Lab Protein
Lab Protein
Lab Protein
SBL 1023
Protein are the most important of all biological compounds. The word “protein” is derived
from the Greek “proteios”, that meaning “ of first importance”. Protein is performed a variety
function, including the role ( structure, catalyst, movement, transport, hormones, protection,
storage and regulation ). The properties of protein is it has peptide backbone. Proteins are the
most important nutrients in our body. In this experiment, the amount of protein had been
compared between chicken egg and quail egg. Protein help to catalyse the reaction in our
The biuret reagent detect the presence of peptide bond in shortest time. The biuret reagent
cannot determine the specific concentration. Gelatine is water soluble protein, it derived from
the extraction of collagen that had found in animal skin, bones and tendons. Gelatine is not
Objective :
2. Test tube 1 to 7 can be made until two set. This step for increase the precision of the
3. The test tube was vortex to ensure the sample has mixed.
4. The spectrophotometer was switch on and set the wavelength in 550 nm.
5. The small amount of solution was transferred from tube 1 into curvette and the
6. The other standard and sample was put inside the spectrophotometer and the
8 Sample A ( 1 ml ) 0.254
9 Sample B ( 1 ml ) 0.463
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x-axis = concentration
y-axis = absorbance
The subunit which make protein are amino acid. The amino acid are joined together
by dehydration synthesis to form chains, which are hundreds of amino acids long which is
called protein. Protein function as enzymes or as structural units in cells. They do most of the
work in cell. They do most of the work in cell. Almost all of exciting stuff such as
metabolism, memory, hormone action, and movement involves in proteins. In this lab, we
The biuret reaction is a method that can be used to determine the amount of soluble
protein in a solution. The biuret reagent (copper sulphate in a strong base) reacts with peptide
bonds (which join amino acid to form proteins) and change colour where it does so. The
spectrophotometer has been used to measure the intensity of colour change produced. The
the biuret reaction on a species of prepared the solution of gelatine at (0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7
mg/ml) in water. The absorbance reading obtained from these solutions are used to construct
a graph of absorbance as function of protein concentration. This graph is called the standard
curve for assay, and can be used to convert the absorbance reading for the experimental
samples (eggs from chicken and quail) into a protein amount or concentration.
Based on the graph that has been constructed, it shows that the standard curve
concentration of protein for the sample as shown in the result. From the graph we can see
that, the highest protein is (quail egg) and the lowest protein is (chicken egg). The sample A
That’s why our group get the opposite result than the actual one. Error that occur could be the
Conclusion :
We can conclude that there are two ways of measuring the protein concentration in a
solution. It is using the biuret assay. Both can be used to measure protein concentration in a
solution but the most accurate to measure the protein concentration by using lowry assay.
This is because lowry assay can measure the protein as low as 1µ𝑔/𝑚𝑙 to 1500 µg/ml
compared to biuret which can only measured the protein from 5-160µg/ml.
In the experiment we have test two different types of egg (chicken and quail). From
the graph quail egg contain more protein while chicken egg contain the least.
Reference :