Fabian Therapy For Mind Control
Fabian Therapy For Mind Control
Fabian Therapy For Mind Control
There are different types of memory. The terminology I am
going to use is as follows. Memory is any mental record of an
experience or of information; it is also the ability to retrieve
these mental records. Memory is experienced subjectively in the
mind. It may consist of words, symbols or images. Long term
memory stores, manages and retrieves information or
experiences. This memory may last for days or years. This is
contrasted to short term memory which is the working memory
that you use to decide whether or not you want to memorize
something. For example, if you were listening to a lecture by a
teacher--you would be judging the information presented in the
lecture; with your working memory you would decide what
information you should forget, and what to memorize for a test.
That's working memory. And the stuff you choose to forget is
short term memory. The information that you choose to
memorize becomes the explicit memory that you deliberately
select for memorization. There is subconscious memory and
conscious memory. Those memories that you can recall are
conscious, and those memories that you can't recall are
Your mind is always recording new memories whether you
are conscious or unconscious. Even if you are drugged to
unconsciousness, everything you hear or experience during the
episode is still being recorded by the subconscious mind. And,
under exactly the right conditions, carefully worded verbal
commands which are contained in these subconscious memories
can direct your thoughts and behavior. This is what the psychic
driving of MK Ultra was trying to do, to program the
subconscious mind with recorded messages while the victim was
drugged unconscious. The old MK Ultra techniques tended to be
unsuccessful at this, but later Illuminati brainwashing research
was able to develop techniques for reliably creating this type of
subconscious memories.
I refer to such memories as occluded memories because
they have been deliberately blocked from the conscious mind.
Occluded memories contain implanted commands. These
implanted commands would be instructions made to a slave by
an Illuminati controller. They are called implanted commands
because they are placed methodically within a unit of memory
that has been occluded. This occlusion of the slave's memory is
caused intentionally with trauma, pain or drugged
But even in ordinary life, sometimes the repression of a
memory comes about by accident rather than deliberate
intention. Repressed memories are also subconscious. An
individual may repress a memory if it contains overwhelming
pain or negative emotions. A child witnessing his father beating
his mother might repress the memory, but in doing so may grow
up to batter his own wife at times when he's drunk. However,
while in therapy, he might remember his repressed memories
and change his behavior as a result. Such repressed memories
differ from occluded memories in that the repressed memories
aren't intentionally created, but rather they come about as an
accident of life. They nonetheless can lead to mental illness, and
sometimes they are successfully treated with the techniques of
mundane psychology.
Both occluded memories and repressed memories are toxic
memories which exist in the subconscious mind. In both cases
they undermine the individual's ability to think rationally and
express his or her free will. The therapeutic removal of these
toxic, subconscious memories is essential to mental health.
But not all memory that is contained in the subconscious is
toxic. Many childhood memories are subconscious. Such
memories haven't always been repressed, sometimes they're just
forgotten with time, but they are always there in the
subconscious. Most of such subconscious memories are benign.
Conscious memories are of two types--semantic and
episodic. Semantic memories are information that you've
consciously memorized. This would be information such as your
phone number or facts of history that you learned in school.
These semantic memories are made up of words or symbols.
Episodic memories are those which consist of your experiences
in life. These are specific personal events, like walking in the
park or playing in a baseball game. These are of real events that
take place in your waking life. These episodic memories are
made up of recalled images, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings.
Episodic memories are like movies in your mind containing full
sensations and perceptions.
Then there are the memories of purely subjective events
such as dream memory. This is your ability to recall some of
your sleep dreams. Also there is the memory of imagination. For
example if you were to close your eyes and day dream that you
are sailing on a yacht--then later on when you remember this
day dream--that would be imagination memory.
Confabulation is when imagination memory gets tangled
up with or confused with episodic memory. For example if a
hypnotist were to make a post-hypnotic suggestion that you
were abducted by a UFO, and after you were awakened you had
memories of the imaginary abduction, that would be an example
of confabulation.
Illuminati mind controllers use deliberate confabulation to
confuse the mind's of their victims. For example, if a man were
drugged unconscious and raped by an Illuminati controller, a
suggestion might be made so that he remembers the experience
as a UFO abduction where he was anally probed. However, all
the humiliating emotions and painful sensations of the memory
would be real; only the context of the experience would be
altered in the victim's mind through hypnotic suggestion. So a
person recalling a confabulation of what he thinks is a UFO
abduction might really be recalling Illuminati sexual abuse. I
should point out that in saying this, I am not trying to be
humorous, because there really is nothing funny about this.
Another concept that you must understand is that the
implanted commands are made up of words and pictures;
however, the real meaning of the implanted commands is
primarily expressed through words. And words are semantical.
So by working with conscious semantical memory--explicit
memory--you can subtly release the negative charge of the
implanted commands contained in occluded memory.
Certain words are often found in implanted commands. The
following list is an example of common command words: obey,
control, submit, sex, sexual, identity, comply, forget, remember,
owner, master, controller, slave.
The scientists who developed what I call Fabian Therapy
did experiments where they took people who had been subjected
to Illuminati mind control and hooked them up to a biofeedback
machine that measured heart rate and breathing. The
experimenters then slowly read out loud from word lists. These
word lists were made up of a combination of neutral words as
well as command words such as those listed above. For example
the word list might go like this: oats, obey, october, odd, offer--
and so forth like that.
When reading the list out loud to the subject, no special
attention was paid to the command words. However, in this
experiment, whenever a command word was read out loud, the
biofeedback machine showed a reaction. But the mind control
victims who were hooked up to the biofeedback machines did
not have any conscious awareness that those words were
actually command words.
Therefore it isn't just the occluded memories that are the
problem, but also the command words contained in them.
The command words stimulate the slave into action. The
slave cannot resist this stimulation because of the pain contained
in the occluded memory. But the power of these command
words can be destimulated by working with vocabulary in a
structured way.
So first there are the journalling techniques. I have to say
that even without the help of a therapist, a person could work
with just these journalling techniques and get positive results. I
had therapists when I first started to work with these techniques
many years ago, and even after my therapists were killed by the
Illuminati, I continued with the journalling techniques.
Eventually I was able to pull myself up by my own bootstraps,
as we are apt to say in Missouri.
These journalling techniques are (1) the daily episodic
journal, (2) the daily dream journal and (3) an imagination/
cathartic journal that can be done at any time.
Sometimes in this process of Fabian Therapy, recovered
memories of painful experiences will suddenly arise into the
patient's consciousness. Rather than going into such memories,
the patient is encouraged to retreat from them. That's what these
extroversion exercises are intended to do. They help the patient
to escape from memories from the past which contain pain and
to focus on the present time environment where the patient can
feel safe.
For example, in one session of Episodic Memory Analysis,
we started to go into a memory that I originally thought was a
true memory. I started to recall the time that my Nanny, Shotzy,
took me to the zoo. But as we went on in the analysis, it turned
out to be a false memory that had been implanted by Shotzy.
After torturing a cat in front of me, Shotzy used my emotional
trauma from that experience to put me into an altered state
where suggestions were made to me. It was suggested to me that
I not be able to remember the experience of seeing the cat
tortured. It was also suggested to me that in place of that
experience I should remember going to the zoo with Shotzy. The
imaginary zoo trip was described in great detail to me. I received
descriptions of all the animals we supposedly saw, the cotton
candy I ate and so forth. After this I was returned to a normal
state of mind. Then, as Shotzy drove me home, she talked with
me about the imaginary trip to the zoo we had just made--as if
we had actually gone to the zoo. She asked me what I thought
about the lion who we saw roar at us, and so forth. I felt
compelled to go along with this game of hers until I actually
started to believe it was true. So by the time I got home, I was
describing the trip to the zoo as if it had really happened. Later I
would recall it as if it had been one of the most happy memories
of my childhood.
A few days after the imaginary field trip to the zoo, when I
burnt up the teddy bear that Shotzy had given me, it had been an
unconscious rebellion against her. I couldn't tell my parents why
I had burnt it up.
But years later, when I had been in Fabian Therapy for a
while, during a session of Episodic Memory Analysis, I choose
that memory of my childhood trip to the zoo with my nanny,
Shotzy. However, when we started to do the memory analysis, I
couldn't remember any smells. So even at the start of the
analysis something seemed to be not right. Then I remembered
the malodorous smell of a cat's intestines being pulled out. Then
I remembered the truth about Shotzy and what she did to me. At
that point, the therapist used extroversion techniques to bring me
out of the painful memory and back into the present time. Had
he not done this, I might of collapsed into my negative
memories of being repeatedly tortured as a child, and this could
have triggered implanted commands to commit suicide.
When he became aware that we had encountered a false
memory that was covering a memory of abuse, he quickly
started to use extroversion techniques. He asked me what that
present day's date was. I asked me to describe the location of
where we were at that present time. He had me look around the
therapy room and describe what I saw there. He asked me to
walk around that room and touch things--feeling their textures.
Then when he was certain I was focused on the present time, we
took a walk together and made small talk as we walked along.
All of this extroverted my attention away from my painful
memories so that I could focus on the present time. But even as I
walked along I felt more powerful. I could tangibly feel the
negative charge being released from me. I remember that on that
day my perceptions all seemed clearer, as if a fog had been lifted
from me, and I took pleasure in extroverting my attention on my
present time perceptions. This is the kind of thing that happens
when subconscious memories are converted into conscious
So when practicing EMA, the therapist would always keep
the patient's attention on recalling a happy memory, but if a full
blown negative memory of any kind comes up, then the therapist
uses extroversion techniques to bring the patient back into the
present time.
Any therapist practicing EMA should have good
communication skills and emotional intelligence. The therapist
should be professional, friendly and supportive--but not overly
sympathetic. When working with a person who has been
sexually abused and tortured, there might be a temptation to
express deep sympathy--but this can be destructive to the
process. Empathy is a better attitude than sympathy. The
therapist is not a parental figure working with a child. The
therapist and patient are adult equals. The good will of the
therapist should be expressed in professionalism rather than
Furthermore in EMA there may be unexplainable negative
reactions. The patient may just get angry for no apparent reason.
In such a case the therapist should respond by using extroversion
technique to get the attention of the patient upon the present
time. The basic principle here is that all inappropriate negative
emotions arise from a dislocation in time. Something in the past
made the patient angry and so now he or she may get
inappropriately angry with the therapist. In such a case, both the
therapist and the patient must understand that they must locate
the patient's attention back into the present time and
environment. Another thing about negative emotions is that they
are always based on fear, so it's important that the therapist help
the patient to feel safe.
Extroversions exercises are a necessary part of Fabian
Therapy. Extroversion can be thought of in two ways. First, it is
simply any technique that brings a person into the present time
when he or she has gotten stuck into painful memories of the
past. Second, it is an attitude of living an extroverted lifestyle.
This means the patient should have a goal of being socially
extroverted. Being with other persons in safe, social situations
keeps the patient from focusing on the past in a negative way.
Furthermore extroversion also means having one's attention
focused on activities taking place in the present time. This can
be things like taking a walk, working in the garden or doing
physical labor.
For the purposes of EMA therapy, extroversion exercises
should be thought of as both social extroversion through
conversation with the therapist, as well as perceptive
extroversion by getting the patient to pay attention to the present
time environment. During EMA the therapist is helping the
patient to achieve a deep introversion into a happy, conscious
memory. But when the process of EMA is over, the therapist
must help the patient to extrovert.
The patient who is in Fabian Therapy is encouraged to not
get stuck in painful memories as they spontaneously arise during
journaling. This is also true of negative memories that arise in
Episodic Memory Analysis, in nightmares or whenever they
happen to arise. Although it's a good sign that occluded
memories come back uninvited in flashbacks, when this does
happen, the patient should understand that while in Fabian
Therapy it's best to retreat from such memories. If there is a
need for some emotional catharsis, the patient can use the
cathartic journaling technique to release negative emotions. But
after such cathartic journaling, the patient should extrovert.
If a session of EMA is interrupted with a strong negative
reaction that the patient feels the need to express in some way,
the patient should be allowed to write down words or draw
pictures to whatever extent that he or she feels appropriate. This
can be done for a cathartic purpose. But the therapist should
avoid the temptation to analyze or dwell on the pictures or
words. The idea is that once the negative feelings have been
released, the patient should refocus on the present moment.
In a sense, what Fabian Therapy does is to heal the entire
memory field through therapeutic memory exercises. In this way
the individual takes back control of his or her ability to recall
memories. There are two aspects to the memory field. There are
the memories themselves and then their are the mental
mechanisms which allow memory to be recalled. Traditional talk
therapy attacks the painful memories contained in the memory
field, but Fabian Therapy systematically heals the mind's ability
to recall memory through indirect processes. In this way the
individual takes back his or her life.
For years I didn't talk about my experiences with Satanic
Ritual Abuse, but I continually did journaling and my ability to
remember the abuse slowly came back. After decades of work, I
can consciously recall everything that I was subjected to. The
way I recall a memory of abuse and the memory of normal
childhood life are exactly the same. For example, I can recall a
time when my little league team won a baseball game. (My team
wasn't very good, this only happened once.) I also recall a time
when Shotzy sacrificed a rabbit to Ishtar on a white lace altar
before a intricate silver pentacle as she insisted to me that the
blood of the sacrifice was beautiful. At one time the baseball
memory was conscious and the Satanic sacrifice memory was
subconscious and repressed. Now both memories are conscious.
But I never addressed the memory of the sacrifice of the rabbit
in therapy. It's just that over time, as my memory field healed,
that memory slowly emerged into conscious awareness.
When I first began with EMA as a teenager I had some
conscious recall of the abuse that was done to me, but I did also
have periods of missing time and some mental confusion. As a
teenager I did experiment with the usual drugs of the 60s, and I
did often drink to much. But during the time period when I was
doing EMA therapy I did have the commitment to be clean and
dry. There was a period of several years where I avoided my
usual drinking buddies and lived a sober lifestyle. It was during
that time in my life that I did most of my EMA work. Eventually
I was able to recall the implanted commands contained in
occluded memories, and in consciously recalling them I became
released from them. For example, I do remember the implanted
commands made to me that I should commit suicide if I ever
start to recall the abuse, but in consciously recalling these
recovered memories, I don't feel any desire to commit suicide.
These implanted commands have been slowly defused.
But there are still some residual negative emotions. In
writing this article for example, some negative emotions are
definitely being triggered. Writing this is difficult. But it is also
possible. Someone who had not recovered from this type of
abuse would not be able to do this.
Many victims of Illuminati mind control question whether
or not they've been abused because they have no touchstone in
reality--so it's tempting for them to think that the abuse was all
just some type of fantasy or confabulation. I have certain
advantages over many victims of mind control in that I have had
feedback from the real world concerning my abuse. When I was
young I had persons I knew in the Illuminati who I could talk
with about the cult and its abusive practices. Now, many decades
later, I have had some contact with Illuminati insiders who I've
talked with about these issues.
When I was a child, I had great difficulty even being able to
remember the abuse I received. Even after I got to the point
where I could remember the abuse, I really had great difficulty
talking about it. Eventually, after decades of work, I did get to a
point where I could talk about it, even in public on a radio
program. I got to this place where I can think about and talk
about this abuse because put in many years of work in healing
my memory field.
During those years of healing I deliberately avoided going
into the painful memories and instead tried to keep my attention
extroverted as much as possible. This was a lifestyle choice. I
made a point of attending social events and doing volunteer
work. I made a point of going on long hikes and doing things
outdoors like gardening. Illuminati mind control deeply wounds
its victims. Fabian Therapy is a method of slowly healing those
wounds. During the years I healed myself, I managed to live a
normal life and I was not under the control of the Illuminati.
Extroversion is more than a therapeutic technique, it is an
attitude that makes a normal life possible.
The Illuminati tries to synchronize the mind control
commands made to its individual victims with the propaganda
slogans presented to the public with mass media. Concordance
takes place when the control words contained in mind control
command phrases also are used in propaganda slogans in the
mass media. The Illuminati controls the mass media and
coordinates command phrases that appear in the mass media
with command phrases programmed into slaves during
brainwashing sessions.
Consider the propaganda slogan "Too big to fail." This first
appears through mass media into public consciousness in 1984.
The slogan means that if a corporation is big enough, the
government must guarantee its success because it's failure would
destroy society. It has been used to justify every type of financial
scandal imaginable. But it really isn't a rational statement. Large
corporations have failed before without destroying the entire
economy. In fact, the failure of a large, incompetent and corrupt
corporation is good for the health of the economy. But whenever
the phrase "Too big to fail." is evoked, the politicians respond,
like Pavlov's dog, and give that large corporation whatever it
Many key politicians are the victims of Illuminati mind
control. They've been programmed with implanted commands
that say, "Too big to fail."
Whenever they hear that command phrase on the television,
it evokes a conditioned response. They know then, on a
subconscious level of mind, that they must give that corporation
whatever it wants.
Some typical concordant control phrases are: war on terror,
war on drugs, post 9/11 world, politically correct, New World
Order, global community, hidden hand of the market, and free
The coordination of an implanted mind control phrase
along with a mass media propaganda control phrase prevents
discordance within the mind of the brainwashed victim. The
brainwashed politician must feel that he is part of a greater
movement in society. The politician who has been brainwashed
will believe that he is in the right in going along with his
programming because that programming is also reflected
through the mass media.
However, when mind control command phrases are
challenged in life, this can cause the mind control victim to
question his programming. This may cause him to feel anxiety,
but it also has the potential of releasing him from his mind
control, at least to some small extent. The more that the public
challenges the lies told by the Illuminati controlled mass media,
the more discordance takes place in the mind of brainwashed
If you were to hook up the average American politician to a
biofeedback machine, and slowly read a word list that contained
the words "fail," "too" and "big"--what you would see is
reactions on the machine whenever any of those three words
were read out loud.
I have to point out that in a sense, the entire population of
the United States has been subjected to Illuminati mind control.
The Illuminati has been taking over the United States a little at a
time since before the Civil War. The Illuminati controls the
economy of the United States by using the Federal Reserve.
Wall Street is a center of Illuminati power. The Federal
Government takes its orders from Wall Street and the Bilderberg
Group. The consolidation of all mass media corporations into a
small group of corporations, controlled by the Illuminati, has
already taken place.
If you get your news from mainstream newspapers or
television outlets you are being subjected to Illuminati
propaganda. Ever since 9/11/01 the entire country has been
acting out an Illuminati mind control drama. The extent to which
the average American is disconnected from reality is
Whenever a person watches television or spends long
periods of time on the internet that person goes into a subtle
altered state of mind. In this state of relaxation, the individual is
less likely to be critical of any information received. When the
Illuminati uses brainwashing techniques on politicians and other
important leaders, they coordinate their mind control with the
general propaganda that the public is being subjected to. This
creates a mind control continuum which consists of both the
propaganda control of the public psyche and the Illuminati's
brainwashing control of society's leaders.
Those of us who actually tell the truth about what's going
on are labeled as "conspiracy theorists." So if you are freed from
propaganda and brainwashing, you are actually out of
concordance with mainstream society. This is another issue that
a person faces in recovering from Illuminati mind control. The
more you attain freedom, the more discordance you feel with
this society which is based on Illuminati mind control and
propaganda. However, if enough people were to become
deprogrammed, there would be a tipping point where society in
general would awaken to the truth of what the Illuminati are
Nevertheless, my goal in presenting this information at this
time isn't political transformation. I simply believe that the
information presented here may have some potential to benefit
the mental health treatment of individuals.