Bohler Dcms T-MC
Bohler Dcms T-MC
Bohler Dcms T-MC
bohler welding
by v o e sta lp ire
M etal cored w ire, seam less, cre e p re sista n t
EN ISO 17634-A EN ISO 17634-B AWS A5.36 AWS A5.36M
T CrM ol M M21 1 T55T15-1M21-1CM- E80T15-M21PY-B2-H4 E550T15-M21PY-B2-H4
H5 H5
Base materials
1.7335 13CrMo4-5, 1.7262 15CrMo5, 1.7728 16CrMoV4, 1.7218 25CrMo4, 1.7225 42CrMo4,
1.7258 24CrMo5, 1.7354 G22CrMo5-4, 1.7357 G17CrMo5-5
ASTM A 182 Gr. F12; A 193 Gr. B7; A 213 Gr. T12; A 217 Gr. WC6; A 234 Gr. W P 11;
A335 Cr. P11, P12; A 336 Gr. F11, F12; A 426 Gr. CP12
Operating data
Polarity: Shielding gas: 0 (mm)
M - DC ( + ) (EN ISO 14175) M21 1.0
/ \ i r. 1.4
Welding with standard GMAW power source possible
AII information provided is based upon careful investigation and intensive research. 09/2015
However, v/e do not assum e a n y liabiiiîy fo r correctness and information is subject to change without notice. VAvw /w elding