Dentigerous Cyst Over Maxillary Sinus: A Case Report and Literature Review
Dentigerous Cyst Over Maxillary Sinus: A Case Report and Literature Review
Dentigerous Cyst Over Maxillary Sinus: A Case Report and Literature Review
20: 116-124,
Taiwan J OralJune 2009 Surg
Maxillofac 台灣口外誌
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Armed
Forces General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
School of Dentistry, National Defense Medical Center
Dentigerous cyst (DC) is a common odontogenic cyst developed abnormally
around unerupted maxillary or mandibular teeth. It is often asymptomatic
and can be found incidentally on dental radiography with delayed eruption of
teeth. However, it can be large and cause symptoms related to expansion and
impingement on contiguous structures. Pain and swelling may be the major
complains of patients. However, DC seldom caused head and neck inflammation
or infection. Here, we described a 20-year-old male, who was found of a DC
arising from right maxillary third molar involved the maxillary sinus and with
sinusitis. We also reviewed articles to discuss the differential diagnosis of DC
from other odontogenic cysts or odontogenic tumors.
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台灣口外誌 Dentigerous Cyst over Maxillary Sinus : A Case Report and Literature Review
Case report closure of the wound was done. The opening was
packed with sterilized petrolatum gauze. Oozy
A 20-year-old young male soldier was discharges were found on the following 2 days.
referred to the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial On the third day, the mucoperiostum was sutured
Surgery, Kaohsiung Armed Force General with 4-0 silk. Postoperative antibiotics were
Hospital with a history of painful sensation and prescribed for 7 days.
swelling over right maxilla. He was also suffered Microscopically, the epithelium was composed
with yellow-green pus discharges from nasal of non-keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium
cavity. On physical examination, pus discharged with plenty chronic inflammatory cells infiltration
from right maxillary second molar distal gingival (Fig 4, 5). There is no evidence of malignant
crevice area was noted. The right maxillary third change or other odontogenic cysts differentiation.
molar cannot be seen. The patient had recurrent A dentigerous cyst was confirmed.
sinusitis for six years with medical treatment but One month latter, the patient was free from
in vain. He had no systemic disease or drug and sinusitis after receiving cyst enucleation. No cyst
food allergy history. Family history did not show recurrence was noted after an 18-months follow
any contribution. up.
The panoramic radiography showed a well-
defined radiolucent lesion with sclerotic margin. Discussion
The lesion pushed the impacted maxillary third
molar upward to the roof of the maxillary sinus. The DC is the second most common
The right maxillary sinus was not clear in the odontogenic cyst, with periapical cyst being
radiography. Root resorption of upper right found more commonly. It presents mostly in the
second molar was also noted (Fig. 1). Computed second or third decade of life in the maxillary
Tomography revealed an expansive mass in or mandibular third molar or maxillary canine
the right maxillary sinus associated with the regions 3 . It can originate from any tooth,
radioactive intensity similar to soft tissue. There including supernumerary tooth4. The DCs are
is no bone destruction (Fig. 2). mostly asymptomatic and may be found on
The patient was arranged to receive opera- routine dental radiographic check-up. They may
tion under general anesthesia. Cyst enucleation also cause symptoms like pain or swelling with the
was done with Caldwell-Luc’s procedure. Full enlargement of the cyst size1. Several researchers
thickness mucoperiosteal flap was reflected at reported the pathologic fracture of the mandible
the right mucobuccal fold from right fist premolar caused by the huge of DC 4,5. The outgrowth
to second molar. A bony window was made to of the cyst may also cause the resorption of
approach the maxillary sinus (Fig. 3). The cyst adjacent tooth. According to Eliasson’s report,
was totally removed and the surrounding bony roughly 1% of impacted maxillary third molars will
structures about 1 to 2 mm thickness were subsequently become involved with a DC6.
also shaved by Stryker. The lesion was about Radiographically, the typical DC showed a
4 × 3 × 2 cm in size with firm in consistency. well-defined radiolucency with sclerotic border
The impacted tooth was also removed. Delayed associated with the crown of an unerupted
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nclear sinus image with distal root resorption of upper right 2nd molar were seen. The impacted
Fig. 1. U
tooth was pushed to the roof of maxillary sinus by the cyst. The cyst extended from upper right
premolar to retromolar area and maxillary sinus roof.
Fig. 2. A
cystic lesion associated with an impacted teeth was seen at right maxillary sinus.
There was no bony destruction at sinus wall.
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台灣口外誌 Dentigerous Cyst over Maxillary Sinus : A Case Report and Literature Review
Fig. 4. H
&E staining showed non-keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium lining
with plenty of chronic inflammatory cell infiltration (X100).
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Fig. 5. S
ame picture from Fig.4 H&E staining showed plenty of inflammatory cells
infiltration with hemorrhage (X200).
tooth 1. Three varieties of the cyst-to-crown panoramic radiology was sufficient for evaluation.
relationships can be seen on radiographic The computed tomography may be useful for
examination. They are central variety, lateral evaluating the extent of bony involvement. Since
variety and circumferential variety1. In the case DCs may contain fluid, in the magnetic resonance
presented here, the cyst-to- crown relationship imaging (MRI), the cyst fluid may be seen as low
was classified to a circumferential variety. The intensity on T1-weighted and high intensity on
expansion of the cyst caused the resorption T2-weighted images8.
of the distal root over upper right second Patients with DCs over maxillary sinus
molar. The cyst growth in this case was quite might present nasal symptoms such as sinusitis.
extensive. The tumor extended from the mesial In addition, ophthalmologic symptoms might
aspect of upper first and second premolar, to be present such as proptosis, diplopia, ptosis,
the retromolar area, and superiorly to the roof epiphora but rarely affected visual acuity.
of the maxillary sinus. This large cyst made Fractured of the orbital bone caused by DC have
patient had symptoms such as pain, swelling and been reported 9. Spontaneous remission of the
sinusitis. In the mandible, the DC may grow up lesion without surgical removal may happen, but
in to the ramus and caused mandible expension7. cases are few10.
In our case, antral obliteration was seen from The differential diagnosis of DC includes
computed tomography. Generally speaking, a odontogenic keratocyst (OKC), adenomatoid
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王峙仁* 黃寶賢 王銀來 邢憶春 高文斌#
摘 要
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