kinetic friction = 0 N and static fric- d) 4 N

tion = 20 N to the left.
e) Kinetic friction: 4 N and static
2. a) 0 N for both static and kinetic friction: 0 N
frictional forces.
3. a)
b) Kinetic friction: 0 N and static
friction: 5 N F s ≤ µs N

c) 8 N

Exercise 2 – 2:

1. Fgy =172,30 N in the negative y- ative x-direction.

direction, Fgx =422,20 N in the neg-
2. 42,61◦

Exercise 2 – 3: Forces and motion

1. c) FR = 55 N to the right 2. c) Ff = 346,41 N

Exercise 2 – 5:

2. 1700 N 5. 17,5 N

3. 12 N 6. 20 kg

4. 0,1 m·s−2 7. 0,15 m·s−2

492 Solutions
8. 8,33 kg 16. 2500 N

9. 0,25 m·s−2 and 1 m·s−2 17. 6 N

10. a) 40 N 18. a) 10,2 m·s−2
b) 20 m·s−2
19. a) −10 m·s−2
11. a) 5 m·s−2 b) 10 000 N
b) 100 m·s−1
20. 277,76 N, 113,35 N and 45◦
c) 7 s
d) 562,5 m 21. 25,53◦

12. a) 100 N 22. 25,53◦

b) −25 N 23. a) −1340 N
c) 173,2 N b) 562,5 N
13. 8,5 N 24. a) −441,14 N
14. 4,2 m·s−2 b) 20,97 N

Exercise 2 – 6:

1. the same 2. A or B

Exercise 2 – 7:

1. 1,92 × 1018 N 5. a) 7 × 10-7 N

2. 8,80 × 1017 N b) 1,35 × 10-6 N

c) 0,52
3. Earth: 5,65 × 106 m, Jupiter: 1,00 ×
108 m 6. a) 4,7 × 1012 N
4. Jupiter: 24,8 m·s−2 Moon: 1,7 m·s−2 b) 9,4 × 1016 N

Exercise 2 – 8:

1. a) 323,75 N c) 980,88 N

b) 326,04 N 2. Object 2

Solutions 493
Exercise 2 – 9:

1. 5 F 8. 0,13 m

2. decrease 9. 0,5 kg

3. r − R = 2R − R = R 10. a) Newton’s law of universal

4. 9
b) It is the same
5. 2 M c) increases
7. 6,67 × 10-12 N d) 2,37 × 107 N

Exercise 2 – 10: Forces and Newton’s Laws

2. a) non-contact 24. It accelerates to the left, moving

b) contact along the smooth horizontal sur-
c) contact
d) non-contact 25. A zero resultant force acts on the
4. acceleration
26. b) 696 000 N
5. 2 N
c) 2784 N
6. 250
27. b) i. 5 m·s−2
7. The box moves to the left.
ii. 5000 N
8. 200 c) 2500 N

9. F cos60 − ma in the direction of A 29. a) 11 760 N
10. his inertia b) −2,25 m·s−2
12. The resultant of the forces is zero. c) 9060 N

13. F 30. a) 1,33 m·s−2

14. F is the reaction to the force that the b) 26,7 m·s−1

rocket exerts on the gases which es- c) 1,25 m·s−2
cape out through the tail nozzle.
d) 51,6 m·s−1
15. move to the left
31. b) W⊥ = 16,86 N and W|| =
16. b) 19,6, 49 24,01 N

17. increase only 32. c) 1171,28 kg

18. graph (b) 33. b) 0,33 m·s−2
19. 40 N c) Ff = 300 N
5 e) 50 m
21. 4a

22. There is zero resultant force. 34. a) −6,67 m·s−2

23. The load has a weight equal in mag- c) 3,0 s

nitude to F. d) 2 s

494 Solutions
35. sin θ = w ii. 204,17 kg

36. Force F3 is the resultant of forces F1 39. a) 2352 N

and F2 .
b) 1568 N
37. c) 1,63 N c) 2715,9 N
38. b) i. 5497,2 N d) 1810,6 N

Exercise 2 – 11: Gravitation

1. 9F 9. 4,1 × 1022 N
2. weight of the object 11. a) Agree
3. a) 778,2 N b) Disagree
b) 3112,8 N c) Disagree

4. 8,2 × 10-2 m 12. a) 3000 N

5. a) 448 N b) 76,53 kg
b) 192 N 13. 1,8 N
6. 5488 N 14. b) 1,63
7. 1,6 × 106 N c) on the moon

3 Atomic combinations

Exercise 3 – 5: Atomic bonding and Lewis diagrams

3. a) Nitrogen: 5, hydrogen: 1 b) 1
Carbon: 4, hydrogen: 1
c) ammonia and methane c) 2 single bonds

4. a) 6 d) Y: oxygen and X: hydrogen.

Exercise 3 – 6: Molecular shape

1. linear 5. linear

2. linear 6. tetrahedral

3. trigonal pyramidal 7. bent or angular

4. octahedral 8. trigonal planar

Solutions 495
Exercise 3 – 7:

1. 1,0, 0,4, 3,0, 0,6 and 1,0

Exercise 3 – 8: Electronegativity

1. a) 2,1 will have a slightly negative

b) 3,0 charge.

c) Hydrogen will have a slightly d) Polar covalent bond

positive charge and chlorine e) polar

Exercise 3 – 9:

1. a) Bond length b) linear

b) Covalent bond c) trigonal planar
c) Electronegativity d) linear
2. Dative covalent (co-ordinate cova- e) tetrahedral
lent) bond f) tetrahedral
4. Ne + Ne → Ne2 g) linear
h) octahedral
6. a) 1
b) 5 9. a) non-polar
c) X could be hydrogen and Y b) non-polar
could be nitrogen. c) non-polar
7. a) linear d) polar

4 Intermolecular forces

Exercise 4 – 1:

1. dipole-dipole 3. ion-dipole

2. induced dipole 4. induced dipole

496 Solutions
Exercise 4 – 4:

1. a) Intermolecular force higher than for Cl2

b) Polar molecule
3. a) HI and NH3 only
c) Specific heat
2. The melting point of NH3 will be 4. a) Water

5 Geometrical optics

Exercise 5 – 1: Rays and Reflection

3. a) E 7. 15◦
b) C
c) D 8. 45◦
d) B
9. 65◦
e) A
6. B 10. 25◦

Exercise 5 – 2: Refractive index

1. 2,29 × 108 m·s−1 2. crown glass

Exercise 5 – 4: Snell’s Law

2. b) 25,88◦ 7. 1,327
3. 18,08◦ 8. 30,34◦
4. a) decreases
9. 78,07◦
b) remains the same
c) Towards the normal. 10. A: acetone, B: fuzed quartz, C: di-
amond, D: cubic zirconia, E: 80%
5. a) increases
sugar solution
b) remains the same
c) Away from the normal 11. c) water

Solutions 497
Exercise 5 – 5: Total internal reflection and fibre optics

3. No 7. a glass to water interface

4. no 8. 41,8◦

9. 62,46◦
5. 47,33◦
10. 2,42◦
6. The light will be trapped in the dia-
mond. 11. 37,86◦

Exercise 5 – 6: End of chapter exercises

1. a) normal 4. 35◦
b) refraction
5. b) 27,78◦
c) reflection
c) increases
2. a) False
d) stays the same
b) True
c) True 6. sapphire

6 2D and 3D wavefronts

Exercise 6 – 1:

2. light waves

Exercise 6 – 2:

2. blue, green, yellow, red 4. a) 3,4 × 10-6 m

b) 2,4 × 10-6 m

7 Ideal gases

Exercise 7 – 2: Boyle’s law

1. 100 kPa 4. c) Yes

2. 112,5 kPa
3. 8,33 cm3 5. a) 217 Pa

498 Solutions
Exercise 7 – 3: Charles’ law

2. 4,67 dm3 3. 56,67 K

Exercise 7 – 4: Pressure-temperature relation

1. c) linear relationship 3. 8,14 atm

2. 7,24 atm 5. 465,6 K

Exercise 7 – 5: The general gas equation

1. 0,87 atm 3. 1,26 atm

2. 0,6 atm

Exercise 7 – 6: The ideal gas equation

1. 0,008 m3 4. b) No
2. 106,54 kPa c) 193,3 kPa

3. 0,02 mol 5. a) 73,1 g

Exercise 7 – 7:

1. a) Ideal gas 3. The sample of helium gas will be at

the greatest pressure.
b) Charles’ law
4. V ∝ n, with p, T constant.
c) Temperature
7. b) 311,775 Pa

2. Temperature must be kept constant. 8. 106,39 kPa

Solutions 499
9. c) 322,0 kPa 12. a) 201,9 K
d) 246,31 g b) Decreased.
10. 1363,0 kPa 13. d) 64 kPa
11. 5,78 L e) Increases.

8 Quantitative aspects of chemical change

Exercise 8 – 1:

1. 2 dm3

Exercise 8 – 2: Gases and solutions

1. 7 dm3 3. 1,105 mol·dm−3

2. a) 4,56 mol·dm−3 4. 0,24 mol·dm−3

b) 60,95 g 5. 0,185 mol·dm−3

Exercise 8 – 3:

1. 2,74 kg

Exercise 8 – 4:

1. 65,69%

Exercise 8 – 5:

1. C2 H2 O4

500 Solutions
Exercise 8 – 6:

1. 69%

Exercise 8 – 7: Stoichiometry

1. 1,69 kg 4. 93,5%
2. 88,69%
3. C6 H6 5. 48,6%

Exercise 8 – 8: Gases 2

2. 0,224 dm3

Exercise 8 – 9:

1. a) Limiting reagent 7. 1,52 mol·dm−3

b) Empirical formula 8. a) O3 : 0,0154 mol and NO:
c) Theoretical yield 0,0223 mol
d) Titration b) O3
c) 0,71 g
2. 67,2 dm3
9. 96,9%
3. 1,8 dm3
10. a) 88,461 g
4. 0,1 mol·dm−3
b) 66,051 dm3
5. 58% c) 77,69 g
6. a) 2NaOH+H2 SO4 → Na2 SO4 + 11. C2 Cl2 F4
2H2 O
12. 48,6%
b) 0,03 mol
c) the sodium hydroxide will be 13. a) 1,33 dm3
fully neutralised b) Yes

Solutions 501
9 Electrostatics

Exercise 9 – 1: Electrostatic forces

1. 1,35 × 10-2 N 8. 8,77 N to the right.

2. 1,27 × 10-3 N 9. 4,2 × 10-8 C

3. 0,26 N 10. 3,42 × 10-5 N acting at an angle of
83,8◦ to the negative x-axis
4. 0,56 N
11. 1,52 × 10-6 N acting at an angle of
5. 0,2
82,80◦ to the positive x-axis
6. 9000 N
12. 1,05 × 10-4 N acting at an angle of
7. 4,6 × 10-3 m 34,76◦ to the positive x-axis

Exercise 9 – 2: Electric fields

1. 0,15 N·C−1 2. −5,8 × 10-8 N·C−1

Exercise 9 – 3:

1. 8,44 × 10-7 N·C−1 5. 3F

2. a) 1,35 × 10-3 N·C−1 6. a

b) −2 nC
c) 1,00 × 10-5 N·C−1 7. b) 1,5 × 10-5 N·C−1

3. 3,3 × 10-4 m 8. 2E

10 Electromagnetism

Exercise 10 – 1: Magnetic Fields

3. a) Out of the page 4. A - D: counterclockwise, E - H:

b) into the page clockwise

502 Solutions
Exercise 10 – 2: Faraday’s Law

5. 2,45 V 7. a) 28,8 Wb
6. a) −0,14 V b) 9,22 s
b) 0,22 m

Exercise 10 – 3:

3. a) 0,1225 Wb 6. 9,34 V
b) The change in flux is 0,117 Wb
and the induced emf will be 7. a) 0,00249 V
zero because the cardboard is b) 0,014 m
not a conductor.
8. 0,012 Wb
4. 3,4 Wb and 0 Wb
5. 7,26 Wb 9. 2,65 V

11 Electric circuits

Exercise 11 – 1: Ohm’s Law

1. b) straight-line d) Yes
c) 0,13

Exercise 11 – 2: Ohm’s Law

1. 4 Ω 3. 15 V
2. 3 A

Exercise 11 – 3: Series and parallel resistance

1. 20 kΩ 4. 6 Ω
2. 90 Ω
3. 9,09 kΩ 5. a) 1,2 Ω b) 0,48 Ω c) 5 Ω d) 10 Ω

Solutions 503
Exercise 11 – 4: Ohm’s Law in series and parallel circuits

1. 2 Ω 5. 30 Ω
2. 1,8 A
6. a) 26 A
3. 0,75 A
b) R1 = 20 A, R2 = 4 A, R3 =
4. 12 A 2A

Exercise 11 – 5: Series and parallel networks

1. a) 3,33 Ω 3. Total voltage: 12 V, R1 = 9,32 V,

b) 10,67 Ω R2 = 2,66 V, R3 = 2,66 V,

c) 2,652 Ω 4. a) 2,5 A
2. a) 4,52 A b) 3,75 V
b) 0,59 A c) 1,25 A

Exercise 11 – 6:

1. 2,00 × 1012 W c) 30,2 Ω, 0,89 W, 1,17 W,

5,83 W, 3,5 W
2. 0,99 W
3. a) 1,5 W 5. a) 2,64 A
b) 7,5 W b) 0,34 A
4. a) 6,48 W, 1,44 W, 2,88 W c) 1,7 W
b) 1,88 W, 1,25 W, 0,16 W,
0,32 W 6. 18,64 W, 10,72 W, 5,36 W

Exercise 11 – 7:

1. a) Voltage 6. 0,5 A, 1,5 V, 5 V, 2,5 V

b) Electrical power 7. a) 0,09 A
c) Ohm’s law
b) 2,25 V
2. 0,5 A c) 13,5 V
3. 17 Ω 8. a) 38,4 Ω
4. 1,05 Ω b) 270 kJ

5. 24 W 9. b) −1,014 × 10-16 J

504 Solutions
12 Energy and chemical change

Exercise 12 – 1: Exothermic and endothermic reactions 1

1. a) taken in 2. a) Exothermic
b) released b) Endothermic
c) released c) Exothermic
d) taken in d) Endothermic

Exercise 12 – 2: Endothermic and exothermic reactions

1. a) Exothermic b) Exothermic
b) Exothermic c) Exothermic
c) Endothermic d) Endothermic
d) Exothermic e) Exothermic
2. a) Endothermic f) Exothermic

Exercise 12 – 3: Energy and reactions

1. Endothermic b) 0 kJ
c) 15 kJ
2. a) −15 kJ d) 40 kJ

Exercise 12 – 4:

1. a) Activation energy 3. The energy of the product is less

than the energy of the reactants.
b) Bond energy
c) Exothermic reaction 4. The second graph (b) is correct.
d) Endothermic reaction 6. a) Negative

2. Energy is released when the bonds c) Photosynthesis

in H2 O form. d) Endothermic

13 Types of reactions

Solutions 505
Exercise 13 – 1: Acids and bases

2. c) Amphoteric

Exercise 13 – 3:

1. HNO3 (aq) + KOH (aq) → KNO3 (aq) + H2 O (l)

Exercise 13 – 4:

1. 2HBr (aq) + K2 O (aq) → 2KBr (aq) + H2 O (l)

Exercise 13 – 5:

1. 2HCl (aq) + K2 CO3 (aq) → 2KCl (aq) + H2 O (l) + CO2 (g)

Exercise 13 – 7: Oxidation numbers

1. a) Magnesium: +2, fluorine: −1 c) Hydrogen: +1, carbon: −4

d) Magnesium: +2, oxygen: −2,
b) Calcium: +2, chlorine: −1 sulfur: +6

Exercise 13 – 8: Redox reactions

1. Fe is oxidised and O2 is reduced


FeCl3 (aq) + 2H2 O (l) + SO2 (aq) → H2 SO4 (aq) + 2HCl (aq) + 2FeCl2 (aq)

506 Solutions
Exercise 13 – 9:

1. a) Redox reaction 6. 2HCl (aq) + Mg(OH)2 (aq) →

MgCl2 (aq) + 2H2 O (l)
b) Bronsted-Lowry base
c) Oxidation 7. 2HCl (aq) + Na2 CO3 (aq) →
2NaCl (aq) + H2 O (l) + CO2 (g)
d) Amphoteric substance
8. 2H3 PO4 (aq) + 3CaO (s) →
2. HNO3 donates protons and is a Ca3 (PO4 )2 (aq) + 3H2 O (l)
Bronsted-Lowry acid
10. a) i. −1

3. Br is the oxidising agent (chlorine ii. −2
is reduced in this reaction) iii. 0

4. H2 SO3 is the Bronsted-Lowry acid 13. Cd (s) + 2NiO(OH) (s) +

and KOH is the Bronsted-Lowry 2H2 O (l) → Cd(OH)2 (s) +
base. 2Ni(OH)2 (s) + 2OH− (aq)

14 The lithosphere

Exercise 14 – 1: Gold mining

1. b) Gold is oxidised. d) Zinc

Exercise 14 – 2:

1. a) Lithosphere c) Middle Stone Age

b) Minerals processing or extrac- 2. b) Redox reaction

tion c) acidic

Solutions 507
List of Definitions

2.1 Normal force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

2.2 Frictional force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.3 Newton’s first law of motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
2.4 Newton’s second law of motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.5 Newton’s third law of motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2.6 Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
2.7 Newton’s law of universal gravitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
3.1 Covalent bond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
3.2 Dative covalent bond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
3.3 Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
3.4 Electronegativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
3.5 Polar molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
3.6 Non-polar molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
3.7 Bond length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
3.8 Bond energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
4.1 Intermolecular forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
4.2 Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
4.3 Specific heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
4.4 Heat of vaporisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
5.1 Light ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
5.2 Law of reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
5.3 Speed of light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
5.4 Refraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
5.5 Refractive index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
5.6 Optical density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
5.7 Normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
5.8 Angle of incidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
5.9 Angle of refraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
5.10 Snell’s law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
5.11 Critical angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
6.1 The Huygens Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
6.2 Diffraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
6.3 Interference Minima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
7.1 Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
7.2 Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
7.3 Ideal gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
7.4 Real gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
7.5 Boyle’s Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
7.6 Charles’ Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
7.7 Avogadro’s Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
8.1 Limiting reagent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
8.2 Excess reagent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
9.1 Coulomb’s law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
9.2 Electric field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
9.3 Electric field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
10.1 Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
11.1 Ohm’s Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
11.2 Equivalent resistance in a series circuit, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
11.3 Equivalent resistance in a parallel circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
11.4 Electrical Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
12.1 Bond energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
12.2 Enthalpy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
12.3 Exothermic reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
12.4 Endothermic reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
12.5 Activation energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
13.1 Acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
13.2 Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
13.3 Amphoteric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
13.4 Amphiprotic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
13.5 Oxidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
13.6 Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
13.7 Oxidation number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
13.8 Half-reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
13.9 Redox reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
14.1 Lithosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
14.2 Mineral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
14.3 Ore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Image Attribution

1 Photo by USGS on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Photo by OpenClipArt library on wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Photo by USnavy on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4 Photo by Heather Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5 Photo by Arnaud.ramey on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
6 Photo by Walt Stoneburner on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
7 Photo by MountainAsh on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
8 Photo by Colleen Henning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
9 Photo by Splarka on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
10 Photo by Nicola du Toit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
11 Photo by Nicola du Toit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
12 Photo by Nicola du Toit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
13 Photo by Nicola du Toit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
14 Photo by http :// . . . . . . . 60
15 Photo by http :// . . . . . . 61
16 Photo by Sagriffin305 on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
17 Photo by unknown on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
18 Photo by Foshie on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
19 Derivative work by Heather Williams based on photo by Floshie on Flickr . 73
20 Photo by JosDielis on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
21 Photo by Elvert Barnes on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
22 Photo by Heather Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
23 Photo by Nicola du Toit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
24 Photo by Nicola du Toit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
25 Photo by Heather Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
26 Photo by NASA on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
27 Photo by NASA on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
28 Photo by Heather Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
29 Photo created from images by Ben Mills on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . 149
30 Photo created from images by Ben Mills on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . 150
31 Photo by Ben Mills on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
32 Photo by Ben Mills on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
33 Photo by stevendepolo on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
34 Photo by Umair Mohsin on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
35 Photo by Ben Mills on wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
36 Photo by Siona Karen on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
37 Photo by H Padleckas on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
38 Photo by tanjila on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
39 Lightbulb photo by jaliyaj on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
40 Photo by freewine on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
41 Photo by Heather Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
42 Photo by Heather Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
43 Photo by Sai2020 on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
44 Photo by Heather Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
45 Photo by Grant Hillebrand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
46 Photo by Heather Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
47 Photo by Marc Spooner on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
48 Photo by Gch 15 on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
49 Photo from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
50 Photo by Heather Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
51 Photo by AndersLindgren on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
52 Photo by Konstantin Leonov on Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
53 Photo by Grant Hillebrand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
54 Photo by paulnasca on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
55 Photo by NASA on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
56 Photo by USGS on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
57 Photo by Nicola du Toit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
58 Photo by Locutus Borg on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
59 Photo by Locutus Borg on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
60 Photo by Locutus Borg on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
61 Photo from Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
62 Photo by goodfriend100 on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
63 Photo by Aram Dulyan on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
64 Photo by Wilson44691 on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
65 Photo by USDS(geology) on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
66 Photo by USDS(geology) on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
67 Photo by Aram Dulyan on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
68 Photo by USDS(geology) on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
69 Photo by USDS(geology) on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
70 Photo by US geological survey on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
71 Photo by USGS on Wikipedia with images of rocks from Wilson44691 on Wikipedia475
72 Photo created from map on Wikipedia and data from http :// rsadeposits
73 Photo by US geological survey on Wikipedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477

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