12 - Fatigue of Metals
12 - Fatigue of Metals
12 - Fatigue of Metals
Fatigue of metals
Subjects of interest
• Objectives / Introduction
• Stress cycles
• The S-N curve
• Cyclic stress-strain curve
• Low cycle fatigue
• Structural features of fatigue
• Fatigue crack propagation
• Factors influencing fatigue properties
• Design for fatigue
Fatigue initiation
Beach mark
• Fatigue failures occur when metal is
subjected to a repetitive or fluctuating Failure of crankshaft journal
stress and will fail at a stress much lower
than its tensile strength.
• Fatigue failures occur without any plastic
deformation (no warning).
• Fatigue surface appears as a smooth
region, showing beach mark or origin of
fatigue crack.
Additional factors
• Stress concentration • Residual stress
• Corrosion • Combined stress
• Temperature
• Overload
• Metallurgical structure
σmax = - σmin
(a) Completely reversed cycle of (b) Repeated stress cycle
stress (sinusoidal)
Tensile stress +
Compressive stress -
Nσ ap = C Eq.6
HCF High cycle (low strain) fatigue
Stress level
LCF Low cycle (high strain) fatigue HCF
Log Nf
Goodman diagram
• In Haig-Solderberg diagram is
a plot of alternating stress σa and
mean stress σm.
• The Goodman relationship may
be expressed by
σ a = σ e 1 − m Eq.7
σ u
Haig-Solderberg diagram
Where x = 1 for the Goodman line,
x = 2 for the Gerber parabola,
σe = the fatigue limit for completely reversed loading.
0.220 / A 0.110 / A
Using the conservative Goodman line = 1−
204 1090
and Eq.7.
A = 1179 mm 2
D= = 38.7 mm
Suranaree University of Technology Tapany Udomphol May-Aug 2007
Cyclic stress-strain curve
• Cyclic strain controlled fatigue occurs when the strain amplitude
is held constant during cycling.
• Found in thermal cycling where a component expands and
contracts in response to fluctuations in the operating temperature
or in reversed bending between fixed displacements.
• During the initial loading, the stress-strain curve
is O-A-B.
• Yielding begins on unloading in compression at a
lower stress C due to the Bauschinger effect.
• A hysteresis loop develops in reloading with its
dimensions of width, ∆ε and height ∆σ.
• The total strain range ∆ε consists of the elastic
strain component plus the plastic strain
Stress strain loop for ∆ε = ∆ε e + ∆ε p Eq.8
constant strain cycling
Suranaree University of Technology Tapany Udomphol May-Aug 2007
Cyclic hardening and cyclic softening
• Cyclic hardening
would lead to a
decreasing peak
strain with increasing
cycles. (n>0.15)
• Cyclic softening
would lead to a
continually increasing
strain range and early
fracture. (n<0.15)
∆σ 2(75) −4
∆ε e = = = 6. 818 × 10
E 22 × 10 4
∆ε p = ∆ε − ∆ε e = (2 × 0.000645) − 0.0006818 = 6.082 × 10 − 4
∆ε ∆ε e ∆ε p
= +
2 2 2
∆ε σ f
= (2 N ) b + ε 'f (2 N ) c
2 E
Where σa = alternate stress amplitude
∆εe/2 = elastic strain amplitude
E = Young’s modulus
σ ’f = fatigue strength coefficient defined by the stress
intercept at 2N=1.
2N = number of load reversals to failure (N = number of
cycles to failure)
b = fatigue strength exponent, which varies between –
0.05 and -0.12 for most metals.
Suranaree University of Technology Tapany Udomphol May-Aug 2007
Fatigue strain-life curve
Ductile materials
High cyclic strain condition
Strong materials
• In stage I, the fatigue crack tends to
propagate initially along slip planes
(extrusion and intrusion of persistent
de ely
(stage II).
• The crack propagation rate in stage I
Model for fatigue initiation by is generally very low on the order of
extrusions and intrusions
caused by cyclic slip during
nm/cycles giving featureless
fatigue loading. surface.
Suranaree University of Technology Tapany Udomphol May-Aug 2007
Stable crack growth (stage II)
Crack closed
Crack opening
Crack at
Crack closing
Fatigue striations
Crack closed
• The fracture surface of stage II crack Plastic blunting model of fatigue striation
propagation frequently shows a pattern of
• Crack tip blunting occurs
ripples or fatigue striations.
during tensile load at 45o and
• Each striation is produced by a single crack grows longer by plastic
stress cycle and represents the shearing.
successive position of an advancing crack • Compression load reverses the
front normal to the greatest tensile stress. slip direction in the end zones
crushing the crack surface to form
a resharpened crack tip.
Suranaree University of Technology Tapany Udomphol May-Aug 2007
Fatigue crack propagation
Stage I Non-propagating fatigue crack (~0.25nm/cycle)
Fatigue crack
Stage II Stable fatigue crack propagation- widely study
Stage III Unstable fatigue crack propagation failure
Crack length, a
Eq.13 dN Monolithic
1 da
= a(∆K )
for linear portion
da m
= A(∆K )
m 1e-1
da/dN, mm/cycle
m = 9.05
determined by BuRTi EBW02
m = 2.35
Nf Ti679-BuRTi-TI679 TIG01
m = 6.84
Nf = ∫ dN
Ti679-BuRTi-Ti679 TIG02
m = 10.18
a −f ( m / 2 ) +1 − ai−( m / 2 ) +1
Nf = Eq.15
(−(m / 2) + 1) Aσ π m
α m
1 10 100
where m≠2 ∆K, MPa.m
Stage I (b)
Non propagating
fatigue cracks
striation 1 da
= a(∆K )
(c) for linear portion
Stage II ∆Kth
• Stress concentration
• Size effect
• Surface effects
• Combined stresses
• Cumulative fatigue damage and
sequence effects
• Metallurgical variables
• Corrosion
• Temperature
K f −1
q= Eq.16
K −1
Kt is theoretical stress-concentration
factor, depending on elasticity of
crack tip
Kf is fatigue notch factor, ratio of fatigue
strength of notched and unnotched
S-N curve of notched and unnotched specimens
Suranaree University of Technology Tapany Udomphol May-Aug 2007
Size effect on fatigue
Due to
Fatigue properties Experimental scale ≠ Industrial scale size effect
• Surface roughness
• Changes in surface properties
• Surface residual stress
• Surface rolling
- Compressive stress is introduced in between
the rollers during sheet rolling.
• Polishing
- Reducing surface scratches
• Thermal stress
- Quenching or surface treatments introduce volume change
giving compressive stress.
Suranaree University of Technology Tapany Udomphol May-Aug 2007
Effect of combined stresses on fatigue
Few data has been made on fatigue test with different
combinations of types of stresses.
• Ductile metals under combined bending and torsion fatigue
follow a distortion-energy (von Mises).
• Brittle materials follows the maximum principal stress theory
High strain ε q =
γ oct 1
2 3
= (ε 1 − ε 2 ) + (ε 2 − ε 3 ) + (ε 3 − ε 1 )
2 2
1/ 2
Stress level
• Understressing : The initial applied stress
level is lower than the fatigue limit for a period
of time, then cyclic stressing above the fatigue
Fatigue limit
limit. This understressing increases the σ
fatigue limit (might be due to strain hardening Cycle
on the surface.
Log Nf
Tensile strength
Fatigue strength
Fatigue ratio =
Tensile strength Fatigue strength
not proportionally.
Log Nf
Solid solution
Pure metal
Role of a corrosive
environment on fatigue
crack propagation
σ = αE∆T Eq.19