Faith To Forgive Jodi's Story2016
Faith To Forgive Jodi's Story2016
Faith To Forgive Jodi's Story2016
By: Jodi Lynn Hill
The First Beginning:
My story actually begins before my conception. It is so
connected with my mothers` story that I almost have to start
there. My mother has dealt with years of rejection, first by her
father, then, by 2 failed marriages and an affair with a man that
resulted in an unplanned pregnancy (Me). I have never met my
biological father, nor my mother’s 1st husband or 2nd husband and
his children. Her 3rd marriage was verbally, emotionally and
otherwise abusive (though not physically that I know of). She
stayed married to her 3rd husband out of obligation and guilt. In
1996, she found out that the man she knew as her dad was not her
biological father. Infidelity was a family bondage. My mother
found Jesus around age 39 when I was about 2 years old. This
was 3 years before I gave my life to Christ.
A New Beginning:
It was a warm summer night. My mother and I were invited to a
service at a small Baptist church. I remember a lot of people
going up front and was trying to figure out what was going on. I
wanted to see what people were going up to get. I asked mom to
take me, but she did not really believe that I would understand so
she wouldn’t. Finally, after my asking several times, our
neighbor, whom we came with, decided she would take me to the
front. The Pastor asked me if I knew what was happening. I
shrugged my shoulders and shook my head, but said that I wanted
to. He called over his wife and she took me to a room off the side
of the platform. She read some scriptures and explained them to
me. After a few questions and laying out the plan of salvation, I
repeated a prayer after her. Even at that young age, I had a new
awareness of everything around me. When we left the church that
night, I looked around at the stars and the moon and shouted,
“Mom, aren’t the stars beautiful tonight?!” From that day
forward, my life was profoundly changed. I believe that God
drew me in at an early age because He knew that I would need
Him very much in the next few years.
Shame and Rejection:
Not long after my salvation experience, my mother met Richard.
He would be marriage #3 and this would forever alter my life. We
moved from “Big town”, Washington to “Small town”, North
Dakota. I did not like nor trust Richard from the very beginning.
He made me uncomfortable, but at age 6, I did not have a "voice"
in the situation. He adopted me against my choice, so I was
forced to make his name mine. By age 10, I physically
developed more quickly than the other girls my age. I spent most
of my time avoiding him, but he took advantage of my need for a
father love by his crude behavior, lewd jokes, and watching me
dress through the window. I spent the next 5 years hiding from
his voyeuristic eyes. From that time on, I found myself
overwhelmed with shame, inferiority, low self worth and self-
hatred, making many negative inner vows. Even though I still
struggle with these things from time to time, I’m thankful that
God is a healing God.
A Call to Ministry:
Despite my abusive household, I had a strong love and
commitment to Jesus Christ. He was my strength. I love
studying the scripture and spending time in relationship with
Him. I had felt a call to the ministry when I was about 8 years
old, but it was confirmed in my heart at age 16. I moved out
when I was 17 and started working at a Christian Camp for the
summer. I later moved to Rugby and then to Fargo. In Fargo, I
began working at my local church becoming involved in any area
of ministry that needed help. I learned most of my knowledge of
church ministry during that time. The church I belonged to also
did a lot of outreach ministries. Both areas (pastoral and
evangelistic) were amazing to me and I worked hard to
understand each and grow in my faith. Several years after
moving to Fargo, I met Blair and we were married 6 months later.
Faith to Forgive:
There was a point in my life that I began to learn about
forgiveness. I realized I had to make a decision to forgive Dad.
Even though I didn’t feel like forgiving him, I knew the only way
to begin to heal was to walk in obedience and give my desire for
retaliation over to God. I had no feelings of forgiveness within
me, but I made a decision to walk in obedience and forgiveness.
Perhaps, some day, the feeling would come. I forgave by faith.
Not quite one year after Blair and I were married, probably in the
fall of 1994, I was getting ready to go to work. I was suddenly
struck with an overwhelming love and forgiveness for Richard. I
found out years after he abused me, that he was also a victim of
sexual abuse by a hired man and physical abuse by his father. I
started to weep as Jesus flooded me with compassion for
Richards` own abuse and his inability to forgive. God started to
change me as I handed over to him years of anger and hurt. I will
never forget that day. I hadn’t felt so free in all my life. Even so,
I’ve had to realize that forgiveness is an every day thing. Some
days I don’t feel like forgiving him. Those days, I ask Jesus to
forgive him for me. I made a decision to walk in forgiveness
whether I felt like it or not and that is what I will do.
I didn’t realize how much healing there is in forgiveness until in
1998, two days after my 28th birthday, while my husband and I
were watching an episode of “Touched By An Angel”, my mother
called me and told me Richard was in cardiac arrest and wasn’t
expected to make it through the night. We quickly left and drove
three hours to the hospital where Richard was. When we arrived,
he was pretty agitated, though in a coma. I told him we were
there and that I loved him, that I forgave him and asked his
forgiveness. I started to sing "Jesus Loves Me", "Amazing
Grace", and other gentle songs. One positive thing he always
said, amidst all the negative things, was that he loved my singing.
It wasn’t long and he settled down. I believe this was his
permission to go home to be with Jesus. To finally receive the
healing he’d been lacking all his life.
Several months later, after the funeral and estate sale, we had
decided that Mom should live with us. Since I was her only child
and my children her only grandchildren, this was not a difficult
decision for her. So in November of 1998, Mom moved in.
With the help and love of many caring and godly friends and
family and the faithful patience of my true Abba Father God,
through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ, I have come a long
way in my healing journey. I know God’s healing in my life is
not only for the purpose of my own health, but so that I can reach
out to others who struggle with brokenness. I desire to minister
out of my healing rather than my hurt since, usually, that
produces more hurt and it glorifies the pain instead of the healing
that God can bring. I have had the opportunity to share the
healing God has brought into my life, not only with the general
public, but with prisoners, many of whom are sexual offenders.
What a healing experience; and the letters we receive from those
inmates are incredible. Many ask for forgiveness. I give it in
proxy for those they had victimized. You see, forgiveness is not
excusing the perpetrator of their behavior; rather, it is freeing the
victim of the obligation they feel to extract punishment and
repentance from the perpetrator. It is not about vengeance, it is
about freedom. What a wonderful God we serve.
My God…My Everything:
God has definitely been my rock. Without my relationship with
my Lord Jesus Christ, I would not have made it. He is my
strength, my refuge, my comforter, and my peace. When I need
a daddy, he holds me; when I need a friend, he listens to me;
when I am lonely, he speaks to me. He has always been what I
needed when I needed him.
God loves you and has a plan for you. You don’t have to be
perfect, just willing to open your heart to God’s perfect
love. His Son, Jesus, died on the cross for you. He knows
you and everything you’ve done or thought even in secret,
and he longs to receive you into his open arms. Just ask
him to forgive your sin of rejecting him and trying to live
your own flawed way. Invite him into your life and let him
guide you through tough decisions and comfort you in the
difficult situations. He wants to get to know you. He is
waiting for you…will you come?
Pastors Blair & Jodi