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We would like to give our deep thankful to our project guide atozenachew (MSc in electrical
power) who has always been source of motivation and firm support for carrying out the project.
We express our gratitude to Head of the Department, ELECTRICAL Engineering for his
invaluable suggestions and constant encouragement to this report. We would also like to convey
our sincerest gratitude and indebtedness to Ashegoda wind a farm project worker who helps us
for their answers when we ask a question. We thanks for their cooperation for the vergnet
operating and maintenance manager Ms. Fredric rubaud and for EEPCo manager atoFisseha
G/micheal as well as to all Ashegoda wind farm project employers, to yisack g/giorgis(electrical
engineer),to G/giorgis g/Michael, dawit G/her to ,rhwa (electrical engineer) ,to efremtaye
(electrical technician) ,to dagneabrha (electrical technician) and tesfanesh (electrical technician)
who bestowed their great effort and guidance at appropriate times without them it would have
been very difficult intern program.
An assemblage of this nature could never have been attempted with our reference to and
inspiration from the works of others whose details are mentioned in references section. We
acknowledge our indebtedness to all of them. Further, we would like to express our feeling
towards our parents and God who directly or indirectly encouraged and motivated us during this
thesis intern ship. Finally, many thanks to all our colleagues and the staff at the wind farm

Table of Contents
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................. iv
List of figure .................................................................................................................................. iv
List of tables .................................................................................................................................... v
Chapter 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Company background ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Wind resources in ethiopia ................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Ashegoda wind farm ............................................................................................................ 3
1.4The end users and customers .................................................................................................. 4
1.5 EEPCo Organizational Structure ........................................................................................... 5
1.6The work flow in Ashegoda ................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Over all internship experience ........................................................................................................ 7
2.1 wind turbine installing .............................................................................................................. 7
2.2. Wind turbine ............................................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Civil works ................................................................................................................................ 9
2.3.1 WEC foundation ............................................................................................................. 9
2.3.2Substation civil works ................................................................................................... 11
2.4Mechanical works ................................................................................................................ 12
2.4.1Tower Structure ............................................................................................................. 12
2.4.2 Lifting device ................................................................................................................ 14
2.4.3 nacelle ........................................................................................................................... 15
2.4.4 BRAKE DISK ............................................................................................................ 17
2.4.5Main lifting Beam .......................................................................................................... 17
2.4.6Wind Turbine Components ........................................................................................... 17
2.5 .Electrical works .................................................................................................................. 19
2.6 Ashegoda Substation ........................................................................................................... 20
2.6.1 230/33kV high voltage substation ................................................................................ 21
2.6.2 33 kV Cable Network ................................................................................................... 23
2.6.4 33kV Cluster substations .............................................................................................. 23
2.6.5 33kV Overhead Lines ................................................................................................... 25
2.7 Ashegoda substation equipment .......................................................................................... 26

2.8 SCADA system in Ashegoda .............................................................................................. 28
2.9Ashegoda wind farm SCADA system .................................................................................. 29
2.9.1 Hardware Architecture ................................................................................................. 30
2.9.2 Software Architecture ................................................................................................... 30
2.10 General description of the SCADA ................................................................................... 30
2.11 Challenges ......................................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Modeling and simulation of wind turbine in ashegoda wind farm ............................................... 35
3.1Problem statement ................................................................................................................ 35
3.2Objective .................................................................................................................................. 36
3.2.1Specific objective: ......................................................................................................... 36
3.3 Literature review ..................................................................................................................... 36
3.3.1 Wind energy ..................................................................................................................... 36
3.3.2. Wind turbine.................................................................................................................... 37
3.3.3. Classification of wind turbine ......................................................................................... 38 Vertical-axis wind turbine ........................................................................................ 38 Horizontal axis wind turbine .................................................................................... 39
3.3.4. Advantages of wind turbine over conventional energy sources ...................................... 39
3.3.5. Disadvantages of wind turbine over conventional energy sources ................................. 40
3.4 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 40
3.4.1 Mathematical modeling and simulation ofwind energy systems.................................. 40
3.4.2 Mathematical model ......................................................................................................... 41
3.4.3 Wind Speed Model ........................................................................................................... 42
3.4.4 Model of wind turbine ...................................................................................................... 42 Formulation of Turbine Model ............................................................ 42
3.4.5 Simulink model of wind turbine....................................................................................... 47
3.4.6 Mechanical system model ................................................................................................ 49 Train Model ...................................................................................................... 49
3.4.7 Electrical system model ................................................................................................... 51
3.4.8The overall block diagram of ashegoda wind turbine in Simulink/MATLAB ................. 54
3.5Simulation results and discussion ............................................................................................ 55
Chapter 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 59
Over all benefits gained from internship ...................................................................................... 59
4.1Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 59

4.2 Provide us experience & knowledge ................................................................................... 59
4.3 Improves our practical skills ............................................................................................... 60
4.4 Boosts our self-confidence .................................................................................................. 60
4.5. Create real corporate feel ................................................................................................... 61
4.5.1. We become familiar with the new technology ............................................................ 61
4.6Improve interpersonal communications and team playing skills ......................................... 61
4.7 improving leadership skill ................................................................................................... 61
4.8 Understanding about work ethics related issues ................................................................. 62
4.9 Entrepreneurship skills ........................................................................................................ 62
Chapter 5 ....................................................................................................................................... 63
conclusion and recommendation ............................................................................................... 63
5.1Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 63
5.2 Recommendation ............................................................................................................. 64
References ..................................................................................................................................... 65


WEC wind energy convertor

ICS interconnected system

SCS self-contain system

SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition

List of figure
Fig. 1 EEPCo organizational structure…………………..5
Fig. 2 work flow chart……………………………………6
Fig.2.1 main foundation ………………………………….10
Fig.2.2 Nacelle support foundation…………..………...10
Fig.2.3 Verlift……………………………………………..10
Fig .2.4 Blade cable foundation…………….… …………10
Fig.2.5 Guy wire foundation ……………………………10
Fig2.6 Tower section…………………………………….14
Fig 2.7 Moblile crane ……………………………………15
Fig2.8 Verlift (sarbans crane)……………………………15
Fig 2.9: schematic of the nacelle………………..………..17
Fig-2.10. overview of high voltage substation……………...22
Figure 3.1 Components of a typical wind system……………43
Fig.3.2. wind speed components: ramp, gust and noise components……44
Fig 3.3: “ – λ curve”……………………………………48
Fig.3.4 Block diagram model of wind turbine……………50
Fig 3.5 Illustration of the shaft and Gears……………….51
Fig 3.6 equivalent ckt of asynchronous generator………53
Fig 3.7 over all block diagram of the project in Simulink……..57
Fig 3.8 simulation result…………………………59

List of tables
Table.1. number of customers in EEPCo………………………………………4

Table 2 Description of tower section from bottom (part #7) to top (part#1)…13

Chapter 1

Company background

1.1 Introduction
We have been assigned to work in Ethiopian Electric power corporation (EEPCO) in the
Ashegoda wind farm project in order to know how the technical experience of electrical energy
generating. The Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCo) was named in 1997- after
serving previously in the name of the Ethiopian Electric Light and Power Authority, which was
established in 1956. EEPCo is a government owned utility responsible for the generation,
transmission, distribution and sales service of electric energy throughout Ethiopia. The
corporation has two electric power supply systems: the Interconnected System (ICS) and the Self
Contained System (SCS). The main energy source of ICS is hydropower plants, and for the SCS
mini-hydro and diesel power generators allocated in various areas of the country.
The ICS consists of 11 hydro, one geothermal and 15 diesel power plants with a total capacity of
2022.2 MW, of which 91% is generated from hydropower plants. The SCS consists of three
small hydro and many isolated diesel plants, located throughout the country with a capacity of
6.15MW and 30.06MW respectively. As part of the government’s growth and transformation
plan, EEPCo has launched hydropower, and other renewable, projects to meet the 10,000MW
target in the coming five years. The electric energy generated from the main hydropower plants
is transported through high voltage transmission lines rated 45, 66, 132, 230 and 400 kV. The
400 kV transmission lines of 685.71 km were constructed and commissioned recently while
500kV and DC lines are being considered as part of the five year plan. The total length of the
existing transmission lines is about 10884.23 km. Regional interconnections with neighboring
countries including Djibouti, Sudan and Kenya are under the construction and procurement
phases. 80,000Kms of power distribution in both ICS and SCS is achieved at primary voltage of
33 volts and 15kV lines, and step down to 380 and 220 volts to customer’s level. The total
number of customers connected by EEPCo at present is around 1,896,265. EEPCO increased the
number of electrified towns and villages reached to a total of 5163, which brought electric

energy access to 41%. At present EEPCo is undertaking investment projects of two billion
dollars per annum.

 To be a center of excellence in providing quality electric service to everyone’s doorstep and
being competitive in energy export.
 To provide adequate and quality electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and sales
services, through continuous improvement of utility management practices and responsive to
the socio economic development and environmental protection needs of the public.

1.2. Wind resources in ethiopia

Ethiopia is located near the equator and its wind resource potential is limited. However, certain
local effects are important in Ethiopian local wind distribution and velocities. Presence of
geographic structures such as mountains, valleys and coastal areas may enhance local wind
speeds. Electricity generation from wind for grid-based systems basically refers to wind farms.
Grid-based electricity generation areas with annual wind speed of 7m/s and above are technically
and economically suitable, those areas in Ethiopia are primarily found on high terrains such as
ridges and mountain tops which are mainly located at the edge of the highlands that form the
great East African Rift Valley.
National level wind resource assessment and potential estimation has been done for the first time
by CESEN-ANSALDO Group in the mid 1980’s and later by SWERA. According to the
SWERA study the estimation of land area suitable for grid based wind electricity generation in
Ethiopia is estimated to be about 20,000 square kilometers. In terms of generation capacity; the
study estimates the total national potential for grid based wind electricity system to be about 10
GW.Since the beginning of 2005, GTZ is supporting EEPCo in the planning of grid connected
wind farms within its TERNA program, accordingly, GTZ has carried out wind measurements at
different sites in Ethiopia. Total of 11 anemometer stations at 10 different locations were pre-
selected such as, DebreBirhan, Nazareth, Bahir Dar, NefasMeewcha, Sululta, Ashegoda, Harena
Messobo, Bilagg, Yabelo, and Maymekden. The majority of sites lie in altitudes between 2,000
and 2,400 m, with the exception of DebreBirhan (2,818 m).

1.3. Ashegoda wind farm
Ashegoda Wind Power Construction Project is located in the northern part of Ethiopia 775 km
far from Addis Ababa and 20 km away from Mekelle at an altitude of 2400 m. The area where
the wind turbines are situated is covered with small bushes and grass. The land is mainly used for
goat farming and agricultural purposes.
EEPCO signed a contract agreement for Ashegoda Wind Power Construction Project with
Vergnet S.A in October 2008, in Engineering, Procurement and Construction Turnkey (EPC/t)
base with total installed capacity of 120 MW. With 210 Million Euro total capital cost, and start
construction in October, 2009. The project has three consecutive phases that is Phase I, 30MW
for 16 months, Phase II, 45MW within 26 months and Phase III, 45MW within the 36 months
from the commencement works. But with the agreement the latter two phases combined in to one
phase with a turbine different from the first phase that is three bladed and that has 54 turbines
with rated power of 1.67MW each. The loan for the foreign portion of the project cost (91% of
the capital cost of the project) is covered by French lenders BNP PARIBAS as Mandate Lead
Arranger for COFACE Backed Loan amounting Euro 130 Million and Tied commercial facility
Euro 33.6 Million and Agency France Development (AFD) Euro 45 Million. Construction
Administration, Supervision, Operation and Maintenance consulting contract is signed with
Lamaher International GmbH (LI).
The main contractor of the project (Vergnet S.A) gave some of the works to the subcontractors
 ALSTOM - Subcontractor for the substation works and phase two total works.
 In the substation work Ethiopian company SIGMA ELECTRIC had involved in the
electromechanical works as sub-contractor for ALSTOM
 HYDRO - Subcontractor for the grouting of Guy wire foundation
 SINTEC ETHIOPIA - Subcontractor for the Electromechanical works in the WEC.
 RAMA - Subcontractor for the Civil works (turbine foundation, peripheral foundation,
trenches, access road works and civil substation works).

The installed turbine has the following parameters

 Total Installed Capacity …………………....120 MW

 Wind Turbine Type …………………………GEV HP – 62/1000
 Rated Power………………………………….1MW
 Rotor diameter……………………………….62 m
 Tower…………………………………………Tubular & guy wired
 Hub height ………………………………….. 70 m & 80 m for phase
 No of blade …………………………………...2
 Wind Class as per IEC 61400-1 ……………..III
 Cut-in/Cut-out Wind speed …………………..3/25 m/s
 Rated wind speed ……………………. ………15.5 m/s
 Air density of the site …….…………………. 0.922 kg/ m 3
 Temperature of the site ……………………. 15.5 ºc
 Annual average wind speed at 40 m…………..8.11 m/s
 Control system ……………………. ………….Pitch controlled
 Foundation per turbine ………………………. 96 m 3

1.4The end users and customers

Number of customers is those who are connected to get electric energy. The total number of
connected customers at present has been reached 1,900,000. The number of customers who are
connected in the ICS and SCS of EEPCO is depicted as stated respectively. Number of
customers includes active, suspended, in process and pending ones for 2010/11.
Table.1. no. of customers in EEPCo

Generally the company has the following customers Domestic, Commercial, Street Light,
Industrial Lv, Industrial Hv, Own consumption etcEEPCo has around 12,172 employers in both

the ICS and the SCS, to whom 3,822,870 MWh of energy was sold in 2010/11. The electric
energy generated from main hydro power plants is transported by high voltage transmission lines
rated from 45kV to 230 kV and 400 kV. Power distribution in both ICS and SCS is effected at
primary voltage of 33 and 15 kV lines and step down to 380 and 220 Volts to customer’s level.
As the government of Ethiopia has a plan to increase the installed capacity of electricity
generating power plants to 8,000 MW to 10,000 MW in the coming next five years that is up to
2015, this will require an additional construction of power plants that can generate 6,000 MW to
8,000 MW from different sources of energy. Hydro will lead the country’s power generation and
wind will be also the second alternative energy resource in Ethiopia to meet the plan in the
coming five years. The high intention of the government and participation of different power
utility companies in wind energy is increasing in Ethiopia and is reflected in the 120 MW wind
power plant under construction in Ashegoda. Two other wind power plants are under contract
agreement with international contractors.

1.5EEPCo Organizational Structure

t board
Internal Chiefexec
audit utive
legal affairs

Corporate planning
Corporate communication

1.6The work flow in Ashegoda


Consultant ( lahmeyer

Project Electrical
Manager expert

Residence SCADA
Engineer Expert

Turbine Secretary

Electrical Mechani Civil Administration

engineers cal engineers

Fig. 2 work flow chart

Chapter 2

Over all internship experience

2.1 wind turbine installing

As we have visited that the installing process performed step by step as the first was civil done
all the precondition of before the WEC stand then mechanical would be held then finally
electrical going on.

2.2. Wind turbine

A wind turbine transforms the kinetic energy in the wind to mechanical energy in a shaft and
finally into electrical energy in a generator. There are two primary physical principles by which
energy can be extracted from the wind; these are through the creation of either lift or drag force
(or through a combination of the two).
P = ½ pAV3
P= Rated output power of the wind turbine
A = Swept area of the blades
p = Density of the air
V = Speed of wind
The actual power that can be extracted from the wind is significantly less, multiplied by
theoretical limit (Betiz limit) and further reduced due to Mechanical and electrical efficiency of
the turbine. The above equation indicates that the amount of rated output power depends on
speed of wind, density of the air and diameter of blade. Doubling the wind speed increases the
output of electric energy eightfold. Almost all commercial wind turbines are ‘Horizontal Axis’
machines with rotors using 2 or 3 airfoil blades. The nacelle also supports and transfers structural
loads to the tower, together with which it houses all automatic controls and electric power
equipment. Based on the rotor axis, there are two categories of wind turbines: Horizontal Axis
Wind Turbine (HAWT) and Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT).
 Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT):- wind flows parallel to the rotor axis.
 Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT):- wind flows perpendicular to the rotor axis.

The turbines that were present in ashegoda are two types.
 Two Blade wind turbine
 Three Blade wind turbine

The wind turbine mainly consists of the blades, gearbox, generator (inside the nacelle),tower
section, the electrical control building(shelter),transformer (at the bottom).Electricity generates
inside the turbine by a generator that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. The
kinetic energy of the wind makes the blades to rotate and the mechanical shaft connected with
the blade hub and the generator makes the generator to generate electrical energy from
mechanical energy the generator generates maximum of 690V at rating wind speed (15-25m/s).
Horizontal axis wind turbine that is the axis of the rotor is parallel to the flow of the wind.
Example of this is the Ahegoda wind turbine. The Ashegoda wind turbine has different main
component. These are follows;
 Tower section ,
 Nacelle (upwind and downwind),
 Hub bolted with blade, and
 Electrical room system (shelter).
In order to install the wind turbine they should prepared a base or foundation to set the
components properly. These foundations are;
A. Main foundation or WEC foundation
B. Shelter foundation
C. Transformer foundation
D. Nacelle support foundation
E. Blade cable foundation and
F. Guy wire foundation
Ashegoda wind farm project has many sections of works. These sections of works starting from
erection of towers up to generation of electrical energy include:

1. civil works
2. Mechanical works
3. Electrical works

2.3 Civil works
2.3.1 WEC foundation
As we have been observing WEC supports the tower and transfers the loads to the foundation
soil. WEC foundations are put at a depth of 2.5 m – 3 m below ground level on soil with
allowable bearing pressure at minimum of 800KN/m2 (8 kg/cm2). Whenever a hard rock is found
in shallow depth, the footing shall be put after excavation of 0.5 to 1 m depth.
Main foundation (WEC foundation): this is the very large foundation which consumes huge
amount of cement from the whole foundation. This is used to erect the tower section. Fig.1 (A)
Shelter foundation: This is to set the shelter that is the main electrical system.
Transformer foundation: this is the smaller than of the shelter foundation which is used to set
the setup transformer.
Nacelle support foundation: this is also used to support and set the upwind nacelle. Fig.1 (B)
Blade cable foundation: they are used to stabilizing the blade when it going up and going down
for maintenance purpose. They are four in number and a metal wire is through it and inside of
the blade then the blade will not move up ,down, left and right in unstably way. Fig.1 ()
Guy wire foundation: This is used to attach the guy wire that is used for the stabilization of the
whole wind turbine. They are six in number and they required also required gibe bar to be
inserted inside of the foundation. Fig.1 (E)
Verlift foundation and main winch foundation: which is used to founded the verlift which is
the 70metr height and 30ton capacity also this is used to set the main wench that is used for
lifting of the and lowering of the upwind nacelle. Fig.1(C)

Fig.2.1 (A) main foundation Fig.2.2 (B) Nacelle support foundation Fig.2.3 (C) verlift

Fig .2.4(D) Blade cable foundation Fig.2.5 (E) Guy wire foundation

Supports the tower and transfers the loads to the foundation soil. WEC foundations are put at a
depth of 2.5 m – 3 m below ground level on soil with allowable bearing pressure at minimum of
800KN/m2 (8 kg/cm2). Whenever a hard rock is found in shallow depth, the footing shall be put
after excavation of 0.5 to 1 m depth.
WEC foundations are divided in to two categories:
A. Central

 The central foundations are the main foundations which carry the tower bottom
 In phase I there are 30 main foundations.
 These foundations are mainly circular in shape but differ in diameter of base slab and
height of pedestal.
B. Peripheral foundation
 The peripheral foundations are foundations around the central foundation.
 The peripheral foundations are divided in to six types in accordance with their
1. Guy Wire foundations: 6 in number and support the tower by tensional force
2. Ver - lift foundation: 1 in number and support the tower section lifting equipment called
Ver-lift and used to support the blade winch motors
3. Blade cable Winch foundation: 4 in number and used for cable connection with Nacelle
support for lifting purpose of the upwind nacelle.
4. Nacelle Support Foundation: 2 in number and support the
5. Shelter Foundation: 1 in number and support the shelter
6. Transformer foundation: 1 in number and support the transformer
Peripheral foundations can also be categorized in two. Peripheral foundations with micro piles
includes Guy Wire and Verlift and have Guy bar grouted in drilled holes and Peripheral
foundations without micro piles: includes Blade cable Winch, Nacelle Support, Shelter and
Transformer foundations Cluster foundation, Overhead line foundation

2.3.2Substation civil works

In the substation area the civil works are classified as follows:
 Control Building
 Gantry foundations-13 foundations
 Switchyard foundations-127 foundations
 Power transformer foundation-2 found. Type- and Type-
 Cable trench foundations-includes trenches & electrical pits
 Road works-includes Heavy roads, maintenance roads & rails area
 Drainage works-includes road drainage, drainage pits and external main drainage ditches
 Fence works- includes Maine substation gate and surrounding gate

 230KV foundations- include 12 foundations to join HVSS with 230KV line coming from
Alamata and going to Mekelle
 Complete site-HV substation aggregate works- it has 10 zones to cover all the substation
 Guard house
 Sanitary works- include control building septic tank and guard house septic tank
 Control Building works are classified as follows:
 Foundation/Basement and Grade beams
 Ground floor/ Cable Trenches and Walk Way

2.4Mechanical works

2.4.1Tower Structure
Tower is the structural hard material which carries weight of nacelle. This tower of a wind
turbine serves to elevate the rotor nacelle assembly up into the air. For a horizontal axis machine
the tower must be at least high enough to keep the blade tips from touching the ground as they
rotate. As we know Winds are nearly always much stronger as elevation above ground
increases, and they are less turbulent. All other things being equal, the tower should be as high as
practical. Choice of tower height is based on an economic trade-off of increased energy capture
versus increased cost. The specification of tower on Ashegoda wind power construction is as
 Type tubular self-erecting
 Materials  galvanised steel
 Protection marine panting c5 type
 Weight  78 tons
 Dimensions  70m
These tower section are erected by the help of the verlift and mobile crane where both of these
machines are operated by south African men’s (sarens company) .the tower to be erected has six
section i.e. tower section 1, tower section 2, tower section 3, tower section 4, tower section 5,
tower section 6, and tower section7 from top to bottom respectively that is one tower section is
mounted the other until it reaches at 70m from the ground.

Table 2, Description of tower section from bottom (part #7) to top (part#1)
#(part) Height External External Weight (in ton)
Diameter (top) Diameter
1 8m 2.25m 1.92m 9.9T
2 10m 2.25m 2.25m 13.4T
3 2.5m 2.25m 2.25m 6.5T
4 12m 2.25m 2.25m 11.2T
5 12m 2.25m 2.25m 13.7T
6 12m 2.25m 2.25m 12.2T
7 12m 2.25m 2.25m 11.1T

External diameter 2.25m from ground level to 62m above the ground level, last element slight
conical(external bottom diameter 2.25m) ,external top diameter (1.92m).Tower section is
circular1 Lockable access door, internal ladder with rest floors every 12meters maximum and
rest plate forms every 6m with anchorage security equipment: safety line. Tower with bolted
parts, 4parts 12m long, 1x10m, 1x8m, 1x2.25m
Tower section 6 is special because it has a door which is used to enter and out of the tower
section and it has its own ladder. This tower section coupling with the main foundation by many
bolt and nut. The tower section 2 is also special because the six Guy wires are tighten to it and its
internal shape is somewhat is different from others i.e. the place which are used to attach the guy
wire .The tower section 1 is also different because it is conical shape on its upper side in order to
place the downwind nacelle in properly position and not to make collusion. The tower sections
are transported to the site i.e. tower section7 to tower section 1, and then mobile crane and verlift
will start their work. The mobile crane which is a 90 ton rise form Tower section tower section 6
to Tower section 4 and the verlift also works Tower Section 3 up to Tower Section 1, and at the
final the downwind nacelle. The shape of the tower section from TS7-TS1 will be as follows in
figure 1.1

Fig2.6 Tower section

2.4.2 Lifting device

According to available lifting devices on site those tower elements could be set with the Verlift
or with a crane.
 The Verlift is able to lift and set T5 to T1 tower elements.
 A 90t crane is able to lift and set T6 to T4 tower elements.
 A 50t crane is able to lift and set T6 tower element.

Firstly the hock of the mobile crane is down and a rope is attaching between the hock and the
two anchorage of the tower section then up the tower section properly place on the required area
and coupling between them is carried out .verlift is the difficult machine and special .look the
below figure of lifting devices figure 1.2

Fig 2.7(A) Moblile crane Fig2.8(B) Verlift (sarbans crane )

2.4.3 nacelle
This is the structure at the top of the wind turbine tower just behind the wind turbine blades that
house the key components of the wind turbine including the rotor shaft, the rotor shaft, gearbox,
and generatorThe nacelle also supports and transfers structural loads to the tower, together with
which it houses all automatic controls and electric power equipment. The nacelle in Vergnet
technology is divided in to three parts;
1. Downwind nacelle
2. Up wind nacelle
3. hub Down Wind Nacelle (DWN)

It has the 690v asynchronous generator and the winch. The generator is the electric creation
part; the high speed shaft is connected to the rotor of the generator this is surrounded by the
stator with winding in its slots. When the rotor rotates magnetic flux created when those flux
crosses the stator The DWN consists of Generator; high speed Shaft, Hydraulic systems for
yawing, Beam and Yawing system.

15 up wind nacelle (UWN):
This part is between the hub and downwind nacelle and it is the assembly of mechanical and
electrical equipment’s. The low speed shaft (rotor shaft) and the high speed shaft are made up of
fiber glass and they are connected by the gear system. Between the hub and the gearbox there is
teeter brake (stops the blade from rotation during mentainance) which works with hydraulic
pressure and it consists such as gear box, rotor low speed shaft , hydraulic brakes and , pitch
drive, etc. Hub:
It is the length of both blades and the hub when they are in one line. The length is a diameter
because when the turbine rotates with wind speed and considering density of the wind, the
turbine makes circle and its diameter is 62meters. The two blades each weighted with 4.8 tons
(4800kg) and they are made up of fiberglass. The upwind rotor is with teeter hub and delta 3 it is
the innovative technology which enables the blades to oscillate freely regarding the main shaft.

Rotor blades

gear box


Yawof the nacelle
Fig 2.9: 3D schematic

This brake disk the very important which is used to stop the rotation upper part and to rotate
slowly. This disk consists of large disk with a two stage i.e. with jaw and clutch (friction between
the brake block. Firstly the fluid is pump then the brake block starts to narrow there gap and
make a friction with the disk. Then the yaw lock three of them is also extending their cylinder
and fit with the jaw of the disk finally stop the rotation.

2.4.5Main lifting Beam

The beam is used to lift and down the up wind nacelle. The upwind nacelle is down to maintain
and to protect from a higher wind not to be broken by a hurricane using. This beam consists of
different pulley, stopper, rear pulley block, front pulley block and other accessories.This beam
slides aback and front on the top of the downwind nacelle with boundary on the two sides. When
the move in front then it will stop its motion by stopper making connection with the hole of the
fixed downwind nacelle and finally stop motion. The nacelle which is mounted on the upper part
of the tower section 1 is rotating about 360 degrees with help of the yaw motor. This rotation is
used to harness higher wind velocity.

2.4.6Wind Turbine Components

1 Generator
 Converts high-speed shaft work into electrical energy.
 The GEV-HP generator is an asynchronous, squirrel-cage generator.
 The cast iron frame of the Generator is attached to the nacelle by anti-vibration insulation
 The generator is equipped with a cooling fan and cooling fins around its frame
2. Gearbox
 Converts low-speed rotation from the low speed shaft of the rotor to high-speed rotation
to the generator.
 The GEV-HP Gearbox is a 3 stage gearbox, composed of 1 high torque planetary stage
and 2 parallel stages as spur stages.
 The nominal ratio is I = 67
 The gearbox is cooled by a liquid (air/oil) cooling system, with heat exchanger located in
the nacelle (under cover.

 Total weight of the Gearbox is 6500 kg.

3. Rotor blades
 The rotor blades are fixed to a hub attached to a low speed shaft, which turns a
generator –with transmission through a gearbox.
 Blades utilize the principles of lift to convert the energy of the wind into mechanical
 Variable-pitch blades rotate to minimize their surface area and thereby regulate
rotational speed.
 The two blades have 30 m length each 62 m diameter including the hub
4.Pitch drive
 This system controls the pitch of the blades to achieve the optimum angle for the
wind speed and desired rotation speed.
 One motor is used to control each blade. Power is either electric or provided by
hydraulics in the nacelle, and supplemented by a hydraulic accumulator in the event
of system failure
5. Hub
 The hub serves as a base for the rotor blades and extenders, as well as a means of
housing the control systems for the pitch drive. It rotates freely and attaches to the
nacelle using a shaft and bearing assembly.
6. Yaw Mechanism
 Rotates the turbine directly into the wind in order to generate maximum power.
Typically, yaw sensors monitor the wind direction and activate the yaw motors to
face the prevailing wind.

 Anemometer: Is Located at the top of the tower on DWN and measures wind
velocity and relays data to the pitch drive mechanism.
 A wind Vane: Measures wind direction and relays data to the yaw mechanism.

7. Mechanical Brake
 A mechanical friction brake and its hydraulic system halt the turbine blades during
maintenance and overhaul.

 A hydraulic disc brake on the yaw mechanism maintains nacelle position when nacelle is
 Installation methods for WEC will depend on:
 Assembly design

 Foundation structure

 Site conditions and

 On the approach adopted for maintaining the structures

 The erection of the tower sections from T1 to T3 was by using small cranes (50T and

 The erection of the tower sections from T4 to T6 is by self-erecting system (Ver lift)
lifting tower sections on top of another together with small cranes (50T and 90T).

 At the section T2 Guying wire was installed together, and Tensioned to 350 bar,
finally after the installation of the UWN it will be tensioned to 490 bar.

 The installation of the Down Wind Nacelle (DWN) is also by using Ver lift.

 After the completion of the tower sections and DWN installation the static and
dynamic load test of the UWN will be performed.

 The Up Wind Nacelle (UWN) and rotor will be installed as a single unit by using
Maneuver System ( Winching drive system with PLC)

2.5 .Electrical works

 The tower section consists of power & command cables that carry power & command
from the generator & PLCs inside the nacelle to the Shelter.
 The electrical room (shelter) at the bottom of the turbine controls the operation of the
turbine by receiving command from the turbine’s PLCs at the top of the nacelle.
 The transformer which is found beside the control room (shelter) steps up the generated
690V to 33KV.

 The power evacuation system consists of three main components.
 The electrical room(shelter)
 The cluster(MV substation)
 The 230KV substation(HV substation)

2.6 Ashegoda Substation

As we have assigned to work in ashegoda wind farm project substation also major component in
that project. Substation is part an electrical generation transmission and distribution system, that
transform voltage from high to low or the reverse, and performs several other important
functions between the generating station and consumer because electric power flow through
several substation at different voltage levels. Substation should be operated or owned electrical
utility or might be large industrial or commercial customer. Generally substation have includes
transformer to change voltage level between high voltage level and low voltage level, un attend
relay on SCADA for remote supervision and control.
In Ashegoda substation we have seen also two incoming circuit connections and outgoing
circuit connections connected to the bus bars namely the Alamata and Mekelle incoming or
outgoing connections. Bus bars are conducting bars to which number of circuit connections is
connected. Each circuit has certain number of electrical components such as circuit breakers,
Isolators, earth switches, current transformers, voltage transformers, relay, lighting arrester bus
bar coupler control house etc.
.Ashegoda substation there is 230KV incoming line from Alamata or mekelle line is connected
to the two 230KV bus bar. There are incoming high voltage lines coming from Alamata line or
mekelle line. This high voltage must have the same voltage, frequency and phase angle in order
to be the same bus bar. If not the system is disturbed if such kind of thing happen it will be
corrected by the synchronizer. This device will make all the incoming line to have same phase
angle, frequency and voltage.
The Ashegoda wind farm substation basically consists of number of incoming circuit
connections and number of outgoing circuit connections connected to the bus bars.The substation
contains 230 kv incoming Mekelleline and 230 kv out goingAlamataline.Also the Ashegoda
wind farm substation contains 33kv incoming line from the wind turbines.

Ashegoda wind farm Project substation can be organized in 5 levels:

 230 kV National Network

 230/33kV High Voltage Substation
 33kV Overhead Lines Network
 33kV Cluster Substations
 33kV Cable Network

2.6.1 230/33kV high voltage substation

In order to inject the produced power on 230 kV National network, a 230/33kV high voltage
substation has been installed. The 230 kV feeders are organized as a loop-in/loop-out
configuration: it is therefore possible to produce power only on Alamata Side, only on Mekele
side or in both directions. This is possible thanks to the 230 kV Bus coupler. Bus copler is a
synchronizer that couples or synchronizes two bus bars in order to have the same frequency and
phase angle. In the substation found two 65 MVA ONAN Power Transformers that step up the
voltage from 33 kV up to 230 kV. The purpose of changing 33 KV to 230 KV is to reduce loss
during transportation. According to the power production, one or two power transformers can be
used. But currently Ashegoda substation use one 65 MVA transformer because the other one is
in maintenance. The Neutral Network on 230kV side is solidly grounded where us the Neutral
Network on 33kV side is realized through ear thing transformers.

Fig-2.10.overview of high voltage substation

Below the figure shows the single line diagram of the high voltage substation of the ashegoda the
center dotted line is shown the two the step up transformers the 33kv into the 230kv

Fig2.11 single line diagram for the ashegoda high voltage substation

2.6.2 33 kV Cable Network
These cable networks also called buried networks that are used to link the cluster substations to
the Wind Turbine Generators. In the trenches, the energy cables and buried optical fiber are laid
according to general layout.
Main technical data - cables
 Manufacturer …………………………NEXANS
 Cable sections………………………………… 50, 95, 150 and 240 mm²
 Type……………………………………….. Aluminum / Copper
 Standard……………………………………… NFC 33-226
 HV connectors ………………………………..Screwed
The cables are connected to MV Switchgears (Combined fuse switch ORMAZABAL 36 kV
CGM CMP-F) installed in the electrical room at the bottom of the mast of the turbine. The MV
cables network is connected to feeder cubicles. There are two feeders per cluster, therefore two
feeder cubicle per cluster. They are combined with a line-switch cubicle that enables outgoing of
3x240 mm² copper cables underground up to the first overhead line tower

2.6.4 33kV Cluster substations

A cluster substation is a Medium voltage substation which gathers all electrical production from
a group of Wind turbines connected by underground cables.
 Enables Electrical protection of the Wind Turbines: to achieve a fine protection
selectivity and the best service continuity, the Wind Turbines are arranged in 4 feeders:
when a fault happens on one feeder, it is disconnected from the grid; however the 3 other
feeders will keep producing.
 Enables Grid protection: In case of a faulty grid (a branch falling on the overhead line, a
short-circuit on 33 kV gantry…), the Wind Farm will be disconnected at the cluster
substation location: indeed the Wind Turbine Generators cannot produce in Islanding
Well-being of the grid and the Wind turbines is ensured thanks to the protection relays in cluster
substation. In case of Grid Protection, the feeders will be automatically reclosed with no human
interface as soon as the fault disappears, in order to reach the best service continuity.

 Enables metering close to the Wind turbine Generators.
 It is equipped with monitoring equipments for the SCADA system:
 Two touch Panels will be used (type TP277). There is one
 panel per cluster substation.
 Contact Positions from the HV cubicles are shown on the synopsis.
 Events (for example tripping or protections) are indicated.
 It is equipped with Uninterruptible Power Supply in case of Blackout.
 Closing loops for optical fiber are realized in the MV Cluster Substation PLC cubicle
The 33kV Cluster Substation is one of the major components of Interlocking systems.
The interlocking procedures
 Ensure total safety of maintenance operation on medium voltage components
 Allow separate safe position of each part of the medium voltage network
 Prevent from residual voltage by appropriate earthing, eventually
mechanically interlocked

Main technical data – 33kv cubicles (cluster)

Supplier …………………………Ormazabal
Type ………………………………CGM.3
Insulating Voltage …………………….36kV
Impulse Withstand Voltage …………….170kV peak
Icc kA/1s ……………………………………..20 kA/1sec
Protection level ……………………………….IP2XC
Control rated voltage…………………………. 24 Vdc
Nominal current………………………………….. 630 A
Insulating medium ………………………………….SF6
Relay Type ……………………………………………GE F650

Figure 2.12: 33 kV Cluster Substation 1&2 – Description

2.6.5 33kV Overhead Lines

Overhead Lines are sued for the junction of high voltage substation with cluster substations.
Approximate Length of 33 kV overhead lines for Phase 1 is 3 km.
General data
Rated voltage …………………………………….33 kV
Highest system voltage ……………………………….36 kV
Impulse withstand voltage (at sea level) ………………………170 kV

One minute power Frequency withstand voltage (at sea level)………………... 70kV
No of circuit ……………………………………………1
Normal span for single circuit …………………………80 m
Type of conductor……………………………………... ACRS 280 mm² 18/1/3.77 m
Three types of poles can be encountered in Ashegoda overhead lines. These are:
Suspension Poles: for straight lines (up to 2° angle s): 37 poles on Phase 1
 Tension Poles: in case of angles (up to 60 °angles ): 9 poles on Phase 1
Dead End Poles: At cluster substation Interface. The dead end poles are equipped with surge
arresters (same type as 33kV gantry surge arresters).

2.7 Ashegoda substation equipment

The substation components are Lightning Arresters, Instrumental transformer (Current
Transformers and voltage transformer), Conduits, Current Switchers, Power Transformers,
Control House, Distribution Bus and Circuit breaker, Substation Components. Those
components we are going to describe in this below.
Bus bare
As we have being observing various incoming and outgoing circuit are connected to bus bare.
Bus bare receives power from incoming circuit and deliver power to outgoing circuits.
Aluminum bus bare is used in the Ashegoda substation.
Shunt reactor
The shunt reactor in ashegod accepts 230Kv and gives out 230Kv as it is. But we use it when
load is over because if load is increase voltage decreases. So we use the reactor as voltage
source. Shunt reactor compensation is typically required under conditions that are the opposite of
the requiring shunt capacitor compensation. Shunt reactors are usually installed to remedy utility
company power generation and transmission issues, including the following:
 Over voltages that occur during low load periods at utility substations served by long
lines as result of the inherent capacitance of the line.
 Leading power factors at generating plants resulting in lower transient and steady state
stability limits.

It should also be noted that coupling from nearby energized line can cause server resonant over
voltages across the shunt reactors of energized compensated lines
Lighting Arrester
Lighting arrester is a device that protects electrical apparatus from voltage surges causing by
lighting. It provides a path over which the surge can pass to ground before it has the opportunity
to pass through and damage the equipment. A standard lighting arrester consists of an air gap
series with a resistive element. The resistive element is usually made of a material that allows a
low resistance path to the voltage surge, but presents a high resistance path to the flow of line
energy during normal operation. This material is known as valve element. Silicon carbide is a
common valve element. The voltage surge causes a spark that jumps across the air gap and pass
through the resistive element to ground. Lighting Arrester or surge Arrester are discharge the
overall voltage surges to the earth and protect the equipment insulation from switching surges
and lighting surges.
 Connected between phase conductor and ground
 Located as the first equipment as seen from the incoming overhead line and
also near the transformer
Two types lighting arrester are found in ashegoda substation
 230KV lighting arrester and
 33KV lighting arrester.
For 230KV the rated voltage is 198KV and rated discharge current 10KA maximum discharge
current 40KA.For 33KV lighting arrester the rated voltage 36KV, the rated current 10KA and
maximum discharge current are 40KA.
Current Transformers (CT)
Current transformers (CT) are important substation components in ashegoda substation current
transformer rating is 245kv
Generally the ashegoda conductor is constructed from Aluminum material.
Voltage transformer (VT)
Voltage transformer (often abbreviated as VT) is also known as potential transformers. These are
a type of instrument transformers that gauge and protect the safety levels in high voltage circuits.
Their designs allow presenting a negligible load to a supply that is being measured and for

creating a precise voltage ratio for stepping down HVs accurately. It allows operations at lower
potentials. In VTs, the terminal identifications are referred as polarities; if there are present same
suffix numerals, they indicate similar polarities and phases.It is used for stepping down current,
measuring, protection and control. Types of voltage transformer are
 Electromagnetic
 Capacitive voltage transformer
 And located on the feeder side of the circuit breaker

Power transformer (PT)

Power transformer are used to step up or step down alternative current(AC) voltage to transfer
electrical power from one voltage level to another.
 Usually oil filled for outdoor use
 They are two winding or three winding

2.8 SCADA system in Ashegoda

As we have understood it SCADA is an abbreviation (supervisory control and data acquisition
system) which is mainly used for controlling and managing every power system. It provides
basic information concerning on the moment, daily, weekly and monthly events and other
operational performance have been easily determined. By using SCADA all component of the
WEC should be control.
The supervision and data storage architecture is composed of:
 WTGs with PLC located in the bottom electrical cabinet
 As an option (called HV/MV sub-station option), if the wind farm includes a
HV/MV sub-station with associated PLC supplied by VERGNET, the
monitoring of the station will also be ensured by the SCADA software
 An industrial PC (Personal Computer) with dedicated software (monitoring
software and control/backup software)
 A network (media: Ethernet using copper wire or optical fiber)). All WTGs,
HV/MV sub-station and industrial PC of a given wind farm are connected to
the wind farm network

 Remote computers (web browser or remote desktop connection) connected to
the SCADA system via local Ethernet network, PSTN or GSM

2.9Ashegoda wind farm SCADA system

 The Ashegoda wind farm SCADA system helps the maintenance team to plan
preventive and conditional maintenance interventions.
 Report the wind farm incidents using SMS or Email

The SCADA designed for all of the wind farm stakeholders:

 Owners
 Grid operators
 Operation and maintenance
 Vergnet as wind turbine manufacture

The Ashegoda wind farm SCADA system has three specifications:

From our point of view SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) it is not a full
control system, but rather focuses on the supervisory level. As such, it is a purely software
package that is positioned on top of hardware to which it is interfaced, in general via
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), or other commercial hardware modules.

The three architectural specification of the ashegoda SCADA are;

1. SCADA hardware specification
2. SCADA software specification
3. SCADA network connection specification.

2.9.1 Hardware Architecture:

One distinguishes two basic layers in a SCADA system: the "client layer" which caters for the
man machine interaction and the "data server layer" which handles most of the process data
control activities. The data servers communicate with devices in the field through process
Controllers. Process controllers, e.g. PLCs, are connected to the data Servers either directly or
via networks or fieldbuses that are proprietary (e.g. Siemens H1), or non-proprietary (e.g.
Profibus). Data servers are connected to each other and to client stations via an Ethernet LAN.
The data servers and client stations are NT platforms but for many products the client stations
may also be W95 machines.

2.9.2 Software Architecture:

The products are multi-tasking and are based upon a real-time database (RTDB) located in one
or more servers. Servers are responsible for data acquisition and handling (e.g. polling
controllers, alarm checking, calculations, logging and archiving) on a set of parameters, typically
those they are connected to. However, it is possible to have dedicated servers for particular tasks,
e.g. historian, data logger, alarm handler.
2.10 General description of the SCADA:
VERGNET SCADA system is fully compatible with the releases of software mentioned above.
More recent versions have not been tested yet-SCADA system enables our clients to monitor,
display, operate and analyze the performances of the whole wind farm. It provides with
necessary information such as:
 Operating modes
 Availability
 production
 Local wind conditions
V-SCADA system offers services of wind turbines and medium voltage sub-station management
via an interactive and user friendly interface
Rights management
The access to the software is secured via usernames and passwords. This list of
usernames/passwords defining all the access rights can only be defined, accessed or modified by
authorized people. All functions, sections or pages are locked/unlocked or masked/unmasked

according to each user’s rights. Each SCADA account is linked to a profile which defines the
user’s rights.
Eight profiles are predefined: default, grid operator, owner, farm technician, maintenance staff,
and farm.

V-SCADA offers a complete monitoring and management: wind turbines, substation,
meteorological masts, power control, and communication network and security system. Anger,
Vergnet staff and Vergnet developer (root).


Events/Alarms display
From dedicated screens, users have access to real time information about pending events and
alarms. From these screens they can visualize or/and acknowledge events, alarms or faults that
need to be treated. Users can select the type of logs they want the system to display and they can
also select the machine.

Fig2.14-alarm display

Predictive maintenance
All the wind turbines are also equipped with a predictive maintenance system. From a dedicated
screen of the V-SCADA system, users have access to some information about the maintenance
threshold and the life cycle of WTG elements (hydraulic nacelles, gearbox, pitch, electrical
distribution, drive, LCU and HV/MV).
Advanced reports
Moreover, V-SCADA meets the most demanding information needs by generating and
furnishing advanced reports. The reports provide with information such as: power curve,
availability, wind distribution, faults and alarms. These reports have a standard format or, on
demand, they can be easily customized according to our client’s specific needs.
Real time notifications
To ensure a minimum reaction time and therefore an optimum availability, V-SCADA is
equipped with a real time notifications system. Users receive faults via SMS and can then
monitor and operate the wind farms through a 24-hour remote service. These remote accesses

can be performed via web browser and all accesses and operations are secured via a user right
management system.
This picture shows the overview connection between SCADA and the wind turbines;

Fig 2.15: V-
The above figure shows V-SCADA ensures the monitoring of each individual wind turbine or
and the whole park, of the weather mast and of the substation .a 24-hour monitoring service is
ensured through remote accesses (internet work ,Pstn or GPRS).

2.11 Challenges

While we were working our intern program there was many challenges. Some of the challenges
are listed below.
 They don’t gave us safety material
 There was lack service so it we couldn’t saw the site what we want to see
 There was lack of communication b/n us and the foreigners. Because their language is
French and they speak to each other in French rather than in English. Some of them
are not good at speaking English. This affects us in understanding of the works easily.
 And they didn’t allow us to touch the materials because they think that the devices
will be damaged. Even they were not allowed us to climb the tower so that we didn’t
see the nacelle connection and equipment’s like the SCIG.
 Most of the materials used to generate the power are assembled there in French and it
was difficult to understand and visualize easily what is inside those devices.
 Because this program is for the first time to work in practice it was difficult to relate
the theoretical knowledge with the practical.
 The weather condition was difficult to perform our tasks smoothly because windy and

To overcome those challenges we use different methods

 To overcome this lack of communication we tried a good r/ship with EEPCO
 We used to read some books and manuals to understand how they works and how the
device operates
 We tried to create a good friendship with the foreigners to make smooth relation
 Even if they were not happy to create friendship we didn’t give up to push them
 We were following them where they were going

Chapter 3

Modeling and simulation of wind turbine in ashegoda wind farm

This project deals with mathematical modeling and simulation of wind power plant with
asynchronous generator. The modeling procedure is briefly explained, mathematical descriptions
and Simulink models of the wind power plant basic parts are shown and the model of the whole
system is presented. The aim of this work is to model and simulate a typical configuration of a
Wind Turbine Generator System (WTGS) equipped with a Variable Speed Generator.
Nowadays, doubly fed induction generators are being widely used on WTGS, although
asynchronous generators are being extensively utilized too. There are different types of
synchronous generators, but the asynchronous, squirrel –cage very robust industrial generator is
chosen in order to obtain its model. It offers better performance due to higher efficiency and less
maintenance, which also implies a reduction of the weight of the nacelle and a reduction of costs.
Apart from the generator, the analyzed WTGS consists of another three parts: wind speed, wind
turbine and drive train. These elements have been modeled and the equations that explain their
behavior have been introduced. What is more, the whole WTGS has been implemented in
MATLAB/Simulink interface.

3.1Problem statement

The problem statement of this project work is to design, analyze and prepare a model of a wind
turbine using computer program as a simulation tool for the intricate embodiments, wind power
requirements and in generating cost model for the wind turbine to enhance generation of
electricity in ashegoda. A generator of 1MW capacity for the wind turbine is to be used as a case
study. The project work attempts to build upon prior and related researches on the feasibility of
using wind turbine in ashegoda .Thereby enabling the design to be carried out using carefully
followed design procedure, which covers design of the intricate features or components and the
installation of the same to give the complete functional system. Proper material selection for the

wind turbine would also be done in other to facilitate efficient performance of the wind turbine.
The design is simulated using the MATLAB

The aim of this work is to model and simulate a typical configuration of a Wind Turbine
Generator System (WTGS) equipped with a Variable Speed Generator to contribute to the topic
of wind energy systems modeling and simulation of wind turbine.

3.2.1Specific objective:

 Modeling the dynamic behavior of mechanical and electrical parts of a variable speed
wind turbine equipped with an induction generator
 Simulation of the basic components of wind turbine
 Simulation of the overall wind energy system in Simulink/MATLAB

3.3 Literature review

3.3.1 Wind energy

The utilization of wind energy has a very long tradition. Some historians suggest that wind
turbines (windmills) were known over 3000 years ago. Until the early twentieth century wind
power was used to provide mechanical power to pump water or to grind grain.
The first wind turbines appeared at the beginning of the last century and technology was
improved step by step from the early 1970s. By the end of the 1990s, wind energy has reemerged
as one of the most important sustainable energy resources, partly because of the increasing price
of the oil, security concerns of nuclear power and its environmental issues. Moreover, as wind
energy is abundant and it has an inexhaustible potential, it is one of the best technologies today
to provide a sustainable electrical energy supply to the world development. Actually, during the
last decade of the twentieth century, worldwide wind capacity doubled approximately every
three years. Currently, five countries (Germany, USA, Denmark, India and Spain) concentrate
more than 83% of worldwide wind energy capacity in their countries. Studies have shown that by
the end of 2003, the total installed capacity of the wind turbines reached 39.234 GW and will
exceed 110 GW by the year of2012.

Wind energy, a renewable energy source, is an alternative form of energy, which has stood out as
the most valuable and promising choice. This is not only due to the fact that wind energy has a
decentralized mode of operation that reduces transmission and distribution failures but also
because it is cheap, environmentally friendly, inexhaustible, price stable, free from control and is
virtually available in every part of the Nation in some amount. Wind is air in motion, caused by
the uneven heating of the earth by the sun. Wind occurs when warm air rises and cooler air
moves to fill the space. It is estimated that 2% of the solar energy is constantly being
interchanged between the warm tropics and the cold polar caps. The rotation of the earth also
produces wind. The sun radiates the most heat over the equator and therefore, the air there is
warmer. Air from both the hemisphere is constantly moving towards the equator. The rotation of
the earth causes the cool wind to be deflected from east to west. As the surface of the earth heats
and cools unevenly, pressure zones are created that make air move from high to low pressure

3.3.2. Wind turbine

A turbine is a device which converts the stored kinetic energy in a fluid into rotational
mechanical work. There are several types of turbine, including steam turbine, gas turbine, water
turbine and wind turbine (or wind mills). The various turbines are widely used for the generation
of electricity and for the supply of motive power. The integration of wind-driven (wind turbine)
electrical generation system with the balance of utility system is straight forward and is
accomplished using standard utility components and practice. The process by which the kinetic
energy of wind is used to generate mechanical power or electrical energy is known as wind
power or wind energy. If the mechanical energy is used directly by machinery, such as a pump or
grinding stone, the machine is usually called a wind mill. If the mechanical power is converted to
electricity, the machine is called a Wind Generator, Wind Turbine, Wind Power Unit (WPU) or
Wind Energy converter. A wind turbine is a rotating machine that converts the kinetic energy in
the wind into mechanical energy and then to electrical energy. They are designed to exploit the
wind energy that exists at that location. With the energy untapped in the wind, serious research
has been undergone for the optimization of the design of a wind turbine. Small wind turbines
with power outputs of about 0.5KW to 10KW are common energy source for farms and isolated
areas where energy from the grid might be too expensive to install. In its operation, wind turbine

plants utilize no fossil fuels or radioactive materials. Therefore, there is no associated risk of
environmental degradation or contribution to global warming which is a major side advantage of
this project. The capital and maintenance cost associated with scrubbers and other pollution
control devices are eliminated. The cost of continuing risk associated with the nuclear power
station is eliminated.

3.3.3. Classification of wind turbine

Wind turbines exist in various designs and configurations but they can be generally grouped into
the major groups which are
1. Horizontal-Axis Wind turbine (HAWT)
2. Vertical-Axis Wind turbine (VAWT)
Horizontal axis wind turbine that is the axis of the rotor is parallel to the flow of the wind.
Example of this is the Ashegoda wind turbine. Vertical-axis wind turbine

Vertical-Axis Wind turbines are typically developed only for urban deployment changes in wind
direction have fewer negative effects on this type of turbine because it does not need to be
positioned into the wind direction. However, the overall efficiency of this turbine in producing
electricity is lower than Horizontal-Axis Wind turbines. Historically, these turbines are
categorized as Savonius or Darrieus types, according to the principle used to capture the wind
flow. For the Savonius type, the wind pushes speed is always lower than the wind speed contrary
to that, the shape of the rotor of the Darrieus type makes it possible for the rotor to spin faster
than the wind speed. The axis of rotation of the turbine blade is vertical with respond to the
ground and roughly perpendicular to the wind stream. Vertical axis wind turbine design can be
subdivided into two types namely, the lift and drag based designs.
The basic theoretical advantages of a vertical axis machine are:
1. The generator, gearbox etc. may be placed on the ground, and a tower may not be needed for
the machine.
2. No need of a yaw mechanism to turn the rotor against the wind.
The basic disadvantages are:
1. Wind speeds are very low close to ground level, so although the tower might not be needed,
wind speeds will be very low on the lower part of the rotor.

2. The overall efficiency of the vertical axis machines is not impressive.
3. The machine is not self-starting (e.g. a Darrieus machine will need a "push" before it starts.
This is only a minor inconvenience for a grid connected turbine).
It is in view of these disadvantages that the aim of this project is an efficient design that will
overcome these problems. Horizontal axis wind turbine

The wind turbine design in this project falls under this category of wind turbine. In the horizontal
axis wind turbine, the propeller type rotor is mounted on a horizontal axis. The rotor needs to be
positioned in line with the wind direction by means of a tail or active yawing by a yaw motor.
The Horizontal-Axis Wind turbines are sensitive to the changes in wind direction and turbulence
which have a negative effect on performance due to the required reposition of the turbine into the
wind flow. The best locations for Horizontal-Axis Wind turbines are open areas with smooth air
flow and few obstacles. Typical Horizontal-Axis Wind turbine either has two or three blades.
These three bladed wind turbines are operated “upwind’, with the blades facing into the wind and
the alternator placed at the top of the tower. The other type of horizontal axis wind turbine is the
two blades,

3.3.4. Advantages of wind turbine over conventional energy sources

1. Energy from wind turbines is renewable since average wind energy is always present and
available for use. There is no depletion in its use. This ensures continuity of the existence of
wind energy as a source of power. The conventional energy are not renewable, as such use is
limited and has to be managed. It is estimated that most conventional energy sources would have
depleted in the near future.
2. Wind energy is clean. The production of energy from the wind has no waste products or
emissions that can cause environmental degradation or hazard to human health. Radioactive
wastes from nuclear energy, carbon-monoxide from crude oil combustion, deforestation are all
negative side-effects of conventional energy sources.
3. Wind energy is cheap. The cost of construction of a array of wind turbine and its maintenance
is lower as compared to the cost of oil rigs, nuclear power plants and other conventional energy
sources of equal power output.

4. Wind energy has a decentralized mode of operation. This means that individuals can own their
energy supply. This ensures that the required energy demand is met for every power load. There
will be little waste.

3.3.5. Disadvantages of wind turbine over conventional energy sources

1. The energy produced from wind turbines is dependent on the wind speed available at that
particular area at a particular time. This restricts its flexibility to operate at any giving time.
2. When used in an array of wind turbines. The whistling sound can serve as a noise pollution to
nearby residence.
3. There is a limit to the power produced in wind turbines. As too large a wind turbine can be
very difficult to control. Conventional energy sources tend to produce higher power output.


3.4.1 Mathematical modeling and simulation ofwind energy systems

The developments of wind energy systems and advances in power electronics have enabled an
efficient future for wind energy. The mathematical models built in SIMULINK to simulate the
systems are described here. The control system design for the power control mathematical model
is discussed and the chapter concludes with an analysis of the simulation results. A traditional
wind energy system consists of a stall-regulated or pitch control turbine connected to a
asynchronous generator through gearbox. The asynchronous generator operates at fixed speed
and one of earliest rotor control schemes was the rotor resistance control. The speed of an
induction machine is controlled by the external resistance in the rotor circuit. The basic
components involved in the representation of a typical wind turbine generator

Figure 3.1 Components of a typical wind system

3.4.2 Mathematical model

A mathematical model of a dynamic system, such as a wind turbine, is defined as a set of
equations that represents the dynamics of the system accurately or, at least fairly well. The
dynamics of many systems whether they are mechanical, electrical, thermal, economical, and
biological and so on, may be described in terms of differential equations. Such differential
equations may be obtained by using physical laws governing a particular system, for example,
Newton’s law for Mechanical system and Kirchhoff’s law for electrical system. A more
complete Mathematical model may then be built and used for a more accurate analysis. For the
wind turbine of 1MW output, the mathematical model can be generated for the dynamic system
and a transfer function can be presented.
1. The transfer function is a mathematical model in that it is an operational method off
expressing the differential equation that relates the output variable to the input.
2. The transfer function is a property of the system itself and is independent on the magnitude of
the input or driving function
3. The transfer function includes all units necessary to relate the input to the output.
The wind turbine has different systems, Mechanical, Electrical and electronics (Controller) but
the first two would be discussed.
The model derived in this project is presented under that assumption that the system is
frictionless and that there are no losses in energy.

3.4.3 Wind Speed Model
A model is required that can properly simulate the spatial effect of wind behavior, including
gusting, rapid (ramp) changes, and background noise. The wind speed is modeled as the sum of
the four components listed above

Where is the base (constant) wind component, is the ramp wind component, is the gust wind
component and is the base noise wind component, all of them in m/s.

Fig.3.2. Shows the graphics of the non-constant wind speed components: ramp, gust and noise
We model our project by using the ramp and noise component.

3.4.4 Model of wind turbine Formulation of Turbine Model

The first part of the studied system is the wind turbine, which is used to conversion of wind
kinetic energy to mechanical work. Its description comes from laws of energy and momentum
Under constant acceleration a, the kinetic energy E of an object having mass m and velocity v is
equal to the work done W in displacing that object from rest to a distance s under a force F, i.e.
According to Newton’s Second law of motion
F = ma………………………...........................2
Thus, the kinetic energy becomes
E = mas

From kinematics of solid motion, where u is the initial velocity of the object. This implies that a
= v /2s. Assuming the initial velocity of the object is zero, (2) we have that
This kinetic energy formulation is based on the fact that the mass of the solid is a constant.
However, if we consider wind (air in motion) as a fluid, both density and velocity can change
and hence no constant mass.
In this paper we shall assume that the density of air does not vary considerably even with
variation in altitude or temperature and use the kinetic energy law in the form of equation (3).
Hence the kinetic energy (in joules) in air of mass m moving with velocity vw (wind) can be
calculated from equation above.
The power P in the wind is given by the rate of change of kinetic energy, i.e.

2 ……………………………………………………….5

But mass flow rate is given by where A is the area through which the wind in this case is
flowing and ρ is the density of air. With this expression, equation (4) becomes
The actual mechanical power Pw extracted by the rotor blades in watts is the difference between
the upstream and the downstream wind powers, i.e.

Where vu is the upstream wind velocity at the entrance of the rotor blades in m/s and vd is the
downstream wind velocity at the exit of the rotor blades in m/s. We shall see later that these two
velocities give rise to the blade tip speed ratio. Now from the mass flow rate, we may write

Vw being the average velocities at the entry and exit of rotor blades of turbine. With this
expression, equation becomes
This may be simplified as follows:


Where is
Pw =………………………………………..15
where is the air density, R is the radius of the turbine, Vu is wind speed and Cp is the
performance coefficient, which expresses the relationship between performances of the air flow
and of the wind turbine, i.e. the efficiency of the wind turbine, in dependence on the wind speed
or on the tip speed ratio of the turbine. From the value of the rotational motion performance, it is
possible to determine the value of the torque acting on the shaft like this:
Where is the turbine angular speed and Cm is the torque coefficient. From these formulas is
evident that the instantaneous values of the performance, respectively of the mechanical torque,
are dependent on the wind speed very much. The expression for in equation (14) is the fraction
of upstream wind power captured by the rotor blades. is often called the Betz limit after the
Ger.- many physicist Albert Betz who worked it out in 1919. Other names for this quantity are
the power coefficient of the rotor or rotor efficiency. The power coefficient is not a static value.
It varies with tip speed ratio of the wind turbine. Let λ represent the ratio of wind speed vd
downstream to wind speed vu upstream of the turbine, i.e.


= blade tip speed

=wind speed

λ is called the tip speed ratio of the wind turbine. The blade tip speed in meters per second can be
calculated from the rotational speed of the turbine and the length of the blades used in the
turbine, i.e.
Where R is the radius of the turbine and ω is measured in radian per second. Substitution of
equation (17) into equation (14) leads to

Differentiate with respect to λ and equate to zero to find value of λ that makes a maximum,

Then we will get =−1 or λ = . Now λ = 1 makes the value of Cp a maximum. This maxi-mum
value is 16/27. Thus the Betz limit says that no wind turbine can convert more than
16/27(59.3%) of the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy turning a rotor, i.e. max
= 0.59. Wind turbines cannot operate at this maxi- mum limit though. The real world is well
below the Betz limit with values of 0.35 − 0.45 common even in best designed wind turbines.
The power coefficient can be utilized in the form of look-up tables or in form of a function. The
second approach is presented below, where the general function defining the power coefficient as
a function of the tip-speed ratio and the blade pitch angle (λ,β)is defined as


The coefficients c1 to c6 are: c 1 = 0.5176, c 2 = 116, c 3 = 0.4, c 4 = 5, c 5 = 21 and c 6 =

0.0068. The -λ characteristics, for different values of the pitch angle β, are illustrated below. The
maximum value of ( max = 0.59) is achieved for β = 0 degree and for λ = 8.1. This particular
value of λ is defined as the nominal value (λ nom).
The power coefficient is a function of the tip speed ratio λ and the pitch angle β, which can be
seen in figure 2. The pitch angle β is the angle between the plane of rotation and the blade cross
section chord. Its value is zero at the maximum power extraction from wind.

Fig 3.3: “ – λ curve”.

If the rotor of a wind turbine turns too slowly most of the wind will pass-through the openings
between blades with little power extraction. If on the other hand the rotor turns too fast, the
rotating blades act as a solid wall obstructing the wind flow again reducing the power extraction.
The turbines must be designed to operate at their optimal wind tip speed ratio λ in order to
extract as much power as possible from the wind stream. Theoretically the higher the λ is the
better in terms of efficient operation of the generator. There are disadvantages however. High λ
causes erosion of leading edges of the blades due to impact of dust or sand particles found in the
air. This would require use of special erosion resistant coating material that may increase the cost
of energy. Higher λ also leads to noise generation, vibration; reduced rotor efficiency due to drag
and tip losses and excessive rotor speeds can lead to turbine failure. Other factors that impede
complete energy conversion in a complete turbine system are things such as gearbox, bearings,
number and shape of blades etc. Only 10 − 30% of the power of the wind is ever actually
converted into usable electricity.

3.4.5 Simulink model of wind turbine
The Simulink model of the turbine is illustrated in the following figure. The three inputs are the
generator speed, the pitch angle in degrees and the wind speed in m/s. The tip speed ratio
obtained by the division of the rational speed and the wind speed. The output is the torque
applied to the generator shaft. The turbine captures only a fraction of this power. The power
captured by the turbine (Pm) can be expressed as where Cp is a fraction called the power
coefficient. The power coefficientrepresents a fraction of the power in the wind captured by the
turbine and has a theoretical maximum of 0.59. The power coefficient can be expressed by a
typical empirical formula as

Where is the pitch angle of the blade in degrees and γ is the tip speed ratio of the turbine, defined

(= Turbine angular speed)

Fig.3.4Block diagram model of wind turbine

3.4.6 Mechanical system model Train Model
The drive train of a wind turbine generator system consists of the following elements: a blade-
pitching mechanism with a spinner, a hub with blades, a rotor shaft and a gearbox with breaker
and generator. It must be noted that gearbox is not considered because the analyzed system
consists of a wind turbine equipped with a multi-pole PMSG.


K1, T1, Tb, J1, f1, θ


K2, Tg, T2, J2, f2, θ

Fig 3.5
Illustration of the shaft and Gears
J1, J2 = moment of inertia (subscript 1 and 2 represents shaft 1 and 2 respectively)
F1, F2 = vicious force (subscript 1 and 2 represents shaft 1 and 2 respectively)
K1, K2 = stiffness (subscript 1 and 2 represents shaft 1 and 2 respectively)
K1, T1, Tb, J1, f1, θ1


K2, Tg, T2, J2, f2, θ2

Θ = Angular displacement,
Θ’ = Angular Velocity (First Order differential)
Θ’’ = Angular acceleration (Second Order differential)

Tb = torque due to rotation of the blade
T2 = torque due to rotation of the high (small) speed gear
Tg = torque due to rotation of the low (Big) speed gear

The basic elements of a mechanical system are Mass, spring and Dashpot. For system contain
rotating elements, the differential equation which expresses the torque

For; shaft 1

Shaft 2

Where T2 is torque due to rotation of the high speed gear

Work done =

Where N = number of teeth’s of the Gears

Collecting like terms the equation yields



The Laplace transform of the above equation under the assumption that the initial condition is

Transfer function for the mechanical system, where the input is the torque and the output is the
angular displacement of the equivalent system

3.4.7 Electrical system model

This system consists of the high speed shaft rotating in a magnetic field. Thus the following are
defined for the generator in terms of the armature and field windings

Fig 3.6 equivalent ckt of asynchronous generator

I a = Armature current

R a = Armature Resistance
L a = Armature Inductance
If = Field current



Also, torque due to rotation of the high speed shaft in the magnetic field, from the mechanical
System into the electrical system;
T = J2θ’’+ f2θ’+ K2θ

Taking Laplace transform of


Because, the EMF generated in the armature is proportional to the rate of change of flux
Taking the Laplace transform of


Taking the Laplace transform of


Putting the above equation in

We have,


Putting the above equation in

We have,

Therefore the transfer function for the electrical system is given as

E(S) represents the output of the generator, which an angular change, input , θ(S), is imposed on
the system by the rotation of the high speed shaft. But, by combing the transfer function from the
mechanical system with the electrical System. The transfer function for the complete system is
given as E(S) represents the output of the generator, which a change in torque, the input, Tb(S),
is imposed on the system by the rotation of the blades.

The block diagram for the system is shown below

Tb(s) E(S)

The figure illustrates a simplified block diagram for the wind turbine as an open system

3.4.8The overall block diagram of ashegoda wind turbine in Simulink/MATLAB

Input parameters are:

Ramp Wind speed
Random wind speed
Pitch angle
Equivalent moment of inertia …………………………………6500kgm2
Moment of inertial of high speed shaft……………………..200kgm2
Reactance of the generator………………………………0.38
Also we take the constants.

Fig 3.7 over all block diagram of the project in simulink

3.5Simulation results and discussion
The presented model is simulated using Matlab/ Simulink softwareIn this simulation, we
simulate the power extracted by the wind turbine. And the torque generated due to the
mechanical power. In this first simulation a ramp wind speed of nominal value (8.7 m/s) at the
turbine rotor height will be considered. This will be the speed for which the wind generator in
ashegoda produces its nominal power. However, at blade tips, the wind speed value does not stay

Scope Figures from down to upward are output results of Cp, torque, mechanical power
(due to random) respectively.

Fig 3.8 simulation result
Scope figures from down to upward are the generated voltage, mechanical power (with ramp
input) respectively.
From the above graph: Figure3.8 we observe that the power extracted by the rotor is less than
0.59 times the power extracted by the wind And the final torque applied to the generator shaft.at
first, is the fact that torques is not sinusoidal waveforms. To explain this, the Waveform of the
wind torque at one of the blades and the position angle of this blade has been superposed.
Another data that figure 2 shows at first, is the fact that torques are not sinusoidal waveform
Figure: 3.8 show the voltage generated by the generator due to the torque applied to the low
speed shaft. And it is not sinusoidal

For Cp;beltz law which applies for the maximum wind power extraction is as the scope figure
shows it is less than 59%(0.59).
For torque; as we see from the scope figure the line shows at the first sample time it is zero then
it increases with wind speed to the maximum torque. In our project the maximum torque we

gained is 3440NM but after a time when the wind speed is decreased or the angular torque of the
turbine is increased as the line shows the torque decreases.
Mechanical power due to random input; when we give the random input to the simulator as it
shows from the figure we have the scope result for the mechanical power with noise wave form.
This power is the decreasing power for normal power and the wave form fluctuates from
negative to the positive.
The generated voltage; as we see from the scope the voltage wave form is ac lick sinusoidal
shape it begins from zero to the maximum pick point which is 682.7 Vac. At initial its slope is
stepped but after it reached the pick point it slows down or decreases.
The net mechanical power; this power is due to ramp and random input or the pure power
without noise for the moment at the initial it stays zero but when the time increases it increases
and reaches maximum at 543 kw this power is used for to create the generator torque.

Chapter 4

Over all benefits gained from internship

The benefits internship for students is quite obvious: we learn about working processes, how to
behave in a company, experience how it feels to touch in real work or how important it is to be
punctual! .All these experiences sharpen the student’s profile and improve our technical and
personal skills. During the first three weeks the environment was tense. The reason is due to
freshness to actual working conditions and shyness. But gradually everything become clear and
we adapted the environment. Throughout the internship we have learned what is ashegoda, how
power is generate from wind and its working environment looks like. We have also gained
theoretical knowledge, practical skills and interpersonal communication skills.
Internships provide us:

 we put the theoretical knowledge that we have gained at University into practice in a
practical setting
 we will have work experience that will enhance our employment prospects post-
 we have acquired new skills and broaden our knowledge base
 we have expanded our networks and contacts within our chosen profession
 we have a better understanding of who we are and what we are as a Firm do and whether
we are the right fit for us and our career
 we were paid for the duration of our internship

4.2 Provide us experience & knowledge

Classroom studies are confined only to books and theoretical learning. Application of these
theories and lectures delivered in classrooms differ a little from the set format. Through
internship, we have got a first-hand experience of these theories and learned the applications of
these theories in real challenges. Also, the company exposure allowed us to enhance our
knowledge and contribute it to the company in our specialized fields.

We have learned a specific set of skills that will help to prepare us for later graduate work or
other types of professional preparation. It also gave us the chance to pursue a field of personal
and academic interest that will be useful in compiling work resumes and personal statements.
And have gain experience in an area we later hope to pursue as a career, or, alternatively, to try
out some type of work environment that seems interesting to determine whether it is appropriate
for us.
First time job seekers and career changers aren’t usually desirable candidates, but companies are
willing to train them as interns and give them the experience they would need to get a job.
An internship create a mutual stage from theory to practical and can be seen as the pinnacle of
our undergraduate education and give us the chance to use the skills you've learned in the
classroom in a real-world setting. It’s a chance to prove the worth of our qualifications and to
show that we can perform in the role we've been given.

4.3 Improves our practical skills

Several skills and tasks were necessary to accomplish a job effectively and efficiently. Those
skills were imparted to us during our tenure as an intern. It exposes us to skills, such as oral and
written communication, presentation, leadership, planning, time, and project management. No
matter how simple or difficult the task is, we were taught to take up the challenges and polish our
skills to prove ourselves to our seniors or employers.

4.4 Boosts our self-confidence

Doing an internship is a great learning experience in itself. Getting experience is a great way to
build our confidence. The entire journey of internship allows us to identify our strengths and
weaknesses, and use both of them to the best advantage of our job and company. While we enter
the company internship, the first question put up by the project manager to us was about
narrating our positive and negative traits and how we can prove ourselves fit for the said
position. This real life experience allows us to judge ourselves as to where we stand and identify
our abilities of completing the given tasks. All in all, undergoing an intensive internship program
boosts our self-confidence and motivates us towards facing big opportunities in future.
What's more, if we have an impressive resume, we will be more confident in our chances of
securing a job. After we’ve done an internship, if an interviewer asks if we know how to do

something, we won’t say “yes, I think I would be able to do that but can say “absolutely” and
supplement our assertion with examples.

4.5. Create real corporate feel

These programs were seen as great opportunities to utilize the time and knowledge to gain
understanding and experience and make the most out of it in terms of converting it into a
prospective career. It also allowed us to confront the demands of life in industrial environment,
to learn to manage their time, plan their work, to report at regular intervals and make use of its
soft-skills (human and relational qualities)

4.5.1. We become familiar with the new technology

During internship we have gained more knowledge about wind energy technology by taking
some training courses.
Some of these are
 Safety training
 Fire prevention training
 First aid training
 Introduction to SCADA
 Wind energy training

4.6Improve interpersonal communications and team playing skills

During the internship period we have faced different persons with different behaviors and we
met so many skilled foreigner engineers.
 In this time we can communicate easily with secretariat, chairman, managers and other
 In our internship period we have improved team work skill from the most remarkable
team work sprite in our work place.

4.7 improving leadership skill

 How to organize different work divisions
 Taking risk during any activities.
 Problem solving ability
 Complain solving ability
 Patience

4.8 Understanding about work ethics related issues

 Time management
 Keeping construction materials as their own property.
 Not to be corrupted
 Don’t hide to give professional knowledge for any person who asks him or
 Equally treat any customers without discrimination is also the expression
of work ethics etc.

4.9 Entrepreneurship skills

 An entrepreneur must behave the following abilities or skills.
• Risk taker -knowledge
• Self-confidence -Creative
• Innovative -Dynamic leadership
Hard work -Marketing
The function of entrepreneurship is;
 To improve backwardness of the people.
 To achieve economic development.
 To properly utilize of human potentials.
 To create self-complement and generation of employment opportunities

Chapter 5
conclusion and recommendation
To conclude that we have to say thanks to our supervisor AtoGebregiorgisGebremicheal at
Ashegoda wind farm project for his good contribution. We really appreciate the way we have
been guided through our internship program with Wind turbine installing,Substation wind
farm,SCADA system,Modeling and simulation of wind turbine in Ashegoda wind farm project ,
beginning from the opportunity to take the time we needed to refresh and expand our knowledge
in several issues concerning wind farm project maintenance & control. In our intern period we
could discover and learn to value our new working environment, and finally earned the
confidence to deal with assignments. It is through them that we did enjoy our work.
We conclude also that at very low wind speed the turbine is unable to generate electricity. As the
wind speed increases to the cut-in speed the turbine begins to operate. Between the cut-in and the
rated wind speeds the turbine takes all the power it can from the wind. Above the rated wind
speed and below cut-out the turbine maintains a constant power output, called the rated power
which is lower than the actual available power in the wind but the maximum that the wind
turbine is capable of producing. The rated power level is chosen to give a high electricity
production for low wind turbine cost. This is achieved by limiting the electrical and physical
loads. The rated power is the same as the installed capacity. When wind speeds are very high the
turbine shuts down to protect itself from damage. This happens when the wind speed is higher
than the turbine’s cut-out wind speed. The fact that the power is proportional to the cube of the
wind speed is very significant. This can be demonstrated by pointing out that if the wind speed
doubles then the power in the wind increases by a factor of eight. It is therefore worthwhile
finding a site which has a relatively high mean wind speed.

5.2 Recommendation
We recommend that in Ashegoda wind farm project should once in a while organize a team
building exercises to its staff in order to bring them closer. Share personal experiences and ideas,
learn to be together and appreciate the importance of team work at solving problems. We again
recommend that ashegoda wind farm project for the safety material support to the interns. We
think that at least to participate intern student actively.
The project what we have done doesn’t includes converters so for further simulation it needs
back-to back converters to convert the voltage in to sinusoidal form. And it needs power load
regulation at the grid

[1] Siegfried Heier, "Grid Integration of Wind Energy Conversion Systems," John Wiley & Sons
Ltd, 1998, ISBN 0-471-97143-X
[2] Larsson, the Power Quality of Wind Turbines, Ph.D. thesis, Chalmers University of
[3] PATEL, M. R.: Wind and Solar Power Systems, CRC Press,
Technology 2000, ISBN 91-7197-970-
[4] N. Jenkins, Z. Saad-Saoud, A simpli¯ed model for large wind turbines, Euro-
pean Union Wind Energy Conference, GÄoteborg, Sweden (1996)
[5] David A. Spera: Wind Turbine Technology, ASME PRESS (1994)


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