Event Portfolio
Event Portfolio
Event Portfolio
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in
HRTM 195- Events Management
Up towards the end of the event, it has been a very tough journey. But, with
positivity, teamwork, and faith to the Almighty God, even the seemingly most impossible
thing becomes possible. The event would not successfully end without the help and
support of other people.
To the parents, with their never ending financial and moral support;
To the instructor, Ms. Aireen Y. Clores, who was very supportive and spend her
time to guide the team from the planning process up to the close out. Without her, the
team will never be able to come up with a successful event.
To Dr. Nancy V. Dumaguing, DCHM head, and the rest of the faculty and staffs of
the Department of Consumer and Hospitality Management, they also served as advisers
of the team while on the process of planning and organizing the event. They were able to
help through the ideas they have shared and the financial support they have given to the
team as to they were also one of our sponsor;
To our valued sponsors who genuinely gave the team financial and in-kind support
that was utilized and used in the preparation up to the successful end of the event. To all
those who volunteered during the said event;
To the guest speakers, for sharing their expertise and imparting essential
knowledge and information that are useful for the career preparation and development of
the personality of the participants;
To all our participants, the HRTM students of the Visayas State University from all
year level, who actively participated and gave support through the time they spent for the
To all the event organizers, the members of the SMiLe Productions team, for the
hard-work, idea shared, time, energy and effort spent, and all the things they have done
right from the very beginning until the end of the event, for the happy memories shared
that will never be forgotten and the lessons learned from each of the members;
SMiLE Productions
The 1st Youth Business Conference held a year ago in 2015 was a huge
success. Now, the new batch of students organizers wish to convene succeeding
previous event. The 2nd Youth Business Convention with the theme, “Igniting Millennial
Competitiveness towards Future Career” will deliver topics on assessing career choice
as this will shed light on aspects of personality and skills, interest, unique values and self-
worth that are most important to consider when evaluating career options; and ethical
practices in hospitality and tourism business to help them become modest individuals as
they joined the hospitality and tourism workforce.
The event had a registration fee of P580.00 (Five hundred eighty pesos) for
those students who paid during the early registration schedule while an amount of
P600.00 (Six hundred pesos) was paid by participants during the regular registration
schedule. One meal, 2 snacks, conference kit and a certificate were the inclusions, not to
mention the learnings and the experience they will get from the conference. The money
from the registration fee were not enough to cover all the expenses of the event, hence,
the organizing team made efforts to look for sponsors who will provide supplies for the
event and also to pay for the remaining expenses.
Without the support of the people who were invited to be the guest speakers
for the said conference, the event would not have been a success. The keynote speaker,
Dr. Myrla Buen- Gidayawan, talked about the theme, “Igniting Millennial Competitiveness
towards Future Career”. For the other guest speakers, we have Mr. Manuel Laruap who
talked about “Unleash your true potential: Self-Development and Challenges for Career
Preparation”, Ms. Lucille Pepito with the topic on “Diversity and Ethics: Issues and
Challenges”, and Mr. Raoul Bacalla on the topic about “Tourism as a Business: Its
Perspective and Career Opportunities”.
The event ended successfully. The guests felt so much hospitality, the
participants learned essential information they can use especially in the future, and the
organizing team had a very good experience. Everyone who participated in the
conference went home with a smile knowing that it is truly a beautiful world, a beautiful
life- just like the song that the organizing team danced to during the event.
The very first step was forming the event team, student- organizers
nominated the Event Manager and the different Committee Chairman (Secretariat/
Personnel Committee, Finance and Admin Committee, Sales and Marketing Committee,
Operations and Logistics Committee and Program and Production Committee). The other
students were appointed as members under the different committees. After the event
team was formed, duties and responsibilities of all the positions were ascertained
individually, making sure that each member knows their responsibility.
Deciding the team name and making the team logo was done after the
organization was finalized. Brainstorming and presenting of different names and logo was
done until coming up with: Supreme Millennial Leaders Event Productions (SMiLE
Productions). The name and logo was approved by the body and the event management
The next step was choosing an event. Before the final event was decided,
each committee were tasked to create different concepts. Two concepts got the highest
votes from the team, the Root crop-based conference and the acoustic concert. However,
the team focused in executing M.I.C.E (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and
Exhibitions) in the end. It was decided to organize the 2nd Youth Business Conference
with the theme “Igniting Millennial Competitiveness towards Future Career”. Topics were
also selected thru research on the needs of the targeted clients. After the program of the
event was finalized, the marketing and sales committee distinguished the prospect
shareholders, partners, sponsors, and suppliers. There were also a lot of factors
considered during the conceptualization of the event; some of these are the Venue and
date. Choosing the right date and venue for the event will have a big impact in the
implementation of the event. Budget was also considered as this will determine if the
event will entertain or educate the participants and at the same time raise profit for the
partners and team. Finance committee will be collecting the needs of the different
committees for the operation and planning so that financial budgeting will be precise.
These are some determining factors that will either make or break the event. Lastly, After
all of the conceptualization and the planning process, the implementation of the event
Each member of the organizing team is responsible right from the planning
up to the implementation of the event. Since the members were assigned to different
committees, each of them had their individual assigned tasks. The team was composed
of 41 members, thus, the lack of manpower was not a problem. Some tasks were even
assigned to 2 to 3 members. There was also a public information officer who disseminated
information to all the members especially for important meetings.
The financial committee had already arranged the financial budget that will
be allocated for the operations of the team. Expenses were already forecasted and also
the possible revenues from sponsorships and registration fees of participants. It was also
the task of the finance committee to control and allocate the resources of the team. The
procurement officer was also tasked to canvass from different suppliers.
The Program and Production committee created layout for the venue and
for the marketing materials. They were also assigned in sending invitations and making
event program, planned the flow of the event, designed the stage, and made the
conference kits. After the event, they were also responsible in the restoration and
returning all the items borrowed.
The secretariat and personnel committee were responsible for keeping all
the records, contacting guest speakers and the other guests, disseminating information
to the people involved in the event, documenting the flow of the event, and also posting
information for public interest.
The organizing team followed the 5C’s of the event process. The first C is
the event concept, where the theme, topics and possible speakers were determined by
the team. Next is the control, where the team planned for the possible risks of the events.
The number of the expected participants and the event budget was also controlled. Third
is coordination. The members of the team had coordination with each other especially in
the logistics committee and the secretariat committee who were assigned in handling the
guests and participants. The fourth C is the culmination which was the day of the event
where everything planned was implemented. The fifth C was the closeout where the team
returned all the borrowed materials, settled all accounts, event evaluation was
summarized, and the preparation of the event portfolio report.
questionnaire provided and evaluate the 2nd Youth Business Conference. The
topics, session length, session length and venue. The results of the assessment help the
organizers to measure the satisfaction rate of the participants and how successful the
Yes, 18
No, 82
time. Based on the figure, 18 of the 100 randomly picked participants answered yes to
the question: “Is this your First Time Attending a Conference?”, and 82 answered no. With
the results, we conclude that there are only few participants who have attended a
conference for the first time and most of the participants have already experienced
63 Colleague
shows that from the 100 randomly picked participants, 5 learned about the event from the
Event Website, 17 from the association it self, 23 from a colleague or friend and 63 from
the University. From these, we conclude that the most effective marketing channel is the
Table 1.1 Average Number of Participants who rated the Event Content
5- Strongly 4- Agree 3- Neutral 2- Disagree 1- Strongly
Agree Disagree
5 4 3 2 1 Total
A. Event Content
a.1 Theme and Topics are 61 37 2 0 0
a.2 Programme was well 53 44 3 0 0
a.3 Provided opportunities to 51 45 4 0 0
exchange ideas and
Average 55 42 3 0 0
The table (Table 1.1) above shows the average number of participants who
rated the event content from 1-5 (1 as the lowest and 5 as the highest). It shows that more
than 50 of the participants strongly agree with the event content from its theme, topics,
programme and the opportunities it offers. It also show that 42 participants rated four (4)
or only agreed with the event content and 4 participants rated three (3) or only neutrally
agree with the content. According to the results shown, participants are satisfied with the
event content.
B. Speakers
b.1 Knowledgeable in content 80 20 0 0 0
b.2 Effective presentation skills 63 29 8 0 0
b.3 Clarified content in response 50 46 4 0 0
to questions
b.4 encourage audience 64 33 3 0 0
Average 64 32 4 0 0
Shown in table 1.2 is the average rate given by the participants to the
Speakers. It says that 64 of the participants strongly agree with the speakers in terms of
its knowledge about the topics, presentation skills, interaction with participants and
response to questions. It also shows 32 of the participants only agree and 4 neutrally
agree. As shown in the results, we can say that in terms of speaker choice, the organizers
did well and that the participants are very much satisfied.
Table 1.3 Average Number of Participants who rated the Event Session Length
C. Session Length
c.1 Sequence of program 41 55 4 0 0
c.2 Appropriate for intended 54 44 2 0 0
c.3 Time at conference was 59 32 9 0 0
Average 51 44 5 0 0
Table 1.3 shows the average rate given by the participants to the Event
Session length. It says that 51 of the total participants strongly agree with the session
length of the event from the program sequence, appropriateness and worthiness of the
event. It shows that only 44 of the total participants only agree and 5 neutrally agree.
From the results above, we can conclude that participants had a worthy experience with
Table 1.4 Average Number of Participants who rated the Facility Arrangement
D. Arrangement of Facilities
d.1 Smooth Registration 46 47 7 0 0
d.2 Staff Hospitality 57 36 7 0 0
d.3 Venue set up was well 63 34 3 0 0
d.4 Appropriate food 52 40 8 0 0
d.5 Booking Process 52 45 3 0 0
Average 54 40 6 0 0
Table 1.4 shows the average rate given by the participants for the
arrangement of the facilities. It shows that 54 of the total participants strongly agree with
the arrangement of facilities in the event in terms of registration, staff hospitality, venue
set up, food arrangement, and booking process. 40 participants only agree and 6 neutrally
TABLE 2 Percentage rate of the event concept, speakers, session length and venue and
Total %
5 4 3 2 1
over 500
A. Event Content
B. Speakers
response to questions
C. Session Length
D. Arrangement of Facilities
d.1 Smooth Registration 230 188 21 0 0 439 87.8
Table 2 shows the average percentage rate of the event according to event
concept, speakers, session length and venue and facilities. Based on the table, from the
100 randomly picked participants they rated the event content 91%, the speakers 92%,
89% for the session length and 90% for the venue and facilities. From these data, the
overall percentage rate of the event according to the mentioned factors is 91% which is
very satisfactory. With the results of the computations, we could conclude that participants
are satisfied and happy with the event and the experience with the event was worth the
in Career Preparation”
Ms. Lucille Pepito 8
Dr. Gidayawan, Mr. Laruap and Mr. Bacalla with their topics 2
Table 3 shows the most favored speakers and topic during the conference.
From the tally in the table, it shows that only 7 participants choose Dr. Myrla M.B.
Gidayawan with her topic: “Igniting Millennial Competitiveness towards Future Career”,
20 Participants Choose Mr. Manuel Laruap with his topic: “Unleash your Potential: Self
Pepito with her topic: Diversity and Ethics in Workplace: Issues and Challenges” and 1
participant choose Mr. Rauol T. Bacalla with his topic: “ tourism as a Business: Its
Perspective and Career Opportunities”. Some of the participants had also multiple
choices in terms of the speakers and topics. 10 participants choose both Dr. Gidayawan
and Mr. Laruap with their topics, 6 participants choose both Mr. Larual and Ms. Pepito
with their topics, 7 participants choose both Dr. Gidayawan and Ms Pepito, and 2
participants choose Dr. Gidayawan, Mr. Laruap and Mr. Bacalla with their topics and 39
participants choose all of the speakers with which they are impressed the most. With the
result of the data gathered, we conclude that most of the participants favored all of the
speakers with all of their topics. This implies that the organizers have chosen the right
speakers for the right topics and that the participants are more than satisfied with the
knowledge they have gained during the 2nd Youth Business Conference.
Doing something you think you can’t do is never so easy. Doubt to one’s self is
there, unending negative thoughts are present, over-thinking becomes a routine, and the
more you think about the responsibilities, the more you get pressured and scared. Being
chosen as the event manager never really crossed my mind and it was beyond my
imagination of the things that may happen for this semester, nonetheless, I had to open
my door for this knocking opportunity or else I would have to regret it in the end.
In my college years, I’ve experienced being the leader but only to small groups.
In this Events Management class, I had to manage 40 members, few are my friends, and
some are acquaintances, others just familiar faces, and there are even a few who are
strangers to me. Our team is like an archipelago, composed of many islands. Even so,
that made the event management class more interesting. Each of us were like a piece in
a puzzle. As their manager, I have to observe, analyze and understand each one of them
to be able to completely assemble the team. It was a difficult task, but the process was
fun. It was not the perfect picture, but it looks better than before.
In the word team, you will never find the letter “I”, and I believe it also follows in the
actual group. Success or failure, it is never because of only one person but the effort, time
and energy spent by all members. In our team, each one has different talents, abilities
and expertise. Each of us has different personalities and attitude towards the work and to
the other members. Sometimes during the preparation up to the closeout, I get
disappointed to some members who lacks initiative and are not mindful enough with their
responsibilities. Still, I prefer to keep on giving reminders and extending help to them
instead of allowing my emotions to control me. As their manager, I do not want that there
will be gaps built between me and my members. I do not want them to be scared to
approach me since I think this may lead to miscommunications. I always remind the team
to not make unnecessary fights. I wanted everyone to have fun and just enjoy being an
organizer since that will be an addition to the good memories collected in our college life.
And yes, I believe we really had fun! It was totally a great experience indeed.
You will never know the outcome if you do not have the courage to try. I never
really liked to accept the responsibility of being the event manager, however, deep within
me, I felt thrilled since it will be a new experience. I know my weaknesses. I know there
are so much things I am not good at yet I genuinely accept those flaws. The important
lessons I learned from organizing the event are to never stop trying, never stop learning,
and never close doors for opportunities. Nothing feels more fulfilling than being able to
conquer your fears and do something you think you cannot do.
To the next batch of event organizers, I hope you will enjoy planning and organizing
your chosen event. You might experience hardships and stressful situations, but
everything will surely be worth it in the end. You can do it. SMILE!
As an Event Planner it seems that no two days are ever the same, so if you are
looking for an easy life, having a secretariat role isn’t the best option.
At the same time, this unpredictability is what makes an event management course
so much fun! Organizing a new event is like taking on a new adventure. I, myself despite
the odds of me being still the old kid who used to do things alone and the lady nobody
who hates to socialize on such big crowd has now learned new skills and met new people.
And I believe not many jobs or careers can offer me and others the same variety.
Answering calls in the middle of the night might not sound like something you would
expect an event planner to do, but rest assured whoever will be the next batch secretariat
you will going to reach this point. From emails to calls to managing social media you might
find yourself unable to disconnect. Holding such task while I am still a student, in between
important discussions from your other subjects there will be moments when you are able
to unplug, but during a your busy periods speakers, attendees, event colleagues and
venues will all be vying for your urgent attention. The great part of being so connected is
that this leaves many event planners with the ability to work from any periods at time. The
flexibility of not being chained to one task all day is a huge perk of some who’s wishing to
push through of being on an event industry. While we all take pride in planning every last
detail, you never know what might happen at an event. Being an event coordinator
constantly ranks as one of the top most stressful task (yawn!) Stress can really take its
toll or even lead to burnout.
To the next batch, find a way to thrive under the pressure especially because you
as a secretary coordinate to each heads from the participants, event members, faculty
and most especially the vips your invited guests speakers. From the very start of the first
class meeting; taking notes of the discussed, agenda. Negotiating about your guest
speakers comforts during their stay. Your task is not yet done with them if you are not
assured if they all arrived home safely. Up until your event portfolio has been submitted
to your event adviser. Pride yourself as someone who is calm, cool and collected when
others might crumble. Part of the fun is event planning is the adrenaline of thinking on
your feet and adapting to every new situation.
You will most likely be working nights, weekends and extended hours leading up
to your event and on the day itself.
While it can be tough to work these crazy long hours you will find that these are
the times that you really bond with your event team and have fun working together.
Celebrate and relax once you event is over. All thanks to God for a job well done.
SMILE! To gain pride like the SMiLE Productions!
Secretariat / Personnel Head
I could still remember how excited I was to take this course, seeing past events
that were successful truly inspired and motivated me to do my best in our turn to manage,
plan and implement an event. Being assigned as the program and production committee
head was a great challenge for me to face boundless opportunities to improve not only
my skills but also as what I am.
Two months for me was never enough to finish all the preparations needed for the
event, but never did I expect that we could make it to the finish line. I and my team came
across a lot of trials and when I say trials, I mean drafts here, layouts there and printing
everywhere. With all those challenges and disappointments but still we made it.
The 2nd Youth Business Conference if I would say is the greatest journey we have
ever taken in our college lives. It was indeed stressful, nerve-brain-wrecking, pimple-
creating, and energy-vacuuming, but in the other side it was also the most memorable,
fun and exciting and self-gratifying path that we have ever taken.
"When there's no one will trust you, trust yourself". This is what I kept on telling to
myself and to the entire events team. Since we felt that no one will trust our ability to hold
a big crowd and an event like this. We must trust ourselves to fulfill our task well with no
Being the Operation and Logistic Committee head, in just simply looking at the
organizational chart without knowing its tasks yet is very challenging. The Operation and
Logistic committee caters half of the entire event section members and a lot of
responsibilities, not just simple responsibilities but the core responsibilities of the event. I
learned to understand ones suggestions, comments, dislikes and so on. I learned to
handle different personalities since most of the OpLo members are older than me, and
learnt how to make them listen and follow me as their leader. I learned to delegate,
monitor, and supervise the tasks given at the same time.
In the pre-preparation for the event I as the OpLo head commanded my team to
slowly start their assigned tasks. This committee needs to do tasks in advance. The OpLo
team started their canvasses for the food, accommodation, sound system, venue, and
transportation. After gathering all the datas' we presented it to the event manager and
ask some suggestions from the other committee heads for the approval. We've chosen
the affordable yet quality type accommodation, the VSU Hostel/ matrimonial type for the
guest. Though there is a little problem of the said accommodation because it is kind of
old and the university didn't improve their amenities but still we just explained it to the
guests. OpLo's Food and Beverage team presented the choices for catering service and
its corresponding rates. The team chose MACS catering service as our official caterer.
Before we signed the caterer’s contract we ask a little favor if we can have a discount
since we're going to have a reservation of more than 3oo pax. The negotiation went well
and the catering service approved it. The food choice was approved by the group. So, we
have chosen beef and mushroom, chicken drummets, and sweet and sweet and sour fish
for the main courses. Cho pa chien for the side dish and fresh fruits for the dessert.
Transportation team processed the reservation and borrowing of the universities vehicle
for belliting the guest from Ormoc City port to VSU. The team will just pay for the gasoline
and drivers fee. The guest transportation from Cebu City to Ormoc City was a little mess.
The OpLo's transportation team coordinates the Sales and Marketing Committee in this
matter. The sales and marketing committee asked 2go travel for a seafare spspsorship.
Miscommunication happened but we made an action to fix it promptly. The security team
was tasked to negotiate to the VSU security for security assistance during the event and
also to the VSU infirmary for the first aid.
In the event proper, we were all burned out, excited, afraid, happy, and tensed or
simply saying mix emotions. But still we in ourselves are confident in any instances that
will happen, and stayed positive for this event will become successful and done. The flow
went well and we've seen in our participants’ faces that they were having a good time and
interested in listening to the guest speakers.
This event is one of the most memorable achievements that our team, the SMiLE
Production team has made. Hearing the feedback from the participants that they were
very satisfied and the food is great, the speakers are very informative and not boring and
that they picked a lot of knowledge of it is really a relief for us. The moment that the guest
speakers acknowledged our team for a job well done is really a heart lifting feeling. I am
thankful of being part of conducting thus event and I really learned a lot from it and it
made me realize that it really pays off if you work hand on hand and wholeheartedly.
Kudos to the SMiLE production team. Merci Beaucop.
Operation & Logistic Committee Head
On the pre planning activity, the team elects me as the Finance Committee Head
it takes my heart beat faster when they let me stand on front, introduce self and say
something about the position. So I discouraged them to demote me because I am not
responsible and many flowering words. But then I find it interesting, and I remembered
what someone told me though that “If someone offers you opportunity where you are
weak, say yes and let yourself be challenged because it is where you will grow”. So with
that I start believing myself and indulge to do task that is new to me.
Organizing at the same time budgeting an event it not that easy. Expectation that
there were lot of miscommunication, tiring days, improper coordination, and quarrels that
may occur. Patience, respect, cooperation and initiatives are the very important core of
the team. Though there were failures and misunderstanding still the team able to handle
it and with the God’s grace we received the unexpected blessings.
As being part of the team I would like to extend my deepest discernment holding
the responsibility as the Finance Committee Head. To our ever supportive adviser Miss.
Aireen, daghan kaayung salamat for the full support and encouragement to conduct this
event maam. To the whole Smile Productions Team, a big thank you for giving all the
support and believing me in handling the job task without any dispute. Honestly, I will
surely going to miss our meetings, argumentations, sing along and fun moments during
the preparations of the event. Lastly to (G) God the Father, thank you for enlightening our
minds and sparing the Holy Spirit in guiding, helping and giving us the positive and
negative team circumstances which leads us to believe and have a greater faith.
Finance & Admin Committee Head
The 2nd Youth Business Conference with the theme Igniting Millennial
Competitiveness Towards Future Career which was held last April 3, 2017 at the
Convention Center Visca, Baybay City, Leyte was a huge success!
Behind the great success of this event, we have been through hardships and
impediments. From brainstorming to implementing the said plans, it was never easy.
We’ve been through a lot of rejections, and the moment we wanted to give up, we just
kept on looking on the brighter side.
I must say, it really is true that it’s okay to fail so many times as long as when the
right and perfect time comes, the outcome would be all worth the wait. In addition, all the
people who are a part of the SMiLE Production had played their roles well. I have never
seen before my eyes the unity among us until I had to work with them. As they say, we
are a group of different islands, but we have proved them that although we are, we can
be a whole to produce such a victorious event.
Sales and Marketing Committee Head
The 2nd Youth Business Conference Igniting Millennial Towards Future Career
was indeed a pride on the Department of Consumer and Hospitality Management as one
of their successful, fruitful, and historic event that will surely be treasured and bring
inspiration to those new generations. It inflated my ego as one of the outlet behind the
success of the SMiLE Production team who organized the event, I am thankful for I have
experienced and discover another role in my life where I can work with, certainly it was
one of the aspects in my life where I can see myself in the future. But behind of that
success are numerous problems that burdens us of creating and organizing the event
which leads us to rethink and reconsider another plans that can sellout to our market. All
the members of the team worked diligently, attentively, and persistently in pursuit of
having victory even at the shortest time.
I, as a P.I.O (Public Assistant Officer) never fails to disseminate all the ideas and
information to all the members, the meetings, duties, reminders and function as well as
the central information officer to the team. Aside from disseminating the info, I was also
tasked to check the attendance in every activity and meeting we have even in the lecture
and laboratory. In checking the attendance, I can say that there is no taste of bias or favor
unless they can present a valid excuse letter or committee manager which can clearly
state to me why you are excused or late and all the reason must be about the event and
not to personal reasons. This is one of the examples why all of the members are really
trying their best to do their job because there is not special treatment and friends that they
can rely on their tasks. We have different functions as organizers and we are trained by
our instructor to work independently without her help in organizing the event which I can
say that it works effectively even in the last minute to unify us and establish a wonderful
and a triumph event for year 2017.
Having an all-in-one event has everything to prepare that organizers need to plan
for the successful event. Everyone felt pressure before & during the event but we end up
successful & we are so glad that the HRTM Students participated also the respective
speakers share their thoughts & ideas to ignite the millineals
Registration Coordinator
Being part of the event organizers is really an honor and challenge. In the
preparation of the event I was responsible in the registration of the participant. The only
problem I encountered in the registration is that there are some names tallyed in my list
and not the bookkeepers list, but we fixed it instantly. The event was a blast, it is very
successful with the positive feedback of the participants and the guest speakers
Rich and Compelling, A wondrous Achievement! With thanks to the guidance and
wisdom of our Events Management Instructor Mrs. Aireen Y. Clores. It’s been a couple
of months of twisted minds before we had made a success. It is very important that Team
members should learn how to understand and respect each other, valuing individual
differences and unique contributions in a positive way, that why we had a better
performance and our productivity are increased. Our teamwork is about relationships
even if our team was describe as an archipelago, a group of islands. It’s about each team
member understanding their role and contribution to the group and feeling valued for the
part they play in helping the team succeed. I hope that the next batch will continue with
the M.I.C.E and continue its development.
"This I dedicate to the team, despite all protest to the contrary has a mind nearly as twisted
as my own."
Marketing Staff
Being part of the team Sales and Marketing Committee is soundlessly interesting;
in a way that we will be the one who will look for sponsors and participants of our event.
Conflicts, errors and other destructive things was extant throughout that time, but our
team was still in a positive side that we can still persist this up and made this event a
successful, remarkable and prosperous event in our life as an organizers. Appropriate
planning, courage, dedication, patience, cooperation and being positive are some of the
characteristics that I learned during and after the event and I am confident to say that
once we have those characteristics; it will certainly end up to " All is Well " .
Marketing Officer
Planning and organizing an event for a student and for the first time is not that
smooth. In planning, you need to know what is your event, where is the venue, who are
target market, and a lot more and these are the reasons that makes the planning
challenging. You need to be specific, detailed and it needs effort and cooperation in
planning and organizing an event.
My experiences in the whole event is that you have to be more mature in facing
any challenges and have the courage to take risks. We all have different attitudes and
abilities, so I learned to be more patient and open-minded througout the event. We also
encountered problems, we never give up and and lose hope, instead we did our best to
drive this event. As a sponsorship and promotion coordinator, I learrned how to face
people in a formal way specially large companies and a particular person. And overall, it
was a successful event.
Sponsorship & Promotion Coordinator
Organizing an event in a short period of time is not an easy task to do. As what our
adviser said "Organizing an event is a time consuming and a time demanding". Everything
must be planned and everyone should be work
Event management help me to experience the things that are new to me. Like, to
negotiate and chat with some high standard people. Having a long conversationed with
the Marketing Specialist of Japanesse Food Corp., just to find a sponsorship. But we end
up with nothing because, they have also a lot of things they considered. But for me this
was a good experience because, I'am now working my confidence and courage to do the
For me the basic foundation in organizing an event is PATIENCE and
“Unleash your true Potential”, maybe I am one of those people who were
unleashed and develop by the events management class. We are all 41 students in the
class with different attitudes, different circle of friends, and different ideas which is very
hard to deal with. But, after all we are able to make as a one team and disregards all
those personal conflicts from each other. I thought it was easy to find a perfect proposal
to fit in our event but it’s not. Before we had this 2nd Youth Business Conference proposal
we have to pass all the sleepless nights, disappointments and trials but, someone told
me that in everything we do, we must put God first.
The 2nd Youth Business Conference was a blast! I am assigned in the Program
and Production Committee. Fortunately, I was assigned in the tasks that I love the most
which is the designing, lay-outing, and other computer works in which did not give me any
pressure at all for I really enjoyed what I’m doing. I did not even feel exhausted in my job
for every time I will do my tasks I gain additional ideas and knowledge and develop my
skills. It even made me realize about career to pursue after graduating. The only thing, I
have in my mind are the what if’s, things such as, what if they don’t like what I’m doing
and the like. But I don’t like my negativity could ruined my mood so I just keep on turning
pages of my imaginations. I don’t have any problems regarding my colleagues for they
simply just do their tasks also. I guess all the sleepless nights, sweat and bloods, and
tears wasted are all worth it. Congrats to us! We really did a good job!
Production Coordinator
The 2nd Youth Business Conference was one of the best milestones in my college
life that I could say I have put my best in. I could not believe that it was a success and it
will forever be a trademark of our batch's teamwork and efforts, as well as of our
instructors and other people who directly and indirectly took part in this event. I thought it
would be just a pipe dream to organize such grand event especially that our batch is
dubbed as dispersed islands and that we care less of others but it was so ironic that our
diverse groups only showed everyone that we are intact and united as we struggled
through all the hardships of making the event a successful one. Everyone showed their
full participation and interest in the preparation, all the brainstorming and stress we had
are worth it. I hope this kind of event will continue through the following batches, I would
really recommend to put up another MICE affairs in the future. It was one epic event and
I hope the legacy continues! SMiLE! :)
Production Coordinator
As a design officer it is quite hard for me to think what will be the stage design.
Because first of all, i admit that this position they gave me is not really my fashion. But I
grab this opportunity to challenge myself. And I thank my production committee head that
he really help me, motivated me when I’m about to give up my position. And during the
event I’m happy that our adviser and faculty member liked the stage. As one of the event
organizer of the Smile Production of this Subject HRTM 195 will always be engraved in
my heart and to all my co-event organizer, Job well done 😄😄😄 God bless!
Design Officer
I was very happy that i was once a part of the event. Being an event organizer it
wasn’t easy although I just a member and has the very small responsibility and task in
the group, I had still consider myself useful. Useful in a sense that all organizers made
me feel that without my part the event wouldn’t be successful. And i thank them for
believing my strength to help the event be successful.
Restoration Officer
The event management subject was truly challenges because we need to adjust
and manage our time for almost four months preparation conducting meeting to discuss
what topic and who will be the speakers that can enlighten the future millennials, and
encouraging the students to join this kind of seminars event management need a lot of
time to prepare from the start until the end of event. I realize that is not easy to deal to
the participants especially to my guest speaker and keynote speaker even though we had
a mistake to coordinate the keynote in terms of topics but we all failed is part of it and
key of success. I know now how to deal and get sponsorship to those people who wants
to part of our events. I learned how to adjust and set my time with them so that we can
make a better understanding and better plan. Event management is memorable moments
because it shows who really I am. We need to be flexible and courage ourselves to do
your job and realize not to quite you must be understandable on what situation you facing
and most importantly be open minded all the time.
Restoration Officer
In months of preparation we strive hard to perfect our plan. Thus far, we
encountered some circumstances in the execution. That makes us how detailed oriented
should we be, and we should have contingency plan to ensure that inevitable holes must
be patch quickly upon the implementation.
I've learn many things such as being a team player and the most important thing,
"coordination" with one another. As long as function have been executed properly, the
team will be organized and will be in harmony.
This was the best theme ever. I hope of working with them someday.
Creative Team
The 2nd Youth Business Conference was made successful and it will be forever a
trademark of our batch's teamwork. Making an event is not an easy task but we did it
because of teamwork even if our batch is like an islands. We all have different attitudes
but we all did our responsibilities. The thing that i've experience in this event management
is you must have the courage to do your job so i hope this kind of event will continue
through the following batches so that many students will learn from it.
Venue Coordinator
Everything went smoothly, the participants were very pleased with the quality of
the service, not to mention the quality and quantity of the food served was superb.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the event because the flow of the seminar is not lousy and the
speakers were all jolly. Overall we were extremely pleased with how everything went and
the event was indeed a success.
Venue Coordinator
Planning and making an event is not easy, there lot of things to be prepared and
think of first in order to make the event possible. We encountered lot of problems like
where to find money to fuel up this event, who will be our prospective client and of course
who will be our speakers. Through proper communication and maintaining a good
relationship with the whole events team and with the help of our adviser we overcome all
the mentioned problems. Our event became successful and we gained good, positive and
overwhelming feedbacks from our clients and even to our invited speakers. To all smile
production team, well done!
Accommodation Coordinator
As we all know making and planning an event is never really easy. Making it
possible is very unimaginable you will encounter lots of problem althrough out the way.
When we were just planning our event we've already encounter a problem on what would
be our event. But with the cooperation of one another and sharing of ideas and opinion
we ignite as one and made a succesful event. All the stress and pressure are worth it
because at the end it was changed with a happy Smile.
Transportation Coordinator
I’ve learned many things such as coordinating to all the team member and to be a
good team player; as long as the team member play well to their assigned task the team
will be organized and will commit the success.
Security Officer
For how many days, hours and months of preparing our event which is the 2nd
Youth Business Conference with the Theme: ‘Igniting Millennial Competitiveness
Towards Future Career’. In this we’ve so many struggles, circumstances, and conflict to
other subject with respect to time. Time is very important, effort, and cooperation to make
it perfect our plan. We have different attitudes and mind set but we realized how detailed
oriented should us be.
The thigs that I have learned in this subject which is Events Management is how to be
a team player and coordination to others. We’ve encountered some different problem but
we never give up on this events because we all know that we can do it. This was my very
first time where I am part of an event organizing team and it is very successful event.
Security Officer
As a SMILE PRODUCTION organizer I can say that making an event is really hard
and not easy especially that I have other subject that also needs time. We only have two
months’ preparation for our event, and I realized that it really needs time, effort, patient
and be open-minded especially if we have some changes in our topics. We also have
different attitudes and perception in life as a student that can create conflict relationship
towards others, but in the end we were still friends.
I also experience that we must have a courage to do our task and understand the
situation. During the preparations for our event our team encountered problems in our
speakers as well as in changing our topics, but as a team we never give up and do our
best to have a successful educational event. As a Food and Beverage coordinator I
learned how to face and negotiates with other people.
F & B Coordinator
As a part of the event, I am very thankful because of all the experience that I
gathered from the beginning up to the last part of the event. The hardwork and sleepless
nights are all worth it. It may have a lot of struggles, difficulties in doing the tasks and
misunderstanding of the group, but the team still conquered all of it.
Overall, the event was a success because of the teamwork and cooperation of
each and every organizer. In overwhelmed and proud because Im a part of that success!
Event organizing is not easy to pursue because we need to consume time. Time
management we need to expose our talent and enhance everything to make a perfect
event. An event w/o a participants is hard to be formed, we need to communicate to them
and convinced them to participate our event. In our event every committee have their
own assigned task and our task in ESL is to borrowed to the equipment needed to our
event and also I was assign to check all the lights of the venue. I have seen that
cooperation, communication, Patience and understanding for us to form this event.
Equipment, Sounds and Lights (ESL) In-Charge
As part of the food and beverage team., is not just simply you give
foods and drinks to the guest and participants but you also need to think carefully, plan
specifically and deliver it with the special ingredients – quality of service. In this event, I
met a loy of struggles and I committed mistakes but at the end I learned from it. From the
unexpected changes happened in the event, I learned how to adjust and to seek struggles
in order to overcome it. I also learned how to approach and negotiate with the suppliers
of the food in terms of changes and problems might occur during the event. Indeed, this
event was not that hard to do if you loved and dedicated to your assigned task. As a food
and beverage coordinator, I am proudly to say that I did my role successfully and it is a
big achievement for me and for my team.
Food and Beverage Coordinator
I was able to be responsible at my task given in organizing a real life event and
working with number of individuals with different behaviors to get along was my pleasure.
It wasn’t that hard to get them know and work with because everybody was cooperative,
understandable, patience was always there and doing their task well. At this young I had
experienced to be one of the organizers of an event it was quite anxious but because I’m
with this awesome co-org we still did it success and indeed a memorable event we had
worked on.
Equipment, Sounds and Lights
The Secretariat team is the nerve centre of the SMiLE Productions Team – ‘the
one who is the know’. The Secretariat committee is the principle administrative officers.
Students interested in the 2nd Youth Business Conference contact one of the Secretariat
team for information or details about membership, meetings, events and activities.
The Secretary, Alyssa Mirata manages the personnel and secretariat team. She was the
executive liaison officer of the entire Smile Production through assisting each of the
members for the overall coordination of activities in the event. The secretary disseminates
pertinent information to all concerned parties to facilitate necessary actions. She also
coordinates the various committee undertakings towards the implementation of the
conference. Secretary also manages all the comforts negotiated by Operation and
Logistic team for the invited guest speakers: accommodation, food and beverage,
transportations and all other requirements asked by the speakers. Before the event, she
has to make sure that all the details acquired were exact and ready for endorsement to
other team. During the event, she was the executive liaison officer of the guest speakers
from arrival to departure.
The PIO Public Information Officer, Jessa Mae Madera, was likewise responsible
for dissemination information to all concerned parties through posting it on social media,
text messages, publicity and even talking in persons. Since she functions for the central
communication and information she needs to make sure that all the details are exact to
be publicized. She was responsible in reporting to the secretary whenever she
encountered to some problems and details that are net yet met while facilitating the
coordination with the different committees: Finance, Production, Operation & Logistics
and Sales and Marketing.
The Registration Coordinators Melisa Resma and Jessa Jane Tagala, manage the
registration processes including entering or modifying registration data, producing reports
and registration lists. They are responsible for assisting and responding to attendee
inquiries via phone and email in timely manner. These coordinators provide event and
attendee management support for the day to day operations. And to wrap up the event,
they supervise for the pre and post event evaluation.
The Documentation Officer, Arixe Soliva is responsible for printing, filing draft
details and documentation. He has to make sure that the records and documents of the
activities are exact and filed for the evidence.
Event planning can be a very tough task. There will be times that you wonder why
you got into this tasks in the first place, but hopefully these moments are few and far in
between. More often than not the things that make the event planner job tough can also
be what make it so enjoyable. Take time to learn from each experience that challenges
you encounter to be a super event professional.
Organizing an event such as this event of the HRTM 195 - Events Management
Batch 2017 was such a roller coaster ride. It had many requirements before we called it
successful. It required hard work, cooperation, understanding, communication, initiative,
funds and most importantly, patience.
We went through approvals, approvals of which the people who has to approve
them were very hard to please and convince. But thank God, they bought it anyway.
I was assigned as the Committee Head of the Sales and Marketing Team, together
with me were Sidrick Caunan, Marjorie Sy, Raffy Geromala and Alexander Mesina. I
personally chose them since I am confident that they can pull off any task that will be
given to them. Our task was to look for potential sponsors, wherein we have to go to them
personally and talk to them what our event is all about. Take note that in every event,
sponsors play an important role. They are the reason why your expenses lessen, that's
why in exchange of their generosity, we promote and post their names or company logo
in our facebook page, tarpaulins, booklets, and power point presentations.
Our tarpaulin talks about what our event is all about. Included here answers the
WH Questions regarding the event. The power point presentation is played during the
event, showcasing the generous and kind hearted sponsors of the event. The Booklet is
somewhat like a summary of the whole event, attached here are pictures of the event,
pictures of all the sponsors, a message from the DCHM HEAD who is Dr. Nancy
Dumaguing, the programme of the event, and of course the Event Organizers.
During the event, everything went smooth and peaceful. We started the program
on time and ended on time. Hearing the previous organizer's experiences, they said there
were shouting, some were panicked, stressed. But in our event, we were all peaceful, no
fights and shouting. Our food was enough for the participants, we had positive feedbacks
from our lovely speakers as well as from our DCHM Family and to the participants through
the evaluation forms.
Hearing all those comments, admirations, and praises from the people who we
really want to impress with, is such a rewarding and at the same a relief. It was a hard
work paid off moment. And to my Sales and Marketing Team, we all deserve a tap on our
The operation and logistic committee is responsible in overseeing the event from
the start to end. Under the operation and logistic committee are the security, food and
beverage, Accommodation, Transportation, Venue, and Equipment, sound, and light or
the ESL. This committee ought to be one of the critical point of the event, in just one
failure to the tasks of the OpLo committee the event will be totally ruined.
The time when the event wasn't approved yet the OpLo committee started its task.
From canvassing of food (official caterer)for lunch and snacks, searching for the best yet
affordable accommodation for the guest speakers, to advance reservation of venue and
transportation and negotioting for the medical assistance and security. The OpLo team
tend to do the tasks in advance do that there is a little progress of the event and less
hassle and cramming to the OpLo teams part. The committee maintains the contact
details of every person involved, keeps important documents like drafts and approved
contracts and permits that is related to the OpLo's tasks.
When the event was finally approved and the plan was already finalized, the OpLo
team now confirms all the reservations, choose the official accommodation for the guests,
choosing now what mobile will suit in using to fetch the guest, finalization of the official
caterer, the choice of food for lunch and snack and how many pax should be expected
and reserved, and the payments of all said above. All of that was done smoothly by the
team except for the little incovenience of the sea transportation and it was fixed. Luckily
all was set and everybody who attended the event were satisfied from the food to the
venue, to the guest speakers and to the totality of the event.
With all this duties and responsibilities of the Program and Production committee,
the most important thing to remember is that “patience is a virtue”, because to be able to
survive this committee you need to have a patience that reached the skies.
Proposal for
` (Supreme Millennial Leaders Event Production)
To conceptualize, organize and implement an event as a requirement for HRTM 195 Events
Management class.
To prepare the students’ competitiveness in the industry before they go out of the university
To inform hospitality and business management students in the university about different business and
career opportunities
To develop students’ personality to become ready for their future careers
The hospitality industry is a highly competitive industry following one’s career typically
depends on the ability to compete effectively with other people who will also be working in the same
industry. Countless studies have recorded that millennial desire for collaboration in the workplace
and that they love competition as it helps them become more successful. It is, therefore, important
to guide them for a lot of career opportunities and choices and ignite their competitiveness to help
them become successful in their future career goals whether in business and personal growth.
The 1st Youth Business Conference held a year ago in 2015 was a huge success. Now, the new
batch of students organizers wish to convene succeeding previous event. The 2nd Youth Business
Convention with the theme, “Igniting Millennial Competitiveness towards Future Career” will deliver
topics on assessing career choice as this will shed light on aspects of personality and skills, interest,
unique values and self-worth that are most important to consider when evaluating career options;
and ethical practices in hospitality and tourism business to help them become modest individuals as
they joined the hospitality and tourism workforce.
The registration fee for this event is affordable for its targeted participants who are the HRTM
students. These are the different registration fee rates:
Early Registration: P580.00
Regular Registration: P600.00
The hospitality and the business industry are highly competitive industries. Success of one’s
career depends on the ability to compete effectively with other people who will also be working in the
same industry. The 2nd Youth Business Conference will prepare the students’ competitiveness and
give them ideas on possible future careers related to the hospitality and business industry.
To be able to gather Hospitality and Business Management students from the university in
one event
To provide information to students on the different business and career opportunities
To develop students’ personality that is essential in their future careers in the hospitality
and business industry
The very first step was forming the event team, student- organizers nominated the Event
Manager and the different Committee Chairman (Secretariat/ Personnel Committee, Finance
Committee, Sales and Marketing Committee, Operations and Logistics Committee and Program
and Production Committee). Then the remaining students were appointed as members under
the different committees by the nominated chairman of the committees. After the event team
was formed, duties and responsibilities of all the positions were ascertained individually, making
sure that each member knows their responsibility.
Deciding the team name and making the team logo was done after the organization was
finalized. Brainstorming and presenting of different names and logo was done until coming up
with; Supreme Millennial Leaders Event Productions (SMiLE Productions). The name and logo
was approved by the body and the event management instructor.
The next step was choosing an event. The team focused in executing M.I.C.E (Meetings,
Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions). It was decided to organize the 2nd Youth Business
Conference with the theme “Igniting Millennial Competitiveness towards Future Career”. Topics
were also selected thru research on the needs of the targeted clients. After the program of the
event was finalized, the marketing and sales committee distinguished the prospect shareholders,
partners, sponsors, and suppliers. There were also a lot of factors considered during the
conceptualization of the event; some of these are the Venue and date. Choosing the right date
and venue for the event will have a big impact in the implementation of the event. Budget was
also considered, this will determine if the event will entertain or educate the participants and at
the same time raise profit for the partners and team. Finance committee will be collecting the
needs of the different committees for the operation and planning so that financial budgeting will
be precise. These are some determining factors that will either make or break the event. Lastly,
After all of the conceptualization and the planning process, the implementation of the event
V. Resource Speaker Profile
She graduated Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration, A Master of Arts in teaching major in
Science at the University of San Carlos, and earned her BS degree in Hotel and Restaurant management
at the Philippine Women’s College of Davao.
She earned her special studies in Tour Operation and Management, Food and Beverage Service
Operations, Basic Culinary arts and Good Manufacturing Practices in several universities and private
organizations in Region 7. She is an accredited ServSafe Food Protection Manager granted by the US
National Restaurant Accreditation and the Royal Institute of Public Health Foundation Certificate in Food
Hygiene, and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment for the Australian Qualification Framework, and a
certified ISO 22000 Internal Auditor for Neville-Clarke International.
She has authored/co-authored several publications for food safety practices and practicum modules.
She is the current Associate Professor for the HRM, Tourism and Culinary Arts Programs, a Department
Chair of the Department of Hospitality Management of the college of Commerce at the University of San
Carlos, Cebu City. Her work experience includes cluster head for culinary arts and production, a Trainer,
coordinator and institutional assessor for the Culinary Arts and food production, food service, BSHRM AQF
Program of the same university and the PAASCU accreditation. She has been a resource speaker for the
different schools and companies in Central Visayas on topics related to management, entrepreneurship, and
She is also affiliated with the Society of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Educators of the Visayas and the
tourism and Hospitality Educators council Cebu Province as President; and Region 7 coordinator for Food
safety team.
Lucille I. Pepito
She is currently undergoing her masters in management major in Human Resources management
at the University of San Carlos. She attained the highest honor as Magna Cum Laude in Business
Administration major in Human Resources and Development at the same university last 2015.
She currently works as an HR Supervisor for NG KHAI Development Corporation, responsible for
recruitment and selection, employee/labor relations, employee engagement, performance management,
training and development. Her other work experiences from 2011 to 2015 includes a student volunteer for
bukas palad foundation, part-time esl teacher at Langrich-On: Language Proficiency Incorporated and a
student tutor for greater heights educational solutions.
She has received various awards and certificates to include: Guest Speaker from 2015 to 2017 February
from the different private universities and college in Cebu and Tagum on topics related to career pathing,
business and personality development. A silver awardee of the 2nd Entrepreneurship Quiz bowl in 2013,
outstanding broadcaster and Journalist of the year (2007).
Manuel Laruap
Raoul T. Bacalla
Appointed and acting with full capacity as the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer
(MENRO) while currently designated as Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer (MSWDO) in
the local government unit of Palompon, Leyte.
Prior to his appointment of being the MENRO, he was first appointed as the Human Resource
Management Officer (HRMO) after he completed his undergraduate education. He was later promoted
as the Administrative Officer (AO) II of the local government unit of Palompon, Leyte.
He is presently serving as the President of the North West Leyte Tourism Alliance and currently the
National Public Information Officer and the Regional Ambassador of Philippine League of Local
Environment and Natural Resources Officer (PLLENRO) Inc.
A certified PADI Advance Open Water SCUBA Diver and an Outdoor Enthusiast with a Master’s
Degree on Educational Management and with an Executive Study on Program for Development
Management at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM).
Senior Student Event Planners
Events Management Class (SMiLE Production)
Department of Consumer and Hospitality Management
College of Management and Economics
Visayas State University
ADDRESS:______________________________________________CITY, STATE &
This Agreement is entered into between the Senior Students Event Planners- SMiLE Productions, group
of students who are enrolled in Events Management subject and the speaker named above.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have set their respective hands on the Date
of Agreement recited above.
Authorized SSEP Representative Authorized Representative
Supreme Millennial Leaders Event Productions
2nd Youth Business Conference
April 3, 2017, VSU Convention Center
Dear Sir/Madam,
We, the BS HRTM Senior Students Event Planners under the Events Management (HRTM 195) class is pleased to
put forth an event this coming April 2017 for the post-celebration of the College of Management and Economics (CME)
anniversary. The event will be the 2nd Youth Business Conference with the theme, “Igniting Millennial
Competitiveness towards Future Career”. This will be held at the VSU Convention Hall on April 3, 2017 (Monday) from
7:30am to 4:30 pm. Participants for the said event will be the HRTM Students of VSU. However, the attendance of
students is not compulsory.
In lieu of the Commission on Higher Education’s suspension of Educational Tours, we wish to deliver to the students
the learning and insights that they will gain from this event. We have invited key players in the country’s tourism and
hospitality industry to speak before us on topics about career choice, opportunities and unleashing self-potential which
will be beneficial for them in the future.
In this regard, may we humbly request for an approval to excuse the students in your class on the said date. Please
see attached list of students.
We are hoping for your kind consideration and support. Thank you very much and God Bless!
Sincerely yours,
NAME Signature
Abella, Zah Erica R.
Agravante, Patricia Ann
Bongo, Ciriemelyn C.
Caunan, Sidrick Rodman O.
Cagoyong, Laarni S.
Casicas, Jennifer Luz D.
Cinco, Ella Mae T.
Estrera, Eugi Gyle M.
Geromala, Raffy B.
Gonzales, Neil P.
Hechanova, Paola Bianca V.
Hitio, Fidelie C.
Lilibios, Charlene M.
Maaghop, Jay Martin G.
Madera, Jessa Mae T.
Mesina, Alexander F.
Mirata, Alyssa D.
Narita, Estephany S.
Napoles, Reyna Bianca V.
Neri, Shellame M.
Pore, John Lemuel G.
Quilisadio, Analyn M.
Reas, Eva Mae R.
Reas, Ray Martin P.
Resma, Melisa I.
Riña, Mark Raymund P.
Ripalda, Mercy O.
Rodas, Richelle Ann S.
Ruales, Justin Alfred S.
Samonte, Joanna Marie Isabel R.
Simbajon, Ma. Vernadith A.
Soliva, Arixe C.
Soliven, Jerlyn Mae B.
Sy, Marjorie M.
Tabayag, Aldo P.
Tagala, Jesssa Jane C.
Tamse, Mia A.
Torredes, Eva Rita E.
Urbano, Kimberly S.
Vergel, Joceryn A.
Vilbar, Mariet Marie L.
Supreme Millennial Leaders Event Production
2nd Youth Business Conference
April 3, 2017, VSU Convention Center
March 15, 2017
We, a group of fourth year BS Hotel Restaurant and Tourism Management students of the
Department of Consumer and Hospitality Management, Visayas State University under the Events
Management class will be organizing the 2nd Youth Business Conference with the theme, “Igniting
Millennial Competitiveness towards Future Career”. This will be held on April 3, 2017 at the
Visayas State University Convention Hall, Visca, Baybay City, Leyte. Our event mission is to be
able to prepare students' competitiveness in the hospitality and tourism industry through enhancing
their personality, skills, values in line with their career choice and opening up more opportunities.
We are knocking on your kind heart if you could be one of our sponsors for the event. We are in
need of sponsorship for the roundtrip sea fare of our respected speakers who are from Cebu City.
This will be a great opportunity to promote your brand, products and/or services to 300 expected
student attendees. As sponsor, company name/logo will be visible in all marketing materials and
to our website/social media page.
If you are interested in sponsoring the event, please return the reply slip by email
SmileProduction2017@gmail.com or by hand on or before March 17, 2017. Feel free to contact us
or our course adviser with any additional questions.
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely Yours,
Instructor, DCHM
Confirmation No: 005
I/We would like to confirm my sponsorship for the“2nd Youth Business Conference” on
April 3, 2017 (Monday) at Convention Center, Visca, Baybay City, Leyte.
Dear Parents,
Sincerely yours,
I/We, hereby acknowledge that sufficient information has been provided by the school with
respect to the planned event, duration, location, method of transportation, cost, school and
establishment/agency’s requirements and supervision.
I/We, hereby acknowledge that certain RISKS OF INJURY are inherent in conducting the
activities outside the school. These types of injuries may be minor or serious and may result from
one’s actions, or the actions or inaction of others, or a combination of both.
I/We understand that the rules and regulations established for the Events Management
are designed for the safety and protection of the students and hereby undertake to inform my/our
child to abide these rules and regulations.
I/We declare having read and understood the above Parental Consent in its entirety and
hereby consent to allow my/our child to process the requirements and conduct the event,
acknowledging all of the foregoing.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I/We hereto affix my/our signature this __ day of March, 2017
at ___________________________________, Philippines.
__________________________ __________________________
Parent/Guardian Parent/Guardian
Valid ID No.________________ Valid ID No.________________
Notary Public
In Partnership with
Supreme Millennial Leaders Event Productions
present this
Certificate of Recognition
Given this 3rd day of April 2017 at the VSU Convention Center,
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
Please use the following scale to access the contributions of everyone in your committee.
Fill out the evaluation form listed below for all your committee members. Make sure to include yourself.
For each of the 9 categories listed on the first page of this document, enter the appropriate score (1 to 5 or NA). Repeat this for
each group member.
List all the tasks you completed for the project. In other words, what specifically did you contribute to the team effort?
As needed, enter comments about the group members below the form. Use the back of this sheet or additional sheets as necessary.
(If you use the back, please indicate this on the bottom of the front page.)
Only submit this page and any additional comment pages to your TA during your final lab.
Quality of
of Work
List below the specific tasks you completed for the project:
General Comments:
Student Peer Evaluation
Albuera Cable 1000 pesos
Prince Mall Baybay 1000 pesos worth of goods
Mr. and Mrs. Felimon Hitio 1000 pesos
Raquel Laroa Water Market 1000 pesos
Vice Mayor Dan Perfecto Estela 1000 pesos
Mayor Alberto “Bentong” Villahermosa 1000 pesos
JD Meatshoppe 1000 pesos
Gov. Mian Mercado 1000 pesos
Nenita Fadul 1000 pesos
Reynaldo Ampit Tamse 1000 pesos
Uel Soliven 1000 pesos
Wilson Soliven 1000 pesos
Lourdes Odette Danganan 1000 pesos
Helen Hechanova 1000pesos
Marilou Ripalda 1000 pesos
Alfredo Oribe 1000pesos
Gina Oquias 1000pesos
Redentor Venales 1000 pesos
Joel Alfredo Ruales 1000 pesos
Magnolia Ruales 1000 pesos
Edna Olaer 1000 pesos
Esteban Reas 1000 pesos
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Vilbar 1000 pesos
Mayor Silvestre Lumarda 1000 pesos
Estrella Narita 1000 pesos
Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Samonte 1000 pesos
Genevieve Lim 1000 pesos
Myra Tabayag 1000 pesos
Ronilo Simbajon 1000 pesos
Beverlyn Cabalquinto 1000 pesos
Edson Padere 1000 pesos
Hon. Florante “Junjun” Cayunda 800 pesos
Dr. Lota Abella 600 pesos worth of Tarpaulin
Pixelmax Printing Press 500 pesos
Jess Go 500 pesos
Irez Pizza 500 pesos
Silvestre Mosquito 500 pesos
Niño’s Lechon Manok 500 pesos
Engr. Aldrin Martin 500 pesos
Amalia Valdez 500 pesos
Shun’s Bakeshop 500 pesos
Esmeraldo Sabandal 500 pesos
Pilones Gravel and Sand 500 pesos
Mr. and Mrs. Maximo Antigua 500 pesos
Philogene Denaya 500 pesos
Dr. Alejandro Belmonte 500 pesos
Hon. Elmer Lozada 500 pesos
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fiel 500 pesos
Mr. and Mrs. Rodrifo Rallos 500 pesos
Alcala Store 500 pesos worth of laminating films
G&S Store 500 pesos worth of Special Papers
RNCK Print Expression 500 pesos worth of Tarpaulin
RSP Media Signs 500 pesos worth of Tarpaulin
Mayongs 500 pesos worth of assorted Breads
Michael Tomada 500 pesos worth of Leis
Santiago Abuyog 500 pesos
Gloria Cañon 500 pesos
Gerard Philip Otida 500 pesos
Manuel Casicas 500 pesos
Cesar Rosal 500 pesos
Lovely Kerr’s Eatery 500 pesos
Mayor Martin Aroy 500 pesos
Leonora Leballos 500 pesos
Jocelyn Nirza 500 pesos
Arlou Soliva 500 pesos
Denskee Water Station 500 pesos
Artermio Caadlawon 500 pesos
Rowena Codilla 500 pesos
Lindred Solidad 500 pesos
Anabelles Botique 500 pesos
SMB Hilongos 500 pesos
Bluesky Travel and Tours 500 pesos
Concepcion Glass 500 pesos
UK Bar 500 pesos
PALM 500 pesos worth of discount
Mario Flanco 500 pesos
Vincent Yu & Jonalyn Jandoc 500 pesos
Amelia Ocampo 500 pesos
Annaliza Relao 500 pesos
Restituito Handayan 200 pesos
Mandel Buca – Buca 200 pesos
Mercedes Fian 200 pesos
Ferdie Umbao 300 pesos
Junior Zarate 300 pesos
Elmer Wagas 200 pesos
Adelina Rinos 300 pesos
Botica Vanvan 200 pesos
Evangeline Recto 150 pesos
Roy Agustin 200 pesos
Richard Cortez 150 pesos
Lucia Casicas 150 pesos
Joel Agustin 200 pesos
Engr. Marito Napoles 200 pesos
Gina Sode 200 pesos
Junior Terana 100 pesos